#maybe i just haven't found my people yet idk i'll keep just enjoying this on my own but
my5hiningstars · 2 months
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lukascastelan · 2 months
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Ok, so this is the wall, in my bedroom which consists of many many fandoms or just topics I have grown to enjoy over time. A couple are outdated considering now, but they were pretty special to me when painting it. The wall was finished in 2023 on June 15.
Many were made by printing the logos/designs on my printer, tracing the backs really hard in a pencil, and then firmly pressing each design onto the wall so I had a stencil of what I was coloring in. Many are just designs I found on the internet at the time and others are just logos or things I thought would be a good symbol for said fixation at the time.
Did I want it to look different at the beginning? Yes, originally it was going to be the symbols or main characters in one big collage but I realized that I have zero art skills and it wouldn't ever be accomplished so I made the design more simple and now I really like how it turned out.
Do I wish a few were different now because of time or lack of interest? Yes and no. Yes, because I either don't like a certain topic at all anymore or I just could have something that I think represents me more on there but for right now I'm okay with how it is. No, because I look at this wall every day of my life, and seeing a certain square can remind me of a specific time in my life that I really enjoyed and I love that feeling.
Do I think that some of the squares are a little cringe now over time and how I have changed as a person? Absolutely but I could never ever get myself to get rid of those ones because they might be looked upon as weird or cringe now but at the time they helped me get through so many tough times that I can't get myself to get rid of those.
A few of these squares will definitely be changed but at least 97% of them I love seeing every day because of the memories and good times. I love my wall and it represents what I've liked over the years and that's okay. You should be able to like what you want without being criticized for it, hell I've debated posting this because I was scared that people were going laugh at the things on there but to be honest? Let me laugh with you as I remember how that square I cringe on now or how that square I would defend with my life. Just be you, that's all.
What are the fixations that are on the wall, and do I still want them there? I'll tell ya starting from the top right corner.
863 - Youtube series (Keep)
Five Nights at Freddy's - Video game series (Keep)
Amphibia - Animated TV show (Keep)
Amulet - Graphic novel sereis (Keep)
Arcane - Animated TV show (Keep)
Bendy and The Ink Machine - Video game series (Keep)
Brooklyn 99 - TV show (Keep)
Carmen Sandiego - Animated TV show (Keep)
Chuckle Sandwich - Podcast (Keep)
Cuphead - Video Game (Keep)
DanTDM - Youtuber (Keep)
Compass South - Graphic Novel series (Keep)
Detroit Become Human - Video Game (Keep)
The Last of Us - Video Game series/TV show (Keep)
The Dragon Prince - Animated TV show (Keep)
Mandela Catalogs - Analog Horror series (Keep)
DreamSMP - Youtube/ Minecraft server (Depends, I always look back now and cringe at myself but then I remember how it was at the time and how it felt to me at the time. Probably keep though just because of how it got me through Covid and just a rough spot in general)
Droid - Youtuber (Keep)
Eddsworld - Youtube series (Keep)
Flash - I watched the TV show (Keep)
Harry Potter - Books/Movies (I honestly like Fantastic Beats movie spinoff more than the main books/movies. Idk why but this one might change over time or it'll stay, haven't really decided that yet, maybe)
Henry Danger - TV show (Keep)
Hilda - Animated TV show (Keep)
How to Train Your Dragon - Movies/Books/TV Show (Keep)
Infinity Train - Animated TV show (Keep)
Jurrasic Park - Movies/Books (Keep)
The Group Chat - Youtube group/Podcast (Keep)
Last Kids on Earth - Books/TV show (Keep)
Lucifer - TV show (Most likely change)
Marvel (Keep)
Merlin - TV show (Keep)
Minecraft - Video Game (Keep)
Star Wars - Movies/TV shows/books/etc. (Keep)
Ninjago - Animated TV show (Keep)
The Owl House - Animated TV Show (Keep)
Percy Jackson - Books/TV show/Movies (Keep)
Pokemon - Video game series, etc. (I really don't know why I put this on here, I was never a really big fan other than owning the cards so will probably change)
Sam and Colby - Youtubers (Keep)
The Walten Files - Analog Horror series (Keep)
Space Boy - Webtoon but I found it through the graphic novels (Keep)
Spongebob - Animated TV show (Keep)
Steven Universe - Animated TV show (Keep)
Stranger Things - TV show (Keep)
Subnautica - Video Game series (Keep)
Treasure Planet - Animated Movie (Keep)
Umbrella Acadamy - TV Show (Keep)
Voltron - Animated TV Show (Probably change because I never really got into it but binged it with my sister, liked it but not love)
Wings of Fire - Books/Graphic Novels (Keep)
Things I would want on the wall now
Multiple Analog Horror series
Portal games (Though I painted my closet doors portal themed so I think it cancels out)
maybe some music albums but I have something like that in my room already
The Magnus Protocol
ONG might put Ao3 on there tbh
Some absolute BANGER webtoons
Some more recent YouTube series, animated of course
Over the garden wall was literally a fever dream but I loved it
OH lab rats and Mightty med I grew UP on those
Gravity Falls
More that I can't think of rn
Okay wow um I don't usually post this big but I really like my wall and just wanted to share it. Maybe I'll post some more stuff about my room that I like just because I'm proud of it.
Part 1(This one), Part 2
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panda-of-the-trash · 5 months
[added this at the end: ACCIDENTALLY MADE IT LONG AAAAA] YIPPPEE SO- im bad at explaining and shit but i'll do my best to explain :33 my head has them color coded [no names yet because i suck at those so for now i'll refer to them as colors] Red and blue are human, green is an elf of some sort and i'm still trying to figure out what to make black [maybe elf aswell? idk], they all live together Black is sometimes clueless, head up in the cloud, but it's not on purpose, they're just kind of like that ^^'' [i'll traumatise them later /silly /hj] They get embarressed really easily and act more mature/serious then they actually are, internally they're kind of immature/childish since they haven't really grown up but at least they're trying lol They like to draw embarressing drawings but aren't that confident and scribble them out when they're finished to hide them Sometimes they get carried away and when they're doing bits/jokes, they pull it out for too long but green always makes sure to listen to them and comforts them later, blue laughs either way because they find most things funny, red finds it hard to 'fake' a reaction so they just smile and keep shut, sometimes trying to pipe in and make things less awkward Black is more of a listener but they like talking too, they're the only one who doesn't grumble when they get chores, i'd say their love language is quality time Not sure if i should split it up or something because feel like if i continue it's going to be too long- Green is very much the caretaker of the group, they're a little stubborn and bossy but it's because they care. They know when to goof around but also when to stop, which is something red and [sometimes] blue seem to forget- internally they're mature and mostly independent, the only person they vent to is black and sometimes [for the light stuff] blue, black is a good listener and blue likes being helpful/useful i wanna make all the gang found family btw They're the closest to black and the least close to red, but they still enjoy reds company and they can have fun sometimes when red tones it down a bit and green learns to let loose a lil. Green finds it hard to accept/proccess when people have wronged them, like sometimes it straight up won't load and they'll just go into denial and pretend nothing happened.
I'd say their love language is acts of service or gift giving music does things to my brain
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starrygalazy · 1 year
I'm at a lake house with family for vacation right now. Tired tho so I'm gonna make a Mei journal bc I've wanted to do this for a while and, well, I truly got nothing better to do. Hell idk if I'm even gonna post this. If I do, then enjoy :D (also spoiler, at the end there is a section dedicated to Meiji, so if you don't like that then it's easy to skip)
We just finished another mission in [ENCRYPTED]. It went as well as it could have, not very different from Toronto. We still haven't found a way to remove the subjugator helmets, but Mr. Lindholm is saying the Omnics are unharmed and safe for now which is good.
I'm trying to be around the other agents more than stay huddled in the science wing, which has been fun! Lucio and D.Va are asking me lots of questions about my travels (they want me to keep posting my journals about my adventures) and my experiences. I tell them stories about Captain Opara and the rest of my former team, which still makes me a little sad but I think I'm hiding it good. Zarya and Cassidy have started training me for combat (Zarya's workouts are so tough!), and my aim and strength have steadily been improving. Snowball has been adjusting much faster than me. He's still a little shy, but he's too friendly to not get along with. Everyone pets him if he approaches them, and he loves it. Just wait until he starts stealing their socks!
It's weird to be back around so many people. My last few weeks in Antarctica were just me and Snowball, then when I got to Winston it was him and Tracer. And now we have a whole team, and maybe we'll be getting more agents soon. I missed the bustle of people, but it's still exhausting to be surrounded by so many people, so much noise, so many more dishes to be cleaned. I think I need more of a break. Maybe some sleep will help me out, I haven't gotten a real good night's rest yet. I'm going to try and get some sleep now, since I've written so much already.
Agent Mei signing off! (I still can't believe I'm saying that now.)
EDIT: It's about 2 in the morning. I'm very tired, but I want to write this down because I can't get it off my mind. I just had a nightmare- a really bad one. I woke up with tears on my face and in a cold sweat, and Snowball was nudging me. I must have been screaming or making some kind of noise, because Genji was in my doorway and asked if I was okay. He sounded concerned. I didn't want him to worry though, so I kept saying I was alright (though he wasn't believing me). Then he did something I didn't expect; he left for a moment then came back with some chamomile tea. He asked me if I'd like to meditate with him to ease my mind, and I agreed. We sat and meditated for maybe thirty minutes, and I was surprised but it helped a lot. Afterwards he asked me if I felt better, and made sure I was comfortable before leaving. It was just a really sweet gesture but I also noticed he has a very soothing voice. He did a good job at calming me (and Snowball) down.
I'll thank him in the morning. I heard from Cassidy and Dr. Ziegler that he likes chocolates, maybe I can make him some hot cocoa.
Hey ho thx for reading, lost motivation towards the end but I hope you liked reading!
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sitpwgs · 4 months
Hi! I'm so sorry I haven't replied. I hope you had a good week! Haha that makes sense and is totally a valid reason to watch the show and I'm glad you're enjoying it. Maybe I will start watching a new show soon at some point but I always say that and then I never do. I did end up watching some performances of a few musicals...Gatsby, Water for Elephants, and also Suffs. I had no idea what the musical was about but I think I liked it and it seemed original at least. I also found out that Illinoise is a musical based on Sufjan Stevens songs, and Hells kitchen might be similar with Alicia Keys..idk. I think the problem with theater now is that there's always adaptations so maybe that's why those didn't get nominated. Last year, the best musical winner was Kimberly Akimbo which I think is only based on a play. I'm not even familiar with it but I thought Some Like it Hot had potential too so sometimes it really just depends. Even Newsies is based on the Disney movie and one of my other favorites is Waitress, so they can be good. I don't think I'm going to make predictions but I would be curious what yours are.
Oh that's nice. What did you think? Or what was your ranking of all of Carley Fortune's books? I haven't read Meet Me at the Lake yet but mostly loved Every Summer After. It's sitting on my shelf next to People we meet on vacation so maybe I will read these first. But she said the new book is kinda focused on friendship which was something I enjoyed in Every Summer After so I hope it's good, and I know People we meet on Vacation is too. I was reading mixed reviews on Goodreads earlier but I'm sure I'll find something to enjoy about it. But I just read a snippet of Funny Story and This Summer Will be Different to compare and they seem promising too. I was originally supposed to read and pair Meet Me at the Lake with Happy Place though so now I don't know..lol. How would you compare them to Emily Henry books..either to pair them or just in general. I definitely think there are some similarities with the summery vibes. Hopefully I can decide and stick to it so I will keep you updated.
Did you know what the Outsiders was about since you haven't even seen the movie or did you just know in a general way? The only reason I knew it was from my English class and I probably wouldn't know about it otherwise, which is why I ask. But I think you will like it if you like teen movies, which I love. Unfortunately I have only read the book once compared to seeing the movie a lot over the years but I love the movie so much so if you get a chance, watch the movie after. I'm glad you liked the Gatsby movie cuz that's what I was basing my knowledge of it on lol. Before that, I barely knew what Gatsby was either though lol but probably would have watched it eventually.
I did watch a bootleg of the Pippin revival once and enjoyed it. the circus stuff was cool and I liked the role of a female leading player..but this is the only version I've seen. I think for me it's one of the musicals where I prefer a few songs over the whole musical. I think I remember being kinda confused when it ended too and don't really remember it that well. The circus part is one of the most memorable things about it to me but I did enjoy it.
Omg I was pretty shocked she changed the order of the setlist around for the tour. Like Red is now after Fearless. I kinda wonder what the reasoning for that is, because she could have had it in that order since the beginning? But I guess it's cuz she combined Folklore and Evermore into one set and Evermore was supposed to be there I guess. Some of the cut songs make sense, like the Archer or Tis the Damn Season but Tolerate it kinda had a cool set that was theatrical which is why I liked it. I can't believe she cut Long Live and did not even sing Castles Crumbling..I hope she does at some point if only to see her and Hayley performing together! However it also makes getting it as a surprise song still special to me compared to if she would just perform it at every show so idk. Without that though, I'm sad and there was no reason to cut Long Live, but I understand the first half of shows didn't have it either. I liked the new sets and songs a lot but I can't understand her starting it with But Daddy I Love Him..and I think the Alchemy would be a much better choice than So High School, cuz at least that one could be interpreted about performing on tour. Who's Afraid of Little Old Me was definitely a highlight and her vocals were amazing. I knew she would perform Fortnight and I predicted Down Bad too. The alien imagery at least looks cool I guess. I loved I can do it with a broken heart theatrics and choreography. It reminded me a lot of her past tours especially Red with the circus theme. I was right about no anthology songs since I think they could work better as acoustic surprise songs. love when she has new costumes and I like seeing different color combinations, but I was surprised she didn't mention the new album really in her speeches. I also don't know why there wasn't at least one debut song at all. At first I thought it was because it was eventually gonna come out on tour and possibly be added but now I don't think that's the case eith the new album. I definitely understand why she would wanna perform her new songs while she's on tour too though if she won't be on tour for a while after this so to her releasing a new album instead kinda made sense? What did you think? I think I will try to guess surprise songs again next week. I wanted to reply since it had been a week and I guess I just kept forgetting but I'm sorry if I missed anything or am bad at replying again. I hope you're doing well!
hi friend!! i hope you're having a good week 🤍
i actually have not watched any more of graceland since we last talked — i think i might be done with it (i got seven episodes in though). it just really isn't my thing! but bridgerton is coming back this week so i'll try to watch that soon. i've been rereading the books in preparation! and then the bear is back in june! so much good tv soon!
i'm really intrigued by illinoise. the state of theatre now is just so ... :/ bleak? i don't know how to explain it (i say, as if i haven't been recording voice memos venting about it to some friends lately — but it's always been easier for me to verbally go on a tangent vs. write a more ... formulated/stuctured ... reply). and i also don't know if you're interested in hearing my ~ thoughts ~ on the industry haha. have you seen anything about stereophonic? i'm obsessed with it; i need to see it so badly. i've been listening to the cast recording on repeat. i'm not super super confident on my tony predictions, but i'm thinking: stereophonic for best play, the outsiders for best musical, merrily for best revival, groff for best lead actor, kelli (or maryann) for best lead actress, dan radcliffe for best featured actor — unsure about best featured actress but would love for it to go to lindsay mendez or leslie rodriguez kritzer but honestly would be happy for anyone... maria friedman for best direction, maybe korins for here lies love scenic — or tom scutt for cabaret. curious to see if stereophonic genuinely has a shot at best score. would love justin peck to win for choreo (i just love him). i think that's really where i'm at with my predictions right now! may or may not change if i do more research (looking at reviews, grosses, etc).
speaking of theatre, what are your thoughts on the wicked trailer? i'm not ... thrilled with it. i'm still trying to go in with an open mind but i ... am not a fan. but i did get tickets to see the tour when they're in seattle! so i'm excited for that! i might try to go more than once, if i can drag some friends to go.
my ranking of carley fortune books are meet me at the lake → this summer will be different → every summer after. i think i'd compare every summer after with the summer i turned pretty actually — so not an emily henry, but i can't think of one that would fit. meet me at the lake with happy place maybe. andddd this summer will be different with people we meet on vacation. i think.
i only generally know the outsiders plot! i do want to watch the movie at some point. i have lowkey been slumping reading wise, but i'm hoping to finish reading the iliad before i leave on my trip, and wrap up gatsby at some point... in june? maybe?
i loveeeed the pippin revival; i saw it on tour and i adore it dearly. i have a pippin sweatshirt that i was just wearing the other day, actually! fun fact! today i am wearing a roman holiday: the musical shirt. definitely back in my musical merch era. i think pippin is a show that is better the more you watch it, but i just think it's absolutely brilliant! ugh that ending is so good.
ok taylor time — i was definitely not expecting her to change the order of the tour and i literally texted my friend like "shit i need to figure out when my bathroom break will be" since red got moved up so much earlier. now that we have a new setlist — what is your ideal setlist, and your ideal order? i'm curious! i'm also surprised she cut long live + didn't add castles crumbling. and similarly agree with what you said!
as an aside, i am actually going out of town next week, so it'll likely be a hot minute before i reply again!! hope you're doing well and staying safe! 🤍 have a good may if i don't get to chat with you before then!
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infinitemelancholie · 8 months
I'm going on month 2 of still being mad at him and I guess it's because I'm still bitter at what he said to me. I'm still mad at him for having rejected me. I don't know why either. I thought I didn't really love him but I guess that was a lie I told myself. It's not even him that I was in love with just the future for us that I just kept holding onto and still holding out for.
There's a part of me that really enjoys the fantasy part of a lot of things. When I was younger it was the fantasy of religion and now it's the fantasy of love. Everytime I lose out on that fantasy it hurts and it's hard to move on from and let go of. There's always this sense of if I'd ever be able to go back to how things were but I think ultimately I'm able to it just takes time for me to do so.
I think really deep down I still am religious to a degree or extent. I just haven't figured out that part yet. And I think deep down I still have some kind of feelings for him. Even though I have feelings for him I can't keep living my life pining after him or something. I have to move on and live my life apart from him.
I'm reminded of 13 Going On 30 where Jennifer Garner reconnects with Mark Ruffalo and they like fall in love with each other but Ruffalo calls it off because of his engagement and ultimately I know I need to do the same but I so desperately want to live in the fantasy that he'll come back to me and we'll be together forever. Why do I want to spend my forever with him so badly?
Perhaps it's because I've always wanted to spend forever with him. Idk there's something about him that I guess I've always been into and always wanted in my life. It's not just him being cute and incredibly sexy either. He's smart and sophisticated. He's caring and adventurous. He's sweet and supportive. He makes me see myself differently than I ever have. I feel safe and protected around him. Like I can be myself around him. My real self around him. Ugghh does this mean I'm going to become a dapper guy who goes to symphony concerts now? Maybe so.
I guess I really connected with those parts of me while in school and I probably have been missing out on them since leaving. Maybe I need to realize that if that is who I am I should try to embrace it more and just live more in that space. I don't think I'll dress up everyday because that's not me but maybe I'll allow myself to get caught up in classical music and such again like I did those years ago.
I'm not even doing those things to try and win him over. I'm doing them because I forgot how much I actually enjoyed those things.
I think that's why I missed him so much. He just reconnected me with parts of me that I enjoyed and really maybe it's time I did those things for myself. Maybe what I really need is just allowing myself to experience those things again. Find ways to enjoy them sans him. Maybe I just forgot how to or that I could. Or maybe and more likely I enjoyed having found someone who was into those things.
Ok so what's with the femboy thing because I thought I was trying to once again be the man in the relationship with that or something? Idk maybe I just like fem guys lol.
So now what do we do with this new guy K? I still like him and still want to date him. I like that he's so different from N. I like that he's pulling me out of my shell. I like that he doesn't back down easily and is so passionate. I like that he thinks about others and is considerate of others. I just wish he were a little bit cooler with transgender people but maybe I just need to press him more on that. He did voice support for Palestine and did think Israel is commiting genocide. Unless he did that to gauge my thoughts on that lol. But I mean even if he did feel strongly in the other direction I think he would have like pushed back on that more or something. So I'm going to keep seeing him and hopefully I get to travel to different countries with him or something. See I've never really thought about traveling much but with him I think about it a lot and look forward to it too. I mean he let me come with him to the Bay Area, and I know we'll be back there soon.
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alesreadings · 3 years
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Loveless by Alice Oseman.
4.5 stars.
“Give your friendships the magic you would give a romance. Because they're just as important. Actually, for us, they're way more important.”
This is my first ace/aro book, so, it feels refreshing have a little bit of representation, even if it's not entirely like that (I felt it that way, tho, this is my case) for me. The review is from my POV on this, my feelings and reactions, ok? ok, thanks. Btw, if there's something that can be misunderstood, let me know and I'll change it. Georgia Warr has never been in love or kissed, and she's just 18. But she thinks she'll find a person some day. This is fine, actually, many people haven't had their first kiss in their teen years, and that's totally ok! Look at me, the next month I'll turn 23 and I've never kissed anyone. I used to think that THAT fact it was going to be the end of the world, since my friends were having romances at 15/16 y/o, having their first romantic relationship and their first kisses, and even sex. I had a lot of crushes at that age with many people, but I never thought it was important to have a relationship with someone. And that little fact was something to my ex classmates joke about like for 3/4 years. So, you can imagine how bad I felt for it. That bullying from my ex classmates generated on me a lot of insecurities, because they made me feel like I was a weirdo or a loser for not having kissed anyone by that time. I really believed that there was something wrong with me. At that age, we believe a lot of things that others tell us, so, I was naive and stupid for think that all of those things were true. In high school, had crushes too, but I never had a relationship because people only think in one thing (in my country, sadly is like that): sex. Back in my old school, I had a traumatic event that made me make sure about my sexuality, even if by that age I didn't know anything about it. So, in high school, I just had crushes, but didn't know what was that lack of sex desire toward the others. I never told this to anyone, because my ex "friends" really let me down making me believe that, indeed, I was a weirdo for not having pair or my first kiss yet. In the university, things changed. I made one year in History and I met the most beautiful and amazing girl on my French class. She's bi and her mind is so open and she's smart. I fell for her, we talked but I never confessed to her my feelings (yes, I'm a coward and I hate me for this). When I changed to my actual career, literature, I met one of my best friends. She's pan and once, while we talked with my other friends, she asked us who we fancied, I said: "no one", with fear believing that I was gonna be rejected or they were gonna laugh of me. My friend smiled at me and said "oh, you're asexual". I've heard that term before, but I didn't know what it meant, so I asked her if she could please explain me. She explained me a lot about the ace spectrums and I cried in front of my friends for two reasons: 1) they weren't judging me for haven't had a pair or my first kiss yet, and 2) because I finally had a name for my sexuality and I didn't feel entirely alone. My friends were and are very supportive with me and they mean the world to me. So, yes, I agree with that: friends mean a lot, even more when they're the correct ones. I've had a hard time accepting myself, I've struggled for years with myself, who I am and it's been a long process. I haven't come out to my family for many reasons, but mainly because they're very mind-closed and that scares me. I told my bestfriend (ex bestfriend by now) that I'm ace. And he laughed at me, when I explained him what it was asexuality, he said that it's an excuse for not having sex or pair before (he was in love with me and I rejected him like 6 years ago, lmao). That of course that made me feel like shit. But I realized that there's NOTHING wrong with me, that people will not always understand and that's ok, but I'm getting away from them. For years, I struggled so bad trying to accept me, to love me, because I had dark years when I hated me so much. I was in a dark place for so long, but when I finally accepted me for who I am, I naturally cried like a baby, but I felt proud of myself. It's a
big fucking step, but I'm no longer afraid of me. Yes, I'm still afraid of some people the whole time, but this is me trying. (please, get the taylor reference) This book having one of its main plots in friends touched me so bad. I wish I had those friends when I was 15 to 19 years, to encourage me, to support me and tell me that things were gonna be ok. I had found those friends now, and I look back to my old me and I don't feel pity or sadness anymore. Of course, I keep crying because I feel like I've waisted my life, or like future is uncertain and it scares me as fuck. But I'm proud of me, and no one can make me feel like I'm not worth it or like I'm weird. "My future still terrified me. But everything seemed a little brighter when my best friends were around." I still wanna fall in love, have a romantic relationship and feel those things, u know? Even if I feel like I won't gonna find someone who accepts me for who I am, and that shit is scaring. So, yes, I enjoyed this book, even if I wanted to kick Georgia so bad for many things and cry for others. Maybe nobody has told you this today, or you needed to read it/hear it, but: You are loved, you are valid, you are so fucking perfect the way you are. Never doubt about it. If you are struggling with so many things, take a break and breathe, take a deep breathe, cry, jump, laugh, do whatever you want, but you know what? You are gonna be ok. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but you will, and when you look back, you will feel proud of yourself and you'll smile so bright like the sun. It's a bad moment, not a bad life. And yes, please, never forget this. And just like Bruno Mars said: 'cause, hey, you're amazing, just the way you are. :) Also, Pip's mom is my heroine. She lived in Colombia and Manuel in London, and when Manuel went to visit his grandma, they met and fell in love. And they moved to LonDON. OH MY FUCKING GOD, I NEED THAT, PLEASE, TAKE ME OUT OF THIS COUNTRY, I'M SOBBING. "The I am loveless mood has just gone." "Neither of us were alone in this." There was something that it seemed a little bit out of line there. Not all aces are sex-repulsed. Idk if I'm the only one who understood that. But there are other aces who are not sex-repulsed. It's not wrong tho, it just gave me that impression. Also, a mention for tmm gang, they're the best people i've ever met, i love them with my life and i'm very thankful for calling them my friends. :') guys, if you see this, you know who are you, demons and angels <3
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rosies-pastimes · 3 years
I'm assuming you're talking about vanitas no carte there? if so, enjoy ~ (and yeah why would you just share spoilers like that ;-;)
I have! :D
shiny fishy ✨
ooh luckyy hopefully it'll work for his banner too *hands you a four-leaf clover* hehe well I'll ask you now: did you work on your teapot?
yeah I'm planning too! got to save up on primogems for the next few weeks :P (also looking forward to the liyue event coming up!)
ooh venti! he was a fun trial character! is childe fun to play with? :o qiqi is so cute ~ I'm working on building her after I've gotten kaeya leveled up more! yoimiya was so fun with the trial and her story quest!! I didn't manage to reach pity on her banner whyy
noé is a country bumpkin after all... (yes she is!! wait I just realised I haven't actually seen her in colour yet I'm going to be blown away)
have fun watching the last few episodes ~ that other half of the season is coming out in january ahhh
I see I see! well take your time :) I will too! enjoy it at your own pace ~ (I've seen one too many time-skip spoilers but am still very excited to actually get to that point in the manga!!)
anyways, I hope it's been alright for you these few weeks rosie! remember to take breaks from studying and keep hydrated ^-^
- 🎮
i meant for obey me kNsia i thankfully havent seen as much spoilers for vanitas save the hot edits or whateva THANKFULLY but my social media has magical powers that tell them what fandoms i am obsessed with rn so im expecting the spoilers to start rolling in eventually-
BESTAY IT SAYS ID CANT BE FOUND WHEN I TRIED SEARCHING IT 😭😭 maybe try mine? it's 936925096 with the asmo chibi icon and username rosie jzjanaj
*gives you a four-leaf clover too* tohma pls you have one job ಥ‿ಥ two actually, and the second one is to be real but we cant do anything about that djsbhaba
no i didnt (◕ᴗ◕✿), BUT i was just gonna go play genshin rn 👁️👄👁️
i always feel strangely overwhelmed when a big event or updates happen in the game. IDK WHY, MY GUT JUST FEELS BUTTERFLIES AONJANA I CANT WAIT FOR IT EITHERRRR, just 2 more days!
venti makes me float literally, he's amazing.
CHILDE IS FUN TO PLAY WITH THERE ARE SO MANY NUMBERS WHEN HE WHACKS PEOPLE WITH HIS WATER SWORDS :)) i only recently put him on my main team, it's pretty dope, im working on levelling him up already.
QIQI IS ADORABLE 😭 MY SWEET CHILD 😭 GIVE HER THE COCOGOAT MILK PLS 😭 i might also start building her properly to form my secondary team so i can do the spiral abyss.
yoimiya is such a sunshine child 🥲 protecc at all costs-
noe wouldnt know what love is if it slapped him across the face- *cough* vanitas *cough cough* domi *cough* I SWEAR THERE ARE NOE - VANITAS SCENES THAT HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO HETERO EXPLANATION POSSIBLE- why yes, i do casually ship people until i forget that i was casually shipping them-
pretty sure i had to pause and get a hold of myself when she walked in 😌 she is s t u n n i n g
yup, if its still gonna be january, ill be reading it soon, please dont haunt my nightmares vanitas, my dreams are wonky as they are-
my brother uses his knowledge of the end of haikyuu against me 🥲 to be fair i do ask him about the jobs but thats about it, everyrhing else, i have learned to warningless social media posts, but oh well 🤷‍♀️ yes, i am upset about it *stomps foot and light up shoes start lighting up* like i know how the next match ends, and i think i know how the final highschool match ends and it wont be the same reading it anymore cuz i know what happens :(
i have been holding down the fort, thank you 🥺
i hope all is well with you too! if someone fights you, tell me and we can poke them with sticks together 😌
*frantically drinks water because my lips are chapped*
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miniwolfsbane · 3 years
RE: Leafeon from Build-A-Bear
An extended rant from a comment I started on Youtube.
Just saw it a few minutes ago because saw something on Reddit (I lurk there) about it being released soon. I LOVE my Bulbasaur and Vaporeon from there, (As well as the MLP plush I garnered over a few years) but the prices are so exorbitant, even if they are excellent quality and huge. If they were 40-45 USD, I could see it and wouldn't balk, but 65 is the price of a whole video game or one well-made dress. Anyway, I can't buy it (right now).
I know it'll sell out in a week or less, but I also know at the end of the day it's just a freaking toy. Can't logic my way out of not wanting it, I just wish BAB was a bit more moderate with its pricing. Even when the Pokemon plush goes on sale, they don't usually go under 50. (I waited patiently for Bulbasaur to go on sale, and Vaporeon was discounted to around 30 because they ran out of her clothes.) Sorry for ranting. Guess I'll finish this up on Tumblr.
And here I am. When I was typing out that rant, at first I said BAB was for rich people and splurges, which isn't altogether untrue. Like American Girl dolls, BAB is practically a status symbol if you can afford one. Most middle-class people would think twice about dropping 50 dollars on a teddy bear (or Pokemon), even if they could afford it. I've said it before on here, I'm not poor. I just inherited one of my parents' cheap-o wallet-tightening genes. I spoil myself a lot, but I rarely pay full price for anything and if we're talking MLP, I gravitate towards ones that are slightly messed up in some way with marker stains or whatever. IDK if it's a subconscious thing where I think I don't deserve pristine, like-new ones, or if I'm just weird. Or both.
And, as I've also said, I get annoyed with myself for being in my 30s and still collecting toys like some woman child nerd. Your interests are your interests and we're all hard on ourselves. I have scaled down my collection significantly and no longer look at stuffed animals in the store like they are my oxygen, but it seems fandom-related ones have become my kryptonite in the past few years. Guess it's like any other vice. You want to stop, but you're not sure how.
Maybe if I try to wrack up those crazy gift cards they keep offering me (I don't get them because I really don't buy from BAB all that often, maybe a few times a year if they have something I like. The only time I got something non-fandom-related from them was the Hot Topic bear and the Shark with legs, which I never look at), I'd get somewhere in getting the price down. (But I'm not 1000 percent certain you can use gift cards on the Pokemon line?)
Uhh, not much else to say? Leafeon is REALLY cute, but too expensive right now. (Bills happen, and with things as they are this month and going through some big changes and a lot of emotional stuff, I don't want the fam looking at me sideways again because I made an unjustifiable just-for-me purchase that was a lot. Same reason I have held back on getting the Saturn figuart that's been my grail forever when I found her at 49, then 51. So tempting, but not worth getting lectured. Again. >_<;)
I enjoy the Pokemon line over there because they have voice boxes and are huge and really soft. the Pokemon center plush might be soft, but they don't have size of BAB's ones without being $200 and they definitely don't come with voice boxes. Unfortunately, many of the Eeveelution line have been online exclusives, if I'm remembering right. Sucks, but that's life. Well, C----19 is also a thing, so even if Leafeon was in the store, doesn't mean I'd go rush out and buy it. (Couldn't anyway because I haven't driven in months and don't know the highway yet. We have no BAB close to us.)
Bleh. Maybe if I could play the Pokemon games like everyone else, I wouldn't have this deep need to collect nearly all Eeveelution merch. XD
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