#maybe im just happy im someones favourite. maybe im twirling my hair and kicking my feet a bit.
jyuuchan · 10 months
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popcult ! yippee !! heres my recap!!!
saturday was really fun! busy, but fun. woke up around 7am after getting virtually no sleep, and drove the ... hefty hour down to massachusetts. my manager made sandwiches [this is important] and we had redbull to keep us going so all was still well!
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it was really fun getting to cosplay a lesser known character for my am cosplay. even though i had posted that I was there on instagram, nobody seemed to bother me! it was great!
i wish that there were more ARP cosplayers in the states, but afaik it's not super popular in japan either? maybe one day ill find merch that isnt a kajillion dollars.
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the panel i held with kitsune metal was a hit! we were full! i was so shocked that so many people wanted to see me talk about being an idol!
i plan on posting a q&a on all of my platforms sometime soon. i think it went really well, and im so happy that everything went as well as it did.
i hope everyone had a good time!
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getting to sing and dance with our sekai was so fun! it was very rushed, and ill probably never do something like this in THIS LITTLE TIME ever again, but it was fun. the adrenaline did its job lol
i sang 「the snow white princess is...」 and despite forgetting some lyrics and absolutely messing up others [sorry japanese speakers in the chat] i did ... ok. ill post a vocal cover of it soon, just to redeem myself TT
i also did a cover of 「newly edgy idols」 and had a BLAST!!! I LOVE NEWLY EDGY IDOLS !!!!!!!!! i love u mitchie m . thank u mitchie m .
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... now for the idol showcase. what i came to the con for.
now, i auditioned for this before i did idoljam. i didnt even KNOW about idoljam when i auditioned. if i knew i was doing something before this, i wouldve picked a different song.
its not that i hate the vampire, i love it! its one of my favourite deco*27 tracks! its just that its not a showcase worthy song. its simple choreography. im a bit mad i fumbled during my ending fairy. it pisses me off a lot actually lol
but i did it. and now i have to post my vod .. next weekend i think? anyways.
people seemed to like it, and looking back at it, i was pretty sharp on all of my movements. my manager drilled me on my sloppiness, so im glad that all worked out well. maybe one day ill do the full version. i wish susupara let me do the full vers. they were a bit strict with me.
im just happy i didnt let my fans down. there are one or two oshi//ten6 that have made it to everything ive done so far, and it makes me really happy to know that im somebodys favourite. i said in my interview that my main goal as an idol is to prove to childhood me that no dream is too stupid to live out. i spent my entire life being told that my passion was weird and that i should just stick to chorus and theatre. im glad i didnt let it stop me ... because now there are people who oshi me! there are people with jyuu merch ! there are people who have seen me dance and sing and have shaken my hand !! i have a costume !! i have over a hundred followers on ig ! im happy. im so happy. i feel like exploding and imploding at the same time. i hope im still an idol when im old and wrinkly, too.
i hope little kid me is proud.
[one day, all of your blood sweat and tears will turn to glitter.] ♡ make it! by I☆Ris
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