#maybe Lus powers come from a future self of his in a different timeline that told him to meet cheng on the basketball ground that day
sterkeyra · 1 year
Link Click Theories - Li Tianchen's Powers / True Culprit
So with the last episodes as always there have been many new theories swirling around. We got to see more instances of Li Tianchen controlling other people in the last episodes.
However what struck me as curious is that compared to the previous incidents, he didn't control his victims from afar by photos (okay there are not really photos of LG or CXS) but he had to touch them. I've been wondering whether he has two abilities then. Controlling by touching someone but also by diving into a photo. Or is his ability connected/activated by other factors?
It's also possible that he is able to team up with his sister, similar to how Lu and Cheng work together. She might be able to create a connection with pictures or maybe she somehow inherited Chengs powers when he controlled her. However after todays episode we saw that Li Tianxi is quite helpless and back to her broken self. So either she still has an ace up her sleeve or instead of her it was actually her brother that inherited the ability in this moment. Maybe by betraying her brother and giving Lu the photo, she accidentally created a perfect loop, where Cheng controlled her body. When shit is about to hit the fan and he hugs his sister, which might have lead to Cheng to being thrown out of her body. Probably because Tiangchens powers awakened then and he controlled his sister. However, maybe thats not all that happened. Maybe he also learned to steal/inherit a part of Chengs power and is then able to use photos as well. We still don't know how the siblings parents died but I'm very curious.
When the person that controlled Ling Quiao in S2 Ep1 confronted Cheng they also mentioned something about interest in taking away his power. So I've been wondering how would they take powers? By touch? Is Li Tiangchens power not to control people but actually to copy powers? Would he be able to use Chengs photo powers after he touched him, or Lu Guangs ability to view the future? Or would he have to kill someone to take the power? Maybe he gained the control power from his sister? Or maybe from his mother? After all their father was crazed that she was often followed by other men and betrays him? Maybe there's more to that if that were her ability?
However, it's also possible that someone is puppeteering everyone from the sidelines, like the character with the hat from the cover art of Season2. That person could be the true culprit and might have the ability to take away powers and just watches what Tiangchen is able to do with his powers. That or it could actually be Cheng's future self, after he breaks the flow of time in the next episode. He might end up meeting himself and his opponent or ally could be himself. It's possible that Cheng caused everything that happened and activated/gave the power to the person that commited all crimes, so maybe he was pushed to unravel it all and give everyone a happy ending.
This is still very speculative but it's made me suspicious. What is everyone else thinking? Head filled to the brim, too many thoughts.
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so I finished link click s2 yesterday and i'm losing my mind
So imma ramble
alrigh so when powers are activated, the user's eyes turn a different color. cxc's/whoever he is possessing(?) turn gold, Li Tianchen's turn red, (I assume smth happens to tianxi's eyes too, but it could just be that she needs to have her eyes closed as thats the only way we see her. Though it could be that her eyes turn milky like Qiao Ling's do after tianxi's death). Anyways so when lu guang activates his power his eyes turn blue. But allegedly, he's been going into the past over and over again to try and save cxc. This is confusing to me. If Lu Guang has been through this timeline multiple times over and over, would he not know whats going on already? Even if things do change every timeline, after going through a certain amount of times an incredible amount of time, its easily plausible that the changes that would occur wouldn't be too hard to predict. Like Lu Guang said multiple times in season 1(i forget where) time has these node things which i think of as like check points in time. The way the explanation made sense in my head was almost like some sort of binary code. The Node either happens or not. So with this reasoning if lu guang when through the time line enough times to create every possible combination of these happened or it didn't happen moments, he would be able to "predict" the future. (that would also mean that lu guang is suuuper old because there are so many of these checkpoints that could happen in 4 years) Anyways, at this point im not sure what i believe about lu guang's ability anymore. If he's gone through the timeline so many times, couldn't he just have the knowledge of whats going to happen in each photo through his connection with cxc? His eyes turn blue, and we see flashes of the photo, but how do we know that its not just his memories from a past timeline.
Speaking of memories from a past timeline. Does qiao ling have all Lu guangs memories? That wouldn't make sense at all and if she doesn't why did she see the one of cxc dying? Was it because it was particularly traumatic? Why that particular one because allegedly cxc has died multiple times.
my current theory about the death thing is that the node isn't necessarily for one person, but just a death in general. For example, in this timeline, Li tianxi died and cxc lived. but if cxc died would tianxi also die? in the scene where cxc is trying to talk emma out of unaliving herself, lu guang gets all surprised that it seems to be working(also side note, talk about trauma. give the boy hope and snatch it away) but she ends up dying anyways. What if the only way to save someone from dying in the past is to kill someone else. So if emma lives, cxc would have to die. And bc cxc is a self sacrificial idiot I could see him doing that to save someone else, possibly on accent but i could see on purpose too. (Lu Guang ofc wouldn't let him do this cause he's in love with him but i digress)
Which leads me me to another idea, which is the scene where Lu Guang gets stabbed right.
He was not expecting that from what I can tell. But he accepted it. Almost like he was thinking that maybe him dying in this time line would save cxc from death. It didn't work, bc he survived but still. Lu Guang getting stabbed must have been a node he hadn't come across before, which means that he had to go in blind for the entirety of season 2. This contradicts my Lu Guang power theory but that wasn't a super strong theory anyways so idk.
One of my main questions is why the hell wouldn't lu guang just do smth about tianchen before it becomes a problem. Even if he didn't come across the node of him getting stabbed before, he would still know whats going on to some extent and be able stop it right? Unless my idea about cxc sacrificing himself was the real main issue. (which will make me cry if thats true i will not survive)
Also last side note, where did lu guang originally come from? If he just popped up in their lives because he was trying to save cxc, how did they meet originally?
simple answer: he's god.
idk if any of that made sense.
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