#maybe i can try adding an onion or some carrots ass well? i was missing some vegetables dven though that probably isnt traditional
cybercitoyen · 3 months
Learned how to prepare ovoglemono soup today :)
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Beauty and the Panther (II)
“Just get a good night’s sleep, dear. We will see you tomorrow for breakfast.” Nyla nodded and said, “good night, everyone” as she walked up to the doors, turned and said “good night, King T’Challa” before shutting the doors. Even though the meeting went on and Nyla was long gone to her place, T’Challa sat on his throne, still thinking about her. She was all he can think about.
In this chapter, we get a little of Nyla interacting with the King himself. There are no warnings but be aware. Things get a bit peculiar towards the end. 
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  It was the following morning when Nyla lied in the plush black, silk covers. Her nude body was being graced by the cold air as her little alarm woke her up, cuddling her; her eyes opened up to see his grey eyes. “Good morning, Power. I’m guessing you are hungry.” He meowed as she climbed out of bed and to the bathroom. She looked through a box with her “day out clothes” and slipped on a pair of jeans with a white tank and leather jacket. She fed Power before putting on her size eight Converse sneakers; Okoye was outside her door waiting. “Good morning, Captain Miller.”
“Good morning, General Okoye”; they began making their way to the dining hall. “How was your sleep,” Okoye asked as the walked through the warriors. “I slept fine. Wakanda is way more different than the big city.” Okoye placed her hands behind her back as they still walked. “And how is that?”
“Don’t worry. It’s not a bad thing. Just not used to a quiet environment. I usually have trouble with sleepin’ because it is so loud back home. Gonna need some getting used to.” Okoye nodded and said “ehhh, I see. Must be hard when you have to save the Big Apple.” They laughed as they entered the classy dining area. There was a complete spread of a breakfast fit for the king and his company. The dining table was a complete, round shape with the others surrounding it. 
   “Ah, good morning Ms. Miller,” Queen Mother said with a warm smile. Her head wrap was off and her grey locs hung to the middle of her back. Shuri asked “captain, did you enjoy your place so far? I decorated according.”  to to your file.” Nyla nodded as she said “yes, Princess Shuri. Thank you. Very warm and cozy.” She looked around the room and noticed the king and a bigger man with amber hair and broad shoulders in fur chatting by the window. “Good morning, King T’Challa.” He smiled her way and nodded. N’Jadaka strolled in with his long dreads braided back, gold-rimmed glasses in a long sleeve cashmere sweater, slacks and dress shoes; all-black. “Good morning, Captain.” Nyla turned to see him and she held out her hand to be shaken; N’Jadaka accepted. “So, Prince-”
   He interrupted and said, “please call me, N’Jadaka.” She nodded. N’Jadaka, I heard you were a Navy Seal from Okoye. How was that?” He chuckled as they began walking to the table, he pulled out her chair and they sat. “Well, training was a pain in the ass, had to kill innocent people, depressed to be damned and straight up anger issues. But, when I found my lady”, he stopped and smiled. “I swear she made everything better. She was the sunshine I need in a while. She is back home in Cali though.” Nyla grinned and asked, “must be nice, huh?” He nodded and chuckled. “Yeah, it is.” Queen Mother sat beside Shuri and said to Nyla “I hope you don’t mind our breakfast here. We will walk you through everything. Sort of like a tasting for you.”
   Nyla said “sounds great. Doesn’t hurt to try anything new. I like trying new things.” The others sat with T’Challa sitting across from her. “I hope you don’t mind but I thought I wouldn’t have enough time to find a thicker shirt.” Shuri nodded. “It is fine, captain. Brother and I will take you shopping today so that you will be more comfortable here.” Nyla smiled small with a brow rose. “Thank you that means a lot.” She bowed her head to T’Challa and he smiled. Queen saw the first tray of food and announced “the first dish is ‘Baked Plantain Frittata’. This is baked plantain with canola oil, onion, scotch bonnet pepper, green bell pepper, tomatoes, garlic, paprika, fresh thyme, plantains, salt and ground pepper, eggs, avocado, and sausage.” 
   N’Jadaka passed her the small portion on her plate as the others made theirs as well. She grabbed the fork to take a small piece and can taste the different spices and flavors. “Hm, the plantain adds sweetness while the seasonings add a kick of spice. It’s really good.” T’ Challa watched her as she slipped her sweater off. Her eyes were on the next dish coming. N’Jadaka followed her eyes and said “this is my favorite. It is called ‘vetkoek’. My pops made when I was younger a lot. There is a lot of stuff in them bad boys. Cake flour, salt, sugar, yeast. Then separate shi- I mean stuff: Minced meat, canola oil, onion, ground ginger, garlic, curry powder, tomatoes, paprika, potatoes, peas, carrots, white pepper, cayenne pepper, parsley or cilantro, salt. If you got a thing for Jamaican then you gonna love these.” 
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   As everyone grabbed theirs, Nyla reached over the table to do the same showing just a small amount of cleavage. Getting the eyes of the king and his friend. The other man peeked a little, tilting his head but T’Challa noticed and asked “Miss Miller, do you need assistance?” Her hazel orbs looked at him and said: “if you don’t mind.” He reached over and pushed the platter closer to her. She finally reached it with a slight bite of her lip and sat back down taking a bite. T’Challa looked over at his pal and leaned forward whispering something. The Prince looked over at the men and noticed the vein in T’Challa’s forehead and the swallow of his actual friend going down his throat; M’Baku, Lord of the Jabari Tribe. 
[Wassiye by Habib Koite plays softly in the back ground]
   Nyla sipped her water after many dishes later. “That was a lot of food. I can only imagine how dinner would be.” Everyone laughs as T’Challa chuckled behind his cloth napkin. “Looks as if the shops are now opening. We better get going before it gets too crowded.” Okoye clapped her hands for the Dora Milaje and T’Challa stood with Shuri and Nyla looked to them and follow. N’Jadaka went around the table to kiss Queen Mother on her head as he walked with the group on to the elevator. N’Jadaka looked at his cousin whose eyes were on the Captain. N’Jadaka scoffed and Nyla looked up at him. “So, what is California like? I have never been to.” N’Jadaka smiled. “We can talk about that tonight, tiny one.” They laughed and the doors opened to Shuri’s lab where he got off. “Alright, New York. Aight, fam.” Nyla smiled. “See ya, Cali.” Shuri yelled out to her older cousin “do not break anything, dim wit.” 
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   The three of them walked through the pathway with the Dora Milaje behind them and a few inches in front. “Do you usually walk with the Milaje all the time,” Nyla asked T’Challa. “He smirked with his hands behind his back. “They go everywhere I go when I am out. It’s like a president thing.” Nyla nodded and looked up to him; he looked ahead. She observed his tightly curled hair, wide shoulders and full lips. He was a handsome man, a handsome king. “King T’Challa, what are your plans for the WPS Program? I will be looking for new recruits starting Friday morning.” He still looked ahead. “Miss Miller, I want you to do your best at serving, for myself and this country. We like to keep our people safe and I need to know if you can handle everything I give you, mentally and physically.” He looked at her then back ahead. “You have experience in combat so I want to see how much pain you can take when the time comes. I need a captain who can stand a chance under me.”
   Nyla nodded letting everything sink in. She looked off to the side to see a bouquet of large orchids, lavender, and white. She looked at the elderly woman. “Ezi zihle. Ngamana ndibavumba? (These are beautiful. May I smell them?)” The woman nodded with a smile and stood to the side so she can smell them. “ Bangakanani, maam? (How much are they, ma'am?)” The woman looked at her then the royal family and back at her. “Umfazi omhle onjengawe, akhululekile. Njengesipho esamkelekileyo. (A beautiful woman like you, they are free. As a welcome gift.)” She handed Nyla the flowers, she thanked her and made her way back the royal ones. “Wow, those are very beautiful, Nyla” she commented. 
   “Orchids are my favorite flowers. Ever since I was little” she said and T’Challa added, “they are lovely.” Shuri looked over at her brother who was eyes were at Nyla. She cleared her throat catching Nyla’s eyes. “I hope you don’t mind, Captain but I scheduled an appointment with the best hair braider in all of African. She has done mine and Queen Mother’s hair. You have a wash, blow out and twist extensions. Should take about two and a half hour.” 
“Shuri, that is very sweet. I appreciate”, she hugged her tight as the king felt left out. “Don't mention it. We have to make sure you look great here. We will be the look and the face of the Wakanda Protective Service Program.” They all finally arrived at the shop where Shuri led the way and T’Challa sat by the mirror. The stylist got started as he watched. The curve her lip as she watched the woman do her hair made his heart flutter. He hadn’t felt this way since his first love. The way she carried herself was the same as the first. Once they were done, they made their way on the shopping adventure and eventually arrived in the dress shop. Nyla stood in front of one mannequin with an amazing dress on. Royal blue silk, patches of kente cloth in the breast area, sweetheart neckline with subtle sleeves and in a mermaid silhouette. 
   T’Challa stood behind Nyla’s shoulder as her hands felt the fabric. “I see you have good taste in formalwear. It’ll like nice on you, Miss.” Nyla’s look up to him and back. “Maybe. Would it go with the theme?” The King chuckled and stood right behind her closer to the point his chest was only a couple inches away from her back. “Miss Miller, as long as you look apart, I promise you will be fine. You are one of us now. You are already fluent in our language. You might as well have a Wakandian in you.” Shuri stood in the mirror across the way looking at herself in the mirror when she noticed T’Challa inching closer to Nyla. She walked over and locked arms with Nyla. 
    “Did you find one already?” she asked and Nyla smiled her way. “Yeah, I like it. But I’m not sure if it’ll fit.” Shuri kissed her teeth, waving down the shopkeep. “Nyla, you will look great.” Shuri turned to T’Challa. “Brother, go ahead and see what else you can find for our new Captain to wear on a day to day basis”, Shuri said as she and Nyla walked, arm and arm, to the shopkeep leaving T’Challa and half of the Dora Milaje out to the other shops. 
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Two Hours Later
   They arrived back to the palace in front of Nyla’s door. Shuri placed her hand on Nyla’s shoulder. “Everything starts in an hour. Ayo will come up to escort you down. See you there and welcome home to Wakanda.” She patted her shoulder, holding her garment bag and was about to walk away when she noticed T’Challa talking to her. “Nyla Miller, thank you for taking the offer to help me protect with Wakanda. I am eternally grateful.” He held out his and she shook it slowly. “It will be an honor to work with you, my King.” She did the Wakandian salute and so did he, with a smile; he walked away with Dora Miljae and she walked in to get ready. 
    After her well-deserved shower, she did a subtle makeup look (gloss and mascara with full face) and placed Wakandian Shea Butter all over her nude, caramel skin. She looked over her perfume collecting on the shelf in her bathroom. She chose one with the scent of Jasmine blossoms and oak. She sprayed some in the air and slowly walked through the cloud. She slipped on a pair of navy blue lace panties and slid on her new gown. She turned to open the box of jewels Shuri gifted her for the night’s occasion. She stepped into her black five-inch stilettos, looking into her full-length mirror. She slid the straps of the dress down so the lied in the middle of her biceps. She wore a gold necklace with the shape of Wakanda, matching earrings with a gold cuff on her left wrist. Nyla made her hair fall on her left shoulder and as she looked back at sleeping Power, she smiled. She made sure she had everything before she left with Ayo who wore a mid-length black tribal print dress.
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[Wassiye by Habib Koite plays louder]
  The ballroom had golden walls around the enormous area, marble floor, and a staircase where all of the royal families walked down of. The event had started with hundreds of visitors danced and enjoyed themselves; the Royal Family sat at their table, watching and sipping wine. N’Jadaka wore a burgundy suit with simple tribal print on his collar, gold pinky ring, and his gold fangs. His braids were braided back and beard was trimmed. Queen Mother wore a pine green gown that glittered with a matching headpiece. Shuri wore her gown and she chose with her hair down. M’Baku wore a tan linen suit while T’Challa wore a navy blue suit with a red handkerchief and black dress shoes. 
    “I’m glad to see that our whole country has made it. Thank you, M’Baku for inviting the Jabari Tribe.” He raised his glass to the queen and added: “Thank you for letting us join.” N’Jadaka sipped from his glass when he looked to his left; standing. M’Baku looked his way and did the same. The others follow with the king by himself. When he finally looked at what they were, he stood astonished and speechless. Nyla was side by side talking to Ayo as they walked down the steps. His mouth began to dry as he still had eyes on her once she got closer. N’Jadaka said “aight, New York. I see you.”
“Young lady, you look absolutely beautiful,” Queen Mother said with a smile making Nyla blush. “Thank you, my Queen. There is a ton of people here.” Shuri nodded with agreement. “True but they are all here to welcome you, Nyla.” Nyla smiled as she looked around the table and saw M’Baku. “Hi, I don’t think we got to meet yet. I am Nyla Miller, the new captain of the WPS.” M’Baku held out his hand, shaking hers with a gap tooth smile. “Ah, yes. You were at breakfast this morning. I am M’Baku, Lord of the Jabari Tribe. Nice to meet you, Mrs. Miller.” They let their hands go as she corrected. “No Mrs. Just Miss.”
“Not tied to anyone yet. Why is that?”
  Nyla shrugged her shoulders. Honestly, she never thought of it. “I was too busy with my work that I never was interested in anyone. Never liked mixing business with pleasure.” N’Jadaka placed a piece of bread in his mouth saying “well, pleasure is business and vice versa to me.” Shuri smacked his forehead and he threw a piece of bread at her. T’Challa watched as they talked and cleared his throat. “Nyla, dinner will arrive soon. We saved you a seat between mother and I.” She smiled at M’Baku and made her way as the King held her seat open; he slid her under like a gentleman. 
  The group was now all seated and T’Challa watched as the Queen poured Nyla a glass of red wine. “So, Nyla. How do you like Wakanda so far” Mother asked. Nyla finished her sip and answered. “It is really beautiful. Before I came down, I watched the sunset. It was amazing. My mother always said that the sunset was always more beautiful outside our city.” Shuri leaned forward and said “she must be amazing. I bet you two look alike.” Nyla looked down her glass with saddened eyes. “She was. So was my father.” The table grew quiet until Shuri apologized. “It is fine. It happened so long ago”, Nyla sipped from her glass looking around. T’Challa leaned and whispered in her ear. “If you need anyone to talk to, I am only a few doors down from yours.” She nodded and thanked him.
[Eeye Bé [elephant Song] by Baka Beyond plays]
     They soon had dinner and of course, West African Beef, Plaintain, and Okra stew was Nyla’s favorite. The group watched as the crowd all while Nyla let the beat of the music moved her shoulders; N’Jadaka. “Uh oh, I see New York movin’ them little shoulders over there.” Everyone looked at her as the Queen stated that she can go if she wanted to do. Nyla smiled and slid out her seat so she can dance with the crowd. She stepped side to side while moving her hips. T’Challa watched from his seat with his chin resting his left hand, legs slightly parted. N’Jadaka and M’Baku looked over at him and the Prince stood, undoing his coat. “I see she the fun one.” He walked over to her and stood a couple inches in front of her stepping side to side and spinning her in a circle. 
  “Mother, want to dance”; Mother nodded and Shuri took her. M’Baku looked at Okoye and they both shrugged making their way to the dance floor. T’Challa only watched her, only watched Nyla. The way her hips moved, he was stunned. Mesmerized. He soon approached Nyla and held his hand out so she can dance with him. Both of her hands were on his shoulders while his were on her hips. 
   Nyla was on her way back to her room with T’Challa. “Then that’s when I found Power by himself, in an alley.” T’Challa walked beside her with hands in pockets. “So, he is a rescue.” She nodded pulling her key out. “Sure is. Well, this is me. Thank you for walking me to my room. You did-” He interrupted. “It is fine. Like I said I am five doors down. Well, sleep in tomorrow because the day after, we have training. Specials ops and what not. Fittings as well.” Nyla nodded. “Will do. Good night, my king.” They saluted and he said “good night, Captain”; he began walking past her to his room. 
   It was about time she went to bed so she went into her bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. She stepped out her dress, flung in the nearby chair and Flipped her hair into a bun, wrapping it up. Her breasts were exposed due to the strapless gown. The cold air in the room made her nipples pucker as she lied in bed getting comfortable. She clapped her lights off in the room and soon was sound asleep unaware of what was happening down the hall.
  In the master suite five rooms down, T’challa was in nothing but his silk boxers in the dark, bare back lied against the wall. His fingertips caressed the material of his sheets as he watched his television screen. His eyes watched carefully, the woman sleeps in only lace panties with her twists up. He can see her nipples harden as the curtains move in the wind. She was a sight for his eyes only. He continued until his eyes got heavy.
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Okay, it felt a little rush but I promise chapter III is better. WAAAAAAY better. To catch up, click here.
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