#maybe if i shove my ocs into a corner it'll work
1 and 3 for the fic writer ask game?
the last sentence you wrote
Last sentence in general? "Mav- Sentinel - mid-level - parents were a s/g bonded pair, mother withered after loosing her sentinel- Mav wasn't interested in a s/g partnership until Goose talked him around" From the notes I'm working on for a Top Gun Sentinel/Guide au that kinda spun-off some self-indulgent fic I'm writing. I kinda just miss Sentinel/Guide aus, those were fun.
Last sentence for a fic? "Logically, she knew that they needed to take Chris away to examine him and that having a half-feral Sentinel near a newly awakened Guide was a terrible idea, but logic wasn't part of the equation for her at the moment." From aforementioned self-indulgent fic.
3. how you feel about your current WIP
I'm still working on day 3 of fictober but its going sooo slooowly I'm getting a little frustrated.
I like the idea I have for it. Its set the semester after the Real Genius movie and I'm enjoying seeing how things have changed for Mitch and kinda seeing how his relationship with Jordan evolves. Its just a bit hard to write 'cause I don't actually ship it...
I still think its canon and I want to explore it but I don't really know how to feel about Jordan and Mitch's relationships. On one hand they're so sweetly hopeful about being chosen, but, on the other, I don't think the relationship will last. Mitch is going to go through a lot of changes, we get to see the start of his metamorphosis in the movie but I don't really know how it'll end.
It's just that Jordan is going to graduate the semester after Chris and I can't see Mitch and Jordan making the long distance thing work, but maybe they will get back together once their paths cross agian. Maybe she gets a job near where he's doing his doctorate? I'll figure that out later.
If I'm feeling funky fresh I might throw in the fact that he has a massive crush on Chris and Ik. No clue. This is what happens when you give an AceAro a chance to make all the dolls kiss, I always default to polycules.
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ash19871962 · 3 years
Warnings- Blood, Domestic Abuse, slight mention of suicide (not my choice criminal minds made the story for rosalyn)
Jennifer Jareau x OC Jareau
Having an older sister was sometimes a blessing and a curse. There was absolutely nothing you wouldn't do for her, after everything she had done for you. It annoyed you how quickly you guys would make up after a fight, but she was your best friend.
Both of your childhoods were incredibly different, having grown up in the same house but with totally different atmospheres. When you were two and JJ was 11, your 15 year old sister Rosalyn took her own life.
After that things changed in your house, you don't really remember it too much but Jj would tell you stories about that time. Especially at night when you were supposed to be sleeping, trying to remember a sister you don't actually remember is very difficult.
Of course you've seen pictures of all three of you but she is still a stranger to you. But to Jj it affects her deeply, Ros was her idol.
Sometimes in the back of your mind you wonder if Jj even likes you or is just using you to replace Ros. After all your 9 years younger than her? But she is still your big sister and you can't think of her like that for long.
It doesn't surprise you as you grew up that Jj is everywhere. Anything that happened she was there, when Ricky that snot nose kid from 1st grade punched you in the face, she spent hours in the garage showing you how to block your face.
At 14 years old she had much better things to do but she stayed with you. Cleaned your nose and made sure you didn't tell mom. Your mom was probably more of an absentee parent, like she was there in body but not in mind too much. Jj says Ros took a part of her, but sometimes you feel jipped.
Mom apparently used to laugh and smile, plan fun things for them all to do. But you can't remember any of this. You only remember Jj. She was the only one who looked after you, kept you safe it was almost like she was your mom at times, but you always remember her.
Remembering sharing a bed with her during storms, playing in makeup singing stupid songs, sharing secrets and just plain missing her.
She would be so disappointed if she could see you now. Not really having a choice anymore anyways, telling her is essential but your still scared what if your big sister can't help?
Shivering in the cool breeze taking into account your still bleeding a little you decide it's time to leave. Wiping the blood out of your face as best you can, the gash above your eye stings.
The fight you just had was nothing new, the bruises on you back would testify to that. Even through all this you still don't know how to even tell Jj.
It's not an easy conversation, she is either going to be so mad at you she won't speak to you or so over protective she's gonna kill him.
Your phone on your lap feels heavy, but the nerves in your stomach feel like a lead weight. Opening your messaging app you text her
Aj- Hey jayge Are you busy, can I call?
A couple minutes ago by and she texts you back
Jj- Abs! Hey hun yeah we're almost done with this case, give me a couple hours I'll text before we head to the airport ok? Love you💜
You don't want to be disappointed but you guess it'll have to do. Grabbing your phone making your way into the house stopping briefly to grab a couple changes of clothes and your memory box which has everything important in it including you birth certificate.
Making a split decision you also leave your phone but write down all the important numbers just in case. Knowing by the time Jj texts, you'll either be in the hospital or with her.
Nothing else in this house is important . Feeling like the worst thing possible is being stuck here, you leave and make your way home to Jj.
Getting behind the wheel planning to make such a long drive from Pennsylvania all the way to Quantico or at least as close as you can get.
First things first she needs a Dr, so she decides to take care of that first pulling out of the driveway and driving putting a hospital search in her GPS, locating one two towns over that she won't be recognized in she proceeds there.
Sitting in her car fiddling her humbs working up the courage to move. Finally making the decision you walk in and start a new life.
A nurse approaches you and escorts you to the back, answering questions left and right
Name Abigail Jaraeu
Age 20
What happened... Your not exactly sure how to answer this so you don't answer.
Getting changed into the stupid gown you realize how alone you are. Butterflies fly in your stomach making you almost nauseous.
The Dr, has a knowing look in his eye as he looks over your injuries, noticing more than you realize.
The gash above your eye takes 8 stitches, your nose is not broken but two black eyes are in your future, didn't even notice the split lip until the dr goes to stitch it 3 more there.
Feeling absolutely terrible it's not done, the rest of the body check shows more injuries none of them too serious just painful.
The broken wrist being the worst, mystified that you could drive all the way there without so much as a twinge of pain.
Apparently adrenaline is a real thing.
Shocked as the Dr starts applying the cast, absently shocked and numb to how you you must look.
You just want Jj.
To hug you, to hold your hand, to kiss your forehead, your scared and you want your big sister, but she is at work.
Surprisingly no broke ribs just jarred heavily, and of course the bruises, you are given a prescription for pain and instructions for the cast, and you sign yourself out against what they recommend but you know you are just ready to be with Jj.
The drive from this place to Jj is roughly 5 hours so you get started.
The phone you left at the house has to be found by now. Memories of the fight flash as your merge on the interstate, setting cruise control you let yourself relax.
The shoving, the broken mirror the outrage that you didn't do anything wrong. It made no sense to you, Johnny was supposed to be a good guy, but he ended up being the scariest thing you've ever encountered.
As your driving you remember Jj is on a case so no one is at her house. Your nephews would be with Wills Mom. Maybe you could stay there till they got back you had a key?
In this situation you didn't think she'd mind.
God you were scared, what If she yelled at you? If she did your pretty sure you would crumble.
Driving is incredibly hard with a cast but you have to make due, you have to get there. Once there everything will work out.
Feeling incredibly guilty now, you think should you even bother Jj? She literally has children what if Johnny came there?
You don't think he's that stupid but you never know. Jj would kill him.
Stopping to fill up with gas using most of the cash you have, you keep driving closer and closer to safety.
For probably the quietest drive your ever made in your life you finally make it to Jj's neighborhood.
Concerned now because it's 2 am and the street is completely deserted, you make up your mind to park farther down the road from her house just in case she's actually already home.
The upstairs light is on, and your basically a nervous wreck. All you want is her, but scared in how she's gonna react .
Slowly getting out of your car, you make your way to Jj's porch and knock softly.
Hearing the footsteps, turns the butterflies in your stomach turn to rocks.
Will opens the door angry someone knocked on the door at 2 am. The second he sees your face his jaw drops, and concern fills his eyes.
Your arms are grabbed into a hug, tears finally fall from your eyes as he calls for your sister to come down the stairs.
Obviously Jj took that offensively, as it's 2 am and she only just got home.
Upon seeing you stitched casted and crying in her husband's arms, all composure is gone.
The next couple of minutes are a blur, feeling yourself be transferred into her arms, sobbing uncontrollably, but strangely you feel better.
Her hands are on your cheeks, and her blue eyes are filled with anguish but at that moment you feel safer than you have in a long time.
"What happened to you Abs? I tried calling you and Johnny said you went to bed"
There is a lump in your throat "Johnny did this, all if this"..
Out of the corner of your eye you see Will leave the room, and in that moment you know, you have to tell her everything..
The story spills from your lips, how he stared out like a normal boyfriend, then he just got so angry at everything how the fights started and how this one ended, how scared you were but most of all how you just had to get to her.
Jj stares back speechless and incredibly livid, her baby sister her best friend was hurt, and came to her.
She pulls you into another hug and in that moment it didn't matter how you looked or were you came from, you were home.
Jj would fix everything, and you would never be able to repay her.
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The Maze Trials: A Gally Fanfiction
Pairing: Gally x Emi(OC)
Background: Emi, first girl the Glade has seen. Tougher than she looks and more than ready to prove it. Since day one her and Gally have been at each other's throats. Fighting constantly and not just with their words.
(Gally fanfiction which will include smut. It also has an actual story line. Think of it as an AU to the original Maze Runner. It'll mostly follow the main story line with some changes. Mostly focusing on Emi and Gally and their relationship.)
Chapter Six
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This morning I'm with Newt trying out the job of a farmer. We are in the middle of the gardens. He's showing me the difference between all the plants.
"Can I ask you something?" He asked suddenly standing up and facing me.
"Sure" I said.
"What happened between you and Minho? I saw the two of you walking into the woods together then this morning at breakfast he was uncharacteristically quiet." Newt stared at me awaiting my answer.
"Well, he kissed me and the kiss progressed and got pretty heated but I stopped it. I told him I wouldn't let him go any farther than that kiss. Then I walked back to the homestead." I explained kicking at the dirt.
"I knew he had a thing for you. Pretty much everyone knew. The guy can't be subtle at all." Newt chuckled.
"You think he's mad?" I asked him.
"Nah, he will be over it before you know it and he will be right back to hitting on you again. Minho is not one to give up." Newt smiled.
"Do you like him?" Newt asked me taking a step closer.
I shrugged.
"I don't really know. I only remembered my name yesterday. I've only been here a few days. I'm still trying to fill everything out. I don't think I'm ready to like anyone yet."
"Well warn me before you get there cause I have a feeling most of the guys are going to attempt to get with you." Newt laughed as he bent back down.
"What about you?" I asked curiously.
He seemed to freeze for a moment. Then he started picking at the weeds in the dirt.
"I think you're wonderful Emi but not really my type." He said slowly and quietly.
I bent down to help him with the weeds.
"What is that suppose to mean?" I questioned quietly.
Newt chuckled. He popped his head up to look around him before turning back to me.
"It means you're not a guy so you're not my type." He gave me a small shy smile.
I couldn't help the large grin that spread across my face.
"No way!" I shouted earning me a slap on the arm from the blonde.
"Sorry" I whispered.
I laughed but made sure Newt knew his secret was safe with me. I think I just found my best friend. It'll be nice to have someone to talk to about these ridiculous boys.
"Anyone you have an eye on?" I asked quietly as we walked towards one of the tree stumps.
"I use to have a crush on Minho for awhile but that went away awhile back. Now I'm not really into anyone. Maybe one of these days a boy will come out of that box and change that." He smiled hopefully.
"I swear I will get you hooked up with someone one of these days." I grinned at him.
He laughed then started wacking away at the stump. The day went by quickly thanks to Newt and I chatting each other up. I couldn't remember the last time I laughed this much. Before we knew it the bell for lunch sounded.
"I figure after lunch I'm gonna throw you with the builders if that's alright. Speed up the process a little bit." Newt said as we walked towards the hut.
"Yes!" I exclaimed happily.
Newt laughed shaking his head. I think he already knew I was interested in being a builder. I just feel like I'll like that the best. Like I'll be the best at that. Plus I want to out do Gally in any way I can. Not sure why I have a need to do that but I do.
I got my food and found my seat. Newt took a minute to let Gally know the plan. I watched the blonde boy inform the angry one. He nodded once then glanced over to me. When he saw I was already looking at him he quickly looked away.
"I told Gally you were very eager to try being a builder." Newt laughed as he sat next to me.
"Why would you want to be a builder?" Clint asked scrunching up his nose.
"They're all idiots." Jeff whispered.
I just laughed and shook my head. They wouldn't understand if I told them why. I don't fully understand why. I just have this feeling and I think I should follow my gut. After lunch Gally came over and got me so I could follow him to work.
I was practically skipping as I walked with Gally. I was so excited to get my hands dirty. Of course Gally didn't trust me with a big job so he told the other builders what to do then made me go with him to gather more wood and other materials.
Gally took us to the edge of the woods to work on cutting out some wood to use. He handed me an axe then started chopping. I followed his lead chopping on the opposite side of him.
"Don't cut any of your fingers off. I'm not dealing with it." He grumbled as he continued to swing his axe.
"I won't cut off any of my fingers." I snapped at him.
He slammed his axe into the tree and left it there. He stepped closer to me his chest out like he was ready for a fight.
"Do you have a problem princess?" He asked harshly as he glared at me.
I swung my axe hard sticking it in the tree just as he did. Then I stepped away from the tree and towards Gally. I stood toe to toe with him. I wanted to make sure he knew he didn't scare me. Not even a little.
"Yea, I have a problem with the way you talk to me. You think because I'm a girl I can't do the same things you can? You think I won't make my corners as tight as you, I'll cut my fingers off, or I can't beat your ass. Don't you get tired of being proved wrong over and over?" I spat at him stepping even closer.
He growled grabbing my arms and shoving me against the tree our axes were in. His face was so close to mine I could feel his hot breath on my skin. I hadn't noticed the boys in the Glade that could see and hear us stop what they were doing. I was too distracted by the one holding me against a tree.
"You are either very brave or very stupid." He growled in my face.
"How about a little of both. I'd say I tip more to the brave side while you overload into the stupid." I said harshly as I stared him down.
His hold on my arms tightened. His face was getting redder by the minute. I was enjoying this way too much. I think pissing him off would be my new past time.
"I'm very close to beating the klunk out of you." He growled inching his face even closer to mine.
"I mean you can try but I can almost guarantee It'll go about the same as the bonfire." I smiled wickedly at him.
With a very loud growl he let go of my arms. I knew what was coming next. His big fist pulled back and went straight for my face. I let out a howl of a laugh when Gally punched the tree I was just against. He hissed turning around when he heard my laugh. I had moved out of the way at the last second. I could hear the shouts of the other gladers coming our way.
"You better get your swings in now big boy looks like the cavalry is coming to save you." I smiled wide as I did a little side to side dance.
"To save me?" He growled out in disbelief.
I nodded still doing my little dance.
"Gally! What the hell are you doing?" I heard Alby's booming voice.
I did the stupidest thing and glanced towards the leader's voice. Next thing I know I was tackled to the ground with a steaming Gally on top of me. He went for my face but it was easy enough for me to block him. I had to struggle a little to fix myself enough to roll us. 
Once I got myself in just the right angle while blocking Gally's random throws I pushed him off me. His hands held tightly on my shirt pulling me with him. We hit a slight slope perfectly causing us to roll a few times. I made sure that when we stopped I was on top. Gally groaned when his head roughly hit the ground.
"What the shuck are you two doing?" Newt asked in bewilderment.
I grabbed Gally's shirt and pulled lifting his shoulders and head a few inches of the ground.
"Gally here keeps looking for a fight. I think it's time I gave him a proper one." I stated while glaring at the boy below me.
"Enough you two!" Alby shouted.
My head snapped over to him. Those words threw my mind back into the dream I had. I glanced back at Gally who was laying very still. His hands tightly holding my wrists. I let him go and quickly stood.
What the hell is going on? My mind kept bouncing between reality and my dream. The similarities were seriously giving me a headache.
"Take both of them to the pit. Make sure they are next to each other. And no one is aloud to visit them. Make them talk to each other or not at all." Alby ordered angrily.
"The pit?" I questioned looking at Newt who was grabbing my arm.
Two boys went for Gally but he just growled, shoved them off, then stomped around Newt and I to where ever the pits are. Gally knew not to argue with Alby. I could tell just from the look on Alby's face he wasn't the person to cross.
Newt pulled me over to some horrible looking makeshift cells. They were built into the ground. He opened one of them up and gestured for me to get in.
"You've got to be kinding?" I asked staring at the hole in the ground.
"You two broke a big rule. I don't know what your issues are with each other but Alby wants them worked out. So, yes, get inside." Newt said sternly.
I huffed but did as he said jumping inside the small dirt hole. Newt quickly locked me in somehow then opened the one right next to me for Gally.
"Have fun you two." Newt said as he walked away.
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