#maybe out of fear they won't approve of their methods
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yuri-is-online · 1 year ago
Ok but how did ace even get a girlfriend in the first place? Did she confess and he just went along with it? Did he think having a girlfriend would make him seem cooler? Was it a dare or something? Cause for someone like ace to just go ghost on her and not have an actual talk, kind of makes me feel like these two were not friends before they were partners.
So then, fast forward to nrc, ace is trying so hard to lose the feelings he has for his best friend. Because that's all they are: friends, homies, if you (duece) will. Yuu has the cream of the crop to pick from, he's kind of at a disadvantage here.
Plus, whose to say their entire dynamic won't change the second they get together? He doesn't want to get bored and start to hate one of his dearest friends by proxy, so might as well just play it safe and suffer a little than take that risk and the both of you suffer a lot 🤷‍♂️.
Meanwhile yuu, who still has their old phone/mp3 player, has been playing Jenny by Studiokillers on repeat. Lying in their bed, just down horrendous for this absolute ball of boyish mischief. How dare he, honestly?
Well. At least he gives them a lot of openings to flirt with him?
*disclaimer, I was home schooled so my actual knowledge about middle school dating is beyond non-existent so take what I say with a grain of salt
The information we get about Ace's girlfriend comes from his suitor suit vignette and he does not mention how they actually got together, just some of the things that they did and how boring Ace thought all of them were. And I agree! The way they broke up does not make it sound like they were friends before dating, though they could have been casual acquaintances. The way Ace likes to goof around makes me think he was probably pretty popular, and had a lot of those types of relationships. His description of the relationship makes me think he probably went out with her because he thought she was cute and that it would be fun to have a girlfriend, but didn't actually stop to think about who she was as a person or what dating actually means. And hey, he was in middle school. He was going to be a bit stupid about those sort of things. The experience seems to have made him think a lot about what he wants in a partner, and we know from Ortho he was telling the truth when he's forced to spell it out:
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His voice lines flesh out what he wants a bit more; he says he thinks it's important to find someone you have fun with and that he wants to get married later in life. So Ace knows what he wants... he just gets really embarrassed when called out on it and refuses to talk honestly about his feelings (though he kind of does that in general hehe)
So flashing forward to NRC. Ace knows what he wants and Yuu is such a perfect fit it hurts. Best friends to lovers is a popular trope in fiction sure, but in real life? At a school? Yeah right, Ace still has to see them every day if they break up, and not to mention... I feel like Ace, Deuce, Grim, and Yuu sort of fell into their dynamic almost immediately after the mine adventure and didn't ever stop to think about it because of how natural the friendship felt. And Ace knows if things end badly he's losing the whole squad, so yeah. Better to just swallow this and stay where he is. He's still in school! He doesn't need to think about dating! He's got a housewarden to surpass, upperclassmen he admires, and a bunch of idiots to take care of. He can worry about dating later. Besides, these feelings will go away after graduation he's delusional sure of it!!!
Meanwhile, back at the ranch Ramshackle Yuu is literally in a living hell. Maybe they're a bit more emotionally mature than Ace and they just know this could work out but THEY CAN'T TELL IF HE LIKES THEM BACK BECAUSE HE KEEPS GETTING SHY AND MAKING JOKES FML!!!! But like he also lets them steal his gym shirt :ccc and he gets pouty when someone else makes an offer :ccc and really smug when Yuu says no ccc: so like maaaybe? Or maybe not and this meaningless flirting is all they'll ever have and they just. Try to be ok with it and they sort of hate themselves for it.
until Sebek properly joins the friend group and looses his fucking shit
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erenkucuk · 10 months ago
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( EMRE BEY, CIS MAN, HE/HIM ) EREN KÜÇÜK the THIRTY-ONE year old is known as THE FOODIE within the group. they are known to be TENACIOUS and CYNICAL which makes sense when you think about how HE POSSIBLY HAS A SON HE HAS REFUSED TO RECOGNIZE AS HIS OWN but i guess we’ll find out for ourselves. 
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〔 biography . connections . pinterest . playlist . 〕
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⸺   ONE   ,     STATS  .
✦ full name. eren küçük ✦ age. thirty-one ✦ date of birth. february 19th, 1993 ✦ gender. cis-male ✦ pronouns. he/him ✦ sexual orientation. bisexual ✦ occupation. chef
eren's upbringing was a tale of privilege and expectation. raised with every comfort, his father envisioned him as the heir to the family business, yet eren's heart lay elsewhere. his blend of strategic thinking from his father and creative flair inherited from his mother hinted at a different path.
from an early age, eren found solace and passion in the kitchen, trading playgrounds for pots and pans. his parents, aware of his talent, supported his culinary passion, enrolling him in courses while other kids chased balls on the field.
at first, eren embodied the perfect child image, seemingly flawless and golden. but as he grew older, hints of rebellion started peeking through, hidden from his parents' watchful eyes. with charisma and charm, he smoothly moved through social circles, using his allure strategically, occasionally hinting at a more darker side.
eren's post-high school ambition was to leave michigan, feeling a need to break free from what he saw as confinement. his plea to attend culinary school in france found swift approval from his parents, leading him to board a plane without looking back.
in france, eren's culinary skills dazzled, garnering him praise and admiration. while he mostly relied on his natural talent he occasionally resorted to underhanded tactics to maintain his edge. despite tempting offers from renowned restaurants worldwide upon graduation, eren opted to stay in france, though he made occasional trips back home to satisfy his mother's yearning.
tw: pregnancy & abandonment. ascending the ranks in a prestigious restaurant, eren's personal life mirrored his success professionally, or so it seemed. however, beneath the surface of what seemed like a perfect relationship lay disconnection and separate lives. when his girlfriend revealed her pregnancy, eren's response was immediate—he denied paternity and cut ties, hastily moving to another province to avoid the subject.
returning to michigan under the pretext of familial closeness and his desire to open his own restaurant but really aiming to dodge his ex's legal pursuit of child support.
he's been spoiled rotten, never once grounded.
incredibly persuasive, he can easily wear the nice guy facade.
he firmly believes he's untouchable, free to do as he pleases without consequence.
deeply fearful of his mistakes being exposed, he's even more terrified of letting down those he cares about.
he harbors grudges intensely and can be vengeful if he deems it fitting.
super disciplined, maybe won't win father of the year, but he's dead serious about his job.
strategic and methodical, he always thinks twice before making a move.
charismatic and charming that makes him approachable and likable
he's got a sharp wit and can think fast on his feet.
when it comes to family, he's fiercely loyal and protective. like ngl he's a good son and brother.
i mean i know what you're gonna ask, ella why doesn't he take a paternity test and get over with it. and my answer is idk friend, men can be cowards and he's just like why bother.
speaks french fluently and i'm sure he's that annoying person that "forgets" words in English because he's so used to french. (ngl that's me too but so la voo or whatever)
also about the french. claims to be fluent (and he is but he has a slight accent, sue him) yet Parisians keep speaking to him in English. the goddamn nerve.
extremely competitive. he's lost friends over game boards but he thinks those were weak friendships because why would he be friends with someone who goes bankrupt on monopoly?
while he always loved cooking, not many people know he was a picky eater as child but he's learned to get over his four-year-old palette and now eats most. except for olives, he still agrees that they are disgusting.
if hypocrisy were a talent he'd be the best of his kind. should have been a politician really.
claims his favorite movie is dead poets society but it actually is mamma mia! (sue him again for liking fun)
can't watch a movie with a dog in it unless he's checked the website does the dog die? first. if the answer is yes, he won't watch it.
listen i will make a page i promise, not today and maybe not tomorrow but soon meanwhile here are some scraps my one brain cell has allowed me to think.
best friend: i mean i know i haven't sold him as the greatest human being but he is a loyal friend to those he actually likes.
childhood friend: again, listen, he was a very decent human being as a child.
enemies: really people he's fucked over or have seen through his facade.
high school victim: I feel like this can also be in the enemy category bc yes, but maybe he subtly bullied this person in high school but no one really knew?
exes: maybe your character got the nice boyfriend maybe he got the asshole. I'm down for whatever.
one night stand: maybe not one night but you know the drill.
love-hate: I'm sucker for these connections. gimme the tension, the hate but the desire like pls.
failed date: went on a date, didn't work out
also I will steal many plot ideas from taylor swift songs bc I have no original thoughts.
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arcanumescritor · 3 years ago
✑ A fragment of a book I will never write
⤛ story one ⤜
Their feet echoed on the streets on every step they took. Running away as fast as they could, far from the building which at this point might be ruined or buried into ashes. Neither looked back to confirm it but it was almost for a fact. 
Everything was compromised. They had no other place to go, they were in danger. The only thing keeping them alive was to run. Their hearts beat faster at every step and after many turns throughout the city, they eventually lost sight of them. 
They both came to a stop, the boy rested his back against the wall. They had made it to a dark alley, which was not on top of his list of places to hide but it was doable. He closed his eyes, breathing deeply in before regretting it. He coughed, his face turning to a disgusted expression. From all the alleys, they had chosen the one that smelled like rotten food and damp. He hoped no one was there hiding between the garbage to scare them.
He exhaled sharply, resting his hands on his knees. His legs trembled under him, with the impression of collapsing in any second. As much as he did sports back in the day, nothing quite prepared him for this.
“All of this," he paused, "is your fault.” The boy finally spoke after a few minutes. His eyes fluttered open, gaze fixing on his partner across him. He stood up, straightening his back and folded his arms. “If you hadn't acted like that, maybe we could have gotten some answers.” he scowled, staring directly at his partner.
His partner was recovering herself across from him. She laid her back against the wall, face flushed from the recent activity as she panted. Running was still exhausting even though she had been in many life threatening situations before. 
She raised her head, looking over the boy, eyes widening in surprise. “My fault? My fault!” She repeated in an exasperated tone. “Everything went downhill when you decided to intervene. If you had obeyed me none of this would have ever happen” she snapped, crossing her arms as well.
“Okay, so now is my fault for wanting to help?” They boy inquired, raising an eyebrow. He didn't approve of his partner's questionable methods and as partners the two of them should be on the same page and he hadn't agreed to the initial plan.
“Yes!” She said, glaring back at me. "You have one simple order. Stay far from there and wait till I return. That was it.” she explained firmly.
He rubbed his face with his hand. He couldn't believe what she was saying. He could have gotten some answers in the first place if she would have let him but no, now he was the one to blame in this situation. 
He looked over at her, “You know what?” he began, voice raising as he spoke. "I don’t like your attitude.” he said dryly, stepping forward right in front of her.
His partner didn’t flinch, not a sign of being intimidated, even though he was taller. She was unfazed, never showing a glimpse of fear. She simply stared back at him, a smug smile spread on her lips. “I got news for you, sweetheart, no one does" she replied coldly. 
Both of them stare into each other. Her expression suddenly hardened. That part of the plan had failed and they had nowhere else to go. She was angry at him, everytime they came up with a plan something happened, getting them back to zero with no progress at all.
She exhaled sharply "You know what. Do me a favor and get lost” she said loud enough for him to hear. She placed her hands on his chest before pushing him backwards or tried to but she stated a point. She had to figure out what they would do next but not with him, not now. He would never understand how important this was for her.
The boy stared at her for a couple of seconds, unsure how to feel at those words. After everything, she was brushing him off just like that except they were both stuck with each other whether they liked it or not but arguing more won't get them a solution.
"I will," he replied, hoping his voice wouldn't flatter as he stepped back and walked out of the alley. His eyebrows furrowed together as he looked up at the sky. The moon shone brightly, illuminating the streets. He glanced around, noticing the sidewalks were completely desert which was expected. No one sane would be out at late hours of the night. A shiver ran down through his spine, as he  took a random direction and began to walk. 
He wasn't sure where exactly to go but hoped his feet would take him somewhere with food. His stomach growled, craving for something to eat. The boy tried to remember when was the last time he ate. It had been a few hours ago probably but for him it felt like an eternity. Along with the run and the disaster back on the building, a good middle of the night meal was well deserved. 
He had a ton of things to think about and solve, but he couldn't think properly with an empty stomach. He kept walking, searching for any sign of a local fast food restaurant that could be open at that time.
fin ↺
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➳ recount of words: 908
➳Do not repost/steal.
➳ Likes/comments & reblogs are appreciated! As well as positive feedback.
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megatontiddies · 4 years ago
Your fallout OC as a companion taken from @goovat ask meme except I'm using it as a writing prompt/ oc development? I guess? because I think it's cool and I'm bored and want to write it all anyways
Anywhompst this is for Alwine and since it's pretty long (like really long you've been warned) I'll throw 'er under the cut
What perk would they give the player?
Occam's Laser
While Alwine is an active companion the player gets +40% damage with laser weapons and +25% headshot accuracy in VATS with scoped laser weapons. One shot kills produce 2X the XP.
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How do you recruit them? are there multiple methods?
After the player levels past level 10, or alternatively, upon finding Paladin Danses Recon team Alwine will be found as a new recruit for the BOS. Once the player does the first two repeat quests by Haylen and Rhys and The Lost Patrol quest begins she is available to assist the player in the mission. After the mission is complete she may offer to follow the player as a companion if the player has chosen the more diplomatic speech options with Brandis and Danse. If the player chose the more aggressive/ rude options while speaking with the two then it will require a small speech check in order to be a companion.
What raises and lowers their affinity?
Raises: Minutemen/ Helping Settlement quests, Stealing from wealthy NPCs, BOS quests up until BB, Helping Anyone, Honorable Actions, Amicable Dialogue Choices (for the most part)
Lowers: Murdering innocents, Stealing From Settlers/ Not Well Off NPCs, Unnecessarily Rude Dialogue Options
How do they react to certain things? what do they say? (eg. lockpicking, grabbing junk, killing?)
(nostalgic/ thinking to self out loud/ amused) " Really coulda used a trick like that when I got locked outta my house that one time..."
(humorous/ surprised) " And here I was ready to blow 'er open"
(thinking to self out loud/ amused) " Hell o' a lot quieter than kickn' er open"
Grabbing Junk:
(blanket statement/ flatly) "it's amazing what you can build outta junk"
(enthusiastic/ bubbly) "It might be radioactive but if ya render it down with a bit ah castor oil it makes a great paint for glow sights"
(humorous/ matter of factly) "I'd rather carry 40 pounds ah junk than fork up an arm and a leg to buy the same shit later from Crazy Myrna"
Player Overencumbered:
(genuine concern) "If ya keep pickin' shit up you'll slip a disc"
(teasing/ amused/ worried) "Jeeesus look at yah! You look like a pack brahmin!"
(teasing/ amused) "With yer pack so stuffed if ya fall on yer face you'll never get up again"
[Alwine Hated That]
(angry/ surprised) "What the fuck is wrong with you!?"
(angry/ confrontationally) "You better spit out a good reason for that and fast"
(angry/ bewildered) "Are you for real?"
notes: Alwines reaction to murder is exclusive to people she genuinely feels are innocent. She's comfortable with deaths she deems necessary (or if the person made themselves known as a pretty awful person).
[Alwine Disliked That]
(disgusted/ shocked) "oh? OH. Great, like there wasn't enough nightmare fuel out here"
(disgusted/ worried) "In't there, like, a brainworm or sumn' you can get from doin that?"
(disgusted but still attempting to be light hearted/ humorous) "Like it blue eh? I prefer mine rare... a lil less peopley too..."
Stealing in general:
[Alwine Disliked That]
(irritated) "Hope that wasn't somethin important"
(irritated) "Should I be sleeping with one eye open round you?"
(irritated) "Like people don't have enough shit to worry 'bout out here..."
Stealing/Pick Pocketing (but from wealthy/etc NPCs):
[Alwine Liked That]
(approving) "Lord knows they have more than nuff' to share"
(approving) "Doubt they'll even notice it's missing"
(approving/ musing aloud) "The unyielding greed and ignorance of the wealthy was the catalyst of Armageddon"
Pick Pocketing:
[Alwine Disliked That]
(surprised/irritated) "Why don't you spit in his eye while you're at it"
(irritated/ humorous) "I feel like I should put a cat bell on ya"
(irritated) ~audible scoff~ The player is likely being glowered at
Enemies Found:
(Shocked/ Excitably) "Y' ello!"
(loudly/ warning) "On yer flank!"
(loudly/ shocked) [weirdish sound presumably before lashing out a punch of hit of some form] " GWEHHK!"
Enemies Lost:
(quietly/ nervous) " shit... where'd you go you bastard"
(quietly/ nervous) " Lost 'em"
(quietly/ to self/ nervous) " I swear to lord if ya jump out at me..."
Enemies Killed:
(satisfied/ calmly) "good riddance to bad rubbish"
(loudly/ excitable) "Bingo!"
(quietly/ almost a whisper/ to self) [only if player is sneaking] "...bingo bango bongo..."
Player stops talking mid conversation:
(sympathetic/ lighthearted) "Sometimes I loose track of my thoughts too"
(genuine worry) "Ya good? Take yer time."
(humorous/ teasing) "Not a thought between those eyes is there?"
Player removes all garb:
(shocked but also amused/ between light laughs) "oh?"
(mindless banter/ avoidance) " This would probably be a good stun tactic if y'aint fraid of gettin yer tidbits shot"
(humorous/ almost scolding) "Y'aint invisible... just so ya know"
Player loots a corpse:
(plainly) "Any ammo?"
(joking/ light hearted) "Guess they won't be needing that anymore"
(statement/ plainly) "Grim business but you can find some good stuff sometimes."
Player starts swimming:
(plainly/ matter o factly) "Ain't no way I'm going in there"
(humorous but fear is present in voice) "If a big fish decides you look like lunch I ain't gonna be able to help ya"
(almost nostalgic/ sarcastic) "Yeah me and the brick tied for the swimming contest back in 63... I'll just stay on the shore"
Player jumps from high place:
(genuine concern) "ouch! you good?"
(soft yell/ concerned/ as if watching player fall) "aaAAaaa!?"
(oblivious to the player falling) "Where'd ya go?"
Do they periodically give the player items? what kind of items?
Bowls of various soups if player interacts between 5 and 9 PM. Every other time she'll give the player Fusion Cells.
Would they be able to do specialized task? (eg. repairs, hacking)
Not necessarily a task but if the player was to put various junk/ weapons in her inventory then she will periodically/ randomly mod them.
Would they be romancable?
Yeah probably? I think? In my AU she romances Paladin Danse but that would probably not be something that could happen as an NPC in Fallout 4 so??
If it were something like Mass Effect it would probably be like a Garrus/ Tali situation where if the player never romanced either characters then they would form a romance.
Do they have a unique outfit or weapon?
Alwine wears a black BOS jumpsuit for the first half of the game up until BB. After that she'll wear military fatigues. She'll wear the same over armor (BOS heavy armor) for both but after BB the BOS symbols are sanded off. It would be a unique unremovable armor set.
What would be their personal quest, if they have one?
This one is a bit weird since the player would be taking the role of the Sole Survivor. That being said I've always found that one empty cryo-chamber at the end of the vault hall interesting. There probably is a reason for that (like it just wasn't occupied or the occupant died before vault scientists had their spit) but for the sake of this AU/ prompt we'll say that she had a similar entrance to the vault as the sosu, bringing her babe into the vault and getting frozen with Kellogg snatchin both their children (this is lazy writing I know but I don't know how to write this without fundamentally changing her character). The only difference is that somehow maybe Alwine was released/ thawed earlier and got a bit of a head start. Because Alwine is no longer the sosu she wouldn't of encountered Preston at Concord and Codsworth likely either wouldn't of recognized her or simply acted like it was prewar and spoke to her only as if that was the same narrative giving her no sense to what was happening or how much time has elapsed. Alwine would of wandered out on her own and then stumbled onto Paladin Danses recon team and eventually got inducted in hopes of finding her child.
For her personal quest it would likely be trying to find evidence on what happened to her child. The quest would start with the player character going into the institute, and since companions can't follow the player there (minus X6), she would request that they find out what happened. After some digging the player will discover that Alwines child was killed in experimentation over 60 years ago in trials to make experimentation safer for 'father'. The player can bring this information back and Alwine will be devastated but grateful for the player finding this out for her. Despite being fairly amicable with the player she insists she needs time to grieve and that following the player is a cold reminder of the pain. Regardless of what the player says she parts ways with the player and goes back to the Prydwen and will idle there until the Liberty Reprimed quest where she will disappear from the map. Alwine will remain missing from the map until Blind Betrayal where she will be standing outside the bunker blocking Elder Maxon, as well as arguing with him, from entering the building. The player's choices will affect how Alwine responds.
- If the player executed Paladin Danse within the bunker then Alwine will become immediately hostile to the player. She will be forced to be killed by either the player or Maxon.
- If the player spares Danse then chooses to execute him when confronted by Maxon then Alwine will make it clear that she will not hesitate to become hostile to defend her friend. With a red speech check the player can convince her to stand down but she will be remorseful and refuse to follow the player afterwards and disappear off the map. Her body surrounded by a myriad of dead raiders will then be a random encounter while wandering the commonwealth. If the speech check is failed she will become hostile forcing the player, or Maxon, to execute her.
- If the player spares Danse then convinces Maxon to spare him then Alwine will express gratitude and her perk will become available. Unfortunately for Alwine her disobedience and willingness to become hostile towards the elder causes him to kick her out of the brotherhood. She will remain at the bunker with Danse until the player completes the quest and then upon the player returning Danse will disclose that she has gone to the Castle in order to join the Minutemen where she can be reobtained as a companion.
What are their opinions on certain factions? (eg. brotherhood, NCR)
Genuinely believes that they have the best interests for the Commonwealth. Worries that they lack the men and firepower to take on the Institute or any other large faction that could pose a threat. This Worry is dissuaded after The Nuclear Option and her affirmation towards them only increases. With time, resources, and good leadership, Alwine believes they could become a major player even outside of the Commonwealth.
At first is amazed by their technological advancements and firepower especially compared to the rest of the Commonwealth. The comradery is nostalgic and comforting for Alwine as it reminds her of her days in the US Military as a Power Armor Mechanic. After some time she realizes that they're a bit lost for direction grasping at straws for purpose and that their idea of "freeing the Commonwealth" might be misinformed well intention fueled by fear and dogma. When she was new to the commonwealth and didn't understand much about anything really the fearmongering and racism towards ghouls and synths were more tolerable (but still uncomfortable) it eventually become almost intolerable the longer she stayed and the more informed she became about the natures of both.
At first is weary of them. Alwine is careful around people who keep secrets and after spending so much time in the Brotherhood interacting with the Railroad pushes her hackles up. She does like how they work to help the synths, especially after BB, despite being mostly associated with the BOS. She becomes more comfortable after becoming more educated about synths, between the Railroad themselves informing her and the data collected by the player at the Institute itself, and eventually embraces the Railroad as a necessity after BB.
Heavily dislikes them. To her they're essentially just militarized raiders.
Has a hate towards them that just strengthens over time. Their ignorance and misuse of technology is both a tragedy and crime. For the most part she pities them but strongly believes that their destruction is absolutely necessary.
Nuka World:
They're raiders so Alwine is pretty hostile towards them. Despite this their organization and brutality makes Alwine careful about making them enemies. If possible she would work to keep them out of the Commonwealth as much as possible or at the very least work to create some kind of truce of sorts to prevent a major confrontation (which would likely be devastating to both sides).
Atom Cats:
They remind her a lot of her friends prewar with the way they talk and their fondness for power armor. She likes them.
Children of Atom:
Alwine believes in freedom of belief as long as said belief does not infringe on the beliefs and freedoms of others. As long as they are respectful of herself and others she will act the same. Alwine is also a bit curious about them she would likely ask a bunch of questions if they allowed it. Other than that she would keep her distance, mostly due to the rads.
General voice lines? (in reaction to companion wheel selections)
(friendly/ bubbly) "What's crackalacin"
(friendly/ inquisitive) "You okay?"
(spacy/ broken out of thought) "Hmm?"
(friendly/ bubbly) "What's mine is yours"
(joking/ teasing) "finally got tired of carrying that junk eh?"
(joking within a genuine question) "Hey maybe I can carry the big guns instead of the junk for once....no? maybe?"
(plain/ firm statement) "Got it"
(bubbly) "Comin!"
(bubbly/ softly) "Oke Doke"
(plainly) "alrighty"
(plainly/ softly) "I'll just sit tight"
(masking nervousness through humor) "Don't leave me here too long... might forget what I'm waitin' for and wander off"
Where would you find them in the world?
She would be located at the Cambridge Police Station. Then later at the Castle.
Which game would they be from?
Fallout 4
Miscellaneous facts?
If the player puts alcohol in her inventory and the player gets 'drunk' she will match the player for drinks and her basic dialogue will be slurred for a short time after
Alwine will loot the entirety of corpses, clothes and all, when asked to loot bodies.
Alwine will periodically build weapon and armor mods which can be taken out of her inventory by the player
Alwine refuses to go in water and a hit box specifically for her prevents her from entering. This results in a glitch that has Alwine swimming in the air several feet above the water while the player is swimming.
If the player uses console commands to force Alwine into the water she will sink to the bottom similar to if she were wearing power armor. Note: This does not affect her health she will just idle at the waterbed.
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kiwi-strawberry-banana · 5 years ago
So, this post is going to be an analysis on SkekTek the Scientist, comparing his movie self versus his tv self, as well as various predictions for season 2 or onwards. I know there have been analysis of him before, but this is a big ole hodgepodge of my own thoughts.
Ok, so, I will make no secret that SkekTek is my favorite, and as such I may or may not have analyzed him a lot in many pictures from the movie and tv show, and heres what I think;
The first season is only a peek at his descent into madness, as well as the lengths he will go to gain the approval of all around him.
In the show, it is already shown that SkekTek seeks the approval of those around him, especially the Emperor. He is regarded as the weakest Skeksis and, as such, is at the end of a lot of ridicule from the other Skeksis (he is most commonly referred to as "weakling" by various Skeksis including SkekVar the General, SkekMal the Hunter, and I believe SkekSo the Emperor). The ridicule is to the point where he is often secluded in his lab with his only friends being animals and Sidetic. ("SkekTek never forgets a true friend.")
His desire for acceptance from the other Skeksis is so deep reaching that he forsakes many things, such as his friendship with Aughra.
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When she is being strapped to the chair, preparing to be drained, she brings up their past friendship. There is so much nuance behind here doing so. In that moment, she is reaching out to SkekTek, reminding him of what they once had, of how she hasn't forgotten.
She is reaching out and giving him a chance to stop. And if he had simply brushed her off, I wouldn't be bringing this up. But rather than immediately ignore her or respond
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He looks to The Emperor, the Skeksis that rules over all of them, and one that SkekTek has been vying for approval from for so long.
And SkekSo knows it.
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(Gif credit @rabid-apathy)
He doesn't tell SkekTek to get a move on, nor does he berate him. Instead, he looks to the side, almost as in a "you know what to do" type gesture. At this point, SkekTek is in too far deep, so desperate for the approval of his brethren that don't care about him in the slightest that he forsakes the possibility of rekindling a lost friendship.
"Another world, another time."
If you rewatch this scene and watch Aughras reaction after SkekTek says that (because I can't find the gif or pic of it), she is genuinely hurt and saddened by SkekTeks response. She was being genuine when she reminded him of their friendship and was hoping that maybe it could still be there, that he could stop this.
But he didn't.
And after further ridicule from multiple Skeksis and gorging himself on essence, he does what some would say is the moment he snaps.
He kills the Gruenaks.
I know this scene has already been analyzed before, so I won't go as in depth, but that moment was a very pivotal scene. Aside from it being the moment that all the anger that has been building up inside SkekTek comes out, as well as when the idea of the Garthim comes to pass, it is also both a sad and terrifying moment for both the Gruenaks and SkekTek.
For the Gruenaks, the moment is terrifying because they were so close to freedom only for the horrifying reality to come crashing back in their faces.
And for SkekTek, the moment is horrifying for two reasons. One, because he had been going through so much ridicule and mockery for so long despite everything he did for the Skeksis that the moment of two Gruenak slaves defying him ("No slaves") was the ultimate tipping point.
For so long, I don't think SkekTek even felt like one of the Skeksis. It is commented on by the Emperor when he confronts SkekTek on how much essence will be needed for immortality (Can't remember the exact quote, but it is along the lines of how SkekTek takes solace in animals compared to being around the other Skeksis). Time and time again, SkekTek rarely interacts with other Skeksis unless they need something. So when he sees the Gruenaks have turned against him, he goes on a long spiel about how he is SkekTek the Scientist, a master of life and death, etc.
But he ends it with:
"I am Skeksis!"
A yell that is desperate. A need for affirmation, one that no Skeksis has given him. And with it, he snaps.
If the Gruenaks hadn't resisted, it's likely he still would have killed them. If not, they would have at least been severely wounded. There was too much rage and, combined with him being drunk on essence, there was nothing the Gruenaks could have done to calm SkekTek down.
And that moment with the Gruenaks? That is the point where things tip.
That moment is the first big step into his descent into insanity.
There had been smaller steps up until then, such as the draining of Gelfling, the loss of his eye, the constant ridicule, and draining Aughra. But the Gruenaks was big.
Which brings me to my next point:
I don't know if this has been brought up before, if it has I have not seen it, but SkekTek is horrifyingly different when you compare his tv self and his movie self.
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All the other Skeksis are obviously decrepit by the time of the movie (fun fact, movie SkekOk has one extra pair of glasses compared to tv SkekOk), however SkekTek is the most different.
We see him lose his eye in the show, and while the book states that he replaced his own arm and leg with robotic prosthetics, as well as put tubes in his body to study his bloodflow, those things do not happen before the tv show.
And I know this because, if you compare the two, it is clear that Skektek does have both arms in the show where as in the movie:
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You can clearly see that that arm is definitely a robotic one.
(Fun fact 2, watch his scenes from the movie and watch his arms. While he will use the robotic one, he doesn't actually move that one around all that much compared to his other arm.)
Aside from his arm, movie SkekTek has a large amount of tubes, wires, and metal pieces all throughout his body, including even more where his eye prosthetic is.
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I could go on with the side by side comparisons, but I think it is safe to say that there is more that happens to SkekTek aside from him aging.
But a final big change from the time of the show versus the movie has to be his animals.
I've already stated that in the show, they are his only real companions (especially Sidetic). The animals in his lab are his only company and, frankly, are rather calm when it's just SkekTek in the lab. But by the movie? He is constantly yelling at them to be quiet, regarding them cruelly and awfully while they screech about the moment he enters the room.
Which brings me to my final point and some speculation:
It is likely that, despite the creation of the Garthim, as well as him having developed the method for creating essence, SkekTek is still going to be the subject of constant ridicule by the Skeksis, to the point where his last shred of sanity snaps and he begins the experiments on his body.
Whether those experiments are due to the Emperors demand for a solution for his own deteriorating body or because SkekTek is so desperate to no longer be seen as weak that he replaces his limbs in a desperate bid for more strength, that is up for debate.
SkekTek is one of the few Skeksis to actually think about things such as the wellbeing of Thra (his momentary plea to the Emperor that the more they drain Gelfling, the faster the Darkening will spread), as well as having moments of genuine kindness to creatures that aren't Skeksis ("Hush now, hush now. All is well."), but like the rest of the Skeksis, SkekTek is driven by a combination of greed and fear, one that sends him on a downward spiral until he meets his ultimate end.
Tldr; SkekTek has a rougher time in the foreseeable future. Someone give this vulture a vacation please.
(Also, I do not condone any of the awful things SkekTek does. Yes, killing is bad.)
(Final thing, I know there is debatable continuity between the show and the movie. Even so, I still wanted to do this. Because I can.)
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