#maybe hate is a strong word but my GOSH do I despise him
wokasho · 9 months
Ok, I started re-reading Sasuke's and Naruto's first fight on chapter 227 for no reason and can I say something?
I hate Sasuke
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dreaisgrayte · 2 months
I JUST BINGE READ ALL OF YOUR WORKS. YOU HAVE ME SCREAMING AND CRYING. The amount of detail that you put into them is MWAH the freakin chefs kiss 😘 you have been promoted to my #1, please never stop what you're doing ❤️❤️❤️
on another note, would you mind if I requested a scenario with Gojo? Maybe something about fem!y/n being from a high ranking rival clan, who the Gojo clan has despised for their entire existence. Maybe y/n has always had a crush on satoru ever since they first saw each other as kids, but since they were raised to hate each other it never went any further than a small lil crush. but now they're adults and both powerful sorcerers, her feelings kind of just pop back up out of nowhere and satoru finds it amusing how even after all this time and the things that their clans told them about each other that she would still have her little puppy crush on him. Maybe it could be like a she fell first and he fell harder scenario? i'm a slut for those oh my gosh
thank you so much!!!!
That's so so so sweet of you! Honestly, got me giggling and kicking my feet. Careful, I will propose, istg. This... turned into a monster while writing it. I came up with a silly little plan and a silly little idea to incorporate into your request and then this monstrosity was born. If I wasn't told to stop... I might've never stopped writing on this. I L O V E D this idea. Friends to lovers/1 fell first then the other fell harder I EAT UP EVERY TIME. So, here's what my whore brain wrote <3 love you and I hope you enjoy!
warnings: NSFW, MDNI, Gojo harasses the women he's actually into (he forgets how to flirt so just ends up bullying them), teasing, flirting, kissing, cowgirl, missionary, raw sex, a lot of touching, feelings...so many feelings
word count: 6.1k
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The Crave | Satoru Gojo x fem!reader
“Are you sure they’ll be there? I don’t want their son to look at our precious daughter.” Your mother holds you closely to her legs, clicking her tongue in annoyance when the maid nods her head. “Unbelievable. You hear that? Do they think they can parade that freak of nature around Japan? Well, they’ll have to see our daughter as well. She’s got the normal amount of eyes and isn’t staring at everyone with those ugly blue ones.” Her tone is harsh and for a six-year-old you, it’s hard to understand why she’s so angry. You also doubted that the young boy had six eyes.
Your father walks into the room, straightening his tie with a stern look on his features. “As long as they keep him away from her, everything will be fine.”
But as you were brought into the party, still close to your mother – you saw nothing but a boy with snow white hair and brilliant blue eyes. Sure the way he glared at you was slightly off-putting, but he was just a boy. He was alone in the room, but everyone seemed to be talking about him. Even your mother shamed him behind a gloved hand. 
Your heart aches. What did he do that warranted such disgust for simply being alive? The Gojo clan and your clan had been at odds since the very conception of both. They bred powerful sorcerors for fame, gain, and wealth. He was yet another product of selfish desire, born into a role and body he didn’t ask for. His life ahead would be filled with always the underline of being strong. Somehow; being uniquely gifted gave him the responsibility to be used like a tool. You knew your fate wasn’t far behind his.
Though, his eyes sparkled like he knew some deeply funny thing about the world. That – even though his destiny was surely to be used up by his clan – there were still things to be enjoyed in the world. It made your…stomach hurt. Both a swirling breeze of cool and a stifling wave of heat. Boiled and frozen, pumping whatever this feeling was straight into your tiny brain. 
That was the first time you ever saw Satoru Gojo, and you’d soon come to realize around the age of 10 that you had developed an infatuation with him. Children surrounded you, chattering about how you and Satoru were going to get married when you were older. Of course, you blushed and stayed quiet – which in hindsight wasn’t the best idea since the gaggle of children went screaming at Satoru about how you wanted to marry him. A less-than-ideal situation because those sapphire eyes tracked you down amongst the crowd and 10-year-old Satoru smirked. You were utterly done for.
Thinking back on the encounters you’d had with Satoru Gojo, you were glad your family hated him. It gave you an excuse to hide behind that fact because still – in your 20s – his face would appear in the back of your mind. You’d heard things about the miraculous powerful sorcerer he’d become from your boss at the special unit for special grade sorcerors. Your mother called you about 30 times just today to remind you Satoru wasn’t the strongest, you were. The Gojo clan was sneaky, they didn’t care about anyone else except for their gain. Your parents had raised you to be wary of anything the Gojo clan did, one misstep, and suddenly you’d be shipped off to the States. 
It was a mix inside your stomach. The Gojos were not to be trusted and you most definitely were not allowed to interact with their heir. So when your boss comes waltzing up to you with a wide smile on her face, you know that rule is about to be broken. “YN, I’ve been looking for you everywhere,” Her laugh comes off rushed. Your boss knew about the tensions between the rivaling clans, working with special grade sorcerors required her to do so. Then why? Why the hell did she pass over a report with that stupid fucker’s face on it? “There’s a powerful curse roaming around Shibuya that needs the attention of,” she pauses, scrunching her face in thought. 
You sigh, the annoyance in your body pooling in your joints. “Two extremely powerful sorcerors?” You offer, the fakest smile known to mankind presenting itself on your lips.
Nevertheless, she lights up and hits her fist on the flat of her palm. “Exactly! See, this is why we have you on the team!” She exclaims with a little too much vigor for your taste. 
You watch her for a moment, noticing the way her long blue hair bounces around – almost like they were cheering you on as well. “Right…” You drag out the word, glancing at the file folder in your hand. “Why can’t Gojo handle it by himself then?” Her excitement seemingly drains from her face. You take note immediately. “Boss, how powerful is this damn thing?”
Meanwhile, Satoru had the same look on his face – annoyance. He understood having two special graders go on this mission would ultimately be the best option, but you? What sort of sick play of the fates was this? You were always so, he groans running a hand down his face, perfect. Your reputation, your battle tactics, hell even your coworkers thought you were the best. That’s insane. What kind of person even has all of their coworkers think the best of them?
He tosses your folder to the side of his desk, wanting to bang his forehead on the surface of the hardwood just to make sure he is seeing things clearly. The higher-ups were always comparing him to you, making sure he never fell behind in anything. Your clan was just a bunch of prissy stuck-up snobs… but then again… so was his. 
It’s useless, he was stuck going on this mission with you because no matter how powerful he was, he would never have power over himself. He reaches for your folder again, flipping it open. Along with the neverending list of your accolades and magnificent achievements, was a picture of you paperclipped to the stack of paper. A few beats of silence pass as Satoru stares at your face. 
After a few more minutes he grunts and shuts the folder again. He focuses on pulling the black cloth back over his eyes. The curse would be a piece of cake, especially with both of you on the mission. That’s not what he was worried about per se. The tricky part was how unbelievably pretty you had gotten to be and how there was a growing ache in the pit of his stomach. Fuck, this was going to be a shitshow. Then again, he couldn’t help but wonder – with a growing smirk on his face – if you still had that puppy dog crush on him.
“Yes, right this way ma’am.” A blonde man guides you toward Satoru’s office. He’s in an interesting outfit, not the usual sorcerer apparel. His tie is black and white forming an interesting pattern. His calm blue dress shirt is tucked into a pair of beige slacks. He’s very handsome and also looks very tired. Probably from dealing with all of Satoru’s bullshit if you had to guess. 
He stops in front of a door and you almost don’t catch how his body deflates quickly with a tiny sigh before he’s back to normal. “Before I go in, please just call me YN.” Your body moves on its own, planting a hand on his rather muscular shoulder. 
He attempts a smile, but it falters almost as soon as the corners of his mouth reach their peak. “Call me Nanami, Nanami Kento.” He extends a hand and you gratefully shake it. He seems nice. Then, he opens the door and leaning up against a desk is none other than Satoru. 
Satoru is in uniform and you’ll be damned, he looks too good in it. How can someone that lanky pull off a baggy uniform? His fluffy white hair spikes out in a messy ‘I woke up looking this good’ way. Your heart – against every inch of your being, is thumping wildly in your chest. You should’ve double-checked his file to conclude he doesn’t have six ears. What if he can hear how erratic your pulse is? His azure gaze is locked in on the man beside you. “Thank you, Nanami,” Satoru smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. You hear a grunt beside you and then Nanami starts walking down the hall. You watch him leave, wishing he could’ve stayed longer. You hear a loud cough from inside the room. Furrowing your brows you turn your gaze to Satoru, who looks irritated. “I thought you came to spend time with me YN, yet here you are not even paying any attention to me.” He complains, standing up. 
You press your lips into a thin line. “We’re not here for a playdate, we have business to do.” You reply with a lash of venom in your cool tone. Satoru glances off to the side with an airy laugh and smirk. What was he laughing about? You were growing more frustrated with every second. 
“Mmm, playdates remind me of when we were children.” He’s still looking off to the side like he’s watching a memory play out that only he can see. His gaze is back to you in an instant. “You had a crush on me, remember?” He cocks his head to the side, a teasing grin taking over his stupidly handsome face. 
Your body cools with a mixture of embarrassment and annoyance. Oh, so he wanted to bring up the past? You put on your best ‘fuck around a find out’ smile. “Yeah, but that was before puberty hit and I had standards.” You answer the tone of your voice higher and sweeter than before. Satoru raises his brows as an amused expression takes over his face. “Shall we get to business now?” You snap, which only makes him burst out laughing. 
Satoru is walking toward you now and the alarm bells in your head start flashing. “Hey, before that I have a question I’ve been dying to know.” He leans down, planting a hand on the wall next to your head to be level with you. You stiffen, growing uncomfortable. Not with Satoru being this close, but with how much your body seems to enjoy it. 
Your brows knit together and a frown tugs your face downward. “What?” You fume, jerking your head to emphasize the word. Satoru observes you, that feeling in his stomach clawing its way up. His gaze falls to your lips for the slightest of seconds. 
He swallows, the vexing emotion wanted to be near you, beside you, touching you, in you. How troublesome. The only way for Satoru to get rid of this feeling was to somehow annoy you to the extent you never came around him again. Granted – you didn’t anyway, but this exception had nearly driven him to the edge already. “When you were little, did you ever create an illusion of me? Did you hold his hand? Practice kissing him?” Satoru inquires, feeling full of himself. Your whole face drops. You must be in a different world because he did not just ask you that. A garbled scoff sounds from your throat as you gape at him, utterly dumbfounded. 
You try to process what the hell is going on by opening and closing your mouth, raising your hands then dropping them again, and blinking rapidly. “Oh my God,” are the first words that you say. They’re also the next few thousand words you say considering how many times you repeat the phrase. 
By this time Satoru has dropped his arm, regarding you with a rueful grin. He’s backed away a few paces and you finally point a finger at him. “You are disgusting. You mean nothing to me. You’re such an annoying,” You’re panting, anger rolling through you in cold and hot waves. “An annoying.” 
“What YN? An annoying what?” Your eyes are going to bulge out of your head. He’s smirking again! Smirking!
“An annoying fuckface!” You scream, throwing your hands out in pure frustration. You groan exasperatedly before storming out of his office. 
Had you really called him a fuckface? What did that even mean? Satoru is staring at the ceiling of his city-rise apartment, unbelievably shell-shocked from the events earlier today. He flips over on his side. It hadn’t gone exactly like he planned, although he didn’t put much planning into the whole thing. Tomorrow morning you’d both meet up at Shibuya station to track down the cursed spirit. He should probably apologize for acting like an idiot…he groans and flips back onto his back. 
Morning comes like a weight of bricks. You’re both standing awkwardly in the station. The people passing by must sense something because none of them even look your way. Satoru points to the stairs leading to the street level. “Uh, we could always patrol the rooftops…” He’s being so awkward. It was honestly a hit to his ego. Usually, the ladies ate up his tease em’ and leave em’ tactic. As he stares at you a blood-curdling scream echoes from the street above. Dust shakes off of the parts of the station as a loud explosion shakes the ground. 
You glance at Satoru and he nods his head, a knowing smile creeping up his face. Finally, some fighting to get his mind off of whatever asshole thing he’d manage to say to you next. As you both reach the street ahead you’re met with chaos. Cars are being flung by a large lizard entity, but it has eyes everywhere on its body. Satoru is about to gauge an attack but you burst out laughing next to him. His footing stutters, eyes widening as he takes in your genuine laugh. It’s… kind of majestic. You hug your stomach, doubling over in laughter as you extend your hand to point at the cursed spirit. “Looks like,” you snort out a giggle, “Looks like you have some competition for having the most eyes.” 
Gojo is immediately taken aback by your words. A woman runs screaming past you as you wipe a tear away from your eye. “Now let me show you a thing or two.” You sprint toward where rubble and wreckage cause obstacles. You make light work of climbing atop a sizeable pile of rebar and pavement. “Hey, lizard breath! Over here!” Jumping up and down, you wave your arms in the air. Did Satoru have to do anything? You seem to know what to do. 
He watches you with a small chuckle as the monstrosity turns its bulbous eyes toward you. In the blink of its mucusy eyes, your image doubles. Thousands of you spread across the street, then start attacking the main body. Satoru grins, jumping in to join. “Think you could have all the fun without me?!” He yells toward you. 
You’re surprised he could easily see which one of you was the real one. Though, you guess that’s what all those eyes were for. You were working off of one another – working with each other. If your clans could see you now. You’re both laughing and fighting like taking a walk in the park. Surprisingly Satoru can’t keep his eyes off you. He wasn’t sure if it was because he wanted to protect you or simply because as you fought alongside him you proved you didn’t need his protection. When you were with him you didn’t rely on him. No, you could handle yourself, which made Satoru crave your attention. He was the strongest…but with you by his side, his strength would finally be supported rather than taken for granted. 
It doesn’t take long to deal with the cursed spirit and for once Satoru is glad you’re required to come back as a team to fill out paperwork. That way he could get a little extra time with you. He smirks to himself as you finish up in Shibuya. 
He likes the look of you in his office, sitting on the couch in the corner with a small table in front of you. A laptop, a stack of papers, and a cup of tea are all somehow set on top of the small space. Your hair is falling in front of your face as you crouch over to type away the report. He was supposed to be working too, but he’d be damned if he broke his gaze now. “You ever going to stop looking at me and actually fill out some of those files Mr. Gojo?” You hum, still concentrating on the screen in front of you. Of course, you’d figure out he was gawking, it’s not like he was hiding it. 
Satoru clears his throat and glances away. “You can call me Satoru,” He pouts. When was the last time Satoru had requested a woman call him by his given name? Out of everyone else’s mouth, it was a simple endearment, but out of yours? That was something else entirely. 
You sigh, pausing in your efforts to finish the paperwork before dawn. You roll your lips into your mouth and tap your chin. “I think I much prefer fuckface.” You say, then smile sweetly. 
Satoru nods his head, pushing out of his seat. “Yeah? You want to call me fuckface or you want to fuck my face?” He banters. Your body tenses as you watch him sit on the edge of his desk. There's a pressure building in between your thighs that you can’t ignore. Your body feels like there are phantom touches caressing all of the places you yearned for Satoru to touch. 
You huff and turn away from him. “Back to this? Where’s your dignity, your charm, your manhood?” You ask. You jerk to the side, shaking your head. “No wait- that’s not exactly what I mean to say please don’t-”
Satoru is already laughing. “My manhood? Damn, you really must be thinking up all sorts of illusions in there, but,” he crosses the room, stopping in front of your table. He pushes the laptop shut with his fingertips. “The real thing is always going to be better darlin’.”
It suddenly seems very hard to swallow, so you let out an awkward laugh before gathering up your things. “Right, sure, I have to go.” You stumble over your words, rushing for the door. If you didn’t get out of this room right now you were sure bad things would happen. By bad things, you meant letting your guard down for a second around a man who was just flirting with you for the hell of it. You were a part of a rival clan, which meant he couldn’t have you. That also meant he wanted you more than the average woman. Of that, you could be certain, but you wouldn’t be some plaything Satoru could throw to the side once he’d had his fun. 
Behind you Satoru’s face had fallen, his chest rising and falling quickly as you scurry out of his office. Good, now that the real threat had been dealt with, he had some paperwork to finish. You’d be safer away from him, not wrapped up in his clan dealings and always having to live for others. For once, Satoru wanted to be truthfully selfish – sure he would go out, drink, party, enjoy one or two ladies, but in the end he was left with himself again. Satoru couldn’t save himself and he was scared that the only one powerful enough to pull him out of this desperate cry for help…was you.
A couple of months pass by without hide or tail of Satoru. Working alongside him was honestly…freeing. You weren’t held back by the possibility of someone weaker getting hurt. You groan, turning your face to the sky above you. It was gratifying being able to let loose with your own powers. Usually that many mimics will render you immobile, but you were able to spring into action right next to them. “Ma’am, a report from the Tokyo campus,” A file is passed in front of you. As you glance through the pages you turn to glance at your boss. 
She seems busy chatting away with one of the other sorcerers. You blow out a sigh and tuck the file under your arm. “Call them back and tell them I’ll be there within the hour.” You glance down at your sweats, wincing at the fact you wore such comfortable clothes to work. “Maybe make that 2.” You mutter, a disapproving scowl taking over your face. 
You ran home to change into a pair of running shoes, black leggings, and whatever shirt was on top of your dirty laundry. Unlike someone else, you couldn’t teleport, so public transportation was your only way to reach the Tokyo campus area. Walking up the stairs takes a little more effort than you’d like to admit, but when you reach the top you’re met with a shirtless Satoru Gojo and Nanami Kento training. Your jaw practically dislocates from your mouth as you gawk. They were gliding through the air and Nanami somehow had a more excited expression on his face than before. Of course, Satoru notices you first, but that allows Nanami to get a whack in. “Hey! That was foul play.” Satoru hisses, holding his cheek. 
Nanami shrugs, bending down to pick a towel off the ground. “Should’ve put your infinity back up.” He then glances at you and smiles. Your heart warms and a cheesy smile appears on your face. “Hey YN,” He waves and for a moment you’re awestruck by how handsome he is. The Lord was kind to these men. So…so very kind. Both of them were muscular, their abdomens shaped into ridges and divots. Biceps, triceps, everything went on in rippling splendor forever. You’d thought Satoru had maintained a scrawny figure, but you were certainly proved wrong and you were so glad you were. 
 “Hi there Nanami.” You walk over to him, picking up a stray water bottle on your way. You hand it to him but he shakes his head. 
“Thank you, but that’s actually his,” he juts his thumb toward Satoru and your face falls. You toss it toward the silver-haired man and he annoyingly catches it with ease. 
He glares at you, throwing his towel over his shoulder. “Yeah, thanks YN.” He grumbles. Nanami nods toward the school building. 
“If you let me wash up I can take you to Yaga’s office.” He’s back to smiling and honestly, you might have a thing for smiles. 
You latch your hands behind your back and giggle to yourself. “That would be really sweet of you Nanami.” Satoru snorts out a laugh on the other side of Nanami. You shoot him a glare. 
“Why are you callin’ Nanami by his first name but you don me fuckface?” Satoru shoots toward you, frustration twinging all of his happiness from the earlier training session. Nanami peers between you two, and then his brows shoot up with an airy laugh. 
“Oh my God you’re the one that called him fuckface? That’s so fucking funny.” Nanami laughs toward the sky, a soft sound coming from him. 
Satoru grumbles to himself, rolling his eyes like a frustrated child. “You are coming with me.” He growls, latching onto your wrist and pulling you toward the school. 
You stumble over your footing as he yanks you down the pathway. “S-Satoru w-wait oh my God!” You yell as you finally enter the building. He tosses you into the room you know to be his office. You falter backward, catching yourself on his desk. “What’s going on, what the fuck was that?” You hiss. He stalks toward you, throwing his towel onto the couch with a little more aggression than you’d like. 
He closes the distance between you, his nostrils flaring and eye twitching. “Oh so now you call me by name? Oh well, it’s too late for that now princess. You’ve pushed me far enough.” He laughs hotly moving between your legs. He’s massive and his skin is warm, you can feel the heat radiating off of him through your pants. He towers over you in an overwhelmingly torturously attractive way. 
It was hard to understand what was happening with the ringing of your heart covering all rational thought. “What are you saying? I’m not the one that made all those stupid jokes,” You mutter, looking away from him. He hisses, grabbing onto your chin and making your gaze settle back onto him. 
He laughs dryly as you blink questioningly at him. “Yeah? You had that stupid crush on me, that’s what caused this.” He spits, but you still can’t decipher what he’s trying to get at. 
Your lips part, letting out a small exasperated breath. “Listen, I didn’t mean to crush on you again, just old habits die hard I guess,” You explain, groaning as his grip tightens on your chin. His face looks tormented like some great plague has taken over his body.  
He scoffs, tossing your face to the side. You grunt with the impact, narrowing your eyes in annoyance. “Again? Haaa,” He covers his eyes with his hand, groaning softly. “You ran away from me then ignored me YN… how does that scream ‘I have a crush on you?’” The hand that was over his eyes drags down his face. You don’t have an explanation for him because you barely had one for yourself. “You must’ve sent one of your puppets to walk around the streets by my apartment, the campus, but the one thing I can’t figure out is how you got one of them to walk around in my head. I can’t see anyone except you and I’m going crazy.” His eyes are pained and his breath is labored. You finally understand. 
“Satoru…” You whisper his name with all the softness in the world, years of loving him building up into an insurmountable emotion. He turns away from you, covering his mouth this time. 
“Fuck YN, don’t say my name like that.” He hisses and you swear you can see playboy Satoru Gojo’s ears blaze a red color. “You weren’t even trying earlier, but you made me so jealous. Nanami was flirting with you right in front of me and I couldn’t do a damned thing about it. I wanted to both be Nanami and beat the shit out of him.” He slowly lets his gaze turn to you again. “I think I’m in love with you YN,” His voice is nervous, and his eyes are flittering all over your face, searching for answers. 
In love with you? Satoru Gojo was in love with…you? After all the years of your mother telling you to stay away from that boy. You were never supposed to be in this situation, especially not with the head of the Gojo clan. But you know what they say… actually, you didn’t really care about some emotional quote that would relate to this very moment because all you wanted to do – craved to do, was kiss Satoru until the sun set behind the Tori gate. 
“Our clans aren’t going to be very happy about this new development.” You chuckle and Satoru rolls his eyes. 
“That’s not an answer YN…” Okay, so he wants words. A confirmation? What exactly did you feel? Was it love? Was it something different? You didn’t have to know now, time would solidify whatever love is. All you can do is put a name to what you’re feeling.
You smile, a blossoming feeling thumping in your chest. “Yes Satoru, I love you.” You almost don’t get the words out because Satoru slips a hand into your hair and brings your mouths together in a passionate kiss. He kisses you like he’s been a starved man all his life, like he’s never wanted to kiss someone this badly. 
Satoru is obsessed with the way you gasp between kisses and how your eyes squeeze shut. “You can open your eyes, I’m the real thing.” He chuckles and brushes his thumb against your cheek soothingly. 
You weren’t afraid Satoru was one of your illusions, but rather how real this was in the first place. When you really want something you shouldn’t the whole world kind of falls away when you get that thing. When Satoru kisses you, it’s only him and that was terrifying for someone who constantly surrounded herself with things. You peek through your lashes at him anyway. “The same thing goes for me, I’m real.” You state lamely. 
Satoru blows out a chuckle, grinning mischievously. “Mmm, I’m not so sure about that, maybe you should show me.” His eyes darken and the sweltering heat you felt before nearly doubles in size and intensity.
You put your hand over the one he has on your cheek, lowering it until his fingertips brush against the swell of your chest. His brows shoot up and before he has much time to react you move it lower to the apex of your thighs. His breathing falters as he stares, eyes swimming with lust. “Come on Gojo, show me what a rival clan can really do.” The corners of your mouth lift in an enticing smirk. 
For all the time he was irritating and downright egotistical, Satoru is a good listener now. He pushes you into the desk, groaning when your fingernails dig into his shoulders. “You sure do drive a hard bargain.” His mouth tickles against your neck, kissing a trail down to your shoulder. He pauses, taking in a breath. “Mmm, you smell so good,” He mumbles against your shirt. You flush, embarrassment running hot through your veins. Did he like the smell of your dirty shirt? If you’d known the situation you’d be in right now, you would’ve put more thought into what you were wearing. 
He brings himself back up toward your face, planting a deep kiss on your lips. A selfish moan breaks through as Satoru works his lips against yours. “God, you’re so good at that.” You breathe out. A satisfied hum rumbles from his chest. 
You take in his chest, appreciating the view. This earns a chortle from Satoru. “You know, I’m starting to think you only like me when my shirt is off.” You lean into him, wrapping your legs around his waist. Your eyes widen when you realize there’s something hard pressing into your thigh. How you didn’t feel it until now is a mystery because that thing is one of the 7 wonders of the world. Satoru grunts, pulling you up and off the ledge of his desk. “Do you feel that? I think I finally understand what the elders were talking about. All I want to do with you right now is ram my cock into you until I have you writhing under me. Then finish fucking my cum into your cervix so you can mother my children. That way, your parents will have to like me and my clan, because you’ll be a Gojo.” He’s being serious right now, setting you down on the couch. 
You bite your lip curiously. “Do you plan on wedding me Satoru Gojo?” It’s a loaded question that he didn’t have to answer. It was a sweet moment and there you had to go asking a question like that. You don’t expect Satoru to sink onto one knee, take your hand, and place loving kisses on your knucks. 
He meets your gaze, electricity burning between the both of you. “May you wrap my heart around your finger one day and bear my burdens as I will bear yours.” What was even happening? Marriage? Surely this was one big dream, because years ago when you were both kids even imagining this day seemed like a far-off occurrence. This was all so sudden, but in all honesty, when have the two of you ever conformed to conventional standards? 
You were certain of one thing, you didn’t want your first time with Satoru Gojo to be on some dusty couch in the corner of his office. “Satoru… do you think we could continue…” You glance down, running your tongue over your lips. “This elsewhere?” His eyes glimmer, his mouth quirking up in a grin. 
He stands, still holding your hand. “I just basically proposed to you and all you can think about is getting in my pants. Man, rejection stings.” He tuts, shaking his head. You roll your eyes as you both laugh, a heavyweight finally being lifted. Yeah, this felt right. 
All at once you feel nauseated and dizzy. You squeeze your eyes shut, grasping onto Satoru like he was the only thing that could hold you up. “What the fuck was that?” You gasp, blinking your eyes open to find a completely different scene than when you closed them. 
Satoru caresses your cheeks, grounding you to him. “Sorry, I promise you’ll get used to it, well… maybe not, but still I’m sorry.” 
“Where are we?” You gasp, hands still clutching his arms as you peer around the living room you appear to be in. It feels less than lived in like someone staged the whole apartment – which is what you assumed Satoru had teleported you both into.
He scratches the back of his neck while nervously chuckling. “My apartment,” His gaze falls to you, taking in how perfect you look among his things. “Do you like it?” He asks with such a look in his eyes, similar to a puppy begging for attention.
You peek out the ground to ceiling-level windows, laughing to yourself. “I didn’t know teachers got paid so much.” Satoru grins, nodding toward the windows – or rather the city outside of them. 
“Oh you know, I got kind of a side hustle going on.” He shrugs, then turns to you, that mischievous twinkle back in his eyes. “You should see the bedroom.” He offers you his hand, jerking his head to a hallway. “I hear the owner hates it when the bed is made, the least we should do is go mess them up for him.” You take Satoru’s hand and let him lead you into the bedroom at the end of the hall. 
Once the door was shut behind you the playful comments were thrown aside – replaced by frantic kisses and undressing. Satoru sits on the foot of the bed, watching you in all your splendor. Your body was that of a dream, your breasts, the slope of your stomach, thighs, fuck everything about you was glorious. Satoru couldn’t remember how to breathe gazing upon you. “Like what you see?” You tease, positioning yourself over his lap. 
You brace yourself on his shoulders, settling onto your knees. Satoru blows out a choked noise. “Thank fuck I have so many eyes because I couldn’t imagine not being able to see all of you like this.” His hands are on you, running up your back, molding his long fingers into your squishy tits, and then down your side to dig his nails into your hips. “Are you okay with this?” He inquires, tilting his head. 
You smile, but a small part of you wants to line yourself up with his cock and bottom out. “I’m okay with so much more.” You breath. He understands, after all you both want the same thing right now – crave it. 
You both wait with bated breath as Satoru lets you guide him into your entrance. With all the teasing and edging closer and closer to this moment, you were far from dry. It was a little embarrassing how slick you were considering there was practically no foreplay. You hiss as his pretty cock sinks deeper into your throbbing cunt. “That’s it, that’s my good girl. You can take all of me,” His grip on your hips tightens, helping push you onto him. A strangled moan hisses out of your mouth as you slump onto Satoru’s shoulders. “Feels s’good baby. God, you’re so perfect.” He’s kissing your temple and you’re squeezing his cock with airy moans. After a moment, he bottoms out, a guttural groan rumbling from within him. “You did so good, fuck,” 
The air feels thick, heady, and fills with the wet sound of Satoru’s cock inside you. “Go-go ahead and move.” You order with a shaky breath. He starts to move, laying back to better fuck into you. You plant your hands on his abdomen, moaning loudly. His length hits every sensitive spot at once, causing you to tremble on top of him.
Satoru chuckles, then suddenly flips you both over. “Come on YN, I thought you’re one of the strongest sorcerers in Japan, you can handle me fucking you.” 
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158 notes · View notes
eeunoia · 3 years
ENHYPEN Mini Series
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E N H Y P E N as Vampires
pairings: jay park x reader
summary: you were obsessed to vampires not knowing you actually have on luring closely around you.
word count: 5.3k
warnings: a little spicy (keyword: little)
a/n: So after seeing black-haired Jay, I don’t know what else to feel. He really looked good! I mean, all of them looks so good. Oh my gosh, I don’t know. But I hope you enjoy this one. 🌸 (Taglist still open!)
taglist: @rubyanne, @izneos, @jung-breadshop @llamabouquet @eterniki @hwangjangmi @full-sannie @danyxthirstae01 @flowerjaem @dreamykkoo​​
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“Oops. I’m sorry.” you politely said to the person you bumped into while holding some books over both of my arms. He glanced at you then decided to go back to what he was doing. You just shrugged it off and ignored it.
With a light bit to your lower lip you just continued your way back to where your table was. The table was already filled with a lot of books, you’re the only one occupying it but it seems like a group of friends were sitting there because of all the mess. You have a free period so you decided to spend your time here in the library, reading something about vampire.
“I knew I’ll find you here.” your head snapped upwards and a smile quickly spreads through your face at the sight of your friend in front of you.
He was gorgeous as always, Park Jay is in front of you, hair pushed back showing off that beautiful forehead of his. He was showing your his side-smirk while one of his hands was inside his pocket.
“Hi, I was just reading some stuff.” you said excitedly at him. He scoffed right at you didn’t really need to ask you what it was because he already knew what it is. There’s only one thing that makes you go crazy... vampires.
Jay sat down at the vacant chair beside you. He roamed his eyes around to all the different varieties of books at the table. There were thin ones and thick ones. All sort of those type of books you can see in a library.
“Can you even read all of these? I mean, there’s just too many.” Jay said sounding a bit concern as he even goes through some of the books. His face kind of made this unexplained expression as he see some weird stuff written over at the title of the book.
“So... I went here because Shan, is throwing a party later tonight. I was planning to invite you.” Jay said as he still kept looking through some of the books.
You don’t usually get along well with a lot of people. You only have few friends and Jay’s one of them. He figures it would be great to let you interact with real people instead of having you spend your night reading stuff like this. You glanced at him for a while.
“Sounds fun but I’ll pass. I have plans tonight.” you gave him a warm smile as you started flipping over at the pages of the book that you’re currently reading. You grabbed your small notebook to write down something new that you’ve just read.
Jay rolled his eyes and let out a loud sigh, “What plan? To read and research about vampires again?” you weren’t that much surprise to heard it from him. If there's somebody who knew you well, it would be him. Although you don't know much about your dear friend, he knew almost everything about you. Almost... since he doesn't have an idea about your feelings for him.
"Yeah, you got that right." you smiled at him before you went back at reading once again. Furrowing your brows seriously, you tried hard to focus at the books instead of Jay's manly scent.
You've always known his scent ever since. There's just something about it that makes your head grew blank of any thoughts but him. It was like his trademark, makes you aware that he's around.
He snorted beside you then rolled his eyes before resting his hand over at the book you were reading. With a shooting glare, you glanced towards his direction.
"I have better plans so we should go with mine." he shoot you with those intimidating stares. You can't help but to gulp while you're admiring his beauty. He looked so intimidating and hot at the same time. No wonder, a lot of girls from your university were head over heels for him.
"Why do you even want to bring me there? You know how I hate parties and you're probably just gonna use me to avoid those girls." you rolled your eyes at him as you shoved away his hands. You grunted when he don't even moved his hands. How can he be so strong?
"You're kind of right about the girls things but the main reason was because I don't want to be all happy in that party while you're being miserable reading." he said and even smirked at you.
You pushed the side of your cheek with your tongue as you raise an eyebrow at him tilting your head over at the side. "And who said I'll be miserable while reading? I would probably enjoy my night." you said.
He chuckled and finally moved his hand away from your book only to wrap it around your shoulder to pull you closer to him. With a bright red tinted over at your cheeks, you tried hard to calm yourself down.
"C'mon don't be a bummer! I promise I'll go to the library tomorrow with you and you can read for as long as you want." he said whispering over at your ears making your heart beat faster every time his hot breath fans over at your ears and neck.
You tried hard to ignore your beating heart and focused with what he just said. Did he really just said that? Offered to go with you at the library? He never done that before and despise it whenever you asked him to join you. He really got bored pretty fast so you can't blame him. Books just bore him out.
"Are you serious about that?" you said trying to check if he's saying the truth because you kind of doubt it. It can be one of his traps so he can make you go to that party.
"Yeah, I really mean it." and he smiled at you, this time sincerely. You felt your heart racing as your shoulder fell as a gesture of surrendering. You let out a sigh before you pursed your lips, starring over at his pretty eyes.
"Okay, we have to seal it." and you extended your hand over at him, showing him your little pinky finger.
Jay's eyes trailed over it and chuckle a bit because of how cute and childish you can really be. He raised his hand and linked his pinky with yours as he looked back up at you.
"Sealed. I'll pick you up at 8pm."
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You tilted your head before slightly covering your ears as the loud music kind of ringed inside your head making it ache a bit. You're starting to regret your decision of coming here with Jay.
It's been almost like fifteen minutes and he can't be found anywhere! He just told you that he'll get both of you drinks and he disappeared. You rolled your eyes as you started fidgeting with your fingers, slightly starting to feel getting tired of the surrounding.
Whenever there’s a lot of people, you can just feel all of your energy getting sucked out. You don't know but that's just how you feel, maybe because you really hate being in a lot of crowd. Which is a little strange because your friend, Jay, was the complete opposite.
"Why does a pretty girl like you alone, huh?" your head snapped upwards when somebody talked to you. In front of you was one of the cocky football players in your school. You're familiar with him because he's one of the famous students. Often talked about by the girls in your class. He's also friends Jay, you think.
You gave him a faint smile, "Uh, Jay said he'll just grab us drinks." you reasoned out even though that was already fifteen minutes ago.
You saw how a playful smirk got plastered over at his lips, "Ohh, Jay... But I clearly remember seeing him banging somebody at the bathroom though?" he even tilted his head over at the side.
You didn't have time to examine his expression because you quickly felt betrayed after hearing that from him. He said he'll take care of you in this party but seems like he's gonna take care of something else. You have no right to get mad at him, it was normal. But what pisses you off is that you're supposed to be at your dorm, peacefully reading your books and he dragged you all the way here.
You let out a sigh standing up from the sofa and slightly pulling down the end of your short dress. You gave the guy an awkward insincere smile, "I think I should go." you mumbled as you were about to turn and leave the place when you felt him grabbing your arm, stopping you.
"Why don't you stay for a bit more? I can get you a drink." he smirked showing off his charming smile at you.
You battled inside your mind but ended up smiling at him in an apologetic way, "I'm sorry but I want to go now." and you tried to get away from his grip.
You made it outside the frat house and there’s still a lot of people outside but not as crowded from inside. When you were about to make it really out, you felt one hand gripped over you once again.
"Hey are you sure you don't want to stay?" it was the guy from before, he came after you.
"Uh yeah."
"Then can I just drive you home?" he sounds sweet, honestly. But since you knew him a bit, you know he's just basically wanting to get into your pants.
You gave him a smile once again, trying not to show that you're slowly getting pissed. Not to mention, Jay really did get into your nerves tonight.
"No, thanks." you sound polite saying no. When you were about to pull off from him, a hand suddenly loosen his grip from you and Jay's familiar back was now in front of you.
"Hands off, Yoon." Jay said firmly and he's now the one holding your arm. You rolled your eyes and looked away, still pissed at him.
"Okay! I was just offering her a ride home."
"Go offer that to somebody else." and you heard the guy walked away after he heard that from Jay.
You kept quiet even after he turned around to face you. His brows were furrowed hardly looking pissed as well. Taken aback at how he's acting, you pulled away from his grip.
"What?" you asked him sarcastically.
He let out a sigh, calming himself before he ran his hand over at his hair. "I clearly remember told you to stay and wait for me." he muttered seriously at you.
You smiled at him fakely, "Oh, I'm sorry. I figured you wanted to take time fucking the girl in the bathroom so I was just about to go home."
You saw the instant confusion over his face as he starred at you.
"What are you talking about?"
It pisses you even more looking at him denying it. "You were banging somebody at the bathroom that's why you disappeared."
He was still confused, "Banging? Who told you that? I was not--" you didn't even let him finish because you turned around, ready to leave. You were just getting pissed because he was denying it.
You felt him grabbing you and forcing you to face him, "Hey I'm telling the truth! You can even check if my I did. I was just caught off with some friends inside and when I went back to give you the drink, you were gone! You gave me a heart attack, thinking somebody took you somewhere else."
You crossed your arms at him, "I want to go home."
Jay starred right at your eyes and sighed heavily. He planned to actually have fun with you tonight but it seems like that's not gonna happen anymore because you're upset.
"Okay, I'm sorry baby if I left you for a long time." he said sincerely. You gulped and looked away from him as the sweet endearment of him rings over your mind.
You weren't even supposed to act mad. Then so what if Jay's fucking someone at the bathroom? He's already a grown man, he's attractive so a lot of girls will be interested to him! Maybe it's because of your jealousy? You don't exactly know what.
"Okay whatever. I wanna go."
"Okay, can I first have a hug because I was really scared when you were not there where I left you." you eyed him and he's now opening his arms for you.
"And to make sure you aren't upset anymore." he said smirking.
You starred at his eyes for a bit while before you gave in and let out a sigh. Slowly, you approach Jay and wrapped your arms around his waist while he wrapped his around you. He dropped a kiss over at your head before he mumbled something over at you.
"I'll just say goodbye with my friends inside and we can just go somewhere else." he softly said.
You pulled away from the hug after nodding, "Okay, I'll wait for you here."
He starred at you seriously before he shake his head, "No. I'm not leaving you ever again." and he pulled you by your hand.
When you made it inside the crowded frat house, the loud music once again ringed inside your head. The people inside were now getting wasted so it can't be helped to be bumped by somebody. Jay intertwined your fingers with his to make sure you won't be lost.
"Hey, I'll be going." you noticed Jay's familiar circle of friends. They eyed Jay and you saw that disappointed look over the girls that were there.
He chuckled as they groaned in disagreement. "It was a great party, dude. See you around." he lastly said before he started pulling you away.
You even saw how the girl's eyes looked at you with envy and madness. They sure want to stop Jay, that's for sure. But they also know once Jay made a decision, they can't stop him from doing it.
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"Thank you." you smiled at him when he put some more books at the table. He smiled at you as he sat down beside you.
You're now at the library and as promised, Jay really did go with you. He even helped you look for books and said he will stay with you while you read.
As you started rummaging over the books, Jay rested his back over his chair and get his nintendo. He'll play while you do your reading. You've got no classes for today so you can do as much reading as you want without worrying for the next classes.
"Did you know vampires can live forever?" you said sounding so excited as you eyed Jay who's clearly busy with his game.
His hands were busy and his eyes too, while brows furrowed seriously, he gave you a quick glance.
"Oh really? Interesting." you ignored the fact that he sounded so sarcastic about and just kept flipping the pages of the book.
"And I even read that they can roam around even in broad daylight without worrying to be dissolved." you started blabbering some stuff you find cool about them.
Jay just gave you a small nod and still kept his eyes over at his game. You know you're sounding a bit pathetic to other people because of how crazy you are with vampires. They're just few people who believed they do exist and you're one of them. You're just glad that even though you're like this Jay didn't unfriend you. He's just there, listening with your obsession.
"Do you think it'll be painful if a vampire bite you?" You wondered and rested your elbows at the table then your head leaned over your palm as you stare over Jay.
You saw how he stopped moving his fingers and eye you. Those stares really gave chills over your back but you can't look away from him as well. His gazes truly were intimidating, but you love them.
"Wanna try?" he said seriously. You blushed hardly as you starred at him too.
You two were silent for a while as you slowly went back to your senses.
"What do you mean?" you asked feeling completely flustered.
He put his game over the table and leaned closer to you, you gulped starting to feel nervous. Jay's face was still serious when he stretched his hand and put it behind your neck before he pull you closer his lips quickly aiming for your neck.
"J-Jay?" you were confused why he's suddenly acting like this.
"I bet it'll hurt a lot, y/n. It will hurt so much that you can't even take the pain." he whispered after placing a soft kiss over at your neck.
You gulped trying to clear your throat and Jay pulled away now with a smirk over his handsome face. His hands crawled over at your neck and he grabbed it, with a slightly choking position but not tightening it.
"But I bet the vampire will enjoy biting your neck. Sure will do." he muttered before leaning closer to kiss you over at your cheek.
He pulled away and smiled at you, "I'll just get us some drinks." he winked before standing up and leaving you there, dumbfounded.
Jay's really driving you crazy! How can he pull off that stunt without even a single warning? You literally thought he'll bite off your neck or something. You sighed and you rested one of your hands at your chest. You can feel your indefinite heart beats, it was all his fault.
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You starred worriedly over at Jay when he opened the door for you, one night. It was already 9pm and he suddenly called you saying he doesn't feel so good. You hurriedly went to his house to check on him and you saw him looking a bit unwell.
"What happened to you?" you asked worried and rested your hand over at his forehead. It was cold, like always.
He held your hand and smiled a little. You can clearly see that he isn't okay, that he's not feeling well.
"I'm fine. I'll get better once you cook for me." he said and starred right at you. You ended up nodding your head and instructing him to just lay down somewhere.
You tied your hair up and wore the apron slowly trailing over the familiar cozy floor of Jay’s house. It isn’t the first time you were there so were obviously used to it. You rummaged over his stuff and started making something you remembered he loved.
You were now chopping off some ingredients that you’ll be needing for the dish you’re planning to cook for him while you’re mind wonders off to Jay. Ever since the day at the library and the conversation about the bite in the neck, you started thinking about Jay even more. You don’t know why but you think you might be out of your mind. Your obsession with vampires was making you think your friend were actually one of them.
“Ugh.” you grunted lowly as you accidentally cut your finger. You quickly walked towards the sink to wash it away when you felt presence behind you.
“Y/n...” you heard Jay said in a low voice.
You turned around and saw him starring like crazy in your finger that was bleeding, “Jay, it was just a small cut.” you even tried smiling at him but his eyes were still locked at your bleeding finger.
Finding it a bit odd, you cupped his face using your unwounded hand and made him face you. It was just for a short moment but you clearly saw it with your own eyes. Jay’s black eyes turned into a bright red color. You don’t know how to express the excitement you just felt when you saw it.
“Y-You’re eyes...” Jay snapped back to reality and stepped backward, away from you. He knew he fucked up, he shouldn’t have made you go here when he’s like this, when he’s hungry. He thought he was in control and seeing you can somehow calm him down but why does it have to end this way? He can resist you as long as he cannot smell your blood but you just cut yourself and your blood triggers him.
All he wants now is to hold you closer, have some of those blood. Keep you near him, so close to him and to never let go. The most hidden feelings of him slowly becoming visible, he hates it.
“No way,” you mumbled still starring at him not minding that your finger was still bleeding.
“Yes way so if you don’t want me to eat you alive, get away.” Jay said and still slowly backing away.
You starred over at his eyes trying not to miss the moment of him changing his eye color. You can’t believe that what you just read was true. They did change their eye color! Excitement ate you whole as you advanced towards Jay, fear clearly can’t be seen over at your eyes.
“You don’t know how exciting that sounds for me, Jay.” Jay was dumbfounded to actually hear that from you. He’s being dizzy by the scent of your fresh blood and all the emotions that were starting to mess around.
He knew you were obsessed and crazy over his kind but he never really thought you’ll react this way when you knew about him. He didn’t took notice that you were now close to him. you cupped his face as you stare at him.
“Vampires do look breath-taking.” you said.
Jay gulped eyes turning red once again, you were too close and he knew it was dangerous. He pursed his lips as he held over your waist ready to push you away. n “Baby, this is not good. You’re making me so hungry.” he shut his eyes.
“You can have some.” Jay snapped his eyes open and when he saw how sincere your eyes looks, he can’t stop himself anymore.
He muttered small little curses under his breath before he carried you and made you sit over the kitchen counter. Jay held your face softly as his fangs slowly showed, “It’ll hurt a lot.”
You smiled and caress his face, “I can take it.”
He sighed and leaned forward to kiss you over at your lips once before he showered your chin and neck with butterfly like kisses. You shut your eyes as you held unto his hair.
Jay was already feeling so hungry and seeing your bare neck in front of him just drives him crazy. The countless times he fantasize of biting this flashed back through his mind, he didn’t even know there comes a time he will actually burry his fangs at your neck.
You bit your lower lip as you felt his fangs bury at your neck causing you this unexplainable pain. You quickly felt dizzy and Jay was there to hold you close to him making sure you won’t fall.
He pulled away and faced you, looking a bit pale, he got worried and held your face. You smiled seeing him in front of you, fangs showing and blood over at the side of his lips.
You leaned over and kiss it off of the side of his lips. You opened your mouth letting his tongue touch with yours. He groaned and even held your nape to deepen the kiss. You chuckled and pull away, n “You actually enjoy that taste?” you tried to joke when you had a taste of your own blood.
“It was the best so far,” he smirked.
You smirked at him too as you starred at Jay. His eyes weren’t red anymore but his fangs were still out in the open. “You look so hot.”
“Oh yeah?” he chuckled and leaned for another kiss.
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It’s been days ever since the day you knew that Jay was a vampire and ever since then you started becoming his blood bank. He have this blood packs that you don’t know where the hell came from but he prefers to have your blood. It was kind of cute not until you’re full of his bite marks.
If it’s annoying for you, it’s a masterpiece for Jay. For him, seeing you full of his bite marks clearly like claiming you. He smirked while starring over at you doing your homework. Classes were over and you’re at the library with him.
“Aren’t you hot for wearing that?” he teased referring to your turtle neck.
You rolled your eyes, “Why don’t you try then? I clearly told you, stop putting it in a visible place! You never listen.” you hissed at him a bit pissed.
He smirked tilting his head before leaning forward and carefully ran his palm from your collar bone up to your neck, he leaned in.
“Then so what if I want to put it in where people can see it?”
“If its love bites, it’ll be just fine but they’re vampire bites. You hear that? Now, move away,” You rolled your eyes and Jay laughed loving how you talk back at him.
He held your chin and made you face him dropping a kiss over at your lips.
Finally, Jay left you because he have basketball practice and he said he’ll be out till night. It’s okay for you since you’re planning to do something while he’s busy with something else.
It’s been days since you kept on forcing Jay to turn you in. But it’s either he change the subject or he’ll straightly say no. It pissed you off since you were aware of the process of becoming one and you know it’s really possible.
You walked silently towards the football field and go straight over the back of their locker room. There you saw him, squatting down, smoking.
“I knew I would see you here.” you started. The guy snapped his head towards your direction and was a bit stunned to see you there.
“What are you doing here, Jay’s girl?” he asked and take a huff from his cigarette.
You pursed your lips before you let out a heavy sigh, “Can I ask you for a little favor?” you don’t want to waste any time and want to straightforward.
“It depends if we won’t get into trouble with Jay. Why are you even here? Why don’t you ask him for the favor?”
You crossed your arm, “Well, I already did but he refused to.”
He looked at you, trying to guess what you want.
“What is it?”
You were silent of a while before you let out a sigh, “Can you turn me into a vampire?” you suddenly blurted out, getting straightforward.
His eyes grew big for a while as he started coughing after breathing wrongly with his cigarette. You kind of feel bad, so you approach him.
“Are you okay?”
“Are you? This is actually someone approached me for this kind of favor. I thought you were gonna ask me to have sex with you for a second there, I mean that’s what girls usually ask me for a favor.” he was still a bit shock but he managed to stare at you. Now, he noticed the clothes you were wearing.
“So you knew about Jay and he’s feeding on you.” he stated a bit surprised by the situation. He can’t believe this kind of thing was happening right now.
You rolled your eyes, “Are you gonna do the favor or not?” you’re starting to get pissed and you’re actually running out of time. Jay’s practice will be over and you won’t have any time to approach this guy.
“Chill, how did you even know I’m one of them?” your eyes trailed over at his hand that was holding the cigarette.
“That ring, Jay also that kind of old ring. He said it helps him to walk freely in daylight.” you explained.
He nodded actually realizing you were pretty observant of your surrounding. “If you badly want to become one, then why don’t you ask him to turn you?”
“Do you think I didn’t do that? I already did. He kept on refusing.”
“Maybe he have his reasons? Look, I know the sound of living forever and not being able to die is tempting but trust me, it’s not that easy.”
You grew silent. You knew that. Of course you’re aware of that. You think about this a lot and it still brings you to the desire of becoming one.
“Does he know you’re here?” you looked back at him. brows starting to furrow.
You saw how he smirked while leaning over the wall, n “That explains why he seems to be really mad.” you didn’t even have the time to ask him. You just saw him pinned over the wall, a mad jay was holding him by the collar.
“Jay!” you panicked and approached closer.
“What do you think are you doing, Yoon?” his eyes were red and fangs were visible. Yoon smirked at him and raised both of his hands.
“I’m not doing anything, Jay. She was the one who went here.” he said. Jay’s mad eyes were not darted over at you.
“He’s right, I went here myself.”
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“What were you thinking?! You went there alone at night! You knew he’s a vampire and you still went there.” he was very mad. You made it to his house and you two were now in front of each other, his eyes bloodshot, angry at you.
“I wanted to ask him a favor to turn me in since you kept on declining.”
He eyed you, anger became more even intense. He doesn’t know what to feel when he actually heard that from you. All he know is that he’s angry and worried for you. Seeing you in front of Yoon a while ago made him so mad and jealous. For him, you were just his.
“I know you’re obsessed with vampires but I can’t believe you can be this crazy and desperate of becoming one.” he muttered angrily at you.
You pursed your lips while you stare at your fidgeting hands. You sniffed, tears started to pool your eyes. Slowly, you raised your head to face Jay and look over at his eyes.
“It’s not about my obsession about vampires anymore, Jay.” your tears fell from your eyes as Jay clenched his jaw. He hates it, he doesn’t want to see you crying, but he also wants this to stop. He doesn’t want you luring around another vampire again.
“Then what?”
“When I found out that you were a vampire, wanting to become one is not because of my obsession. It’s because I want to be with you forever.” you cried even more.
Jay’s eyes soften as he watch you, “Knowing that soon I’ll leave you hurts me. I don’t want to leave you, Jay. I love you.”
You cried hardly and cover your face with both of your hands. Jay sighed eyes turning red. He advanced closer and held your arms carefully. He uncovered your face kissing you over at your forehead then cupped your face.
“Do you really mean it?”
You starred right into his eyes as you nod your head. He smiled as he leaned closer kissing your lips.
“Alright,” he mumbled softly and turned your head over at the side then moved your turtleneck. He bite over your neck, making you grunt a little.
He pulled away as he held unto the end of your shirt and take it off of you.
“On your knees in front of me, baby,” he ordered giving you those intense look.
Slowly you followed what he said. Jay starred down at you before he fold his sleeves up to his elbow before he bite his two fingers. You saw how his blood ran down.
He moved it down and placed it in front of your face. You looked at it before you looked back over at Jay.
“Open your mouth for me.” he muttered lowly. You followed and carefully entered his two fingers inside your mouth letting you taste his blood.
“That’s it, every bit.” you drank his blood and felt a bit stranger.
“That’s a good girl.” Jay said before he withdraws his fingers from your mouth then crouched down to kiss over your lips. You moaned when he bite over your lips making you open your mouth, sliding in his mouth and you taste more blood from it.
Jay pulled away and carried you over at his bed, laying you down and showered kisses over you as he whispered over your ears.
“I’ll turn you and keep you forever, y/n. You’re gonna be mine and you will never ever have a chance to leave me.” he said right over your ears.
“I love you, Jay.”
You felt his hands over at your body. He kissed the center of your tummy, up to the middle of your chest, to your neck then grabbed it by his hand. He pulled away and starred right at your eyes, his eyes were red, full of affection for you.
“I love you, y/n.”
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timelordthirteen · 4 years
In All Things 26/?
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Mr. Gold/BelleFrench, Explicit (eventually)
Summary: A Rumbelle arranged marriage AU.
Chapter Summary: An invitation, a decision, and touch of regret.
Notes: Oh my gosh this got so long and there’s so much dialogue and uuuugghhh. Sorry. It was necessary I guess. Also idiots got all cute with each other and *hands*
Gold stared at the crown in the center of the wax seal, his thumb running back and forth over the thick, raised edge.
He knew what it was, particularly given the extra embellishment on the outside of the paper, and any other year it would have swiftly been tossed into the fireplace and forgotten, but this year he found himself in a different situation. The seal cracked easily, a few bits crumbling to the desk as he unfolded the letter. Inside was a card made of a heavier parchment and embossed in one corner with the sigil of the royal family. Across the card, in an elaborate calligraphy style writing, were the words... Lord & Lady Gold
He sat back in his chair, momentarily startled by the titles written together, much as the near daily realization that he was married did. Setting the card aside, he scanned the letter, noting the usual pleasantries and flowery phrasing. It was the expected invitation to the royal court’s New Year’s ball, an extravagant one night event, surrounded by some of the most tedious and disingenuous people he’d ever met. Still, Lady Ella would be there, and he supposed there would be other acquaintances of Belle’s that she might like to see. But a solstice celebration at Thornhill was a far cry from the royal court. Accepting the invitation would mean being seen in the most public way possible, at one of the largest events in the kingdom.
Then there was the small matter of the dance.
He rubbed at his leg idly, remembering the tight ache from a few days ago. The dance he’d shared with Belle had taken up residence in a corner of his mind, rather persistently. It kept coming to the forefront in the late hours, and he couldn’t sort out how he felt about it to put it to rest. There was a moment at the end, after he’d spun her around one last time, delighting in her bright smile, where they had been very close, and he could admit that for that brief instant he’d been almost spellbound. The thought of kissing her sprang to mind, shocking him, and had then been swiftly dismissed.
It was absurd for him to even consider. A beautiful woman in close proximity would naturally raise such ideas, if one's guard was let down, and he was only human. But that was simply not the way things were with Belle. Their marriage was becoming a strong, capable partnership, one where they were working together for the prosperity of two estates and all those who depended upon them. Romance, lust, too much wine, whatever that brief instant had been had no place in that plan. Never mind that Belle would likely be aghast at what he’d been thinking. She trusted him, and he couldn’t risk doing anything to disrupt that, certainly not something so silly and fleeting.
“What’s wrong?” came Jefferson’s voice.
Gold sighed and set the invitation down on the far side of the desk before looking up at his friend. “That.”
Jefferson frowned and picked up the page, his eyes jumping back and forth, getting wider as he skimmed it. “Well...”
“Hmm.” He sat back in his chair and motioned for Jefferson to sit. “That was my thought, or lack thereof, exactly.”
“Are you going to accept?”
Jefferson handed the invitation back, and Gold folded it closed. “I have not decided, but I should probably speak with Belle before I do. The palace may have become a dangerous place for us now that we’ve disrupted George’s plan to take Avonlea.”
Jefferson smirked. “Yes, I think your wife’s opinion on the matter would be interesting.”
He gave Jefferson a flat look and shook his head. “She likely wouldn’t want to go, and I can’t say I blame her.”
“Nor I,” Jefferson agreed. “There’s also the small matter of politics when one is at court. It’s a game I don’t imagine Belle would want to play.”
“Very true.” Then Gold sighed. “So, to what do I owe this visit from you in the middle of the afternoon?”
Jefferson suddenly looked deadly serious and sat forward in his chair. His voice was low as he spoke, as though he was afraid of being overheard. “On the heels of your little coup at Avonlea, I’m told that the King is attempting to subvert your victory by getting the council to take it away again.”
He made a face and then frowned. “Is it reliable?”
Jefferson nodded. “I believe so. Everything else I’ve received from this source has been, and they are very well placed with the royal court.”
Gold leaned his elbows on the desk as his eyes fixed on the invitation card for the New Year’s ball. “Belle will be the named heir to Avonlea now. It doesn’t make any sense.”
“But the King does not know that yet,” Jefferson said. “As far as he understands, the estate is yours by rights. Maurice signed it over, those were the papers were sent to the palace.”
He met Jefferson’s gaze and huffed. “That may be true, but the council would have to believe that it was done under some sort of false pretense, that Maurice was coerced or otherwise not in his right mind.”
Jefferson’s look was pointed. “Do you really believe it will be that hard for the King to convince them to agree with his proposal? Enough of them dislike you sufficiently to believe you are capable of willful deceit as it pertains to Maurice and Avonlea, whether or not it’s actually true.”
Gold scowled and made a begrudged, grumbling reply. He knew Jefferson was right. A number of the other nobles thought little of him, whether because of his past, or because of how he had helped George ascend to the throne. They were forced to treat him as an equal, though they clearly despised it, which he always used as a source of amusement. That the same derision with which they regarded him was now directed at Belle pained him, and further reinforced that he was nothing but a bastard for trapping her in a marriage.
“You’re right,” he said finally, nodding to Jefferson and sighing. “He would need Belle to support his petition to the council, and to support the claim that Maurice was forced to give up his land.”
“He probably believes she would if he promises to give Avonlea over to her heir.”
The words nearly startled Gold. Of course the King would make that sort of stipulation, it was the only way to ensure the misery of everyone involved, and the result that he desired which was Avonlea under royal control. Gold abruptly pushed to his feet, his fist thumping hard on the desk before he turned and stalked to the window. The cool draft off the glass was a welcome sensation on his face, and he knew it must be furiously red as dhis heart rate increased along with his anger. There would be no heir, and Belle would be forced to watch her home be given to whatever lord or lady prostrated themselves the most.
Jefferson came to stand beside him, his hands folded behind his back. “What do you want to do?”
“What I want to do, and what I should do, are very different things,” he said.
Then he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, blowing it out slowly as he tried to calm himself. What he wanted to do was take George Spencer’s legs right out from under him with his cane, crown or no crown.
“Maybe...” Jefferson began, glancing sideways at Gold as he hesitated. “Maybe you should go to the ball.”
“What?” he snapped, turning to Jefferson. “You just agreed with me that it was a terrible idea to subject Belle to that viper’s pit, and now you’re suggesting I do exactly that?”
Jefferson smiled slightly. “Yes, I am, but what if - “
“- what if...” he continued, ignoring Gold’s interruption, “you and Belle attended, and presented a very... united front? One that would imply the King would not have Belle’s approval for his proposal to the council.”
Gold looked out of the window at the snow heaped up over one of the planters as he pondered what Jefferson was suggesting. If the King got the impression that he and Belle were truly partners, that they were of one mind when it came to Avonlea, then it might be enough to thwart the entire effort for good. Without Belle to reinforce the assertion that Maurice was coerced into signing over his estate, the council could dislike him all they wanted, it would mean nothing.
“It could work,” he said finally. “Though it’s not without risk.”
“You would need to appear as aligned and together as possible,” Jefferson warned. “You know what the palace is like. Many eyes will be on you, both those you can see and those you can’t.”
Gold nodded. They would have to share meals, dances, everything including a room, the same as all the other couples. Everyone would be wondering about Belle, wanting to see how Lady Gold carried herself, and how they behaved together. It would be uncomfortable at best, and at worst she might return to Thornhill hating him. But Belle was strong willed and smart, and he believed she could do it, if she was willing.
Jefferson leaned to the side, bumping his shoulder against Gold’s. “You know it isn’t you I’m worried about, right?”
Gold glanced sideways at him. “I know. I will speak with Belle before dinner, let her decide how we proceed.”
Jefferson nodded, and left the room, leaving Gold alone to contemplate how to break the situation to his wife.
Belle sat tucked into the corner of the sofa in front of the fireplace of her library, several letters spread out on the cushion beside her.
Gold stopped in the half open doorway and knocked gently, a smile playing at his lips as he watched her. “May I come in?”
She looked up and grinned. “Of course. Come sit with me.”
“Heard from Desmond again?”
“Yes,” she sighed as she hurried to pick up and stack the papers she’d laid out.. “He wrote two days ago.”
Gold frowned and sat at the other end of the sofa. “Two days? Why did it take so long to arrive?”
Belle set the letters on the side table and then gave Gold a flat smile. “Apparently the road from Longbourne is nearly impassable with snow and ice.”
He made a face and shook his head. “Should have guessed. We’ve gotten quite a bit more since the solstice.”
“Apparently his son, Liam, took a hunting party out on Sunday, hoping for a deer or two,” she said, giving him a wry look. “But he lost his footing, slid down the side of the gulley, and nearly ended up in the river.”
“Good heavens,” Gold said with a light snort. “I presume he’s well?”
“He has a very hard head, he’ll be just fine.”
They laughed and then she added, “Unfortunately, they were only able to get two pheasants and a rabbit, and so the issues continue with supplies at Avonlea. It seems they can’t manage to find any good fortune of late.”
“Indeed,” he muttered. He let his gaze drift to the fire for a long moment as he pondered whether or not the news he brought and the question that came with it would help or hinder the situation.
Belle tilted her head and leaned forward, trying to catch Gold’s eye. He seemed preoccupied with something, and she hoped that he would tell her about it, whatever it was. “Cameron? Did you come find me because you couldn’t bear to wait until dinner to see me, or did you have something to ask?”
At the sound of his name he startled and then sighed. “Sorry. Yes, I have something to ask you, and no I could not bear to let it wait until dinner.”
She laughed again and shook her head, but then noticed he wasn’t smiling. “You seem...out of sorts? Are you well?”
Gold reached over and took her hand, giving it what he hoped was a reassuring squeeze. “I’m fine, I promise, but we have something to discuss that I thought was best kept between us.”
At that her expression turned serious, and she shifted closer, holding his hand with both of hers and resting their joined hands in her skirts. “What is it?”
“I’ve, uh, I’ve received an invitation,” he said, “from the King.”
Her body stiffened, and she knew he felt the change from the way he looked at her, the lines at his mouth betraying his concern. “I see.”
“It’s for the New Year’s ball, and in normal course I would politely decline, but given the circumstances I thought it might to our advantage to accept.”
Belle bit her lip and frowned as her thumb passed back and forth idly over his knuckles. “How so?’
“Jefferson received a letter this morning, from one of his sources in the palace,” Gold explained, lowering his voice as a precaution.
Even talking about their potential ruse within his own house made him uneasy. If Jefferson had spies within the palace, who was to say that the King hadn’t done the same in return? All of the staff, save Astrid, had been there for years, and were well vetted beforehand, but now that the thought was in his head, he couldn’t ignore the possibility.
“It seems,” he continued, watching Belle’s face as he spoke, “the King may be continuing his attempts to take over Avonlea. Word is that he is going to petition the Royal Council to grant him temporary control, on the assertion that your father was coerced into signing the contract with me.”
She blinked and her fingers stilled. “What?”
Gold swallowed and put his other hand over hers. “The King would need your support to have a chance of succeeding, which right now he believes he would have if he promised to turn over Avonlea to you, or your heir. And, not to put too fine a point on it, but there are enough on the council who dislike me, that they would happily go along with it, whether they believed your father was being taken advantage of or not.”
Belle blinked, her mind only registering that the torment which she had thought they’d laid to rest was back, full force. Immediately, she sprang to her feet, anger propelling her from her seat with her fists clenched at her sides. She could feel a heat creep up her neck and a fierce pounding in her chest that made her stalk towards the windows for relief. The cool air drifted over her skin, and though it did little to assuage her ire, it did make her feel a touch better. She breathed in and out and closed her eyes, until she felt a presence at her side.
“Belle?” came Gold’s soft voice.
“I’m fine.”
His hand touched the middle of her back with a gentle pressure. “No, you’re not not.”
She gave him a tired glance. “Sorry, I’m - I don’t know.”
“Do you want me to leave?”
She shook her head as her throat tightened. Many times she wished to be alone when she was like this, but right now she felt in great need of his company. “No, no, please don’t. I - I just need a moment.”
He waited patiently for her to collect herself, his hand began to move up and down, a soothing sensation against her back. Finally, she blew out a breath and turned towards him, standing no more than the length of their shoes apart.
“I’m sorry.”
Gold winced and caught her chin when she looked down, drawing her gaze back up. “None of that now.”
Belle closed her eyes. Her head felt heavy, and there was a disconcerting tension in her temples that felt like a belt cinched too tight. She knew it was her nerves getting the better of her, but that didn’t mean she could stop them from doing so. Cameron was calm and solid as he stood in front of her, as though nothing could move him from this spot except her word, and she gave in and let herself fall against him. Her forehead rested on the soft linen of his shirt as her fingertips brushed the paisley patterned stitching of his waistcoat. His arms came up around her, hands near her shoulders, holding her without crushing her to him, and after a long moment, she exhaled.
“Is there ever going to be an end to this?”
The words were muffled, but he could hear them clear enough and sighed. He wanted to tell her that it would, more than anything, that he would do whatever it took to achieve that peace for her, and, abruptly, he became aware that he would if she asked it of him. There were things he knew, things he could do that would upend the entire kingdom, and if that was what was needed, if this latest plan did not set the matter to rest for good, he would do it. Yet, he knew Belle would never ask for such a thing, not if she knew the chaos that would result. She was too good, and would see her own happiness lost before letting it come to that. It made his chest ache to
“I can’t answer that for certain, but I think if we were to attend the ball, we might be able to put it to rest, yes.”
She sniffed and looked up, surprised to see his face merely a breath from hers. His eyes were warm, his expression comforting, and the simple presence of his arms bolstered her. If they faced the King and the royal court together, it would send an unmistakable message. She could do this; they could do this. Suddenly, she was very glad she had married Cameron Gold, and her lips curved in spite of all her anxiety.
“Then we should go.”
His eyebrow quirked. “You don’t want to hear my reasoning?”
She nodded and stepped back, the chill of the window making her immediately miss the warmth of being near him. “I do, but I also trust you. I imagine that if we go, and make every effort to present ourselves as being truly united, then the King would know that no matter what he offered me, I would never agree to it.”
Gold’s mouth curved slowly as she spoke, marveling silently at how she had arrived at the same idea as Jefferson.
“What?” she asked as soon as she noticed him smiling.
He shook his head slowly. “You are brilliant, do you know that?”
She made a face and then let out a short laugh. “Well, I do try.”
“You know it won’t be easy,” he warned. “There will be all sorts of people there, friend and foe. The whispers and rumors, the politics...”
“I know.” She blew out a breath and nodded again, feeling strangely calm now that she had let herself think about things rather than just being angry and upset. “I’m not afraid of them.”
“Even Milton and Sir Gaston?”
Belle reached out and took hold of his hands. The mention of their names set her nerves on edge, but she could tell that it had less of an effect than even a week or two ago. She owed some of that to Cameron, and trusted that if he was by her side, then she could weather seeing a few unfriendly faces at a ball.
She lifted their hands out to either side and stepped closer. “I’m not going to let them deter me from having another chance to dance with my husband.”
His lips twitched, and he freed one of his hands to rest it at her back, lifting the other to the side as she came to stand toe to toe with him. They took a few small, circling steps together in the space between the windows and the end of the sofa, less wide and graceful than their previous dance together, but drawing smiles from both of them all the same. Once again, he surprised her with a brief spin, and her soft laugh settled his mind on the matter. They would attend the ball and leave no doubts as to where their alliances lay - with each other, and no one else.
Belle twirled back towards him, coming to rest with her hand on his chest, and immediately pushed up on her toes to press her lips to his cheek. When she dropped back, she was smiling, and he was gratified to see she had recovered from her earlier distress. Her faith in him seemed to be unwavering now, and he hoped that when all this was done it would remain so.
“So, we agree?” he asked, letting her pull away from their impromptu dance.
“Yes,” she said firmly. “We accept, and we put this nonsense to rest once and for all.”
“Then I shall reply immediately.” He gave her a brief bow, pleased at the way she rolled her eyes at him, but still smiled in spite of herself, and left her to finish reading her letters.
It was late, and Gold knew he should follow Jefferson and Belle’s examples and go to bed, but he had told Belle that he would reply to the King’s invitation and he was committed to doing so before the end of the day.
Unfortunately, the day had ended some hours ago, but before dinner there had been a frustrating matter with one of his tenants losing two horses that required a quick, coordinated search party to recover the animals. After dinner, the lure of cards with Belle and Jefferson was far greater than penning a perfunctory letter, but he was finished now and that was what mattered. He scrawled his signature at the bottom, and then scanned the page to ensure it had all of the required fluff and politeness.
He pushed to his feet, waving the paper idly to dry the ink, and crossed to a small table set in the corner between the bookcase and the window, tucked away where few would notice it. On it was an ornately carved box with a lock on the front, and he set the paper down next to it before reaching up to a shelf just over his head. He pulled out a book bound with green dyed leather and held it aside as he felt around on the small space its absence made on the shelf until he found what he was looking for.
The key was old and tarnished to an oily black, as was the lock it fit in, and he held his breath until it clicked open. It was a habit from so many years ago, and even now a faint smile graced his lips as he remembered the sly smile on his aunt’s face every time she pulled the box out from under her bed.
Gold opened the box and set the invitation card to the ball inside, pausing to stare at the small stack of papers inside. He swallowed hard and reached in, his fingertips lifting the card out of the way to reveal a letter, folded closed with the addressee and direction visible. His jaw clenched as he read the name for the hundredth time, penned elegantly above the broken wax seal of the royal house.
Lord Maurice Faure, Avonlea
Shaking his head, he pulled it out and then lifted up the rest of the papers inside the box to slip it back in at the very bottom. The invitation card went back on top, and he closed the lid of the box hard, exhaling heavily as he finally clicked the lock back in place. He quickly replaced the key on the shelf, followed by the book, and walked over to his chair by the fire. He lifted the glass of brandy he’d poured earlier and downed the rest of it one gulp, closing his eyes as it warmed its way down his throat.
He gave the fire a long look, and then his gaze shifted to the locked box across the room, wondering not for the first time if he shouldn’t burn the whole damn thing. Instead, he sighed and replaced the grate over the fireplace before heading off to bed.
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niksixx · 4 years
Plus One
Welcome to part 5 of Plus One. We are approaching the end of this mini fic, but do not worry my loves. We still have a few parts left. I hope you enjoy part 5, and please remember to leave comments, reblog, and add tags. It motivates me to continue writing for you all. 💜
Note: Just a reminder, though this fic may seem fast, it takes place over the course of a few months!! 
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*Pia’s POV*
Eight bright, colorful beanbags are scattered around the floor in a private room at the back end of the library. It’s quiet, far away from small children who squeal excitedly when they spot their favorite comic book and a good distance away from the college students who gather at the old wooden tables to recite chemistry flashcards in one big study group.
Black coffee and burnt wood is the signature smell of the book club room. Only a few windows are open, allowing just a bit of sunshine and breeze to fill the room. The aura is comforting.
“Okay, everyone,” I say, setting the book in my lap. I believe The Catcher in the Rye is a classic, but various opinions, both positive and negative, have been directed toward the book over the years. Romance is the genre I’ve always been drawn to, fiction or nonfiction, but I can certainly appreciate a coming-of-age novel. “How did we feel about the story?”
Margaret, an elderly woman with curly gray hair and silver glasses, raises her hand timidly. It’s the first time she has volunteered to speak since the start of our club. I give her an encouraging smile, nodding. “I enjoyed it very much, though it was slow at times.”
A small contribution, but a contribution nonetheless. “Thank you Margaret. Would anyone else like to share?”
Shayne, a third-year college student, wiggles his fingers and clears his throat. “I would.” He snaps the book shut with one hand. “The book itself is enjoyable. There’s a lot of important themes that are entwined in the storyline. But Holden, and let me be clear, I feel terrible for saying this about a sixteen-year-old, was insufferable.”
“I thought I was the only one who thought so!” Stacy chirps from her beanbag. The thirty-year old mother of two crosses her ankles, drumming her fingers on the spine of her novel. “I was under the impression that Holden believed he was better than everyone else. His personality alone was enough to make me despise the book and it’s a shame. I wanted to love it.”
“That’s an interesting point, Stacy.” Setting my book on the ground, I adjust my legs deeper into the beanbag while the rest of the book club eagerly sits forward, awaiting my response. “And this is why I love reading so much. Whether the story is true or not, we know Holden Caulfield is not a real person, though there have been assumptions that J.D. Salinger modeled Holden after himself. Stacy, you said that Holden’s personality gave you enough reason to not enjoy the book. We certainly have to appreciate Salinger’s talent as an author. He was able to create a character that made you feel such strong emotions.” The club nods in agreement before I continue. “Now Shayne, you mentioned themes. Explain a bit more for me.”
“Gladly,” he answers eagerly. “Innocence. It’s the main theme. Holden, for lack of a better term, is obsessed with the preservation of childhood innocence. I do think that’s admirable, and while he was intolerable in my opinion, I can understand his desire to conserve one’s purity.”
“I assume there’s going to be a but in your next statement,” Charlie pipes up with a chuckle. The forty-seven year old retired firefighter wears a kind smile on his face.
“But,” Shayne smirks and holds up a finger. “Holden is one big contradiction, and here’s why. We know how much Holden hated the adult world and it’s “phoniness”. It’s the whole reason he wanted to preserve innocence wherever he could. Holden himself was a phony, a fake. He condemns adulthood but is seemingly unaware of his own phoniness. I now hate this word, by the way.”
A collective chuckle sounds in the room. I shake my head but can’t help the growing smile. The book club has been the highlight of my week so far.
“Anyway,” Shayne continues. “He’s deceptive and a compulsive liar. Holden is the epitome of what he hates.”
“That is a fantastic observation, Shayne, and thank you for sharing.” He bows dramatically before slinking back deeper into the beanbag. “Before we conclude our meeting and I introduce our new book, I have a question. Does anyone know why Holden’s name is symbolic to the story?”
I can see the wheels turning in their brains, and for a moment I think I’ve stumped them. Charlie looks like he wants to answer, but nothing comes out of his mouth. I take the chance to speak up. “First, does anyone know what a caul is?”
Stacy’s hand shoots up in the air. “I think I learned about this in one of my birthing classes but forgive me if I’m wrong. But isn’t the caul a part of the amnion that protects an unborn baby? Near the head, right?”
I snap my finger and point to Stacy excitedly. “Yes! And what does the name Holden sound like?”
“Holden...hold...en...hold...hold on?” Charlie asks skeptically.
“Exactly right,” I grin proudly. “Put it all together.”
“Oh my gosh,” Margaret says softly. Everyone turns toward the older woman. “In the book there was mention of Holden imagining children frolicking in a rye field. I just realized it now. He’s the catcher in the rye field, protecting the children. Holden Caulfield. Hold on to childhood innocence.”
I grin wildly, clapping along with the rest of the book club members. “Incredible, Margaret. You’re exactly right.”
“So, what’s our next book?” Shayne asks, hands tapping his thighs. “I’m feeling a mystery book.”
“Or Sci-Fi,” Charlie answers.
“Oooo, Sci-Fi,” Shayne murmurs excitedly.
“Neither,” I say, giggling at their frowns. From my purse, I pull out a purple paperback book and show it to the group. “Historical fiction mixed with romance. Our next book is The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie. I’ve never heard of it, so I’m sure you haven’t either. It’s about the same length as The Catcher in the Rye, maybe only a few pages more. Let’s all try to read the first five chapters and we’ll meet again next week.”
Stacy, Charlie, and Margaret bid farewell. Shayne stays back with me, shooting me a smirk as I gather my belongings. “Another romance novel, huh? Something you’d like to share with the class? Maybe his name?”
A slow smile spreads across my lips. I sling my purse over my shoulder, clamping a hand down on Shayne’s. “He’s a dream, Shayne. I’ve known him forever, but it’s finally official,” Two months ago, I used to cringe on the word official when it wasn’t. It still isn’t, but something between us feels different, feels real. The more I’m with him, the more I don’t want to pretend.
Shayne slings an arm around my shoulder, leading me out of the room. He’s had his fair share of relationship issues as well, but at twenty-one, he’s still young. “I’m glad one of us isn’t having boy trouble. Philip called me the other day, said he wants to get back together.”
“Are you going to?”
Shayne makes a face, opening the front door of the library. He scoots aside, letting me walk first. “Hell no, Sweets. He was a terrible boyfriend,” Shayne considers for a moment. “At least the sex was good. You think he’d settle for friends with benefits?”
I laugh heartily, pushing Shayne’s shoulder. “That’s a recipe for disaster, my friend. You want my advice? Spend some time on yourself. Find out what you really want in life.”
I head off to my car, Shayne walking the opposite way to his. Before I can slide into the seat, Shayne calls out to me. “Is he the one?”
I don’t have to think about it. It comes out naturally. “Without a doubt.”
Janielle has outdone herself, but I never expected anything less. Desserts are on every counter in her kitchen, from cupcakes to brownies and pastries. Outside on the back deck, a long white table is filled from end to end with finger foods and appetizers. With a beer in his hand, Dominic flips burgers expertly at the grill, shooting his wife a goofy grin when she utters a stern ‘be careful’. The rest of the adults gather on the patio, laughing and drinking, while the kids swim excitedly in the pool.
It’s the hottest day in August so far, and I can’t tell if my cheeks are red from the heat or from my constant ogling of Nikki’s shirtless chest. I watch from the deck as Nikki, Vince, and Amanda clink their bottles together and down their drinks. Nikki wins, throwing his hands up in the air dramatically, before turning his head to shoot me a wink. I laugh and shake my head, holding up my glass of wine that is still half full.
“So, you and Sixx,” My laughter is cut off by Dom, whose eyes twinkle with the same amusement present in his voice. “How about that?”
My stomach flips just at the mention of Nikki. “Going on almost four months,” I answer proudly, swirling the wine in my glass. “We’ve got nothing on you and Janielle, though.”
Dom smirks, carefully plating more burgers. I take the plate from him, and he nods in thanks. “Hey, not everyone knows who they’re going to marry at sixteen years old.”
This time, my heart beats faster just at the brief mention of marriage. I try not to let myself think of a long-term commitment with Nikki just yet. To everyone else, we’ve been official for a few months. But to myself and Nikki, we’re just two best friends playing a role.
“It’s too early to talk about marriage just yet,” I reply with a soft grin.
“But it’s a possibility in the future, yes?” Dom asks, stacking the last few burgers on the plate.
All I can answer with is a subtle nod just before I feel an arm snake around my waist. I crane my neck to glance up at Nikki just as his lips press a kiss to my jaw. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Dom’s lazy smile and it puts me at ease knowing that Nikki and I have done our job at convincing everyone that what’s between us is true.
“Hi gorgeous,” Nikki greets breathily. “You doing okay?”
“Never better,” I answer truthfully, leaning back into his chest. I hand off the plate of burgers to Dom before directing my attention back to Nikki. “Are you?”
Nikki nods, arm tightening around my waist. “I’m perfect.” He holds up three empty beer bottles. “Come with me?”
I nod and take his hand, letting him lead me into the kitchen. While Nikki rummages through Janielle’s fridge for more beer, I steal a cannoli from the dessert tray, biting into the sweet cream.
“I’m having so much fun with you,” I blurt out honestly, licking the cream from my lips.
For a brief second, something flashes across Nikki’s face, almost as if my statement mimicked a bitter taste in his mouth. It’s gone just as fast as it came, replaced by an easy smile. “I am too, P.”
I bite my lip as Nikki opens the three bottles, eyes lingering on his tattooed arms. He catches me, smirking. “Pretty girl, you’re not exactly trying to hide it, you know.”
I blush, looking away like I always do when a compliment from Nikki is directed my way. And because I look away, I miss Nikki freeze in alarm, eyes wide, studying me.
When I turn back around, I notice his lips are in a thin line, jaw clenched ever so slightly. “P, I think we need to talk about something.”
His voice is serious, more serious than it’s ever been, and momentarily I fear the worst. Nikki’s fingers fidget nervously, and I can tell whatever is on his mind has been there for quite some time. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah,” It’s not a convincing answer, but I don’t say anything as he continues. “It’s more of a question, actually.” His hands fall at his side as he steps forward, exhaling a strangled breath. “Are we...what we’re doing…” His voice goes low. “We’re still pretending, right?”
There’s a lump forming in my throat, and I try my best to speak around it without giving off the impression that I’m either extremely hopeful he wants to make this real, or going to start crying because he wants to call everything off. “Yeah. Unless…unless you don’t want to pretend--.”
“No, no,” He says all too quickly, hands skimming my arms. “I like pretending. Pretending is good, safe. I just...wanted to make sure we’re still on the same page.” He grabs my hands, pressing a gentle kiss to each, before grabbing the bottles from the counter.
And as he leaves Janielle’s kitchen with a smile, I’m left standing alone and more confused than I’ve ever been.
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novemberhush · 3 years
gotta be 911 for the fandom ask game
Hey, Nonny, thanks for your ask.❤️
The character I first fell in love with: Oh, gosh, I’m trying to think back. Season 1 seems so long ago! I think maybe Bobby and Buck? Bobby really was going through it back then, but I saw glimpses of his inner Fire Dad just waiting to come out! (Although given his backstory ‘Fire Dad’ is maybe not the best nickname I could bestow upon him!) As for Buck, I know a lot of people say they didn’t like him at first, he was too cocky, etc, but I just knew there was a heart of gold and a mass of insecurities hidden behind that fuckboy persona. But really I think I liked all the main characters pretty much right away.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Oh, gosh, again, I don’t know! I really need to find the time to go back and rewatch season 1 and see how everyone was then! But if we’re talking someone other than main cast then Sue, maybe? I really like her. Oh, Lou! I forgot about Lou! I really didn’t like him at first, he gave off creepy vibes to me or something, but now I love him!
The character everyone else loves that I don’t:  Josh! I can’t stand him!! Although to be fair to the character I think it’s actually more the actor that annoys me. He can’t act! I’m sorry, but in my opinion he’s a really bad actor. Hammy and over the top and just... a really bad actor. If it were someone else in the role then I might actually like the character.
The character I love that everyone else hates: I don’t think I have one. No one’s coming to mind, anyway.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Again, I don’t think I have one.
The character I would totally smooch: Eddie. All day, every day.
The character I’d want to be like: These days? Probably Bobby. I know he’s always going to have to be careful of not falling back into his addiction, and he’s got a really dark backstory, but all in all he’s got a pretty good handle on things right now. He’s kind, caring, wise, good at his job and happy in his home life. (But, yeah, I don’t know if I could live with that backstory.)
The character I’d slap: Can we get Josh, Lena, Taylor and Claudette all lined up in a row and just let me work my way down the line?? Although, these days, while I’m never going to like her, I feel less like slapping Taylor. I think her getting her heart broke when Buck finally comes to his senses and breaks up with her will be enough for me. I think I might even feel a little sorry for her then. Season 2 Taylor, though? Yeah, where do I sign up?
A pairing that I love: Buddie, of course. Madney, too. Eddie and Chris, and Buck and Chris, too. I need more Bobby and Buck pseudo father and son moments too, but sweet ones, not ones where Bobby is telling him off, even if it comes from a place of worry. I need more moments like when he helped Buck get ready for his date with Abby.
A pairing that I despise: Despise might be too strong a word these days (possibly because I’m convinced they’re never gonna last so I’m not sweating it too much at the moment), but it’ll probably come as a shock to absolutely no one that I am not a big fan of Buck and Taylor, and I mean that both romantically and platonically. Frankly, I’m still disappointed in Buck for hooking up with her at all after what she tried to do with that news story in season 2. It was only the fire department’s lawyers that stopped her airing a version of her report that most likely would have been very hurtful to Bobby (and unflattering to the LAFD, but I realize it could be argued that the firefighters getting dosed like that was a story the public had a right to know about). So, yeah, I won’t be shedding any tears when that relationship ends.
Thanks again for your ask.😘
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hyucks-archive · 4 years
requested by @seulgazing: 23, 75, 81 + enemies-to-lovers!au
there’s a faint pounding in your head; you frown, hand instinctively reaching for your temple. you let out a groan, curling your body as you try to adjust to the throbbing.
“you’re awake,” a familiar voice speaks. if you weren’t currently going through a headache, you’d be affirmative that you felt the warmth of a pair of hands hovering over your body. granted, you’re probably just being delusional; the owner of the voice would never, in a million years, even if his life depends on it, be concerned for you.
you swallow, your throat evidently dry. you can’t quite remember much, which you don’t really mind. you’re more frustrated at the fact that the only thing that you can remember, is your ex happily skewering those stinking marshmallows with his annoyingly perfect new beau. maybe they were the cause of this. maybe you’re so allergic to and repulsed by your phony jerk-of-an-ex that you lost consciousness as a self-defence mechanism.
slowly, you force your eyes open, greeted with a blur image of the vicinity, before it clears up to just lee haechan staring down at you, along with a lighted lamp hanging above you. you can hear the faint grumble of the sky, along with the loud pitter-pattering of the rain.
“there’s a thunderstorm,” haechan informs, almost as though he read your mind. your body perks up at the sound of the word ‘thunderstorm’ - you have to see it. but first, you glance at haechan, before rolling your eyes to look away. haechan scoffs, “seriously? this is how you treat the person who literally saved your life?”
your eyes snap back to glare at him. “please, you’d be the last person in the world that i’d allow to save me.” haechan smirks, countering with, “you fainted straight into my arms. you know, if you wanted my attention, you didn’t have to go to such extremes.” he’s trying to provoke you, to push your buttons. gosh, he’s lucky you have self control. “shut up,” you snap. the provocation must’ve fuelled something in you, because you’ve successfully regained your energy, in comparison to your limp self just seconds ago.
letting out a breath, you lift the blanket, forcing yourself up. you slide on your shoes. “what the hell are you doing?” haechan gets up too, holding out his hands in wariness that you might fall. just as you get up, you feel your knee buck, your legs clearly unready to do their job. thankfully, haechan is quick to grab you by your arms, holding you firmly in place. “what the heck do you think you’re doing?” he says, voice exasperated. you ignore him, shrugging his grip off as you muster all the energy left in you to pull down the zipper of the tent.
there’s a smile that naturally spreads across your lips as you step out into the rain, allowing the beads of purity to drench you. you close your eyes, your smile only widening as you continue to appreciate the beautiful rainfall. haechan grabs your arm, turning you around to face him, “dude, you just regained consciousness. plus, we’re in the middle of a thunderstorm, and you want to stop and feel the rain?” haechan sighs, running a frustrated hand through his hair, “let’s go back inside. stop acting crazy.”
you can’t help but giggle at that - crazy. that’s exactly what you are. you’re crazy to have agreed to come on this trip knowing that not only will your ex be present, but the haechan that despises you so much would be present too.
“do you know why i love the rain so much?” you yell, smile bright, which haechan finds to be an oddly strong juxtaposition to the angry rain. “because it washes away today, making it a fresh new tomorrow,” you say, turning to meet eyes with haechan. “and mostly, because it means that that jerkface and that beau of his can’t have a good night!”
haechan likes seeing you happy. he loves your smile, but not when it’s plastered on in an attempt to hide your true feelings. then again, if you didn’t hate him this much, he’d be able to make you happy, to make you forget that ex of yours in a split second. but that’s just his own wishful thinking, isn’t it?
“you know what would be the best revenge?” he says, gaze fixed on you. you shake your head. “just pretend to be my date.” except, he actually means it, but you don’t know that.
the rain continues to pour as you’re left stunned, sharing a moment with haechan, in the rain. the rain that you love so much. there’s a slight change in haechan’s expression; you can tell he’s beginning to regret suggesting that, due to your lack of response.
“i mean,” haechan scratches the back of his head, trying to save himself from further embarrassment, “your ex would probably flip if we were to go to their tent holding hands.” you smile. for once, he’s not being mean to you. the two of you might bicker and vocalise the amount of hate you have for each other all the time, but you can’t deny that a part of you genuinely cares for haechan. some might say you even have a soft spot for him. plus, you quite like the idea of pretending to be lovers.
“that doesn’t sound like a bad idea,” you reply genuinely. you hold out your hand. haechan takes it, interlocking his fingers with yours. “let’s go then,” he says, leading the way despite the thunderstorm, with both of you ignoring the fluttering in your hearts at the unfamiliar physical contact.
after all, there’s a 90% chance that the fake dating will breed into a real relationship, right...?
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givelove-always · 4 years
I Love Him Not, I Love Him
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A/N: Hi! This is my extremely late entry for @bucky-smiles​’ 2K Bollywood Writing Challenge (I’m so sorry for the delay aahhh!)! My prompt was one of my fave songs, Subhanallah from Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani, so that’s what this fic is loosely based on! Also a big thank you to @parkerpetey​ for taking the time to edit this and leave hilarious comments throughout the Google doc, ilysm for that. I hope you enjoy!
Summary: The three times you didn’t accept that you were crushing on Peter, and the one time you did.
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Word Count: 7.3k words
Warnings: None, just tooth-rotting fluff and reader being frustrating :)
Something everyone talked about, yet nobody really talked about, was how being the new student in the school, especially given that it was your senior year, was ridiculously tough.
You had recently moved from Toronto to Queens, and you absolutely despised it. You’d spent three extremely long years at your old school creating a name for yourself, be it through your strong academic scores or your commitment to numerous extracurriculars. You weren’t exactly popular, but were definitely spoken of quite highly if you were brought up in conversation, regardless of whether it was teachers talking or your fellow students. You were on the perfect path to becoming valedictorian of your class.
… Until you were uprooted and brought here. Sure, your dad really pulled all the strings he could to help you secure a spot at Midtown, especially given that it was senior year - it’s hard enough as is to secure a spot in freshman year, what with it being insanely competitive and for genius students and all, and while your grades were stellar, it would’ve still been close to impossible securing a spot - and you really appreciated it, but that didn’t mean that you still didn’t miss your school and your friends back in Toronto.
It felt like everyone was talking about you - who was the new girl? how did she manage to get a spot three years after everyone else? was she genuinely smart, or was there some other way she got in? - but at the same time, it felt like you were invisible. People wanted to know more about the circumstances surrounding you than know more about you as a person.
With every day that you went to school and came back home after unsuccessful attempts at restarting your social life and making friends, your morale was deflating. As much as you tried to push it aside, the pang in your chest was becoming more and more undeniable when you constantly saw people surrounded by their friends, laughing and chatting, while you sat to the side all by yourself.
Even then, it was all bearable. Just one year here, and then you could go make friends in university, where life would practically be a clean slate - a fresh start for everyone. Who knows, maybe you could even go back to Canada to a university where some of your old high school friends would be attending. You kept telling yourself that everything would work itself out, and if it had to be after a year of loneliness, then so be it.
The only thing that still felt terrible were the daily walks to and from school all alone. Back in Toronto, you and your best friend would always text each other in the morning to try and coordinate the time that you’d leave so that you could walk together, chatting each other’s ears off the entire way there. If you had time in the morning, you’d often even stop by the Tim Hortons on the way and get yourselves a little breakfast.
Here in Queens, there were tons of cute little cafés and little convenience stores and such on your way to school, and while you would still often stop by to pick up a quick snack or drink (or even just to say a quick hello to Mr. Delmar, the kind man who owned the little sandwich shop around the corner, and pet his adorable little cat), it never was the same as going with a friend. That constant loneliness started to change though when one day, you left home and arrived at Mr. Delmar’s shop earlier than usual.
It had been a long night with very minimal sleep. You were up working on a Physics assignment until almost five in the morning and you knew that if you slept then, you wouldn’t wake up in time for your morning classes. The extremely prominent bags under your eyes stood as proof of your exhaustion and you had no energy to make yourself breakfast, hence your early arrival at Delmar’s.
You sat at a little table by the window observing the street outside. Most people look at the way others are dressed outside as an indication of the weather. You, on the other hand, liked to think of it as more of a personification of the weather. If the chilly November weather were to be a person, they would definitely be one of those speedy walkers roaming the streets in some fuzzy boots and a trench coat.
As you sipped on your hot chocolate and tried to assign a more rounded personality to the November weather for no reason other than trying to wake yourself up, the sound of the bells chiming as someone entered the store caught your attention.
Peter Parker.
He was that really smart kid in your Physics class - the one subject you were struggling in. You knew him from that one time you guys were paired up for a quick chemistry lab, but you didn’t know him know him. You remembered vividly and appreciated how nice he was the whole time - it was difficult to find that over the last few months. Either that, or you just somehow managed to keep getting paired up with the wrong people.
You realized you were staring at him when you saw him facing and waving in your direction.
That was unusual, nobody ever really seemed to acknowledge you.
You turned to see if there was someone behind you he might have been trying to talk to, but very quickly realized that you were seated in the corner when your eyes were met with nothing but the plain white wall. ‘Stupid move,’ you told yourself. ‘How do you just forget that you’re sitting next to a wall?’
Grimacing a little, you turned back to face him and waved at him. You gave him a small smile, which he very politely returned before he went up to place his order.
‘Great, you can’t even greet a person normally. What is wrong with you Y/n? This is why people aren’t trying to befriend you right now, if-’
“Hey, do you mind if I sit down here?” a slightly timid voice interrupted. Your eyes locked with Peter’s as your head shot up.
“Oh! Um, yeah- I mean, no! I mean, no, I don’t mind, go ahead!” you stuttered, feeling all the blood rush to your cheeks.
Peter let out the softest giggle you have ever heard as he sat down, and if you didn’t have such sharp hearing, you were sure you would have missed it.
“How are you? How are things going?” he asked as he set his sandwich onto the table.
“Oh, well, they’re going,” you smiled and shrugged. “This point in the semester’s always a little crazy, but it’s not the worst. How are you doing?”
“Yeah, it does get hectic around this time,” Peter sympathized, scrunching his nose slightly in an effort to show mutual distaste over the stress. “I’m not too bad, just really tired from working on that physics assignment. How’d you find that?”
“Oh my gosh, don’t ask,” you groaned, rolling your head before laying it smack against the table. “I literally cannot physics, it took me forever to complete it, and I’m still not confident about a solid chunk of it.”
Peter let out a laugh at your reaction, the sound falling like music onto your ears. You discreetly peeked up from your position on the table to look at his undoubtedly glowing face, and the image you were met with was nothing short of beautiful. His eyes were scrunched up and his perfect teeth were on full display, cheeks turning redder by the second. The sunlight falling on his brown curls gave them a softer hue and made them look even softer than you’d already imagined them to be. Nobody had ever looked this angelic.
It was a sight you wouldn’t mind getting used to.
‘Wait, what? Why did you just think that? Y/n you barely even know the guy, stop being creepy!’
You pulled yourself out of the trance and slowly sat back up, giggling lightly to avoid making it obvious that you had just been staring - that would be awkward to explain.
“I’m sure you did just fine,” Peter chuckled. “And if anything, physics isn’t my worst subject, so um, if you want, I’d be more than happy to help.”
“That’s very sweet, thank you Peter, I appreciate that more than you realize,” you smiled, picking up your backpack. “I hate to cut this conversation short, but we need to start heading to school soon if we want to get to class on time.”
“It doesn’t have to be cut short!” Peter said abruptly standing up, catching you off-guard a little. “I-I mean, we could walk together if you’d like? No pressure though, it’s totally cool if you don’t-”
“Of course, I’d love that,” you cut him off with a smile.
“Okay,” you nodded. “Let’s head out?”
“Yeah, just hold on one quick second,” he said as he quickly rushed over to the front of the shop.
Eyebrows furrowed, you followed him, only for your expression to instantly morph into one of awe as you were met with Peter petting Murph, Mr. Delmar’s cat, before he jogged back to where you were standing, a goofy smile adorning his face. “I’m ready now.”
Saying a quick goodbye to Mr. Delmar, the two of you made your way out. You shivered a little as the icy wind hit you. Peter picked up on the way you tried to discreetly rub your hands together, your outfit not doing nearly enough to cope with the sudden sharpness of the atmosphere, but stayed quiet, not knowing if it was appropriate to say something or not.
“So you’re a cat person, eh?”
“I’d say so, yeah. I’m just as much of a dog person too, though. Murph trumps all other animals though - I’ve been seeing him since Mr. Delmar got him, and he’s so adorable,” Peter gushed. “What about you, a dog person or a cat person?”
“Oh, a hundred percent a dog person, though I would make an exception for Murph, he is pretty cute,” you chuckled. “My best friend back in Canada has the sweetest little puppy named Maple and I practically lived at her house for the sole purpose of playing with him. Her uncle would drop off his two poodles occasionally too when he was travelling, and there was no way to get me out of her house when all three puppies came together.”
“Maple? That’s the most Canadian thing I’ve ever heard, I love that!” Peter physically had to stop for a minute because he was bent over letting out what could only be described as a ‘hearty laugh’.
If it were anyone else, you would most certainly be offended - what was so funny about having a pet with a stereotypical Canadian name? - but Peter exuded an aura of kindness and innocence, and despite only having spoken to him for such a short period of time, you knew his intentions were nothing but pure. Also, you had to admit, it was a little comedic how stereotypical the name was.
“Anyway, speaking of Canada,” he spoke through light chuckles once he’d calmed down a little and you both continued walking, “I don’t mean to be intrusive, and you definitely don’t have to answer if you’d rather not, but um, how come you transferred here senior year? Was it hard to get in? How did that work?”
“No no don’t worry, you’re not being intrusive at all, I don’t mind! Basically…” you started your not-so-entertaining story of how you ended up at Midtown, and no matter how many times you stopped yourself to apologize for how “boring” you were being, Peter assured you that you were anything but.
The long walk to school couldn’t have been long enough, because you were at your locker way too quick for your liking. And judging by the way Peter stayed with you as you grabbed your stuff and offered to walk you to class, he felt the same way.
You found yourself beginning to set your alarm for just a little while earlier than usual that day onwards, and morning walks together became more common as the month went on. Sure, you adored your sleep, but having a potential chance to run into Peter and walk to school with him again? It was worth it.
Despite having only briefly known him, there was a sense of comfort that you felt in his presence. He made you feel like you could share anything with him. Everytime he smiled, forget full-fledged laughed, you felt like maybe, just maybe, things were going to be okay for you.
To top it all off, it didn’t hurt that he was more than easy on the eyes. Those gorgeous eyes and that cute button-nose, not to mention his beautiful brown curls? You wouldn’t mind signing up for that one bit.
‘Y/n, stop. No. He’s just your friend. He’s just being nice, and you’re just happy you have a friend. You do not see him in that way - there is no chance of anything along those lines happening. You just haven’t had much interaction with people and now you’re playing up a friendship because you have nothing better to do. You do not like him.’
You reminded yourself that every time you caught yourself looking at him for even a moment more than what would be acceptable when you conversed. Peter was a great guy, but you guys were just friends, and you intended on keeping your feelings about him that way.
Besides, the reason you were down to lose some sleep wasn’t just being able to walk into school with Peter. You always had a problem with getting to school just in time to catch the bell, and this gave you an excuse to be more timely.
That’s all it was. A friendship and a way to be more punctual. Not anything more than that.
***** two
“Peter,” you clutched your stomach, loud laughter escaping you, “I’m literally going to pee myself!”
“Y/n, stop entertaining him or he won’t stop making those terrible jokes,” Ned groaned.
Peter had introduced you to his best friends Ned and MJ about three days into your friendship, once you’d gotten the remainder of your paperwork after your transfer completed and could finally sit with the rest of your classmates for lunch, and you’d all instantly clicked.
Here you were, two months later. Colourful lights shining all around you, the sound of squeals and laughter from a multitude of people constantly surrounding you, and a game to play every few steps you took - not to mention the numerous prizes waiting to be won.
Ned has suggested that the four of you go down to the arcade nearby to destress after the exhaustion of your end-of-semester exams, and you all had instantly agreed.
As much fun as you were having playing the different games and winning all those tickets with the people who had grown to be your closest friends, what was absolutely making your day was the way in which Peter would just not stop making hilarious puns and jokes.
“You’re just jealous you’re not as cool or as hot as me,” Peter playfully scoffed and made exaggerated hair-flip movements, grabbing your hand as he dragged a giggling you to the next game. “Come on Y/n, they’ll never know what it’s like to be iconic.”
“Woah Peter, what’s gotten into you today?”
“I’m just happy. I’m a happy boy. A happy boy who’s happy about being at this arcade with his wonderful friends because it’s a happy environment,” he glanced at you over his shoulder as he put in the tokens to play basketball.
You chuckled as you reached out to playfully pull his cheeks. “Well, happy boy, let’s win this thing and win it together. In case you didn’t know, my basketball skills are somewhat impeccable.”
“Y/n, you literally can’t walk five steps without tripping, it’s pretty hard to imagine you being any good at a sport that involves a lot of running,” he sassed.
“Ah, well that right there is the thing - I’m incapable of walking. When it comes to running, I’m a whole other ball game. Basketball game, to be more specific,” you spoke slowly, nodding your head wisely to emphasize your wisdom.
Peter let out a wheeze neither of you had expected, and it sent you both into a fit of laughter. When Ned and MJ made their way over to you a few seconds later, all they saw was the two of you clutching your stomachs, faces red and laughter escaping your throats as though you’d just rewatched another one of those ridiculous ‘5-Minute Crafts’ life hacks.
In the midst of the hysteria, as Peter went to slap his knee, he accidentally slammed the Start button on the game. The ever-so-jolly-yet-ominous-sounding countdown of the machine finally pulling you guys out of your bubble.
“Oh my gosh Peter stand up, it’s starting!” you exclaimed through giggles, smacking his arm repeatedly with the back of your hand to get his attention.
“Oof okay okay, let’s do this thing!” Peter rubbed his palms and cracked his neck, getting in a serious stance and grabbing the first basketball that came through the machine before tossing it straight into the hoop.
“My turn, my turn!” You shoved him with your hip playfully to make room for yourself and get a better angle to shoot.
Ned and MJ, who had been standing close behind and observing this all go down, just looked at each other, heads cocked to the side. Claps and cheers when the other one scored and purposeful bumps into each other every single time you switched, given you guys’ speed and surprising accuracy, were all they could see and hear.
“The two idiots… they really don’t see it, do they?” MJ questioned, looking between the both of you, genuinely puzzled.
Ned groaned and rubbed his hands over his face. “Dude, I swear I can and will cry right now if they don’t stop playing this ‘you’re just my best friend’ game, I’m so tired of it.”
“Are we gonna say anything to them to make them ‘fess up though?”
“Nah, I kinda wanna watch it play out, as much as it exasperates me,” Ned shrugged.
“Alright Petey boy, you wanna take this jackpot shot or do you want me to?” you looked over at him and asked. “No pressure buddy, but it is an extra five hundred tickets.”
“All yours, m’lady,” he curtly bowed, drawing a laugh from you.
You took your stance, legs slightly spread apart and knees bent just a little, preparing for the big shoot. You grabbed the final basketball, dribbled it on the ground twice, and tossed it, aiming straight for the hoop.
“She shoots,” Peter commentated, watching the ball leave your hands, “and… she scores!”
You let out a squeal and jumped straight into Peter’s arms, giving him the biggest hug you could possibly render. Peter caught you and spun you around, cheering and laughing all the while as the machine spewed out your tickets.
“Okay kids,” MJ called out, pulling you both out of your little moment of euphoria. “Chill for a second and pick up your tickets because I will gladly take them if you don’t want them.”
You chuckled her comment and separated from Peter before quickly walking up to grab the tickets. “Hey, Peter and I worked hard for these, back off,” you playfully pouted, hearing Peter chuckle from beside you.
“Okay okay,” Ned laughed. “MJ and I are done with our tokens, are you guys ready to call it a day and get the prizes too or..?”
“I’m ready to go, Y/n?” Peter asked.
“Yup, I’m done too, let’s go.”
You all made your way over to the corner of the arcade where you could total up your tickets and redeem them for prizes. Despite your constant refusal, Peter not only let you take the entirety of the tickets you both won from the basketball game instead of splitting them, but also gave you all the tickets he’d earned that day so that when combined with yours, you’d be able to get the adorable person-sized teddy bear you were planning on saving up for.
Ned decided to splurge on a number of small prizes, like the classic ginormous plastic sunglasses and little notepads, while MJ got herself a Rubik’s cube and a sticker that said “Caution: Falling Rocks”. Nobody knows why she picked that one in particular - she’d simply shrugged when Peter had asked her about it.
You felt bad that Peter didn’t end up getting anything, but he insisted he was totally cool with it. Something about “not having any more space for obscure things to stuff in my cupboards anyway.”
“Guys, I’m hungry,” you said, bringing the attention to you while you all headed out of the noisy arcade. “Let’s go grab a bite somewhere?”
“Ooh yes, I know this place that’s only like five minutes from here - Ned and I went there like last week. It’s-”
Peter never really got to finish that sentence. He was walking backwards, trying to make eye contact with the three of you while relaying his expertise on the restaurants in the area, but the man-child had tripped over his own two feet and landed flat on the ground.
“Oh my gosh, are you okay?” you all rushed over to him.
“I’m okay, I’m okay,” he assured you guys as he grabbed Ned’s hand and pulled himself up, dusting off his jeans.
You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you right then. “Hey Pete, what was that you said earlier about me not being able to walk five steps without tripping?”
“Hey, cut me some slack, okay. MJ’s sticker said ‘falling rocks’ and I was just testing the validity of that statement. Now, with experiential evidence, I can confirm that it is, in fact, false.”
You and Ned burst out laughing at what was probably Peter’s only good joke all afternoon. MJ rolled her eyes, but even she couldn’t stop the smile that took over her face.
You all started to head towards the restaurant Peter suggested, Ned leading the way.
“Hey Y/n?” Peter leaned over.
“Did you lose an electron? Because you’re positively glowing.”
“Oy smarty-pants, make your own puns, don’t steal them from your t-shirt,” you chuckled, shaking your head. You increased your speed and walked up ahead to where Ned was walking to join him and, hopefully, prevent Peter from the bright red that overtook your features from that one little out-of-nowhere compliment.
You and Ned were joking around about the events of the day and how much fun everything was, and as much as you enjoyed Ned’s company, you couldn’t help but let your mind wander a little.
Why did Peter have such an effect on you? How was he able to make you feel so giddy - all he did was give you one punny compliment and you were blushing? How come this never happens with anybody else?
‘It’s because sometimes you just click with some people more than you do with others. Yeah, that’s what this is. That’s all it is. You just click with him slightly more than you do with the others, and so his compliment is just a little bit more meaningful in that sense,’ you rationalized.
That’s definitely all it was. A strong friendship. Not a crush - definitely not a crush.
***** three
It was the end of senior year, and you were finally in Europe for your long-awaited senior trip that the Midtown teachers had organized for your graduating class.
You’d managed to fall sick on the second day of the trip, but despite the absolute nightmare that all the nausea and headaches had been, it had luckily turned out to only be a 24-hour bug, and you’d been up and running, ready to explore the place by the next morning.
Ned and Peter shared a room while you and MJ shared another, and while the four of you would occasionally hang out in each other’s rooms when you weren’t already out and about, Peter had insisted on practically staying in your room when you were sick so he could take care of you.
You’d pushed them all out of the room to go out and have fun, or even just go sit in the other room so they wouldn’t accidentally contract whatever it was you had.
Peter, though, just would not listen - he kept taking MJ’s keycard and coming in to check up on you, making sure you were hydrated and had everything you needed. You’d woken up the morning after to a number of texts from Peter, scattered at different times throughout the night, telling you that he hoped you were feeling better and reminding you that you could call him if you needed anything, no matter how late or early it was.
You’d made it known to him the next time you saw him how much you appreciated him doing that, but also how you wished he’d have slept without worrying about you so much.
He’d only smiled in response.
Once you’d gotten better - which luckily was by the next afternoon - the four of you would spend time in one hotel room all evening. Watching movies together, having popcorn fights, or just talking, laughing and reminiscing about the year that had flown right by you.
During the day, you would all go out and explore whatever city you were in, making sure to cover all the general tourist attractions and getting tons and tons of pictures with and of each other. MJ had become your unspoken designated photographer, capturing breathtaking candids of you all whenever she got the chance.
Mr. Harrington had mandated that anybody who went out to explore or do something that wasn’t on the itinerary report back to the hotel by sunset so he could keep track of everyone, so you would always make it a point to be in your rooms by then.
Most people stayed out anyway, but not the four of you - you didn’t want to worry the poor man. He worked hard all year too, and he was kind enough to supervise this trip - the least you could all do was ensure that you weren’t burdening him with any added stress.
Occasionally, you would end up getting back to the hotel earlier than others in your group. Sometimes, MJ would want to wander by herself, and Ned would try to approach and converse with Betty, who he found really cute.
Times like that, you and Peter would be the only ones in your respective rooms. The very first time that happened, you both very quickly realized that if you were in that situation, boredom would usually follow very soon.
So the next time onwards, even if none of the others were there, you and Peter would just hang out together in one of your rooms. It didn’t really matter what you were doing - just being in each other’s presence made things fun.
It was guaranteed, though, that obscure things would always happen when it was just the two of you left unsupervised. One time, Ned walked into his and Peter’s shared room only to find you and Peter in the midst of a very soulful rendition of A Whole New World from Aladdin - complete with exaggerated dance moves and hairbrush-microphones. Another time, MJ returned from her walk to a nearby park to you and Peter indulged in a heated discussion about whether pop tarts should be considered a sandwich or ravioli.
The four of you would often stay up until odd hours talking about anything and everything. The later it got, the deeper your topics of conversation would get. They would go from sharing nostalgic memories from your childhoods to passionate conversations about how many pets one could get before they’d be considered too many.
One of those days, when you had a one hundred percent free day because the event on your itinerary got cancelled, MJ and Peter decided they wanted to go visit a museum. Ned brought up that he wanted to go shopping around the city instead, and since you were planning the same, the two of you went out together.
You and Ned decided to hop onto one of those red double-decker buses, because if you’re a tourist in London and don’t get on one of those buses even once, are you really a tourist in London? Since neither of you had anything specific you wanted to shop for or any specific place in mind, you decided to take a random bus and get off wherever you felt would be worth it.
After about fifteen minutes of looking around at the hustling streets, you finally passed through an area that seemed to be filled with a variety of stores, making it the perfect place for some obscure shopping.
You both walked around, entering random stores whenever something in the display caught your eyes and buying random articles of clothing. At one point, you found a really cool thrift store and decided to style each other - the results being surprisingly more wonderful than either of you had expected. You both did an impromptu ramp walk for each other, filling the trial rooms with the sounds of laughter and giggles.
As the evening started to set in and the gorgeous colours started to take over the blue sky, you decided that you should start heading back to the hotel soon. It wasn’t too far from where you were though, considering the fact that a quick fifteen-minute ride would get you back, so you two did have time to stop by one or two more stores quickly if you wanted to.
As you strolled around, looking at the displays to see if there was something you might like, a pretty off-white floral sundress caught your attention. “Ned, can we go in here? I want to try this dress on!” you said as you tapped him excitedly on his shoulder.
He agreed, and as soon as you found the dress and tried it on, you absolutely fell in love with it. It was just the right length for your preference, and fit your body just right. In fact, it would even go perfectly with the adorable cross-body bag you’d picked up earlier in the day. You didn’t have to think twice before heading to the cash register to buy it and officially make it yours.
“Today burned a hole in my pockets, but it was so much fun Y/n, thanks for coming with me,” Ned said as you both got seated on the bus.
“Hey, of course! I had so much fun too! It was so refreshing to, thank you for letting me try on eight thousand different things,” you grinned.
The two of you continued conversing and joking around as the bus slowed down at a stop to let passengers on and off.
“Man, as great as museums are, nothing beats the joy one gets from mindlessly shopping - those two definitely missed out on some hilarious jokes and the best fashion show of the century,” you chuckled, making a reference to your antics back at the thrift store.
Ned laughed, shaking his head.
You relaxed in your seats, just letting the feeling of the wind flowing through your hair encompass you. The slight coolness of the evening breeze was euphoric yet also grounding in a sense, and you wanted to let it consume you for as long as possible.
“Y/n, can I ask you a question?” Ned softly broke the silence.
“Yeah, what’s up?”
“You like him, don’t you?” he smirked.
You turned to look at him, eyebrows furrowed. “Like who?”
“Come on, don’t act so oblivious,” Ned laughed. “Peter - you like him, right?”
“Uh, yeah, he’s one of my best friends, so I definitely do like him?” You were genuinely confused at this point.
“No Y/n, I mean like like. Like as in more than a friend,” he clarified.
You froze for a split second and the heat rushed quickly to your face for reasons unknown to you. Almost too quickly, you responded, “What? No! Why would you think that?”
Ned rubbed his face, groaning. “Y/n, why are you both so ridiculously oblivious?” He had no clue how both you and Peter, two people so hopelessly crushing on each other, couldn’t see it.
“Wait, what do you mean?” you questioned.
Ned couldn’t stop the knowing smirk that overtook his features at the quizzical look on your face. He wanted to see two of his best friends happy together, but he needed you both to figure out your feelings for each other because it would be unfair of him and MJ to try and get you both together before that happened.
In this moment though, the utter cluelessness in your eyes was absolutely comedic to him.
“Oh, would you look at that, it’s our stop!” he quickly picked up his bags and walked off the bus, leaving a very perplexed you to follow him.
You pestered him to explain what he meant by that the entire way up to your respective rooms, but he wouldn’t do anything but grin. Your split-second panic and silence, combined with the redness of your cheeks as soon as he’d asked you about Peter was confirmation enough for him. He’d lit the spark, the questioning, inside of you, and that was all he felt was appropriate for now. Now, you needed to let it grow into a full flame and come to terms with your feelings.
“Bye Y/n! I’ll see you in a little bit!” he waved at you as he quickly slipped behind his door.
You groaned, stomping back to your room. You tossed your bags to the side and flopped right onto the bed.
‘Why was Ned asking me that? What did he mean by saying Peter and I are ‘oblivious??’ And why did I panic? Is there a chance that I- No, don’t finish that thought. Y/n, Peter’s just your best friend - feelings involved make things messy. You know what though? You don’t have to worry about that, it’s fine, because you don’t have feelings for him anyway. It’s all good. You’re just best friends, it’s nothing more than that, for sure.’
You lay there, staring at the ceiling, and rationalizing whatever supposed “feelings” you had for Peter until you heard MJ swipe her keycard. In walked both Peter and MJ, and you watched as his eyes lit up as soon as he saw you.
You felt your lips curve upwards into a smile, and before you could even realize that your body was moving, you had both engulfed each other in a massive hug.
That was normal though, right? You would hug MJ right after that too - you always hugged your friends. That didn’t mean anything.
Ned was probably just fooling around. Yeah, that’s probably what it was. One of his extended pranks. That explanation made sense.
Either way, you know what your feelings for Peter are: platonic. Absolutely, positively not anything other than that.
***** one
The day you’d been dreading was finally here: the end of your senior trip.
You were in your hotel room, zipping up your suitcase and making sure you had packed all of your belongings.
“I guess this is it, huh?” you squeaked out.
Hotel rooms had become your home for the last almost two months. They were where you and three of the closest people in your life right now spent so much time together, laughing, crying, just enjoying each other’s presence. Now, you were being made to say goodbye to that, and it was too soon for your liking.
“It is, yeah,” MJ gave you a small smile. “Don’t be upset about it though, we’ll all still be together and go out all the time once we’re back.”
“I know, I just…” you sighed. “I just liked this whole ‘no-other-responsibilities-to-tend-to’ version of going out. Time really does fly when you’re having fun.”
MJ placed the last of her clothes in her suitcase and zipped it up. “Well, at least it was fun while it lasted, right?”
You nodded. It was fun while it lasted. Was it insanely tiring walking around every single day because there was always so much to do? One hundred percent. Was your sleep schedule messed up from staying up late hanging out with your friends and waking up early to go grab breakfast and get ready for the day? More than ever before. Would you trade the experience for anything else in the world? Absolutely not.
You did one final sweep of the room to make sure you’d grabbed everything you’d brought in. “Ready to go?” you asked as you placed your suitcase upright on the ground.
“Yup, let’s head downstairs before the bus leaves,” MJ chuckled, shaking her head. “I am so ready to sleep in my own bed again.”
You laughed and grabbed your keycards. MJ placed the remote back on the TV stand and wheeled her luggage out the door and you followed suit, pulling the door shut behind you. Once you double-checked that the door had been locked properly, the two of you headed down to the lobby, where you were supposed to meet the rest of your classmates.
Dropping the keycards off at the front desk, you made your way over to where you could see most of your cohort already gathered.
“Oh good, you’re both here,” Mr. Harrington checked your names off his list. “The only ones left now are Flash and Brad. They’d better come down soon, wouldn’t want to- ah! There they are!” he marched over to where the two boys were.
“Wow, I don’t think I have ever seen him look that relieved. Is it just me or did he get taller?” you heard a voice approaching you.
There he was, walking towards you, wearing that blue checkered shirt that looked oh-so-good on him. Something about him today hit you differently. You couldn’t put a finger on what exactly it was, but it was safe to say that you felt your heart skip a beat at how amazing he looked.
“As much as I hate to say it, I agree with you,” MJ joked. “Crazy what lifting some weight off your shoulders can do for you.”
“Crazy how quickly this whole trip is already over,” Ned spoke. “I don’t know if I’m ready to go home yet.”
“Oh hush, just last night you were on the phone telling Betty that you couldn’t wait to take her to the movies once we’re all back in Queens,” Peter quipped, effectively making Ned blush and all of you laugh.
The aura of the lobby was very mixed. On one hand, the atmosphere felt lively as people chatted with their friends about all the fun times they had over the last few weeks, about the constant highs they all felt. On the other hand, there was a certain longing in most people’s eyes, a willingness to hold on to this feeling for just a little longer.
It was a very bittersweet vibe, and very understandably so.
“Alright guys, um- hey, can I get your attention for just a minute please?” Mr. Harrington squeaked. He raised his arms up to try and grab everyone’s attention, and to his own surprise, it worked.
“So, basically, I just wanted to say thank you to every single one of you for attending this trip, and I hope that it was a great experience for you all. Our bus should be here shortly, but before we go, I was hoping to get one quick picture with the entire group, if that’s okay?” After confirming that nobody had an issue with it, he handed his camera over to one of the staff members from the reception desk, who quickly snapped a wonderful picture of you all.
He thanked her, and then went outside to check for the bus.
“Looks like there’s still some more time before we leave,” you stated, peeking out through the glass windows and noticing the absence of a bus.
“Judging by the way Mr. Harrington’s seeming frustrated, I’d say you’re probably right,” Peter chuckled. “Hey, let’s get some pictures of our own in the meantime, I still have some film left on my camera!”
You, Ned and MJ agreed, and Peter pulled out his camera from his carry-bag. You all took turns posing with each other, starting off with simple smiles, but progressively getting goofier and sillier until you’ve hit the point where you were just standing in the middle of the lobby recreating iconic memes, sending you all into fits of laughter.
“Okay, okay, enough of this,” Peter giggles, still coming down from moments ago when he was guffawing at your attempt to recreate that one young Cardi B picture. “Let’s get some group shots now.”
MJ quickly asked Yasmin, another one of your classmates, if she’d be okay with getting a few shots of them and explained to her how to work the camera.
You went to grab a sip of water and stood off to the side, letting the three have their moment. They’d been there for each other for four years, and while you were all close now, you’d only come into the picture recently. You wanted to let the squad - the original squad - get some pictures too, you’d been in enough with them already, it was okay.
Ned said something which you couldn’t hear, but it drew out undoubtedly heartfelt laughs from the other two. Eyes scrunched and faces radiating with nothing but joy, Yasmin saw this as a perfect moment to capture, and you saw her take what you were sure would have turned out to be an amazing candid.
Yasmin went to hand the camera back to MJ, but Peter quickly stopped her.
“Hold on one second please, would it be okay if you got just one last picture? With the whole group?”
She nodded, stepping back.
“Y/n! Why are you off to the side?” Peter rushed over to you, pulling you out of your thoughts. “Come on, we can’t take a full group photo without you in it!”
In that very moment, as Peter grabbed your hand and gently pulled you to where the rest of the group was standing, something in your mind clicked. You laughed as Peter abruptly stopped and you bumped into him, hearing the click of the camera go off. None of it seemed to matter though. All you could see was Peter smiling back down at you, the crinkles by his eyes more defined than ever, but also surprisingly more beautiful than ever.
You could sense the three people around you continuing to throw up more poses quickly, Yasmin capturing them, but the entire while, your eyes wouldn’t leave Peter’s grinning face, your mind slowly stopped registering anything other than the feeling of Peter’s arms around your shoulders. The pure warmth he radiated pulled you in further, and everything around you except his perfect smile blurred.
One thing became very clear in that moment of complete encapsulation though, despite it being a completely foreign feeling to you, as the same words played in your head, over and over.
‘Holy crap, I think I’m in love with my best friend.’
If only you knew, those were the exact same words racing through Peter’s mind.
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airi-p4 · 4 years
Last Chance - Chapter 6
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 AO3
Chloe’s POV
This is ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous! I spent months- more than a year trying to make Luka mine and only mine and all it's needed is a simple email from the stupid Dupain-Cheng to make it all go down the drain.
Only two months until the Wedding! Two months!! Could she wait at least until after the honeymoon? Maybe I could have gotten pregnant and made it harder for Luka to dump me? Not that I want a baby, ewww, but what other option I have to keep the man I love by my side? I would do anything for him!
Well, it's not like me for things to go according to plan, isn't it? I was supposed to take revenge on Luka, not falling this hard for him! No wonder Marinette is helplessly attracted to him, he's so damn hot. And handsome. And sexy. And yet a sweetheart. No, that last one is not the image that makes a rockstar sell. Good thing I'm his stylist- I get to enjoy him from closer than anyone. And that body… those eyes… and wow, the eyeliner is the final touch that makes me go totally head over heels for him. Goodbye to my original plans- I had to make him mine.
And I was so close too! If it wasn't for that ridiculous Dupain-Cheng... How can she not be content with Adrien? Hello? He’s perfection itself! But no! Ridiculous Marinette Dupain-Cheng thinks not even perfection is good enough for her. She wants Luka now instead of him. Like, seriously? Are you kidding me!? Utterly ridiculous!
You want the man, you fight for him. I'm not letting him go without a fight, no matter what his feelings are! I love him and I don’t care if the designer wannabe does too. He has to be MINE.
And hey! My plan worked for a while! I avoided Luka finding out about Marinette and Adrien's break up, and he even proposed to me after I dropped some hints! Not bad, huh? You can clap. C'mon, give me an applause! Don't I deserve it? Aren’t I amazing? Heh. Of course I am!
Too bad that stupid woman had to interfere with my happiness. So annoying!
As soon as Adrien told me about Marinette's change of feelings I knew my man returning to the woman he had never forgotten was bound to happen. I had to avoid it at all costs!
What if it made Marinette unhappy? Not my problem.
What if Marinette's unhappiness made Luka unhappy? It should be fine as long as he doesn't find out about her unhappiness, shouldn't it? But I still want Luka to be happy… But I'd prefer it to be with me!
That's why I'm ready to give it my all. I want to turn the balance to my side. I want him to love me the most! Am I asking for too much?
But I made the mistake of not deleting that email account. How stupid of me...
I never expect it to be this troublesome, to be honest. As soon as I saw those messages I knew everything was over for me. Still gotta fight- giving up is not my style- but I was at disadvantage.
And I'm angry that I can't hide the truth from him when he looks at me with those trusting eyes. And things are over as soon as he finds out my darkest secrets.
But I tell you: I’m not going down without a fight.
I contacted the Miraculous team and prepared to go to Tibet. "You're amazing…" he said, and he kissed me. Hell, I could fly every time he does that. What has LOVE converted me into? I’m so hopeless around him… Geez.
Later, the talk during our flight was not pleasant, but not unexpected either: he has made up his mind and I'm out of the picture. He seems hurt to know I failed him. Why did I have to tell him my original plans knowing he would hate me afterwards? He has this absolute power over me… I can't deny him anything. I had tried to avoid the talk by asking him to sleep but it didn't really work.
I can’t accept our relationship coming to an end. Not like this.
My heart is totally broken. Nothing I’ve ever felt can compare to this pain. Not even my own mother’s rejection as a child. Not even Adrien's rejection. Nothing.
At Adrien's plane I can't stop drinking alcohol and crying. I'm clearly the ridiculous one, aren’t I? I don't want Luka to go. I'm happy about his casual touches- his habits . They give me security and hope. How can he be so handsome and cute at the same time? Ugh… It’s ridiculous how I keep falling for him everytime he looks at me, even after he has practically dumped me. I'm going crazy, this is insane. It can't be normal…
And finally, we meet with the ridiculous Dupain-Cheng. She could have chosen a less difficult place to access if she planned to go back to the Miraculous box anyway! I hate dark and cold places. Disgusting . I wanted to complain as soon as we reached there but Luka shushed me before I could put those thoughts into words. That’s my man: he knows me well…  
But then MY FIANCEE seems to forget about me as soon as he sees the ridiculous Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Well, I'm not forgetting YOU (or better said- US), even if you do, my love! And I want to stay close to him as long as I can. I want him to look only at me. His attention. I want to be his only one.
That's the reason I keep grabbing his jacket and surrounding him with my arms. My gosh, I love hugging him… So calm, so comfortable, so warm… Not that I would admit it out loud in front of others, but I feel safe with him. How can he do it? Totally ridiculous…
Ugh… I’m sick of being in this cave already. Can’t we just take Marinette down already and leave? Continue our lives as they were going? Forget this happened and keep living? Who cares about Marinette, anyway? She decided to throw away everything she had because she was a COWARD, involving MY MAN, Adrikins, those two useless friends and even an old man who can’t even walk properly on his own feet. Can’t we go back home already? I just want to cuddle with Luka and get our Wedding Ceremony prepared. I just want to be forever happy with the man I love!
Is that asking too much? Am I too selfish?
I don’t think so! But the despicable Dupain-Cheng and her ridiculous wind and flames seem to have a different opinion. Using a forbidden power because she’s scared of fighting me for my man’s love.
Can she be more ridiculous?
Apparently yes.  
She's not even the one controlling her body when using that power- pathetic.
And I'm sorry baby, Adrikins, but you're being useless against Marinette. But don’t worry. I'm the best when the power of 'subjection' is needed. Just watch! Learn from the great Queen Bee!
And hey! It worked! I made it to her rolling on the floor behind her, where the wind isn’t as strong, grabbing her ankle. Not bad, huh? But did this girl really need all the fire? Ouch! It hurts, you know!? I’m going to make her pay for it if it leaves any scar on my pure beautiful white skin!
Pfff… The girl didn’t even notice me, how silly…! She clearly has only eyes for ‘ her boys’ . Too bad for her is precisely that attention what made her fall.
My win. Her loss. She can get lost.  
Oh, I even made it rhyme! Aren’t I amazing?
And here I have it: the black cat Miraculous, now in my hand. Huh, too easy! And next is time to get the earrings too… Ugh... I can notice those looks on my back... “What? Do I have to do everything alone here?” Useless ridiculous people...
“Chloe… Holy shit… You’re amazing…”
Heh. I love it when Luka compliments me. I could listen to him go on all night. So satisfying. And yet he wants to dump me to go to that useless Marinette’s arms? I love you baby, but you’ve got to be kidding me if you think she’s better than ME!
“Of course I am! Who do you think I am!? I was Queen Bee for a reason! And being useless it’s certainly not it. Unlike you all! Only now you notice how amazing am I!? And yet you want to dump me, baby!? Such a waste for you!”
And the most ridiculous girl finally reacts. Everybody look stupid surrounding her in relief.
I’ve saved the day, you should be thankful! I’m the STAR from today’s mission! Where’s my recognition? Nothing? Baby? Not even a kiss? Really? Don’t I deserve at least some attention? Hello?
Do I really mean nothing to them now that Marinette is there? She’s the one who created all this trouble to start with! Why are you all giving her support and love? WHAT ABOUT ME!? No one cares about me!? I'm injured here! No one cares? What makes Marinette so special and me so ‘bad’ in comparison?
I’m sick of it. I hate that girl. I HATE HER.  
Seeing her cry or apologize makes me wanna puke. Now she wants to be pitiable? Excuse me, lady, but you got where you are because of your own bad decisions, don’t drag us in your drama any further, duh.
You could have had Luka but chose Adrien instead, and when you get tired of Adrien then you decide you want Luka back, when he’s about to MARRY me! And what’s worse: she’s not even planning to fight for the man she claims she ‘loves’ , but instead relies on magic to destroy the whole world.
Couldn’t she even come and fight me fair and square? No way I would lose in that case! But using the Miraculous is cheating. What do we call this?
Coward: YES. Selfish: YES. Kind person? ABSOLUTELY NOT.
And yet she’s the one being LOVED and I’m the one being HATED. I’m the one heart-broken here, you know? Do my feelings matter to anyone? Luka, baby, not even you? I’m still your fiancée, you know? The engagement ring is proof enough. Is this how I deserve to be treated?
Dumped. Ignored. Despised.
I’ve had enough.  
Marinette took everything I loved from me and yet she wanted to be evil? And when she’s already taken all I have left, then she goes after the only thing I really have: LUKA.
I’m furious. Enraged. Hurt.  
I can’t take it anymore. I’m going to vent all the hate I’ve been holding for years against her.
I’ll show you what being evil means, Marinette Dupain-Cheng.  
“Marinette, Marinette, Marinette! Always Marinette!! I’M SICK of you! First my mother’s attention, next my Miraculous, then Adrien and now Luka! You keep taking everything I love from me and you’re still the good one! The LOVED one! What about ME!? You already had Adrien, why do you need to take Luka away from me too!? I HATE YOU, MARINETTE! I REALLY HATE YOU!”
Yeah, don’t look at me so surprised. What do you expect!? My broken heart for free? NO- I’ll make you pay for that!
I told you: I’m not going down without a fight! Luka is all that matters to me and I’ll fight for him until the last consequences!
They're ridiculous if they think I'll give up on him so easily… You want to be evil, Marinette? Use the Miraculous for stealing my man from me? Very well, I'll show you what being evil means, Dupain-Cheng! I have the right tool on my hand… No- on my finger...
“You know what? I was an awesome superhero before you took away my Miraculous... But there’s something I’ve always been even better at: being a villain. Unlike you, Marinette, who aren’t fit to be evil, I’m the ideal candidate for it! Let me show you what being evil means… Plagg, transform me!”
Ah, a black cat leather suit. I bet it looks amazing on me. I wish I had a mirror to admire myself and my beauty… Oh, I’m sure you like it too, baby. I wish I had used it earlier… But the possibility of it triggering some memories of ‘Ladybug’ made me discard the idea. What a pity. Now the earrings and the absolute power while they’re still trying to cope with how surprised they are about me…
Wait, No. I’m not going to put myself at the same low level as that pitiful woman. And I don’t want to become ugly like she became. Eww. Let’s fight respecting the honor codes: Cat Queen vs Ladybug.
“Want to stop me? Well, that’s Ladybug’s job! Come on and fight me, Dupain-Cheng! Fair and square- no absolute power this time. YOU against ME. ...What? You thought I would give up so easily? I love Luka more than anything! I’m not giving him up like that!”
Ah, this feels good. I can’t wait to destroy her already… I’ll make her suffer for all the hate I’ve kept inside for so long!
Ah, I missed running with a miraculous suit on… So fast. So free. So close to destroying her!
Ah, not you! Luka, baby, you know I love you, but it’s not you who I wanna fight or destroy. You’re in the way. Why are you protecting someone that hurt you so much? Didn’t she break your heart? Why do you keep protecting and caring for her? It’s over! She dumped you! Let me take revenge for you too!
“Stop it, hon- Chloe”
“MOVE, my love”
“NO!! You don’t have to do this. I know you’re not evil anymore”
Not evil anymore, he says… How naive are you, love? I've decided to change as long as you were by my side. Being kind, being nice… it felt good, actually.
But you choose Marinette? Evil Chloe is back- easy as that.
“Then choose me! That’s all I’m asking! Stay with me! LOVE ME!”
I know my man is not stupid enough to not understand my feelings. Don’t disappoint me! I thought you knew better than that. I thought you knew all I want is your LOVE!
“Chloe… You know it doesn’t work like this…”
And at the end his answer remains the same… He chooses Marinette over me.
Like ALWAYS.  
Not that I hadn’t been warned, but this… It hurts… It hurts too much… All because of that stupid low class designer wannabee and her selfishness. I HATE her. And I despise Luka for loving her instead of me. You want to choose her? Accept your punishment, then!
“So you’ve really chosen her over me, huh? It really is hopeless then… Very well, In that case, I’ll destroy you. If you can’t be mine, you won’t be hers either!”
And what now? I really don’t want to destroy him. But rage is controlling me. How am I supposed to live without him? I’ve never loved anyone to this point. Hell, I’ve started to change completely for the first time after meeting with him! Not that I hadn’t tried before but he makes… things so easy…
But I’m hurt. VERY HURT. And angry. VERY ANGRY. And I want to DESTROY the source of my pain. And this man- MY MAN- is the source of it.
If I hadn’t met him…! If I hadn’t been so stupid for falling for him! If he wasn’t so stupidly sweet. And sexy. And cute. And PERFECT .
I hate feeling like this!
And I hate how he’s not moving a finger to try to defend himself from me. Does he think of me lightly? Or WEAK? Unable to be evil, maybe? What are you thinking, baby?
“NO! Don’t touch Luka!”
Ah, and here finally comes Ladybug… Great. I'd rather destroy her than Luka.
“Fight me. Fight for him if you really love him!”
Let the fight begin.
But she won’t shut up… Does she think words can stop me? Really...?
“STOP, Chloe! Don’t you love him? He’s your fiancée! How can you even think of destroying him! You’re heartless! You say I’m the loved one, but I’m not! I envy you! I’ve always been jealous of you!”
Hah. As if I would believe that! Let me enlighten you with the truth you keep denying...
“You’re talking no-sense, Dupain-Cheng! You could have become an Agreste, but you prefered to break his heart instead! You have talent too! And friends! Even Sabrina prefers you over me, now! And moreover, this man here- MY man- he may still be my finacée, but his heart has never belonged to me! You’re the one who won everything, threw it away, and still managed to win again! How do you expect me not to hate you!?”
Bull’s-eye. It’s time for you to open your eyes, Dupain-Cheng. Do you think you’re a good person? You’re NOT!
“I- I never planned to hurt Adrien… Feelings… don’t work like that…! Sometimes, we only notice how valuable something is after we’ve lost it… and that’s what happened to me…! I know I’m just selfish… I may have friends, and a successful job, but I don’t have what I want the most, because you have it…! Aren’t you the one who won!?”
“ARE YOU NUTS!? How RIDICULOUS can you be!? Can’t you see how his feelings work!? Are you serious!? He rushed here for YOU . Gosh! I thought Adrien’s case was bad, but how blind can you be!?”
Her stupid answers only make me get even more angry. How the hell can she be so stupid? No stopping now. I’m going to destroy her. Preach .
“Ehem… Ladies… Why don't we stop this fight and-”
HUH!? Not now, Luka! This is between Marinette and me!
“Shut up! Don’t interrupt us!”
Oh… But maybe it’s my best way to destroy her… from the inside- from her LOVED ONE. And Luka is just quiet there, looking, analyzing how to make us stop.
Very well.  
I’ll make it stop.
Ah, too easy. Here he is: My man. Under my Cataclysm, just about to disappear. And I don’t want him gone. But I want Marinette to suffer just as much as I’m going to suffer from now on if these two get together. How do you expect me to endure it? I can’t.
Luka has to go.
And again, he’s not trying to fight back. Or protect himself. Or anything at all.
His blue eyes, deep and wide as the ocean keep staring at mine, and there’s only one coming from them: TRUST.
I see my own eyes reflected on his, and I notice something I wasn’t aware of: DOUBT. And my inner fears rise again: fear of becoming evil, regret of almost hurting the only man that has been willing to accept me as I am, sadness because I still wish for his happiness, even if it isn’t with me and embarrassment for failing him- his trust in me.
And I can’t keep fighting against these feelings anymore. I can’t keep fighting against his love for my rival. Their mutual love. Their happiness.  
I can’t keep becoming what I promised myself I would leave behind: my embarrassing and miserable past- the Chloe that hurt people with no regret, the Chloe that would do anything for selfish reasons only, the Chloe that bullied Luka’s sister and treated her best friend as a slave… The Chloe I’m ashamed of.
I’m sorry for disappointing you, Luka. I’m so sorry...
I promised Luka I would change. And I have to keep my promise, just like he has always been honest to me. I hate it, but I know it’s what I have to do. So ridiculous...
And Ladybug's yo-yo is already immobilizing me. No need, actually, but go on. I don’t care.
I can’t fight anymore. No need to stay transformed either.
It’s over. And I lost.  
See? Luka has too much power on me...
I gaze at Ladybug’s eyes to speak my regret. I’ve always admired Ladybug. I wanted to be like her. What happened to me? Deep down I know she’s the most impressive girl out there. I hate to admit it but who could hate Ladybug? No one. She’s simply the best. And I’m just a silly selfish woman scared of being alone.
“See? That’s how a villain acts. You’re a superhero, you could never be a proper villain. Stop acting dramatic over something you’ve never worked hard to get. Crying solves nothing. Waiting solves nothing. You have to fight for what you want”
Ah… I’m probably saying those words to myself. I don’t know. But I know I’m not wrong.
“I’m not-! Oh...”
Yeah… I know. The truth hurts. I want to cry too… I wish I were her… If I was her…
I’ll let her know so she stops doing stupid things from now on.
“You’re utterly ridiculous, Dupain-Cheng. You have everything I’ve always wanted and you thought your best option was to throw away the world's balance without even fighting or trying to win him back? You don’t know how Lucky you are…”
No… I’m aware it’s not a matter of luck, but my pride won’t let me say it out loud. Marinette has always been honest, pure, sincere. On the other hand, I've relied on lies and tricks to get Luka by my side. Of course I can't win against that…
Damn it. I hate crying in front of other people. So WEAK. So ridiculous.
And Luka’s hug only makes me weaker. I don’t want to let him go. Please… Please I want him to stay with me...!
But no- it can’t be.
I’ve already done my best and I lost. I have to give up. Move on…
Ah, I can hear Luka’s voice…
“Thank you, Chloe… You did this to save Marinette, don’t you? I know you wouldn’t have Cataclysmed me or anyone. I knew you had changed. You are a superhero, not a villain”
And his words finish me, regretting my actions, ashamed of who I am.
I thought I had changed too, but it seems I’m still putting myself first, even now.
But yes, his stupidity is contagious and I can’t hide how he's the reason I stopped my wrong-doings. In a direct and an indirect way. Not that I can admit it! I really don’t want to disappoint him any further. So I answer with a lie:
“I- I- Of course!”
Who am I kidding? No way he believes- NO WAY. Let me pass out already! His smile is too pure and bright.
Totally ridiculous.
And I’m still stunned when everyone returns to Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Master Fruit or whatever apologizes and tells her something I don’t even care about.
Can’t this girl stop crying already? She’s got what she wished for now. Can’t she see how happy and stupidly in love is my Luka looking at her? Is she never stopping to be ridiculous? Gosh… And now what? Only now you noticed our injuries? Hell, I’m the most injured one here and no one seems to care. Nevermind, I’m already used to it. Let me go back home already. The humidity of this place is destroying my hair.
Can’t you stop talking already? And there is Marinette with her speech…
"I, Marinette Dupain-Cheng renounce the box of the Miraculous and appoint Ad-"
NO NO NO! This is not how things are supposed to be done, Luka! You can’t just kiss her like that! And you have the guts to kiss her in front of me? At least you should have the decency to break-up with me first! I know I’ve already lost you- I’ve already resigned myself- but at least follow the proper order, damn it! I’m angry. Let me tell you!
“HOW YOU DARE, baby!? You’re ridiculous! We’re still engaged! How could you-!”
Huh? What is happening…? I’m so… sleepy…
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call-me-nerdy · 5 years
Felix doesn't have "Vacations"
Felinette November Day 4; Vacation
It's late, sorry.
So I had a vague idea of what to do, but it went off the rails real quick. I'm not proud of the ending, but I'll live.
I couldn't finish this yesterday because of well, school. So I'll probably do a double update one of these days to catch up on schedule.
Felix Agreste is endearing.
Semestral break crept up on Felix like a fox stalking an unsuspecting prey; slow and steady before pouncing on him with a hectic onslaught of extracurricular activities on his schedule.
Felix would say he was merely inconvenienced by the numerous 'hobbies' his mother had requested him to partake in, but that didn't mean he wasn't overwhelmed by her overeager plans.
The timetable was light in his hands, though it honestly seemed to weigh him down with every task that was printed on the pristine, white paper. Felix scanned the letters in disdain, a faint throbbing started to grow at the back of his head.
A modeling gig on Monday, followed by a violin recital on Tuesday. Wednesday entails a whole day rehearsal with the local Chamber Orchestra, and we are set to perform on Friday at night. I have to assist with the fencing classes on Thursday, and another modeling event on Friday afternoon before the performance. Add my daily study sessions and the projects I have to finish into the mix, and I'm positive that this is impossible to achieve.
Felix bit back a groan. He knew how awfully ambitious his mother could get, but even he had to admit that this was edging on to overkill at this point. The thought of Monday alone l was enough to drown his mind with poisonous dread– draining Felix of the motivation that he tried desperately to keep. It didn't help that these kinds of events were already preplanned appointments, locking Felix out of any opportunity to just *ditch* them in favor of laying on his bed with an absurd amount of sweets. Felix pinched the bridge of his nose, muttering words of frustration under his breath.
"Grumpy today, aren't we. What's on your mind?" The familiar voice rang clear, the scent of freshly baked bread tickled his nose. Felix looked up to meet cheeky, bluebell eyes staring back. Marinette smiled at him, a tray of freshly baked croissants in her hands.
Felix inhaled the aroma, savoring the phantom taste of croissants on his tongue. He sighed, reaching out for a croissant. "Keen-eyed as ever, Dupain-Cheng." Felix quickly retracted his arm when Marinette slapped it away.
"Not until you tell me why you're grumbling over there." She set the tray on the table, and with a swift movement, plopped down on the seat in front of Felix.
"My mother gave me my schedule for the week today. And because it's semestral break, she took extra care to make my vacation, and I quote, productive." Felix emphasized his point with air quotes, handing the paper to Marinette. "And as much as it is a nuisance, her overeager involvement in my extracurricular activities is barely an uncommon occurence."
Marinette winced, "Wow. This is overkill. Is this even a vacation anymore?"
"It's an eyesore." Felix grumbled, taking a croissant from the tray. The pastry broke easily in his mouth. Flaky and crisp, it melted into raw happiness on his tongue.
Marinette giggled, "Well, best of luck to you. I bet you can't even survive 'til next week without me." she challenged.
Felix clicked his tongue, "Oh, please. I may have a hectic schedule, but it's still a vacation from seeing you tripping on air every five minutes." he rolled his eyes, taking another bite of his croissant.
Marinette stuck out her tongue, "Maybe so. But admit it, you can't live without me for a whole week." she said as she took a croissant for herself
"Keep on dreaming, Dupain-Cheng. I can survive very well without your cheeky comments." Felix scoffed, only to recieve Marinette's smug smirk in return.
"We'll see, Agreste." She giggled, "We'll see."
Marinette didn't like liars. In fact, she openly despised them.
Perhaps her hatred for untruths stemmed from her strong sense of justice; a trait that, although it was already prominent in her life before Ladybug, was carefully nurtured and encouraged by Tikki to the point that it was nearly a fault. Marinette wouldn't have it any other way.
Yes, she may lie on a semi-regular basis, but it was only always when she needed to get away to transform into Paris' superhero, Ladybug. Marinette hated lying almost as she hated liars themselves. And so when she came to the conclusion that she loved teasing Felix Agreste, who was she to deny the truth? Denying it would've made her as bad as Lila Rossi, and Marinette absolutely refused to be likened to that witch.
She couldn't help herself. Felix was the stereotypical 'Ice King' at surface level: cold, reserved, and refused to show any weakness at all costs. So seeing his pale cheeks rapidly color a shade of pink, and him trying so desperately and failing to fight the flush everytime that she jested and poked fun at his little quirks, – It was not only hilarious, but outright endearing.
Felix Agreste is endearing.
Last week was no different.
Felix arrived earlier than usual at the bakery. Hell, she had only woken up about thirty minutes prior to her Papa announcing that a friend was asking for her downstairs. Marinette scrambled to make herself presentable, and went downstairs rather chaotically with a few fresh bruises on her ankles. Armed with a tray of freshly baked croissants, she scurried to their usual table only to see Felix looking awfully grumpy in his seat — well, grumpier than he usually was. Marinette may be a sometimes most of the time, tripping over her feet and bumping into random objects. But make no mistake, that despite all her shortcomings, she was observant. Observant enough to notice the frustration that shaped Felix's frown and his troubled countenance as he bit down on his lip. She had noticed his narrowed eyes, scrunched up nose and the way his fists tightly clenched the paper he glared at so furiously.
And so she greeted him heartily, hiding her concern when she asked why he looked so glum.
Apparently, his mother had filled his whole week with events. A photoshoot here, a rehearsal there, it all seemed so taxing. Felix had claimed that his mother was merely 'overeager', and that he had survived such schedules multiple times in his past. Marinette would've voiced her opinion of his mother expecting too much from him, but she ultimately decided to bite back her assumptions until after she had actually met Ms. Agreste. Instead, she did the best she could to lift his spirits with a few innocent jokes.
When he left, she made sure to give him a bag full of sweet pastries to lighten his mood. She knew how that boy loved sugar.
She continued to send some pastries to him everyday, with little cheeky notes sneakily attached to the inside of the paper bags. Macarons, pain au chocolats, croissants, cookies and even straight up chocolate arrived to his doorstep every morning. Yes, every morning. Marinette had forced herself to wake up every Seven AM just to make the poor boy some sweets. Tikki teased her about it for hours.
Maman and Papa are rubbing off on her.
Nevertheless, she just wished that Felix wouldn't get hospitalized over exhaustion. Actually, Marinette prayed that he would be alive on their next Sunday Afternoon meetup.
Which was today.
Felix entered the bakery with a subtle skip in his step, gray eyes frantically scanning the whole room in search of something.
Of someone.
When Felix finally met her gaze, Marinette could've sworn that *relief* flickered in his eyes.
The boy walked hastily to their table, sitting across Marinette,
"A bit enthusiastic today, are you?Welcome back." Marinette handed him a cup of hot chocolate.
He took the cup, and nodded. Now that was strange, Marinette thought. She was so used to him having witty comebacks for her every bite. Why was Felix acting so bashful?
"Thank you for the pastries." He finally said, his voice was slow and uncertain.
"You're welcome! It's no problem at all!"
He was silent again.
"Hey, Fé. Is something wrong?" Marinette asked him gently. Her worry grew every second that Felix maintained his averted gaze.
She frowned. Did he have a fever? If he did, then he shouldn't have come here! Marinette reached over the table to put her hand on Felix's forehead.
Felix drew back in surprise, pink started to appear on the skin of his neck up to his cheeks.
"Do you have a fever, Fé?
Felix forced a scoff, "I... am perfectly fine, Dupain-Cheng."
She deadpanned, "It doesn't look like it."
"W-well, I am." Did Felix just stutter?
"Then why weren't you answering me?" Marinette frowned. Felix being unsure of himself was strange.
A guilty look flashed on Felix's expression, "... My apologies, Marinette. I was simply... panicked because of our previous conversation."
Marinette's eyes widened, "Oh my God."
"Yes, I– what?"
"You actually used my name!" She squealed, a grin stretching across her lips.
"I..." He trailed off, the pink on his skin grew a few shades darker.
Marinette gaped. Felix Agreste; Resident Salt King, honor student, overachiever, sharp-tongued, cool and collected Felix Agreste, was right in front of her with no witty comeback, as red as a tomato, avoiding her eyes and pouting? In what world?!
Then it hit her.
Felix was pouting.
She cackled. Uncontrollably cackled.
Oh my gosh, that's adorable.
"Pfft, Ahaha! Y-you should see your f-face!" Marinette wheezed, clutching her stomach in laughter.
Felix sat in front of her, his face was all red.
She gasped for breath, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Marinette wiped a tear. She cleared her throat, "Why were you worried?"
Felix took a deep breath, "Through a number of contemplations, as well as evidence of a few peculiar moments in the week, I have deducted that you were correct in your prediction." Felix sped through his sentence.
"Uhm, what?" Marinette could barely understand his overly convoluted words; he was more verbose than usual, an air of uncharacteristic awkwardness surrounded him.
"AllthroughouttheweekIfeltthattherewasalwayssomethinglackinginmyeverydaylifeIhadnoonetotalktoandgivemewittyremarksandthiscausedmetobescoldedsomanytimesbecauseIkeptspacingoutand—" Marinette's eyes widened.
"Felix, slow down!"
Marinette stood up and pinched his cheek.
"Felix! Calm. Down!" She cried. Felix snapped out of his wordy breakdown.
"Apologies." Felix cleared his throat.
He was worried about a previous conversation they had? She was correct in her predictions? What in the world–
Oh. Marinette thought back on their last meetup.
"Wait. Are you saying that you missed me?" Marinette couldn't stop the glee that bubbled frantically in her chest.
Felix looked at his hands, "I... If that is the term, t-then I suppose so."
Marinette almost squealed.
"Oh my Kw- that was adorable." She gushed, pinching Felix's cheeks once more.
"Hmmpf–" His face glowed scarlet at this point, Felix his flustered expression behind cupped hands.
Felix Agreste is endearing, and Marinette couldn't understand why anyone would think otherwise.
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imagineaworlds · 6 years
(2) brandewyn
Tumblr media
summary: Thais Bolton lives in the OASIS. Well, sort of. Her dream is to one day live in the OASIS as Brandewyn with her best friend Wade. But he’s more concerned with the three keys James Halliday left behind after his death. The two of them embark on a familiar journey through the OASIS to save it from corporate assholes who want to take it away.
pairing: wade watts x female!oc
word count: 3,083
warnings: cursing. mention of death. mention and description of illness. 
a/n: damn, it’s only chapter 2 and we’re already getting angsty. shit. also, i’m super bad about always mixing book and movie facts... i haven’t read the book, but wiki’s are a great thing sometimes.
(1) - (2) - (3) - (4)
For dinner, Wade and I sat on the car atop the pile of trash while eating sandwiches an entire bag of Doritos between the two of us. Wade couldn’t stop talking about Art3mis, and I couldn’t stop listening. I was excited that he was excited. The thought of becoming friends with Art3mis was now burned into Wade’s mind, and he was itching to see it happen.
He asked me why I left the OASIS so early, and why I freaked out during the race. Despite how close the two of us were, there were only a few things we kept hidden from each other. I never told him about my mom getting sick, or my strong fear of the race. I gave the Copper Key race another shot for Wade, but I couldn’t tell him that… So I told him I had to go grocery shopping and during the race I just was scared of zero-ing out. Wade nodded understandingly, and accepting the lie.
Sometimes it hurt me to not tell Wade the truth about my mom, but she loved him like a son, and she wanted to protect him. Of course I understood, so even after four months, Wade still didn’t know.
“I saw Soyzie,” I changed the topic before taking another bite of my sandwich. “I still can’t get her to tell me how she got the Rosalina skin.”
“I think you look badass in your Molly Ringwald from The Breakfast Club take on Sarah Connor. It’s just weird enough that it works.” He was teasing me, and I hit his arm.
It wasn’t meant to be Molly Ringwald… I just liked the red hair and the pink Sarah Connor outfit. But at the end of the day, he was right, it did look like Molly Ringwald played Sarah Connor in The Terminator. I had been meaning to change it for the longest time, but I kept pushing it off until I forgot about it.
After we finished our small meals and the sun went down, Wade helped me down. In the weird mix of lighting between the orange sunset behind the stacks and the darkness of the rising night, Wade looked older to me, and I saw him in a different way than ever before. His eyes were watching me intently. And I finally noticed just how much weight he lost. Maybe that was what made him look older? More mature? I didn’t want to think about it.
Then he snapped out of trance, and I saw a thought glow in eyes. Wade jumped up, “Oh, my gosh! Go online. Meet me at Halliday’s Journals.”
“Wade Owen, what are you on about?!” I called after him as he was running to his bus.
“Just go!”
I rolled my eyes and threw my head back as I sauntered towards my bus, and thought about how close I was to Wade. Did he find it weird? Did he like me in that way? Or was he just staring off into space, thinking about whatever impressive discovery he had just made. “Guess I’ll never know,” I whispered to myself as I climbed into the rusted bus.
As I logged on, I immediately met Z at Halliday’s Journals. This building was massive, and the entire outside was glass, as if to say Halliday was finally an open book. Inside, there were books, movies, memories, everything Halliday had stored away in that brilliant brain of his was transferred into the Journals for Gunters to dig through.
While I walked through the front entrance to find Z, I thought about how people would fight to get into the building since it had reached capacity almost everyday. But now it was empty. The hype around the search for the keys vanished, and everyone moved onto other things. Never Z. He was loyal to a fault and dedicated to finding those keys and saving the OASIS from IOI. I admired him for that, for never giving up. Even in the real world Wade was like that, which was part of the reason my mom didn’t want to tell him about her getting sick.
At the top of the steps, Z was talking to the unimpressed Curator. Oh, how that man loathed me and Perzival. For nearly a year we spent twenty four seven in the Halliday Journals, which meant that the Curator was stuck there, too. So it was really no surprise that he hated seeing us come in every now and then when we needed information on a new lead. “You’ve seen everything in here over a hundred times,” he would say as he led us through the halls. And every time Z and I would roll our eyes.
“What are we doing here?” I asked Perzival as he tried talking the Curator into something. “What did you figure out?”
Perzival radiated with adventure, “Art3mis said something to me earlier which got me thinking. And then when we were talking about your fucked up avatar, I put it all together. Halliday hated rules, that’s why the OASIS lacks so many.”
I thought long and hard, and then at the same time we said, “2029…” I shook with excitement, “Curator, can you take us to Gregarious Games 2029 Office Party?” The Curator kept a stern look. “Please?” I added hopefully.
The Curator sighed, “Very well. If you wouldn’t mind following me.”
When we were following the Curator through the ostensibly endless, Z was hardly walking straight as anticipation visibly coursed through him. “Halliday was pushing Morrow out because he thought Ogden lacked the concentration and devotion for the OASIS. Ogden wanted to implement rules, make it so people wouldn’t live their lives inside of the OASIS.” I talked myself through it. “But then why does this matter?”
“Think about it, B. If Halliday despised rules, why would he follow them in the creation of his tasks to acquire the keys? We’re missing something, and I think that something is in this specific memory. That’s why Art3mis mentioned it to me.”
“Couldn’t it just be a coincidence?” I questioned. “I mean, she’s a Gunter like us, she knows everything about Halliday… like us… and she also wants to win like us. So she could just be throwing you off track so she wins faster.”
Z shook his head, “She’s not like that.” I froze in my tracks, and it took Z a few more steps before he realized I was no longer at his side. He turned around, “What is it?” he asked.
I stared at him, “You— you like her. You have feelings for Art3mis.” Z turned red and stuttered as he tried to deny the accusation, but it only made him look more guilty. In my disbelief, I remembered the promise I made to myself, and I continued on through the corridors.
When we arrived at the memory, the Curator walked up to the controls while Z and I watched carefully. We took note of every movement they made, every word they said. Morrow was pleading for Halliday to keep him on board the OASIS project, trying to prove his worth, but Halliday wasn’t listening, his mind had been made.
“I liked things how they were… when they were…” Halliday said shyly. Obviously referencing the 80’s, his favorite decade. Ogden continued to argue, and then he compromised. “Why can’t we go backwards?” Halliday half-joked. “We always talk about moving forward, but maybe sometimes it’s better to move backwards really fast, no slowing down, no stopping… no thinking. Just the gas pedal on the floor and the tires spinning the opposite direction.”
At the same time, Z and I looked at each other with eureka. “You have to go backwards on the track!” we exclaimed simultaneously. Z was buzzing, “Oh, my gosh… At tomorrow’s race, I’m going to try it.”
“But what if you zero out?”
“I won’t. I know this is right.” He looked over at the still less than impressed Curator.  “We should be getting home anyways.” His avatar reached for his visor, and then he was logged out of the OASIS.
I was left with only the Curator as I reached for my visor, “As usual, Curator, it’s been an honor.”
And then I logged out. I set my visor down on the table and grabbed my stuff, making sure that everything was clean and organized. No way in hell was I going to turn my area into a hoarding pen like Wade’s. Speaking of whom, Wade was over the moon happy. The entire walk back to the stacks he was rambling on and on about Art3mis, Halliday’s memory, and his plan at the race the next day.
Six months ago, I would have invited Wade to sleep over at my house like when we were little. His parents joked that he lived more at our home than theirs, and when he moved in with Alice, it became more common than before. Now, I worried that someday he’d be waiting outside the door for me one morning and he’d see just how sick my mom was. I wondered if he still would have slept over all of the time and ate meals with us would things be different. Would he have feelings for Art3mis— a girl he’d never met in person. Maybe. I didn’t ponder it too much that night as I was exhausted.
Wade was the first up the rope since his place was further up, and I waited patiently for the rope to come back down. Nearly everyone was inside except for the occasional beggar. That far into the Columbus there was never any wildlife. No birds, no dogs or cats, nothing. They probably hated the state of Ohio just as much as I did. So the streets were deathly quiet, and it always sent shivers up my spine.
A wave of relief washed over me as the rope came back down and I could finally go home after a long day. I carefully opened the door, cautious not to make a sound in case my mom was finally getting some sleep. My dad was in the kitchen, cleaning dishes from their dinner. He looked over his shoulder at me and smiled. I got my poor eyesight from him, and he loved to fashion these black and blue glasses that were too small for his face, so he had to squint to see sometimes, which merely defeated the purpose of glasses.
I sighed as I set my stuff on the small table near the door. Quietly I asked, “How is she?” Dad shrugged. “Was today a good day?”
He shrugged again. There were never good days with my mom anymore, but my dad always refused to use the OASIS as an escape. He would always say, “I have everything I could ever want with me already. My two beautiful girls, and a home, a good paying job… We have it better than most, Thais.” I cringed at the name. There were only three people on the planet who were allowed to call me by my birth name, and even then I wanted to wash their mouths with soap.
Even in a world where the OASIS is the only thing that matters to 90% of the population, there was still a need for teachers. My dad was a professor at a technology school, and at the time that was all anyone wanted to learn. Not to brag, because I really didn’t care, but we made more money than most, but we prefered living in the stacks. It was closer to work for my dad, closer to the hospital for my mom, and closer to Wade for me. Really, it just made sense to stay there and not move out of the stacks to somewhere that wouldn’t have worked for us.
So, my dad being the great professor he was, loved mythology. Him and my mom had books and books full of different kinds of mythology. But they loved everything Greek over all else. The mythology fascinated them, and the history captured them in a way they could never describe. So when it came to naming me, they spent days researching Greek names.
Somehow they decided on Thais, a mistress to Alexander the Great’s friend (and presumably Alexander the Great). Don’t get me wrong, she was powerful and smart in her own right, but I hated the fact that I was named after… well… a prostitute. Hence, everyone who wasn’t my parents or Wade had to call me Brandy. Brandewyn was my OASIS name, and people in the OASIS knew me as Brandy, so it just stuck.
My dad dried his hands on a towel and swung it over his shoulder, “I’m taking her to the doctor tomorrow; see if they can give her any more medicine for the pain,” he explained. That meant it was a really bad day. He tried to lighten the mood, “How was your day?”
“Good. Wade and I think we have a really good lead on the first key. I think he might actually get it.”
“He. You won’t be getting the key?”
“I dunno,” I said, unsure of myself. “Maybe. Wade just seems more interested in finding the keys with Art3mis now… I don’t think he wants me along for the ride.”
Dad scoffed, “Come on, Thais, he’s your best friend. This Artemis is a stranger. Don’t stress yourself over it.” My lip quivered as I told him about Wade’s crush on Art3mis. “Oh, my love,” he cooed as he held me in his arms, “I trust that one day he will come around. Believe me.” I nodded into his chest. And then we both froze in the middle of the house when the doorbell rang. From their bedroom, my mother groaned in pain as she woke up. My father told me to see who it was while he helped her.
I opened the door to find Wade standing there with a large duffle bag that carried all of his stuff. Bewildered, I looked between him and the bag. He said that he needed a place to stay for a bit. “Aunt Alice’s boyfriend lost all of their money, and I don’t want to feel like a burden on her right now. I figured I’d just sleepover like old times, if that’s okay.” I was still stunned by his words, and paralyzed at the sound of my mother crying from pain and my father trying to calm her. Wade tried to look around me to inspect what was happening in the house. “Is everything alright?”
Another lie, “Yes.” Then another cry, but this time for water. “My mom just isn’t feeling well today. Here, come in.” I hate lying to him. I thought to myself as I closed the door behind him and hurried to take a glass of water to my parents’ bedroom. “It’s Wade,” I told my dad. “He needs a place to stay.”
My mom used her little strength to look up at me, “Wade Watts?” I nodded. “No. No. Dan, go talk to Alice… he can’t stay her.”
“Mama—” I tried explaining, but she started coughing. I lowered my head as I exited the bedroom and went back to where Wade was standing in the middle of the living room. “My dad’s going to try talking to Alice. If we need, we can help financ—”
Wade shook his head, “Come on, Thais, you know she won’t take it. She’s stubborn like that. Even when she’s desperate, she won’t admit she needs help.” Louder coughs echoed through the RV home. “Are you sure your mom’s okay?”
In that moment, I prayed that he wouldn’t turn around to see the full medicine cabinet. Every shelf was filled front to back with different medicines that worked and didn’t work, daily meds and occasional meds. Everything from the common stomach ache reliever to tranquilizers were in there. But when my eyes quickly shifted to look at the cabinet, Wade followed my gaze and turned around. Slowly, he approached the cabinet, and I felt my heart drop to my stomach.
Wade didn’t even look at me as he opened the cabinet door to reveal the clutter of medicine bottles. His voice cracked, “How long has she been sick, Thais? Just tell me the truth.”
“A few months…”
“You should have told me.”
“It wasn’t my decision whether or not I should tell you. She wanted to protect you, so she made us promise to keep it a secret.”
Then he wanted to know how bad it was, and I told him it was getting worse. He wanted to know if there was a cure, or at the very least something that could slow it down. I said no. He asked if she was going to die. I said yes, most likely. And then we both reluctantly broke into tears. I had never admitted out loud before that my mom wouldn’t survive the year, and it shattered me to think about it. But Wade… my mom was his mom. Aunt Alice was the only blood he had left, but he and my mom shared a special connection. We were both losing a mother.
“I’m so sorry,” I apologized as I hugged him tightly. Wade’s arms snaked around my waist and pulled me closer to him for comfort. Neither of said anything after that, we just stayed tangled in each other’s arms for a while before our legs grew tired and we were forced to go to bed.
Wade rested on his back on the second mattress I kept in my room for our sleepovers. His hands were crossed over his chest, he only did that when he felt self conscious, and our glasses were resting on the bed side table next to each other. We both stared at the ceiling in silence. Despite how tired we both felt, we couldn’t fall asleep. Occasionally, my mom would cough or groan, and we could hear my dad shuffling in bed to make sure she was alright. And then when they were asleep all we could hear was the sound of her oxygen tank.
One cough was so loud and powerful it scared me, making me jump in my own skin. I hadn’t even noticed— or cared to notice— my hand fall to the side of my bed. It only startled me when I felt Wade’s palm slide against mine, and then our fingers interlaced. And finally I felt myself slowly falling asleep.
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remainloved · 7 years
Rivalry - Ethan Dolan
Stephen Hawking was born on January 8th 1942, the 300th anniversary of Galileo’s death. He died on March 14th 2018, the anniversary of Einstein’s birth. Is this a trend? Idk. Maybe.
Summary: In movies, books and stories, captains fell in. The captain of the soccer team and the head of the cheering team will always make the perfect couple. However, what if these two captains despise each other?
Warning: none?
Word Count: 1.2k+
Y/L/N = Your Last Name
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The silence was killing me. The atmosphere was far too thick for me to even breathe. Have you ever felt so mad that there’s something heavy settling inside? Yeah. That’s what I’m feeling right now.
It was his fault. If only he did not start it. I wouldn’t be sitting here on the counselling room together with him. The one and only Ethan Grant Dolan.
Everyone loves him. I mean he’s the football team captain, he aces the academic standards in this school, he has the perfect looks that all the guys wish for and the girls wish to date him. If only his personality didn’t suck then at least he’ll be at least more...tolerable.
Let’s recap what happened.
I was walking down to grab a can of soda when I bumped into a hard chest of Ethan Dolan. He’s holding his tray and ‘accidentally’ threw his pasta on to my white t-shirt.
“You’re gonna pay for that, Dolan.” I gritted through my teeth.
“Oh no, is the princess getting angry?” He faked gasped and rolled his eyes and looked deadpanned straight into my eyes. I opened the can of soda and poured  over on top of his head. Luckily, I was close enough to reach his head. The brown liquid flowed down and dampening his hair perfectly. I looked at what I just did and smirked. 
I was laughing so hard that Ethan tackled me down and said, “Not so nice after all, princess.”
I looked over and literally grabbed anything that I can grab and threw it straight into his face. I did not know what happened but someone shouted, “FOOD FIGHT!” and that’s how the two of us got detention and was forced to have a session with the guidance counselor.
“So, how’s the two of you?” Mrs. Smith asked. Mrs. Smith is our guidance counselor. She has this short bob jet black hair and red lipstick. She’s really sweet and helpful from what I’ve heard from the others.
Ethan huffed, “Obviously not good since I’m sitting here with Y/L/N.” Gosh, is there anything more irritating than this.
“That goes both ways.” I spat. I felt so sorry for Mrs. Smith for witnessing this. Honestly, half of the population of the school enjoy watching this ‘playful’ banter between the two of us. It’s their sort of entertainment. Hoping that one day we would fall in love together. Let me tell you this, it’s not gonna happen.
I looked up and I saw Mrs. Smith was just smiling and shook her head lightly. “How about we make things easy. Shake hands and say that you’re sorry then we can leave.”
“No way!” Ethan and I exclaimed at the same time. “Then we can stay here a bit longer, yeah?” Mrs. Smith chuckled.
I looked over the clock and it’s nearly time for cheers practice. I can’t miss especially nearing national soon. I put my hand out and Ethan glanced for a second and scoffed. “I’m not touching that.”
“Excuse me? I don’t want your dirty hands near me anyways.” I answered.
“I can keep you guys here and have the two of you skip practice.” Mrs. Smith told us teasingly although there’s a hint of seriousness lying underneath her statement.
The both of us unwillingly shook hands and just for a millisecond we said ‘sorry’ simultaneously and let go. I wiped my hands over my jeans not wanting his germs at all.
Mrs. Smith smiled proudly and lightly clapped, “Okay, the both of you are free to go” As soon as she said that, the two of us shot straight up from the chair and headed straight to the door. Unfortunately, Ethan was faster and shut the door straight before my face.
“Ethan! Let me out!” I shouted through the door. I was about to kick the door when Ethan decided to open it and he said, “Oh! I’m sorry I did not see you there.” He smirked and left.
After the long hours of practice we decided to cool down and wrapped it up. All of my teammates headed straight home while I walked back to the school library.
It was dark but I’ll just be here for a second. The library was a safe place for me. Hardly any students would come here anyways. It was peaceful. I tried doing some of my home works here.
I sat down at my favorite spot, it was near the windows and you can see the stars glimmering down the sky. I took a deep breath and sat there. I lost track of time. I was about to write some of my notes when I heard the door opened. For a second I was scared knowing that no one was supposed to be here. I saw a black hooded figure walking through the window. My heart was racing fast. I was about to gather all my things but I heard his voice. 
“Y/L/N?” The voice that I was so used of hearing. I turned around and I saw Ethan wearing a black hoodie and skinny jeans. “Gosh, you scared me.” I answered. I took a quick glance of his face, his face was tired and stressed. However, he chuckled and took a sit at the very end of my opposite.
After that the both of us just sat down. We did not argue and we let the silence washed over us. Although we argued a lot, I hate to admit the fact that sometimes it was comfortable with Ethan. I hate that kind of silence, especially wit him. “Dolan, what are you doing there?” I said trying to break this silence.
“Shut it, Y/L/N.” He answered a bit more rudely than usual. “Uh, looks like someone got their panties twisted.” I answered mockingly. A minute later he answered a bit more softly, “I’m sorry I didn’t mean that.”
“Wow, are you apologizing? You’ve snapped on me on daily basis.” I asked incredulously. “But I did that intentionally.” He chuckled.
“Uh, you’re going soft now, Dolan?” I told him teasingly.
“I know you are Y/L/N, I mean who can resist my good looks?” He answered arrogantly.
“Oh please, just because the everyone in this school thinks that you’re attractive doesn’t mean you’re attractive to me.” I snickered. He laughed.
“I think we should stop this rivalry between us, don’t you think?” Ethan asked quietly.
“I don’t think that’s possible.” I scoffed.
There was only one thing that Ethan and I have in common. The both of us are very competitive. We love challenges in any kind of form. 
“Let’s make a bet.” Ethan suggested raising his eyebrow.
“What bet?” I asked not backing down from a challenge he just proposed. I would never back down, especially to him.
“Making the other fall in love with the other.” He answered nonchalantly.
“Impossible, it won’t happen.” I answered knowingly.
“I think you’re just afraid Y/L/N.” Ethan smirked as he walked closer and closer towards me. He put his arms over my head and said, “You’re just a small girl who’s afraid to admit that you’ll fall for my charms.”
His hazel brown eyes were peering down at me. With his tall and strong built he made me feel like a small girl. I looked straight into his eyes “I don’t think so. I mean you’re the one walking closer to me. You’re the one who can’t resist me.” I answered smugly.
“You’ll fall head over heels for me in just matter of seconds, princess.” He cooed softly, his warmth breath fanned against my face.
I took a deep breath and answered, “If you don’t fall for me first, Dolan.” I lifted one of my eyebrows and smirked.
“Is that a challenge, Y/L/N?” He asked with his smirk still plastered on his face. I just looked at him and smiled softly. He looked down and smiled as well.
“You’re on Y/L/N.” He smirked.
Part 2
This was inspired from an e-book that I read a very long time ago, I think it’s called Battle of the Captains(?) I’m not sure..
Anyways..I just wanna say that the tumblr fandom side is very positive about a lot of things and I’m proud to say that I’m a part of it :)
ps: i really do hope you guys like this one although it’s not edited and maybe a part 2? idk?? 
last edited 3/18/18
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fivescuddles-blog · 7 years
you did not | finn wolfhard
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requested: "Hey! Can I get a request for a reader x Finn Wolfhard ? Kinda inspired by the movie Everything Everything, but replaces the female readers sickness with being in an abusive household and Finn, the readers SOON TO BE boyfriend surprises her and takes her to Hawaii and blah blah blah A WHOLE BUNCH OF FLUFF lol thank you" - @brookspixiedust
summary: y/n hates her life with her father, and finn knows this which is why (like the good 'best friend' ;) he is) he surprises her with tickets to hawaii
characters: y/n, finn wolfhard, gaten matarazzo, millie bobby brown, caleb mclaughlin
warning: abuse
a/n: ahhhh, i'm really sorry, i haven't see everything, everything so i don't know how accurate this is but i just wrote what was in your request? it's a bit short as well but i hope you like it tho!! :))
"Y/N, hurry up and get out here!"
Sighing, you quickly continued to plaster the foundation onto your face, trying to cover the huge black mottled mark that had formed yet failing miserable. You stared at yourself in the mirror, begging yourself not to cry. You should be used to this by now.
Ever since you were around 8 years old, you had been abused by your father. At first it wasn't an awful thing, y'know? A slap here for not doing the dishes, a kick for being late home after curfew. But then... it got a lot worse. He started hitting you for absolutely no reason whatsoever. And it was fucking scary.
"Y/N, WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?" You heard the angry yell of the man you despised pierce through the closed bathroom door.
"Coming, dad!" You said in a small voice.
You quickly gathered all of your hair into a loose ponytail and padded over to the door, opening it hesitantly. Your fathers frustrated face was what it opened to, a twisted smile setting itself when it saw your makeup covered cheeks.
You tried to process what had actually just happened. All of that time spent in the bathroom for nothing. Your hand flung to your face, tears threatening to spill but you forced them back down. No, you will not be thought of as even weaker than before.
Your father smirked down at you and whispered, "time to go, sweetie." before turning around and leaving for the car.
He was driving you to set, which was a huge surprise as usually you had to take yourself in some way, which wasn't exactly easy being apart of such a successful show like 'Stranger Things'. Multiple times you had been followed and blocked by crowd of people, causing you to be pretty damn late. You had been way to scared to bring it up to your father yourself, but your director had brought up his concerns in an email to him. And so, this lead to him driving you to set.
You buckled yourself into the back seat of the car, still holding onto your cheek knowing that a red mark was bound to have formed. Hell, maybe even a purple one. It felt strong enough.
The car ride's silence was so thick you could cut it with a knife, the only sound you could hear was the tentative beating of your own heart and the rumble of the engine as you sped down the road. Soon, but not soon enough, you'd stopped outside of the set building and you quickly unbuckled your belt and jumped out of the car, not waiting for a goodbye and just wanting to get as far away from him as you could.
As soon as you were in the building, you sighed a relieved sigh and walked to your small dressing room, not before checking in of course. Picking up the script on your dressing room table, you began to reread the script for around about the one hundredth time.
"Listen dude, I could never!" Finn's distressed voice rang out, high, exasperated, and shrill.
Gaten smirked at his friend. "Uh huh, and why not?" He asked.
"Wait, I remember! Because you're scared!" Gaten quickly interrupted Finn as he was replying (lying) to his question.
Finn glared at Gaten and went to walk out of the room, nearly running smack into Millie. She gave him and Gaten a look of surprise. "What are you guys arguing about? We can hear you in the corridor!" She exclaimed, crossing her arms and seeming pretty annoyed.
A look of horror crossed Finn's face. "Did Y/N hear??!" He questioned, lowering his voice a little.
She furrows her brows. "Well, I don't think s- anyway, why does that matter?"
Gaten smirked. "Because lover boy here got her plane tickets with him... to Hawaii!"
Millie gasped in joy. "Oh my gosh, that's sooo adorable! Have you told her yet?"
"No, I'm just about t-"
Millie shook her head. "Not about the plane tickets, Finn. You know what I mean. When are you going to tell her that you like her? I mean, it's been an entire year!"
Gaten slapped him on the back. "She's gonna notice eventually, Finn. 'Just friends' don't buy $3000 dollar plane tickets to Hawaii for each other."
A light blush settled on his cheeks. "I- I can't," he sighed, and began to play with the sleeve of his hoodie. "if I tell her that I like her then... well, if she doesn't like me back, which is what's likely, then I'll be ruining a perfectly good friendship and... I just can't do that. Not to her. And with her father and everything, she doesn't need more things to worry about on top of that."
Gaten tilted his head to the left inquisitively. "Which is why you're taking her to Hawaii?" Finn nods.
"Mhm, to get away from it all.." Finn trailed off and looked pointedly at the door. "I'm gonna go tell her, okay? NO eavesdropping. Got it?" They both nodded innocently, crossing their fingers behind their back.
Finn shook his head at the both of them, and left through the open door, walking towards the direction of your dressing room. God, he hoped you were there. He began to hear the distant melody of a Panic! At The Disco song, knowing your room was close. His mouth turned dry and his throat felt closed up. An anxious feeling placed itself into the pit of his stomach, twisting the contents and making him feel awfully sick.
He arrived at the closed wooden door and took a deep breath before knocking lightly. What could go wrong?
"Who is it?" Your sweet voice rang out.
"Uh, it's Finn.." he answered, cursing himself for hesitating.
"Oh! Come in!" You cried, a smile evidently laced with your words.
Opening the door to a cosy dressing room, he laid eyes on you. Your makeup had been done ready for set, and you were currently in costume waiting to be called for your next scene. You jumped up when you saw him and embraced him tightly, hoping your blush wasn't obvious on your cheeks.
"Hey, Finn! Sorry I didn't see you earlier, I just wanted to get in as quickly as possible because.." you trailed off, biting your lip lightly.
"I know, I know. It's fine." He smiled at you sweetly, awkwardly shifting on the spot.
You looked at him confused. "What's wrong? You seem nervous? What happened?" You questioned, firing one after the other at him quickly, panicking only a little.
"Oh, oh nothing! It's fine, I just... well, there's something I need to ask you, okay?" He said, fidgeting with his fingers, which was a telltale sign that he was nervous. He always did that when he was nervous.
You sighed in relief. "Ok, what's up?"
He took a deep breath, preparing for rejection honestly. Ever since you had been introduced ha,feat through Season 1, he had been absolutely smitten with you, hanging out together whenever you both could. He always got you small gifts and things, subtly flirting here and there, but never anything this big.
"I kinda maybe... got us tickets for Hawaii tomorrow?"
Your face was blank, unreadable. And suddenly, the highest pitched squeal came out of your lips.
He smirked at you. "Oh believe me, Y/N," he quickly fished the tickets out of his pocket and fanned them in your direction. "I really did."
In your excitement, you flung yourself at him, not really knowing what you were doing but knowing that you had to let these emotions out somehow.
He didn't realise or process the fact that your lips were on his for a matter of seconds. His mind was blank for a moment, and then suddenly sprang to life with frantic thoughts.
He began to kiss back, worried that he'd already lost this opportunity. But no, you didn't stop. Your lips moved in sync, your arms coming up to wrap around his neck.
Once you both had finally pulled away for some much needed air, Finn was utterly dazed. You stared at each other, in the middle of the room, either knowing what to say. Shy smiles erupt from both children as they gaze into each others eyes.
"Finally! After a whole year, a move was finally made! And by Y/N, not Finn!" An annoying voice cut through the magical moment like a samurai sword. Gaten.
"Well, are you really surprised? Finn could never make the first move, he's such a chicken!" Caleb.
"Guys, shhhh! They'll hear us!" Millie and Sadie, in unison.
Finn's eyebrow twitched as he turned towards the door and flung it open, staring their four friends dead in the eyes.
"I'm gonna kill you guys."
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ah-excuji-me · 7 years
🌺 Reaction to you breaking up with him 🌺
A/N ~ The scenarios are either, they are cheating or you just out of the blue want to break-up. Some end up with you breaking up and some you forgive him. BTW on some, I went overboard and I made it long.
🍃 Sehun
“Sehun...we should break-up." He would look up from what he was doing and give you a death stare. You looked down, biting your lip, "The fans don't want us together...they've tried the hate and they have threatened my life. I love you so much but-" "You don't love me." He replied. "I d-" "No, you don't. You're giving up on us just because some fans don't want us together?!" He huffed and ran a hand through his hair. "If you're going to just give up on us then leave." A tear slipped from your eye, you knew he was stubborn and wouldn't listen anymore. So you got up and left to your friend's house.
🍃 Chen
It wasn't easy dating an idol. Not being able to see them for that long, them being on tours for a long time, and them being stressed. You loved Chen to death, but lately, you have been getting the attention you need. No love, affection, or even the little chit chats you had in the middle of the night. It was all slowly going away.
It was 9 in the night and you were waiting for him to come home. Once he did, you got up from your spot on the couch and looked at him.
"Chen..?" You whispered.
He looked at you with tired eyes and mumbled, "Yes.."
You started fidgeting with Chen's t-shirt. "We-We should..." Your eyes started tearing and you squeezed your eyes shut, tears dripping down.
"We Should break up!" You blurted, more tears falling.
He was emotionless. He sighed and you could hear sniffling. "Why."
You mumbled, "Chen we’re losing our spark, you don't show me love anymore, and that's all I want."
He clenched his jaw and mumbled, "We can work this out."
It became silent, “Please....let's just try”
You sighed and nodded, “Ok.”
🍃 Xiumin
You already knew that he was cheating. Suho had told you since he cared about you. You were in the car, staring at your house, getting the courage to walk inside. A few deep breaths were taken, before opening the car door and getting out, shutting it behind you. You walked up the steps to your door and put the key in the lock. Entering the house, you quietly shut the door behind you, going straight to the bedroom.
As you got closer and closer, the moans were becoming louder and louder. The tears at this point were also starting to drip down your cheeks. You quickly wiped them with the back of your hand and opened the door, shutting it behind you loudly. 
“Xiumin, im giving you three minutes to stop fucking her, change into some clothes, pack your things and leave. By the way, we’re over.”
They separated and the girl tried to grab her clothes, “No, take the fucking blanket and leave, I’ll burn your clothes, once he leaves.”
She ran out and you glanced at Xiumin, “What are you waiting for?!” The more he stood there with guilt written over his face, the more your tears were threading to spill again. 
“Leave...please.” Your voice cracked and you felt broken, the tears making their way down your face.
He put his shirt on and mumbled, “I’ll get them tomorrow.” Xiumin walked towards the door and stopped, turning his head to look back at you, “"Just remember Y/N....I’ll always love you.” You followed him, wanting to beg for him to come back, that you forgive him, but you knew you need to be strong. As He walked out and shut the door, your head hit the door and you let more tears out.
🍃 Baekhyun
It was silent, with only phone notifications going off, and not from your phone, from his. Each time, a ‘Ping’ sounded through the living room you raised your eyebrow suspiciously. 
You were never suspicious until know that he had her. His ‘best friend’. Your mind told you that he was dating her as well, but your heart told that they were just close, like best friends would be. 
The couch seat next to you was empty as Baekhyun got up, putting on his shoes and coat. 
“I have to go to work, Suho just texted that he needs all of us to go over some moves.” 
You nodded and watched as he left. 
Hours passed and you turned on the tv, only to be met with pictures of Baekhyun and his ex -- Taeyeon. 
Grabbing your phone, you immediately texted Suho asking him if there was ever a dance practice. Once he responded with a ‘no’, you knew you should have listened to your mind.
You decided to do him a favor and pack his things for him, taking the duffle bag downstairs. 
The door opened at 2 in the morning, Baekhyun saw you sitting on the couch, looking straight at him. 
“What are you doing up still?”
You tilted your head and got up, pointing to the duffle bag.
“Take your shit and leave.”
He started to get mad, “Why?!”
“Go sleep with your other girlfriend, Taeyeon!”
He got pale and opened his mouth to speak, but before he could say anything you opened the door and threw the bag outside, “Leave.”
He sighed and left. What did you do? You didn't cry, you just let one tear slip, before going to sleep.
🍃 Kai
Lately, you haven't been feeling like yourself. Your usually happy, outgoing, and fun. One day, that all went away, you didn't know why, but you felt like this ‘new’ you were rubbing off on Kai. So you decided to do something you never wanted to do. 
”Kai..” You softly called out to him.
He turned around and a small smile appeared, “Yeah..”
You bit your lip and looked down at your feet, letting the words slip, “Let's break up.”
You didn't look up as you knew what his expression would be. 
“I just---.”
“Is it hate? Ill have the fans stop, please don't leave.”
Your bag was next to you as you picked it up, “Kai, have seen me, im, not my usual self and I think this life is affecting me. I need to recuperate myself and maybe ill come back.”
He was crying, and the whimpers, and sobs melt your heartache, but you knew that this was for the better. 
You walked out of his life and who knew for how long.
🍃 Suho
It was the fourth fight in a row in the same week. Words were said and you had enough, he always took it to far. He had left and you knew it would be hours until he came back.
You took this time to get some bags and stuff your clothes inside, grabbing your necessities, shoving them in as well. 
You took the bags to your car and walked back in the house, grabbing a piece of paper and a pen. 
Dear Suho,
I know this is the cowardly way to go, but im writing this letter to break-up with you. I should have waited till you got back, but I already knew what was going to happen. We forgive each other and then we fight. How long are we going to last like this? I decided to end it right now as I didn't want this effect to go on any longer. Please, take care of the next woman you love.
Forever and always,
Just like that, you left.
🍃 Chanyeol
Everything was perfectly fine, but all of a sudden, you wanted to break up. You didn't feel the sparks when you two kissed, you didn't have too much skinship with him. Maybe you just weren’t in the mood or maybe you had fallen out of love. You bit your lip and walked inside, S.M, going to see the boys. You heard music coming out of the practice room and decided to wait a bit before knocking. 
Once you had knocked a small ‘Come in’ could be heard, so you walked in a happy Chanyeol immediately running over to you. You buried your face into his neck and the waterworks turned on.
”Jagiya....Whats wrong?”
He let you down before you looked up at him mumbling, “Im breaking up with you.” The room became silent, eyes were widened, crying was audible, and a pleading Chanyeol was the only thing talking.
You ran out of the room, never seeing him again or at least you thought.
A ‘Ping’ could be heard from your phone as you looked at it. An anonymous person texted you, asking if you had changed your number.
Y/N ~ Who is this??
Anon ~ It's me Y/N...Chanyeol.
You stared at his name before getting the courage and texting him back.
Y/N ~ Chanyeol...
Chanyeol ~ Remember how I said that if we ever break up im going back with my ex?
You rolled your eyes, ‘great so he was rubbing it in your face that he was with his ex....just great.’
Y/N ~ Yea. Are you just rubbing it in my face?
Chanyeol ~ No...because you are my ex.
Your heart fluttered, “Gosh he's so cheesy.” You mumbled to yourself.
Chanyeol ~ I hope we have a great relationship Jagiya :D
You chuckled and hugged your phone, “Sometimes lovers just need a little break, just to come back stronger.”
🍃 Lay
It was forbidden.
And it would always be.
They didn't like you.
And they never would
His parents despised you. You never knew why, but they just did. You walked down the steps, and you heard Lay’s parents talking with him downstairs.
“Break up with her Lay...You know that she's not good enough for her.”
When he responded back with an “I will.” Your heart broke...wait...it didn't break it shattered. You covered your mouth with your hand and let the tears flow. What you didn't know was that they heard your sobbing. When you made eye contact with Lay, you ran upstairs to your bedroom, slamming the door behind you. 
You heard lay yelling downstairs before it became silent. A knock came on the bedroom door and you yelled, “Go Away Lay! Im leaving you!!”
A part of you said that since he was going to do it anyway and you wanted last say. Another part said because you were hurt. 
A chuckled emerged from behind the door, before its opening.
“Jagiya...I said that so they would eave me alone with breaking up with you and I knew that you were listening.” 
You looked up at him through your blurry vision and hugged him, “God, you scared me.”
“I love you my nosy Jagiya.”
🍃 D.O
Never would you have thought to do this, but it came to the point that you did.
So enough when the words slipped out of your mouth, an argument started.
“They don't want us to be together Kyungsoo. Just let them get what they want.” 
The both of you had overcome things like this with the fans, but it was getting to the point where you couldn't even go out in public together without a crowd of fans tearing the both of you apart, you getting lost in the sea of people. You even got injured once as a fan, hit you with something knocking you out.
“Kyungsoo, if you love me please let me go, what if they do something to me...I love you, but im also worried about my safety.”
A sigh escaped from his lips, “Your right...” He ran a hand through his hair. You could see he was holding back tears and so were you. 
That day you walked out, but never expected what was coming up in the next few months. 
------ A Few months later -------
You were surfing channels on your tv when you saw Exo on one. You got curious and decide to watch. A tired D.O caught your attention and you gasped in horror as you taught him to take care of himself when he worked.
As you were caught up in your thoughts, your name was being said and you looked up at the screen when D.O looked at the camera.
“Yes, Me and Y/N broke up. She came up to me and told me, but you know what the reason was...it was the fans. It was about how they didn't want us to be together anymore and how she was scared for her safety and I knew it was true. I didn't want anything to happen to her, but then again I also didn't want to let her go.” He paused, taking a deep breath, holding in his emotions. “Then she told me, Kyungsoo if you love me please let me go. So I did...I let her go and a few months after that day I was planning to propose. Those few months were today.”
He took out a little crimson box and got down on one knee looking at the camera, opening the box revealing a ring. Not just any ring, a ring that was a crown with diamonds on the points.
“Y/N M/N L/N, Will you marry me and take me back as your husband?”
You felt something in your eye and you went to rub it when you noticed you were crying as you felt the wetness of the tears hit your finger.
That's when you also realized you loved him so much that you didn't care for your safety, that's when you realized you want to have a family with him, but most importantly you noticed that you wanted him.
So you took the next plan to South Korea and texted Suho for details on where they were staying. As you got to the hotel, you immediately went up to the floor Exo was staying at. You found D.O’s room A19 and knocked on the door. Footsteps approaching the door could be heard and when he opened the door, his face lit up. You immediately pulled him into a hug and started crying.
“I love you. I love you so much that I don't care about my safety, I love you so much and I was an idiot and I can't  believe I broke up with you for a stupid reason and-”
“Gosh Y/N are you ever quiet.”
You two stood there in the doorway hugging each other in the quiet before he pulled you into his room, closing the door behind you. 
“It wasn't a stupid reason, it was a valid reason and I realized that your safety s more important than our relationship.”
He then took out the crimson box, before opening it.
“So it's a yes?” He asked nervously.
You cracked a smile and nodded, “Yes.”
🍃 Kris (Former Member)
I thought of Kris with kids and how his eyes always lit up when he sees them ^^
At home with your kids was stressful enough, but with Kris coming home late from ‘Work’ was adding more to your stress. It had been happening for 2 years now and he would forget your dates, he even forgot your birthday once. 
Today, once he came home late, you had enough, so you decided to follow him. Yes, it was a stupid idea, but you needed to know what he was doing. The next morning, when he left for work you started to lay out the plan, drop the kids off at your moms’ house, dress up in some clothes Kris had never seen you in, and go to his job at 6. 
AS the day was getting darker, and darker you got ready dressing in your clothes, dropping your kids at your moms’ house. You drove to his work, parking in the front, looking directly at the door, taking some pictures on your phone.  Thats when you saw him, Kris was walking out and he got into his car, driving off. As you followed him in your car, you decide to stay back a few feet so he wouldn't suspect anything. He stopped in front of a hotel, seeing a girl get into his car.
Tears pricked at your eyes, but you held them back, continuing your job. You saw that Kris stopped at a park, seeing them both get out of the car to probably take a walk. You got out of your car and lifted up the mouth mask, walking behind them. They didn't notice you until Kris pulled out his phone and called you. As your phone started ringing behind them, They turned around and Kris had his eyebrows furrowed.
“Y/N?! Are you serious?!”
You immediately ran back to your car, footsteps pounding behind you. As you got into your car, Kris was beating his fit against your car window.
You took a breath before, driving away seeing him get in his car and follow you.
When you got back to the house, Kris immediately started yelling at you, but then stopped once you yelled this.
You nodded, and went to your car, driving back to your mom's house, picking up your kids.
You texted him ‘We’ll work out the details once i get a lawyer, I’ll get the divorce papers as well.”
🍃 Luhan (Former Member)
Whoever breaks this little baby’s heart is cruel. I can’t stay mad at this little munchkin....like who can.
The man you love and support.
That was until you found him cheating.
Not with just any girl ‘No’ It had to be your fucking best friend.
You had never blown up, but today you did.
Your quite, shy, and flustered persona was gone and was replaced with a mad, loud, and vicious persona. 
You immediately went over to your ex-best friend, pulling her off Luhan. 
“Get your nasty ass out my mutha fucking house, before I kick you out like the fox you are.” 
Once she had left, you immediately turned your attention to him, a look of guilt and anger, splashed across his face.
“What the hell Y/N?! Why did you kick your friend out like that?!”
Is he serious right now, did he just ask you the stupidest question ever? He stood up, putting on his boxers, before waiting for your answer.
“So you want your booty call to come back, well you can go ahead and call her back to you once you out of my house.”
Luhan rolled his eyes and mumbled, “She's not a booty call!! I just call her when you're not here and I'm lonely.”
You clenched your jaw and charged at him, hitting his chest repeatedly, tears pooling out your eyes.
He grabbed your wrists, and mumbled, “Do you really want me to leave?” 
You nodded rapidly, “Yes...YES!!” 
Luhan let go of your wrists and nodded, “Ok.” with that he walked out.
🍃Tao (Former Member)
Once the words left your mouth, it was quiet. Tao put down his phone and glanced up at you.
"We should break up." He mocked you.
You stood there still and silent, not looking up at him.
"Maybe the fans were right.....you just loved me for my fame and money." He took a breath and gritted his teeth, "Now that Exo isn't getting attention. The moment I stop buying things, you leave me."
That was not why you broke up with him. The reason was you were slowly breaking, and time after time he was breaking with you. He was suffering, but he didn't understand that.
You nodded, walking towards the door. You opened it, but stopped yourself from walking out, mumbling, "Now you won't suffer."
A/N ~ Some of them were probably shit, im sorry, i just wanted to get something out for you guys.
~ Admin Amara
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nekkyousagi · 7 years
shiki--ryogi  asked:
Sengoku basara for the anime meme!
1. The first character I first fell in love with Like so many others, it was Date Masamune. I mean he’s the first thing you see in the anime, and made such an impression on me, it was love at first sight! Even though he’s got his flaws, he continues to be my favorite character in Sengoku Basara!
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now Definitely Ishida Mitsunari!! When I first played Sengoku Basara 3: Samurai Heroes I did not understand him at all. Why he was so angry and violent? I really didn’t like him at all in the beginning. But after finishing and then playing the other games, he started to grow on me, and now I just love the poor man! He needs so many hugs!! Same with Hanbei and Hideyoshi. Playing SB2 and SB2 Heroes really enlightened me to their backstories and their reasons for the Toyotomi ambitions and their strange friendship. And maybe Katsuie, only because I feel so bad for the poor child.
3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t Akechi Mitsuhide :/
4. The character I love that everyone else hates I guess I have a few for this one. Hate is such a strong word...let’s go with ‘not many people like them as much as me’. But I really enjoy a bunch of side characters and ones who came from the earlier games. I LOVE Miyamoto Musashi!! Imagawa Yoshimoto is kinda funny, tho not my fave, he is fun to play as in the old games. Yoshiaki is funny too! And gosh I love Tadakatsu the big lug. I adore Kenshin and Shingen, and the random guys in SB3 like the tiger dude Utsunomiya and the Invincible Kanetsugu!  Also Ieyasu. Because so many seem to misunderstand him and his motives. But I have developed a lot of emotion for his character despite everything.
5. The character I used to love but don’t any longer Not sure. Everyone has pretty much stayed where they’ve been for me. Though maybe I have started to see Kojuro as more mature than Masamune, and thus cooler?? The One Eyed Dragon’s place at the top has been compromised a few times...
6. The character I would totally smooch (>//////////<) Oh no! I’m too embarrassed to say!!! (probably Masamune, or Kojuro, or maybe Keiji because he’s a sweetie!)
7. The character I’d want to be like Magoichi Saika, she’s so cool and strong!! I love her awesomeness! Though I would not use a gun ever.
8. The character I’d slap Otomo Sorin (boy just calm down stop) and Mori (how dare you treat your people like garbage!!!)
9. A pairing that I love Nagamasa and Oichi (the happy ending)!! Kenshin and Kasuga (only because Kasuga’s route in SB4 Sumeragi gave me such a scare!)
10. A pairing that I despise Such strong words! I don’t really talk about negative thoughts on parings much.
Source: X
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random-aya · 7 years
SamXReaderXSully I
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4
Hi, here I'm back with another nameless fic. I had this idea some weeks ago and let's see how it turns on. I have to confess that I don't know where this will go but let's give it a try.
It's SamXReader with a little SullyxReader because he deserves love too, and I love Love Triangles.  I hope you will enjoy it.
Word count:1,472
Warnings: none.
Summary: Reader is joining her good friend Victor Sullivan in a new treasure hunt.
A/N: Because I don’t want to go mad with the tresure Hunt I will not specify what they are looking for or where they go. Is this annoys you please tell me and I will try to find a way...
He was so freaking anoying. Seriously.
He really pissed me off, with his continuous and ridiculous flirting. 
He was a selfish dickhead who put me and Victor in danger because of his carelesness. And I hated him for that.
I was in a treasure hunt with my beloved friend Victor Sullivan. He told me he needed my help with something, I thought he worked alone as all the times he called me, but not this time. At first I thought I would met his protegee and famous Nathan Drake but instead it was his infamous older brother, Samuel. -You can call me Sam. - he said to me kissing my hand with a flirtatious look in his eyes the day we met. Yeah, perfect, a cheesy Casanova. My kind of men. I looked at Victor asking him what it was all about. He just smiled to me with a "patience" written in his eyes.  - He's good, a little careless than his brother, but a good boy and good at his job.  Yeah, whatever.
Samuel and I were in the middle of the night infiltrating a building to find more information of what we were looking for. Victor was waiting for us at the hotel. - Come on, sweetheart, the way is clear.- Seriously, could you please stop with all those "sweetheart", I'm not your sweetheart! - I protested as I followed him.- That's just a matter of time, sweetie.I wanted to kill him. We entered in a room full of archives. We took a little time to find what we were looking for, there were tones of documents. I told Samuel to start looking in one of the pile of documents near him as I started with the one I had in front. - So, Y/N, how long have you known Sully? - he suddenly asked. - Are we going to have an small talk, now? - I asked rolling my eyes. - Come on, I want to know you more. - Yeah, sure... - I said with irony. - Seriously... - he insisted. - If we will be working together I would like to know more about you. - Then you start. - I tried in an atempt of changing the subject, because I didn't want to talk about me. With him. - I asked first.  I sighed. I guessed I couldn't escape. - My father and Victor are good friends since I was a kid. When I got my degree, he begun to ask me to go with him in his hunts. Since then we are good friends. - Just good friends? - My turn. - I ignored his question. - Is it true you lied to your brother to get what you wanted? He whistled in amazement.  - Gosh, woman! Straight to the wound! Victor told me his last adventure with Nathan Drake and how Samuel lied to everyone, even his little brother to get to Avery's Treasure.  - Why do you want to know? - Samuel asked getting close to me. - Actually, I don't care why you did it. I just don't trust you and I want you to know it. - I said looking into his eyes. - And I will watch you closely. - That's why you are so bitter with me? - Maybe. Now, go on with the search, I want to get out of here before someone finds us. I went back to the pile of documents trying to find that damn manuscripts. I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible, I didn't want to spend more time alone with him. But that wasn't all, we weren't the only ones who were after that treasure, thankfully we were some steps ahead but you never knew when this could change. - So, - he started again. - Are you single? I droped the pile of papers at his questions. - Careful! Those documents are centuries old! - he chuckled. - Seriously? - I asked trying not to rise too much my voice as I tried to recollect all the papers on the floor.  - Yeah, you are hot and I want to know if there is someone. - I've just told you I don't trust you and now you are flirting with me? - he was getting on my nerves. - Why not? I like you, you are an interesting woman, very direct and prideful and I like that in a woman. - he walked through me and helped me with the papers on the floor. - And trust... is just a matter of time, I can prove you can trust me.  - I can't believe we are having this conversation! - I suddenly got nervous to have him so close to me and I didn't know why. He seriously was getting on my nerves but... the feeling was something else... Our hands touched as we took the same paper, I nearly riped the paper as I took away my hand from him. But he didn't give me any second that he took my hand again. When I was going to protest he brought his finger to his lips and made me keep silence.   - Someone is coming. - he whispered in my ear making me shiver. We hid behind a desk but Samuel was so big that he had to hug me for us to fit and not being seen. He was warm, and big, I fited perfectly in his embrace, I could feel his pectorals which were strong and firms. I liked that in a man.  The only bad thing was his smell, cigarrettes, sweat and cheap aftershave, at the same time I felt I could get use to it. I looked at him who was trying to see who was in there, since the flashlight of the security guard invade the room. I had a privileged view of Samuel's neck, he had a beautiful neck, on it there was a tattoo of what looked like four seagulls or where they eagles? Without noticing I touched them. - What are you doing? - he whispered in my ear as I startled him. I couldn't hold his gaze and I looked away somewhat ashamed. Why did I do that? He didn't insist, I guessed he realised there were more important things at the moment, otherwise I was pretty sure he would have made fun of me. Samuel got to his feet and helped me stand up. - Let's go. - he said. - But the documents..? - I protested. - Don't worry I got them.  - When? Why didn't you tell me? - he really was trying my patience. - Because it was funny to tease you. And I really want to know if there is someone in your life. - WHAT? - I couldn't help but rise my voice and that drew attention of the security guard. Samuel pushed me behind the desk, while he took care of the security guard who was entering our room again. Samuel kicked the security guard in his belly with his knee, then with  the lantern he hit the back of his head leaving him inconscious on the floor.  - Come on before he gaves the alarm! Samuel took me by my arm and lead the way out of the building. We took his motorbike and went back to the hotel where Victor was waiting for us.  - So, what is our destination? - asked Samuel impatiently  while he lighted his third cigarrette. - Just wait! I'm trying to decipher it! - I protested. - Don't rush Y/N. - Victor scolded Samuel while he sat beside me with a cigar between his fingers and a glass with whisky on the other hand.   I looked at both of them. - What? Do you have it? - insisted Samuel. - No.... your smoke is distracting me.  Victor laughed, got up and went to the window. - You haven't changed. - Victor stated. - You neither. - I replied. - I don't want to have a lung cancer, thank you... But Samuel didn't move, he stood by my side with his cigarrette in his mouth. I'm pretty sure he was doing it on purpose. With a little more time and despise Samuel being an impatient dickhead I could decipher the manuscripts.  - Gentlemen, - I announced. - I have our next destination! I revealed to them our destination and Samuel in the middle of the excitement kissed my forehead then went to pack his things. As for Victor, I wanted to hug him but I knew he wouldn't like it, he just smiled to me and told that I did a good job. We had our little story some years ago and it didn't went well. Old wounds that better leave them closed.
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