#maybe its just me but id rather be seeing cool accurate chimera moonpaws instead of looking her up and seeing
wicked-west-cats · 4 months
seeing the news: moonpaw is very cute.... dumb and inaccurate chimera thing tho but this is battle cats so lbr lol (plus i do like the dark side of the moon imagery idea so ill let it slide....even tho split face is just normal tortie markings)
also i hate to break it to yall but the series would need a total and complete rework and overhaul where the clans break apart and reform in order to escape the incest problem currently in the series just because of how much of firestars dna has injected itself everywhere >>;;
the authors clearly dont keep proper track of the family trees (they have a lot of cats to keep track of i get it) and i dont think it needs to constantly be this major talking point we all know it, its not ideal, but theres more interesting things to discuss about the character reveal for moonpaw imo
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