#maybe I should’ve flipped the screenshots over oops
kaontic · 15 days
This scene was a drawing prompt I’ve been thinking about for a while with these three.
Apparently Hasbro found out. 😂
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theflowerisblue · 4 years
@lo_siento_cris going live with @amiratupordonde
Irene: hi! I’m hurting my ass! How are you, guys? I love going live on Cris’ account. Today when they gave us the passwords I flipped. Let’s see, where’s hajar? Here! This is exciting. C’mon! Hi!!!
Hajar: hi! How are you?
Irene: why do you have balloons with you? Hajar: Don’t even ask! I have balloons, yellow flowers, a bow tie and a medal! I don’t get it. I have the best of friends and they prepared all of this for the finale.
Irene: oh that’s incredible! I love it!
Hajar: I’m embarrassed.
Irene: you should wear the bow tie.
Hajar: should I? Well, it’s a special occasion. Well, what’s up?
Irene: look! I’m in a bathroom.
Hajar: yeah, I saw it. I was in the live. So embarrassing.
Irene: look how pretty with her bow tie! So elegant.
Hajar: skam yellow. I won’t ever get over it! Like I don’t get it! Is there life after skam? Serious question.
Irene: right? Like what are we supposed to do now? How do we act? What happens now?
Hajar: I don’t know! All of my jokes were related to the show. At least we have the clips forever. Whenever I miss Amira or Cris, I’ll watch the clips.
Irene: when you miss Cris, you can call me, you know?
Hajar: that’s right?
Irene: skam is ending, but I’m not dead! Just in case you didn’t know.
Hajar: of course. We’re best friends now.
Irene: I send you flowers. What else could you ask of me?
Hajar: shut up! Crocos.
Irene: crocos hahaha oops sorry. I shouldn’t use inside jokes in a live, people won’t get it. They must be like this girl is so stupid. I am.
Hajar: hi, guys! I haven’t say hi. I see Irene and I forget. Hi!
Irene: greet them properly.
Hajar: how are you? Did you like the ending? How- it’s just I can’t do this.
Irene: let’s see. Oh look! This is a cool question “Would you be friends with the girls?”
Hajar: who wouldn’t! I mean obviously. I’d love to have such a diverse group and...
Irene: hey! You have it! You do have it let me remind you.
Hajar: yeah but it’s not the same. Like it’s not the same thing viri that celia. You can’t compare how bad in the head Cris is with Irene!
Irene: in reality we’re all worse!
Hajar: exactly. The girls have it better.
Irene: I think I’d hit on Cris.
Hajar: you would be a great match.
Irene: right? We would. Also joana, totally. All of the intense shit and stuff.
Hajar: me too.
Irene: I’m sure Amira wouldn’t like me.
Hajar: you think? Amira loves having friends.
Irene: at first at least.
Hajar: Amira loves having friends and taking care of them. I don’t think so. Amira is a baby.
Irene: she really is. Oh! I already miss her. What am I going to do now? Without the clips? And skam? Without filming? I can’t do this.
Hajar: that’s what I’ve been thinking. We don’t work together anymore.
Irene: exactly! Like we’re still going to see each other because I will stalk you. Even if you don’t want to see me, I’ll go to your houses and force you. But we won’t film together anymore!
Hajar: all our jokes! And our laughs! That was the best.
Irene: they’re asking “what is our favourite scene together?”
Hajar: there are so many? So many! But I think I’ll go with the bridge scene. The kisses and the hugs. I go with that one.
Irene: yes! It’s so cute!
Hajar: and I cried so hard!
Irene: me too! I cried a lot!
Hajar: one of my favourites with Cris.
Irene: when you were watching the clip, didn’t you feel like they should’ve kissed? Cause I did!
Hajar: you were like “bego, how about a kiss? At the end?”
Irene: I did ask her!
Hajar: you’re crazy.
Irene: I am, sorry. But I don’t have any other options. I’m in love with you and it’s unrequited, I have to try in fiction.
Hajar: I’ll miss you so much.
Irene: who’s gonna tell you that she wants to die every morning now? You’ll miss that.
Hajar: that’s true. Oh skam! You hurt us as much as you make us happy!
Irene: yes! It did hurt us a lot.
Hajar: it’s been so cool to be part of this. I feel so privileged to have gotten this opportunity, for real. After all the castings and all the people who tried.
Irene: yeah, same. Could you imagine how different it would be if any other person played any of the parts?
Hajar: yes, it’ll be crazy. If I were a viewer I’d be living! I was super fan of skam and a Muslim like me being represented ? I’d be like the biggest fan. I’d have a fan account on Twitter like @Istanskamespaña. But it’s all so well done. They’ve chosen exactly the right person for everything.
Irene: I think so too. It had to be us. I’m going to cry again! I want to cry but then I look up and see you with your bow tie and it goes away.
Hajar: it’s ridiculous. But I’m a fan of skam! You see?
Irene: people please I need you to take screenshots of hajar for me. I want that picture as my screen saver or my WhatsApp profile pic, I really need that.
Hajar: so embarrassing. It’s coming to an end. But the real end! Because we’ve had so many endings, right? But this is the real one.
Irene: yes, it’s like I’ve told Tamara. I think they should release one more thing. The bloopers! Girl! There must be such good content!
Hajar: you know it!
Irene: c’mon. Super heavy.
Hajar: because at first we had more control, but then we got comfortable. The whole team became like a family and we went wild.
Irene: they must have so many things. And if they aren’t going to release them at least they have to show them to us! I mean!
Hajar: we’ll start a petition for it.
Irene: please! Maybe that way. They’re telling me to do one more question and then I have to leave. So...I’ll choose ”Who’s your favourite character?” Ramón!
Hajar: favourite character? Cris’ mother for sure.
Irene: how did we call her?
Hajar: we called her conchi, I don’t know why. Was it conchi?
Irene: no, but it had a ch. chus!
Hajar: chus! I’m super fan of chus. I think my favourite character is viri. Today I think it’s viri, but maybe you ask me tomorrow and I’ll tell you it’s ines. I loved them all so much. Because they’re all so real and cute and there so many that it’s so hard to choose.
Irene: and besides being cute and adorable they have my friends’ faces! How can I not love them!
Hajar: Irene, my god!
Irene: what? Don’t laugh!
Hajar: no, you have a point. And what about yours?
Irene: I wouldn’t know. But I know that if I wasn’t Cris, I would’ve loved playing Amira. Even though I know that I can’t! But I love her personality.
Hajar: Amira has her charm. I don’t know, maybe Lucas?
Irene: oh! Lucas has great things.
Hajar: I would’ve liked viri too or Kasim! I would’ve loved that so much.
Irene: yes! Totally. Oh I miss sofian.
Hajar: and Eva! She cries so much and I love that!
Irene: she cries a lot! I love it! Totally. I love crying.
Hajar: playing Jorge’s girlfriend. What a win.
Irene: a great win! Always winning. Oh! I kicked something. Well, gomi says I have to say goodbye but I don’t want to! How do I do this? I hate goodbyes. Guys I love you all so much! This has been an amazing part of my life and I’m so glad you’ve been with us for it. Well, you’re still going to be there for us, but there will be no more Cris. I say goodbye to her, we will all miss her so much. At least I know I’ll be watching the clips whenever I’m sad because she’s really cool. I’ll see you around but not as Cris. Sorry I get emotional. Bye! I see you tomorrow, right?
Hajar: tomorrow.
Irene: Okay, bye!
Hajar: bye!
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