fadingobjectrp · 1 year
After this: (x)
Adryan had the other’s cock in his right hand, he lifted up to be able to start licking the underside of it, making a trail down to his balls, capturing one of them into his mouth, sucking at it while waiting for the other to wake up. He finished with that and returned to suck at the tip of his dick, wrapping his lips around it and starting to go down when he listened to the other wish him a good morning. So, with even more energy now he continued down, bobbing his head for a couple of seconds before grabbing air from his nose and go down, until the other reached the back of his throat, there he sucked until his gag reflex kicked in. It was then that he moved his head up, taking him out of his lips. 
“It was about time you got up,” he said, laying his head against Maxwell’s thigh and letting his dick fall against Adryan’s cheek. He then snapped his fingers to lift the cover with his magic just so he could stare at him. “Do you want me to stop? Because the only way this can turn into a good morning is if you give me a facial and then let me fuck you...”.
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leobehl · 4 years
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‘you look like the right person to ask about drinks. actually, i’ll be honest i’ve been asking any adult i can find. so here’s my actual question, i’ve heard good, questionable, and awful things about lippin’s.. that bar on main street? is it any good?’ leo sincerely hoped he wasn’t being annoying, but he had to get to know this city somehow and it was proving difficult to just wander about. lyanna probably could help but this was his time to shine and make friends. ‘and if it does suck, maybe suggest another place? and um, come out for drinks tonight? on me.’
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fallingpetcls · 6 years
“...” Ib blinked slowly as she looked at the man. What was he wearing? She knew she was bad at choosing clothes that looked good, given how many times her mom had to change her outfit so it matched or was normal, but she was fairly certain his outfit was weird. 
She watched from the edge of a roof, not intending to make her presence known. Then she saw the tiny monster trying to sneak up on him and even with the wait of her failures crushing her tiny shoulders she had to act. She dropped from the ledge, landing lightly on her feet thanks to whatever the scientists had done, and shot a beam at the monster. Unfortunately for her, dark magical beams didn’t have the same power as light ones when it came to defeating the monsters.
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oceantrial-blog · 8 years
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“Excuse me! Is the weather usually this cold? I haven’t really seen anything like this back home.” Lana couldn’t help shiver realizing that she wasn’t exactly wearing the right type of clothes for this weather.
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explosionmage-blog · 8 years
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“ What’s that book looking thing you got there?” A curious question from someone new to this city, Megumin just assumed everyone around was friendly and willing to chat; Much like back at home.
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