#maybe i will this summer though because i'm finally auditioning for a production!!!!
allsassnoclass · 2 years
Hey!! I am so 👀👀👀 about so many of these but for now can I hear about "newsies but bad"?
omg team that one. okay.
newsies but bad - so. i really love newsies. newsies is the piece of media that makes me foam at the mouth like a rabid dog. way way wayyyyyy back in june of 2020 when i was first getting into this fandom, meg was talking to bella about a newsies au but they didn't know how to cast everyone, and i--as the m&m anon, which is how you know this was a long time ago--was like "guys stop thinking so hard. obviously ashton is jack, luke is david, michael can be race and calum can be spot." i can't find the original message i sent but here is their reaction. omg wait i did some digging and found the original message here. anywho. this wip doc is a scene from that newsies au, but it's not good, hence the title lol. the fic would be fun if written but this particular scene should just be a newsies fic. it's a malum scene and them being michael and calum instead of actual sprace adds nothing. anyway. bella and i did brainstorm this au a little further but i doubt anything will come of it
send me an ask based on my wip list
#ask#team#4thbrighteststar#i'm also a very big supporter of the movie over the musical. i think the plot of the movie is a lot better#and using the movie you could easily do a fic with the boys because you don't have to deal with katherine#but yeah i just don't have inspo for it now#maybe i will this summer though because i'm finally auditioning for a production!!!!#but i'm also going to be insanely busy this summer if i get cast so don't hold your breath lol#i would really love to be cast and katherine or race but i'll take any newsie i just want to tap dance#katherine race and hamlet are my only dream roles at this point lol i really want to be in this show#and this is likely my last chance because i hopefully will be directing/choreographing for money next summer#i don't plan on acting in community theater beyond this summer because i'm trying to make a living with paying theater gigs#when this particular theater first announced they were doing newsies i thought i logistically couldn't be in it and i cried 5 times#like full on bawling#so. that gives some scope to how much i like this show lol#but! i quit the other show and now i can do newsies And go to my friend's wedding so it's all good#and this is a theater that cast me as a featured dancer in mary poppins so i know i'll get to tap dance#they let me tap dance in step in time so they'll let me do king of new york#unless i'm cast as like. crutchie. but i don't think they'd waste my dance ability with a non-dancer role#anyway! thanks for asking there's my answer
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k-p-p-d · 3 years
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A/N: I wrote this months ago, before I was utterly BETRAYED by Chansung. I didn't want to post it but I'm tired of looking at his stupid traitorous face in the drafts. 😩
You stood there on the train platform, body frozen in shock.  Your mind focusing purely on processing the words he just said to you.  Your cheek still tingled from the slight stubble on his chin as he held you close, while you swore to come visit him again soon if his schedule allowed.  Foolishly you thought he was holding on so tight because he didn’t want you to go.
“Wait, what did you say?”
Chansung hung his head and took a deep breath, it was hard to say it the first time and to repeat it to you might make him break.  “I said we can’t be together anymore.  I’m debuting and I can’t—”
You laughed softly to yourself as he began his rehearsed weak explanation again.  You didn’t expect much, you were both young and had your lives ahead of you.  You were kids, but you weren’t expecting this.  To be broken up with after spending a weekend together before you left for the States with your mom for summer break, was this real life?  “I feel like I’m in a movie,” you said bitterly to yourself but you should have known it was coming.  You nodded your head and put on your best smile before taking his hand in yours.  “I’m so proud and happy for you Chansung, really.  You will be a superstar in no time.”
The chime signalling the final warning for the train sounded and you tried to keep up the facade of happiness.  “You go ahead and head back, I’m going to grab some snacks before I board.”  You squeezed his hand once more before picking up your duffle bag.
“I’m going to miss you,” he said softly.
You could see the shining of a tear in his eye as you reached up to tuck a stray strand of his hair behind his ear.  “Here’s looking at you, kid.”  You smiled softly before telling him to go one last time.
My cheek brushes against his Smooth on stubble for a moment And then it's gone He walks along the platforms into the dream Every fiber in me wants to shout and scream: Stop To run across to him, take him into my arms To tell him: I love you! You silly, silly man, I love you But instead I stand still, heart cracking These little curls on the back of his head bouncing As he steps out of my life, forever
Chansung was tired, that was an understatement.  Since he started life back as an idol it seemed like he was always on the go.  Filming here, meeting there, quick gym session before meeting with bandmates followed by another meeting.  Today luckily was one of those days where he had time to himself, a blessed lazy day that he hadn’t had since he finished his enlistment.  He got up at 5:30 like he usually did, even though he was done with the military some habits stuck.  He made himself a steaming cup of tea as he sat in his living room watching the world wake up through the floor to ceiling windows.  He liked early mornings, when the world was still quiet and peaceful.
Going about his day he felt he was pretty productive for a day off.  He got in a cardio workout, nothing too intense but ensuring he got his heartrate up, sent off some emails and straightened up.  It was when he was relaxing on the couch looking at pictures of his friends' families, nieces and nephews smiling gummy smiles.  He had a wistful smile, happy for them but slightly envious as he saw more and more idols, older and younger, happily in relationships or married.  He had regret, he pushed you away.  Listening to his hyungs and managers.  So he turned on the television and what he saw tightened his chest.
Casablanca was on.
He couldn’t stop himself from reminiscing on the last time he was with you.  He had been so happy, you two burning with the fiery passion of two teens in love.  He remembers the first time you two had met, a chance encounter.  He was out with friends, as were you, he was cocky then.  He won’t deny it, a teen who had already been on two shows—including one that went on to win awards—and he had passed an audition at JYPE.  He was destined for greatness and knew it.  It was probably why you putting him and his friends in their place was so refreshing.  He couldn’t remember who had caused it or what had transpired but when you heard his friends comment to yours, the passion you protected them with was amazing.
“Ya” his friend had yelled at you, “don’t you know who he is?”  The boy had said while pointing at Chansung who just smirked.
You smiled so sweetly, your eyes getting big before you deadpanned, “No” and walked away.  Chansung was shocked and couldn’t believe it.  You had on the same uniform as him but you didn’t know nor care who he was.  He can’t understand why he was that surprised thinking back now, you were obviously a foreigner.  Why would you know who he was but he wanted to know more about you and he found you.
You gave him the same reaction, unimpressed.
He hounded you for weeks until you finally agreed to a date and that was all it took.  You wanted to go see Casablanca, a favorite of yours and he would have done anything you wanted.  Then he made the biggest mistake of his life, he let you go.
He wrote to you, everyday.  You never wrote back, did you ever get them?  He watched Rick and Ilsa on the screen, how his love rejected festered into hate and pain not knowing she loved him just as much if not more as the day she left him.
Do you remember me?  Chansung finds himself wondering that often.  Did you know how much he hoped for one of those dramatic scenes from the movies, you running to him in the rain as he kissed you and told you how much it hurt not being with you and the love he held for you still.  He never knew what happened after you both graduated, he became 2PM’s Chansung and was juggling promotions, variety shows and college.  Were you still in Korea or had you gone back home now that you were old enough to leave from under your father’s wing.  You never liked the constant moving of military life, maybe you finally found somewhere to set down roots.  He’d be foolish to think you were single, you had none of the hindrances that he did.  But he hoped against hope you would come back to him, like Ilsa did Rick.
He picked his phone back up as the movie came towards the end.  He searched through his contacts, looking for your name.  Your number probably changed, it had been years but he always programmed your information into his phone.  Letters came back unopened, your father and subsequently you had moved.  He couldn’t track down your friends and ask after you, that would be inviting articles and anonymous posts about his life.
Sighing deeply, Chansung opened your contact, selecting a new message.
Is your number the same as before? Remember me, let’s set the scene. You and me, what could’ve been. Still swimming in a lover’s dream. Still playing on the movie screens.
Chansung deleted all the words he wanted to say and just left a message saying.
We’ll always have Paris...
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~ Winter
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juunshua · 6 years
Same love I'm still into never from broduce but prefer hands on me. Idk what to think about woojin's raps. Sometimes they fit into the song, sometimes the instrumental or lyrics makes it seems like it was haphazardly written to give the dancer oriented members something to vocalize. Energetic remains the only w1 song i can listen to without getting bored. No matter how much I'm into yoon jisung, jaehwan, or minhyun I can't seem to listen to their eps without my mind wandering elsewhere (1/).
If youre looking for a good tropical I would suggest Hollands Im afraid. He isnt the best singer but the songs arrangement and production is stellar. I know it's from last year but kards Hola Hola, even if i prefer ohnana, is also a stand out. Whats funny is that your criticisms of tropical house is exactly what I have been hearing other people say about oh my, how it's low energy and not engaging, esp for svt. It definitely took me a couple of listens to appreciate its place on the mini. (2/)Tbh exos Kokobop is the closest kpop has come to producing dancehall rather than tropical, even if the chorus is so much musically interesting than the verses. Hello texture! Idk about semina i feel like it falls flat but that may be because I was expecting something similar to their produce audition. I was really into chunghas debut song but her nasality turned me off so much. Please mh give her something lower so that she can sing well and have interesting choreo bc she has the talent (3/)I guess Im less harsh on songs released in summer because theyre supposed to be light and airy, hence the myriad of comebacks/debuts experienced/about to experience. (Hyorin and triple h has my heart though.) It's a lot of misses for me too so don't feel bad about not enjoying the majority. I guess thats the good thing about saturation. Sorry if this part feels disjointed from the previous messages as tumblr seems to be in the habit of eating transitional ones as seen in previous threads. (4)
omg jisung was my 1-pick from ep 1 i was so happy to see him make the final lineup laksdjf broduce was actually one of the reasons i got into svt. i got tired of poor vocals and i remembered that svt has boo? who is pretty darn good at singing? so i went to listen to him after listening to the mansae performances and ladjkf somehow i ended up where i am today. but hmm really? actually someone i know said something similar ahaha. i wouldnt know about rap flow or lyrics or anything, but he remains the only person in w1 that id consider a rapper. the rest of the ‘rappers’ are baritones and are rappers for the sole reason that they are baritones. not everyone could have pulled off ‘d i double f e r e n t’ ksjdfl like idk. i personally enjoy his execution of raps ahaha like in light, he raps the word ‘벅차올라’ in a way thats really reflective of the imagery of the word itself? to me he really brought that word to life and laskdjf i think thats the only reason i gave light a second try but to each their own^^. ahaha i think ive gotten used to most of w1s title track though (at least they dont have a tropical house title track). some of their none title tracks though are good! wannabe, even if the lyrics are a bit cringy, musically i really like! it was composed by the same people who wrote air for infinite and twinkle for lovelyz, both songs i adoreim afraid? hmm for me personally the chorus was kinda overwhelming i wasnt the biggest fan of that instrument (it kinda hurt my ear actually). i feel like the verses had something going for them but then the chorus hit and i just kinda idk lakdjf. also kard i know i tried listening to their music but really couldnt get into it. i think i prefer oh nana as well after listening to both songs but still not something thatd end up in my music library.hmm really? tropical house i think in general with the instruments as a genre really isnt my thing so idk if im really criticizing tropical house as much as im stating why i personally am not a fan of it? the genre as a whole really turns me off and ahaha im a simple person if a song isnt tropical house i will honestly give it more listens and more tries to get into it. gfriends sunny summer is gradually getting stuck in my head as summer ends for instance ahaha i might be jamming to it come december ahaha. all of w1s title tracks are another example. there are times though where ive gone back to a trop house song and ended up realllllyy liking it. actually thats literally the case with all trop house songs that i like ahah aksdjf but yeah its really hard to get it to me on first impression i think idk what it is about the genre but its not my thing. ahaha im not a professional musician at all so idk but i thought the drum line was pretty neat in oh my? some of the vocal melodic lines were super pretty to listen to. and with a lot of svt songs too, like the verses in oh my were not the same copy and paste sort of thing. it could have been low energy and not engaging, to me it really felt like the summer afternoon heat that kind of vibe, but still i think i could get some musical things from it? or smth idk what is dancehall? and ahaha semina actually reminded me of their produce audition a lot alkjsdf and hmm yeah it did fall a bit flat but hey its not trop house ahaha i think i was super excited about hearing that sort of genre again after such a long time the last people i can think of who were close to that genre was mamamoo back in like 2014/2015. semina does get catchy after u listen to it after a couple of times? or at least thats the way i felt it was to me personally (or maybe nayoung hypnotized me with whatever magic she usually does on me). chungha? nasally?? the only song i liked that she released was why dont you know but i didnt know she had a nasal voice? at least an obvious one at that? i think she has her nasal moments but ? has she gotten progressively more nasal after debut? i know she has a suPER heady mix is that whats clouding my hearing ahaha. oh actually now that i think about it, her voice always used to remind me of some mix between sica and taeyeon ahaha so i think i just got used to her voice and her nasality over the years. but honestly i dont think her nasality is that consistent? i think she should work on bringing her chest into her mix first ahaha thats her biggest problem as of rn for me. and tbh i dont mind her voice and her tone too much! but there are def songs where i just wished the singer was a stronger vocalist so then id enjoy the song akdjf bc thats happened where i like the song but the singer just kinda detracts from it so i think i get where ur coming from...ahh i feel u in her debut song i was so disappointed by the rap alsdkjf i was like ‘wow this could have been a neat dance break for her’ but nah we got a rap ahaha. shes a soprano though so idk if she should sing any lower as much as she should start challenging her technique with the range she sings in.hmm yeah i think as pop music progresses in general, for me its just going to be a majority of misses ahaha personally speaking from a personal enjoyment standpoint. im sure a lot of the songs i dont like have a lot of musical credibility to them (ie triple h and hyorin lksdjfl rip like i dont even know what music i like these days from kpop groups minus svt honestly. select songs will stand out to me sure but nothing as consistent as svt. my go to girl groups also released trop house this summer i was so sad :((( )
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