#maybe next time I won't need to use as many health potions
animemeg27 · 1 year
gauntlet of shar and moonrise towers have been the most stressful and rage inducing part of bg3 for me so far lmao
I don't remember the last time I've been so annoyed at a game like it's to the point I think I might just switch to easy mode instead of normal mode on my next play through;;;;;;
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mrsseverussnape · 3 years
Love Is You - chapter 4
 a/n: Finally i am posting this in a normal hour😂 Re-editing the chapters are taking way more time than i expected but i think it’s worth it. If you have any questions about the characters or the storyline, don’t hesitate to ask me!
Ps: are we wondering when we will get lighter and happy themed moodboards😂
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    Couple of days have passed since the divorce suit. As expected, everyone in the Ministry has found out what happened between Scarlett, Sirius and Arabelle. Because Arabelle couldn't stop talking about it like it was her victory. But her victory didn’t live long; since she was just a secretary at Auror's Department and Sirius was being the head of the department, he fired her without a second thought. Nobody could disrespect his Scarlett the way Arabelle did. Though Arabelle didn’t seem very upset by this act which made Sirius even more annoyed with her. Already Sirius has become very furious at work after the divorce and he was making it hell for everybody around him. It was very unlikely of him though; he was the funniest around, but now he was just shouting and cursing at everyone.
    Scarlett was in the other hand. She was diagnosed with depression at St. Mungo’s, she was not doing very well but she was harming herself rather than the people around her. Leo had to turn back to New York for work after his one week leave even he didn’t want to leave his mother, so Carina took Scarlett with her to Hogwarts. Because when she was alone, she was not taking her pills but having alcohol almost every day which actually she shouldn’t have. Because of that someone had to keep a close watch on her for her own safety and health. Staying Hogwarts seemed like a good idea to the twins because when Carina was too busy, Remus was taking care of Scarlett since he was working at Hogwarts too. This whole cheating and divorce situation was really hard for Remus as well because he was close friends with both Scarlett and Sirius for years and he has never seen them like that before.
"Mum after the dinner i and Professor Snape will work, we need to make some potions and rearrange the shelves. Come and help us huh?"
"He won't want me there, i will stay here."
"I asked him earlier, he accepted. And mum you can't stay in the room forever, it is not helping you."
"Apparently we changed the roles, you are the mum now Carina."
"I am trying to help mum..."
Scarlett nodded unwillingly; she didn’t want to upset Carina. "Okay fine i will come but if I feel uncomfortable, I will leave."
Carina smiled happily. "Deal! But first we should eat dinner, you passed the lunch but you have to eat now."
    Half an hour later they were heading to the potion’s classroom in the dungeons. Scarlett was quite nervous but trying to keep it cool. Carina opened the door for her and invited Scarlett in then followed her.
"Hello professor." Carina smiled to the black-haired man who was already making a potion.
"Hi." He said looking up at them while stirring the potion.
Severus was nervous as well. He hasn't seen Scarlett for almost 30 years except that one time, like a week ago, when she has come to see Carina. They have made a good job about avoiding each other for so long.
"You two didn't meet properly yet. That's my mum Scarlett and th-"
Scarlett cut her off before she could finish her sentence. "We know each other Carina."
Carina was confused, she has always talked about Professor Snape and her mum hasn’t said a word. "From where? You haven't told me that."
"We were… We were classmates." She mumbled, all the memories were coming back slowly and she wasn’t ready for them.
Severus Snape nodded without giving any further information and put a chair next to his desk for Scarlett to sit since she was trying to lean onto the desk tiredly.
"Thanks." Scarlett sat down and started to watch the two potioneers.
"Okay then, that's cool. Was mum good at potions class, Professor?" Carina asked while preparing ingredients for the potion that she was about to make.
"She was good, she was a very good student overall. She was one of the bests of our time."
"Potions wasn't my brightest class but i had Severus as my partner." Scarlett smiled ever so slightly for the first time in weeks, she has remembered the class where she has turned his hair rainbow colours in an accident.
Carina was very happy to see that tiniest smile on her face. "We learnt that you are good at potions mum, you can stir the potion while i am cutting those herbs."
Scarlett stood up to stir it but her hands were shaky and she got quite dizzy after she stood up which Carina noticed.
"Mum did you take your pills? You were supposed to take them after the dinner, I have handed them to you…"
"No... I will go and take them before you scold me." She walked out of the classroom before Carina could say anything.
Carina sighed at her mother’s behaviour.
"Is she alright…?" Snape asked trying to hide the worried tone of his voice.
"Not really. Actually, in the worst condition i have ever seen her... But i think seeing an old friend was good to her, she talked a little bit even i saw a glimpse of a smile. Maybe you can spend some time together?"
Snape paused for a moment, he wasn’t expecting a question like this at all.
"It was just an idea; you don't have to do it..."
"I... I would like to help." Snape mumbled unsurely; he would like to spend some time with Scarlett but he was also very nervous about it.
"Thank you so much professor, I really appreciate it." Carina was smiling happily when Scarlett came back silently and sat on the chair once again.
"Took the pills?"
Scarlett nodded as yes and started to look around. The classroom hasn’t changed much, only there were many more shelves now. Then a candle tin caught her eyes on Snape's desk. She took the red tin that has a rose drawing on it. Snape has noticed what she was doing and kept watching her carefully. Scarlett took the lid off and saw the fully burnt candle. That moment they caught each other’s eyes for the first time in years and had the same flashback.
"Sev, i made this candle for you! There are rose petals in it and i added couple drops of my perfume. Whenever you are away and miss me just burn the candle; it will smell just like me." 20 years old Scarlett giggled cutely.
"Thanks love. You've even drawn a rose on the lid, a scarlet rose." Severus said while hugging her tightly and inhaled her rosy scent in, how much he loved that scent.
"My first thought was putting my own photo on it but then ended up with the rose so it wouldn’t be as creepy." She laughed.
"I'd love your photo too." He kissed her lips softly. "I hope I will never have to burn this candle, ever."
"Why are you still keeping this?" Scarlett asked suddenly.
Carina was surprised by her mother's bold question; she was not the kind of woman who likes to involve things that are none of her business so that question was very unlikely of her. Also Carina was afraid of her professor’s reaction, he truly hated when someone touches his stuff without asking but she hoped her mum could get the friend pass.
"It has a memory that I would like to keep." Snape answered casually and walked to the potion shelves while trying to ignore her eyes.
Scarlett didn't say anything else and put the tin back on his desk. She was surprised that he still had it, why would he want to keep that yet alone burnt it even though he didn’t want her in his life. While she was thinking about these, Severus was lost in his own thoughts. Scarlett's presence had brought all the emotions that he was craving for years. And here she was sitting right there but he was scared to talk or even look at her. He kept arranging the shelves to distract himself from her while Carina made some potions to renew the old ones for a while.
"Professor i finished the potions you asked for, do you need any help there?"
Carina's voice brought him back to reality from his mind. "No, no thank you. If you are all done, you can leave. That’s all for tonight."
"Okay professor, have a good night." Carina smiled and packed her stuff.
"Good night." Severus said silently while still avoiding Scarlett’s gaze.
 Carina and Scarlett went back to their room and started to get ready for the bed.
"Mummy why did you ask him that question about the candle? It was so random."
Scarlett just shrugged her shoulders while brushing her copper coloured locks.
"It made him, i dunno, kind of sad? Probably it was a gift from a loved one. But to be honest it always caught my eye too because the look of it screams -you-."
Scarlett didn't answer to that as well and just laid down on the bed.
"Mum you are so talkative tonight..." Carina sighed while getting into the bed with her.
"I have a headache Carrie, i just want to sleep." Scarlett lied, she was not in the mood of talking about this at all.
"Okay, sweet dreams mama." Carina kissed her cheek.
"Sweet dreams baby."
Scarlett closed her eyes but the memories didn't let her to fall asleep, it would be a long night.
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