#maybe it is PMS. idk. maybe it's God asking me to step back but not fully away? but I don't see how that can work
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it's like I can't enjoy anything at all. I can't care about anything because it's always going to go bad. I'm always going to have to choose between having a relationship with God, or the things that I enjoy, and it's so frustrating.
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ooglyboooglybitxh · 2 years ago
Since y'all asked😭:
𝐍𝐚𝐡𝐢𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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mom!shuri, mom!reader reader & shuri’s child
contains: HOLY FLUFF, a little bit of angst, kissing mentioned
[]: Born: Nahir M/N Udaku, July 23, 2022, 4 pounds, Sex: Male, Blood Type, AB positive, Allergies: None
[]: He has Y/n’s long frizzy hair and Shuri’s face. Like if you were to look at both of them side by side you’d think they’re twins
[]: He can eat spicy shit, i mean it comes from his Dominican and African side. So he aint really phased by it
(A/N: bro the other day my mom flamed me for not finding anything spicy and she said: “Thats bc your nigerian mf, you are from africa” ��� and idk really eat african food fr so i wouldn’t know if it’s spicy or not😭)
But anyways💀 back 2 the headcanon
[]: If he wakes up before Shuri and Y/n he’ll climb out his crib and get on the bed and start bothering them until they give him his needs. He’ll tug on Y/n’s hair and hit Shuri.
[]: he LOVES Riri and Riri ADORES him. If Shuri and Y/n need a break she’ll always be willing to take him unless she’s busy.
[]: He will NOT go to sleep without his turtle plushie and if the turtle’s being washed he’ll probably be willing to sleep with one of his spider man plushies but usually Y/n washes his plushies together at the same time. So he won’t go to sleep until their done washing.
[]: he LOVESSSSS baths especially when he gets to use the bubbles, oh yep- its a wrap he’ll be in there for about 20 mins tops. after his done getting his bath he’ll play until he has to get out.
[]: He has this like thing for turtles… he loves them why?. Only God knows.
[]: The first time he ever stepped into Shuri’s Lab. God this boy didnt keep still at all he kept touching everything.
*Nahir giggles* as he crawls around Shuri’s lab
he crawls over to the molding station and Shuri immediately snatches him away from the area
“NO! shit, here just sit by me ok?…stay” Shuri says sitting him down on the chair next to her station, trying to keep him away from dangerous things and objects around the lab.
Shuri turns back to the console now completely focused on the console. Nahir sneaks away quietly and crawls to the hallway
“Panther, Nahir is in the hallway” Griot says warning Shuri
Shuri immediately runs after Nahir and grabs him from behind
*Nahir giggles* at Shuri’s firm hands tickling him while she picks him up
“Where are you going?. Eh, little one?” she says putting her on the same chair.
She stares at him for a second slowly turning back to the console and Nahir tries to move again but Shuri catches him
“Aht Aht” She grunts grabbing him as she gets an idea
She adjusts her Kimoyo Beads to Child Mode, as she does this her child reaches for her wrist wondering what the thing is glowing on her wrist
“Ehh” Nahir whines reaching for his mother
“Hang on” Shuri reassures him
She slides the beads off her wrists and gently grabs her son’s wrists, gently sliding them onto his.
“mmm” Nahir coos becoming interested in the beads tapping on them
Shuri does know how but he opens a game after a couple more taps, thinking she would have to turn on the game for him
“Brilliant..” She says as her eyes widen
She smiles softly at her son’s quick wits figuring out how to work the Kimoyo Beads at 7 MONTHS!?.
maybe just maybe….. he’d be as smart as his mother one day. As she thinks that her smile grows wider kissing her son’s forehead.
[]: When ever he gets angry at Y/n he’ll nudge into her or hit her and Y/n makes a death face at Nahir. And in fright he’ll coo into her or hug her basically apologizing
“yeah thats what i thought”
[]: He watched Lilo & Stitch and boy he lovesssss Stitch after he watched it he was pretending to be Stitch
“iiiii” Nahir yells flopping around on the bed
Shuri and Y/n chuckles
Y/n checks her phone:
10:09 pm
“Time for bed mhijo” (son) Y/n says to Nahir.
“ehhh” Nahir whines and pouts
[]: Y/n and Nahir stay up late often to watch tv and eat snacks while Shuri sleeps through all the noise knowing it’s them causing racket.
[]: If a character in a movie is sad or something he’ll go: “aww” which is so adorable to witness 🥹🥹
[]: whenever he has nightmares in the middle of the night he’ll cry loudly, waking up his parents
if its Shuri she’ll immediately jump out her sleep and pick him up
“Shhhh its okay unyana i’m here stop crying its ok”(son) Shuri says trying to calm down her son she picks up his turtle plush and tries to give it to him.
If its Y/n she’ll grab him, lay him on her chest and rub his back.
“It's ok Mhijo“ she says rubbing his back
[]: He hates it when Shuri and Y/n Kiss. Like he actually loathes that shit😭. If he’s near them when they kiss he’ll yell and hit the both of them😭. If he’s far away he’ll throw something at them and NOT MISS!!!😤
[]: So he has this “My Friend Miles Morales” plushie that if you squeeze that chest he talks and makes noises. He hates that shit. So Shuri notice this and when he was taking a nap she took the plushie down to her lab and removed the voice box and when he noticed the voice box was out he was so happy. And Shuri’s heart warmed over the feeling of knowing her son was so happy
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I am so sorry if this was too short😭
tbh i don’t like writing short shit bc it just makes me feel weird like idk😭
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but dont be spamming ma shi tho😹
-💙 @ooglyboooglybitxh
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pumpkinsy0 · 3 months ago
Something that always sticks out to me in the book is that Ponyboy is religious and goes to church with Johnny (but then the gang RUINS that 😒😒) so perhaps some hcs for ponyboy going to church for the first time since that whole embarrassing moment anddd maybe curly is with him, hell maybe somehow curly the person to convince pony to go again? Idk I was thinking about this cause I'm in a church choir (just for their Christmas show, I've never even stepped foot in this church 😭😭) and it got me thinking. Also, i am putting pony in church choir and NO ONE can tell me otherwise (OOC? maybe. But let a girl dream)
dude i havent stepped into a church since i lost my 3ds in one, and ikkkk someone stole it but theyre going to hell for sure so its ok, im not religious but if i was thats the one thing im holding on for
•i hc that the shepards mom is super religious but she only actually goes to church for particular days, christmas eve, easter, yknow that kinda thing, and she drags her kids w her. now r the shepard kids religious???? some more a lil more than others depending on who ur asking, but curly specifically, least religious one, he just loves his mama and wants to hang w her, what a mamas boy that guy is
•pony was thinking of going back to church eventually, and curly knew pony used to go, so he just asked!! pony was hesitant bc he doesn’t have anything TO wear to church, but curly let him borrow some clothes from him and it took some more convincing bc if going to church w his gang was hell he could only imagine it w the shepard, but curly assured him they don’t do much
•of course johnny went a long way pony, johnny really had nothing better to do and he would go to church to get some food, johnny also didn’t have clothes and curlys clothes were NOT gonna fit him, so he just went w his normal outfit. curly said the people at the church don’t rlly mind WHAT u wear as long as ur there, so johnny didn’t feel as awkward about it for sure
•now the church wasn’t in a good condition like pony’s old church, it was in a basement (my old church was too lmaoooo) but pony’s not complaining, a church is a church in his eyes so it’s whatever, but one thing he made sure of when he was in there was that he was way from the shepards mom, tim, and angela for they scare him. semi thankfully tho, curly pulled pony and johnny to be in a different pew behind em, this is like the first time he’s actually been alright just being in a church and it’s bc he has friends!!!
•the pastor made pony and johnny stand up and introduce themselves bc they were new there, they were soooo uncomfortable curly knew that was gonna happen and didn’t warn em he wanted to see the color in their faces drain, pony said his name and they thought pony was trynna b funny, pony’s already wanting to run out the door
•when the service starts if u thought curly was gonna sit there and do nothing, ur wrong, ITS NOT BC PONYS THERE, curlys always acted up in church, pony being there just makes it worse, pony’s trying to pray and curlys whispering his name. doesn’t last for long tho bc tim turned around and smacked curly w a bible. pony would die to see that again btw
•pony’s not saying that the ppl at church can’t play their instruments well, it’s just WOW they’re passionate about it, pony respects the hustle cause the songs they sing r bangers, bonus points if curly gets to play an instrument and that’s y he wanted pony to come along
•that church service was long as shit, usually pony’s at church for 2 or 3 hours, but pony got there in the morning, and left at 5 god damn pm, his ass HURT, but aye,,, the food was worth it,,,pony and johnny got some leftovers plus some purse candy from aunties/grannies who went up to em after squeezing their faces
•at the end of it all, does pony go back to that church??? noooo not rlly, it’s not even a bad church, pony just can’t do a whole DAY of church, at some point he just wants to go home his social battery ain’t that good
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melodyrosierrr · 2 years ago
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Dancing duo
Hyunjin x reader
genre: fluff, flirting
warning: no warnings unless you dont like… flirting? 😭
word count: no idea 🥲
A/N: this is my first imagine? one shot? idk but it’s my first time posting here on tumblr! this was requested by my friend so hopefully she likes it, so this ones for youuuu 🫶🏼
it’s your second month as a trainee here at JYPE. the two months have been tough but in the best way possible
you and 3 other trainees got assigned to do a duo dance with an experienced idol from the entertaiment, and of course, you got hyunjin. luckily stray kids arent busy with comebacks, so you have time to practice.
it’s currently friday 5:32 pm and you’re on the way to the practice room, you got it for ourselves. you’re running a bit late but that’s okay, or so you hope so. you arrive a couple minutes later and you slowly walk in, and looking in - and you see him, you see hyunjin already warming up. “i’m sorry for being late, i forgot we had the room today” you said out loud in a low tone as he looks at you with a comforting smile, “that’s okay, but make sure to check your schedule next time” he says jokingly letting out a chuckle.
you like hyunjin. well, you don’t like like him, not in that way, and even if you did, it wouldnt matter. he’s way too popular for you and he’s one of the seniors. you havent even debuted yet. so even if you had crush on him, it wouldnt go anywhere. but he’s so pretty. you look at him and observes the way he is setting up the speaker. him in his grey sweatpants and black t shirt. he’s so.. god this practice is gonna be harder than you thought
you drop your bag on the floor beside the mirror and you immediately get to practicing, he leads the way and makes sure you’re comfortable. as a trainee in the same entertainment company as hyunjin, the opportunity to dance alongside someone as captivating as him, filled you with a mixed feelings of excitement and nervousnes. espically now that it’s hyunjin.
10 minutes into practicing
“you’re too tense here” he grabs your shoulders softly “you need to breathe out with your chest” he softly pushes down my shoulder as you start letting out your breath. he gives you a smile and nods softly “i’m not here to judge, only to help”.
you automatically felt more confident. right when the music started again, hyunjin and you moved together smoothly, your bodies fitting together and making each step more exciting. the tension that simmered between you. there was an unspoken chemistry that made your stomach bubble. his scent, his pressure and the way he held you. it was a feeling you havent felt before.
your movements became an intricate language, you moved together in a way that showed how you felt without talking. but midway through the dance, you felt hyunjins hand gazing a spot on you side, which made a giggle escape your lips. Hyunjin looked surprised yet intrigued, he couldn't help but inquire, "what’s so funny?" he asks tilting his head slightly
you felt a bit shy, maybe a bit embarrassed. you confessed with a bashful smile, "it tickled." he looks a bit confused at you in the beginning but then gets it “ahh, when i accidentally touched your side”. you give a him a shy nod
Hyunjin looked at you with a mischievously smile. you looked back at him with a slightly confused look at your face, “why are you looking at me like that?” before you could even think, you felt his hand swiftly move back to your side, tickling the sides of your torso as you break out in a laughter
Unbeknownst to your, the other members of stray kids, bangchan, lee know, changbin, han, felix, seungmin and jeongin, had quietly entered the room, their eyes filled with amusement as they watched the two of you. you quickly stopped what you were doing, looking at them with surprised faces.
bangchan, with a knowing smile, remarked “looks like the dance moves aren't the only things causing sparks in here” and then of course lee know playfully nudged hyunjin, “your dancing partner seems to have quite the effect on you. dont let it distract you too much eh!” you look over at hyunjin and you watch him rolling his eyes at lee know - which made you chuckle and look back down
han, never one to hold back, added with a cheeky grin, "are we witnessing the birth of a new dance couple? i’m already picturing the headlines." changbin hopped on that one, "i always thought i could sense the tension between the two of you. It's like watching a dance of unspoken desires."
so cheesy.
caught off guard by their playful teasing, you found yourself blushing and look back up at hyunjin, you lean a bit into him and lowly speaks while facing him “are they always like that?”. “if you’re gonna talk about us, can you least whisper it? or be more sneaky about it?” seungmin said out loud, the room filled with laughter at seungmins joke.
“but let us see the dance” jeongin said while sitting down on the couch thats sat up against the wall. you look a bit around, being unsure about it. “i dont kn-“. felix interrupted you, “we wont tease anymore, we promise” he said promisingly. you couldnt help but give up when you saw the look on their faces. “finee but no teasing, i mean it”
they all said back on the couch, some of them on the floor and looked at you and hyunjin, waiting for you to start. he then turned to your, looking deep yet playfully into your eyes. “dont be shy, you’re good.. for a trainee”. you playfully smack his arm and looked back into his eyes “and you’re good, for a guy.” he squirted his eyes at you and slowly nodded.
as the music started and the both of you were about to dance, hyunjins mischievous side again took over and with a sly grin, he suddenly lunged forward, his fingers outstretched, aiming for your ticklish spot. you let out a squeal, desperately trying to evade his tickling hands, but he was relentless. "hyunjin, no fair!" you exclaimed with a laugh, “i can't dance properly if you keep tickling me!”. “good for a guy, what does that even mean?!” he said, not stopping his evil tickling.
“HYUNJIN!” you screamed out with a laugh, and he slowly stopped, holding his eye contact with you, both of you letting out small chuckles, forgetting the other members were in the same presence as the two of you.
“ehem ehem” seungmin said out loud. you and hyunjin snapped out of the moment and quickly step aside each other, you find yourself looking down from the embarrassment. “no teasing no teasing” lee know annoyingly teased us with an annoying voice as the other members erupted in laughter.
bangchan chimed in, "well damn, looks like hyunjin found a way to break the tension. who knew tickling could be such an effective technique?"
you started blushing. you really started to blush, like to the point where you could feel your cheeks heating up. hyunjin then walked up the door, opened it and looked at the members. they quickly got the hint and han groaned while standing up with the others.
“have funn~” changbin said as hyunjin playfully punched his arm. they all finally left and you dropped down on the couch. hyunjin then came back to you and sat down beside you, leaning back snd getting comfy on the couch. turning your head to look at him, you see he’s already looking at you. it made the both of you to break out in a precious laughter. “well that was something” you said, turning your head once again, looking away from him this time.
a comfortable silence was between us.
“hey, how about we practice again tomorrow. same time. i can most likely have the room for ourselves again.”. you turn your attention to him and slowly nods with a reassuring smile, “thats okay with me but what do we do now? we still have the room for another 2 hours”. you said, genuinely not knowing what to do in the meanwhile. “we could go on a walk. i know a place with no people”. he said excitingly.
“i would like that”.
did he mean like a date? or just a walk like friends? doesn’t matter. you’re spending alone time with hyunjin, foreal this time.
“come on, get up!” he stood up, dragging you up from the couch.
maybe it’s not that bad having a crush on Hwang Hyunjin. maybe, it could even work out. maybe it could even go somewhere between you. only maybe, though.
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[ Eek first post X3 ]
[ writing below cut! ]
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Trigger warnings ! !
Physical abuse (nothing major!)
Verbal abuse (maybe idk)
Mentions of Blood
Graphic descriptions
There may be more but I forgot.
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The Incident
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"I think the little man wants to give Fredbear a big kiss!" The words echoed moments before disaster. It all happened so quickly, Michael barely even processed it.
The horrifying crunch, the sound of bones breaking, adults gasping and kids screaming, whether it was because they realized what happened or they were too caught up in having fun.
Police sirens wailed behind him. It was all so loud, Michael's head spun, and he felt dizzy and sick.
He wasn't sure how he could come up with such a stupid idea: the animatronic was obviously powered on and moving, so of course it would've been dangerous one way or another.
Of course they all blamed him— he was the leader, and it was mostly his idea. He wishes it wasn't, though.
His sister was in the room when it happened, poor Elizabeth. Michael hoped that Chris would be okay.
The party ended as soon as the incident happened. Michael's mother brought him and Elizabeth to the car, he couldn't help but look back at what he had done. He was so sorry, but he knew sorry wouldn't cut it with anyone, especially not his dad.
William stayed behind to talk to the police while his wife, Michael's mother, drove them home. It was silent the whole way though, she sobbed quietly. Michael could hear her.
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When they arrived at their house, she didn't even say anything to Michael, and Elizabeth glared at the boy.
"Why would you do that?" Her voice irritated, he could tell she was on the verge of tears. Michael didn't look at her. He felt ashamed. She balled her fists up. She was so angry, and she had a right to be.
Michael didn't respond, the guilt weighing heavy over him. The thought of Chris being dead because of his stupid actions hurt him more.
Elizabeth ran out of the living room and up the stairs to her room. Michael stayed behind, taking a seat on the couch and holding his Foxy mask in his hands, the blood on the front a painful reminder.
He stayed there for hours. No one came out of their room, and William didn't return yet. He stared at the mask for God knows how long.
It was 11:30 pm when William finally came home. He seemed angry and annoyed. The man looked at Michael on the couch. Michael looked back.
Michael didn't say a word-it'd only make the situation worse.
"Michael." William says, his tone showing his disappointment. He stepped forward and back handed the boy.
"What the HELL were you thinking!!!!" William shouted. The man was so angry, you could compare him to a dragon blowing steam from its nostrils.
"Father I-" Before Michael even got the chance to speak, William interrupted.
"Don't fucking speak, Michael, you just cost me a fucking restaurant!!!" William shouted. He pinched his nose bridge, sighing with irritation. William talked about how it would ruin his reputation and the cost to pay for any of Chris' medical treatments. He finally mentioned that they'd be visiting him tomorrow before leaving to go to his room.
Michael sighed and got up from the couch, leaving the living room to go to bed. When he got there, he set his Foxy mask on the bedside table before lying in bed. He doesn't sleep right away.
The next morning William pulled Michael out of bed. The man seemed upset that he had to be the one to do it, like his wife told him he had to.
Michael got dressed as soon as William left his room, then followed the rest of them out to the car.
The ride to the hospital was quiet. Elizabeth sat in the seat furthest to Michael; out of the four of them, he was sure she was the angriest about the incident.
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When they arrived, William asked for the room number they were supposed to go to. Once he obtained that information, he led the way to the room.
Michael stayed outside while the rest of the family went in. He needed time to think of what to say. He was so scared; he felt so terrible.
Once everyone else left the room, about 1 or 2 hours maybe, Michael went in. He still had no clue what to say. He wasn't even sure Chris would make it... he just hoped so.
Michael carefully picked up his brother's hand. He let out a few tears—not too many though. He wasn't supposed to cry, he was too big for crying.
"Can you hear me?.."
"I- I don't know if you can hear me.."
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
Michael said quietly. He set his brother's hand down carefully, his tears showing on the white sheets.
The monitor beeping was unsettling to him. The thought of it flat lining terrified him. He didn't want his brother to die.
He stayed a while longer, an hour or two. The monitor kept a steady beat for a while. It was fine–until it wasn't.
The heart monitor stopped beeping and emitted a continuous hum. A nurse came in and told Michael to leave. So he did. The family was waiting outside, except for William.
The nurses informed Michael's mother of the news, Michael was still taken by surprise.
He couldn't believe it. His brother was dead, never coming home, and it hurt him. Elizabeth held onto Chris' bear; she brought it along for comfort, but it didn't seem to be doing that anymore.
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[Blegh okay I'm done writing ,weeeeoeee]
Divider credits !!
I forgot which was which ^^'
Fnaf divider
Fnaf divider
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somesadguysdiary · 1 year ago
10:55 PM GMT, Sunday 24th March 2024
I realise I completely forgot about this for most of the month, but eh, I warned that I would.
Anyway, I'm only posting because I feel like I've just had an epiphany.
One of my new friends (not mentioned in the freinds post) recently put me onto a web comic and after reading episode 103-104 I realised something. I realised where a lot of my feelings of inadequacy come from.
Growing up, a lot of the things I liked to do or wanted to be good at were restricted or discouraged. Playing video games? Limited to 2 hours a day and I barely get that. Singing? Too girly, not allowed to continue. Sports? I was too fat so I wasn't allowed to play with the other kids. Music? Too loud when I practice so I have to stop. Baking? I'm banned from cooking in the kitchen because "I leave it in a big mess". Drawing? Not as important as studying. Being good at doing others' makeup? Also way too girly. Chess? My step granddad was better than me so I was discouraged. Acting? Deemed a waste of time.
Anything I took interest in, I wasn't able to fully develop or do at all, so I ended up with a barely surface level understanding of lots of things. Meanwhile, all of my friends were able to fully explore what they wanted and developed their skills as a result. All of my music freinds? Better than me. All of my theatre friends? Better than me, etc, etc.
Die to not being able to develop any skills in things I liked, I ended up being surrounded by people who were better than me at anything i tried, and it felt bad. It still feels horrible. Couple that with academic gifted kid syndrome and not having many friends, if any at all, you get a big ball of unresolved inner turmoil, self doubt, shame and self hatred. I hate that I can't do as much as anyone around me. I hate that whenever I say I can do something, there's always a freind that can do it better and then I look like I was arrogant by saying I was good at that thing. I don't hate my freinds, I hate me.
So now I'm stuck with the feeling that I can't do anything right, so I don't try anymore. I just give up as soon as there's any difficulty because that means I can't do it.
And whenever people try and console me about it I refuse that they're correct. I've heard it all before and it hasn't worked. Not because the advice doesn't work but because I won't let it. I push people away when they offer me help and then when I tell them to leave, they leave, when I really did want help, I really did want to be better. But I keep being too stupid and pigheaded that I don't let them, and then they get annoyed and leave. Because of me.
I mean hell, the only reason I started this blog is because I don't have anyone to voice these concerns to and if I do, I don't want to bother them or bring down their mood. I made this whole post about needing or wanting help and I can't even ask for it.
God I'm useless.
Or not...
Actually yeah, that's a good point.
I can just use this blog to help with that issue.
I can use this to congratulate myself or whatever whenever I do something good, like asking for help or stopping being so useless. This way I can work on that and push less people away.
I just need to clear my mind, and look at this from another perspective. I need to stop blaming other people and I need to stop making excuses for myself.
If I work on it bit by bit, then maybe I can come out of this on the other side as someone who is actually happy with who they are!
Idk where to start though.
I guess I could start by hanging out with my freinds more? Or maybe I can tell them about the things I thought about in this post? I could even try out getting better at something gradually, like baking, though it is expensive... I mean I could try practicing the drums- or both!
I would have to do this behind my step dad's back though, considering he's the one that banned me from using the kitchen.😑
Anyway, this post turned out to be more therapeutic than anything, thank you for reading my self hating, weirdly self-insuring post! And if no one but me reads this, at least I voiced these feelings rather than containing them- HOLY SHIT THAT'S WHERE I'LL START.
Anyways, BYYYEEEE.
-Some Sad Guy (SSG)
11:20 PM GMT, Sunday 24th March 2024
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vonlipvig · 2 years ago
Ranking the Not For Broadcast epilogues from happiest to bleakest, in a completely subjective and possibly contradicting fashion, because Man Some Of These Are Bad In Wildly Different Ways:
(Below the cut, because obviously, spoilers)
The 'Actually Good' Tier:
An Accord: My first epilogue, and to me, the canon ending in my heart. This one truly has it all--the truth has been exposed, democracy has been restored, and of course, the team is back together again. Maybe politically it doesn't sound quite as immediately great as the next one, but it's a step in the right direction, and c'mon, seeing Jeremy and Megan fills me with absolute joy.
A Brighter Future: PM Katie Brightman would have my vote for sure! Universal Basic Income, 4-day workweek, climate change being taken seriously, territorial independence, and more? Yeah, sign me up! Also, it seems to be set in a distant future, since this is Katie's third term as PM, which means it's really been working! Only thing bumping this one down from the top is that Jeremy is dead, so it's a rather bittersweet victory for everyone.
A New Leaf: Hey, Bannon! You're alive! Regardless of whatever ordeal he's been through, it's great to see him back (and finally as an anchor! Took the gang going to jail for it to happen, but oh well lmao). This one is pretty similar to the last one, with Katie being the frontrunner, and we have Julia being put to trial, which is deserved. Pretty alright, as endings go.
The Middle Ground: What is the most neutral ending doing this far up? Well, it gets Worse lmao. But yeah, this one is honestly a bit similar to An Accord, expect that poor Jeremy isn't offered his job back. Still, we've got democracy being respected, the news are showing the Actual News, so in my book it's pretty alright as well!
The 'Hmmm' Tier:
A Renewed Mandate: Here it starts to get a bit...hmm. Julia gets reelected, which...I wouldn't have, personally, but hey, that's democracy for you (unless there's trickery going on which oof imagine). But at least it seems that things are not as terrible as they could be. Sure, it seems Advance is really going for that 'we're all one territory' shtick, but it looks like at least other countries are choosing to join? Idk, still a bit too imperialistic for my tastes, but it does get worse.
Julia's Judgement: You might be asking 'why is this one so low?', right? Bannon is back, democracy is restored, Julia's facing criminal charges, all seems ok. Yeah, NO, that Hamilton-Mann guy is about to be president, and sorry but that seems MISERABLE. I mean, at least people had the right to CHOOSE but uhhhhhhhh, yeah no, have you heard that guy speaking? Scary stuff.
All Fall Down: This one and the next one are the hardest to place in this list for me, because they're...bad, clearly, but how bad is hard to ascertain. This is the one where the country is reduced to just a heavily fortified Territory One, and in one hand, I'm sure they're having a bad time due to the war and all, but hey, at least the other territories are finally taking back their rightful independence. But yeah, not a great time for the citizens of T1 who didn't even ask for any of this.
Inevitable Advancement: This one's funny, not even gonna lie. Sure, everyone is sterile, population numbers are dwindling, everyone is stuck with this terrible government with no possibility of an election...but something about Julia going 'MESSAGE TO ALL CITIZENS: PLEASE FUCK' just sends me into hysterics.
Under New Management: I don't care that there were elections here, this one just sucks ass. The CH1 team just gets fired and replaced, and holy shit, 'how many guns are enough?'? THIS SUCKS GET ME OUT OF THIS TIMELINE. Megan looks so gorgeous tho, mwah.
The 'What the Fuck Oh my God' Tier:
Chaos Reigns: This one's pretty bleak, not even gonna lie. The country is in shambles and nobody is safe, but at least Megan's out there doing her best to keep the people informed (possibly with Jenny helping her out? I can dream). Still, it seems like everyone is fucking miserable, so it lands down here in the terrible tier. I can't tell if it's bleaker than the next ones or not, because they're very different types of bleak (and anyway, the next ones hurt me personally lmao).
A Better Jeremy: LOOK WHAT THEY DID TO MY BOY! I don't care that this one and the next one might seem like happier futures at first (cause we all know how much Megan and the rest can act like everything's fine when it clearly isn't fine at all), THIS ONE IS SO EVIL, Julia's like 'look we brainwashed and tortured this guy until he became a hollow shell of his former self!' and everyone has to be like 'YAY! SOCO!' like HOW FUCKING EVIL AAAAAAAAAA.
Wacky Fun: THE EVERYONE IS DEAD ENDING! All your faves died horrible, violent deaths (and some of them had to watch as others died!), there are no news anymore, the country is probably as fucked up and in disarray as in some of the others, and the only thing you can watch on TV is the most unhinged and manic children's programming. Still, this one has Geoff Algebra suffering, which is better than most of the epilogues here can offer.
Changing of the Guard: Nope nope nope nope. Fuck the military dictatorship ending. Worst possible outcome, you can't change my mind. Bad.
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jenojaemssss · 4 years ago
dazed and confused
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pairing: jeong jaehyun x gn!reader
genre/categories: angst, college!au, frat boy!jaehyun, a bit of fluff
word count: 3.6k (this was literally supposed to be a drabble wtf)
warnings: mentions of sex, allusions of sex yk the vibes, oh and a lot of cursing 'cause i lack the ability to keep language below 14+
synopsis: jaehyun isn’t scared of heights. he isn’t afraid of roller coasters that dropped at those terrifying heights. but he is, in fact, so utterly terrified of falling.
a/n: y’all this was supposed to be a drabble…but i wrote too much and now it’s a fic and idk how i feel abt it LOL anyways, it has not been (and will probably never be) proofread so please excuse any grammatical and spacing errors! i will now go cry with my 3 assignments due in like an hour.
faded. drunk. confused. mentally unstable. all these words, along with maybe 30 more could be used to describe your current state as you sludge your way into a familiar bedroom at the nu chi theta house after puking up probably a lifetime’s worth of alcohol.
the god awful ringing in your ears and the throbbing of your head makes the room spin, but you’re awake enough to recognize that the room was currently occupied. before you can mumble out a string of curse words and a sorry, you particularly notice exactly who was inside the room.
you’re caught off guard by a, now pissed looking, jaehyun along with someone who you don’t immediately recognize. you realize then who’s room you just entered and mentally smack yourself, reminding yourself to rid of the habit.
the other person is hiding underneath a blanket as jaehyun does his best to cover their figure, protecting their privacy to shoot daggers at whoever was interrupting his ordeal.
it takes you a couple seconds to fully register what was happening in front of you and you scoff.
so that’s how it is.
jaehyun, on the other hand, has his eyes widened. so wide that you think there are more whites visible than the typical brown orbs. he’s gaping now, mouth open and trying to think of excuses as to why he was in bed with someone else after dumping you only 2 days ago.
in his defense, there’s no need for an excuse. the two of you were already over, and he could fuck whoever he wanted to fuck. you could be doing the same.
but you aren’t.
instead, all of yesterday and the day before, you hunkered in your bedroom, cuddled in a blanket with tissues sprawled all over your bed and the floor. you went to your classes, hoodie pulled up way over your head to shield your puffy face and baggy eyes, came home, drowned yourself in ice cream, and cried.
yet he’s here, hooking up with people after leaving you heartbroken. you should’ve listened to jungwoo when he warned you about his flatmate; about his tendencies to sleep around and leave his relationships in the dirt.
when you and jaehyun first began flirtatious interactions with one another, it wasn’t in your intention to start anything serious with the dimple-faced boy. yet one encounter followed another and you never realized how hard you were falling until you were up at 3 am smiling at messages he’d sent you the previous day.
when he asked you to be his girlfriend after about 2 months of successful dates, you were ecstatic. your mind raced back to jungwoo, correcting him telepathically. he was so wrong about jaehyun. he was the sweetest person you’d ever been with, and was so patient with you.
It even made jungwoo take back his words after you announced the relationship to your best friend.
he said jaehyun had changed since he’s been with you.
that change lasted about 4 months afterwards.
4 months of pure bliss; cute dates like picnics at 11 pm after going on drives, watching the sunset from the roof of a nearby apartment building, jumping fences into the expanses of lakes after hours.
4 months of being pressed into a mattress with jaehyun gazing down so lovingly at your writhing body. him pressing into you as your mewls surround the small bedroom. him holding you as both of you come down from your high.
4 months of falling in love with jaehyun.
all to waste after he texted you during class, saying that he needed to talk to you. at least he had the decency to not dump you over text.
jaehyun said something along the lines of “it’s not you, it’s me,” and mentioned that he “doesn’t like being tied down.” you remember nodding, emotions not surfacing until he stands up and leaves you at the coffee shop just around the corner of your dorm building.
your coffee shop. the one you two went to whenever you wanted to find the other. it was like your secret hideout, because no one from your campus knew of this place, even though it was so close to home.
you thought things were going so well, the two of you even making plans to meet each other’s parents over the coming break. but with only a few words from one side, and wordless nods coming another, everything faded to dust.
so as you stare at the man who shattered your heart with someone else underneath him, you plaster a polite smile before flipping him off and exiting the room. his shouts follow you, and you inwardly scream at him to shut up. he has no right to sound so broken at the moment.
you pass by jungwoo on your way out and he immediately notices your tense figure, trailing his eyes towards the direction you were coming from. his jaw clenches when he realizes, wanting to barge into the room and beat the living shit out of his flatmate, but instead follows you out the house.
the blaring music coming from the beaten house becomes muffled by the time you step foot outside the door, tears threatening, but not yet falling from your bloodshot eyes.
jaehyun isn’t slow to catch up with you, but is stopped by a raging jungwoo before exiting the house. jungwoo warns jaehyun to leave you alone, but jaehyun is persistent, pushing past his friend to grasp your shoulder before you could storm away from his reach.
his previous rendezvous has been completely forgotten, and all jaehyun could focus on was you. he notices how you reeked of alcohol, a hint of marijuana radiating from you as well. what he notices the most, though, was that you had a hint of his favorite perfume lingering on your skin.
before you have the chance to turn around, jaehyun is ripped from you, a loud smack following almost immediately after. jaehyun stands, one hand holding onto his pounding cheek while the other grip’s jungwoo’s shirt.
your best friend has both his hands tightly fisting jaehyun’s shirt, staring bullets into the boy’s face.
“you have no right to barge out here and chase us down after you let y/n go,” jungwoo growls. he sees red, heart hurting for his best friend. he cares about you so much. the two of you always fitting into one mold, completing each other, and every time either one of you had their hearts broken, the other would be there to fix and mend everything.
yet, he’d never seen someone hurt you as much as jaehyun did. however much you hurt, it hurt him equivalently. he knew this one was different, because the pain you felt was so much more intense than any you’d experienced before.
what pushed jungwoo even further off the ledge for him to act like this though, was that if he were to be in the same position as you, you would be doing the same thing. you’d also be doing your best to keep him from hurting himself over and over by someone who only meant trouble.
“woo, that’s enough,” you mutter out before coming to push the two boys away from each other.
“y/n, let me explain,” jaehyun grabs your arm as he says this, eyes searching yours for some form of reaction. your previously watery eyes are dry now, and the emotion that was threatening to overcome you minutes prior have all disappeared. you shrug off his hand.
“there’s nothing left for you to explain.”
it killed you, but you had to muster the strength to spit those words at the man you were falling in love with. you knew that it would have been worse if you were to hear him out.
“y/n please just-”
“that’s enough,” you whip your head in his direction, warning him with your eyes.
“but y/n-”
“i said enough!” you’re yelling now, slightly pushing the boy back. he stumbles over himself, and jungwoo takes this opportunity to grab your shoulders and tuck you safely behind his back. you had tears running from your eyes, frustrated at the tugging of your heartstrings because you’re supposed to hate him. you were supposed to be elated that you were in this situation, him begging for your time.
yet it hurt seeing him so broken in front of you, begging for another chance. it hurt so damn much, and you’re so angry at yourself for being such a pushover.
jaehyun straightens himself, looking in your direction but not quite at you because you're hiding your face behind your best friend’s denim jacket covered back.
“y/n, i just want to apologize.”
“there’s nothing to apologize for.”
“no, jaehyun, there isn’t,” you use this as a stepping stone to emerge from behind jungwoo, who’s calmed down a bit since connecting his fist with jaehyun’s sharp features.
“don’t talk. let me finish,” you raise a hand before he could get another word out of his mouth. he shrinks a bit, but his eyes focus on your figure slowly approaching him, letting you know he’s listening.
“there’s no need for you to apologize for whatever you were doing because we aren’t together anymore and you can sleep with whoever you want. i don’t care, it’s none of my business. you don’t have to apologize for me walking in on you, because again, none of my business anymore.” you take in a deep breath before you continue.
“if you were going to apologize for breaking up with me, there’s no need. what’s done is done,” you whisper. you feel a huge lump form in your throat. you do your best to swallow it, along with your pride, and smile up at him.
you can’t really read him, but you can tell he’s in thought. you continue.
“if you were to apologize,” you began, sniffing up the snot that’s beginning to trickle down your nose. you probably look like a mess, but you could care less. you needed to get all of this off your chest. you wouldn’t have any other opportunities, so might as well do it now.
fuck the fake smile. fuck faking it til you make it. this is so much better.
“you should be apologizing for making me believe you were sincere with me,” you continue. jaehyun’s eyes go wide, and you notice the slight, subconscious, shake of his head. you proceed.
“i shouldn’t have believed it when you said i was different. fool me once, shame on me. but you continued to make me believe that i was different.” jaehyun opens his mouth, but you give him a look that shuts him up completely. he needs to fix that habit of always wanting to interrupt.
your ramble continues. “you should be apologizing for lying to me when you said you wanted to meet my parents. we set up the date and everything, and they were actually looking forward to meeting you, but now i have to tell them you aren’t coming,” you speak as calmly as you can. anything related to your parents always makes you ten times more emotional in every situation, and this was taking somewhat of a toll on you.
“you should be apologizing for making me feel special all the damn time. you made me believe i was the only one for you and that you were the only one for me. you made me feel so fucking foolish after you left, you know that? i thought we were doing so well, and you just left me in the dust after being so fucking vague. what do you mean ‘it’s not me, it’s you?’ it makes absolutely no fucking sense,” you’re almost hysterical now as you let everything fall down your face. you’re still eye to eye with jaehyun, and he looks taken aback by your declarations that he’s rendered speechless.
your next few words are what makes jaehyun’s world come crashing down.
“you should be apologizing for making me believe you were falling in love with me too,” you whimper. you’re full on sobbing now, and jungwoo assists you from falling to your knees.
it takes jaehyun a couple moments to register what was happening, a couple moments to fully comprehend what you were saying; what you meant.
you were so broken because you were beginning to love him. and he let you go.
“leave, jae. do it when i’m asking nicely,” jungwoo’s low voice echos from your spot on the ground. your shoulder shake with every sob you’re letting escape you.
“jungwoo, let me fucking talk, okay? stop interrupting me every damn time while i’m trying to figure things out with y/n. this was our relationship, not yours!” he’s yelling now, and jungwoo shrinks. he knows he’s stepping over the line, but some things reach a limit, and jaehyun is reaching his.
“yes, i know y/n told you things, but did you know that i used to wait after classes when the weather turned bad just to make sure y/n wouldn’t be walking home in the rain? always forgot an umbrella when it counts,” he chuckles the last line, eyes teary.
“did y/n tell you that every single time my phone rang, i was internally wishing that the name popping up on the screen would be ‘lovely’ and no one else’s? i always wait for your calls, you know,” he directs it to you this time. “they always made my day.”
you raise your head when you realize he was walking to you. when you see his tortured expression while reminiscing his feelings for you, you suddenly had the urge to run up to him and wipe away the tears falling from his handsome face. you hated that that was your first thought, though.
“did y/n tell you i was falling too?”
you tense at his words, and jungwoo scoffs.
“if you were falling, why did you break things off?” the words leave your mouth before you had the chance to stop them. your mind was running a mile a minute because in what world did it make sense for jaehyun to dump you when he claims to be falling in love with you.
“i was scared,” he finally mutters after a couple seconds of painful silence.
“what is there to be scared of, jaehyun?” you’re standing now, jungwoo completely baffled at the interaction taking place in front of his eyes. he realizes then, that maybe jaehyun was telling the truth.
jaehyun was scared of falling.
jungwoo recalls all the times jaehyun has been in an actual relationship, but can only remember one other time that he actually introduced someone to the boys as his. all the others were just casual flings, where they'd be slipping out the door before anyone could acknowledge their existence.
when he broke things off with that past relationship, his actions were similar to the ones he’s portrayed the past few days. silence in his room instead of the typical blaring music from his sound system. a shocking decrease in teasing his housemates. jungwoo even noticed that he didn’t see the dimples on jaehyun’s face as frequently.
the one other person ended the same way, jaehyun breaking it off about 4 months into the relationship, saying he didn’t like being tied down.
he didn't like being tied down? he doesn’t like...shit, what a fucking dumbass. he’s scared of being in love, jungwoo realized.
“that’s what you meant,” jungwoo states his epiphany out loud and he stands up. he brushes off any dirt from his pants and begins to walk towards the house, knowing that whatever happens on the front lawn would heal more than harm.
you look at your best friend in confusion, but he plasters a grin on his face and looks in your direction before turning to jaehyun. “you need to stop being such a wuss.” and he’s back inside the house.
“it seems like everyone’s mission is to cut me off today, and it’s getting a little aggravating,” he tries to joke and you just stare at him in silence. he takes it as an, “i don’t care, just talk,” and begins his tangent.
“i broke things off with you because i was scared,” he begins. you follow his words with a nod, emphasizing that you’re listening to the man standing across you.
“i’ve never been in love before, and i didn’t realize how-how utterly terrifying it felt. i was close one time, but i broke things off before anything else could develop because i didn’t think i was ready for it. i felt like i was incapable of love for a while because of my stupid frat boy image, you know?” you nod in response to his rhetorical question and he begins moving towards the small bench sat on the lawn. you follow suit and sit yourself down a good distance away from him.
he talks again, this time sounding more regretful than anything. “i sometimes tell myself how idiotic i am because i let them go before. if i just had the balls to accept the fact that maybe i was falling in love, i wouldn’t have to see them roam around campus a couple months after with someone else.”
you remember briefly jaehyun’s previous relationship. it was the talk amongst your campus because the jeong jaehyun was in an actually relationship with someone. and people were making bets on how long they thought it’d last. same as they’ve been doing for your relationship with him.
“it all kind of got to me without much of a warning because like, shit, falling in love with someone meant checking your phone every 3 minutes cause you’re scared you missed their call, or calling them if they took too long to assure you they’re home safe, that kind of thing,” he smiles. “no one teaches you that.”
you chuckle dryly because he hit the nail on the coffin. no one tells you the details about being in love, only mentioning the feelings and not the irrational things you’d do for them.
jaehyun continues after he assures himself that you’re listening to his words and internally heave a relieved sigh. he was scared you were going to have things come in one ear and out the other.
“at the same time, if i kept them in my life, i wouldn’t have met you. we wouldn’t have developed a relationship, and i wouldn’t have began to fall in you,” he scoots a bit closer to you, and you let him.
“and you wouldn’t have broken my heart like this,” you retaliate and he physically winces.
“ouch. you’re not wrong though,” he smiles, dimples reappearing on his face.
“get to the point, jaehyun. it’s cold as fuck and i don’t have a jacket,” you complain when he’s silent for a little too long. you’re holding your arms now, hit by the frosty air. when he’s silent for another moment, you look up from your feet, ready to complain again. but instead, you’re met with a hoodie being pulled over your head and you’re stunned.
“when i said i was cold, i didn’t mean for you to give me your hoodie.”
“well, too bad,” he smiles widely. the hoodie smells like him, and you take in his scent. the sweater was a bit larger on you, so you begin to roll the sleeves up, pulling your arms out of the sweater paws.
“as i was saying, i realized i was falling in love with you and i was just- i don’t know, i was scared. i think i’ve said the word scared like 10 times today, but what other word is there?” he chuckles. you do the same.
“so i did what any other sane person would do and dipped. i ran away from my feelings because in my brain, it was the best thing to do. and i hurt you in the process because i was being a selfish asshole, and i’m sorry,” he finishes, you assume. as you’re thinking about how to respond, he catches you off guard with something you never thought would leave jaehyun’s mouth.
“oh, and i love you. i’m sure of it,” he declares.
and you’re crying again. as intoxicated as you were just 30 minutes ago, you swear that in that moment, you weren’t drunk on the drinks or faded from the j’s, but you were intoxicated by jaehyun.
the way he’s looking at you, the way he’s smiling at you.
he stretches out a hand in your direction, asking for your permission to take your own and grab his hand in response. his hand engulfs yours like a hug, and he intertwines his fingers with your cold ones.
“so does this mean you love me back?” he questions.
you nod, because you can’t think of anything else to say. you’re so utterly in love with him that you’re rendered speechless, you fool.
“and does this mean we can start over?” he asks, hoping for another nod.
instead, you speak. “why were you fucking someone else when i got here if you’re in love with me?”
jaehyun is now the one rendered speechless and gulps before answering. “have you ever heard of heartbreak sex?”
“isn’t that supposed to be with the one who broke your heart?”
“yeah, but if we had sex, i would only fall in love with you more.”
“and you don’t want that?”
“i do now,” he smiles.
you roll your eyes and say nothing.
“i’m sorry i hurt you.”
“you better be.”
“i promise i won’t do it again.”
“next time you do, i’m chopping off your dick in your sleep so you won’t be able to go have heartbreak sex with someone else.”
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maria-akira · 4 years ago
good girls don't get used: michael langdon x fem! reader — PART 2
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summary: michael langdon, your ex, falls into a bet wherein he needs to (fake) date you. if he falls inlove again, he loses, and doesn't get the prize.
warnings: making out, pre-smut???, michael as a tiktok fuckboy, + me not proofreading this hahah sorry
italicized bold words are direct lyrics from the song :)
please excuse any errors. enjoy!
It had been a few hours since Y/N arrived at home. She changed into an oversized shirt and a comfy pair of shorts. To be honest, she has never tutored anyone before, except for her baby brother Aaron. With Aaron it was just 1+1 or 2x3, you know? The basics.
"Mom, someone's coming over tonight!" She called out from upstairs,
"Who will?"
Y/N didn't know what to say. Her parents knew about Michael, and how they broke up. She didn't want her mom to know that it was him who would be coming over. Why hide it? She'll see him anyways.
"Michael! Michael Langdon!" Y/N went downstairs to finally face her mom.
"Wait, your ex?"
Her mom laughed, "Oh my, looks like something's gonna happen~" She said in a sing-song tone while she prepared dinner.
Y/N rolled her eyes, "Oh my goood mom! That was 2 years ago, he just asked if I could tutor him. Apparently, he's failing."
"He's what? Failing? Isn't he one of the top students in your batch?"
"Yeah, I honestly don't know what happened to hi—"
Ding Dong!
Oh my god, She felt her heart beating fast.
Y/N walked to the front door and opened it, and there he was. Michael Langdon in his grey sweatpants and black hoodie.
"Hey, Y/N." Michael greeted, giving her a smile.
Y/N looked him up and down,
"Hi." She gave him a sarcastic look and stepped out of the way, gesturing him to come in.
Y/N's mom squealed, "Oh my, Michael! Look how you've grown!" She squeezed him into a hug and it made Michael laugh.
Aaron came down the stairs to see what the fuss was about. When he saw Michael, he rushed towards him and hugged his thigh.
"Michaeeeelll!! You're here!" Aaron giggled
Aaron loved Michael a lot. When Y/N and Michael were still together, he would always play with him.
"Hey, slugger! Now you've grown alot too, huh?" Michael kneeled down to his height and ruffled his hair, "Yup! I'm a big boy now." Aaron said proudly with his chin up.
Slugger. That was the nickname Michael gave him.
"Is Michael staying over?" Aaron pouted and gave her puppy eyes.
Y/N panicked. How was she gonna explain?
"Well, he actually came over to study for school, but he—"
"Of course I'll stay over! Anything for you, slugger." Michael cut her off. Y/N widened her eyes, making a 'what the fuck are you doing?!?!' expression at him.
Y/N faked a cough, "Aaron, go stay with mom okay? Michael and I will be studying now."
Aaron whined and crossed his arms. "But I wanna play with Michaaael!!"
"You'll do that later. After all, he said that he'll be staying over." She looked over to Michael and gave him a sarcastic smile.
After a few moments of arguing with Aaron, Y/N and Michael finally went upstairs. "Your room changed alot." Michael said as he looked around her room for the first time in 2 years. Once Y/N shut the door, she stormed over to Michael.
"Langdon what the fuck was that down there?!?! I only allowed you to come over, not stay over! Where will you even sleep?!"
"In a bed, duh."
Y/N slapped his forehead, causing Michael to wince at the pain.
"Are you that stupid?! Sleep on the fucking floor!" She hid her face in her hands out of frustration, then lifting her head again. "You know what? Fuck it. I don't care anymore."
"So if you move negative four here, what will you get?" Y/N asked, pointing her pencil on the equation. It's now 8PM, Michael and her were studying the last subject for the day, which was Math.
Michael analyzed the problem, then wrote down the answer. "Fifty.. three?" He slid the paper to her direction. While Y/N was checking his solution, he received a message from Duncan.
Dunc 🖕🏻: how's tutoring going?
Michael: its fine ig, lmao im staying over 😴
Dunc 🖕🏻: yooo what?? where you gonna sleep?
Michael: beside her? idk im still gonna play video games with her brother so i guess i'll sleep beside her 😶
Michael: brb shes done checking my solution
"Michael," She called for his attention, He let out a hum in response. "Your solution is correct.. But to avoid confusion, change this into an arrow instead of an equal sign, because it isn't the final answer yet." Y/N pointed out his mistake and circled it with a mechanical pencil.
Michael smiled. despite this 'trying to get her trust back' thing, he thought that Y/N was adorable like this. Focused with academics. He admired her alot.
Y/N looked over at Michael, "Langdon, are you even listening?" She snapped her fingers in attempt to catch Michael's attention.
Michael went back to reality, "Yeah. I get it now, thanks Y/N." Michael got his paper back and saw all the check marks. While Michael was distracted with his paper, Y/N stood up and streched. "They're all correct?" He looked up at her and asked in fake disbelief. Y/N rolled her eyes, "Duh, what are all the check marks for, dimwit?" She furrowed her eye brows and made her way to the door.
She glanced over at the clock beside her mirror, it was already 8:15 PM. "Hey, we have to go down for dinner now." She looked over to him and opened the door. Michael stood up and made his way to the door, stopping by the mirror, "Damn, I'm hot." Michael said as he praised his reflection in the mirror. When Y/N heard this, she furrowed her eyebrows and looked at him.
"Yeah sure, maybe in a different planet." She insulted, playfully hitting his arm.
"Oh c'mon Y/N, you miss me." Michael leaned on the wall with the support of his arm. Y/N shut the door.
"What makes you say that, Langdon?" She crossed her arms and leaned against the door.
"I've seen the way you look at me, baby. Admit it, you miss me, you wanna kiss me, you wanna be mine all over again."
"Don't hit me with your 'say you miss me, say you wanna kiss me.' shit, Langdon. I'm not that stupid," Y/N pulled on the neckline of Michael's hoodie, signalling him to come closer. Now, their faces were a few centimeters apart.
"Let's face the facts here, Langdon. Actually? you want me." She pulled him even closer, her lips ghosting over his. Michael moved closer in attempt to kiss her, yet to no avail. Y/N smirked and pushed him away. "You know, you're better than that." She gave him a little tap on the cheek and left the room, slamming the door in his face.
Michael was speechless. Y/N did change, a lot.
"So what brings you here, Michael?" Y/N's father asked, eating a slice of steak that was on his plate. "I'm currently failing some of my classes and I asked Y/N if she could help me. Luckily, she agreed." Michael looked over to Y/N and gave her a smile. She kicks him under the table, causing him to flinch.
"Will you be staying over, Michael? It's getting late." Y/N's mother asked this time, "If that would be okay with you, Mrs. Y/L/N." Michael replied, looking over to Y/N again.
Well, let's say that everyone looked at Y/N after Michael said that.
The silence made Y/N glance at them, "Why are you all looking at me..?" She said in a confused tone, her mom shot her a 'is it okay if he sleeps in your room' look. Y/N sighed, "Fine, he'll sleep in my room." Now, everyone went back to what they were doing.
After dinner, Y/N's mom called up Michael's parents to inform them that he would be staying for the night.
Y/N was washing the dishes tonight, and of course Michael volunteered to help her.
"Why did you even volunteer? You hate washing dishes, Langdon." She said as she cleaned a dirty plate with the soap filled sponge.
"Oh c'mon, Y/N. Can't I change?" He replied, rinsing one of the dishes that Y/N cleaned.
Y/N scoffed, "You? Change?"
Michael elbowed her side, "Hey, I did change!"
"Whatever." She went back to what she was doing cleaned the rest of the dishes, ignoring Michael's statement.
After a few more dishes, her hair started to slip away from the loose ponytail she made earlier. Her hands were slippery and full of soap, if she were to wash her hands and fix her hair, then go back to washing the dishes, her hands would be wet again. Plus, the drying towel was on Michael's side. So she asked for his help.
"Michael," Her voice was soft. Softer than usual. "Yea?" Michael replied, still rinsing the dishes.
"Can you please tie my hair up? It's slipping away."
"Hold on." Michael shook the water off his hands and dried it using the towel beside him, while Y/N turned her back over to his direction. Michael removed the hair tie and bit on it. He started gathering her hair from the top, combing his fingers through her soft, silky hair. He was very gentle. After he gathered her hair, he removed the hair tie from his teeth and tied her hair, careful not to tug too hard.
Y/N turned around to face him, "Hm, maybe you did change," Michael was curious when she paused. "Because you used to be so aggressive when you tied my hair." She joked and finished off the dishes that were left.
It's now 11 pm. Michael is in Aaron's room playing video games, and Y/N is alone in her room, doing some extra school work that was due for next week.
Like any other Friday night, girls like Y/N's age would be out partying like there was no tomorrow. After that one time she was really drunk and a guy touched her inappropriately, she never went out partying again.
Once Y/N finished her school work, she decided to take a shower. She wanted to take advantage of Michael's absence and stay in the shower longer than usual. Like a typical teenage girl, she would blast music in the shower, dancing and singing like she had a whole audience to perform for.
Y/N wrapped a towel around her body and left the bathroom to get her clothes from the dresser. Little did she know, Michael was back from her brother's room.
"I see you still have that body, huh?" Michael smirked and looked her up and down. Y/N turned around to see Michael on her bed. Her instincts told her to scream and throw an object at him, so she did.
"What the fuck are you doing here?!"
"Chill, it's not like you haven't sent me your nudes before." Michael dodged whatever she threw at him and laughed.
"Yea, and I regret sending those to your ugly ass. If I could turn back time, I would've sent them to your hot bestfriend, Duncan was it?" She turned around again to get her clothes from the dresser. Michael walked over to her and grabbed her neck from behind,
"What did you fucking say?" He growled in her ear. She smirked and bat her eyelashes innocently at him.
"I said, I would've sent them to Duncan. You should set me up with him, hm?" Y/N knew what she was doing, "Aww, is little Mikey getting jealous?" She mocked in fake sympathy. She removed his hand from her neck, turned around to face him and gave him a pout. 
Michael was furious. What has gotten into him? He doesn't even love her. He just fell into a stupid bet just to fuck some girl's pussy after he fucks with her ex's feelings. But why does he feel like this? Like he needs to have Y/N only for himself?
Before Y/N went back to the bathroom to get dressed, she just had to get on Michael’s nerves again, as if she wasn’t already. At this point, she could literally see fire in his eyes. He was really mad. But why?
"Look at you, Mikey. You can't respond when you react." She giggled and gave him a quick nose boop as the cherry on top for her little act. But she wasn't getting away so fast. When she turned her back on him, Michael aggresively wrapped his hand around her neck and pulled her, securing an arm around her waist.
"Where do you think you're going, you little shit? You aren't getting away easily after that stunt." The grip on Y/N's throat slowly tightened. "W-Wh... Why are you so mah-d.. Huh?" She managed to choke out.
Michael left soft kisses against her neck, while slowly loosening the grip on her throat. "See, Mikey? You're the one who misses me." Y/N whimpered, using her free hand to pull on Michael's hair in hopes of prying him off, but he was stubborn. Y/N whispered in his ear, "Whatever it is you're trying to do, Langdon, I'll never give in." She pushed her elbow into his ribs, causing Michael to groan. Finally, Y/N goes back to her bathroom to get dressed.
Once she leaves, Michael punches the nearest wall in frustration. He hated rejection. The girls that he usually fucked with never turned him down, they always wanted more. Why wouldn't it work on Y/N?
Michael sat on the long side of her bed, still thinking about what happened earlier. He couldn't believe that she could play with him like that. It made him look like he was the desperate one, which he is.
He took out his phone to text Duncan about what happened.
Michael: yo dunc, something happened
Dunc 🖕🏻: what happened? slr i'm at a party
Michael: bro she's a tough little shit. i did the usual thing that i would do to another girl, she didn't give in at all. instead, she's playing with me.
Dunc 🖕🏻: lmao man step up your game, she isn't your usual girl
Michael: dumbass you think i'm not?
Dunc 🖕🏻: duh??? if you were actually stepping up your game then you would've fucked her there and then 🙄
Michael: whatever.
Once he heard her bathroom door open, he immediately hid his phone back in his pocket. He looked over his shoulder to see Y/N already dressed in her pajamas. Michael didn't know what to do. His angelic side says to 'go and say sorry', yet his devilish side says to 'try harder and fuck with her feelings even more.' Of course, it was obvious what is choice was.
Y/N plopped herself on the bed and grabbed her blanket that was near Michael. She then placed the blanket over her and locked eyes with him.
Michael crawled beside her and placed the blanket over him as well. They are a few inches apart. Y/N turned the TV on, clicking on Netflix. Though she tried her best to ignore Michael, she can't help but think about what happened earlier. She liked it. No, she loved it. She loved the fact that she was able to get on Michael's nerves, and how he reacted to it. It was hella attractive to her, and the smell of Michael's perfume wasn't helping her either.
Now, Y/N was watching some cartoon show that she loved. "Are you kidding? You still watch cartoons?" Michael complained, gesturing at the TV. "Yea? What about it? I bet you only watch porn." She shot back and pulled the blanket towards her, leaving Michael without it.
Michael laughed, "I just can't believe a girl like you would watch cartoons. I find it cute." He pulled the blanket towards him, sticking his tongue out to tease her.
A few minutes passed by and Michael was on his phone, scrolling on TikTok. The same sound that kept repeating for almost a minute caught Y/N's attention. Was he watching the same video?
Y/N paused the TV and looked over to Michael's direction, averting her gaze to his phone. She took a good look at the video. a shirtless boy with a gold chain, with LED lights in their room.
"You've been watching that video over and over again, Langdon. Do you like him or something?"
"Yea, I like myself."
Like myself? Oh my god, no.
"What do you mean..?" That can't be him in the video.
"That's me."
Y/N's mouth dropped, "Wha— huh? How? I mean, yeah.. but?"
Michael let out a laugh that he had been holding in, "But what? Look, I'll show you." He handed her his phone, which allowed Y/N to have a closer look of the video.
"So you're telling me you blew up on tiktok by thrusting a phone on your pelvis??" Y/N stared at the amount of likes, a fucking million.
"Uh, yeah? That's how TikTok works? Look at the comments." Michael tapped the comments icon and Y/N scrolled through it.
'yo im down bad 😫'
'can we keep him a secret pls'
'chill i have a bf..'
'break my back 🤪'
Y/N bursted out in laughter, "Oh my god, if only they knew." she gave his phone back and Michael looked at her with a puzzled look.
"Knew what?" He asked, "You couldn't even 'break my back' two years ago, Michael!" She said in between giggles. "That was two years ago, Y/N! Two fucking years. I was a virgin!" Michael defended himself, then immediately realizing what he said.
Y/N wasn't aware that she was Michael's first.
"Wait Y/N, the last part isn't tru—"
She smirked and grabbed her phone from wherever she left it. She opened Twitter and decided to tweet about what Michael said, just for fun.
just wanted to let yall know that @m_langdon admitted that 2 years ago he lost his virginity to me 🤩
"What are you typing and why are you smiling?" Michael asked with a hint of fear in his voice. He feared that Y/N would do something that would tear his reputation down.
Y/N gave him a mischievous grin, "Oh nothing, just tweeted about what you said."
Michael's face fell, and Y/N hit the tweet button.
"Did you twee—"
"Yeah, go check your Twitter. I tagged you too."
Michael shot her a slight glare and went to his Twitter.
Y/N's tweet already had 5 retweets, 14 likes, and 8 replies.
"You did not." Michael said, shocked at how she would do something like this. "Ooh sorry babe, I just did." She faked a pout and formed a letter 'L' with her hand.
Michael felt embarrassment fill him, he wanted to scream at her so bad. He never thought that she would go this far. She was never like this.
He took a deep breath, "Why did you tweet that?"
"And you have the audacity to ask why?"
"Delete that tweet, Y/N." His voice was demanding and dark.
"Or what?"
Michael slowly started to kneel on the bed and hover over her. "You don't want to know."
Y/N smirked and fixed her posture, "Infact, I'd like to know. Care to tell me?” 
Michael clearly wasn’t having any of her shit, he was more than angry. He wanted to release all of his frustrations, and he was gonna do that. 
He trapped her by placing a leg on each side of her left thigh. Surprisingly, Y/N did not shrink against the headboard of the bed. She remained in her place. Their faces are centimeters apart now, 
“Now what, Langdon? Just gonna stare at me? Pathetic shit.” She cupped his face and stroked his cheek mockingly, then dragging her thumb against his bottom lip. 
“Shut the fuck up.” Michael swatted her hand away and crashed his lips again hers. The kiss was so intense, Michael hasn’t kissed any girl like this, it was a foreign feeling for him, and especially for Y/N. Michael’s free hand started roaming throughout her body, tickling her soft flesh. Meanwhile, Y/N was tugging on Michael’s hoodie, “Take this off.” She pulled away from the kiss and gasped for air. Michael took off his hoodie and revealed his naked chest infront of her.
Y/N felt weak. She wanted to fight this feeling so bad, which was lust. But it was too late.
"Fuck me, Michael.." Y/N whimpered, ashamed of her current state. Michael ran his thumb over her bottom lip, "What was that? I didn't catch it." He pouted, teasing her. Y/N couldn't believe herself. She promised herself that she would never fall for any of Michael's antics, yet here she is— completely submitting to him.
Y/N cleared her throat, "Fuck me please.." Michael cocked his head to the side, amused. He was enjoying this. He loved it so much. He finally had Y/N where he wanted her to be, wrapped around his little finger.
Michael's lips ghosted against her cheek, his breath warming up her skin. "Gladly."
And it begins now.
this took me like 3 weeks im sorry 😔 nonethelEEEESSSSS i enjoyed writing this despite some breakdowns here and there <3
tags (ily all sm <3): @kitwalker02 @angelicmichael @deademobitch @iheartfrogs101 @tatestripedsweater @mrs-march-ahs @no-mercy-bby @hawtghostgirl @vixemi @antichristwifey @bitchchatter @fallwiththesun @booksandfandomsarelife1 @roseelizabeth666 (im sorry if i missed anyone!!)
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ivysimagines · 4 years ago
Hey, love. 💞 I hope you’re having a WONDERFUL day! Can I request a Blurb w/ JJ x Fem! Reader? The Reader is John B’s younger sister, and it’s the Hot Tub Scene? JJ and the Reader planned on being married in the future. JJ fantasized buying her a gargantuan engagement ring, but the pair acknowledged they wouldn’t be able to afford it. However, alongside the Hot Tub, Generators, and Delivery, he bought her an engagement ring too? Angst w/ Fluff, please? Thank you! 💞
of course I can! sorry it took me a bit to get to this. I’ve had bad allergies n haven’t been in the mood to write. anyways, the scenario isn’t exactly the way it is in the episode but i made it pretty similar.
pairing: JJ Maybank x Fem! Reader
request: above.
warning: mentions of abuse, cussing, angst w/ fluff, and underage drinking.
Title: Catch
(thoughts are in italics and bold!)
I sit in the backseat of Pope’s truck listening to trees rustling and the tires driving over the old rocky pavement.
They seriously need to get this road redone.
“Guys, this has gotta be done before my scholarship interview in the morning” Pope says.
I roll my eyes.
Will he ever shut up about that?
Like, he’s smart as fuck.
You’ll get a scholarship somewhere.
“Oh my god, Pope” i say, making it clear i’m annoyed.
“What, Y/N?”
“Guys, no fighting” kiara adds while reaching for her seatbelt buckle.
Okay mom.
Pope parks his truck near some trees.
We all unbuckle our seatbelts quickly and hop out.
Pope and Kie are talking about the plan to get the gold.
I hate that John B gets into this shit.
This is exactly how our dad died.
He can’t die or I’ll have no one.
I walk to the back of the truck and slip my phone into my back pocket.
I lean against the truck while Pope and Kie talk.
I shoo away some nats.
“Damn nats” I say as I kill one.
I hear Kie laugh a little.
Suddenly a shit ton of lights come on around us.
We hear a whirring sound.
“What the hell?” Pope says.
I look over to them and back at the lights.
“Who the hell is that?” kie adds.
We all begin walking towards the center of all the lights hoping to find whoever the fuck did this.
I walk behind them and we hear a cork pop.
I cross my arms and nearly trip over a stick.
We stop and I see it’s my boyfriend, JJ Maybank.
“What did you do JJ?” Pope asks him clearly concerned.
JJ smiles a little, “i’ve got a jet going straight in my butt right now.”
“Y’all should get in immediately, you hear me?”
He grabs three glasses and pours the champagne.
I can tell he’s avoiding looking at me.
“Salud!” he says as he raises the champagne.
“How much did this cost?” Pope asks.
I look back and forth between Pope and JJ.
“Uh. well, with the generator, the petrol, and oh, hey, express delivery...uh, i’d say pretty much all of it”
“All of it?”
“Yeah, all of it”
He looks over at me and then back at Pope.
“You spent all of the money in one day?”
“Yeah, burned a hole right through my pocket. But I mean like, come on guys, like, look at this! Finest in jet-based massage therapy, at least that’s what they told me.”
I stare at JJ with a look of disappointment.
JJ looks over to me.
“Babe, what?” JJ asks.
“Can’t a man have a little luxury in his life! C’mon, all this scrimpin’ and scrapin’..i mean like...guys, we- y’know you only live once, right?” JJ says.
I look at Pope and Kie.
“Like, y/n couldn’t you use some fun in your life? You’ve been all down and shit since your-” he stops himself before finishing his sentence.
“Alright, enough of this emotional shit. Get in the cat’s ass. Come on.” he adds.
“In the what?” Kie asks.
“...in the cat’s ass. That’s what i named her” JJ says while looking off to the side.
It’s quiet for a maximum of 3 seconds.
“Oh, hey, yo, i almost forgot-”
JJ reaches forward and flips a switch and it turns on some disco ball.
“Yeah, that’s right, i know. Disco mode, baby” he says.
“Are you kidding me?!” Pope says in an agitated tone.
“You could’ve paid for restitution!” Pope yells.
“Or literally given it to any charity!” Kie adds.
“Or added it to a fucking fund to get the hell out of here!” i yell.
JJ looks right at me.
“Or bought supplies to get the rest of the damn gold out of the well!” (pope)
JJ turns away and rubs his face.
“Okay, well, you know what?” JJ yells.
He stands up revealing purple and red marks on his stomach.
All these different thoughts began racing through my mind and I could feel my heartbeat speeding up.
Oh my god.
He said things were getting better at home.
...i’m gonna kill that motherfucker.
How can he do that shit to his own fucking kid?
Maybe it’s a good thing my mom dipped and my dad’s dead.
“I didn’t do that!” JJ yells.
“I got a hot tub! For my friends- you know what? No, screw friends. I got a hot tub for my family!”
I look at him and tears start forming.
He looks over to me.
“And, I got something especially for you” he says as he reaches into his swim trunks pocket.
I look at him and he pulls out something small.
“Catch” (JJ)
I open my hands and catch a ring in my hand.
I take a look at it.
It’s not just any ring.
It’s a gargantuan engagement ring.
I look up at him.
It’s silent for a few seconds.
I walk over to the hot tub and step on the ladder.
I get inside with him as he rants about ‘everything being fine’.
I pull him into a tight hug.
He starts crying into me.
“I love you” i whisper into his ear.
I rub his back.
It’s quiet as we hug.
Kie and Pope get in with us and we all hug JJ.
“I just wanna do the right thing and I thought-” he says.
“We know, we know. It’s okay, love” i say.
After a few minutes JJ calms down and Pope and Kie leave us.
*now sitting on the edge of the hot tub talking to JJ*
I mess with the ring in my fingers.
“JJ...I don't need some fancy ring” i say.
“I know, but I wanted such an..important ring to be nice”
I look over at him.
“So, this is an engagement ring?”
He smiles at me and nods.
“I know we’re still teenagers and...obviously you can’t exactly get parental consent. Plus, John B would totally kill me if we got married this young. But, we can still be engaged.” he says.
I smile at him and look back down.
“You know, you haven’t asked me”
He sighs and laughs softly.
He takes the ring from out of my hand and looks at me.
“Alright, Y/N Routledge, will you make me literally the happiest man in the world and marry me in a few years?”
I smile at him and bite my lip a little.
“Definitely, one thousand percent”
He smiles and grabs my left hand softly.
He slips the ring onto my ring finger and then places his hand on my face.
We kiss a couple times before I pull away.
I look at the ring on my finger.
Holy shit.
I’m like...engaged now.
What the fuck?
I contain my excitement and just smile.
“So, we could get married when we turn 18...or whenever using our share of the 400 mil and then get the fuck out of here. Away from the obx, away from the pogue bullshit, just...everything” he says.
I stare at him for a few seconds.
“Okay, as long as we can get a dog”
He smiles and nods.
“Named willow?”
“Of course, whatever you want” he says.
I smile at him and we kiss again.
We continue our night together and eventually head to my house.
Hope you enjoy!
Once again, request whatever you would like.
I will also be experimenting with thing like ‘dating ___ would include…’ (i love those types of things lmao)
I might start writing a lot for atypical since i’ve gone back into my atypical phase (13rw as well but idk if ima write for that series or not).
Thanks for readinggg!
Upload schedule:
Monday @ 10 am (EST)
Wednesday @ 3 pm (EST)
Friday @ 8 pm (EST)
There may be random uploads here and there.
If you request something I will upload it on one of those days.
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Ladynoir July day 1: Older
"Who is it?"
"It's me, Cat Noir" a breathy voice said behind the door which Ladybug opened quickly after transforming, not believing the truth of what she just heard.
She hasn't seen her cat partner in months since she moved to New York to work there. As far as she knew, he was supposed to be in Paris right now, calmly enjoying his life and waiting for Hawkmoth to make his next step... which he didn't do since, like, 3 years now. But as long as the butterfly miraculous wasn't in her and her partner's possession, there was still a risk their enemy would strike again.
"Cat Noir!"
He looked up to see her, still breathing heavily but managing to call out her name "Ladybug..."
They stood there for a moment, staring at each other in disbelief, he was wearing his Astrocat suit, she noticed, which meant he must've just arrived from Paris to her house and must be exhausted.
"Come in" she gestured to her empty living room, and he did as she asked.
He slowly sat on the couch, careful not to bring any damage to it, he was already feeling guilty for suddenly entering her home late at night, without even warning her he would - not that he himself knew that - so ruining her place on top of all that wasn't a great idea.
"You okay?"
And just like that she snapped him back into reality.
"Y-Yeah, yeah... eum... no? I- I don't know...
I'm, I'm SO sorry for bothering you, I just, didn't know where else to go, and as I was flying from Paris I remembered you and your house location and-
-Hey! It's okay! Really!" She replied, in a tender tone, emphasizing every word she's saying, to let him know she was only saying the truth...
He smiled sweetly and then took a deep breath. "I ran away from home."
Well, she wasn't expecting that. She knew it was wrong to just run away, because, of course his family and all his loved ones would be worried sick right now, but, she knew it wasn't the right time to tell him that and talk to him objectively. Based only on the look on his face, he just needed comfort, and she was definitely gonna give him that.
Besides, she's known him for so long now, he is responsible. If he ran away, then it was for a good reason. She was sure of that, because she truts him.
"You can stay here if you want...
-Really?! I- I don't wanna bother you though.. I know you have work and all and coming here was a bad idea in the first place and I should just go and-
-CAT NOIR! It's fine! It really is!! I... was kinda feeling lonely anyways, plus... I miss you a lot so... It's a win-win!!"
His smile lit up the room and warmed her heart, seeing him happy was one of her favorite things in the world, especially if he was happy thanks to her.
He pulled her into a tight embrace and she was surprised, pleasantly surprised, to this gesture... Oh she missed his touch, companym voice so so much... Days felt empty and meaningless without his goofy smile and his presence, which is why she knew for a fact that those were gonna be the best days of her life, with him staying with her...
And, yes, maybe, just maybe, her heart fluttered when he called her with the nickname she got used to over the years, that nickname she didn't realize how much she missed...
"Wait right here Cat"
When she came back she was holding a cup of hot chocolate in her hands. God he missed her baking so much. Memories of them sharing a snack before patrol started and after it, how he would always compliment her cooking and how she wouldn't admit that it made her blush, filled his mind...
Admiration and gratitude filled his eyes as he looked up at her and whispered "thank you"...
That's all he needed after the awful day he just went through, probably the worst day of his life.
"Wanna talk about it?
-Talk about what?
-Why you ran away...
-No. Not today..
-Okay then. We won't talk about it."
She smiled at him sweetly and he returned that gesture.
"So how's Paris?
-Empty without you..."
A sad smile covered her face, she knew that he probably wasn't the only one who felt that way, after all, Paris' beloved hero didn't step into Paris for a while now... Fans were disappointed that she left, her loved ones heartbroken...
But they were still proud of her and happy to see her pursue her dreams of becoming a fashion designer, even if it ment not seeing her anymore.
-Still on his endless hiatus. At this point I would guess he probably quit or idk died or something..
-What he's not immortal!!"
They both laughed at his comment.
"I'm actually kinda sad that he's not akumatizing people anymore... DON'T GET ME WRONG! It's just that, fighting villains by your side was the best entertainment I could get!
-Oh c'mon! You're definitely still having fun with your old friends and new ones from work right?
-Well I work for my father, it's... a family job, so I'm kinda forced to do it.. It's not awful! I know for a fact that a lot of people would kill for having my job, but... it kinda gets lonely and it's not my thing...
-Then why don't you work what really is your thing after the family job??
-Yeah well the thing is, I don't know what it is that I want!"
Silence filled the room for a few seconds.
"Anyway, what about your job? You told me you were going to make your dream come true!
-I am! It's the best job I could hope for! But I wish I was back in Paris... here I feel like a stranger! But... with you around, I think I'll feel like home..."
Air escaped his lungs, while happiness filled his entire body... Ah he felt like a teenager again, blushing and getting flustered over the slightest sign of affection he gets from his beloved lady... But he couldn't help it! He was stuck in this one sided love for the rest of his life!
Little did he know, this wasn't going to be the case.
A yawn escaped his mouth..
"Tired already kitty cat? It's only 10 pm!
-Well it's not you who traveled from a continent to another after having an emotional breakdown due to the worst day of your life!
-Ouch! Fair point."
He giggled and she joined him right before she went to prepare his bedroom aka the guest room. She never expected she'd use it but well, here they are!
As soon as she finished he met her there.
"Woah! Thank you LB! It looks amazing!
-I didn't do much but your welcome!
Oh! Btw you can detransform in here! I won't enter your room without permission and you won't enter mine because I probably wouldn't be wearing a red mask there!
-Yeah sure...
-And there's also some cheese for Plagg on this table!
-Thanks! He'll appreciate this so much!
-Your welcome kitty"
They stood there staring at each other lovingly until they realized that they were.
"A-Anyway good night, Cat!
-Good night bugaboo <3"
She blushed at the nickname (again) but decided to ignore it, right now was NOT the time to accept unwanted feelings towards a certain black cat...
Chapter 2
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twink-appreciation-posts · 5 years ago
Trials and Tribulations - Spencer Reid x Reader
chapter twelve of “all bets are off”
there is no amount of preparation that is sufficient enough for your life anymore tbh
warnings: smut, bondage, edging, overstim, more intense degradation than usual idk i was in a mood
Day number one of being officially involved with Spencer, and it was already a doozy. 
When you had arrived at work you had entirely expected some sort of subtle sexual spectacle to occur. You had already fucked at work once, so you went in prepared for absolutely anything sexual that could be thrown your way. However, to your utmost surprise, there was absolutely nothing. In fact, Spencer had been all-but ignoring you the entire day. He said hello, sure, but when you lingered at the coffee pot for a little bit longer than usual, expecting him to come up and make some conversation, he didn’t even throw a glance your way. You didn’t even have the strength to be disappointed, the only emotion you could muster was confusion. For the first time in a week your workday was completely normal. Things were somehow less sexual now that you had agreed to sexual things. What the fuck?
When you made it to the end of the workday without incident you had convinced yourself that the previous two nights had been a fever dream and there was nothing between you and Spencer at all. The only indication of that being untrue were the bruises you had worked so hard to cover on your neck. You couldn’t take it anymore. It’s not like you wanted Spencer’s attention or anything, but he couldn’t give you the cold shoulder after everything you had been through. As you walked through the parking lot you saw him, and you let your emotions get the best of you, jogging up behind him and pouting.
“Hey.” You called out. He stopped, turning on his heel. You swore you saw that cocky look you had come to despise flash on his face for a moment.
“Hey Y/N.”
You narrowed your eyes. “Are you like… mad at me? Or something?” You questioned. It was the only reason you could think of for him to behave this way. 
“You think I’m mad at you?” He repeated. Nice way to not answer the question. 
“Well, yeah. I dunno, you’ve just been acting weird all day.” You explained.
He let out an amused huff. “What? Not used to not getting my undivided attention?” He teased.
“N-No! It’s not just that. You’re just being all weird and reclusive.” You groaned. “So are you mad at me or what?”
“No,” He chuckled. “I’m not mad at you. I just knew you were expecting something out of me today, and it’s no fun when you expect it. I guess it worked as an effective form of punishment, though. Wouldn’t you say?”
What? Punishment? Is that what this had been?  “Would you care to tell me why I’m being punished?” You asked, rolling your eyes.
“What other reason would there be for punishment? You broke one of the rules. And there are only two of them so far, so that’s quite a difficult task. But somehow you managed to do it.” He told you, seeming amused by the look of immediate defiance on your face.
“Huh? I didn’t break shit!” You exclaimed. “I literally don’t know what you’re talking about, dude.” You added. Yikes. Now you were just giving him genuine reasons for punishment. Maybe you really did need to learn how to control your mouth.
“Oh come on. You know exactly what I’m talking about. Like I said, we only have two established rules. There aren't many options here.” He waited for you to come to the answer on your own, watching expectantly.
Two rules. Right. You had asked for his permission to cum, so the only thing left was... oh, no fucking way. “Spencer, if you’re trying to tell me that I broke a rule by masturbating without asking I swear to god.” You whisper-yelled. “I hadn’t even agreed to this whole thing yet. The rule wasn’t even implemented at the time.” 
He raised a brow, a doubtful look in his eyes. “Is that how you see it?”
“It’s not how I see it, Spence, it’s how it is.” You retorted. “What kind of punishment is ignoring me, anyway. A stupid one.” You groaned, running a hand through your hair in frustration. 
“Well, I agree, there’s definitely a point to be made about if you truly broke the rules, that’s why the ‘punishment’ was so minimal.” He began. You nodded along, agreeing. “But,” You felt your stomach drop a bit. But? “If you’re going to complain about the simplest, ‘stupid’ punishments like this, I guess I can forgo trying to extend the same courtesy in the future. And let me remind you,” He took a step closer to you, leaning down a bit. “I’m the one in charge here.  If I decide I want to bend you over my knee and leave bruises on that pretty little ass of yours, or tie you to the bed and watch you cry and beg for me to let you cum, I can. And the funny part is, I bet you wouldn’t even fight it once I started, would you? For someone who likes to complain, you never seem too opposed to what I do to you,” He spoke under his breath, slowly. You swore he could probably hear your heart beating out of your chest. He straightened himself a bit, voice returning to a normal volume. “Besides, if it was up to you to decide when and how you get punished I doubt it would be an effective form of discipline.”
You felt your heartbeat speed up. Okay, this was more like it. This is what you had expected today. “Maybe I’d respect your decisions more if they made more sense, genius.” You shrugged, mind racing with thoughts of him doing all the things had said and more. If that’s what his idea of punishment was you weren’t too scared about egging him on even more.
You heard footsteps coming up behind you and the beep of a car being unlocked. “Hey, guys. Was there some sort of parking garage party I wasn’t invited to?” Derek grinned, approaching you.
“Oh, you know I’m not the partying type.” Spencer chuckled.
“Maybe, but little miss Y/N over here could bring the party animal out of anyone, if you know what I mean.” Morgan teased. 
“Is that how you see me?” You feigned offense.
 “It’s a compliment, doll, I promise.” He laughed.
There was a brief silence before Spencer spoke. “Well, thanks for talking me to about that case, Y/N. I won’t hold you any longer, I know you have plans tonight.”
Confusion washed over you. What? Case? Plans tonight? You stared at him, and he met your eyes, and you swallowed, realizing what he was doing. Alright. Apparently you had plans tonight. “Oh, right. Yeah. Any time, Spence. See you later. Bye, Derek!” And with that, you turned on your heel, walking off to your car.
 You got the text at 9 pm. You waited a few minutes to reply, making sure it didn’t look like you had been waiting for your phone to buzz. Which you totally hadn’t.
‘Are you home?’
You smirked to yourself. Why not fuck with him a bit more? ’Nope.’
‘Oh? Where are you, then?’
You thought for a moment. What would piss him off? ‘Remember my friend I got dinner with? He’s in town again. I thought we could get dinner again since I had to leave so rudely last time.’ 
You saw the bubbles indicating Spencer was typing for a moment until they disappeared. You frowned, but it was short-lived as the notification of his reply dinged. ‘So if I walked into your apartment right now, I wouldn’t see a needy little slut with her phone in her hand who thinks teasing daddy is funny?’
You giggled to yourself. It was bit funny. ’I dunno. I guess you could just make the drive and find out, but don’t be mad when no one is home.’ 
‘Oh, I think I’ll take my chances, because if you’re home like I know you are, I’m going to fuck you senseless.’ You felt a rush of adrenaline as you read the message, putting your phone down and waiting patiently for the knock at your door.
It came 30 minutes later, and you hesitated for a moment, hoping to scare him a bit. After a few moments, though, you made your way to the door, opening it up to reveal a clearly annoyed Spencer. 
Suddenly you were being pulled into your bedroom and pushed onto the bed, head landing on the pillows. His lips were on yours, his hands trailing up and down your sides. You shivered and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him impossibly closer. His lips left yours and before you had time to react they were attached to your jawline, then your neck. You let out a string of moans and curses as he marked you. Spencer smirked against your skin. “What happened to your friend?” He mumbled, already knowing the answer.
“What friend?” You replied, hands tangling in his hair.
“That’s what I thought.” He scoffed, pulling your shirt over your head and unbuttoning his own. As soon as both items of clothing were on the floor you pulled his lips back to yours and his hands traveled behind your back, unhooking your bra, and then separating from you you could throw it to the side. You ran your hands up and down his bare chest and stomach. “You don’t know what you do to me, baby” He breathed out before leaning down and kissing every inch of your bare chest, down to your stomach.
“Spencer, please.” You begged. His fingers played with the hem of your pants.
“Needy now, aren’t we?” He pulled them off slowly, painfully slowly, eyes locked on yours.
 “God damnit you’re such a tease.” You said through gritted teeth. He just laughed at your annoyance, kissing up and down your thighs.
“More. Please.” You whined.
“More what?” He planted a long kiss on your inner thigh, biting down and surely leaving a bruise.
“Sir, please. I need you. Do something. Anything.”
He didn’t reply, fingers toying with the waistband of your underwear. You glared at him. He glanced up at you. “So angry.” He noted. “But daddy gets to decide when you deserve to feel good.” He pulled your panties down, hesitating for a moment before running a few fingers down your slit. You shivered and bit back a moan. “You’re so wet for me, baby girl.” He said breathily as he admired the slickness covering his fingers. 
“Mmhm.” You nodded quickly, too desperate to form words. He repeated his actions, but instead of pulling his hand away, he slipped a single finger inside of you. You shut your eyes tightly and moaned. His eyes didn’t leave your body as he added a second digit and began to move them in and out slowly. “Faster. Please.” You moaned again.
“Patience, baby.” His pace sped up gradually, pleasure building in the pit of your stomach. Suddenly he added a third finger and curled them. You saw stars. “I–fuck, I’m close.” You managed to get out. His fingers stilled, slowly sliding out of you, and you groaned in frustration. “W-What?!” You questioned.
“You really don’t understand, do you? Such a mindless little cumslut. Does daddy need to remind you who you belong to?”He breathed out, bringing his fingers up to your lips. His other hand moved to your jaw, opening it to allow his fingers to slip inside. “I own this dirty little mouth.” He explained as you began to gently suck on his fingers, tasting yourself on your tongue. He pulled them out after a moment, trailing down back to where you needed him most. “I own this tight little pussy.” His fingers were inside you again
Your hips bucked as his thumb played at your clit. You felt yourself inching closer to your climax again. He pushed your hips down with his free hand and continued to pump in and out of you, leaning down to capture your lips in an aggressive kiss. Your body was twitching around his fingers and you moaned into his mouth. You prayed he wouldn’t pull away again, but it didn’t matter, before you could reach your peak his fingers had left you again, emptiness overtaking your senses. He pulled his lips away from yours, hair falling into your face. “I almost forgot, you owe me something from last time, don’t you?” 
Oh, fuck. You did owe him, and of course, he’d choose the most inconvenient time to call in the favor. You sat up a bit, watching as he palmed himself through his pants. “Let me help.” You offered, a hand moving on top of his, figuring the sooner that you did the deed the sooner he’d allow you to cum.
He watched as your fingers worked at the zipper of his pants and he helped you tug them down, his boxers following quickly after. A new desire grew inside of you. Yes, you wanted to cum, but more than that you wanted to make him feel good. You leaned down, tongue swirling around the tip of his cock, and he shuddered, moaning. You did it again, this time taking him partially into your mouth, cheeks hollowing. His breath was ragged, a hand raking through your hair and collecting it into a ponytail in his fist. You teased him just a bit more, pulling away for a moment before moving to take as much of him as you could. His eyes were on you and you looked up to meet them, head bobbing up and down. The look of pure bliss in his eyes only fueled the lust inside of you, tongue working to bring him closer to climax. You felt him twitch in your mouth, an indication that he was in fact close, and you sped up. He seemed torn between watching you or shutting his eyes in pleasure, hand gripping your hair just a bit harder. “You’re such a good girl,” he stuttered out, voice breaking a bit. A few seconds later you felt a warm liquid fill your mouth as he moaned, his hips bucking up slightly as he came. You did your best to swallow it all, licking the remainder of it up as he eased himself out of your mouth.
He was looking at you with a look of pure lust and admiration and you felt yourself blush. Spencer looked like he was pondering something for a moment, and suddenly he was leaning down, grabbing something from next to the bed. It was the bag you had barely noticed he was holding when he walked into your apartment. Out of it, he pulled out a long, thick strand of rope. Your eyes widened. “Do you just carry that around?” You half-joked, watching as he fiddled with it in his hands.
“Who do you belong to?” He asked darkly, opting to ignore your remark.
“Y-You, sir.” You replied.
“That’s right, baby, now you’re learning. So now you’re going to show daddy that you can be a good girl, rather than a needy little brat who whines when she doesn’t get what she wants.” He leaned forward, grabbing your wrists and gently tying them together. “Okay?”
 You nodded. “Yes, daddy. I can be a good girl.”
When your wrists were properly bound he glanced up at the headboard of your bed and let out a long exhale, tying the loose end of the rope to it. You were shaking a bit, wrists flexing in an attempt to gain some leeway, but to no avail. You were stuck, exposed.
“Remember the rule, baby. You can’t cum without permission.”
He leaned down, spreading your legs, and began to eat you out, tongue darting in and out of you, hands pressed firmly against your thighs to keep them separated. Your body reacted immediately, hands moving to touch him, but of course, you were only met with the sting of rope burn from the restraints that kept you in place. You were writhing, the sensation and lack of control driving you wild.
Spencer could feel that you were close, so he pulled away, but before you could complain he pushed 2 fingers into you and let his thumb replace his mouth on your clit. “You can’t cum yet, baby girl. Hold on for me.” He said huskily.
 You nodded silently, willing yourself to hold on. But it was so good, and his fingers were moving so quickly, curling and hitting the spots inside of you that set your entire body ablaze. After a few more seconds you both knew you couldn’t hold it in any longer. You moaned loudly as you came, panic spreading through you as soon as you could form a thought. Oh god. Oh, fuck, what had you done? You could see Spencer was angry he didn’t stop stimulating you until you had ridden out the orgasm, paying. “D-Daddy... I-I’m sorry.” You stuttered out as he looked at you with a sense of calm that was infinitely more frightening than if he had looked upset.
“Mhm.” He replied shortly.
You felt guilty. Genuinely guilty. What the fuck had he done to you to make you feel so bad about disobeying him? Fuck. “I’m sorry I just couldn-”
He cut you off, slamming 3 fingers into you, hard. “Now I have no choice but to show you what happens when you cum before I tell you to.” He said simply, pumping in and out of you at a vigorous pace. You cried out from the unexpected intrusion, almost slamming your hands into the headboard as your arms and hands fought with the restraints. “You can’t do anything right, can you? Fucking useless whore. You’re lucky I don’t make you get yourself off. Or leave you here tied up and pathetic all night, listen to you cry and beg for me to touch you.” He rambled. It didn’t take long for you to become close again, his words paired with the intensity of the pleasure he was giving you was far too much to handle. 
“Oh, fuck, S-Sir, I-“
“Do whatever the fuck you want. It’s not like you listened the first time, you dumb slut." You felt tears begin to form in your eyes as you came a second time, overstimulation becoming more prominent as he didn’t even begin to slow down.
He was pinning your hips down, your body incapable of moving besides the shaking of your legs that you couldn’t quite control. "Stop I, I can’t.” You stuttered out, Spencer’s pace didn’t falter. You felt tears cloud your vision. “I, fuck, it’s too much. I can’t.” You moaned. 
“Oh come on. So fucking weak, aren’t you? Begging me to stop. Didn’t you want to cum, baby girl? Isn’t this what you wanted? I told you I’d have to fuck you senseless. I haven’t even fucked you and you’re gonna cry. Go ahead. Cry for me.” 
So you came again, sobbing.
Tears streamed down your face now, and your entire body was shaking. You incoherently mumbled that you couldn’t do it anymore, and Spencer’s pace softened slightly. “One more, baby. It’ll make up for your little accident earlier.” He cooed. You nodded as the tears spilled from your eyes.
 He pulled his fingers out and you were almost grateful for the break as he repositioned himself to fuck you. Tears were still falling down your cheeks, your wrists were red and irritated, aching from how hard you had been pulling against the ropes. You were completely overwhelmed as Spencer pushed himself inside you fully, stretching you open, your nerves feeling like they were on fire. “Fuck yes,” Spencer moaned roughly. “You feel so fucking good.” 
He was thrusting in and out of you now, a hand on your face, thumb wiping away your tears, and although it was a sweet action, it felt anything but sweet in nature. “Look at you, so pathetic for me.” He cooed. “You’re lucky you look so pretty with mascara running down your face.”
Your upper body had almost gone limp, unable to find the strength to tug against the rope that was still just as tight as it had been when he first tied it.
“Cum with me, slut.” Spencer breathed out, eyes locking with yours. Your mind was blank, only aware of how fucking good he looked like this and how your body could barely take much more of this.
You couldn’t help it though, as you came a final time, almost screaming with pain and pleasure. You were shaking, mind drawing a complete blank, the all-too-familiar feeling of warmth dripping down your thighs comforting you.
Spencer slowed to a stop, reaching up to untie your wrists and then sitting on the bed next to you. You rolled your wrists as they tingled and ached, curling into a ball as Spencer played with your hair soothingly. You did so well, baby girl.” He praised, wiping your remaining tears. You nodded silently. “Did I push you too much?” The question seemed genuine, which almost surprised you.
 “No, no. I’m okay.” You said softly, a small smile playing on your lips.
Once you had calmed down a bit you found yourself feeling overly emotional again. You cursed yourself in your head. Why did you feel so... sad? And why did you find yourself moving closer to Spencer, craving his touch in a totally different way than usual? You panicked for a moment.
“Spencer, maybe you should go now.” You broke the silence. It was the opposite of what you wanted, deep down you knew that, but you didn’t need to be fueling any post-sex irrational fantasies. That’s all it was, anyway. Spencer had said it himself before. It was normal.
He thought for a moment. “Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
You nodded, watching as he got up and redressed, collecting his things.
 “Of course. See you tomorrow.”
taglist <33
@101donuts @annestine @spideyboix @babybloomer @welcome-to-hoeville @eldahae @brokenanxiety @andiebeaword @spencerwaltergubler @la-vie-en-amour1 @rainsong01 @taekwinkle @dreamer7black @guessthatswhyiliveinhell @creepingfromthecorners @joyousreid @slutforthegubes  @cluelessnitwhit  @downondilaudid @screeching-student-unknown @gretaamyk @thegingerfairchild  @criminal-minds-reider @spencerrreid-cm @collegestudentvevo @pastathighs@midnightsubmissives
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drxwsyni · 5 years ago
Petrified (pt.5)
Yandere Erasermic x f!Reader
a/n: idk what to say about this part. the dialogue wasn’t fun, but that’s about it! hope y’all enjoy!
5.9k words
Warnings: reader experiences anxiety
Realistically speaking, there was a very low chance that you’d be able to wrestle your nerves under control as you waited for the impending meeting. It was creeping upon you, quite painfully slowly. On top of that you still had yet to resolve the almost instantaneous sensation of despair you felt upon waking.
Even as you spent the time you had to yourself completing menial tasks, nothing could truly remedy the feelings that plagued your being. It was incessant. Eating away at your will to distract yourself. And eventually you did succumb to its pestering.
No matter what you occupied yourself with, the reality of the approaching situation would invade your thoughts. It would keep you there until you mentally fought tooth and nail against it. But even then it wasn’t enough. It simply became easier to settle with the mindset.
You opted to lay on your thrifted couch, toying with the soft tussles on the blanket that was draped over your lower half. The connection of the fabric running across your fingers to how it actually felt wasn’t something your brain was choosing to register at the moment.
Rather, you simply stewed on your conflict.
It felt like you did this a lot nowadays. Brewing over muddled thoughts that didn’t entirely make sense but also did at the same time.
You trusted Shouta and Hizashi. Yet there was always an inkling of suspicion―or perhaps it was moreso a fear. Probably both, you assumed. What you wouldn’t give to have this whole reality be erased from existence. To never have met the two. Never have gotten preyed on by some lowly criminals that made you so indebted.
But that wasn’t something you could control. Much like you couldn’t seem to control the extent of the impact the heroes were having on your life. That was something they preferred to dictate, regardless of your protests.
Not that you protested all that much. To be fair, you hadn’t exactly been assertive with your wishes. Still, that doesn’t mean your few opinions should be as disregarded as they were.
It angered you more than anything. Shouta wouldn’t give you the chance to speak your mind while Hizashi glazed over the problem with a delusional sense of care. With their combined insistence it was more than enough to force you back into your shell. A place where no matter how upset you were, the courage to speak your mind was next to impossible.
If you didn’t know any better you would think that they were just as aware of this as you. After all, they seemed to be exploiting your weaknesses more and more. Maybe they did know you quite literally feared their methods of approach and were doing it just to see your pitiful reactions.
It would be cruel, and highly unlikely. But your mind had a habit of coming up with the worse case scenario, and this idea was no exception.
You were so wrapped up in contemplating the meaning for their behaviour and subsequently how you felt because of it that the time passing at an alarming rate didn’t even phase you.
No, not until the sound of your phone pinging―an alert for received text messages―were you finally pulled out of your stupor.
From: Shouta
Are you still okay with being picked up at 5:30?
4:32 pm
The time on the receipts made your heart drop a little. An hour left.
That’s fine :)
4:33 pm
From: Shouta
Let me know if you need more time.
4:33 pm
Will do, thanks!
4:34 pm
Of course you didn’t need more time to meddle with your own thoughts.
How exactly were you supposed to get ready to spend time with them? You couldn’t make anything to bring, something they made clear. Were you supposed to wear something casual? Or maybe dressing up a little was the better option.
None of these details really mattered, but overthinking was one of the things you were best at. So at each decision you came across you muddled over what to do. When all was said and done, you chose to settle with a navy blouse and black high waisted jeans. Dark colours were best for not drawing attention to yourself after all, and that was exactly what you wanted to do.
The rest of the routine to prepare for your slowly ensuing departure from the comfort of your apartment was done on autopilot. Any actions couldn’t be fully processed when your mind was drowning in nonsensical worries and ‘what if’ scenarios. The phenomenon wasn’t surprising, but still mentally taxing nonetheless. Nothing you could think or do would make you feel better. This was just something you would have to push through regardless of the voice in your head urging you to make up an excuse not to go.
After all, excuses now would only postpone the inevitable. And right now the inevitable was already here.
From: Shouta
I’m outside.
5:29 pm
You’d been ready for the past fifteen minutes―spending your remaining time anxiously waiting at the kitchen table. You regarded the text with a feeling of dread, but pushed the sensation down as you pulled on your shoes and jacket, stuffing your wallet in a pocket.
Just as he said, Shouta was waiting outside the apartment complex in the parking lot. He was leaning against the side of his car, eyes trained on his phone. Dressed in casual clothes with his hair pulled back into a half bun, he lifted his head upon hearing your approaching footsteps.
You watched as his eyes briefly scanned your form, presumably taking in your choice of clothing. “Ready to go?”
He didn’t exactly sound bored with the pseudo-greeting, rather it was a ‘let’s move this along’ kind of sound. It made you question for a moment whether he actually cared about the situation, but you disregarded the idea. “Of course.” Out of habit you offered a warm smile, which made his face lighten slightly in return. Even that alone was comforting compared to his normally serious facade.
Shouta opened the passenger door for you, letting you step in before closing it. He rounded the car and entered on the drivers side while you fastened your seatbelt, hands shaking ever so slightly. It was in your best interest to keep your nerves under control as much as possible, lest one of the two men pick up on it and become more concerned.
The car started with a low hum, the interior dashboard lighting up in areas that were blacked out before. The radio was playing quietly, allowing you to just barely register the soft rock music being emitted from the speakers. Shouta was the first to break the silence as he began driving.
“So, how was work yesterday?”
Small talk, thank god.
It would probably be a good idea to disregard the normal strain it put on your body. “It was good, like any other Friday I guess.”
The erasure hero nodded slightly before replying, “Anyone giving you trouble?” His eyes never left the road as he spoke, which you were thankful for, but it also made his expression hard to read from where you were sitting.
“I suppose a few people were a little impatient, but it’s nothing I haven’t dealt with before.”
To that he only offered a hum in response before moving to turn the radio up. By now there was a segment between the hosts, and you gratefully let it fill the silence if it meant you could avoid any awkward bits of forced conversation.
You found out regrettably that his home wasn’t too far from your apartment. Perhaps roughly ten minutes there by car, and you were already pulling up to the settlement.
It was comfortably small, set in a neighbourhood with houses of a similar size. You could tell that it was a pricy abode, evident in the elaborately carved wooden doors and smooth stone walkway. Everything exuded luxury, and you expected to find the same quality of handiwork on the inside. Not only that, but it was placed comfortably in the midst of the city―not close enough to any normal bustling life but in an area that would allow for a fast commute. Just another aspect that alluded to it’s likely expensive cost.
Shouta pulled into the driveway, parking the car inside the garage which was surprisingly big enough to fit the automobile. You stepped out as soon as the car door unlocked, the erasure hero following suit. The sound of the doors slamming shut echoed off the walls loudly, causing you to jump a little with your nerves already being on edge. Silently, you prayed he had yet to pick up on your behaviour.
“S’just through here.” Shouta gestured to the only door in the room before heading towards it, one hand shoved in his pocket. He held it open in wait for you to round the car and step through the threshold.
Instantly your senses were flooded with a smell that was so indisputably welcoming―a certain warmth, enhanced by the aroma of a home cooked meal in the making. It was wildly calming, and in that moment you forgot how stressed you’d been over the ordeal you were about to sit through. And yet, even as you came back to reality, the atmosphere continued to still your worries to a certain extent.
“We’re home.” The erasure hero’s voice sounded off behind you, causing you to turn to see that he was removing his jacket. You did the same, but before you could ask where to hang it Shouta had already gently removed the article from your hands, placing it on a hanger in the front entrance closet.
As you were removing your shoes a certain voice hero made himself known. “I’m just in the kitchen, grub’s almost done and cooked!”
Once the two of you had finished up getting comfortable, Shouta led the way deeper into the house. Following him, you finally laid eyes on his partner who was preoccupied at the stove. He glanced over his shoulder, face turning bright upon seeing you.
“Songbird? How’ve ya been?” He talked like he hadn’t seen you in forever, but that was no surprise.
What did come as a surprise was the suffocatingly tight hug he went on to wrap you in. The contact was jarring, but you did your best not to recoil. After all, you would be lying if you said the hug wasn’t at least a little nice. Sure, your mind had momentarily ceased it’s functioning from the shock, but biology did have its ways of easing your pain. Namely, in the form of that sweet release of serotonin as an innate response to the affection. Leaning into it to prove you weren’t too bothered by the close proximity, you responded. “Ah―fine. The same as last time you saw me I guess.”
The blond pulled away, opting to hold you by the shoulders as he spoke. “That head feelin’ okay? Your meds workin’?” The look in his eyes told you how concerned he was, even though the soft tone in his voice did more than enough to convey it. It was one of the few times it carried such delicacy to it, something you were grateful for as you don’t think the normal booming of his voice would’ve been tolerable from such a distance.
You smiled warmly, doing your best to maintain eye contact―and failing after a few seconds. “Yep, everything's back to normal, pretty much…”
That’s what you said, but it wasn’t the truth.
The reality of your health was something you normally chose to disregard, but you knew it wasn’t normal. At the end of the day, your normal was likely another person's hell. The exhaustion you felt was second nature, but that didn’t mean it was easy to deal with. However, putting up with the sensation was worth what you got out of it. So you kept going―kept lying―both to yourself and others that you were okay.
The pause Hizashi gave before answering instilled a brief pang of anxiety. The two were unbearably perceptive―they had to be, being heroes and all. But whatever he was thinking seemed to pass. “Good ta hear, why don'tcha make yourself comfortable while we finish up sweetheart.”
You glanced over to the stovetop, then to the countertop that was adorned with wayward vegetables and measuring cups. Naturally, you couldn’t help but offer assistance. “Oh, I don’t mind helping out. If you want I could―”
“Nah listener! Go get comfy, ‘Shou and I’ve got this.” He gave your shoulder a few reassuring pats, before motioning to the living room with his other hand.
As he gave you a gentle push, you managed to sputter out a response. “Um―okay, then…” Was it a strong response? No. But they weren’t giving you time to come up with something more polite. So you took Hizashi’s queue and padded over to the living room.
The first thing you noticed when you stepped into the expanse was how...empty it was. It had furniture―more than enough to fill the room. All of it looking high in value, only adding to the comfort and prestige of their home. That wasn’t the issue. It was the lack of personal items that stood out.
There were none of the items that you would expect in a well lived in home. Things like photos or framed degrees on the wall―nothing to suggest that either of the two heroes stayed there. Not so much as a haphazardly discarded personal belonging like a sweater or even a stray coffee mug was in sight. It was immaculately devoid of unique human presence. The only thing that served as evidence to suggest someone was actually living there and it wasn’t more so a showroom was the laptop on the coffee table in front of the couch.
But that was it. Peculiar, to say the least.
There was quite literally nothing else for you to evaluate. Nothing to help you get a better sense of who the heroes were behind closed doors. With the lack of stimulation came an awkward feeling of self awareness. So you did what the blond instructed―you made yourself comfortable.
The couch looked invitingly cushiony, so there you took up residence, pulling out your phone for the distraction of social media. You had your back to Shouta and Hizashi who were still in the kitchen. That particular detail mildly unsettled you, and you did your best not to let the paranoia induced urge to keep looking over your shoulder get to you.
With the comfort of the temporary seclusion you concluded that while they might be taking your presence to make up for the burden you’ve placed on them, you were paying an equal amount with your sanity. They couldn’t have seen how much their existence in your life as of late was displacing your will to remain calm. If they did then you were sure the heroes in them wouldn’t have suggested this meeting.
They were getting too personal, and all you could think about was never having to see them again after tonight.
Regrettably, the sound of clinking metal pulled you out of your thoughts. Behind you Shouta had begun setting the dining table, placing down cutlery along with napkins. Part of you knew that your offer of assistance would be shot down. It was all routine at this point, and you’d honestly lost track of the amount of times it had happened.
You inwardly cursed yourself for causing unnecessary anxiety, “I can help with that, if you want.” The ‘if you want’ came out unintentionally, your subconscious knowing what was about to happen.
Shouta glanced up at you, “That’s fine (y/n), you can just take a seat.” He went back to what he was doing without another word, before heading back to the kitchen.
It wasn’t even worth putting up resistance over.
Standing up, you walked over to the dining room, claiming the spot next to the head of the table. Not a moment later and the two were walking out with various bowls which appeared to be steaming.
“Hope you’re hungry sunshine! Dinner’s comin’ in hot” Hizashi set down a bowl in front of you.
“It’s beef stew, hope you don’t mind.” The erasure hero sat down at the head of the table. His partner left the room, only to return with a tray of golden dinner rolls.
“Homemade and fresh outta the oven!” He set the tray down in the middle of the table, taking a seat across from you.
You looked down at the food displayed before you. Frankly, it looked absolutely delectable. “This looks really good, you must’ve been at it for a while.”
Shouta had already begun eating so you assumed it was safe for you to do the same. Lo and behold, the food tasted just as good as it looked. The perfect ratio of vegetables to meat, seasoned to perfection. It was impressive, to say the least.
“Yeah it did take a bit, but it’s worth it for you songbird!”
You were almost too distracted by the mouth watering meal that was gracing your tastebuds to care about his pet names. And even if you did care, the hospitality would help in overlooking it. Thankfully your nerves had calmed down a bit, part of you thinking that you were growing used to their presence ever so slightly.
As you ate, the two took it upon themselves to make idle discussion to fill the silence, Hizashi always doing more of the talking than his counterpart. You did the listening, as they were dealing with topics beyond you. Namely hero work, its details something that you couldn’t quite relate to, let alone offer something valuable to the conversation. You weren’t complaining either―it was easier to let them go on than it was to worry yourself over trying to find something interesting to say.
It would’ve been nice if things could’ve stayed like that. The mood was something you could tolerate at the moment, an occurrence that was rare when you were around the two men. But of course something so ideal as that would never last.
Soon enough their back and forth discourse began heading exactly where you hoped they would avoid tonight.
Hizashi was on the subject of a few unsavoury criminals that had been active in the area. Nothing too serious, but still posing a large enough threat to those who were less capable of defending themselves.
And then he started talking about the area you were walking through when you just so happened to get cornered by similarly dangerous individuals.
At that point you were a little over halfway done eating, and desperately wishing to quickly move from the subject if not just drop it entirely. But no, Hizashi was intent on remaining on the topic.
“Ya know, a few buddies of mine have been dealing with some trouble in that area.” With his mouth half full, he continued. “Sure you gotta work so late? Can’t imagine walkin’ home at that time is very safe.”
You’d lost your appetite.
“Yeah, they need me to cover the later shifts, and I don’t really mind it, so…”
Shouta seemed to be more interested in the discussion now that you were involved. “Still, you should try and switch to morning shifts.”
“Mm―not only that but ya can’t just go exploring a bunch of alleyways. Shit’s bound to happen there hun.” The blond had set his food aside and was more than happy to indulge himself further in telling you what to do.
Did they really think you were so dense that you’d be going down alleyways just to explore?
You placed your spoon in the almost empty bowl, bringing your hands to rest on your lap. At least like that they wouldn’t be able to see you trying to relieve some stress by repetitively fidgeting with the end of your sleeve or digging your nails into the palms of your hands.
“I was taking a shortcut. That’s not something I would normally do.” There was a certain feeling of spite in your voice, but you doubt they could register it. Rather you probably simply sounded displeased to be talking about that night, mixed with a hint of shame for letting yourself get attacked like that.
“If that’s the case then I’d advise you take the long way. You’re just putting yourself at a higher risk by going down that path.” Shouta was taking a sip of his drink as the two let you process their advice. He didn’t seem to like the idea of you ‘putting yourself at risk,’ judging by the almost disappointed tone in his voice.
It was hard for you to meet their eyes as they spoke, so instead you alternated between staring at the table while looking at them for a brief second to prove that yes, you were listening to them.
However you did watch as Hizashi moved to fold his hands atop the table, leaning forward slightly. He paused, likely gathering his thoughts. “And, ah...somethin’s been sorta bothering Shou’ and I for a bit.” The two men eyed each other for a moment, “It’s just...the doctor never said what was quite wrong with ya, being so tired and all.”
The heroes were looking intently at you for an answer, causing you to mentally recoil from the unwanted attention. But you still had to come up with something to influence them into moving on to something that didn’t directly relate to your wellbeing. “Oh...well it was the end of the week I guess. That probably explains it…” You were curious to see if the answer was satisfactory, but upon looking up a little more to judge their reactions you found that oh no, that was most definitely not enough.
They didn’t look convinced in the slightest. You weren’t lying to them, just omitting most of the truth. And somehow it felt like they knew you were doing so―your suspicions being quickly confirmed.
“You passed out, (y/n). Your records don’t list any medical problems so there should be no reason your shifts cause you that much exhaustion.”
You had no doubt Shouta was boring holes into your skull with the unmatched intense look he was likely giving you. The wavering amounts of courage you held only allowed you to observe him from the shoulders down. He’d leaned back in his chair at this point, one hand in his lap while the other rested on the table.
They didn’t have the right to be so invasive with your personal life. They were heroes. They saved people and then they were supposed to move on.
Not access their medical history without their permission to see if they were being completely honest.
As if sensing your growing uncomfortableness, Hizashi piped up. “We’re just worried about ya sweetheart. Stuff like that doesn’t just happen outta the blue. And if somethin’ really is wrong then you gotta tell us.”
You could almost drown in the concern blanketing his words and tone. It was conflicting―you knew he was being genuine, and that the two were just that invested in your wellbeing at the moment. But that’s what scared you.
The attention was entirely unwelcome. How many times did you have to reassure them that you were handling things before they let it go?
Self-awareness was haunting you, knowing full well how you were going to be unable to control the shakiness in your voice. Even less so was the hold you had over the stirring of worrisome emotions brewing inside you. You knew skirting around the truth was better than telling them you used your quirk at work. They would probably get mad at you―the reality wasn’t a conventionally accepted thing.
“I think..I’m just a naturally tired person. And those guys freaked me out a bit, so...I don’t know. I guess it was just a combination of those things?”
You waited in heavy silence for a response. For once it seemed that they were thinking before they spoke. Hizashi especially liked to say whatever came to mind, at least that’s what you thought. Shouta wasn’t as impulsive, but he never hesitated this long. And so when he finally spoke, you weren’t sure whether to be relieved due to the occurrence or not―given what he said.
“If you think we believe that excuse for a second then you're very wrong, (y/n). You might be tired, but we know there’s more to it than that. It’d be much easier if you’d just cooperate with us.”
Looking up was a bad idea, but your head moved on its own. While Shouta looked as menacing as ever, his partner looked...nervous. You’d never seen him that way, like he was suffering just as much as you were. Perhaps it was a side effect of this irrational concern he felt, realistically you didn’t care. But the feeling transferred to you and slowly the pit in your stomach grew bigger and bigger with each passing second. You weren’t sure how much longer you’d be able to hold out.
“Please just tell us the truth, songbird. You’re not in trouble, we promise. It’s just―we can tell there’s somethin’ off with ya.” If your hands were on the table you wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to hold them, knowing of his tendencies.
You looked back and forth between the two, eyes silently pleading for them to just drop it altogether.
Of course, you knew they wouldn’t.
Maybe you should just run while you had the chance?
“R-really, I’m okay. Listen, dinner was...really good, but I think I should be going n―”
“You’re not leaving.”
The erasure hero was in no mood to put up with you dancing around the topic at hand anymore. He brought you here to find out what the fuck was going on with you and he’d be damned if you just denied them that truth any longer. Hizashi had no complaints―maybe wincing at his partner’s harshness a little, but otherwise was in it just as much as him.
The blond could bring the tension down a little though, mostly for your sake. “Are ya not gettin’ enough sleep? Shou’ knows a pretty good doctor that helps with that kinda thing if that’s the problem. We just wanna make sure you’re being safe is all, sunshine.”
Really? Because this feels more like an interrogation than a friendly discussion over your habits.
Perhaps it would be better to just cut your losses and tell them. You didn’t want to, if they deemed fit they could be the reason you lose your job. Your boss didn’t know that you used your quirk―nobody did. It was how you stayed ahead of everyone else. Technically it was like cheating, having such a big advantage over your coworkers in your line of work. But where was the harm? You were making people happy, there’s nothing wrong with that.
But just like before you left your apartment to be accompanied to their house, your mind decided it was a perfectly fine and healthy idea to come up with countless ‘what ifs.’ One of which included the possibility that yes, you would be fired for this small transgression. Even though it was unlikely, it still plagued your mind with dread. The shop was where you got validation―a place where you knew you were doing something right. You didn’t want it taken away from you.
But you had to tell them. They were waiting. There was no way out of this.
“M-my quirk…”
How were you supposed to explain this?
“What about your quirk?” Shouta was not giving you any room to weasel your way out of this.
Your eyes remained trained on the abandoned dinner in front of you. “I use it...at work, sometimes. It just makes me a little tired I guess.”
The erasure hero didn’t give his counterpart the chance to ruin the moment, knowing you were susceptible to revealing more information with another push. “Only sometimes?”
God, it felt like you were being shamed for what you did.
“A lot...I use it a lot.” Admitting it felt hard even though you were more than aware of your behaviour. It was their reaction that made the task so difficult.
“What’s your quirk, sweetheart?”
You looked at your hands―the tools that made the fruits of your labour possible. “I...um―it’s called Nurture. I can sort of...put life back into plants? It just makes them healthier, but doing it puts strain on my body. Makes me a bit sleepy, but it isn’t usually that bad…”
Shouta gave a quiet hum in response before continuing, sitting up in his chair a bit. “Well―I wouldn’t call that a bit. No point in trying to downplay it now, just be honest.”
It was probably supposed to sound lightly encouraging, but he sounded more like he was making a demand.
A demand in which you had no choice but to meet.
“Okay...it can be a little much sometimes. B-but Friday was the exception, I had to use it a lot the night before so...the exhaustion just caught up with me.” You left out the part where the emotional response from being cornered was likely a bigger problem than the sorry state your general physique was in.
Hizashi sighed, and it would appear that the two were relieved to finally get the explanation they were looking for. You however were not in the same state. You were vulnerable, and inwardly you prayed they would leave well enough alone.
The erasure hero took a sip of his drink, and you caught the men exchanging glances before the blond spoke up. “That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
You didn’t respond. Just kept staring at your hands.
“What you’re doing isn’t illegal or anything, but it’s still not something you should be doing. I’m sure you know what could happen to your career if this kind of information got out.”
At that your eyes shot up, looking desperately in Shouta’s direction. “Please don’t tell my boss. He doesn’t know, and I’m not hurting anyone by using it. Please just―I don’t know what I’d do without my job.” You glanced back to Hizashi, looking like your words were hurting him as well.
“I don’t know (y/n), you’re not exactly being responsible with your quirk. Just because you’re not hurting anyone else doesn’t mean it’s safe to disregard your own health.” Shouta must enjoy judging you when you were at your lowest, seeing as he tended to do it an awful lot.
Just when you thought this night couldn’t get any worse, it did. It got so much worse.
You weren’t able to form a rebuttal, but it didn’t matter when Hizashi beat you to it. “Listen, we don’t want to do that songbird, honestly. How ‘bout we make another deal instead…”
What in god’s name could they want from you.
“W-what kind of deal?” How you wished they’d just let you walk free, unburdened by their presence like you planned on before coming here. It’s like they wanted to watch you squirm uncomfortably with anticipation.
Finally the blond continued. “Simple. Ya try not to use your quirk as much and we don’t tell management!”
Shouta added his take, “And you have to keep coming over for dinner so we can make sure you’re holding up your end. It’s a fair proposition. Take it or leave it.”
It was unbelievable. Of course you didn’t want to comply―they were blackmailing you for christ’s sake. But one problem did stand out, “What are you guys getting out of this? I―I’m just not quite sure I understand.”
The erasure hero sighed, “Call it peace of mind―lets us know you're not on the verge of death while enjoying your company at the same time.”
Clearly they couldn’t see how much you weren’t enjoying their company. Or maybe they did and simply didn’t care. How they thought this was a fair deal was beyond you, and it didn’t exactly matter either way.
You didn’t want to admit it―to agree to their ‘deal,’ but you had no choice. They’d effectively cornered you. At this point you could only hope they would get bored enough of your presence to eventually call it off. You wouldn’t be able to stop using your quirk, it would break your heart not to. You got so much out of using it―emotionally at least.
They might not know if you were lying now if you agreed to it, but having to see them again wouldn’t be good news. Was it that obvious what your quirk did to your health? Honestly speaking, you’d never really evaluated whether or not you looked worse for wear. All this time you just acted without thinking of the effects. Perhaps there was physical evidence―but it was something you would have to evaluate later.
Not that you personally cared whether or not you actually looked tired. There was always makeup for that if you were feeling self-conscious. Mostly, you needed to see what you had to do to fool them into thinking you were complying.
At least they were patient when it came to this response, and eventually you did manage to give one. With great reluctance, you spoke. “I guess...if that’s what you want. But I―”
“Then it’s settled! We can keep meetin’ up like this every Saturday from now on!” Hizashi was positively beaming at the prospect, you however were not as excited.
Every fucking Saturday?
The thought of having to experience the same god awful stress made your heart sink. They should be sick of seeing your face by now. All you’ve done for them was place an immense burden, both on their wallets and apparently their minds as well. It didn’t matter if they were worried about you―they would have to get over it.
You would play along for now, mostly for the sake of your sanity.
It was simple. You just had to convince them that you were keeping up your end of the deal. It wasn’t impossible. You would be fine.
Shouta stood up from his chair, muttering an “Alright, then” as he did so. You watched almost helplessly as he began gathering the bowls and glasses off the table, stacking them in a neat pile.
You would've offered to help, but they’d already taken enough from you tonight. Realistically, you doubted it was even possible to form a coherent sentence. Your mind was too muddled with what was currently an inescapable despair, alongside of a slowly kindling detestment for the two men.
The audacity they held to put you in such a position would be impressive if it weren’t also mildly disturbing at the same time. For heroes, they seemed wildly unaware of how oppressive their behaviour was.
For the time being you were under their every whim and command. It wasn’t ideal, but it was something you would have to put up with.
Just enough for them to see you were okay. That you were capable of functioning even when your quirk posed certain unpleasant obstacles.
And in your mind of calculating escapes, you just barely registered that the two had gone back to their discussion of life events that you’d never come close to relating to. Hizashi still being the more dominant, relaxed as his partner cleaned the dining table.
The clock ticking away on the wall read 5:57 pm. You wondered how much longer they’d keep you here, seeing as they never made a point to ask you what you were comfortable with anyways―probably planning on doing the same with when they thought you should be free to go for the night.
End of Part 5
taglist: @roseloverofpastels @shinsous-eye-bags @tjhonoluluprezstitch626 @pekusofixus @riarora @glitterypinkkitty @elektraeriseros @hadesnewpersephone @axolotleyeliner
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cattles-bians · 4 years ago
damie vibecca exes au part 8
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obsetress: now i just want fanart of damvibecca at the gym
em: well. pitch it to me comrade ghostfucker
obsetress: idk that's about as far as i got i just reread that bit about vibecca in their matching gym outfits and my brain got stuck
em: hypothetically do u have a colour palette in mind bc i associate gym outfits w like. bright loud colours and
em: idk if it works w our earth sign queens
[em note: emily is a liar and did NOT draw fanart of damvibecca at the gym]
[em note 2: we have the gym art now [x] [x]]
obsetress: i was imagining like charcoals tbh, or jewel tones
obsetress: i could see them in like jewel tone purples or that jewel tone blue green color
obsetress: yeah viola jewel tones or blacks n charcoals
obsetress: becs pastels and camels but jewel tones at the gym
em: it’s about Matching
em: And Destroying Ur Ex (platonically)
obsetress: yeah
obsetress: viola's feeling particularly smug about it but then
obsetress: dani's in an old school tshirt and shorts and jamie's in............ one of dani's old school tshirts and shorts
em: YES
obsetress: not intentionally, she just grabbed whatever was there
obsetress: dani chirps "oh you two look so cute! baby look, they have a matched set"
obsetress: viola arches an eyebrow "and so do you, it seems" and dani laughs "not on purpose, jamie just grabbed whatever was on top in the drawer"
viola: you two... share... a wardrobe?
dani: yeah?
em: god cute
obsetress: cute n dumb
em: they can share nearly everything except pants
em: well. pants as a treat
em: haha pants
em: trousers
obsetress: also rly nice rly clean smooth funny juxtaposition in my brain of vibecca being the ones who intentionally match and damie the ones for whom it just accidentally happens
obsetress: hahahah pants
obsetress: they can share pants but................ should they
em: idk miss chapter 12 danis thighs jamies pyjamas
em: should they
obsetress: PLEASE
obsetress: that's exactly what i was referring to THANKS
obsetress: anyway
obsetress: rebecca just laughs
obsetress: viola huffs and bex is like "sorry, babe, but it is kind of funny"
em: dani jamie wearing like
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obsetress: YEAH
em: poor viola
obsetress: thinking about dani's ass in those
em: yeah....
em: violas huffing until jamies exercise flush lasts a little Too Long
obsetress: big blush jamie taylor
em: she’s still like ‘oi dani close ur mouth’ but then she
obsetress: yeah
obsetress: just ogling each other
obsetress: (they briefly pause to ogle vi and rebecca passing a medicine ball back and forth as they do squats and have to acknowledge that, yeah, they've all done alright by themselves)
em: funny montage of the gang doing exercise while surreptitiously taking Peaks
obsetress: omg all i want
obsetress:sometimes having friends as a lesbian means they're all your exes except one, who's your gf, and you're all checking each other out always anyway
And That’s Beautiful
obsetress: dani: checking out viola's biceps, rebecca's abs
viola: checking out dani's thighs n ass
rebecca: minding her business
jamie: scowling n scrawny
obsetress:(n also checking out dani's thighs n ass, viola's biceps, and begrudgingly peeking at rebecca's abs)
obsetress: every other woman at the gym: checking out jamie, trying to figure out the entire dynamic here
are they a polycule? what
em: jamie probably like
em: maybe she gets really into running bc she just checks out and listens to her audiobooks but like
em: slow twitch vs fast twitch fibers so stays scrawny
obsetress: i can see that
obsetress: just gets on the treadmill and zones tf out
em: jamie ‘why don’t i have biceps’ taylor vs jamie ‘no u gotta lift w ur hips’ taylor
obsetress: she hates it but her psych told her it'll be good for her routine so you know she was like yes ma'am every day ma'am
em: cant believe safe lifting procedures screwed her over
em: ‘yes ma’am every day ma’am’ ur just Going for it arent ya anshdjdh
obsetress: sorry but don't tell me you can't hear it
obsetress: jamie's the person who takes notes in therapy
obsetress: jamie, in the locker room after their workout: do my biceps look bigger?
dani, patiently, already knowing where this is going: bigger than what, baby?
jamie: than yesterday
dani: mm, rome wasn't built in a day, you know
jamie: do they look bigger at all?
dani: well
em: i mean not to perceive her too much but mattresses scene indicates AE/jamie like. at least some muscle in the leg area
em: poor jamie
em: not playing to her strengths
obsetress: yeah she does
obsetress: i mean ae has toned af arms
obsetress: she's just wiry
em: how could i forget the benchpressing dog gif
obsetress: dani's like "jamie, baby, come do squats with me and vi" "m'good" "baby, c'mon, you'll like it" "don't wanna do squats" "it could be good for you" "don't wanna do squats with you two"
em: dani: you gotta like. eat more
jamie: i eat plenty
dani: no u graze all day and then u don’t eat dinner
obsetress: dani: five biscuits spread out across a day doesn't count as eating more
em: dani: protein jamie it’s abt protein
obsetress: dani: you need more protein, which is why i think some lentils would really––
em: jamie thinks protein shakes are Nasty
obsetress: jamie does think protein shakes are nasty but dani will make her a smoothie and sneak it in like she's a child
obsetress: viola and rebecca, with their matching monogrammed blender bottles, just staring
obsetress: becca's like "jamie, just drink it, really, it's fine"
obsetress: viola just does this haughty sniff at her and that's what finally gets jamie to start
em: jamie can deal w being a brat but the idea of viola having Anything over her drives her Insane
em: Drives Her Fuckign Nuts
obsetress: she hates it
obsetress: just the absolute fuckin worst
em: do u think dani ever like
em: like they REALLY need to clear out storage but it’s a boiling frog situation where it’s increased so gradually that
em: like jamie thinks it’s Fine storage is Clear Enough
em: it’s Not
em: danis like. should we invite rebecca and vi over
em: just be Idea of A Snide Viola Comment fills jamie w a burning rage
obsetress: oh my god
obsetress: i'm obsessed with this
obsetress: i would read a whole oneshot about this
em: eventually dani comes clean abt it n jamie thinks it’s v funny bc yknow; open and honest communication is a v important part of their dynamic
em: jamie: next time just tell me my storage looks like shite dani or i will be grumbling abt viola for a Week
obsetress: inevitably
obsetress: when they do have to come over to clean
obsetress: dani offers them takeout and wine ("step up from pizza and beer at least," jamie grumbles) and viola's like "jesus, dani, let's just go out to dinner. my treat"
obsetress: at dinner, viola's like "if you want more storage, i have some wonderful properties––"
obsetress: rebecca's mouthing "sorry" from next to her across the table
em: every time they go out rebecca takes vi aside n is like ok sweetheart so you promise you’re not gonna try convince them to sell the apartment again
em: and violas like (mock horror) of course i won’t. ye of little faith
em: and every time
em: every time she does
em: she’s tryna HELP
obsetress: she would too she'd be like
obsetress: "i'm just trying to HELP"
obsetress: "they're our FRIENDS"
em: i’m on a mission to figure out like
em: this is way way down the line
em: but i wanna believe eventually viola and jamie start to, at the v least, Tolerate each other
em: jamie might even be fond of the crazy bird but she’ll NEVER admit it
obsetress: god like vi's on business or some shit in like
obsetress: the UAE
obsetress: negotiating some Deal
obsetress: and so dani and jamie get dinner with just bex and they're driving home after and having a perfectly mundane conversation and then jamie's just blurting like
obsetress: "i think i miss vi"
em: she’s HORRIFIED
em: she tries to play it off as like um
em: she’s Too Comfortable
em: things are Too Boring
em: which is weird knowing everything we know abt jamie
em: but actually she just... maybe misses viola
em: danis like god i wish i was recording this
obsetress: jamie's passed out next to her at home later (it's ten pm) and dani's chattering happily away on the phone with vi (drinking a martini in her dubai hotel room at one am since, y'know, no bars) in bed right next to her
obsetress: "jamie, uh, said she misses you. i know. no, i KNOW. don't tell her i told you. yeah, yeah, you win, vi, we know. uh-huh. uh-huh. i'm gonna pretend you didn't just ask me that"
em: CUTE
em: u can’t lord it over her vi it’s a little secret
em: vi's like when have i EVER
em: she does
obsetress: once they're good again, dani and vi absolutely just. lose time (there's a metaphor in there) talking to each other still
em: this is wholesome tbh
em: i really like the damie stories where like
em: look it’s nice when damie have each other but it’s also nice when they have their own friends and stuff
em: dunno how to articulate that well
em: it’s a balance! it’s a balance
obsetress: yeah! exactly
obsetress: because that's part of the love n possession thing too yk
obsetress: not to say either of them would ever be like "no friends for you" but
obsetress: wanting to have a life outside of your partner yk
obsetress: they're meeting vi and rebecca for dinner after vi gets back and vi's just grinning and sweeping jamie into a hug "i heard you missed me"
em: she gets jamie a souvenir t-shirt
em: it’s too big
em: OR
em: child’s t-shirt
obsetress: (jamie sleeps in it that night)
obsetress: oh childs might be better
obsetress: she's like "you're a little scrawny, so..."
em: jamie sleeps in it.... soft bitch
em: she feels too much
obsetress: jamie taylor softest bitch
obsetress: dani watches her pull it on and raises an eyebrow and jamie's just like "wot"
em: jamies like (grumbles) i knew she was comin back i’m just
em: shouldn’t you be HAPPY about this development dani
em: ‘s’a gift... s’rude not t’....’
obsetress: YEAH
obsetress: dani just grins "mmhm"
em: it accidentally makes its way into jamies workout clothes pile
obsetress: oh my GOD oh my god
obsetress: viola's shit eating GRIN when jamie shows up at the gym in it
em: jamies like fok
em: mental maths tryna figure if she wants to just. work out in a sports bra
em: she Doesn’t
obsetress: she Doesn't!
obsetress: (she's shy)
em: god it’s one of those shirts that’s like
em: someone who loves me went to UAE and got me this t-shirt or something
obsetress: dani corners her in their empty row in the locker room "you could've just taken it off, you know" "dunno, not everyone needs to... see that, you know?" "i'd certainly like to see it" jamie rolls her eyes but she's grinning "you can see that any time" "well maybe i wanted to see it during my workout" "dani......."
em: jamies embarrassed bc of her gnarly farmers tan means her tummy is at least five shades lighter than the rest of her
em: crisp tan lines
obsetress: god jamie's farmers tan
em: once again i am bringing my tan lines jamie agenda
obsetress: dani loves jamies dumb farmers tan so much
obsetress: she giggles
obsetress: but it's the most loving giggle possible
em: and then when she gets into running...
em: god when i was rowing there were a couple ppl w like what i called a neapolitan icecream tan which is
em: gimme a second
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obsetress: jamie gets all huffy when dani giggles at her tan but then dani's like "baby, no, i think it's cute" and jamie gives her a look and dani grins mischievously and ducks her head
obsetress: and then she's licking and kissing and nipping her way along jamie's dumb tan lines
em: there it is
obsetress: it was inevitable
em: so caught up in the joy of jamies dumb farmer tans i forgot abt her gnarly scar she keeps under wraps
em: baby
em: the most baby
obsetress: baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
em: jamie decides the only way to claim the stupid t-shirt as hers is to cut off the sleeves
em: it’s abt the ritual of the thing
obsetress: she shows up at the gym wearing it and
obsetress: that's viola's "oh no she's hot" moment
obsetress: literally just like
obsetress: world stops
obsetress: viola stares
em: jamie finally gets to do an exercise that shows off her sinewy manual labor grip forearms
em: viola’s probably just as horrified to find jamie hot as every time jamies like oh no
em: violas hot
em: and once again jamie CANNOT know she’s hot bc she will be insufferable
em: she will be the Worst
obsetress: viola's tugging rebecca aside "why didn't you tell me jamie was hot" "what?" viola waves a hand and rebecca just furrows her brow a little and is like "that's just... what she looks like, vi"
obsetress: viola corners dani next "why didn't you tell me jamie was hot" "i did" "oh. right" viola pauses, then "why didn't you make sure i was listening?" dani just gives her a look and walks away
obsetress: dflksdjfldaj god the way jamie and viola are. the same
obsetress: kind of incredibly, in the same ways dani and rebecca are the same
em: “hey baby, did viola seem different today? seemed off”
em: jamies like. is she mad at me. did i break another social taboo.
em: rebecca ‘jamie looks like jamie’ jessel vs dani ‘my gf is so hot i can’t stand it’ clayton
obsetress: "i tell you how hot she is at least three times a week, vi"
em: danis tryna goad her into making the damn shirt a crop top
em: jamies like yeah but isn’t that a step too far. i feel like i am destroying this shirt too much
em: she does it anyway
em: so jamies workout clothes are danis endless grey baggy school t-shirts and this one ugly souvenir shirt that like
em: psychological warfare and she doesn’t even know it
obsetress: i would........ like to see it
obsetress: also crop top jamie is one of my favorite jamies
obsetress: she is severely underrated
em: crop top jamie is
obsetress: and we do not talk about her enough
em: jamie wear More crop tops
obsetress: viola and rebecca in bed, in matching facemasks, after going to the gym post-epiphany that Jamie Is Hot
obsetress: viola: are dani and jamie hotter than us?
rebecca: what?
obsetress: and like
obsetress: viola is NOT insecure
obsetress: she is constantly confident that she's the most attractive woman in the room at any given moment, but
obsetress: she's just so staggered by this realization
em: some neutral third party (ms grose and mr sharma probably) are like well. u guys definitely have a little more of a scary thing going on
em: i’m imagining rebecca and viola at brunch w hannah and owen v seriously discussing this
em: viola brings it up and rebecca GROANS but then she gets invested in the convo
obsetress: GOD yeah
obsetress: she's leaning forward and gesturing with her fork "when you say 'scary'..........."
em: owens like scary is a compliment
em: hannah grose sips her tea knowingly
obsetress: rebecca just narrows her eyes at hannah grose and hannah raises her eyebrows and shrugs
em: after a week or so viola bursts into a room w stupid big sunglasses and a tray of take out coffees and she’s like Don’t You Worry Jamie I Have Concluded You’re Hot But I’m Not Threatened By It
em: jamies like sorry WHAT
em: you’ve been thinking about WHAT
em: viola leaves without ever following it up
obsetress: dani is entirely unfazed
obsetress: doesn't even blink
em: danis like neat she remembered the oat milk
em: everyone in this au is insane
obsetress: any lesbian in 2021 is insane
obsetress: par for the course
em: was gonna protest but
em: Yeah
obsetress: this lesbian meme account i follow on insta is doing “stop asking who’s the top and who’s the bottom. start asking...” posts
obsetress: and one of them is “start asking who’s baby and who’s fuck around and find out” and it just makes me chuckle
obsetress: jamie taylor baby
obsetress: viola lloyd also baby
em: dani is baby passing and jamie is fuck around faking
obsetress: oh my god that’s why that’s why i think we cracked it
obsetress: dani (fuck around) dated jamie (baby) and vi (baby)
obsetress: rebecca (fuck around) dated jamie (baby) and vi (baby)
obsetress: the reason they could never cross further even tho per the transitive property dani (so similar to vi) should be able to date beccs and jamie (so similar to beccs) should be able to date vi is because
obsetress: you can’t have two babies and two fuck arounds in a relationship together
em: oh of course. i see. i see
em: however in the rare rare crack ship of the ‘jamie viola hatefuck’ a similar phenomenon to ‘social anxiety mum friend ordering food’ instinct takes over and someone fucks around and finds out
em: this is just my unhinged jamie viola hatefuck bulkshit which is. it’s ironic ok it’s ironic it’s ironic it’s
em: ok one last thought bc i know it’s super late for u but
obsetress: omg i also have a last thought let’s trade
em: what if mikey is about isabels age n jamie ends up looking after him for one reason or another for a bit
em: and viola absolutely Dotes on him
obsetress: omg
obsetress: that’s what does it. jamie seeing viola w mikey
em: grumble grumble i guess she’s not that bad
em: except then she’s like god what if mikey likes her MORE than me
obsetress: “dani what if mikey gets one of those weird first crushes on vi”
obsetress: dani doesn’t even look up from the laundry “who hasn’t had a crush on vi”
obsetress: jamie’s like “mE” and dani just gives her the most withering look
em: danis like It’s Par For The Course Jamie
em: danis a teacher she’s like it happens don’t sweat it
em: anyway
em: what was. what was ur last little thought
obsetress: i was just thinking more about viola also baby and how also she’s been so privileged her whole life that sometimes there are just some things she can’t do for herself because she just doesn’t know how
obsetress: like she’s never had to learn
em: rebecca gets um
em: freeze dried coffee
em: nescafé
obsetress: but like
obsetress: rebecca genuinely loves taking care of vi for whatever reason (it’s because she loves her) when she really needs it but
obsetress: rebecca also takes no shit and is like “i’m not making the nescafé for you. you’re 36 years old, vi, you need to learn to do it for yourself”
obsetress: and she’ll stand there and watch her do it and then she makes vi do it at least three more times for posterity
obsetress: “i’ll make a plebeian of you yet, viola lloyd”
obsetress: (god only the two of them would think a line like that is funny)
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charincharge · 5 years ago
Cruel Summer, Part 1
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cruel summer masterlist
AN: It’s here. Idk what the posting schedule will be like, I have no idea what my writing schedule will be like, but... I think it’s gonna be 25ish chapters? Maybe? Who knows. It’s gonna be fun, I think. I hope. Looking forward to hearing everyone’s thoughts. Alright... without further ado...
Rowan Whitethorn is having a really horrible day. Not just the kind of bad that he can shrug off, but the kind that seeps through his skin and sinks into his bones, that permeates even the smallest thing, turning everything into a giant annoyance.
First, he missed his alarm, so his grumpy manager, Lorcan, has been even grumpier with him since he pulled through the gates of Ashryver Playland this morning. The amusement park job is less than ideal. Rowan hadn’t planned for his summer to be taking tickets and cleaning up melted ice cream cones from sweaty-faced teens – but it was the only place that called him back, and he doesn’t come from the type of family that can afford to pay his rent. So unless Rowan had wanted to spend the summer in his mom’s unairconditioned apartment, dodging set ups with her mahjong circle’s daughters, this was his only option.
It's nearly 3PM, and Rowan still hasn’t been able to take his lunch break. He knows that’s adding to his bad attitude. Rowan has a tendency to get hangry, or so his coworker Fenrys tells him. And because he was in a rush this morning, he forgot to pack his lunch. Which means he’ll have to spend money buying overpriced crap at the park.
Rowan’s also on trash duty today. Which means he gets to spend the whole day circling the park grounds with a giant broom and pan and pick up the fallen bits of funnel cake and popcorn and soda cups and dump them into the closest trash. Then, once those are full, he gets to haul the heavy bags of stinking trash all the way to the back of the park where the dumpsters are. It’s pretty much his worst nightmare. Though Rowan isn’t opposed to physical activity, he’s not super fond of smelling like rancid garbage. He tugs at the collar of the too tight uniform polo shirt stretching uncomfortably across his chest and frowns. After a bag split all over him earlier, Rowan was forced to go diving in the employee lost and found for another uniform. Apparently, the only person who’s missing a shirt is two times smaller than him. He sniffs himself and nearly gags. He can’t wait to get home and shower. He look at his watch … in … five more hours.
“Whitethorn,” Lorcan calls, crossing across the yard at him. “Take your thirty now. Then you’re taking over for Connall at the ferris wheel ‘til closing, yeah?”
Rowan barely contains a shudder upon hearing his new assignment. He hates trash, but working the ferris wheel is somehow worse. He didn’t realize until last week that’s where every middle schooler goes on their first make out date. He’s had to pull too many kids off the ride, feeling like their disapproving father as he pulled their clashing braces apart to make room for the next patrons in line. Frankly, he finds PDA disgusting. And the sight of thirteen-year-olds going at it is enough to scar him for life.
At least Rowan finally gets to eat something, though. The oppressive mid-day heat combined with hours of physical labor and no fuel has him feeling like he could keel over any second. He grunts his acknowledgement at Lorcan and makes his way to the closest concessions stand, which luckily has barely a line – I guess since it’s 3 fucking PM and not actually lunch time. Rowan is about to step forward when he feels tiny fingers poke against the back of his knees. He’s about to snap at whatever parent to keep their kid on a tighter leash when he realizes there is no parent, just a kid – and the kid is, in fact, trying to get his attention.
“Um, excuse me? Sir?” the little boy says. Rowan’s never been a sir before. He hates it.
“I think I lost my family,” he says resolutely, not sounding even a little bit scared. “Can you help me find them?”
Rowan’s stomach grumbles and his head pounds. He knows he has to return this child to his family, but he also knows he needs to eat immediately or he’s going to lose it.
“We can absolutely do that,” Rowan begins, “but I haven’t eaten all day. Do you think you can wait like… ten minutes?”
The little boy nods and sticks out his hand. “I’m Gavin and I’m five.”
“Hey, Gavin. I’m Rowan and I’m hungry.” Gavin giggles at that, and Rowan finally cracks a smile and shakes the boy’s hand.
Rowan steps up to order, thinking about what’s going to be the fastest, since his thirty minute break is going to include an unforeseen detour to security at the entryway of the park. “Can I get a hot dog, a pretzel, a cherry coke and…” He looks at the little boy next to him. “Anything for you?”
Gavin’s eyes widen with glee. “Cotton candy?!”
“…and a cotton candy.”
Rowan reluctantly hands over a $20, saying goodbye to three hours of hard work. But he has no choice. They get their food and make their way to the eating tent. Rowan keeps his eyes open for anyone looking panicked or in search of a child, but he doesn’t see anyone who fits the bill.
Rowan inhales his hot dog in record speed and takes a giant gulp of his cherry coke and immediately feels better. Sitting under the shade of the tent helps, too. The pair sit quietly and eat their food. Gavin swings his legs happily as he peels off pieces of his cotton candy, licking the sticky sugar from his fingers.
“So…” Rowan has no idea how to talk to a kid, but he figures he should ask him a few questions to figure out who to return him to, at least. “Who are you here with today? You said your family?”
Gavin nods excitedly, the sugar clearly starting to make its way through his tiny body. “Yup! My whole family is here today. My mom, my dad, Auntie Ae, Nana and Grandpa.”
“Wow.” Rowan’s heart tugs slightly. “That’s fun. Any special occasion?”
“Nope. We come every week,” Gavin says.
“Every week?” Rowan asks, his voice rising in pitch. He’s trying to do the math of the ticket prices. $30 for six family members. That’s $180. For every week of the summer…? Rowan’s mental math skills stop there, but he knows that’s a LOT more than he’s ever been able to casually throw down.
“Yup. Since I was a baby,” Gavin says. “It’s my family’s special place.”
“Think your family would adopt me?” Rowan jokes. He loves his mom a lot, and she did the absolute best job raising him, but they’ve never had a special place. His mom thinks adding guacamole to her Chipotle bowl is special. Not that Rowan disagrees. Guacamole is a perfect condiment.
Gavin finishes his last lick of cotton candy and holds his red hands up at Rowan. “I’m sticky.”
Rowan shoves the final bite of his pretzel into his mouth and stands up. “Me too. Let’s go wash our hands and then find your family. Sound good?”
Gavin nods, skipping next to Rowan, his little shoes lighting up as he matches the striding pace. They make their way to the row of porta-potties and outdoor sinks, which line the side of the park. As Rowan washes his hands, he notices Gavin struggling to reach the stream of water. Of course. He’s only five.
“Need a hand?” Rowan asks, and Gavin nods, holding his arms up to be lifted. Rowan’s arms burn, since he’s been picking up giant bags of trash all day, but he manages to keep Gavin mid-air until he’s finished cleaning the sugary crystals from his hands. He’s putting Gavin back on the ground when he hears a loud voice shrieking behind him –
Damn it.
Rowan sighs and turns, letting his hold on Gavin drop completely. This is so not what he needs right now.
“Gavin, honey, come here,” the voice calls again.
Rowan searches to see who the voice belongs to and is momentarily stunned. Gavin’s mom is… young. And hot. Her golden blonde hair is swept away from her face in a high ponytail, resting softly down her bare back, on display in a strappy yellow tank top. And her jean shorts show off her long, tanned legs. Rowan stares a beat too long because the next thing he hears is, “Gavin, earmuffs,” and suddenly the blonde woman is inches away from him, in his face and pushing at his chest with her pointed finger. She is mad.
“Stay away from this little boy, you pervert!” The woman’s eyes flare angrily as she pushes Rowan’s chest again forcefully with her finger, and he is not having any of that. He grabs her finger in his large fist and moves it away from him, making the woman stumble back slightly. Her mouth widens into a small circle as she looks up at the man grabbing her finger.
“I’m sorry, pervert?” He chuckles humorlessly. “This little boy asked for my help finding his irresponsible family. Who lost him. I work here.” Rowan uses his other hand to point to the stupid logo on the corner of his polo. “He happened to find me on my lunch break. Maybe if you’d been a more responsible mother you wouldn’t feel the need to get this worked up the guy who was clearly about to take your kid to security.”
“Mom?” the woman says, horrified and snatches back her finger. “Oh my god.” Her demeanor shifts entirely as she looks to Gavin and motions for him to uncover his ears. “Gavin, please tell this very rude man that I am way too young and cool to be your mom.”
Gavin frowns. “I don’t think he’s rude, Auntie Ae. He gave me cotton candy.”
The woman’s eyebrows shoot up in accusation. ‘You gave him cotton candy? You’re only proving my point.”
Rowan puffs out his chest defensively. “I’m sorry, is cotton candy a sex offender favorite? I wouldn’t know.”
“You clearly offered sweets to a child to lure him away from his family!” she says way too loudly, looking around and making a show of her statement.
“Quiet down!” Rowan snipes through gritted teeth. “I need to keep this job, for fuck’s sake.”
The woman smirks and steps closer. “I think your employer deserves to know you were luring children away from their families!” she exclaims dramatically, attracting the attention of a nearby security guard.
“No,” Rowan says, his voice increasing in volume as well. He’s had it up to here with this day, and this woman has grated his last nerve. “That’s not… Listen…” Rowan takes a deep breath. He really cannot lose this job. “I was starving and about to go on my lunch break when some poor lost kid asked for help finding his family. I told him he could order something with me, since I felt bad. Sorry. I’ll be sure never to be polite ever again.”
Rowan has gotten in “Auntie Ae’s” face, and he’s breathing hard. He’s worked up, and he knows it’s not her fault, but fuck this day.
“Is everything alright here, Ms. Ashryver?” the approaching security guard asks, and Rowan pales.
The woman steps back and takes a breath, her fury melting into a warm smile for the guard. “No, Frank, everything is fine. Just thanking one of our newest employees, who made friends with Gavin today.”
The guard chuckles. “He run off again?”
The woman’s eyes flash in warning and the guard shakes his head. “Ah, don’t be mad, Aelin. You did the same exact thing when you were his age. Running from ride to ride and driving your old man crazy.”
Rowan crosses his arms as the guard saunters off, and the woman turns back to him with a shy smile.
“Ashryver, hm?” Rowan asks, feeling a little ill as he pictures the large Ashryver sign that hangs over the entryway to the park.  “So, what is this, like… hazing?”
“No! I was really only going to make the one joke and then let it go,” the woman says, biting her lip guiltily and shoving her hands into her jean shorts pockets. “But then you called me his mom and I just… got carried away. I do that sometimes. I’m Aelin. Ashryver.”
“So I heard.” Rowan rolls his eyes. “You know there’s absolutely nothing funny about calling someone a predator, right? I could be arrested if the wrong person overheard that.”
“You’re making me feel very bad,” Aelin says with a grimace.
“Good,” Rowan says resolutely. “Because now I’m also late to get back to work.” He’s more than a little annoyed at how this entire exchange has played out. And even more annoyed that he can’t stop staring at Aelin’s bright blue eyes. This is the last thing he needs. He’s about to head off when –
“You’re really not going to tell me your name?” Aelin asks, tilting her head up, trying to figure Rowan out. Rowan’s about to reply when she cuts him off, not even giving him a chance. “That’s fine. I’ll find it out. I have connections, you know.”
“I’m sure you do, princess,” Rowan says. Her lips purse at the nickname, and Rowan can’t tell if she loves it or hates it.  
“See you, stranger,” she replies, dismissing him and grabbing Gavin’s hand as she walks off. Just before turning the corner, she tosses her ponytail over her shoulder and looks back. It’s only when she winks at him that Rowan realizes he’s still standing motionless, watching her go.
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bangtanloverboys · 5 years ago
hot boxed // ksj & jjk
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summary - you and your stoner boyfriend are having a movie night when you get interrupted by a pleasant surprise
pairing - stoner!jin x gender neutral stoner!reader x friend!jungkook 
genre - fluff
word count - 2.2k
warnings - marijuana usage, kissing, kinda poly stuff
author’s note - happy 420, this was just an idea in my head that i wanted to bust out real quick. it was gonna get saucy but i stopped it bc saucy stuff while high isn’t consent and i am lazy lol. might make a second part?? idk maybe. also reader is gender neutral in this, no pronouns used babey (also the veloci-pastor is a real movie)
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“Guess what I got, babe!” You hear Jin call out as he entered your shared apartment. 
“It better be dish soap because we’ve been out for three days!” You answer back, causing him to not respond. “From your resound silence, I’ll guess you didn’t get dish soap.” You laugh as you hear him make his way over to your room where you’re currently finishing up on a small project for your English class.
“Yeah, sorry about that. But I think what I got will help you forgive me.” Jin said, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and with his other hand holding up a tiny baggie with 2 neatly rolled joints.
You gasp and turn around to look at him. “You didn’t!”
“Oh I did!” He smiled as you jumped from your seat to press your lips to his. “You wanna smoke right now or later?”
Jin is the one who got you into smoking about 2 years ago; you were at a party and while everyone was getting drunk and dancing, you started to wander around the house looking for someplace quiet to cool down when you came across him and his best friend Min Yoongi smoking a joint. You’ve never smoked before but were always curious as to what it was like and decided to give it a shot. Now here you are, a stoner plus one stoner best friend turned roommate turned boyfriend.
You take a quick glance at the clock and see that it’s a little after 6 pm, being the perfect time to chill and maybe order pizza while you smoke. “You’re so lucky I just finished my project, or I’d kill you.” You quickly shut your laptop and gather yourself to go sit over on the bed and wait as Jin went over to the bedside table where he pulled out the lighter and ashtray.
Jin sat across from you and pulled a joint from the baggie, placing it between his lips to light it. He pulled in for a good few seconds before pulling the j from his mouth and blowing the smoke out from his plush lips. He passed it to you and you followed suit, only holding it in a bit longer before blowing out through your nose. Jin chuckled as you did so, kissing your nose once the smoke cleared from your face. “Cute.” He muttered.
The two of you took a couple more hits before stopping for Jin to order a pizza and for you to browse through Netflix for a weird movie. This was tradition for the two of you: you’d get high, order in, and watch the strangest movie you could find on a streaming service. By the time Jin got back, you picked out the Veloci-Pastor, which the title itself made you cackle. About 15 minutes into the movie, the doorbell rang and you got up assuming it was the pizza. 
Jin’s wallet in hand, you open the door and you see none other than Jungkook. You’re confused for a moment, and let out a giggle before straightening yourself to greet him.
“Hey, Jungkook! What brings you here?” You lean against the door frame. Needless to say you aren’t disappointed to see the pizza hasn’t arrived yet, but it’s still a pleasant surprise to see the cute younger man on your doorstep.
“Hi Y/N. . . is Jin-hyung here? He invited me over to play Overwatch earlier?” He nervously ran his fingers through his dark hair.
You stick your tongue in your cheek; Jin must’ve forgotten. Usually soon as he gets his hands on weed, he rushes home and forgets any plans he might’ve made earlier that day. Usually it’s just stuff with Yoongi or Namjoon, both of which know and understand how his train of thought works. But this is sweet little Jungkookie, you can’t bear to tell him Jin forgot because he wanted to smoke. 
“Shit, Jinnie must’ve forgotten cause we just started a movie and ordered pizza. . .” The look of disappointment in his eyes hurts you down to your very soul. It was like stepping on a bunny. 
“Oh, uh, sorry to-”
“But you can come join us if you want.” You quickly cut him off, and he gives you a look. You and Jungkook weren’t really that close as he was with Jin, but you always thought he was kinda cute and Jin always had high praises of him (You joked he had a crush on him to which he didn’t deny). So the look of shock on Jungkook’s face upon your invitation wasn’t at all insulting.
“I-Is that okay? I’m not intruding or anything?” You could see the tips of Jungkook’s ears turn red and you just laughed as you grabbed him by the arm, pulling him into the apartment. You hoped to God that the scented candles you left burning cancelled out the potent smell of weed as you led Jungkook back to your room; where Jin was lounging on the bed, scrolling through his phone.
“At long last! Pizza time-” Soon as Jin’s eyes were pulled from his screen and on the taller figure next to you, you saw his face change from confusion to a look of guilt. “Oh shit! Kook, I’m so sorry. I completely blanked on our game time today, I’m-”
“Baby, it’s alright. I figured, so I invited him to stay with us for a bit.” You explained to your boyfriend as he looked between you two and gave a shrug. 
“Yeah, that’s perfect. My two favorite people, let’s do this thing.” Jin patted the bedside next to him and you shoved Jungkook for him to sit down next to him. You lay down on the other side of Jungkook so now he’s sandwiched between the two of you. 
The thing is about you and Jin when you’re high, you’re both a bit more touchy feely. Mainly with each other, but also with other people (the amount of times your smoke sessions with Yoongi end in cuddles and cheek kisses outrageous). Jungkook on the other hand, you’ve never really been around much so you don’t know how he’ll take to you being cuddly with him. He might be more comfortable with Jin maybe, seeing as they’ve been friends longer but that would leave you out and you hated being a third wheel in cuddle sessions. 
You’re pulled from your thoughts as the door knocks again and this time it’s definitely the pizza. Jin volunteers to go get it, leaving you and Jungkook sitting awkwardly side by side.
“Uh, I don’t mean to ask but um. . . are the two of you. . .you know. . .” the mimics holding a joint to his lips and you can’t help but laugh at the way he asked. You quickly stop when you see how nervous he is.
“Oh, sorry. . . yeah, we smoked not that long ago. Hope that isn’t too much of a problem?” Jungkook has to be chill with weed seeing how quite a handful of the people he hangs out with do smoke weed, but Jin’s never mentioned smoking with Jungkook.
“Oh not at all, actually uh. . .this is gonna seem stupid but I would like to try?” He looks at you with big curious eyes. Of all the things you thought he was gonna say, this was not one of them.
“Uh, sure! Let me just get the stuff real quick.” You clamber over Jungkook and grab the lighter and joint before now settling yourself directly across from him on the bed, sitting criss cross. “You need a demonstration?” He gives a quick nod and watches you intently as you place the joint between your lips and lighting it. You give a quick pull and blow out, making sure not to blow smoke directly into Jungkook’s face. 
You hand the joint over to him and he follows suit, he pulls a bit too hard though as he’s blowing out he starts to cough. As if he was summoned; Jin bursts through the door, pizza in hand and concerned. “What’s going on?” He asked as he rushed to the side of his friend.
“Jungkook wanted to try and take a hit and he ended up pulling too fast.” You say as you rubbed Jungkook’s back, trying to help sooth him as the coughing slowly stops. Jin takes the joint from him and places it back on the ashtray and grabs your bottle of water sitting on the desk. 
“Here Kookie, drink this.” Jin instructs and Jungkook follows suit, gulping down water to ease the burn in his throat. “Y/N, why didn’t you wait for me? I wanted to see Jungkookie’s first hit. You took his smoking virginity without me.” He frowned and both you and Jungkook laughed at that statement. 
“You feeling better?” You ask the younger, eyeing him as he takes deep breaths. 
“Yeah, thank you.” He nodded slightly to you. “Can I try again?”
“You nearly cough a lung out and you want to try again?” You’re baffled by his quick recovery and urge to try again. “Are you sure?”
He gave a nod, but before he could answer Jin started to speak. “Baby. . .why don’t you show him how I first helped you. . .” You felt your face turn red at the thought of how Jin helped you take your first hit.
“Jinnie. . . I don’t know if he’ll be comfortable with it.” You look over to Jungkook who has a look of confusion drawn over his face. “Would you be okay with me shotgunning it to you?” You ask him.
“I uh, don’t know what that is but I trust you, whatever it is.” 
You open your mouth to try and explain it, but Jin cut you off saying just do it and he hands you the j and lighter once again. You tell him to sit back a bit and soon as he’s back far enough, you swing your leg over his. Sitting in his lap, you watch as his face starts to turn pink, but he doesn’t protest. He doesn’t seem to know where to put his hands but soon settles on your hips.
“Open your mouth,” you instruct and he follows. “When I breathe out, breathe in. Okay?” He gives you another nod and watches as you place the joint back between your lips and light it. You pull in for a second and then with your free hand, you place your hand on Jungkook’s jaw and pull him closer. With your lips centimeters apart, you blow out into his mouth. As instructed, he breathes in as you exhale and you can feel his grip on your hips tighten ever so slightly. Once you pull away, you’re damn sure both of your faces are beet red. 
“Fuuuck, that was so hot.” Jin groans from behind the two of you. 
“Jinnie. . .” You mutter as you try to peel yourself off of Jungkook, but his grip hasn’t let off. You look at him and he almost seems frozen in shock.
“Look at little Jungkookie,” Jin chuckled as he sat beside the two of you, “cat got your tongue?” You both watch as he nodded his head in confirmation. You watch as your boyfriend runs his fingers through Jungkook’s hair, then turns his head to look at him. “You feel good?” He gives another nod, to which Jin responds with a kiss to his cheek. “Y/N made you feel good?” He whispered into his ear.
Instantaneously, both you and Jungkook freeze. What on Earth was Jin going with this? You watch as the elder, presses his lips to Jungkook’s ears again and whisper something you don’t hear. Jungkook looks back to you and gulps before asking, “Can-can I kiss you?”
Your eyes shot to Jin, who gives you a small nod of encouragement. You give a nod but Jin interrupts. 
“Use your words, sweetheart.”
“Yes, you can kiss me.” You say breathlessly. Jungkook then presses a quick kiss to your lips then pulls away just as quick. 
“Come on, baby boy. You can do better than that.” Jin teases as he presses kisses to the side of Jungkook’s face and neck.
This time, you guide his lips back to yours and softly kiss him. It takes a moment before he starts to return the kiss, his lips soft against yours. You kiss for a few more seconds before pulling away.
“Good. . . now, let’s eat this pizza and finish the movie, okay?” Now it’s the both of you that nod. Jungkook finally releases his grip on you and you slide over to sit beside him.
Jin instructs the two of you to settle back up amongst the pillows while he gets plates for the pizza. Jungkook is still seated in the middle and he looks a bit more at ease then he was earlier. 
“Jungkookie?” He turns to you. “Would it be okay if we cuddle. . .?” 
“Huh? Oh, yeah. Come here.” He said as he pulled you closer to him, you pressed your face against his chest and felt the warmth of his embrace as Jin returned with plates. 
Seeing the two of you snuggled up next to each other, he puts the plates on top of the pizza box and seats himself on the other side of Jungkook. Jin wraps his arms around the both of you and pulls the two of you closer to him. 
You hear faintly as the movie starts to play again in the background and Jin pressed a kiss to Kookie’s cheek and he followed suit by pressing one to your forehead. Whatever that was going on at this moment, didn’t really matter. You were happy and comfortable in the arms of two guys who cared for you.
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