#maybe i’ll write a self indulgent fic about it as a reward for studying
amiharana · 2 years
good evening revalinkers i have returned from the hellscape of exambrain and require revalink sustenance
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 years
kou minamoto x gn!reader
a/n: sorry guys, i know i’m… way behind on requests. i’m just. Hm. going through the motions? Gotta write some self-indulgent comfort fics yk yk <3
Also like UGH i’ve been taking better care of my teeth- but had to get a real bad cavity filled today. And that numbing stuff??? Wasn’t working. So, of course, now- about 45 minutes later- it’s finally kicking in lol,,,,,,, can’t feel half of my face;; i already have a slight lisp;;;;;; and i’m hungry;;;;;;; i’m just;;; not having it this week, guys, i’m simply not-
warnings: mentions of shots/needles, anxiety?
word count: 965
You sighed, finally regulating your breathing, feeling the throbbing of your head from having to calm yourself down so often lately. You couldn’t help but recall the pinch from the dentists, one that you felt despite the attempt to numb your gums in the place they would inject you. Which was worse, the pain in your mouth, or how you pinched your arm? The way the room seemed to get uncomfortably warm so quickly- and the way you wanted to cry when the doctor announced that he’d have to do it once more. And once again after that.
Carefully, you took a bite of a snack you had packed, quickly placing it back at the mix of a pain and a lack of a flavor. While you expected to taste nothing on the numb side, the pain was… unwelcome, to say the least. Strange, you thought, that the bottom of your ear was numb, and yet… the area in which the shots had been injected were sore. At this point, you weren’t even sure you wanted to eat. Thinking too much about the… excitements of tomorrow was enough to kill your appetite. Recalling the events of today, imaging having to wait so long in a doctor’s office, the feeling of the nurse rubbing the alcohol pad against your arm… tears filled your eyes, as you shook your head, forcing the thoughts from your mind. You wished that you could have gone home. You wanted to cry- but there was no use in crying at school, unless you wanted too many different eyes on you.
“(Y/N)! You’re back?? For… study hall?” Kou questioned, sitting next to you. You shrugged- “Yeah. My parents wanted me to come back for clubs and whatnot.”
“I see… then, how did it go?”
“Seeing as you heard me try to pronounce ‘parents’ you may have a good idea, haha…”
“Right, right…” Kou muttered, fiddling with his hands slightly. You knew he could tell you were in a poor mood, and that you were like that before the dentist appointment. You were beyond thankful for his kindness, knowing that he was sitting there, trying to figure out how to approach your mood.
“So, (Y/N), are you feeling… better?” He asked, glancing back over at you, and offering a slight smile.
“Mmh… well, my mouth hurts, and I’m starving… and I can’t talk properly. Still, I think I’d have a numb mouth any day over tomorrow- I’ve got to get my shots, and I’m… hm, terrified.”
“Ah? Of shots?”
“Ah… well, it’s alright!” He cheered, and you stopped yourself from getting defensive, knowing he was about to give you the same lesson everyone else did. “It’s a little pinch, and then it’s over! Super quick, I promise!”
“I-” You stopped yourself, taking in a deep breath as your voice already began to shake, “I know, Kou.”
Kou paused, tensing up a bit, scared that he had possibly hit a nerve. “Thank you, for trying, just… it’s kinda more than that, you know? Like… I know getting the shot is much better than getting any sort of illness. I know it’s just a tiny pinch, and that it’s over quickly… but, for some reason, it’s just… scary, haha.”
Kou nodded, pondering for a moment as the bell rang. The remaining students in the room got up and left, leaving you sitting alone with Kou. “Do you have any numbing cream you could put on your arm? I’ll buy some, if you want!”
“Kou, you’re too kind to me-”
“You’re kind to me, (Y/N)! I’m serious. I’ve got some money, it can’t be that pricey! You can put that on, and hmm… ask the doctor if you can put in your earbuds? Play some music, or watch a video? And, uh! Focus on something else!! Call me, if you want?? If you can-?”
You nodded, smiling slightly at the effort Kou was putting into this. “Thanks so much, Kou… I’ll do that- but I can buy the stuff, so don’t worry. I’ve got that, and I’ve been working on keeping my breathing normal… I can’t promise I won’t cry, but I think I’m doing all I can to not have the pain.”
“Yesyes!! You’ve got this, (Y/N)! You’ve definitely got this! I’ll pack your lunch, alright? For the rest of the week!”
“Kou, you’re treating me like I’m a toddler-”
“Trust me, I’ve dealt with Tiara- there’s a huuuuge difference. Mainly… comforting Teru- but that’s not important! Honestly, the whole reward method works just fine for any age- plus, I’m allowed to spoil my partner, even if you don’t face a fear.”
Nodding, you stood up, attempting to appear more confident than you felt. “Thank you, sweetheart. I’m still… terrified, but I’m glad to have someone cheering me on, haha…”
“Of course! If there’s anything I can do, please let me know! I’ll even hold your hand!”
“You don’t need to do that,” You laughed, ruffling his hair, then lanking his arm slightly- silently letting him know that he should stand up. “But I do appreciate it… maybe hold my hand afterwards? While you’re at it, kiss the bandaid- joking, joking, I know you would-”
“Oi, don’t treat my love for you like it’s silly!”
“Right, right. It’s not silly, sweetie~.”
“Neither is your fear!” “Mmmmmh, neither is my fear-” “Hanako is though.”
“Ha- hm… you’re completely right on that one. Still, we should go clean his bathroom.”
(Bonus- bc I know Hanako would make fun of me even more than my sister has /lh /hj:
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thyandrawrites · 5 years
HI THY!!! >:3c >:3c >:3c FOR THE FANFIC ASK MEME: 1, 3, 12, 13, 14, 19, & 25!! 💜💕❤️
Hey :’D Fancy seeing you here pfffff
1. favorite fic you wrote this year
My baby. My unruly child. The fic I spent countless nights losing sleep over (either because I was writing, plotting, or stressing about it XD). Butterfly Effect. Writing this fic is both a joy and an agony, but it has been so rewarding so far. The fact that it was such a challenging first longfic project made me improve on a lot of fronts, and tbh the fact that I managed to make a name for myself amongst certain cool dbhwks writers I admire thanks to it continues to blow my mind every day
3.  Favorite line/scene you wrote this year
mmh there are a lot of scenes from BE I could list here since BE is basically one of my most self-indulgent projects XD But the one I anticipated the most, and had a blast writing, was hands down the Dabi - Hawks - Endeavor confrontation in chapter 7. I live for big, dramatic scenes full of emotional conflict. 
It was tough to put it down on paper, I’ll admit, but definitely worth the challenge in the end. 
Also, if you allow me to be salty on main for a second, it was sooooo satisfying to write a big “fuck you” moment to e slur, lmao
12. favorite character to write about this year
Dabi is definitely my fave to write and also the one whose pov comes muuuuch easier to me, but somehow I always end up narrating fics from Hawks’ pov instead. So I’m gonna answer Hawks because despite how much fun I have with Dabi’s lines and with his thick little head, writing Hawks has been a process of learning what makes him tick. I basically relearned his character while writing him, while exploring his thoughts and letting him act and dictate the direction of the plot. He’s still a challenge to me sometimes, but that’s okay because I love him so much
13. favorite writing song/artist/album of this year
this is a tough question for me because I don’t really put on music while I’m writing. I find it distracting. I usually just put on rainymood full volume to drown out all the sounds and concentrate on the words, because that helps me get into the zone. But I definitely have dozens of dabi/hawks/todofam and dabihawks songs that have inspired me to write. Some of them were used as soundtrack for BE. A lot more were left out. If I were to do a selection of my top 5 favourites... mmmmhh I def listened to all of these before writing certain chapters to get in the right mood:
Twenty one pilots - trapdoor
Bring me the horizon - in the dark 
Set it off - wolf in sheep’s clothing
Radical face - let the river in
Amanda Palmer & The Grand Theft Orchestra - Trout Heart Replica
14. a fic you didn’t expect to write
answered here!
19. any new fics to start next year
I get new ideas every day as you might’ve noticed by now, but they rarely stick XD Maybe I’ll write that unwind AU I joked about a couple of days ago... Or maybe that funeral fic inspired by Enn’s song rec? Who knows, certainly not me lmao
There’s another project I would love to get my hands on. It will likely end up being another multichaptered fic tho, so I’ve been holding it off till now in fear of it overtaking everything else. Basically I wanna write an AU in which Touya did leave the family, but only in order to get his life together, be indipendent and financially stable enough to eventually come back and successfully snatch Shouto’s custody from their dad. The fic would then detail the process of two estranged siblings relearning each other, and learning how to trust each other. Dbhwks is an established relationship in this fic 
But knowing me it’d end up in another character study and I don’t have time for those XD Gosh I swore I would write something easy and lighthearted after finishing BE, damn it
Maybe I’ll finally write a fake dating AU instead since I’ve wanted to write one since I subscribed to ao3 in 2015 rip
25. a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read
Just one? Nah, let’s say I’m allowed to rec at least 5. One is not enough ;; So, in no particular order: 
Lines Crossed by DrAphra
Lol excuse me if yours is the first to come to mind but I’m still SHOOK at that MAGNIFICENT Dabi vs E slur fight. Amongst other things. And before you say anything, I would’ve recc’ed it to everyone even if you hadn’t been the person to send the ask XD I was already planning on doing a ff spolight section on my blog and me being too writer blocked to gift you a fic on your b-day was entirely the reason behind it, so XD
i will love you without any strings attached by vitane
this!! fic!! hits!! all!! my!! favourite!! tropes!! at once!!!!! Yes starting from fake dating because I’m predictable like that XD
Face to Face by ohmytheon
todofam reunion fics always make me sob like a baby and this one hit me on all the right spots
Sometimes We Fall in the Dark by timetoboldlygo
I know you dislike krbk so don’t bother clicking this one XD Damn, this fic made me feel things. And it’s basically one of the best characterizations of Kirishima I’ve read in a looong while. 
Build Me a Funeral Pyre by Vhaenya
vhae is one of the authors I discovered thanks to ctabb, and thank god for discord because I was truly missing out. They made me cry since. chapter. fucking. one. 
decision height by blueskiddoo, Dragon Head, Snake Tail by Lycaonpictus7 & Starlight by glitteringeva are basically fandom classics by now, but those authors right there are two of my major inspirations so I gotta list them. All those fics hit one of my major weaknesses: well done character studies. Amongst my major inspirations should also sit Juurensha’s you’re not the wind beneath my wings (but you are the fire that keeps me warm). it wasn’t published in 2019 but I’m gonna list it anyway, tho it’s another fandom classic that everyone and their mom now (should) know and with good reason, man
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