#maybe he'd meet the freedom fighters at some point?
totaleclipse573 · 1 year
If you could have continued Eclipse's story in the archie comics (and staying within the parameters already set in his first two arcs) what would you have done with him next?
Ooh, this is an interesting one, since the redemption arc I gave him in my own little universe goes A BIT off from those parameters (and by a bit I mean he teams up with Mephiles and Infinite of all characters in the beginning, so...not a bit lmao) But if I were to stay within said parameters and make it as "post-reboot archie" as possible? (Apologies for what will probably be a horrible summary bc I've thought more about my current version than this one, this might flop but idc lol)
I think I'd have him stumble into Sonic somehow, since it was heavily implied that he was going to meet Sonic anyways. Of course they'd probably fight at least once in the beginning, because I'd think by then Eclipse is more paranoid and basically on survival mode again. Sonic has no idea WHY this guy just started fighting, but after a good while of it, he's just trying to explain that he only wants to help and isn't going to hurt him, or the wisp thingies it looks like he's trying to protect. Eclipse pauses for a moment, but doesn't let his guard down too much. After a little silence he sourly corrects the blue hedgehog, telling him they're not "wisp thingies," they're Dark Arms. While still suspicious of Sonic, the Dark Arms start "talking" to him (those noises they make,) telling him Sonic doesn't seem to be a bad person. They have a weird ability to sense those kind of people. He may not trust this "Sonic," as he calls himself, but Eclipse DOES trust the Dark Arms. Sonic extends his hand forward to show Eclipse that he wants to help him. Eclipse doesn't grab it, he just sighs and reluctantly agrees. After all, he doesn't SEEM to be like Shadow...Sonic seems to be the exact opposite, actually. Maybe that's a good thing? (Then Sonic asks him his name and all that stuff, but of course he doesn't reply instantly.)
So Sonic would probably take Eclipse to introduce to Tails' first, to which Eclipse is also naturally pretty paranoid about, though he won't voice that openly. Sonic assures Eclipse Tails is a good person too, though. "He's my little buddy and bro! Smartest kid you'll ever meet." (Yes I do see Sonic and Tails as reverse Shadow and Eclipse what of it-)
Tails immediately takes great interest in Eclipse and the Dark Arms. He's amazed by them, what are they? Where did they come from? How come the little creatures look so much like wisp? But different too? And Eclipse doesn't look like any mobian he's ever seen either-
Sonic has to take a second to tell Tails to maybe calm down on the questions after noticing Eclipse looking a bit uncomfortable with the amount of them he was receiving. Tails sheepishly apologizes, instead offering to show Eclipse around his little lab (or wherever it is he is right now, that's a small detail I've forgotten about archie.) They can't do much though before they hear someone outside, someone yelling Sonic's name, saying something about "knowing they have him in there," and how they can't hide him in there forever. Eclipse of course immediately recognizes who it is, due to a certain connection, and starts to panic, looking around for any possible way he and the Dark Arms can escape.
Tails takes notice, alerts Sonic, and they try to figure out what's going on. But before they can, the front door is forced open. Shadow's there, and he looks even worse than usual (as noted by Sonic.)
"So? Is he in there or not?" Eclipse hears another familiar voice, that of one of "Shadow's minions" (I love when he calls them that lmao. Also Omega is here too, I just can't find any clear way to explain that rn.) He knows he should probably just leave with the Dark Arms now, but he can't. He can't move. Why can't he move? Why is he AFRAID of them? He even fought them before and WON.
But that was before. Things were different now and everything was painful and scary.
(I'm so going to regret typing out more dialogue but here I am doing it anyway)
"Yeah, he's there, and these two are protecting him."
"Protecting him? We don't even know what's going on here!" Sonic turns back to Eclipse. "You know Shadow?"
"He's part of the Black Arms. The last one left. And I need to be the one to make sure he can't be around cause the same harm to the planet they did."
"Wait, the Black Arms?" Tails chimes in. "But...I thought you had already destroyed them all, Shadow? We all saw you destroy the Black Comet that day!"
"He did." Eclipse glares at Shadow, and he shoots one back.
"Then how could there be any more?"
Then Shadow goes on to explain the events of Shadow Fall, and to add to it, the events of Total Eclipse to explain more about the things Eclipse has already done to nearly put the planet in jeopardy. (I could imagine Omega is outside boosting all this, he wants vengeance on the small alien who maimed him. But could still defeat. His words.) This of course gets Eclipse pretty angry. He was only trying to restart the species SHADOW destroyed! The one he himself was a part of too! It was absolute betrayal, and yet he still had the audacity to pin it all on his own brother?
So yeah they end up fighting outside until Sonic and Tails manage to break it up. They need to work this out. Shadow and Eclipse are absolutely appalled. They both think the other is in the wrong, why on earth would they ever "work this out?"
I'm going to start summarizing even more now for the rest bc this is getting to be a bit long (Ik it takes place over a long series of events but yeah.) Basically Sonic and Tails want to put Shadow and Eclipse through some Steven Universe ass bonding to get them through their differences, while also being sensitive to what happened to both of them. (I think after a while even Rouge would start to see this would be good for the both of them, even IF Eclipse broke her shoulder. She'd still be kind of bitter about that btw and probably mention it even once. And Omega is naturally Omega.)
Also Shadow and Eclipse go through a bunch of stuff together. And they start bonding? And maybe Shadow was being kind of harsh on him? Maybe he shouldn't be so hard on this kid JUST because he's a Black Arms. Shadow wasn't raised like Eclipse was...maybe that has something to do with his reluctance towards them? They're actually pretty similar to each other in other ways, it seems. Hey, Shadow's actually a pretty decent person once you get to know him. And it turns out Eclipse isn't such a monster after all? He's not like Black Doom at all...that's what Shadow always saw the Black Arms as in general anyways. But Eclipse has a heart. He's pretty annoying, but in a weirdly endearing way? Holy shit, maybe this could ACTUALLY work. Maybe they could be brothers. For real this time.
Not sure what much else I could write, but there's something. I just had to make it a redemption arc for the bros didn't I.
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Hobie's 'No More' Moment - Hobie Brown Headcanons
Inspired by this post by @wicked-exe - thanks again!
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I had to think on this a bit and honestly I think Hobie's 'No more' moment has to do with something we've already seen but don't talk about:
Hobie Joining the Spider-Society.
Honestly, I think it would be a really hard struggle for him in the beginning.
Imagine you're a brown kid living under fascism and it's your job to fight a totalitarian government and give people an ounce of hope.
Imagine you craft a whole persona around it, wear a mask, and go out and fight everyday with the slight hope that maybe you'll change something and finally be free
Then you finally learn that not only are their other universes and other yous, but they've created a community and society together!
Only to find out that they're totalitarian too.
That even though theres dozens of universes out there, and dozens of Spider-men, there's no freedom anywhere.
It's not just London, it's not just the 70's or your universe, it every universe. It goes all the way to the top.
And even worse, the people at the top are you. Spider-people. Literally versions of you from different dimensions.
All this time you've been fighting 'the man', when in reality, the one controlling the whole timeline is one of you.
That's what Hobie went through, and that probably fucked him up a lot!!!!!!
I feel like learning about the Spider Society would've made him really hopeful - maybe he thought that they were like him - anarchists, or at least freedom fighters.
And then he learns that no - he's different. They all like cops. They all like 'the man'. They all come from free universes, and they all agree with Miguel and what he's doing.
Spider-man probably meant so much to Hobie, and then to meet people like him - only to find out they're the thing he hates most?
It's like they perverted the image for him. It made him sick.
I feel like after he learned what the Spider-Society was actually about, he just couldn't do it.
I imagine it being really really depressing for him, sadly.
The feeling of never escaping fascism, no matter what dimension you're in. Facing the threat of violence whether its the police or people that literally know your life story like the back of their hand.
How can you sleep at night knowing there's versions of you controlling things, everywhere?
It would destroy him.
Going from a freedom fighter to being ordered around by other Spider-men, going into universes and executing their will. That's not what Spider-man is to him.
The watch is the only perk.
He doesn't tell anyone how he feels. He knows better than that.
He stays low at HQ, trying to keep to himself, and take as few missions as he can. Miguel sees potential in him and finds this disappointing, but whatever.
He hates it there, anyway. The only perk Hobie sees is the watch. The watch changes everything for him.
At the very least, Hobie knows that there's other universes that are better than his. Some, WAY more high-tech than his. (Imagine him learning about ipods!)
He'd see this as a chance.
With access to futuristic technology, he can really get serious.
It's around this time he starts making his watch pro-type. He 'breaks' his first one, asking Jess for a second, and he takes the first one apart.
He starts lifting and stealing parts from every dimension he gets sent to.
It takes at most 4 months for him to crack it, but he does.
Hobie seems like the type to go AWOL.
I feel like he'd just stop.
At once point he wouldn't see the point in fighting any more cause it's just suffocating.
He hates the Spider-society, he hates his universe, and he now hates looking at his own suit.
So after he makes his first watch, I feel like he'd say 'No More', and just take off.
Ghosts London, ghosts HQ, picks a dimension and just leaves, totally untraceable.
He only needs a rucksack and his guitar.
He squats in dimensions, never staying too long, picking up momentos from each one. He has to lay real low, and it's rare but lucky when he finds a dimension with an un-enrolled Spider-person.
The search for him at HQ is quiet, but heated. Miguel doesn't want to raise heat. Having a Spider-person quit is one thing.
They've never handled a Spider-man recreating their tech. That's worrying.
The only person who can make him come back is himself.
Part guilt, part nostalgia, part culture shock - eventually Hobie goes home.
He misses London. He dislikes the future. And he hates the feeling of running away.
Eventually he comes back. London has gotten bad, worse. He has his work cut out for him, but he's fine with that.
He'd forgotten that even if he was one out of hundreds at HQ, his universe only had one Spider-man, and he couldn't quit on them.
He lays low and changes up his strategies a bit so not to make too much ruckus
But his comeback is really the surge the resistance needed to gain some huge traction.
Eventually, he remembers why he started in the first place. Things start getting a little better. He starts feeling like himself again.
After a while Jess and Miguel catch wind of his return back home. It's a good while before they reach out again, but it very much to keep an eye on him.
They tell him they 'understand it was hard to process' for him, sweep it under the rug and call it squashed.
But it's not really.
Hobie wasn't suppose to know about Miles, but then he meets Gwen, and when he learns about Miles and what HQ is up to, he starts planning.
Miles was apart of the plan to take down HQ the whole time.
He's the only real reason Hobie stuck around. He's had a plan since he started.
I love Hobie Angst. I love it so much!!!! His universe and the trauma with that I love it!! I feel like just looking at who he as a character - he's really resilient. He was the first one there, by himself, a 16-17 year old coming from a fascist society, learning about the universe and HQ and how fragile it all is. And still choosing to fight!!!! He's so punk!
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