#may come back with a blog for mj watson my beloved..
undecime · 11 months
have been spending time off dash, hope y’all are doing well <3
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spaceorphan18 · 3 years
State of the Projects
Don’t mind me - I’m just taking an inventory of the amount of projects I have going and things I have ideas for.  Feel free to ignore me completely.  Tagging @snarkyhag - who will probably end up reading a majority of these projects for beta’ing purposes, lol. 
Fic Writing
Glee Fic - Current Projects
99 Perspectives of a Single Love Story - which is going well as a weekly update.  It’ll take me until next year to finish, but I think it’s fun to have something to wait for every week. 
Chasing Pavements - I know I’ve been delayed on this! The next chapter is coming! And I think now that I’m over the writing block that I had going for a while, I’ll be able to commit to this a little more. 
Head Over Feet - Which has not been published, but it’s Middle-Aged!Klaine and a Reunion fic.  It’s an AU that splits off after season 5, and how they meet up when they’re in their thirties.  I’m writing it now, and will publish when it’s finished - but I’ll tease that it’s possibly my favorite thing I’ve worked on. 
Spaces In-Between - which is Kurt’s canon story.  It’s on hiatus at the moment, but I’d like to get back to it.  
Untitled Future Fic - Based off my Season 11 Sketch, it’s a more Klaine focused story that’s canon set, and tells of the last year leading up to where we end up with the characters in Dreams Come True.  
Glee Fic - Ideas and Hiatus projects
Here’s the list of porn one-shots I still have kicking around:
Vampire-threesome set in my Vampire!Fic verse (Blaine/Kurt/Elliott)
Pool Porn (based on a strange dream I had)
Blaine and Kurt celebrate turning forty by having sex in the shower 
99 sex positions Kurt and Blaine try 
...and there’s a growing cry for more tentacle porn apparently. 
Projects on semi-permanent hiatus
Changed for the Better -- I really struggled while writing the first half of this fic.  And I’m not sure if I have any notes for how it plays out.  But never say never -- maybe some day I’ll feel like finishing it. 
The CrossRhodes Saga -- This one I’m more apt to finish -- it’s a 40s noir story.  People didn’t seem that into it, but I’m more likely to finish this one than the other. 
MCU Fic 
A few more chapters for the Faking It fic - I have a couple more ideas in mind before I let that one be
The epic Spidey fic I’ve been kicking around for a while
The Heist - Jean Grey, Black Widow, Pepper Potts, and MJ Watson in an Ocean 11′s style heist story
The MCU in HS AU
Pepper/MJ one-shot where MJ works at Stark tower
Steve/Peggy fake dating story
A story about the Illuminati
Some vague ideas I’m kicking around such as tropey one-shots and a story about Tony and Pepper -- also a Five Times Tony Almost Died and One Time He Did fic
The Stucky Experiments – it’s basically just porn written solely for my ego
I’ve kicked around the idea of doing some kind of X-Men stuff, but nothing has really solidified as a good story
A story about the five stages of grief post-Endgame
Meta (and Other) Writing
Author Spotlights - for the fic blog.  Will be wrapped up this summer.  I think people like these? But I do want to work on other things.  Maybe next year I’ll reopen it? It depends on how many people are interested.  
Meanwhile - I’m going to need future ideas for TDBFic if anyone has suggestions on how to keep things going over there.  
June Character Celebration & July TDBFic Summer Event -- which are pretty much done and ready to go.  (Just a few last minute things to do)  
Rankings 2.0 - Which has been a fun project despite me griping about episodes.  I think I want to wrap up this and the summer projects before I move on to the other set of things on my list.  
Musical Retrospective - I wanted to look at how music was used and do an analysis of the music in the show.  It’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a while, and wrapping up other things will finally allow me the time.  
The Grey Project - I read All the Other Ghosts analytically for the podcast, I’d still like to do the same for the sequel.  
Kurt and Fashion - Not sure how or what this will eventually be, but was kicking around the idea after answering that ask.  
Blog catch-up: I have a bunch of asks, likes, and drafts that I still have to get to.  I’m always behind on it.  But I’ll pick away at this for as long as you guys seem interested and keep sending me things. :) 
The Book Blog & Movie Reviews
I am going to throw myself into this more -- yes, because I enjoy doing it, but it also ties into my job, so there is that aspect, too.  And it might be something that’ll keep my focus if/when Glee fandom dies out completely.  
Marvel Movie Nights - where I look at projects related to Marvel Comics.  Once I’m caught up, I’ll review things as they come out.  I don’t think I’ll do other major movie reviews, though. 
General Book Reviews - I’m always reading something, so there will always be something to update.  I have set a goal for at least one regular review monthly.  
I may go back through old books and do reviews of those, too, just because. 
Agatha Christie Read Thru - Which I’ve started, and has been fun! I think there are other authors whom I’ll read through their catalogues, though I’m not sure who will be next. 
X-Men Comics - I’ve wanted to write about X-Men for a long time.  I may put in other comics, too.  
Book to Movie - I figured I’d like to do Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter at some point.  But there’s no reason I can’t do other things as well -- especially if people are interested.  
And of course, there’s my beloved Original Fiction that never gets worked on because of all the things on the above list.  Some day.  
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