#maybe i'll make a part 2 someday
stergeon · 5 months
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And so your PLANT shall henceforth be known as FERDINAND II.
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The thought of needing to inform FERDINAND I of his having a namesake makes you a bit ill, but you are already hard at work devising several plausible excuses for the gesture. Something about how you've named it after the one most invested in its naming, or how it is similarly prone to drooling. Yes. Yes, you will be able to deflect quite easily, should the need arise. It has nothing to do with your fondness for FERDINAND or your desire for a substitute in his imminent absence, no—again, you are not so prone to sentimentality. It's about the drool.
Well, anyway. Best to move on with your day and think about something else, lest you grow maudlin or cultivate further affection for the PLANT. May the GODDESS be merciful and never cause you to develop inclinations that could be described as paternal.
Now that your plant has received sufficient care, it is time for COFFEE. You set to making your morning brew. By CHANCE, there happens to be sufficient water remaining in the kettle for FERDINAND I to have TEA, should he wish it.
Per your TIMEPIECE, it is now a quarter to eight. You have made excellent progress on your PRE-BREAKFAST TO-DO LIST thus far: the only remaining task is to remove FERDINAND. You are starting to get rather peckish and would like to be rid of him quickly, but over the past week, you have found that extracting the man from YOUR QUARTERS is a more arduous task than it ought to be.
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stillfruit · 9 hours
i love not knowing if i'll ever be healthy again i love all of the time i've used to move my body become nothing i love spending my adulthood wasting away year after year for various reasons baby!
#i know i'm being dramatic and privileged etc etc right now but i hate living like this#i probably had covid in the beginning of august and since then my heart and lungs have just been fucked#so now i'm probably looking at at least 2 years of long covid and maybe permanent neurological damage#could i be lucky and get better in few more months? maybe. do i believe that will happen? no. optimistically maybe next summer id be better#my symptoms are not that bad considering what i know other people have suffered but at the same time that makes it feel not real#otherwise i'm pretty much fine except i feel like fainting alot after standing up or excerting myself and anything beyond walking#spikes my hr to 160 and right now even laying down my hr is around 80. this comes with the associated shortness of breath etc#what fucks me up about this is that my normal hr is low with my rhr being under 50bpm and i'm physically active#so basically i've went from regular running and half marathons being no issue to not being able to jog 1km at the slowest pace possible#without spiking my hr to zone 4#so now with the recovery time of this being however long if properly ever i'll have to basically start all over again with everything#i biked to the grocery store yesterday and that took me out for the rest of the day because my heart rate just didn't go down afterwards#outwards i look fine and i wouldn't be as affected if sports and moving wasn't a part of my life and relationships but it is#i've read studies about recovery times and a lot of them don't feel applicable because the test groups are either very different from me#based on the baseline health info such as activity levels or they're elite atheletes which i am not#some have given me hope that keeping my hr under like 130 by doing activities like walking until maybe someday things get better works#but who knows and even if it does this will be yet another thing that takes the littlest bits of muscle tissue i have on me away once again#because besides deconditioning muscle loss is yet another symptom. so i will be even weaker than i am right now#i don't know how much of what i'm experiencing in terms of mental effects is from anxiety over my physical health and how much is brainfog#but we'll see i'll just have to start walking a lot every day and keep up with simple and slow strenght training so i'll want to die less#i don't think my family will ever properly understand because almost all of them are athletes and the one who isn't never does any excercis#so either i just look like i'm weak but i was always weak so it's not a big deal or my experience isn't really that important#this is so so so pathetic both my reaction and the issue but it's difficult to not feel this way especially with the uncertainty#shit talking
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pomefioredove · 5 months
now I'm actually invested in this idea. maybe I'll write a full length fic someday idk... for now I have short hcs
parts 1 | 2 | 3 | kalim | bad ending
summary: crowley decides to "give away" yuu to the highest "donation" for financial reasons type of post: headcanons characters: all nrc students additional info: can be read as platonic or romantic, except malleus is pretty romantic, second person pov, yuu is gender neutral, maybe a little ooc I wrote this as soon as I got up
crowley has had his fair share of "what the fuck" moments from you but this was really taking the cake
he acts so... casual about it?
swaggers into ramshackle one morning and says times are tough and your personal expenses are straining the budget so he's decided to "put you in someone else's care"
"The screening process will be vigorous to make sure you end up in good hands!" like you're a cat or something "Your expenses will be covered and you'll have somewhere to go during break!"
okay great. pretty obvious you have no say in this, so you don't even argue. what's the worst that could happen?
Ace, Deuce, Jack, and Epel find you the next day to say they're pooling their money to buy you
"To what?"
Epel shrugs. "Oh, well Crowley said we need to offer a donation to prove we're capable of supporting you..."
(you think that if not for the laws of this land you would have slaughtered that old fart)
Jack goes on a really long tirade about how shady and underhanded this is, making sure to reaffirm that he believes you should be free to make your own choices
"So you'll let me go once you get me?"
Ace thinks once they buy you you'll have no choice but to do all of his homework for him
Deuce says that's not really how it works- and even if he tried, Riddle would kill him
(they've already gone over this twice before finding you)
Epel happily volunteers to take you home with him over breaks, probably the only positive in this mess
even if he thinks the whole thing is kind of funny
incapable of keeping his mouth shut, Ace accidentally spills the plan to Riddle, who is understandably aghast
you can't just give away a person under your care like a toy!
of all the irresponsible things...
of course, he'll have to put up his offer, too
purely for your sake! with a nicer room and a brand new copy of the dorm rules, maybe you'll stop getting yourself into trouble
he's got some family money (doctors, naturally) and considers this a worthwhile purchase, for his sanity and yours
of course, Trey and Cater overhear and may or may not be pooling their own cash for a chance, too
going behind Riddle's back on this is a risky venture, but hey, someone's gotta be on your side, here, right?
I mean, between a bunch of sixteen year old boys, the housewarden, and them, who would you choose?
actually don't answer that
...not that it's much of a secret, anyway. Cater's already got their gofundme equivalent link in bio
Leona initially plans to have you become a live-in lackey like Ruggie
but then he really starts thinking- and, hey, the possibilities are endless, right?
for one, you'd make a really good pillow
he might have to kick Grim out for your full attention, but you could learn to live with that
and malleus would hate it
...that's reason enough for him
plus, he's got money to burn, so why not?
either way, he sets his bid at a reasonable (maybe too confident) price and sits back to watch the chaos unfold as everyone scrambles for a piece of the pie
news travels fast around school, after all
then Ruggie finds out that you could dethrone him as Leona's #2 and is understandably a little annoyed
that's his cushy post-grad job gig, thank you! he's worked hard for that!
besides, why should Leona get to hoard you? the guy can barely take care of himself!
so, Ruggie ends up outsourcing to a few dozen classmates for the necessary funds at a steep I-owe-you price
he's gonna be eating nothing but dandelions for a while...
now, Azul is annoyed
once the news goes school-wide, it's all anyone can talk about
talk about good marketing...
why didn't he think of such a brilliant scam? he could have negotiated with Crowley to have a café brand deal tie-in!
of course, he's already set his bid, with Jade and Floyd offering to pitch in as necessary
it's a risky investment, sure, but a worthwhile one
Azul tells everyone that with the prefect's "obvious" popularity, having them at the café a few nights a week would drive sales through the roof
though that's really just what he says to shirk suspicion
a likely excuse coming from him, though, really, it would just be nice having you around
and if not for his own affections, Floyd's incessant begging and Jade's subtly manipulative comments about "how nice" it would be having a new face around would be enough for him to cave eventually
"Kalim, no," is the first thing that Jamil says
"I strongly advise against this. It's another one of Crowley's silly scams and you could end up a target bec- are you even listening?"
hint: he is not
the second Kalim found out that he could get to take in his favorite magicless student like one of his treasures, he was all over it
(AKA infinite sleepovers)
and for what? a little optional donation to prove he's got the funds? he's got cash to spare!
he's already got your new room in Scarabia set up before he even puts his bid in
right next to his of course :)
and despite what Jamil insists, he himself might be working behind the curtain just a little to ensure he's the one who ends up with you
after all, why should Kalim get everything? this might be a valuable learning opportunity for him
You don't always get what you want
as much as Epel tries to keep the rest of his dorm from finding out, it's inevitable
he's actually a little surprised that the news didn't get to Vil sooner
with Rook around campus, surely he must have said something...
when Vil does find out, though, he just sighs
oh, of course. what next, will everyone meet each other in the arena and fight to the death over the prefect?
of all the silly, immature things...
oh? what's that? he's bidding anyway? of course he is, silly potato. he can't have some unwashed miscreant making you sleep on polyester bedding
(really, he's the only person on campus worthy of your time)
Rook has also been mysteriously absent from the dorm lately, though his initials on a poem and a strangely large sum of money end up in the donation pile
but really, that could be anyone... Rook would never dare betray Vil again, right?
Ortho finds out directly from the other first years and sends Idia the details immediately
with a little note of encouragement, of course: "could be excellent for improving your social skills!"
Idia understandably freaks out
"WTF!!!! nooo way! this is a person, not a chatbot we're talking about here! I can barely keep virtual pets alive!!!!"
(...but this is still different)
the conversation ends there, but semi-anonymous bid from someone named "gloomurai" gets cashapp'd directly to crowley
everyone in the room immediately turns to Malleus
"For the record, I think it's wrong to be bargaining over a human being," Silver says first. "But if anyone could handle it with grace, it's you."
Lilia laughs. "Oh, you're just saying that because you like the prefect so much!"
"Father, you're the one who likes the prefect so much,"
"Oh, right! carry on then. After all, I'm sure we could share,"
Sebek is the only one relatively against the idea, though Lilia luckily manages to get him to lower his voice after his third speech about how you aren't good enough for his liege
Malleus is rather quiet through the whole evening, neither agreeing nor disagreeing with any of the points made
he disappears for a short while, and when he comes back he seems a little more confident
though, of course, he goes to you first
seeing him at Ramshackle in the middle of the night is a familiar and welcoming sight after all of the chaos of your week
and he's in a great mood!
"Child of man! I've come with news," he says. "I have heard of your predicament and have come up with a solution!"
you immediately sulk. "Oh, no. You know I think this whole thing is terrible, right?"
"Yes, Silver mentioned you might not like the idea of being bought and sold like a trinket. But worry not, I do not plan on paying for you in money,"
you pause, at a loss for words, and then tentatively continue. "You're not...?"
"Of course not. What a primitive idea, I was baffled to hear it myself. My proposal will be more traditional: a modest sum of treasure, and a generous amount of livestock and the finest crop Briar Valley can offer,"
certainly he's not this naive, you think
"You really think Crowley is going to accept that over money? I'm pretty sure Kalim just bid away an entire country's worth,"
he laughs. "You speak as if this is some kind of business deal! I'm quite confident that my dowry will be best,"
huh. that was a strange way of putting it
but then again, you still didn't really understand how things work here, so you go along with it
and you allow yourself to relax. he seems confident in his offer, and he doesn't even see you as some kind of prize to win!
"Oh, well, alright. Thanks! I'm glad you're on it,"
he smiles. "Rest assured, child of man, you're in good hands. My dowry will far outshine the others, and the wedding will be even better,"
"I was honestly getting a little nervous for a momen- wait- wedding!?"
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worksby-d · 2 years
Hey will there be a part two for ‘We’ll get there’ ?
hi! honestly at this point probably not lol but thanks for reading it and enjoying it enough to ask!! <3
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ohnoitstbskyen · 4 days
Hi, I'm TBSkyen. I make videos on YouTube sometimes. This is my main tumblr blog, the "brand" blog as it were, where I maintain my Social Media Presence™ on this site.
I use the ironic ™ to signal my personal discomfort with the work of being a minor media personality even while I still do that work and make a living off it.
I have a sideblog called @tbposting, mostly for shitposts and reblogs, and in my opinion I have pretty darn good taste in reblogs, so you can follow that if you want. It's also where I'll do random personal posting, microblogging, etc.
This main blog is primarily for 1) answering asks, and 2) posting my Original Content™, usually my main channel videos, as well as the occasional longer essay or critique. Sometimes I'll reblog an interesting or useful thing, or boost a friend's work, but I try to keep the spam to a minimum.
About Me
I am a thirtysomething content creator whose primary expertise is character design.
I have a bachelor's degree in English, never finished my master's, did most of a bachelor's degree in history, and that's it. These are my academic qualifications, no more and no less.
My professional experience is primarily being a freelancer and self-employed creator. I spent the better part of a decade working as a commission artist, running webcomics, drawing fanart, and the occasional animation work and not safe for work commissions, and I have at this point a decade of experience and self-study in the subjects I cover. I have also done online community management for, god help me, almost twenty years, so that's a part of my skillset I'll never escape.
I do not have any particular professional creative industry experience, although given what I hear from my professional friends, sometimes that seems like a blessing.
Please maintain a critical distance when engaging with my work. I am a critic. My work is very rarely meant to be taken as authoritative or didactic, and when it is, I will make it clear in my writing. Just because I speak with confidence doesn't mean I am trying to assert objective truth.
TAGS (to follow, or filter)
#tbanswers is the tag for every single ask I answer on this blog
#tb reblog is the tag for reblogs
#tb essay is for the occasional longer essay or critical writing
#tbvideos is for my videos and Content™
#tb recommends is for the occasional recommendation of a video essay or other creator
Yes, I know the spaces are inconsistent. It's not on purpose, I just typed them in haphazardly when I started using them and it's stuck.
FAQ (before you ask)
Q: Will you ever do a video about ____ ? A: The answer to this question is almost universally "maybe someday, if I have time, and if I feel I have anything worthwhile to say." And the more realistic answer is "no, because I already have far too much on my plate and I have burned myself out too many times." In general, please don't ask me this question, I will most likely not answer it because I have given the same answer a thousand times, but I still feel guilty about not answering them.
Q: Will you continue your series of videos about ____ ? A: Yes! I will continue the let's plays I started, I will finish the Boss Designs series, I will do another What's the Deal With, I will do more shorts about the subjects I've got going on. The main obstacle is, again, my tendency to overload myself.
Q: Do you have a PO box? Can I send you something? A: Not yet, but I'm looking into it. It may be a while before I get it set up.
Q: Do you have merchandise? A: A little bit, yes, at tbskyen.redbubble.com.
Q: What's your opinion on [game/movie/comic/book/etc]? A: I struggle to answer very open, broad questions like this. Most things I have opinions about, I have multiple opinions, and different ones depending on the perspective and specific element in question. I'm much more likely to answer specific, bounded questions.
Q: Can I send you fanart? A: PLEASE. Askbox, tag me on bluesky, send it to my email! I love seeing every piece of it!
Q: Why do you never appear on camera? A: A forest witch cursed me to look not quite but ALMOST like Paul Giamatti in all photos and videos ever taken of me, and his laywers sent me a cease-and-desist.
Q: Are you gay/straight/bi/other? A: The decision I've made for myself, at least for this period of my life, is that privacy is precious, and once given up can never be reclaimed on the internet. I am open about being aromantic (not asexual), because it's a sometimes invisible and underdiscussed identity, and I know it would have helped me a lot to see someone speak about it when I was younger.
The rest of it is for me to know, and for you to speculate about, although preferably somewhere I can't see it. I accept that this is a part of being a Personality, but it still feels weird, y'know?
Q: Is it weird if I find your voice kinda hot? A: I've put a lot of work into developing this voice and making it nice to listen to, so that's not weird at all and I find it quite complimentary, thank you.
I generally don't mind people doing flirty/thirsty posting about or at me, just so long as we all understand that 1) you should never give a stranger like me information which could be used to harm you. Nicer-seeming YouTubers than me have turned out to be monsters.
And 2) it will never go beyond playful online flirtiness. I like to fluster my live chat, I'll flirt back in an ask or a post maybe, but I am not flirting with you, or inviting any kind of closer intimacy with you, the person I responded to.
Think of me like a comedian doing crowd-work at a show - you can chat to me in the bar after the show, but when I asked you what you do for work I wasn't looking for a personal connection, I was doing my work as an entertainer. Please no sending me nudes, or propositions, or confession letters in my email inbox. We are strangers, and I am always performing a persona in public.
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I don't think I'll ever get over how Organization XIII was hyped up as this super nefarious villain group but then you get to their game 358/2 Days and they treat it like a job. A 9-5 soul crushing job. They have their daily menial tasks and then they go home and wash, rinse, repeat with little else occupying their lives. Even their hobbies and pastimes seem so limited, although you can arguably chalk that up to the game just not being interested in developing them like that (which is part of why the manga is great, because it has a tendency of developing them in ways the main writers aren't interested in). From the way they talk about it, they almost sound like they work at an office sometimes. A very bizarre, particularly backstabby office, but still. It's a soul crushing job AND a weird cult all at once and it's treated with this mundanity that's both hilarious in a way I didn't really get when it first came out and oddly humanizing.
I know for some dumb reason they didn't do a remake of Days and it's harder to access because of that, but if you can and it interests you enough to where you've wondered if it was worth playing, I really recommend playing it or watching a playthrough of the actual game instead of just the cutscenes. The story really is partly told through the mechanics and so much is lost when they just gave us the cutscenes pulled from the game in the compilations.
They really reinforce how bleak and mundane Roxas' life is most of the time, how bleak and mundane most of the members' lives are. How much control the Organization has over them. You don't just level up organically like in other kh games, you have to do this weird puzzle thing that limits your growth and abilities. They don't give you munny, they give you heart points that you can only use at the moogle shop in their castle, so they're literally paid in scrip. If you're unfamiliar with it, scrip is a currency you can only use in certain places instead of throughout a whole country or other type of political union like the eu, usually with the store at the company you work at. When you're on missions your path is blocked off, you can only go to certain areas that are directly related to your daily mission. It's suffocating and genius, especially since in most other series entries you get so much freedom comparatively.
With all that context it starts making some of their vices a bit more understandable. Can you really blame Demyx for not wanting to do his work when all he gets out of it is room and board, and the distant, vague promise of maybe someday getting a new heart? Especially since he's probably been with the Organization for years?
Can you really blame Marluxia and Larxene for wanting to mutiny when their boss is useless and all of their colleagues seem indifferent to it? I mean like. The murder isn't great. I'm still a bit sore about that. But I can definitely get behind the 'screw our boss' sentiment. I'm still very fond of my 'instead of going the cloak and dagger route Larxene and Marluxia somehow, possibly with the help of devil magic, manage to get everyone to cooperate so they can unionize and kick Xemnas out' au. An Organization XIII union au, if you will. Imagine Xemnas having to explain that to the other Xehanorts.
Master Xehanort: The people you gathered up for us to use as our vessels. Unionized?
Xemnas, the biggest loser in the entire series: :/
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knightjpg · 2 months
Tending the Garden
Living by yourself on your little homestead gets lonely after your father's passing. And so, when you find a handsome wounded stranger alone and left for dead in the dust, you take pity on him. Oh, he'll leave again someday, you know that. Which would be fine—if only he wasn't so damned sweet.
tags: Javier Escuella/reader, pining, falling in love
part 1 | part 2
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Christ, not again. 
“You better not be dead,” you tell the man lying crumpled in the dirt.
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He doesn't stir. With a sigh you put your shotgun on your back and crouch down. 
Scrawny, filthy, and bloody. “What a sight you are,” you mumble, checking for a pulse. It's there, however faint. When you turn the man over you see a young, handsome face; black, half-long hair, a nose that's definitely been busted at least once, and a faint scar across his left eyebrow. He's wearing a tattered poncho, its colours old and faded.  
You sling his arm over your shoulder and whistle for Copper, who obediently trots closer. As an afterthought you grab the man's sombrero and push it onto his head more securely. 
“Alright, girl,” you soothe your horse while hoisting the man over her rear. “Let's get home.” 
You were heading that way, anyway, your little hunting trip yielding two fat rabbits in the traps you'd laid out some days ago. You're not used to catching less, not yet; it’s only been a few weeks since your father passed. 
Maybe that's what moves you to take the stranger with you—the strange bouts of loneliness that have plagued you ever since the funeral.  
Fortunately the stranger isn't seriously injured save for the angry, fresh wound around his neck and some cuts and bruises. You wrap him up in poultice and bandages and put him in your father’s bed; the rest is up to him. 
As for yourself, you set to skinning the rabbits and preparing the meat, curing it and hanging it out to dry to add to your stock of provisions in the cellar. Part of it you set aside to prepare for a late dinner, humming as your knife makes quick work of your home-grown vegetables. 
It's a quiet life out here, in the middle of the grassy hills and patches of dense forest. Redwood's less than an hour away by horse, and you go there on occasion to sell your pelts and buy the few supplies you can't fashion yourself at the little homestead you've lived in all your life.
That said... since your old man died you have to admit you're struggling a little managing it all by yourself. 
When you set aside the now finished stew on the old, wooden table you can see the barn from the window across you, and it's not in a good state. You've been meaning to get around to the repairs, just—after the funeral... it's been hard. 
You eat slowly. The crackle of the fireplace, the clink of your spoon against your plate, and the familiar creaks of the house withstanding the blustery winds of spring are your only companions. Your potatoes are doing nicely; so are your carrots and onions. Might be time to get started on those tomatoes soon... Maybe squash this year, too. 
You're pulled out of your musings when the door to your father's bedroom creaks open and two guarded, dark eyes meet yours. 
You reach for the shotgun lying next to your plate. The man's eyes widen and he takes a hesitant step back. “’S alright, stranger,” you say. “Just makin’ sure you don't repay my kindness by tryna slit my throat. How you feelin'?” 
Your tone is gentle, yet the man hovers near the doorframe, clearly unsure of how to proceed. He's undeniably of Mexican heritage; maybe he doesn't speak English too well? You offer a smile, patting the chair next to you. “You hungry? Food?” 
His eyes light up at that and he nods.  
“Alright. Take a seat and I'll get you a plate.” You stand up, strapping your shotgun over your back. Just in case. Don't you trust no one, girl, your father always told you. It's what's kept you alive until now and you're intending to keep it that way. 
The man shuffles forward and slowly takes a seat on the hard wooden chair. As soon as you put a plate down he inhales the food in front of him with such gusto it draws a surprised laugh out of you. “'S that why you were lyin’ in the dirt out cold?” You shake your head. “Poor bastard. Well, eat your fill.” 
You hand him water as well as whiskey, both of which he accepts graciously. Once he's polished his first helping and starts on the second, you ask him his name. He looks up, cheeks near bursting, and your lips quirk up. You gesture to yourself, introduce yourself, and then, with an encouraging raise of your eyebrows, nod to him. 
“My name, Javier,” he says with his mouth full, pointing to his chest.  
“Nice t’meet you, Javier.” You touch your own neck and pat your abdomen in the spot where Javier got an especially nasty cut. “How's that feelin’?” 
He understands, mirroring you by touching his bandaged neck. “Thank you,” he says earnestly, his accent curled thickly around his words. Not exactly what you meant, but you'll take that to mean it's bearable. 
You let him be, then, content to watch him eat until he's satisfied. When he's done your eyes linger on his dirt-stained fingers. Actually, forget his fingers—he's covered in grime from tip to toe.
“You wanna wash up? There's a water pump just outside.” When he looks at you uncomprehending you get up, scraping your chair back over the hard wooden floor, and gesture with your hand. “Come. Outside. What's it called—? Agua.” 
That seems to land. He follows you, and once you work the pump to fill a wooden pail you leave him to it with a nod. After heading back inside you rummage around in your late father's meagre belongings and pull out a shirt and some jeans that will surely be too big on Javier. Well, at least they'll be clean. 
“Javier!” you call out before rounding the back. “You decent? Got you some clothes.” 
His voice carries back to you in some kind of affirmation and you step around the corner of the house. You're not quite prepared to see him shirtless, however, and for a moment your eyes linger on the expanse of his back narrowing into slender hips. You tear your gaze away from him the moment he turns, thrusting the clothes into his waiting still-wet hands. “Here.” 
“Gracias,” he says, his lips curling in an appreciative smile. It strikes you then just how handsome he looks with his hair dripping wet and little rivulets streaming down the hollow of his neck. His dark eyes regard you with a curious intensity in the beat that passes before you excuse yourself and head back inside. 
Javier returns looking much cleaner, sleeves rolled up around his forearms and jeans tucked neatly into his scuffed boots. He allows you to take his dirty clothes from him and you set them aside for tomorrow's washing. Then you gesture him to sit down, checking to make sure his bandages haven't gotten wet or displaced; but it looks like he was careful, and you don't need to redo any of your work. 
“Rest,” you tell him before moving back to the kitchen to clean up the dishes. When he shakes his head and follows you to the sink you raise an eyebrow. 
“Quiero agradecerte por salvarme. I help you,” he says, gesturing. You snort, pushing his hands away. 
“Ain't nothin’ for you to do ‘side from sit pretty ‘nd heal up.” His brow furrows at that, and you smile, nodding to the kitchen table. “Why don't you sit and tell me what happened to you? Y’looked a fright when I found you.” 
When he remains quiet you look back over your shoulder and see a shadow has fallen over his face, his shoulders tense and drawn up. You hum in understanding, drying your hands on a towel before leaning your hips back against the counter. “Where you headed next, then?” you ask gently. “You got someplace to go?” 
He shakes his head, eyes downcast on his hands folded across his lap. 
“Well. I could use a hand with the barn,” you muse. “Reckon I can let you stay a while if you help me out ‘round here.” 
He looks up that, brows upturned in a hesitant, hopeful expression. “Stay?” he repeats. 
“Sure,” you smile. “You help me, and you stay.” 
With some rest and care Javier makes a quick recovery, and after a while of having three hot meals a day his strength returns. His scrawny figure fills into lean, wiry muscle, following your every request with an eagerness to please that never fails to makes you smile. 
He helps fix the barn with you, and when that's done he moves onto a leaky part on the roof. He helps plant you tomatoes by day, and during the evenings you help him practice his English. You ask him to teach you Spanish in return. There are several times you both end up laughing by what essentially turns into a strange game of charades. 
“Ah, cómo describirlo... You sit on a horse.” 
“Ridin'?” you offer. 
“No, no... The chair on the horse...” 
You bite your lip to keep yourself from chuckling. “The saddle?” 
“Sí!” a smile breaks through on his face, pleased you've understood. And so on. You talk about anything that comes up; the chores you do, the vegetables you plant, the animals you catch. You lend him the few books you have, once having belonged to your mother, and read to him while explaining the words best you can.  
Javier doesn't talk about his past nor what he's running from, but that's fine. As long as he doesn't lead trouble to your doorstep a man has a right to his secrets. And though he clearly has moments where he struggles with a heavy sadness weighing upon his shoulders, Javier slowly becomes livelier. 
Sweet spring air with its budding green things lifts your own mood, too. Weeks roll into months, and both of you settle into your comfortable new normal; for as long as it'll last. You don't know what Javier has in mind for his future, but you're assuming he'll probably want to move on from here at some point. It's what makes you force yourself to look away from the way he pulls his ever-growing hair back into a ponytail, forearms flexing when he ties it secure. 
It's also to this end that you share your earnings from what you sell in town, insisting he has a right to it; it was a team effort, after all, wasn't it? It's a joy to see him look down at the money he's earned with his own hands, awe and gratitude lining his face. 
Javier's not the best at hunting or tracking, but he takes to fishing, and you're happy your father's fishing kit will get to see some use rather than collect dust in a corner. He's skilled with a knife too, and your usual workload of skinning and cutting is easily halved. 
“You know, I been thinkin',” you tell him one evening, seated across each other like usual on your couch. “’Bout getting some chickens. Lotsa fresh eggs every day. We'd have little chicks runnin’ ‘round, too. What you think?” 
Javier nods. “We have to build a chicken house.” 
“That's right, a chicken coop. You up for it?” 
“Claro. Tell me when we start.” 
It feels natural, to have these kind of idle conversations with him. To plan, to dream a little. With the rising temperatures Javier often works in the garden shirtless, his hat shielding his face from the sun. You're not sure if it's a blessing or a curse. Several times you feel the desire to reach out and smooth your hands over his skin, to taste the sweat a day's work has collected in the nape of his neck. 
One time Javier catches you, and you're not sure he believes the half-coherent excuse you give him. Good Lord, you need to get yourself together. 
There other moments where you swear lightning takes a hold of you. When you climb down the ladder from fixing the roof his hands steady your hips. When you pore over the English books he painstakingly works his way through he's so close you can feel his breath on your cheek. When you harvest the vegetables in your garden his fingers brush against yours.
Has it been that long since you've been touched? 
It gets to the point you saddle up Copper to go into Redwood just to be away from him and the homestead for a day. You go out to town every few months to stock up on a larger amount of goods and supplies; you're on friendly terms with the general store's assistant, Jimmy, and he's always happy to drive you back with a wagon full of things to last you a good while. 
Copper nuzzles your hand affectionately and you stroke her neck, slipping her an apple. Javier spots you and jogs over, smile bright. “Are you leaving?” 
He's wearing a blouse today, the first couple buttons undone. His collarbones dip so beautifully along his shoulders, and when he wipes the sweat off his forehead the fabric stretches around his muscles. You swallow, mouth feeling dry.  
This is the whole reason you have to head out. Clear your head. Talk to some other people that don't have glittering dark eyes and crooked smiles and stupidly attractive laughs. 
You focus on strapping on Copper's saddle while you answer Javier. “Yep. Time to stock up on some things. I'll be gone for the day, so watch the house for me, won't you?”  
“Of course,” Javier nods. “For the chicken house? Ah, coop?” 
“That's right,” you smile. “I'm gettin' us the materials and some chicks to start out with. A rooster, too. So no more sleepin’ in late,” you add with a little grin. 
Javier groans, but it's in good humour. “Monta con seguridad. Ride safe.” 
“Always do.” 
It's wonderful to feel the breeze on your skin as you ride, and once you reach town you find it was the right call. There's plenty to distract you, though Javier never quite leaves the forefront of your mind. When you get to the general store and greet Jimmy, who gets the catalogue ready for you to place your order, you can't help but add a few clothing items you think Javier might be in need of. You've noticed he enjoys taking care he looks nice, fussing with his hair and polishing his boots, and while your late father's clothes are sturdy and durable they don't possess a lick of fashionable flair. 
A bandana, a vest, leather boots with finely stitched patterns, several blouses... You hardly notice how much attention you're pouring into it when Jimmy chuckles and nods to the pages you're so intently poring over. “Never thought that was quite your style, sugar.” 
Your cheeks grow warm. “Oh—No, that ain't it. I've... Well. I got a wanderin’ stranger on my hands, and I feel obliged to him. Helped me out a lot, now that my Pa is gone and all...” 
Jimmy's surprise melts into understanding. “’Course. You look like you're doin’ a lot better though—just be careful of strangers.” 
“Don't worry. Ain't no one gonna get the jump on me.” 
You pick out the rest of your items, and once you're satisfied you have all you'll need Jimmy tells you he'll start loading up the wagon for you. “I'll take a bit, sugar, so feel free to come on back in a while.” 
You take the opportunity to sell your furs and take a stroll around Redwood, noting the subtle changes that present themselves after not having visited for a while. The saloon has a fresh coat of paint; there’s a new butcher in town. Stores have swapped out their previous goods for things more currently in style.
Behind one of the storefronts’ windows a fine, dark bowler hat catches your fancy, and you imagine Javier wearing it along with his crooked little grin. You exit the store only minutes later, feeling foolish and yet helpless when you imagine his delight at your gift. 
After killing some time in the local saloon you find your way back to the general store, pleased to see Jimmy's loading up the last couple items. He helps you onto the front bench of the wagon, and then you're rattling off. Copper obediently follows behind. 
“Saw you got some chicks 'n a rooster, miss. Think they'll do real well for ya...” 
Jimmy's small talk is pleasant, and you're almost surprised at how quickly your little homestead comes into view again. It never fails to make you feel comforted, to see the squat little buildings and the garden nestled among the hills. 
Jimmy insists on helping you off the wagon again; “You're a lady, I gotta treat you well,” and you allow him with a bemused smile. Only when your feet touch the grass again do you spot Javier from the corner of your eye, holding your shotgun and wearing a much darker expression than you're accustomed to seeing on him. 
He slowly steps closer, dark eyes boring into Jimmy's hand still holding onto yours. 
“Javier!” you call out with a smile. “It's alright, put that gun away, now. This is Jimmy; the feller I told you about.” You turn back to Jimmy, thanking him again for taking the trouble with the deliveries. 
Javier's frown doesn't disappear, however, not even when you gently touch his elbow, asking him to take Copper to the barn while you unload. Jimmy hangs back nervously, eyes darting between you and Javier. He helps you unload quickly, and when you ask if he'd like to stay for dinner he shakes his head.  
“I'd best be goin', miss. You take care now,” and with a tip to his hat the wagon rattles off again. You watch him leave, then turn around to raise an eyebrow at Javier. 
“Ain't like you to be so unfriendly.” 
Javier looks away, an unhappy frown tugging at his lips. “This man is touching you too much.” 
You blink. “Jimmy? Oh, he's harmless. Known him for years; he's always been a good kid.” When Javier's frown remains you chuckle, gesturing for him to follow you. “Alright, alright. Come on, let's go inside. I got somethin’ for you.” 
That piques his interest. “What is it?” 
“Un sombrero,” you grin, then think for a second. “...Algo así.” Ain't really a sombrero, exactly... 
“Algo así?” Javier's lips curl upward. “Me estás dando curiosidad.” 
“Just wait till you see it.” The cool interior of the house feels wonderful after riding in the sun and you exhale, removing your hat and running your fingers through your hair in relief. 
Javier obediently lets you direct him to sit on the couch while you sort through the boxes. When he’s presented with the clothes you picked for him you can hardly take your eyes off of him: Javier's whole face is aglow with delight. 
“I might have to make some adjustments to make ‘em fit you well,” you tell him when he holds up his new blouses to his chest. 
“Estos son maravillosos!” Javier beams. He's especially taken with the boots, his fingers tracing the delicate stitching. He looks up at you, eyes softening. His smile is a beautiful thing. “Muchas gracias, señorita.” 
That damn fluttery feeling in your chest... “Now close your eyes, mister. Got one last thing to complete the picture.”  
You're made to eat those words. When Javier obediently closes his eyes it's so tempting to reach out and put a hand to his cheek, to touch a thumb to his lips... It takes real effort to tear yourself away from these thoughts and instead open the hat box, unwrapping the bowler hat from its crinkling, protective paper, and to put it on Javier's head. His hair tickles the back of your hand as you do, and maybe you're imaging it, but you swear there's a little hitch in his breath when your fingertips graze his temple. 
He looks every bit as dashing as you'd pictured. “Well, well,” your smile seeps into your voice. “Ain't you a fine-lookin' gentleman. Here's a mirror—open your eyes, señor Javier.” 
He does, eyes widening in surprise and then crinkling in happy delight as he sees the hat adorning his head. He turns this way and that, admiring the fine make and material in the small mirror you're holding up in front of him. 
“Tell me if it don't please you, and 's no hard feelings,” you reassure him, but that statement is met with such an indignant expression you laugh. Javier gets up from his chair, taking your free hand in his. His mouth curves into a sweet smile, and the fact that it's aimed at you warms your cheeks far too much. 
“Cariño,” Javier murmurs, his tone one so gentle as you've not heard before. “¿Para qué es todo esto? ¿Para consentirme?” 
You scrunch your nose, brows knitting together. “Them's too many words I don't know...” 
To your surprise Javier lifts your hand to brush his lips over your knuckles. “You are very good to me.” 
You let out a soft little “oh,” and when Javier's gaze on you lingers you fluster, pulling your hand from him and turning away, pretending to be busy with the few supplies still strewn across the kitchen table. “Well, I—I just couldn't bear seein’ you wear your clothes to rags ‘s all.” 
All you hear in response is a little chuckle, but it makes you feel entirely too pleased. 
“Do you go—often? In town?” Javier asks you over dinner. Mashed potatoes, summer salad, smoked rabbit. It's a lovely spread, garnished with the flavours of your little herb garden. 
“Not often, no. Why? You miss Jimmy already?” you tease. 
Javier wrinkles his nose in distaste, and you laugh. “I do not miss Jimmy.” 
“Well, maybe you'll warm up to him. Most folk in town ain't too bad, really.” 
“¿Te gusta él—Jimmy?” Javier's tone is casual, almost disinterested. But when you look at him he's awaiting your answer with the watchful eye of a hawk.
“Él es un amigo,” you reply easily. “A friend. My Pa was fond of ‘im too.” 
Javier does a little “hm”, then goes back to poking at his food. You nudge his foot with your own, forcing him to look back at you. 
“What's the matter? You were so happy earlier.” 
“I am happy,” Javier rushes to reassure you. His hand reaches out to touch yours, and when you turn your palm up instinctively to catch his fingers he finally smiles. “Nothing is wrong.” 
After dinner and cleaning up you sit outside, side by side. The air is finally starting to cool. Cricket song hums in the air, the dying light of the sun smattering its final red hues on the evening sky. You share a bottle of whiskey between the two of you, exchanging small talk about the garden. 
When the conversation trails off you watch Javier, his expression serious and thoughtful, gaze resting on the horizon. Not for the first time it fills you with a strange, sad sort of feeling. He'll leave you here someday, and that day is bound to come sooner rather than later. 
“Say,” you speak up. “We should get you a horse.” 
It's almost like you want him to leave. Might be better if he did, actually. You're not in too deep, not yet—or so you tell yourself. You can still let him go. 
“A horse?” Javier looks at you, smiling with intrigue. 
You shrug, trying to appear casual. “Yeah. We could go out ridin’ together if you like.” 
“I would like that.” 
And so plans are made for a visit to a ranch just outside of Redwood. You weren't expecting to be returning that way so soon, but oh well. Not like it'll kill you. 
...Actually, no, it might kill you. Javier's strong arms wrapped around your waist to keep steady when you mount Copper are going to be the death of you. He's already seated just behind the saddle, and the way he instinctively reaches out to help you up doesn't help the stutter of your heartbeat in the slightest. 
A puff of his breath tickles your neck, and you're suddenly very glad he can't see your face. Lord forgive you, but his hands... 
“Ready?” you ask, your voice coming out slightly higher pitched than usual. And when Javier murmurs “Ready,” close to your ear you have a hard time suppressing a shiver. 
Thank God for Copper's easy and dependable nature, because even when you're more distracted than usual by your very attractive cargo your journey goes smoothly. Javier's dressed himself up in his fine new clothes, including his new bowler hat, and he polished his boots till they were shining. 
When you arrive at the ranch he slips off Copper first so he can take your hand as you dismount. “Gracias, señor,” you smile, and he grins. 
Your playful smiles slip when you see the way the ranch hand that's coming to meet you is eyeing Javier. In response Javier ducks his head, letting his hat cover his face in shadow and keeping his eyes to the ground. His tension is a palpable thing. You give the ranch hand a curt greeting, not missing the way his eyes flick between the two of you with wary apprehension. 
“We'd like to take a look at your horses,” you say. Best to move the conversation along quickly, now. “Nothing fancy, for ridin’ 'nd workin’.” 
The ranch hand eyes Javier. “For this greaser?” 
Javier looks up at him for a second, brief surprise followed by muted anger. Christ. Of course he'd know that word without you having to teach him.  
“For my friend. You mind your mouth, boy,” you tell the ranch hand in a clipped tone. The man gives you an odd look. You don't care. 
“Alright then... Follow me,” he says, and though he makes no additional comments about Javier, the way the ranch hand glances back at him says enough. 
“We'll be fine from here,” you're all too happy to dismiss him when he's led you to the available horses. Then, turning to Javier in a much gentler tone. “Alright, darlin'. You take a look and see if there's any you like.” 
The endearment slips out so naturally you surprise yourself. If Javier notices he doesn't say anything; he just nods, focusing his attention on the horses. Poor man. Running from God knows what and then shunned because of his heritage. 
You join Javier, watching him walk past the horses with a concentrated little frown furrowing his brow. When he stops in front of a grey-and-white American Paint he finally smiles a little, stroking the stallion's neck. He catches your gaze, and you nod encouragingly. 
“Fine breed. Learns quickly. Just like you—but a lot more obedient,” you smile, eyes soft so he knows you're teasing. Javier turns his head to you slightly, the tension momentarily lifting from his shoulders. A little grin curls around his lips, crooking it in that way that lately never fails to make your heart skip a beat.
“Then I will take him.” 
He pays for the horse himself, looking proud that he's able to. He shushes and pats the horse gently, telling that its name is Boaz, now, and if he'll be a good horse for Javier he'll get some treats when they get home. 
Javier looks so genuinely happy with himself as he rides Boaz you can't bring yourself to mourn the loss of his arms around your waist. This is good; this is a good thing. He has clothes, money, a horse. Everything he needs to get on with his life and leave you behind as a brief but kind memory. 
The two of you ride slowly, letting Boaz adjust to his new owner and to you and Copper. You don't talk much on the way home, letting Javier fill the silence with excited chatter about Boaz. The barn will just be perfect for him, plenty of space, and Javier is sure Copper will be happy to have a friend, too, and maybe once Boaz gets used to Javier he can race you, you know, friendly competition, but if he wins then maybe you could make that apple pie again? 
“Claro,” you smile, feeling both wistful and endeared with Javier's boyish grin. The way his eyes light up at the promise of your cooking. “...I'm sorry ‘bout what happened earlier,” you add in a much more serious tone. “And I'm sorry if I should've left it to you. Ain't like I think you can't stand up for yourself.” 
Javier shakes his head. “It is not a new thing,” he tells you. “Thank you.” 
You wave your hand. “My pa always used to say people's people. Don’t matter what they look like—we all get hungry 'n thirsty 'n tired.” 
Javier hums, seemingly pulled into deeper thought by your words, and the rest of the way home you ride in silence. You're not sure what's on his mind save for that he seems vaguely troubled, his mind miles away. Must be about his past. 
You let him be when you get back, wanting him to have the space without someone prodding at him. He spends a lot of time with Boaz the rest of the day and you busy yourself with your own chores. But you eat together outside in the warm summer evening, as always, even if Javier's still caught in his pensive mood. You don't mind the silence anyhow. You look over the grass waving in the wind, the soft sounds of chickens drifting from their coop. Your eye rests on your garden with a mix of contentment and pride, and absentmindedly you let yourself be pulled into musings of what to plant next and where. Peas do well this time of year. 
You startle when Javier starts to speak. “I came to America because I killed a man in Mexico.” You turn to him as he talks. His eyes are set on the horizon, softening orange and reds announcing the end of another day. “Powerful man. If I stayed everyone I loved would die. I was afraid when I got here—I had nothing except fear. I was starving. Weak. ...Alone.” 
Javier looks at you, finally. His dark eyes are pained, grave. So that's what happened to him before you found him. You'd wondered, of course. The scar around his neck that he hides with his bandana. His wariness, his guarded gaze when he meets someone new.  
So he killed a man. You wonder if you should be frightened of him—beautiful Javier with his sometimes sad eyes, who calls your chickens ‘ladies’ and who hums while he brushes Copper for you; who burns his fingers and his tongue because he's too impatient to wait for your pies to cool, and who fusses over the wrinkles in his blouses. 
You can't bring yourself to be. 
“I thought I'd die crossing the desert. I thought I'd be killed here—instead I was simply starving because nobody cared.” He puts his plate beside him, the spoon clattering against the ceramic with a soft clink. Reaches for your hand, hesitant, slow. “You cared.” 
Without thinking about it you turn your palm upwards to take his hand, and his fingers hold onto you tighter when you do. Compassion and sympathy pinch your brow. “Then I'm glad I found you when I did.” 
“You saved my life,” Javier replies. His tone is so soft, and it squeezes your heart. Oh, the soft feelings pooling in your chest—you can't, you shouldn't. You attempt a smile, trying to force levity into your voice. 
“And you paid me back ten times over with all the work you done ‘round here.” You hesitate. Try to burn the feeling of the weight of his hand in yours into your memory. “...You're free to go where you like now.” 
The way he smiles at you then makes you wonder if he understood what you meant, but somehow you just can't bring yourself to ask. 
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vnti-vntiety-recs · 10 months
Destruction In My Mind 2 (M)
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★  PAIRING: Toxic! Stalker! Jaemin, Switch! Jaemin x Reader/Mentions of Reader x Mark
★ GENRE(S): smut, thriller, angst,
☆ SUMMARY: When your relationship spirals out of control with Jaemin, he resorts to kidnapping to keep you all to himself. It's been months since you've been held captive, and Mark is the only one who may be able to uncover the truth of what happened to you.
★ ☆ WARNINGS: Toxic relationship, manipulation, swearing, various acts of sexual intercourse, hate sex,unprotected sex, DEATH, GUNS, DARK THEMES, YANDERE, STOCKHOLM SYNDROME, KIDNAPPING. STALKING, BLOOD, VIOLENCE, CAUTION MFER IDK WHAT ELSE TO SAY
☆★ NOTES: (Part 1) I wasn't originally planning on writing a part two to this, but a few people requested it, so I challenged myself to see where I could take the story. Honestly, I don't really enjoy writing about dark themes or angst, but it was interesting. I hope you guys enjoy this, because I'll probably only be sticking to one shot after this.
Today was like every other day for the past few months: dull and unremarkable. It's been months since you last had contact with the outside world. Jaemin would attempt to casually strike up a conversation, like he didn't lock you away in a room away from the rest of the world like an evil stepmother in a fairy tale, except that the very prince who was supposed to save you was the one who locked you away. Ever since Jaemin told you that Mark had stopped by to look for you, you had hoped that maybe someday he would find you, but as the months went on, you began to doubt his efforts. Part of you had actually hoped he would stop searching; you knew it could be dangerous if he got too close.
You would soon learn to trade your silence for forced smiles and fake laughter. Jaemin had promised to leave Mark alone if you entertained his conversations. You hated him.  You despised the false compassion he displayed, doting over you when you rejected his meals and insisting you eat something. You hated how he acted sulky when you turned down his offers to watch movies together. You especially hated him for bringing back designer clothes whenever he upset you. What's the point of a designer if there's no one to show them off to?
You think If he wasn't a raging sociopath, he would make a good boyfriend. You could be living your best life if he wasn't easily overtaken by jealousy over the smallest things. Sometimes you indulge yourself in fantasies where he's your sweet boyfriend rather than the monster that imprisoned you.. Reality always hits hard when you find yourself staring at the locked door that keeps you imprisoned.
Some days you hated him to death, and others you found your heart warming up too quickly at the thought of him. It's when he returns from long business trips. Those are the days when your heart is most vulnerable and craves him the most. The day before those long nights away, he would bring you food, filling up your fridge with at least two days worth of food. He bought you every book you had circled from a catalog he brought to you. bringing you anything you requested.
The first time he left you, he even got you a cat to keep you company. When he was away, you would use that time to find an escape, but after hours of prying at your door and window, you would give up. You always end up playing with Luna instead.
After days of being alone with nothing but your thoughts and Luna to keep you company, you would practically crave human contact. On one of those many lonely nights, the thought crept up on you. Maybe this was also a part of his plan; was this a way to break down your defenses as well? If it was, it was working because when you heard the automatic lock to the front door opening and the heavy thud of his bags on the hardwood floor of his highrise condo, you couldn't help but call out to him.
You didn't care about the mind games as you leapt from wherever you were in your room and made your way to your door. He can barely even get it open before you throw yourself into his arms. His smell, his warmth, and his voice all amplified during the time he was away. Those days are the days you melt into him. Those days are the ones you let yourself forget. Those days you let your hands wander. And those days are the same days you go to sleep the most satisfied and wake up the most tormented.
After three days away, Jaemin had returned. You practically threw yourself at him the moment he stepped into your room to check on you. You immediately wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him passionately, before jumping up and wrapping your legs around his waist. You're too preoccupied with pressing yourself against him to notice the cunning smile that kisses your lips. When he doesn't immediately kiss back, you whine into his mouth, and it draws Jaemin back into the moment. 
Whatever he was holding clatters loudly against the floor as he drops it in favor of gripping your hips before lowering them to grip your ass. He has you pinned up against the same door he entered as you both hurriedly pull off each other's clothes, laying hot kisses in their wake. You're too impatient to wait any longer, so you haphazardly push his slacks past his hips enough to pull him out of his briefs before you tug your panties to the side. Catching the memo, Jaemin takes over, ripping the crotch of your panties for easier access. You position him at your entrance, and Jaemin thrusts in shallowly. You open your mouth to complain, but Jaemin quickly snaps his hips again. re-entering deeply, effectively shutting you up.
Not a single word has been exchanged since he walked through the door; the only thing filling the room was the harsh slapping of skin and heavy panting as his hips picked up pace. The door soon joined the cacophony of noise as it creaked against its hinges ruthlessly. You came over his length again and again; it was like he was making up for all the days he had left you alone. He didn't stop until he felt your slick heat push him out as you squirted.
The things that happen on the nights you spend with him cause war between the part of you that loves him and that part of you that wants nothing to do with him
You couldn't help but give in to your needs, even though you hated yourself for it. You could never quite reach your peak; your fingers could only take you so far. It didn't help that he would always come to you on those nights in his best suit and sporting his most expensive cologne. He would always tease you, cooing at your wandering eyes as they undressed him. On those nights, he would let you use him until you wore yourself out, leaving him to clean you up. He never stayed the night in your room because he knew that would only make it harder for you in the morning. He knew you hated him for it, but that just made him want you even more.
It felt like a never-ending cycle for you, but lately, even when he wasn't gone, you craved him.  He noticed the cracks forming in your hard exterior. He was overjoyed when you started striking up conversations with him, asking him to read a book with you or to play a board game. He hadn't had to beg for your attention lately; he had you exactly where he wanted you.
Or that's what he thought.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────
Jaemin had entered your room early one morning and gently shook your shoulder to wake you up.  You thought he was about to tell you he was leaving on another trip, but instead he sat beside you, petting Luna, while you dragged yourself out of your sheets to sit up properly.
“You've been so sweet to me lately; it got me thinking,” he said. When he stops petting Luna, she leaps from the bed. Your tired eyes follow her as she exits the room through the door.
The open door
Jaemin was never one to leave the door open. He always locked it behind him as he came and went. Jaemin was never one to take chances. Until now, it appears. Your gaze returns to him in anticipation.
"I think you've been locked up in here for too long. You need fresh air…sunlight," he finishes.
He doesn't go on, watching your reaction and testing you with just his words. He waits for you to say something, but you don't. You think you made the right choice because he's smiling now as he continues.
“The house is too big, and it feels lonely sometimes. I was thinking about leaving your door open now so you can roam freely. This house is your home too. I trust you.”
Being locked in a multimillion-dollar condo above the clouds isn't exactly liberating. You control your reaction. Of course he wasn't going to let you go free; he was probably waiting on you to ask him if he would.  You try not to look disappointed in his proposal and return his smile. 
“That means a lot, Jaem," is all you can manage as you lean in for a hug, your smile fading the moment he can't see your face.
 By free, Jaemin meant limited, which was probably better than what you had. Jaemin's condo was enclosed in large glass windows that let in plenty of light. He also had a sprawling terrace that wrapped around the perimeter of his condo. You were only allowed to spend a maximum of two hours on the terrace with his supervision. You convinced him to buy a hammock and beanbags for you so you could read out there during the summer. You had more room to play with Luna as well. You would run up and down the halls with her toy wand as she chased after you.
This must have been part of his plan to delude you because you almost forgot you were being held captive. You even had access to Jaemin’s room and used his shower from time to time, as it was bigger than the one in your room. It wasn't until he plopped down next to you on the living room couch one evening that you realized how far his trust in you had gone.
He let you know he was going to be gone for the night because he had an overnight business convention he had to attend; he wouldn't be back till morning. It would be his first night away since you were given access to the entire house. He told you the same rules applied and gave you a kiss on the forehead before walking to the front door, where his bags were already waiting, and like always, he leaves without another word.
Just like that, he was gone. You stayed glued to your spot on the couch. He's joking, right? Is this a test? What if he comes back early? A thousand questions are running through your head. YYou do the only thing that comes to mind: you wait. For the first hour, nothing appears out of the ordinary. Another hour passes, and the house remains silent, exactly as he left it. You get up from your seat in the third hour and search the house. You dash for the kitchen; you need a weapon—anything that will give you an advantage.
You searched every cabinet and every drawer, but there was not a knife in sight. You couldn't even find a butter knife. You notice something else is missing just as you close the last drawer. There were no forks either, not even a chopstick. Anything with a sharp point had vanished without a trace. It wasn't until now that you realized that every meal that you were served was pre-cut and prepared. You never even questioned the lack of silverware because you never needed one.
You almost trip over yourself as you hastily make your way to the balcony. You try the handle but realize it's locked. It seemed to have an automatic lock that could only be controlled remotely. Without wasting time, you rush to his office but not a pencil or pen in sight. The bathroom was next, but there was no floss.
You try to calm yourself down, but your frustration with your shortcomings grows. Luna notices your condition and begins to whine and rub herself against your legs in an attempt to comfort you. You don't even notice as tears well up in your eyes and you begin to cry. Luna is gently picked up and cradled in your arms.
“Your daddy is a liar; he doesn't trust me." As you kiss her soft fur, you chuckle bitterly. 
In defeat, you make your way back to the living room. You shift your weight to get comfortable on the couch. You're about to re-start the TV when you notice a paper weight on the TV stand beneath it. It's almost hidden among the other trinkets that adorn the surface, but the light from the TV reflects off of it, drawing your attention slightly. You reach for it, and the cool glass warms against your skin. It's a good size and fits comfortably in the palm of your hand. It's a clear glass ball with an angry blue wave frozen in the center, as if captured just before the wave crashed. The wave was at its peak, frozen in time, waiting to crash down, but it never would. In a way, you were just like the angry wave trapped in the glass. You decided this would have to be your weapon. You amble to your room and stuff your makeshift weapon under your pillow. Your spirits were lifted by the minor victory. There was one more thing you wanted to double-check.
There was only one way out of here, technically two, but you don't think Jaemin has enough bedsheets to make a rope that could scale 20 stories. You quickly arrive at the front door and begin to inspect the lock. The lock was identical to that on the balcony door. There was no physical lock to turn to open the door; everything was internal and automatic. The only way to unlock the door was either by the pin code on the outside or, as you guessed, by a phone remotely. He didn't have these locks when you first came to his house.
You take a step back from the door and laugh hysterically as it all begins to make sense. You laugh all the way to your room, where you find the paperweight under your pillow. It was pointless hiding it because he saw.
It was a test.
No sharp items in the house, not even a pencil? All the locks have been changed, and he just so happens to let you out of your room out of the kindness of his heart? Jaemin is not kind, and he's definitely no fool. You were naive to believe that the man who had isolated you in a single room for months and denied you all human contact could possibly trust you. He had to be watching you, and you notice it as you trudge back into the living room. The faint blinking of a red light perched on the high ceiling of Jaemin's highrise.  He really was watching you the entire time. 
There was no meeting, or maybe there was; at this point, you couldn't trust his word. This was all a test to see if your “good behavior” would last. And just like the naive fool you were, you fell right into his trap.
“I know you're watching me, Jaemin! I'll kill you! I fucking hate you. Do you hear me? I fucking hate you!” You scream and scream at the blinking light until your voice is raw, but the camera doesn't respond; it just blinks mockingly at you. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────
You awaken to sunlight hitting your face as you stir awake. You must have screamed yourself to exhaustion last night and fallen asleep on the couch. You move to sit up when the cool glass of the paper weight knocks against your skin. You were clutching onto your “weapon” all night, waiting for Jaemin to show up.  From your vantage point on the couch, you looked around the apartment, but there was no sign of him The house was as silent as ever. Just as you're about to get up and search the rest of the house, you hear the mechanical gears of the locks on the front door unlocking. You perk up and grab your paper weight, arming yourself as best you can. You wait for Jaemin to walk through the door, but he doesn't.
In your confusion, you slowly make your way off the couch and towards the door. You approach it with caution, expecting him on the other side. You raise your weapon into the air, ready to swing down and strike whoever is on the other side. You swung open the door, but no one was there. In fact, the corridor was unusually quiet. You shuffle out into the hallway, your hair sticking up in all directions, armed only with a paper weight. Real intimidating. 
“Jaemin?” You call hesitantly. No response. 
You don't care if it's a test, and you don't care if he's watching. This was the closest you have ever gotten to escaping the 3000 square feet you've been confined to. You're booking it down the hall until you reach the next door, and you beat your first against it, calling for help. You're making all the noise you possibly can with whatever voice you have left from screaming all night. No answer, so you move on to the next door.  You pound on every door in the corridor, but no one answers. You scream for help as you reach the final door on your floor. You pound on the door mercilessly until you hear a noise from the other side..
“Yes! hello!? Please open the door! I've been kidnapped and i-” you begin, but your begging stops as the door opens, revealing the owner of the condo.
“You’ve been kidnapped? No sweety, what you've been is naughty” Jaemin coos from his spot in the open door.
“Wha-what?” You can't breathe.
So much is happening, Too much is happening, and None of it makes sense as your head spins.
“You silly thing," Jaemin says, casually leaning against the doorframe, ”you know they told me when I had these built that the walls were too thin. I didn't think it would come back to bite me in the ass though,” Jaemin mockingly knocks on the wall closest to you. The hollowness mockingly echoes back at you.
“I don't understand,” you manage.
“I own this building, princess. Everyone on this floor,” he says, taking a step closer.
“the floor below us,” one step closer
“and the floor above us has been relocated.” He stares down at you coolly. “I didn't know how much of a fight you were going to put up, so I moved everyone out a month after I locked you up,” he whispers tauntingly.
"Funny enough, the only screaming you did up until now was when I was-” you turn away before he can finish, humiliated. This whole time, you played right into his hands. 
“No point in running, princess; nowhere to go," he laughs.
You ignore him, swiping at the tears that threaten to run down your face. You storm back to his apartment, knowing he's not far behind you because you can hear his footsteps as he follows. He's right, there is nowhere to go, but right now you need to go anywhere he is not. You slam the door in his face angrily when you make it to the apartment, but he catches it and makes his way in behind you.
“You really want to make this worse on yourself, don't you?” he says before reaching for your arm to turn you towards him. The moment you feel his hand enclose around your elbow, you spin on your heels and strike him with the paper weight.
You drop it the moment you realize what you have done. You were angry, you were scared, and you were frustrated with his mind games, but you had no intention of actually hurting him. You acted out of rage; you weren't thinking clearly. You can only stare in disbelief as blood drips from his brow. His head is still slightly bowed from the blow, and he stumbles a little. Blood continues to drip down onto the floor.
"Jaem, I-I didn't mean to; I just-” You didn't know how to finish your sentence.
He finally lifts his head and looks at you, blood dripping into his eye.
“You want to hurt me?"
"No, Jaem i-”
"That's it, isn't it baby? I give you everything, and this is how you repay  me."The way he speaks to you holds no warmth as he wipes at the blood staining his perfect skin.
“I didn't," he says, wrapping his bloodied hand around your throat, gripping harshly as he pushes you into the wall. He leans into you, barely a breath away. You almost expect him to kiss you, but instead he leans in to whisper in your ear.
 “You want to kill me? then do it right.” The next thing you know, he's pushing away from you and releasing your neck. He bends down and picks up your paper weight. He takes your hand in his and places the paper weight in your palm once more.
“Do it.” He stares you down patiently, waiting for your next move. You shake your head as tears roll down your face freely.
“DO IT!” he yelled this time. You cry even harder and shakily throw the paper weight at his chest. You look pathetic, trembling in front of him.
“You want to hurt me, right baby? You want to leave me so bad? Well, the only way you're gonna leave is if you kill me, so do it!” Jaemin spits angrily.
“I won't," you cry. 
“And why not?” Jaemin waits for your answer. 
“Because I'm not like you!” you yell angrily, pushing at his chest. You pound on his firm chest, your cries becoming weaker with each blow. Jaemin waits for you to relax before grabbing your chin. Jaemin waits for you to calm down before he grabs your chin.
“No, that's not why pretty.” jaemin tuts.  
He grips the back of your hair and drags you to the living room's floor-length mirror. He forces you to look at yourself in the mirror. You stare at yourself in the mirror. Your disheveled hair and tear-stained face stare back. Your eyes rake farther down your face until they reach your neck. You gasp in shock.
Right there, sitting prettily against your neck, was a bloody handprint. His bloody handprint possessively stains the skin of your neck. You can almost still feel the ghost of his touch in its wake. Jaemin's other hand trails up your body until he reaches your neck, fingers barely grazing the marks he left, afraid to ruin his work.
“You don't want to hurt me baby, because you're scared to be without me, hmm?” He teasingly whispers in your ear. “You love me, and you don't want to leave me; I can prove it too. I'll tell you a secret."
He breathes down your neck as he turns you towards him and away from your reflection in the mirror.
“Down the hall on the left; there's an emergency staircase; if you take that down, it will lead you right out of here.” He kisses each fingerprint left on your neck slowly so as not to disturb the mark he's left on you. When he's finished, he takes a step back and looks at you, waiting for you to make a move. Your lips quiver, and more tears fall, but you remain still.  
“That's my girl,” Jaemin mumbles to himself before kissing you.
You can't do anything but cry harder, but you return his eagerness because he's right. He's right, and you hate him because, just like the handprint on your neck, he's got you in a chokehold. Your hatred seeps into the way you return his kiss. And grip at his hair as he lifts you onto his hips to carry you back into your room. You bite and tug at his lip, none too gently, as you kiss him. As Jaemin enters the room, he "accidentally" bumps your head against the door frame.
"You did that on purpose, asshole." You groan in pain.
“When have we ever played nice princesses?” he smirks before throwing you down onto the bed, making your head hurt even more as you bounce roughly against the mattress.
He's crawling towards you on the bed. You're not done being a brat, so you kick at his chest and shoulder, pushing him away from you. You refuse to make this easy for him, but he just grabs your ankle, pulling you towards him.
“You wanna brat out?"
“When have I ever played nice?” You use his words against him as you struggle more.
He pecks your lips hesitantly, knowing you like to bite, before kissing you deeply, prying your legs apart to settle between them. Just as he expected, you bite into his lip again, but he suddenly grinds deep into you, and you let out a choked moan. You push at his shoulder and try to close your legs to push him away. You were soaking through your panties already, and you knew he would be able to feel it soon. You were wet the moment you saw how pretty his handprint looked painted against your skin. You try to turn away from him and shake your head away from the kiss.
“I hate you,” you mumble against his teeth.
"I know,” he says, kissing your neck.
“You disgust me.” You try again.
“That right?” He slips a hand between your legs, patting against the seat of your panites.
“Because you're soaking princess,” he states, and you can hear the wet sound his fingers make as they make contact with your core.
You're mortified. You try to push him away again, but he grabs your hands with his free hand and pins them above your head. Resting his forehead against yours, you can feel the blood on his forehead begin to grow cold and sticky as it dries from the initial blow. He shushes you gently as he slips his fingers past your panties and into your core.
“Listen to how wet you are baby; I'm the only one who could make you feel like his,” he coos as he fucks you onto his fingers.
“Your all fucking mine, you hear me?” He kisses you again, swallowing your moans while he curls his fingers up into you.
"My fucking pussy,” he mumbles as he licks into your mouth.
“Fuck…you” you gasp in between moans. He releases you as he pulls off completely.
“I've been too good to you, but I forgot sluts like you need to be taught manners.” He stands at the edge of the bed before grabbing your ankles again and pulling you down the bed, flipping you over onto your stomach. He pulls your hips off of the bed until your feet are planted on the floor and your upper body is still bent over the bed. He pulls your hands behind your back and holds them there as he delivers a harsh slap to your ass.
"I spoil you too much; that's the problem. Think I won't ruin you?” He presses your arms into your back as a signal to keep them there before he lets them go. He pulls your bottoms off along with your panties and slips his fingers back inside your warm cunt.
"Greedy cunt. Swallowing me so easily. Uh-uh baby, you weren't going anywhere,” you can't see, but he has to bite his lip to hold in the moan that threatened to spill out as you practically dripped down fingers.
He pistons his fingers in and out of you quickly until you're a babbling mess and your thighs begin to shake before he's pulling them out and leaving wet slaps against your cunt. He forces you to count them each time he pulls out and lands another hit against your abused core.
"Don't you dare mess up or else your starting over,” he would threaten when you would stumble over your next number. 
"12...13...14...15..." you would count each time he meanly slapped your pussy until he would shove his fingers back inside you. He'd fuck you with his fingers until you're shaking all over again. It wasn't until you got to 20 that he let up.
“I'll ask again, who do you belong to?” you pass the point of comprehensible words as tears run down your face again.
“Don't make me repeat myself,” Jaemin says as he yanks your head up from its place buried in the covers.
"You,” you cry as shivers run down your body.
“And who does this pussy belong to?"
“Nana!” you sniffle.
“That's right, baby.” He releases your hair, and you fall back into the sheets.
“Are you ready to be Nana's good girl now?" He mumbles as he kisses the back of your head. 
You nod pathetically.
"Are you sorry for hurting Nana?"
You nod pathetically again.
“Get up there then,” Jaemin slaps you ass as he signals for you to climb back into the bed.
You plop down tiredly at the head of the bed and watch as Jaemin strips himself of his clothes. You think he's going to reclaim his position in between your legs as he climbs back into bed, but he chooses to lie beside you instead.
“Show me how good you are,” he says as he throws your leg over his hip and manhandles you until you're sitting on his waist.
“I can't—please, I can't."
He raises a brow at you, and you know better than to argue, so you lift your hips and sink onto him. He slips inside easily, and he's gripping your hips as he helps you ride him.
“There you go-fuck,” he moans as you lean onto his chest for leverage and begin to throw your hips the way you know he likes. 
He looks up at you pathetically, chest heaving, as you ride him just like you did all those nights before. In these moments, he knows you need him just as much as he needs you, and it drives him insane. His arms lay uselessly beside him as he gripped the sheets at the rough pace you chose. You look down at him as the power dynamic starts to change. You knew if you rode him hard enough, he'd start begging like a useless slut. It was moments like these in which you had any control over him. You can feel anger begin to bubble up in your chest at the thought. You despise how weak he made you.
Before you know it, you feel your hands travel from his chest up to his neck as you steal the breath from his lungs. You grip tight as you watch as his eyes begin to roll, and if the way he white knuckles your hips isn't sign enough that he's close, his heaving chest and insistent whines are.
“Your so… such a…fuck.” He struggles, “Good girl,my good-”
He can barely complete a full thought. You're so close, and you're just about to finish when suddenly you're on your back looking up at the ceiling. Your mind is still trying to catch up as you feel nothing but deep harsh thrust s as his hips slam into you. The quick pace creates a fog in your mind and all you can do is take it. You finally meet Jaemin’s eyes and he's completely gone. The power dynamic has been switched again and it was right  before you could even finish your fun. Jaemins eyes are hazy as he shivers with each thrust. He leans down to place messy kisses into your mouth that end in him panting against your lips. Still upset that he ended your turn so soon, you wrap your legs around his waist as you drive your hips up into his, meeting his thrust. 
Jaemin shakes his head as he attempts to pin your hips back down into the mattress. You challenge him with a nod as you tighten your hold, fucking against him harder. It was just fucking; there was no making love anymore. You're both in a fight for control as you feel your high approach. Soon you're both drunk off the other as you grab, push, and tug at each other selfishly in an attempt to get off. Thrusts have grown sloppy and wild as you arch your back into the sheets when the cord in your belly finally snaps. Your legs finally grow weak as they fall pathetically from around his hips. Jaemin groans at the feeling, and after a few more aggressive shoves of his hips, he's spilling into you. He pulls back to watch as his love seeps out of your abused cunt. He pushes it back in,and the last thing you see before sleep takes you is how he licks his fingers clean at your combined taste.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────
Mark vowed to never give up. People told him how ridiculous he was for trying so hard to find someone he only worked closely with for such a short time. For some reason, Mark still felt indebted to you. You did so much for him when he broke his leg and showed him and everyone that you worked with so much kindness; you didn't deserve this. So he never stopped looking.
When Mark learned you had quit your job, he knew something was wrong.  You definitely would have reached out to him about it. Not to mention, when he went to check your social media to see if you had updated or hinted at a new job, he found that they had all been deleted. He even did some digging to find your old apartment complex, but when he inquired about you with your old landlord, he was given the cold shoulder.
It was like you were wiped off the face of the planet. His only lead was Jaemin, but it was almost impossible to get close to the guy. Mark was sure Jaemin had something to do with your disappearance; he just had to prove it. He couldn't do this on his own, and there was only one other person he could ask.
Every day for a week, Mark would press Jaehyun to hear him out. He tried every guilt trip, bribe, and threat in the book, but Jaehyun wouldn't budge. Jaehyun had recently gotten promoted a few months after coming back to the office after his wreck. He would use his hectic schedule as an excuse to blow off Mark.
"Dude, please just talk to me; I just need one thing.” Mark begged early in the morning.
“Keep it down; I'm not talking about this right now." Jaehyun sternly reprimanded him.
Mark looked over his shoulder before pushing Jaehyun into an empty conference room.
“You're the only one who can get close to him; you were literally promoted into his department. I just need you to get in close to find out some information.”
“She’s gone. Let it go, for all we know he could have-” Jaehyun pauses. "Listen, drop it; I've already warned you.” Jaehyun huffs frustratedly.
“We won't know until we dig deeper!” Mark argues, “Look, your department just exceeded the projected goal for the year, right? All you have to do is convince your team to host a party at his place in celebration. I don't know; just get in and see if anything is off.” mark pleads
Jaehyun doesn't reply, but Mark takes his silence as a sign to continue.
“The whole department will be there if you sneak off; no one will notice. Once he becomes CEO, you're next in line to take over that department. It would be weird to exclude you, so you would have to go.”
A few beats pass, and Jaehyun sighs in defeat.
“Fine, I'll see what I can do.” Jaehyun breathes.. Just before Mark can celebrate, he continues, “But if nothing comes up, you drop this, alright?” jaehyun bargains 
“I promise, I'll drop it.” Mark raises his hands in surrender.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────
For the next two weeks, Jaehyun would slip the idea into casual conversations and subtly mention that the department's hard work deserved a celebration.  Every now and then, a coworker would suggest going out to drink, but Jaehyun would decline, instead proposing a private party. 
“But I mean, who has enough space for that, right?” Jaehyun would joke before another one of his co-workers jumped in to mention Jaemin’s huge condo.
“We should get Jaemin to host it; I heard he's getting a few floors of his building renovated so we wouldn't have to worry about noise.” Seojun added 
"Yeah, he always treats us to drinks; I doubt he would mind taking the party to his house this time,” someone else chimes in.
Jaehyun got the entire department talking about it and even got Jaemin’s grandfather to back the idea. As the CEO, he said it would raise morale and show the employees how important they are to the company. He said that once Jaemin became the CEO, he would understand the importance of showing gratitude to his employees. That's how Jaemin was cornered into hosting a cocktail party the following week.
Jaemin mentioned it casually to you, saying you wouldn't be able to come out that night. He'd block off that side of the house, and the party would be hosted mainly on the highrise terrace. You counted the days until the party. If there was any chance of getting someone's help, it would be then.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────
It was the night of the party, and all you could do was press your ear against the wall and listen in on the conversations. You were curious about who showed up; would Mark be there? It was a company party, according to Jaemin. Did that include every department? As you backed away from the door, you huffed in frustration; the voices were too muffled to make out. You wanted to scream for help, but Jaemin warned you against it before he shut you in your room hours before.
You pace your room anxiously. Even Luna got to attend the party! Jaemin said it was because she was well-behaved, unlike you.
It isn't long before Jaemin comes in to check up on you. He slips into the room quickly before shutting the door behind him. He must not be staying for long, because you notice he doesn't bother to lock it. 
“I thought you might be hungry, so I brought you some appetizers from the party.” Jaemin smiles as he hands you a plate of assorted sliders.
"Thanks; I was getting a little hungry.” You laugh nervously as you take the plate from him.
“Is everything okay?" He asked curiously.
It's now or never. You only needed a second, and you had to think fast.
"Actually, I was trying to take a shower, but the facets stuck in the bathroom. Could I take a bath in your room?” You pout at him.
“We have company princess; you'll have to wait." he replies
"Then, can you see if you can turn the knob?” You ask, putting your plate down and gesturing for him to follow you to the bathroom.
He makes a sound of acknowledgement as he follows you to the tub. You stand by the door to the bathroom as he walks past you to inspect the shower. When he's not looking, you quietly turn the lock on the bathroom door. You know it would only stop him for a second, but that's all you needed; you just needed to get in earshot of the party and scream for help.
The shower knob turns easily in his hand, and the shower sputters to life. Just as he looks up at you in confusion, you grip the handle to the bathroom door and shut it behind you as you sprint across your room for the door. Your heart pounds in your chest as you hear him pull against the door to the bathroom. The lock keeps him locked in for a few seconds before he realizes you locked it. You're already out of the room as the lock on the door clicks open. You run down his long hallway, and you turn the corner into the living room. You can see the terrace from where you stand, and it seems as though everyone is outside as they bustle around a table, chatting and drinking as the night continues.  You run into someone before you can take another step, their drink clatters to the ground and you look up. 
“JAEHY- '' He covers your mouth before you can continue and pushes you back into the hallways, out of view from the balcony. It isn't until you can't be seen that he uncovers your mouth.
"Jaehyun, please, you have to help me." You continue your rambling; you don't even realize he's still pushing you back towards the way you came. “Jaemin is crazy, and he's keeping me here against my will and-” You hit a familiarly firm chest.
“And?” The voice behind you speaks.
All you could do was look up at Jaehyun with hurt and confusion.
“I'm sorry” was all he said before you slung over Jaemin's shoulders and carried back towards your room as Jaehyun followed. You're too stunned to speak.
Just as quickly as you left, you find yourself locked back in your room along with a new guest.
Once your shock wears off, it doesn't take you too long to put two and two together.
“All along… You're working together.” You don't even question it.
"Well, not all along,” Jaemin points out. “His accident was on purpose, but after seeing how obedient he was afterwards, I thought he might be useful."
“He offered me a promotion, and in exchange, I had to make sure the people in the office didn't get suspicious.” Jaehyun interjected, “It was easy until Mark came back; he really doesn't know how to give up.” Jaehyun finishes.
“What is wrong with you? You were my friend!” You yell incredulously. “You sick freak, I thought I knew you!"
You wanted to cry, but you refused to show any more weakness. You would never forgive him for this, and you would never forgive either of them. You wouldn't allow your heart to falter any longer. You despised Jaemin.
“You've made quite the scene, princess." jaemin tsks “We better be getting back to the party, princess, or our guests will wonder where we went. I'll deal with you later, '' Jaemin smirks. He leads Jaehyun out of your room and closes the door behind him.
You're left with your thoughts once again. Jaehyun's betrayal left a gaping hole in your heart. You would never expect him to do something like this; granted, you would have said the same thing about Jaemin. You can only hope that Mark won't let you down.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────
Mark stops looking. That Monday after the party, Jaehyun told Mark that nothing was out of the ordinary. There was no sign of anyone else living there, and Jaemin acted normally. With no further leads, Mark decided it was probably for the best to let it all go. Maybe everyone was right. Maybe you did just get a new job and quit. Whatever the reason, Mark hoped you were alright wherever you were.
If only he would have kept digging.
If he had kept prying, he would have found out that later that month, Jaemin moved out of his condo and into a small, inconspicuous house on the outskirts of the city. If he had asked around, he would have found out that one of the guests at the party had seen a glimpse of you as you bumped into Jaehyun, but they would later “quit” as well.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────
It's been a year since you moved into the new house with Jaemin. Jaemin had decided to move you guys out because of Mark's insistent poking. He also wanted to be farther from the city,less people to worry about. You have lost all hope. You had no fight left in you. What was the point when Jaehyun was right? Who would come looking for you at the CEO of the country's largest corporation’s house?
After the move, Jaemin’s grandfather had been riding his ass even harder about preparing to take over the company, and because of that, he's rarely home. It wasn't until recently that the title was officially handed over. You start to wonder why Jaemin even keeps you around anymore. He's grown far too busy for you now. Some nights, the thought keeps you up. What if the only reason you're still here is because he hasn't found the time to get rid of you yet? Jaemin had gotten two more cats to keep you company, hoping that would make up for his absence.
Sometime in passing, Jaemin mentioned that tonight a gala would be held to celebrate his promotion and commemorate the start of a new era for the company. The entire company would be there; it wasn't an event that he could miss. Once again, he dons his finest suit, wears his most expensive cologne, and styles his hair up away from his forehead. Jaemin always looked the best like this, but your heart didn't beat for him the same way anymore. Your anger and frustration towards him outweigh any feelings you have left for him. He leaves again for the umpteenth time this week without bidding you farewell.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────
It was Mark's first time attending an event of this caliber. The company had rented out a large convention center for the occasion, and it was decorated beautifully. There was a main room with a walking platform near the front that had a podium and screen. That must be where Jaemin would give a speech later. In the room across from it were the food and refreshments, and there was a clear area for dancing and socializing.
He'd been there an hour and Jaemin still hadn't delivered his speech. He spent the majority of his time conversing with various department heads and socializing with coworkers in his own department. He ate from the refreshments table when he wasn't catching up with someone. He had no idea someone had been watching him all night.
When it came time for Jaemin's speech, the party moved to the main room. The lights had been dimmed, and the screen behind the podium displayed various slides of stocks and other information related to the leadership change. It was the first time he'd seen Jaemin all night. As he climbed onto the stage and took the podium, everyone applauded and cheered. Jaemin started his speech, and he was as charming as ever. While everyone was focused on his speech, Mark felt a buzz in his back pocket. Wanting to remain professional in a business setting, he ignored it. It wasn't until the second buzz came through insistently that he decided to slip his phone out of his pocket and check the notification.
There were two unread messages from a private number.
You can find what you've been searching for 1942
(Address attachment)
Mark's breath caught in his throat. Was this a new lead after a year of silence? His brain was telling him to ignore it, be respectful, and put his phone away, but his instincts were telling him this would lead him right to you.  He was curious how you were doing after all this time. He feels like he's done nothing but let you down all this time. Not anymore; he wouldn't do it again. The next thing he knows, he's pushing through the crowd to make his way to the exit.  As he rushes out, he attracts the attention of a few people, one of whom is Jaemin.
Jaemin was finishing up his speech when Mark left. He had tried to walk down the stage as swiftly as possible without causing a scene. Once he was down from the stage, he had tried to immediately catch up to Mark; he knew something was up, but he was stopped by his grandfather.
“I'm so proud of you son; you're finally stepping up like I knew you always could,” he praises.
“Thank you sir,” Jaemin says humbly, shaking his grandfather's hand.
“Come on now son, enough of the formalities! I've already given you the title of CEO.” The elder laughs joyfully.
“Right grandpa,sorry. It was nice catching up, but I have to  go."Jaemin tries to slip away again but is stopped by his grandfather who claps a proud hand on his shoulder.
“Nonsense! The night has only just begun. I have some business partners I want to introduce you to,” his grandpa says, successfully trapping him. His grandfather leads him away from the exit and back into the crowd. Jaemin can only grit his teeth as he's pulled further and further away from his exit.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────
Mark speeds through the dead of the night to get to the unknown address; he knows he only has so much time. He didn't know where the address would lead him, but as he pulled into the driveway and spotted Jaemin's car, which looked way out of place, parked in the driveway of a small house in a suburban neighborhood, he knew exactly where he was. This heightened his sense of urgency.
The only conclusion that Mark could draw was that Jaemin must have moved because he was hiding something. After all this time, Mark might finally find you. It's not until he's at the front door that he realizes he has no way in. He looks down at the lock on the door. It's an automatic pin code lock that requires a 4-digit code. Mark quickly pulls his phone from his pocket as he reads the message again.
You can find what you've been searching for 1942
He enters the only numbers he sees on the screen, and the door flashes green as the lock clicks open. He tentatively opens the door, slipping through quietly and closing it behind him. He walks down a corridor, and as he nears the end, he hears the sound of a television. Before turning the corner, he can see the light spilling into the corridor.
 “You're here early, what? They realize how crazy you were and that you weren't a good fit for the  company."A voice jokes harshly.
There you were, sitting on the couch watching TV in your pajamas, lazily stroking a cat as it purrs in your lap. Mark was relieved you were safe; honestly he had expected you to be in worse shape. He should have known Jaemin would spoil you while in captivity.
"Y/N?” he says hopefully.
You jump at the sound, causing Lucy, one of Jaemin's new cats, to leap from your lap. You slowly turn your head, not believing your ears until your eyes confirm what you've heard.
 “M-mark?” you whisper.
When you call his name, all the air in his lungs escapes . It's been over a year since he's heard your voice. Your eyes well up with tears as you leap over the couch to embrace him. You're immediately engulfed in his arms. You take in his comforting scent and cry even harder.
“I looked for you for so long, and the entire time you were right under my nose, I knew I should have never given up.”
“What took you so long? I was waiting for you,” you choke out as you hug him tighter.
“I had a hunch Jaemin might be up to it, and I had someone look into it. They didn't find anything and said I should drop it. I thought maybe you really did just move away.”
“Who told you that?” you ask. Whoever looked didn't do a thorough job, because, alas, here you were.
“Jaehyun,” Mark says, and it all makes sense.
“Jaehyun is a traitor! I was so close to getting out, and he helped Jaemin catch me during a stupid dinner party!” you explain
Mark remains silent for a moment, almost as if he doesn't believe it. He needs to shake it off; there are more pressing matters at hand.
“Catch me up later; we have to leave before Jaemin gets back.” Mark rushes as he goes to grab your hand. You're about to leave when you notice a figure standing in the corridor.
“Too late,” Jaemin says, announcing his presence.
“Let her go Jaem."
Jaemin points a gun at Mark before he can finish his sentence. Stunned, you both take a staggering step back. Mark shields you behind him.
“You're not taking her anywhere,” Jaemin says a little too calmly.
"Jaemin, put down the gun seriously. Let's just talk it out.” You try, but he holds up an irritated hand at you.
“Be quiet. Time and time again, I've forgiven you, but you never learn. I'll deal with you next,” he says. “Right now it's me and him; you stay out of it.”
Mark pushes you away, and you take the hint, stepping back away from the conflict. Jaemin circles Mark, his weapon still drawn as he berates him.
“You just never knew how to give up. You're lucky I'm a man of my word, or else I would have killed you a long time ago." jaemin snarls
Mark stays silent as his eyes track Jaemin's every move. Mark knew he had to be careful; he had trained in weapon disarming, but that was only for a few days. He knew fighting back would greatly increase the odds of losing his life, but he had to do what he could. When Jaemin took a step closer, Mark jumped into action. Mark moves to grab Jaemin at the wrist; he maneuvers the gun so it's pointed away from him as he grabs it and spins it away. Jaemin fights back against the motion and attempts to take control of the gun again. Both fight for the weapon, but in the effort to gain control, the gun slips from their grasp and clatters noisily against the hardwood. You make a move for it, but Mark reprimands you.
“Stay back! It's dangerous!” he warns. 
In that split second that he looked away, Jaemin gains the upper hand and gets him in a chokehold. Jaemin is relentless, and Mark is struggling to flee. You can only cry out as you see the fight slowly leave Mark. He's on his last breath before a force pushes them both to the ground. They fall over onto the glass table that sits in the middle of the room and shatters under their weight. They roll in agony attempting to get back up off of the broken glass but stay down. You look up towards the figure that pushed them and you meet face to face with Jaehyun wielding the gun that was discarded earlier. Mark is the first one to notice the new threat. Jaehyun once again has the gun pointed at him.
“Jaehyun please!” you beg
“Jaehyun, do it! Shoot him if you want to keep your position!” Jaemin coughs weakly, still fighting to pull himself up from the glass shards.
All Mark can do is shake his head, pleading silently with his eyes.
“DO IT!” jaemin yells
Jaehyun pulls the trigger, and you close your eyes as the shot rings harshly through the small house. Soon after you hear a thud, your knees feel weak, and you slip down the wall as you cry. You don't bother to raise your head at the footsteps that approach you. You don't care what happens to you at this point. You're ready for it to just be over.
A gentle hand rests on your shoulder, and another caresses your face.. You open your eyes at the touch, and marks equally as teary ones stare back at you. You gasp in shock as your eyes trail to the other set looking at you. Jaehyun stares back apologetically before he lowers his head in shame. You throw yourself into Mark's arms again, and he groans in pain. You release him immediately, and he laughs.
“Its ok. Just a little sore after being thrown into a table is all,” he says sarcastically as he eyes Jaehyun jokingly.
“Sorry man, I didn't know what else to do." jaehyun apologizes
“What's going on, Jae? I thought you were helping Jaemin." You say in disbelief.
“I had a change of heart; Mark was right. I did nothing but turn my back on you when all you did was show me kindness. It kept me up at night. "Jaehyun grimaced in regret.
“Were you the one who sent the text earlier?” mark inquired
“What text?” you ask.
“It's how I found you." mark answers
“I thought you might be able to handle it, but Jaemin was able to slip out of the venue earlier than expected, so I came just in case." jaehyun explains
At the sound of his name, you pull yourself up onto your feet. If the mark is in front of you, that means the one Jaehyun shot was...
As you look over at the shattered glass table, a fresh wave of tears starts up as you inspect the scene. Jaemin's body is bleeding out over the glass shards. They twinkle red in the light of the room, and like always, he looks beautiful. The glass crunches under your feet as you walk closer. You don't even wince at the pain as you kneel next to him. He looks at you silently as ragged breaths wrack his chest. A weak hand raises to reach for you, but it falls. You grab it and interlace your fingers; you despise him. You wanted to despise him, but as he took his last breaths, you couldn't bring yourself to. You did love him in a sick, twisted way. Even when your heart was filled with nothing but rage, hurt, and frustration, a small part of you still loved him. You secretly wished for a normal life with Jaemin. That's what compelled you to lean in and kiss him one last time. You kiss him gently, and when you pull away, his eyes are closed dreamily, as if he was sleeping, but you knew. Jaemin was still and quiet, but above all, he was beautiful as he lay there, and that's how you would always remember him. You were pulled up and away by Jaehyun and Mark. You grabbed a few of your things, and you left.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅���⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────
The police wasted no time investigating the death of the newly appointed CEO. It was initially classified as a break-in, but that was later debunked, given that nothing was stolen.  They went on to believe that his death was premeditated, and that someone in the company was jealous of him for his new position, but everyone seemed to adore him, and his grandfather revealed that he would not have chosen anyone else to run the company in his place. The police were also unable to locate the murder weapon, which made their job even more challenging.
After a few months of investigating, the case was closed and dismissed due to insufficient evidence. Jaemin's grandfather was livid and sued the city, but you're not sure what came of that. You started over in a new city. You and Mark started seeing each other and took in Jaemin's three cats. Jaehyun continued his position at the company, and despite the fact that you never heard from him, he seemed to keep in touch with Mark. You believe he was protecting Mark in his own way by telling him to give up on searching for you.
It would take you a very long time to truly heal from what happened, and sometimes your heart would still ache for Jaemin, but you would overcome it. You were sure that with marks by your side, you could overcome anything.
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factual-fantasy · 28 days
27 Asks! Thank you!! :DD🦎
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Its simple, Arceus made them! :0 He made Litwicks, Lampents and Chandelures at the same time. The Litwicks ate the Lampent plorts, the Lampents ate the Chandelure plorts, and the Chandelures made more Litwicks! :00 Same goes for every other slime species on the planet.
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I actually love your cat so much
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I am not familiar with "Six the Musical".. <:0 Sorry!
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@glitchhayden (Last ask was in this post)
OHH I see XDDD I kind'a want one-
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<XD Yeah, poor Sally.. I was thinking that she doesn't really need to sleep or rest and is always on the go! So early birds like Frank and Howdy are her go to friends. And Julie usually has a fair amount of time and energy to spare for her sister! :))
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🥺💞💞💞 AAAAAAA I'm so glad you like him!!! :}}}}}}
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(Referencing this post)
There was a time where Wally had a particularly big meltdown/panic attack over Home watching him. In response Barnaby invited Wally to stay at his house for a few days to see if the different environment helped at all.. which it did.
So nowadays whenever Wally gets really stressed, he crashes at Barnaby's house.. Home doesn't like Barnaby because he keeps taking Wally away from it.. 👁️👁️
But thankfully I don't think Home could really hurt Barnaby.. other than maybe opening a door causing him to stub his toe- <XD
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(Referencing this post)
Man, I always miss one spelling error. 😔
Also thank you! I'm glad you like them! :)))
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I put "#do not tag as ship" on all my Welcome Home posts. If people start coming at me for it I'll deal with them.. <XD thank you for the concern though! <:)
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@milk-powrit (Referencing this post)
:DD Thank you! And hey- its not necessarily to be mean! Home is not not particularly interested in them because they're just normal neighbors <XD Plus they don't come around often sooo...
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That is the most creature I have ever seen!! :000
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This Christmas comic and this dream comic are good examples! :0 Seeing himself as his human body with puppet colors. Seeing things or people from his human life..
I'm thinking of making it so any bugs Eddie sees look like real bugs. Weird dark roaches and spiders. Which is why he's scared of them.. 👀👀
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Yes yes! :DD When Eddie was human, he was a mailman! So his job as a mailman now is the only thing that feels natural and familiar to him... Which is why he's so unnaturally good at it! :00
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Hmm.. I imagine that the pipes and plumbing are apart of Home. But only in the walls. The pipes the come up from the ground and attach to Home are not apart if it.
I'm thinking if you completely tore Home down and rebuilt it somewhere else, it would flicker to life again. If you split the materials of home between 2 houses, I think only one would actually be alive and "home". It would make sense if one part of Home was where its life came from. But I'm not sure what that would be.. Maybe the fireplace is the heart? Monster house style? <XD
I imagine whatever is apart/meant to be apart of Home is its body. A meteor crashing through wouldn't be part of it <XD And any hanging pictures or furniture is not apart if it. The walls are its bones and the paint becomes its skin. If you tore down a wall that wood stops being apart of Homes body the moment it is detached. If you build a new wall, it might take a moment.. but it will eventually become apart of Homes body.
As for the old rotted wood, I imagine that Wally chopped it up and used it for fire wood :0 The new wood that Wally installed in the walls became Homes new body.
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<:( You will find someone new someday friend! There's a lot of bees in the hive!
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(Referencing this post)
XDD Naahhh its ok, Grim's just nomin. He wont hurt Sylvester! :)
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@taco-hyeh (Sent after this post)
Man, if only my mega Grimace comic didn't turn out to be so giant <XD I would have PLENTY of angst for you!
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Home right now can be best described as.. curious.. but also somewhat malicious. It watches Wally and Eddie because its curious about them. But it can clearly tell that watching them causes panic attacks and makes them very upset. Yet it doesn't stop. If anything it watches them more intensely when they cry..
When it comes to if they could figure out what it wants.. its hard to say if Home even really wants anything. It just likes to watch and see the Wally react to its stares... that, an the fact that Home probably cant communicate outside of slamming windows and doors-
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Oh? I've only seen it from 1 artist, is it becoming a trend? :00
I don't know how I feel about it.. I mean its cool! But I might not draw it with my Sona personally <XD Reminds me of this old Journal drawing trend that I did a long while back.. 🤔
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AAAA THANK YOU!!! :DDDD I wish you luck in your journey! :)) AND REMEMBER!! The comfort has to be just as healing as the angst is hurting!! :}}}
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(Referencing this post)
If you look closely, the hat is actually just Sylvester's ribbons! XDDD
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anakinskwkler · 2 months
The endless wait pt.1
Part 2 coming soon!
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Summary: Anakins on a mission for a year without any contact with his secret wife and it's hard for her while he's gone.
(Warnings! None really, maybe some mentions of death and scars in part 2)
After receiving the news from the Council that he would be going to Alderaan for 11 months for a mission, he was devastated. Anakin never wanted to leave you, even on missions that were only a few days long. Now, he was leaving for almost a year. He was dreading telling you.
"Love? Are you here?" He shouts softly as she steps into his quarters. She comes rushing out of the bathroom with a towel in her hand, wiping her face with a wide smile. "Ani! Hi, baby!" She says as she drops the towel and jumps into his arms, his hands resting on her thighs as he smiles at her.
"I missed you today," she says, which makes Anakin dread telling her even more. "I was only gone for a few hours," he says with a forced smile that she notices immediately. "What's wrong?" she asks as she cups his face lightly. "Uh, we need to talk, love." He sets her down, hands still resting on her hips.
Her smile faded slowly as she noticed his serious demeanor. "What's going on?" she asked, slightly panicked. Anakin grabbed her hand gently and led her to the couch. Sitting on the edge of it, he turned his body toward her. "I was assigned a mission...on Alderaan."
He looked up at her to see what her reaction would be. "Okay...what's the mission?" she cautiously asked, locking her eyes on his. "They need me to be a guard at the palace." She let out a breath of relief at his words. "That's easy, right?" Anakin nodded before speaking up again. "Yeah, it is, but...I'm stationed there for eleven months."
She looked stunned at his words. "Eleven months? Y-you'll be gone for eleven months?" she repeated, her mind racing. He noticed her disappointment and quickly but gently cupped her face. "I'll be back before you know it, hun," he assured her. "When do you leave?" she questioned, looking at him with a frown.
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The next morning, they were saying their last goodbyes before Anakin flew to Alderaan. "You know I won't be able to call you, right? My holopad won't work on Alderaan, so I'll have to write to you," Anakin said as he hugged her firmly, rubbing her back softly as his face was buried in her hair.
"Yes, I know," she squeaked out as she held him tightly and close to her. He pulled away to look at her, seeing her red eyes from trying not to cry. Cupping her face, he pressed tender kisses on her forehead, cheeks, and nose before placing an affectionate one on her lips.
"I'm going to miss you so much," she whispers quietly against his lips. "I know...I'll think of you every day, every night, every minute. You'll be on my mind," he whispers before getting called on his comlink. "Anakin, come in, Anakin, we're sending you off earlier than planned. Your ship is leaving in three minutes," one of the clones speaks through the communicator.
He gives her one last hug before leaving. "I love you, Y/N. Never forget that," Anakin whispers as he kisses her temple, then her lips, before exiting her room.
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I wasn't going to make a part 2 but I decided I was going to. It'll be out soon!
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heartsforhavik · 9 months
Second part of the yandere kung lao? We do not want it we NEED it 🥰
self aware! yandere kung lao x reader PART 2
warnings: obsession, ooc kung lao, gender neutral reader, kung lao has an existential crisis
summary: you’re in the game now, thanks to kung lao dragging you into the mortal kombat 1 universe. but you didn't expect him to be so... suffocating.
a/n: I WAS SURPRISED THAT PEOPLE LIKED THE FIRST PART. i got so many requests for a part two, sooooo here it is. i love self aware fics, and i tried so hard to hold back on turning this into a sagau-cult-au inspired fic. i love reading sagau cult au fics on here bro. maybe someday i'll make self aware mk1 cult au fics
see part one here -> part 1
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-you woke up in the nook of an alley, confused on how you got there. but you knew you got transported in the world of mortal kombat. is this just a dream? there's no way you just woke up in a video game.
-you tried pinching yourself, in case you were indeed having a dream. unfortunately, nothing happened. you just landed in mortal kombat somehow.
-the thought of waking up in one of your favorite video games seemed cool at first, but a lot of questions popped into your head. how did you get there? is it a permanent thing? can you escape somehow? does any of this have to do with the kung lao glitches?
-your last question was quickly answered when you heard someone mumbling nearby. the voice sounded too familiar. it was kung lao's voice.
-"where are they..." kung lao mumbled, repeating that phrase every few seconds. was he looking for someone? could it be you he was looking for?
-you wanted to reveal yourself and meet him, but you hesitated. you remembered those weird glitches that happened while you were trying to play the game, so you were slightly creeped out by kung lao.
- a part of you wanted to say something or introduce yourself, but you got a strange feeling in your gut, almost as if you know you shouldn’t trust him. something is wrong about him, really wrong.
- trusting your gut, you ended up hiding from kung lao. as soon as you stopped hearing his mumbling, you got up from your hiding spot, thinking you were safe.
-"found you." kung lao whispered, engulfing you in his arms. apparently you couldn't hide from him. and he really was looking for you after all.
-"it's you.. it's really you..." he repeated, his voice cracking.
-"you know me?" you asked, raising an eyebrow. "i think you have the wrong person..."
-"why would i have the wrong person? i brought you here for a reason." kung lao replied, not letting go of you.
-you were shocked. *he* was the one that brought you in the game? there's no way...
-"you see, i was tired of being away from you. it was like torture. i needed to feel your warmth, i couldn't bare being stuck behind a screen. besides, it kind of hurt when you kept on shutting the game off and on! did you not want to see me or something?" kung lao teased, casually acting as if you had a close relationship with each other.
-"how did you know you were in a game? and you wanted to feel my... warmth?" you asked, in complete shock from what he was saying. does he care about you or something? but you have never even spoken. obviously you liked kung lao because he was a cool character, but it was never deeper than that. you knew he was just a character and nothing more.
-"of course i did! you know how much i love you, right? i've been showing hints for so long! don't tell me that was for nothing.." he whined.
-he loved you? there was no way. he never even spoken to you! he was a fictional character, and you were just a regular mortal kombat player. it had to be a joke. maybe you were high.
-kung lao got the hint that you were still confused, so he tried to regain your memory.
-"you know.. remember how i gave you all my skins and stuff? that was a lot of hard work, you have no idea how much coding or whatever i had to go through. and i tried talking to you directly, but that was even harder. the most i could do was look at you as often as i could. was that not enough for you?" kung lao explained, sensing that his efforts were all for naught.
-so he was the reason for all those glitches. somehow, kung lao became self-aware... and he made himself the center of attention so he could gain your affection? it sounded extremely bizarre.
-if kung lao was capable of messing with the game and bringing you inside the game, who knew what else he was capable of?
-in fear of angering him, you decided to go along with his little delusions.
-"well, of course i knew! i just needed a reminder, sorry. i'm glad you brought me here, kung lao." you lied.
-upon hearing what you said, a big smile appeared on his face. kung lao was ecstatic that you returned his affections. he worked so hard to show you how much he loves you, and now he finally has the chance to embrace you. he can finally treat you with the love you deserve. he was tired of always seeing you on the other side of the screen, unable to directly interact with you.
-"great! i'm so glad we finally got to meet. i have so much i want to talk about with you, and i just can't wait to spend time with you. you don't understand how long i've been waiting for this moment." kung lao excitedly ranted.
-in that moment, a part of him realized his life was a lie. all the tales he heard of his ancestors, all the adventures and memories he's ever had... were all a figment for a video game. it was a terrible feeling to him, and he refused to face that reality. kung lao preferred to focus on you, instead of worrying. obviously, there was nothing else worth his love and time anymore after learning that his life is a lie.
-kung lao now believes you are a sort of saviour, a light in his fake life. nothing else matters anymore, because he has you now. and you have him too! he'll devote himself to you and provide you with strength, excitement, and love for the rest of your life. nobody is better than him, you should be grateful that you managed to have such a great partner by your side!
-it's not like anyone would be a better choice than him anyway, so don't go off and find someone else, okay? in fact, you probably shouldn't even look at anyone else. kung lao did so much for you and proved that he is worthy of your affections, so there is no reason for you to go after anyone else. if you do, kung lao will... take care of them. nobody will one-up him. nobody will be better than him this time. not on his watch. just this once... he can have something to himself.
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kimhargreeves · 1 year
Before You Go-Jin Itadori x Reader (Jujutsu Kaisen)
(A/N: Why did Gege draw almost all of JJK dad's attractive dilfs?! Anyways I've decided to write a short fic of Jin Itadori one shot since others have simped over Toji. Don't think anyone else thinks Jin is attractive, nobody requested this but I decided to write this. Let me know if anyone wants part 2, though it's already being planned. Also, should smut be included or not? Let me know JJK fans.)
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Summary: Jin and You have been friends since childhood, final exams are coming up now determining both of your futures. You're crush on Jin Itadori is known to everyone, so you make it seem like you haven't studied for exams for spend time with him. It's Christmas Eve when head to his home and a decision is made when you're both alone.
"Reading that book again, Jin?" I blush when the pink haired man with glasses focuses his eyes back on me when he decided to close the book he had. Taking a small break from it.
"Finals are approaching, (Y/N). I gotta give it my all pass the test, you know how my father will be if he finds out I didn't pass."
I chuckle at him always becoming worried when it came to exams. "Don't stress yourself too much, Jin. You're the smartest guy in class, and the smartest man I've ever met."
Jin pouts while looking at me as he fixes his glasses back in his nose.
"You want me to help you in studying, don't you?"
I chuckle and try to laugh it off but saw a small smile spread across Jin's face when I sat back down with him and nudged my shoulder with his, leaning a bit too close to him.
The cold didn't bother me a bit if it meant I could get close to Jin. The weather was getting chilly since it was December and snow had fallen a dew days ago, and Christmas was just a day away.
"If you're so kind or have the time to. Then yes, I would gladly like you to help me."
Jin sighed struggling to not smile again. "You owe me this time, (Y/N)."
"Know what? For what's left of the school year I'll bring you lunch everyday, that'll make us even. I know how much you love my cooking." I blushed glancing over to look at his cute face.
"You're cooking is really good. You'll make a fine housewife someday."
I blushed a deeper shade of pink when he said that, "You think so?!"
Jin hummed in agreement and turned to smile at me.
"Then I'll make sure to marry a man who'll love my cooking. Maybe the man I'm looking to marry might be closer than I think." I smiled wide deciding to go further with the flirting.
"Maybe so.." Jin said fixing his glasses again and opening his book again, now passing it onto his other hand so I could take a good look at it as well.
Jin began to explain further on the subject and what might possibly be on the final exams. I didn't really may much attention on the topic since I already knew all about it, I just wanted to be as close to him as possible, be with him since I don't know if he's planning on traveling soon since we'll both be graduating from college.
The two of us remained together with me pretending to pay attention when I rested my head of my crushes shoulder, I felt him tense a bit when I did that and I internally chuckled when Jin had stuttered and quickly continued with his lesson.
"So, did you get any of that?" Jin asked closing the book and glancing down at me. I looked up and shook my head.
"Nope. I'm sorry."
Jin sighed defeated and I quickly sat back and watched him begin to stretch and stand up. "Well, it's getting late-"
"Let me make dinner for you!" I shouted making him look at me surprised. "I-I mean…yes! I made you stay out here on campus when you could've declined teaching me, let me cook something for you and your dad." I offered.
"What about your par-" Jin didn't finish the sentence and came over and rested his hand on my shoulder.
"Let's go, (Y/N)."
It must've slipped from Jin's mind…when he was about to mention my parents. It had been a year since they passed away, or killed as the news officially said, no evidence or anything was found on who killed them.
For a short time when that happened, the small Itadori household let me stay with them. If it weren't for Jin, would've been long gone.
My parents knew about my crush on Jin Itadori and I would often dream and tell them that'd they better be present on our wedding. A girl can dream..I wanted them to take part in the many things I wanted to do, unfortunately I was alone now.
"I'm home!" Jin announced when he was the first to step into his and his father's shared home. I placed my belongings near the entrance and took my shoes off before going inside the residence.
"I brought (Y/N) home!"
Jin loudly said and I walked with him with grocery bags in hand. The older Itadori suddenly appeared before us looking over at his tall son and over to me.
A small smile forming on his face, "Ah (Y/N)! It's always nice to see you with my son. This is your home too."
I smiled blushing when I felt Jin's eyes on me as he held a glass of water and started to drink, I bowed a bit and held the bags up a bit. "Thank you very much, sir. If there's no trouble I'll be preparing you both meals for the night."
"You're too kind, (Y/N). You know, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, I see you're all ready doing fantastic job on my son, Jin."
Jin who has been drinking choked on the water and started to cough onto the sink. I raced over to him quickly dropping the bags and patting Jin's broad back.
We both heard his father laughing. "I'll leave you two lovebirds alone." He suggested with a small smirk and left towards the living room area.
"That old man." Jin smirked wiping his mouth and standing back straight, "it's nice to see him like this every now and then."
I smiled and looked up at him. "I really care for him as well. I hope you'll like what I'm preparing to cook." I rolled my sleeves up and began row ash the vegetables.
While doing so I heard some pans being taken out of the shelf. I turned and saw Jin wiping them and making sure they were dirty to use, "You think I'm gonna let you be the only one to cook?"
I hum and smiled. "Fine. You can help me out just a bit, but then you'll be out of the kitchen." I said continuing to wash the vegetables and slowly my sleeves began to lower themselves down about to get wet.
I gasped lightly when Jin grabbed my arms and began to carefully roll the sleeves to my dress up, making sure they wouldn't slip again.
"There wouldn't want you to get that cute dress wet." I blushed heavily and felt my heart beating faster.
"How about the person wearing it?!" I quickly asked.
Jin chuckled and simply patted my head. "Let's get cooking, (Y/N)." He said winking at me.
"Ahh this smells delicious!" My mouth watered at the many dishes I prepared with the help of Jin. His father, Jin and I were sat down on the cushions and saying a small prayer.
From outside of the Itadori home, I could see the sky getting darker with snow beginning to fall and many colorful Christmas lights brightening up the streets.
"And let's thank (Y/N) for preparing this delicious meal for us, may many blessings fall on you, my dear." Itadori's father said.
Making me blush and smile at the older man with Jin pouting at his father. "I also helped, you know?"
Ignoring his son, his father continued to speak. "When I'm on my deathbed promise me you'll continue to be a part of his family, and bringing me your famous chicken soup I enjoy."
My expression on the old man softened. Maybe he meant it if Jin and I were to marry, if I would continue to look after him too.
"Don't mind the old man." Jin sighed making his father hit his shoulder with a newspaper.
"Stop slouching and sit up straight." Jin nearly choking on the tea I prepared.
I began to chuckle then laugh at their interactions. "Don't you worry, sir. I'll continue to be a part of your family until the day I die. That's if your son is willing to accept me as well."
I blushed and hid my face looking at my lap. "I-I" Jin stuttered and his father answered for him.
"He accepts! Now let's dig in before the food gets cold." His father seemed really happy. Jin and I glanced at one another and smiled with a bright blush on both of our faces.
"You're more than welcome to spend the night here. It's getting colder and it can be dangerous to walk back home, thought we wouldn't have allowed you to leave if you had insisted." Jin's father had told me earlier when the three of us finished eating.
It was late and the streets were completely empty. Snow continued to fall and decorate the once melting ground. The night felt so peaceful.
I smiled to myself when I heard Jin's father snoring throughout the small home. I remained seated staring outside the glass door and watching the snow gently land on the door, and also admiring the medium sized Christmas tree I had gifted to them which was lit up colorful lights.
"Couldn't sleep either, huh?" Jin's gentle voice said when he came and saw me seated on the cushions.
"Decided to stay up a bit longer." I softly said still staring outside and turning to look at him. He was wearing warm pajamas, while I was wearing some clothes he lend me, pants that fitted a bit too big along with another large hoodie that could fit two people due to how small I am.
I also had a warm blanket over my shoulders. "Tomorrow's the final exams.." I commented.
"Want me to help you out?" I shook my head at Jin's offer and smiled looking at him again.
"I'm good. Thank you for always looking out for me."
I felt Jin move from where he once was and he took a seat down next to me and now drapped the blanket over on both of us. The close contact to him made me now blush a lot more, if he were to lean closer I think he would be able to hear my heart beating faster.
Jin hummed looking at me when I quickly looked away from his eyes, I felt him fixing his glasses before I felt one of his hands land in my forehead.
"You okay, (Y/N)? You seem a bit too red."
"No! I-I'm completely fine."
I began to overthink things now and was truly scared. Final exams. Depending on what we might want to work for, we could remain in Japan, leave the city or country. I don't want Jin to leave if any offers would be given to him by the choice in work he's been studying for.
Before Jin could pull his hand away I quickly grabbed it with my right hand, making him look down at me surprised. Without spilling any tears I looked over to him.
"Are you scared, Jin? On what the future might hold…for us?" I muttered not wanting moments like these to end.
"Honestly I am..but I know my father will have my back no matter what I decide to do. I'll have to learn to out those fears aside.. I'll have to work hard I can give my old man a nice life for the remaining year's…how about you? Do you have a goal in mind?"
I blushed and thought not too hard. "This might sound stupid..But I want to have kids. Children of my own."
My answered seemed to surprise Jin. "Don't you think it's a bit too early for that?" He joked still holding my hand.
Whatever our relationship may be. It's clear as day to anyone that we both care about each other a lot, pining over each other from time to time and it's clear there's an attraction on both sides. Thing is nothing has been official and no words have been said about it.
"Wouldn't you want to have kids? Maybe a small Jin running around the place?" I suggest and saw Jim thinking hard until he smiled a bit.
"A small Jin, huh? Another boy filling up the household..a girl would be a nice addition too." His words warmed my heart.
"Guess I'll have to find the right person for the job." We both said at the same time and smiled.
We both went back to looking at the window and I never felt so calm and relaxed in Jin's arms. Starting a life with Jin and having a family, kids with him doesn't sound like a bad idea at all.
My eyes widened a bit when I felt his hand under my chin making me look up at him. I could see his warm eyes under his glasses. I began to close my eyes when Jin started to lean down further to me, my hands went up to grasp onto his hoodie when I felt his lips press against my own. I closed my eyes and hummed into the kiss when one of his hands was now placed behind my neck cradling me closer to him.
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l0uterstella · 7 months
YOUR MELODY: Analysis, Merold's Manipulation
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(Parts are still incomplete like the flower language) full english lyrics, Ever Red theory (MUST READ TO UNDERSTAND THIS POST) Updated: Feb 25 2024
Flower Language
(thanks to my friend Lux for finding most of them)
Rimicha - sunflower, birds of paradise Sunflower: Symbols of joy, adoration, and loyalty. There's a story in Greek Mythology of a nymph who turns into the flower after losing her lover Birds of paradise:  Symbols of joy, paradise, freedom, and a sense of exploration
Hallritt - red periwinkle - symbol of purity, everlasting love, loyalty to friends, and hope
Merold - white and pink easter lily, white chrysanthemum, baby's breath, white spider lily, white and pink rose, hyacinth - together as a bouquet, all these flowers symbolize devoted love and loyalty, feelings of strong familial love and homesickness, positivity, happiness and admiration for the receiver, along with "seeking forgiveness/deep regret" with the hyacinths
Mirror flowers: lily, daisy, carnation, 4th still unknown - Together as a bouquet, these flowers represent celebration/hope for happiness, love and connection. Some flowers also share a meaning of rebirth or missing someone
Broken Mirror
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Broken mirrors typically symbolize a shattered self-image, fractured identity, and a sense of loss. I'll most likely be covering the voice drama in another post, but in the first episode, Hallritt is seen easily defeating a seed in one hit. Maybe Merold feels like his role as the strongest knight is being challenged? Which is why he accuses Hallritt of being a failure as a knight in the teaser for episode 2. In another scene, these two frames are right next to each other. Instead of the diamond flipping around like it did before, Merold just completely replaces Hallritt.
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The MV also had multiple "waves"/glitches, which recently has been a recurring theme of Seed's presence.
Hallritt also feels a bit "off" in the MV. It's possible that it's Eldritch Hallritt/Eldritt/The "original Hallritt" currently present. It's a bit confusing to tell which timeline the MV is set in, but it might make more sense with the System Hallritt headcanon. Eldritt formed as a protector and gatekeeper who used to hide the truth from the "current Hallritt", before deciding it'd be beneficial if he knew the truth and did something about it. Following this, the MV is in the 2nd timeline as my timeline theory suggests (with the voice dramas being the 1st timeline), and Eldritt is simply fronting instead of Hallritt.
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There's also this scene where Hallritt sings: "As if two hearts are on top of each other, I want to be connected by the same rhythm"
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Merold seems to know about the 1st timeline. He holds a ribbon, which is what represents the memories of that timeline in Ever Red. He is also seen multiple times with a corrupted version, possibly hinting at him having an Eldritch (seed corruption) form as well.
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The lyrics seem to have him hinting at the 1st timeline to Hallritt. If you corrupt the future, you echo its dark history.
To summarize: Merold is threathened by Hallritt's strength, yet he also knows the truth of what he did/will do. He wants to get rid of him somehow, or at least keep him in his place. He put up a face to seem trustworthy, but someday, that facade will shatter like the mirror.
1. Merold losing his vision? Really not much proof here aside from this quick frame
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2. blob people. idk who or what they are yet
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3. there's one transiton where something that look like vines turn into (angel? dove?) feathers and another one with a broken crystal. could it be referencing cielomort's death? is it his crystal strawberry from aozora?
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(Why? Why?) This heart (Why? Why?) It's fragile (Why? Why?) No matter what, I love you most (Why? Why?) It's overflowing (Why? Why?) These desires A melody just for you
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nvrsaidiwasinurcloset · 7 months
thank you so much for writing my Valentine’s Day request! I would definitely love to see a part 2 or a mini series (if you’re up for it ofc). maybe where they are wedding planning and then the day of the wedding and all the girls help the reader get ready (Chad helps Ethan ofc) and Quinn is super excited to have a sister in law… and maybe at the end the new wedded landrys will announce baby landry on the way 😉
Okay, this is MASSIVE. I hope you like it:) I had a lot to fit in lmao
Perfectly Perfect - Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader - Part 2
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Summary: After Ethan asks you to marry him, you learn that he wants to marry you as soon as possible. He also mentions how badly he wants kids soon, but it happens sooner than expected.
Part 1
Contains: Fluff, pregnancy, suggestions to sex, and if I didn't use the word 'fuck', it wouldn't be a fic I wrote :)
A/N: Jesus, I hope y'all like this. I've spent a couple days on it, and it has SO MUCH in it. Like 8 months worth of stuff in 6.7k words(I double-checked for grammatical errors, and if you catch something I didn't, I'm SO SORRY). I didn't want to leave it on a cliffhanger like I love to do. I'll be working on a couple fics tomorrow, one of them will definitely be smut:)
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After Ethan proposed, you didn’t want to get back to your normal life. You couldn’t wait to start talking about wedding planning, but he wanted to wait for the weekend so he could completely focus on it and not be stressed about his work project.
On Friday night, you sat on top of his kitchen counter as he made you dinner. You offered to help, but he knew your day was stressful, so he wanted you to relax. You smiled as you watched him, thinking back to the first time he ever tried to cook for you.
He tried to make pasta with this sauce that he made from scratch. He wanted it to seem like he knew what he was doing, even though the most he’d ever made was ramen and instant mac and cheese. The gesture was sweet, but the food tasted terrible. You didn’t show it though, until he finally spoke up.
“This tastes awful…how are you eating that?” he asked as you started to laugh a little.
“You worked hard on it, babe.”
“Fuck it, let’s order Chinese,” he said, pulling out his phone. “One day, I’ll be good at cooking.”
“I can always cook for you, though,” you smiled, as he shook his head.
“One of these days, I want to be able to cook for you and our kids,” he said, placing the order and sitting his phone down on the table. Your eyes widened, because that was the first time he’d ever hinted that the two of you would have a long future together. You’d only been together for a little over a year, but you knew you wanted to be with him forever.
“Kids, huh? How many are we having?” you asked, taking a sip of your water.
“I think five is a good number,” he said, as you started to choke on the water. “Okay, maybe not five. But I know I want a family with you someday.”
“I’d like that,” you smiled, as he leaned over to kiss you, “But five is definitely a lot.”
His cooking skills improved after he discovered that salt and pepper weren’t the only seasonings someone could use. When he walked over and reached around to grab some spices out of the cabinet, you started to move your head.
“You’re fine, baby,” he said, kissing your forehead before he grabbed what he needed.
“I’m absolutely dying to talk about wedding stuff,” you said dramatically, as he went back to his place in front of the stove.
“What do you want to talk about first?” he asked, smiling as he focused on dinner.
“When do you want to get married?” he started to laugh a little at your question.
“I’d marry you right this second if we could pull a wedding together that quick.” He said, “I’m thinking October.”
“Like, eight months away October? Or next year?” you questioned, getting a little nervous.
“This year,” he said, sautéing the veggies he was cooking in the pan.
“Uh, I don’t know if we could pull that off. We’d have to find a wedding venue, a photographer, a DJ, a florist…I’d have to get a dress. Plus, October is a busy wedding month,” you sighed, “Most of the venues are probably booked up already.”
“I can pull some strings,” he said, as you curiously eyed him. “One of the guys at work has a cousin that’s about to open their own wedding venue this fall. He mentioned it when I told him I was going to propose.”
“Really?” you asked, “But there’s still so many other things to do.”
“Let’s eat first, then we can look into it.”
The food he made was delicious. He smiled proudly as you wouldn’t stop complimenting his cooking skills. It was definitely an improvement from what he tried to make for you four years ago.
“I told you, I was going to get better at cooking for you and our future kids,” he started to laugh, but then he got quiet as he started to think.  “How do you feel about trying for one soon?”
His question caught you off guard, your cheeks turning pink. “Oh, um…” you were so flustered as you tried to compile your thoughts, “Yeah, I’d love that, but we need to get the wedding stuff squared away first, then we’ll talk about it.”
After dinner, he sat down with you on the couch and pulled out his phone to show you the pictures of the new wedding venue that was almost finished.
“That’s beautiful!” you said, looking at the tall ceilings and the spacious outside area.
“They’re going to get the landscaping finished this week, and then they have to do a few more things to the inside. I’ll ask him if we can tour it when it’s finished,” he said, his arm draping around your shoulder as he pulled you closer. “I want our wedding day to be everything you’ve ever dreamed of, so if you hate it, we could always push it out a year.”
“I’m sure I’ll love it just by how gorgeous it already looks,” you said, snuggling into his chest, “but yeah, ask him about touring it.”
“Oh, Chad has a friend that’s a photographer, too,” he said, as you raised up a little to look at him.
“Have you been wedding planning without me?” you joked, as he playfully rolled his eyes.
“No…well maybe a little,” he sighed, “His work is really good. I’ve also been looking at flowers and stuff on my breaks at work…don’t hate me.”
Your heart started to melt as you realized exactly how excited he was to marry you. You knew he wanted to and that he loved you, but him wanting to officially start your lives together as soon as possible made you feel so special.
“What do you think for colors?” you asked, interested in what he had to say.
“I haven’t thought about that yet, I wanted you to pick them.”
“I’m thinking a really pretty deep red and maybe some orange would look really nice, especially if the leaves are going to be changing,” you smiled, as he nodded.
The two of you continued to talk about your wedding ideas, and how big you wanted it to be. You knew some people that went all out and had hundreds of people at their weddings, but you and Ethan decided to keep that number at one hundred or less. You wanted it to be intimate, but still have all the people that meant a lot to you to be there.
“What about your bridesmaids?” he questioned, as you started to think.
“Well, of course Tara would be my Maid of Honor, and Mindy and Anika, but do you think Quinn would want to be the fourth one?” you asked, as he started smiling.
“She’d love that, babe. She loves you, and she’s always asking about you whenever she calls to check in,” he said, “It makes me so happy that you’d want someone from my family to be one of your bridesmaids.”
He started to talk about Chad being his best man, and you wouldn’t expect anything less. They were so close, and Chad was the reason the two of you got together in the first place. Ethan was shy, so Chad encouraged him to finally ask you out.
As the months started to fly by, you were surprised at how quickly everything was coming together. Between you and Ethan’s busy work schedules, you still found time to tour the venue, meet with a DJ, do your engagement shoot with Chad’s friend, and get your dress. You didn’t think you’d be able to pull off everything as quick as you were, but with the help of your friends, it was easy.
“Babe,” you called out as you walked through Ethan’s front door, “Where are you?”
He didn’t say anything, but you heard the faint sound of the shower. You walked into the bathroom as he was stepping out.
“Hey, babe,” he said, drying off as you hopped up onto the bathroom counter, “How was your appointment?”
“It was good. It didn’t hurt as bad to take it out as it did to have it put in,” you said, referring to your IUD. “Don’t get any ideas, though. We’re still four months away from the wedding.”
You wanted to wait until it was a lot closer to the wedding, but your doctor was about to have her own baby and was going to take a few months off. You were eager to start a family with Ethan, but you wanted to fit into the dress that you’d spent a lot of money on.
“Fineee,” he sighed out, wrapping his towel around his hips before standing in front of you. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” you said as he leaned in to kiss you. After he pulled away, you started to panic, remembering things you still had to do. “Fuck, I forgot to email the caterer!”
You tried to slide off the counter before Ethan stopped you. “I already did it, babe,” your mind was still racing, “And Tara stopped by work today to grab the invitations. She dropped them off at the post office for us.”
You sighed, relaxing a little as you smiled at him. “What else do we still have to do, then?”
“The only thing I want us to worry about tonight is spending time with each other,” he said, his hands resting on your thighs, “No wedding talk, no stressing. I just want to hang out.”
“Okay,” you said, as he stepped back so you could slide off the counter.
“I’m going to get dressed, then I’ll order food, and we can watch a movie,” he said, pecking your lips as you walked out of the bathroom.
You had a great night with Ethan. He knew how to calm you down and take your mind off things, even though the little voice inside your head kept reminding you of the few things you still had to do. When you woke up the next morning with Ethan spooning you, he was starting to stir awake himself.
“Good morning,” you giggled, as he kissed the back of your neck.
“Good morning,” he said, his curls tickling your bare shoulder, “We have stuff to do today.”
“Do we have to?” you asked, “Because I just want to stay in bed with you all day.”
You adjusted in his arms to face him, his sleepy eyes meeting your mischievous ones.
“Oh? Well, we do have a couple hours before we have to be at the bakery to decide on our cake flavors,” he said, his hands resting on your hips. “What about the possibility of getting pregnant?”
“I highly doubt that it’d happen that quick.”
A couple months later, you realized how wrong you were. Your period didn’t show up, which you assumed was because of the stress and your body getting used to no longer using birth control. After the second month of not getting one, your boobs really started to hurt.
“Uh, are you pregnant?” Tara asked, her eyes going wide as she helped you put together your wedding favors, “I know you mentioned wanting to have a baby soon.”
“I don’t think so,” you sighed, “I think it’s just the stress of the wedding has everything out of whack.”
“It can’t hurt to take a test to be sure. I know you’d feel bad if you were and you weren’t taking the vitamins you need,” she said, “Plus, it’s best to know sooner rather than later if you’re going to fit in your dress.”
“My doctor put me on the vitamins when I told her I wanted to get pregnant soon, so if I am, everything should be okay,” you sighed, getting a little anxious, “But, you’re right. I’ll take a test when Ethan gets back from tux shopping with Chad.”
“I love seeing Chad in a tux,” she gushed, “Maybe one day you’ll be helping me with my wedding…if he ever asks me.”
“It’ll happen. I thought Ethan would never ask, even with me hinting at it all the time.”
When Ethan and Chad made it back to Tara’s, she was practically pushing the two of you out the door. She knew that Chad and Ethan would probably get caught up in video games, but she knew you had more important things to do.
“Did you get your suit?” you asked from the passenger’s seat as Ethan drove.
“Yeah, I think you’ll like it,” he said, glancing over to you. “You okay?”
You sighed as you looked over to him, “Can we stop by the pharmacy on the way back to your house?”
“Yeah, are you feeling sick?” he asked, his voice showing concern.
“No, not really…but Tara thinks I’m pregnant,” you said, as Ethan almost ran a stop sign.
“Wait, what?” he asked, the both of you jolting forward as he came to a sudden stop. “We’ve been safe until a week ago.”
“If I am pregnant, it happened the morning we went to the bakery,” you said, as his hand reached over to grab yours. “I haven’t gotten my period, either.”
“Okay, um…yeah,” he stammered, trying to hide the excitement over the possibility.
“What if I am? I’ll be four months along and probably showing by then,” you sighed, “I won’t fit into my dress. I’m running out of time for alterations, too.”
“Well don’t freak out until we know for sure, okay?” he said, trying to calm you down.
After you made it back to Ethan’s, you went straight to the bathroom with the pharmacy bag in your hand.
“I’ll wait out here,” he said, leaning against the wall to give you your privacy.
He was hoping that the test would be positive, but he didn’t want you to be unhappy about it. He knew it would add even more stress if you were as far along as you thought. He started to get lost in his thoughts as he heard you squeal.
He opened the bathroom door to see your eyes watering and a huge smile on your face.
“Babe, I’m pregnant!”
“No fucking way!” he yelled, picking you up and spinning you. “Oh shit, okay. We’re going to be parents.” He sat you down on your feet and kissed you. “We can turn the spare bedroom into a nursery after the wedding!”
“Oh shit,” you said, your mind going back to the wedding, “I don’t mind being pregnant, and if I’m showing, I don’t care. But I need to figure out something for my dress.”
“Let’s make an appointment and make sure everything’s okay, then we can worry about that.”
You called your doctors office the following Monday, begging to be seen. With your normal doctor being out on maternity leave, they were able to schedule you with another doctor that same day that had a cancellation. You and Ethan both left work early to go because you didn’t know what to expect. You were happy he came with you because they realized that you were about ten weeks along and wanted to do an ultrasound to make sure the baby was measuring correctly.
“There’s not a whole lot to see right now, but the baby is measuring the way it should be,” the ultrasound technician said, as your eyes started to water. You looked over to see Ethan wiping his tears as he watched the screen. She occasionally paused so she could print out the sonograms from different angles.
When you went to walk out, she handed you a tiny little folder with the images she’d printed out. The cover of it said Baby’s First Photo’s, and when Ethan saw it, he lost it. You had to take a few minutes in the room as you tried to get him to stop crying.
“I’m sorry, I’m just so happy,” he said, as you reached up to wipe some of his tears.
“It’s okay, baby. I’m happy that you’re this happy,” you said, as he grabbed your hand.
“I love you so much. You’re going to be such an amazing mom,” he said, as he started to pull himself together.
“And you’re going to be an amazing dad. I love you too, babe.”
After the appointment, you talked to Ethan about telling Chad and Tara. Now that you knew the baby was okay, you just had to tell your best friend.
“That’s fucking awesome, dude! Congratulations,” Chad said, pulling Ethan into a hug.
“I knew it!” Tara said, wiping away the few tears that were slipping out.
“Show them the pictures!” Ethan said excitedly, as you grabbed the folder out of your purse.
“Aww, little baby Landry,” Chad said, flipping through the images.
“What do you think you’re having?” Tara asked, “Because I need a reason to go shopping.”
Chad rolled his eyes, “You always have a reason to go shopping.”
“We won’t find out until after the wedding, but I think we want to announce our pregnancy then,” you smiled, looking over to Ethan as he nodded.
“Let me know what I can do to help once you guys decide what you want to do,” Tara said, taking one last look at the pictures before she handed them back to you.
“I will.”
A month later, you stopped by Tara’s to try your dress on to see if it still fit.
“Fuck,” you said, as she tried to zip the back. It wouldn’t budge above your waist. “What am I going to do now?” you sighed, looking at her in the mirror of her bedroom.
“We can get it altered. We’re cutting it close though, and we still don’t know how big you’ll be on your wedding day,” she said, as panic started to set in for her, too. “The bridal shop is open today; I’ll call them to see if their seamstress can fix it.”
As Tara paced on the phone, you really thought you were going to have to buy a whole new dress, until she screamed “Yes! Thank you so much!”
She ended the call before walking up to you, “Okay, we have to take it in right now, but they believe they can put something into the sides of the dress that will make it a little stretchy.”
“Thank god,” you said, sliding the dress off and putting it back on the hanger.
When you arrived at the bridal store, the seamstress took new measurements and used her experience with other brides in similar situations to decide what to do.
“This won’t be ready for a few weeks, but I assure you that you’ll have it before your wedding,” she said, as you sighed in relief.
“Thank you so much!” you said, “You’ll call me when it’s ready?”
“As soon as I finish it, I’ll call you in so you can try it on,” she said, as you nodded.
You were still stressed, but you were hopeful that you’d still be able to wear the dress.
After a few weeks went by, you got the call to come look at your dress. As you tried it on, and the seamstress zipped it, it fit perfectly.
“Thank you so much!” you smiled, “I didn’t doubt you, but I know I’m a little bigger now, so I wasn’t sure if that would work.”
“You’re lucky I have experience with this,” she laughed, helping you back out of the dress.
“You can’t even tell I’m pregnant!”
The day before your wedding, Tara and Chad helped you and Ethan get everything set up in the venue. The boys were in the corner decorating the arch because they were tall enough to do so, as Tara helped you decorate the tables.
“This is so cute!” she said, looking at the burnt orange cheesecloth table runners were draped across the tables.  
 “It’ll look even better after the florist delivers the flowers tomorrow morning. The red and orange roses are really going to make everything pop.”
Ethan walked over to look at what you and Tara were working on. “I hate to rush you, but we have to start the rehearsal soon,” he said, “But these tables look amazing, babe.”
When he kissed the top of your head, you heard a squeal come from the main entrance.
“Hey, guys!” Quinn said, as she walked in. Ethan ran up to hug her before she came over to you. “Are you excited? Because you’re totally glowing.”
“Yeah, I am,” you smiled, glancing down at your oversized t-shirt. It’s taken everything in you to not put your hands on your belly whenever you were around anyone the didn’t already know you were pregnant.
“Thank you for asking me to be a part of your day tomorrow,” she smiled, “So we’re staying at Tara’s tonight?”
“Yeah, we’re having a slumber party,” Tara laughed, joining the conversation. “It’s bad luck for the bride to see the groom before the wedding.” You and Ethan both rolled your eyes at the superstition, “Hey, I want you two to last forever.”
“We will,” Ethan said, pulling you into a kiss.
“Gross,” you heard Mindy yell as she walked into the door. Anika was right behind her, the excitement evident on her face as she looked around the room.
“Wow, this is gorgeous,” she said, as they walked up to you.
“My people are here, where’s the rest of yours?” you asked Ethan, remembering him wanting to start the rehearsal.
“They’re on the way,” he sighed, as Chad started to yell for his help. “I’ll be right back.”
You laughed as they were struggling to get the lacy orange and red fabric to stay on the arch, along with the few fake flower decorations you got from the craft store.
“This isn’t funny,” Ethan said, trying to fight his own laughter as Chad started to get pissed.
The other two of Ethan’s groomsmen walked in and greeted you before walking over to Ethan and Chad to help.
“How many men does it take to hang some fabric and fake flowers?” Quinn questioned, watching the scene unfold in front of her.
“I don’t know, but hopefully the answer is four, because that’s all we’ve got,” you laughed, as the guys started to cheer.
“Ooh, they finally got it,” Mindy said, wrapping her arm around Anika as she giggled.
The officiant, DJ, and wedding coordinator were ready to go when Ethan walked up to you.
“You ready to fake marry me?” he asked, grabbing your hand.
“Yeah, let’s get this over with. I’m starting to get sleepy,” you sighed, as Ethan nodded. Your newest pregnancy symptom was extreme tiredness, but you’d take that over being nauseous.
“Okay, we’ll be doing this outside tomorrow, but because it’s raining, we have to do it inside tonight,” the wedding coordinator said, “I want to make this as painless as possible.”
Ethan followed the bridesmaids and groomsmen down the aisle, standing on his side as the music started for you to walk down the aisle. You took your time as you were instructed, finally making it to Ethan.
He started to laugh a little, as you rolled your eyes. “You’re laughing now, but if you don’t cry when you see me in my dress tomorrow, I’ll walk down this aisle a hundred times.”
“Sorry, this is a little awkward,” he said, grabbing your hand as the officiant started to speak.
He started to go through his spiel, skipping over the vows you and Ethan were going to recite for each other and the ‘I now pronounce you husband and wife’ part.
“Are we done yet?” you asked through a yawn, the tiredness being too much.
“Did you want to look at the slideshow tonight, or no?” the DJ asked as he pointed at the projection screen.
“No!” you and Ethan both said at the same time, knowing that the last slide was the one announcing your pregnancy.
“I think it’ll be fine to wait until tomorrow,” Ethan said, wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
“Okay, cool. We’re done, then,” he said, shutting his laptop.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, baby,” Ethan said, turning to you. He leaned down to kiss you when your friends walked up.
“We need to get her out of here,” Tara said, as you pulled away from the kiss. Ethan subtly rubbed his hand over your tummy, which he’d done every single night before bed since you found out you were pregnant.
“I love you,” he said, as Tara grabbed your hand to pull you away.
“I love you, too!”
When you made it back to Tara’s, you were struggling to keep your eyes open as everyone sat around and talked. You finally excused yourself to the guest bedroom, falling asleep the second your head hit the pillow.
The next morning, you woke up before everyone else. You showered and ordered coffee before you snuck into Tara’s room to grab your dress out of the closet. When the coffee arrived, you were debating on peacefully waking everyone up, but decided on yelling.
“I’m ready to get married, wake up!” Your voice echoed off the walls of the house as you heard Mindy groan in the living room. Tara soon turned the corner, grabbing her drink out of the holder.
“Thanks for the coffee,” she said, as you took a sip of yours. “Are you supposed to be drinking that?”
“It’s decaf,” you sighed, “It’s not as good but it’ll get me through the day.”
She nodded as everyone else walked into the kitchen.
“Someone’s excited,” Quinn smiled, “I can’t believe I’m getting a sister-in-law today!”
She pulled you into a hug, “I hope I got your coffee order right. I was trying to remember it from college.”
“No, this is perfect,” she said, taking a sip.
“We have to be at the venue in two hours,” you said, looking around at everyone’s tired expressions. “Can you guys get ready soon?”
“I expected the bridezilla antics to start before now,” Mindy said, sarcasm in her tone as you glanced over to her.
“I just don’t want to be late,” you sighed, as Quinn remembered something.
“I don’t know if you’re doing the normal wedding traditions, but,” she said, running to her bag in the living room, “I’d love it if you’d wear this.” She opened a jewelry box, showing you a beautiful diamond necklace. “This belonged to Ethan and I’s grandmother.”
“Oh my god, Quinn! This is gorgeous!” You were in awe, the sweet gesture showing you how excited she was for you to be a part of her family. “I’d love to wear it.”
“I hoped you’d say that. I know it would mean a lot to Ethan.”
After everyone finally got ready, you headed to the venue. Tara ran into the main building, looking around for Ethan.
“You! Stay right there for the next five minutes,” she said as she saw him, before running back to the car.
Ethan laughed to himself at her determination to keep you from being seen by him as he helped the florist finish decorating the tables.
“Okay, we gotta move,” Tara said, grabbing stuff out of the trunk of her car as you walked through the back entrance to the bridal suite.
You hung your dress up and waited for the rest of your friends to make it inside.
“Geez, T. What is all of this?” Mindy asked, sitting one of the heavy plastic bins down on the floor.
“It’s all the stuff to get our beautiful bride ready,” she groaned out, setting down another box.
“I think the key word is beautiful, which she already is…she doesn’t need all this shit,” Mindy said, opening the tote to look inside. “Wait, what’s up with these favors?”
“Don’t look at those!” Tara said, as Mindy eyed her suspiciously.
“What’s going on?” she asked, as Anika and Quinn made it in with the rest of the stuff.
“Those are another set of favors we’re giving out after,” Tara said, looking over to you.
“What do you mean?” she asked, as you tried to discreetly change into something that wouldn’t mess up your hair and makeup after it was finished. “Wait, what the fuck?”
Mindy walked over to you as Quinn and Anika were showing off the dress styles they chose in your colors.
“Are you pregnant?” she whispered, taking in the way your lower abdomen was sticking out.
“Mindy, please don’t say anything to anyone,” you said, motioning with your eyes to your other friends, “We’re announcing it today.”
“Wait, seriously?” she asked, as you started to laugh.
“Are you going to keep asking questions?” You whispered as you smiled, “Ethan and I wanted to get pregnant. It happened quicker than I thought it would, but this was always the plan.”
“Oh, well congratulations,” she said, trying to hide her excitement.
“Why are you congratulating her?” Anika asked, as she walked up to join in the conversation.
“She’s getting married, babe, duh.”
When Tara helped you get ready, you could tell she was trying hard not to cry. She was so happy for you, and knowing how much Ethan loved you made it hard for her to keep her emotions in. You felt awkward trying to talk to her as Chad’s friend came in to snap pictures of everyone getting ready.
“Thank you for doing this for me, Tara,” you said, as she finished up your hair.
“You think I’d let just anyone glam you up for your special day?” she asked, spraying a thick cloud of hairspray over your head.
“You know there’s a lot of chemicals in that, right?” you laughed as her eyes went wide.
“I’m so sorry!”
“It’s okay, I just wanted to distract you. You’ve been fighting tears since I sat down in the chair,” you said, as she started to let them slip out.
“I’m just so happy for you,” she said, as she started to put primer on your face.
“Well, just know that when Chad proposes someday, I’ll do the exact same stuff for you that you’ve done for me. I’m so thankful for our friendship.”
“I think that’s coming sooner rather than later…” she trailed off as you stared at her.
“Okay, spill. What’s going on?” you asked, as she shook her head.
“Today’s your day. We can talk about it after the honeymoon.”
“No, tell me! I don’t care what day it is,” you said, laughing.
“Well, I found a receipt for a jewelry store when I was doing Chad’s laundry the other day,” she said, as you cut her off.
“You’re doing wifey shit, but continue,” you said, as she started to blush.
“It was for a ring. So, unless he’s buying it for someone else, I’m pretty sure he wants to marry me.”
You started to squeal as she shushed you.
“Sorry, I’m just so happy for you!”
After your makeup was done, and you helped everyone else get ready, Tara was about to kick everyone out when Quinn ran up to you.
“I’m leaving, but I wanted to give you this,” she said, handing you the jewelry box with the necklace in it.
“Wait, I think you should help me put it on.”
She smiled as she took it out of the box and put it around your neck, clasping it in the back. The photographer started snapping pictures of the sweet moment. She was trying not to cry as she looked at you wearing it. “Thank you for being so good to my brother. I know he’s a little dorky, but you really brought him out of his shell. He’s never been this happy.”
You felt your own eyes start to water as you fanned your face with your hands, trying to keep the tears in. “Thank you, Quinn.”
You hugged her before she went out to join Mindy and Anika in the reception area of the venue.
“Let’s get your dress on,” Tara said, grabbing it off the hanger.
“Is it bad that I’m nervous it wont fit even though it did a week ago,” you sighed, unbuttoning your shirt and sliding your leggings down.
“It will, don’t stress,” she said, as you stepped inside the dress.
“See, still fits,” she smiled after she got it zipped.
“Are you ladies almost ready?” The wedding coordinator asked, as she walked in
“Yes,” you said, slipping your heels on. “Is he ready?”
She started to laugh at your question, “Honey, that man’s been ready for over an hour. His best man was in there…what do you kids call it…hyping him up?”
You started to laugh, “Yeah, that sounds about right.”
“Well, if you’re ready, I’ll let them know that we can begin,” she said, looking you over in your dress. “You look gorgeous.”
“Gorgeous enough to make the groom cry?” you asked, as she nodded.
“He’s already cried a couple times,” she said, walking out of the room.
Tara looked at you and stuck her lip out at the fact that Ethan was so emotional.
“Aww, that’s so sweet!” she said, helping you put your veil on.
“I’m hoping these pregnancy hormones don’t get the best of me today. I don’t want to mess all your hard work up,” you said, fanning your face again.
“That’s what setting spray is for,” she said, giving your face a second coat of it. “Just in case.”
The coordinator came back in the room to grab you as you heard the music start to play.
“I know this is a little different than last night, but you’re just going to walk down the path to the arch,” she said, as Tara walked past you to join the rest of the bridesmaids.
“I love you,” she said, “Don’t be nervous.”
After everyone cleared out, you waited for your cue.
“Alright, sweetheart. This is all you,” she said, gently nudging you towards the door.
As you walked out, you noticed all the people standing, and couldn’t help but think about falling in front of all of them. The second Ethan was in your line of vision, and he covered his face as he started to cry, it gave you all the confidence you needed to make it to him.
You noticed that Tara and Quinn were trying so hard to keep it together, and Chad too. He was just so happy for his best friend. You smiled at him as Ethan pulled his hands away from his face.
“So beautiful,” he said, wiping away the tears that just kept slipping out. Chad reached over to pat him on the back as you made it to the end of the path, standing across from him.
As the officiant started to speak, your breath hitched in your throat. You were trying so hard not to cry, but you knew you were going to lose that battle once you and Ethan read your vows.
“The bride and groom have written their own vows. We’ll start with you,” he said, turning to Ethan.
“I didn’t write anything down, because I wanted to speak from the heart,” he said, laughing a little, “I love everything about you, from the way you look when you first wake up, to the way you argue with me over the remote. You’re my best friend, my soulmate. You’re everything I could’ve ever wanted and more in a partner. You were patient with me when I was shy and didn’t know how to talk to you when we first met. Now, I’m a more confident person because of the man you’ve helped me become. I’m so happy I get to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you.”
Tears were slipping out, as hard as you tried to fight it, before the officiant turned to you.
“I also didn’t write my vows down,” you giggled, “but I guess that’s what makes us so special. I’m so thankful for you. When you finally asked me to be yours, I never had a doubt in my mind that we wouldn’t last forever. You say that I boosted your confidence, but you helped mine so much. I don’t worry about what people think of me, because I know the one that truly matters is always in my corner, no matter what. I know we can make it through anything the universe throws at us, as long as I have you by my side. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I’m so happy that I get to be your wife. I’m so happy that you chose me. I love you, too.”
Ethan nodded as he fought off the tears again. You almost missed everything your officiant was saying, because you were so focused on him.
“If there are no objections, by the power vested in me by the state of New York, I now pronounce you husband and wife,” he announced, before turning to Ethan, “You gonna kiss your bride or not?”
Everyone started to laugh as Ethan leaned in, his hands going to your hips as he kissed you.
Cheers erupted from your guests as he lifted you off the ground before gently sitting you back down. That’s when he noticed the necklace.
“Babe, is this…”
“Your grandmothers,” you said, finishing his thought. He started to tear up all over again.
He looked over to Quinn and mouthed ‘thank you’ before he took your hand and walked you back up the aisle.
You were quickly whisked away by the photographer, who wanted to get some beautiful shots of you and Ethan in the wooded area on the edge of the venue. The red and orange accents in his suit and boutonniere looked beautiful against the orange and yellow leaves.
“Can I have a minute with her?” Ethan asked the photographer. He nodded, stepping back a few yards but still snapping a few photos as the two of you talked. “You look so beautiful, and your vows were beautiful.”
“Yours were too, babe,” you said, standing on your tippy toes to kiss him.
“How are you feeling?” he asked, rubbing his hand across the well-hidden bump.
“I feel great right now. Hopefully I won’t be too tired later,” you smiled, as he took your hand in his and walked towards the photographer.
“Well, Mrs. Landry, let’s go to the party,” he said, as you smiled.
“I like the sound of that…Mrs. Landry.”
“Well good, because you’re stuck with me forever.”
When you made it back inside the venue, you immediately went into your first dance. The slideshow started, and it was perfectly timed out to the music as your arms were around Ethan’s neck. It showed pictures of the two of you as kids, before moving on to the pictures the two of you had taken as a couple. As you saw the engagement photos, you knew what the next one would be as the music stopped. You and Ethan both turned towards the screen as the picture of your sonogram popped up, with the words ‘Baby Landry coming soon’.
The gasps were audible, before everyone started to clap for the two of you. That’s when the DJ invited everyone else out to the dance floor to join you and Ethan.
“Wait, you’re pregnant?! That’s why you’re glowing!” Quinn said, looking down at your stomach, “I’m going to be an aunt!”
She was squealing, so excited for you, but also, her new title. “This dress is hiding it well. I’m sixteen weeks along,” you said, rubbing your hands across your belly.
“No way! Well, I guess I’ll be moving back to New York,” she smiled, “I’m not missing all the important moments of this baby’s life.”
“What about the guy you’re seeing?” you asked, as she rolled her eyes.
“I’ll make him come with me.”
After the wedding was winding down, the tiredness fully started to kick in.
“You okay?” Chad asked, as Ethan mingled with the guests.
“Yeah, just exhausted,” you sighed, as he looked at the ground.
“When you two get back from Mexico, I kind of need your help with something,” he said, flashing a smile.
“Oh?” you asked, waiting for him to say more. He glanced over to Tara, who was laughing at something Mindy said.
“Yeah, I hope this is okay because Ethan suggested that I talk to you tonight before you leave…but I’m going to ask Tara to marry me.”
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nikosamaki · 2 years
Hi guyssssss, I'm BACK 💃
Sorry I had something to deal and it took a lot timmmmme 😔😅
I promise I'll post a lot stories and HELLO to new followers ☺️❤️ Thank for following 🥰
When you touch their horns:
He's shocked -he doesn't show it, of course-, but looks at you with narrowed eyes which tells you: "You're too young for death, Idiot " (Don't worry, he'll not kill you AT LEAST🤐 -because of Dia- ). In spite of you're freaking scared and near to ruin your pants, you figure out that how soft is his horns areeeeeee!!! They're as soft as silk and not to mention that you thought demon's horns must have been REALLY rough, but SOFT... No fucking way!!
As you're in your thoughts, he's blushing -I should've said it sooner, demon's horns are their most SENSITIVE part of body (Naughty 😏... Except that BEAUTIFUL part :)- and he thinks he's doing well in hiding it -but he SUCKS 😔😂.
When you saw his face -FINALLY-, his eyes are just like wolf's eyes and JUST wants to do it (you know I'm still a bit shy about saying it, so...😅), wants to make you say his name to stop, wants to hear your moans and so many things... -Your fault, because you badly turned him ON.
His reaction cannot be worse than Levi (I guess you've figured it out), but his face is as red as tomatoe due to blushing! (Sooooo CUTE 🥺). Though he tries really hard to control himself -not doing or saying anything silly-, he suddenly took a step closer to you -maybe just wanted to give you a good view of his horns-; and unfortunately -or FORTUNATELY!- something catches his heel and falls down on you!!! (How ROMANTIC!). In his mind, he's fucked, but doesn't know that you're dying inside -you're red, mess, REALLY confused and of course you have lots of SWEET thoughts in your mind that could happen any minute NOW.
When you look at him, he's not the same Mammon that he used to be; is he kinda cursed? -His eyes are narrowed and his face is serious. When he speaks, he's too much Daddy!! (I didn't know how to explain it 😂). :"You're MINE, ONLY mine... You didn't forget it, right? 'Cause I get the feelin' that I should make myself clear THIS time." You're amazed and scared, because you don't know what the Hell is happening?! Do you deserve it? What does it look like to be punished by Mammon?? Soon you'll find your answer, in BED!!
Already D.E.A.D!! In shock! -he had a convulsion 😔, Poor. He canNot analyze what's the point? Why is he bowing and letting you TOUCH his HORNS?!?!? Error 404...
2 hours later...
He keeps his eyes closed because he can't handle the feeling he gets -you're FUCKING close to him- Again errors...
He tries to get calm by taking deep breath. When he becomes calm -you wish that he never gets calm-; his inner beast woke up and now you're in DANGER (Never underestimate calm Levi... NEVER!!) . You cann’t believe what you're seeing, Levi's cool?? He's not freaking out? W-who's that guy???
He's a hungry beast that wants food, wants to test every part of your body... Wants to eat you up!
You want to run, but you can’t; his tail tightly held your feet which means that there is NO way back.
He's behavior is like Luci but has more control on it! -to be honest, he has tried this situation hundred times as if it happens someday???? (Now it's getting WEIRD 🫥). When you ask him to let you touch his horns, he takes a sit and lead you on his lengths -he gives you a good view of his horns. Well you didn't know that it's a trap 😏. Like you don't even know HIM :/ - ;When he led you on his lengths, you figured it out very suspicious but somehow you ignored your warning though and sat (A stupid move🤦). While you were touching his horns -he's blushed-; he pulled you on bed ! (Very CLEAN move😔👌). NOW you've understood that you're FUCKED UP. He grins at you and says:" Kitty, let's play GAME , but not the usual one... The SPECIAL one."
No need to ask!! He just grabs your hand and put it on his head -means “Go ahead, TOUCH MY HORNS”. Since you’re naive (Too MUCH naive); again you’re tricked –just like Satan’s situation- and started to rub his horns. They’re very soft!! –even softer than the rest of the brothers 😲. He doesn’t let you to think or do anything else, in the blank of an eye, you’re tied up on his BED! (You canNOT guess how that happened… You better not to try to figure it out; it’s for your own sake😊).
Erotic eyes which shows he’s turned on badly, a smirk on his face that want to do VERY very bad and UNHOLY things with you… Bent down and said in your ears:“ Now I got YOU… Just YOU & ME🤭❤️” (You’ve got the right to scare😶… He’s the avatar of LUSTttttt, so don’t think that you can handle any shitty things that’s going to happen!)
Doesn’t care :/ (That’s not new… because we’re talking about BEEL). He changed into his demon form and bent that you can touch the horns. At least you’re a hundred percent sure that he WILL NOT do any BAD things –or maybe he’ll but you don’t know? Who knows??. Just when you touch his horns, his stomach starts groaning 😑 (Well, you’re LUCKY… Be optimist !). He asks you for food and you said you’ll give him some food. BUT, but when he said “FOOD” he didn’t mean chips or burgers or else; HE meant YOU!!! (You idiot, how can someone be that much silly?????). As the way he’s misunderstood your meaning -or you were the one who didn’t understand his question-, he grins and stand straight, Looks down on you and lick his lips :“ You look DELICIOUS 😋. I want to start from your lips”. Here’s when you find out the situation BAD (Mostly like you’re FUCKED). He bite your lips and lick them hard…
You want to set yourself free, but you’re very weak against him. There is no way BACK, accept your destiny that you’re going to BE FUCKED by Beel😅🤗.
Veryyyyyyyyyyy FUNNY question… NOPE😥. (No wonder that no one can imagine how you’ll be fuck by him :/ I CAN’T!!)
And of coursee.... Happy Valentine's Day 💘
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affectionate-team · 11 months
Picture-perfect fairytale romance 2/3
Synopsis: Fairytales help tell children of all sides of human life without exposing them to real dangers. But what will happen if a child keeps their favorite story far too close to heart, projecting fantasies onto reality?
Part two, finally! I've been struggling with deciding how to approach the whole thing, but, thanks to how much time autumn holidays are giving me, I managed to finish this! Now, only one part left... I wonder if what I'm planning for it will be predictable, or maybe the hints weren't obvious enough to pick up on? (ノ*・ω・)ノ
TW for delusional Neige, some mild swearing, a little ooc. MC is gn.
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He always thought the circumstances would be slightly... different.
As he watched them disappear in the woods, Neige unconsciously reached out a hand towards his beret. Words written in golden embroidery burned against skin: "Someday my princess will come".
But they are nothing like the fairytale princesses. Helplessness and dependence are not words suit for them. It may be far too soon to make assumptions, but the way that person held themselves, the light their whole body radiated should be a sure sign... "No, I'm thinking about this too much - too soon. That's what I'm always being told... I swear, I'm not desperate, just- how am I supposed to know when I'll meet my destined person? If I act nonchalant all the time, I might accidently drive them away and never even know of that." These thoughts brought a childish pout to his face, creases forming between perfectly sculptured brows - an unusual expression for the normally cheerful boy.
Still, some things don't add up to his expectations.
"Ah, but how could your heart have any place for doubt? Were it myself, I would never let my dear beloved go."
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You don't even remember how much time passed after the strange encounter in the woods. Days trickled by leisurely, with no crazy adventures and, thankfully, no overblots. The only inconvenience so far was Ace getting into another quarrel with his housewarden and being collared for a week. You found out about it when the boy in question turned up on the doorstep of Ramshackle late in the evening - right when you and Grim were about to head to bed. Clad in old pajamas (found in one of the old wardrobes during sunday cleaning and thoroughly washed), you opened the door, interrupting Ace's violent knocking. Behind his back stood Deuce - nothing surprising; the two had been inseparable since the chandelier incident, it would've been weirder to see them apart - who made a show of scolding his companion for showing up there at an ungodly hour and dragging him along, but was just as excited about possibly staying over. You didn't even hear out the story behind their appearance, as the bright-red collar on Trappola's neck told enough, leaving the door open for them and walking up the stairs to retrieve three sets of blankets and pillows. Grim, having taken the hint, was already sprinting to the pantry to pick out his favorite snacks (and bring some for you, too). Ace and Deuce had made such sleepovers a habit for your group, so, without any further questions, they headed to Guest Room to move the furniture and make space.
"Can't believe you have the audacity to bother prefect every time you get in trouble..."
If the jab bothered Ace, he didn't let it show, "Shut up, Deucey. You pretend to be all righteous, but when they offer us to stay over, I never see you turning them down."
"That-! That's because I was taught it's rude to not accept invitations, especially from friends! And there should be at least someone watching over you to make sure you don't get into more trouble."
Coming from the kitchen with three empty glasses (and a small cup) in hands, you take the opportunity to interject, "You're just as bad, to be honest. If anyone's being responsible among us, that's got to be me."
The redhead scoffs with crossed arms, "Uh-huh, responsible my ass... You're only right about one thing - Deucey being a walking hazard."
You exchange more sarcastic remarks, with sleepy Grim lying stretched out across your lap, until the topic eventually switches to more menial things: clubs, teachers, fresh gossip. One particular talk makes you recall the encounter you had a few days earlier.
"And then Vil started raging when a commercial came up on some guy's phone. It was that new music video with his kidfaced arch-nemesis; He was trying to keep it cool, but I swear he almost chucked a water bottle at Rook when that creep approached him."
"Really? I did see him annoyed a few times, but for Vil, of all people, to attempt a murder in broad daylight. Who could've bothered him that much?"
"Eh, it's Neige for you, nothing new. These two have had a rivalry going on for a long time. Did you not know? Their fans have the wildest and most ridiculous discourses ever, it's kinda fun to watch."
You tear your eyes away from the ongoing game of cards, looking up at Ace with furrowed brows.
"Neige, you say...? Can you show me a photo?"
His face noticeably scrunched up, "Ew, why would you even want to look at him? He's just another one of those pretentious freaks from RoYaL SwOrDs", clear disdain and disgust in his voice switched to smugness as he leaned closer to you, almost draping himself over your shoulder, "Aren't I more handsome, hm? And, unlike that stuck-up princey, I can give you all~ the attention in the world, without any fans hogging it."
Deuce, annoyed with his friend's touchiness, grabs Ace by the collars and nearly throws him off of you, "I wonder why you don't have any fans, then. Even prefect is more popular than you are, dumbass!"
Upon noticing your unamused (and somewhat pissed off) frown, he hurries to retaliate, "That's not what I meant! You're really cool, so it's obvious you'd have some fans, but you're also new here, and you spend more time with us and not others, and I didn't-"
"I get it, you can calm down..."
"...sorry again."
A bunch of idiots, that's what they are. Still, it's hard to be mad with them, your two first and best friends here, for long. Someone shoves a phone right into your face (thankfully, without breaking your nose) just as you start going deeper into your thoughts.
It's Ace phone with Magicam open on it. Before you is a profile of a model and actor, as seen from the description. You scroll a little and open the last posted picture. True to your suspicions, it turns out to be exactly the Neige that you met after classes some time ago. Eyes lighting up in recognition, you murmur a quiet "Huh, I know him". That brings out a reaction from the other two.
They kept on pestering you, until you gave in and told them the whole story. Neither one seemed convinced. And you didn't need them to be, as long as they'd stop pestering you, they were free to believe whatever their sturdy selfish hearts desired.
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"Thank you for accompanying me, prefect. I hope our joined efforts will be fruitful."
Jade smiles in his usual polite manner, fixing straps on his backpack. He leads you along the forest trail, keeping his eyes on the ground on the lookout for mushrooms, hidden by wide leaves and long blades of grass. As the only member of Mountains lovers club, Jade was eager to have somebody - especially the infamous magicless prefect of Ramshackle - come along, even if he knew you only agreed because of some favor you needed from him. Both equipped with light camping gear, you venture up a hill in search of mushrooms. On the way to the top Jade tells you why he took you there in the first place: apparently, on one of the Botanical lessons he learned of a rare species of mushrooms, last seen around that hill; to his delight, the said species weren't hard to care for - a perfect addition to Jade's terrarium - and the way from NRC wasn't long or tiresome, which allowed him to bring you along without worrying about you collapsing halfway from exhausting, not quite used to walking big distances.
Whatever fears you might've had for the trip instantly evaporate when you notice how passionate your senior is about his hobby. It's not the fear-inducing hitman everybody sees and describes him as, but only an ordinary highschooler ranting about his interests to the first willing listener. What a heartfelt scene.
"...and it's told to possess strong poison, able to paralyze a mammal as big as an elephant from just a bite. Why, isn't that curious? I'd love to have one of them in my disposition."
...up until the moment his (seemingly inherited) thirst for murder lets itself be known.
The higher the trail goes, the more changes add to scenery. Colorful wild plants and berries, butterflies and beetles of various kinds. And most importantly - air, fresh and free, a fine change compared to stuffed school air you've grown used to.
"According to the data I collected, it should be growing around this area. I propose splitting up for more efficiency. Can I trust you not to get lost, mauled by beasts or poisoned?", looking you over, he thinks for a second, soon reconsidering, "No, it would be best for you to just stay put and wait for me there. Do try not to wander off too far, and call for me if needed - after all, for this short while your safety is my responsibility."
"Then why did you even drag me along?"
"For company. Hiking is most enjoyable with a companion. Take this as a chance to catch a break from all the bustle your poor body has had to endure. Do not worry, I won't be away for more than five minutes."
He frames his words (so unlike the thinly veiled threats and mocking remarks he'd usually make in school) with a nod, leisurely going his own way, often bending down to check under trees and most suspicious patches of grass for mushrooms, before he disappears from sight.
You decide to take a seat on a dry stump, surrounded by vibrant-green moss. Birds' trill fills in the growing silence. Leaves rustle somewhere over your head - something you would've hardly heard a minute or two ago. As if trying to accommodate a picky guest, the nature around you beams in full flourish, bringing a sure sense of comfort. Despite having intruded its domain, you don't feel alien - with no visible threats nearby, you follow Jade's advice and give yourself permission to relax... only to be disturbed by someone's voice reaching from down the hill.
"Hey! Anybody here? Please, help me!"
...No need to think twice to recognize the voice. What a coincidence. There's no way he just appeared there, far away from both his and your schools, all by himself, and didn't even you and Jade's path.
"By the way, five minutes should've already passed by now. Where the hell is he?"
This whole situation is starting to look like one big ridiculous play. It wouldn't be so surprising if Vil suddenly popped out from under a rock, shouting 'Cut!' and reprimanding you for lacking proper emotions. You drag a hand across your face, constructing a simple plan in head: rescue Neige, tell him off, find Jade and pass out on the couch in Ramshackle. With a set of tasks in mind you venture down the trail - good thing it was obvious enough not to get lost among the greenery - and follow the boy's calls, not without tripping a couple of times on the way.
"Heey- ah, hello! Thank the Sevens you were near!", here he is, hanging upside down from a tree branch, legs tangled up in a... hunting net? "For a moment I was afraid I'll have to hang there all day and night. Could you please get me down?"
"What were you doing there in the first place?", moreover in such a casual attire, as if he just walked out of his room...
"Ah, that... is a long story. May I tell you after my feet get to touch ground?", he answered with a sheepish smile.
You sigh, but relent, reaching into one of your pockets for a switchblade, then grasp the rope (it wasn't hanging too high) and cut it. "Should've told him to brace for the fall", you thought, watching him land face-first into dirt. While Neige was preoccupied with brushing off his cardigan, you pocket your knife, preparing to go search for your mushroom-obsessed companion (how ironic for the one who was worried about you getting lost to disappear himself), but not without the black-haired boy scrambling after you.
"Thank you! Once again, I don't know what I would do if it weren't for you." "Mhm." "I'm not sure how, but I suddenly found myself here after following a butterfly, and-" "Yeah, great. You can go back home now." "But how can I leave and not even offer a token of my appreciation for your help? How about-"
Jade better come back as soon as humanly possible, because, Seven be witness, you might just tie this boy to the biggest tree in the forest and leave him to be eaten by wolves. At least Schoenheit will have a reason for a genuine smile this one time.
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