#maybe some of you can buy this print this weekend if you’re lucky hehehe
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suntann · 1 year ago
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docandprof · 5 years ago
In Which I Celebrate an Anniversary, Camp, and Move; in that order.
Ho sailor!
No need to apologize for your lateness, we’ll both just have to try and be better. If it makes things easier, if we start posting more often, the posts (maybe) won’t be as long - hah! I know it’s only been a few posts each since our return, but I’ve been enjoying writing out my thoughts, and you asked for word vomit this week so be prepared for the worst. Also my wireless keyboard is pretty spotty. It wiill laag, add extra letters, and otherwise test my patience, so if eventually I get tired of correcting it, apologies! I’m thinking I’ll buy a nice keyboard soon. Now I’ll get on with it!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts about the wedding. I’m glad you were able to enjoy it and hope everyone is able to stay safe and healthy in these troubling times when I can’t help but worry about it. I’ve been to many of my cousins’ weddings, which have been nice, but I can’t imagine the weirdness that will be the first of my friends’ weddings! It sounds like you had a lot of fun though, and had some good emotional experiences - just what weddings are for. We’ve got a pretty big group from back home to look forward to celebrating with - hopefully we can all space them out evenly heheh. You are right that love is beautiful and should be celebrated. It’s funny, just yesterday, August 3, was actually a Nerdfighteria holiday to celebrate familial and friendly love specifically - Esther Day. I think it’s come up in the group before, but check it out if you’re interested. I may be a day late on it, but I love you and value all the laughs and joys you’ve brought to my life from the moment we became side-pockets! 
I think your motivation to start practicing what you preach about relationships is wonderful! Admittedly, I have felt more distant to you during college than I would have liked. Obviously its a two-way street, and things aren’t helped by the geographic distance, but this blog is a good way to open those lines again. Your words and commitment to our friendship made me emotional when I read it so thanks a lot for that! I do want to be a best friend to you that you can open up to and share all your deepest darkest secrets so I can sell them to information brokers in exchange for cryptocurrency. In all seriousness, I do want to deepen our friendship, as I have felt like there wasn’t quite a wall, but more so a fence between us - meaning just that there seem to be things that we just don’t talk about. You know Lyss is my best woman (friend), and even with the metaphorical fence, you’re still my best man! We’ve just got some weird connection for both being so strange and nerdy, so let’s best friend it up!
Most recently I’ve been exceedingly stressed and busy. Work has been mostly good, until the errors of a past employee we had to let go catch up with the rest of the team, hindering their work, and causing us to need to delay our delivery. It’s not a huge deal because we’re working with a good client, but I can’t help but feel responsible for these setbacks. As the producer I should have been ready to predict this when we let this guy go, but I didn’t and now we’re dealing with the consequences. I don’t blame myself too much because I am new to the industry, so I’m trying to just take this learning experience and keep on marching on. I haven’t been looking for more work so much as holding out for a full time offer, so I’ll keep you posted. Besides work, Raquel and I got into our biggest argument yet which was awful. I won’t get into details, but I ended up going home so we could talk it out and we’re good now. Which is good since that was a week before our three year anniversary! I’m glad I went home to work things out because we had a great weekend out by me the next week. Had a lovely dinner outside at a great restaurant and we took some grad pics for me since I hadn’t done that, and I just printed them out and surprised my parents with them, and they loved it! It was a lot of fun to spend time with her and just celebrate our continued love. I don’t know what things will be like since we’ll be long distance for the forseeable future. I don’t think that truth has really hit me yet. I kind of just keep expecting her to move out here and we’ll be together, but that’s probably unrealistic! Anyways, we had a nice anniversary and I’m a lucky guy to have gotten back in her good graces after my big oof at the end of high school there. 
While home, I was also lucky enough to be able to camp out in Silbs’s backyard with the peeps which was really nice to see everyone again - wish you could have been there! I didn’t sleep well because camping and I’m a light sleeper, but there were also some famous chocolate chip cookies in attendance, so it was all worth it. Along with that, the niece and nephew spent the night at our house Saturday which was a crazy time. Lots of running and screaming. I went to bed early that night hah! It was good to see them - they recently got a new puppy and lil nephew has had two visits from the tooth fairy already! They’re getting so big! Another reason I was home was to get some things to move to a new apartment near work. My dad came up yesterday to help me move, and it was a long tiring day again. I’ve been here for a day now, and I think it will work out, but it was not easy to get to this point! Trying to find an affordable one-bed willing to do a month-by-month lease was not easy, but I ended up renting out the top of a duplex from a friend of one of my professors that I had tea with a couple weeks ago. My landlord has been pretty flexible and laid back so far which is appreciated. I’m all settled now (as you saw) and I think it’ll be nice for a while. 
Keep me posted on your Hinge adventures! As the saying goes “good things come to those who wait” so just keep that in mind - the right person for you will come along some day! I know there’s been a lot of maybes and what ifs the past year or so, but just don’t stop believin’ in love, baby. Also I hope we can get back to our DnD campaign soon! I miss you guys. I did listen to “A Love  Supreme,” and I’d say it was good. Different than even the jazz I usually listen to. I get the impression that like fine wine, that sort of jazz is an acquired taste. Makes me want to get back into being a musician! I’m thinking the harmonica? Answer: either as long as it’s a  pretzel. Question: what do you know about tri-color pasta? That was a lot to read, but thanks for sticking around. Take care and stay safe until next time!
Your Obedient Servant,
A. Ham
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