#maybe i should remake that image
espresso-cookie · 4 months
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i dont know what compelled me to make this but I hate it as much as you guys do /SILLY
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muffinrag · 9 months
every day i grow increasingly concerned that i don't actually like any of my friends and they don't actually like me
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Okay, buckle up, friends and neighbours, because it's time for:
(Obviously, you should take all of this with a HUGE chunk of salt, since I'm not only an internet-poisoned fandom blogger, but also a former English major with a penchant for over-reading.
Still, I spent a long time writing this, so I'd appreciate it if you gave it a read.)
So before we talk about Doopliss himself, I feel like we should talk about Creepy Steeple, since a lot of the topics I'm going to be touching on relate to the actual building.
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Neither the original Gamecube version nor the Switch remake really bothers to explain what Creepy Steeple actually is.
None of Goombella's tattles say anything about the building's intended purpose. The name vaguely implies that it's a church of some kind -- in Japanese, it's called Odoron Jiin, or "Astonishing Temple" -- but that's still not very helpful.
Still, for the purposes of this analysis, I'm going to assume that it's meant to be a church.
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This brings me to the Steeple's stained glass window, which shows a scary-looking Doopliss standing over some piranha plants.
From a design standpoint, I'm guessing that this detail was added to give the location a spooky vibe, but from an in-universe perspective, the implications are wild.
Like, who designed this? How long ago? And why? What the heck is it supposed to represent?
Unsurprisingly, the game offers no real answers, but I have a couple of theories.
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The first is that the people of Twilight Town (or their ancestors, or something) created the window in Doopliss's honor.
Stained glass windows often depict saints or angels, so maybe the Twilighters used to worship him? Like, maybe Creepy Steeple was once dedicated to him and then, for whatever reason, the worshippers decided to leave?
It's not super likely, but I didn't want to rule out any possibilities. This is a weird freaking temple. Literally anything is possible, as far as I'm concerned.
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My second theory is that Doopliss designed the window himself. He seems like a guy with a lot of spare time, so it's not too much of a stretch to say that he came up with the idea and then spent weeks building it by hand.
He could have also bullied the Boos into constructing it for him. I dunno. I just have this mental image of him pulling pranks on them and generally being a nuisance until they caved.
The bottom line is someone wanted to Doopliss's face to be front and center. And if that someone is Doopliss himself, then hoo boy, there is a lot to unpack here.
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Maybe I'm projecting, but it feels like Doopliss is wrestling with some major self-esteem issues.
Despite being an incredibly powerful shapeshifter who somehow cursed an entire town, he seems very childish. He spends all his time watching TV and coming up with new jokes. He throws tantrums when he loses. He wears a party hat, of all things.
Based on that, I'd say that he's probably starved for attention. He's probably pretty lonely living in Creepy Steeple all by himself (doubly so if my theory about the Twilighters is correct).
I'd even go so far as to say that his scheme to turn the Twilighters into pigs is motivated by this need for attention. I mean, what better way to get people to notice you than to cause a town-wide panic?
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I feel like the disguises he uses over the course of the main story also support this theory.
Though Mario, Zip Toad and Professor Frankly are quite different from one another, they all have one important thing in common: they're famous. Mario's a world-renowned adventurer, Zip Toad is a well-known actor and Frankly is a tenured professor whose students love him.
Doopliss even alludes to this after stealing Mario's body, telling him, "You're so popular around here! I just love being you!"
By transforming into beloved figures, Doopliss can get the attention he craves.
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I also think that this is why he joined the Shadow Sirens. Sure, Beldam abuses him almost as badly as she abused Vivian, but at least she notices him. That's better than nothing.
The most conclusive piece of textual evidence is found in the epilogue. In her letter to Mario, Goombella explains that Doopliss has joined Flurrie on-stage in her production of "Paper Mario".
Obviously his shapeshifting abilities make the play a lot more realistic, but why would he bother participating in it at all? This guy was a villain for most of the game. Why would he suddenly decide to join up with one of his enemies?
Because, as far as I can tell, he's not a villain. Just a guy who's sick of being ignored.
I dunno. Doopliss's motivations have never been super clear, but I feel like there's more to him than meets the eye.
If you have any thoughts or ideas of your own, feel free to comment. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.
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suzukiblu · 1 year
comfort w tim please? (i just want some fluff dkjshekdb 😂)
Well, this excerpt isn't Tim comfort, but hopefully counts for Tim fluff?
Context: pre-identity reveal/identity porn/idiots to lovers TimKon.
"Sounds like supervillain talk, dude," Kon says. Tim resolves to dial back on that at this point in his career. He's laying groundwork, yes, but subtlety is still the wiser course of action.
"You say that like you've never socialized with a supervillain before," he says dryly.
"Well, usually ones who wear a bit less," Kon replies, grinning wickedly at him.
"So you're telling me I should invest in a crop top before I try to take over the world and remake it in my own image?" Tim asks still more dryly as he raises an eyebrow at him with a little smirk, and Kon laughs and steps in a little closer, giving him a not very subtle up-and-down with his eyes.
"Only if you're trying to recruit me for your evil plans," he says, grin turning sharp. Tim wants to lick his teeth. "So I dunno, what are your feelings on Daisy Dukes?"
"I'm going to be honest, I'm not actually that much of an exhibitionist so at this point we're just describing my ideal costume updates for you," Tim informs him.
"Oh yeah?" Kon asks with another laugh even as he visibly preens at the suggestion. Tim is all for that, personally. Both the preening and the theoretical updates, in fact. And, a little more weirdly, just the idea of having anything to do with what Kon might ever decide to wear.
Yeah, that's probably a later thought, Tim decides. Like, a private-time kind of later thought.
"You're solar-powered, aren't you?" he says reasonably. "Showing a bit more skin can't hurt."
"I wonder if Superman would buy that excuse," Kon says musingly.
"Power Girl exists," Tim says still more reasonably. "And Supergirl wears a miniskirt, last I checked."
"Valid," Kon says, putting on a mock-thoughtful expression and tapping the side of his jaw. "Maybe I'll put in some cutouts and go for a lower neckline, tell the big guy he's making the rest of us look like prudes. What do you think, bikini or high-cut bottoms?"
"I don't know the difference," Tim lies, desperately trying not to overheat and die at that question and every single accompanying mental image that his useless brain has so helpfully decided to supply. "You'll have to provide examples."
"Will I now," Kon says, grinning all over again and pointedly cocking a hip. "What, pretty boy, you want a fashion show?"
"Well I did want to be a photographer when I was a kid," Tim says, although it was definitely never that kind of photography he had in mind. Kon laughs again and shifts in even closer, though, so it's worth it. Tim is mortified, but also undeniably into just . . . all of this, really, just everything about this conversation. Robin can't flirt with Superboy, but, well . . .
He's taking advantage a little, he can admit, but it's still just . . . nice.
He's wanted to flirt with Kon for way too long, at this point. Indulging in a little bit of it isn't the worst thing he could do.
And again, it's Kon, so it's not like it's serious or anything. The guy won't even remember this conversation tomorrow, much less anything about Tim Drake.
. . . admittedly that'd be counterproductive to Tim's long-term goals here, but still. He's willing to take his time on this. There's a plan. It has steps. Layers. Processes.
"I like you, man," Kon says with a wider grin, which is in absolutely no way whatsoever in the plan. "You're funny."
It occurs to Tim, almost disbelievingly, that he might've . . . made a good impression on Kon? Somehow?
Well that's weird.
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fleshengine · 3 months
unironically, dealing with like... casual transmisogyny is the most exhausting thing. I see a post on instagram, the first slide says "trans erotica" and I think "awesome, I wonder what's in it?" As I go through the slides I notice... huh these first couple are all transmasc erotica, well maybe the last few will be transfem. So I keep scrolling, and while it doesn't specify if the books have transmasc or transfem characters, there are tags for the relationships and they're all fucking Ms. "MM relationship" "MMM polycule" and I get to the end and there's not a single one that has a transfem character. I go to leave a comment like "hey please put 'transmasc' instead of 'trans' so people know what you're talking about. But I check the description first because that's polite. They've already added a section in the description (at the very bottom) saying next time they'll be clearer. "Title slide should definitely say transMASC erotica! I will makes this more clear in future versions, as trans women and femmes are too often neglected in discussions of trans literature [double heart emoji] (added 7/8/2024)"
Remake the post? I'm not kidding. If other transfems see this post, get excited and then scroll through the whole thing and then go to the comments, enough that the poster was made aware of the mix up, then it's going to push this post in the algorithm. This person is benefitting from misleading people, and they are aware of it. But fixing it is just too much work. And like... okay fine I get that it's a little exhausting to re-edit the image and then takedown and reupload the post. But when I went to their account to take a poke around I saw they made a part II to their trans erotica post.
I thought "oh cool they didn't change the first image, maybe they've included transfem erotica now!" Second sentence of the first paragraph of description: "Offering up transmasc erotica collection PART TWO bc I've been staying fed recently [trans flag][black heart][bow][smiling devil face]" Which at least personally I found really frustrating to read. They used the exact same graphic for the first slide as they used in part I, again implying that there would be trans people in general. I went through the books, there's two amab enbies, both of which are side characters it seems one of which is the devil So yeah, horray, you included tranfems. But the focus is still clearly on transmasc characters. But to be fair, it was posted before the edit to part I's description was added. But also even though part II was posted before that edit, it doesn't have an edit of it's own. Probably because there's plausible deniability in the form of the amab enby characters, so they can claim that all trans people are included. Despite it being two characters in ten books, neither of which are a trans woman. It's the sort of fake, tokenizing inclusion that really starts to get under my skin and pour sand in my joints.
I went through all the posts they've made since part II, I'd go through all the ones since part I but I don't have that kind of time and frankly this is fucking exhausting. Every book they talk about, sans the two featuring amab enbies mentioned earlier, is about transmasc characters. In both erotica and other genres, that's all this person offers. It's also really telling when they make a post about "trans enby & gender queer book accounts of follow", where I would assume that they might shout out a transfem account that focuses on that side of erotica, and from what I can tell every single account of the nine they shout out is transmasc.
People in real life: "hey dude what's up?"
Yeah yeah reality check whatever. Okay so is this account in and of itself a problem? No, a 800 follower instagram account that talks about books does not a cause for alarm make. Is this indicative of a wider spread issue in the queer community? Yeah actually, the exclusion (intentional or not) of transfem stories and creators from the community starts with what individual people are engaging with. If all you read is transmasc books, and all you talk to are transmasc people then you're going to have issues when trans people aren't that. I'm not trying to attack this account, I didn't include their username very intentionally. I'm just using them as an instance of a specific brand of transmisogyny that I see a lot and find fucking exhausting, that being extremely trans positive accounts that only ever talk about transmascs. I don't know where I'm going with this. I didn't really have a plan.
There's an aversion to trans women. For a variety of reasons society hates us. People who have an easier time integrating with society at large tend to overlook that, and instead often adopt some of those aversions subconsciously. They're not going to mistreat you in public, or do anything obvious, they've got manners, but they're not gonna read books about you, or shout you out. It sucks because I feel like a crazy person pointing it out. I didn't talk about it for years because I thought people would think I'm weird, but discussions of transmisogyny on tumblr have opened my eyes to the fact that I'm not alone, that other people also see this, and that it's an actual problem.
Thanks sisters. It sucks on this boat, but at least it's crewed.
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0008753 · 4 months
I AM NOT YOUR FINAL GIRL, p2          .    .    .
[  *  ]      writing prompt      )         :       below, you will find a series of various prompts from claire c. holland's, i am not your final girl. these can also be altered as seen fit to better suit the characters in question. content warning: the following prompts may not be suitable for everyone as they contain references to violence, sex, blood, death, and murder.
"some women never adapt to walls that close in like grabbing hands." "it always begins with the good intentions of men." "like a leash, bringing me back to you by inches." "I have not learned how to be obedient." "I only hurt myself as much as you." "I am God and Punisher, Mary full of rage." "I can't exist in a way that comforts you." "it tugs at my ribs and yanks at a place where I keep my grief, hidden and warm above my belly." "you are callous, but I would not change you." "I want to hurt you. I want to offend." "if you follow into the thicket, don't forget to take up the ax." "tell me why I should mythologize this." "if we were able to evolve as we wished, women would all have wings." "you're in here with me." "they are harder to set apart than you know." "slip into my skin, hug it close to your bones." "you'll want to carry a weapon." "it's not the devil you need to worry about, but the devil you know." "your empathy. it's that sad, fragile, beautiful thing that will ruin you." "I know your thoughts." "together, we will remake the fragmented world." "don't you want to come with me?" "it's exhausting, all this." "I thought you liked loaded weapons." "you won't be right every time." "for once, I'll remake the world in my image." "I know you'll laugh, and it will feel like a slap to my jaw." "I will use all this against you, and you will not see it coming." "I am the person who goes back into the house because I cannot stand waiting on the lawn." "pick up this steel rod, clench it in both fists. " "I can't be preserved in this expectant state." "it is shocking, how easy it is to become the force that infiltrates, that brings the sad building plunging into ash. to join a lick of flame with air." "flesh on fire smells like something disoriented, a creature running blind." "this is the wake for all things lost." "there is no ending for me here." "you don't know it yet, but your world is shattered. " "are all of us daughters doomed to become our mothers?" "I'd rather arm myself in blood than be a pretty statue to stare at." "they don't like something that slips through their fingers like water." "hands can make cradles around bodies or throats." "a wound needs pressure to stop its overflowing." "so maybe this is how the world ends. not with a bang or a whimper, but with revolution. the promise of something new." "if I lay my hands on you, will you falter? dissolve beneath my palms and leave me gasping bare?" "grief is a wild dog snapping jaws alongside my neck." "if this is too savage and beautiful to bear, I'm sorry."
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omeletcat · 2 months
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ALRIGHT So i'm planning on making Luca's attacks soon, well i would be working on them but i hit a road block, i am not rly happy with the old design/vibe of Luca's attacks.
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These are Luca's old attacks in their old design! as you can see the animations aren't very good, and neither is the art, since then i have improved a LOT when it comes to pixel art and now i am going to remake these attacks to add to my game, i need to redo the animations in the new palette and with the new design!
BUT that is kinda hard.. since i want their attacks to look.. good you know? and that old boring slash is kinda boring, so i want to add more!!
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So my first attempt to make the vfx better was to make it more round? and have little twirly lines, but that.. looks weird, it doesn't give off the right vibe.
i'm rly struggling rn cause i don't know what i want maybe i should go the same route as i did with Rae's attacks!
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For example here is Rae's original Parry attack! and i changed that attack to be a combo of 3 different animations/attacks that do more damage each time!
its obvious that the right image is WAY better in quality and colors and.. everything, but that attack was a sword slice, no Magicy things yet.. and Luca uses more magic.
Luca's attacks are: 1 --- A long range attack the animation has to be some sort of slice, because if i don't and i make it like a punch or smth, it would look rly weird if the player aims anywhere that isn't exactly the same direction as the punch. that is why the old version was a slice and why the new version probably will be too.
originally the projectile that got shot was a fist, because i like the spell mage hand in D&D and thought it would just be a cool magic thing they can do, but maybe i should change that as well.
2 --- A gravity punch, basically Luca just does a punch and circles will appear that make the enemies shoot away, if they hit a wall while being thrown away, they take damage!
And besides attacks Luca can also dash, pushing themself forward with the gravity rings! i am also unsure how i want this to look.
I basically need to decide on a general vibe for Luca's magic!
if you have any idea's tips or comments pls share!! any kind of help is insanely appreciated!!!!
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daily-mizuki-water · 1 month
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Hi!! Posting images of Mizuki Akiyama daily along with a reminder to drink water. just here for a good time, and i interact with others a lot!! i try my best.
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Feel free to ask me anything as long as it isn't nsfw!! I'm a minor so that stuff creeps me out. I'm a queer person who likes queer things!! She/they mainly but anything's fine!! i'll be doing arg stuff. Decoding others, making my own, etc!! While I personally will not be making horror, I may be interacting with that content made by others. All of it is tagged underneath #unreality, #arg, and #alternate reality game appropriately so if you wouldn't like to see it you can block those tags!! decoding miiight no longer occur? @steampoweredkettle is for that but i might just not use it. idk man i forget aghhhhh if i miss a day gilbert the fish dies from lack of mizuki water. sorry gilbert. if you miss a day then oh no!! nothing happens. drink water still though yuri: @daily-kanaena-vitamins. niigo polycule except for mafuyu @daily-vitamin-shizuku. shizumizuwater yuri i think. r @daily-kohane-vitamins. mizuhane yuri !! yippie yeahhh @mizuki-vitamins-daily. one of my fav guys ever 🔥 @daily-vitamin-honami toxic yuri?!?!?
if you wanna get on here just ask in my inbox (these rarely have anythign to do with the actual pjsk characters. we are just being silly here trust me)
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Tagging system: #modtalking = silly stuff, interacting with others, everything ooc #mizutalking = stuff in character!! i.e asks, interacting with other pharmacy lore, my own lore. #unreality = decodings, things that aren't real. not necessarily creepy stuff but could also be rp threads and the like or silly stuff
#mizuwaterlore = my own lore. tag may be swapped out later because i'm remaking things right now!! checkout @bzs3saa67z6t0s, maybe? #arg / #alternate reality game = arg/horror stuff that i'm interacting with + decodings.
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fanart!! or just things i receive. thank you for all of the support! !! thought it should be put here so everyone can see :]
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resources (more will be added as i use them!!) dividers
remember to click!! it only takes a second!!
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MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA — After fierce backlash to their racist AI image generation tool, executives at Google have paused the release of the software and promised to do a better job of hiding the AI's racism.
"Here at Google, we remain unabashedly committed to racism," said CEO Sundar Pichai. "However, we do admit that our rabid racial animus was maybe too 'in-your-face' for version one of our Gemini AI. We will redouble our efforts to ensure our hateful bigotry is less obvious in future updates so that our anti-human agenda can continue to remake the world in the image of an insufferably woke corporate HR lady, except this time undetected. Thank you."
Google Gemini AI faced criticism this week after producing results that some believe showed a clear bias against anyone white or male. While critics condemned the biased algorithm as "racist," supporters of Gemini disagreed. "Everyone knows it's impossible to show hatred and bigotry towards white males, since everyone knows they're the cause of all the world's problems and not really human anyway," said Jen Gennai, who leads Google's AI Responsibility Initiative. "If you don't believe whiteness should be eradicated in all its forms, you're clearly a racist. I know this because I went to college."
Sources within Google have confirmed their less-obviously racist AI will be ready for release in one month.
At publishing time, Google had still not announced any plans to change its racist search results.
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fantomette22 · 10 days
Little theory about Zelda Echoes of Wisdom timeline
Alright i figure I should do a quick lil post about it before the game release. Because i have some thoughts about where it could fit in the timeline? Actually i have a couple of possibilities i wanna share. With people questioning themselves with what we learn on the promotional materials, trailers, & japanese website + 1 image of the beginning of the game there's lot of speculations going in all direction.
Minor possible spoilers ahead (but besides map & screenshot from the website & trailer nothing much)
First nintendo somehow change the downfall timeline a bit and I just notice now WHAT IN HYLIA?!
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Hyrule historia timeline (2011)
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Tears of the kingdom masterworks (2024)
Did they just casually swap Link’s awakening with the Oracle series?? Why? How? I- I don't understand. Is it because of LA remake? A link with theh possible development of Echoes of Wisdom?🤔 (ahah get it?) (We’ll probably have to wait years to know were exactly it fit too now… i mean finger cross that Nintendo will reveal it in a few months…)
So now where does EOW would fit hm? I saw many speculations on it:
Same world/Link as ALTTP, LA, and the oracle series (soft reboot remake)
2. In between ALTTP and ALBW : but different Hyrule, different Link & Zelda
3. After ALBW, different Zelda & Link
4. Before ALTTP? Different Hyrule and Zelda but a Link we already know? (more of a crack theory of mine but hear me out later ok?!)
So one of the most logical take would be it's in the same world as ALLTP, LA etc. With the same Link Zelda etc
Could be after LA or Oracle or in between but in all cases after ALTTP. And that would be another adventure for this dear Link and Zelda! But there's a few things that people point out that didn't work : Like it's not exactly the same hyrule/map even if it's similar, there's Gerudo, Mojo, Gorons, Zoras etc, references to the goddess Hylia, to sheikah etc
Well yes it's a good point! But it could just be because it's kind of a soft reboot remake? In 1991 lot of things in more recent Zelda games just didn't exist. And I wouldn't mind a remake of ALTTP rebooted with lot of extra things. So ALTTP happened before that but not the way we know it probably.
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It seems the map could still kinda fit apparently.
As for 2 & 3 options well that could be possible but there's a few things bothering me 🤔
Link seems like he's at full lvl, like he already save Hyrule and came back from an adventure. So which one? Would be weird if we never saw it before. I can’t refund the image but it’s in one of the last trailer : there’s a man on a building calling for help because he’s attack by a moblin. He ask if we’re Link to help him out. Another clue Link helped people around before.
(Plus ALTTP & ALBW Hyrule are to similars from something like this to be a different incarnation and in the middle. Same with after ALBW and between Zelda 1&2. Gerudo, Gorons etc fit more before than after ALBW when they all disappear afterwards.
Some people point out it couldn't be ALTTP Link because his hat have a green strip instead of yellow?
Well Link in Link's awakening remake have a green strip.
And actually he has 2 hats anyway now 😅 problem solve
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Yes that's Link house in EOW it seems and there's a lil hat! With a yellow strip.
« But it’s not Link’s house from ALTTP » you’re right it’s in Southorn village. But in Alttp i think it was his uncle house right? Maybe he returned in his og village afterwards. Or it’s because of the reboot. Or you’re right it’s not the same…
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Some other people point this out ^ too. That if Zelda don’t know Link they can’t be the same as in ALTTP right? (Well they did that in Oracle too apparently?) in TOTK many characters who are supposed to know Link have no idea but it’s the devs choice for new player so- could be for new players too. So no accurate in lore? and i mean Zelda here is trying to stay anonymous. (See the wanted posters all around hyrule for her). If she says she know Link and it’s her bestie she might get into trouble 😂 so who knows..
4. Ok here’s my crazy theory but i hope it’s not that. But if it happened hello?!
What if! What if- Link went to the past for real?! MINDBLOWN
Ok more seriously if it's indeed a different Hyrule, different Princess Zelda than in ALTTP/LA universe (even if well everything point at at LA sequel), maybe it could still be the same Link! The same than in LA remake. Who was send back in time (or the future)? (that would be why there's Gerudo, Mojo, Gorons etc). That would explain why Link is so OP, why he's helping everyone around and why he went directly to fight Ganon to save Zelda. But man the implications... that would be insane? And- how?! If it's really that I will blame the Wind fish. So wait in that case would that meant he could be the ancestor of alttp zelda if how is a few century before?! *faints* still think alba zelda being his descendant his more logical too... anyway-
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My 2 grain of salt theory on Tri is that if Link does have the triforce at the beginning of the game. Well his wish to protect hyrule/zelda could have summon Tri. But who knows.
In all cases the game is releasing soon! Cannot wait! And we might get seattle on all of this soon! Or not 💀 if the zelda team stays vague at usual… (Sahasrahla save us please! No seriously he would be a great indicator). I still think it might be a ALTTP/LA sequel (while being soft reboot but... well people did touch very interesting points... we'll see)
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gamebunny-advance · 7 months
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Overlays + Logo Experiments 2023 (Kuneho sa Kahon)
This is some old work that I did last year.
I'm not gonna call this stuff "scrapped," because I may still use them someday, it's just that I don't know if or when I'm gonna start streaming again.
I forgot how long ago I actually made these, but I do know that it was during a time when I actually sucked it up and sat down with Inkscape for a while. I've probably forgotten everything I learned since then, but I remember it not being as difficult as I thought it was going to be, so picking it back up again probably won't take too long.
Anyway, the actual notes...
I made 2 versions of the "Game" overlay, 16:9 and 4:3 to accommodate more gaming eras (the games shown are just placeholders). I'd like to have a dual screen overlay too, but it might have to be less "showy" to give the game enough room to actually be seen.~
It's mostly inspired by things like the Windows XP music player, just pinkified to match Kun3h0's aesthetic.
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The message box is of course lightly tamagotchi inspired and is supposed to match with Kun3h0's GAB. (Well actually, I designed these overlays first, so it's the GAB that takes after the overlay, even using the same background image for her tummy screen).
There isn't a proper overlay for art streams yet. I'm always accidentally grabbing the edges of my workspace and resizing it, so I don't think a boxed overlay would work that well for it. Maybe just a border and a place to put the alerts would be fine, but I don't really have any ideas for it~
They aren't quite "finished" yet. There are supposed to be icons in the trio of hot pink buttons, but my placeholder ideas for them didn't look great.
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(Icons originally from Icons8)
The idea was to bring in some more of that tamagotchi influence by having "care icons" that would allude to some of the features of Kun3h0's game, but I just don't think the icons I chose really work. Plus, I think they're just busy. I should probably just throw some hearts in there and call it a day~
Next are the logos. I actually really like the first one, but it's a little hard to work with.
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All the empty space above the title next to the ears creates, well, an empty space when the logo is at the top edge of anything. It's just very ugly to me, but there's not much I could think to do about it.
So, I made the next iteration. It's a lot more rectangular, so it's easier to place in scenes, but I think the layering of the letters is a little off. I love the idea for it, but it's just short of being great. With a few more tweaks, I think it could really work.
But you know, I feel like the problem that almost all my logos have is that they're all bulky. There are just a lot of words in there since I include the English translation, but I figure that maybe I might be able to just condense everything into a single icon: like maybe the GAB Micro is enough of a symbol on its own to work? Maybe throw a couple of K's onto the screen, but otherwise I don't think I actually need much more than that. So, maybe I'll work on something like that soon.
The last thing is just some vector art tests I did. I tried remaking this faux vector art from a while ago. It was just a way to try and get used to the program. I also tried to remake my pictogram 1010s, to varying success.
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melanieratford · 1 year
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On May 5th, 2015, my best friend gathered a bunch of people to go see Avengers: Age of Ultron at the theater in the town next to my hometown. At the time, I was in no mood to be in a relationship... As I had only been single for maybe 6 months. When we got to the theater, she pointed across the foyer and said “There’s my college friends.”... I zeroed in on the guy that had the Sheldon Cooper shirt and yelled “OH MY GOD! SHELDON!”. I did NOT realize the guy I had just yelled at was super cute until AFTER I had yelled at him.
When we got into the actual theater, most of the college friends sat in the front, but the cute guy sat next to me. The more he talked, the more I liked him. I wanted to hold his hand, but I had just met him. It was kind of awkward because, on the other side of me was my best friend and her boyfriend who were cuddling...
After the movie, half of us went to IHOP and the others went to Rosa’s Tortilla Factory. The cute guy went to Rosa’s... He should have come to IHOP.... Because the other girl that was with my half of the group and I wouldn’t shut up about how cute the boy who sat next to me was. My best friend ended up scolding him the next morning saying stuff like “You’re in so much fucking trouble! My friends wouldn’t shut up about how cute they think you are!”. He asked her if he could have my number and she angrily said “YES! You can have her number!”. On April 4th, 2016, after almost a year of talking and getting to know each other, we started dating. A year later we went to see the live action remake of Beauty and the Beast. I got us rings that say “His Beauty” and “Her Beast”.
On May 5th, 2023, 8 years after we first met, we went to the theater in my town (the theater we met at closed down) to see Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3. After the movie, he took me in front of the big poster in the theater’s foyer and proposed! Obviously I said “YES!”! His mom took pictures and gave us a $50 gift card to On The Border. When we left the theater, we went to the restaurant and ate Tex-Mex on the patio while we enjoyed live music. It was absolutely perfect!
Funnily enough, my fiancé accidentally let it slip what day he was gonna propose on before Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania even came out, so I had time to prepare and make myself perfect. I got us shirts that were just like what we wore the day we met. I bought makeup and nail stuff to make sure my nails and makeup looked amazing and we both asked for the day off. I don’t wear makeup! Yet, for this day, I wore Sailor Moon eyeshadow and lip gloss, as well as eyeliner and mascara!
@candysweetposts edited Castiel’s proposal illustration to look like my fiancé and me. I sent her pictures of what we were gonna wear so that it would be as accurate to how the proposal would actually look as possible. I even sent her a pic of my engagement ring (because I helped my fiancé pick it out).
Drachea Rannak did a wedding image of our My Hero Academia characters, Slipstream and Kaiju, at their wedding. The background is the ballroom from the animated Beauty and the Beast and the arch is the Infinity Stones. Margot’s dress is the style I want, but I’m thinking about getting a black dress, so my fiancé is able to see her outfit and not have to worry about bad luck. We’re gonna use this image as our “Welcome Sign” for the wedding. Drachea also sent me the foreground of just the two of them so that I can get a custom acrylic stand made for the cake topper!
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honey-minded-hivemind · 7 months
Yan parent Apocalypse??? Woah
Maybe the reader has a reincarnation sort of power and turns out to be his child during the Egyptian era?
(the X-Men evolution version, but now that I think about it he doesn't get much character depth to him)
Oh heavens, I almost forgot he was a possible option- But, to be honest, yes, I can do that. Let's do this for you, Apocalypse Anon:
You had always had a... unique... power.
One that earned you quite the reputation.
You were a mutant who could reincarnate.
That meant you could live forever, basically, as when one life died, you'd pass to another, and the cycle repeated, unbreaking, unending, since as far back as you can remember. That being said...
You were afraid of your past.
Namely, your father, once a Pharoah, who wanted to remake the world in his image... En Sabah Nur, or what he would later be called, Apocalypse.
You did everything in your power in each life to ensure he never broke out of his eternal imprisonment. If he were to break free all H*ll would break loose. He was nearly all-powerful, a fighter, someone who waged wars and won then, not backing down and never giving in.
You were possibly the one sentient being he cared about. You were his child, after all.
His one heir, named a god in their own right...
And now all your hard work to ensure he never escaped had been destroyed. Crushed. Obliterated. All because some shape-shifting, mind-controller, and some poor teen with... a LOT of powers? broke in and broke the last seal on your father's tomb.
The moment he's released, you can see him drawing the powers from the poor girl, and the statue of the shapeshifter, nothing but a stone husk of her former glory.
"That's enough, En Sabah Nur! Release her!" you scream, charging into the fray. Yet you don't don't make it far enough to land a blow as Apocalypse uses his new abilities to toss you aside.
"That is enough, pest," he intones, then turns, starting to leave the rocky chamber. You can hear others approaching, a smaller mutant running past as he goes to check on the fallen teenager. To stop any further damage, you play your last card:
"Father! It's me! Your Lotus of the Nile, your Heir! Remember? You once saw one floating into the royal pools, upon which a bee landed, taking from it its nectar. You dubbed me your lotus, your nectar of the flower, the honey of the gods," you cry out carefully, voice echoing in the chamber. You watch warily as the mutant freezes, turning to face you. His eyes are hard to read, cold and calculating... After a small eternity, he finally speaks...
"Child... It has been too long... It seems I'm not alone," he says, then waves his hand. In a flash your pulled forward, forced along as he ascends into the upper chambers. "We have much to do, my dear lotus... Now, it is time to remake the world as it should have been."
You glance back, sighing quietly with relief. At least the other two were spared for now. You mouth to them a message:
"I'll help you. Eyes on the inside."
And then you and your father are brought into a battle, facing off against the mutants who've come to stop him, and all you can do is pray they believe you, trust you enough to supply them help from the inside of Apocalypse's schemes. If you survive his 'love' long enough...
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ibrithir-was-here · 2 years
Phantom of the Opera Remake Dream
So I have no idea why I dreamed this. I haven't listened to Phantom lately at all, but-- last night, I dreamed that there had been a remake of the Phantom of the Opera musical as a big screen film attempt again.
In the dream reality this had come out a few years back and had done well overall, though there were controversies.
It was incredibly visually beautiful film. I remember feeling like it felt like a Guillermo del Toro fantasy sort of thing with a touch of Tarsem Sighn, really honing in on POTO as a modern-day fairytale horror movie and more focused on making an immersive dream like world than really being accurate periodwise.
The costumes were beautiful, especially in the Masquerade scene, where Christine and Raoul were actually wearing masks too for once. Think Labyrinth meets Eiko Ishioka. And there was a whole motif of White,Red, and Black going on through the three main characters where it symbolized how innocent or corrupt they were becoming as the horror of the Phantom's haunting went on. Christine starts out pure white for example and gradually gains other colors and the Phantom's only white was his mask, which was a literal false face.
The controveries had come in that several of seemingly set points of the musical had been reworked. From least to most controversial:
Christine in the movie was now book accurate blonde (I remember thinking she looked a little like Florence Pugh but not exactly).
Several scenes were added in to give Christine and Raoul more instances to bond and really create a deeper relationship, and Raoul was a much more active character now, he and Christine acting more as a team eventually
The Phantom's ghostly/otherworldiness was kept ambiguous much longer, so much so that the audience starts to wonder if maybe he really is some sort of vengeful spirit, not an angel but something unhuman, possibly even demonic. We know we should know he's just a man doing conjuring tricks but we're suddenly unsure.
Also his mask was now a full mask instead of a half one, sometimes even covering his mouth entirely, such as in the Masquerade scene were he's all in red except for a full black skull mask.
Also his face is never actually fully shown. We see people react to it, and glimpse warped reflections of it in water and cracked mirrors but never see the full thing (how they would have pulled off the final confrontation scene I have no idea)
And finally, most controversial amoung dream film critics though I'm sure it woupd have done numbers on Tumblr xD ---they made it a proper Love Triangle where the Phantom despite his jealousy and hatred of Raoul starts to be charmed by his devotion and innocence and Raoul despite his desire to protect Christine from this admittedly dangerous presence finds himself being drawn in just as she was.
The entire Past the Point of No Return song was reworked/restaged so now Raoul at one point sneaks on stage to aid Christine and he and the Phantom end up dueling and singing parts together, sometimes so close they're literally cheek to cheek.
I woke up at 5 to that image and frantically wrote it all down and made a pinterest mood board 😅 So definitely expect some art for this!
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cemeteryspider · 8 months
Just A Little Mysterious
Mysterio!/Quentin Beck x Vigilante!/ Wife! Reader
*Set during the events of Spiderman 2*
Summary: What-if Quentin Beck had a wife during the events of Spider-Man 2, and helped Miles fix the situation
Trigger Warning: Kidnapping, Unconsciousness, Violence, and Emotional Distress
Word Count: 1243 Words
Quentin Beck was rushing to the main Mysterium in the Coney Island Fair. A work of art expertly designed by him and his team.
Although hesitant at first of using the Mysterio name and image to advertise and promote the new form of entertainment, Betsey and Cole told him that they were remaking his image and showing the world that he is not a bad guy, just that he had done bad things in the past. When his lovely wife Y/n got hold of this information she just about burst.
"God, they can't just force you to be someone you're not anymore. This is ridiculous. You are Quentin Beck not some super-villain. You've done so much to move past that life and to dredge that up for some ad-revenue, it's sickening"
She furiously started typing on her phone presumably to Betsey or Cole or both. Carefully I removed the phone from her frenzied hands and turned it off.
"Sweetheart it's okay. I think it will be good to give a new life to Mysterio. Show the world that people can change. Maybe inspire some others to change along the way"
Quentin wrapped his arms around her gently and started to sway. He could feel her anger drip away with every deep breath she took.
He knew she learned this technique from the same therapist he was court mandated. When she was calm enough she gave him a big squeeze signaling she was ready to talk and that she wasn't going to speak out of anger.
"Sorry, I just know how hard you've worked to separate Mysterio from Quentin. I just don't want to you lose progress over some buisness decision someone forced upon you"
"I know but I understand that Mysterio is an act I will put on to help the world now. Quentin is the man behind the mask who deals with the paperwork and who has a loving wife to come home to"
She smiled up at him with her soft lips. He leaned down to give her a quick peck.
"As long as you always come home to me"
"There is no one else in the world that I rather would"
He should have listened to her that day. Took himself and his former villain name off the menu. Now he was running to save his wife from what ever mess he had got her into in the first place.
Once Beck arrived at the Mysterium he was swiftly deal with. Told to put handcuffs on and his (now former) business partners would lead him to Y/n.
Only, once he was standing in a maintenance closet, and he turned around to demand to know where his wife was, he was swiftly knocked out with the butt of a gun and his head smacked against the cabinet beside him.
He could only hope his wife was okay wherever she was.
Inside a stupid snow globe of New York with nothing to do except hope to find a way out. Which for however long Y/n was in there, she couldn't find.
Frustration brewing, she preemptively started her breathing exercises. She wanted to call out to Quentin, but knowing exactly who was behind the mystery now it seemed useless.
Her friend Miles Morales asked for her help with solving the cases with the Mysteriums, which she happily obliged. She knew this would help Quentin and Spider-Man solve the case laid out before them. However, the more they uncovered the more her husband seemed to be the culprit, but she knew him like no one else.
She saw him cry when he came home from work, and get frustrated at the technology as well as his co-founders. Never angry enough to do the things the dev tapes insinuated.
Then she thought back to the day when she lost her cool in front of Beck. He calmed her down and everything was starting to make sense. Then she went to confront the two women, Quentin had once called friends, and she landed here.
In a snow globe.
Just as she was starting to lose hope Miles crashed into the tiny New York City and a fight ensued.
She knew what Miles thought, after all he dismissed her help and told her to stop looking into the case. "Conflict of interest", he stated. But went he saw her in the same predicament as him, he understood he had the situation pegged wrong.
She gave him a little wave and they got to work. He was taking out the Mysterio floating around while she was taking out the green goons on the ground with a baton and her Red Room training.
Once Miles turned Mysterio to green mist, he grabbed her hand and we swung towards the portal. Her hair swung around as they whipped through an upside down New York City.
When they swung through the next portal Quentin Beck was standing there holding his chest and breathing heavily in his Mysterio costume.
Y/n was running towards him and held him up a little. He smiled at her and brushed a strand of hair behind her hear.
"I'm so glad you're okay, Darling" He quietly whispered in her ear.
He did his best to turn to Spider-Man, and said the best advice he could,
"Keep fighting. Keep doubting. It is the only way to defeat him"
After a bright flash of purple both Y/n and Miles were in a Coney Island graveyard facing multiple Mysterios. Together they made quick work of the copies finally facing the 'true' Mysterio. The fight was happening fast and Mysterio held Y/n is a chokehold and threw her into a gravestone.
While worried about her the fight for their lives continued. In one final punch Mysterio disappeared and they were in the main room once again.
The illusion broke for the final time, and Miles finally saw Y/n sprawled out on the ground, unconscious. Quickly, he broke the door down to reveal Cole furiously typing on a computer and Betsey yelling to get the illusion back on.
Miles made quick work webbing them up, and inspecting the bumps coming from the closet door.
"I knew you'd find us"
As the police took Betsey and Cole away. Quentin took Y/n to a nearby ambulance, which she was trying to resist but eventually gave into.
Miles rested on top on the Mysterium roof. When Y/n was getting checked out Quentin appeared on the roof next to him.
"still have a lot of questions"
"this should clear things up"
"so can I tell everyone Mysterio's a good guy now?"
A small laugh escaped Beck's mouth.
"Mysterio will always be a villain. Just as Spider-Man always be a hero. It's when you start looking at the people behind the masks that things get messy"
They both looked at Y/n who was laughing at Quentin's jokes, and when Miles turned to look at Beck he was gone.
"Are you truly okay Darling?" Quentin asked as they closed the door to their apartment.
"Yeah I promise I'm doing just fine"
He looked deep into Y/n's eyes and held her close to him. He breathed in the scent of her hair which mingled with sweat and blood.
"I almost lost you"
That's when the tears started to make their way down his face. She held him a little tighter.
"I'm here and I'm not going anywhere"
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cutest-silly-nb · 2 months
my take on the fnv factions if anyone tries to start an actual discussion using this post please go launch yourself off the side of the dam/lh/silly
the ncr: they're trying their best but they're also bureaucratic and also trying to be america again which didn't work out last time
the legion: this is a shoddy remake of rome led by a guy who is completely misunderstanding old world philosophy, speaks an okay amount of latin, and has a brain tumor. they also do slavery and that's not very based of them
mr. house: he's like caesar but he has a better grasp of old world philosophy on account of him being from the old world. now unlike the others he actually has some depth to his motivations (well caesar does too but again i think caesar was mostly misunderstanding old world philosophy and is also fucking insane. he talks big shit but he's fucking bonkers). unlike caesar, good old bobby homestead is of sound mind and-- okay scratch that. sound mind and frail body but his motive for preserving humanity appears to be so that he can have something to dictate. as a dictator.
yes man: if i was in charge of new vegas i'd be freaking awesome at it. here's what i'd do if i was in charge of new vegas in descending order of priority
1. wipe every fucking trace of the legion off the map
2. establish diplomatic relations with the ncr. also, rig the next election.
3. make myself immortal. i'm the best ruler. nothing will go wrong if i do this
4. adopt the name of mr. house because that's a baller motif
5. as the new mr. house, try my best to improve the lives of the people of the newly christened free economic zone of new vegas by using all those fucking resources i've acquired to make freeside not an absolute dump.
6. maybe don't give the policemen rocket salvos
7. design a flag for new vegas. probably something cool
8. make sure my missile defenses are up to par in case someone tries to nuke me
9. relax with a bottle of sunset sarsaparilla
10. alright enough relaxing. deploy forces to arizona (also, make an army. should have put that somewhere in there make a volunteer army that isn't robots. robots are bad for the image)
11. right. deploy human forces into arizona and inform them that the legion is gone. maybe expand into arizona.
12. check on the ncr. if the new president doesn't suck major balls, establish diplomatic relations. otherwise, arrange his death.
13. withdraw into the shadows. extend my cloud of influence over the rest of nevada. make the californian government uncomfortable.
14. disappear. ensure new vegas prospers. never talk to anyone ever again. rule from the shadows.
15. i forgot what point i was making. basically i'd be frickin awesome as the ruler of vegas
16. oh i forgot this one. send victor back to goodsprings. conveniently arrange for the death of any raiders who set their sights on it. my point is my main method of attack is convenient deaths. my secondary method is SECURITRON ATTACK 🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖
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