#maybe dammon can forge them a pair
katastronoot · 7 months
thinking about how there’s still not an option in character creation for fantasy ocs to have glasses. Sure ok my tav/durge has good insight and perception but if they are walking around the city in the late afternoon and glance at one of those propaganda posters hanging on the side of a building it sure as hell ain’t enver gortash looking back at them
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angelatmidnight1 · 5 months
Could I request headcanons for Dammon with gn s/o who is touch starved please?
Forged From The Heart
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Fandom- Baldur's Gate 3.
Pairing- Dammon x Tav (tav is gender neutral). Tav is written from a touch starved perspective.
Warnings- None really.
You and Dammon have been through it all.
You were together during The Descent. You traversed through unknown, dangerous roads. And now, the Absolute hung over your heads. The druids’ frigid welcome at the Emerald Grove didn’t help either. So, despite both of your efforts, you spent more and more time apart. Survival was the top priority. 
Physical touch has always been your love language. It was integral to your relationship with Dammon. The forge was Dammon’s first love. And, quite often, he becomes fully engrossed in his work. But, he does make an effort to show his friends and loved ones that he cares. Especially with you. 
When Dammon isn’t swamped with work, he invites you to visit his forge. He even has protective gear for you to wear in case he’s working with more dangerous materials, so you don’t get hurt. During lulls, and after he’s removed his gloves and/or tidied up his hands, he’ll place a warm hand on your knee. After multiple visits to his forge, he’d craft a chair for you to sit on while he worked, and it’s usually within an arm's reach of his. 
“I hope you’re still faring well, love?” He’d ask while his thumb caresses the curve of your knee. You, leaning into the soft touch, would nod and smile. You’d spent the morning reading while your partner worked, excited by the notion of sharing lunch in the afternoon. Although you had something to keep you busy, you were on Dammon’s mind. Because, truth be told, Dammon craves touch too. 
“Good.” He smiled. “Just need to finish a few more pieces, and we’re off to the Elfsong Tavern for lunch. Maybe I could show you what I’m working on?”
“Oh, sure!” Your eyes brightened and you closed your book. You climbed out of your seat to slip on the protective gear he had for you. “I’d like that.” 
When you returned, Dammon beckoned you forward to view his latest work. As he went into details about the material, he gave you permission to touch the work, and placed his hand over yours as he spoke. You brought your other hand over his and caressed over his knuckles. Pretty soon, he trailed off, and you looked at him with a curious smile. 
“You were saying?” You giggled. You brought his hand up to your lips and kissed his knuckles, and his cheeks flushed. His tail swayed behind him and ended up curling around your legs. 
“Er, something about the durability of this material. But my mind's gone elsewhere, I’m afraid.” He chuckled and placed the work down. “You are a treasure, you know that? You are patient with me even when I have to tend to the forge. I’m grateful to have you by my side.”
“The feeling’s mutual, my darling.” You walked into his chest and gathered him up in an embrace, and he happily wound his arms around you. Dammon always smelled of leather and coal, and you found the scent comforting. “I was thinking, why don’t we stay in for lunch instead? I can whip something up.”
Although your relationship wasn’t new, Dammon was always careful when it came to you. His hands were roughened by his work, but his touch was always gentle, as if you were the most delicate material he’d ever hold. Early in your relationship, he was reserved in his affections. On one hand, he didn’t want to overwhelm you. The larger part of that scenario was that he didn’t have opportunities to lean into a lot of physical affection during the Blood Wars, so he felt shy and awkward pursuing them. But when you showed him that you welcomed his touch, craved it even, he was happy to provide. 
His favorite thing is to cuddle you in his arms with you laying against his chest. Dammon likes to use his hands, even outside of his forge, so you’re never short of any back massages or scalp scritches. Whatever you need is yours. The way you sigh or lean further into him makes his heart swell with pride. This is when Dammon feels the safest, when he is able to shut out the dangers of Faerun and melt into you. 
It’s also where you lavished the most attention on him. You now had Dammon all to yourself, away from his forge, where you could focus not just Dammon the blacksmith, but Dammon your partner. 
Smithing is a hard, physical job. Even if Dammon doesn’t say it, he often leaves work feeling sore. His hands, arms, and feet need the most attention, and he likes that you’re just as willing to soothe him as he is you. 
Kiss his hands, massage his soles, rub his arms; any of these will make him putty in your hands. Sometimes he feels a bit guilty receiving all of the attention, especially if his tasks kept him away from loving on you. Reassure him by saying that any time you’re with him is a good time, and that you’re more than happy to dote on him. And know that he’ll 100% return the favor.
Dammon enjoys cupping your face and tracing your cheeks with his thumbs. He’s always super careful not to accidentally scratch you. You looked up into those kind blue eyes and smiled.
“Thank you for tonight,” You murmured, leaning in to kiss his lips. Then you moved the kisses to his cheeks, his forehead, his nose. He sighed pleasantly under your touch. 
“You know you don’t have to thank me,” He spoke gently and slid his hands down your back, pressing you further into him. You hummed and burrowed your head into the crook of his neck. 
“My heart is yours, now and forever.”
A/N: I hope this was to your liking! I wrote this in an afternoon and almost chickened out from posting it. Hopefully I captured Dammon's personality okay. 😅
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