#maybe give some of them nightmares that they're sure mc disappeared
princessasmosprincess ยท 9 months
My interpretation of Nightbringer so far:
MC went missing and the brothers noticed and freaked out about it (obviously, their favorite person disappeared without a trace) and they made Solomon go after them.
Then at the end of lesson 40, once the time rift was open, MC and Solomon went back to the exact time that MC disappeared, that's why the brothers only feel like it's been a long time since they've seen MC but in their reality it's only been a few minutes to them. They hadn't experienced the loss of MC since time was rewritten but maybe they felt something in their pacts, like loss, before MC entered the library.
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nyxthejinx ยท 2 years
hey! i heard your requests were open and this is honestly something ive been wanting to request from someone for a long time but i was never sure if they did sibling dynamics,, until i saw your post haha
could i request some sibling headcanons with childe? preferably one close in age to him (maybe like one year younger)
dont be pressured to do this btw! feel free to delete my ask ๐Ÿ’— hope you have a good day <3
๐’๐ง๐ž๐ณ๐ก๐ง๐š๐ฒ๐š'๐ฌ ๐‘๐š๐ฌ๐œ๐š๐ฅ๐ฌ
A/N: thank you for asking anon! I'm glad you found what you were looking for, hope you like it. I'm just sorry it took me so long, busy times :')
๐“๐–: Spoilers for Childe's past, super tiny bit of angst, one swear word ig, just you and Childe sibling-fighting.
๐…๐ญ.: Childe - GN!Reader (platonic)
๐–๐จ๐ซ๐ ๐œ๐จ๐ฎ๐ง๐ญ: 814
๐‹๐ข๐ฌ๐ญ๐ž๐ง๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ญ๐จ: Treehouse - Alex G, Emily Yacina
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๐ˆ๐Ÿ ๐Œ๐จ๐ซ๐ž๐ฉ๐ž๐ฌ๐จ๐ค ๐ฐ๐š๐ฌ๐ง'๐ญ ๐ฌ๐ฎ๐œ๐ก ๐š ๐ฌ๐ฆ๐š๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐ฏ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ๐š๐ ๐ž ๐ฐ๐ก๐ž๐ซ๐ž ๐ž๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ๐ฒ๐จ๐ง๐ž ๐ค๐ง๐จ๐ฐ๐ฌ ๐ž๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ๐ฒ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ง๐ , ๐ฉ๐ž๐จ๐ฉ๐ฅ๐ž ๐ฐ๐จ๐ฎ๐ฅ๐ ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ง๐ค ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ'๐ซ๐ž ๐ญ๐ฐ๐ข๐ง๐ฌ. Side by side through thick and thin, you and Ajax bring both havoc and cute displays of familial love capable of warming up the biting cold of snezhnaya.
You're either two menaces or polar opposites, no in between.
But in the end you share both happy bonding moments and "come here and let me strangle you" situations, yanno, ordinary administration.
Plus your relationship had its ups and downs with Ajax falling into the abyss. But family stays family right?
More under the cut!
As kids you used to venture together in the woods, little sledge in one hand and wooden swords in the other.
In case you donโ€™t share Ajaxโ€™s adventurer spirit well, Iโ€™m sorry for u heโ€™s dragging you out anyways <3
Heโ€™d pretend to be one of the characters from your fatherโ€™s stories and play the hero, but he won't let you be the mc most of the time. Smack his face with a snowball >:(
Snowball fight -> tickle fight -> one of you gets โ€œseriouslyโ€ hurt and starts crying.
Cue for the other to shush them in fear of your parents' wrath, even tho they're not around.
But despite these little quarrels you tend to be mutually kind in your everyday life.
Someone broke something? Whoever is innocent tries to take the blame. The other intervenes and in the end you both get away with it.
Youโ€™re too cute and wholesome, your parents canโ€™t punish you.
It started as an act of bravery and affection, and now itโ€™s a strategy you always use >:)
Those times when Ajax wakes up because of a nightmare you scoop over and let him hide in your bed.
You'd even come up with bedtime stories of your own, where he's the strongest ever and nothing can hurt him. And of course he does the same for you.
Youโ€™re lovely really, But then you'd fight over the silliest shit </3
There was a time when he kept giving you the silent treatment, and you wouldnโ€™t understand why??
After at least ten years of cohabitation you learned the telltale signs of his anger, but why was he mad? You just spent the weekend with your dad while he was stuck in his bed with a cold- oh.
Most of the times you apologise and clarify, you don't like it when silly conflicts put distance in your relationship.
Some other times you get mad in return.
That same day you stomp on the ice during their fishing session and all the fishes they've been waiting for hours swim away.
Ends up in a fight, and another headache for your dad who has to break it up before one of you falls in the water.
Your relationship is just beautiful, but Things change after he disappears into the abyss.
You were having one of your usual adventures and Ajax just disappeared.
Three days later he's back, but it's not the faded scratches on his skin or the rusty sword that worry you. It's his dead eyes.
You try to bring up the subject, tell him that you're here in case he wants to talk about it. But he just shows an empty smile and says that he's fine.
And the more you observe him, the more you don't recognise him.
It will take a long time before things start to resemble the past, between him joining the fatui and you chasing after your own ambitions and dreams.
Once Ajax finally finds courage to tell you what happened in the abyss, you kinda get into this habit of talking at least once a week.
You huddle for warmth in a blanket fort, fire crackling in front of you. Depending on the mood you'd confide your problems or talk about silly stuff. Even share silence sometimes.
He'll also make hot chocolate if you want <3
Ajax's the cook between you two, and for once he's grateful for his mother's unorthodox teachings. He bakes the best snacks ever.
But fatui business forces him to leave at a certain point, so all you can do is exchange pictures, letters and trinkets via mail.
Though you love each other it's inevitable for you to grow distant.
When family reunites from time to time the younger ones want to play board games, or just play in general.
That's when everything goes back to your childhood days, as you two team up and help Teucer, Anthon and Tonia win the game.
Your older siblings can do nothing and honestly they don't even bother to try <3 you're still a menace to society, more dangerous than ever.
A monopoly round once ended up with real money debt.
Your actual meetings are sporadic, but Ajax assures you that he's never forgotten the pinky promise he made you.
You'll see Teyvat together one day, and even conquer it if you'd like ;)
DON'T copy/repost my work. REBLOG instead! ยฉnyxthejinx
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chaniters ยท 6 years
Fallen Hero AU Fanfic 6. Ranger Adventures
Part 6
Beginning to steer this to itโ€™s conclusion. Spoilers for Fallen Hero Series as always.ย 
Some thoughts on how MC would be treated by the world if they were notย  forced to hide their secrets. How far would Ortega fight for them? Herald and Sidestep centered plot. Also, explores some of the (original?) villains I came up with for this. Iโ€™m trying to get better at writing villains right now.ย  ย 
Hope you like It !ย 
And thanks to Malin!ย 
Ranger HQ. Evening.
"Any changes?" Steel asked Moira, one of the professionals on their strike force. She was a military doctor.
The Dark Energy Man lied motionless on his bed. He had just barely eaten some food.
"We have biometric Id. Jake Black. His wife got died to overdose so no surprise he hates the cartel. But changes ? No. He's got brief periods of activity where he gets really excited, and then falls unresponsive. I think he's hallucinating too, we've seen him talk to himself."
"Hmr.. and we can't get Sidestep to check trough an energy absorber..."
"Not unless he wants to run the risk of getting his brain fried" She smiled
"I'll keep it as a last resort" Steel said, impossible to tell if he was serious.
"What's your assessment?."
"He only took the Hero drugs what four days ago? His body must be still adjusting. Changing"
"Very well.. keep me informed. I'll go meet the others..."
Steel strolled to an elevator to the ready room. He adjusted his shirt and pants examining himself in the mirror. It was kind of a routine. Their headquarter had many floors now. Ever since Sidestep had the old one destroyed by HG that is. That's how Steel lost almost all the clothing that used to fit him. Stupid Sidestep. He had to buy new sets of everything and it wasn't easy for someone with so many mods.
"... and that's how they'r creating the Demons" Herald finished explaining. Steel already knew that part.
"So what happened to Cyrus? He didn't seem alright"
"I'm not sure.. I thought I'd lost him. He was't listening to me at all, he was just petrified... and then he went back to normal... sort of."
"He's got a history with mad scientists experimenting on people" Argent pointed out.
"He told me he just needed some time." Ortega spoke a bit worried "He's not sure why, but he admitted he was a bit spooked. I'd be more worried if he had denied the whole thing, which is what he usually did in the past. I.. I think he needs a bit of alone time. Then i'll go talk to him."
"True. Very well... what's your take, Anderson?"
"We have enough to go on against Ellison now. The pictures you got really tell the whole tale Herald. They'r developing a hero drug, it got stolen, sold on the streets, and then they killed the thief to cover it up. Oh and letโ€™s not forgetย  they are turning people into demons. I think that qualifies as an exception to the west-coast protection he has."
Steel nodded. Time for action then.
"Ortega. You and me go to the Last Gate church along with our strike team... we have to put an end to the experiments"
"Argent... Ellison's car was seen entering FarmaCore's main building's garage so..."
"I get to kick his ass"
Steel smiled "Yes. You and Anderson head to FarmaCore and arrest that twisted shit before he can do anything else."
"What about me?" Herald asked
"You get to stay at the base this time."
"What? Why?"
"Because, we have an immensely powerful boost in our cell, and if contention fails, I don't want Sidestep to be alone to stop him"
"He's not coming either?"
"Not this time... for the same reasons as you. Also, I don't like taking chances if he's not at his best. You tell him. We'll get ready". ย 
Sidestep's room.
Cyrus lied back on his bean bag, completely covered by a blanket on top of it. Hidden from the world.
He didn't know what got to him. The voice had been silent. He had made an *almost* full recovery. He had taken his medication on the hour every hour every day. He hadn't missed a single therapy appointment. He had a fucking psych report saying he was ALMOST normal.
And he just walked into that fucking basement and it triggered next level hallucinations, a panic attack and a complete recalling of the Heartbreak and his first attempt on his life. He had been close. He had tried a few times later after that...
The last one was when he had almost made Herald drop him. The teleporting ray had also been one, he didn't like to admit it but he had hoped it would fail, and that he would just disappear.
But he didn't feel suicidal. Not anymore.
He was starting to like this life he had bargained for.
Even if he wasn't human.
Even if he didn't really had rights.
How.. how had he relapsed so strongly?
He felt he was failing... failing at getting better. ย 
He didn't want to fall into that hole again. He didn't know if he could crawl his way out again.
"I have to get better" he said aloud. He owed it to Ortega.
After He had pushed Ortega into signing that deal for him...
He owed him for his new life.
Just like he owed him for teaching him about all the things that made him a real person after he broke out.
He owed him so damn much, and he was going to disappoint him. Again.
He remembered what Steel said.
Don't fuck it up.
Well he was going ahead and doing just that just to keep things interesting.
He closed his eyes and covered his face, trying to escape his own thoughts.
On his bean-bag, under his blanket. ย  -----------------------------------------------------
6 months ago.
"Say again?"
"I want to take the deal"
"You can't be serious!"
"I am serious."
"But this is just... insulting! It's like... like a license to own a dog! No Cyrus! I can't let you...I'm not going to ..."
"No. Definitely not. I won't..."
"Out of the question!"
"Ricardo please. Can you not fight me on this?"
The governor took the chance to speak
"Look, ย I can't legally make you a human. But nothing stops me from doing THIS under the economic free zone regulations. It's a middle ground"
"If he takes this, people will think this is how it's supposed to end... there is momentum in the media! If we keep at it we can..."
"I can't."
"But this is your fight!"
"I know.. but... i just... can't do it anymore.. please"
Ortega just stood silent. He couldn't give up. He couldn't let Cyrus give up. They had fought so hard... there were online petitionsย .. people mobilizing to protest in the streets...
Then he looked at Cyrus. He was pleading with him. ย With testimony to congress, along with reporters all day long and the hate groups that had emerged against the re-gene cause, the last month had certainly been hell. Panic attacks. Nightmares. His psych test had been a total mess. He was furious at having to use the wheelchair after HG shot him. The physical pain of rehab itself... Trying to walk again....
He couldn't ignore it... he was falling apart with each day. If they continued... he would pay the price.
He took a deep breath and tried to swallow every emotion and intuition telling him this was the wrong choice.
He looked at Cyrus straight in the eyes and asked.
"Look... if we do this, there's no turning back. So I need you to to tell me. Are you completely sure? Is this what you really want?"
Cyrus took a few moments to answer. "Y...Yes. Yes, I want to have a life now, not in 10 years.
Ortega rubbed his face as he tried to cool down.
"Shit...โ€ This was hard...ย 
โ€œOk then." I'll sign. I'll sign the thing.. whatever you have to throw at us, i'll sign it. Just... " he pointed a finger at the governor "Just don't cheat us. Please, just don't cheat us later" he pleaded. He felt defeated.
"It's in everybody's best interests. I do stand for the Re-gene cause, but there's only so much I can do without a congress law" He slided the papers to them. "Maybe congress will solve this in the near future, and this doesn't mean others won't continue the fight he started"
Only Ortega signed. Cyrus's signature wasn't valid, since only humans could sign legally binding documents.
"So" he forced himself to ask, as he signed, paper after paper. "How will this... how's this going to work?" He spoke in the most neutral tone he could manage, when in truth he wanted to break the table with his modded fist.
"You'll be assigned guardianship. You are entitled to acquire the equivalent of monthly payment of that of a ranger as long as Cyrus works as a "Honorary" member. You can administer it as you see fit to cover his expenses. Also you can ..." ย And they went on, and on, explaining how Cyrus's legal non-humanhood, whatever it was, would work.
Other re-genes where being offered similar deals. Not as good as this one tough, they couldn't even choose guardians they trusted.
"Non human person". A new legal status, only valid in the west coast.
If Cyrus agreed to this, most of the others would too, that was a given. And they would probably forfeit the right to be truly heard by the public... they would become yesterday's news. The legal case would be off the front page.
The Governor nodded as he signed the papers as well.
"Very well then... it's done."
"I know you think i'm giving up" Cyrus spoke as Ortega pushed the wheelchair through the underground tunnel to avoid the media.
"I understand why... But it feels so wrong."
"I know but... yesterday I was just a piece of property ย owned by the state Ricardo."
"And what are you now?"
"A protected piece of property"
"That's still not a human"
"We've talked to the lawyers... It's better than spending 10 more years in limbo. I don't think i can do that Ricardo. This way I can join the rangers... I can be someone useful..."
"Even if you'r protected, it's not..." Ortega began
"Protected by you." Cyrus interrupted "And that's enough for me"
Ortega hadn't known what to answer to that. He still didnโ€™t. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
The present.
As the ranger vehicles left the headquarters, a man in a nearby bar dialed a number
"It's time"
Herald was at the situation room.
Steel and Ortega had found and defeated a few demons in the church's grounds after a small skirmish. After that, the church had surrendered and the leaders where being arrested. Several people being held in cells were released too.
Argent and Anderson had faced resistance from FamaCore's security. They were looking for Ellison inside the premises.
Patrol cars were at his homes, and several other locations... still no sign of him.
He was about to call Steel again for an update, when an explosion shook the building. He braced himself. All the lights turned red, then the security cameras died. All of them. Then the alarm sounded.
Gunfire and screams. Herald ran to help,. ย 
A group of veteran strike team members where fighting the creatures already emerging from the elevator shaft. Demons.
One of them ย was already lying on the floor, bleeding from several energy weapon wounds.
He activated his wrist energy emitter and took cover, firing at the things as well. Another one fell down the shaft. Two more came from the stairs. He activated a panel on the wall, sealing the entrance with a thick metal bars coming off the ceiling.ย 
โ€œQuick! To the emergency staircase!" They did as he said. He flew trough the corridors towards the armory. He was going to need heavy weapons to face these things.
He couldn't prepare for the figure materializing in front of him.
"Going somewhere?" The fist connected straight to his gut, and given his current speed, it made him bend over in the air.
Herald managed to roll away. Durability was a good power to have sometimes.
He looked up at the grinning figure.
A dark ninja-style suit. A mercenary villain called Darkfist. Ortega, and Argent had been beaten by this one in single combat before. Shit.
"What's the matter? Giving up already?"
Herald remembered. Darkfist's powers was very specific. when he attacked, he could teleport short distance, with energy infused fists. So anyone fighting the Villain usually got pummeled before he could do respond.
"Just warming up" he stood up. He had to distract Darkfist so the personnel would be safe.
He aimed his wrist emitter and took his shot... Darkfist teleported in a puff of black smoke... he braced for the worst. ย  ย 
The building shook. An explosions. Alarm sounds. Sidestep removed his blanket. All lights were red.
He rushed out of his room. He had to get to the stairs to get to the ready room... Only there was a demon in the stairs. He froze. He could feel the minds.. many demons.
There was an emergency stair hidden behind a panel in the living-room. He could get up trough it and...
"Hello Cyrus. I hear that is the name you took now?"
He paused. He hadn't sensed this mind. An old, thin and tall man, with grey hear and a black diamond mask, with brass engraved cane. He wore a dark suit, black gloves and a black sweater. Not the most creative Villain suit. Standing in his way.
"Who are you supposed to be?"
"You can call me Phatos."
"I can call you whatever I want after i beat you down!" No time for this. Sidestep lunged for a quick takedown.
The old man just moved out of the way and he missed by a longshot.
"Oh.. you've goten slower" He pushed Sidestep with the tip of his cane, and he almost lost balance
"What the...?" He attacked again, but this time, his enemy wasn't even there. He hit a wall, and cursed at his pained fingers.
"Tsk Tsk... What a disappointment. And you had made such a name for yourself. Sidestep and all."
"Who the fuck are you?" Sidestep knew the voice... but he couldn't place it. And he could not sense his mind at all.
"Oh come now. Don't you remember me ?" He lips turned into a smile under his mask.
Sidestep focused. There it was. He could sense it. It was hiding... but no longer. He could sense it's shields. Strong shields. Very like his own.... familiar shields...
He took a step back.
He knew this man... he had trained with him. Him and his brothers. He had been at the farm.. he had taught them... everything.
"Carl?" Sidestep asked finally
"It's Pathos now... But i'm glad to see you brain hasn't melted... yet" He took a step forward.
"What the heck are you doing here?" Sidestep said assuming a defensive stance
"What does it look i'm doing?" He clicked a button on his cane and a short blade emerged from the tip.
He trusted the cane and Sidestep dodged... but the blade wasn't where it was supposed to be. He got a nasty cut on his arm.
Pathos sneered. "You know ever since i retired, I've found there's a really enormous demand for people like me. I do charge a lot for my services, but i'm doing you for free"
Pathos slashed again, but Sidestep trapped the blade with his bare hands.
"Oh. I see you haven't gone totally soft"
Sidestep took the cane off his hands and pointed it at him.
"Why? What could you possibly gain from this?"
"You really don't remember?"
Sidestep felt the immediate pressure against his shields. He strengthened them as hard as he could... but his mind just went trough as if they weren't there...
"It's no use being in the strongest of Alpha leagues if your opponent, even a Beta like me has the key to your ย front door Fivofour."
"I'm Cyrus!" He strengthened his shields again and pushed him back. He trusted the cane at Pathos... but it became a snake in his hands, hissing and biting at him. He dropped it. "How the fuck.."
"Experience makes the master. Remember I taught you everything you know. And you have let yourself develop a huge weakness... let it fester even" Pathos smiled. "It's a secret we share, do you remember Doll? Do you remember how I fixed you after they brought to me in pieces?" For the Briefest instant, his face turned into that of the monster... the origin of the voice... the Heartbreak.
Sidestep recoiled... but his back hit the wall.
"Do you remember when I came to help you because you wanted to kill yourself ? When you made me your tool, and tried to have me strangle you?ย  This obsession you gave me.. it never went away." Phatos continued, clearly enjoying Sidestepโ€™s pained expression.
The old man raised his cane and attacked again. Sidestep dodged and blocked trying to disarm him once more, but he just couldn't outsmart his old mentor. Every move, he did, Pathos could predict. He gave him another cut on the left leg this time.
"When you escaped I realized i had lost my chance... only killing others gave me some respite...But we both know how these induced obsessions work right?.. If i finally kill you.. Then maybe if I'll be free, donโ€™t you agree?."
They engaged once more. Sidestep was stronger... faster.. but there was little he could do against someone who could dodge faster than he could think.
With a final deception, Pathos knocked him down, driving his head against a wall. ......................................
Three strikes in quick succession. Each time, Darkfist had teleported in the middle of his swing. There wasn't any time to react... Herald was just getting beaten over and over against this guy.
His back was against a window when... A window.
He shot his wrist weapon shattering the glass.
Darkfist ran at him, ready to strike again.
Herald waited.. he waited...until...
The moment Darkfist's body started blurring and preparing his teleportation, he jumped backwards.
As predicted, he got another brutal fist to the face.... but after that he flew upwards.
Darkfist didn't fly at all. His powers where teleporting to attack. There was no reports of him ever teleporting without performing his "Dark Punch". So he had no way to avoid the fall.
The 7th floor was probably high enough.
โ€œSplatโ€ Herald said.
Ellison entered some commands in the console, and the power dampener device deactivated, opening the containment cell.
Pathos entered the room followed by a Demon carrying the unconscious Sidestep.
The Dark Energy man stood up, with a smile on his lips.
"Ahh.. High priest. Itโ€™s good to see you again. Itโ€™s been so many years"
Ellison bowed to the man.
"I am sorry. We didn't expect your return to take place in this unclean vessel... one of our workers was... unfaithful. He has been dealt with."
The Dark Energy man simply walked out of the cell.
"It is of no consequence. I have almost consumed this man's personality. I am in control. His quests for vengeance was pointless.. but entertaining" The inhuman thing behind his eyes smiled. "Your technology and the teachings of the Elder one have created the right tool to tear the veil between our realms. I am pleased."
"You honor us. If you would follow us, we will guide you to our preparations, oh great one"
They began walking towards the exit, as countless demons cleared the path outside.
Ellison whispered to Phatos. "Where is Darkfist?"
"The flyboy killed him. Can't say I saw that coming."
The Dark Energy Man stopped and turned to the Demon holding Sidestep.
"An offering? The one that killed my last vessel too.ย  Most appropriate high priest." He nodded to Ellison "The elder one will devour his power immediately after his coming." Pathos smiled as well.
My Fanfics: https://chaniters.tumblr.com/post/181692759294/my-fanfiction-for-fallen-hero
DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction using characters and the setting of the Fallen Hero: Rebirth and upcoming Fallen Hero: Retribution games written by Malin Riden. I do not claim ownership of any characters from the Fallen Hero wold. These stories are a work of my imagination, and I do not ascribe them to the official story canon. These works are intended for entertainment outside the official storyline owned by the author. I am not profiting financially from the creation of these stories, and thank the author for her wonderful game/s, without which these works would not exist.
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