#maybe it’s my love for Carlos but I kinda doubt it. w/e.
idk-my-aesthetic · 4 years
Literally only seen like 3 memes about cr*ella and I lowkey regret reblogging any of them. I literally don’t want to see anything about it. I’ve never gotten so fed up with a movie so quickly to the point where I don’t even want to see people making fun of it
I don’t even know why but I absolutely hate this movie. I literally have no justifiable reason just seeing Emma stone in that ugly ass wig is filling me with a sort of incomprehensible anger. Like there are legit reasons to dislike this movie but none of them are why I’m angrey it just somehow activates the fight of my flight or fight response. I don’t even hate Emma stone but I literally h8 this movie with everything inside my soul
If u like it I’m glad u can find joy in something I can’t but also I’m going to go punch a wall now
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