#may sound like i ship snowbarry in this post
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miss-eli-starfleet · 9 months ago
I like how WestAllen ended in the Flash with Nora's birth. The part where they're holding hands right before her birth and yellow and purple lightning zaps between them is done really well... Now, I don't particularly ship SnowBarry, but I do find the idea cute sometimes because of the Frost sisters, and how well done the writers wrote her scripts. I'm gonna disregard the whole Khione thing in my comparison of both ships which is canon WestAllen and AU SnowBarry from my perspective.
In a SnowBarry AU, Caitlin would be Barry’s “lightning rod”.
Barry would've been married to OG Caitlin (if you know what I mean) by the time they split in S6. At least following the timeline of how WestAllen generally progressed throughout the show. Like, as in, Barry's proposal of "Running Home to You" would be directed towards Caitlin instead of Iris in S3, SnowBarry marriage in S4, etc etc... Maybe it would be Caitlin SnowAllen if they decide to hyphenate?
Anyways, AU SnowBarry or canon WestAllen, I do wish they gave Caitlin/Frost more screentime especially after they split in S6. I would take the Frost sisters in a heartbeat instead of Cecile or Allegra.
S2 Barry and Jay would be “fighting” over Caitlin lol. Or maybe not. But he would be hella protective when Zoom kidnaps her.
In S3, Caitlin turned Killer Frost does end up working with Savitar.. imagine just how desperate Barry would be to keep her from going all "Frosty" because Caitlin is his fiancee, just as desperate as he was with trying to save Iris from Savitar in canon. I think instead of the focus on Iris, a majority of SnowBarry AU’s base plot line would include Barry trying to save Caitlin from her evil self? Like in that one episode where he spoke to Frost, and allowed her to try to kill him because he knows she’s still Caitlin deep down. OR it could be both: Savitar’s tryna kill her because she’s Barry’s “lightning rod” in this SnowBarry AU instead of them joining up.
Let’s say Barry still goes into the Speedforce in this SnowBary AU. Her heartbreak would be another catalyst/reason as to why Caitlin turned into her Frosty self between S3 and S4 to work for Amunet. In canon 4x01, Killer Frost does come back to the team as Caitlin to help Barry come out of the Speedforce so don't gotta "AU" that part. I know they "balanced out" the whole Caitlin/Frost thing in S4, and that was awesome to watch.
Loved the cuteness where “Caity” and Frost would communicate with each other in little sticky notes. Since Barry and Caitlin would be married by that time, maybe Frost writes sticky notes to Barry too?
Moving onto S5.. How would it go with Caitlin raising Nora alone in the future? Caitlin is a geneticist/doctor whereas Iris is a news reporter.. I think with Caitlin’s doctor/biochemist, I don't think she'd put a power dampening chip inside Nora. Nora would have Frost (split or not) to protect/guide her as well as the rest of the team. Maybe in SnowBarry S5, Nora would've grown up knowing that her father is the Flash from the start. 5x18 would've shown Caitlin and Nora having a better mother-daughter relationship than 5x18 canon Iris and Nora. Would she still go to Thawne then? Maybe so because of godspeed and he’s the only other speedster around and then after what happened to Lia? Maybe so.
Since Nora still wouldn’t have ever met Barry, Thawne could’ve still manipulated her with the whole Cicada dagger thing so she travels back in time. One thing for sure: she wouldn’t be all pissy towards Iris lol. But my poor girl Nora would’ve still vanished in S5 finale :(
When Caitlin splits in S6, imagine how happy Frost would be have her own body, but also to be there to support SnowBarry marriage in person, and be able to interact with both Barry and Caitlin at the same time. Speaking of the Frost sisters, what would Nora call Frost? Aunt Frost? Something like that?
Yep, Caitlin and Frost never dies in this particular SnowBarry AU. It was the only stupid thing the writers did for her character.
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frostygar · 5 years ago
The Flash S5 Ep 1 Thoughts
- The intro being like Barry’s in the beginning, but with Nora’s voice-over? AMAZING. I’m just going to call her Nora Allen because… yeah… and XS is her name? Clearly she wasn’t named by Cisco because that’s… 😬😬😬
- However they casted Nora so, so well. She’s gorgeous and she does look like a mix of Barry and Iris. I just thank God that Barry and Iris are not actually blood related or else she’d look… not like that. Barry’s face when she tells him she was named after his mom, I’m SOFT 🥺🥺🥺
- Cisco coming to the rescue with humor to save the tension, just like she pointed out. Love to see it! But why would Caitlin not realize that if that’s Barry and Iris’ daughter, why WOULDN’T she know their names? C’mon, Caitlin is smart… although I guess it’s automatic for people to ask that so I’ll give it a pass.
- “And your name is XS…” “Clearly not my doing” wow I love being right lmao but it’s a nickname??? Because she always did things in excess? Isn’t that kind of rude because Iris called her that because she was always doing more, going over the top. Whatever, I may end up liking it I’m not sure so I’ll just continue watching.
- Ralph being Ralph and Wally low-key feeling insulted that he didn’t know about the legends, iconic as always. But what was better was Joe’s “oh fuck” face when he realized that Cecile still had her powers lmao that’s hilarious!
- Ooh the title card mixing Nora’s purple with Barry’s yellow/red? Now THAT is iconic!!! However… Iris DOES realize that the only reason their lightning is a certain color is because of their outfits, right??? Barry’s suit is red and yellow and her’s was purple. Lightning trails kind of mean nothing other than the fact that they’re a speedster…
- I know this being a bit bitchy but the fact that Iris called the idea of Nora Marty McFly-ing herself could ruin her own existence was Terminator 2 and not Back To The Future highlights the fact that Barry is a nerd and Iris isn’t and therefore, in that way, do not fit together (and yes my Snowbarry shipping ass does recognize that Caitlin probably would because she’s also a nerd but I’ll keep that out for my first thought-post)
- “I’ll be back… in a flash.” God Nora is the CUTEST thing! And her little giggle was so cjdsfhaskjfhskfa She’s so excited to meet her parents even though it’s dangerous I just love her okay
- Iris is a bit cute with meeting their daughter too. I love that she was like “I knew she was our daughter!” since Barry was skeptic, as he should because this is a superhero show and therefore do not trust anyone who comes into your life claiming to be something but Barry is also right that they need to get her back as quick as possible. I wish they’d been allowed some time to mull over what happened though because it’s been hours since everything went down last season.
- Can’t believe Wally is back (even though it’s probably just for a little bit) I’ve missed him so much and it’s just so surreal 🥺🥺🥺
- Even though I feel bad for Cisco about his breakup, instead of focusing on Iris being all cute and proud about her daughter, I was more focused on Caitlin waving her hand above Cisco’s face to check on him lol I love their friendship so much they’re really tight and I swear to GOD they better not ruin it
- FINALLY Barry is given his mundane job back! Technically it was supposed to be last episode but obviously shit hit the fan so… Still, I know that eventually Iris goes back to being a reporter but that separation, having different jobs is exactly what they need because being together all the damn time is very annoying and focuses so much on them. I’m still bitter that they made Iris the “leader” of team flash despite knowing nothing (but suddenly does because fan service) about the level of science they use every day, Iris really only knows how to be bossy and commanding
- Barry being all awkward and stuttering over calling Iris her mom I love it, so cute. Also, HE HAS HIS OWN SPACE AGAIN WE LOVE THAT FOR HIM.
- Nora being just as smart as Barry? We love to see it! Her also loving his favorite dessert? We love that too!  Barry bonding with his future daughter? WE LOVE THAT EVEN IF IT’S DANGEROUS. 
- I miss Barry having little quips when he’s out and about as the flash, like him connecting with the cops is so sweet.
- Nora if you’re going to show up where he’s going to battle another meta, don’t give away the fact that you’re there when you’re not supposed to be!
- FLASH MUSEUM. Isn’t there always a museum for superheroes in these kinds of things lol are they REALLY that surprised when they’ve made drinks and if I’m remembering correctly, a day for The Flash??
- “I’ve studied everything” hinting at the fact that she learned from the museum and not her parents, meaning something happens to one of them, probably Barry.
- Hungover Cisco is really… interesting. Sad we don’t get humorous Cisco because he’s mulling over a migraine but hey everyone has off days
- Why can’t we have this cute Iris who’s like her own person all the time? I mean the last few episodes of s4 were actually quite tolerable and I’m not sure how or why but please let this tolerable Iris stay PLEASE
- First of all, I love Schway, second of all, Iris being the mom who tries to be hip… we love to see it. 
- Knowing that Nora never was around Barry because of something I’m not sure of (gotta love seeing spoilers lol) and Iris apparently treating her… not that great… and her hugging Barry before she leaves (which will probably fail) and not Iris hinting at that in the future just—ugh wonderful show
- Called it not working! I mean, how else is she supposed to stay in the show lol they wouldn’t introduce Nora for an ep and then let her go home, especially in 15 minutes
- This meaningful talk between Barry and Iris is really sweet. Like, normally Iris makes it all about herself but she’s actually helping Barry and recognizing that this is how he feels and she’s genuinely helping. It’s so weird, it’s like I stopped watching and now we’re in a parallel universe where Iris is actually good and it’s tripping me up
- Iris using schway with Barry that was very cute
 - Barry realizing that he’s not a part of the picture in the future 🥺🥺 Poor Barry…
- Nora calling herself selfish a bad speedster sounds more like words that she heard growing up……. :(
- God I am LEGIT crying at her explaining this to Barry, apologizing to him, him realizing that he DID miss all of his daughter’s firsts. It takes a lot of emotion for me to cry, like, a LOT. This is such a raw, emotional moment and it’s so, so. good. This scene is just 😭😭😭 they are such great actors JESUS pull me by the throat why don’t you
-  BARRY USING HARRY’S WORDS THAT HELPED HIM PHASE TO NORA DJFILSAHFKSFHSKAJFHFKHFUHFKDS Nora gets to learn from her dad like she’s always wanted and Barry is a proud dad and I’m just… I’M FULL OF EMOTIONS RIGHT NOW OKAY
- First of all, Nora gushing over her uncle Wally… the cutest… second of all, Joe and Wally interactions I’m so soft 🥺🥺
- “Will you take care of him, XS?” “You got it, Kid Flash.” WELL THERE GO MY TEARS AGAIN THANKS
- Ralph and Cisco banter we love to see it.
- RALPH WAS HELPING CAITLIN WITH HER KILLER FROST PROBLEM AWWWW I heard people ship them and I can see why because they have a really sweet relationship of helping one another at their lowest and I just… my crying is now a sobbing
- The second they said her dad had been dead for awhile I immediately figured that he wasn’t but anyways… CAITLIN’S DAD IS ALIVE YAY! She can get answers 🥺😭
- Why would Barry need Iris’s permission to go to Happy Harbor to get ice cream??? He’s an adult lol
- Ugh the ending, finishing with her outro just like Barry’s in the first ep. Fantastic. Chef’s kiss. Amazing.
- So is there some meta-human-hunter now??? Welp… rip Gridlock...
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asinindarchived · 7 years ago
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snowbarrie :
snowbarrie :
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 #someone explain to me how i dont even watch this show but i feel the chemistry
I live for these tags.
oh look i found some more (all these from this post alone too)
#that was me before i watched the show tbh #its the reason i even started the show
#i may need to catch up on this show
#i dont even watch this show #but like i need to watch just for this ship
#OH HEYY THEY’RE DATING #im so glad and i don’t ever watch the shwo
#I don’t watch this show but I ship them so goddamn fucking hard
hey i saw some more (still from this post)
#THIS IS ME #i stopped watched when they arrived at neverland #but jfc i want to start watching again just because of these two idiots
#my reaction to catching episodes of ouat at home #like who is this pirate and why is he so in love with emma swan and i need to catch up to see it happen
#like i don’t understand #i ship these two sO MUCH #and i’ve never heard them talk
# I AM THAT TAG # they’re so cute punch me in the face #captain swan #is that the name
#i don’t watch the show # but I SHIP IT SO MUCH
# i totally know; # i stopped watching mid season 2 or 3; # and captain swan brought me back
# actually i don’t watch the show anymore # and i don’t even know killian but man # they look so beautiful together # the chemistry man # wow
#the tags describe me #I don’t watch #but these two are super cute
#I started watching this show after seeing gifs of them #shipped that shit before ever seeing a full episode
#these two and i dont watch the show omg  
#this was me tho #i saw the i swear on emma swan gifset and i was like what the FUCK
#I literally shipped them long before I started watching the show and that was before season 3 even aired #Thanks tumblr #Much chemistry. Such true love. wow.
#i dont watch the show but fucking shit
for real guys, you should watch the show and you’ll ship them even more, they’re much more painful and perfect beyond the gifsets
last one i swear, lmao i had to
#i started watching the show just for these two adorable motherfuckers #I’m still on season one #I haven’t even met hook #and yet #because of tumblr #they are one of the top otps #EVER #LIKE FUCK YOU GUYS I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT HE SOUNDS LIKE #I DON’T EVEN KNOW ABOUT MAGIC IN THIS GODDAM SHOW #BUT APPARENTLY I DO BECAUSE OF YOU GUYS #GAAAAHHHH #ASDFGHJKL #I just #feels
More because these two are life ruining idiots.
#otp: my jolly sailor bold#captain swan#ouat#this is me too#i haven’t been watching this show BUT THIS SHIP I WANNA WATCH IT FOR THIS SHIP
 #i don’t even ship them but i ship them
 #okay i’m almost willing to catch up just for these two, #and that’s saying something
#My friend ships them despite never watching it
#i had stopped after season 1#but my roommate loves them and id seen them be really cute together in gifs#so i tried watching season 2 and was caught up in 5 days#i watched about 45 episodes in 5 days because of these fuckers
#i started ouat because of a gif of the neverland kiss#i was like HOT DAMN#knew absolutely nothing about the show#i was confused when Hook wasnt in S1#im like who the fuck is this graham and august and shit#get away
#i started the show bc of their gifset#i didn even know they were a ship and now they’re ruining my life
#this was me too#I saw the gif of him making the sex eyes at Emma while tying up her hand bandage#I was like WOAH#calm down sailor with your eyes and your jaw and your yum#imagine my joy at finding the show on Netflix
ok i lied, i saw some more
this is about to be the longest cs post ever but idc because everytime i check there’s more lol and i love it
#read captain swan fic before i even watched the damn show
#omg #otp #i started to watch the show bc i saw gifs of them and i shipped them before i even watched an episode xD #you just see them and know #im mean so much chemistry comeoooonnn
#i somehow stumbled onto a captain swan video on youtube #and my fucking HEART
# seriously considering watching it again just because these two # goddamn
#oh my fucking god i so thought i was the only one who shipped them and doesn’t watch thw show #BUT THE CHEMISTRY BETWEEN THESE TWO AND I ONLY SEE IT IN GIFS I CAN’T EVEN IMAGINE WHAT IT’S LIKE TO SEE IT ON THE SHOW
#literally this is me #like what the fuck is ouat #idk but keep it going cuz damn son
and just in case the ones among you who didn’t watch don’t know what happened after…
she said YES
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oh dear god we’re a successful ship. but the best is “FUCK YOU GUYS I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT HE SOUNDS LIKE”!
Fave post
it’s back… Oh God, you need to find out what he sounds like, but make sure you’re seated when you do
it’s back
I will never not reblog this post
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Also they are married now…
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(rectifying that I didn’t add a gif the last time)
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best gif ever
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also, they’re expecting their first child now.
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