#maybe next time i will talk more about the not discussed here stuff
transmascaraa · 8 months
multiple characters headcannons!
how are they when you tell them you're tired and ask them to carry you?
characters: lyney, wanderer, gaming, neuvillette, wriothesley x gn!reader
author's note: FIRST TIME WRITING MORE CHARACTERS IN ONE WOOHOO 🙌 🎉 anyways i hope you guys like this one<3 i tried to include chars that everyone loves, and chars that i love myself and stuff so yeah i'll try and see if it works out(i'll continue doing these either way)
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⑅ Lyney
-he's the type to look at you surprisingly. you??? asking HIM to carry you? he'd be flustered for a bit, and then try to act confident again.
-like "oh, of course, mon amour! come here!..."
-he's strong enough, but he would STILL be worried. he would overthink so so sooo much.
-what if he drops you? well, he won't. he's just an overthinker.
-and when he'd finally pick you up, bridal style because he's the most comfortable like that, he would start sweating.
-but of course, masking it all with some "confidence". so the two of you ended up in either one of these situations:
-one, it was quiet with him smiling at you half of the time. not being able to talk because he was so happy.
-two, he'd end up talking to you about some nonsense or his magic shows, not wanting it to be too awkward or too quiet for you.
-either way, thank him in the end. he'll be jumping over clouds because he managed to help you in some way.
-just keep praising him, he'll be all over you. he's a complete simp for you like that.
✯ Wanderer
-he's the tsundere. you'd ask him and he'd look at you with such a disgusted look as if you just told him you eat dirt and cement for breakfast. again, with his sassy attitude.
-"ME? to carry YOU? because you're "tired"? yeah. that won't work on me." turning his head away from you, fighting the urge to just surrender.
-but of course, his ego was too big. but not until you started showing clear signs that you were tired. he gave you a few glances, "side-eyes", before stopping and looking at you. looking at you as if he was waiting for something.
-you'd just say "nothing." which would make him even more angry. at that, he just rolled his eyes and said "oh, shut up." before taking you in his arms and continuing to walk with you in silence.
-if you mentioned a single thing about that EVER, you would basically be asking for punishment (whichever type of it lol).
-just say a little "thank you" after you're done and let him quietly mutter that "you're welcome".
-he was glad he got to be close to you like that.
✿ Gaming
-now HE would be VERY happy to help. you'd ask and in a single second he'd be picking you up. he just loves you that much.
-"i'm more than happy to do so, my love~!" smiling brightly at you.
-he couldn't be more happy, he was close to you, he was hold you in his arms, what more could he ask for? especially because you're tired, he would be so nice to you when you got home. he's a real gentleman when it comes to love.
-while he walked like that with you in his arms, the two of you would chit-chat and talk about random things, just making sure you're not bored. or maybe, if you preferred silence, he would stay quiet, whatever makes you happy<3
-after a bit of more walking, he would take care of you at home, letting you rest for a bit, and making your favorite food with your favorite drink.
-he just wanted you happy. to see you smile.
-and then, during dinner time, discussing some more random topics, or just him ranting about his next performance.
๑ Neuvillette
-he would be so sweet. trust me. so sweet and gentle with you. you're tired? he's there to help. you want him to carry you? no problem. you'd ask him and he'd not slowly, smiling fainly at you, even blushing a bit.
-"let me help you." and he'd pick you up.
-finally, after he's got you in his arms, and he continues walking, it's going to be so peaceful. if you want to talk, sure, he will talk. but since you're with him, the silence couldn't be more peaceful.
-listening to the birds chirping in the background, or maybe even the townspeople talking about some things, it was peaceful nonetheless.
-it was very calm. and at some point, he would start humming some melody. compliment him. he'll blush but he'll be extremely thankful, and will definitely hum next time you take a walk around fontaine.
-and when you get home, he'd make you rest and give you some cuddles, hoping that you would "recharge" that way.
◉ Wriothesley
-he wouldn't make much of a reaction, and treat it like it's an everyday thing, but tease you occasionally, of course. as soon as you asked, he just said:
-"okay." and looked at you for a few seconds before taking you in his arms. you'd tell him "thank you" already then and there and he'd just nod and say "mhmm."
-but... for the rest of the walk, he'll be winking at you and giving you teasing smirks.
-oh how you wanted to punch him.
-and after getting home, when he puts you down, you'd say "thank you" and then give him a playful angry look.
-to which he would reply with yet ANOTHER teasing grin. "you're welcome."
-he would tease you A LOT. but still, don't worry, he'll still take good care of you.
-value his teasing. actually, you can hit him if you want to. it won't hurt him that much anyway, he has the muscles.
-but it'll be impossible to be mad at him for too long.
it's pretty good tbh
edit2: bro it's at 1k💀
edit3: i love you guys sm ty all for 1.2k😭
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Hobie Brown, Emotional Preparation, and the Art of Great Dialogue
Nearly all of Hobie's dialogue is written with his goal - protecting and preparing Miles for Miguel's abuse - in mind, even if it may not be obvious at first watch.
Here's an unhinged breakdown where I over-analyze literally every one of Hobie’s lines and explain how every sentence was written to contribute directly to Miles’ radicalization.
Hollywood. Pay your writers. (:
Hobie has around 10 minutes screentime total, but for the sake of introductions and this analysis, let's start at the end of the battle, and the beginning of the quantum hole.
Starting with his first line in the scene:
"I don't follow orders. Neither does he."
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All morals considered, Hobie doesn't seem like the type to speak for someone who can speak for themselves - he's a punk after all. But here, he speaks for Miles. This line serves to tell Miles 'I don't respect them, why should you?', but funnily enough, it can also be a point to Jess, as if to say 'Miles isn't interested.' - even if he is.
"Bit much, innit?"
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While, Hobie and Mile's next interaction is their exchange in the elevator, the scene leads to Mile's introduction to the Society. Miles gawks at the lobby, obviously impressed. Gwen affirms this awe, telling him 'this is just the lobby.' However, Hobie feels the need to chime in. His next dialogue 'Bit much, innit?' is a subtle nudge to Miles that the society is not a place to be in awe off. It's a spectacle, one that's a bit overdone. Knowing Miles now sees Hobie as cool, Hobie makes it known - he sees the Society as uncool.
"Gwendy, How much have you told him? About his place in all this? Maybe not enough."
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'So what happened about that small elite strike-team?' - 'Most of these are part time.' This is by far one of Hobie's more interesting lines, and I wrote about it here. But in short, this is Hobie's soft but direct confrontation of Gwen. After Gwen lies to Miles in front of him, Hobie immediately asks how much Gwen has revealed to him. And when she tries to play it off, he openly says 'Maybe that's not enough.' He's not angry with Gwen, but he is disappointed, which in turn motivates him to have his discussion with Miles.
"Super humane, and not creepy."
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One of my favorites, because it's hard to catch and to the point. After talking about Hobie and Gwen's mission history, they're taken to Margo and the control room. As Miles marvels at Margo and the Go-Home-Machine, and Gwen says she voted against it. However, Hobie says blatantly: 'Holy shit, Miles isn't this inhumane and weird???', validating that the Society is willing to do inhumane, hurtful stuff to those it deems 'misplaced'.
Next comes Hobie's confrontation with Miles.
Because Hobie knows this is his last movements with Miles before he meets Miguel, and this is where if final push of emotional support kicks in, before he goes quiet in front of Miguel.
And because this conversation is so well layered, I think it's best to go line by line. ______________________________
H: "Bet this doesn't even do anything." M: "Maybe it did before you ripped it out of a wall!"
Hobie has now confirmed that he'll be making an exit soon. And he begins his finally sweep of parts he needs for his watch, stocking up his pockets. He's not stealing to steal. He knows he's leaving and this is his last chance to get what he needs before he's out the door.
"Propaganda, bro! It's to distract you from the truth!"
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HOLY SHIT I missed this one. Notice how in this shot, Gwen is not visible at all. Hobie notices they're out of hershot of her for the first time. And his first line is - 'Propaganda.' Their watches can take them anywhere. When Gwen needed to, she was taken to exactly where she needed in Mumbattan. But when they're heading towards HQ, Jessica makes them walk through the lobby. They could have been sent directly to Miguel's station, but instead she makes them do the whole tour, which serves as a flex of muscle. In order, Miles was shown the massive number of members in the Society, then their prisoners, then the go-home-machine. Only THEN can they see Miguel. All of which was intent to intimidate Miles on purpose. Hobie tells him directly: 'Everything you just saw was propaganda.'
M: And what's that?
"I ain't got a Scooby Doo, mate. Cause that's what they want."
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One of the most iconic and notable of his quotes. Cockney aside, this line ties back in with his discussion with Gwen just a couple minutes before. They've done their tour and walk. Both Jess and Gwen have been given a chance to prime or explain to Miles anything, and both have chosen not to. So Hobie simply tells him, 'They want you in the dark. And they're sending you into a fight.'
The next line is:
H: Why do you want to be part of this lot? M: To get a watch. H: Make your own watch.
Miles sucks his teeth at Hobie.
Because of this - Hobie begins to change methods. Which I cannot stress is incredibly perceptive of him.
Miles is exasperated with him. So instead of dissuasion and making the society out to be uncool, he tries to turn Miles' attention towards his family.
"Bet you got a nice setup, huh? Nice parents?"
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This line is a very well done one, with two things of notice. First, I find it interesting that the screenplay phrases this line as a question, not a sentence. Hobie is asking. He's taking a shot in the dark here. And this is backed up by his delivery; Hobie hesitates while saying this. The only line in which he does so. He may not know about Miles' mom and dad, because Gwen hadn't met them when she met Hobie. But still, Hobie asks, hoping the reminder of Miles' parents will dissuade him from continuing.
M: They're fine. H: [After this line, Hobie turns black and white momentarily. Potentially a nod to the fact that this conversation is the only 'black and white' one Miles has had so far.] M: But we got into a fight. They just want what's best for me, so...
[Hobie frowns. The scene and dialogue REALLY starts to pick-up from here.]
"That's a bloody shame. Because you're not ready for everyone else."
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As the scene progresses Hobie goes from behind Miles, to beside him like an ally. Then, when Gwen finally comes back into frame, Hobie crosses in front of him. When Miles mentions his parents wanting what's best for him, Hobie warns that everyone else does not want what's best for him. At the same time, visually Gwen has her back to Miles, and Hobie puts himself between Miles and Gwen, trying to block his path. The scene is set up to show that in Hobie's eyes, Gwen is turning her back on Miles. She does not have his best interest in mind. Hobie is telling Miles 'They're using propaganda on you, they're keeping you in the dark, and they do not have your best interest at mind. You're not ready for this." And he physically tries to block Miles from continuing, one last time.
Miles goes through Hobie, and now within earshot of Gwen again, this is Hobie's final chance and push to get as much information into Miles as he can - without freaking Miles out. Above all else, he needs Miles to be prepared, confident, and willing to fight back.
His voice becomes more serious, and he starts speaking more straight-forward and a lot less cryptically.
"Listen to me, bruv. The whole point of being Spider-man is your independence. Being your own boss, you don't need all this!"
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I think Hobie saying this reveals a lot about his character, especially understanding the context where he's from. While many Spider-men would agree that being Spider-man is about responsibility and power - to Hobie, it is about independence, and freedom. Hobie is a freedom fighter, and one of the only Spider-men besides Noir that knows how to fight systemic threats as well as physical ones. To him, being Spiderman is about being able to free yourself and others. It's about independence and freedom, and he's trying to nail that in Miles' head one last time.
M: Then why are you here?
"Looking out for my drummer, is all."
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As the scene is coming to a close, the writers chose this time to reveal some of Hobie's motivations, starting with the independence comment, and now this. Despite knowing about Gwen's deception towards Miles, he is still looking out for her - and Miles. This is the writers' and Hobie's last push to solidify himself as an ally to Miles and the viewer.
M: I want to be in a band. I want to see my friends, and I need a watch to do that. G: Guys, come on.
"Alright, Squashed. Just don't enlist until you know about who you're fighting."
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I genuinely had to sit and ask myself why the writers would choose to leave Hobie's collective effort - a LOT of effort - with this line. And honestly, I think it's a perfect segway. Hobie chooses his words very clearly; He doesn't say 'what', he says 'who'. The next scene leads into Miguel's intro, and up until this point, Miles doesn't know who he is. He only knows about the Society, but never who is at the top. We know about Miguel, but all Miles knows is his name. That's why Hobie says 'who you're fighting'. Because the Society isn't really a Society, and this isn't really between Miles and the Society at all. It's a dictatorship - and the person he's enlisting to fight is Miguel. The perfect introduction and warning to the person he's about to meet. He's telling Miles, 'Don't rush into it. Wait until you meet Miguel first'. And when Miles does meet Miguel, he finally sees that this isn't the place he thought it was, just like Hobie said. ALSO EVEN MORE INTERESTINGLY - THIS is one of the lines that is changed between the two versions of spiderverse (there are two theatrical versions on release.) In the alternative he says 'Don't enlist unless you know what war you're fighting.' And I think that the fact the writers chose to publish two different versions of this line goes to show how powerful they knew this line would be in Miles' characterization. There is so much Hobie has left to say to him, but only one line - and so we get two versions. How fun!
With the scene now over, we see a change in Hobie's demeanor, and I love the writers' choice to have the shot linger on Hobie.
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We see him give Miles a look that isn't exactly full of confidence, but from this point forward, Hobie chooses to hang back, no longer having any motivation to instigate. He knows his work here is done, and now all he can really do is wait for Miguel to reveal his true colors, and hope that he got through enough to Miles that he will react, and fight back.
And closing out the scene - I noticed that when Peter B. arrives Hobie pointedly says
"Oh boy, Humbling Reality Spider-man has arrived."
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All I'll say about this is Hobie has to be Jamaican cause that was so mfing rude shgjfkghjgjkdfjk
Hobie has about three lines between this point and then end of his screentime - Two of which were his lines to Mayday, and his comment during the canon events.
But there is one shot of him before it all happens. And after this shot the movie begins staging Hobie in specific a very different way than anyone else.
The moment begins with Miles' line 'My Dad is about to be captain.'
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The camera pans to each character. Gwen, Peter, and Jess all avert their eyes. Miguel looks at Miles. And Hobie is the only one who looks at all of them. Instead of looking down, he looks to the others, in anticipation of whats going to happen. It's also important to note that this was probably news to Hobie. He probably didn't know Miles' dad was a cop - or at the very least going to be captain. So the understanding of just how much trouble Miles is in kinda multiplies in this moment.
Then, this happens
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From this point forward, every time Hobie is portrayed, he is shown as separate from the other characters, always being divided from the group - with Miles as the divider. Even as the camera moves, Hobie visually remains - quite literally - as the only person in Miles' corner. And as the scene goes on, he moves farther and farther into that corner.
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Until finally the scene comes to a climax, and Hobie gets two shots to himself - delivering his final lines.
"Here we go." - "Hobie, You're not helping." - "Good."
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This is Hobie seeing his work pay off. This is him knowing that he got through to Miles and that it was worth it. He's proud of him.
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Hobie knew what he came to do, and he used literally every line he said to Miles to the FULLEST extent. He doesn't give a fuck if he's not helping the Society. He's helping Miles. And now he knows his work is done.
Being a punk is not about being a hero, it's about empowering those who feel powerless. HE UNDERSTOOD THE MOTHERFUCKING ASSIGNMENT.
if you read this far let me know :) thanks bye
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hughes86-43 · 6 months
“Husband” | L.Hughes
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summary- based off the tiktok trend, you call your boyfriend “husband” and see his reaction
warnings - none, but small section about gaining weight from food! maybe a bit all over the place!
You are cleaning the counter off in the kitchen when you hear the front door open. Luke calls from down the hallway, taking his shoes off at the door, “Babe? I’m home.”
“In the kitchen!” You holler back to him.
“Okay, I’m going to take my stuff into the bedroom and then I’ll be in there in a minute.” As soon as you hear him head to your shared bedroom, you get your phone ready to set it up on the counter as now is a good time to do the prank.
You had seen earlier on TikTok this trend where you call your boyfriend “husband” to get his reaction. You thought the trend was hilarious when you saw it and you instantly had the idea to do it on Luke. The idea was is that you were going to tell him you were making a TikTok discussing your favorite foods from Trader Joe’s.
He walks into the kitchen, and quickly places a kiss to your cheek, “Hey, love. Did you go to the store today?” He moves to the refrigerator to get a water out.
“Yeah, just got some of the usual stuff,” You say as you mess with the kitchen towel on the counter, “I’m about to do a favorites video on TikTok about my favorite stuff from Trader Joe’s, do you want to be a part of it? You can just stay behind me, and if you want, give some input on the things you like.”
Knowing he could never really say no to you, he says, “Yeah, I’ll be a part of it. You bought those good chocolate muffins so I’m definitely speak my input on those since last week I ate two in a day.” You laugh at that and remember how he complained about it the whole next day saying he was definitely gaining weight and never eating them again (although he went back the next day and ate another).
“Okay, I have it all set up so I’ll start it.”
Pressing the record button after making sure you’re both in frame, you say, “Today I’m going to be going over my favorite items to get from Trader Joe’s! Starting with my husband Luke’s favorite item to get!” You look at him behind you in the camera, he’s just drinking his water with a huge smirk on his lips, but he doesn’t say anything about what you called him.
He comes up to stand beside you and says, “Husband, huh? Anyway, these chocolate muffins are really simple, but they are my favorite from there, I make sure she gets them every time. However, I will say that they get addictive and you’ll eat like two in one day, but it’s worth it!” After giving his opinion on them, he goes back to standing behind you in the frame as you continue to talk about more items.
“Now this next one my husband and I always have to have and they are the chocolate croissants! If you haven’t noticed, we love chocolate here. These take a bit to prep but they’re good,” You show the camera the box of croissants and move on to a coffee creamer, “My husband also loves this coffee creamer and I love it too, but I much prefer this brown sugar one.” Luke still hasn’t said anything about you calling him “husband”, but he just continues to drink his water with a huge grin on his face every time you say it.
Once you go through all the items, you say at the end, “Me and my husband go there pretty regularly to shop, we hope you guys like this video!” After you hit the button to stop recording, you wait on Luke to say something.
When you’re about to turn around to put the stuff up, he says, “I think I definitely got the hint that you want me to be your husband, as you said it about ten times!” He moves from leaning against the counter to go throw his water bottle away while laughing.
“I just had to make sure everyone knew that you are my husband!” You say shrugging your shoulders, trying to hold in your own laugh.
“Hmm I didn’t mind you calling me that, but we aren’t even married yet! Everybody’s going to be thinking that they missed out on our wedding or that we didn’t invite them!” He comes back around the counter to help put the groceries away with you.
“So? Let them think what they want,” You say acting like it wasn’t a big deal.
“Babe! We can’t post that, everybody is going to be so mad! Everybody will think that we don’t like them, we didn’t want them to be apart of our big day! I’ve told so many people that if I ever get married that they’d be a part of my groomsmen party…,” He continues to babble on and on about how everyone will be hurt, but you can’t help to let out your laugh that you’ve been trying to hold. “What’s so funny? Everybody’s gonna be mad at us!”
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! It was a prank, it was just a joke,” You say trying to calm down for a second. “I saw on TikTok how you film your boyfriend’s reaction to being called husband so I had to give it a try. Although, I thought you’d be concerned about me calling you husband more than being concerned everyone will be mad at us for not telling them.”
“Well, I didn’t want anyone to think that we didn’t like them,” He says looking at you like you lost your mind since you’re still laughing. “I should’ve known it was a joke as you kept calling me it over and over.” He now starts to laugh about it.
Going over to him, you lift your arms around his neck. “What can I say, I think I executed that pretty well, don’t ya think?”
“Hmm, maybe,” he says with a wink. “Although I did really love hearing you call me your husband.” He pulls you into a hug.
Humming you smile up at him, “Did you now? Huh, I think I did too.” You pull away from him and go back to putting the groceries up.
“Sooner or later, it may come true.”
Turning your head to what he just said, you joke, “Oh really now? And I’m just gonna have to wait now?”
He turns to start walking out of the kitchen to the living room, looking over his shoulder, “Guess you’ll just have to wait and see, wife,” he says with a wink and a smirk.
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devilenchantress · 2 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞’𝐬 𝐧𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮’𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞
🪵Pairing —> Logan Howlett x Reader
🪵Genre —> Fluff & comfort
🪵Warning —> None (but spoiler alert : this story takes place after the events of Deadpool & Wolverine)
🪵Inspired by —> @allophonicmess
🪵Summary —> You want to get to know the knew Logan, but he thinks that he isn't good enough for you. So he ends up being cold and distant towards you, towards the girl known as « Wolverine’s epic love ».
🪵Dividers credit —> @moosgraphics
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It’s been a few days since Wade, Logan and Y/n came back from the crazy journey they went through. Everyone was still under’s Wade roof, celebrating. Y/n was sat on the couch alone, trapped in her thoughts. It didn’t take long for Colossus to notice it, so he approached Y/n and sat next to her :
« How are you feeling Y/n? You seem lost. »
« I’m doing fine Colossus, thank you for asking. I’m just a bit confused about… some things. »
« Do you wish to talk about it? »
« Well, I cannot stop wondering why would this Logan act this way towards me. I know that he doesn’t know me and doesn’t owe me anything. But seeing the face of your dead lover looking at you like you meant nothing is pretty heartbreaking. I wish I could know why he is so cold towards me, why he doesn’t even notice me. I just don’t understand. »
« Maybe you should talk to him? Honesty and communication are always important. It could bring you closure and peace. »
« I guess you’re right, thank you for listening to me and checking up on me. I think I’m going to take a little nap, I’m still a bit tired of all the things that happened. » said Y/n while chucking at the same time, after that she went upstairs to rest a little.
But on the other side of the apartment, Wade and Logan were discussing or more arguing about the same topic :
« You know I really don’t mean to meddle between lover’s querel and all that stuff. But you’ve been kind of an ass with Y/n especially considering that you know she’s kind of « Wolverine’s epic love » in most of the universes. »
Logan looked at him and just answered :
« Then don’t fucking meddle into it. »
Wade pretended no to hear what Logan just said and continued :
« Well I guess you’re just scared I mean I can understand really. You do look like a grumpy old dad who’s only purpose is to drink his whiskey in front of the TV. While y/n, well, she does look really hot I mean honestly I don’t understand why she’s still single because I swear even I could-
« CAN’T YOU SHUT YOUR GODDAM FUCKING MOUTH FOR ONCE YOU DAMN MOTHERFUCKER. » screamed Logan with rage in his eyes before leaving the room to go outside and get some air.
Hours passed and Logan was still outside, sitting on the front door steps with his bottle of whiskey.
Everyone else was in the kitchen talking and laughing. Y/n just finished her nap and went downstairs to join the others, and while she was about to enter the kitchen Colossus and Wade looked mischievously at each other and said :
« Oh y/n sweat treat, good thing you’re here because well… » said Wade before giving a side eye to Colossus who said :
« We’re missing shrimp chips and we were wondering if you could get some, please? » Y/n laughed and answered « of course I can, it’ll give me some air. »
Y/n took her purse and went outside, right after this Colossus told Peter to rush to the door and lock Y/n outside.
As she went outside Y/n saw Logan down the stairs all alone. She tried to be silent and then turned around to open the door and give the others an excuse to not go out. But as she tried to open the door, she realised it was locked :
« Are they really serious. » she wispered before knocking and screaming
« Are you serious guys? Please open? I forgot something and I really really need to get back out there. » but no one answered.
She turned around and realised that Logan was looking at her
« Hey you, what are you doing here? » she shyly said. Logan turned around to face the street and did not answer. Y/n closed her eyes and let out a sight before telling him :
« Do you hate your Y/n too in your universe? »
Logan looked at her and said
« What? »
she walked toward him to sat on the stairs and continued
« I said do you hate your Y/n too in your universe? Because my Logan, well, he used to hate me so much when we first met, and, well I kind of hated him too. » she said chuckling, and then proceeded :
« We were always arguing, bickering, fighting… but then one day I got hurt really really bad and surprisingly he was there for me. After this moment we started to grow closer until one day we fell in love. So I was wondering if you hated you y/n like my Logan used to? Because that’s the only thing that could explain why you seem so repulsed by me. »
Logan’s expression became soft and he only answered :
« I don’t hate you, god I could never fucking hate you. I cared about my Y/n like your Logan cared about you. »
« Then why are you like this with me? Why do you talk to everyone but ignore my existence like I don’t matter? »
Logan looked down at the floor and answered :
« I know your Logan was some king of hero, but in my universe the things I did, they make me a monster, an animal and I love you way too much to let you be with that kind of man. »
Y/n watched him with her watered eyes and softly said, while putting her arm on his shoulder :
« What is it that you did? No matter what it is you can tell me because all I want is to understand you. »
Logan was hesitant, but if there was one person he could tell anything, if there was one person that could bring him comfort, it was her. So he said :
« Things happened and one day you died, after this I could never be the same. I loved you so much. So I went to the bar everyday, I drank everyday and I let everyone down. Until one day all of the x-men died because of me. I had nothing else to loose anymore. So I killed, everyone, bad people, good people and no matter how much I wanted to stop, I couldn’t. I was filled with so much rage, I let it guide me. »
Y/n was breathless but she knew Logan, and she was sure that no matter what, no matter the universe he was a good man. So she put her hand on his cheek to make him look at her and she said :
« Whatever you did is in the past. Right now you have a chance to be better and to make the world a better place. I know you will. »
she stopped to caress his cheek and then she said
« I could never think of you as a monster Logan nor could I ever be ashamed of you. »
Logan took her hand in his and told her :
« There’s no love in my life if you’re not in my universe Y/n. »
After hearing this, Y/n put her head on Logan’s shoulder and while he wrapped his arm around herself she whispered in his hear
« You’ll always be my one and only true love, no matter what. »
And so they spent hours outside finding comfort in each others arms.
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cinhomi · 1 year
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: roommate Kim Seungmin x fem reader
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: after a movie night with your roommate, or alternatively, your crush, you woke up a bit later than usual. he was supposed to be at work by that hour, but you couldn't imagine that he would sleep in too... and you couldn't imagine him seeing you on top of your pillow moaning his name.
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: smut, fluff, roommates to lovers
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: soft dom Seungmin, masturbation, pillow humping (and reader gets caught oopsie), fingering, penetrative sex, oral (m & f receiving), cum play.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 4.4K
I'm afraid that the end is kind of rushed... I'm sorry about that, I was a bit tired and just wanted to finish it :")
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It was pretty late when your head frist laid on the pillow the night prior. Maybe it was a bit stupid to decide to stay up at such ridiculous hours, but the trilogy you were watching with Seungmin was too interesting to drop everything at the first movie and keep the fun for the next day, so you two tried to sit with your back as straight as possible in your shared couch that was very much inviting you both to sleep, drank sugar-based drinks and kept the volume as high as to not disturb your flatmates but still enaugh to have you two awake and keep your attention on the screen.
You and Seungmin enjoyed watching movies together and discuss them, but beside that you weren't as close as others would expect. At least in your opinion. Sure, being roommates let you two know your preference in matters such as 'how you prefer your coffee' or 'what type of shampoo is best for your hair' or even 'I'll wash your jumper like that because I know it's made of wool and it's delicate', but he didn't really talk to you about himself.
He wasn't cold towards you or anything, but he preferred silence most of the times, or at least, that was what you understood. When one day after a few months of living together you asked him if there was something that he didn't like about your cohabitation, he said that it was fine, that you were perfect, keeping everything clean and respecting the turns for all chores without complaining.
So why? Why didn't he feel the desire to know you better? Every time he mentioned his family or a past memory of his, you listened carefully, like he was a famous storyteller. His life was for a fact very interesting, he wasn't a boring guy, and still, you couldn't comprehend the reason behind his secrecy. He brought his friends home just a few times, you never saw a girl beside yourself in the house, and he never talked about one. When he left he would always come home with something for the apartment, so you thought that maybe he wasn't one to go to parties and stuff.
Despite everything, you found youself developing a little crush. Well, maybe a bit more than 'little'. Seungmin was a simple guy, really… but he provided comfort, always. He landed you a snack when he could sense that you were feeling down, covered you with part of his blanket when he felt you trembling beside him in the evening, often entered your room while you were on your desk with a tray in his hands, with a glass of water and freshly cutted fruit, leaving it on top of your messy papers. Sometimes he would come back from his grocery trip and tell you to take something from a bag, like the pack of clips he found discounted, because "I heard you lost yours the other day, so I thought they would be useful to you", or he would delicately take the knife from your hands while cooking together because "you'll hurt youself is you chop these like that, here, let me show you…".
Who wouldn't feel butterflies in their stomach? Only fools. On top of that he was extremely attractive, even more when you couldn't recall not even half a time you saw him shirtless. It never happened. He, on his behalf though, saw you just in your prettiest pantie-bra set one time, when he forgot to knock on your door to tell you to hurry up to go to work in the morning.
He became very careful after that time, a blush creeping on his cheeks every time you brought that up while attempting to mess with him, but never making him suspect your desire for that to happen again.
The sight of your mixed clothes inside the laundry basket made your heart race every single time. The lingering scent of his cologne in the bathroom whenever he left to go out made you sigh and daydream. The plastic containers of homemade food with little notes on top for you in the fridge almost made you cry. You made the best dreams every night that he remembered to wish you a warm "good night, y/n". Kim Seungmin was a little mysterious, and you didn't know much about him, but he cared about you, a little bit at least.
But that morning he didn't care about you enaugh to wake you up and prevent you from arriving late at work. Well, you supposed he would've already left because Seungmin never got up late.
It was half past noon already, and you decided to send a message and excuse your absence with a sudden stomach ache, that would strangely disappear the next day. You stayed sprawled on your bed for a while, letting your brain work and retrace the previous night's events.
His hand absent mindedly resting on your thigh, squeezing it a bit whenever the tension in the movie would rise and make you shift on the edge of your seats. He rarely touched you, respecting your personal space religiously, but when the occasion would occur your whole body electrified. His 'classic guitar calloused hands' on your smooth skin were a sensation that would remain engraved in your flesh for a long time.
His angelic voice dropping to a deeper and rougher one while the night progressed making you jump whenever he spoke to you, parted lips licked by his tongue when there was a scene he wanted to concentrate and analyze attentively.
Before you knew it, a hand traveled from your stomach to your belly, dancing on it for a while, just to reach under your cotton pants; you were already wet just by thinking about him, and not even making up scenarios in your head. You then went past your panties and run a finger on your slit, spreading your juices everywhere. Maybe if he knew that you touched yourself so often thinking about him he would be disgusted, but you couldn't really help it. Besides, being home alone, maybe you could do something more than your usual routine and make the pleasure last a bit longer.
The pillow that was under your head istantly flew in the middle of the bed, while you got rid of all your clothes; with a sigh you straddled it adjusting the material comfortably between your legs. You could already feel your juices coating the pillowcase sticking to your folds, feeling it a bit rough on them… but you liked it, so much. You didn't ride your pillow that often, only when Seungmin wasn't home and you really wanted to take your time and savour your orgasm, and it was so, so worth it.
Images of Seungmin started flooding your mind: muscled forearms peeking from his shirt, faint traces of his abs when the latter would stuck to his abdomen when laid on the sofa, v-line greeting the world whenever he stretched in front of you in the morning, jaw contracting whenever he was thinking hard about something. You moved slowly, the little friction already making you whine in excitement.
You started to imagine how the grip he had on your thigh would feel on your hips instead, while making you slide back and forth on his lap, pussy against his cock, teasing before fucking it into you. You held your breasts, imagining his hands instead of yours, groping and playing with them to his liking. You started to squeeze, to fondle them, occasionally pinching a nipple and holding it between your fingers making it almost hurt.
"Seungmin…" you were already whispering, closing your eyes and throwing your head back.
Your movements got gradually quicker snapping your hips upwards and in circles too, making your clit rub on the fabric while your brows furrowed at the stinging sensation.
"Like… l-like that Seungmin, yes, yes…" short huffs escaped between your words as you lowered a bit and were now keeping yourself up with your elbow, one hand caressing your body and lingering a bit more around your hole.
You started to press harder on the pillow, soft moans filling the space as your imagination projected Seungmin behind you, your breath becoming unstable.
But you really didn't know that he was right behind the corner at the entrance of your room, with the door wide open, and that he was palming his achingly hard cock through his pants. And he felt a bit guilty when he first heard your moans from his room minutes before and didn't just put his earphones on to later reveal that he wasn't at work that morning, and that he fell asleep while listening to music, so at your "did you hear anything weird?" he could reply that no, no he didn't. But how could anyone ever resist with such noises coming from the most beautiful girl he ever met? From the girl he had a crush for, on top of that? You were touching yourself, being intimate with your body, your smoking hot body, seeking pleasure and ecstasy for yourself.
But while he was jerking off to your moans in his own bed he heard a name: it was muffled because of his closed door and the corridor between your rooms, but he was too damn curious to let it slide like that. So he just tucked his erection in his pajamas shorts and got up, approaching your room careful to not make any noise.
And that was when he heard it clearly. And that was when he finally peeked beyond the corner. And you were so, so beautiful in his eyes, with the soft light coming outside the window reflecting on your skin, bed hair framing your pleased face while you adorably grinded your pillow squishing it between your thighs, moaning his name.
But he still couldn't believe it. You weren't really thinking about him right?
"Seungmin! Fuck, f-faster! Faster…"
He felt his heart getting caught in his throat and all self-inibitions leave his body. He then stood in front of the entrance, observing you in silence. Seungmin bit his lip, breathing like he ran ten miles before that moment. He prepared mentally for his next step.
You froze in place with your eyes still closed. Were you starting to have hearing allucinations? Probably. So you slowly opened your eyes and looked at your right: Seungmin was there.
Your vision started to get blurry from the tears forming in your eyes, threatening to streak your cheeks. Wasn't he supposed to be at work? Damn… everything was going to get ruined, he would tell you to leave and search for another place, he would hate you forever andー
"Is it me?" his voice soft, searching for your answer as he slowly entered the room.
You took the sheets in front of you to cover yourself a little, swiping the tears on the corner of your eyes with them.
"Is it me, the Seungmin you were thinking about?"
The air in the room got dense. He wasn't looking at your body at the moment, he focused on your face. On your expression, your trembling lips that he was dying to kiss for months.
Seungmin was a man of few words, really, but he could get pretty loose and cool with people that got to know him over time. He didn't necessarly lust over your appereance, he just liked you. You were his main interest, he found all your little habits adorable, he thought that your mind, your way of thinking was extraordinary. He always paid attention to when you talked about yourself, interests, ideas.
But he was quite afraid to open up to you, even if he tried to do that day by day, at his own pace. What if you found him weird? Or you didn't like his personality at all and decided to go away? You were perfect for him, but he wasn't sure to be perfect for you. He knew you were special from the first moment he opened the door to greet you the first time, with your marvelous smile, bags and suitcases around you. You made him nervous.
Seungmin was nervous around you, but wanted to make you live comfortably even if he needed to split the rent. He wanted to let you live your life without a worry. Maybe one day he would have the courage to tell you his true feelings, but he needed to understand if you wanted something quiet, something like the first visible light in the morning, a field moved only by fresh wind, whispered sweet nothings between two people that are about to fall asleep.
Because a love with Seungmin would've been peaceful, with silence disturbed only by meaningful phrases or laughter.
"Seungmin please don't get mad, please."
"I'm not mad, I swear." he started to get closer, until he was in front of you. He kneeled on the floor, reaching your hands on your chest, stroking them.
"I just need you to tell me that you were moaning my name and not the one of another Seungmin, because your answer may change our entire life together."
You looked down at him with big confused eyes and he wanted to take your face and squish it before hugging you tight. If it was him, if it was really him…
"I don't know any other Seungmin." you sobbed, crying a bit harder. He felt relieved. He took your hands in his properly near his lips, kissing your knuckles, letting the sheets fall exposing your chest once again. Maybe he really had a chance to show his true self, and maybe, just maybe, you could love him honestly.
"Will you let me help you with that?"
For a moment you thought it was a dream. He was looking as beautiful as ever, touching you so delicately, and… was he hard?
For the first time that day you looked up in his eyes. They were sparkling, they made your core tighten.
"Let me. Let me take care of you." he got up from the floor and sat on your bed, guiding your arms around his neck to then gently hold your waist.
"Do you… do you like me?"
Your trembling lips made him furrow his brows. Having you so vulnerable in front of him, having you naked in his hands, he thought he prayed the right god while looking up the sky.
"You're the only one I answer the phone to when I have my vocal lessons. I do like you, a lot actually"
His passion for music and singing was the only thing you were certain about him. Oh, his voice when he sang random songs during the day, when he thought you weren't listening. Would he sound as amazing while being with you?
He lightly pushed you to lay down and discarded the pillow to replace it with him. Seungmin took a moment to admire you, slowly letting himself explore you with his gaze, not getting too close to where you wanted him most.
"Can I touch you, y/n?"
He was behaving like a prince. You really did think he was a prince, with all the times he was so gentle with you.
What was he expecting, a 'no'?
You nodded. He smiled. You tugged at his shirt. He took it off. Your jaw dropped.
It was as if a neoclassical artist sculped him with their own hands. Your eyes went from his collarbones, to his pecs, his abs, to then land on the light brown happy trail that disappeared under the elastic of his pants. You seriously didn't stop looking until he lifted your chin to analyze your reaction better.
"You're so beautiful Min." you said, words whispered for him and him only. Seungmin blushed because of the compliment, your needy tone, how you called him. He thought that he could get used to it. He took your hands in his once again, guiding them up your head while he lowered to be close to your face.
"You should see yourself then. I'm nothing compared to you dove" and after that, unpredictably, he kissed you. He finally fulfilled his need to have you close emotionally and phisically letting his plump lips rest on yours, moving slowly to let you feel all the passion he was feeling at the moment.
You two sighed, almost relieved that all that was happening even if not in the conventional order described by romance movies and novels.
The kiss was interrupted by Seungmin, that started to wander, leaving pecks on your jaw, behind your ear, to arrive at your neck inhaling your scent.
"Do you always touch yourself thinking about me when I'm out?"
The sudden question made you squeal, shame already making you look away.
"I'm joking! Look at me, hey." he cupped your cheek, your eyes meeting once again.
"I think it's cute. I do that too when you're out, you know? I dreamed about this moment for so long… I have too many things to tell you. Will you have the patience to listen to me, after this?"
He looked like a lost puppy, quite literally. It was as if he had his ears all low, a frown forming on his face while he patienty waited for your response while you felt crazy embarassed by the hidden confession of him touching himself to you too.
"I'll listen to anything you have to say, Seungmin."
You both smiled. The world outside didn't exist anymore, it was just you and Seungmin, in your bed, naked, about to make your fantasies happen.
You didn't even register his hand lowering down until you felt his fingers caress your cunt, lazily going through your folds. Gosh, you were so wet and he was still waiting, but he was just afraid that you would disappear with him waking up. But you were real, so real that when your whimpers reached his ears he hid in the crook of your neck to not let you hear his moan as a response.
Seungmin let one finger enter you, your legs becoming rigid around him from the sudden decision. After two pumps he added a second, curling them upwards and making them dance inside you. Where was prince Seungmin of few second before? Well, if he was going to fuck you like that you didn't really care. He took his thumb over your clit, slowly circling it and feeding off of your sounds. He didn't forget what you were doing before all that sweet talk; Seungmin beside being a man of few words, was a man with certain needs too.
"Open your legs wider dove, please" and you did as told, without even thinking about your actions, his words becoming your law.
He went down, down, down, until you saw his face at the same level of your pussy, with his fingers long gone from inside you, now smering your juices around his lips, licking them after.
Was he… really Kim Seungmin, your roommate? The most normal man you've ever encountered? He looked too hot doing that. But you needed to learn to not let your guard down with him: his fingers were inside you again, pumping faster than before. It was a bit embarassing that you were already about to cum, but you realized that he interrupted your orgasm few minutes before, after all.
"Min-" you tried to make him slow down by grabbing his wrist, but he was abviously tronger, and your attempts did nothing to his determination to have you seeing the entire galaxy during the afternoon. Yes, with him it was possible. He looked at you, with a soft smile that wasn't really suitable considering what you were doing.
"Don't worry y/n. Give it to me."
And again, you did what you were told. There was just something about his calmness, his gaze, the way he was playing you like his precious guitar, that made you squeeze your eyes shut and gush around his digits. Seungmin was happy, like the luckiest man on the planet. He was smiling like a child in front of a pile of candy. And he thought of you as a candy indeed, getting closer to your glistening cunt and licking it clean with long, slow motions of his tongue, silent moans making your vision blur.
But it wasn't fair. He was making you feel like a spoiled princess, and he was still there with an uncomfortable erection while you were doing nothing for him.
"Let- let me help you too Min… please!" he reserved his attention to you, detaching from your core.
You managed to sit up, your head a bit dizzy while getting on your knees, waiting for him to lower his pants. You too, thought you prayed the right god looking up the sky once you saw his length. What made you bite your lip wasn't his cock per se, but the entirety of his body. Why did he try so hard to hide all that? But you thanked him for that, deep down. Who knows how you would've acted if you knew he was built like that…
Your train of thoughts came to an end when he stroked your cheek, looking at you with big loving eyes; you didn't waste any more time, delicately wrapping a hand around him while the other got caught with one of his.
He didn't say anything, but with a nod he let you know that you could go ahead. You left a short kiss on his tip. He shuddered: you were being even more gentle than he could ever imagine, more than he could try to recreate with his own hand while thinking of you. Your little kitten licks made his eyes roll to the back of his head, your mouth gradually wrapping around him made him curse under his breath while he squeezed the hand he was holding. Simply the vision of your sweet face taking his cock was a bit too much.
"I can't, y/n I can't" he delicately made you back up, sighing: "I want to be inside, sorry."
You started to breathe again after holding as much air as possible in your lungs, heart ready to drop. You giggled at his distress.
"You have any protection here?"
You pointed at your left: "on the bedside table. I-it's just in case, y'know, it's not like I actually put them to use!"
Seungmin chuckled at your comment, calmly climbing over you to reach the drawer.
"You're the first guy that doesn't complain about it."
"Because I'm not a guy. I'm a man for you."
Oh. Waves of arousal washed over you again.
Before you knew it he was lining himself with your entrance, kissing you with such fervor you felt like spinning. And before you knew it he was inside you. And before you knew it he was stretching you with care and attention, letting you moan past his shoulders while he concentrated on his thrusts. Your walls wrapping around his cock, welcoming him like he was meant to stay there.
"Min- feels so good Min…"
He picked up his pace, faintly moaning, almost afraid of you hearing how much he was enjoying that. Suddenly he left you empty, confusion taking place on your face, just to transform in shock as he made you flip with your back against his chest, going inside you all the way in one motion, directly hitting your sweet spot: oh, the angle was perfect, heavenly, he decided that after your yelp.
Seungmin started to thrust again with more meaning, keeping you up by wrapping an arm around your belly pressing down on it, and the other over your chest. You let your head drop against his shoulder, getting lost in your own pleasure.
"You're amazing y/n- perfect, perfect."
You started squeezing him, getting closer once again as you felt him throb inside you, and Seungmin let out a grunt, fucking you at a rougher pace not caring about you holding youself up just by gripping his arms.
He caught your lips again, and that was it. That kiss was the one that set you on fire, making you two release, silently, continuing to move one against the other even after the peak.
When you two calmed down he gently placed you down, quickly getting up and disappearing for a short time, coming back with your towel, his wrapped around his hips.
Not a word was exchanged while he carefully cleaned you, leaving a peck here and there making your smile get wider and wider. He covered you up, just to get under the covers with you and wrap you in a warm embrace while playing with your hair.
"Are you hungry?" he asked before pressing his lips on your temple.
"A little bit…"
"We didn't have breakfast."
"But it's late, we could have lunch now."
"What if we have breakfast and lunch. I need my girl to be full of energy."
You looked at him with the most beautiful expression he ever saw on your face.
"Then we can talk about how cute you look riding a pillow, and how you can ride my face the same way, yeah?"
The next five minutes consisted in Seungmin trying to convince you to remove your hands from your face hiding from embarassment to let him kiss you for the thousand time, with a whole new warm sensation spreading in your chest.
Maybe you thought you weren't close, but how he treated you was enaugh to let you know that you were so, so wrong. That Seungmin showed his love and appreciation through actions, and that he needed just few words. You found out that he was just limiting himself because he had a huge crush on you, and that he had more to give than what he showed to others… it just took the right people to let out his true potential. And one of those people was you.
If you were sure about his love for music and singing, well, you soon would become sure about his love for you.
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chevelleneech · 18 days
semi-live blog
They are immediately the cutest fucking people when together. So soft, so giggly.
I know it’s part of their social culture, but they drink a lot. Maybe it’s because I don’t drink, but dang.
“Jungkook is currently doing his skincare.” They add to the screen after panning away for scenery, yet leaving the sounds of *slap slap slap*😭
Jungkook cycling through multiple pairs of sunglasses, and Jimin swanning in and picking the first pair is peak! They’re so similar I yet so different, lol.
Another thing I’m sure is part of their culture, is the way they pay for stuff, but I find it interesting still that we’ve seen Jimin buy almost everything during their trips, since as far as we know they have pretty lax hierarchy rules between the two of them normally.
Jungkook is in the most romantic moment of his life, lmao! “I love it here!!!” said a million times. That man was experiencing a real life Hallmark movie in his head.
I also thought they spoke/understood way more Japanese than they apparently do.
“Come on everybody!” I understood that reference.
The way they chose to animate over everything to avoid having to blur a billion people in the station is HILARIOUS!
Jimin is too funny bro.
This train ride is so peaceful, it’s selling me on visiting Sapporo despite being broke and not speaking a lick of Japanese.
Can we also discuss how “My man, my man, my man.” Jungkook is? Yet Jimin is too, and somehow both is more than the other, lol. They are perpetually on some, “Jimin will like this.” “Where’s Jungkook?” *films food, pans to Jimin* *films the outside world, pans to Jungkook* *cuddle even while walking* type stuff. Just lovesick.
Girl!dad Jimin confirmed🥰 He’ll be such a sweet dad too, I think. He’s so patient and kind, which is heavily required to raise another human.
I loooooooooe Jimin’s jacket dude.
The way Jimin immediately pivoted to making JK laugh when he tried to downplay himself. Like I said, “My man, my man, my man.” Don’t talk bad about his man, even if you are his man.
My most delusional Jikook theory you’ll ever hear from me: “Are You Sure?” actually became the title because they were asking it if each other, because they in looooooooooove.
Also, to answer my own question from my previous list… yes, the bubble is back.
Role play Jikook strikes again!
Jungkook is it slick! He played with that sip of whiskey the entire time, but the minute Jimin left he downed it.
Them forgetting to pay would’ve been me. And JK initially sending Jimin back to do it would have also been me. You got it, extrovert! Take the embarrassment for the both of us!
They’re so cute! This snow fight makes me want to be somewhere cold for the holiday☹️
The food always looks so damn good! Lord I’m jealous.
I need someone to compile all the times JM and JK go out to eat together, and let me know if Jimin is the one with his back always to the door? It’s a thing in America at least, that the “protector” tends to sit where they can see the door, and I don’t know if that’s a thing in SK as well, but it’s cute, because it matches their dynamic either way.
“Your fingers were all over it.” SIR!? You’ve had his sweaty ear in your mouth… he’s had his mouth on your neck… you’ve also had his fingers in your mouth before and vice verse… AND y’all constantly eat and drink off each other… in fact… yesterday he bit the very sausage you were in the middle of eating and then you continued eating it… before that you gladly allowed him to put his TOES next to your face while you were BRUSHING YOUR TEETH. Stop playing with me, Jeon Jungkook!
Jimin legit being ready to beat Tae’s ass over a dumpling is too crazy, lol. And folks be acting like he some docile helpless baby. Meanwhile, JK is a mediator. They definitely made for each other.
End of the episode. It was fun. Felt like the start of a holiday special. And I didn’t mention it up top, because I decided to “live blog” thoughts like ten minutes in or whatever, but Jungkook softly and sweetly saying he wanted to come back to Japan because it reminded him of their first trip together… SOBBING! He’s such a sentimental guy, with an equally as sentimental guy on his arm.
They truly do vibe so well, and I understand with each passing episode why them enlisting together was a non-choice choice. They click. Like they said themselves, they’re one person split into two bodies, and it’s clear as day they thrive off of being around one another.
Not to get too sappy either, but it’s insane they feel that way about their bond and dynamic, on top of all the things that already just so happened to bring them together. Not just born in the same country, but same city. Auditioned for the same music group. Actually made it into the same group… they were destined to meet, and even they feel that way. All that’s missing is them being the same age, and they’d be the same person. That’s an insane thing to say, but really tells you how deeply they value their connection.
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dduane · 4 months
Hello! Love your work, life-long fan, etc. etc. But I am here today on a mission and wondering if you could help. My nibling (who is unsure if "niece" and other gendered concepts is right for them) is turning 7 this week and is TERRIFIED of black holes. Can't sleep, can't enjoy the night sky, is-getting-picked-on-at-school bad. I'm hoping to introduce her to Fred, but I think if I start at "so there these things called white holes which kind of are "opposite" black holes," I might have a whole new problem to explain to my sister.
So as I dream up what a "nice" black hole would be all about - How was Fred as a black hole? What would such an entropically-interesting entity like a black hole even look like as a wizard? Have people with melanoheliophobia reached out to you before/Do you have any expert advice?
Thanks for all that you do to help change the landscape for anxious, nerdy people!!
Let me go talk to Fred.
"It was a good while ago, you know?" he says.
("He" is an approximation of the most extreme kind, here. Most astronomical entities above the Planetary level have no idea whatsoever what gender is about, or what it's good for. And even at the Planetary level they're often none too sure what it means for biologicals.)
Anyway. When you're in Timeheart, even when only visiting, it's hard to avoid the sense of everything you're discussing being in the nature of a game you won; or a test you passed and don't have to deal with further except as an amused memory. But then, in that most central of states on the far side of physicality, all games are won. All tests are passed. This is where you choose the next challenge. As for past ones...?
"It seems straightforward," Fred says, "when you're a black hole. More and more stuff accretes to you. At first, it's just your job, right? But then it starts to become more, and you slowly start getting aware of it. Mass = consciousness, possibly? I don't know. But you start noticing it. More, and more, and more, till you just can't bear it! Gravity, right? What can you do about gravity? Or mass? Honestly. ...But then, finally!—all of a sudden, the pressure releases. There's room. You have somewhere for it to go."
"The Schwarzchild radius," I say.
"Is that what it's called?" Fred says. "...Was he nice?"
"I, uh... couldn't say. Didn't know him personally."
"Pity," Fred says. "It was such a relief! Please thank him for me." A pause. "...'Him?'"
"Insofar as it matters," I say, "apparently so."
"All right," he says. "But anyway, it's such a simple thing. All your life you've been gathering stuff in. More and more, all the time. And you start saying to yourself, "This can't go on, it's just wrong, what happens if I eat everything? I don't want to eat everything!' You know? It's scary."
"I hear you, cuz," I say.
"But it doesn't matter what you think or feel; it just gets worse and worse. You swell on the inside but you can't swell on the outside, and you can't stop stuff from swirling in and in and in. You think, 'This is all wrong, it's going to be the end of me! And if it is, what else is there? What was this all about? Why am I not big enough?' And 'Why can't I be the same kind of "big enough" on both sides?' And the inside and the outside start fighting over which should be bigger—"
"I think I may know where this is going," I say.
"Yes! And then, all of a sudden, when you think you can't bear it another second longer, something happens and you just... evert!"
"Go inside out, you mean."
He laughs out loud. "Yeah, well, that's maybe a little simplistic...? I mean, when you're dealing with six dimensions and above, you sort of go inside out, and upside down, and sideways, and, you know, more ways than that."
"I'm sorry to say that I don't know," I say, "but I suspect it's memorable."
"Please!" he says. "My poor gnaester! You have no idea."
"Um... perhaps that's for the best."
"But the inside gets bigger than the outside," Fred says. And then adds, a bit abashed but also amused, "I was kind of late to the party on this, apparently. I'm told it's a trope."
"So it is," I said. "...For a lot of us, though. Takes a while to realize what's happened. But you're in good company."
"Oh good. Anyway, so then after that you start emitting all the stuff you earlier absorbed," Fred says. "You're a gateway. It's like... recycling, you know? Takes a while sometimes: some people have trouble emitting, after absorbing and absorbing for so long." He laughs. "Habit, yeah?"
"Yes it is," I say. "Habit is such a problem."
"Anyway," Fred says, "tell everybody it's okay. Black holes are about taking in what's over with, what's done. But when we shift, it's about letting whatever we ingested go out to be something new. Has to go through our insides first, though! That's what we're for."
"Recycling?" I say.
"Recycling. You're starstuff, sure!" And Fred laughs. "But sometimes even starstuff needs to go through the wash."
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mrs-monaghan · 19 days
all joker clowns thinks the same isn’t it ? 😭 I think the same too. And like they did with ms announcement in Jeju they’ll say it like it’s a normal Tuesday for them…
I’m waiting for that day so I can distribute sweets on my neighborhood 🤡🙌🏻
I honestly couldn't tell if you're hating or not, which is why I'm replying to this. I'm so confused 😂 i mean, u said clowns so ig you're an anti? I decided not to be replying to antis anymore but I'm not sure what you are so....
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This is exactly what is going to happen. They've done it before. They lived together for years and didn't bother to hide it. And yet people still called them bros. So yeah, they will do it again after MS and you will still be here idiotically laughing coz "they said it like it was a normal Tuesday."
Maybe they said it so casually because it was??? I'm sure when they first heard about it they cried and celebrated and had one of the happiest fucks of their lives. It was already in their system by the time they were discussing it on the show so yeah, they talked about it like it was no big deal. Because the big deal reaction had already happened in private with eo and their loved ones. We weren't privy to that and thats okay.
I will dumb it down for ya and give you an example. When I got married, for the next two weeks I was like "I'M MARRIED!?!?!?!" 🥰😄🥳😭😃😁👏🏽☺🤸🏽‍♀️🤸🏽‍♀️🤸🏽‍♀️🤸🏽‍♀️ Then after a month I was like "I'm married" ☺🥰😁
3 months in, while I'm still super happy to be married, I dont say it all cheery and loud and stuff. Its just like, "yeah, I'm married." 🤷🏽‍♀️😁
Sometimes its easier to give y'all the most simplest answer because you just can't think for yourselves. 🤧
In the words of Monk; here's what happened:
Military enlistment is mandatory. Inevitable. Its something that was always going to happen no matter what. Jikook knew this... had accepted this... were prepared for this. They'd have to go almost 2 years without seeing eo... (if their breaks didn't allign) without spending quality time together. They were aware of this and had accepted it. It was unfortunate... and sad... but it was the reality and there was nothing they could do about it.
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But then... BUT THENNNN there was talk about exemption and oh shit! There was hope.
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That maybe... just maybe, BTS would be exempted and they wouldn't have to do this thing that they really didn't wanna do. That Jikook wouldn't have to be separated at all like they'd thought all these years. Like they'd mentally prepared for. They didn't want to... but they are only human and so they allowed themselves to hope.
Unfortunately, that did not end up happening and so they had to proceed as planned and serve just like everyone else. But here's the thing, hope had occurred. Hope is awful. Just awful. Because now Jikook had to accept reality all over again.
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But you know what? They tried. They did their best. They accepted it was happening. For 18 months, they would serve separately, it would soon be over and they would be reunited. It wouldn't be easy, but they didn't have a choice.
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But here's the thing, that ugly thing, hope? JK had felt it and now he couldn't... he couldn't. He just, simply, couldn't. The idea of going without Jimin for 2 years was just too much. He can't even go without Jimin for a day how was he going to do that for almost 2 freaking years??? It just... it wasn't... no. Just, no. Absolutely fucking not.
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Jimin saw this and couldn't let his Jungkook go on like this. There is nothing he hates more in this world than to see JK unhappy and thus the idea of enlisting together was born.
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But- but- they knew better this time than to hope. They couldn't. They couldn't hope. Not just yet.
(Thanks @chicknbunny13 😘 )
(JK didn't need reminding they were enlisting. If this was in Jeju where they already knew their request had been approved, JK wouldn't have playfully swatted at Jimin 😂) imo anyway.
Where were we? Right. Hope was threatening to rear its ugly head but they weren't gonna do it. Not this time. So months go by... fingers crossed until they finally get the good news!!!
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They were ecstatic, of course. Over the fucking moon. And this part you Jikook anti anon and all of us didn't get to see it. We didn't see them get the good news. We didn't see them cry in happiness. We didn't see them tell the members and their families. We didn't see the celebratory love making 😔😪 we missed all of it. But guess what? It happened.
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And they talked about it many times after that. And we just so happened to catch one of the times they talked about it casually on camera. It seems to me like you expected them to make a big deal about it. But your dumb ass didn't stop to wonder why they would when they'd already known about it before hand???
Sit down anon. Stupidity doesn't look good on anyone.
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Summer Breeze 6
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Warnings: age gap (reader is 22, Andrew is mid 40s), dad’s friend, Andy being Andrew, other dark elements. As usual, be mindful of your content consumption.
I also beg of you to leave me some tuppence in the form of a comment and/or reblog. You are cherished!
Enjoy, my loverlies.
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You sleep sitting up. Aside from the stiffness in your muscles, your stomach is gurgling from the greasy meal. The night fraught with worry and restlessness leaves your head even more cloudy than before. It’s real, you know it, and yet you just don’t want to accept it. 
The doctor comes after 8am. He checks your father’s vital and makes some notes on his chart. Andy asks about his condition as you can’t bring yourself to speak. He looks ragged and tired, you must not come off any better. 
“We’ll have to wait until he’s stable to make any further determination. We’ll need to test his cognizance along with his physical capabilities. The injury like has caused a TBI, meaning the effects will vary. He’ll need to be monitored well beyond his time here,” the doctor explains as Andy listens intently. You cling to every word but your mind is reeling. “Best to discuss what sort of therapies would be covered by insurance.” 
“Yeah, I figured,” Andy says, “thanks, doctor.” 
“Of course. You did a good job getting him here quickly,” the man in the white coat pauses and sends you definitive look, “keeping pressure on him. You both saved his life.” 
Your eyes sting and your nose burns. You can't cry. Not yet. Once you crack, you know that’s it. You won’t be able to stop. Your cheeks tug and you thank him, swallowing down the swell of horror.  
“Andy,” you eke out as the doctor leaves, “I couldn’t get through to my mom. Do you mind if I try again?” 
“Hm, I haven’t charged my phone,” he slides his cell from his pocket, “I’m at twelve percent. Could do the trick.” 
“Oh, maybe I could ask the nurse’s desk. I think I saw a patient phone around here.” 
“Good idea,” he nods. “I texted Jacob but I don’t think he has service up there. We’ll need to go grab some clothes so how about we do that today?” 
“I... I can’t leave my dad,” you insist. 
“Sweetheart, they said he’s going to be out for some time.” 
“He shouldn’t wake up alone,” you argue. 
“Alright,” he shows his palm appeasingly, “I’ll drive up, grab your stuff, and we’ll get everything else sorted when I get back.” 
“I can do this,” you avow, as much to yourself as him, “you’ve done enough.” 
“Right, I know, you’re a strong girl. But what do you do next? Once you talk to mom. You gotta call insurance, right? Do you have what they need? You’ll need the plan number, that’s probably in his wallet, right? You’ll at least need proof of ID. We brought him in in his trunks and nothing else. All that’s up at the cottage,” he shakes his head, “I don’t doubt you can handle it but a little help can’t hurt.” 
Your eyes widen and you sigh. You drag your hands down your cheek, “yeah...” 
“You can’t think of it all right now. That’s expected. You should worry about him. So I’ll deal with the details.” 
“Andy,” you utter, “I...” you look at your dad and get up, shuffling to his bedside. You take his hand, careful not to tug the tubes and tape, “I owe you.” 
“It’s what people do for each other, right? I’m a dad too. I know if anything happened to me, Jacob would be lost.” 
“Uh, yeah, yeah,” you crackle from your dry throat. 
“Try to rest if you can,” he sniffs and scratches his beard, “I’ll be quick. As quick as possible.” 
“Sure,” you squeeze your dad’s hand, barely hearing Andy. You just want him to wake up, or maybe you can wake up from this nightmare. 
You force yourself out of the room to ask the nurse about a phone. She points you towards a worn phone down a few halls meant for emergency calls. You punch in your mom’s number and wait for it to dial. It takes six tries for her to answer but you won’t give up this time. 
“Hey, what’s up?” She answers casually. 
You don’t answer right away. You can hear the lightness in her voice and the rustle of unknown movement. She’s busy with something or someone. Probably her latest fling. 
“Mom,” you scratch out, “it’s dad.” 
“What is it now? Tell me he’s not drank himself into the tank again. He’s too old for that.” 
“Mom,” you say firmer than before, “mom, he’s hurt.” 
“Hurt. Well, call the paramedics, I don’t know,” she giggles and you sigh. 
“We’re at the hospital,” you raise your voice, “he’s... he’s not awake. He hit his head. And I... I’m scared.” 
She’s silent. You hear her move around and she excuses herself. A door clicks on her end and she scoffs, “well, what do you want me to do about it? He’s your father.” 
You’re stunned by her callous response. 
“And I’m your daughter,” you insist, “what... you should...” you shake your head and deflate. “Well, mom,” your voice cracks, “I’m sorry I interrupted fun for something so stupid as this.” 
“Honey, please, I’m a bit shocked is all,” she squeaks, “I mean what can I do from so far away. For my ex-husband of all people? You’re an adult. You need to learn how to handle these things.” 
“Gee, thanks, mom,” you sneer and slam the phone on the hook. 
You don’t know why you expected any different. You’re not at her house because she told you plainly that she didn’t want you spoiling her fun. She gave up trying to be a parent the minute you turned eighteen. 
You roll your eyes back against a new wave of tears; these one angry. You guess you just need to grow up. It’s your turn to take care of your dad. 
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Long idea so bare with me. You are a college student (fem pov) and you and you family are visiting your uncle for the summer. Your uncle just happenes to be JY Park (JYP) so you go to South Korea and that’s when you meet the group your uncle owns… stray kids. Now your dad really wants you to go on a date with one of them but you think that stray kids are actually stuck up and entitled so your like nope.your like ya there very fucking hot but…Then you get to know them and there not just hot as hell (and horny) but also good people. But your angry at your father so you don’t want to do what he asked but stray kids are so hot, so you sneak out to there dorm to do some not so kid friendly stuff if you get my drift. You can build on from that but that’s just an idea. Love your stuff <3 keep writing!
Wow hi! I was so shocked (and happy!) to get this ask. It was a little daunting, but I actually really enjoyed working on it. So thank you:) I hope you end up seeing this, Anon!
Comments: This is part one in what will likely be an ongoing series in which the reader will eventually be involved with all 8 members, but for now, we're starting with Seungmin and Hyunjin.
Rating: Explicit/18+
WC: 7.5k
“Can you at least pretend you’re happy to be here?” Your mom is giving you the look again. “Jin-Young said he wants to take you to his company. Maybe he can give you a summer internship, so you’ll still have something to put on your resume.” 
“Ah yes,” you sigh and roll your eyes. You know that JYPE is a huge company with great artists, but you also know from experience that idols aren’t your cup of tea. Working there doesn’t sound like a great time. “Nothing like some good ole nepotism to boost your resume. Plus, I’m not even majoring in anything related to the music business.”
“Well honey, if you’re determined to be upset about this, then it’s not going to be a good summer.” She pats you on the shoulder, signaling that the conversation is over. “I just hope you’ll try to keep an open mind.”
The next day, after breakfast with your parents and uncle, you all head to JYPE. JYP gives you all a small tour, introducing you to the different groups currently in the practice rooms. The last group you meet is Stray Kids. Like the others, they immediately stop what they’re doing to come greet your uncle. Standing in a line like that, glistening from the sweat of their hard work; you stare shamelessly. You’ve seen a few of their videos, so you already knew they looked good. They’re even hotter in person. Even more so, because they aren’t cookie cutter copies of each other; they each have unique features that catch your eye. Still, you know what tends to hide behind pretty faces and hot bodies, so you don’t plan on thinking about them much once you leave this room.
JYP introduces you, and you’re met with the same fake, polite greeting from each of them. Then he throws a curveball. “So my niece will be spending a lot of time with you in the next few weeks; take good care of her.”
You try not to look too shocked and shoot a glance at your mom. She gives you a smile and a shrug as if this isn’t totally her doing. As your uncle begins discussing something with a couple members and your dad, you take her to the side to talk privately. 
“Mom! I’m going to be ‘spending time’ with them? Doing what? I told you I didn’t need a pity internship!” You whisper-shout as soon as you’re sure no one will hear you.
“Oh, you’re being a bit dramatic.” She shakes her head at you. “This will be a good experience for you! It’ll even relate to your major; you’re going to be helping them with their English, kinda like a tutor. Your future students are going to think you’re so cool being related to JYP; you’ll be able to bond with them even better when you can tell them you’ve worked with their favorite idols.”
She’s not entirely wrong, but you still don’t love the idea. Idols are the worst.
Soon it’s time for the guys to get back to practice, and your family’s tour ends in JYP’s office. Along the way, your dad gushes over Stray Kids, and you try not to look annoyed. You learn that SKZ is getting ready for their next world tour and some of them are feeling like they need to get back into the habit of speaking English so they can feel more confident interacting with their fans. 
“I was happy when your mother asked if there was anything for you to do around here. I think it’ll be a good way for you to stay busy and make friends while you’re here in Korea. And of course, we’ll get to spend so much more time together if you’re here in the building every day.” Your uncle looks so pleased; you don’t want to bring him down.
“I look forward to it.” You hope your smile doesn’t look as fake as it feels. “I really appreciate you giving me this opportunity.”
In the car on your way home, your dad kind of shocks you. “Honey, I think you should go on a date with one of those boys. Jin-Young speaks so highly of them, and they’re very polite and intelligent. Just the kind of boy we’d be happy to see you with.”
Your mom agrees immediately. “And they’re so talented! After I talked to my brother about your internship, I watched a few of their music videos. Not to mention, they’re all quite easy on the eyes.” 
“I don’t care how cute they are, mom!” Though you certainly wouldn’t kick any of them out of bed. “I would never date any of them.”
“Just think about it, honey.” Your dad isn’t going to let this go. “See how you feel after spending a few days working with them.”
The next day, you show up to JYPE bright and early, wishing you were still in bed and dreading the day you’re about to spend with a bunch of hot assholes. When you arrive at the studio they’re starting out in, half the group is already there. Their leader, Bang Chan, greets you immediately and gestures for you to sit on the couch in the back of the room. The others are so engrossed in each other that they don’t even seem to notice you.
“So as you may know, Felix and I are also fluent in English since we’re both from Australia. The rest of the kids have various levels of fluency and confidence in their skills.” You have to actively remind yourself not to swoon over his accent. “It’ll be helpful to have another person to speak casually with and maybe correct pronunciation on some words. Sometimes they have questions about little grammar things, so they may ask you. I think that’s all? That sound okay to you?”
“Yeah, sounds fine.” Anything else you might say is lost when four rowdy guys walk in the studio. They’re laughing and a couple of them start yelling. This might be a long day. One of them - you probably should’ve made sure you knew who was who before coming today - starts handing out iced coffee to the ones who were here first. He surprises you by handing you one as well. “Oh, thank you! You didn’t have to get me anything.”
He gives you a big smile. Those dimples are dangerous. “You’re welcome! We didn’t want to leave you out.” 
His accent is cute, too. Which one is he? You’re about to try to run through their names in your head when Bang Chan claps his hands and yells, “Alright!”
The eight of them are suddenly lining up in front of you. After a ‘1, 2’ from Bang Chan, in unison, they say, “Step out. Hello, we are Stray Kids.” You weren’t expecting the full greeting like this again.  
“We know that this was kind of sprung on you, so we thought it would be a good idea to introduce ourselves again. So I am Bang Chan, though you can just call me Chan, or Chris, if you want.” Chan gestures to the guy next to him, and they sound off from there. You’ve got all their names down now. Though, of course it’s all stage names (for those who don't go by their first names), which feels a bit like keeping you at arm's length. Hopefully talking with them won’t be too annoying, but you’re worried about the idea of just hanging out with them all day; there’s only so much time you’re willing to spend with a bunch of douchebags.
Chan calls for Hyunjin to head into the recording booth, then sends Lee Know and I.N, the one with the coffee, over to talk with you. They somewhat awkwardly ask you to go over the pronunciation of the English lines they’ll be recording today; these two must be the ones least comfortable with English. Still, they do well. And as much as you hated that your mom landed you with this ‘job,’ you have to admit that this is actually a worthwhile way to spend your time. It is the kind of experience that would look good while applying for teaching jobs in the future. 
After a fair amount of practice, Lee Know heads to the recording booth, and I.N goes to join a couple of the other guys. You think Han is coming to talk to you, but he just flops over on the couch for a nap. So you’re back to just awkwardly sitting in a room full of dudes that are ignoring you. Great.
As the session goes on, you marvel at the way they work. They work so hard, recording and re-recording again and again until they’re satisfied. You do end up having conversations with most of them, mostly about their album and whichever of them was currently in the booth. Seeing their passion, you start to feel like they might not be as stuck up as you were thinking; they’re just focused and dedicated.
You dip out after recording; your uncle asked you to come have an early lunch with him. By the time you return to Stray Kids, they’re in a large practice room. Once again, you’re sitting on a couch in the back of the room, just watching them interact, feeling like a piece of the furniture. 
When the music starts, you look up from your phone and… damn. They all can dance really well. Like it’s hard for you to pick out the main dancers at first. 
They’re all lip syncing or singing along quietly as they move through the steps, then Han starts full out singing. You thought most idols struggled to sing when they dance like this; that’s why they play their tracks during their concerts. He sounds phenomenal, though, nearly as good as he did in the recording booth. And he sets off the others, every other line someone sings it out loud, and once again they all do it so well. Maybe you know less about idols than you thought. 
When they finish Chan comes over with a cocky grin on his face. “What did you think?”
With dimples like that and that accent, you know he must be insufferable. Still, he hasn’t given you a reason to be rude. “It was super cool. I didn’t expect to enjoy watching you practice so much. You’re all such great dancers.”
You were too complimentary; you can tell by the way he puffs up. You see the two behind him smile and fistbump, and decide you don’t need to stick around for the douchiness to come out. “Anyway, I’m gonna head out, unless you guys will need me again?”
Chan nods, and with that you’re out the door.
As the week goes on, you realize you shouldn’t have taken such a hard stance with your parents. They check in every evening, asking about how working with ‘those cute boys’ was and which one you think you might want to go out with so your mom can set it up with JYP. Every day you insist that you’re not at all interested in stuck up idols, and every day you feel like you’re lying more and more. 
You’ve had the opportunity to witness a lot while you’ve been with Stray Kids. They invite you to lunch and to watch practices in your off time, and you’re not going to pass up getting free meals and witnessing the beauty of their movement. With that, you’re around them when they’re not in work mode as well, seeing how kind and conscientious they are. They seem to truly care for the staff around them; they’re constantly doing things for each other and basically everyone else. They start opening up to you; you hear the way they talk about their fans, their families, their staff. And they’re very good to you, too - always treating you, making sure you’re comfortable and have anything you want/need. It turns out that they are truly the nicest guys; and if it’s not genuine, you don’t know what is. 
When you walk into the studio the next morning, you’re pulled into an unexpected hug. Felix gives you that big smile of his. “Good morning! I hope you don’t mind that we’re starting a little early today.” 
You return it readily. “Good morning! Honestly, it’s not too bad. I usually have early classes, so this feels normal.”
You go to sit on the couch and wait to find out exactly what you’ll need to do while you watch the present members. Felix is clearly the biggest morning person; he’s like a little flame, giving sparks to each member he speaks to, and you can see them brightening in his wake. After a few minutes, Chan comes in with Seungmin. He gives you a wave, but goes to sit by Changbin and immediately starts discussing their schedule for the session. Seungmin approaches you instead, handing you an iced latte - he got your order just right.
“Oh thank you, you didn’t have to do that.”
“Of course, we wanted to thank you for changing things up for us today.” His English accent is so cute, and he’s incredibly attentive. And you love talking with him most. “Channie Hyung asked me to give you the low-down.” 
Like the first day, Chan thought it would be nice to have you talk through pronunciations for Lee Know, I.N, Hyunjin, and Seungmin’s lines while the others are recording. You’re pretty sure that they could get this done without you easily, but you like having this time with them now. They’ve started relaxing a bit, working casual conversation into their time with you.
Even when you’re working with one of the other guys, Seungmin tends to sit with you, both double checking little things and helping you to direct them. His presence is comforting and welcome, often with his arm draped behind you over the back of the couch, occasionally brushing his hand against your shoulder or back.
By Friday, you feel like you have a much better understanding of the guys. You’ve seen their more serious sides and their sillier sides. And their flirty, kinda dirty sides. You’ve gotten glimpses of this over the course of last week, but it’s like the gloves came off today. It’s not even just flirting with each other. All day they all make sure to send quippy innuendos your way and make some kind of unnecessary physical contact with you, and you don’t hate it. You actually kind of love it. 
3Racha go to work in their smaller studio, while you head to a practice room with the rest, and things take a slightly spicier turn. After a few run-throughs of different aspects of the choreography, Lee Know turns to you. “Wanna try it out?”
You’re not much of a dancer, but you figure what the hell, no harm in trying. You try to follow his steps as he counts them out, and even though you’re doing pretty well, Lee Know directs Hyunjin to give you a little extra support. With Hyunjin close behind you, placing light touches on your hips, your arms, your shoulders, it gets harder to focus on what you’re doing. When you’ve gone through the steps, they compliment you on the way you move.
“You could be a little looser in the hips, though. It’ll help all the moves flow more smoothly.” Hyunjin gets behind you again, this time with his front pressed to your back, his hands landing firmly on your hips. He applies slight pressure to encourage you to follow along with the sway of his hips. You nearly shiver when he whispers into your ear, “I like the way your hips move with mine.”
You have a moment like that with each of them. You try not to let it get to your head, but with each touch and insinuation, you’re falling into fantasies with each of them. When they break the group up further for more individual practice, Lee Know takes your hand.
“Come to my practice room for a bit?” He lets go when you take a step after him, giving you a coy smile. When you get into the small room, he indicates that you should take a seat facing him. Then he’s kneeling in front of you so that you’re looking down into his beautiful, brown eyes for once. His hand rests on your knee for balance, rubbing his thumbs back and forth absently. You start to think about what it would be like if he leaned in and his hands moved up your legs… The thought cuts off when he speaks again, an interesting gleam in his eyes. “So I’ll sing once through, if you notice anything you can make a note. Then I’ll sing again and you can stop me when I make a mistake.”
You want nothing more than to sit and listen to him sing for hours on end. His voice is amazing. You grab the pad and pen from the table next to you. “Of course!”
For the next hour or so, Lee Know - Minho, he told you you could call him that - sings for you, and you sing his praises. It is incredible. His voice – he himself – is so beautiful. He very gracefully takes your critiques and works hard to get things perfect. 
The rest of the day is much the same, really just hanging out with the guys and watching them work, sometimes with all eight of them, other times in smaller groups. All of them continue to flirt, making you more and more interested in spending time with them outside of work hours. As you’re heading out for the day, Seungmin catches up with you.
“Would you wanna grab a coffee with me later?”
You try not to smile too big. “That’d be great. Just tell me when and where.”
When you get home, you’re already going over your plan to meet Seungmin at the cafe near his dorm. You’re so immersed in thoughts of him, you nearly run into your mom.
She asks the usual questions and you give the usual answers. 
“Honey, I really do think you should consider letting your uncle set you up with one of those boys. You say you’re not having fun at this internship, but your mood seems up. It might be good for you.”
You can’t believe she was right, but you’re not gonna let her know that. So you lie. “That doesn’t have anything to do with a bunch of idols. I met a girl who works in the cafeteria who’s cool, though. I’m actually meeting her at a cafe in a little bit.”
She’s happy that you’re making friends and leaves you to get ready. You throw on a top that tastefully shows off your cleavage paired with cute, comfy flowy shorts that could probably cover your ass a little better. You feel a little bad going behind her back, but your parents would be insufferable if they learned that you were interested in them. 
When you get to the cafe, Seungmin is waiting outside, two coffees in hand. Unfortunately, you can’t see his smile behind the mask, but he does look good despite it. 
“Hi, thanks! Were you wanting to sit outside?”
His ears look a little pink; you worry that he’s got bad news. “I actually was hoping you’d want to take a walk. Maybe to the dorm to hang out with the guys? It’s completely fine if you don’t.”
You think about it less than you should before agreeing. If you took a moment, you’d think it sounds like a set up for something more. Actually, you might still have agreed. 
He takes your hand and after a short walk you reach the Cuties Dorm, as they call it, but all of the other members are there. When you walk into the living room, you’re greeted by shouts from each of them and what’s become the usual hug from Felix, that literal ball of sunshine. This time his arms linger around you a bit longer as he tells you he’s happy you decided to come.
As you settle on the couch between Seungmin and Hyunjin; the former sits a little closer than necessary, leaning into you, while the latter throws his arm around your shoulders with his hand gently kneading into the nape of Seungmin’s neck. You revel in their closeness. You all hang out for a while together; they tell stories and ask you more about your life back in the states. Like earlier in the day, there’s more flirting and touching than usual, and they’re even less subtle about it. Also like before, you give as good as you get. 
At one point, Hyunjin makes what you think is a joke about how nice it is that you signed a broad NDA when you started at JYPE in case you decide to have “even more fun” with them. You laugh and agree, leaning into him a bit more. Seungmin’s hand lands on your thigh then, fingers lightly caressing your bare skin. You’re not entirely sure if this is going where you think it is, but between their hands and arms on your body and the looks the members shared at your agreement, you’re starting to wonder if it really was a joke. 
“I’m really glad we’re getting to know you more tonight.” Chan watches you, head tilted, contemplative, as he says it. “We’ve all been hoping to get closer to you. We just weren’t sure how open to it you would be.”
Seungmin slides his hand a tiny bit more toward the inside of your thigh and gives you a quick squeeze. You stare at Chan for a moment. He licks his lips, holding your eye contact. Well, fuck it; if I’m wrong, I’ll just refuse to go back to work, you think. “So to be clear… You all are hoping that I’m interested in hooking up?”
 Despite his boldness from just moments before, Chan starts turning into a tomato and looking down at his hands. Not one to mince words, Lee Know takes control of the situation. “Yes. Are you?”
“I mean…” You glance around the room, taking in the varying levels of hope, embarrassment, and desire on their faces. You rest one hand on Seungmin’s and the other on Hyunjin’s leg. “You don’t mean all at once, right? I think I’d need to work up to that.”
The room erupts in laughter and the tension dissipates. You all agree to just let things progress naturally, with the stipulations that they’re all going to actively pursue you now and that relationships won’t go beyond a friends with benefits situation. You assure them that you’re attracted to all of them, not that you felt pressured when Chan said ‘all.’ 
Luckily, once you’ve talked things out, things are as relaxed as before the conversation started. Soon, though, most of the guys announce that they’re leaving. 3Racha need to head back to the studio to work on a track they’d been talking about for the last half hour. Minho and I.N had plans to see a movie tonight, and Felix decides to tag along. On their way out, each of them gives you a hug. Chan’s is only a half hug, but his hand is definitely on your ass. You raise your eyebrows at him, and he just gives you a little squeeze and a pat before heading for the door. Changbin’s hug is so comforting that you wish you could just melt into him. Han is bold enough to kiss your cheek before saying goodbye with a wink. Seeing this, Felix immediately says that he wants a kiss, too. Rather than kissing your cheek like Han, however, his soft lips make contact with yours for just a second. You’re pretty sure your cheeks are on fire as I.N slips in right as Felix releases you. 
“Better make it a full set,” he says as he brushes a quick kiss on the side opposite of Han’s. Minho is last and to your surprise, he keeps his hands off your ass - you would’ve thought if anyone was going to grab it, it would’ve been the resident butt hunter. He does, however, whisper suggestively in your ear before he releases you. “I hope you have a good rest of your night.”
You turn to face the remaining two, the implication in Minho’s words making your head spin. You meet Hyunjin and Seungmin’s eyes in succession, unsure of what your next move should be.
“We’re going to watch a movie, if you wanna stay here with us for a while longer.” Seungmin’s voice is neutral, but you think you can see a touch of hunger in his eyes. “Otherwise, I’m happy to walk you home.”
Hyunjin bites his lip while he waits for your answer. It makes you wish you were the one biting it. “Yeah, a movie sounds nice.”
You make your way to the couch again with Hyunjin, and Seungmin heads to the kitchen to make popcorn and grab other snacks. The two of you sit facing each other, discussing preferred genres and favorite movies. You land on The Greatest Showman for tonight, and Hyunjin’s face lights up with passion as he talks about his favorite dance numbers in film. When Seungmin arrives with the snacks, Hyunjin surprises you by reaching over and pulling you halfway into his lap.
“Sorry,” he giggles, not looking even a little sorry. His hands are lingering on your hips, and you catch yourself looking at his lips again. “Just wanted to make sure Minnie had room to sit.”
“So considerate of you, Jinnie.” Seungmin deadpans as he sets the snacks and drinks on the coffee table. He sits beside you, partially on your cushion, and his hand lands on Hyunjin’s, still on your hip. Your breath hitches when you feel a slight squeeze. Hyunjin releases you then, and you turn to face the tv; they’re both so close to you, you feel your cheeks heating up. But then they’re acting normal again, like they have no clue that now all you can think about is being pressed between them with their hands and mouths exploring your body. You know you just confidently talked about hooking up with them, but you’re a little nervous now.
“I am considerate.” Hyunjin laughs and gestures at the screen. “You love this movie, right? We picked it just for you.”
For the next 20 minutes, it’s just like it was before ‘the talk.’ You're talking a little as you watch the movie. Seungmin has his arm around you this time, and after a few minutes Hyunjin rests his head on your shoulder and takes your hand; his thumb traces small circles on your skin. Seungmin moves so that his hand is on the nape of your neck now; when he presses in a bit with his fingers, you look over at him, and Hyunjin takes the opportunity to make a move. 
Seungmin is smiling as Hyunjin places a kiss just under your jaw and your mouth drops open with a sharp inhale. Hyunjin’s hand drops yours and moves to softly squeeze your thigh as he kisses you again. Seungmin tips your chin up so you look directly into his eyes. “Is everything okay?”
You don’t trust yourself to speak, so instead you nod and rest your hand on his thigh. He smiles widely and leans in to press his lips to yours. He tries to pull back, but you immediately pull him back, tilting your head for a deeper kiss. Hyunjin continues to leave a trail of kisses on your neck and his hand shifts up to your waist, creeping up slowly. At once, he gives you a gentle bite and his hand cups your breast. You break your kiss with Seungmin with a small gasp. As soon as you turn to face him, Hyunjin captures your lips, his tongue tangling with yours. Seungmin takes over for him on the other side of your neck, nipping and sucking at your sensitive skin. Both their hands roam across your body. They’ve barely begun - you hope - but you’re already feeling a little overwhelmed and unsure what to do with your hands.
It’s like Hyunjin reads your mind. He sits back grinning at you with pink, pouty lips shining. Seungmin turns toward you, and throws his arms around your waist to pull you into his lap, turning you to face away from him and keeping his arms wrapped around your middle and resting his chin on your shoulder. Hyunjin finds your hands and asks, “This isn’t too much, is it?”
You bite your lip as you consider how to answer. He’s so beautiful; it’s hard to think of anything besides kissing him again. “It’s kind of a lot… But I don’t want to stop.”
Seungmin begins kissing your neck again, both hands cupping and caressing your breasts.  Hyunjin’s smile widens as he scoots as close to Seungmin as possible, gently moving your legs so they drape over his lap. One hand starts kneading the inside of one of your thighs. He leans in, his other hand comes up - you thought it was going to your face, but he reaches past you to stop Seungmin’s progress on your neck. You feel yourself being pushed forward slightly, feel his obviously hardening cock on your back, as you watch Seungmin bring his face up to meet Hyunjin’s. The second their lips touch, your jaw drops a bit.
When this began, you somehow never even thought about this being a possibility. With how comfortable they are flirting with and touching each other, you feel a little silly for not considering it already. It’s quite possibly the hottest thing you’ve ever seen. They’re so beautiful together. You catch a glimpse of Hyunjin’s tongue slipping into Seungmin’s mouth at the same time that his hand makes contact with your center, fingers moving in slow, deliberate circles. You spread your legs a bit to give him easier access, wishing there weren’t two layers of fabric blocking his path. As you move, Seungmin’s hand comes down to hook your outside leg over his, spreading you further. Lips still locked on Hyunjin’s, his hands slide inside your shirt and around to your back; once your bra is unclasped, his hands come back around and under it, pinching and twisting your nipples. 
A small moan escapes your lips and brings Hyunjins attention back to you. Both of their mouths are on you again, and Hyunjin slips his fingers into your panties. You feel like you’re on fire. You simultaneously reach in front of and behind you, wrapping each hand around equally impressive lengths. As you stroke them through their shorts, you elicit two moans in harmony. 
Hyunjin pulls back. “As much as I like this couch, I wonder if we should move somewhere a bit more comfortable, Minnie?”
One of Seungmin’s hands drops down to your waist, the other continues to tease you. “That is an excellent idea, Jinnie. Are you alright with that?”
It takes you a moment to realize he’s talking to you now. They move in unison. When one speaks, the other kisses, their hands never stop touching, caressing, taking you closer to what is sure to just be your first climax of many tonight. You nod and capture Seungmin’s lips.
Hyunjin giggles and presses a kiss to your cheek. “I know you said this was a lot, so I think we’d prefer a verbal answer.” He pulls at your shirt. “Cause if we move locations, things are definitely going to heat up.”
“I want that.” You nearly gasp. “Please, let’s go. Wherever.”
Hyunjin stands, pulling you up with him. “Seungmin-ah, why don’t you take our gorgeous friend here to your room while I go get a few things.”
“Yes, sir.” Seungmin smiles and salutes before throwing you over his shoulder with a quick slap on your ass. “I’ll hold down the fort.”
Seungmin proceeds to his room, not flinching at the slaps you’ve landed on his cute, little ass in complaint. In no time at all, he’s dropping you onto your back, and before you can even catch your breath, he’s on you. His tongue clashes with yours, one hand grips your hip tightly while the other grips your face and neck with his thumb pressed under your chin. He’s a bit more… forceful than you expected. It’s exciting. You bite his lower lip. 
He smiles against your lips. He brings his hand to the hem of your shirt and starts pulling it up. “I think you’re wearing too many clothes.”
You let him pull your top off and discard your bra. You pull his shirt up as well, ready to see more of him. For a brief moment, you wonder if you should be waiting for Hyunjin, but as soon as his shirt clears his head, he’s on you again - this time bringing his mouth to one nipple to suck, lick, and bite gently. One of his hands slides down into your panties; his fingers thrust into you a few times before spreading your wetness up to your clit. You arch into him with a moan. 
Seungmin starts kissing his way down your body. You whimper when he retracts his hand to pull your shorts and underwear off in one smooth motion. He pauses then to look down at you with a hungry look in his eyes. You’re suddenly very aware that you’re naked in the bed of a man you met less than a week ago. With another on his way to join you. You wonder if you think you make terrible or excellent decisions. You sit up and tug on the waistband of his shorts, and when he slides them off, you lean more toward excellent. He doesn’t give you the chance to touch his nice, thick cock; when you reach for it, he puts a hand on your chest, pushing you onto your back. He settles down between your legs. He kisses a trail from your right knee down your thigh, nipping at you in a few places. When he starts back at the top of your other knee, you let out a whiny “Minnie…”
“So impatient.” He smiles up at you. He doesn’t stop his teasing, but at your small groan, he splays his hand over your stomach, thumb landing on your clit. His lazy circles barely take the edge off. 
“Seungmin, please.” 
He chuckles, but takes pity on you. He gives you a long lick, sucking when he reaches your clit. Your back arches off the bed, and you squeeze your eyes closed with a moan. You’re so preoccupied that you miss the door opening and shutting, only realizing Hyunjin’s in the room when he kisses your forehead. 
“Is my puppy making you feel good? He’s great with his tongue.” Hyunjin giggles when Seungmin sits back, mouth and chin glistening, to ‘mong mong’ at him. 
You reach up for Hyunjin, but he’s already moving closer to Seungmin. He runs his hand down your body, easily sliding three fingers into you while simultaneously leaning over to lick the Seungmin’s lips clean. It is… beyond hot. 
“You taste good,” Hyunjin turns back to you, his fingers pumping in and out, keeping you panting and needy. “And you’re so wet for us, baby. Minnie, I think you should finish what you started so I can have a turn.”
You almost tell him that he can just take his turn now, but Seungmin dives in immediately with renewed vigor. Every swipe of his tongue brings you closer and closer to the edge. You expect Hyunjin to kiss or touch you in some way, but when you can control your trembling body enough to look down at Seungmin, you see that Hyunjin is just behind him. You watch both of Seungmin’s hands reach up to tweak your nipples and realize that Hyunjin has reached under his arm, and his fingers are the ones expertly curling against your g-spot. They’re so in sync. You prop yourself up on your elbows and watch as Hyunjin switches hands, so he can stroke Seungmin’s cock using your wetness to smooth his glide. The sight tips you over the edge. Your eyes roll back in your head as you curl in on yourself with a moan. Seungmin keeps up a steady pace allowing you to ride out your orgasm. He disengages with a moan of his own as you come down. 
“That’s a good girl,” Hyunjin purrs. He grips Seungmin by the hair to tip his head back and kiss him passionately before turning back to you to say, “and a good boy. Don’t you think so?”
You let out a sigh and sit up. Your gaze immediately begins tracking the movement of Hyunjin’s hand again. You suck your lower lip between your teeth with a soft groan. At Seungmin’s soft “fuck,” you bring your hand over to rub lazy circles over your clit. Suddenly, Hyunjin draws his hand back. Seungmin whines and your eyes snap up to Hyunjin’s.
“Well, Minnie, if she doesn’t think you did a good job, I’m not sure you should get a reward.” He says it with a devious smile on his face. When Seungmin huffs and turns to try to bite his neck, Hyunjin catches his chin and crashes his lips back to Seungmin’s.
“No, no!” You say a little too loudly, scrambling toward them. “He did such a good job! He was amazing. You were amazing, Minnie.”
Hyunjin giggles and drags Seungmin’s face toward yours. His tongue slides against yours, and your hand picks up where Hyunjin’s left off. One of his hands is back on your chest, the other sliding through your folds again. Hyunjin laughs again, gently pushing both your shoulders to separate you. “Oh well if he was that good, he deserves more than this. Lay on the bed, pup.”
Seungmin pouts a little, squinting his eyes at him as he stands. “Hyunie, I know you like taking charge, but it feels like there’s a little too big of a power imbalance here.”
Hyunjin laughs, pulling his shirt over his head and pushing his shorts to the ground. Like Seungmin, his body is nicely toned, not overly muscular. Beautiful. “Better?”
“Almost.” Seungmin tucks a finger into the waistband of briefs, pulling Hyunjin closer to him. The smile on his face is devastating. “And I think I’ll choose my own reward. Lose these and you sit on the bed.”
Hyunjin presses a quick kiss to Seungmin’s jaw. Then he licks his lips and turns to you. “Help me out?”
You’re enjoying watching them so much, you nearly forgot you’re part of this as well. You free him of his briefs and watch his half-hard cock bounce as he moves to sit with his back against the headboard. Seungmin’s watching as well, his head cocked to the side. He moves behind you, hands resting on your waist. You get a chill when you feel his breath on your neck. He whispers, “I’m going to put on a condom now. While I do, you should get on your knees between Jinnie’s pretty dancer’s legs, ass up and ready for me.”
The second his hands leave you, you’re crawling up to take Hyunjin’s pretty cock into your mouth. Another time you might have teased him, but you’re so hot for him, for them, that you want to get him on your level as soon as possible. You bob your head, tongue swirling around his tip when you come up. With each pass, he stiffens and grows - you soon have to work to fit him in your mouth. You relax your throat and take him further, wrapping a hand around his base, the other resting on his hip. 
“Mmmm,” Hyunjin rumbles, tangling his fingers into your hair with a smile. “Minnie, is this a reward for me or for you?”
You feel Seungmin bring himself into position behind you. He grabs your hips, adjusting them so that you’re just where he wants you. You can hear the smile in his voice as he plunges a couple fingers into you. “I always want to reward you, baby, but I feel like the real winner is between us.”
He lands a playful slap on your ass and you hum in agreement, causing Hyunjin’s grip in your hair to tighten as he lets loose a low groan. You hum again, then pull off with a pop. You grin up at him as you feel Seungmin tap the fat head of his cock against your ass. You tape Hyunjin’s tip into your mouth and suck hard as you continue to pump your fist around his shaft. You feel the pressure of Seungmin pushing into you, his hands grip your hips tightly. He goes slowly, sinking inch by inch filling you up. The pressure feels fantastic. You moan, giving Hyunjin a slight squeeze. Both men jerk their hips in tandem. You pull off Hyunjin with a gag, panting, pushing back against Seungmin as he keeps up steady thrusts.
Hyunjin takes your face in his hands, stroking your cheeks with his thumbs. “I’m sorry, baby. It felt so good; I couldn’t keep still. If you can’t keep going, I can wait my turn.”
You shake your head. “No, I’m - ahh - I’m okay. Just wasn’t ready.” You press your face into his thigh with another shaky moan. 
Hyunjin laughs. “Seungminnie, are you happy where you are or should we flip her?”
“No,” you pant. “I wanna… I wanna finish.”
Seungmin is hitting you in just the right spot. Each rock of his hips sends you closer to your peak. Hyunjin laughs again. It turns into another groan as you wrap your lips back around his head and suck hard. “Fuck me.”
“I can do that next, if you want, but I might need a breather.” Seungmin grunts out as he increases his pace. His grip on your hips tightens, you’re likely going to end up with bruises. You increase your pace in turn, and Hyunjin’s moans become more frequent. It’s hard to maintain, though. You pull off of Hyunjin with a gasping moan, burying your face in his thigh again. 
“I’ve got this, baby.” Hyunjin takes over for you, jerking himself in tempo with Seungmin’s thrusts, his gaze locked on the snap of Seungmin’s hips. He lets out a drawn out groan. “You’re taking Minnie so well. You have no idea how fucking hot you look right now. Fuck, Min, I think I could come just by watching you; I’m already so close.”
Hyunjin’s other hand is stroking your hair and you look up at him, mouth hanging open barely able to do much more than pant and moan. The tide is rising in you, threatening to wipe you out. 
As he lets go of one of your hips, you feel Seungmin lean against your back. and Hyunjin is leaning forward to meet him. You can barely see their kiss, but you feel how it’s interrupted Seungmin’s rhythm and let out a whimper. His hand drops from Hyunjin’s face into your hair. He pulls it a little less than gently. The new angle allows you a better view of Hyunjin working himself and biting his lip. The space created gives Hyunjin room to take hold of one of your breasts, pinching and pulling, bringing you right back to the edge.  
Seungmin slides his other hand between your legs, and your body starts to convulse. You can’t control any of the sounds coming out of your mouth - a mix of their names, moans, curses. Your climax overwhelms you. As you shake and move with each slam of Seungmin’s hips, but barely hear Hyunjin’s “fuck” as thick spirts of cum land on your chest and face. It spurs you on; you do your best to stick out your tongue, to catch as much as you can. 
Another “fuck” sounds as you feel Seungmin’s hips stutter to a stop. His grip on your hair loosens, and you barely manage to keep yourself from face planting into Hyunjin’s lap. Your body is nearly spent, finally coming down from what may have been the best orgasm you’ve ever had.
Seungmin pulls out and flops down on his side next to you, breathing heavily with a relaxed smile on his face. “You look so pretty with Jinnie all over you.”
He rolls over to grab wet wipes while Hyunjin encourages you to flip over and sit up. After Seungmin cleans you both up, Hyunjin pulls you back to lean against him. You stay like that for a few moments, before dressing and snuggling back up on the couch to watch the rest of the movie. When it’s over, you and Seungmin walk hand in hand out of the dorm, passing Minho and Jeongin on their way in. Minho shoots you a wink and a look that makes you feel like he’s telling you that he’s next… and you can’t wait.
To be continued...
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delululand · 1 year
enhypen ideal type (hyung line)
don't take it too seriously, these are just my observations based on analysis of their words, interviews and behavior in general
p.s. i lived in Korea for a few months and it gave me some impressions too
i know it’s not popular opinion, but i think he is not what many people imagine him to be
being so flirty and sexy on stage is one thing, but acting like that in real life is something else entirely. if you look at different shows and interviews, he is a much calmer and more shy guy. of course he can flirt and all that, but not as much as people here and on tik tok imagine him (in most of the works here he is presented as a literally 24/7 flirting lecherous guy)
I think he would like a coquettish , extroverted girl who at first glance seemed shy. he himself is often embarrassed by compliments, but in many videos you can see HOW he looks when girls are embarrassed by his compliments…
in one interview he said that he is not very emotionally strong and needs attention and care, I think he needs someone who is naturally very caring and affectionate, who can understand these needs without asking out loud and show him how loved he is, without allowing him to feel feeling lonely
idk it’s just so obvious hahaha
if speak about appearance i really think he like smt like typical feminine energy? like nice clothes (not necessarily dresses or skirts, but something that still looks feminine), good perfume and more soft (?) face it’s little difficult to explain, but of idols, I’d say jennie. not really herself, but energy like hers.
he looks pretty dominant (not in sexual meaning, but about it maybe next time…🤭) and i think he will good with a woman who will allow him to do everything for her, even basic things. (I immediately remember the moment with the big keyboard and sunghoon on one of the shows, when jay constantly wanted to press the buttons with him, but sunghoon shouted that he would do it himself and jay retreated, but his hands still constantly reached out to do it for sunghoon) + how he cares about jongwong
the boy says he's not a romantic but we all know HOW much romantic he is
i think he is little more traditional in that. not in bad way, just like be man and wanna protect his woman from everything bad that can happen
someone with whom he can talk openly about anything, a person who is a good listener
also we see that he is good with cooking and household chores, so I think he liked a girl who can also do it well. like this is not something obligatory and he’s no way gonna make you do it, but the very idea that you are a good at such things would impress him cause he look like literally husband and you both can do cooking date and all this stuff
go to luxury restaurants, travel staying in 5 stars hotel, go to shopping date and putting your wardrobe together, be “it couple” and after next years become like wife and husband, have a kids, go to family travel, even maybe with his family and once get old together
idk he really gives vibes like this😭
hmmhm I don’t even know how to say this more correctly, but it seems to me that I’m still a little immature for something relatively serious?
i think his personality will change a little as he gets older, he is a very reasonable guy, just not in the matter of relationships as it seems to me
he looks like a natural flirt and because of this it is harder to understand his real preferences but he definitely likes girls with dark hair like latino girls
now he gives the vibes of that guy college crash au hahaha. I think he would have liked a more fun, but smart girl with whom they could discuss everything, he would happily explain all sorts of mathematical things to you and would be happy to listen to your story about anything
he's also very caring and tactile and he would really be perfect for the role of that college guy. like your first serious relationship, full of tenderness and love
someone with an adventurous soul who would be willing to try new things and almost everything with him and go along with them
okay, maybe somebody will disagree but i’m pretty sure he is korean korean
i mean more traditional korean, idk how explain it right but if you have been in korea and communicate with men here you understand hahaha
it’s just a type of guy who really traditionally in most cases and relationships too
actually in many situations he generally doesn’t interact very actively with girls in public but it seems to me that typical Korean beauty is closer to him?
I think he would like a cute girl with a slightly mysterious aura, little shy maybe, who he can endlessly tease but who could start a conversation with him first because he doesn't seem to initiate communication and maybe it's not very easy to get close to him.
but when he is in a relationship he is a very loyal and reliable partner, ready to do anything for his girlfriend. he doesn't show it, but I think he's on the more romantic side, the type who gives flowers and chocolate while saying something like “oh, this? I don’t know, I just saw it on the way home and take it.”
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fxrmuladaydreams · 11 months
her video (sv5)
Tumblr media
pornstar!seb x camgirl/pornstar!reader
summary: sebastian helps you film a video for your channel
warnings: !!CONTAINS SMUT MINORS DNI!! smut, fingering, edging
prev part next part
You had gone out a few more times with Sebastian after the first shared dinner, meeting at different restaurants and cafés to get more comfortable with one another. The more you met with him the more you talked about the collaboration that seemed to become more and more set in stone.
You’d film a video for your channel and a video for his. He asked that you give him a list of your hard limits, of the things you were absolutely not okay with, then another of things you liked and wanted to try. He discussed the use of a safeword if it ever got to be too much, or if you were ever uncomfortable. You were surprised, you hadn’t worked with anyone before, so this was all a new experience, but Sebastian put a lot of planning and care into his preparations for your filming day.
He offered up a studio that he uses as a location, but you told him you’d be more comfortable in your home. He understood, he was once a fresh face too, and could remember how anxious he was when filming in a new place for the first time.
He showed up to your house fairy early, with a bag slung over his shoulder and a soft smile on his face.
“Hello schatz.” He greeted you as you opened the door. He was wearing light denim jeans and a white t-shirt.
“Hi Sebastian. You can come in, and just set your stuff wherever.” You told him, opening the door further for him.
“Can I keep this where we’re filming?” He asks, raising the shoulder his bag is hanging from.
“Sure. I set up my camera in my room, so we should be ready to start whenever.” You tell him wringing your hands. “Did you have any ideas?”
He gives you a confused look. “It’s your video schatz, we’ll do what you want to do.” He sees you nervously hovering near the door to your room. He takes slow steps towards you then takes one of your hands in his. “You’re in control here. You say the word and we stop. Okay?”
You nod up at him, and open the door to your room.
He has to take a moment to take a deep breath as you lead him inside. It looked just like it did in your videos, the same fluffy blankets, the same soft lighting coming in through sheer curtains at your window. He notices the basket of toys that sits next to your bed. Various dildos and vibrators sit inside it.
You glance down at the basket, then back up at the man next to you.
“I was thinking maybe we don’t use those?” You ask, your voice quiet. “It’s just, this is the first time I’m filming with an actual person, why not try something new?”
Sebastian hums in agreement, and sets his bag down near the door. “Yeah, we can forgo the toys.” He sits down on your bed. “So how do you want me?”
You take a deep breath. “Well I’ve seen your videos, and I like what you do in them, so could you maybe be like that? Like kind of mean, but not too mean?”
He nods. “So like a soft dom? Yeah I can do that.”
“Okay, great.” You step towards the camera. “I’m gonna start filming now, and I’ll edit it after we’re done. And I’ll send you the video before I post it just to make sure it’s okay, alright?”
“Of course.”
You press the button on your camera to start recording. Sebastian is sat on the bed, his eyes looking just past the camera at you, waiting for your next move.
You slowly walk over to him and climb onto his lap, straddling him. He leans forward about to kiss you, but you turn your head away.
“No kissing.” You whisper to him.
“Alright.” He presses his lips to your neck instead, leaving a soft trail of kisses in his wake.
You let your head fall to the side, giving him more room and close your eyes. His teeth scrape against your skin, causing a whimper to fall from your mouth. He smirks and slowly moves his hands under the bottom of the dress you’ve chosen for the video.
He brushes against the lacy panties you picked out, his fingers toying with the fabric at your hips.
“How about we see what’s under this pretty little dress?” He asks. His voice has a teasing lilt to it.
He turns you to face the camera, then slowly pulls the dress up off of you. He pulls you back down onto his lap, your legs open over his, still facing the camera. His hands travel over you, softly massaging your skin as they move over your body. His fingers play with the straps of your bra, then move back down your stomach, hovering over your panties.
“So pretty.” He says in your ear.
You gasp when you feel him softly press his fingers against your panties. He slowly traces them up and down, feeling the lace start to become damp.
“You’re already getting wet for me?” He smirks.
“Please.” You whine, your body rolling to meet his hand.
“Look at you, already so desperate.” He taunts.
His left hand goes back up to your bra, undoing the hook in the back and throwing it to the side. Your tits fall out, now rolling with the movements of your body. He cups a breast in his hand, squeezing the flesh. He softly pinches your nipple between his fingers, smiling at the soft moans you let out.
His other hand leaves your lower half and does the same to your other breast. He spends a few minutes toying with them before his hands move back down to your panties.
“You’re so wet for me, I can feel it through your underwear.” He slowly peels the lacy fabric off of you, and holds it up for you to see. There’s a decent sized wet spot on them, the spot slightly darker than the rest of the fabric. “Look at that.” He says, before tossing them aside.
His left hand holds you over your stomach, pulling you against him, while the other wanders back down to your center. His touch is feather-light as he brushes over your folds, back and forth, then finally over your clit. You jolt at his touch, squirming in his lap.
“Oh, someone’s an eager little bunny.” He says.
His words float around your head, the new name sending a flush over you.
He presses down on your clit, rubbing it in circles. He coos as you whine, your hips moving on their own accord to match with his hand.
He pulls his fingers away just as you start to feel a new wave of pleasure.
“No, why?” You whine, your own hand moving to replace his.
He quickly pulls your hand away and holds it at your side.
“Behave little bunny. Or I won’t let you cum.” He warns you.
His hand only moves back to your center once you’ve stilled on his lap. This time his middle finger runs along your folds. He slowly pushes the end of his finger inside you, gathering your slick on it, and moving it up to your clit.
“More, please sir.” The title falls from your mouth without a second thought.
He grins. “So you do have some manners?” He pushes his finger back inside you, this time curling upwards. “You’re so warm.” He says as he kisses along your neck.
His finger is longer than any of yours, able to reach deep inside you. He pushes his ring finger in as well, the thick digits spreading you open.
You moan at the intrusion. You can feel his fingers scissoring you open as you clench tighter around him.
His other hand moves down to play with your clit, rubbing it in quick circles.
Your whimpers come out rhythmically with every thrust of his fingers.
“You’re so close huh bunny? Do you want to cum?” He asks, his lips brushing against your ear.
You nod frantically. “Please let me cum, please, please, please.” You feel yourself falling closer to the edge as his finger speed up.
Then, nothing. He pulls both his hands away from you, back up to your stomach. He holds you against him as your body thrashes, searching for his lost touch.
“Well I don’t want you to cum yet. You look so pretty whining and begging for me, it’d be a shame to stop now.” He pinches one of your nipples.
You let out a disgruntled whine, pushing your hips forward, looking for some friction.
“You’re so desperate aren’t you? Let’s see just how wet you are.” He pulls your legs apart wider and prods at your folds. His fingers push them apart for the camera. They’re puffy and pink now, covered in your slick.
“Now, here’s what’s going to happen.” He says as his hand cups your pussy, the heel brushing over your clit. “You’re going to beg me to cum, but you’re only going to cum when I tell you to. Okay?”
You nod. “Yes sir.”
“Good girl.” He pushes his fingers in you again, lazily thrusting them in and out. “Now beg for it.”
You plead with him for more, for him to go faster, to add more fingers, for anything. He rests his head on your shoulder and looks down at where his fingers are inside of you. He adds a third finger and pumps them in and out of you faster.
“Please may I cum?” You ask as you feel the knot tighten within you.
“Hold it.” He commands, his thumb now tracing over your clit.
Your moans get louder and louder as you feel yourself get closed and closer to the edge. “Please? Please? Oh my god, please let me cum!”
He’s silent for a moment, then gives you a command in your ear. “Cum.”
A feeling like never before rushes over you. It’s a wave of pleasure like you’ve never experienced before. Your head is thrown back, resting against his shoulder as you cry out. He guides you through your orgasm, his fingers slowing as you come down.
He pulls his fingers out of you, and wraps his arms around you.
You try to catch your breath, your brain still a little fuzzy as he strokes your hair.
“You did so well schatz, you were so good.” He gives you soft praises.
“Thank you sir.” You nuzzle into his neck.
“No, no, no. Not sir anymore, okay? Just Seb.” He tells you. He holds you in his arms for a few minutes, then pulls away slightly to look at you.
“I’m going to get my bag, alright? I’ll be right back.” He softly lifts you off his lap, placing you next to him.
“Seb-” you reach out for him.
He dashes to the door and back to his spot next to you, now with his bag. He reaches behind him to turn off your camera, then turns back to you. He kneels down on the ground in front of you and pulls a soft towel out of his bag. He wipes his fingers off, then softly spreads your legs open. He cleans you up, apologizing when you try to close your legs from the sensitivity.
He pulls out a large sweatshirt next and places it on the bed next to you. “You don’t have to wear it if you don’t want to, but I figured it might help you get more comfortable.”
You give him a quiet thank you, and pull the sweatshirt over your head. The material is soft, the sleeves falling past your hands.
The next thing he pulls from the bag is a bottle of water. “I know you probably have water here, but I wanted to be prepared.” He untwists the cap for you and hands it to you.
You take it from him and start to take small sips. He pulls out two granola bars next. He hands you one, and unwraps the other, taking a bite from it.
“It’s important to drink water and have a snack after something like that.” He explains. “How are you feeling.”
“Good, tired, but good.” You give him a soft smile.
“Good.” He nods. He stays with you for a while, just chatting with you, making sure you won’t drop back into subspace.
“So should we get started on your video?” You ask, reaching for the hem of his sweatshirt you’ve got on.
He quickly reaches for your hands, pulling them back down to your sides. “No schatz, not tonight. You’ve done a lot, and you need to rest. We’ll talk about my video later.”
You stay with each other for a little while longer, just taking in the presence of one another before he realizes how late it’s gotten.
He stands up from the floor and reaches for his bag. “I should get going. But thank you schatz, I had fun.”
You’re almost disappointed to see him gather his things and get ready to leave. “Me too, thank you Seb.”
You walk him back to your front door. “Text me later, okay?” You ask.
“Of course.” He reaches for your hand and gives it a soft squeeze, then leaves your home.
He’s not even halfway to his car before he wonders when the next time he’ll be able to see you will be.
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perseephoneee · 1 year
ask me to dance? [isaac lahey x f!reader]
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request: can you do some wholesome isaac content?
warnings: pure fluff. teenagers being awkward.
a/n: me? remembering to write? shocker. literally struggled with this lol but i'm here and i'm trying to write more in order to be a productive member of society. also i'm so in love with Isaac it's not funny *cries*
↳ masterlist ↳  want to be shipped with a fic character?
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It never really got cold in Beacon Hills, considering it was located in California. Still, when temperatures started to fall to a mild climate, it signaled to the teen population that winter was fast approaching. And with that came Winter Ball. Which is all you've been able to think about. 
To anyone who would ask, it wasn't that big of a deal– but you secretly thought about it. All the outfits, the decorations, the romanticism of it all. Maybe it was the hopeless romantic in you, especially as someone who has never had a date. It used to not bother you; you were happily involved in your studies or worrying about being murdered by a supernatural at any time. But then you started spending more time with a certain werewolf and thought it wouldn't be that bad to care about that stuff. 
"Do you think Scott is going to ask me?" Kira said, scaring you out of your thoughts as you closed your locker. You took in the dark-haired female beside you, her eyes questioning and fingers tapping her books. "Will I have to ask him?"
"He'll ask you," you sighed. "He trips over his shoelaces every time he walks down the hall."
"Maybe he didn't tie them well?" Kira looked down the hall as if the boy in question would show up. 
"He likes you," you sent a small smile. Kira relaxed slightly, loosening her shoulders before facing you with a questioning glance. 
"Do you have anyone to go to the dance with?" Kira inquired, plain curiosity in her eyes. You knew, though, that she wanted more info on if you liked anyone. Even with her as a good friend, you rarely discussed those feelings with anyone. Usually, you were the one everyone else confided in. 
"Might not even go," you averted your eyes as Kira slapped your arm lightly. 
"You have to go!" Kira begged. "I can't go alone if Scott asks me."
"Kira, you won't be alone if you go with Scott." She silenced you again with a sharp look. 
"You know what I mean," Kira sighed. "I just don't want you to shy away from something you might enjoy. Especially when I am certain some eligible young bachelor or bachelorette would be interested in going with you."
You pressed your back into your locker, looking down at your scuffed shoes rather than the girl beside you. You glanced up when you caught sight of Scott and Isaac in your peripheral vision. Kira grew still as she saw Scott shuffling closer to you to hide. You tried shoving her, but the kitsune was an immovable rock as Scott and Isaac got closer. You saw Scott's eyes light up as he caught sight of Kira, and you wanted to smile when Kira's cheeks deepened. You made it a point to not stare at Isaac next to him, even if you really liked the blue sweater he was wearing. It's purely observational, with no lurking feelings behind it. 
"Hey guys," Scott smiled, holding his backpack straps like a kindergartener on the first day of school. "Whatcha guys up to?"
"Talking about the dance," you answered right as Kira tried to pass your prior conversation off as nothing. She shot you an angry look, but you hid the smile on your face as Scott perked up. "Kira wants to go but worries about not having a date." The look Kira shot you could be akin to being burned in the seventh circle of Hell, but you knew that your fair-weathered friend would've spent the whole time pondering if Scott liked her rather than making a move. 
"I don't have a date either," Scott grimaced, trying to pass off as a smile. Kira visibly perked up, and you and Isaac barely hid smiles. "Maybe we can go together?" 
The glee that overtook Kira's eyes was radiant, and she nodded enthusiastically. "I would love that," Kira grinned. 
"Great," Scott beamed. "Can I walk you to class?"
Kira grabbed her books, sending you a look that said, "We'll talk later," while happily following the alpha wolf. You turned towards Isaac, feeling your heart start pitter-patter as he made eye contact with you. He gave you a shy smile, fidgeting with the books. 
"They seem happy," you sighed, trying to break whatever tension you imagined. 
"I'm glad it worked out," Isaac said, his steel blue eyes connecting to yours. "Scott was getting annoying."
"So was Kira," you slyly smiled. "What about you?" Isaac looked at you inquisitively. "Are you…going to the dance?"
"I don't think so," he mumbled, averting his eyes briefly. You felt your heart sink in disappointment. Luckily, you were spared a response with the bell ringing. 
"See you around, Lahey," you smiled jokingly, trying to brush off any lingering feelings you had. You turned on your heel and walked off towards the direction of US History. You barely paid attention in class, though, your thoughts consumed with the micro-interaction by your locker. You didn't like Isaac, right? You just were disappointed a good friend wouldn't be there at a dance you might not even be attending. Totally rational feelings. At least that was the mantra you kept repeating till the end of the school day. 
You managed to keep most Winter Ball-related thoughts at bay for the rest of the week while you helped the pack deal with whatever issue. Sometimes, it felt like you guys lived in a CW show with a villain of the week, but somehow, fighting and scheming became part of your routine. You would never admit it to anyone, but you did enjoy the research portion of your problems. Even if it was you and Stiles eating pizza in his room while staring at way too many red strings. It made you feel wanted in a way that you haven't before. By the end of the week, though, the only research you were doing was for a class project. You were already debating when you could (reasonably) quit for the night and curl up with some Netflix or Hulu. Your phone rang by the fifth academic journal, and you glanced to see Lydia's name lighting up the screen. 
"Hello," you said, setting your phone on speaker. 
"Dress shopping tomorrow. Are you in or out?" Lydia asked on the other line. 
"For what?"
"Winter Ball, obviously," Lydia scoffed, the sound of rustling clothes in the background telling you she was going through her closet. "The fact I've waited this long when it's two weeks out is actually ridiculous, but with our life, I guess it's not surprising."
"I might not even go, Lyds."
"Don't be like that," Lydia sighed on the other line. "What's holding you back?"
"Kind of lame to go to a dance without a date," you mumbled, shrinking back into your chair. Maybe if you curled up in a ball and became a turtle, no one would ever ask things of you again. 
"All of your friends will be there, and most girls will probably ditch their dates anyway," Lydia chimed. "And besides, who cares? I don't have a date either, and I'm still going."
"I thought you were going with Stiles."
"In a completely work-related situation," Lydia coughed, even as you rolled your eyes. "He knows that."
"I'm sure he'll figure it out by the tenth corsage he buys you," you snickered.
"Just come tomorrow; Kira is joining. We'll get dresses, lattes, and have a day where werewolves don't intrude." You bit the inside of your cheek, staring at your laptop screen as the words melted into mush in your brain. You could at least hang out, even if you didn't buy anything. 
"I will come," you amended, almost hearing Lydia's excitement from the phone. "I won't promise that I'll buy anything."
"Grab you at 11 a.m., be ready," Lydia chimed, hanging up the phone. You sighed and put your head in your arms, wondering what you got yourself into. 
It was a reminder that waking up by 10 a.m. was a struggle for you. You barely dragged yourself out the door as Lydia spammed your phone, pleading for your coffee as you slid into the car. Kira laughed at you as you curled up in a ball and muttered about sweet death taking you soon. Lydia drove up to the coffee place, an ivy-strewn brick building called Cafe Allegro, and you bolted out of the car and through the doors. The smell of roasting coffee beans and the whir of the espresso machines welcomed you like a blanket on a cold night, and you wondered if you could ask that when you die, it could be in a pile of coffee beans. You ordered your latte, not having to wait long to get your order as you stood off the side, inhaling the fresh scent. Having been absorbed in your calm, you didn't notice the boy standing next to you. 
"You are really into your coffee," Isaac remarked, scaring you out of your stupor. You made a pathetic yelp, grimacing as a chuckle escaped his lips. 
"It's too early."
"It's almost noon."
"Too early," you sighed, sipping the heavenly goodness in your hand. "Why are you here?" 
"Scott and Stiles dragged me to the suit rental place and told me they didn't want me left alone to wallow or something like that," Isaac laughed, shoving his hands in his pockets. He was wearing a heather gray henley today that you were enjoying and trying your hardest not to notice. "If it's so early, why are you here?"
"Similar reason. Lydia and Kira dragged me dress shopping," you glanced up at him before looking around the shop and realizing that your comrades were hiding on the opposite side. Annoyingly leaving you with the person who gives you immense jitters. 
"Do you think you'll get a dress?" Isaac inquired. 
"Not sure why, don't have a good reason to," you mumbled, staring at your cup. Gosh, your heart was beating fast, and your stomach hurt. Maybe you should've gotten something calming like herbal tea. 
"You should get one," Isaac coughed, looking visibly uncomfortable. For a second, you worried that you were annoying him. "You would look…pretty."
"Thanks," your cheeks burned. "Then, you should get a suit." You swallowed, feeling like your head was in a whirlpool. Isaac's eyes looked at you with something akin to interest, but you passed it off as your caffeine-filled hallucinations. 
"We should go to the dance together," Isaac said quickly, tensing slightly as he awaited your reaction. Your eyes widened, and you had to remember what solid ground felt like as his words sank in. 
"I would like that very much," you breathed. Isaac's demeanor softened, relief flooding his eyes. He bit his lip to stifle his grin, which was the worst mistake he could've made as now all you were focusing on was his lips. "Gotta go," you announced, bolting from him before he could say anything else or before you jumped him at a coffee shop. You made it to Lydia and Kira and dragged them out of the door, not bothering to look back for fear of embarrassment. Lydia had mild complaints, but mostly, Kira gave you a knowing look. 
"Is there a reason for this rush?" Kira asked, eyebrows lifted in question. 
"I need a dress," you said. Lydia and Kira shared a grin and you knew there was a specific reason they left you with Isaac in the cafe. You wanted to strangle them and kiss them for it. 
The ride to the dress shop was short, but the anxiety building like a knot in your stomach persisted long after. Isaac asked you to the dance. He asked you for some unknown reason. You guys were friends and occasionally worked together. Still, you struggled to have a conversation before that didn't end with you saying something weird and making it awkward. You used to chalk it up to just not having common interests. Still, if you admitted the truth to yourself, you would know it's because you had a giant raging crush on the werewolf. Words were not in your vocabulary around him. 
Entering the dress shop (a cute place called Laura Jane's Boutique), you were suddenly reminded why you didn't really want to go in the first place. You love pretty things, but the over-glitzy dresses and jumpsuits are not your style. At least Kira looked as out of place as you. Lydia led the charge, though, immediately saying "no" to many dresses on the rack and holding up some options for you and Kira. You did love it, though, Lydia caring enough to try and find the perfect dress for her friends. It made you feel wanted. 
You wandered into one of the back sections, skipping the colors you would never wear. What was Isaac's favorite color? Maybe that's the color of dress you should go with. Your inner voice told you it shouldn't matter what color you wear. Not just because you value your independence but because Isaac would love it either way. 
You pushed some dresses aside on one of the racks, stopping at a shorter-length dress. It had bell sleeves and a sweetheart neckline. It was simple but not understated, and you loved it. 
You went home that night feeling like you were on a cloud. Except, like all good things, your crippling insecurities had to rear its ugly head and make you start questioning everything. Laying in your bed, the dress still in its tissue-wrapped bag, you stared at the ceiling, debating what had happened. What if Isaac only asked you to the dance because it was convenient? Or worse, he was asked to by someone like Scott or Lydia? He probably didn't like you at all. Why would he? You were human. Unremarkable. 
Vibrations could be felt in your head as your phone rang, and you begrudgingly grabbed at it without checking the caller ID. "Hello?" you grumbled.
"Hey," the tenor voice said from over the phone. "Can I come over?" 
"Isaac?" you asked, sitting up in your bed. "Is everything okay?" Oh my gosh, was he hurt? Or rescinding his previous offer of the dance.
"I just want to see you," he breathed. "Is this a bad time?"
"Never," you answered quickly. "You can come over."
Ten minutes later, of anxious pacing in your room, you got a text from Isaac saying he had arrived. You ran downstairs to open the door, slightly winded from the rush. Isaac's face was illuminated by your porch lights, and all you could think about was how pretty he was. 
"Hi," you spoke, looking up at him.
"Hi," Isaac smiled, "can I come in?" Nodding, you opened the door further so the golden-haired werewolf could enter. You gestured for him to follow, leading him to your room for privacy. You started to regret that decision when you realized that you had invited someone you were interested in into your bedroom. This was the plot of a bad romance novel. 
"What brings you to my humble abode?" you inquire, twirling to face him.
"I came to check on you," Isaac glanced around your bedroom, smiling faintly at your posters on the wall. You watched his eyes catch on your corkboard, where a photo of the two of you at Derek's loft is in prime display. It was after saving the day, and Stiles had bought multiple tubs of ice cream to celebrate. Derek demanded why this "celebration" had to be at his place. However, Stiles had never once listened to Derek's complaints and hosted it anyway. You loved that picture and that memory. 
"Check on me? I'm not in danger again, am I?" you smile, sitting on your bed and subconsciously grabbing one of your stuffed animals. 
"Kira was over to see Scott and mentioned you might be 'spiraling into oblivion,'" Isaac turned to you, quoting Kira's words. Sometimes, you wondered if that girl was telepathic with how well she knew you. 
"Maybe a little," you mumbled, fidgeting with your fluffy friend. Isaac hesitantly sat next to you on the bed, his weight causing you to sink closer to him. 
"Can I ask why, or should I just infer?" he chimed, grabbing another stuffed friend you have and twirling it around. It was a blue chicken from a video game you play, with a cute pink gizzard and round body. "I like this one."
"Do tell," you chuckled, watching him squish the chicken plush. 
"It's squishy," he muttered, patting it on the head before setting it carefully beside him. Your heart wanted to burst at the small interaction. 
"I was worried about the dance," you responded, answering his previous question. He gave you a sidelong glance, asking you to elaborate. "I don't know why you asked me."
"I like you."
"Like me, or like me?" you whispered, barely able to get your voice heard. Unfortunately, Isaac is sitting next to you and has a werewolf hearing, so he didn't miss a thing. He hesitantly grabbed the stuffed animal from your fidgeting hands, putting it aside before carefully holding your hand in his own. 
"I think you're amazing," he smiled, looking at you with eyes the color of a lakeshore. "So yes, I like you."
"I like you too," you breathed, a smile gripping your lips. "When did you get good at socializing?"
Isaac laughed, still holding your hand as he absentmindedly traced shapes on your knuckles. "Had lots of time to practice conversations while trapped in a freezer."
"You need therapy."
"Probably," he laughed, grinning at you before tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. Your breath caught in your throat as he looked at you. "Can I kiss you?" 
You barely managed a nod, your heart thumping loudly in your chest as Isaac kissed your lips. It was soft and somewhat hesitant, like he didn't want you to run away afterward. You boldly deepened the kiss, as it felt like water filled your ears and a marching band played in your heart. The hand he wasn't holding you used to capture his face, his free hand lightly gripping the outside of your thigh. It wasn't fireworks but an ocean at high tide with waves crashing against the shore. And you didn't mind it one bit; you hated fireworks anyway. When Isaac did pull away, his breath was warm against your lips, and you had to remember to let out a shaky breath before you hyperventilate. Isaac kissed your cheek, pulling back to look at you with pure adoration on his face. 
Kissing him again was pure bliss, and you couldn't help but look at him with awe. You weren't sure how you were granted something this good when you've spent your whole life dreaming of something worth half of this. Still, you wouldn't exchange it for anything. It meant you got to spend Winter Ball with the most handsome boy on the dance floor. 
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queerly-autistic · 8 months
Right, I think it's time for some positivity, and also a reality check (and I mean that in the most loving way possible) regarding the campaign to save OFMD. I've seen a lot of people saying 'it's been nearly a month, we should have been picked up by now', and whilst, yes, some cancelled shows have received very quick movement to other streamers, it's absolutely not the story for all of them. We've seen numerous shows follow different journeys from cancellation to pick-up, and there's no way of knowing what journey we might be going on.
Are we in the fast lane where we get picked up the next month (lookin' at you, Lucifer and The Expanse)? The middling lane where it takes months for a pick-up deal to be hashed out (lookin' at you, One Day At A Time, The Tourist, and Warrior)? The slow lane where we keep pushing for years and then eventually crowdfund a film (lookin' at you Veronica Mars)?
I think we have to consider the fact that OFMD being cancelled was a last minute thing that blindsided the cast and crew (and shocked people across the industry). So we're going into it in a different position to other shows that had maybe had a hint/suggestion that cancellation was coming before it happened. This is because if there are rumours of cancellation circling, it gives a chance for feelers to be put out to other networks/by other networks before the actual cancellation is confirmed. That didn't happen here. Which is important.
It's not just wham bam thank you ma'am and now you've been picked up by Netflix (or insert streamer of your choice). It's a negotiation. It's a process. It takes time. There is a very good reason that people heavily suspect that Brooklyn 99 had already been picked up before the cancellation was officially announced, and that the cancelled-to-new-home-in-24-hours thing was pretty much just a marketing stunt. No way was that all negotiated to the point of announcement within a day,
There are many reasons why any potential pick-up elsewhere might take a bit more time. For example, if David is (hopefully) juggling interest from multiple different networks, then that has to be hashed out and negotiated to make sure the best deal is reached for everyone. Also, OFMD is potentially a more complicated show to negotiate than we imagine: at a very basic level, it has a large ensemble (a large international ensemble), which would need to be discussed and negotiated, and it's filmed in New Zealand, which would need to be discussed and negotiated. That doesn't work against it in terms of 'it's more complicated, so it won't be picked up' but it could very well mean that the time needed to negotiate a pick-up is longer.
Remember: One Day At A Time had a much smaller cast (which wasn't an international cast) and it basically had one single studio set (being a sitcom), and that took three months to be saved.
I chatted with my friend, also a fan, who has worked in television production previously and is currently working as a screenwriter, and she confirmed just how much time, discussion and negotiation this stuff takes. She basically said: yep, this all takes time and this is very normal. And this is coming from someone who is very firmly in the 'I am refusing to get my hopes up because I can't bear to get hurt again' camp of trying to save the show.
On that note, I think it's important to address David's silence, because I've seen a few people panicking about that. There's a very good chance that if he is in negotiations right now (and I do not know if he is, he might not be!) then there would be a lot he wouldn't be able to talk about. And he knows that we dissect every single syllable of his posts, so posting anything would be risky. Negotiations are tricky things that involve juggling multiple balls (and torches and knives and chainsaws), and a lot of push-and-pull, back-and-forth, variables-upon-variables, and so going silent on social media would be absolutely what I would expect from him if that was happening.
It's eerie for us because we had a burst of activity from David, a lot of noise and a lot of confidence, and then...nothing. That's jarring, and anxiety-inducing. But I want us to think of it this way: David did a big post about being back in New York, about things looking up, and then he went uncharacteristically silent, which is what would happen if things were going on that he couldn't talk about. I have no idea what, if anything, might be going on, but it's important not to see this as a bad thing.
As someone on Twitter, who also works in the industry (they work as an actor) said the other day: in this business, no news is good news.
(also important to note: if he suddenly reappears on social media, that also doesn't mean that any negotiations have fallen through, and we should all panic; anything could be happening, and I know we're little anxiety gremlins - me included, bigly - but until we are definitively told that this is over and there's no hope, then it's not over and there is hope)
There's no way of knowing what is going on, or how long whatever is (or isn't) going on might take. This might be a sprint, but it could just as easily be a marathon. The show not being picked up immediately does not mean there is no hope, as we have seen with numerous other shows. Look at fandoms like Shadow and Bone, who are still fighting tooth and nail for their show because they refuse to give up on it. They haven't given up, and neither should we.
We need to decide if we love OFMD enough to fight for it long-term, to settle in for a long battle, and keep pushing for as long as it takes. And I think, as difficult as it might be, we all know that this show, and its cast and crew, is worth it.
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tsunami-of-tears · 4 months
Someplace better
Azriel x Reader
A/N: This is dark. There are no happy endings. Please read the warnings.
Wordcount: <1K
Warnings: angst doesn’t even cut it; emotionally abusive family dynamic; suicide; it does not end well, you’ve been warned.
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My mother is a horrible wench. 
We just had yet another fight that ended in screaming and tears and slammed doors. 
I thought our relationship was getting better. I was trying to open up about the struggles I’ve been having, only to have them all thrown back in my face. 
“Before you point the finger at everyone else, maybe you need to consider that you’re the problem,” she sneers. 
I’d been trying to tell her how overwhelmed I felt, that I felt stuck and couldn’t see a way out. I can feel myself starting to crack under the pressure, pieces of me splintering as I try to be everything for everyone. 
No matter how hard I try, it’s not enough. There’s always something I’m not doing, something not done right. 
‘You’re a failure and a burden,’ that little voice says, harmonising with my mother’s insults.
“I can’t help you if you won’t help yourself,” she says dismissively. 
So much for motherly love… 
Later that evening, I’m heading to the River House for a family dinner. These events have become less frequent with everyone’s busy schedules, and I’m looking forward to seeing my friends. 
Rhysand greets me at the door, pulling me into a hug. “Y/N, it’s been too long,” he smiles down at me warmly. “Everyone else is here already, come in.” 
“It’s good to see you, I’ve missed everyone,” I give Rhys a tight smile in return. 
Time appears to stop as we walk down the hallway. The awkwardness drags on for what feels like forever. My thoughts race with things I could say, but my tongue cannot form the words. Rhys notices my silence, furrowing his brows at me. I plaster a huge smile on my face, attempting to conceal my inner turmoil. I can’t tell if Rhys picks up on my forgery. 
We enter the living room which is alive with chatter between my friends. 
Mor, Feyre and Cassian are laughing together, likely about something Cassian said. 
Amren and Nesta are engaged in a heated discussion.
And then Azriel… He’s with Elain, talking softly together about gods knows what. My heart starts to crack at the sight. 
I really don’t want to get between Nesta and Amren, and I can’t face Azriel and Elain together, so I sit next to Cassian as Rhys perches on the arm of the chair beside Feyre. He leans down to kiss her softly on the top of her head and I look away quickly, the crack growing until I feel like my heart is split in two.
Cassian gives me a quick peck on the cheek as I sit before returning to his conversation with Feyre and Mor. 
I struggle to engage with anyone, feeling more alone than ever while surrounded by my chosen family. 
The rest of the night is much of the same. 
Every single word is a monumental effort. 
I’m hyper-aware of every single person around the table. Every single smile and hidden touch. I feel as if I’m watching from behind a window. I’m on the outside. Alone.
‘They’ll be fine without you,’ that little voice whispers in my ear. ‘Look how happy they are. They don’t need you. All your efforts are wasted. You are a waste.’
After dinner I bid everyone goodnight, heading up to my room. 
I miss the concerned glances between my friends, who noticed I’ve been extra quiet tonight.
I miss the shadows that follow behind me. 
I miss the way Azriel zones out from what Elain is saying as he watches me leave. 
I can’t remember the last time I stayed in this room but all my things remain untouched. Clothing, journals, even some beauty products - all where I left them. 
I pick up one of my old journals and flip through the pages. I mostly write down the bad stuff. It usually helps get the feelings out, but right now, it’s only adding to the storm that’s brewing inside me. 
I carefully set down the books in a stack on my nightstand, picking up a scrap of parchment. As I always do, I write. 
I’m sorry to do this here, tonight, but I cannot go on any longer.  I truly believe this is for the best. The world was not made for people like me. I’m far too soft.  I love you all. Y/N
I set the note down on the bed and rummage through my various medicines. I’ve always struggled to sleep, so I should have some extra tonics in here somewhere… 
I find four bottles of sleeping tonic in one of my drawers, plus the one in my pocket. 
I arrange them on the nightstand in a straight line. 
I pick up the first bottle, uncorking it and raising it in the air. 
A toast, to finding someplace better.
I bring the glass rim to my lips, chugging the clear liquid. 
One down. Just a few more. 
I make short work of the remaining bottles, though I feel a bit queasy from the sheer volume. 
As I set down the last bottle, a wisp of darkness curls around my wrist and snakes between the empty bottles. 
“You’re too late,” I tell it. 
The shadow vanishes and my eyes start to droop. 
I lay down on the bed, my entire body feeling heavy. 
As I feel myself losing the battle for consciousness, a mass of dark shadows appears next to the bed. 
He is frantic as he reaches towards me. 
So close. He was so close. 
I never get to feel those hands again as the world fades to black and I give myself over to the endless sleep. 
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A/N: I’m not gonna lie and say I’m okay when clearly I’m not, but I’m not unsafe tonight. 
Mental Health Resources*:  If you’re in immediate danger please call your country’s emergency number. Australia: Beyond Blue: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/ Mental Health Hotline: 1800 011 511 Lifeline: 13 11 14 USA:  Crisis Line (call or text): 988 UK:  Lifeline: 0808 808 8000 *If I have gotten anything wrong or if you have other resources to add, please let me know
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fbfh · 8 months
curiosity is a wonderful thing - ch. 7
wc: 2.4k
genre: slowburn, friends to lovers, fluff
pairing: audrey x ben, eventual ben x daughter of alice!reader
warnings: none I don't think?? the word biznautch (which is not a word but I'm sure tuco and saul would disagree)
summary: you and ben catch up while you walk around campus. you talk about the isle kids, and ben wishes desperately he could be as close to you as he wants to.
song recs: honey and the bee - owl city, galactic bloom - bee and puppycat ost
a/n: huzzah i am back from the dead!! (sort of). anyway definitely expect a slow trickle of sporadically posted long form fics and regularly scheduled drabbles and asks. love you guys. love that you love curiosity as much as I do. here's a fit. as a treat. :* (also expect things to get real dramatic real quick)
TAGS @yesv01 @magcon7280 @hopefullhearts @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @sunshineangel-reads @dustyinkpages @inejsknifes @tulipmagnoliaisme @ev3ningrain
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After the next day, things begin to settle down and go back to normal. The Isle kids start their remedial goodness classes, the boys try out for sports, and Mal tags along with Evie as she socializes between class periods. You find yourself running between campus and your dorm where you’d forgotten your report on your desk after the late night before, and end up feeling that you’re quite discombobulated for most of the afternoon. Ben, of course, is as busy as ever. You don’t think you’ve seen each other for more than two seconds today, and you can’t say you like when things get all frantic like this.
After classes, and after your quick detour to Wonderland, and after Ben’s meeting with Fairy Godmother and tourney practice, you try to figure out what to do until the junior royal council meeting today. Audrey will be there - if she decides to show up, that is. You also received RSVPs from Aziz, Jordan, Lonnie, and Herkie. The main topic of discussion for this meeting will be to plug in with them and get an idea of how the student body is feeling with the addition of the Isle kids to the school. If there are no major delays, Ben and Herkie should be able to get back to tourney on time to get ready for the match later. It’s going to be a huge deal - the first big game of the year - and the whole school is buzzing with excitement. 
You sit at a table outside by the school’s hedge maze, sipping some tea as you finish your homework. It’s peaceful, and the weather is ambient. Your mind zips and buzzes around like a bread and butterfly, flitting between your history of magic worksheet, where you’ll explore next time you can sneak off to Wonderland, how Ben is doing - and by proxy, how the Isle kids are doing. A warm breeze passes by you, and you can smell flowers as it swirls around. Hydrangeas maybe? No, lilacs. Definitely lilacs. You hear footsteps approaching down the cobblestone path leading to the gardens and hedge maze. When you look up, you’re surprised to see Ben in his tourney uniform. 
“Ben!” You exclaim happily, standing up and scurrying over to greet him. He opens up his arms to wrap you in a big, warm hug. He’s a little sweaty from practice, but he doesn’t smell bad. You don’t think Ben ever smells bad (maybe a little bit like wet dog when he goes swimming, but it’s not overbearing or unpleasant.)
“What are you doing here?” You ask, wondering if he’ll be able to meet all the tasks on his agenda without running late. He shrugs a little, smiling as he pulls away.
“I was nearby, I thought I’d stop by for a few minutes before getting changed for the junior council meeting.”
You smile up at him with a knowing, appreciative look. His dorm is nowhere near the gardens, and seeing you was definitely not along the way. But your heart warms that he still took some time out of his blackberry jam-packed schedule to stop by and see you. You know if you don’t walk him back to campus he’ll never get changed in time, so you gather up your stuff, tucking it somewhat neatly back in your teapot bag. 
“Well, your timing couldn’t be more impeccable, as I was just about done out here.” 
Ben chuckles a little, and you walk alongside each other towards the rest of campus. 
“So, how did tourney practice go?” You ask. You know the whole team is really excited for this game, but they’ve been putting a lot of pressure on themselves too. Ben takes in a breath before replying.
“I think we’re just about as ready as we’ll ever be.” You nod, humming in agreement as he continues. “I mean, running drills and plays is great, you can never practice enough. But unless we can actually apply the plays on the field the way we do them during practice - on a good day, at least-” 
You chuckle with him, remembering all the stories of how questionably tourney practices can end up when the other players are more focused on goofing off than improving their skills.
“That’s when we’ll actually see some improvement.” 
You nod in approval. 
“Hopefully Chad will learn how to actually complete a pass, too.”
A loud laugh bursts out of Ben. He never would have said it outloud, but you both know you were thinking it. “Yeah,” he agrees with a chuckle, “that- that would be a very good day.” 
He glances down at you, walking close beside him. Just like how you always seem to know just what he’s thinking, he’s gotten pretty good at reading your mind in that same way. He knows the question that’s rolling around the tip of your tongue, itching to get out. 
“The new transfers are doing well, too.” He nods. 
You’ve both heard countless people calling them the Isle kids, and it seems to be catching on. You and Ben had both hoped that they would be known as transfer students at most - the whole point is to help them assimilate to become part of Auradon, not constantly remind them of the past. But if there’s one thing you and Ben both know about people and politics, it’s that you can’t control public opinion. Or word of mouth. As long as they’re not bothered by it, you and Ben don’t feel it’s any issue, but you still call them transfers out of habit when speaking to each other. You just hope they’ll trust you enough to express any discomfort or upset that might arise. 
“Jay has been… crushing it at tourney.” He says with a slight chuckle and disbelieving shake of his head. 
“I can’t believe he hadn’t had an opportunity to play before now,” you agree. “Imagine how great he’d be if he’d been recruited before now.”
Ben agrees, and a resolute silence settles over the two of you for a moment. If he keeps playing and improving like he has been, Jay could easily land a spot on a pro tourney team after graduating. Ben wouldn’t be surprised if he was recruited before then. If he had been given an opportunity to play before now, he would practically have a guaranteed career handed to him. Probably more than one. It’s so terrible that his talent was wasted before now, and if he hadn’t pushed for this proclamation… 
Ben’s mind begins to wander back to the other poor kids stuck on the Isle. He knows they’re meant for more than that, that there are future doctors and activists and artists walking around there every day. Future friends that he can easily see growing into established pillars and cornerstones of the community. He gets that ache in his chest, that impulse to just say fuck it and bring everyone over at once. He curbs it as soon as it shows up. He knows that the way to make that happen, the way to repay them for all their unnecessary suffering is to make sure he puts in the work right here, right now. If he wants to bring more people over - which he fully intends to do - he has to make sure that the first four succeed. 
“Oh,” he starts, pulling out of his train of thought, turning his attention back to you. “And Carlos?”
You look at him, eager to know how he’s doing.
“You’re never going to believe this,” he starts with a chuckle, “Carlos and Duke have been inseparable for the better part of a week.” 
He watches you closely as he speaks, not wanting to miss the moment when you realize how great this is. He watches as your eyes widen and you let out a delighted gasp. 
“Really?” You exclaim. Ben is already nodding, smiling right along with you, swept up in your infectious joy.
“Yeah, I-I couldn’t believe it, I mean, he was terrified of dogs - his mother called them…” he struggles for a moment to remember the exact phrase Carlos had used. “Rabid pack animals.”
“What?” You can’t believe anyone would hate animals so much, especially enough to make someone else so deathly afraid of them. “Why on earth would she-” 
“I don’t know.” Ben finishes for you. 
“Sounds like-” 
Something Audrey would say.
You catch yourself, thinking better of it before completing the thought. 
“Oh,” you pretend to interrupt yourself with a more important thought, “how is Evie doing? She was having a difficult time in class today.” 
Ben nods sadly.
“Yeah. I spoke to Doug about it. She, uh- she was reading her answers off of something.”
“She’s probably nervous.” You add. “I mean, education isn’t exactly the Isle’s top priority…”
It’s the understatement of the century, and Ben quickly sees where you’re headed with that. If none of the Isle kids were ever in an appropriately challenging or attentive academic setting, of course Auradon Prep would be overwhelming. Ben nods, realizing the same thing.
“I’ll work with the faculty- see if I can set them up with some tutors once they’re a little more… settled in.” 
You nod, about to say something when you pause in your tracks. Ben stops, looking back at you and wondering what he missed. Before he can ask, you let out a sigh.
“Look at this!” You exclaim, gesturing to a section of brick wall encasing a topiary. It’s been painted in shades of green, purple, and black spray paint, expertly crafted into a dynamic dragon silhouette. You turn back to Ben, frustrated at all the potential going to waste on the Isle. 
“Please tell me she’s signed up for some sort of art class.” You ask, somewhat rhetorically.
Ben follows your gaze, noticing the paint that now decorates the previously barren wall. 
Ben chuckles a little, agreeing with you. 
“I’ll be sure to-”
“Oh! Did I tell you?” You exclaim, suddenly remembering something you’d been desperate to tell Ben earlier that day. Ben, used to all sorts of interesting twists and turns in conversations with you, simply files his thought away on a little post it note in his brain, and turns his attention back to you.
“I don’t know, did you?” He asks, somewhat rhetorically. 
“Do you remember how I told you about the wildflowers and their song recitals?” 
“Of course,” he nods. How could he forget anything you tell him? Especially when it’s about Wonderland?
“The poppies and the peonies have begun to argue over who’s going to sing the alto solo in the second verse.” You state as intensely and dramatically as if you were recounting the most mind boggling argument you’ve ever seen. As you recount the increasingly petty arguments between the flowers, the clashing of their personalities, Ben realizes this probably is the most mind boggling drama you’ve ever seen. 
Ben listens intently as you describe the clashing personalities of and different cliques forming among the Wonderland wildflowers. His heart sinks a little in that way it always tends to when you talk about Wonderland. He wishes he could go there with you. It breaks his heart that he’ll never be able to see it first hand, that you’ll never get to show it to him. He wants more than anything to be able see where you’re from, to take it the wonder. He knows how much it would mean to you, which is more than reason enough. Besides, he feels like if he could just go there, if he could stand in the same place where you feel most at home, he feels like he could really, finally understand it. Understand you. 
But he knows it’s too dangerous. You both do. He just wishes you had someone to protect you, to keep you safe. 
“Is it dangerous there?” He had asked you once. “No.” You’d replied with a coy smile. “Not if you know what you’re doing.”
“Do you?” He had teased. You laughed. You nudged him with your shoulder. 
“As much as I know my tea.” 
That settled it for him.
He knows that even if you did have some sort of bodyguard with you down there with you, you’d be the one protecting them. 
“Oh, by the by,” your voice pulls him from his train of thought as you approach the school. “Don’t worry about those papers for the next council meeting, I’ll drop them off for you.” 
He had completely forgotten about that. 
“Are you sure?” He starts to ask, but you’re already playfully waving his concern away. 
“Pish tosh.” You state.
“Okay…” he concedes, chuckling at your turn of phrase. 
“I wasn’t done.” You state, with a humorously serious expression. 
“Pish tosh, fish wash, bish bosh, coin toss.” 
His chuckle has turned into full blown laughter.
“Car floss, hair loss, kiss squash, witch watch, biznautch.” You finish. “It’s bad luck not to say the whole thing.” You counter. 
“I’ll… I’ll remember that, bunny.” You nod your head curtly. “Here, uh-”
He fumbles through his bag for the papers to hand you, which you accept happily. 
“Right…” you tuck them into your teapot, pulling out your messy, worn in planner. It always has a million things sticking out of it and falling out from between the pages. Every time you take it out, Ben thinks it looks so… frazzled. 
“Right right right,” you mutter, making a noise when you find what you’re looking for. “So. I drop off the papers, check on the party planning committee, then a quick dip down and back in time for the tourney match.” 
You look at Ben for approval, making sure you hadn’t forgotten something. He nods.
“Yes. And I am going to go check on the transfers-”
“Text me and update, please?” You ask sweetly. Ben knows you don’t have great reception in Wonderland - but more than that, you usually wind up so engrossed that you forget you even have a phone. Despite this, you love coming back up to Overland to be met with a flurry of texts from Ben. Random thoughts, reminders he worried he’d forget, and anything else flitting across his mind between when you left and where you were.
“Of course,” Ben smiles, then continues. “Check on transfers, meet up with Audrey, warm up and practice with the team, then it’s game time.” 
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” You state, reassuring him you’ll be back in time no matter what. You look down at the rabbit hole opening up at your feet, then back up at Ben.
“Either of them.”
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