#maybe Colorless has an unsettled daemon that can also take over the bodies of other daemons?
ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
An AU where everyone has daemons (the ‘His Dark Materials’ brand). When did their daemons settle and what kind of animal did they settle as?
Obviously Fushimi has a penguin, it's canon :P Animal K would be the easiest answer but I like the idea of a bit more variety. Mikoto's is the easiest one though, he definitely has a lion and his probably settled at an early age to no one's surprise, his personality is just so intrinsically lion-like that anything else would have been strange. He would be one of the rare people with a same-sex demon though, since Mikoto's personality is more lion than lioness, even as a kid I imagine him walking around with this full grown male lion and looking totally chill about it. Munakata by contrast I could see going with animal K and having like a big shaggy wolf which gets along horribly with Mikoto's lion. Though I admit I do kinda like the idea of Munakata having a peacock daemon, just imagine Mikoto and Munakata fighting and there's Munakata's peacock waving its tail in the face of Mikoto's lion with the perfect aura of 'smug bastard' just radiating from it.
For the rest of Homra, Anna's I think wouldn't settle until at the earliest when she becomes King. I could see her daemon settling as some kind of red bird to mimic her Red King phoenix, like a red-tailed hawk or a brahminy kite. Totsuka would probably have something small and mostly helpless, like his animal K sheep would actually kinda work especially if it constantly manifests as a lamb (plus bonus 'lion and lamb' imagery with Mikoto). Or maybe something small like a cute dwarf rabbit or a field mouse, something little and relatively powerless which nevertheless is perfectly calm with Mikoto's lion. Similarly Kusanagi having an owl would be kinda amusing, especially if people keep commenting on the similarity between himself and his daemon and he gets annoyed by it, though I could also see him having something with strong motherly instincts like some species of monkey (or something interesting like a spider, carrying babies on her back and weaving webs in the background while also keeping the bar free of bugs). Yata would likely have something high energy, like he gets his very own chihuahua demon. Though actually I could see Yata having some kind of dog demon, like an African painted dog which is high energy and wants to form social bonds with everyone, once he finds Homra it's like he's got his 'pack' at last.
Fushimi I could see having something standoffish that tends to snap when in danger and his daemon probably settled early at least partly due to Niki's abuse. I could kinda see him maybe having some type of snake, likely something venomous like a type of cobra or an adder (Niki, naturally, has a mongoose and laughs whenever Fushimi's snake tries to bite him). Having a snake makes Fushimi probably stand out amongst most of his peers, while everyone else's daemons are settling as mammals or birds here he's got this snake on his shoulder at all times whose presence is like a physical wall around him and it will only slightly relax around people that he's close to. His snake never liked Mikoto's lion and was always coiling near him but it doesn't seem to mind Munakata's stupid peacock at all. Awashima I think would have some kind of Tundra animal to match her nickname, like maybe a snowy owl (and then Kusanagi has a barn owl so they have a match) or even a snow leopard like her animal K self.
For the Greens, I wonder if Hisui would even have a daemon since he's technically dead, like did it disappear when he died and then reappear once the Slate resurrected him. Maybe he makes it look to everyone that Kotosaka is his daemon but really somewhere in jungle there's a small green very rare breed of parakeet that's in like a perpetual stasis and is kept somewhere very safe because it belongs to the King. I feel like for Iwafune a raven would work really well, it just fits his whole black aesthetic thing. Oh maybe he used to have a dove when he was Ootori Seigo and then his daemon actually underwent a shift after the Kagutsu Crater, like the emotional blow was so heavy on him that it caused his daemon to change. Yukari I see having something beautiful but deadly, like imagine him having this brilliantly colored poison dart frog as his daemon. Sukuna's probably wouldn't have settled yet during the time of the series and it only finally does later on after Hisui dies (for some reason I imagine him with like a weasel, to match his weapon).
The Silvers, Kuroh definitely has some form of large dog, maybe even something like a maned wolf. Neko I think would have a cat as her daemon too but probably not a normal house cat, I could see her having something rare or endangered like a flat-headed cat or Andean cat. Shiro feels like he should have some kind of bird too, like maybe an Albatross or something, though I do like the idea of him having a mouse just to fit the theme of his clansmen – actually it'd be interesting if he had just a plain small white mouse, similar to the type that gets used in scientific experiments and people often assume the Silver King has no daemon because it's so easy to overlook. Everyone assumes that as Gold King Kokujouji must have something really majestic but actually he totally has a cute lop-eared bunny daemon and I will have no arguments on this point.
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