#maybe I just need to start using the noise cancelling headphones outside the house actually
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Me: wow im feeling so much better today
-leaves the house-
-gets so overwhelmed by everything suddenly I have to run out of the car and hide behind a fountain-
Me: I am doing so great rn
#pix habla#auagajsysuhs#too noisy my head was going to explode#and I didn’t want to be mad at people in the car either 💀#maybe I just need to start using the noise cancelling headphones outside the house actually#Eugh that was not#a good feeling#I don’t have Myla either so that made it worse#anyway the fountain spot was really nice I just sat in front of it and it was raining a little#vent#I think#my brain feels weird
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Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader a joyful future fic
a/n: just in case you missed it, i published a family tree for the hotchners! at this point, jack is married to bella and living in d.c. she’s a journalist for the washington division at the new york times and is generally pretty awesome. as always, lemme know what you think!
words: 3.1k warnings: language, hospital setting, canon-typical injury
summary: “write your injuries in dust, your benefits in marble” - benjamin franklin. au!december 2035
masterlist | a joyful future masterlist | ajf faq | taglist | what do you want to see next?
“Come on, Soph! Go, baby, go!”
Your daughter is a vision. She streaks across the field, her green and yellow uniform almost melding with the grass as she keeps control of the ball. You can’t see her face too clearly, but you know she’s scanning the field with the same intensity you see in Aaron’s face beside you.
Isaac plops down on the bench behind you, home from Los Angeles for winter break. “How’s she doing?”
Aaron half-turns his head, keeping his eyes on the field. “Going for a hat trick - if she makes it, it’ll be her third this season.”
Caroline, down the field with her choir group, lounges happily between the legs of one of her friends, eating popcorn. When she sees you looking, she waves at you.
You wave back for a moment before your attention’s caught by a collective gasp and Aaron’s hand shoots to your forearm. You turn back to the field, but you missed it.
Everyone’s moving and you don’t know why.
With shocking agility for his age, Aaron all but leaps down the bleachers and onto the field. Your eyes search for Soph, but there are too many people on the field, all of a sudden.
Caroline’s standing on the seat of the bleachers, her friends steadying her with their hands on her arms and ankles.
There’s a hand, soft and scared on your shoulder. “Mom?”
You open your arms, and your nearly-grown son ducks under it, curling into you as you stand. “Do you want your earbuds?”
You feel him nod and you pull them out of your bag. His trembling quiets a little after he fits them in his ears.
There’s a clamber, and Caroline appears at your side. “What happened?”
“I don’t know. I wasn’t watching.”
She exhales, shaky and worried. “Where’s Dad?”
“On the field.”
But where?
You find Aaron, his salt-and-pepper hair stark in the autumn light. He’s talking to the referee, his brows low.
You hear sirens.
“Oh, hey! What’s up, Mom?”
You almost hate to ruin his mood.
“Jack, honey, can you get down to the house at any point tonight?”
You try not to grip the handle above the car door too tightly as Aaron races through the suburban streets, following the ambulance. Soph was definitely lucid when they loaded her up, but definitely in a lot of pain.
“Ye - Yeah...Why?”
“Soph’s headed to the ER - something happened on the soccer pitch today and her knee…” You shake your head. “I dunno. Her knee looks really bad.”
“Fuck. Okay.” You hear him shuffle around and click his mouse - checking his schedule. “I can get down there after my last meeting at four - I’m headed there in a few minutes, but won’t be able to swing any earlier. I’d cancel it, but it’s literally SecDef and the Joint Chiefs and -”
“That’s fine - I just need someone at the house with the kids until one of us can get back. Elliot’s at baseball practice until six and I’m not sure if -”
“I’ll be there. I’ll get El and then I’ll swing by for Isaac and Caro if they’re still with y’all down there.”
You glance over at Aaron and nod. He heaves a sigh of relief and mouths Thank you.
“Thanks, Jack.”
“Yeah. See you soon. Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
When you’re finally allowed in to see Sophia, her eyes are red and puffy with tears. Her right leg is braced and elevated at the knee.
Her doctor explains the situation - dislocated knee and splintered patella with a torn meniscus and ACL. “This kind of traumatic knee injury poses a couple of issues…”
He explains that the rehabilitation and surgery needs for both the ACL and meniscus are exceedingly different, and “It’s entirely possible Miss Sophia will experience permanent joint damage. However, we won’t know that until we have an orthopaedic surgeon look at it tomorrow.”
“What about sports? Can I still play?” Soph tries to sit up farther, but Aaron’s arm shoots out, locking her against the bed across her shoulders.
The doctor looks hesitant, and it’s all she needs to burst into tears again. Aaron moves, sitting on the side of the bed and wrapping her up in his arms. He looks over her head at you and your lower lip disappears into your mouth as you meet his gaze.
You shift your attention to your other children sitting patiently behind you.
Caroline’s practically bit her nails to the quick - her hands looking more and more like her Aunt Emily’s as the moments pass.
Isaac’s been sitting in the wide windowsill for the entire afternoon, his headphones on, staring out the window, his mouth tight and fingers tearing into the foam stress ball you keep in your purse.
We’ll need another one of those. Or five.
You get a phone call, and you step out. “Hey, Jack.”
“Hey. Just got Elliot. We’re headed over to the hospital now. How’s she doing?”
You sigh and press a hand to your forehead.
“Oh, shit. That bad?” He asks.
You don’t comment on his tell pickup. It’s in his blood, at this point. “Yeah. She’s definitely out for the rest of the season, and we’re looking at some long-term stuff, too.”
“Hey! I’m still here and she’s gonna kick your ass if you keep swearing in front of me, dude.” Elliot shouts from the back and it almost makes you smile.
“I’m actually inclined to agree with you, Jack. We’ve got a dislocated and splintered patella in addition to a torn meniscus and ACL. It’s going to be a long rehab.”
You hear a deep sigh into the bluetooth system in Jack’s car. “Well, I’ll stay here for the duration.”
“No, no honey it’s alright. Your dad is home full-time and you’ve got a huge project reaching critical stages. Your room is all ready for you, but you really don’t have to hang around if you can’t manage the drive every day. And Bella -”
“Bells is looped in. She’s fine. She’s more than happy to tag out if we need to. Her deadlines are really loose right now what with the whole ‘nothing going on in Arlington’ thing this week. She’s heartbroken for Soph and wants to help where she can.”
“Hey,” He huffs, sounding a lot like his dad. “I’ll let you go. I’ll text when I’m outside.”
“Okay. Thanks, bud.”
“Of course,” he says, like it’s the simplest thing in the world. “Anytime.”
Sophia’s sleeping when Alice and Hank come to visit later in the evening. Aaron went home a couple hours after Jack, planning to tag out with you later so you could get some sleep in your own bed before work tomorrow.
Alice immediately embraces you, all but falling into your lap as you hold her. She’s shaking.
“Is she okay?”
You push her back, smoothing some wayward edges at her hairline. “She will be.”
Alice’s dark eyes fill with tears, and you brush them off her cheeks as they fall.
“She’ll need your help, though. It’s gonna be a long time before we figure out what’s permanent and what’s not.”
Alice nods and retreats, sitting in the plastic chair by Soph’s side, folding her arms on the mattress and laying her head on them. “Hey, Sofa,” she whispers, though Soph can’t hear her.
“I haven’t heard that one in a while,” you tell her. Sofa is a nickname Derek gave Sophia when she was little. No big meaning to it, but it stuck.
You wouldn’t be surprised if she stayed there all night.
Hank lingers by the door. In the shadow of the room, you could easily mistake him for Derek, but that concerned pull at the corners of his eyes screams Savannah.
Eventually, he crosses the room and sits on the little lounger beside you.
He takes your hand and you kiss his knuckles. “I bet this isn’t how you wanted to spend your winter break, huh?”
A little laugh leaves him. “Maybe not, but little Miss Thing over here dragged me out the door before I could get two words in edgewise.” He gestures vaguely toward Alice and you actually smile.
“Yeah. In my experience, Morgan women don’t fuck around.”
“You got that right,” comes a voice from the doorway. It’s Savannah, fresh off her shift and still in her white coat and scrubs. She scours over Sophia’s charts and checks on her before sitting on your other side.
“Do you want the bad news or the good-but-also-kind-of-bad news?” She asks, almost inaudible. You glance up at Soph but Savannah shakes her head. “She’s out - those pain meds will leave this entire visit a blur.”
You sigh. “Fine. Hit me with the bad shit.”
“You sure?”
Savannah rests her elbows on her knees. “I’ve seen a knee injury like this exactly once before. No matter what you do, they can’t and don’t always heal right. She could need a mobility device permanently, even after she’s healed, and I can tell you now she won’t play again.”
That’s okay. She’s okay.
Better soccer goes than her life.
Soccer is her life.
You only know that Alice can hear everything when her shoulders start to shake. She doesn’t make any noise as she cries. She’s like her dad that way. Hank stands and places a hand between her shoulder blades, but says nothing.
“Is that the worst of it?”
Savannah nods. “Yeah.” She takes a breath. “The kinda good news is that she’ll be totally fine no matter what obstacles she may run into. She’s tough. I wouldn’t expect anything less from a Hotchner.”
She snorts. “Hell, I watched you bounce back from crazy life-threatening shit with a quip and a grin.”
You raise your eyebrows and shrug. “I do what I can.”
Caroline curls into her father’s side, her double bed big enough to manage the both of them. It feels a lot like when she was little - she’d have nightmares or couldn’t fall asleep and Aaron would come and sit with her until her breath was even and slow.
“What’s Soph gonna do about college?” Caroline’s voice is small, nearly smothered in Aaron’s shirt. “She already has scouting offers and stuff.”
“Yeah,” he says with a sigh. “I’m not sure. We’ll all have to figure it out together, won’t we?”
Aaron steps into the room, closing the sliding glass door behind him. Alice, just as you predicted, snoozes next to Sophia, her head pillowed on her arms. Sophia’s upper body almost arcs around her and she managed to snag one of Alice’s hands in her adjustment.
Those two…
Maybe he won’t escape the inevitable after all.
Morgan-Hotchner? Hotchner-Morgan?
He really only ever prepared to lose his name with Caroline. Soph always seemed far too… herself to take on a new one.
We’ll see.
You’re asleep in the pull-out chair, your brow drawn and arms crossed over your chest. He approaches you as quietly as he can, putting his go bag down and sitting beside you.
Much to his chagrin, you startle awake.
“Sorry,” he says in a whisper. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
You shake your head. “You didn’t.” Talking through your yawn, you add, “Just had a weird dream is all.”
Aaron pulls you close and you relent, tucking into his side with a hand pressed to his chest.
“Did Savannah come by?” He asks.
You nod.
“What did she say?”
You sniff a little, more from the antiseptic smell than any emotional response - that will come later. “Soph won’t be able to play again unless fuckin’ divine intervention or some shit comes along and fixes her knee from scratch, but she’ll be able to move around just fine with a cane or brace or something after a while.”
Aaron can only imagine it now - fits and righteous anger about getting around the house, watching games from the bench - the list could go on forever. “She’ll hate that.”
You hum in agreement. “Just another parenting challenge. Already have the rest of the gamut covered neurodevelopmentally, so we were bound to get a physical challenge at some point.”
“Never more than we can handle.”
Shaking your head, you note, “This one just might do us in.”
“I swear to God, if I see you in the office at all this week I’m gonna smash your kneecaps in.” Emily pauses. “Sorry. Too soon?”
“No, no, it’s fine.” You laugh a little and Soph sits up, her brow asking a question.
You answer, pulling the phone away from your mouth. “Your Aunt Emily told me she’d smash my kneecaps if she saw me at the federal building this week.”
Soph snorts. “Nice. We could match.”
You reach over and tweak her nose. “We already match.”
“Hey.” Emily grabs your attention again and you put your cell back to your ear. “I’m serious. I don’t want you to be here. Stay home for Soph right now and I’ll sign off on it and turn everything in for you.”
You roll your eyes. “I can’t believe you turned into Rossi, Miss I’m Past Retirement Age But Twisted the Bureaus Arm to Let Me Work Myself to Death.”
She laughs and hangs up, leaving you and Sophia alone again in the hospital room. She tucks back into her Jello, taking bites that are way too big.
“How are you feeling, bug?” You brush her cheekbone with your thumb and she shrugs.
“Can you hand me my headband?”
You reach over and dig around in her back until you find the wide swatch of colorful fabric. She takes it from you and shoves it over her head, pushing her hair back with practiced ease.
She’s just like her dad.
What? Loyal?
Yeah. But also chronically avoidant.
“You didn’t answer my question.”
She huffs, playing with her fingers. “I’m fine. I think.” Her breath is shaky. “I can’t really tell with all the meds I’m on, but it feels… really bad.”
When she looks over at you again, her eyes are glassy, tearful. “I know I can’t play again, maybe not even run.”
You reach out for her hand, but don’t say anything.
“Momma…” She pauses, looking down at her blanket. “Momma, I don’t know what I’m gonna do. I feel like I only know how to play soccer. I don’t know how - I don’t know if I want to do anything else. I’ve never thought about it before.”
You run your thumb over her knuckles. “Soph, you can do so much. You have a great strategic mind - you think in these big, creative webs. It’s such an asset.”
“Don’t profile me.”
“I’m not profiling you, baby,” you tell her with a smile. “I just know that about you because you’re my daughter.”
Her mouth twists. “Right.” She looks down when her phone buzzes.
“Who is it?”
The corners of her lips tip up. “It’s Alice. She’s asking me if I want anything from the drive thru.”
You mirror her little smile. “That’s nice of her.”
“Alright so you have twenty nuggets, large fries,” Alice digs around in the bag, taking things out as she speaks. “And… a vanilla milkshake.”
“God, I love you.” Sophia wraps her hand around Alice's head and pulls her close, pressing a kiss to her temple.
Alice laughs, deep from her chest. “Shit, Soph, if all I have to do to secure your love is get you crap chicken, sign me up.”
“You could get damn close.”
Aaron watches the girls sit beside each other in the bed, taking turns dipping their nuggets in the sauce. They’ve always been this way, exchanging barbs and affection in equal measure. Symbiotic in the extreme, one is never far from the other.
You’re home, getting everyone else in bed and settled for the evening. Isabella drove in a night early - Jack’s headed back to D.C. apartment for a series of days-long meetings at the Pentagon regarding his latest project.
Aaron’s excited to see her. It’s been a helluva thing to see his son married, even more surreal to know and love his son’s wife like his own daughters.
His phone rings.
Speak of the devil.
“Hey, Bella.”
Sophia looks over at the mention of her sister-in-law, and Alice looks beside herself with delight. As well as being a hit among the parents, Bella’s a winner with the kids, too.
Some days, Caroline likes her more than she likes Jack.
“Hey, Pops. Want to tag out?”
“Sure. I’ll switch with you. How long do you want to be here?”
He can almost hear her shrug. “Eh. I’ll spend the night. My column isn’t due until the end of the week and I’ve got it covered. Don’t need to work, don’t really need to sleep. Win-win.”
“If you say so.”
“I do. I’ll be there in twenty.”
She hangs up before Aaron can respond, so he just pockets his phone and takes the loss. Sophia, after taking a sip of her milkshake, asks. “Is Bella here all night?”
“Yeah, bug. She’ll be here.”
Soph and Alice share a look.
“Well, Bella has more patience than I do,” Aaron says, dropping his go bag at the bedroom door. “She’s stuck with H&M for the rest of the night at the hospital.”
You laugh, wrapping your arms around him. “I’m glad the girls have company, and fun company, at that.”
“Fair enough.”
The two of you quiet for a moment, and you tuck further under his arm, placing your hand over his heart.
His hand traces up and down your back, slow and steady. “Yeah?”
“What can we do for her? She sounded so… defeated today.”
And it’s true. You’ve never seen Soph like that, even at her lowest. If you were honest, it scared you a little.
“We can be her parents. That’s all. And she’ll figure something out. If she needs to take a gap year, she’ll manage. She and Alice can search for programs together.” He sighs before he continues, leaning back to look at you.
“All we can do is ask her what she needs and support her as best we can.”
tagging: @avengersbau @ambicaos @angelsbabey @arganfics @averyhotchner @bwbatta @capricorngf @cevanswhre @crazyshannonigans @criminalsmarts @deagibs @forgottenword @genevievedarcygranger @hotchsflower @hotchslatte @hurricanejjareau @joanofarkansass @kelstark @kerrswriting @little-blue-fishie @lotties-journey-abroad @mandylove1000 @missdowntonabbey @mrs-dr-reid @pan-pride-12 @popped-weasels @quillvine @qvid-pro-qvo @reidingmelodies @reids-mismatchedsocks @roses-and-grasses @shesbiochem4 @ssahotchnerr @ssaic-jareau @ssareidbby @starsandasteroids @stxrrywildflower @sunflowersandotherthings @sunshine-em @teamhappyme @this-broken-band-girl @ughitsbaby @unicorn-bitch @venusbarnes @violet-amxthyst @word-scribbless @writefasttalkevenfaster @zizzlekwum @iconicc @avatarkorraswife @mooneylupinblack @ssworldofsw @nuvoleincielo @kaemarie23 @violentvulgarvolatile @abschaffer2 @ellyhotchner @rousethemouse @baumarvel @reidtomestyles @dreamsonthewall @jhiddles03 @willlemonheadsupremacy @infinity1321 @messyhairday-me @itsalwaysb33nyou @finnologys @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @hothothotchner @happyvol7 @ssa-holmes @mac99martin @ssahotchner99 @triangularroses @vagabond-ing @itsmytimetoodream @magic_in_the_eyes_of_the_beholder
#aaron hotchner x reader#hotch x reader#aaron hotchner imagine#criminal minds imagine#criminal minds x reader#criminal minds fanfiction#aaron hotchner#criminal minds#tali talks cm#tali writes fanfiction#a joyful future#a joyful future fanfic
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Inspired by my BC Fan Week dad!Joonas short: the rest of the guys as uncles
@the-killer-queenie just sent me a darling DM with her own ideas of it and now I want to add more: the other members as uncles (and Joonas as a dad). And if you’re cool with it, I included your original DM that inspired it at the end.
Also, perfect timing because there was a discussion of BC dad/uncle headcanons in the Violent Pop server while I was cleaning, so this one’s also for you guys 🥂
Under the read-more for length:
His first reaction when he found out he was going to be a dad was pure fear. He doubted that he would ever be a good one and that he would end up ruining his daughter’s life. While the anxieties lingered (and still do, even with her here), he learned to grow into the idea. He became super protective of his girlfriend, calling every chance he got while he was either in the Netherlands or on tour to make sure that she was comfortable. She got annoyed super fast by how fussy he was, but she understood that he was excited and anxious and only wanted the best for them. He was the one to suggest the name Sohvi and started calling her by it long before she was even born.
Despite finding out about the pregnancy in April, they waited until almost the end of June to make the news public. It was a big all-in-one announcement: a small gender reveal at home with a cake and a letterboard with her birthday and initials (name was kept secret until she arrived). This all conveniently happened before the tour so the crowd went into the show knowing about her. As much as he would have loved to invite his girlfriend to more summer tour shows, he wanted to make sure she wasn’t overexposed to the heat and stress of being in a large crowd. When she does come to one of the shows in Helsinki, he sets her up with an air conditioned room backstage. Every time they were sitting next to each other, he would instinctively hold her belly. Whenever he was at home, he would sing to them so Sohvi could hear his voice. Eventually, she would kick when he started singing, almost like she knew he was there.
Joonas would be a fantastic girl dad! The night before every tour, he lets her paint his nails any color she wants, and he refuses to take it off no matter how messy it is or how chipped it gets. It becomes like a tradition for them, mostly so she can get used to the idea of him being gone for long periods of time. When she can come to local shows, she does the make-up for him and the rest of the guys (the ones who wear it, at least). They play an acoustic version of one of their songs (something like My Heart is a Hurricane) for whenever she can join them on stage; it’s a small break for the ones who aren’t playing and a chance for her to see them perform without noise-cancelling headphones.
He takes super adorable pictures of and with her, and whenever he posts something of her and her mom together, he calls them “his girls.” He would also certainly have her name and her birthday (November 15) in Roman numerals tattooed over his heart. Every year around Christmas time, they take a family weekend vacation to Rovaniemi to visit Santa’s village. In all, he would surprise a lot of people - and himself - by fitting into the role so well and so quickly. He’s not a perfect dad, but he tries his best.
The “responsible” uncles:
Tommi would almost certainly be her favorite uncle. He’s just such a massive teddy bear in general that she loves whenever she can get a hug from him. When they go out as a group, especially to festivals, he carries her around on his shoulders so she can feel tall and see the other bands perform better. I get vibes from him that he’s the best cook out of the group, so whenever he’s on babysitting duty, he makes her the best meals. He likes to wrestle and playfully rough house with her to make her laugh. It’s not uncommon for her to fall asleep while he’s holding her because he’s that comfy to rest on. After the Bass Incident, he became the top candidate for being her godfather.
You know, until last week, I thought that Olli would be the best choice for being her godfather, but after the lost bass fiasco I don’t think he can be trusted with a child lol. But he’s still one of the responsible uncles regardless! When she’s super young, sometimes she gets him and her dad confused with each other because their hair and instruments look so similar (see also: this vine). He’s the one who likes to take her out to the park and then get ice cream with her afterwards. He also has zero shame about letting her put a tiara on him and invite him to her tea party, and he plays along with it too. When he’s on babysitting duty, he reads her stories and sometimes narrates them with different voices.
He’s the chill responsible uncle. He works so often that he rarely ever gets time to hang out with her outside of the studio like the others do, but they spend the most time together while he works. He holds her while he works at his laptop and lets her watch the cool colors and coding scroll across the screen. He’s the first one to volunteer to hold her if Joonas has to go in the other room to record his parts, and typically the first one to volunteer to take care of her last-minute. When she gets a little older, between song editing sessions, he’ll open a fresh file and let her “record” her own songs. Of course, they almost never leave his laptop, but it’s the thought that counts.
The “irresponsible” uncles:
Okay, so Niko is one of the “irresponsible” ones but almost certainly a little better than Joel at the job. What puts him in this category is that he swears like a sailor even when she’s in the room because he forgets that kids are sponges and absorb everything they see and hear. He also has no problem throwing some chicken nuggets in the oven and calling it a day, so he needs to be reminded that she has to eat more than that. But he’s still a loving uncle, he just needs someone to help him babysit lol. He lets her play with his hair when they’re hanging out together, and when she gets older, he teaches her how to play the piano. She loves when he sings to her and she’ll request certain songs from him. He’s also the uncle who encourages her to just talk and talk (building up her communication skills) by pretending that they’re gossiping together (“oh really? what did he do next? tell me more!”)
This post is totally Niko, by the way:
Joel... love this boy, but he’s without a doubt the least responsible of the uncles. It’s mostly because he can spend maybe an hour and a half maximum with her before he hits a wall of exhaustion and is ready to send her back to her parents. When he’s with others who can help him take care of her, he can hang out with her a little bit longer. He also has no idea how to actually hang out with a child in a kid-friend context. Admittedly, he was the least excited to find out that she was coming because he thought that meant Joonas was going to leave the band. He needed tons of confirmation before he warmed up to the idea of becoming an uncle. But that doesn’t make him a totally bad uncle. He treats her like a member of his own family as well and he’s great at making her laugh. He’s also the first to jump to her or Joonas’ defense on Instagram if tabloids (or someone like That Bitch Archie Cruz) make defamatory comments about them.
The original HC:

#blind channel#joonas porko#joel hokka#niko moilanen#olli matela#tommi lalli#aleksi kaunisvesi#dad!joonas#i'm so glad i'm not the only one with these ideas racking my brain#now i gotta plan the others that have been requested#thanks for enabling me y'all!
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i need advice and motivation on how to overcome highschool :((
oooh this is a bit hard to answer because high school now isn’t quite the same as how it was when i was in it for obvious reasons. BUT !! i’ll do my best to help you!
i have a feeling that things may feel super.. tedious and overwhelming right now, no? especially since most high school students haven’t done an online class before. i had a couple online classes (because i failed apush & had to make it up so that i can graduate on time plus another random class just to boost my gpa mwah) in high school & it honestly is pretty rough! i know that this doesn’t sound very motivating, but i’m sort of trying to be like “hey, it’s gonna be a struggle but i’ve been there (hell, tbh im STILL there with college) and if i can make it, im sure you can too”.
online learning takes a lot of self-discipline. i know every household is very different and perhaps you don’t have the luxury space and privacy that so many study channels and other advice things rave about. that happens. i’ll finally start settling into my study mindset when suddenly my mom calls me over to her room & it throws me off my groove! i’ve taken a lot of online classes so far (even before it was forced upon me) and i’m still struggling with self-discipline and working on procrastination. the best advice that i can offer is trying to get yourself into a routine that best suits YOU. not something you feel pressured to stick to because a lot of people who post about their own study habits do it (eg. waking up super early [ofc if u have to then u have to but if u dont then well], studying ALL day, etc). it may take some time to find your specific groove that works for you & it might require some communication with family. just because you don’t develop a top-notch routine right away doesn’t make you a failure or any negative connotation. ESPECIALLY since this is (im assuming) your first time with remote learning.
it’s a really weird transition, especially if you’re body/mind is also already used to relaxing when you’re home. it takes time to break the association and have your mind recognize that home is a place to work now & it isn’t just for leisure or little tasks like homework. which is why you should have one designated spot to study/get work done at that isn’t a bed or couch or just anywhere you tend to sleep or relax on. this is something i learned in my psych classes, so!! like i said, you have to get your body used to the fact that school is happening at home now. it’s not an overnight thing for everyone. you want to do your best to avoid getting work done in bed if you can because your mind & body will register that as “oh? seems like it’s time for bed/time to relax” and start falling asleep or something. OR! your body will start to recognize that space as a place of work instead of relaxation & when it’s time to actually sleep, it’ll be harder to do so because of the association. if you have a desk or table or just any space you can sit up in and work, that’ll be my biggest recommendation~
hmm.. i also know that not every house allows peace and quiet either. i was fortunate enough to take advantage of apple’s student discount and got some airpod pros. BUT this doesn’t mean you need expensive, noise-cancelling earphones. if you like listening to music while you work, put your preferred pair of earbuds/headphones on to block out as much outside noise as possible! i don’t recommend blasting your music (dont wanna hurt ur ears now), but just enough where the background noise of your house or outside isn’t too much of a distraction should be fine~ also so you can still hear your parents if they’re calling you if they’re like that. [but also if you’re able to set boundaries and be like “i need [timeframe] to do my school work so please try not to bother me” then !!!! yes]. if you don’t like listening to music/can’t because it’s a distraction, perhaps try to find earplugs or maybe try instrumentals if the distraction is with listening to your favorite songs? like those foam ones that people at concerts wear and stuff, yknow? i can’t really study in complete silence so i can’t vouch too much about this one.
going back to finding a routine best suited for you, i wooould say that you should work during the day so that you can relax at night.... BUT!!!!! if you’re more of a night owl & your house is more quiet at night, definitely use that time to study/get some homework done. i’m assuming if this is anything like my younger brother’s online schooling, you’re attending zoom lectures during normal operating hours and then you’re essentially free the rest of the day. now, you could use that time to get your work done if that works for you. OR you can use that time to relax and do the other things you want to do (play games, work out, take a nap, i dunno) and then get your work done at night since you’re awake then anyway.
BUT LIKE I SAID, FIND WHAT WORKS BEST FOR YOU!! i know things are really weird and hard right now, i get it. hopefully, you have a nice group of friends who are still making this social distancing time as enjoyable as possible & i hope you’re reaching your own mini successes. i wish i can give you more advice and motivation, but again i’m not really sure how to help you when it comes to getting through high school during these times ): .... but i am here to help cheer you on if you ever need the boost!!! if you want to celebrate your successes with me, i am more than HAPPY to hype you and your brain up. if you need a space to talk about something that went wrong academically, i’m here to help you feel better cause i have definitely been in that position before. also i may suck at math but im pretty good at english :D so papers and all that jazz? i can maybe try helping~
you got this! i believe in you (:
#eeee i really hope this helps#i got on my computer to better type this out aaaaaa#anonymous#answered
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Aftershokz Aeropex review - Better Than Treks Air & Titanium

The aftershockz aeropex which is a pair of bone conduction, I guess you could call them headphones we like to call them bone phones. I gave him five stars at the time and little did I know that two years later they're still like my most favorite headphone and it's not because they just sound great. The sound quality on bone conduction is not the best but for podcast listening which is something I do a lot of bone conduction is in my opinion the best. Hear aftershocks has got a new model that they're calling the aeropexs, which I don't know what aeropexs are. I definitely do not have arrow pecks. I've not been working out very much but I'm kind of curious to see what how far a bone conduction has come in. I know it's been about two years since the aftershocks Trek's air came out. I'm interested to see how far they've come.

Aftershokz Treks Air Image Source Amazon
Now looking on their website I can't tell much about how these things are supposed to be different. The aftershokz aeropexs are about $10 more than the Trek's air was when I bought them originally. So, they're $10 more expensive. I think the battery life might be a little bit stronger in these, at least as far as they claim and then the other thing that they're talking about is this premium pitch 2.0 sound. So maybe they've made some improvements to the sound quality.
Unboxing Aftershokz Aeropex
I'm curious to find out so let's go and open up the box. We'll find out what we get inside the aftershokz aeropexs and then I'll spend some time living with this headphone bone phone whatever you want to call it.

So, after living with the aeropex for about a week now and comparing these things directly to my other tracks, I've got both the treks titanium as well as the treks air.

AfterShokz Titanium Image Source Amazon I'm ready to let you know what I think about these things and if these things are a good upgrade or if you've got those other treks, should you stick with them or if you're just shopping for your first pair of treks than which ones should you get. We can start by talking about the build and the physical aspects of the aeropexs which generally I'm pretty happy with. Even just during the unboxing, there were a couple of things that stood out to me as really nice about the aftershokz aeropex. Including the unboxing experience, it was pretty nice but I don't really care what did stand out to me though. Let's see a couple of things. The case that these things come with is not something I'm probably going to use. It's like a little silicone case but it's got a nice magnetic flap on it and I do some magnet so I appreciate that. Thank you track sir thank you aftershocks. AfterShokz Aeropex Price On Amazon AfterShokz Trek's Air On Amazon AfterShokz Titanium Price On Amazon
Magnetic chargers
The other thing that stood out which I think is kind of cool. I didn't know this beforehand but these things charge with a little magnetic charger and you know those things can be kind of cool.

I've got a couple of different devices that have magnetic chargers but there's one big downside to it is that it's not compatible with the other chargers that I've got. All around the house of whether they're USB C or micro USB or even lightning port, I don't have this thing lying around the house but aftershocks actually thought of that and maybe it was an accident but they totally included two charging cables in my package and I think that is a nice little touch. So, I can leave a charging cable at work. I'm going to have a charging cable here at home and no matter where I've got my tracks and if these are called tracks no matter where I've got my Aeroplex, I'm going to be able to charge them and I think that's actually really nice apart from those things that are inside the box.
Aftershokz Aeropex Build Quality
I am actually really happy with the build of the aftershokz aeropex and it's very similar to what you get with the build of the Trek's air and that's a headphone, a bone phone that I really like. So, I'm pretty happy here in fact, I do think that these are even a little bit lighter than the treks air which I didn't expect. Is it enough that you would notice it on your head? I don't think so, at least not my head and maybe I've got kind of a big head but weight wise I think these things feel about the same as the Trek's air. Which is to say that they basically disappear in my head, like know why very frequently I will be wearing either the aftershokz aeropexs or the treks airs. Not listening to anything and I'll just completely forget that I'm wearing them and I'll go about my day and someone will say something like what is that weird bone phone on your head and I'm like oh these things yeah. What I'm trying to say is that they're comfortable. They're so lightweight that you don't really notice them and that's true of both the treks air as well as the aeropexs.
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Water Protection & Multifunction Buttons
One other nice improvement with the aftershokz aeropexs and this is actually I think a more significant improvement than the weight is that these things are waterproof. They claimed that these are ip67 waterproof. It's not water resistant. They call it waterproof, now does that mean that you could take these things into the rain, yes probably! Does it mean that you could take these things into the shower, probably! Does it mean that you could swim with these? I don't know about that. Now something that's interesting to me is that aftershocks earlier this year actually came out with two other models of bone conduction headphones that they no longer have on their website. They had one pair that was built into a pair of Oakley's looking sunglasses that they called the optishot and then the other pair I think they were called the X trainers.

They were pitching them as made for swimming and now interestingly these aftershokz aeropexs basically look just like those X trainers, the one difference at least that I can tell just based on pictures is that the aeropexs have a button over here on the left side where the X trainers did not. Now does that button have any influence on whether or not these things are swim proof? I really don't know. On their website they claim that you can use these things in extreme weather and they don't say anything about swimming. So, I don't know that I would test it but they don't make that claim of the aftershokz aeropexs. So I'm definitely hesitant to say that these things are waterproof to that degree. I mentioned that there's a button over here on the left side of the aftershokz aeropexs and that is useful for just toggling pause and play. I do actually have a little bit of a beef with this button. So, on both the treks airs and a trex titanium, which are bone conduction headphones. I've spent a lot of time with, they've got the same button over here on the left side but the positioning of it is slightly different so on the aftershokz treks air. The button is closer to down here at the bottom. This is going to seem like a really minor point but I'm going to tell you right now. One of the things that I love about that button is that I can reach over and hit the button with my shoulder and that's much much harder to do with the aftershokz aeropexs and if you think I'm joking I swear to you.

Not like that it is a significant need for me. Let's just say like my hands are full, carrying around chicken paraphernalia cuz I got chickens in my back yard or I'm doing the dishes and my hands are busy. I need a taco pause/play it's super convenient to be able to do that with my shoulder and you can still do it here with the aeropexs but it definitely requires more effort and more precision than it does with the other. So, during certain activities I actually prefer to have the treks air that said there are some nice things to do with this button. On the outside including the fact that you can now skip forward and backward tracks with this button. I can double tap the button to skip forward a track but I can't skip backward a track and for me, because I primarily use these things for listening to podcasts that skip backward function actually acts as go back 15 seconds which for me, I find really useful. A lot of times I'm listening to something, listen caste there's a conversation going and maybe I'll miss something and it's very useful for me to be able to go back 15 seconds and you catch up and I can't do that with the Trek's air but I can do that here with the aeropexs. I think it's a triple tap which is it's a little bit of a fiddly function. A little bit of I don't know it's a gesture that I find easy to mess up and easy to get wrong but I do appreciate that it's here and I do actually find it really super useful. So, for that I'm back here on the aftershokz aeropexs maybe.
Bluetooth Functionality
I do like these things better in terms of just like Bluetooth functionality. These things you know they make a really nice strong connection. They have pretty solid range. I didn't have any issues at all with the Bluetooth functionality. That’s also true for both the Titanium's and the airs, I think aftershokz has got a pretty good reputation at least with me and I'm kind of all that matters but they've had a pretty good reputation for having solid Bluetooth and they're doing it pretty well here with the aeropexs.
Aeropex, Treks Air & Titanium Sound Quality & Comparison
Now sound quality is still not the strength of the aftershokz aeropexs. If you are really like bone conduction and if you've ever used bone conduction before you probably know this but in case you haven't, bones are good at conducting certain sound frequencies but it's not going to have near the fidelity of basically any other type of headphone. If you're getting these things to listen to music, I would maybe hold out on that. I mean these things can play you know a decent. They're decent for like a background music right. So, if you just want something playing in the background of your head maybe you're in an office setting and you don't want it coming out of your speaker's because that would be annoying to everyone around you. Bone conduction and the aftershokz aeropexs can do it okay but if you're like really looking to jam out to music or really dig into the details of. It’s not going to happen here. Where I think bone conduction is especially awesome is with running, in a gym exercising or you listen to podcast. I'm going to tell you right now, if you're an avid podcast listener I think you need a pair of bone conduction headphones whether or not they're Trek air or aeropexs. I'll let you make up your mind but I think that you really should get some bone conduction. So, while sound quality is not really the appeal here, I will still spend a little bit of time comparing the sound of the aeropexs to the aftershokz treks air and I think that the aeropexs, they seem to play up the mid-range even more play down the bass even more so when I moved from the treks Titanium's to the air. I found that the Titanium's the older set actually had more bass but because of the reduced base with the airs. The in-between set, I found that it was easier to follow spoken audio which is my primary use case for it. Now the aftershokz aeropexs kind of take that same trend to the next level. Well they just take it a little bit further. There's even less bass here and even a little bit more pronounced mid-range and I find that again, I think it's good for spoken audio, right? You're listening to voices; you're listening to people talk maybe it's an audiobook or a podcast. I think that these things are better for that and the way that they're doing are the frequencies that they are playing into are emphasizing now seem to also make it so that it's a little bit less prone to interference from loud noises around you. So, if I'm walking near traffic sometimes, I have a hard time following a podcast but it seems a little bit better here now. The treks air, they've got stronger base and maybe you could describe them as slightly more musical but as I just got done saying. I don't listen to bone conduction for music so for me it doesn't matter. That reduced bass the main difference is that it's just going to make the voices a little bit clearer and it also makes it so that these things wiggle your head a little bit less when you've got the volume maxed out.
Battery Life of Aftershokz Aeropex
There's actually one other big difference with the aeropexs are the battery life. So, the tracks air the battery life is rated at around six hours which is not super long I found in practice. Maybe seems a little bit longer than six hours especially if you listen to it for six hours straight. It seems to last a little bit longer but I mean that's roughly what you can expect. Now the claimed battery life here with aftershokz aeropexs is up to 8 hours and that's a pretty useful difference especially if you're in a scenario where like you need something to listen to during work and you happen to be working for eight hours. A six-hour battery life is going to let you down somewhere in between and these aeropexs, they're going to last the whole time.
My Overall Thought on Aftershokz Aeropex
I don't know for the way that I use bone conduction, it's not really a make-it-or-break-it feature but depending on your personal lifestyle I could see that actually being pretty significant difference. so out of five stars I'm going to give the aftershokz aeropexs another solid five stars but it's a little bit of a qualified five star. So, look just as a product on its own this thing is pretty awesome. If you haven't used bone conduction again if you're a podcast listener and a workout person, I think you owe it to yourself to get yourself pair of bone conduction headphones. As far as the bone conduction headphones go, these are among the best of all the ones that I've tried. These things are excellent. They're super lightweight, super comfortable and I wear these things all day. Forget they're on my head the sound quality is I mean it's as good as you're going to expect from a bone conduction headphone. To get battery life on these things is pretty strong and the fact that they're waterproof could be pretty appealing to you. My biggest issue with these things is the fact that the aftershokz treks air still exists and now that these things are out, they've discounted the treks air to something close to $100. I gave him five stars and I loved them I still love them and they're even cheaper so now there's a $40 gap between the treks air and the air OPEX and you kind of got to decide for yourself whether or not it's worth it. Is it worth it to have it! Won't be waterproof and have two hours extra battery life. For me the bigger difference is honestly the fact that that that button over there is harder to reach and now I can still activate it with my shoulder, it's just a little bit more of a pain in the butt but then that button does also let me skip backwards 15 seconds in my podcast and that is also a big deal. So, I have a hard time deciding for myself which one I prefer. Which one are you going to prefer? I don't know if you're interested in checking out the aftershokz aeropexs of course I've got links here. AfterShokz Aeropex Price On Amazon AfterShokz Trek's Air On Amazon AfterShokz Titanium Price On Amazon Read the full article
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Giving & Taking Pt.6|
I am so sorry this took me 3 months to write. I hope this isn’t trash & that it was worth the wait… It probably isn’t, sorry about that.
Warnings/ Genre: Smut , Angst, Jealously
Pairing: Namjoon x Reader, Jungkook x Reader
Word count: 3,2k

Everything in italics is flashbacks in Jungkook’s perspective.
The sound of the intercom up above brought Jungkook out of his daze. He felt a tight grip on his arm lightly tugging at it.
“Jungkook that’s your train, your train is starting board now sweetie.” His mother said in her usual calm tone. The voice that usually calmed him down had no effect on him at the moment.
Jungkook was leaving for college. And if he was being honest he didn’t want to go. He didn’t want to leave his family or his friends. Or this town that he’s gotten so used to. When he was younger he daydreamed about this day. The day he would finally be able to leave this town. But as he got older and the more used to it he got. He started to change his mind.
Eventually, he started dreading this day. There was no way his parents would let him not go to college. He could argue that he could attend a college here in his hometown. But his parents wouldn’t have that. They both worked so hard saving up for him and his brother to attend this university. He couldn’t do that to them.
He felt his mother tug on his arm again. Finally, he looked up to find his parents staring at him with worried looks on their faces. “Jungkook you’re going to miss your train.” His mother said her voice laced with concern now.
Jungkook nodded dropping his bags to give both his parents a hug. He picked up his bags once again and bowed to his parents before walking towards the train. He looked back one more time to see his parents watching him. His mother with tears in her eyes and his father with a stern face. Jungkook knew that was only cover, and that his father was just a sad as his mother.
He bid them one last goodbye before getting on the train.
When Jungkook first arrived at campus he was relieved to see one familiar face. Namjoon used to live in the house next door to his when they were younger. Even though Namjoon was a few years older than Jungkook somehow they became somewhat close friends.
Namjoon helped Jungkook settle into his dorm before giving him a quick tour of the campus. Jungkook was already starting to feel at ease. That’s why when Namjoon invited him to the first party of the semester Jungkook gladly accepted. It had been a long day, Jungkook deserved to let off some steam.
When Jungkook showed up to the party Namjoon was nowhere to be found. Jungkook walked around for a few minutes trying to find him. When he came up empty he decided he would just leave. What was the use of being at a party if he didn’t know anyone here?
He was already walking towards the door when two girls almost identical stopped him. “Leaving so soon?” The first girl said with a pout faking disappointment.
“Uh- well this isn’t really my scene,” Jungkook responded, which was true. Usually, he didn’t go to parties, especially ones this big. It seemed like half the school was here.
“Oh please! Look at you, you’re a hunk! There’s no way a guy like you isn’t into parties.” She didn’t seem to believe him or maybe she was just saying it to get him stay.
“I’m Doyeon by the way, and this is Suzi.” She pointed back at her friend who stood there silent.
“Jungkook.” He extended his hand to shake hers. She laughed and shook his hand. “Such good manners,” Doyeon said with a smirk.
Before she could say anything else some guy called out for her. She pouted again. “Sorry I’ve got to cut this short, but feel free to go grab a drink in the kitchen. They keep the good alcohol under the sink.” She winked at Jungkook before grabbing Suzi’s hand and disappearing into the crowd.
One drink Jungkook told himself. He’d get one drink and if he still couldn’t find Namjoon afterward he’d leave.
He found himself in the large kitchen looking around when he spotted you. You stared at the counter full of cheap liquor making what he assumed was a decision on what to drink. He figured he help you out. He let you know there was better liquor under the kitchen sink.
His throat dried and his palms became sweaty, as soon as you turned around and faced him. You were absolutely stunning. Much prettier than any of the girls at this party.
You stared at him for a few seconds taking him in. Jungkook’s body started to heat up with nerves. He hoped you didn’t notice his cheeks start to turn a light shade of pink. When you didn’t respond he quickly went over to the cabinet. Kneeling down picking a bottle that looked somewhat familiar.
He found your shyness refreshing. Considering since the first girl that actually talked to him since he got to campus was practically eating him alive. She came off too strong. Though Jungkook didn’t necessarily think there was anything wrong with that. But it wasn’t really his thing.
He needed not to fuck this up. He took a deep breath and walked back over to you. Since you still hadn’t said or done anything he decided to make the drink for you. He lied about rum and coke being his favorite drink. He also lied about the fact that the brand was actually good. Truthfully he didn’t know much about alcohol.
But somehow he managed to fuck it up. Because you bolted right out of the kitchen before he could even ask for your name.
He did end up getting your name that night. But with that information, he also found out you were Namjoon’s girlfriend. Out of all the girls in this school, Namjoon had to be dating you. Jungkook knew he wouldn’t be able to stay away from you. And he proved himself to be right.
A few weeks later.
A week. It’s been a week since Jungkook last saw you. Thoughts of you cloud his mind. His class is nearly over and he hadn’t even taken one note let alone pay any attention to what his professor was saying. Being a freshman in college was hard enough Jungkook thought. But with you in his life now it was even worse. His grades were going down fast. And if he continued at this rate. He’d be flunking out of college in no time.
You were all to blame for this. You’d canceled twice on him in the last week and hadn’t been answering back to any of his texts. He tried his hardest not to feel upset he knew you were having a hard semester and you were studying & working your ass off. But still, he needed to see you. Jungkook had grown so used to the routine you guys had. That it was really upsetting him that he had to go one week without seeing you.
One week. How pathetic was he becoming?
As soon as the class was dismissed Jungkook stood up immediately weaving in and out of the crowd of students who were all trying to leave at the same time. Once he made it outside he fumbled with his headphones desperately trying to untangle them. Just as he was about to shove one in his ear. He heard a familiar laugh. He stopped dead in his tracks nearly dropping his headphones. He shot his head up looking around to hear where it is was coming from.
The laugh sounded a lot like yours. Just as he suspected the laugh belonged to you. Jungkook’s eyes landed at the scene. You were sat on the grass paper surrounded you & Namjoon. You were starting to fall backward onto the grass. Your laugh was getting high pitched as you started to hyperventilate as you usually did when you were being tickled.
He had learned early on that you were very ticklish. He remembers the first time you actually laughed like that. You were both cramped in a closet quickly trying to remove each other’s clothes. Jungkook’s fingertips grazed the skin of your sides as he tried to take off your shirt. The feeling caused you to burst into a fit of giggles. Jungkook quickly caught on to what he did and attempted to do it again. Sure you were supposed to in a rush and keeping the noise down to a minimum. But Jungkook found it so cute he couldn’t help to tickle you again, but second time on purpose.
He hadn’t noticed it right away, but Namjoon had his hands under your shirt resting on your sides. He couldn’t see his hands but Jungkook knew he must have been tickling you. Pangs of jealousy shot through Jungkook’s body. His fists and jaw clenched simultaneously.
He was two seconds from running over there and yanking you out of Namjoon’s grasp and punching him straight in the face. He used all the strength he had and he was able to stop himself.
Some of the jealousy and rage subsided when he noticed how short the skirt you were wearing was. And how he had a perfect view of your white cotton panties, as you now laid flat on your back on the grass. He could feel his dick quickly come to life at the sight. He was somewhat embarrassed at the fact that he was getting a boner in the middle of campus. But he couldn’t help himself, that’s exactly what you did to him.
Hopefully, he could get rid of some of the embarrassment if he could get you to help him out with his little/ big situation. It was a long shot since you had been ignoring him all week. But it was worth a shot. He pulled out his phone and sent you a text.
Jungkook: God I miss that tight little pussy of yours.
Jungkook: Especially when you’re teasing me with a view of those white panties. (;
Jungkook watched as you picked up your phone and read the messages. You shot up instantly, quickly sitting up and fixing your skirt. You looked over to Namjoon who was now busy on his own phone. Jungkook assumed you were checking to see if he had seen any of the text.
You: wth Jungkook!
You: I’m with Namjoon!
You: Where the hell are you anyways?!
You: How can you see my underwear?????
Jungkook: Don’t worry I knew he wasn’t looking when i sent it.
Jungkook: I just got out of class and right as I stepped out onto the quad I got the best view of the whole campus. (;
Jungkook: My roommate is still in class for another two hours. Ditch Nams and meet me in the parking lot.
You: Can’t. Studying.
Jungkook: U need a study break, c’mon.
Jungkook: I’ll make it worth your while (;
Jungkook: Plus you owe me for teasing me like that. now I’ve got to walk around campus with a boner
Jungkook: ):
You: Fine.
You: Be there in five
Within the next 20 minutes or so you both had made it back to Jungkook’s dorm. You must’ve been hornier than usual, you were already down on your knees unbuckling Jungkooks pants.
“Look at you so desperate for my cock. Not even 30 seconds into my room and you’re already down on your knees. Such a dirty fucking slut.” Jungkook couldn’t help but scoff.
You only moaned in response quickly pulling down his boxers and jeans together in one swift motion. His erection sprung free and you were quick to take it into your hands.
Jungkook pulled away from you with a smirk. You looked up to him baffled as to why he would pull away from you, while your hands were on his cock.
Jungkook didn’t want to make this easy for you. You had ignored him all this week. Making him wait around for you. Plus seeing you like that with Namjoon did nothing but make him more upset. It should be him that gets to touch you like that, not Namjoon.
“Beg.” was all he said. And like the good little girl you were, you did as you were told.
“Please Jungkook, let me suck your cock– please,” you whined as you looked up at him with doe eyes.
This always got to Jungkook. He swears he could just come alone from looking at you like this. On your knees hungry for his dick begging for him to let you suck it. Without saying anything else Jungkook shoved his dick so far into your mouth that it hit the back of your throat. Causing you to unintentionally gag. You braced yourself against his thighs, as he tangled his hand into your hair. Forcing you to stay still as he fucked your mouth.
“Fuck– you’ve been such a bad girl you know that? Canceling on me and ignoring me. And then I find you all handsy with Namjoon on the fucking quad?!” Jungkook grunted. You whimpered and moaned around his dick as he continued to fuck your mouth.
“Do you think I deserve that?” he asked pulling you off of him. Giving you a chance to breathe.
Once you caught your breath you were able to answer him. “No– not at all.”
“Good, hands and knees now.” He ordered. And you obeyed right away.
He pushed up your skirt revealing your white cotton underwear. He quickly pulled them down and gave a loud smack against your bare cheek. You moaned out loud, clenching around nothing.
You truly were a dirty slut Jungkook thought. Even though he didn’t act like this a lot, he knew you enjoyed this. You enjoyed being called degrading names and being punished. He had only smacked you once and he could already see your folds glisten with your arousal. His mouth was watering at the sight. He was so tempted to taste you, but he knew he shouldn’t. You had behaved bad and you needed to learn your lesson.
Instead of warming you up like he usually would, he aligned himself at your entrance. Without any warning, he was pushing himself into your tight cunt. He groaned at the feeling of your pussy tightening around him. Jungkook waited about half a second to let you protest. And when you didn’t he was slamming his hips against your ass. Filling you up all the way.
“Ff-uck ,” Jungkook stuttered as he kept his pace. “Since you’ve been such a bad girl you’re not going to get to come until after I do you hear me?”
“Yes,” you moaned out nodding your head frantically as your arms quivered struggling to keep you up.
You cried out in pleasure as Jungkook continued to pound into you. At first, the stretch stung, but soon pleasure took over. You were crying out louder than you ever had before, as Jungkook fucked you from behind. Jungkook’s mind was clouded with lust & jealously. Normally he wasn’t this rough of on you. And he would feel bad for this if it wasn’t for the fact that you were enjoying it so much. You were drenched more than ever Jungkook couldn’t even believe it.
You were completely lost in the moment, lost in Jungkook. You wanted him, you wanted to do anything for him. And seeing you like this not only made Jungkook harder than ever but it made his heart swell up with pride. You were at his disposal ready to be his and you acted like being his was the best thing you could ever be. His. For a split second, you felt like his.
Jungkook squeezed his eyes shut feel his end quickly approaching. He gripped onto your hips even harder. Knowing well that he would leave faint bruises behind. Leaving you to discover later. He knew you wouldn’t approve. But quite frankly he did give a shit. He wanted for Namjoon to find those. For Namjoon to finally realize that you aren’t his anymore. Jungkook’s breath was labored and his thrusts were sloppy and frantic. He was so close chasing his high. But he needed just a bit more to send him over the edge.
“Who do you belong to?” He grunted out reaching for your hair grabbing ahold of it and twisting it in his hand. Pulling it which caused you to arch your back sticking your ass up higher.
“You! Only you Jungkook!” You yelled out. That was all Jungkook needed to hear to push him over the edge. He was releasing his hot seed inside you. He kept pumping himself in and out of you as he came down from his high. Some of his cum leaking out getting on your thighs.
He pulled out his softening member taking off his shirt. He wiped himself off and then proceeded to wipe his cum off your thighs. He knew you didn’t mean anything that you just said. You were lost in the moment. So focused on getting him off you would’ve said anything. You weren’t his.
Jungkook wanted nothing more than for you to leave with him, and not Namjoon. But he knew there was no way he could ever convince you to do that. He tried to ignore his feelings of disappointment and gave you one last kiss. He held on to the promise of seeing you again next week. Because that’s all he had to hold him over.
He left you in the bathroom, and then suddenly he felt like he needed a lot more alcohol in his system. He made his way into the hallway heading towards the stairs. He snapped his head back as soon as he heard a door behind him close. He looked around and found no one there.
One of the things that started happening when you and Jungkook started your ‘relationship’, was paranoia. He was definitely starting to get a guilty conscience. Because of course, he knew what he was doing was wrong, but still, he kept doing it. Now he was always paranoid that someone had caught them. Most of the time it was just his minds playing tricks on him.
He shook those thoughts away as he found the makeshift bar. He poured himself a drink and quickly downed it. Before making himself another one. He started walking back to the living room to find someone to talk to. That’s when he noticed you running down the stairs towards the door. Your face in panic.
His first instinct was to run after you. His feet started moving before his brain could catch up. He came to an abrupt stop when he noticed that he wasn’t the only one that noticed you. Namjoon was running after you. Of course, because he was your boyfriend. That’s the thing that a boyfriend would do. Not a so called ‘fuck buddy’.
Still, Jungkook couldn’t help his curiosity. He downed the rest of his drink before chucking the empty cup on some side table, as he followed behind Namjoon, who had already made it out the door. Once he got there you were both gone.
Jungkook hoped that maybe, he had the strength to end this. He knew right from the beginning that this wouldn’t end well. That he would be the one to get hurt in the end. This was more than just sex to Jungkook. He really wanted you, all of you.
Part 7
#bts smut#jungkook smut#bts scenarios#jungkook scenarios#bts fanfic#jungkook angst#jungkook#kpop#kpop scenarios#kpop smut#bts#fanfic#Giving&Taking#smut#lushjin writes
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Mature Student Guide
I’m a 31-year-old art school student. I love it, but I’m not 18 anymore. I got a lot of obligations outside of school as well. I put together a list of essentials that help me get by as a mature student. Check it out:

Gallery Leather Agenda
Not only am I juggling school, work, and a side business, but I have to keep track of my doctors appointments and medication schedules...It can be A LOT! Without my agenda, I would be lost.
My biggest regret has been getting a credit card at 18. I didn’t understand much about interest or credit. I was not financially literate, and I racked up debt very early in my young adult life. Now, I am working on improving my credit and one of the things that have kept me on track is not buying or relying on credit!
The great thing about Visa/Debit is most places allow you to use it as a credit card. It doesn’t have an impact on your credit rating though, and that can be good or bad depending on who you ask.

The Power of Habit
Believe the hype! This book is AMAZING. I never knew so much about habits and how much bad ones can impact your life. While habits can’t be broken, you can surely turn a negative one into a positive one. I love that this book doesn’t just address personal bad habits, but also the ones that exist within a company.

Apple Watch

Samsung Gear Fit2
I have an Android, but I think Samsung needs to step their watch game up. Some companies like Fossil have great options, but the Apple watch is the clear winner here. Whichever side you’re on, I highly recommend getting a smartwatch. It’s super convenient and a great way to keep track of your health and busy schedule. It’s all right there on your wrist and it’s way more acceptable than pulling your phone out every other minute.

House of Marley Headphones
If you’re a commuter, this isn’t even an option. Headphones are a must on campus. It can get loud and distracting. These are great noise canceling headphones that have amazing sound for a very reasonable price. I do not walk out my front door without them.


Kith x Tommy Hilfiger
When I first went to college I dressed up for class. One reason was that I wore a uniform all through high school. Another reason was obviously to impress. I was a fashion major after all...All that stopped by the second semester. Now that I’m older, it’s even worse. I like to be comfortable. Especially when I’m sitting in a three-hour lecture or working in the studio. However, that doesn’t mean I will EVER walk into class wearing flip-flops and pajama pants. I lean toward neutral color palettes and “collegiate” style clothing. I like “Zach Morris” preppy. lol, This is the type of energy I’m keeping all school year long...

PackIt Insulated Lunch Bag
I have already gained so much weight and the semester just began! It’s partly because of the Lupus meds, but also because I haven’t been bringing food with me to school. I use to buy food at work and I work at the airport so I spent a lot of money on that! Now I carry an insulated lunch bag with enough meals and snacks to last my entire ten-hour shift. I need to start doing the same when I go to school. It will cut down on costs, keep food fresh during lectures, and keep those pounds in check.


Pill Case
I’m not saying all mature students have arthritis buuuuttt...LOL just kidding!
However, I bet most students who are 30+ take some sort of medication/supplement/vitamin. If you don’t, you should talk to your GP and see if you’re nutritionally deficient and can benefit from any supplements.
Anywho, as you may have guessed, I have Lupus. Because of this chronic autoimmune disorder, I take many, MANY pills each day. When I don’t keep them organized, I just plain forget to take them! Maybe I wouldn’t forget as much if I had to pull out this cute organizer...

Seagate Hard Drive
This is the brand I’ve been using since 2010. I am a photographer who has lost hundreds of images because I didn’t back up my files properly...it haunts me to this day. Now I always take extra precaution. I also have huge creative files that would crash my poor lil MacBook. Also, I don’t trust Clouds...So I learned my lesson and am always sure to have ample storage space available.

HBC x Herschel Little America Backpack
My. Favorite. Backpack. EVER. When it first dropped, it sold out immediately. I had to scour Canada for this baby and I finally found one right at work! I love this thing and I realize I’ve been wearing the wrong type of backpack for years! I usually sacrificed functionality for aesthetics. That wrecked havoc on my back! Not only is this one big and sturdy, but visually pleasing as well. I actually get complimented on this bag often! I love the exterior design, butter soft interior, laptop sleeve and ample space for all my school supplies (including camera!).

S’Well Insulated Bottle
For those long days, it’s important to stay hydrated. I definitely wasn’t drinking enough water and that was partly due to the fact that I just can’t deal with anything lukewarm! It might sound ridiculous, but the fact that water stays cold in this bottle for HOURS has made me drink it even more! It’s extremely hard for me to regulate my temperature, so summers are horrible for me. This bottle has been a godsend. My school also has water bottle filling stations to disparage the use of plastic bottles. WIN!
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Distract Me | Parched
CHARACTERS: March Anderson and Kent Parson LOCATION: Phone Conversation DATE: Early February (directly after this text message) NOTES: March calls Kent to cheer him up and they DTR :)
MARCH Exiting the messages app and opening the phone app, March hovered Kent's contact in her phone and pressed the blue phone. Pressing her phone to her ear, she eased into her head listening to the dial tone. "Hey," March said sweetly, "are you ready for petty college drama?"
KENT Kent let out a sigh of relief when his phone played March's ringtone--a cute underwater bubbly noise that made him smile every time. "Hey," he said, sinking back into his couch and pulling his comfy blanket up to his chest. "God, yes. Give me all the drama, please."
MARCH March giggles, pressing the phone closer to her ear. Looking over at her door, she makes sure it's closed m before she goes full Gossip Girl on Kent. "Okay, so. My teammate Janis has this super complicated thing with a guy on the lacrosse team." March starts off. "Which, first off. Was stupid from the start. It's the lacrosse team. It's like proven by Ransom and Holster that they're all douches." She rolls her eyes, before letting out a huff. "Anyways. A couple months back Janis found out her douche of a boyfriend was following with some girl on the soccer team. And his excuse was because we were on the road so it 'didn't count' like can you believe that?"
KENT Kent snorted. "What the fuck? What a serious douchecanoe, god. I don't know much about lacrosse dudes, but I've been around Ransom and Holster enough times to know that they're bad news." He hugged the couch pillow closer to his chest--it was a poor substitution for his cat, but it was better than nothing on a roadie. "So is she actually still dating this guy?"
MARCH "They're literally terrible, and super gross. I really don't know what she sees in him. I don't even know his name." Now sitting up, March pulled off her glasses and set them on the window sill next to her bed. "Oh no, it gets better! They got back together and were disgusting for like two weeks. Like normally their PDA is normal, but since they agreed to put the cheating behind them -- Which, fuck that. They've been off the charts." Putting her phone on speaker, March set it on her bed while she pulled her hair into a high pony tail. "Anyways. He like canceled on them going to the mall and shit and Janis went anyways cause she had to get whatever and she fucking saw him there with another girl. I swear to god I'm gonna punch him."
KENT "Oh my god are you fucking serious? What the hell? This guy is more than a douchecanoe, he's like a...a douche Titanic, Jesus Christ." Kent sat up on the hotel room's couch and leaned his cheek against his hand. "So? Did she finally dump his ass or are they going to try and /work things out/?"
MARCH March rolled her eyes and giggled, "Douche Titanic, that's hilarious I gotta tell Ransom and Holster that one." Getting off her bed, March walked over to her desk, searching for her headphones. After finding them she hopped back on her bed and plugged them into her phone and then her ears. "Not sure. I'm trying to stay out of it. The whole situation frustrates me. I told her back when the first incident happened that she could find someone better."
KENT "I mean, that's probably smart to stay out of it. Drama's only fun when you're on the outside." He picked at the edge of the throw pillow, distracted for a moment by the bold geometric pattern. "Hey, how are Ransom and Holster doing, anyway? Did they ever actually work their shit out? Because I'm not above meddling, babe."
MARCH "I will only be involved if I get to punch him. He maybe 6'4 but I have a mean right hook." March joked, even though she wasn't in the slightly. She really would punch that dude in the face. He really deserved it. "Oh! Yeah, they did. Actually? We're dating. All of us." March added a smile growing on her face. "It's pretty awesome."
KENT Kent dropped the pillow and grinned. "Shut up. All three of you? Dude, that is so great." He snuggled back into his blanket, his head resting on the arm of the couch. "You're so lucky, dating all these hot hockey boys. And holy shit, Holster is an excellent kisser. I really hope we end up on the same team because roadies suck without a buddy to make out with, you know?"
MARCH "It's been really nice. Holster is.. A lot of things. Really hot being one of them." March laughed and rolled her eyes again. "What can I say, I have a thing for hockey players I guess." March knew as much about hockey as a girlfriend of three hockey players should. But she has no clue how the NHL worked. If that was possible, she'd want that for Holster. Ultimately she wanted whatever made him happiest. "That would so fucking awesome, oh my god imagine?" Her mind still running off on a scenario. "I know, I hope whatever happens works out in his favor. He deserves it."
KENT Kent's smile softened. "He really does. He's gonna go to an awesome team, I just know it. Fingers crossed that he goes with the Bruins, though. It's pretty much for sure that I'm gonna be in Boston next season so." He closed his eyes and let out a happy sigh. "At least I'll be closer to everyone." He licked his lips. "I miss you."
MARCH March sighed and felt her chest tighten slightly. "I miss you too." She fell silent for a moment before speaking up again. "So Boston huh?" March smiled into her phone. "Hopefully I stay in the area for grad school so we're actually on the same side of the country."
KENT Kent turned on his side and pressed his forehead against the back of the couch, his chest full. "Yeah. The Bruins seem like a pretty good fit for me and. It will be nice to be close to home, you know? I didn't really want to go back to New York, but I wanted to be close to mom. And I've got a lot of friends in the Boston area, so that's nice, too." He licked his lips. "Any grad school prospects yet?"
MARCH "I have faith that you would be great anywhere, but Boston is closer." March felt herself smiling at the idea of seeing Kent more. Any time March thought of grad school for longer than three seconds anxiety hit her. And it hit her hard. "No." She said curtly. "I- Don't know if I want to go. It's, scary. I don't know. It's weird." Her voice was a tad shaky as she tried to calm herself down. She still has time to figure it out.
KENT "Ah. I'm sorry babe, I didn't realize it was a touchy subject." He but his lip. "It's gonna be okay. You have plenty of time to figure out what you want to do, honey." He fiddled with a loose thread on the couch cushion. "It's okay to wait a bit. These big things are scary, babe. There's nothing wrong with acknowledging that. Ad...well, soon you'll be dating two different NHL players so it's not like you're gonna go hungry or anything, you know? We've got your back."
MARCH "It's just. Don't want to leave." The realization dawns on her and a lot of it makes sense. She put off college applications because she didn't want to leave her friends. It's the same thing. "I wouldn't have time for volley anymore. And I've never wanted to go pro or anything but I love playing it. I've played it since high school." March starts rambling, feeling the words spill out of her. "I'm just so used to be here. Being the student athlete. Now I'm gonna be the graduate student? I want to be a freshmen again." She laughs softly and bites down on her lip only to laugh again shortly after. "Yes, my two NHL boyfriends are gonna support me while I figure my way through life."
KENT "Change is the worst," Kent agreed. "Even the good kind of change like graduating. It's hard. But...you don't have to leave, do you? I mean, I guess it depends on the kind of program you want to do, but have you looked at the grad degrees that Samwell offers? There's probably something in your field that you'd be interested in." He paused. "Do you have an idea about what you want to do? Or do you just want something that's related to marine bio?" He laughed and nodded his head. "Hell yeah your two NHL boyfriends are gonna support you!" His eyes widened a bit. "Wait. Um. Am I...your boyfriend?"
MARCH "I haven't thought of that actually.." Her voiced trailed off, thinking about all mailed letters sitting at her parents house. "I'll look into it, I kinda wanna see if I got into any of the places I already applied too. Even though just saying that makes me want to vomit." Realizing what she said, March falls silent. Her teeth biting into her tongue as she feels her mouth go dry. "Oh. Um. You don't have to be.. If you don't want to.. Do you?"
KENT "Um." Kent couldn't actually see his own face, but his cheeks felt flushed and warm. "That would be good. Yeah. I think I'd like to be...your boyfriend." He smiled softly. "I like you a lot, you know. I'm really happy that I decided to come back out that way. It's gonna be nice to see everyone more often." He glanced at the window, showing the smoggy view of Phoenix. "It gets a little lonely out here."
MARCH "A little nervous over there?" March teases lightly feeling her own confidence coming back. "Is that so? Is my charming good looks or quick wit that got you all in a tizzy?" She asks again. A laughter takes over her body shaking her shoulders. "I like you too Kent."
KENT Kent snorted. "Oh, it's the quick wit thing, for sure. Your charming good looks are just a bonus." He ducked his head and grinned. "I'm glad you like me, babe. We definitely need to do something next time I'm near Samwell."
MARCH "You sure know how to make a girl blush Parson," March felt warm all over. From the apples of her cheeks to the pit of her stomach. It was a feeling she also felt around Ransom and Holster too. "I wish you could come to one of my games without being bombarded by fans." March pouted, though she knew Kent couldn't see her. "When Thing 1 & Thing 2 are able to come they're a riot."
KENT "Maybe I can come undercover. I'm sure the guys could sneak me in. We can bond over how fucking awesome our girlfriend is." He grabbed the bag of pretzels on the coffee table and popped one in his mouth. "Thanks for calling me, babe. It's nice, talking to you. And I like the sound of your voice."
MARCH Letting out a giggle, March shakes her head, her nose wiggling as she tries to fight off the blush blossoming on her cheeks. Even though she's alone and it can't be seen because of her dark complexion, she's still slightly embarrassed. "Hearing you say that makes me so happy, you don't even know." Pulling her blanket over her body, March snuggled into her bed and smiled into the once. "I just want you to be happy. It sucks you're so far away. I know about ten different ways to cheer you up."
KENT Kent let out a soft sigh. It was comforting to talk to her--she just got him. "Well talking to you makes me happy." He ate another pretzel with a grin. "Ten whole ways to cheer me up? Really? What would you do?"
MARCH "One of them would be to hug you for as long as you wanted. And sing Britney Spears songs until we couldn't breathe. I could also cook you dinner, I'm pretty awesome in the kitchen," March turned on her back and stared at the ceiling. "I could tell you, but I think it would be more fun to just show you the next time you're here."
KENT Kent blushed and stared down at his blanket. "All of those sound amazing. I am definitely holding you to that when I'm up there. I think we have a game there sooner or later. I'll have to check the schedule." He yawned and laid back on the couch, a couple pretzels spilling in the process. He would deal with them later. "I am fucking beat. Today was too long."
MARCH Thinking about seeing Kent again made the butterflies in her stomach goes crazy. "Hopefully we can make something work." After hearing Kent yawn, March let one out herself; rubbing one of her eyes. "You should get some rest babe. Might make you feel better."
KENT Kent sighed. "Yeah, I guess. Maybe I'll make Swoops snuggle with me or something. Make things a little less lonely." He frowned down at hands, which were clenched together. "I miss him. Is that fucked up?"
MARCH March felt her heart clench in her chest, hearing Kent's sad words. "Oh, honey. It's not at all." March said softly wishing she could do more than just call him. "It sucks. It really fucking sucks. And I know you care about him. But in the long run this will be better for you."
KENT Kent sniffed quietly and nodded. "Yeah. I know you're right. It's just...weird. I don't know." He sighed again and sat up. "I'm gonna go find Swoops and head to bed. Thanks for distracting me, babe. You're the best."
MARCH March frowned, closed her eyes and sighed. Hearing Kent sniffle made her angry, and there was barely anything she could do. "Stop being such a famous NHL hockey player so you can come here and I can cuddle you silly." She sounded angry, but not at him. "Okay.." Her voice trailed off as she bit down on her lower lip. "Get some sleep okay? Text me if you need anything." March felt herself smile, though she felt she needed the praise. "Anytime sweetheart."
KENT Kent laughed and said, "Yeah, I'll work on that." He nodded to himself. "I will. And I'll definitely text you in the morning." He rubbed his eyes and headed for the comfy-looking bed. "Good night, babe."
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Aftershokz Aeropex review - Better Than Treks Air & Titanium

The aftershockz aeropex which is a pair of bone conduction, I guess you could call them headphones we like to call them bone phones. I gave him five stars at the time and little did I know that two years later they're still like my most favorite headphone and it's not because they just sound great. The sound quality on bone conduction is not the best but for podcast listening which is something I do a lot of bone conduction is in my opinion the best. Hear aftershocks has got a new model that they're calling the aeropexs, which I don't know what aeropexs are. I definitely do not have arrow pecks. I've not been working out very much but I'm kind of curious to see what how far a bone conduction has come in. I know it's been about two years since the aftershocks Trek's air came out. I'm interested to see how far they've come.

Aftershokz Treks Air Image Source Amazon
Now looking on their website I can't tell much about how these things are supposed to be different. The aftershokz aeropexs are about $10 more than the Trek's air was when I bought them originally. So, they're $10 more expensive. I think the battery life might be a little bit stronger in these, at least as far as they claim and then the other thing that they're talking about is this premium pitch 2.0 sound. So maybe they've made some improvements to the sound quality.
Unboxing Aftershokz Aeropex
I'm curious to find out so let's go and open up the box. We'll find out what we get inside the aftershokz aeropexs and then I'll spend some time living with this headphone bone phone whatever you want to call it.

So, after living with the aeropex for about a week now and comparing these things directly to my other tracks, I've got both the treks titanium as well as the treks air.

AfterShokz Titanium Image Source Amazon I'm ready to let you know what I think about these things and if these things are a good upgrade or if you've got those other treks, should you stick with them or if you're just shopping for your first pair of treks than which ones should you get. We can start by talking about the build and the physical aspects of the aeropexs which generally I'm pretty happy with. Even just during the unboxing, there were a couple of things that stood out to me as really nice about the aftershokz aeropex. Including the unboxing experience, it was pretty nice but I don't really care what did stand out to me though. Let's see a couple of things. The case that these things come with is not something I'm probably going to use. It's like a little silicone case but it's got a nice magnetic flap on it and I do some magnet so I appreciate that. Thank you track sir thank you aftershocks. AfterShokz Aeropex Price On Amazon AfterShokz Trek's Air On Amazon AfterShokz Titanium Price On Amazon
Magnetic chargers
The other thing that stood out which I think is kind of cool. I didn't know this beforehand but these things charge with a little magnetic charger and you know those things can be kind of cool.

I've got a couple of different devices that have magnetic chargers but there's one big downside to it is that it's not compatible with the other chargers that I've got. All around the house of whether they're USB C or micro USB or even lightning port, I don't have this thing lying around the house but aftershocks actually thought of that and maybe it was an accident but they totally included two charging cables in my package and I think that is a nice little touch. So, I can leave a charging cable at work. I'm going to have a charging cable here at home and no matter where I've got my tracks and if these are called tracks no matter where I've got my Aeroplex, I'm going to be able to charge them and I think that's actually really nice apart from those things that are inside the box.
Aftershokz Aeropex Build Quality
I am actually really happy with the build of the aftershokz aeropex and it's very similar to what you get with the build of the Trek's air and that's a headphone, a bone phone that I really like. So, I'm pretty happy here in fact, I do think that these are even a little bit lighter than the treks air which I didn't expect. Is it enough that you would notice it on your head? I don't think so, at least not my head and maybe I've got kind of a big head but weight wise I think these things feel about the same as the Trek's air. Which is to say that they basically disappear in my head, like know why very frequently I will be wearing either the aftershokz aeropexs or the treks airs. Not listening to anything and I'll just completely forget that I'm wearing them and I'll go about my day and someone will say something like what is that weird bone phone on your head and I'm like oh these things yeah. What I'm trying to say is that they're comfortable. They're so lightweight that you don't really notice them and that's true of both the treks air as well as the aeropexs.
Check Out The 12 Best Noise Canceling Earbuds in 2020
Water Protection & Multifunction Buttons
One other nice improvement with the aftershokz aeropexs and this is actually I think a more significant improvement than the weight is that these things are waterproof. They claimed that these are ip67 waterproof. It's not water resistant. They call it waterproof, now does that mean that you could take these things into the rain, yes probably! Does it mean that you could take these things into the shower, probably! Does it mean that you could swim with these? I don't know about that. Now something that's interesting to me is that aftershocks earlier this year actually came out with two other models of bone conduction headphones that they no longer have on their website. They had one pair that was built into a pair of Oakley's looking sunglasses that they called the optishot and then the other pair I think they were called the X trainers.

They were pitching them as made for swimming and now interestingly these aftershokz aeropexs basically look just like those X trainers, the one difference at least that I can tell just based on pictures is that the aeropexs have a button over here on the left side where the X trainers did not. Now does that button have any influence on whether or not these things are swim proof? I really don't know. On their website they claim that you can use these things in extreme weather and they don't say anything about swimming. So, I don't know that I would test it but they don't make that claim of the aftershokz aeropexs. So I'm definitely hesitant to say that these things are waterproof to that degree. I mentioned that there's a button over here on the left side of the aftershokz aeropexs and that is useful for just toggling pause and play. I do actually have a little bit of a beef with this button. So, on both the treks airs and a trex titanium, which are bone conduction headphones. I've spent a lot of time with, they've got the same button over here on the left side but the positioning of it is slightly different so on the aftershokz treks air. The button is closer to down here at the bottom. This is going to seem like a really minor point but I'm going to tell you right now. One of the things that I love about that button is that I can reach over and hit the button with my shoulder and that's much much harder to do with the aftershokz aeropexs and if you think I'm joking I swear to you.

Not like that it is a significant need for me. Let's just say like my hands are full, carrying around chicken paraphernalia cuz I got chickens in my back yard or I'm doing the dishes and my hands are busy. I need a taco pause/play it's super convenient to be able to do that with my shoulder and you can still do it here with the aeropexs but it definitely requires more effort and more precision than it does with the other. So, during certain activities I actually prefer to have the treks air that said there are some nice things to do with this button. On the outside including the fact that you can now skip forward and backward tracks with this button. I can double tap the button to skip forward a track but I can't skip backward a track and for me, because I primarily use these things for listening to podcasts that skip backward function actually acts as go back 15 seconds which for me, I find really useful. A lot of times I'm listening to something, listen caste there's a conversation going and maybe I'll miss something and it's very useful for me to be able to go back 15 seconds and you catch up and I can't do that with the Trek's air but I can do that here with the aeropexs. I think it's a triple tap which is it's a little bit of a fiddly function. A little bit of I don't know it's a gesture that I find easy to mess up and easy to get wrong but I do appreciate that it's here and I do actually find it really super useful. So, for that I'm back here on the aftershokz aeropexs maybe.
Bluetooth Functionality
I do like these things better in terms of just like Bluetooth functionality. These things you know they make a really nice strong connection. They have pretty solid range. I didn't have any issues at all with the Bluetooth functionality. That’s also true for both the Titanium's and the airs, I think aftershokz has got a pretty good reputation at least with me and I'm kind of all that matters but they've had a pretty good reputation for having solid Bluetooth and they're doing it pretty well here with the aeropexs.
Aeropex, Treks Air & Titanium Sound Quality & Comparison
Now sound quality is still not the strength of the aftershokz aeropexs. If you are really like bone conduction and if you've ever used bone conduction before you probably know this but in case you haven't, bones are good at conducting certain sound frequencies but it's not going to have near the fidelity of basically any other type of headphone. If you're getting these things to listen to music, I would maybe hold out on that. I mean these things can play you know a decent. They're decent for like a background music right. So, if you just want something playing in the background of your head maybe you're in an office setting and you don't want it coming out of your speaker's because that would be annoying to everyone around you. Bone conduction and the aftershokz aeropexs can do it okay but if you're like really looking to jam out to music or really dig into the details of. It’s not going to happen here. Where I think bone conduction is especially awesome is with running, in a gym exercising or you listen to podcast. I'm going to tell you right now, if you're an avid podcast listener I think you need a pair of bone conduction headphones whether or not they're Trek air or aeropexs. I'll let you make up your mind but I think that you really should get some bone conduction. So, while sound quality is not really the appeal here, I will still spend a little bit of time comparing the sound of the aeropexs to the aftershokz treks air and I think that the aeropexs, they seem to play up the mid-range even more play down the bass even more so when I moved from the treks Titanium's to the air. I found that the Titanium's the older set actually had more bass but because of the reduced base with the airs. The in-between set, I found that it was easier to follow spoken audio which is my primary use case for it. Now the aftershokz aeropexs kind of take that same trend to the next level. Well they just take it a little bit further. There's even less bass here and even a little bit more pronounced mid-range and I find that again, I think it's good for spoken audio, right? You're listening to voices; you're listening to people talk maybe it's an audiobook or a podcast. I think that these things are better for that and the way that they're doing are the frequencies that they are playing into are emphasizing now seem to also make it so that it's a little bit less prone to interference from loud noises around you. So, if I'm walking near traffic sometimes, I have a hard time following a podcast but it seems a little bit better here now. The treks air, they've got stronger base and maybe you could describe them as slightly more musical but as I just got done saying. I don't listen to bone conduction for music so for me it doesn't matter. That reduced bass the main difference is that it's just going to make the voices a little bit clearer and it also makes it so that these things wiggle your head a little bit less when you've got the volume maxed out.
Battery Life of Aftershokz Aeropex
There's actually one other big difference with the aeropexs are the battery life. So, the tracks air the battery life is rated at around six hours which is not super long I found in practice. Maybe seems a little bit longer than six hours especially if you listen to it for six hours straight. It seems to last a little bit longer but I mean that's roughly what you can expect. Now the claimed battery life here with aftershokz aeropexs is up to 8 hours and that's a pretty useful difference especially if you're in a scenario where like you need something to listen to during work and you happen to be working for eight hours. A six-hour battery life is going to let you down somewhere in between and these aeropexs, they're going to last the whole time.
My Overall Thought on Aftershokz Aeropex
I don't know for the way that I use bone conduction, it's not really a make-it-or-break-it feature but depending on your personal lifestyle I could see that actually being pretty significant difference. so out of five stars I'm going to give the aftershokz aeropexs another solid five stars but it's a little bit of a qualified five star. So, look just as a product on its own this thing is pretty awesome. If you haven't used bone conduction again if you're a podcast listener and a workout person, I think you owe it to yourself to get yourself pair of bone conduction headphones. As far as the bone conduction headphones go, these are among the best of all the ones that I've tried. These things are excellent. They're super lightweight, super comfortable and I wear these things all day. Forget they're on my head the sound quality is I mean it's as good as you're going to expect from a bone conduction headphone. To get battery life on these things is pretty strong and the fact that they're waterproof could be pretty appealing to you. My biggest issue with these things is the fact that the aftershokz treks air still exists and now that these things are out, they've discounted the treks air to something close to $100. I gave him five stars and I loved them I still love them and they're even cheaper so now there's a $40 gap between the treks air and the air OPEX and you kind of got to decide for yourself whether or not it's worth it. Is it worth it to have it! Won't be waterproof and have two hours extra battery life. For me the bigger difference is honestly the fact that that that button over there is harder to reach and now I can still activate it with my shoulder, it's just a little bit more of a pain in the butt but then that button does also let me skip backwards 15 seconds in my podcast and that is also a big deal. So, I have a hard time deciding for myself which one I prefer. Which one are you going to prefer? I don't know if you're interested in checking out the aftershokz aeropexs of course I've got links here. AfterShokz Aeropex Price On Amazon AfterShokz Trek's Air On Amazon AfterShokz Titanium Price On Amazon Read the full article
0 notes
Aftershokz Aeropex review - Better Than Treks Air & Titanium

The aftershockz aeropex which is a pair of bone conduction, I guess you could call them headphones we like to call them bone phones. I gave him five stars at the time and little did I know that two years later they're still like my most favorite headphone and it's not because they just sound great. The sound quality on bone conduction is not the best but for podcast listening which is something I do a lot of bone conduction is in my opinion the best. Hear aftershocks has got a new model that they're calling the aeropexs, which I don't know what aeropexs are. I definitely do not have arrow pecks. I've not been working out very much but I'm kind of curious to see what how far a bone conduction has come in. I know it's been about two years since the aftershocks Trek's air came out. I'm interested to see how far they've come.

Aftershokz Treks Air Image Source Amazon
Now looking on their website I can't tell much about how these things are supposed to be different. The aftershokz aeropexs are about $10 more than the Trek's air was when I bought them originally. So, they're $10 more expensive. I think the battery life might be a little bit stronger in these, at least as far as they claim and then the other thing that they're talking about is this premium pitch 2.0 sound. So maybe they've made some improvements to the sound quality.
Unboxing Aftershokz Aeropex
I'm curious to find out so let's go and open up the box. We'll find out what we get inside the aftershokz aeropexs and then I'll spend some time living with this headphone bone phone whatever you want to call it.

So, after living with the aeropex for about a week now and comparing these things directly to my other tracks, I've got both the treks titanium as well as the treks air.

AfterShokz Titanium Image Source Amazon I'm ready to let you know what I think about these things and if these things are a good upgrade or if you've got those other treks, should you stick with them or if you're just shopping for your first pair of treks than which ones should you get. We can start by talking about the build and the physical aspects of the aeropexs which generally I'm pretty happy with. Even just during the unboxing, there were a couple of things that stood out to me as really nice about the aftershokz aeropex. Including the unboxing experience, it was pretty nice but I don't really care what did stand out to me though. Let's see a couple of things. The case that these things come with is not something I'm probably going to use. It's like a little silicone case but it's got a nice magnetic flap on it and I do some magnet so I appreciate that. Thank you track sir thank you aftershocks. AfterShokz Aeropex Price On Amazon AfterShokz Trek's Air On Amazon AfterShokz Titanium Price On Amazon
Magnetic chargers
The other thing that stood out which I think is kind of cool. I didn't know this beforehand but these things charge with a little magnetic charger and you know those things can be kind of cool.

I've got a couple of different devices that have magnetic chargers but there's one big downside to it is that it's not compatible with the other chargers that I've got. All around the house of whether they're USB C or micro USB or even lightning port, I don't have this thing lying around the house but aftershocks actually thought of that and maybe it was an accident but they totally included two charging cables in my package and I think that is a nice little touch. So, I can leave a charging cable at work. I'm going to have a charging cable here at home and no matter where I've got my tracks and if these are called tracks no matter where I've got my Aeroplex, I'm going to be able to charge them and I think that's actually really nice apart from those things that are inside the box.
Aftershokz Aeropex Build Quality
I am actually really happy with the build of the aftershokz aeropex and it's very similar to what you get with the build of the Trek's air and that's a headphone, a bone phone that I really like. So, I'm pretty happy here in fact, I do think that these are even a little bit lighter than the treks air which I didn't expect. Is it enough that you would notice it on your head? I don't think so, at least not my head and maybe I've got kind of a big head but weight wise I think these things feel about the same as the Trek's air. Which is to say that they basically disappear in my head, like know why very frequently I will be wearing either the aftershokz aeropexs or the treks airs. Not listening to anything and I'll just completely forget that I'm wearing them and I'll go about my day and someone will say something like what is that weird bone phone on your head and I'm like oh these things yeah. What I'm trying to say is that they're comfortable. They're so lightweight that you don't really notice them and that's true of both the treks air as well as the aeropexs.
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Water Protection & Multifunction Buttons
One other nice improvement with the aftershokz aeropexs and this is actually I think a more significant improvement than the weight is that these things are waterproof. They claimed that these are ip67 waterproof. It's not water resistant. They call it waterproof, now does that mean that you could take these things into the rain, yes probably! Does it mean that you could take these things into the shower, probably! Does it mean that you could swim with these? I don't know about that. Now something that's interesting to me is that aftershocks earlier this year actually came out with two other models of bone conduction headphones that they no longer have on their website. They had one pair that was built into a pair of Oakley's looking sunglasses that they called the optishot and then the other pair I think they were called the X trainers.

They were pitching them as made for swimming and now interestingly these aftershokz aeropexs basically look just like those X trainers, the one difference at least that I can tell just based on pictures is that the aeropexs have a button over here on the left side where the X trainers did not. Now does that button have any influence on whether or not these things are swim proof? I really don't know. On their website they claim that you can use these things in extreme weather and they don't say anything about swimming. So, I don't know that I would test it but they don't make that claim of the aftershokz aeropexs. So I'm definitely hesitant to say that these things are waterproof to that degree. I mentioned that there's a button over here on the left side of the aftershokz aeropexs and that is useful for just toggling pause and play. I do actually have a little bit of a beef with this button. So, on both the treks airs and a trex titanium, which are bone conduction headphones. I've spent a lot of time with, they've got the same button over here on the left side but the positioning of it is slightly different so on the aftershokz treks air. The button is closer to down here at the bottom. This is going to seem like a really minor point but I'm going to tell you right now. One of the things that I love about that button is that I can reach over and hit the button with my shoulder and that's much much harder to do with the aftershokz aeropexs and if you think I'm joking I swear to you.

Not like that it is a significant need for me. Let's just say like my hands are full, carrying around chicken paraphernalia cuz I got chickens in my back yard or I'm doing the dishes and my hands are busy. I need a taco pause/play it's super convenient to be able to do that with my shoulder and you can still do it here with the aeropexs but it definitely requires more effort and more precision than it does with the other. So, during certain activities I actually prefer to have the treks air that said there are some nice things to do with this button. On the outside including the fact that you can now skip forward and backward tracks with this button. I can double tap the button to skip forward a track but I can't skip backward a track and for me, because I primarily use these things for listening to podcasts that skip backward function actually acts as go back 15 seconds which for me, I find really useful. A lot of times I'm listening to something, listen caste there's a conversation going and maybe I'll miss something and it's very useful for me to be able to go back 15 seconds and you catch up and I can't do that with the Trek's air but I can do that here with the aeropexs. I think it's a triple tap which is it's a little bit of a fiddly function. A little bit of I don't know it's a gesture that I find easy to mess up and easy to get wrong but I do appreciate that it's here and I do actually find it really super useful. So, for that I'm back here on the aftershokz aeropexs maybe.
Bluetooth Functionality
I do like these things better in terms of just like Bluetooth functionality. These things you know they make a really nice strong connection. They have pretty solid range. I didn't have any issues at all with the Bluetooth functionality. That’s also true for both the Titanium's and the airs, I think aftershokz has got a pretty good reputation at least with me and I'm kind of all that matters but they've had a pretty good reputation for having solid Bluetooth and they're doing it pretty well here with the aeropexs.
Aeropex, Treks Air & Titanium Sound Quality & Comparison
Now sound quality is still not the strength of the aftershokz aeropexs. If you are really like bone conduction and if you've ever used bone conduction before you probably know this but in case you haven't, bones are good at conducting certain sound frequencies but it's not going to have near the fidelity of basically any other type of headphone. If you're getting these things to listen to music, I would maybe hold out on that. I mean these things can play you know a decent. They're decent for like a background music right. So, if you just want something playing in the background of your head maybe you're in an office setting and you don't want it coming out of your speaker's because that would be annoying to everyone around you. Bone conduction and the aftershokz aeropexs can do it okay but if you're like really looking to jam out to music or really dig into the details of. It’s not going to happen here. Where I think bone conduction is especially awesome is with running, in a gym exercising or you listen to podcast. I'm going to tell you right now, if you're an avid podcast listener I think you need a pair of bone conduction headphones whether or not they're Trek air or aeropexs. I'll let you make up your mind but I think that you really should get some bone conduction. So, while sound quality is not really the appeal here, I will still spend a little bit of time comparing the sound of the aeropexs to the aftershokz treks air and I think that the aeropexs, they seem to play up the mid-range even more play down the bass even more so when I moved from the treks Titanium's to the air. I found that the Titanium's the older set actually had more bass but because of the reduced base with the airs. The in-between set, I found that it was easier to follow spoken audio which is my primary use case for it. Now the aftershokz aeropexs kind of take that same trend to the next level. Well they just take it a little bit further. There's even less bass here and even a little bit more pronounced mid-range and I find that again, I think it's good for spoken audio, right? You're listening to voices; you're listening to people talk maybe it's an audiobook or a podcast. I think that these things are better for that and the way that they're doing are the frequencies that they are playing into are emphasizing now seem to also make it so that it's a little bit less prone to interference from loud noises around you. So, if I'm walking near traffic sometimes, I have a hard time following a podcast but it seems a little bit better here now. The treks air, they've got stronger base and maybe you could describe them as slightly more musical but as I just got done saying. I don't listen to bone conduction for music so for me it doesn't matter. That reduced bass the main difference is that it's just going to make the voices a little bit clearer and it also makes it so that these things wiggle your head a little bit less when you've got the volume maxed out.
Battery Life of Aftershokz Aeropex
There's actually one other big difference with the aeropexs are the battery life. So, the tracks air the battery life is rated at around six hours which is not super long I found in practice. Maybe seems a little bit longer than six hours especially if you listen to it for six hours straight. It seems to last a little bit longer but I mean that's roughly what you can expect. Now the claimed battery life here with aftershokz aeropexs is up to 8 hours and that's a pretty useful difference especially if you're in a scenario where like you need something to listen to during work and you happen to be working for eight hours. A six-hour battery life is going to let you down somewhere in between and these aeropexs, they're going to last the whole time.
My Overall Thought on Aftershokz Aeropex
I don't know for the way that I use bone conduction, it's not really a make-it-or-break-it feature but depending on your personal lifestyle I could see that actually being pretty significant difference. so out of five stars I'm going to give the aftershokz aeropexs another solid five stars but it's a little bit of a qualified five star. So, look just as a product on its own this thing is pretty awesome. If you haven't used bone conduction again if you're a podcast listener and a workout person, I think you owe it to yourself to get yourself pair of bone conduction headphones. As far as the bone conduction headphones go, these are among the best of all the ones that I've tried. These things are excellent. They're super lightweight, super comfortable and I wear these things all day. Forget they're on my head the sound quality is I mean it's as good as you're going to expect from a bone conduction headphone. To get battery life on these things is pretty strong and the fact that they're waterproof could be pretty appealing to you. My biggest issue with these things is the fact that the aftershokz treks air still exists and now that these things are out, they've discounted the treks air to something close to $100. I gave him five stars and I loved them I still love them and they're even cheaper so now there's a $40 gap between the treks air and the air OPEX and you kind of got to decide for yourself whether or not it's worth it. Is it worth it to have it! Won't be waterproof and have two hours extra battery life. For me the bigger difference is honestly the fact that that that button over there is harder to reach and now I can still activate it with my shoulder, it's just a little bit more of a pain in the butt but then that button does also let me skip backwards 15 seconds in my podcast and that is also a big deal. So, I have a hard time deciding for myself which one I prefer. Which one are you going to prefer? I don't know if you're interested in checking out the aftershokz aeropexs of course I've got links here. AfterShokz Aeropex Price On Amazon AfterShokz Trek's Air On Amazon AfterShokz Titanium Price On Amazon Read the full article
0 notes
Aftershokz Aeropex review - Better Than Treks Air & Titanium

The aftershockz aeropex which is a pair of bone conduction, I guess you could call them headphones we like to call them bone phones. I gave him five stars at the time and little did I know that two years later they're still like my most favorite headphone and it's not because they just sound great. The sound quality on bone conduction is not the best but for podcast listening which is something I do a lot of bone conduction is in my opinion the best. Hear aftershocks has got a new model that they're calling the aeropexs, which I don't know what aeropexs are. I definitely do not have arrow pecks. I've not been working out very much but I'm kind of curious to see what how far a bone conduction has come in. I know it's been about two years since the aftershocks Trek's air came out. I'm interested to see how far they've come.

Aftershokz Treks Air Image Source Amazon
Now looking on their website I can't tell much about how these things are supposed to be different. The aftershokz aeropexs are about $10 more than the Trek's air was when I bought them originally. So, they're $10 more expensive. I think the battery life might be a little bit stronger in these, at least as far as they claim and then the other thing that they're talking about is this premium pitch 2.0 sound. So maybe they've made some improvements to the sound quality.
Unboxing Aftershokz Aeropex
I'm curious to find out so let's go and open up the box. We'll find out what we get inside the aftershokz aeropexs and then I'll spend some time living with this headphone bone phone whatever you want to call it.

So, after living with the aeropex for about a week now and comparing these things directly to my other tracks, I've got both the treks titanium as well as the treks air.

AfterShokz Titanium Image Source Amazon I'm ready to let you know what I think about these things and if these things are a good upgrade or if you've got those other treks, should you stick with them or if you're just shopping for your first pair of treks than which ones should you get. We can start by talking about the build and the physical aspects of the aeropexs which generally I'm pretty happy with. Even just during the unboxing, there were a couple of things that stood out to me as really nice about the aftershokz aeropex. Including the unboxing experience, it was pretty nice but I don't really care what did stand out to me though. Let's see a couple of things. The case that these things come with is not something I'm probably going to use. It's like a little silicone case but it's got a nice magnetic flap on it and I do some magnet so I appreciate that. Thank you track sir thank you aftershocks. AfterShokz Aeropex Price On Amazon AfterShokz Trek's Air On Amazon AfterShokz Titanium Price On Amazon
Magnetic chargers
The other thing that stood out which I think is kind of cool. I didn't know this beforehand but these things charge with a little magnetic charger and you know those things can be kind of cool.

I've got a couple of different devices that have magnetic chargers but there's one big downside to it is that it's not compatible with the other chargers that I've got. All around the house of whether they're USB C or micro USB or even lightning port, I don't have this thing lying around the house but aftershocks actually thought of that and maybe it was an accident but they totally included two charging cables in my package and I think that is a nice little touch. So, I can leave a charging cable at work. I'm going to have a charging cable here at home and no matter where I've got my tracks and if these are called tracks no matter where I've got my Aeroplex, I'm going to be able to charge them and I think that's actually really nice apart from those things that are inside the box.
Aftershokz Aeropex Build Quality
I am actually really happy with the build of the aftershokz aeropex and it's very similar to what you get with the build of the Trek's air and that's a headphone, a bone phone that I really like. So, I'm pretty happy here in fact, I do think that these are even a little bit lighter than the treks air which I didn't expect. Is it enough that you would notice it on your head? I don't think so, at least not my head and maybe I've got kind of a big head but weight wise I think these things feel about the same as the Trek's air. Which is to say that they basically disappear in my head, like know why very frequently I will be wearing either the aftershokz aeropexs or the treks airs. Not listening to anything and I'll just completely forget that I'm wearing them and I'll go about my day and someone will say something like what is that weird bone phone on your head and I'm like oh these things yeah. What I'm trying to say is that they're comfortable. They're so lightweight that you don't really notice them and that's true of both the treks air as well as the aeropexs.
Check Out The 12 Best Noise Canceling Earbuds in 2020
Water Protection & Multifunction Buttons
One other nice improvement with the aftershokz aeropexs and this is actually I think a more significant improvement than the weight is that these things are waterproof. They claimed that these are ip67 waterproof. It's not water resistant. They call it waterproof, now does that mean that you could take these things into the rain, yes probably! Does it mean that you could take these things into the shower, probably! Does it mean that you could swim with these? I don't know about that. Now something that's interesting to me is that aftershocks earlier this year actually came out with two other models of bone conduction headphones that they no longer have on their website. They had one pair that was built into a pair of Oakley's looking sunglasses that they called the optishot and then the other pair I think they were called the X trainers.

They were pitching them as made for swimming and now interestingly these aftershokz aeropexs basically look just like those X trainers, the one difference at least that I can tell just based on pictures is that the aeropexs have a button over here on the left side where the X trainers did not. Now does that button have any influence on whether or not these things are swim proof? I really don't know. On their website they claim that you can use these things in extreme weather and they don't say anything about swimming. So, I don't know that I would test it but they don't make that claim of the aftershokz aeropexs. So I'm definitely hesitant to say that these things are waterproof to that degree. I mentioned that there's a button over here on the left side of the aftershokz aeropexs and that is useful for just toggling pause and play. I do actually have a little bit of a beef with this button. So, on both the treks airs and a trex titanium, which are bone conduction headphones. I've spent a lot of time with, they've got the same button over here on the left side but the positioning of it is slightly different so on the aftershokz treks air. The button is closer to down here at the bottom. This is going to seem like a really minor point but I'm going to tell you right now. One of the things that I love about that button is that I can reach over and hit the button with my shoulder and that's much much harder to do with the aftershokz aeropexs and if you think I'm joking I swear to you.

Not like that it is a significant need for me. Let's just say like my hands are full, carrying around chicken paraphernalia cuz I got chickens in my back yard or I'm doing the dishes and my hands are busy. I need a taco pause/play it's super convenient to be able to do that with my shoulder and you can still do it here with the aeropexs but it definitely requires more effort and more precision than it does with the other. So, during certain activities I actually prefer to have the treks air that said there are some nice things to do with this button. On the outside including the fact that you can now skip forward and backward tracks with this button. I can double tap the button to skip forward a track but I can't skip backward a track and for me, because I primarily use these things for listening to podcasts that skip backward function actually acts as go back 15 seconds which for me, I find really useful. A lot of times I'm listening to something, listen caste there's a conversation going and maybe I'll miss something and it's very useful for me to be able to go back 15 seconds and you catch up and I can't do that with the Trek's air but I can do that here with the aeropexs. I think it's a triple tap which is it's a little bit of a fiddly function. A little bit of I don't know it's a gesture that I find easy to mess up and easy to get wrong but I do appreciate that it's here and I do actually find it really super useful. So, for that I'm back here on the aftershokz aeropexs maybe.
Bluetooth Functionality
I do like these things better in terms of just like Bluetooth functionality. These things you know they make a really nice strong connection. They have pretty solid range. I didn't have any issues at all with the Bluetooth functionality. That’s also true for both the Titanium's and the airs, I think aftershokz has got a pretty good reputation at least with me and I'm kind of all that matters but they've had a pretty good reputation for having solid Bluetooth and they're doing it pretty well here with the aeropexs.
Aeropex, Treks Air & Titanium Sound Quality & Comparison
Now sound quality is still not the strength of the aftershokz aeropexs. If you are really like bone conduction and if you've ever used bone conduction before you probably know this but in case you haven't, bones are good at conducting certain sound frequencies but it's not going to have near the fidelity of basically any other type of headphone. If you're getting these things to listen to music, I would maybe hold out on that. I mean these things can play you know a decent. They're decent for like a background music right. So, if you just want something playing in the background of your head maybe you're in an office setting and you don't want it coming out of your speaker's because that would be annoying to everyone around you. Bone conduction and the aftershokz aeropexs can do it okay but if you're like really looking to jam out to music or really dig into the details of. It’s not going to happen here. Where I think bone conduction is especially awesome is with running, in a gym exercising or you listen to podcast. I'm going to tell you right now, if you're an avid podcast listener I think you need a pair of bone conduction headphones whether or not they're Trek air or aeropexs. I'll let you make up your mind but I think that you really should get some bone conduction. So, while sound quality is not really the appeal here, I will still spend a little bit of time comparing the sound of the aeropexs to the aftershokz treks air and I think that the aeropexs, they seem to play up the mid-range even more play down the bass even more so when I moved from the treks Titanium's to the air. I found that the Titanium's the older set actually had more bass but because of the reduced base with the airs. The in-between set, I found that it was easier to follow spoken audio which is my primary use case for it. Now the aftershokz aeropexs kind of take that same trend to the next level. Well they just take it a little bit further. There's even less bass here and even a little bit more pronounced mid-range and I find that again, I think it's good for spoken audio, right? You're listening to voices; you're listening to people talk maybe it's an audiobook or a podcast. I think that these things are better for that and the way that they're doing are the frequencies that they are playing into are emphasizing now seem to also make it so that it's a little bit less prone to interference from loud noises around you. So, if I'm walking near traffic sometimes, I have a hard time following a podcast but it seems a little bit better here now. The treks air, they've got stronger base and maybe you could describe them as slightly more musical but as I just got done saying. I don't listen to bone conduction for music so for me it doesn't matter. That reduced bass the main difference is that it's just going to make the voices a little bit clearer and it also makes it so that these things wiggle your head a little bit less when you've got the volume maxed out.
Battery Life of Aftershokz Aeropex
There's actually one other big difference with the aeropexs are the battery life. So, the tracks air the battery life is rated at around six hours which is not super long I found in practice. Maybe seems a little bit longer than six hours especially if you listen to it for six hours straight. It seems to last a little bit longer but I mean that's roughly what you can expect. Now the claimed battery life here with aftershokz aeropexs is up to 8 hours and that's a pretty useful difference especially if you're in a scenario where like you need something to listen to during work and you happen to be working for eight hours. A six-hour battery life is going to let you down somewhere in between and these aeropexs, they're going to last the whole time.
My Overall Thought on Aftershokz Aeropex
I don't know for the way that I use bone conduction, it's not really a make-it-or-break-it feature but depending on your personal lifestyle I could see that actually being pretty significant difference. so out of five stars I'm going to give the aftershokz aeropexs another solid five stars but it's a little bit of a qualified five star. So, look just as a product on its own this thing is pretty awesome. If you haven't used bone conduction again if you're a podcast listener and a workout person, I think you owe it to yourself to get yourself pair of bone conduction headphones. As far as the bone conduction headphones go, these are among the best of all the ones that I've tried. These things are excellent. They're super lightweight, super comfortable and I wear these things all day. Forget they're on my head the sound quality is I mean it's as good as you're going to expect from a bone conduction headphone. To get battery life on these things is pretty strong and the fact that they're waterproof could be pretty appealing to you. My biggest issue with these things is the fact that the aftershokz treks air still exists and now that these things are out, they've discounted the treks air to something close to $100. I gave him five stars and I loved them I still love them and they're even cheaper so now there's a $40 gap between the treks air and the air OPEX and you kind of got to decide for yourself whether or not it's worth it. Is it worth it to have it! Won't be waterproof and have two hours extra battery life. For me the bigger difference is honestly the fact that that that button over there is harder to reach and now I can still activate it with my shoulder, it's just a little bit more of a pain in the butt but then that button does also let me skip backwards 15 seconds in my podcast and that is also a big deal. So, I have a hard time deciding for myself which one I prefer. Which one are you going to prefer? I don't know if you're interested in checking out the aftershokz aeropexs of course I've got links here. AfterShokz Aeropex Price On Amazon AfterShokz Trek's Air On Amazon AfterShokz Titanium Price On Amazon Read the full article
0 notes
Aftershokz Aeropex review - Better Than Treks Air & Titanium

The aftershockz aeropex which is a pair of bone conduction, I guess you could call them headphones we like to call them bone phones. I gave him five stars at the time and little did I know that two years later they're still like my most favorite headphone and it's not because they just sound great. The sound quality on bone conduction is not the best but for podcast listening which is something I do a lot of bone conduction is in my opinion the best. Hear aftershocks has got a new model that they're calling the aeropexs, which I don't know what aeropexs are. I definitely do not have arrow pecks. I've not been working out very much but I'm kind of curious to see what how far a bone conduction has come in. I know it's been about two years since the aftershocks Trek's air came out. I'm interested to see how far they've come.

Aftershokz Treks Air Image Source Amazon
Now looking on their website I can't tell much about how these things are supposed to be different. The aftershokz aeropexs are about $10 more than the Trek's air was when I bought them originally. So, they're $10 more expensive. I think the battery life might be a little bit stronger in these, at least as far as they claim and then the other thing that they're talking about is this premium pitch 2.0 sound. So maybe they've made some improvements to the sound quality.
Unboxing Aftershokz Aeropex
I'm curious to find out so let's go and open up the box. We'll find out what we get inside the aftershokz aeropexs and then I'll spend some time living with this headphone bone phone whatever you want to call it.

So, after living with the aeropex for about a week now and comparing these things directly to my other tracks, I've got both the treks titanium as well as the treks air.

AfterShokz Titanium Image Source Amazon I'm ready to let you know what I think about these things and if these things are a good upgrade or if you've got those other treks, should you stick with them or if you're just shopping for your first pair of treks than which ones should you get. We can start by talking about the build and the physical aspects of the aeropexs which generally I'm pretty happy with. Even just during the unboxing, there were a couple of things that stood out to me as really nice about the aftershokz aeropex. Including the unboxing experience, it was pretty nice but I don't really care what did stand out to me though. Let's see a couple of things. The case that these things come with is not something I'm probably going to use. It's like a little silicone case but it's got a nice magnetic flap on it and I do some magnet so I appreciate that. Thank you track sir thank you aftershocks. AfterShokz Aeropex Price On Amazon AfterShokz Trek's Air On Amazon AfterShokz Titanium Price On Amazon
Magnetic chargers
The other thing that stood out which I think is kind of cool. I didn't know this beforehand but these things charge with a little magnetic charger and you know those things can be kind of cool.

I've got a couple of different devices that have magnetic chargers but there's one big downside to it is that it's not compatible with the other chargers that I've got. All around the house of whether they're USB C or micro USB or even lightning port, I don't have this thing lying around the house but aftershocks actually thought of that and maybe it was an accident but they totally included two charging cables in my package and I think that is a nice little touch. So, I can leave a charging cable at work. I'm going to have a charging cable here at home and no matter where I've got my tracks and if these are called tracks no matter where I've got my Aeroplex, I'm going to be able to charge them and I think that's actually really nice apart from those things that are inside the box.
Aftershokz Aeropex Build Quality
I am actually really happy with the build of the aftershokz aeropex and it's very similar to what you get with the build of the Trek's air and that's a headphone, a bone phone that I really like. So, I'm pretty happy here in fact, I do think that these are even a little bit lighter than the treks air which I didn't expect. Is it enough that you would notice it on your head? I don't think so, at least not my head and maybe I've got kind of a big head but weight wise I think these things feel about the same as the Trek's air. Which is to say that they basically disappear in my head, like know why very frequently I will be wearing either the aftershokz aeropexs or the treks airs. Not listening to anything and I'll just completely forget that I'm wearing them and I'll go about my day and someone will say something like what is that weird bone phone on your head and I'm like oh these things yeah. What I'm trying to say is that they're comfortable. They're so lightweight that you don't really notice them and that's true of both the treks air as well as the aeropexs.
Check Out The 12 Best Noise Canceling Earbuds in 2020
Water Protection & Multifunction Buttons
One other nice improvement with the aftershokz aeropexs and this is actually I think a more significant improvement than the weight is that these things are waterproof. They claimed that these are ip67 waterproof. It's not water resistant. They call it waterproof, now does that mean that you could take these things into the rain, yes probably! Does it mean that you could take these things into the shower, probably! Does it mean that you could swim with these? I don't know about that. Now something that's interesting to me is that aftershocks earlier this year actually came out with two other models of bone conduction headphones that they no longer have on their website. They had one pair that was built into a pair of Oakley's looking sunglasses that they called the optishot and then the other pair I think they were called the X trainers.

They were pitching them as made for swimming and now interestingly these aftershokz aeropexs basically look just like those X trainers, the one difference at least that I can tell just based on pictures is that the aeropexs have a button over here on the left side where the X trainers did not. Now does that button have any influence on whether or not these things are swim proof? I really don't know. On their website they claim that you can use these things in extreme weather and they don't say anything about swimming. So, I don't know that I would test it but they don't make that claim of the aftershokz aeropexs. So I'm definitely hesitant to say that these things are waterproof to that degree. I mentioned that there's a button over here on the left side of the aftershokz aeropexs and that is useful for just toggling pause and play. I do actually have a little bit of a beef with this button. So, on both the treks airs and a trex titanium, which are bone conduction headphones. I've spent a lot of time with, they've got the same button over here on the left side but the positioning of it is slightly different so on the aftershokz treks air. The button is closer to down here at the bottom. This is going to seem like a really minor point but I'm going to tell you right now. One of the things that I love about that button is that I can reach over and hit the button with my shoulder and that's much much harder to do with the aftershokz aeropexs and if you think I'm joking I swear to you.

Not like that it is a significant need for me. Let's just say like my hands are full, carrying around chicken paraphernalia cuz I got chickens in my back yard or I'm doing the dishes and my hands are busy. I need a taco pause/play it's super convenient to be able to do that with my shoulder and you can still do it here with the aeropexs but it definitely requires more effort and more precision than it does with the other. So, during certain activities I actually prefer to have the treks air that said there are some nice things to do with this button. On the outside including the fact that you can now skip forward and backward tracks with this button. I can double tap the button to skip forward a track but I can't skip backward a track and for me, because I primarily use these things for listening to podcasts that skip backward function actually acts as go back 15 seconds which for me, I find really useful. A lot of times I'm listening to something, listen caste there's a conversation going and maybe I'll miss something and it's very useful for me to be able to go back 15 seconds and you catch up and I can't do that with the Trek's air but I can do that here with the aeropexs. I think it's a triple tap which is it's a little bit of a fiddly function. A little bit of I don't know it's a gesture that I find easy to mess up and easy to get wrong but I do appreciate that it's here and I do actually find it really super useful. So, for that I'm back here on the aftershokz aeropexs maybe.
Bluetooth Functionality
I do like these things better in terms of just like Bluetooth functionality. These things you know they make a really nice strong connection. They have pretty solid range. I didn't have any issues at all with the Bluetooth functionality. That’s also true for both the Titanium's and the airs, I think aftershokz has got a pretty good reputation at least with me and I'm kind of all that matters but they've had a pretty good reputation for having solid Bluetooth and they're doing it pretty well here with the aeropexs.
Aeropex, Treks Air & Titanium Sound Quality & Comparison
Now sound quality is still not the strength of the aftershokz aeropexs. If you are really like bone conduction and if you've ever used bone conduction before you probably know this but in case you haven't, bones are good at conducting certain sound frequencies but it's not going to have near the fidelity of basically any other type of headphone. If you're getting these things to listen to music, I would maybe hold out on that. I mean these things can play you know a decent. They're decent for like a background music right. So, if you just want something playing in the background of your head maybe you're in an office setting and you don't want it coming out of your speaker's because that would be annoying to everyone around you. Bone conduction and the aftershokz aeropexs can do it okay but if you're like really looking to jam out to music or really dig into the details of. It’s not going to happen here. Where I think bone conduction is especially awesome is with running, in a gym exercising or you listen to podcast. I'm going to tell you right now, if you're an avid podcast listener I think you need a pair of bone conduction headphones whether or not they're Trek air or aeropexs. I'll let you make up your mind but I think that you really should get some bone conduction. So, while sound quality is not really the appeal here, I will still spend a little bit of time comparing the sound of the aeropexs to the aftershokz treks air and I think that the aeropexs, they seem to play up the mid-range even more play down the bass even more so when I moved from the treks Titanium's to the air. I found that the Titanium's the older set actually had more bass but because of the reduced base with the airs. The in-between set, I found that it was easier to follow spoken audio which is my primary use case for it. Now the aftershokz aeropexs kind of take that same trend to the next level. Well they just take it a little bit further. There's even less bass here and even a little bit more pronounced mid-range and I find that again, I think it's good for spoken audio, right? You're listening to voices; you're listening to people talk maybe it's an audiobook or a podcast. I think that these things are better for that and the way that they're doing are the frequencies that they are playing into are emphasizing now seem to also make it so that it's a little bit less prone to interference from loud noises around you. So, if I'm walking near traffic sometimes, I have a hard time following a podcast but it seems a little bit better here now. The treks air, they've got stronger base and maybe you could describe them as slightly more musical but as I just got done saying. I don't listen to bone conduction for music so for me it doesn't matter. That reduced bass the main difference is that it's just going to make the voices a little bit clearer and it also makes it so that these things wiggle your head a little bit less when you've got the volume maxed out.
Battery Life of Aftershokz Aeropex
There's actually one other big difference with the aeropexs are the battery life. So, the tracks air the battery life is rated at around six hours which is not super long I found in practice. Maybe seems a little bit longer than six hours especially if you listen to it for six hours straight. It seems to last a little bit longer but I mean that's roughly what you can expect. Now the claimed battery life here with aftershokz aeropexs is up to 8 hours and that's a pretty useful difference especially if you're in a scenario where like you need something to listen to during work and you happen to be working for eight hours. A six-hour battery life is going to let you down somewhere in between and these aeropexs, they're going to last the whole time.
My Overall Thought on Aftershokz Aeropex
I don't know for the way that I use bone conduction, it's not really a make-it-or-break-it feature but depending on your personal lifestyle I could see that actually being pretty significant difference. so out of five stars I'm going to give the aftershokz aeropexs another solid five stars but it's a little bit of a qualified five star. So, look just as a product on its own this thing is pretty awesome. If you haven't used bone conduction again if you're a podcast listener and a workout person, I think you owe it to yourself to get yourself pair of bone conduction headphones. As far as the bone conduction headphones go, these are among the best of all the ones that I've tried. These things are excellent. They're super lightweight, super comfortable and I wear these things all day. Forget they're on my head the sound quality is I mean it's as good as you're going to expect from a bone conduction headphone. To get battery life on these things is pretty strong and the fact that they're waterproof could be pretty appealing to you. My biggest issue with these things is the fact that the aftershokz treks air still exists and now that these things are out, they've discounted the treks air to something close to $100. I gave him five stars and I loved them I still love them and they're even cheaper so now there's a $40 gap between the treks air and the air OPEX and you kind of got to decide for yourself whether or not it's worth it. Is it worth it to have it! Won't be waterproof and have two hours extra battery life. For me the bigger difference is honestly the fact that that that button over there is harder to reach and now I can still activate it with my shoulder, it's just a little bit more of a pain in the butt but then that button does also let me skip backwards 15 seconds in my podcast and that is also a big deal. So, I have a hard time deciding for myself which one I prefer. Which one are you going to prefer? I don't know if you're interested in checking out the aftershokz aeropexs of course I've got links here. AfterShokz Aeropex Price On Amazon AfterShokz Trek's Air On Amazon AfterShokz Titanium Price On Amazon Read the full article
0 notes
Aftershokz Aeropex review - Better Than Treks Air & Titanium

The aftershockz aeropex which is a pair of bone conduction, I guess you could call them headphones we like to call them bone phones. I gave him five stars at the time and little did I know that two years later they're still like my most favorite headphone and it's not because they just sound great. The sound quality on bone conduction is not the best but for podcast listening which is something I do a lot of bone conduction is in my opinion the best. Hear aftershocks has got a new model that they're calling the aeropexs, which I don't know what aeropexs are. I definitely do not have arrow pecks. I've not been working out very much but I'm kind of curious to see what how far a bone conduction has come in. I know it's been about two years since the aftershocks Trek's air came out. I'm interested to see how far they've come.

Aftershokz Treks Air Image Source Amazon
Now looking on their website I can't tell much about how these things are supposed to be different. The aftershokz aeropexs are about $10 more than the Trek's air was when I bought them originally. So, they're $10 more expensive. I think the battery life might be a little bit stronger in these, at least as far as they claim and then the other thing that they're talking about is this premium pitch 2.0 sound. So maybe they've made some improvements to the sound quality.
Unboxing Aftershokz Aeropex
I'm curious to find out so let's go and open up the box. We'll find out what we get inside the aftershokz aeropexs and then I'll spend some time living with this headphone bone phone whatever you want to call it.

So, after living with the aeropex for about a week now and comparing these things directly to my other tracks, I've got both the treks titanium as well as the treks air.

AfterShokz Titanium Image Source Amazon I'm ready to let you know what I think about these things and if these things are a good upgrade or if you've got those other treks, should you stick with them or if you're just shopping for your first pair of treks than which ones should you get. We can start by talking about the build and the physical aspects of the aeropexs which generally I'm pretty happy with. Even just during the unboxing, there were a couple of things that stood out to me as really nice about the aftershokz aeropex. Including the unboxing experience, it was pretty nice but I don't really care what did stand out to me though. Let's see a couple of things. The case that these things come with is not something I'm probably going to use. It's like a little silicone case but it's got a nice magnetic flap on it and I do some magnet so I appreciate that. Thank you track sir thank you aftershocks. AfterShokz Aeropex Price On Amazon AfterShokz Trek's Air On Amazon AfterShokz Titanium Price On Amazon
Magnetic chargers
The other thing that stood out which I think is kind of cool. I didn't know this beforehand but these things charge with a little magnetic charger and you know those things can be kind of cool.

I've got a couple of different devices that have magnetic chargers but there's one big downside to it is that it's not compatible with the other chargers that I've got. All around the house of whether they're USB C or micro USB or even lightning port, I don't have this thing lying around the house but aftershocks actually thought of that and maybe it was an accident but they totally included two charging cables in my package and I think that is a nice little touch. So, I can leave a charging cable at work. I'm going to have a charging cable here at home and no matter where I've got my tracks and if these are called tracks no matter where I've got my Aeroplex, I'm going to be able to charge them and I think that's actually really nice apart from those things that are inside the box.
Aftershokz Aeropex Build Quality
I am actually really happy with the build of the aftershokz aeropex and it's very similar to what you get with the build of the Trek's air and that's a headphone, a bone phone that I really like. So, I'm pretty happy here in fact, I do think that these are even a little bit lighter than the treks air which I didn't expect. Is it enough that you would notice it on your head? I don't think so, at least not my head and maybe I've got kind of a big head but weight wise I think these things feel about the same as the Trek's air. Which is to say that they basically disappear in my head, like know why very frequently I will be wearing either the aftershokz aeropexs or the treks airs. Not listening to anything and I'll just completely forget that I'm wearing them and I'll go about my day and someone will say something like what is that weird bone phone on your head and I'm like oh these things yeah. What I'm trying to say is that they're comfortable. They're so lightweight that you don't really notice them and that's true of both the treks air as well as the aeropexs.
Check Out The 12 Best Noise Canceling Earbuds in 2020
Water Protection & Multifunction Buttons
One other nice improvement with the aftershokz aeropexs and this is actually I think a more significant improvement than the weight is that these things are waterproof. They claimed that these are ip67 waterproof. It's not water resistant. They call it waterproof, now does that mean that you could take these things into the rain, yes probably! Does it mean that you could take these things into the shower, probably! Does it mean that you could swim with these? I don't know about that. Now something that's interesting to me is that aftershocks earlier this year actually came out with two other models of bone conduction headphones that they no longer have on their website. They had one pair that was built into a pair of Oakley's looking sunglasses that they called the optishot and then the other pair I think they were called the X trainers.

They were pitching them as made for swimming and now interestingly these aftershokz aeropexs basically look just like those X trainers, the one difference at least that I can tell just based on pictures is that the aeropexs have a button over here on the left side where the X trainers did not. Now does that button have any influence on whether or not these things are swim proof? I really don't know. On their website they claim that you can use these things in extreme weather and they don't say anything about swimming. So, I don't know that I would test it but they don't make that claim of the aftershokz aeropexs. So I'm definitely hesitant to say that these things are waterproof to that degree. I mentioned that there's a button over here on the left side of the aftershokz aeropexs and that is useful for just toggling pause and play. I do actually have a little bit of a beef with this button. So, on both the treks airs and a trex titanium, which are bone conduction headphones. I've spent a lot of time with, they've got the same button over here on the left side but the positioning of it is slightly different so on the aftershokz treks air. The button is closer to down here at the bottom. This is going to seem like a really minor point but I'm going to tell you right now. One of the things that I love about that button is that I can reach over and hit the button with my shoulder and that's much much harder to do with the aftershokz aeropexs and if you think I'm joking I swear to you.

Not like that it is a significant need for me. Let's just say like my hands are full, carrying around chicken paraphernalia cuz I got chickens in my back yard or I'm doing the dishes and my hands are busy. I need a taco pause/play it's super convenient to be able to do that with my shoulder and you can still do it here with the aeropexs but it definitely requires more effort and more precision than it does with the other. So, during certain activities I actually prefer to have the treks air that said there are some nice things to do with this button. On the outside including the fact that you can now skip forward and backward tracks with this button. I can double tap the button to skip forward a track but I can't skip backward a track and for me, because I primarily use these things for listening to podcasts that skip backward function actually acts as go back 15 seconds which for me, I find really useful. A lot of times I'm listening to something, listen caste there's a conversation going and maybe I'll miss something and it's very useful for me to be able to go back 15 seconds and you catch up and I can't do that with the Trek's air but I can do that here with the aeropexs. I think it's a triple tap which is it's a little bit of a fiddly function. A little bit of I don't know it's a gesture that I find easy to mess up and easy to get wrong but I do appreciate that it's here and I do actually find it really super useful. So, for that I'm back here on the aftershokz aeropexs maybe.
Bluetooth Functionality
I do like these things better in terms of just like Bluetooth functionality. These things you know they make a really nice strong connection. They have pretty solid range. I didn't have any issues at all with the Bluetooth functionality. That’s also true for both the Titanium's and the airs, I think aftershokz has got a pretty good reputation at least with me and I'm kind of all that matters but they've had a pretty good reputation for having solid Bluetooth and they're doing it pretty well here with the aeropexs. ��
Aeropex, Treks Air & Titanium Sound Quality & Comparison
Now sound quality is still not the strength of the aftershokz aeropexs. If you are really like bone conduction and if you've ever used bone conduction before you probably know this but in case you haven't, bones are good at conducting certain sound frequencies but it's not going to have near the fidelity of basically any other type of headphone. If you're getting these things to listen to music, I would maybe hold out on that. I mean these things can play you know a decent. They're decent for like a background music right. So, if you just want something playing in the background of your head maybe you're in an office setting and you don't want it coming out of your speaker's because that would be annoying to everyone around you. Bone conduction and the aftershokz aeropexs can do it okay but if you're like really looking to jam out to music or really dig into the details of. It’s not going to happen here. Where I think bone conduction is especially awesome is with running, in a gym exercising or you listen to podcast. I'm going to tell you right now, if you're an avid podcast listener I think you need a pair of bone conduction headphones whether or not they're Trek air or aeropexs. I'll let you make up your mind but I think that you really should get some bone conduction. So, while sound quality is not really the appeal here, I will still spend a little bit of time comparing the sound of the aeropexs to the aftershokz treks air and I think that the aeropexs, they seem to play up the mid-range even more play down the bass even more so when I moved from the treks Titanium's to the air. I found that the Titanium's the older set actually had more bass but because of the reduced base with the airs. The in-between set, I found that it was easier to follow spoken audio which is my primary use case for it. Now the aftershokz aeropexs kind of take that same trend to the next level. Well they just take it a little bit further. There's even less bass here and even a little bit more pronounced mid-range and I find that again, I think it's good for spoken audio, right? You're listening to voices; you're listening to people talk maybe it's an audiobook or a podcast. I think that these things are better for that and the way that they're doing are the frequencies that they are playing into are emphasizing now seem to also make it so that it's a little bit less prone to interference from loud noises around you. So, if I'm walking near traffic sometimes, I have a hard time following a podcast but it seems a little bit better here now. The treks air, they've got stronger base and maybe you could describe them as slightly more musical but as I just got done saying. I don't listen to bone conduction for music so for me it doesn't matter. That reduced bass the main difference is that it's just going to make the voices a little bit clearer and it also makes it so that these things wiggle your head a little bit less when you've got the volume maxed out.
Battery Life of Aftershokz Aeropex
There's actually one other big difference with the aeropexs are the battery life. So, the tracks air the battery life is rated at around six hours which is not super long I found in practice. Maybe seems a little bit longer than six hours especially if you listen to it for six hours straight. It seems to last a little bit longer but I mean that's roughly what you can expect. Now the claimed battery life here with aftershokz aeropexs is up to 8 hours and that's a pretty useful difference especially if you're in a scenario where like you need something to listen to during work and you happen to be working for eight hours. A six-hour battery life is going to let you down somewhere in between and these aeropexs, they're going to last the whole time.
My Overall Thought on Aftershokz Aeropex
I don't know for the way that I use bone conduction, it's not really a make-it-or-break-it feature but depending on your personal lifestyle I could see that actually being pretty significant difference. so out of five stars I'm going to give the aftershokz aeropexs another solid five stars but it's a little bit of a qualified five star. So, look just as a product on its own this thing is pretty awesome. If you haven't used bone conduction again if you're a podcast listener and a workout person, I think you owe it to yourself to get yourself pair of bone conduction headphones. As far as the bone conduction headphones go, these are among the best of all the ones that I've tried. These things are excellent. They're super lightweight, super comfortable and I wear these things all day. Forget they're on my head the sound quality is I mean it's as good as you're going to expect from a bone conduction headphone. To get battery life on these things is pretty strong and the fact that they're waterproof could be pretty appealing to you. My biggest issue with these things is the fact that the aftershokz treks air still exists and now that these things are out, they've discounted the treks air to something close to $100. I gave him five stars and I loved them I still love them and they're even cheaper so now there's a $40 gap between the treks air and the air OPEX and you kind of got to decide for yourself whether or not it's worth it. Is it worth it to have it! Won't be waterproof and have two hours extra battery life. For me the bigger difference is honestly the fact that that that button over there is harder to reach and now I can still activate it with my shoulder, it's just a little bit more of a pain in the butt but then that button does also let me skip backwards 15 seconds in my podcast and that is also a big deal. So, I have a hard time deciding for myself which one I prefer. Which one are you going to prefer? I don't know if you're interested in checking out the aftershokz aeropexs of course I've got links here. AfterShokz Aeropex Price On Amazon AfterShokz Trek's Air On Amazon AfterShokz Titanium Price On Amazon Read the full article
0 notes
Aftershokz Aeropex review - Better Than Treks Air & Titanium

The aftershockz aeropex which is a pair of bone conduction, I guess you could call them headphones we like to call them bone phones. I gave him five stars at the time and little did I know that two years later they're still like my most favorite headphone and it's not because they just sound great. The sound quality on bone conduction is not the best but for podcast listening which is something I do a lot of bone conduction is in my opinion the best. Hear aftershocks has got a new model that they're calling the aeropexs, which I don't know what aeropexs are. I definitely do not have arrow pecks. I've not been working out very much but I'm kind of curious to see what how far a bone conduction has come in. I know it's been about two years since the aftershocks Trek's air came out. I'm interested to see how far they've come.

Aftershokz Treks Air Image Source Amazon
Now looking on their website I can't tell much about how these things are supposed to be different. The aftershokz aeropexs are about $10 more than the Trek's air was when I bought them originally. So, they're $10 more expensive. I think the battery life might be a little bit stronger in these, at least as far as they claim and then the other thing that they're talking about is this premium pitch 2.0 sound. So maybe they've made some improvements to the sound quality.
Unboxing Aftershokz Aeropex
I'm curious to find out so let's go and open up the box. We'll find out what we get inside the aftershokz aeropexs and then I'll spend some time living with this headphone bone phone whatever you want to call it.

So, after living with the aeropex for about a week now and comparing these things directly to my other tracks, I've got both the treks titanium as well as the treks air.

AfterShokz Titanium Image Source Amazon I'm ready to let you know what I think about these things and if these things are a good upgrade or if you've got those other treks, should you stick with them or if you're just shopping for your first pair of treks than which ones should you get. We can start by talking about the build and the physical aspects of the aeropexs which generally I'm pretty happy with. Even just during the unboxing, there were a couple of things that stood out to me as really nice about the aftershokz aeropex. Including the unboxing experience, it was pretty nice but I don't really care what did stand out to me though. Let's see a couple of things. The case that these things come with is not something I'm probably going to use. It's like a little silicone case but it's got a nice magnetic flap on it and I do some magnet so I appreciate that. Thank you track sir thank you aftershocks. AfterShokz Aeropex Price On Amazon AfterShokz Trek's Air On Amazon AfterShokz Titanium Price On Amazon
Magnetic chargers
The other thing that stood out which I think is kind of cool. I didn't know this beforehand but these things charge with a little magnetic charger and you know those things can be kind of cool.

I've got a couple of different devices that have magnetic chargers but there's one big downside to it is that it's not compatible with the other chargers that I've got. All around the house of whether they're USB C or micro USB or even lightning port, I don't have this thing lying around the house but aftershocks actually thought of that and maybe it was an accident but they totally included two charging cables in my package and I think that is a nice little touch. So, I can leave a charging cable at work. I'm going to have a charging cable here at home and no matter where I've got my tracks and if these are called tracks no matter where I've got my Aeroplex, I'm going to be able to charge them and I think that's actually really nice apart from those things that are inside the box.
Aftershokz Aeropex Build Quality
I am actually really happy with the build of the aftershokz aeropex and it's very similar to what you get with the build of the Trek's air and that's a headphone, a bone phone that I really like. So, I'm pretty happy here in fact, I do think that these are even a little bit lighter than the treks air which I didn't expect. Is it enough that you would notice it on your head? I don't think so, at least not my head and maybe I've got kind of a big head but weight wise I think these things feel about the same as the Trek's air. Which is to say that they basically disappear in my head, like know why very frequently I will be wearing either the aftershokz aeropexs or the treks airs. Not listening to anything and I'll just completely forget that I'm wearing them and I'll go about my day and someone will say something like what is that weird bone phone on your head and I'm like oh these things yeah. What I'm trying to say is that they're comfortable. They're so lightweight that you don't really notice them and that's true of both the treks air as well as the aeropexs.
Check Out The 12 Best Noise Canceling Earbuds in 2020
Water Protection & Multifunction Buttons
One other nice improvement with the aftershokz aeropexs and this is actually I think a more significant improvement than the weight is that these things are waterproof. They claimed that these are ip67 waterproof. It's not water resistant. They call it waterproof, now does that mean that you could take these things into the rain, yes probably! Does it mean that you could take these things into the shower, probably! Does it mean that you could swim with these? I don't know about that. Now something that's interesting to me is that aftershocks earlier this year actually came out with two other models of bone conduction headphones that they no longer have on their website. They had one pair that was built into a pair of Oakley's looking sunglasses that they called the optishot and then the other pair I think they were called the X trainers.

They were pitching them as made for swimming and now interestingly these aftershokz aeropexs basically look just like those X trainers, the one difference at least that I can tell just based on pictures is that the aeropexs have a button over here on the left side where the X trainers did not. Now does that button have any influence on whether or not these things are swim proof? I really don't know. On their website they claim that you can use these things in extreme weather and they don't say anything about swimming. So, I don't know that I would test it but they don't make that claim of the aftershokz aeropexs. So I'm definitely hesitant to say that these things are waterproof to that degree. I mentioned that there's a button over here on the left side of the aftershokz aeropexs and that is useful for just toggling pause and play. I do actually have a little bit of a beef with this button. So, on both the treks airs and a trex titanium, which are bone conduction headphones. I've spent a lot of time with, they've got the same button over here on the left side but the positioning of it is slightly different so on the aftershokz treks air. The button is closer to down here at the bottom. This is going to seem like a really minor point but I'm going to tell you right now. One of the things that I love about that button is that I can reach over and hit the button with my shoulder and that's much much harder to do with the aftershokz aeropexs and if you think I'm joking I swear to you.

Not like that it is a significant need for me. Let's just say like my hands are full, carrying around chicken paraphernalia cuz I got chickens in my back yard or I'm doing the dishes and my hands are busy. I need a taco pause/play it's super convenient to be able to do that with my shoulder and you can still do it here with the aeropexs but it definitely requires more effort and more precision than it does with the other. So, during certain activities I actually prefer to have the treks air that said there are some nice things to do with this button. On the outside including the fact that you can now skip forward and backward tracks with this button. I can double tap the button to skip forward a track but I can't skip backward a track and for me, because I primarily use these things for listening to podcasts that skip backward function actually acts as go back 15 seconds which for me, I find really useful. A lot of times I'm listening to something, listen caste there's a conversation going and maybe I'll miss something and it's very useful for me to be able to go back 15 seconds and you catch up and I can't do that with the Trek's air but I can do that here with the aeropexs. I think it's a triple tap which is it's a little bit of a fiddly function. A little bit of I don't know it's a gesture that I find easy to mess up and easy to get wrong but I do appreciate that it's here and I do actually find it really super useful. So, for that I'm back here on the aftershokz aeropexs maybe.
Bluetooth Functionality
I do like these things better in terms of just like Bluetooth functionality. These things you know they make a really nice strong connection. They have pretty solid range. I didn't have any issues at all with the Bluetooth functionality. That’s also true for both the Titanium's and the airs, I think aftershokz has got a pretty good reputation at least with me and I'm kind of all that matters but they've had a pretty good reputation for having solid Bluetooth and they're doing it pretty well here with the aeropexs.
Aeropex, Treks Air & Titanium Sound Quality & Comparison
Now sound quality is still not the strength of the aftershokz aeropexs. If you are really like bone conduction and if you've ever used bone conduction before you probably know this but in case you haven't, bones are good at conducting certain sound frequencies but it's not going to have near the fidelity of basically any other type of headphone. If you're getting these things to listen to music, I would maybe hold out on that. I mean these things can play you know a decent. They're decent for like a background music right. So, if you just want something playing in the background of your head maybe you're in an office setting and you don't want it coming out of your speaker's because that would be annoying to everyone around you. Bone conduction and the aftershokz aeropexs can do it okay but if you're like really looking to jam out to music or really dig into the details of. It’s not going to happen here. Where I think bone conduction is especially awesome is with running, in a gym exercising or you listen to podcast. I'm going to tell you right now, if you're an avid podcast listener I think you need a pair of bone conduction headphones whether or not they're Trek air or aeropexs. I'll let you make up your mind but I think that you really should get some bone conduction. So, while sound quality is not really the appeal here, I will still spend a little bit of time comparing the sound of the aeropexs to the aftershokz treks air and I think that the aeropexs, they seem to play up the mid-range even more play down the bass even more so when I moved from the treks Titanium's to the air. I found that the Titanium's the older set actually had more bass but because of the reduced base with the airs. The in-between set, I found that it was easier to follow spoken audio which is my primary use case for it. Now the aftershokz aeropexs kind of take that same trend to the next level. Well they just take it a little bit further. There's even less bass here and even a little bit more pronounced mid-range and I find that again, I think it's good for spoken audio, right? You're listening to voices; you're listening to people talk maybe it's an audiobook or a podcast. I think that these things are better for that and the way that they're doing are the frequencies that they are playing into are emphasizing now seem to also make it so that it's a little bit less prone to interference from loud noises around you. So, if I'm walking near traffic sometimes, I have a hard time following a podcast but it seems a little bit better here now. The treks air, they've got stronger base and maybe you could describe them as slightly more musical but as I just got done saying. I don't listen to bone conduction for music so for me it doesn't matter. That reduced bass the main difference is that it's just going to make the voices a little bit clearer and it also makes it so that these things wiggle your head a little bit less when you've got the volume maxed out.
Battery Life of Aftershokz Aeropex
There's actually one other big difference with the aeropexs are the battery life. So, the tracks air the battery life is rated at around six hours which is not super long I found in practice. Maybe seems a little bit longer than six hours especially if you listen to it for six hours straight. It seems to last a little bit longer but I mean that's roughly what you can expect. Now the claimed battery life here with aftershokz aeropexs is up to 8 hours and that's a pretty useful difference especially if you're in a scenario where like you need something to listen to during work and you happen to be working for eight hours. A six-hour battery life is going to let you down somewhere in between and these aeropexs, they're going to last the whole time.
My Overall Thought on Aftershokz Aeropex
I don't know for the way that I use bone conduction, it's not really a make-it-or-break-it feature but depending on your personal lifestyle I could see that actually being pretty significant difference. so out of five stars I'm going to give the aftershokz aeropexs another solid five stars but it's a little bit of a qualified five star. So, look just as a product on its own this thing is pretty awesome. If you haven't used bone conduction again if you're a podcast listener and a workout person, I think you owe it to yourself to get yourself pair of bone conduction headphones. As far as the bone conduction headphones go, these are among the best of all the ones that I've tried. These things are excellent. They're super lightweight, super comfortable and I wear these things all day. Forget they're on my head the sound quality is I mean it's as good as you're going to expect from a bone conduction headphone. To get battery life on these things is pretty strong and the fact that they're waterproof could be pretty appealing to you. My biggest issue with these things is the fact that the aftershokz treks air still exists and now that these things are out, they've discounted the treks air to something close to $100. I gave him five stars and I loved them I still love them and they're even cheaper so now there's a $40 gap between the treks air and the air OPEX and you kind of got to decide for yourself whether or not it's worth it. Is it worth it to have it! Won't be waterproof and have two hours extra battery life. For me the bigger difference is honestly the fact that that that button over there is harder to reach and now I can still activate it with my shoulder, it's just a little bit more of a pain in the butt but then that button does also let me skip backwards 15 seconds in my podcast and that is also a big deal. So, I have a hard time deciding for myself which one I prefer. Which one are you going to prefer? I don't know if you're interested in checking out the aftershokz aeropexs of course I've got links here. AfterShokz Aeropex Price On Amazon AfterShokz Trek's Air On Amazon AfterShokz Titanium Price On Amazon Read the full article
0 notes
Aftershokz Aeropex review - Better Than Treks Air & Titanium

The aftershockz aeropex which is a pair of bone conduction, I guess you could call them headphones we like to call them bone phones. I gave him five stars at the time and little did I know that two years later they're still like my most favorite headphone and it's not because they just sound great. The sound quality on bone conduction is not the best but for podcast listening which is something I do a lot of bone conduction is in my opinion the best. Hear aftershocks has got a new model that they're calling the aeropexs, which I don't know what aeropexs are. I definitely do not have arrow pecks. I've not been working out very much but I'm kind of curious to see what how far a bone conduction has come in. I know it's been about two years since the aftershocks Trek's air came out. I'm interested to see how far they've come.

Aftershokz Treks Air Image Source Amazon
Now looking on their website I can't tell much about how these things are supposed to be different. The aftershokz aeropexs are about $10 more than the Trek's air was when I bought them originally. So, they're $10 more expensive. I think the battery life might be a little bit stronger in these, at least as far as they claim and then the other thing that they're talking about is this premium pitch 2.0 sound. So maybe they've made some improvements to the sound quality.
Unboxing Aftershokz Aeropex
I'm curious to find out so let's go and open up the box. We'll find out what we get inside the aftershokz aeropexs and then I'll spend some time living with this headphone bone phone whatever you want to call it.

So, after living with the aeropex for about a week now and comparing these things directly to my other tracks, I've got both the treks titanium as well as the treks air.

AfterShokz Titanium Image Source Amazon I'm ready to let you know what I think about these things and if these things are a good upgrade or if you've got those other treks, should you stick with them or if you're just shopping for your first pair of treks than which ones should you get. We can start by talking about the build and the physical aspects of the aeropexs which generally I'm pretty happy with. Even just during the unboxing, there were a couple of things that stood out to me as really nice about the aftershokz aeropex. Including the unboxing experience, it was pretty nice but I don't really care what did stand out to me though. Let's see a couple of things. The case that these things come with is not something I'm probably going to use. It's like a little silicone case but it's got a nice magnetic flap on it and I do some magnet so I appreciate that. Thank you track sir thank you aftershocks. AfterShokz Aeropex Price On Amazon AfterShokz Trek's Air On Amazon AfterShokz Titanium Price On Amazon
Magnetic chargers
The other thing that stood out which I think is kind of cool. I didn't know this beforehand but these things charge with a little magnetic charger and you know those things can be kind of cool.

I've got a couple of different devices that have magnetic chargers but there's one big downside to it is that it's not compatible with the other chargers that I've got. All around the house of whether they're USB C or micro USB or even lightning port, I don't have this thing lying around the house but aftershocks actually thought of that and maybe it was an accident but they totally included two charging cables in my package and I think that is a nice little touch. So, I can leave a charging cable at work. I'm going to have a charging cable here at home and no matter where I've got my tracks and if these are called tracks no matter where I've got my Aeroplex, I'm going to be able to charge them and I think that's actually really nice apart from those things that are inside the box.
Aftershokz Aeropex Build Quality
I am actually really happy with the build of the aftershokz aeropex and it's very similar to what you get with the build of the Trek's air and that's a headphone, a bone phone that I really like. So, I'm pretty happy here in fact, I do think that these are even a little bit lighter than the treks air which I didn't expect. Is it enough that you would notice it on your head? I don't think so, at least not my head and maybe I've got kind of a big head but weight wise I think these things feel about the same as the Trek's air. Which is to say that they basically disappear in my head, like know why very frequently I will be wearing either the aftershokz aeropexs or the treks airs. Not listening to anything and I'll just completely forget that I'm wearing them and I'll go about my day and someone will say something like what is that weird bone phone on your head and I'm like oh these things yeah. What I'm trying to say is that they're comfortable. They're so lightweight that you don't really notice them and that's true of both the treks air as well as the aeropexs.
Check Out The 12 Best Noise Canceling Earbuds in 2020
Water Protection & Multifunction Buttons
One other nice improvement with the aftershokz aeropexs and this is actually I think a more significant improvement than the weight is that these things are waterproof. They claimed that these are ip67 waterproof. It's not water resistant. They call it waterproof, now does that mean that you could take these things into the rain, yes probably! Does it mean that you could take these things into the shower, probably! Does it mean that you could swim with these? I don't know about that. Now something that's interesting to me is that aftershocks earlier this year actually came out with two other models of bone conduction headphones that they no longer have on their website. They had one pair that was built into a pair of Oakley's looking sunglasses that they called the optishot and then the other pair I think they were called the X trainers.

They were pitching them as made for swimming and now interestingly these aftershokz aeropexs basically look just like those X trainers, the one difference at least that I can tell just based on pictures is that the aeropexs have a button over here on the left side where the X trainers did not. Now does that button have any influence on whether or not these things are swim proof? I really don't know. On their website they claim that you can use these things in extreme weather and they don't say anything about swimming. So, I don't know that I would test it but they don't make that claim of the aftershokz aeropexs. So I'm definitely hesitant to say that these things are waterproof to that degree. I mentioned that there's a button over here on the left side of the aftershokz aeropexs and that is useful for just toggling pause and play. I do actually have a little bit of a beef with this button. So, on both the treks airs and a trex titanium, which are bone conduction headphones. I've spent a lot of time with, they've got the same button over here on the left side but the positioning of it is slightly different so on the aftershokz treks air. The button is closer to down here at the bottom. This is going to seem like a really minor point but I'm going to tell you right now. One of the things that I love about that button is that I can reach over and hit the button with my shoulder and that's much much harder to do with the aftershokz aeropexs and if you think I'm joking I swear to you.

Not like that it is a significant need for me. Let's just say like my hands are full, carrying around chicken paraphernalia cuz I got chickens in my back yard or I'm doing the dishes and my hands are busy. I need a taco pause/play it's super convenient to be able to do that with my shoulder and you can still do it here with the aeropexs but it definitely requires more effort and more precision than it does with the other. So, during certain activities I actually prefer to have the treks air that said there are some nice things to do with this button. On the outside including the fact that you can now skip forward and backward tracks with this button. I can double tap the button to skip forward a track but I can't skip backward a track and for me, because I primarily use these things for listening to podcasts that skip backward function actually acts as go back 15 seconds which for me, I find really useful. A lot of times I'm listening to something, listen caste there's a conversation going and maybe I'll miss something and it's very useful for me to be able to go back 15 seconds and you catch up and I can't do that with the Trek's air but I can do that here with the aeropexs. I think it's a triple tap which is it's a little bit of a fiddly function. A little bit of I don't know it's a gesture that I find easy to mess up and easy to get wrong but I do appreciate that it's here and I do actually find it really super useful. So, for that I'm back here on the aftershokz aeropexs maybe.
Bluetooth Functionality
I do like these things better in terms of just like Bluetooth functionality. These things you know they make a really nice strong connection. They have pretty solid range. I didn't have any issues at all with the Bluetooth functionality. That’s also true for both the Titanium's and the airs, I think aftershokz has got a pretty good reputation at least with me and I'm kind of all that matters but they've had a pretty good reputation for having solid Bluetooth and they're doing it pretty well here with the aeropexs.
Aeropex, Treks Air & Titanium Sound Quality & Comparison
Now sound quality is still not the strength of the aftershokz aeropexs. If you are really like bone conduction and if you've ever used bone conduction before you probably know this but in case you haven't, bones are good at conducting certain sound frequencies but it's not going to have near the fidelity of basically any other type of headphone. If you're getting these things to listen to music, I would maybe hold out on that. I mean these things can play you know a decent. They're decent for like a background music right. So, if you just want something playing in the background of your head maybe you're in an office setting and you don't want it coming out of your speaker's because that would be annoying to everyone around you. Bone conduction and the aftershokz aeropexs can do it okay but if you're like really looking to jam out to music or really dig into the details of. It’s not going to happen here. Where I think bone conduction is especially awesome is with running, in a gym exercising or you listen to podcast. I'm going to tell you right now, if you're an avid podcast listener I think you need a pair of bone conduction headphones whether or not they're Trek air or aeropexs. I'll let you make up your mind but I think that you really should get some bone conduction. So, while sound quality is not really the appeal here, I will still spend a little bit of time comparing the sound of the aeropexs to the aftershokz treks air and I think that the aeropexs, they seem to play up the mid-range even more play down the bass even more so when I moved from the treks Titanium's to the air. I found that the Titanium's the older set actually had more bass but because of the reduced base with the airs. The in-between set, I found that it was easier to follow spoken audio which is my primary use case for it. Now the aftershokz aeropexs kind of take that same trend to the next level. Well they just take it a little bit further. There's even less bass here and even a little bit more pronounced mid-range and I find that again, I think it's good for spoken audio, right? You're listening to voices; you're listening to people talk maybe it's an audiobook or a podcast. I think that these things are better for that and the way that they're doing are the frequencies that they are playing into are emphasizing now seem to also make it so that it's a little bit less prone to interference from loud noises around you. So, if I'm walking near traffic sometimes, I have a hard time following a podcast but it seems a little bit better here now. The treks air, they've got stronger base and maybe you could describe them as slightly more musical but as I just got done saying. I don't listen to bone conduction for music so for me it doesn't matter. That reduced bass the main difference is that it's just going to make the voices a little bit clearer and it also makes it so that these things wiggle your head a little bit less when you've got the volume maxed out.
Battery Life of Aftershokz Aeropex
There's actually one other big difference with the aeropexs are the battery life. So, the tracks air the battery life is rated at around six hours which is not super long I found in practice. Maybe seems a little bit longer than six hours especially if you listen to it for six hours straight. It seems to last a little bit longer but I mean that's roughly what you can expect. Now the claimed battery life here with aftershokz aeropexs is up to 8 hours and that's a pretty useful difference especially if you're in a scenario where like you need something to listen to during work and you happen to be working for eight hours. A six-hour battery life is going to let you down somewhere in between and these aeropexs, they're going to last the whole time.
My Overall Thought on Aftershokz Aeropex
I don't know for the way that I use bone conduction, it's not really a make-it-or-break-it feature but depending on your personal lifestyle I could see that actually being pretty significant difference. so out of five stars I'm going to give the aftershokz aeropexs another solid five stars but it's a little bit of a qualified five star. So, look just as a product on its own this thing is pretty awesome. If you haven't used bone conduction again if you're a podcast listener and a workout person, I think you owe it to yourself to get yourself pair of bone conduction headphones. As far as the bone conduction headphones go, these are among the best of all the ones that I've tried. These things are excellent. They're super lightweight, super comfortable and I wear these things all day. Forget they're on my head the sound quality is I mean it's as good as you're going to expect from a bone conduction headphone. To get battery life on these things is pretty strong and the fact that they're waterproof could be pretty appealing to you. My biggest issue with these things is the fact that the aftershokz treks air still exists and now that these things are out, they've discounted the treks air to something close to $100. I gave him five stars and I loved them I still love them and they're even cheaper so now there's a $40 gap between the treks air and the air OPEX and you kind of got to decide for yourself whether or not it's worth it. Is it worth it to have it! Won't be waterproof and have two hours extra battery life. For me the bigger difference is honestly the fact that that that button over there is harder to reach and now I can still activate it with my shoulder, it's just a little bit more of a pain in the butt but then that button does also let me skip backwards 15 seconds in my podcast and that is also a big deal. So, I have a hard time deciding for myself which one I prefer. Which one are you going to prefer? I don't know if you're interested in checking out the aftershokz aeropexs of course I've got links here. AfterShokz Aeropex Price On Amazon AfterShokz Trek's Air On Amazon AfterShokz Titanium Price On Amazon Read the full article
0 notes
Aftershokz Aeropex review - Better Than Treks Air & Titanium

The aftershockz aeropex which is a pair of bone conduction, I guess you could call them headphones we like to call them bone phones. I gave him five stars at the time and little did I know that two years later they're still like my most favorite headphone and it's not because they just sound great. The sound quality on bone conduction is not the best but for podcast listening which is something I do a lot of bone conduction is in my opinion the best. Hear aftershocks has got a new model that they're calling the aeropexs, which I don't know what aeropexs are. I definitely do not have arrow pecks. I've not been working out very much but I'm kind of curious to see what how far a bone conduction has come in. I know it's been about two years since the aftershocks Trek's air came out. I'm interested to see how far they've come.

Aftershokz Treks Air Image Source Amazon
Now looking on their website I can't tell much about how these things are supposed to be different. The aftershokz aeropexs are about $10 more than the Trek's air was when I bought them originally. So, they're $10 more expensive. I think the battery life might be a little bit stronger in these, at least as far as they claim and then the other thing that they're talking about is this premium pitch 2.0 sound. So maybe they've made some improvements to the sound quality.
Unboxing Aftershokz Aeropex
I'm curious to find out so let's go and open up the box. We'll find out what we get inside the aftershokz aeropexs and then I'll spend some time living with this headphone bone phone whatever you want to call it.

So, after living with the aeropex for about a week now and comparing these things directly to my other tracks, I've got both the treks titanium as well as the treks air.

AfterShokz Titanium Image Source Amazon I'm ready to let you know what I think about these things and if these things are a good upgrade or if you've got those other treks, should you stick with them or if you're just shopping for your first pair of treks than which ones should you get. We can start by talking about the build and the physical aspects of the aeropexs which generally I'm pretty happy with. Even just during the unboxing, there were a couple of things that stood out to me as really nice about the aftershokz aeropex. Including the unboxing experience, it was pretty nice but I don't really care what did stand out to me though. Let's see a couple of things. The case that these things come with is not something I'm probably going to use. It's like a little silicone case but it's got a nice magnetic flap on it and I do some magnet so I appreciate that. Thank you track sir thank you aftershocks. AfterShokz Aeropex Price On Amazon AfterShokz Trek's Air On Amazon AfterShokz Titanium Price On Amazon
Magnetic chargers
The other thing that stood out which I think is kind of cool. I didn't know this beforehand but these things charge with a little magnetic charger and you know those things can be kind of cool.

I've got a couple of different devices that have magnetic chargers but there's one big downside to it is that it's not compatible with the other chargers that I've got. All around the house of whether they're USB C or micro USB or even lightning port, I don't have this thing lying around the house but aftershocks actually thought of that and maybe it was an accident but they totally included two charging cables in my package and I think that is a nice little touch. So, I can leave a charging cable at work. I'm going to have a charging cable here at home and no matter where I've got my tracks and if these are called tracks no matter where I've got my Aeroplex, I'm going to be able to charge them and I think that's actually really nice apart from those things that are inside the box.
Aftershokz Aeropex Build Quality
I am actually really happy with the build of the aftershokz aeropex and it's very similar to what you get with the build of the Trek's air and that's a headphone, a bone phone that I really like. So, I'm pretty happy here in fact, I do think that these are even a little bit lighter than the treks air which I didn't expect. Is it enough that you would notice it on your head? I don't think so, at least not my head and maybe I've got kind of a big head but weight wise I think these things feel about the same as the Trek's air. Which is to say that they basically disappear in my head, like know why very frequently I will be wearing either the aftershokz aeropexs or the treks airs. Not listening to anything and I'll just completely forget that I'm wearing them and I'll go about my day and someone will say something like what is that weird bone phone on your head and I'm like oh these things yeah. What I'm trying to say is that they're comfortable. They're so lightweight that you don't really notice them and that's true of both the treks air as well as the aeropexs.
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Water Protection & Multifunction Buttons
One other nice improvement with the aftershokz aeropexs and this is actually I think a more significant improvement than the weight is that these things are waterproof. They claimed that these are ip67 waterproof. It's not water resistant. They call it waterproof, now does that mean that you could take these things into the rain, yes probably! Does it mean that you could take these things into the shower, probably! Does it mean that you could swim with these? I don't know about that. Now something that's interesting to me is that aftershocks earlier this year actually came out with two other models of bone conduction headphones that they no longer have on their website. They had one pair that was built into a pair of Oakley's looking sunglasses that they called the optishot and then the other pair I think they were called the X trainers.

They were pitching them as made for swimming and now interestingly these aftershokz aeropexs basically look just like those X trainers, the one difference at least that I can tell just based on pictures is that the aeropexs have a button over here on the left side where the X trainers did not. Now does that button have any influence on whether or not these things are swim proof? I really don't know. On their website they claim that you can use these things in extreme weather and they don't say anything about swimming. So, I don't know that I would test it but they don't make that claim of the aftershokz aeropexs. So I'm definitely hesitant to say that these things are waterproof to that degree. I mentioned that there's a button over here on the left side of the aftershokz aeropexs and that is useful for just toggling pause and play. I do actually have a little bit of a beef with this button. So, on both the treks airs and a trex titanium, which are bone conduction headphones. I've spent a lot of time with, they've got the same button over here on the left side but the positioning of it is slightly different so on the aftershokz treks air. The button is closer to down here at the bottom. This is going to seem like a really minor point but I'm going to tell you right now. One of the things that I love about that button is that I can reach over and hit the button with my shoulder and that's much much harder to do with the aftershokz aeropexs and if you think I'm joking I swear to you.

Not like that it is a significant need for me. Let's just say like my hands are full, carrying around chicken paraphernalia cuz I got chickens in my back yard or I'm doing the dishes and my hands are busy. I need a taco pause/play it's super convenient to be able to do that with my shoulder and you can still do it here with the aeropexs but it definitely requires more effort and more precision than it does with the other. So, during certain activities I actually prefer to have the treks air that said there are some nice things to do with this button. On the outside including the fact that you can now skip forward and backward tracks with this button. I can double tap the button to skip forward a track but I can't skip backward a track and for me, because I primarily use these things for listening to podcasts that skip backward function actually acts as go back 15 seconds which for me, I find really useful. A lot of times I'm listening to something, listen caste there's a conversation going and maybe I'll miss something and it's very useful for me to be able to go back 15 seconds and you catch up and I can't do that with the Trek's air but I can do that here with the aeropexs. I think it's a triple tap which is it's a little bit of a fiddly function. A little bit of I don't know it's a gesture that I find easy to mess up and easy to get wrong but I do appreciate that it's here and I do actually find it really super useful. So, for that I'm back here on the aftershokz aeropexs maybe.
Bluetooth Functionality
I do like these things better in terms of just like Bluetooth functionality. These things you know they make a really nice strong connection. They have pretty solid range. I didn't have any issues at all with the Bluetooth functionality. That’s also true for both the Titanium's and the airs, I think aftershokz has got a pretty good reputation at least with me and I'm kind of all that matters but they've had a pretty good reputation for having solid Bluetooth and they're doing it pretty well here with the aeropexs.
Aeropex, Treks Air & Titanium Sound Quality & Comparison
Now sound quality is still not the strength of the aftershokz aeropexs. If you are really like bone conduction and if you've ever used bone conduction before you probably know this but in case you haven't, bones are good at conducting certain sound frequencies but it's not going to have near the fidelity of basically any other type of headphone. If you're getting these things to listen to music, I would maybe hold out on that. I mean these things can play you know a decent. They're decent for like a background music right. So, if you just want something playing in the background of your head maybe you're in an office setting and you don't want it coming out of your speaker's because that would be annoying to everyone around you. Bone conduction and the aftershokz aeropexs can do it okay but if you're like really looking to jam out to music or really dig into the details of. It’s not going to happen here. Where I think bone conduction is especially awesome is with running, in a gym exercising or you listen to podcast. I'm going to tell you right now, if you're an avid podcast listener I think you need a pair of bone conduction headphones whether or not they're Trek air or aeropexs. I'll let you make up your mind but I think that you really should get some bone conduction. So, while sound quality is not really the appeal here, I will still spend a little bit of time comparing the sound of the aeropexs to the aftershokz treks air and I think that the aeropexs, they seem to play up the mid-range even more play down the bass even more so when I moved from the treks Titanium's to the air. I found that the Titanium's the older set actually had more bass but because of the reduced base with the airs. The in-between set, I found that it was easier to follow spoken audio which is my primary use case for it. Now the aftershokz aeropexs kind of take that same trend to the next level. Well they just take it a little bit further. There's even less bass here and even a little bit more pronounced mid-range and I find that again, I think it's good for spoken audio, right? You're listening to voices; you're listening to people talk maybe it's an audiobook or a podcast. I think that these things are better for that and the way that they're doing are the frequencies that they are playing into are emphasizing now seem to also make it so that it's a little bit less prone to interference from loud noises around you. So, if I'm walking near traffic sometimes, I have a hard time following a podcast but it seems a little bit better here now. The treks air, they've got stronger base and maybe you could describe them as slightly more musical but as I just got done saying. I don't listen to bone conduction for music so for me it doesn't matter. That reduced bass the main difference is that it's just going to make the voices a little bit clearer and it also makes it so that these things wiggle your head a little bit less when you've got the volume maxed out.
Battery Life of Aftershokz Aeropex
There's actually one other big difference with the aeropexs are the battery life. So, the tracks air the battery life is rated at around six hours which is not super long I found in practice. Maybe seems a little bit longer than six hours especially if you listen to it for six hours straight. It seems to last a little bit longer but I mean that's roughly what you can expect. Now the claimed battery life here with aftershokz aeropexs is up to 8 hours and that's a pretty useful difference especially if you're in a scenario where like you need something to listen to during work and you happen to be working for eight hours. A six-hour battery life is going to let you down somewhere in between and these aeropexs, they're going to last the whole time.
My Overall Thought on Aftershokz Aeropex
I don't know for the way that I use bone conduction, it's not really a make-it-or-break-it feature but depending on your personal lifestyle I could see that actually being pretty significant difference. so out of five stars I'm going to give the aftershokz aeropexs another solid five stars but it's a little bit of a qualified five star. So, look just as a product on its own this thing is pretty awesome. If you haven't used bone conduction again if you're a podcast listener and a workout person, I think you owe it to yourself to get yourself pair of bone conduction headphones. As far as the bone conduction headphones go, these are among the best of all the ones that I've tried. These things are excellent. They're super lightweight, super comfortable and I wear these things all day. Forget they're on my head the sound quality is I mean it's as good as you're going to expect from a bone conduction headphone. To get battery life on these things is pretty strong and the fact that they're waterproof could be pretty appealing to you. My biggest issue with these things is the fact that the aftershokz treks air still exists and now that these things are out, they've discounted the treks air to something close to $100. I gave him five stars and I loved them I still love them and they're even cheaper so now there's a $40 gap between the treks air and the air OPEX and you kind of got to decide for yourself whether or not it's worth it. Is it worth it to have it! Won't be waterproof and have two hours extra battery life. For me the bigger difference is honestly the fact that that that button over there is harder to reach and now I can still activate it with my shoulder, it's just a little bit more of a pain in the butt but then that button does also let me skip backwards 15 seconds in my podcast and that is also a big deal. So, I have a hard time deciding for myself which one I prefer. Which one are you going to prefer? I don't know if you're interested in checking out the aftershokz aeropexs of course I've got links here. AfterShokz Aeropex Price On Amazon AfterShokz Trek's Air On Amazon AfterShokz Titanium Price On Amazon Read the full article
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