#maybe historical if you'd like! :) (he is a prince in his historical verse !!)
gcldensnflwr · 9 months
                                         (   𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧   |   𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 !  )
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“  i  used  to  think  of  you  a  caring  thing.  ”
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ourdramaqueen · 11 months
7, 10, 17, 29 for the writers ask! 🖤🖤
Well that was fast, @realmermaid333! Oh boy, let's see if I can answer all of these...
7. How many ideas for fics do you have right now?
That's a bit difficult to answer! So outside of The Sexual Education of Wednesday Addams series (a.k.a. PT verse), I currently have 6 fics that have rough outlines, two of which are based on Kinktober promtps I didn't have time to write, but I like the ideas a lot so I want to write them eventually. Then there's a doc where I've dumped random ideas or prompts in, but which are less likely to see the light of day. And of course then there's TSEoWA/PT verse, where I have two stories in active development (i.e. partially written and published), and I'm currently working on researching/plotting out the future of the verse, with the number of potential fics being... well, only limited by my interest and capacity to write, really. So there's a lot!
Then there's several ideas for The Boys (including the one fic that I still need to finish from when I got sidetracked by Wednesday), and for Frodo/Éomer and one for Éomer/Lothíriel (Prince Imrahil's daughter, whom Éomer married in the first year of the Fourth Age (IIRC), according to the LotR appendices) which are in various stages of writing but I got stuck on...)
10. Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
I certainly did not expect Private Tutor to blow up the way it did! I generally try not to put any expectations on my fics, because it's impossible to tell how any one of them will be received.
17. What's something you've learned about while doing research for a fic?
Oh my gosh.
So much in depth anatomy (and not just sex related) while writing Private Tutor. Like I didn't know that the space in your vagina (and other tubular structures in your body) is called a lumen.
A lot about Anglo-Saxons and their lives, Old English, and horses when I wrote (You Get Me) Closer, my longest Frodo/Éomer LotR fic.
Flower language when I wrote How do I passive-agressively say ‘fuck you’ in flower? (Butcher/Hughie, The Boys).
A bit about the porn industry and the reality of porn shoots when I wrote Kinktober Day 21: Pornography (The Boys, Butcher/Hughie, Becca/Butcher)
A lot about US high schools, International Baccalaureate schools, and various areas in Brooklyn, Queens, and Long Island, NY as well as details about public transport (or lack thereof) in those areas for Line Without a Hook (a Butcher/Hughie high school AU I cowrote, and which was my most popular fic previous to Private Tutor).
Lots about royal titles (concentrating on the British system) and how to properly address each of the nobility for How The Honourable Hughie Campbell, son of The Right Honourable The Viscount Inwood, Was Promised to His Grace the Duke of Voughtland, But Instead Became the Bondmate of The Right Honourable The Lord Flatbush (a Butcher/Hughie pseudo-historical Omegaverse AU for The Boys).
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
Hmm... I am never certain that I will never post a fic that's a long-term WIP, and I don't have any wholesale cut scenes really - usually they just get heavily rewritten, and I don't keep the old version. Fic idea that I don't plan on getting to... Oh I recently had this one, based on the news that Hunter will participate in the poker tournament Bryan Cranston is organizing to benefit the Entertainment Community Fund: Maybe Tyler has a secret weekly poker night with various individuals who you'd never think would hang out together. Old Mrs. Johnson who's a sweet old lady with one of those pocket sized dogs, but absolutely cutthroat when it comes to poker. Connie from Uriah's Heap. Various other odd people. He's the only teenager in the group, and it might have been his boss from the Weathervane who thought he had potential because he's by far the best at covering up his irritation with customers.
If anyone wants to adopt this plot bunny, please do! I would be useless at it because I know nothing about poker.
Oops, that ended up a little more elaborate than planned! I hope it was interesting, @realmermaid333! 😘
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