#maxwell x mc fanfic
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tessa-liam ¡ 2 months ago
Royal Adventures 
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Season’s Scrambles
Chapter 2 
Books: Choices, The Royal Romance Finale, Choices, The Royal Holiday 
A Smoke & Mirrors Series Alternate Universe 
Main Pairing: Liam Rys x F! MC Riley Brooks-Rys
All characters belong to Pixelberry Studios
Series Inspiration: Royal Misadventures, Smoke & Mirrors series 1-shot 
Series Premise: 12-year-old Crown Princess Eleanor Rys of Cordonia has officially started her Royal education. Tutors that had been personally selected by His Majesty King Liam Rys and Queen Riley Rys were set to begin her royal lessons, and her days were packed full. The young princess was a natural leader, and the King and Queen could not be prouder.   
Royal Adventures Masterlist 
Smoke and Mirrors Masterlist 
Rating:  M, not Beta'd-please excuse all errors    
Category: On-going series, fluff 
Warnings: swearing, drinking, sexual innuendo 
Most Characters belong to Pixelberry Studios 
Chapter Inspiration: National Lampoon’s ‘Christmas Vacation’ 
Katie Campbell – Theme Song 1989 
Royal Adventures 
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Season’s Scrambles, chapter 2 
Chapter Summary: Olivia invites the Royal Family, Leo & Amalas, Drake & Delaney, Alex Cossoy, Hana and Maxwell to the Dukedom of Lythikos to enjoy the winter season for the holidays.  Ellie, along with Drake, Leo and Maxwell decide to have a sledding competition. In secret. Olivia and Ellie conspire to grease Maxwell's sled with a super slippery substance where his sled flies down the hill at an extremely fast speed. 
A/N: My submission for King Liam Appreciation Week 2024, Day 1 - Baklava 
A/N2: My submission for @choicesholidays, @angelascribbles -Week 5- Prompt: New Traditions 
A/N3: My submission for Choices December 2024 Challenge, Prompts: 4-Traditions/5-Baking/8-Spices/21-Tree/26-Hot Chocolate/10-Snow,      All I Want for Christmas is You (Mariah Carey) 
Words: 2445
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 Lythokis Keep, Lythokis, Cordonia 
Carefully laying out the phyllo dough, Riley hummed a Christmas tune as she started to layer the ingredients for Baklava for Liam. The sweet honey drizzle and cinnamon made her mouth water. The smell of his favorite dessert would draw him into the kitchens quickly. Luckily, he was off to fell a talon tree with Leo, Drake and Alex, having left at the crack of dawn, not expected to return until later in the afternoon. 
"Baklava?" 12-year-old Ellie asked, as she watched her mother gleefully preparing her father’s favorite sweet treat. Sitting on the stool next to her mother, Ellie sighed, “I love Baklava,” looking longingly at the sweet confection. 
"Of course you do," Riley chuckled, nudging her shoulder. "I'll try to save you some," as Riley continued to sprinkle chopped pistachios onto the dish. 
"Thanks, Mom!" 
"I want to lick the bowl." Stefan said, jumping up and down. 
"No way!" William cried. "You always get to lick the bowl, Steffie." 
"Stefan, you can't eat it all," Riley said, looking down at her youngest. "This is your dad's and he's going to be hungry after felling that tree." 
"But I love baklava," Stefan pouted, his eyes tearing up. 
Riley looked over at him, seeing the tears in his eyes. She knew that look anywhere. 
"Stefan, no..." she warned. 
"Please?" He begged. 
She shook her head, chuckling. 
"Go ahead." 
"Yessss!" Stefan cheered, leaping into the air. 
Riley grinned and finished placing the top layer. She took the pan and placed it into the oven. 
"So," she said, turning to look at her children. "What's on the agenda for today?" 
"Auntie Livvie invited Micaela and I to go sledding," Ellie said.  
"Oh really? Okay, before you go, please help your brothers with their skates.” 
"Sure, Mom," Ellie nodded agreeably.  
Riley took a sip of her coffee and walked away to get herself dressed for the winter chill, leaving the kids to their own devices. 
"Alright, boys," Ellie said, walking over to them. 
"We wanna go sledding!" William whined. 
"I'll help you get your skates on," she said. "Then you can go sledding." 
“Yes, I promise." 
"Alright, boys," Maxwell said, standing in the middle of the ice rink with Hana and Amalas, holding his nephews' hands. "Are you ready to learn how to skate?" 
"Yes!" Stefan yelled. 
"No!" William cried. "It's cold out here." 
"You won't even notice once you get started," Hana said, kneeling next to him. 
"Trust me." 
"Alright," William said, nodding. 
"Come on, you two," Riley said, taking their hands. 
"Mom," Ellie said, grabbing Riley's hand. 
"When is Daddy coming back?" 
"In a few hours, sweetie," she replied, rubbing her arm. "He should be done by lunch time." 
"Now," Riley said, standing on the ice and taking the twins' hands. "Let's go." 
"Wait," Stefan said, stopping. 
"What's wrong?" 
"How do we stay up?" 
"Don't worry," Hana said, sliding next to him and taking his hand. "We've got you." 
"I'm scared." 
"Just relax and don't think about it," Maxwell said. 
"Just like when you're walking," Riley added. 
"Just don't fall," Stefan nodded warily. 
"Stefan," William groaned, rolling his eyes. "Don't say that." 
"Why not?" 
"You'll jinx us." 
"How would I-" 
"Hey," Maxwell said, crouching in front of them. "Look at me. Do you know who I am?" 
"You're Uncle Maxwell," Stefan nodded. 
"Do you know that I'm not going to let you get hurt? Or your mom or your Aunt Hana?" 
"And you trust me, right?" 
"Then you have nothing to worry about," Maxwell said, winking at him. 
"I want to go with you, Auntie Hana!" Stefan said. 
"Me too!" William cried. 
"Ok, ok," Hana chuckled. 
As the twins began to glde with Hana, Riley looked up at Maxwell and smirked. 
"Race you." 
"Oh, you're on, queen Riles," Maxwell said, smirking back. 
They sped off across the ice, the kids squealing as they picked up speed. Amalas slid next to Hana, smirking. 
"How much did you bet on this?" 
"1000 euro," Hana smirked. 
Riley and Maxwell were neck and neck, their kids cheering from the sidelines. 
"Last lap, Beaumont," Riley breathily laughed. 
"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Ri," he responded cheekily. 
Riley laughed and sped up. She passed him and he tried to speed up as well but instead lost his balance and fell on his face. Riley burst into giggles, falling onto the ice, dramatically, as well. The twins cheered, hugging their aunt tightly. 
"You beat Uncle Maxwell!" 
"I told you, Mom's the best!" 
"Thank you, thank you," Riley chuckled, bowing. 
...Meanwhile, Olivia was preparing Maxwell's sled as Ellie watched closely.
"So, it's a secret sled?" Ellie asked.  "What are you spraying on the bottom of the disk? 
"This," Olivia said, holding up a can. 
"What's that?" 
"Graphite oil spray. It's not even for sale in the Capital. It's just something I had on hand." 
"Nice," Ellie grinned. 
"Now, we just spray it on the sled and ...voila." 
"It's not gonna look too obvious, right?" 
"Don't worry," Olivia said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "He won't know until he's already halfway down the hill.... and by then, it will be too late." 
"Perfect," Ellie said, clapping her hands together. 
"Now, we go over the plan again." 
"Exactly, good thinking." Olivia nodded. 
"And if it works, we get to win the bet with uncle Leo and uncle Drake? And they will have to be our personal butlers for a week?
"But Uncle Drake and Uncle Leo will hate us forever." 
"Oh ... not forever," Olivia chuckled. "Just until the next competition. And they won't win that either. They will not be pleased." 
"This is mean." 
"It's a bit mean," Olivia cackled. 
"But I still think it's a great idea." 
"Good. Now, let's go over the plan again." 
As Liam, Leo and Alex was returning to the keep, the sun was setting and snow was falling gently from the sky. Riley and the kids were standing on the balcony of the grand suite, waiting for their arrival. 
"Look, boys," Riley said, pointing down the path. "There they are." 
"Where?" Stefan asked. 
"Right there." 
"Daddy!" William yelled. 
Liam looked up, waving to them. Riley and the kids waved back, the kids jumping up and down. 
"Daddy, Daddy!" They shouted. 
Liam walked noticeably faster, the other adults quickening their pace to keep up. He made it to the stairs, climbing them two steps at a time. Once he reached the top, the boys ran and leapt into his arms, hugging him tightly. 
"Hi, Daddy," Stefan said. 
"Hi, boys," Liam chuckled. "Have you been good?" 
"Yeah, Daddy." 
"I'm so glad." 
"Did you have fun, Dad?" Riley asked, leaning against the rail. 
"I did," he said, nodding. "Leo almost fell off a tree, but other than that, we had a lot of fun." 
"Uncle Leo almost fell?" 
"That's hilarious!" 
"You're telling me." 
"Come on, boys," Riley said. "Let's give your father a break and get him some hot chocolate." 
"Hot chocolate!" They yelled, running down the hall. 
"Ahhhh ... there is my beautiful bride." Liam placed a sweet kiss on her cheek as Riley wrapped her arms around his neck. 
"I can't believe this will be our first year spending the holidays here since after our wedding ... and that was our first holiday as a married couple." 
"What special traditions will you make this year, love." Liam wrapped his arms around her waist. 
"I'm ready to make some new traditions with you." 
"Oh yeah, I can't wait, love. So, what did you and the twins do while we were gone?" Liam asked. 
"Went ice skating." Riley grinned.
"Oh really?" 
"Maxwell taught the boys how to skate," Riley said. "He kept them occupied while Amalas, Hana and I had some girl time." 
"Sounds like fun." 
"It was. How was your time with the other men?" 
"It was interesting," Liam chuckled. "Alex and Leo tried to make a tree fort, but Alex fell through the roof." 
"So," she said, stepping closer to him. "Did you bring home the prize?" 
"We did," he nodded. "A 20 foot talon tree." 
"Mm-hm," he murmured, leaning forward and kissing her. 
"Come on," Riley said, taking his hand and pulling him to the hall. "Let's get you warmed up. I have a surprise for you." 
"Ooh, what is it?" 
"If I tell you, it's not a surprise, your Majesty." 
"Fair point," Liam chuckled, following her down the grand staircase. 
Once they were in the kitchen, Liam's eyes landed on the counter. 
"Is that...?" 
"Baklava," Riley said matter of factly. 
"Really," she nodded and smiled coyly. "Made it this morning. Our new holiday tradition: freshly baked, homemade baklava." 
"Oh, baby, you are the best," Liam sighed. 
"I know," Riley giggled. 
Riley turned and saw her sons walking into the room. 
"Daddy, do you want to come sledding with us?" William asked. 
"Can't," Liam said, picking up a slice of baklava. "I've got business to take care of." 
"Oh, please," Riley said, looking up at him. "Come play with us." 
"You don't have to convince me," he chuckled, popping another bite into his mouth. 
"Yay! Come on, Daddy!" 
"Ok, ok," Liam laughed. 
They put their jackets and boots on and walked outside. 
Olivia, Ellie, Micaela and Alex were standing on top of a snow hill planning the race, surrounded by lots of freshly fallen snow. Drake, Maxwell, Hana Delaney, were chatting and drinking Lythikos nog. Leo and Amalas met Liam, Riley, William and Stefan to take them to watch the race.
"Are you ready?" Olivia called, looking down the hill. 
"Bring it!" Drake yelled. 
"Oh, you're gonna get it!" Ellie shouted. 
"Alright, let's start this," Maxwell said, clapping his hands. 
"Who's racing?" Maxwell asked. 
"Me, you, Auntie Laney, and Uncle Drake," Ellie said, hopping up and down. 
"Oh," Maxwell said. "Then it's three against one." 
"Yeah," Olivia smirked. "I'm rooting for my niece." 
"Same here," Amalas chuckled. 
"Oh, boy," Maxwell groaned. 
"You've got this, Ellie!" Micaela cheered. 
"We'll win this," Delaney said. 
"Suurre, you will," Drake said. 
"Oh, we will," Ellie countered, nodding. 
Alex placed the circular discs in a line, 10 feet apart for Ellie, Maxwell, Drake, and Delaney.
Olivia and Ellie looked at each other, smirking. 
"On your mark," Alex said, "Get set. Goooooo!" 
They pushed their sleds down the hill, the cold air hitting their faces. Olivia looked over and saw Maxwell's sled was flying down the hill, far ahead of the others. She and Ellie looked at each other, laughing. 
"He's gonna crash," Ellie said. 
"He's not gonna stop," Olivia chuckled. 
"You're right," she sighed. "He's gonna wipe out." 
"Hopefully he'll learn his lesson." 
"What lesson?" 
"Never bet against us," Olivia smirked. 
"Yeah," Ellie chuckled. 
As they neared the bottom of the hill, Olivia saw Maxwell's sled skid off the side, sending him flying into the air.
Maxwell was having a blast, the speed at which he was barreling down the hill was exhilarating.
"Woo-hoo!" He yelled. "I'm flying!" 
"Not for long!" Ellie laughed. 
Suddenly, Maxwell's sled flew off the side, sending him tumbling into a snowbank. 
"Maxwell!" Riley cried out, running to him. 
"Ouch," he groaned. 
"What happened?" Liam asked. 
"I don't know. My sled just shot off the hill." 
"He's fine," Riley said. "I'm sure it's not the end of the world." 
"Yeah," Maxwell nodded. 
"Oh, man," Ellie chuckled, nudging Olivia. "Good thing they can't prove anything." 
"I agree," Olivia whispered. 
"You are a bad influence, Liv" Riley said, noticing their devious expressions 
"Alright," Drake said, stepping next to the snowbank. "Who wants a turn?" 
"I do!" Ellie cried, leaping into the snow. 
Liam stepped up and stopped his daughter from lifting the fast disc.
"Ellie, hold on a second," Liam said calmly. 
"Why, Daddy?" 
"Because that's not a toy, and it's dangerous." 
"I can handle it," Ellie said. 
"You need to be careful." 
"I will be." 
"No, Ellie. Just use the slower sled." 
"I won't tell you again." 
"Fiiinne," Ellie groaned, trudging over to the slower sled. 
"You know, Li, you never used to be so strict," Leo said, stepping next to him. 
"Well, times have changed." 
"I can't risk her getting hurt." 
"Of course not," Leo nodded. "But she's your daughter. She's gonna want to try new things and get out of her comfort zone." 
"I'm aware." 
"So maybe let her have a little more freedom. It's not going to kill her." 
"I'll think about it." 
"Good. But remember, we did a lot of stuff we shouldn't have when we were kids." 
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@choicesficwriterscreations @choicescommunityevents @kingliamappreciationweek @choicesholidays @choicesmonthlychallenge @choicesdecember2024 @choicesprompts
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fadingreveries ¡ 6 months ago
The Royal Romance, Bk1 Ch2: Welcome to Cordonia (Pt. 4)
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Click here for the TRR retelling series masterlist for more chapters! 🏰
Story Summary: In this novel-style retelling of TRR, beloved scenes with original commentary from the Choices stories including your favourite group of royals and friends will be expanded upon. Contains extended commentary and scenes from the original story, in-depth descriptions of bonus scenes, and premium choices and outfits.
Chapter Synopsis: Riley travels to Cordonia, but what will await her there?
Word Count:
Disclaimer: All rights to original commentary, scenes, and characters from The Royal Romance series reserved to Choices and Pixelberry Studios. No copyright infringement intended.
~ ~ ~
After quickly unpacking a few of her belongings, Riley made her way out of her assigned room on a mission to explore the palace boutique’s options. Luckily for her, Maxwell had told her that the store was located on the ground floor near the front entrance.
A few minutes later, Riley pushed past the doors into the boutique. The soft pink walls contrasted nicely with the brown mahogany floors and the light gray floor rug covering the entire ground. A silver chandelier with bell-shaped glass shades hung directly in the middle of the room. Several mannequins dressed in various formal attire for men and women were scattered across the rooms.
Absentmindedly, Riley brushed her hand against the silk and satin dresses placed on one of many racks on display. The closest she had ever gotten to seeing such beautiful formal dresses was outside display windows of luxury stores on her way to school and work.
“Oh!” A girl yelped out, stepping out of a changing room and holding a dress.
Startled with the sudden voice, Riley looked over her shoulder to see who it was. However, when she noticed that the girl was only dressed in her underwear, Riley quickly turned back around. While she felt a hint of excitement to meet new people up close and personal, this wasn’t exactly what she had in mind.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” Riley apologized, feeling embarrassed at seeing a stranger looking so vulnerable. “I didn’t realize someone was already here. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have just barged in.”
With Riley’s back turned, the girl quickly draped the curtain of the changing room over her body to cover herself. Only her head poked out, a sign she was eager to invite Riley into a conversation.
“Oh, it’s no problem at all. To be honest, I didn’t have an appointment. I forgot to book one before my flight landed a few hours ago but thought I would peruse down here before it became too crowded,” the girl sheepishly replied, making Riley turn around to see her friendly smile. “I’m Hana. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Pleasantly surprised with the girl’s bright kindness to a stranger like her, Riley gave a smile in return. “You too. My name’s Riley.”
“I suppose you’re also here to prepare for the Masquerade tonight,” Hana replied, before disappearing behind the curtain to pull on the dress she was holding. “Since you’re here and not already dressed, I must assume that you’re just like me… searching desperately for something to wear.”
“More or less,” Riley replied, with a relaxed laugh. Her neck craned around to catch short glimpses of the dresses in the boutique, wondering how on earth she would be able to narrow it down with the surprising variety.
“The seamstress seems to be running late, but I can show you around! The boutique has the most exquisite gowns. Quite a few of them were shipped just this morning,” Hana answered, pulling the curtain to the side. “Let me just zip this dress up and we can look for one for you!”
Walking to a floor-length mirror, Hana faced her reflection to note her appearance. There was an immense amount of pressure on her from her parents to make a good first impression on the nobility during the court’s social season. She took a deep breath, examining the rose gold laced bodice with rhinestones and a matching floor-length satin skirt.
Her hands arched around her back, trying to get a firm grasp on the tiny zipper. Replaying her parents’ never-ending lectures in her mind about securing the hand of the prince, she felt a slight tremble in her grip and found herself unable to zip herself in the dress. What was she going to do if she failed to secure his attention?
“Need a hand?” Riley offered, admiring how confident and poised Hana looked in front of the mirror with her masquerade outfit.
With a relieved laugh, Hana answered, “That would be amazing.”
Making her way behind Hana, Riley grasped hold of the zipper and slid it all the way up. On a nearby side table, Hana picked up a salmon pink mask with gold accents that matched her dress perfectly. She carefully settled it on her face, making her happily sigh with a satisfied smile.
Turning to face Riley with a grin, Hana complimented, “Thank you. It’s a pity that not many girls here are like you.”
“Helpful?” Riley asked, a smile on her face at Hana’s comment.
“Genuinely nice,” Hana explained, with a simple knowing nod. “It would make the social season much less intimidating if we were here to converse as ladies instead of constantly viewing each other as competition.”
If Drake was right about the ruthlessness of noble ladies, it seemed Riley had found a rare ally in her. Unbeknownst to her, Hana held the same sentiments. Most ladies would secretly turn their noses up at her out of jealousy, let alone help her—something Hana was used to growing up as a noble.
Hana spun for Riley, her full skirts twirling as she giggled. “Ah, this dress is perfect! Now, what about you? One must have a mask for the Masquerade!”The two girls perused through racks of dresses, holding up possible options to the other for a second opinion. Ten minutes later, Hana’s eyes widened in excitement as she pulled two garment bags from a rack. “Have you seen the angel costume? You’d look amazing in white,” Hana suggested, eagerly holding up the white dress in her right hand and the other dress in her left hand. “Or there’s also a red one, if you’re feeling more devilish.”
“I’ll take a look.” Riley giggled, as Hana handed her both garment bags.
Inside a dressing room, Riley eyed the first costume meant to resemble a sultry devil. The crimson red colour of the strapless dress was striking along with sections made of mesh lace fabric highlighting embroidered patterns. Along with the dress were two devil horn accessories and a bold black mask with sparkling rhinestones.
Ultimately, Riley decided on the angel costume that Hana first suggested. It was much simpler with its draped off shoulder straps, a sweetheart neckline, and a shimmery sparkle that brightened the pure white colour. After stepping out of the changing room, Riley fixed the matching halo accessory on top of her head and plucked a detailed silver mask off of the table.
“How do I look?” Riley asked with a smile, giving a little twirl similar to the one Hana had done moments ago.
Hana’s face brightened up, as she grinned and the two made their way out of the boutique. “Heavenly! A costume as angelic as the girl wearing it.”
~ ~ ~
Click here for the TRR retelling series masterlist for more chapters! 🏰
Tag list: @kingliam2019 @princess-geek @karahalloway @tessa-liam @twinkleallnight @tinkie1973
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angelasscribbles ¡ 1 year ago
Unexpected Chapter 12: The Beginning
Series: Unexpected
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Maxwell x Riley x Liam x Hana
Rating: MA
Warnings: None for this chapter
Word Count: 2,351
A/N: This is it, the final chapter. But there will likely be at least one follow-up because there's still so much to explore in this universe. I might even do a spin-off series at some point. We'll see. If anyone has requests/questions for this series, please send them.
My other stuff: Master List.
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“I choose….. Lady Hana Lee!”
Surprised murmurs broke out through the crowd, followed swiftly by applause.
Riley watched happily from the audience as her girlfriend climbed the stage to get engaged to the new king. She ignored the whispers and sidelong glances of the rest of the court.
Everyone had expected it to be her. In the last week, she and Liam had done very little to hide their relationship. They had been spotted coming out of the hedge maze hand in hand earlier that very night, leaves in their hair, faces flushed.
She smiled as she slid her arm through Max’s. Her gaze darted around the ballroom until she found Bertrand. He looked like he’d been slapped as he stood with his glass of champagne, mouth hanging open, eyes wide, and face pale. She felt a ping of sharp satisfaction as she watched his face slowly go from white to red with indignation.
“Come.” She tugged on Max’s arm. “Let’s go congratulate the happy couple.”
When it was their turn in the receiving line, Riley hugged the new king and queen tightly, happily, kissing each one quickly on the lips, and delighting in the shocked gasps from onlookers.
Liam entwined his hand with Hana’s as they watched her walk away and whispered to his new partner in crime, “What are we going to do with her, my queen?”
Hana shivered slightly. “Unspeakable things, I hope.”
Hana had been heartbroken when Riley first told her about her relationship with Liam and Max. But when the object of her affection had proposed a unique solution that positioned her as queen and gave her full access to exploring a relationship with both the woman she loved and the man at her side, a man she liked, respected, and was attracted to, she had for once in her life chosen the path of the unknown, of adventure, of jumping off the cliff with blind faith that things would work out. She had jumped, and it was exhilarating. The public assumed her flushed face and sparkling eyes were because of Liam. Let them. That was according to plan.
Riley’s appointment as Duchess of Valtoria would be announced within the week.
Liam had been clear with all involved that he would not hide his relationship with Riley. Royal marriages were political and there was no reason to pretend otherwise. He had promised Hana that he would treat her with dignity and respect. He would not publicize their agreement, but he also refused to treat Riley as a dirty secret. They would be reasonably discreet, but if they were photographed together, there would be no denials. A simple no comment would be the only response.
The engagement tour was scheduled, the wedding day was chosen, and the honeymoon would be at an undisclosed location due to security concerns.
The undisclosed location would be Valtoria. The press would be sent on a wild goose chase to Aruba.
A full investigation had been opened into the sabotage scheme and Bertrand’s name had been removed from consideration for the vacant council seat.
Riley and Max made their way through the crowd, only to be intercepted by Bertrand. He was livid. “What just happened?”
Riley tightened her grip on Max’s arms as she smiled serenely. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, two days ago your things were moved from Ramsford and your room at the palace into the suite next to Liam’s! What changed since then?”
“Nothing.” She grabbed a champagne flute from a passing server.
“Then why aren’t you engaged?”
“Oh, I am.” Her smile turned malicious as she held her left hand up for inspection. An enormous pear-cut diamond surrounded by a cluster of smaller diamonds sparkled on her ring finger. “I’m going to be your sister-in-law. You should congratulate us.”
Bertrand’s face darkened. “I warned you what would happen if your little dalliance with my brother ruined our chances at the crown. I will disinherit him, and I will personally ensure that your visitor’s visa is revoked!”
“You’ll do no such thing.”
Bertrand spun toward the voice. “Your Majesty! I was just—”
“I know what you were doing.” Liam’s face betrayed no hint of emotion as he reached his hand out toward Riley. She took it and stepped up to his side. “And while I can’t stop you from disinheriting your brother, I can promise you that Duchess Riley’s citizenship has been fast-tracked and cannot be revoked by anyone other than myself.”
Bertrand blanched. “Duchess Riley?”
“Oh, I meant to tell you!” Riley said with exaggerated sweetness. “Liam gave me Valtoria. So once Max and I are married, he’ll be a duke like you! He doesn’t need your money anymore and neither do I. Hm. Maybe I’ll talk to Liam about giving him that council seat you wanted.”
Bertrand paled even more as he tracked Liam’s face for some sign she was lying and found none.
Without removing his eyes from Bertrand, Liam handed the woman at his side back to Max. “Why don’t you take your fiancée to dance? I’ll be there shortly to cut in.”
Riley blew a kiss to Bertrand as she followed Max to the dance floor. “Ta!”
Liam fixed Bertrand with a steely glare. “I understand you’re disappointed that House Beaumont’s sponsee wasn’t chosen as queen, but the same can be said of every other noble house here tonight. Regardless of official titles, the duchess remains very dear to me. Slights to her will not be tolerated. Any offense against her is an offense against the crown as far as I am concerned. I hope that clarifies things for you.”
“I understand Your Majesty. I apologize. I mean no offense.”
Liam gave him a curt nod before striding out onto the dance floor.
“Are you okay?” Riley asked Max as she watched Liam approach.
“I will be. I just…need a word with my brother.”
“Good luck.”
Riley went from her fiancée’s arms to her lover. She grinned up at him. “Aren’t you worried that dancing with another woman thirty minutes after getting engaged will cause a scandal?”
He returned her grin. “Let it.”
“Oh, reckless! Are you a bad boy now?”
“Hardly!” He laughed. “You know there’s no way in hell I can give Max a council seat with his very questionable background, right?”
“Good Lord, no!” She tilted her head back and joined his laughter. “He would be terrible at it! I was just fucking with Bert.”
Liam pulled her closer to him with a chuckle. “I’ll bet he loves it when you call him that.”
“Why do you think I do it?”
While Liam twirled Riley around the dance floor, Max approached his brother with a storm raging in his eyes. “I can’t believe you want to disinherit me.”
“Oh, what difference does it make?” Bertrand scowled at him. “Valtoria is one of the wealthiest duchies in the country. You’ll be fine.”
“It’s not about the money!” Max cried in distress. “Don’t you want to be my brother anymore? Don’t you love me?”
“You think I don’t love you?” Bertrand spluttered. “Why else do you think I’ve bailed you out of your messes time after time?”
“I don’t know. To protect the family name, I assume.”
“That’s what you think of me?”
Max gave him a baleful look. “You knew Riley liked me and you didn’t tell me. You yell at me all the time. You care more about your reputation than my happiness.”
Bertrand straightened his suit jacket with a sharp tug. “One of us has to consider our reputation. Heaven knows it’s not you.”
Max scuffed the toe of his shoe on the ballroom floor as he considered that. “You know what? You’re right. I’ve done a lot of stupid shit in the past, and you’ve always come along and cleaned up behind me.”
“What are you getting at?” Bertrand sneered.
Max’s trademark devil-may-care smile replaced the gloomy expression he’d started with. He clapped his brother on the back. “You’ve always been there for me before. I forgive you for trying to keep me and Riley apart.”
Bertrand gaped at him. “You forgive me?!”
“Yeah. I forgive you. All’s well that ends well, right?”
After all, he had ended up with the girl. He, Maxwell Beaumont, had gotten the girl. And not just any girl. The girl. The most perfect woman he’d ever met.
His competition had been a literal prince and somehow, inexplicably, that was his ring on her finger. He didn’t pretend to understand how it had all happened. He had just paid for the ring like she told him to.
Bertrand shook his head as his eyes tracked from Riley and Liam canoodling on the dance floor, back to the sappy grin on Maxwell’s face. “Are you stupid? You’re really going to marry her and just look the other way while she continues to fuck the king?”
Much to Bertrand’s astonishment, Max’s smile got even bigger. “Oh, I’m hoping to watch. Maybe even join.”
He’d do whatever, and whoever, she instructed him to. Her, Hana, Liam. He just wanted to be included.
“I…. that…. You know what? The two of you degenerates deserve each other!”
Max, who was also watching Liam and Riley on the dance floor, heaved a dreamy sigh. “I know. Thank you.”
Bertrand went to find his driver. Max was Riley’s problem now.
Riley stayed occupied most of the night between Liam, Max, and Hana, but the moment she was alone at the refreshment table, Madeleine swooped in on her. “How does it feel to be tossed over for your little bestie?”
Riley turned slowly to take in the other woman’s haughty expression. She repaid the jab with a shrug. “No one was tossed over, Mads. And if you’re asking how I feel about Hana being queen, the answer is great! She’ll be good at it. She’s smart, charming, and diplomatic.”
The blonde’s brows drew together in confusion. “It doesn’t bother you that he’s marrying someone else?”
Riley shook her head emphatically. “I never cared about being queen, Madeleine. Unlike you, my interest in Liam is personal, not political.”
“Yes. But he just got engaged to another woman!” Madeleine was becoming increasingly annoyed at her failure to get a rise out of the strumpet who had been the bane of her existence for the last three months.
Riley followed Madeleine’s eyes to where Liam was chatting with his parents, his arm wrapped around Hana. Her face brightened as she stepped closer to Madeleine and lowered her voice. “And what a woman she is, right?”
Madeleine blinked. “What?”
“Come on,” Riley smirked. “I’ve seen how you look at her.”
Madeleine’s face mottled as red blotches marred the milky whiteness of her complexion. “I have no idea what you’re babbling about.”
“Sure you don’t.” Riley stepped away with a smile. Turning her back, she plucked a strawberry from a serving platter. “You know, you sycophants all treat the crown like some sort of prize.”
“What else would it be?”
Riley lifted the fruit to her lips as she turned back to face the countess. “The crown, and all its obligations, have been nothing but an anchor around Liam’s neck. He’d be happier without it.”
“You’re so naïve.”
Riley slowly finished chewing as she eyed Madeleine up and down with a smirk. “Right. I’m the naïve one.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
With a sparkle in her eye, Riley leaned in close and purred, “It means that I got every damn thing that I wanted and none of the crap that I didn’t. I started the summer as a waitress. I finished it with a duchy, my own money, Liam, Hana, and Max. What did you get, again?”
“Exactly.” Riley turned and walked away while Madeleine was still trying to form a coherent response.
She made it four steps before Max was next to her. Together, they found Liam and Hana as the festivities wound down and the guests began to trail out of the ballroom.
Liam turned to the other three. “Shall we retire to the royal wing?”
“And do what?” Hana felt both apprehension and excitement punch her in the stomach.
“Not that,” Liam assured her. Then, with a wicked grin, “Unless you want to.”
Hana’s eyes widened and her breath hitched a little. “I…”
Liam grasped her hand and gave it a little squeeze. “We have our entire lives to get comfortable with each other. We can go at whatever pace you’re comfortable with.”
“Just for the record,” Max interrupted, “I am comfortable with whatever pace you like, Your Majesty.”
Liam gave him a questioning look.
Max flushed. “I know about you and Carson. I’m not wrong that you like boys too, am I?”
Curiosity and interest flickered through Liam’s eyes at the offer. With a quick glance at Riley, he told Max, “We’ll take that slow as well.”
If he had to marry someone other than Riley, he couldn’t have done better than Hana. The burgeoning relationship between the two women circumvented all the awkwardness and anxiety Riley had understandably had about his marriage to another woman. And Hana would make a good queen. He was confident of that.
Max’s offer was intriguing, and the idea of sex with Hana wasn’t exactly off-putting. But Riley was the one who had his heart. With four people in the mix, there were a lot of moving parts and he wanted to proceed at a pace that would ensure plenty of time for everyone to process things as they went and minimize fallout from any potential landmines they hadn’t foreseen.
With a lot of intentional relationship-building and a little luck, they could make this unconventional arrangement work. Not just work but thrive. He was sure of it.
As the four of them made their way toward the royal wing, Max grasped Riley’s hand. Riley placed her other hand in Liam’s, and he, in turn, took Hana’s. He gave his new queen a reassuring smile then turned his gaze to Riley and Max as he told them all, “This is only the beginning, loves.”
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harleybeaumont ¡ 2 years ago
Never Have I Ever
Chaper 20 - Watershed
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Book- TRR
Series- Never Have I Ever
Pairings- Bertrand x MC 
Chapter Synopsis- What started out as a humiliating ordeal with Savannah has turned into a huge realization for Bertrand.
Chapter Warnings- language, sensuality
Rating - Mature
Word Count- 2,980
A/N- I know it's been a MINUTE since I posted, but I'm back and ready to continue this story! Since it's been a while since I posted the previous chapter, I'm going to include a snippet of what happened at the end of chapter 19 to refresh your memory.
Bertrand closed his eyes tightly and imagined Riley in front of him. Instead of the overwhelming scent of Chanel No. 5, he caught the faint note of Riley’s floral shampoo. Suddenly he could taste Riley’s strawberry lip gloss. He caressed her cheek, knowing there were adorable tiny freckles beneath his hand. He ran his fingers through her golden locks which were probably just let out of a messy bun or braid. He felt her arms wrap around him and she whispered against his ear, “Do you want me, Bertrand?” His mind flashed back to Riley laying beneath him, her plump lips curving into a sexy grin as she uttered, “fuck me, Bert.”
Savannah whispered against his ear, “Say my name. Tell me you want me.”
Bertrand smiled with his eyes still closed tightly and replied, “I want you, Riley.”
Chapter 20 -Watershed 
Bertrand flailed his arms in an attempt to steady himself as Savannah quite literally tossed him out of her bedroom and into the hall. “Savannah, can we just talk about-”
“No, we cannot!” She shrieked, looming in the doorway with her blouse still unbuttoned.
A creak in the hallway snapped their attention to a very startled Riley, who was holding a bag of Chewy Chips Ahoy, attempting to return to her room to watch some trash TV with a late night snack.
“Oh, isn’t this just perfect!?” Savannah spat, now directing her ire at Riley.
“Savannah, please lower your voice! People are trying to sleep and we don’t want to cause a scene.” Bertrand whispered with his hands held in front of him as if trying to calm a wild animal.
“A scene? A scene?! I’ll give you a scene!” Savannah shouted, picking up a vase from a nearby table and raising it over her head, poised to hurl it down the empty hallway. Suddenly her entire demeanor changed and she took several deep breaths. “No.. No. Lady Savannah Jane Walker is better than this. That’s right. She’s a lady. She doesn’t need to lower herself to yelling and screaming and throwing things. Especially not over a man who turned out to be nothing more than a lying, cheating scoundrel.”
Riley watched the scene before her in utter confusion and brought a cookie to her mouth, chewing slowly. This was wilder than anything she could have seen on TV. 
Savannah took another deep breath before fixing Riley with a murderous gaze. “And don’t worry, he’s all yours!” She spun around, stomping into her bedroom and slammed the door behind her, leaving Bertrand and Riley alone in the hall.
“Riley.. I..” Bertrand started, but Riley nodded her head toward her bedroom which was thankfully at the other end of the hall from Savannah’s.
“Come on. It’s probably safer if we talk away from.. Whatever that was.”
Bertrand dropped down onto Riley’s bed with his head in his hands. 
She touched his shoulder softly, “What happened?”
He sighed and mumbled without lifting his head, “Utter humiliation. I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Riley?!” Savannah snapped, breaking the kiss and jerking away from him.
“You just called me Riley!” 
“I’m certain I did no such thing.”
Savannah’s brows furrowed and she looked as if she might physically hurt him. “You did! You son of a bitch! I knew you had a thing for her!”
“No! It’s not like that!”
“So that tramp got her hooks into you!”
“Savannah, that’s not-”
“Don’t lie to me, Bertrand! Are you two having sex?”
“I-I-I.. no?”
“Oh my god! You are!”
At that point, Bertrand could do nothing but drop to his knees and beg. “Please don’t tell anyone!”
Savannah’s mouth fell open and she ran her hands through her hair, pulling slightly so several strands stuck out wildly. “You think I would tell people about this?! This is humiliating for me! The man I’m courting is sleeping with common trash! My reputation would never recover if people found out! Why this whole thing makes me-”
Savannah suddenly stopped and took several deep breaths, speaking with an eerily calm voice. “No, no. Calm down Savannah. You can fix this. There are still several eligible men at court. What’s that idiot’s name? The one who is going to be an earl? Neville? Yes. Yes. We can do this. There’s still time for you. You’re young and beautiful. You’re going to be a countess.”
Bertrand watched her with wide, and slightly fearful eyes before saying, “I am truly sorry for-”
Savannah’s expression once again turned heated. “Oh, you're going to regret this! When I think of all the time I wasted with you, you pathetic, stuttering mess of a man! Get out of my sight!” 
He jumped up and rushed for the door and Savannah shoved him roughly into the hallway.
Riley rubbed his back soothingly, trying her best to comfort him. She wished she could have been a fly on the wall for whatever weirdness happened back there. “Ok, we don’t have to talk about it.” She smiled and held out the bag, “want a cookie?”
Bertrand looked up from his hands and burst into laughter and Riley couldn’t help but join in. He smiled genuinely, clearly thankful for some relief from the earlier tension. 
“I should probably go.” Bertrand shook his head, looking back down at the floor. “This has been an.. unusual night.”
“Understatement of the century.”
He stood and headed for the door. “I apologize that you had to witness all of that. And I truly hope that you are feeling better than you were earlier today. I was quite worried about you.”
Riley smiled and held out her arms. “Come here.”
Bertrand returned her smile and stepped toward her, easily melting into her embrace. His heart instantly stopped racing. His body erupted in goosebumps and he felt warmer and safer than he had in his entire adult life. He wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her neck, breathing in everything about her. The warmth of her embrace and the softness of her skin sent him into a comforting and calm place that he didn’t ever want to leave. Despite the horrible night he had, everything was suddenly right with the world and he couldn’t have been happier.
After a few moments, they separated and Bertrand headed back to his own room. As soon as he locked his door, he slumped into a chair, groaning as a new and bittersweet realization overtook his entire being. 
There was no use denying it anymore. Riley was his calm, his home. And he was in love with her. Hopelessly, desperately, madly, and completely in love.
The following day, the court returned to the palace to prepare for Liam’s upcoming coronation, but the Beaumont’s stayed behind a few more days to attend some upcoming appointments. Bertrand was thankful for some time away from the court, in particular, Savannah. He desperately needed time to think about.. Well, everything.
Bertrand had spent the last four months implausibly falling in love with the woman he had been training to be a queen. When Maxwell convinced him to sponsor this woman, the only reason he allowed it was because having someone from his house be chosen would be a way to secure his legacy. But each day spent with Riley, made him care less and less about his legacy, and more about something new. Something he had never cared about before. 
His own happiness.
Growing up, Bertrand always struggled with the guilt that inevitably accompanied any sort of happiness. His childhood and teenage years were almost completely devoid of any sort of joy. Under the scrutiny of his father, he had grown up far too quickly. There was always something he needed to improve on, and his father made sure to inform him of this on a daily basis. His adult life was spent going through the motions of trying to keep house Beaumont in good standing. There was no time for frivolity or romance in any way. Not until people in court began questioning why he hadn’t chosen a wife, did he begin to accept Savannah's persistent propositions for a date.
What was he supposed to do now that everything had changed?
Riley knocked on Maxwell’s ajar bedroom door, pushing it open when he didn’t answer. “Max? You in here? Ready to go?”
A retching sound from his adjoining bathroom caught her attention. She peered around the corner and found Max slumped over the toilet. “Max, are you ok!?”
“Ughhhh.. Don’t look at me.”
“Aw, honey, what happened?”
“Armando has a stomach bug.”
Riley ran some cold water over a washcloth and blotted his forehead and neck, “Ah, that makes sense. Since you always have your tongue down his throat, you caught it too.”
Max coughed and waved Riley away, “Thank you, but I don’t want you to see me like this. I’m too hideous!” He sniffled dramatically, “Remember me as I once was, Riley. The cool, sexy, charismatic, life of the party.”
“Max, you’re going to be ok!” Riley tried not to laugh at his melodrama. “I’m going to get you some sprite and crackers and pepto bismol. Do you want me to call the doctor?”
Max put his head in his hands, “No, Armando said his is almost over, so it looks like a 24 hour bug.”
After a few moments, Riley returned with a tray full of snacks and medicine and placed it on the nightstand. She turned down his bed, clicked on his TV and lowered the lights. Max staggered into bed and pulled the sheet up to his chin. “Thank you. You’re an angel, you know that?”
She placed the washcloth on his forehead and chuckled, “I don’t know about that.”
Maxwell gasped, “Oh no! Your appointment at the boutique is today!”
“I’m sure I can reschedule.”
“No way! Do you know how many favors I called in to get you into Levre Rouge Boutique at such short notice? You have to get a killer dress for the coronation and show up all those snooty, prissy twats!”
“But.. I don’t want to go alone.”
“Ask Bertrand!”
“Do you think he’d really want to go dress shopping with me?” Riley laughed skeptically, but paused when she noticed the thoughtful look on Maxwell’s face.
“I think he’d be happy to do literally anything with you, Riley.”
Her heart fluttered and she couldn't keep the smile from her face. She patted Maxwell’s hand and made her way to the door, still unable to stop grinning. “You’ll let me know if you need anything, right?”
“I will.” Max smiled and settled into bed. “Now go get something sexy, bitch.”
Bertrand waited in the crisp, white and red sitting area of the fanciest dress shop he had ever seen in his life. Levre Rouge Boutique had dressed princesses, celebrities, heiresses, and everyone in between. Whatever they chose for Riley to wear to the coronation would surely be jaw droppingly gorgeous. Not that she needed a new dress for that.
“Ready for the first one?” Riley sashayed out in a sleek, forest green dress that hugged her curves all the way down to the top of her thighs, where a long slit began, ending in a pool of silk at her feet.
She stuck out her leg, allowing the slit to open completely and Bertrand swallowed hard as his eyes betrayed him, taking in every inch of skin he could. “It’s um, um..”
She grinned and waved him over to her side in front of several floor length mirrors. “Come over and see it properly.” She twirled and flared the dress out. “It’ll need to be taken in a bit, and it’s way too long, but the seamstress said they can have any alterations done overnight. Apparently you Beaumont’s have a lot of clout around here for some reason.” She winked and nudged Bertrand, who hadn’t taken his eyes off of her. “That.. was a joke. I mean, obviously you have clout being nobility.. Bert, you ok?”
He cleared his throat and met her eye line, desperately trying to avoid the ample amount of cleavage protruding from the top of the gown. “It’s lovely. I mean, you’re lovely. I mean, you look lovely.. In the dress.” Bertrand cringed. Somehow he always made a mess of everything he said when she was around.
She smiled and took his hand. “Thank you.”
A plump woman with gray hair pulled into a tight bun blew into the room in a cloud of tape measures and fabric. She spoke to Bertrand with a melodic french accent, “We are honored to have you here, Your Grace. And what do you think of your date's dress? You two will surely turn heads at the coronation in a gown this exquisite.”
“Oh,” Riley turned toward Bertrand, and the two blushed simultaneously, dropping one another's hands and stepping back. “We’re not-”
“She's not my-” Bertrand started. “She's my, uh..”
“Friend!” Riley finished for him. “He’s helping me find a dress. We’re friends.”
“Yes. Friends.”
The woman regarded them skeptically, but grew wide eyed as she seemed to finally recognize Riley. “Oh, mon Dieu! I apologize. When Lord Maxwell contacted me, I did not realize I would be dressing the prince's American suitor! I am so embarrassed. I should have known-"
"It's fine," Riley assured her with a smile. "Don't worry about it."
Yvette regained her composure and turned to Bertrand slyly, "Date or not, you must admit that the green brings out her beautiful eyes, no?”
Bertrand met Riley’s emerald eyes and smiled. “It does.”
Riley grinned back at him and turned toward the mirror. “Madame Yvette, I’m a little worried this one might be too revealing for the occasion. The slit is so high. Would it be inappropriate to wear in front of royalty?”
Yvette tapped her cheek thoughtfully, “Oui, you may be right. Follow me, darling, we will find you something perfect.”
After an hour and a half of trying on dress after dress, Riley had narrowed it down to two. “Bert, I can’t choose! Which one is your favorite?”
“Oh, I don’t think it should be up to me,” Bertrand shook his head.
“Well technically you are paying for it,” Riley wrinkled her nose slightly. “Which I still feel bad about by the way.”
He smiled, “And I’ve told you before, don’t worry about that. Which one do you like the best?”
“Ah, I don’t know! Let me see the other dress one more time!” She changed out of the sequined, mauve gown and back into the scarlet one, then reemerged into the dressing area where Bertrand was waiting patiently. “I’m sorry, this must be so boring for you. We’ve been here forever and I’m so indecisive.”
“You cannot rush perfection!” Madame Yvette mused as she adjusted the dress on Riley, tucking and pinning fabric until it fit just right. “And this, darling.. This is perfection.”
Bertrand simply watched in awe of how gorgeous Riley looked in absolutely everything. He had seen her in ballgowns, pajamas, jeans, and absolutely nothing at all and she was always resplendent. And not just in her appearance, in everything about her. The way she carried herself, the way she could find the good in any situation, the way she cared about everyone.
His heart clenched as he imagined the two of them as a couple choosing an outfit for a ball they would be attending together. They would dance and laugh and everyone would be jealous of him for having the most perfect woman in the world on his arm. It was never going to happen, but it was an amazing thought.
 Madame Yvette was called away for a phone call, leaving the two alone. Riley made her way from the platform to the couch where he was sitting and held out her hand. “Dance with me.”
Bertrand was sure he gulped aloud, but he stood immediately. “Dance? Here?”
“Ya, then I can see if this one feels right for a ball. Let’s give it a test drive.” She held her hand out and smiled, “please?”
Bertrand shook his head and grinned, before grasping her hand and wrapping his other arm around her waist. He looked down shyly and Riley leaned her body closer to him.
“Doesn't the fabric feel good? I’ve never worn material so soft and silky before.”
Bertrand nodded, still unable to look in her eyes.
She moved even closer to his body until there was no space left between them. “Touch it.”
He tentatively ran his hand down the fabric of her lower back, sucking in a sharp breath when she took his hand and brought it down further. 
“It’s.. quite nice.”
Riley lay her head against his shoulder and he held her close as the two swayed together to the soft jazz music playing over the boutique's speakers. “I bet this seems silly, doesn’t it? Spending all this time picking out a dress.” Especially since there is no way I’m going to marry Liam.
“Nonsense. Besides, any time I spend with you is enjoyable.”
Riley felt a warmth in her chest at his words. “Bertrand, you’re too good to me. I really don’t deserve everything you guys have done.”
Bertrand stopped dancing and looked into her eyes, more serious than she had seen him before. “Never.” His thumb traced softly across her cheek and he leaned in closer. “You deserve everything and more.”
His pulse was pounding as she smiled sweetly at him. He swallowed hard, speaking directly from his heart for once. “Riley.. I need to tell you something. I-”
“Have we made a decision, madame?” Yvette called out from the hallway as she made her way back to the dressing room.
Riley and Bertrand jumped away from each other quickly and Bertrand took out his phone in an attempt to appear nonchalant. Riley looked down at her dress and smiled. “This is the one.”
When they arrived back at the estate, it was already dinner time. Riley quickly popped into Max’s bedroom to check on him, and found him sound asleep in bed.
“I’m starving.” Riley sighed as she made her way toward the kitchen, taking a seat beside Bertrand at the bar.
“What would you like to eat? The chef has left for the night, but I can call and have something delivered for you.”
“Anything.. But you pick! I am mentally drained and honestly don’t think I could make another decision tonight if my life depended on it.”
Bertrand opened his mouth to protest, but paused as an idea hit him. “I know just the thing,” he smiled shyly and pulled out his phone.
He was going to have to step way out of his comfort zone for this. 
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kristinamae093 ¡ 5 months ago
A Game of Love
Chapter Two — Sisters
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Series Summary — A fated encounter turns into a series of secret rendezvous, despite knowing their tyrsts are forbidden. Walls stay intact and hearts remain hard, but then emotions get raw, the tangled web of royal expectations comes into play, and everything goes astray. They must confront their feelings and learn to trust again, or walk away from the second chance at everything they’d ever wanted that neither saw coming.
Pairing — Liam x F!OC (main)
A/N 1 — Set after the end of book 2 (with some minor changes). Please excuse any errors.
A/N 2 — This chapter is longer but there's a lot of backstory here. 😬 Sorry. And there's no spice but the next chapter makes up for it. Sorry again.
Most characters belong to Pixelberry.
Tags — @choicesficwriterscreations
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Nicole Cordelia Brooks entered the world on August 23 to John and Crystal Brooks. Weighing only four pounds three ounces, she was the premature bundle of joy that brought their family to completion. Her parents and older siblings welcomed her with open arms; Jared was the oldest at twelve, followed closely behind by Riley at eight. John and Crystal longed for their last baby and after years of conception problems and miscarriages, the heavens finally granted their wish. 
Nicole was always a happy child. She ranked in the highest percentiles as a toddler and spoke full sentences well before other children her age. She was ahead of her peers in school and never acted out. Even in her earliest days, she was a social butterfly, always respectful, and her presence brightened any room with her lively spirit. 
Nicole held strong a relationship with both of her siblings, but she and Riley had an unbreakable bond. They were best friends and did everything together, despite Riley being significantly older. She and Jared were close, but nothing compared to the sisterhood she and Riley formed. Riley spent most of her teenage years playing with dolls and dressing up with Nicole; she didn’t feel the need to go out and party but was perfectly content with watching her baby sister grow up. When their mother announced her pregnancy, she prayed her little eight-year-old heart out for it to be a girl, and somebody, somewhere, listened. 
However, everything drastically changed for their family in the blink of an eye. 
Life treated Nicole and her siblings well — until it didn’t. A drunk driver wrongfully took their parents from the world on an early, rainy August morning — to be exact, on August 23rd. They were returning home from a class reunion and the driver of the opposing vehicle crossed the median. The collision was head-on, causing Crystal and John to be pronounced dead on the scene from the force of impact; the other driver walked away with only minor cuts and scrapes. 
Nicole was only ten. She woke up that morning and rushed downstairs, but didn’t find her parents with her usual birthday breakfast; waffles with strawberries and powdered sugar on top, scrambled eggs, sausage links, and orange juice with no pulp — just how she liked it. 
Instead, she found Riley at the table, but no mom and dad. 
“Riley!” Nicole exclaimed, running to jump into her sister’s lap. “You came for my birthday!” 
Riley stared into her sister’s bright olive eyes, willing her overwhelming emotions to stay at bay. “Happy birthday, Nikki…” she trailed off, dreading the impending conversion. 
Nicole might’ve been young, but she sensed her sister’s sadness. “Sissy… What’s wrong?” She touched Riley’s cheek with her tiny palms and noticed the fresh tears that slipped out. “Should I get mommy? She always makes me feel better when I’m sad.” 
The dagger sheathing itself into Riley’s chest suddenly twisted. “Nikki… We need to talk, okay? Sit down with me, and—” She started, but the sound of the patio door closing drew their attention there. 
Jared appeared, and Nicole lunged at him with a delighted gasp. Her excitement overpowered anything else, making her unaware of his tear-stained face. “Jerry!” 
Jared laughed and scooped Nicole into his arms. “Hey, squirt.” 
“Where’s M–Mary?”
Jared snorted at her pronunciation of his wife’s name. “It’s Mau-ri, and she’s at home with the baby.” Nicole opened her mouth, a wail right there on the tip of her tongue, but he halted it promptly. “They wanted to come, but we have some important things to take care of today.” He exchanged a somber glance with Riley, the tension of the unaddressed weight hanging heavily between them. “Next time I’ll bring him to play — promise.”
Nicole eagerly nodded, then squeezed her arms as tightly as she could around his neck before pulling away. “Guess what today is?!” 
Jared feigned confusion. “Hmmm… Is it — Christmas?” 
He tapped his finger against his chin, deep in thought. “Let me think…” He only got away with it for two seconds before Nicole tickled his armpits. “Wait! I know what it is! I surrender — I surrender!” 
Jared made a show of letting Nicole take him to the floor, the sound of her infectious giggles filling the air. He rolled around and hollered, but when he stopped, he pulled his smallest sister into his lap and hugged her close. “Happy birthday, Nic.” 
“Thank you!” She squealed. 
“Double digits, eh?” Jared smirked. 
“She’s getting old, Jer,” Riley interjected. 
“Nuh-uh!” Nicole stuck out her tongue and scrunched her face. 
“Whatever you say…” 
Nicole bolted up from Jared’s lap and out of the room before anyone could stop her. “Mommy! Daddy!” She called. The pace of her small footsteps echoed through the house until she reappeared and came to a halt, helpless confusion painted on her innocent features. 
“Where are they?” She gasped, her face morphing into the definition of excitement. “Did they leave to get cake?! I hope it’s chocolate! And ice cream! We need ice cream, too!” She shrieked. “Today is going to be the best birthday ever!”
Jared and Riley exchanged another somber look, each dreading what lay ahead. They’d spoken of how to tell Nicole, but now that they were in the moment, neither could determine how to deliver this detrimental news. Given how excited she was to celebrate her birthday, they didn’t want to shatter her world, but they couldn’t hide this from her. It would affect her the most, so she needed to know how her life was about to change. 
Finally, it was Riley who broke the tense silence. She opened her arms to Nicole with misty eyes and when she ran to her, Riley cradled her close. “We need to tell you something, Nikki…” She closed her eyes and took a deep, shuddered breath, wishing she would wake from this nightmare. “There’s been an accident…”
Nicole understood what happened in vague terms, but it took years for her to comprehend the entirety of the situation. All she knew was Mommy and Daddy were not coming home, and she would live with her big sister from here on out. 
Riley was great to Nicole. She worked multiple jobs to make ends meet and often ignored her dreams to provide a sustainable life. Fresh out of high school, she accepted the great responsibility that was Nicole without hesitation and never complained, nor grumbled about it. Even though losing their parents devastated her, she knew she had to push forward for Nicole’s sake. Jared assisted with whatever she needed, but he had a family of his own to care for and was knuckle-deep in law school. Nicole would go for visits, but her home base was always with Riley. 
She and Jared tried to make Nicole’s birthday a day of celebration, but their attempts were futile. The damage was done, specifically within Nicole, who saw no reason to smile or laugh on that day. Riley tried to recreate her special breakfast, but it wasn’t Mom’s waffles, and Dad wasn’t there to sing; the reminder would always be there of the missing pieces taken too soon. All three children felt the loss heavily, but with time, Nicole’s sorrow only grew larger and stronger. 
Riley was incredibly protective of Nicole even before their parents passed, but her paranoia increased tenfold after their deaths. She had strict rules and stuck to them, even more than their parents. Riley expected her to keep her grades up and set a curfew that she adhered to. She had chores and was held responsible for ensuring their completion, and was punished when they weren’t. Nicole couldn’t go to a friend’s house unless Riley met them first and even then, she still went with her; she wanted to ensure her sister arrived and returned in one piece. 
As Nicole got older, she tested Riley’s authority. She snuck out, skipped school a handful of times, and was even picked up by the police for vandalizing an abandoned warehouse. Riley was called to the principal’s office a few times because Nicole copped an attitude with her teachers and when they asked her to stop, she took that as an invitation to make an ass out of herself. Thankfully, nothing was detrimental enough to sour her college opportunities, but Nicole undoubtedly taught Riley the definition of patience during those rebellious years. 
They had multiple screaming matches over Riley’s protectiveness. Nicole ran away a handful of times but was never gone for more than a few hours. Riley never got angry enough to throw her out, despite her sister’s defiance; she realized it was a cry for help without words. She heard her out and tried to relax, but found it difficult to let her grow up outside her safe grasp.
When she became a legal adult, Nicole tried to stay with Riley but found even then — she was still overbearing. She loved her sister more than anything but needed to breathe and live a little. Nicole enrolled in college and moved into the dorms on campus, much to Riley’s displeasure, but she bit her tongue and showed nothing but support. 
Nicole, on the other hand, couldn’t have been happier. College was the time of her life. The parties were unreal, and she finally got to let loose without a parental figure around. She was free to do as she pleased without a voice of reason to nag her, speak for her, or tell her what was best. Her studies always came first and her grades never suffered, but she strolled into class drunk from the night before more than she showed up sober. 
During her college days, she met plenty of guys, but in her senior year, a man named Colton joined her business finance class. He was tall, dark, incredibly handsome, and showed interest in Nicole immediately. They started dating and things grew serious rather quickly. Their chemistry was off the charts and Nicole fell head first. He was her first proper relationship and the first where she didn’t have Riley breathing down her neck, and she threw herself into him. 
They spent every spare moment together, including holiday breaks. She met his family and even brought him along with her to Riley’s, and she sang only praises. He was respectful, kind, and courteous to her sister; she undoubtedly approved of their relationship and had no complaints, even though Nicole was sure she would find something wrong with him, but to her surprise, her sister welcomed him with open arms. She hoped Colton could provide Nicole with the stability she needed, and perhaps finally tie her down. 
They graduated together, Nicole at the top of the class. She used her degree to secure a job with one of the leading financial institutions in the country, and Colton joined a small architectural business, crafting homes and other structures statewide. Things were going great — the next year they spent together, strengthening themselves and their relationship alike. Nicole believed their future was secure, but the rug of happiness she had cozied up on was yanked out from underneath her without warning.
Nicole and Colton moved in together after graduation in an apartment overlooking the busy New York streets. It was a regular Friday — except — she got off work early and stopped by their favorite cafe to grab dinner on her way home as a surprise. But when she walked inside the door to their apartment, she realized she hadn’t beaten him home as she’d hoped. She registered voices not far away and the sound drew her closer, but an anvil dropped into the pit of her stomach when she heard two people. 
Colton spoke to someone she instantly realized was a woman. 
“I love you, baby.” Colton crooned. 
“I want to believe you, but you still have that — attachment.”
Colton sighed. “I know, but I promise I’m dumping her — tonight.” 
“And then?”
“It’s just us. Once her shit is gone, that closet you’ve been eyeballing is all yours. And we’ll get that second room set up ASAP.” 
The woman laughed, and Nicole heard what she assumed was their lips smacking together. As she slowly crossed the threshold, she realized she was correct. Her heart shattered right there on the spot, but fury as she’d never felt ignited and coursed through her body. 
Nicole cleared her throat, drawing their attention to the doorway. The woman straddled Colton’s lap stark naked, right there on the couch they selected for their home together. The harlot’s eyes widened, and she sprung away from him while covering herself, but all she did was show Nicole how incredibly foolish she was, as she zeroed in on the bump protruding from the woman’s abdomen. 
She was fucking pregnant. 
Colton stood with one hand raised in surrender, the other covering his exposed genitals. “Nic, I — I can explain.” 
Nicole chortled, stalking toward him with a scowl. “Is it yours?” 
Colton swallowed thickly, the gulp echoing in the silence. “Yes…”
What little remnants of her resolve burst into flames and she blinked back tears of equal parts fury and devastation. Even though he essentially just reached into her body, yanked her heart out, and tore it to shreds, she would not give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry.  
“How long?” 
“HOW LONG have you been fucking this WHORE?!” 
Colton winced at her volume. “I know you’re upset, but—” 
Nicole suddenly grabbed a vase perched on the mantle and launched it toward the woman, narrowly missing her. “HOW FUCKING LONG, COLTON?!” 
“Since last year…” He quietly answered. 
“Last year?” Nicole mimicked in disbelief. “So you’re what — getting your dick wet while planning a future with me?! Or is it the other way around? Am I the other woman in this situation?!” 
“No, that’s not it.” He reasoned. “I promise I can explain—” 
And that was all Nicole remembered. She woke up later in a jail cell to see Jared and Riley, both waiting with disappointed faces. Jared was a lawyer — a damn good one — and got her off the charges Colton tried to press after she destroyed everything. She never went back for her belongings but saw pictures of the damages. She left nothing in one piece — she even launched his grandmother’s urn out the window. Her rage and hurt took over and caused her to black out — she had no recollection of it happening. 
Nicole went back to Riley’s after that, begrudgingly. She didn’t particularly want to but decided perhaps her sister’s company would be better than wallowing alone in her pity. Her presence helped, but in the stillness of her solitude, her self-loathing took over. 
Alcohol became her friend, her closest confidant. She spiraled into a deep pit of depression because she felt completely blindsided. She and Colton were great together, and she couldn’t understand why she wasn’t enough or where it went wrong. Nicole treated him well and always tried to be the best girlfriend she could be. Their apartment was spotless; she cooked him dinner every night, let him have his time with his friends, sucked him off regularly and their sex life wasn’t lacking whatsoever — she did everything right, and yet, she was left broken in the end. 
She drowned her sorrows in the brown bottle, some days from sun up to sun down. Riley tried to intervene, but Nicole refused to talk about it. Multiple fights broke out from her persistent pushing until Riley finally got the message and stopped. She realized although her sister was hurting, she couldn’t force her to express her pain. It was hard to witness, but she couldn’t control her anymore, especially when, by all technicalities, Nicole was following her new stipulations. 
The rules were simple — keep the bullshit outside. Nicole couldn’t bring people over without proper notice, and it had to be someone Riley knew beforehand. She had the freedom to drink, but Riley forbade her from getting belligerent, and she had to have a job to contribute towards food and bills. They had a strict one a.m. lock time; if Nicole wasn’t home, she found somewhere else to stay for the night. Riley often worked doubles at the bar and was not a happy camper when her sleep got disrupted. 
Nicole adhered to every request and never tested her authority. 
Nicole would bounce around from bar to bar but avoided the one Riley worked at. Most of her friends were mutual with Colton because she threw herself into him and lost all contact with her friends, which meant most of her ventures were lone ones. If Daniel wasn’t working he went with her, but Nicole always had a guard up around him. He was incredibly close to Riley and worked alongside her; she considered him her friend, but her trust in his discretion was minimal and she never fully let him in.  
She mostly drank during her outings but picked up a fun game she started playing with herself. Men flocked to her and her assets — they wanted her. On rare occasions, she went home with them, but her enjoyment came from the cat-and-mouse game — the chase. She’d sashay around in her tight, low-cut dresses all night with a line of suitors behind, begging and pleading to take her home. They paid for her drinks and in return, she gave them an hour or two of her undivided attention. Nicole wouldn’t even let them kiss her; she’d let them get handsy for a bit during dances — sometimes under the table — but only a select few were gifted a night with her. 
It was nothing but a tease — watching the spirit leave their eyes when she let them down filled a gaping hole inside her chest, even if only for the moment. 
It was not always a safe game to play — sometimes Nicole ended up in dangerous situations because of her antics. Rowdy, drunken men twice her size pushed her luck a few times, but thankfully, bystanders always intervened before anything serious could happen.
With time, she slowed down a bit, but never fully stopped. Riley knew these things happened at night but during the day, she was Nikki again; smiling, laughing, and joking like she used to. But once the sun sat, the gloves came off and Nicole left to play. 
When Riley’s life changed, Nicole was undoubtedly happy for her. The day Maxwell extended his offer, Riley burst through the door, more excited than Nicole had ever seen her, but her elation faded as she realized what she would leave behind. 
“Nikki… I don’t have to go…” Riley softly spoke.  
Despite her words, Nicole knew how eager she was. “What? Why wouldn’t you?!”
“I don’t wanna leave you here all alone…”
“Riley — I’m not alone. Jared is around and Daniel lives right down the hall.” 
“You could come with me…” Riley hopefully suggested. 
Nicole gave her a sad smile. “I love you, but — no. This isn’t a journey meant for me and I have a career here — I’m up for a promotion soon and I’ve worked too hard to give that up.”
“I — I know…” Riley dejectedly sighed. “But—”
“No,” Nicole stopped her. “You’ve spent all this time worrying about me and ensuring I had everything I needed. You deserve this, Riley. I want you to be happy — if this is what you want to do, then do it.” She picked up her cell phone and held it up. “Plus, these things exist now.”
Riley tearfully chuckled. She tried to contain her growing excitement, but it was to no avail. “Are you sure? I’ll stay. This is probably crazy, anyway… To run off with some guy I don’t even know…”
Nicole laughed. “You gotta live a little at some point, Riley. Otherwise, your tombstone is going to say, ‘Here lies Riley, the woman whose crotch sewed itself back up’.”
“Hey!” Riley swatted at her sister but soon fiddled with the zipper of her hoodie. “... You really think I should go?”
“Yes! And I swear — if I go over twelve hours without hearing from you, I will be on the next flight to Cornucopia with the fucking FBI and CIA and whoever else I can wrangle.”
Riley howled with laughter. “It’s Cordonia.”
“Tomato, tomato.” Nicole snickered. “Enough logistics! Let's get you packed!” 
During the social season, they spoke all the time on the phone; daily, unless their schedules conflicted. However, Nicole knew from the conversing topics early on, that her sister seemed to have her eyes set on a different prize, but Riley wouldn’t admit it. The scandal reached the States and circulated for a bit, but Nicole’s preoccupation with her own games prevented her from paying much attention. She saw a few articles regarding the matter, but it drifted to the back of her mind. Riley cried to her on the phone for days on end, practically begging to come home, but Nicole convinced her to stay on more than one occasion. 
The engagement tour was when Nicole really noticed Riley’s attention shift. She mentioned the king rarely; instead, her focus was on a woman named Hana. How beautiful and smart she was, her vibrant smile, even down to the way her dress flowed in her wake when she walked. Her sister was falling in love, and it elated Nicole that Riley was finding her slice of happiness. She didn’t admit her feelings until Nicole bluntly asked about it; they talked it out, and she helped Riley slowly embrace her true identity. 
The court came to New York and as much as it killed them, Nicole was out of town for that visit. She was in Fort Lauderdale at a mandatory seminar and, because of the court’s tight schedule, they did not get to see each other. Riley called her the night the king proposed and Nicole talked her through her guilt over breaking his heart. Nicole reminded her that although she initially went for him, she was very much single this entire time; she encouraged her to do what felt right. 
Riley became a duchess and Nicole got promoted within her company. Their schedules were busier than ever and they rarely had the chance to connect in person. Riley made a few more trips home, where Nicole got to see her and meet Hana, but she had yet to make the trip to Cordonia to witness her sister in her new element. 
That changed when Riley called to tell her she was engaged. The sisters screeched into the phone together for a long while, Hana even joining in as well. Nicole patiently counted down the days, took leave, and set out on her international adventure. Jared would come right before the wedding, but Nicole wanted to be there for all the events that would happen beforehand. 
Riley described the perfect playground, only with a whole new set of players. 
After the excitement faded, Riley was quick to set some ground rules. Nicole had to behave while she was there, to not cause some kind of scandal. The joining of two noble women was unprecedented in itself, and Riley didn’t want anything going wrong; Nicole had to watch her step. Riley knew she could achieve the task, but it was up to Nicole to decide she wanted to. 
Nicole didn’t intend on immediately messing up, but then a tall, intoxicating man walked up and said all the right words. Her body lit like a Christmas tree, an immediate reaction to his advances. The game was still afoot, but this was one occurrence where she gave in to temptation. 
How was she supposed to know the king, her sister’s close, personal friend, hit the streets? When he told her he was the monarch, she almost died laughing, but at that point, he could’ve been Barney — either way, the results would’ve been the same. It wasn’t until she Googled his name that she recalled his face in those articles, and Riley mentioning his name.  
She knew — she fucked up. 
Riley still spoke of Liam, but mostly just a few words here and there. She didn’t mention the king was a certified freak, or that he dressed in the opposite of his social position. Nicole didn’t know how Riley would react if she found out, but she wasn’t willing to take that chance. She knew how her big sister used to be, but hoped perhaps her new home and love would calm her a bit. 
Deep down, she realized that would never happen. 
It was inevitable that she would come face-to-face with Liam at some point, and Nicole wasn’t sure what would happen at that moment, either. Would he play it off as if nothing happened? Pretend he’d never seen her? She didn’t know him, so she couldn’t determine how he would handle the situation. 
Regardless, it would be their secret — Riley could never know. 
That morning, Nicole was to set off for Valtoria. Riley and Hana were called to a last-minute meeting and were out of the country for a few days. They offered Nicole the duchy until they returned, but she turned them down, as she wanted to explore the country her sister hyped up independently. She got herself a hotel in the capital for the time they would be gone, but now wished she would’ve just gone straight to Valtoria instead. 
None of this would’ve happened, and she wouldn’t be nearly bursting with anxiety; not knowing when she would have to face her extraordinarily talented lover and the secret that would then dangle over both of their heads. 
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Riley, Hana and their small group of peers anxiously awaited the honored guest’s arrival. As soon as they decided to get married, Riley knew there was no way she would even entertain the idea without her sister. She looked forward to the next couple of weeks and secretly hoped Nicole would fall in love with the country and want to stay. 
Riley enjoyed her life in Cordonia but longed to have Nicole near. Perhaps it was her protective nature, but she felt incomplete without her and often lay awake at night worrying about her. Of course, she missed Jared as well, but she and Nicole had a much stronger bond. She wanted nothing more than to have her sister around all the time, to bring her life in Cordonia to completion. 
However, that also brought great anxiety. Nicole was a sweet, genuine person, but Riley knew she made some poor decisions after Colton decimated her heart. It wasn’t so much her image she stressed about — although it was a contributing factor — but she worried about all these men being around her baby sister. She could take care of herself, but the nobility was a different ballpark; she didn’t want Nicole to get into a bad situation that could get plastered for the world to see, just as she had.  
Riley gave warnings to the men in her immediate circle — Nikki was off limits. It wasn’t Maxwell she was worried about, nor Drake, but Liam specifically. He bedded anything with a pulse; Nicole would not appear on that lengthy list. She wouldn’t allow him to use her in that way, monarch or not. Drake or Maxwell could receive the chance at some point, but Liam would not. She loved him like a brother, but Nicole was blood; she would not be another notch on his bedpost. 
Riley felt guilty about what happened between her and Liam for a long time, and sometimes still does. Eventually, she realized she really hadn’t led him on, but that only eased her aching conscience so much. They were never intimate, only kissed one or two times toward the beginning of the social season, and Riley never reciprocated when he said I love you; she would tell him she wasn’t ready for that. 
Yet, he still proposed. 
She was stunned and genuinely didn’t understand why he asked. Yes, he needed a wife to make his queen, but Riley made it clear to him early on — that wasn’t what she was interested in. The crown meant nothing, and she wasn’t willing to compromise her happiness for a job she didn’t want. She tried — time and time again — to make herself love him but at the end of the day, he wasn’t her. 
She and Hana hid their relationship for quite a while; not from everyone, just Liam. In the aftermath of his heartbreak, they didn’t want to throw salt into the still-open wound. When they announced their engagement, Liam told them he supported their union and would happily be the one to marry them, but they knew he still held some kind of resentment. Everyone got along and was good friends, but sometimes the tension thickened — a constant reminder that the past would always be there. 
“Is she here yet?!” Maxwell exclaimed, dragging Riley out of her daze. 
Riley chuckled. “Not yet.” Maxwell bounced in place, thrumming from his enormous amount of energy. “Calm down, Max. I think you’re more excited than I am.” 
“Of course! Why wouldn’t I be?! It’s another freakin’ blossom!” 
Drake sighed and ran a hand down his face. “Why did you want him here for this?” He addressed Riley. 
“Because I want to give her a warm welcome with all of my favorite people.” 
Drake snickered. “Guess that explains why Liam isn’t here.” 
“That’s not it. I invited him, but he had a meeting…” Drake stared at Riley with a knowing expression for only a moment before she pleaded, “It’s not!” 
Drake snickered. “Calm down, Brooks. I get it…” 
“You do?” 
“Yeah.” Drake nodded. “Trust me, if Savannah wasn’t with good ol’ Bertie, I would’da put a chastity belt on her long ago — no fucking way would I let him anywhere near her.” 
Riley laughed. “I’m glad someone understands, but that doesn’t mean you have permission, either — just so we’re clear.” 
Drake raised his hands in surrender. “It’s not me you gotta worry about… Or twinkle toes over there.” 
“Hey!” Maxwell yelled. 
“I’m just sayin’. She’s safe around us, but King Condom is a different story.” 
Riley sighed. Her face fell and guilt took over as she thought about Liam’s changes. She knew she was the one who did that and regardless of what everyone tried to reassure her with, she still felt responsible. 
Hana approached and lightly stroked her shoulders. “Don’t do that… We’ve been down this road a million times… You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Yeah, Brooks… You didn’t do that.” Drake agreed. 
“He’s just so — different now… Like, the Liam who wanted me to love him left when he found out I didn’t love him…” Riley trailed off, staring down at her shoes. 
“No, he chose to react how he did. That’s a grown-ass man who made his own decisions.” 
“I know… I just—” 
Maxwell cut Riley off. “My beautiful, beautiful blossom…” He grasped her shoulders as Hana’s hands fell away. “You’re such a genuine person, but I promise you, whatever is going on with Liam is not your fault. You have to stop blaming yourself!” 
Riley let out a heavy breath. “I’m just hoping I can keep him and Nikki apart while she’s here. That would be toxic in every way… Two players trying to play each other.” 
“I’m sure he’ll behave. He’s got plenty of — entertainment elsewhere, so I think she’s safe.” Hana agreed with a warm smile. 
“A female version of this toxic masculine Liam, huh?” Drake asked, amusement written on his features. “Maybe it wouldn’t be the worst idea to let them—” 
Maxwell suddenly rushed to the window, his eyes glued to the vehicle approaching. “She’s here! She’s here!” 
“Goddamnit, Beaumont,” Drake grumbled. “Do you gotta be so loud?” 
“Yes, I do. Otherwise, you might think something was wrong with me!” 
“Wouldn’t want that, of course.” Drake rolled his eyes. “Just try to be fucking normal for two seconds, would ya?”
Maxwell put his hands on his hips and faced Drake with utter seriousness. “What’s the baseline for normal, Drake? Who are you to tell me what’s ‘not normal’?” He air quoted. “Just because I don’t walk around flipping my hair, talking about bar-b-que—” 
“GUYS,” Hana interjected. She cleared her throat and smoothed out her dress with a polite smile. “Please refrain from — that.” 
Before Maxwell or Drake could respond, the sounds of loud, ear-piercing screeches filled the air. At the door, Riley jumped and hugged a redhead, spinning her around in circles. They could tell she was smaller than Riley and had a lighter, more intense shade of copper hair, but couldn’t get a good look at her face. 
“I’m so glad you’re here!” Riley exclaimed with tears of joy. 
“Are you kidding?! Like I would miss this!” Nicole responded with glistening eyes to match. 
“I can’t wait to show you everything. All my favorite places — oh!” Riley suddenly stepped away. “I found this food truck that makes the best nachos around… Very close to Ernesto’s.” 
“Nobody does it like he can, but you had me at nacho.” The sisters giggled before embracing each other once again.
“Seriously, Nikki… I’m so glad you’re here.” 
“I’m so happy to see you that for just this once, I’ll allow you to call me Nikki.” Nicole stepped away with a shudder. 
“Oh, I’m calling you Nikki the entire time.” 
Nicole rolled her eyes. “Riley, I’m not seven anymore — stop.” She glanced around at the massive estate. “You failed to mention that your house is actually a fucking castle. Does your mote have alligators in it?”
Riley snorted. “Not yet, but it’s fairly high on my to-do list.”
“A-hem.” A throat exaggeratedly cleared behind them, as Maxwell could no longer wait for his presence to be known. “Are you going to introduce us to the infamous Nikki?”
Nicole centered a death glare on her elder sister. “I’m just going to assume that everyone thinks my name is Nikki, thanks to you.” 
“How about those introductions?” Riley deflected with an innocent smile, as she led Nicole to the foyer where everyone waited. “You remember Hana?” 
“Of course!” Nicole exclaimed as she pulled Hana into a tight hug. “It’s good to see you again soon-to-be sister!” 
“You as well! We’re elated that you’re able to be here with us. We wouldn’t dream of having it any other way.” 
Nicole stepped away with an excited grin, and Riley continued down the line. “This is Maxwell. He’s—” 
“The absolute best.” He finished for her. “Master dancer, Lord DJ, the Squid King, tour guide extraordinaire—” 
“Dear God, if you’re listening, please take me from this madness…” Drake huffed, his head turned to the ceiling. 
Before Maxwell could retort, Riley quickly finished. “And that’s Drake.” 
Nicole snorted. “Makes sense.” 
“Whaddya mean?” Drake inquired with an arched brow. 
“Just seems like something you’d say, judging from what Riley told me.” 
“Oh, yeah?” When Nicole nodded, Drake continued. “What’d she tell you?” 
“Snarky, loyal to a fault.” 
Drake smirked. “Damn straight.” 
“She mentioned something about a marshmallow, though…” 
Drake sighed. “Seriously, Brooks? People I don’t even know think I’m some — soft glob of—” 
“I consider you to be a s’more.” Maxwell interrupted. 
“And what does that mean?” 
“What everyone else thinks, but with an added stick up your butt,” He stated, very matter-of-factly.
Nicole busted out with belly giggles. “That’s great. Do they do this all the time?” She asked Riley and Hana, as Drake and Maxwell went off into a fit of bickers. 
“Yep,” Hana answered. 
“Brotherly love,” Riley added with a smile. 
“I can see why you keep them around… They’re certainly — entertaining…” Nicole trailed off. 
Nicole took the distraction as an opportunity to check the men out with a hungry gaze. Drake immediately caught her eye, as he was more her typical ‘type’; tall, dark, and broad, with an air of mystery. She could tell underneath all that denim, he was packing. Not just in the nether regions, but she didn’t need to see him shirtless to know he was in immaculate shape — although, she wouldn’t complain about the view if the situation arose. 
She zeroed in on Maxwell and, although he was a tad shorter, he was just as chiseled. He spoke with his entire body, leaving very little to the imagination. Easy on the eyes and obviously a dork; she wondered if that facade would slip away when things got heated, or if he was that much of a goof in the bedroom as well. She imagined putting that question to the test and her little five-second fantasy nearly made her thighs quiver.
Riley noticed Nicole’s lustrous gaze fixated on her friends and swiftly threaded her arm through hers. “Let’s go have a drink, shall we?” 
Nicole nodded and the trio of women left Drake and Maxwell, arguing amongst themselves. Neither was aware they were now alone until Drake’s phone vibrated, momentarily halting their altercation.
Drake pulled out his device, but Maxwell immediately grew worried as he took in his surroundings. “Where is everyone? Did they leave?” He gasped and held a hand over his heart. “Was there a welcome party, and they didn’t tell me?!” 
“Max, SHUSH,” Drake grumbled as he typed out a text. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing’s wrong, but…” 
“Drake, you know how I am with suspense. Tell me now, or — well, there is no or, just — tell me now.”
“Calm the fuck down… It’s Liam…” 
“What about him?” 
“He said he’s going to make it after all… He’s almost here.” 
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In one of the sitting rooms not far away, Riley, Hana, and Nicole enjoyed their drinks. The conversation easily flowed between them as they caught up on the time they’d spent apart. Nicole spoke of her job, Jared, Daniel, and anything else she could think of. Riley and Hana excitedly told her about their life in Valtoria, the wedding arrangements, and the governance changes they intended to make. However, Riley knew she needed to address the gigantic elephant in the room. 
Nicole sighed. “That name, again.” 
Riley smiled at her sister’s annoyance. “Listen, I don’t want to be overbearing, but we need to revisit the rules.” 
Nicole visibly tensed, her anxiety skyrocketing. “What do you mean? I just got here. I haven’t even had the chance to do anything bad yet…” She nervously chuckled, uncomfortably shifting in her seat. 
Riley gave her an unsure glance. “I know that… But seriously, Nicole, please behave. No trysts, no games, none of that. You don’t know these people like I do — this is not New York anymore.” 
“I’m aware, Riley. I’m not an animal — I can control myself.” Nicole quickly retorted while ignoring her conscience, knowing what she’d already done. 
“I know you aren’t, Nikki, that’s not what I’m saying, but some people here are — undeniably charming, okay? Don’t fall for it.” 
Nicole swore she could feel every drop of sweat as it profusely poured down her forehead. “Is there someone in particular you’re speaking of?” She nonchalantly asked, but something told her she already knew the answer. 
“No.” Riley swiftly returned. “It’s a general rule that applies to anyone you meet here — understood?” 
“Yes, mother.” Nicole playfully retorted, hoping to ease some of Riley’s obvious worries. “I promise I will behave — cross my heart.” 
“Good…” Riley’s eyes softened. “How are you doing?” 
“I told you — I just got another promotion, Daniel is fine, Jared is—” 
“No, that’s not what I’m asking. How are you, Nikki?” 
“I’m fine, Riley. Things are… Okay, I guess.” She shrugged. “I just go to work and go home…” 
Nicole rolled her eyes and let out a small huff. “Don’t do this. I’m an adult and I can spend my time how I wish. I’m safe, nothing has happened—” 
“Do you want to have this argument now? Right when I walk in the door?” 
Riley sighed. “No, I don’t… I’m sorry, I just — I worry about you.” 
“I know, but don’t. I am fine.” 
“Whatever you say…” 
“How are you two lovebirds doing?” Nicole deflected, hoping to shift the attention off of herself. 
Riley and Hana shared a flushed grin as they reached for the other’s hand. Nicole smiled to herself, undeniably happy her sister found her soulmate. 
“Great,” Riley answered. “I’m so excited to get married already. Planning this wedding has been a task in itself, but it’ll be worth it in the end…” she trailed off, gazing deeply into Hana’s eyes as if she saw the entire world mirrored back. 
“Awww… I would gag, but I’m just so fucking happy for you.” Nicole interrupted their moment with a laugh. 
“Thank you, Nicole. Again, we’re so happy you could be here with us.” Hana spoke with a warm grin. “I consider myself blessed every day that I'll get to call your sister my wife, but my heart is overjoyed from the family I'll gain too.”
“There is something I wanted to ask you…” Riley trailed off with radiating excitement, as she practically bounced in place. 
“Okay…” Nicole unsurely answered. 
“I wanted to know if you would be my maid of honor… I know it’s last minute but it’s the only role left to be filled and there is no one else I want in that spot, but I wanted to ask in person—” 
“Yes, yes, YES!” Nicole screeched. 
Riley rose from her seat with a squeal and engulfed Nicole in a tight hug. She briefly lifted her feet off the floor as she spun her around, but dropped her and extended a hand to Hana. “Get in here!” 
Hana did as told and their revelry turned into a circle, as they held hands and joyfully jumped around. After a long moment and a lot of hugs, they stepped away and sat back down, each taking a breath to calm their excitement. 
Nicole finally spoke after a few minutes of content silence. “So, tell me more about the wedding. Who is coming from back home? When will Jared be here? Is Daniel—” 
Maxwell suddenly burst through the door and somersaulted, landing with his hands on his hips. 
“Wow.” Nicole clapped with wide eyes. “Impressive.” 
“Don’t encourage it,” Drake pleaded as he entered behind Maxwell. “Uh, Brooks… Can I talk to you for a sec?” He asked while rubbing the back of his neck. 
Riley shot up from her seat as she took in his nervous demeanor. They made it out of the room, and Drake closed the doors before turning around to face her. “... Have you checked your phone lately?” 
“No…” Riley unsurely returned as she retrieved her device from her pocket. She unlocked the screen and saw multiple missed calls from Liam and a few texts, and her face drained of color. “Oh, no…” 
“I thought he had a meeting! I extended the invitation after he told me he was busy!” 
“He said it got canceled…” Riley instantly started to pace in front of Drake, her anxiety clear as day. “Brooks, calm down… I’m sure everything is going to be fine. Ya can’t keep ‘em apart forever, you know…” 
“I know that,” Riley bit out. “But I don’t want them to end up hurting each other, Drake. I can barely live with myself because of what I did to Liam. If he ends up hurting Nicole because of what I did to him, then—” 
“Woah woah woah — back that shit up. You already know my opinion on the Liam ordeal, but you're making a lot of conclusions here…” He trailed off with a knowing look. “Listen… Has he made some questionable decisions? Sure. But — he’s still Liam.”
“I know… I know… I’m just… Being overprotective, I guess…” She responded as she bit her nails. 
“Stop doing that.” Drake gently pulled her hand away from her mouth. “Everything is going to be fine. You’re going to get married and it’ll be peaceful and beautiful and all that other frilly bullshit.” 
Despite her unease, Riley chuckled. “Thank you, Drake. You’re a great friend.” 
“Yeah, well, I shouldn’t be, considering even your sister thinks I’m a fucking marshmallow already. You know this means I’ll have to step up my asshole game, right? Thatta’ way she doesn’t think I’m warm and inviting.” He shuddered. 
“Just don’t take it too far otherwise I’ll have to intervene, and trust me — you won’t like me when I have to go into momma-bear mode.” She innocently smiled and batted her lashes, but her expression sent a shiver down Drake’s spine. She looked sweet but those eyes told a completely different story, causing him to swallow thickly and reassess the usually gentle being before him.
Before Drake could respond, Gladys appeared in the hallway with a bow. “Your Grace, His Majesty just arrived and is being settled.” 
“Thank you, Gladys…” Riley quietly answered with an audible gulp. 
Drake patted her on the shoulder. “Don’t worry, Brooks. I’m sure he’s going to be on his best behavior.” 
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justcallmefox89 ¡ 9 months ago
Cinderfella's Adventures in Cordonia - Chapter Twenty-Three
An AU of The Royal Romance with a male MC and a bisexual prince.
Return to Cordonia
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Liam restlessly drums his fingers against the armrest of his seat, occasionally darting irritated glances towards Callum and Drake.  Pangs of anger and jealously shoot through him as he watches the two interact; his chest tightening as his observes the tender way Callum treats Drake, as if he is something fragile and precious.
Callum tucks a soft blanket around Drake then slouches lower in his seat, allowing Drake to comfortably pillow his head on Callum’s shoulder.  Callum presses a soft kiss to the top of Drake’s head before picking up a battered paperback and starting to quietly read out loud.  Drake’s eyelids begin to flutter, and his breathing becomes deep and even as he quickly drops off to sleep.  Callum tenderly smiles down at him and resumes his reading silently, remaining as still as possible to avoid disturbing Drake’s sleep. 
If they weren’t currently 40,000 feet above the Atlantic ocean Liam would have thrown himself out of the plane without a second thought, anything to escape the painfully sick feeling he gets seeing Drake and Callum together.
Someone slides gracefully into the seat next to him, temporarily drawing his attention away from the two men. 
“I took the liberty of making you some tea,” Hana murmurs, passing him a steaming mug.
Liam inhales the fragrant steam and takes a sip, the scalding tea burning his tongue and temporarily distracting him from his misery.  “Thank you, Hana,” he says, smiling at her gratefully.
“How are you?” she asks, concern shining in her brown eyes.
Liam takes another sip of tea, trying to collect his thoughts.  “This is a situation I never expected to find myself in,” he finally admits.
“I doubt many people do,” Hana replies, stifling a smile.  “I don’t envy you, Your Majesty.  Madeline is furious.”
Liam stretches in his seat, picking out a familiar head of blonde hair sitting several seats ahead of him.  He shrugs, unable to muster enough energy to care about his fiancée’s anger.  “It’s no secret that our marriage isn’t a love match,” he sighs.  “I’m not sure what she expects from me.”
“Probably for you to not openly stare at Drake and Callum as if you’re a jealous lover.”
The king turns his head to stare at Hana, shocked at her uncharacteristic boldness. 
She nervously tucks her hair behind her ears and clears her throat.  “Her pride is hurt, Your Majesty.  No matter the truth of your arrangement it is important to her that the two of you appear to be a loving and committed couple to the public.”
“It’s getting harder and harder to pretend,” he admits, slumping back into his seat.  “I see those two together and I remember every wonderful moment I’ve had with them, and I can’t help but imagine what kind of future we could have together.”
He speaks without thinking, unwittingly admitting to his previous relationship with Drake.  Hana smiles to herself, happy to have her long-standing suspicions finally confirmed, but allows the moment to pass without comment.
“But then I remember how easy it was for Callum to give up, to walk away from me without a fight,” Liam continues.  “And I see how easy it was for Drake to just fall into his arms and I feel… betrayed.  I’m furious, Hana.  With both of them.  And I don’t want to be, but I can’t help it.”
Hana levels him with a disappointed look and he squirms under her gaze.  “I would hope you know both of them well enough by now, especially Drake, to know that none of this is easy for them.  It wasn’t easy for Callum to leave Cordonia, but at some point he had to prioritize his well-being over the chance you might choose him.  For you their relationship came out of nowhere, but Drake was Callum’s rock during the social season, sometimes even more than myself or Maxwell.  They understand each other in a way we never will, because in many ways they will always be outsiders in court.  They bring out the best in each other.  Drake grounds Callum.  And Callum makes Drake free.”
Liam frowns, silently ruminating over her words.
Hana sighs, softening her tone.  “I understand that you’re angry, and that’s fair.  But you need to understand that you played a part in all of this too.  You decided to prioritize your duty to Cordonia, and you have to accept all the consequences that follow.”
“You know better than anyone that I didn’t have a choice.”
“There is always a choice, Liam.”  Hana tentatively lays her hand over his and gazes at him earnestly.  “Drake and Callum chose happiness, it’s not too late for you to do the same.”
“I…” Liam hesitates, the very thought seems overwhelmingly daunting.
Hana squeezes his hand reassuringly.  “I will remain your friend whatever you decide, Liam.  But bear in mind that if you do marry Madeline you run the chance of losing them both forever.”
“I know,” he whispers sadly, glancing over towards the pair.  Callum has joined Drake in slumber; his cheek rests on the top of Drake’s head and he smiles faintly in his sleep.  “I know.” 
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ownworldresident ¡ 1 year ago
Side by Side: Interlude
This piece is for @choicesflashfics Week #70 prompts! This section takes place shortly after Liam and Rayne's conversation in Chapter 7, which is a few days after his wedding to Madeleine... you guys know the drama drill haha.
Book: The Royal Romance Pairing: Liam Rys and Rayne (romantic) Themes: hurt/comfort, friendship, family, Maxwell being an excellent friend Words: 1827 (apologies, but I promise it's an easy read) Prompts used: Prompt 1 — “I wish you could see yourself the way I see you.” Prompt 3 — “How are you going to explain this/that?” Side by Side Masterlist (updated) here
I've included my Side by Side taglist for the interested folks, but you don't need to be up to date on that to follow the scenes. Side note I had wayyyy too much fun on Canva making this image.
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Rayne didn't return to the palace with Liam. He stayed the night after their discussion, they reunited in more ways than one, and the next morning they began to discuss logistics.
“What are they expecting when you arrive home?” Rayne asked, elbows on the dining table either side of an empty breakfast plate.
“Except for Bastien, the palace and the press don't know that I'm here. They still believe I'm at the estate with Madeleine. They'll expect us to arrive together.”
“You can stay here until then, if you want.” said Maxwell, who had tactfully said nothing last night of why Liam was here but was keen to assist now. “Bertrand would be honoured.”
Rayne sipped her orange juice - no coffee for a while - and allowed Liam to respond to a question of which she knew the answer.
“Thank you, Maxwell, but they expect us this afternoon. I will reconvene with Madeleine and travel with her back to the palace.”
“So how are you going to explain this?” Maxwell cut to the elephant in the room. Rayne looked to Liam again. They had discussed how to play this but ultimately it was up to him.
“To be honest, I'm not sure yet. But I will discuss it with Madeleine, since she is open to compromise, and make a statement when the time is right.”
Maxwell nodded, and turned his attention to Rayne. “And you, blossom? are you returning as well?” He sounded a little forlorn at the prospect.
“I could,” Rayne said, glancing at Liam, “but as I discussed with Liam last night it might be better to lay low for a while.”
“It would give me the chance to lay the groundwork for your return.” Liam reached for one of her hands, taking it in both of his. The way he gently squeezed was enough to communicate how much he wanted her to be there with him. Rayne held his gaze, then looked to Maxwell.
“I was hoping I could stay here until then.”
Maxwell looked surprised, then smiled warmly. “Absolutely you can! We will have so much fun… we can go riding and to the sauna and for runs together and…” he paused at Rayne’s bemused smile, and continued a little sheepishly. “I mean we can relax and watch movies and go for reasonable length walks…”
“I would love all those things, Max.” Rayne grinned. “But maybe we can start with the movies and walks.”
“I'll contact your doctor,” Liam noted, “see if she could be persuaded to make a house call. Everything discreet, of course.” Rayne had seen this doctor a few times whilst in Cordonia at Liam's recommendation and approved of her.
“So this is all a secret for now then?” Maxwell queried.
“Yes,” Liam answered, squeezing Rayne's hand again and releasing her. “For now at least, this news doesn't leave this household.”
— —
The sky was overcast as Rayne and Maxwell left the Beaumont estate several weeks after the decision to stay. Nerves built inside her as they climbed into the back of the SUV sent to collect them and approached the open gates of the estate. The car was silent for a few minutes, and Rayne focused on the outlines of the trees and vines bordering the gravel road.
“I left a charger cable in my room.” Maxwell sighed. She turned to him.
“At home?”
“No, at the palace. I'm looking forward to getting it back.”
Rayne smiled, breaking some of the tension in her face. “Don't you have other chargers?”
He shrugged. “Technically yes, but this one's my favourite.” The words were followed by a wide grin that made her laugh.
“Glad you can finally get it back then,” she remarked fondly, and turned back to the window. It was starting to rain now, gently, but it was predicted to get heavier as they approached the city.
“I hope I have the same room…” Maxwell commented. As he had previously assured her they would have the same rooms, Rayne didn't respond, but thinking of the rooms inevitably led back to thoughts of Liam.
Her hand subconsciously moved to her belly, which now was aligned with her breasts. The last time the doctor had visited had been the most surprising, but made the most sense. At ten weeks, her baby should not be showing so much - but twins did.
Twins were not uncommon in Rayne's family, she'd had a twin sibling, but it didn't make the prospect any less terrifying. Having one life growing inside her for the first time was enough, but she was still reckoning with the idea of two.
A loose shirt and open coat would do little to hide the reality from prying eyes, so she was not looking forward to her hospital visit…
“Liam will be there.” Maxwell's voice cut through Rayne's reflections. She turned to him. “He will make sure everything goes smoothly. You'll be okay, blossom. No need to be stressed.” His eyes flitted to where her hand trembled against her belly as if in recognition of her nerves. She let her hand fall, and he reached for it.
“I know,” Rayne muttered. And she did, but it didn't take away all her anxiety.
Maxwell squeezed her hand to bring her focus back to him. “There is no benefit in worrying about would could happen or what people might think. You have a lot of good people to support you, my wonderful self included, and we will all make sure that you are safe and comfortable.”
Rayne felt tears prick her eyes, smiling at the unusual earnestness from her jovial friend. After a moment holding his gaze, she nodded.
“I know,” she said again, “thank you, Maxwell.”
“Any time.” He smiled, releasing her hand, and they fell into an easier quiet. Rain pattered on the roof and windows of the car, they exited the gravel drive onto a sealed road, and she reflected on the words he had used. Maxwell was more intelligent than he was given credit for, but he spoke in simpler sentiments.
“Liam told you to say that, didn't he?”
He frowned, the shrugged. “He suggested I be more openly supportive - me being so much a master of subtlety and all - but I didn't need to know how to comfort one of my best friends, particularly given I've technically spent more time with you over the years than his royalness.”
“True, very true,” Rayne conceded, hiding a smirk and turning back to the road. “Especially during the hard times. And more recently whilst I've been… well…”
“Finally appreciating the excellence of my company?” Maxwell finished for her.
“Sure.” Rayne turned back to his wide smile. “And hugs. I appreciate your hugs.”
Several instances passed through her mind of Maxwell holding her. As she wept; as she sat nauseous beside the toilet; as she fell into him barely able to breathe; as she expressed just how much her heart ached, how much she wished Liam were with her, and things had turned out differently…
Eventually Rayne fell into a restless doze. She imagined reuniting with Liam and it brought her comfort. He had visited, once, a few weeks before. She had tried to be composed through the hormonal shifts but he had found her mostly short tempered. She hadn't properly said goodbye. There were some things she regretted saying, and she imagined having to resolve some tension before even entering the palace. Her new home.
— —
“Rayne.” A voice broke through her reverie, and a nudge of her shoulder. “Rayne, are you awake?”
“Nng,” she responded, less coherent than intended. She tried again. “Yes.”
“Good.” It was Maxwell's voice. “We're almost there.”
Rayne registered the thick rain and slow movement of the car over more gravel and lifted her head to see out, wiping drool from her chin and sleep from her eyes. Her back and neck ached from the awkward angle and she resolved once again never to sleep in a car.
“You can finally get your phone charger cable,” she remarked, watching the palace as they approached. Maxwell laughed.
“My whole reason for accompanying you is complete!” The lightness in his voice made her smile, despite the growing nerves.
“I hope you can stay for a while though,” she said, “I'll miss your company.”
Maxwell reached for her hand again. “Don't worry blossom, I'll make sure you're all set up before leaving. And you know how to reach me after that.” He looked up past Rayne, then, and grinned. “Welcome home.”
Rayne turned to see the palace slide out of view past some tall hedges. Her palms were sweaty and her chest tight, then the hedges opened out to reveal a familiar figure waiting under cover by the entrance, and her heart leapt.
— —
Liam waited by the door with Drake and two of the palace staff, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet with an umbrella in hand as they watched the SUV approach. It moved so slowly, but the time was finally nearing when he would see her again, and see her every day from now on.
“Bit excited there, Li?” Drake teased from just behind him. It only made Liam smile wider. His heart thumped in his chest and he stood so close to the edge of the portico that some of the rain began to reach him.
“Absolutely,” Liam responded, unphased. The car was so close he thought he could make out Rayne’s face through the tinted glass. It pulled up alongside the palace, and he leapt into action with his now open umbrella. She always sat on the right side, so he opened that door just as she reached for the handle, and there she was.
“Liam,” she breathed, wide eyed as he met her gaze. How was she even more beautiful than he remembered?
“Welcome home, love,” he managed after a few moments, holding the umbrella above them both with his other hand out to help her up. As she stood, he breathed in her scent, and all the tension in his body and mind relaxed. “I missed you.”
Rayne looked up at him as he closed the car door behind her. She opened her mouth to speak, closed it again, and wrapped her arms around him for the first time in too long. He held her in the rain on the gravel driveway, holding the umbrella above them in one hand, heedless of the staff and friends moving around them.
“I missed you too,” Rayne mumbled into his chest, and held him tighter. Liam kept his touch gentle, not wanting to strain her, and after a while he pulled back and moved a loose curl away from her face. She sniffed, wiping her face with a coat sleeve, and started to apologise for her appearance. Liam shook his head to halt her.
“I wish you could see yourself the way I see you,” he said, smiling softly, “there is nothing and no one else so perfect in this world.”
Side by Side Tag List: @tessa-liam @twinkleallnight @umccall71 @kingliam2019 @angelasscribbles @mainstreetreader @malblk21 @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @tinkie1973 @lovingchoices14
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lorirwritesfanfic ¡ 1 year ago
The Fairytale Ball
Book: The Royal Heir Pairing: Liam Rys x MC (Jade) Characters: Liam Rys, MC (Jade), royal heir (Elise), Maxwell Beaumont, Hana Lee Rating: T Word count: 3415 Reading time: ~13min Summary: The Queen's Ball is the event of the year for the young generations. But Princess Elise isn't as happy everyone hoped she would be on her debut. Based on the prompt: @choicesnovchallenge: National Princess Day
Author’s notes:
Jade Bourbon-Rys, Elise Bourbon-Rys, Charlotte Amaranth, Zain and Gael Maldonado are creations of this author. The other characters belong to Pixelberry Studios;
This oneshot is part of Liam and Jade's universe, but I'm sure you'll have no problem reading it if you never read anything from my TRR series.
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"One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three," Hana counted as she passed by, watching every young couple dancing in the ballroom. 
"Relax your shoulders, Toshio." Maxwell instructed, gently tapping a young boy's shoulder.
"That's beautiful, Marnie!" Hana praised another girl.
In the corner of the ballroom, Elise counted the steps as she tried to follow her partner's steps. Her mother and godmother always said Cordonian Waltz wasn't that hard. She just had to let her partner lead. Unfortunately, the dance partner Queen Mother Regina chose for her wasn't as good advertised. At least, not in her opinion.
"Ow!" The boy complained, wincing in pain.
"Sorry, Zain..." She said with a weak and apologetic smile.
"Is everything okay?" Hana asked, placing a hand on Elise's shoulder.
Elise grimaced. She knew her godmother wouldn't scold her as her grandmother probably would. But she still didn't wish to disappoint.
"It's alright, ma'am," Zain forced a smile as he continued to dance. 
How could he go on, given how hard she stepped on his foot? It was a mystery to her. 
The Queen's Ball was an annual ball/cotillion hosted by Queen Jade of Cordonia during Elise’s month of birthday to raise funds for the orphanages and community centers of the kingdom. It was a tradition in which all noble women she knew were involved and her mother was adamant about the princess joining the young couples dance this year. However, she couldn't say she was as excited to join as she hoped to be.
"One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two—"
"OW!" Zain whined. 
This time, however, it got a few other couple’s attention. The music stopped.
"Crap... I'm so sorry, Zain..."
"It's okay, Your Highness. I'm fine," the boy murmured.
"Watch out for Princess Klutzy, Zain!" A female voice in the middle of the room mocked. A voice Elise was unfortunately quite familiar with.
Suppressed giggles echoed in the ballroom.
Elise glared at Lady Charlotte, who replied with a smirk.
"That's enough." Maxwell called out, a rare scowl adorning her godfather's face. "Back to your places, everyone!" 
"Pay close attention to your partner, ladies. And don't forget your posture," Hana said, roughly straightening Charlotte's head.
Elise pressed her lips together to hide a smile when Zain winced again. 
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yeah... I'm kinda beat from football practice."
The princess frowned watching the boy kept dancing, trying to disguise he was limping slightly. 
"It's okay if you admit I hurt your foot. We can take a break."
"I'm fine, Your Highness."
"You don't have to play nice with me. And you don't have to call me Your Highness all the time. I don’t call Lord Zain of Bellmere."
"All right... If you let me lead, we'll do a lot better, you know," Zain suggested.
Elise smiled shyly. "Okay..."
Maybe she was overthinking again and just needed to chill. She had tons of dance classes over the years. Cordonian Waltz wasn't that hard after all.
For the next couple of minutes, things went smoothly between them. The princess even started to enjoy the dance and the company of the young Earl of Bellmere.
"One, two, three. One, two, three. Excellent! Now spin!" Hana instructed.
"Ready?" Zain asked.
"Yeah," Elise nodded.
But as Zain lifted her arm for the princess to spin, a couple bumped into them, pushing them both on the floor. 
Laughter rose in the ballroom as Hana and Maxwell rushed to help Elise and Zain.
"Damnit!" Zain complained, massaging his left foot.
"I'm so sorry..."
"Are you two alright?" Hana asked in worry.
"My foot hurts..." Zain winced.
Elise frowned.
"I told you Princess two left feet would hurt you." Charlotte snickered.
Something snapped on Elise as she heard Charlotte's voice again. Standing up, the princess stomped her way to the other girl and jumped over her. 
"Elise, no!" Maxwell yelled and darted to the princess, followed by the royal guards.
"You stuck-up bitch!" The princess bellowed as she mounted on the girl, grabbing her hair with both hands. 
Before Elise could do any real damage, four guards split the girls while the others sent everybody out. 
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A few hours later
Steps and murmurs reverberated through the walls as Elise sobbed in her room. The Royal guard may be discreet, but the servants loved to gossip. By the time she locked herself in her room, the entire kingdom already knew she got into another fight with Charlotte Amaranth again. But having her name on the tabloids and strangers judging her was nothing compared to Queen Jade’s reaction. And the princess certainly didn’t want to face her mother now.
Just then, a gentle knock on her door interrupted her thoughts.
“Go away!” She whined.
Much to her disappointment, the door opened. 
“Hey, you can’t tell the King to go away.”
Elise sat up as she recognized the voice. The moment her father sat on the bed, she wrapped her arms around his neck. “Dad!” She croaked.
“It’s okay, my Lil Bunny…” Liam murmured.
“Is it though?”
“I just talked to Lord Zain and his parents. He had already injured his toe during football practice. He just didn’t tell anyone because he didn’t want to be cut out of the team before Junior League started.”
Elise pulled away from the embrace. “But I stepped on his foot over three times!”
“Zain mentioned it, but he still doesn’t blame you. His doctor also said that landing on his feet when he fell most likely was the real cause of the injury.”
“Fine. Now what?"
“As we speak Maxwell and Hana are searching for a new dance partner for you. So now we have another matter to talk about..."
“Ugh…” The princess laid down again, pressing her face on a pillow. 
“What happened during the rehearsal?”
“You know exactly what happened," she grumbled.
"I do. But I still want to hear your version of the incident."
Her father had a point. As always. 
She then sat up again and began to speak. "I hate Charlotte!"
"Hate is one very strong word."
"It's how I feel about her!"
"Very well. Does it justify you mounting on top of Lady Charlotte to pull her hair and beat her up?" Liam arched an eyebrow.
"She said what happened to Zain was my fault!"
"Elise, you've had spats with her before, but it never came to physical fight. What happened this afternoon that made you cross that line?"
The princess looked down at her hands.
"Is there something you're not telling me?"
"She is a bully, dad."
"I see..." Liam said, not surprised to hear that Madeleine's only child took after her mother.
"I don't care when she says something about me..." Elise fiddled with the hem of her sweater. 
"Did she say anything about something else?" 
"Charlotte said Aunt Hana needs to grow a backbone. She put a melted candy bar on Sophie's seat to make it look like crap and mocked her in front of the entire school."
Liam's eyes widened in surprise. "That's why Sophie was upset today."
"The only reason I didn't beat that girl up at school was because Ava and Louis stopped me so I wouldn't get suspended."
"I assume what happened this afternoon was the last straw."
Liam pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance.
"Are you mad at me?"
"No. I don't approve of what you did. This is absolutely not how we raised you and your siblings, but I understand your reasons."
"How bad is the press talking about it?"
"They're loving it. The rivalry between you two is being strongly associated with the one your mother had with Madeleine during my social season and engagements."
"Do they think Charlotte and I dislike each other because of a guy?!" Elise made a face. "Tabloids are so stupid."
Liam chuckled. "They usually are. Little did they know only Jade was fighting about a guy."
"That's a story for later."
"Okay... What do we do now?"
"You go back to being my sweet daughter and future heir of the throne while your mother and I talk to the Royal Communications department to handle the press."
"But Charlotte's mom is the head of Royal Communications! Lady Madeleine will make it worse!"
"How so?"
"She doesn't like me."
"Madeleine doesn't like anyone in our family except Regina and Leo. But she's still loyal to the Crown."
"Whoa..." Elise mumbled in astonishment. "Okay. If you say so..."
"You still have to apologize to her."
"I'm not asking you to be friends with Lady Charlotte. Just be polite."
"But she—"
"Do it for Regina's sake. Your mother and I will be present to ensure you'll keep it civil."
Elise folded her arms. "How do you know Charlotte won't be the one to start a fight?"
"I was watching the rehearsal from the security cameras when the fight started. She can't win a fight against Sophie's turtle Pabblo."
Father and daughter exchanged looks and chuckled. 
“I don’t wanna dance anymore.”
"I'm not going to dance."
"Sweetheart, you've been talking about partaking in the Young Couples Dance for years," Liam tried to reason.
"I lost my dance partner, I'm the talk of the kingdom today... Maybe it's for the best." She gave her shoulders. 
"You know your mother won't like this, don't you?"
"Can you talk to her?"
"Are you sure?"
She nodded.
"I can try..."
"Thanks," Elise murmured, resting her head on her father's shoulder.
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About an hour later
"She's not quitting!"
"My love..."
"She's not quitting, Liam!" Jade demanded, glaring at her husband from her vanity dresser mirror. "Our daughter is not a quitter!" 
"Elise doesn't want to cause a commotion with the press and the guests being in the same room as Charlotte."
"That's it?! Fine! I'll cut mini Madeleine out of the dance." Jade put down her face cream on the nightstand with full force. "There! Problem solved."
"Jade..." Liam called, staring deadpan at his wife.
"What? No one is gonna miss her anyway."
Liam suppressed a chuckle as he sat on the opposite side of the bed. "Regina won't be happy with this..."
"I don't care!"
"Don't you?"
The couple exchanged knowing looks.
Jade rolled her eyes. "Why do you always have to be reasonable?" 
"Somebody has to be. Plus, I know you don't want to have animosity with Regina."
"I created this ball for Elise! I'll be damned if I allow Madeleine's daughter or anyone to get in my daughter's way of having her dance!" Jade fumed.
"Did you truly create this ball for her or for yourself?" 
"You know precisely why this ball exists." Jade scowled.
Liam looked back at his wife and arched an eyebrow.
"Sure... Maybe I've been daydreaming about Elise's first dance with her high school crush for years. But I created the ball because she wanted to dress and dance like a princess."
"Jade, she is a princess. It's her birthright."
"This is not about monarchy and titles, Liam. Do you remember when we attended Calenvia's Baile de Debutantes? And the Queen's Debutants Ball in the UK? How mesmerized she was by cousin Manuela dancing with her girlfriend?"
"Well, that's the only thing she hasn't experienced yet!"
"A fairytale moment."
"She was a five year old fascinated by fairytales. And I doubt her fairytale moment would come given how she barely seemed comfortable around Rashad's son."
"You don't get it, do you?" The queen pursed her lips in annoyance. "She has a Pinterest board with inspirations since she was seven. She booked herself an appointment with Galia Lahav to get an exclusive design for her gown. She may not have a crush on Zain, but they looked good together. We all saw the day she explicitly told Zain what type of flowers he should get for her corsage and his lapel!" Jade then stood up and sat next to her husband. "I'm telling you: Elise wants this. She cannot let go of her childhood dream just because that little project of Regina George pissed off my daughters."
"Hmm..." Liam pondered for a moment. "Fair point. But I guess we both know there's only one person who can convince her to attend," he said, giving his wife a knowing look.
"What if she thinks I'm forcing her to do it?" 
"You're fully capable of persuading anyone, my love," he said, kissing the back of her hand.
"Okay..." She heaved a sigh, resting her head on his shoulder.
Liam smiled as he once again realized how much his daughter took after his wife.
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The next day
As the young princess finished her homework, Elise left the library and walked down the hallway, looking out the window. The Queen's
Ball night was near, so the servants began decorating the gardens, adding snowflake-shaped string lights on the walls and on the maze. The Winter Wonderland theme was her idea and she was completely sure it'd look amazing. Too bad it felt like a dream she would have to postpone for a while.
The princess stopped in her tracks as she heard her mother's voice. They haven't talked since her mother left the palace to take Zain to the hospital. The queen looked furious then. Was she still mad at her?
The princess turned around to look at her. "Yes, ma'am."
"I heard you have a free schedule now. Follow me to the entertainment room."
"The entertainment room?"
"You'll understand why soon."
Oh, man... Was she going to use one of those educational videos just like the ones her parents showed Louis about STIs? Educational videos were part of her father's style of educating. Her mother's approach was a bit more straightforward.
Once they stepped into the room, Elise took a seat in one of the chairs on the back and Jade followed. On the cinema screen, small clips of Elise as a toddler dancing in the ballroom with the queen, watching her parents dance then joining them, clapping as she watched the first young couples and her dance lessons while growing up. 
As her eyes welled up, Jade changed seats to be closer to her daughter. "I know why you don't want to join the Young Couples Dance after what happened yesterday. Facing the press after a scandal isn't easy. But I want you to know why I created and have been hosting The Queen's Ball all these years."
"What?" Tears streamed down Elise's face. "But you always said it's an event to celebrate Grandma Eleanor and Grandma Elaine and help kids in need."
"I know. I'll keep mentioning them and their charity work they did because The Royal Communications said it'd be a good excuse to turn a ball into a charity event and attract more donations. But its first name was Fairytale Ball." 
"Fairytale ball?"
"Yes." Jade reached for her daughter's hand. "All I wanted was to give you a fairytale moment."
"Mom..." Elise threw her arms around her mother's neck and hugged her tightly. "Aren't you mad?"
"I should be." Jade replied, stroking Elise's hair. "I should scold you and ground you for weeks. But honestly? I wish I had slapped some people's faces during your father's social season and engagement to Madeleine."
"People?" Elise pulled away and stared wide-eyed at her mother. "Who?"
"Literally everyone in this palace except Hana and Max."
"Even uncle Drake?"
"Oh, sweetie... Drake was the worst sometimes..."
"We can talk about that later. Right now, I want to know what you want to do."
"I want the fairytale."
"But I don't have a dance partner!"
"Actually, Maxwell found three candidates for you. Next?
"Mom, there's the press…"
"Your father and I can handle them. What else?"
"I don't want to be anywhere near Charlotte."
"I can throw her in the dungeon." 
"We don't have a dungeon..."
"Well, not in this palace... But my guards can certainly escort Charlotte to Valtoria lower ground floor..." Jade commented with a sly grin.
"I'm joking."
"You're so not!"
"You say it as if anyone is going to miss her..." 
Mom and daughter shared a glance and laughed.
"I want to dance. But I don't want to harm anyone in the process."
"I know..." Jade smiled, glad to realize how much her daughter had in common with her husband. "We'll figure it out. Now, onto more important things." Jade fished her phone out of her pocket and showed it to Elise. "These are your possible dance partners."
"A girl?!"
"And this lovely gender-fluid person who just won a scholarship at The Royal Dance Academy."
"What? We're keeping our options open just in case."
Elise looked at each picture, and though one person caught her eye, she prompted. "Mom, I don't know... Is there a way I can talk to them?"
The queen smirked. "I thought you'd never ask."
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A few days later
Purple, blue and white lights tinted the Royal Palace walls as the guests arrived for the Queen's Ball, one of the most opulent events of Cornodia's social calendar. Among the many attractions of the night, young members of nobility and wealthy families across the world traveled to the Cordonian capitol to partake in the Young Couples Dance. Their hopes were to be introduced to the crème de la crème of world society, sharing their accomplishments and plans for the future. 
This year, however, the press was far more interested in news about the Royal Heir, Princess Elise Bourbon-Rys. After the incident between the future queen and Lady Madeleine's daughter, rumors about more spats, feuds between the princess's friends and her rival's at school and possible absence of both of them from the ball spread fast. Yet no one from the palace confirmed nor denied any information. Would the princess miss her own mother's ball? Or was it Lady Charlotte who took the fall?
"Your Majesties! A word, please!" A reporter chanted.
The king and queen smiled to the press, signaling for them to step closer.
"Good evening, everyone!" Liam replied.
"We hope you're enjoying the ball," Jade continued.
"Lady Charlotte just arrived with her family. Does it mean Princess Elise is still grounded?"
"Elise wasn't grounded. Queen Jade and I believe that encouraging our children to do volunteer work is a much more effective way to teach them about compassion and non-aggressive methods to deal with their feelings." 
"Can we expect the Princess to attend the ball then?" A paparazzi asked.
"Yes. Elise is preparing herself to join the festivities, just like all the other teenagers partaking in the Young Couples Dance," the queen affirmed.
"Aren't you concerned about another disagreement between the young ladies, sir?"
"There's no reason for concern. They've made amends that same day and they've been working together at the senior's shelter."
"Are they friends now?"
"What about the situation with Lord Zain?"
The reporters continued to ask more questions when the Queen's assistant approached her and whispered something in her ear.
"We would be glad to talk to you some more, but the first attraction is about to start. Please join us in the celebration of this magical evening honoring the children of our country," the queen stated before walking away with the king.
After outstanding performances of Cordonian Royal Ballet academy and a play presented by Queen Eleanor's children home, it was time for the Young Couples Dance. All couples were introduced by the herald and as soon as they took their places in the ballroom, musicians played a traditional Cordonian Waltz. The crowd eagerly waited for any kind of mishap or incident. Contrary to all expectations, the young couples gracefully danced to the song, making it another successful performance. 
"Maxwell and Hana did an excellent job with the kids this year," Liam commented.
"I know. Aren't they lovely?" Jade beamed as the couples spinned in perfect synchrony.
"They are. But there's one couple stealing all the attention though." The king nodded towards Princess Elise, who was all smiles to her dance partner. "Who is he?"
"Gael Maldonado, heir to the Ducado de Rivas."
"A Calenvian lord."
"Maxwell was betting on Amalas's child, but I saw how our Lil Bunny was like when she facetimed Gael."
"I see... Did Drake run a background check on him?" Liam asked, scrutinizing the boy.
"What would he—" the Queen then arched an eyebrow in amusement. "Are you jealous, Your Majesty?" Jade teased.
"It's just a precaution."
"You don't say..." she grinned.
"Our children won't have a social season. We need to find out more about their possible..." Liam made a face as the boy whispered something in Elise's ear, making her giggle. "...suitors."
Jade chuckled, hugging the king's arm. "Honey, they just met. Let them enjoy the night with no pressure."
"Are you really not worried?"
"Why would I be? Look at them!"
Elise beamed as Gael spun her around and held her with back pressed against his chest.
The king then gave his wife a knowing look. "You already did a background check on him, didn’t you?” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about…” Jade reached for her champagne flute to avoid his gaze.
“Uh huh…” 
The king and queen smiled proudly, watching their eldest daughter dance.
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txemrn ¡ 2 years ago
Pour Two Glasses
Chapter 6: "...Everything's Turned Upside Down"
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✨ Have you checked out this teaser video yet? Pour Two Glasses Teaser✨
Word Count: 6150 (+/-)
Series Synopsis: In the midst of a violent political war, Queen Riley Rys’s life is dismantled overnight, forcing her to flee Cordonia to live in hiding as a commoner with a loyal, best friend
Series Song Inspo: “Pour Two Glasses” by the Movielife
Chapter Song Inspo: "Broken Pieces Shine" by Evanescence
Series Warnings: 🔞 For Mature Audiences Only 🔞 angst; profanity; major character death; grief and mental health discussion; discussion of violence & war; alcohol use; NSFW material
A/N: I don't say this enough, so I hope it's okay I start this A/N with this message... to my beautiful readers: thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! I loved dreaming up this story, and knowing that y'all want more warms my heart! Thank you for all the messages, all the questions, and all of the encouragement! Please know I see each and every one of y'all, and I love y'all so dearly! Y'all are a huge part of P2G, and I can't thank you enough for being so kind! Sending out major hugs to each of y'all! 🖤
A/N 2: Characters and some plot references belong to our friends at Pixelberry. To my village, as always THANK YOU SO MUCH helping me bring this story to life! This was not beta'd, so please excuse my errors.
Riley spends most of her recovery time alone, secluded from the outside world. The stillness of the lonely mornings melt into the mundane hustle of the afternoons, and although time seems to pass before her eyes in a whirlwind blur, to the fallen queen, it trudges along slowly, creeping into her least favorite part of the day: the dark, listless nights.  
Due to the multiple terrorist threats made against the monarchy, not to mention the two bombs found during a routine sweep of the palace, the royal guard, the local police along with Interpol agreed the safest place for the queen of Cordonia was inside her hospital room despite being discharged days ago. 
Her physical therapist would visit on Mondays and Wednesdays while her doctors would visit Tuesdays and Fridays to ensure her recovery was on track. Healthcare workers were available upon request, but they would be accompanied by armed guards.
Drake, Olivia and Maxwell were given special clearance, and they kept to a round-the-clock schedule to ensure Riley was never alone.
That is, until she sent them away after the first week. Watching them grow ill with concern over her well-being added to her grief, and she hated being the reason for their stolen joy. Riley knew they meant well, and they never, ever complained for sitting by her side in complete silence.  Even Maxwell toned down his enthusiasm in his attempts to make her happy.  But Riley could see them slipping away into different versions of themselves, and the guilt festered in her heart.
Rarely sleeping and barely eating, Riley stopped taking her pain medications. She never would admit to her masochistic reasoning, but the physical discomfort served as a welcomed distraction from the agony she felt internally. She felt like she had little to no control over her life, but this, in a very sick, twisted way, this was hers.
It’s the following Friday, the small hours of the morning. Riley tosses and turns for another restless night of sleep as memories of only two weeks ago flash through her mind. Her husband’s funeral. The assassination attempt. Her own life unknowingly in the balances during a critical surgery.
With a subtle rumble in the distance, she opens an eye, and quickly notices the gathered rainclouds outside her lone, two-paned hospital window. Sitting up, she pulls on Liam’s sweatshirt before scooting the reclining chair in her room closer to the view of the angry sky.
The pelting raindrops and the howling wind put on quite the show, calming Riley's anxious heart. She used to love quiet moments with her late husband where they could share in the wonder of nature. As the storm continues to brew outside her room, her eyes grow heavy, the soothing sounds of the storm lulling her to sleep.
A sudden clap of lightning rips across the gray Cordonian sky, startling Riley awake.  She quickly sits up, her chest heaving as her eyes adjust to the darkness of her master bedroom. Feeling her pulse rapidly thrum in her ears, she reaches for her husband; but she is met with cold, barren sheets, tossed against her side.
“Liam?”  She sits on the side of the bed, slipping her house shoes on before standing to grab her robe. “Liam?” She cries out once more before the storm outside ignites the angry clouds with another crash of thunder. Gripping the fabric of her lapels in terror, she watches hypnotically as the countryside dims back into the darkness of night.
“Riley, my love.”  
Riley turns with a gasp.  Liam stands at the open French doors that lead to their balcony. The powerful winds flounce the curtains, billowing around his tall stature.
"I didn't mean to frighten you, darling." He takes Riley into his arms, laying her head intimately against his chest. "Did the storm wake you?"
At that moment, another crackle of thunder resounds, Riley instantly turning her attention to the open doors. Puddles gather around the terrace as sheets of rain pummel against the stone walls. Feeling her tremble in his arms, Liam tightens his embrace nuzzling his nose into his wife's dark locks.
"Mom used to point out how powerful the weather can be. Devastating homes. Sinking ships… and yet–" he takes a deep breath, "we're still here."
Riley loosens her grip. The cascades of heavenly water pour in a synchronized dance with the rumbles of thunder. The zephyr symphony lulls her into a trance as she marvels at the strength of the storm. Fierce. Intense.
And yet, we're still here.
"You'll survive this, too, my love–"
"Survive what–?" Riley looks up to her husband.
But he's gone; his arms no longer around her as his scent dissipates from the air they once shared.  But something strange is left hanging in her hands: a small, worn receiving blanket, the name 'William' embroidered in the corner. 
Riley swivels anxiously around the room, her eyes wide as saucers. "Liam?" She cries out. "Please, baby," she looks in the other direction, but her husband is no where to be found. "Liam… I… I don't know…" her breath hitches, growing ragged as she finally slumps onto the ground. She looks at the blanket, her fingers tracing over the delicate stitching. "How, my love–?" She whispers under her sobs of helplessness. "How am I supposed to survive… without you?"
Suddenly, a bright light pours over her, the warmth of the sun shining on her porcelain skin.
“We’re not doing this anymore.”
Riley's eyes peek open, being met with beams of sunlight pouring through the window. She sees someone moving about the room, but her exhaustion refuses to allow her eyes to focus, and she quickly slumps back over.
"You need to get up, Riley."
Without warning, Riley’s blankets are abruptly pulled from her body. She sits up in her chair, rubbing her eyes. "Huh?"
"C'mon. Up, up!"
Finally coming to her senses, Riley zeroes in on the redhead bossing her around. And she scowls, relaxing back into her chair. "Olivia, I… come back later."
"No, ma'am." Olivia taps a lever on the recliner, shoving Riley into an upright position. "You are going to shower. I laid out some clothes for you," the duchess crosses her arms, "and you are going to rejoin the living."
"Now," she claps her hands. "Scoot!"
Riley jumps up, grumbling under her breath as she moseys to the shower. Hearing the water turn on, Olivia smirks, playfully dusting off her hands. Satisfied with herself, she grabs a magazine and takes a seat, crossing her legs in victory.
After about twenty minutes, Riley emerges with a towel wrapped around her head along with a pair of jeans and a cotton tee.
"There. Happy, bossy britches?"
"Almost," Olivia offers a crooked smile. "Now that we've–eh–hosed you down, we need to work on getting that odor out of here. It smells like someone died in here–"
"Didn't they?" Refusing to make eye-contact, Riley remains stoic, down-trodden.  She moves the linens around on her bed before curling up with a pillow.
"No." Olivia stands up, sauntering to her friend's bed. "They didn't." She takes a seat on the edge of the mattress, Riley's back facing her. "You, my dear, are very much alive. And it's time you start living as such."
"Liv, I…" Riley sighs. "I just don't feel like going out and rejoining society right now."
"Who said anything about rejoining society?" She takes Riley's hand. "I said that it's time to start living like you're alive." Riley turns around, arching a curious brow at Olivia. "I'm not saying you need to stop grieving; but I am going to make you shower. And eat. And not waste away."
A stale stillness falls between the old friends as Riley pulls the covers over her body.  "I'm not in the mood," she mutters, sinking into her pillow.
Olivia lets out a heavy breath, standing up. She refuses to give up, unwilling to leave the queen's room. She leisurely paces around the space, folding and refolding her hands.  The resounding click-clack of her steps are hypnotic, almost soothing as she twists her crimson pout in deep thought. 
She understands that Riley is in mourning, and even though Olivia loved him, too, nothing would compare to the great loss of true love. But, still, she hates seeing Riley like this; they all do. But truth be told on matters of the heart, there is only one person that can get through to her.
"What would Liam say?"
Riley slowly turns, looking over her shoulder. "Excuse me?"
"Your husband," Olivia steps forward confidently, clasping her hands together.  "He died a hero, protecting our country, protecting me… and you. What would he say now if he saw you like this?"
Riley furrows her eyebrows, her hands balling into fists. How dare she. Was Olivia seriously trying to make Riley feel guilty for grieving her late husband? For grieving the life she was starting with him? For grieving the life she was supposed to have with him?
"Olivia, I–"
"You'll survive this, too," Olivia interrupts.
The irritated expression on Riley's face abruptly melts into pure shock.  Her eyes as Liam's words replay in her mind.
You'll survive this, too.
"I… I'm sorry, I …" she shakes her head in disbelief, "what did you say?"
"Ri," Olivia bounds to her side, grabbing Riley's hand endearingly in her hold. "You are one tough broad. You have proven that time and time again." Her lip begins to tremble, but she quickly stiffens her jaw. "Liam knew that. Hell, that's one of the reasons he fell in love with you." She sighs, her gaze bouncing back and forth in Riley's deep ocean eyes. "Losing Liam will be one of the most awful challenges you will ever have to face… but somehow wherever he is, I have to believe he is taking comfort that you are strong enough for this." She squeezes tightly on Riley’s fingers. "You'll survive this, too."
Riley stares at Olivia, processing what she was saying–especially the words that seemed to mirror Liam's. 
And they're right.  It feels like hell right now, and Riley can't even begin to fathom a life without her beloved… but he would want better for her.  He lived a life so that she could have better.
It was time to start living.
"You're cheating!" Maxwell hisses, pointing an accusing finger at Olivia.
"I am not, Beaumont," the Scarlet Duchess shuffles through the cards in her hands. "You're just not good at counting to twenty-one."
"You've won each time you've been the dealer." He throws down his cards. "Shenanigans!"
Hugging her stomach tightly, Riley can’t help but laugh uncontrollably, her sides already in stitches. “Stop!” She gasps for air as she continues to titter. “I–I can’t!”  She falls forward on her bed, her head hitting a pillow as her giggles fill the room.  Maxwell and Olivia join in on the laughter, giving each other a subtle nod of relief. She’s coming back to life.
The three friends have spent most of the morning together at the hospital, catching up and playing games. To her visitor’s surprise, Riley decided she wanted to take a walk around the hospital–to areas that had been cleared by the royal guard, of course.
Together, they meandered to the hospital’s private prayer garden on a terrace just outside the pediatric floor. The warmth of the sun on her skin and the fresh scent of the potted greenery exhilarated her senses.  The natural pink tone of her skin quickly returned to her cheeks, highlighting her genuinely bright smile as she scrunched her nose at the floral smells.
On the way back to her room, Riley walked by the newborn nursery.  Stopping at the large window that showcased several cooing babies, wrapped in pink and blue receiving blankets, she pressed her fingertips gently against the glass, admiring each one silently. Although tears gather in her eyes, she begins to quietly talk to each chubby face, fussing over how adorable they are.
“Oh, you’re going to be trouble, mister, with those dimples…”
“Look at those beautiful black curls!”
“I know your mommy and daddy must love you so much…”  
If only…
Finally making it back to her assigned floor, the friends were greeted by Riley’s primary physician and his assistant along with the best news ever: the palace passed its final security check.  All Riley needed now was clearance through Interpol and one more physical–per the request of the Royal Council to ensure her health–and she would soon be on her way back home.  
As the healthcare team exits, a sudden wave of surreality washes over the room. Going home. Riley hasn’t been home in almost three weeks, and even before that, she hasn’t slept in her own bed since the start of the Royal Wake. What would be waiting for her when she walked into her quarters?  Is everything waiting for her to come home exactly how she left it?  Exactly how he left it?
Biting her lip, she takes a moment of silence, her hand finding Liam’s rings on her necklace. She fiddles with his wedding band, the jewelry easily gliding onto her pointer finger.  And that’s when she feels it: the inscription inside the gold band. And her eyes flutter close. Pour Two Glasses. Everything would be expecting her return.
Except him.
Riley shakes her head, glancing back up at Maxwell and Olivia. Giving them an appreciative grin, she grabs the deck of cards on her bedside table, blinking away her tears. “Best two out of three?”
The three friends have been playing for a little over an hour when there’s an abrupt knock at the door.  A large smile grows across Riley’s face as the familiar smirk of her royal guard saunters into the room.
“There’s my hero,” Riley singsongs. From her bed, she extends her arms in the air, inviting Drake into a hug.  A blush swirls across his cheeks as he leans in, tucking her petite body under his chin.
“How are you feeling?” He whispers before gently letting her go.
“I’m okay,” Riley nods. “I’m gonna be okay.”  She pats the mattress next to her. “C’mon, partner,” she mimics a Texan accent. “Let’s teach these two how to play Texas Hold ‘Em.”  Olivia rolls her eyes as Maxwell titters, pretending to throw a lasso around Drake.
Drake chuckles, pushing a fist into his pocket as he stares at the ground. “I wish I could, but–”  he combs his fingers through his thick, chestnut hair as he gazes back up at his friends. “I got lucky and found a plane out of Munich at 5AM, so… I’m taking a train there. Tonight.”
“Oh my gosh,” Riley’s face etches with shock. “So soon?”
“When does the train leave?” Olivia’s eyebrows pinch together.
“In about–” he looks at his watch before snickering to himself. “About two hours.”  A stillness falls across the friends, sharing sad, concerned looks. “C’mon, you guys,” Drake attempts to lighten the mood. “We knew this day was coming… and I’m coming back.”
“When?” Maxwell questions softly.
“I guess… when Mom…” he gnaws on the inside of his mouth, searching for the right words. “When… everything is taken care of, I guess.”
Riley climbs out of bed, throwing her arms around him in a tight embrace. “Don’t forget where your home is, Walker,” she sniffles.
“Like you’d let me forget?” He chuckles. His large arms envelope her against his chest as he nuzzles his nose into her curls, breathing her in deeply. His voice grows husky as he rests his lips against her head. “I’m going to miss you, Brooks.”
Riley pulls back, resting her hand on his upper arm. “I’m going to miss you, too.” A coy smile teases on his lips as a twinkle of hope illuminates his cognac eyes–that is, until Riley continues. “You’ve always been such a great friend.  Liam sure hit the jackpot with you–” she turns to Maxwell and Olivia, “--with all of you.”
Drake nods agreeably, looking away from his best friend’s widow, chastising himself for having such fleeting thoughts of hope. He turns to Maxwell to give him a firm handshake before turning to Olivia. “Can I… talk to you? For a second?”  He whispers to the redhead before looking back at Riley and Maxwell. He holds his hand up, waving goodbye before exiting the room with Olivia right behind him.
Riley glances towards Maxwell, offering a sympathetic grin and shrugging her shoulders. Their group of friends is shrinking, but at least they have each other.
“He’s so obvious,” Maxwell giggles, winking at the queen as he takes a sip of a glass of water.
Riley scrunches her eyebrows. “Obvious? About what?”
Maxwell freezes, staring at Riley as an awkward silence floods between them. “Uh… Nevermind, honey–”
They both startle as Olivia bounds back into the room, slipping back into her seat. Without making eye-contact, she crosses her legs before grabbing her playing cards, mindlessly rearranging them in her hand. She's unusually quiet and pensive, her eyebrows slightly wrinkled as she appears to be deep in thought about something.
"Is… everything okay?" Riley asks.
She peers up to Riley nervously, but within moments, a crooked smile forms on her cherry red pout. "Yes… of course."  She glances back at her cards, but it's useless; there's too much she needs to say. "Ri, do you know what a black box is?"
"Like on a plane?" Maxwell clarifies with curiosity, folding his cards and resting them on the table.  Olivia nods slowly as her attention shifts back to Riley.
"It records sounds, right?" Riley starts, her tone cautiously meek. "Sounds from inside the plane? So in the event it… it… well, you know…"  Olivia softly bounces her head affirmatively, rolling her lips. "Did something happen?" Riley nervously titters, glancing at a confused Maxwell. "Was there something… something terrible on Liam’s recording?"
Olivia folds her cards, tapping the stack on the table. "No, it's just…" her words trail off as she remains lost in thought.
"Liv," Riley crosses her arms. "What are you trying to hide?" 
Olivia sighs. "My apologies. I guess I'm trying to process it myself. Apparently the guard had their weekly briefing last night with Interpol. Drake had to turn in some last minute paperwork for his leave, so he was in attendance." 
"What does this have to do with the black box?" Maxwell interjects.
"It's gone," Olivia blurts out. "It was never recovered from Liam's plane. So, there's a strong possibility that–"
"It was stolen," Riley interrupts.
"Precisely, meaning this was orchestrated by the coup somehow."
"Wait," Maxwell holds up his hands, "how did anyone know that was Liam's plane though? How would they know to specifically steal from that plane? Wasn't he supposed to be traveling incognito?"
Olivia nods, exhaling heavily. "They're launching an investigation… for possible espionage." 
"An inside job?" Riley croaks, a lump forming in her throat. "From Cordonia?"
"We don't know just yet," Olivia reassures, "that's why they're looking into it.  But I'm thinking they need some help… and I know just the person to ask."
Riley's room door suddenly slides open, surprising the group of friends.  The doctor slowly steps in with the queen's medical chart, a solemn, almost grim expression etched on his face.
"I'm not sure I like the worried look in your eyes, sir," Riley anxiously giggles. "Don't tell me I'm staying here longer."
"Oh," he cordially forces a grin. "Your security, as well as the international police have cleared everything–"
"So she gets to go home?" Maxwell's breath baits with hope and excitement.
"Yes, yes. You get to go home. The guard will be in touch with you soon."
"Oh, thank God," Olivia smirks.
"Finally!" Maxwell exclaims, standing to his feet and ready to pack.
But Riley stays silent, her attention fixed on her physician. She can tell he has more to say. She can sense a sadness in his demeanor, putting her on edge, not ready to celebrate her homecoming just yet.
"What aren't you telling me, doctor?" She asks softly. "Is it my physical? Am… am I okay?"
The older man sets down Riley's chart, resting his hand on top of it as his endearing eyes find hers. "We need to talk."
"Is it serious?" Olivia interjects.
With a heavy sigh, the physician turns towards Maxwell and Olivia. "How about you two give us just a minute alone–?"
"No," Riley stops him. "I need… Can I have someone…?" Riley looks between Olivia and Maxwell, having a silent conversation of who should stay.
"I'll step out," Maxwell grabs his phone. "Let me make sure the guard is bringing an SUV and not a sedan," he winks.
As the door closes, the older man cautiously sits down next to Riley, taking her hand. She squeezes it tightly, preparing herself for the news he was about to share with her. Was something wrong? Was she dying?
"Never in a million years did I think you and I would be having this conversation," he exhales, pinching the bridge between his eyes. "This… this is completely out of my scope of practice, so I will be referring you to a specialist, but–"
"Sir," Riley stops him. "Please… just… tell me the truth."
Riley paces back and forth, ringing her hands in between biting her nails.
“Will you sit down–?”
“And what, Olivia?” She tosses her hands in the air, allowing her arms to slap carelessly against her sides.  “What am I supposed to do now?”
“Well,” Olivia scoffs, “for starters, you are going to calm down–”
“Calm down?” Riley twirls around, a wave of fury crashing over her features. Her blood-shot eyes stare daggers into her red-headed friend.   “You heard the damn doctor. This… this can’t be happening.  And… you…”  she presses a hand to her chest, her breathing labors as a sob rips through her chest. “You actually expect me to be okay? With this?”
“Riley,” Olivia calls her name sternly, “take a moment. Things could–”
“--could be worse?” She finishes her words.  “How, Livvy?”  She covers her face with her hands as she wanders aimlessly in the room. “Oh God,” she whispers hoarsely, her voice hidden by her tears. “When this gets out–”
“It won’t.”
Riley tisks, mocking Olivia. “This won’t stay a secret for long. And when it gets out, an even bigger bullseye will be painted on my back. They hate the Rys name. They will attack again–”
“Other monarchs have gone through similar situations, and their health concerns have been kept under wraps.  The council will be sure of it–”
“The council?” Riley looks off, shaking her head. “They already want to get rid of me. You know the law. I can no longer serve as the reigning queen. I’m not Cordonian–-”
“You will always be a queen, Riley.  The council will support you–”
“--they’ll expedite getting rid of me.”  Riley collapses into the recliner in her room. She hangs her head in her arms as her elbows rest on her knees. “The council is looking out for what’s best for Cordonia, especially now that the throne has been attacked–not once, but twice. They’re searching for stability; they’re looking to rebuild their leadership, and that starts with the throne. I fear that… I fear that as long as there's still a Rys, Cordonia will never see peace.”
Olivia pulls her chair closer, laying a hand on Riley’s shoulder. “The war won't last forever. And this? This could be your ticket. The throne is the only thing left to protect you–”
 “These traitors want every part of the Rys name destroyed, and without Liam, my days on the throne are already numbered. When they find out…” she exhales a pained breath.  “Even If I could hide behind the council, the Combattants will return to finish the job. They know I’m still here. I’m on every goddamn news report!”
“Riley, you–”
“I can’t do this.” She abruptly stands up, rushing past Olivia as she grabs her suitcase.  She begins piling her belongings into the dividers. “I need to go–”
“Home,” Olivia interjects, placing her hands on Riley’s trembling hands. "Let's take you home where you're safe."
Riley shakes her head. “N–no, I need to go. I need to leave.” She grabs her phone. “I need a ticket back to the States–”
“Riley Rys. Slow. The fuck. Down. You’re not thinking–”
“I can’t be here another moment. I have to go. I need to hide–”
“Where? Where are you going to hide?” Olivia scoffs, folding her arms. “Even if you could, all air travel has been suspended to and from Cordonia until further notice.  That’s why poor Walker had to take a train.”
Riley stills. She glances over at her friend as an abrupt realization washes over her expression.
Olivia raises an eyebrow. “Me?”
“According to Cordonian law, you’re next in line if something were to happen to me–”
“Hold up,” Olivia raises her hands in surrender. “If, and that’s a big if, something were to happen to you, yes, I would be crowned. But, that’s not how this works. You’re still alive, therefore the council–”
“What if I was incapacitated?” 
Olivia lets out a condescending laugh. “You are being ridiculous, you know that?”
“No, I’m being serious.” Riley grips tightly to Olivia’s shoulders, forcing her to listen. “The council hasn’t stripped me of my title as reigning queen yet, and as long as I’m the reigning monarch, I can claim a medical leave-of-absence… which means–”
“You appoint the replacement during the hiatus," Olivia smirks sarcastically, pulling away from Riley's. "Not gonna happen."
"Olivia, please."
"And what are you going to do? Huh? You still need medical care. Hiding isn't exactly easy when you're the queen of an entire country–"
"--that is grieving their king–"
"--and their queen has been all over international news for surviving an assassination attempt." Riley huffs, rolling her eyes as Olivia continues. "You'll leave fingerprints everywhere you go. And I'm not saying they're going to try and track you down… but those bastards were able to find Liam. Running and hiding? It… it's pointless. Stay. Trust the council. We can protect you."
Riley chews on her lip, her attention locked on her friend. "No. That's not good enough. Not anymore." Her eyelids flutter as she takes a deep breath. "I think I've got an idea."
The rhythmic pulse of the train car lulls Drake into a hypnotic relaxed state, and before long, he succumbs to the exhaustion of the past six weeks. Resting his head against the window, he watches as the Cordonian countryside flashes before his vision until finally his eyes close. 
Furrowing his brows, however, he hears loud, indiscernible voices outside of his state room.  When the conversation finally ends, he readjusts himself in his chair, using his discarded denim shirt as a make-shift pillow.
His door abruptly slides open.
He grimaces, quickly turning to address his unwanted interruption.
But his face falls in shock.
"Hi," she smiles meekly, removing her oversized sunglasses and hat. "Can I… come in?"
"Yeah," Drake jumps up, removing his carry-on bags from the second seat. He gestures to the spot next to him. "Please."
Riley gingerly sits down, her eyes transfixed to the gorgeous scenery flashing by outside the large train window.  Drake slowly lowers himself into his chair, his disbelief frozen on his face as he stares at his good friend.
Feeling his gaze on her, Riley tears away from her reverie. She chuckles nervously, coyly shrugging her shoulders. "Surprised?"
The corner of Drake's mouth turns up. "That's one way to put it." He runs a hand through his thick, tousled hair as he notices her bandages peeking through her shirt. "I'm guessing you were given the 'all clear'? They discharged you?" 
Riley's attention averts back to the window, staring at the whirls of the evergreen hills melting with the watercolor sky. Her eyes begin to glaze over, forgetting to even blink as she mindlessly chews on her bottom lip.  She holds her hands in her lap, ringing them incessantly as she fidgets with her fingers. 
She blinks quickly, her attention returning to Drake, his hand gripping onto her arm to steady her. “Hrmm?”
"I've been calling your name for a few minutes." His eyebrows knit with worry. "Are you… are you okay?"
Riley opens her mouth, but is unable to form words. She picks at her chipped manicure as she presses her tongue to her cheek.
"I, um… I need your help." She glances back up to Drake, her eyes wide in fear.
"O…Kay. Sure," he leans closer to her, resting his elbows on his knees. "Ri, what's going on?"
The clatter of heels reverberates through the main corridor of the ultra-modern, ultra-sleek estate of Monterisso.  Though she has not come across another soul, she knows plenty of eyes are hidden in nooks and crannies, watching her every move in the form of motion detectors and cameras. Coming to the pristine royal office, she gives a firm knock on the oversized, cherry wood door before inviting herself in.
"Olivia Nevrakis." A sultry voice calls from the large, tufted leather chair on the opposite side of the room.
The red head sardonically snickers before crossing her arms, popping her hip to the side. "Alright, Amalas," she sasses, "how did you know it was me?"
A beautiful woman with long espresso tresses and darkened, exotic features slowly turns her chair around to face her visitor.  She smirks at her long-time friend, extending her arm to show off her impressive display of monitors with live-feed surveillance to every entrance into the palace.
The Scarlet Duchess wriggles up her nose, rolling her eyes. "Of course."
"You know?" Amalas stands up, sauntering her curves slowly to her icy guest. "Most people address me as 'your majesty'--"
"Not today," Olivia bites, raising an eyebrow. 
Amalas sighs, leaning against the front-side of her desk. “What do you want, Livvy?”
"I have an important proposal for you."
“We don’t have an appointment.”
“I need your help.”
The Spy Queen steps forward, crossing her arms. "You? You are in need of some help?" She lets out a boisterous laugh as she sneaks closer to her unexpected guest. She motions with her pointer finger for Olivia to come closer to listen. "You know," she whispers, "you were supposed to call me the next morning."
With a deep rouge blossoming across her cheeks, Olivia steps back, scoffing into a chuckle. Amalas furrows her eyebrows with a mischievous smirk.
Four months ago, after years of stolen glances and secret trysts, Amalas invited Olivia to her estate for a low-key, intimate weekend to discuss the possibilities of taking their relationship to the next level. And public. After one last night of passion, Amalas woke up to an empty bed with a note that said, 'I'll call. -Liv"
She never did.
Now with Olivia seeking a favor, Amalas is tickled. As far as good deeds, alliances and negotiations, she just made it abundantly clear that she has the upper-hand. And Olivia just realized she fucked up.
Satisfied with her visitor’s reaction, Amalas turns on her heel and walks back to her desk. "You can see yourself out."
The red head sneers into a sarcastic snicker, stepping forward. "Oh c'mon, Amalas–"
"If you didn't need me then," Amalas spins around, irritated. "You don't need me now, Nevrakis." She takes a seat before shuffling through some folders and papers. "Oh,” she looks up, void of emotion, “please shut the door when you leave. Thanks."
Olivia storms forward. "Amalas, this isn't about me–about us. This is for Cordonia and finding who was responsible for Liam's death–"
Amalas stops abruptly, a stack of papers held motionless in her hand. Swallowing thickly, she glances up at Olivia. "Liam's death… was an unfortunate result of this damn war."
"Yes, but he was a mediator."
Amalas raises an eyebrow. "Your point?"
Olivia puts her palms flat on the large, ornate wooden desk. "My point is that they always protect political mediators. Liam's location was always highly confidential. No one, and I mean no one knew his whereabouts."
Amalas stacks her document on her desk. Taking a deep, cleansing breath, she leans back in her chair, resting her chin on her palm. "So?"
"That plane was obliterated, Ams. Someone hunted it down and destroyed every last piece of it.”
The queen smirks. “And did you know that Les Combattants de la Liberté are military-trained?”
“Military-trained,” Amalas holds up a hand, her words louder.  “Taking out Liam’s aircraft like that?” She shakes her head slowly. “It’s not a huge feat for them. They are literally trained to take out any enemy in the blink of an eye.”
“Ams,” Olivia subtly wipes away a tear before clenching her jaw. “You’re not listening to me.”
Amalas sighs. "Look." She lowers her voice, her eyes finding Olivia’s piercing jades. “Liam was a friend of mine, too, babe.” She bites her lip, turning to a gold picture frame on the corner of her desk.  The photograph hosts a pair of young, bright smiles, she in her lacy white and him looking dapper than ever. A lump forms in Amalas’s throat as she begins to fidget with the gold band that remains on her left finger. “I know when something tragic happens to the ones we love, we want someone to pay for it, as if revenge will somehow heal our loneliness because the grief alone is too heavy–much too heavy for one person to bear–”
“The black box is missing,” Olivia interjects.
Amalas's face slowly falls into a suspicious confusion, her forehead wrinkling. “What?”
“The black box. You know? It’s supposed to record–”
Amalas holds up her hand, “Yeah, yeah, I know. What do you mean it’s missing?”
“I mean it’s never been recovered.”
Amalas’s jaw ticks as she stares at Olivia. Silence consumes the room, save for the ticking of the queen's watch, growing painfully louder by the second. But without warning, intrigue finally blooms across Amalas’s face, and her heart softens to hear Olivia’s request. Justice for Liam. Justice for Cordonia.
The black box is designed to withstand the blistering temperatures of a fire and the crushing impact of the engulfing pressures of the deep. The thought of such precious equipment, of actual recordings of the last moments of that cockpit, of King Liam… if they were actually removed with malicious intent, then Olivia is right. Classified information was leaked, Liam was specifically targeted, and this coup is a lot more dangerous and a lot more in control of this war than projected.
“Well, Ms. Nevrakis, I believe you have my attention.”  
Olivia smirks as she pulls up a chair.  
“Oh!” Amalas stands up from her desk, “I’m sorry. Just… not right now.” She looks at her watch.  “I actually have a very important meeting right now.”
Olivia scoffs. “With who?”
“Oddly enough, I have an important meeting with the Queen of Cordonia.”
A Cheshire grin crawls across Olivia’s face as she opens up her arms as if to present herself as a gift. “Well, oddly enough, the Queen of Cordonia is already in your presence.”  Shock consumes Amalas as her jaw drops open, Olivia snickering under her breath. “You can address me as ‘your majesty,’ Queen Amalas.”
"I–I don't know… how to say this," Riley stammers, anxiously pulling at her necklace that held her late husband's rings. 
Drake keeps his gaze locked on her, a pit growing in his stomach. They had said their goodbyes less than three hours ago; what could possibly have changed?
Was it a threat? Was her life being threatened again by the Combattants? No way. This wouldn't warrant the queen of Cordonia herself to board a train in hopes to catch her former royal guard to deliver such a message. Drake would probably get a phone call about it, but as of yesterday, he was relieved from his duties until further notice.
So… what was it?
“Riley?” His voice is gruff, but sincere. Their gazes meet, a vacant sadness in her eyes as she searches his for… something. Strength? Hope? Understanding?
Drake stops her from fidgeting with her jewelry, taking her petite hand into his own large, calloused palm. "It's… it's okay. We don't have to talk about this right now if you don't want to, but I–"
"Drake, I–" Her eyelashes flutter closed as tears course down her pink stained skin. "--I'm so sorry, I–"
"Hey," he hums softly, "shhhh, it's okay." He pulls her closer to his side, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. He gently rubs a thumb over her skin to gently dry her cheeks. "Listen," his voice remains low, soothing. "You have nothing to be sorry about. It's been," he sighs, "a rough couple of months, and… well, no matter what, Brooks, you know I'm here for–"
“I’m pregnant.”
Thank you so much for your support! Every like, comment and reblog means the world to me! 🖤
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mikayortegaedits ¡ 11 months ago
The Freshman x The Royal Romance CrossOver Series
Rated: Mature
Word count: 1159
Summary: Will and his friends in Cordonia are being prepared to meet Mikaylyn and her friends.
Chapter 2: The Royal Romance Crew's Point of View
 In Cordonia, having King Will Williams with King Liam Rys along with Hana Lee, Drake Walker, Maxwell Beaumont and everyone else are doing their usual duties and routine. It was a usual day in the kingdom. It was around in the evening time now as things were calming down after a busy day. Will was about to get ready for bed when he got a call from his friend Mikaylyn, Mikaylyn who lives in the states close to New York, not so far from Will's city. Will go ahead answers his call on his phone. 
"Hey Mikaylyn! Is it like 8 pm right now?" Will greeted on call. 
"Yeah! But hey I was wondering.. Is it okay if I could come visit to Cordonia with my husband and friends..? Sumi is there too." Mikaylyn says on the call.
Will was a bit quiet for a second and as hearing the certain news, it took Will a long minute before responding, "Wait wait when did you get married?!" Will says in a shock tone.
On the line, Mikaylyn was a bit surprised before she spoke in a response, "Wait.. You didn't know? Hell.. I even invited you to the wedding.." Mikaylyn says in her soft tone.
There was a pause for a minute as Will checked his emails on his phone then Will spoke, "Uh... I never seem that email.. But I didn't think you would have a wedding without no invitation.." Will says.
"That's funny because I didn't know you were getting married to the king of Cordonia!!" Mikaylyn says dramatically in her voice.
Will was taken a back by Mikaylyn's words and spoke, "Well... I was too busy to tell you!" 
Mikaylyn sounded a bit down but shakes it off, then spoke to change the topic from the wedding instead of clapping back like how she would when she feel disrespected on the line. 
"Will.. I literally texted you 2 hours ago about asking to visit you.." Mikaylyn says softly. 
"Ugh.. whatever I'll check it out, just.. I'll let my husband and friends know that you and your own crew want to come." Will says before ending the call. 
Will shrugs his head as he goes into the bathroom to get ready to call it a night. Will was overthinking about Mikaylyn's words towards him. He is starting to think that maybe this royal thing has taken over his mind that sometimes he forgets that he is still human. Everything was so fast and challenging when he first came into Cordonia. Some nights he even missed being able to enjoy being a normal person like going out with friends, having deep conversations and all the normal human activities. Though Will does not regret being with the love of his life, he's starting to see how it could of affected his friendships with his old friends, Mikaylyn and Sumi has been his friends since high school. They used to be close and talk to them about everything until when getting into the adulthood that it changes. 
A little while later, after Will cools down from the luxery bathroom, Will goes look for Liam around in the castle. It took a short while but he finds Liam writing down papers in the dining room. Will walks towards him and immediately starts speaking from behind. 
"My king.. Can I ask you something?" Will greeted. 
Liam immediately turns his head to focus on Will so he can hear what Will has to ask.
"Of course my love what it is?" Liam ask.
"I was wondering if my.. dear friend Mikaylyn and her friends can come visit us?.." Will ask a bit nervously. 
Liam showed a small smile on his face and answers, "Ah I think that is a lovely idea but uhm my love any reason though?" Liam says.
Will shrugs his shoulders, "She told me that her and her friends want to come.. But.. don't you think this is a good idea that they want to come over and let them get around Cordonia and maybe even.. meet our friends?.." Will suggested. 
"Sounds good to me, can you tell the others while I finish this up?" Liam says.
Will nods his head in response, then as walking back to the bedroom he immediately pull out his phone back from his pocket then immediately started texting the group chat. 
The Group Chat
W: Guys I have some news to share, you all might want to sit down.
H: What Maxwell meant was- what's this news that you want to share <3
D: I was about to have to my 3rd round of whiskey what do you want. 
M: Three?? oof Man is having a high life crisis
D: You squid fool am not!
O: Anyways. Make the quick Will. I have to finish this training. 
W: ... Anyways.. My friend Mikaylyn just contacted me and she said her and her friends want to come visit us.
D: Finally!! Normal citizens!
H: How excited! I heard about Mikaylyn before but.. who is she?..
M: She sounds great!!!
O: ... You had other friends besides us? And is Liam even aware of this!?
W: Yes Olivia, he's on it. I told him before you guys. And to answer Hana's question Mikaylyn is my old friend from high school and my other friend Sumi too. They don't live that far from New York. 
H: Sounds great ^^ We can even make new friends too. 
D: Maxwell shut upp!!
O: Okay. I am cool with that. just let me train now
W: How long do we need to prepare for the visit?
D: Just give us like a week and we should be fine. 
W: Okay, I'll meet up with you guys tomorrow for our set up plan for the visit welcome. 
After a while longer of the text group chat messages, Will turned off his phone and continued to focus on his night routine before heading to bed. 
A week later on a Wednesday Morning, it was a hectic moment where everyone was being prepared for Mikaylyn and her friends go visit. Will is a bit nervous since he has not seen Mikaylyn and Sumi in a long time. Will also did not believe that Mikaylyn was married now, he knew about Zig but didn't think this was happening to see Mikaylyn as a Ortega. Hana was decorating the ball room as Maxwell was gathering the food and drinks. Drake and Liam were talking to each other as preparing doing the greet welcome as Olivia then was organizing her weapons before deciding to help the crew with the area. All morning the whole crew was busy with the preparation, it was a lot of work but in the ballroom, it was filled with fancy streamers, fun balloons and bunch of American's food with usual drinks that happens in the states. Everyone decided for Will and Liam to meet Mikaylyn and her friends by the front. Will takes a deep breath holding Liam's hand as watching the plane landed.
"Here we go.." Will mumbled. 
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tessa-liam ¡ 5 months ago
Turning the Page
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Chapter 15 
_Bridge of Dreams_ 
Choices, The Royal Romance, The Royal Heir AU 
Series Premise: As Riley Brooks journeys through life as a single parent in New York City, an epiphany strikes as she contemplates the future for herself and her two-year-old son. 
Turning the Page Series Masterlist, My Complete Masterlist 
Main pairing: Liam Rys x F!OC Riley Brooks
All characters belong to Pixelberry Studios, except William Brooks (Rys) and Matteo Magro, who both belong to this series. 
Category: On-going series, contains angst/fluff/depression. Cross-over fic with Choices, Perfect Match. 
Rating: M 🔞 - Warnings – Series will have crude language, weapons, NSFW material – not Beta’d - please excuse all errors.
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Bridge of Dreams
Chapter 15 
Chapter Summary: Liam and Riley revisit the Pont des Arts, ‘Lovelock Bridge” in Paris, France. Olivia begins a relationship with Damien Nazario. William enjoys his first camping trip with Uncles Drake and Maxwell & Bartie
Music Inspiration: I Won’t Give Up, Jason Mraz 
A/N1: In this alternate universe, after King Constantine orchestrates two individual scandals to humiliate and entrap Riley Brooks and Olivia Nevrakis in shame, Madeleine Amaranth secures her position as the Queen of Cordonia. Riley, as the King’s mistress and Olivia, in self-imposed exile. Tariq is never found.  
A/N2: Damien Nazario has been assigned as William’s personal bodyguard. (Series cross-over with ‘Perfect Match’) 
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Santorini, Greece 
Rubbing away the fog off the bathroom mirror after his hot shower, Damien Nazario could now see his reflection to shave. After waking from a rejuvenating sleep, his plans included enjoying the white sand beaches that were here in Santorini and maybe some sightseeing on the island. He was afforded a couple of free days of relaxation to enjoy the beaches of Santorini by King Liam before he was to return to his duties of guarding the young crown prince in Cordonia. 
...and he was determined to enjoy this free time. Damien finished shaving and splashed water on his face. He felt refreshed and energized, ready to take on the day. 
He grabbed a towel and dried his face. Then, he headed into the bedroom to get dressed. 
 Damien padded slowly into the bedroom of her hotel suite and grinned. 
He had every intention of enjoying his time with his fiery red-haired companion, whom he shared a bed with after the wedding festivities ended. 
After Olivia invited him to extend the celebration in her hotel room -- which he accepted without hesitation -- they spent the night in each other's arms, exploring their desires. It had been a while since he had been with a woman, and even longer since he had been with a woman like Duchess Olivia. She was confident, intelligent, and beautiful. And she knew how to please a man. 
Ever since the first day they were introduced, he found himself drawn to her and intrigued by her personality. 
Damien had to admit, the redhead was very sexy, and it wasn't just her appearance. It was also the way she carried herself and the way she spoke. Her confidence of knowing exactly what she wanted and was not afraid to go after it. 
The way she spoke so eloquently and with such passion was very arousing. He loved the way her eyes lit up when she talked about something she was interested in; her intellect apparent. 
He was intrigued by her confidence and her ability to be assertive. Most women would shy away from taking charge, but not Olivia. She was bold and unafraid to express her feelings. He found that to be incredibly attractive and erotic. 
Damien smiled, biting his top lip as he thought about the previous night and all the things they did. They had made love until the early hours of the morning leaving them both exhausted but satisfied. 
Olivia was already up and dressed, sitting on the bed. She was wearing a pale coral sundress that complimented her skin tone, and her red hair was pulled back into a loose chignon. 
"Good morning," Damien said as he approached her. 
"Good morning," Olivia replied coyly, a smile playing on her lips. 
Damien leaned down and kissed her, his hand cupping her cheek. He couldn't resist pulling her close, inhaling her sweet scent. 
"I was wondering if you would like to join me on the beach today," Damien suggested, his fingers brushing a stray hair away from her face. 
"Actually, I was planning on returning to Cordonia today." 
"Why so soon?" Damien asked, slightly disappointed. 
"I have important business to attend to." 
"Is everything okay?" 
"Everything's fine," Olivia reassured him, placing her hand on his chest. "I just need to get back to work." 
"Of course," Damien nodded. "But you still have the day free before your flight". 
"True," Olivia agreed. "I suppose we could spend a few more hours together." 
"Excellent," Damien smiled, his brown eyes twinkling. "Would you like to have breakfast first?" 
"Actually, I have a better idea," Olivia said, her voice low and seductive. 
"What do you have in mind?" 
Olivia smirked, her green eyes darkening with desire. "Why don't you come back to bed?" 
"Now that sounds like a perfect plan." 
Damien's mouth curved into a grin as he gently pushed her back and joined her back in bed. 
As she looked out the 18th floor window, Riley could see the Seine River winding its way through the city. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. 
The Suite ImpÊriale at the Ritz, Paris, France 
This is it. 
Riley knew that she would have to relive the bittersweet memories from the engagement tour. It would be hard, but she knew that it would also be cathartic. She needed this. 
She needed to let go of the past. 
She turned and looked at herself in the full-length mirror. She was wearing a flowing, white sundress that hugged her curves in all the right places. Her hair was falling softly onto her shoulders, and her makeup was simple and elegant. 
She was ready. 
She slipped on a pair of white sandals and made her way down to the lobby. Liam was meeting her at their spot once he finished his meeting with the French president and he should be there momentarily. 
When Riley stepped outside, the sun was shining, and the sky was a brilliant blue. 
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air, trying to calm her jitters. 
As Riley made her way along the Seine, she could not help but think about the last time she was here. 
It was a day she would never forget. 
The day she and Liam placed that small gold lock on the bridge. 
It was the day they declared their love for each other and sealed it with a kiss. 
Riley sighed, remembering how happy she was that day. How hopeful. 
She had been so naïve. 
Tariq was never found and the scandal lived on. Liam would abide by his duty and marry Madeleine, making her his queen. 
As Riley rounded the corner, she could see the bridge coming into view. 
Her heart started to race, and her palms became sweaty. She felt her tears travel down her cheeks. 
She was nervous. 
She didn't know what to expect or why Liam was so insistent on revisiting this exact spot. 
Riley reached the bridge and stopped. She took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. 
She was ready. 
The memories came flooding back. 
'You spot Liam leaning against a stone railing overlooking the Seine. His expression is clouded, but when he hears you approach, he breaks into a smile. 
"Liam. You are a sight for sore eyes." 
Liam chuckles. "That's my line." 
He pushes himself off the railing and takes a few steps forward, closing the distance. 
'"I wasn't sure you'd come."'
He wraps you in a tight embrace, resting his head against your shoulder. You feel his chest heave with a sigh.  
"After the bachelor party, I found Maxwell and he filled me in on your ... mission earlier." 
To think that Bastien helped set you up ..." 
Liam nods. "It's ... shocking, yes, but ... I think it might have been a blessing in disguise." 
"How so?" 
Liam pulls away and smiles. "If we hadn't been interrupted, I may not have had the opportunity to spend the evening with you. And as much as I love spending time with my friends, being with you was ... a much-needed escape." 
"I wasn't sure if we should risk coming here. If the person behind this is so powerful that Bastien is afraid of them ..., are we really safe? I don't know how deeply this goes or who we can trust. All I know is that I couldn't bear it if something happened to you. The only way to keep you safe might be for us to leave. Permanently." 
Liam smiled sadly, I remember asking you, saying, 
"We could ... we could go anywhere. Anywhere in the world. Where do you want to go?" 
"You're joking, right? We can't leave Cordonia." 
"No, we can. We'll just go somewhere no one will ever find us. We can live in peace and happiness together." 
"We could have a family. We could be happy." 
"Liam ... no. No matter how tempting that sounds ...  
"You can't abandon Cordonia." 
His shoulders slump. "I know that. But if you asked me to, I would. In an instant." 
"I could never ask you that. Your people need an honest King now more than ever. And the Liam I know would never leave them behind. 
Liam tenderly takes your hands in his. 
"We will get through this, Riley. We have to. I refuse to believe otherwise." 
He lifts one of your hands and kisses the back of it, his eyes never leaving yours. 
"We'll find a way. Together." 
Liam pulls you close and kisses you, his arms wrapping around you tightly. 
After a moment, he breaks the kiss and rests his forehead against yours. 
"I promise." 
"I won't give up on you, or us." 
"Nor will I." 
"Thank you, Riley for not letting my fears get the better of me." 
Liam steps back and holds out his arm to you. 
"Now, shall we continue our walk? 
"I'd love that, Liam." 
The two of you start walking down the bridge, hand-in-hand. 
"You know, Riley, there's one good thing about this whole Tariq situation." 
"And what's that?" 
"It's made me realize how lucky I am to have someone like you by my side. You're strong, kind, compassionate, and so much more. I love you, and I'm so grateful that you're a part of my life." 
Liam gives you a small smile. 
"Thank you, Liam." 
"For what?" 
"For always knowing the right thing to say." 
"Well, I try," Liam says with a smirk. 
"I know it's hard. But no matter what happens, at least we'll face it together." 
At this, Riley gets very emotional, thinking that by leaving him when she found out she was pregnant, she betrayed him. 
Riley was lost in thought as she walked, the sun beating down on her shoulders. It had been a long journey, and she was still processing everything that had happened. 
She thought about her decision to leave, and how it had affected Liam. 
She thought about William, and how she faced the challenge of being a single parent. 
The guilt was overwhelming. 
She knew she had made the right decision at the time, but she couldn't help but regret the pain she had caused Liam. 
She had left without a word, without a trace. 
And while she was certain that the time away had been necessary, she couldn't help but feel like she had let him down. 
Joining Liam at the railing they both gaze across the river. The streets around them are practically empty, though many lights still glitter on the water. 
It's so quiet. It feels almost like a dream. Like they're the only ones in the city. 
Liam puts his arm around Riley's shoulders and pulls her close. 
"Love, you look ... you look like you are miles away from here.
Penny tor your thoughts?"
"Liam. Can I ask you a question?"
"Of course ... anything, Riley."
Taking a shaky breath, speaking in a very small voice,
"After you married Madeleine, did ... did you ever grow feelings for her? When I left?"
Liam took a deep breath and sighed. He knew Riley wanted him to; needed him to be truthful.
"Madeleine and I, well, we grew fond of one another. As friends; but, nothing more."
A tear slipped down Riley's cheek, but Liam quickly rubbed it away.
"Our arrangement was that we would marry, have children, and rule Cordonia together. However, as time went on, I ... we both realized that we were never going to love each other. We would be nothing more than friends." 
Nodding her head, her eyes were locked onto the floor. She was trying to hold herself together.
"Madeleine did try, at first, to seduce me. She was quite insistent on producing an heir, but I couldn't bring myself to bed her. Cordonia be damned." 
Liam placed his hands on Riley's cheeks, cradling her head as she cried.
"I knew that, as long as you were out there, somewhere, I would always be yours. I couldn't move on." 
"I'm so, so sorry," she said. "I don't know if I'll ever stop feeling guilty for what happened." 
"Don't," he said, shaking his head. "It wasn't your fault. It was my choice. I had a responsibility to Cordonia, and I had a duty to the Crown. I knew what I was getting into when I married Madeleine." 
"You didn't have a choice," she whispered. 
"Neither did you," he replied. 
Riley sighed, her eyes filled with tears, looking up to the sky. 
"The night when William was born ... I was so happy. But you weren't mine. you belonged to someone else. It killed me ... that I ran and took your son away."
"Riley," Liam said softly, taking her hand. 
Riley pursed her lips, and began...
"Riley," he said tenderly, cupping her cheek. 
"Liam, when William was born, I was ecstatic. But then, when I held him for the first time, and he looked up at me ... I couldn't help but think that you should have been there, too. That he should have had his father with him, on the day he was born. And I just couldn't stop thinking about how I had left you behind, and that it was all my fault." 
"Riley," he said again, pulling her into his arms. "You were the one who was abandoned, Riley. Not me. I understand why you did what you did. It wasn't your fault." 
"Liam ..." 
"Riley, I know how difficult it was for you. How painful. But I am so glad that you found the strength to return to me, and with our son. You are a wonderful mother, and I can't imagine my life without you and William in it."
"I love you, Liam,"her lip quivering. 
"And I love you, Riley," he replied. "More Than you will ever know."
"Always," she whispered, resting her head on his shoulder. 
"Always, my love." 
The two of them stood there, watching the sun set over the water, holding each other close. 
"It's beautiful, isn't it?"  Liam turned to kiss Riley's forehead.
"Yes. It is." 
Liam looks down and smiled. "I have a surprise for you." 
Leading Riley further along the bridge she sees a wicker basket sitting on the paving stones. Liam pulls a small blanket from the basket and spreads it out. As she settled down on the blanket, Liam pulled a bottle of champagne from the basket, followed by two flutes, a loaf of crisp bread, and several rounds of cheese. 
Riley smiled. "Wow, Liam. This is quite the spread. And very familiar." 
Liam deftly pops the cork and pours two glasses of champagne. He hands one to Riley, and then raises his own. 
"To you, Riley. The most unforgettable woman I've ever met." 
"To you, Liam. Meeting you changed my life. But out of all the places I've been and the things I've done since then, the best part has been getting to know you." 
"That's more of a toast than I deserve, Riley, but, thank you." 
Clinking glasss they each take a sip. There is a faint hint of mint and lemon to the cool, bubbly drink. 
"Liam, how long have you been planning this?"
"A few days." 
Riley sips her champagne. The sweet and bubbly alcohol is warming. 
"How did you manage to sneak a whole picnic out here without anyone seeing you?" 
Liam chuckles. "A king can do many things." 
"Like bribe the French palace staff?" 
Liam laughs. "Perhaps. But no, I was simply able to utilize my authority. And I can assure you, no one will disturb us. This bridge is closed to traffic." 
Riley looked up at him, incredulous. "How did you manage that?" 
"With great difficulty." Liam winks mischievously. 
She raised her eyebrows. 
"I have connections," Liam says with a smirk. 
"So, you pulled some strings, and now we have a private bridge all to ourselves?" 
"Indeed." Liam responds sheepishly.
Riley took another sip of champagne. "I must say, this is quite impressive." 
"I thought it would be nice to have a moment alone together, away from prying eyes and listening ears."
"I'm glad you did."  Riley giggled.
"Good," Liam says, pouring more champagne into her glass. 
"So, what do we have here?" 
"Well, we have champagne, of course," Liam says, motioning to the bottle. "And then we have some delicious cheese, courtesy of France. And a fresh baguette, still warm from the bakery." 
"This is amazing, Liam. Thank you." 
"It's my pleasure, Riley." 
Once the food is gone and the blanket and glasses are put away, Liam takes the basket under one arm and offers you the other.  
"I believe tradition requires that we continue our evening with a stroll, my lady." 
As Liam and Riley walked along the Seine, more and more locks could be seen hooked through the railing.
As she looked down at the locks, Riley couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness in her heart. 
They were symbols of love and hope and somewhere in the sea of locks, Riley knew their lock was still locked in place. She bent down to take a closer look.
A reminder her of a time she had tried so hard to forget. 
...Remember When... 
"Thank you, Riley. With so little permanence in this world, there will always be this little lock on this bridge just for the two of us. I want to believe it will be here forever, no matter what else happens to us." 
Riley's eyes filled with tears with this memory from years ago.   
"Riley, my love..." 
Wiping her tears she stood and turned ...and gasped --as she watched Liam drop down onto one knee before her. 
"Riley, you are my heart and soul. You're the reason I wake up every morning. You're the reason I smile. I cannot imagine a life without you by my side. You've stood beside me through the hardest moments of my life, and you've never once wavered. You've given me the strength to face my fears, and you've shown me that true love can conquer anything. I want to spend the rest of my life showing you how much I love you." 
He opened his hand, and she saw a small, black velvet box sitting on his palm. 
"Liam ..." 
With steady hands, he opened the box to reveal a stunning diamond engagement ring. 
"Riley Louise, will you marry me?" 
"Yes!" She exclaimed. "Yes! ... A thousand times, yes!" 
"Of course," she tearfully replied. 
Liam beamed as he slid the ring onto her finger. 
"I love you, Riley." 
"I love you too, Liam." 
Tears ran down her cheeks as she leaned forward, kissing him passionately. 
She was his. 
As they kissed, her heart was bursting with joy. 
This was the happiest moment of her life. 
They stood on the bridge for what felt like hours, locked in each other's arms. 
"So, we're really going to do this, huh?"  Liam looked intentedly at Riley, trying to stop his smile.
"What, get married?"  Riley giggled.
"Yeah," he said. "It seems crazy, but I've never been surer of anything."  Liam started to kiss down the side of her neck, pausing to gently nip her skin.
"Ohhhhh .... me neither."  Riley moaned as he squeezed her ass pulling her flush against him.
"Let's get out of here," he growled, leading Riley back to the hotel.
Fontainebleau cliff (outside Paris)
At Maxwell’s request, William, along with his nephew Bartie was joining Drake for a camping trip outside of the city...on the condition that Bastien would be included...at Liam's insistence.
"This is going to be great," Maxwell said. "I can't wait for a boys' night." 
After a few hours of driving, and a long hike later ... Maxwell, Drake, William, Bartie and Bastien arrive at a cliff overlooking the lake. 
Maxwell sets his backpack down. "All right, guys. Let's make camp." 
"I thought you said we were going camping," Bartie says. 
"This is camping," Maxwell replies. 
"No, this is a cliff. There are no trees or tents or anything." 
"We're in the middle of nature. What more do you need?" 
"Um, a place to sleep?"  Bartie replies dryly.
"I got that covered," Drake says, pulling a bundle of canvas from his backpack. He unfolds the fabric, revealing a large tent. 
"You brought a tent?" Maxwell asks. 
"Of course. What did you think we were going to do, sleep under the stars?" 
"Well, yeah."  Maxwell answered.
Drake shook his head, thinking it was a good idea to teach these nobles a thing of two about camping.
"No way. That's how you get eaten by bears." 
William looked up at Bastien, questioningly. 
"Don't worry, William," Bastien says. "I have an excellent track record for keeping the royal family safe from bears." 
"Okay, everyone. Let's get this tent set up," Drake rolled his eyes knowing he had to take the lead. 
With the tent secured, the group thrn gathered wood to start a fire. 
"Now, we can finally start having fun," Maxwell says. 
"First things, first... who is hungry?" 
William and Bartie look up at Drake.
"We are," they reply in unison. 
"Who wants s'mores?" Drake grins. 
"Yum," William exclaims. 
"I don't know what that is, but I'm in," Bartie adds. 
"S'mores are a camping classic. They're made with marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers. I guess your father hasn't taken you camping yet?" Drake shakes his head at Bartie.
"Ha, too funny!" Maxwell laughs. "Drake is an expert on s'mores." 
"What do you mean?" William asks. 
"Well," Maxwell begins. "S'mores are the only food that your uncle Drake can make. So, when we go camping, we have a lot of them." 
"That's not true," Drake scoffs. "I can cook other things, too. Like, hot dogs. And hamburgers." 
"You heat those things up. That doesn't count," Maxwell argues. 
"Okay, fine. But I can make a mean cup of coffee over the fire." 
"That's true," Maxwell admits. "But you still can't cook anything else." 
"Whatever," Drake says, rolling his eyes. 
The group laughs as they begin to roast their marshmallows over the crackling fire. 
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fadingreveries ¡ 1 year ago
The Royal Romance Retelling Masterlist
Series Summary: In this novel-style retelling of TRR, beloved scenes with original commentary from the Choices stories including your favourite group of royals and friends will be expanded upon. Contains extended commentary and scenes from the original story, in-depth descriptions of bonus scenes, and premium choices and outfits.
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The Royal Romance, Book 1 🏰 - Bk1 Ch1: Once Upon a Time (part 1/part 2/part 3/part 4/part 5/part 6/part 7) - Bk1 Ch2: Welcome to Cordonia (part 1/part 2/part 3/part 4/part 5) - Bk1 Ch3: Reunited
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angelasscribbles ¡ 1 year ago
Unexpected Chapter 7: Red Flags
Series: Unexpected
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Riley x Maxwell, Riley x Liam
Rating: MA
Warnings: None for this chapter
Word Count: 2,221
My other stuff: Master List.
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Liam lay on his back staring up at the ceiling, turmoil swirling through him.
He had finally bedded the American suitor. She was still naked, sleeping innocently beside him as he struggled to reconcile the conflicting emotions she inspired in him.
His moment of vulnerability had been real. His developing feelings for her were also real, but he was leading her on with even the implication that he was going to choose her to marry.
He couldn’t. The council would never approve it, his father would never allow it, and the rest of the nobility would never accept it.
The common people and the press might love her, but she was ill-suited to be queen.
None of the other suitors interested him, it was true, but his interests were never the point. He had tried to be fair, tried to give each woman an equal chance but that ended today. There was no point. She was the one that he wanted, but he would never be allowed to make that choice. Last night everything had seemed so simple, but in the cold, harsh light of day, he knew better.
So, while he was done pretending that any other woman had a chance of taking his heart, his impassioned resolve to choose her for marriage crumbled in the face of reality.
He had to tell her, had to be honest with her. He determined to explain the situation to her immediately but as he glanced down at her sleeping form, refusal to accept his fate surged through him. There had to be a loophole. His mind spun with possibilities, solutions, and avenues that would give him what he wanted. There had to be a way. There was always a way.
He picked up his phone and typed a quick message. She stirred in the bed beside him. Tossing the phone aside, he rolled back toward her just as her eyes fluttered open. He smiled at her with genuine warmth. There was no reason to spoil the night they had just shared, especially when there might be a way around all of it.
He ran a hand down the side of her cheek, “Good morning, my love.”
“Mm,” she stretched her entire body before responding, “Good morning.”
God in heaven, why did she have to look so damn good lying in his bed? Like she belonged there. He placed a gentle kiss on her cheek before telling her, “As much as I’d love to stay here with you, I have a meeting to get to. But please, stay as long as you like. I’ll let the guards know to bring you whatever you require. Breakfast, a change of clothes, whatever you need.”
He would give her the world if he could.
“Are you sure you can’t spare a few minutes?” She purred as her arms wrapped around his neck and her body arched into his.
His entire body exploded with heat in response, “I can be late….”
Forty minutes later he was out the door of his suite, humming happily as he made his way to the monthly budget meeting.
He hurried through his morning engagements distractedly, impatient for the only meeting that mattered. The most important one of the day, perhaps of his life.
Just after his luncheon with the Prime Minister of Italy, the answers he’d been waiting for all day arrived.
They were not the answers he had hoped for.
“You can’t marry her,” Drake slapped a manilla folder down on the desk in front of him, “You asked me to look into her background, I looked. She has a criminal record! Even if the council could overlook her commoner status, they won’t, and shouldn’t overlook her history of scamming and fleecing romantic partners.”
“No,” Liam shook his head in denial as he pulled the folder closer, “The initial background check would have found that!”
“Well, technically she’s never been convicted of anything. But I went beyond the initial check. You said to do a deep dive, so I did a deep dive. She’s had more than one complaint lodged against her by people she scammed out of their money.”
“She’s a con artist?” Liam flipped through the file quickly.
“Specifically, she targets men and women with a little bit of wealth. Takes them for what she can get financially, wipes out their bank accounts then disappears. I’m sorry, Li. I know you really liked her. But I doubt her being our waitress that night was an accident.”
“No,” he shook his head again as he closed the file and pushed it back across the desk, “No one knew we were there; she had no way of knowing who I was-“
“Come on, man,” Drake scoffed, “She didn’t have to know you were a prince to know you were loaded. Your high-end clothing, that Rolex on your wrist, Tariq whining for filet mignon…”
“Perhaps. But it couldn’t have been pre-planned. You chose that restaurant at the last second.”
Drake held his hands up in front of him, “All right. I’ll concede that it wasn’t premeditated. But when she realized you had money….”
“But she knew that it was only for one night. She could not have predicted Max asking her to come back with us.”
“No. But when he asked, she sure jumped at the chance, didn’t she?”
“But she couldn’t have known ahead of time that was going to happen. So, what happened between us in New York was real, Drake, I know it was!”
“Even if it was, there’s no way you can marry her. The optics-“
“The press loves her. We can bury this.”
“Look, I get it,” Drake softened at the desperation in Liam’s voice, “Leo had to abdicate the damn throne so we could be together. But-“
“Can it be suppressed?”
“Maybe. But if it ever comes to light, it will do irreparable damage to your reputation. I don’t think it’s a risk worth taking. Especially since she’s probably only playing you for your money. What happens if she marries you then absconds with millions from Cordonia’s coffers?”
Liam’s body sagged heavily into the leather upholstery of his chair as he considered the repercussions. He had to put Cordonia first no matter his own feelings.
Was she really faking everything?
He could handle the nobility; council members could be bribed. His father would be the biggest obstacle to a union with the American.
But he couldn’t marry her if she was only after his money. He couldn’t risk Cordonia, or his heart, like that.
Drake’s voice drew him out of his musings, “Besides that, I’m pretty sure there’s something going on between her and Beaumont.”
Liam’s head snapped up, his brows furrowing, “Bertrand?”
“No,” Drake snorted, “Maxwell.”
Liam sat up straight in his chair, steepling his fingers and bringing them to his lips, “Why do you think that?”
“They’re always together. He acts weird around her-“
“You always think he’s weird.”
“Weirder than usual. And he’s at her door at all hours of the day and night.”
“His house is sponsoring her.”
“It is,” Drake rubbed his eyes with a sigh, “I have no proof. Just my gut instinct.”
Liam tapped his lips as he thought, “He does have a history of being….inappropriate with women at times.”
“At times?” Drake snorted, “Okay.”
“Do you think he’s been harassing her?”
Drake’s mouth fell open, “That’s what you got out of this conversation?”
“No one deserves to be harassed, Drake.”
“No, of course not! I just meant….” He looked up at the ceiling as if beseeching the almighty for intervention, “Fine. I’ll look into it.”
“Thank you. You’re a good friend.”
“Yep,” he muttered under his breath as he rose, “I’ll make sure the scammer isn’t being harassed by the pervert that brought her here.”
“What was that?”
Liam checked his watch. He had ten minutes before his next appointment. Pulling his phone from his jacket pocket, he sent a text to Riley asking her to meet him after the official Suitors Dinner Regina had scheduled for the evening.
He got an immediate response. He always did. Was that because she was falling for him or because she was playing him? He needed answers, and he intended to get them.
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Riley breezed down the hallway in the suitor's wing of the palace, still on a high from her time with Liam. After a little earth-shattering morning sex, she had ordered a  decadent breakfast of raspberry crêpes, rashers, and a ham and cheese soufflÊ and then taken her time eating it, savoring every bite.
She had taken Liam up on his offer and sent the guards for her favorite bath products and a change of clothes from the palace boutique. After a long leisurely bath in the impossibly huge soaking tub in the royal suite, she had booked an appointment at the palace spa. Her nails had needed a touch-up. She had gotten in immediately.
Yes, she thought as she made her way back to her room, a girl could get used to this life. She was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn’t see him until he spoke, “Where were you last night?”
She slid her eyes sidewise at him, “None of your business.”
Max matched her pace, keeping his body as close behind hers as he could without actually touching her, his hands shoved into his pockets to keep himself from touching her, “But you never came back after your meeting with Bert.”
“I came back.��
“To the palace maybe, but not to your own room.”
She stopped outside her door, and he stumbled into her. Turning to face him, she pinched his cheeks between her fingers and leaned close, “We need to have a talk about boundaries, Max.”
She turned back to open her door then pulled him through and closed it.
At the end of the hall and around the corner, a figure watched them from the shadows.
Drake’s brows were drawn together in a frown. Maybe Liam was right. Maybe Max was being creepy with her. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time he’d been inappropriate with a woman. If he were a commoner instead of a son of the nobility, his ass would have been in a jail cell long ago. But his brother always managed to dig him out of trouble somehow. Bribery most likely.
Surely Bertrand would want to know if his brother was harassing their sponsee. He turned on his heel and headed toward the duke’s room.
Bertrand’s head lifted from the copy of Civility: Manners, Morals and the Etiquette of Democracy that had him thoroughly engrossed as an incessant pounding noise issued from the door of his room. With a sigh, he placed a bookmark between the pages, carefully closed the tome, and sat it on the end table with meticulous precision, ensuring it could not be knocked off by a careless passerby.   
He rose from his seated position and took a moment to smooth his clothing out. One never wanted to look rumpled or unkempt, after all. He crossed the room unhurriedly and pulled the door open slowly. His eyes widened as he took in his visitor. “Sir Drake! What are you-“
“Can I come in? It’s kinda important,” Drake shoved past him without waiting for an answer.
“By all means,” Bertrand grumbled as he moved aside, “Why wait for an invitation?”
“Don’t need one.”
“It is my room-“
“In Liam’s palace,” Drake reminded him drily, “Do you want to know what your brother’s up to or do you want me to just report him to-“
“No, no, no!” Bertrand closed the door quickly before anyone happening by could overhear, “Please…” he gestured toward the scattered seating before squeezing his eyes shut as he pinched the bridge of his nose, “What has he done now?”
Drake didn’t bother to sit as he dove in without preamble, “He’s been harassing Riley.”
Bertrand froze as his eyes popped open. “What do you mean?”
“I mean I overheard him questioning her about her whereabouts last night and when she told him it was none of his business, he pressed the issue, and she told him they needed to have a discussion about boundaries.”
“Where was she last night?”
“That doesn’t matter. The point is-“
“Was she with Liam?” Bertrand tried to suppress the glee in his tone.
“I’m not here to divulge Liam’s business. Are you going to put a leash on your brother or do I need to do it?”
“No need for that. I’ll handle it. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.”
“Yeah…sure,” Drake started for the door, pausing with his hand on the knob, he turned back to Bertrand, “By the way…how much do you know about her past?”
“Lady Riley?”
“No, Queen Regina. Yes, Lady Riley!”
“Just that she was your waitress in New York and shared some kind of adventure with the prince. Why do you ask?”
Drake regarded him critically for several long seconds as Bertrand’s body twitched and his eyes darted around the room, landing everywhere but his face.
He was lying.
“No reason.” Drake exited the room and then stood in the hallway outside Bertrand’s door contemplating the duke’s deception. What was he hiding?
He didn’t know, but he was damn sure going to find out.
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harleybeaumont ¡ 2 years ago
Never Have I Ever
Chapter 19 - Date Night
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Book- TRR
Series- Never Have I Ever
Pairings- Bertrand x MC 
Chapter Synopsis- Bertrand and Savannah go on their date.
Chapter Warnings- language, drinking, mentions of drug use, mentions of sex, sensuality
Rating - Mature
Word Count- 3,600
Chapter 19 - Date Night
Bertrand awoke early the following morning to a musical knock at his bedroom door. He checked the clock with bleary eyes before calling out, “Come in, Maxwell.” Bertrand sat up and rubbed his hands down his face. What in the world would make Maxwell wake up this early? Bertrand’s 6 a.m. alarm hadn’t even gone off yet.
“Hey, heeey!” Max chirped as he strutted inside, looking around the room curiously. “Uh.. anyone in here with you?”
Bertrand straightened his posture, trying to appear completely oblivious. “Why would anyone be in here with me?”
“Umm, no reason. Just asking.”
“Why are you up so early? Is everything alright?” Bertrand slid his feet into his camel brown, suede slippers and stretched his arms overhead while he watched his younger brother curiously.
Max fidgeted with his hands the way he always did when he had something on his mind that he didn’t want to say aloud. Growing up, this was usually a tell that he had done something wrong. “I was just gonna ask what you had planned for the day.”
Bertrand arched an eyebrow and shuffled past his brother toward his adjoining bathroom. “I have a meeting scheduled this afternoon with our financial advisor, another right after with the head of housekeeping, and a personal engagement this evening for dinner.”
Maxwell sighed, watching his brother brush his teeth. “A personal engagement? Does that mean you’re still going out with Savannah tonight?!”
Bertrand paused his brushing for a beat and glanced at Maxwell’s reflection behind him in the mirror. “Why wouldn’t I?”
“Fucking hell..” Maxwell muttered under his breath, and stalked back into the bedroom, dropping down onto Bertrand’s bed face first. “I can’t even with this idiot.” Maxwell quietly mocked Bertrand’s comment, “‘Why wouldn’t I?’ Because I’m an oblivious dumb ass.”
Bertrand emerged a moment later, still baffled by his brother’s strange behavior. He poked him in the leg with his slipper. “What is the matter with you? Are you unwell?”
Max blew out a long breath and jumped up, taking his brother by the shoulders. “Bertrand, you know I love you, and I have nothing but the utmost respect for you. You’re a smart guy. All I’m going to say is please, please reconsider going on this date. Maybe.. go hang out with Riley instead.”
Bertrand swallowed hard, hoping he wasn’t blushing at the mere mention of Riley’s name. “I don’t understand. I thought you liked Savannah.” 
“Honestly, as a person, she's meh at best.” Max shook his head, “But I could put that aside if you two were actually in love.”
“Maxwell, that’s a very impertinent thing to say.”
 “She’s not the one, bro. She’s not right for you.”
“How do you know that? We always seem so compatible-”
"Compatible with you, or with who you think you're supposed to be? You know what? Go out with Savannah tonight,” Max suggested. “But while you’re out with her, I want you to really look at her. Really pay attention to who she is as a person. Her personality, her sense of humor, her likes and dislikes. And while you’re doing that, I want you to ask yourself if she's really right for you.”
Before Bertrand could respond, Maxwell gave him a clap on the back and headed out the door, but not before winking and saying, “Just think about it.”
Bertrand hadn’t seen or heard from Riley the entire day, and each hour that passed, made him a little more sick to his stomach. She didn’t join the rest of the court for breakfast or lunch. Maybe it was his fault. Maybe she didn’t want to see him. Maybe she was upset with him for taking things too far last night. Maybe he misread the situation entirely. 
That evening, before he could think better of it, Bertrand found himself outside of Riley’s bedroom door with his heart thrumming in his chest. He raised his hand and let it drop several times before finally rapping softly against her door.
She cracked it open slightly, her emerald eyes widening as she focused on his face. “Bert!”
“Riley!” He smiled brightly, thankful that she was ok. “May I come in?” 
“Uh.. Sure.” She stepped aside and he slowly entered, taking in her appearance.  She was wearing a white tank top and plaid pajama pants and her eyes were slightly puffy and rimmed red. Her hair was piled on top of her head in a messy bun and she smoothed out her rumpled clothes, looking uncomfortable under his gaze. 
“Are you alright?” He asked as he looked her over, growing increasingly concerned.
She crossed her arms over her chest, glancing at her reflection in the mirror. “I’m fine.”
There was no way she was fine. Bertrand stepped closer, fighting the urge to touch her. To brush her hair behind her ear. To take her in his arms and hold her. His heart hurt seeing her this way. “You haven't been.. crying, have you?”
She turned away and cleared her throat. “No.”
He stepped closer. “Did something happen? Are you hurt? Are you sick?” His stomach turned as he dared to ask, “Is this because of what happened between us last night?”
Riley took a deep breath and responded quietly, “No.”
“Are you upset with.. with me?”
Riley shook her head and turned around to face him with a sad but honest smile. “I’m not upset with you, Bert.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure. I’m not sick, I’m not hurt, I’m not upset with you, I’m not pregnant, I’m not-”
“Preg-? P-pregnant?!”
She shrugged, “I thought that might be your next question.”
“Dear God, I hadn’t even thought about that.” His legs were suddenly wobbly and he braced himself against the wall.
“Well, you don’t have to, because I’m not.”
The two stood awkwardly in front of one another, neither knowing what to say. Riley spoke first, “What are you doing here?”
“I was going to ask you the same question. No one has seen you all day, and I wanted to see if you were alright.”
She smiled slightly. “You were worried about me?”
Bertrand nodded, “Yes, of course. And Maxwell insisted that I speak with you before my date.”
Her face dropped and her entire demeanor turned icy. “Ah. So you’re here because Max sent you.”
“Well, no.. not exactly..”
Riley turned and waved him away, “I’ll see you tomorrow. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to take a nap.”
“A nap? It’s 5:30 in the evening.”
“So?” She snapped as she dropped down onto her unmade bed.
Bertrand had never seen her so cold. “Um.. Well.. Can I have dinner brought up for you? You need to eat.”
“I’m not hungry. Enjoy your date.”
He started for the door, stomach twisting into knots. His date. “Can I ask you something?”
She sighed and turned to face him, her expression softening slightly. “You know you can ask me anything.”
He paused, trying to think of any excuse to stay with her for a few more moments. “Can I.. have one of your gummies for tonight?”
She couldn’t help but chuckle, and Bertrand’s heart warmed instantly at the sound. “Bert, don't tell me you wanna get high tonight, of all nights!”
He shrugged, “It might help me get through this date.” 
“Get through it?” 
Riley raised her eyebrows in amusement and Bertrand stammered, “Wait! Wait, that is not what I meant! I mean, it’s not like I don't want to go!”
Riley laughed and rummaged through her suitcase before handing him a gummy. “Here. Remember it takes a little while to kick in.”
“Thank you.” Bertrand held her hand with his own for a moment and their eyes met, before Riley turned away.
“Can you turn the light off on your way out?” She asked, then crawled back into bed and clicked on the TV.
Bertrand nodded and flipped off the light switch, making his way out of her bedroom to prepare for his date, even though it was the last thing he wanted to do.
Bertrand smiled cordially as he watched Savannah make her way down house Beaumont’s grand staircase toward him. Her cream colored, satin blouse was unbuttoned slightly to reveal a diamond and sapphire necklace, and her navy, tweed, pencil skirt stopped just above her knees. A pair of high black pumps adorned her feet and her perfectly coiffed, chestnut brown hair rested on her shoulders. He held out his hand to help her down the last step. “Good evening, Lady Savannah.”
“Good evening, Your Grace.” She accepted his hand with her perfectly manicured french tip nails resting atop his skin.
Bertrand stepped back and smiled slightly. “Perhaps we could forgo our titles this evening? I don’t suppose we need to be so formal.”
Savannah looked taken aback. “Who are you and what have you done with Duke Bertrand Beaumont? Besides, I love hearing you call me ‘lady’.” She touched his arm, fingernails skimming across the sleeve of his white oxford and onto the exposed skin on his wrist. “The only thing I’d like better is hearing you call me ‘duchess’.”
Bertrand turned away and cleared his throat loudly, “Yes, well.. I suppose we should go. It appears the car is ready.”
He slid into the back seat after Savannah and she smiled demurely. “So where is this mysterious spot you’re taking me for our date?”
Bertrand shifted toward her, brimming with pride. “It was going to be a surprise, but I suppose it’s alright to tell you now since we’re already on our way. We’re going dancing.”
He waited for her elated reaction, but her entire face dropped. “Wait.. dancing? You told me this date was more informal. I’m not dressed for ballroom dancing!”
He grinned, “No, no! We’re going to a nightclub! I wanted to take you somewhere fun and.. and normal where we could relax and get to know each other better.”
Savannah stared at Bertrand for a moment before throwing her head back and laughing hysterically. “Oh Bertrand! You had me going for a while! Who knew you had a sense of humor?! Duke Bertrand Beaumont taking me to a dirty nightclub!”
He forced out a chuckle before quickly sending the driver a text to stop at Savannah’s favorite Italian restaurant instead, hoping and praying that they could get a table ready quickly so she wouldn’t know this wasn’t part of the plan. So much for dancing.
Savannah sat down at their usual table with a grin. She took Bertrand’s hand and smiled at the waiter before speaking loudly. “Thank you, sir. The Duke and I would love to start off with a bottle of your finest champagne. This is a very special occasion, isn't it dearest?”
Bertrand felt the curious gazes and whispers of every patron in the entire restaurant fall on him and he smiled politely. “Er, right.”
Savannah looked up at the waiter once more and raised her eyebrows impatiently. “That will be all for now.”
“Yes ma'am.” The man scurried away toward the kitchen.
She faced Bertrand and rolled her eyes, “Well, he’s clearly new. He didn’t even recognize us!”
Bertrand looked down at the menu, avoiding the stares from people around him, but most especially the woman in front of him. Maxwell's earlier advice echoed in his mind. Really pay attention to who she is as a person. Ask yourself if she's really right for you.
Had Savannah always been so.. Supercilious? 
Bertrand tried to stop himself, but couldn’t help chuckling as he recalled the first time Riley heard him use that word.
He was seated across from Riley at the kitchen table, having one of their daily lessons over lunch. Bertrand used the term supercilious to describe a certain Earl at court.
“Super sillyous? That’s like when something goes beyond silly and hits that extra silly mark, right?” Riley joked as she took a bite of the strawberry pie she had made that morning.
Bertrand furrowed his brow, “absolutely not!”
Riley leaned across the table toward him, “Yes it is! See, I’ll use it in a sentence.” She took a dollop of whip cream and dabbed it on his cheek. “Bertrand looks 'super sillyous' with whip cream on his face.”
Bertrand’s mouth fell open, “You.. you did not just do that!”
“Oh I do believe I did! What are you going to do about it?”
Bertrand was still frozen in shock at the sheer audacity of this woman, when she made her way over to his side of the table. “Oh don’t worry, I’ll clean it up.” She leaned toward him, cupping his face, and he felt the warmth of her tongue against his cheek as she licked the cool whip cream from his skin.
“Riley!” He gasped and she smiled as she wiped the rest off with her thumb.
“There. All better.”
“What’s so funny?” Savannah asked as she smoothed and primped her hair while she watched herself on her phone.
“Oh,” Bertrand smiled softly. “I was just thinking of something amusing that Riley said. It’s nothing.”
Savannah’s brow furrowed and she picked up her menu. “Riley, huh?” Bertrand kept quiet while Savannah tapped her nails against the menu. “I’ve been meaning to ask you something about her..” Bertrand’s heart sped up and his palms began to sweat as Savannah continued. “What do you think of her becoming queen? Honestly.”
“Oh,” Bertrand breathed a sigh of relief. “Well, I believe she would make an excellent queen. She’s been training night and day, and even though it’s only been a few months, she’s very well versed in the matters of court. Riley is smart. She picks up on things quickly. She’s social and polite, and good at reading people. She’s truly a remarkable person.”
Savannah glared at Bertrand while the waiter poured them a glass of champagne. She took a long sip, before replying, “Well, I think she’s kind of a bitch.”
“W-what?” Bertrand reeled back. “Why would you say that?!”
Savannah glanced away nonchalantly, “I’m very good at reading people, and I just get a weird vibe from her. I mean, how well do you really know her? She could be trying to get with Liam because of his money and fame! She could be stealing from you as we speak! And who just abandons their current life and goes with someone they just met to a foreign country? Was she homeless or something? Maybe a drug dealer on the run?”
Bertrand was completely dumbfounded. “Savannah.. How could you even say those things?”
“I’m not the only one! Surely you’ve heard what people are saying about her! I’m just worried about House Beaumont’s reputation, for your sake. You know I care about you.”
Bertrand’s mind flashed back to when he and Riley were in the club together and that flirty woman called her a bitch. Riley told him it happened all the time but he didn’t believe it. How could anyone insult her? She was wonderful! His blood boiled, but he took a calming breath before addressing Savannah. 
“Lady Savannah, I will ask you not to speak ill of Riley in front of me. She is a very kind person who has been through a lot. She has been nothing short of amazing in the time I’ve known her and I consider her my friend.”
“Amazing?” Savannah finished the rest of the champagne in her glass before fixing him with a stern look. “Bertrand, is there something you want to tell me?”
He felt his face flush, “N-no! I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”
Savannah leaned forward and lowered her voice, “Why are you always so quick to defend her? And not only that, you’re gushing about how ‘amazing’ she is! I’ve never heard you talk that way about anyone before!”
Bertrand stammered, “I-I’m her sponsor! Of course I’m saying nice things about her.”
Savannah searched his face with a scowl, “If you say so. I just wonder if-”
The waiter returned, interrupting their conversation. “Are you ready to order now, my Lady? Your Grace?”
“Oh, thank God,” Bertrand muttered, and quickly corrected himself, “I mean, yes. Yes we are.”
The rest of their dinner passed at an agonizing pace. Bertrand managed to acquire two last minute tickets to a ballet being performed at a local theater, and Savannah was less than impressed with their seats in the upper balcony next to the emergency exit. 
The ride back to the Beaumont estate was a quiet one. Bertrand checked his phone for any new texts from Riley, but unfortunately there were none. He sent her a quick, “How are you feeling?” message, praying that she would respond. While he waited, he scrolled back to read some of their most recent messages in the chat and smiled to himself.
“Who are you texting?” Savannah muttered, reading over his shoulder and Bertrand fumbled the phone onto the floorboard.
“Jesus!” He yelped, throwing a hand over his heart. “I apologize, Savannah. I mean, Lady Savannah. You just started me, that’s all.”
“Texting Riley?” She asked flatly.
“She isn’t feeling well. I just wanted to check on her, but I suppose she went to sleep.”
Savannah nodded and slipped her hand into his, and Bertrand reluctantly returned her grip.
Bertrand walked Savannah to her bedroom door and paused outside, thankful that the night was finally over. “Goodnight, Lady Savannah.”
She ran her hand down his arm and smiled. “Goodnight already? It’s still early. Come inside my room for a nightcap at least.”
His stomach twisted and he backed up, “Oh, I really shouldn’t. It wouldn’t be proper for us to be in your bedroom alone.”
She took his hand and pulled him forward with a smirk. “Come on.. It’s just a drink. Just one?”
Bertrand reluctantly followed her and stifled a gasp when he saw the state of her bedroom. Half melted, ivory candles lit the room and red rose petals were spread out across the bed. “Dear God, no,” he whispered to himself while Savannah made her way to the drink cart in the corner.
“You still like Glenlivet, right?” She asked while she opened the 18 year old bottle.
“Oh. Yes.”
“Have a seat.” She gestured at the bed, but he sat in a chair by the door.
Bertrand took several deep breaths while he assessed the situation. He was in Savannah's room alone.. with candles. So many candles. Thankfully the entire estate hadn’t burned down while they were left unattended. She had clearly planned for something romantic to happen between them tonight. 
“Bertrand.” Savannah handed him his drink and ran her hand up his arm before moving behind him and massaging his shoulders. “You’re so tense. Let me help you relax.”
“I.. I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” He placed his scotch on the table beside him, ready to stand up and retreat asap.
“Come on.. Just close your eyes and relax. Let me take care of you.” 
Everything about this situation felt wrong, and he couldn’t have relaxed if his life depended on it. 
He wouldn’t do anything with Savannah tonight. He couldn’t. Although technically this exact situation was what Riley had been helping him prepare for from the beginning. After everything they had been through, would Riley still want him to do this? His heart told him no, but his brain was a jumbled mess. The sex they had the previous night felt so real and so intimate, but could it just have been part of her plan? Maybe an impromptu lesson? Everything was too confusing and he needed some time to think. He sighed and when he opened his eyes again, Savannah was standing in front of him with her blouse completely unbuttoned.
He jumped farther back in the chair as she leaned toward him. “Bertrand,” She purred, caressing his cheek before pulling him to his feet.
“Kiss me.”
“Lady Savannah, I apologize, but I just.. can't. I've actually been thinking that maybe we should take a step back and-”
“You have got to be kidding me!” She fumed, stalking away from him. “It’s Riley, isn’t it? I fucking knew it! I knew there was something going on between you two! You’re a completely different person lately! So what happened? Did she seduce you? She did, didn’t she?! Oh just wait until everyone finds out what a whore-”
Bertrand swiftly pulled Savannah to him and pressed his lips against hers. She returned the kiss instantly, and wrapped her arms around him. Surely there was a better way to squash her suspicions of him and Riley, but for now it was all he could come up with. 
Maybe she would just be satisfied with making out a little and he could leave. He reluctantly continued kissing her, and Savannah pressed Bertrand’s hand against her breast. Or maybe not! He tried to back away, but she kept moving closer.
What the hell am I going to do now?
Bertrand closed his eyes tightly and imagined Riley in front of him. Instead of the overwhelming scent of Chanel No. 5, he caught the faint note of Riley’s floral shampoo. Suddenly he could taste Riley’s strawberry lip gloss. He caressed her cheek, knowing there were adorable tiny freckles beneath his hand. He ran his fingers through her golden locks which were probably just let out of a messy bun or braid. He felt her arms wrap around him and she whispered against his ear, “Do you want me, Bertrand?” His mind flashed back to Riley laying beneath him, her plump lips curving into a sexy grin as she uttered, “fuck me, Bert.”
Savannah whispered against his ear, “Say my name. Tell me you want me.”
Bertrand smiled with his eyes still closed tightly and replied, “I want you, Riley.”
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kristinamae093 ¡ 2 years ago
Ghosted- A Plan (Chapter 2)
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Series Summary - Prince Liam fell for Riley Brooks hard and fast. A marriage filled with love and devotion was within his reach. But everything changed when she vanished just before the end of the social season. As everyone voices their concerns regarding her scandalous departure, a confession from an unlikely source turns Liam's world upside down and makes him question everything around him.
Book/Pairing - TRR- Liam x MC (Riley Brooks), hints of Liam x Madeleine
A/N1: This AU starts right before the beginning of the engagement tour. There is a two-month lapse between the coronation and where we pick up, but we will stray from canon.
A/N2: Please excuse all errors, I'm posting as I leave for work. No Liam this chapter, but I promise next is ALL Liam.
Characters belong to Pixelberry.
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Soft music filled the ballroom of the Beaumont estate. White tablecloths adorned every table, all complete with centerpieces of white and navy flowers. Servants bustled through the room clearing tables from the dinner that had just concluded, and rounded the room with Ramsford’s own sparkling wine. Nobles circulated and chatted while they waited for the proper party to begin. 
The air filled with tension only a select few could feel. 
Maxwell sat at the head table alone and watched the crowd. This was the point in the evening he would usually become a one man dancing machine, but Maxwell didn’t feel like dancing.
Since Riley disappeared, Maxwell was completely desolate. He felt like he had lost his sister, his best friend. He couldn’t fathom why she would do this. Her departure had come at such a random time, completely out of the blue; nothing about it made sense. She seemed happy. She talked like she was genuinely excited about the future. There was never any sign she regretted her decision to come to Cordonia or wished to return home. His mind’s questions had to be pushed aside, however, as they had to continue forward with the social season. 
As they left Applewood for their own estate, Bertrand’s sadness cleared, and an all-consuming cloud of anger, regret, and panic engulfed him; the realization that they were truly doomed dawned on him. With no suitor, they would face scrutiny and mockery; it was inevitable. The press would surely catch wind of their tanked finances, and now there was no end in sight.
Bertrand was incredibly upset with himself for allowing their reputation to be put in such a situation. But, he found the most fault to ultimately lie with Maxwell, for making such an irrational decision to begin with. He had only been a fool and went along with his ridiculous suggestion. 
When they arrived and found that their cleaning crew had canceled, they had to scramble to get their estate in order for their upcoming doomsday. Drake stayed behind in Applewood with Liam, and nobody else could know their situation; there was no one to call. So Bertrand and Maxwell had to roll up their sleeves and scrub the entire structure from top to bottom. They worked all day and all night; even then, Bertrand still nit-picked the job they had done. 
Bertrand had spent the entire time scolding Maxwell and continuously telling him he was at fault for their predicament. He lashed out and berated an already devastated Maxwell, but in his panicked stupor, Bertrand did not care one bit. Deep down he knew Maxwell did nothing wrong, but any rationality he had left him.
As Maxwell looked throughout the room, he spotted Liam in the corner with Drake, but twisted his gaze elsewhere. He figured if anyone had a right to be mad at him, it was Liam. He knew the turmoil he was experiencing, and couldn’t even imagine what Liam must have felt. Liam’s heartbroken face after he read her note permanently engraved itself in his mind, as well as the animalistic cry that escaped him soon after.
Maxwell had sat across from Liam at dinner, but avoided eye contact. The two didn’t speak; in fact, nobody really spoke. Regina asked about Riley’s whereabouts, but Bertrand quickly steered the conversation elsewhere. The King and Queen were the only two at the table who had even finished their meals; everyone else opted to pay more attention to the wine.  
Maxwell was pulled from his daze by Bertrand, as he tapped on his glass to get the room’s attention. “If everyone would please enter the reception hall, we will proceed with the festivities.” He stated, very matter-of-factly. 
Maxwell continued to sit in his seat and ignored Bertrand’s request. He knew it was time for their infamous toast, and his anxiety heightened the more he thought about it. Everyone expected to see three Beaumonts, and he didn’t know how Bertrand planned to spin things. 
Maxwell caught movement out of the corner of his eye and turned to see Bertrand as he stomped towards him. He let out a breath and prepared himself for the tongue lashing he was about to receive. 
“Maxwell! Get up! You have a toast to make!” Bertrand ordered.
Maxwell’s eyes widened. “What? Me? B-but… we’re supposed to do this together!” he stammered.
Bertrand scoffed, “Absolutely not! All night, I’ve had to avoid questions regarding Lady Riley’s whereabouts. Since this is your fault, you will set the record straight.”
“But nothing! I will not take fault for the situation we’re in due to your poor choices! It’s time you owned up to your irresponsibilities! Our entire lives, I have continuously bent over backwards to fix the things that you’ve broken, but no more.” Bertrand shook his head. “I still can not believe this is happening! What would father say, Maxwell?!”
“Well, he pr-”
“He would disown you! Our reputation, our finances, it’s as good as gone! All of it! There is no solution! No one will want to do business with us! We’ll be lucky if we can stay afloat until Christmas!”
“I’m sorry, Bertrand! I didn’t mean to-”
Bertrand laughed sardonically. “Sorry won’t save you this time. You’re going to have to take responsibility for what you’ve done and deal with the repercussions. The Beaumont name will be tainted forever, but I will not allow you to bring me down with you. You, and you alone, will take responsibility for this monstrosity you've created.”
“Bertrand please! I didn’t do anything! I swear! I-I’m just as shocked as you are!” Maxwell pleaded. 
“This is not a discussion! I am telling you what is going to happen, whether you agree or not. You can continue to sit here and cry about it, or you can get up and be a man for once in your life, and take accountability for your careless decisions.” 
Maxwell continued to sit and stare wide eyed at Bertrand, as his last statement cut through his heart like a knife. He physically felt his entire soul hit the very pits of his stomach, and shatter even further. He wanted to believe Bertrand didn’t mean any of the crude things he had been saying, but the glare Bertrand gave said otherwise. Bertrand looked completely disgusted, enraged, and disappointed in Maxwell; all because he took a chance on a quirky American who had captured the heart of one of his dearest friends. 
“MAXWELL. NOW.” Bertrand boomed.
Maxwell stood from his seat and looked at Bertrand with a broken expression. “Bertrand, please… Can’t we-”
Bertrand took a step further to stand in Maxwell’s personal space and growled, “No. NO. Get this ‘we’ notion out of your head this instant! You, and you alone, will take responsibility for this; do you understand?” 
Maxwell held his intense gaze for a few brief moments before he finally relented and slightly nodded his head. He could give no other response, as his throat had constricted. He turned and made his way to the reception hall. Maxwell could feel his heart thump rapidly in his chest, as well as the wine from dinner doing somersaults in his abdomen. His hands trembled at his sides, and he felt incredibly dizzy as he slowly made his way to his destination. 
As Maxwell approached the stairs, he stopped and looked back at Bertrand, who had followed closely behind him. Maxwell gave him a look of disdain, but Bertrand gave him a stern nod of the head and ignored Maxwell’s silent plea. 
Maxwell reluctantly turned back around and trudged up the staircase. At halfway, he turned around to address the crowd. 
“H-Hello everyone… Um… So… First off, I’d like to thank you all for coming. We really appreciate you being here.” He stopped to look at Bertrand, who shook his head. “I mean, I really appreciate you being here…” he trailed off.  
Maxwell looked out into the crowd and squinted his eyes to blind his vision from the rays of chandelier lights on his face. As his eyesight re-centered, he saw every gaze in the room intently directed at him. He ran a visibly shaky hand through his hair, and attempted to continue, “Uh … Y-You’re probably wondering where Lady Riley is… And um, well… “ he tucked his chin down to his chest before he quietly and quickly spit out, “she left.”
Maxwell heard a throat clear and looked up to meet Bertrand’s steely gaze. Maxwell looked at him with sad eyes, silently begging Bertrand to end this nightmare. He held his gaze for what felt like a lifetime before Bertrand once again nodded his head in a silent order for him to continue. 
Maxwell tried to swallow the prominent lump in his throat, but it would not budge. He shuffled his feet for a moment before he cleared his throat, and abruptly and loudly blurted out, “Lady Riley is no longer in the social season.” 
Gasps and whispers filled the room. Everyone turned their heads to the person next to them to confirm they had heard him correctly. It was completely unprecedented for a house to lose their suitor, especially so close to the finish of the season. Rumors immediately started regarding why they had lost their suitor, and at such a crucial moment in time. 
Maxwell gulped, and at another stern nod from Bertrand continued. “I’d like to take this opportunity formally to accept responsibility for this……oversight. My brother trusted me to make a wise decision, and I-I failed… I failed him, I failed our country, and I failed myself…”
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Drake arrived at the bar shortly later. He exited his truck and leaned up against it as he waited for Olivia’s SUV to arrive. He had tried to get Olivia to ride with him, but Olivia said she ‘would rather enter the pits of hell barefoot’ than get into his truck with him. 
As the SUV that carried Olivia pulled up, Drake crossed the parking lot to meet her as she exited the vehicle. He followed behind her as the two approached the doors. 
Upon entering the establishment, Olivia scrunched her nose. “What is that smell?”
“A bar?”
“It smells like… you… Ugh... It’s repulsive.” Olivia shuddered.
Drake stopped dead in his tracks and turned to face her. “Can you not be a bitch for ten seconds?”
Olivia stopped as well. “Sure, when you can refrain from being a neanderthal for three.” she retorted with a smirk as she kept her gaze straight in front of her. 
Drake sighed and ran a hand down his face. “This is gonna be a long night…”
A bark of laughter escaped Olivia. “HA! You’re telling me!”
Drake put his hands up in surrender. “Look, I don’t like you. You don’t like me. That’s fine. But we have a common goal here. For the sake of whatever is going on, we need a truce.” 
“Not a chance.”
“Olivia.” Drake growled. 
Olivia let out a huff before she relented. “Fine. Until we figure out this maze of an ordeal, I suppose we can have a truce.”
The two shared an intense glare before Drake extended his hand for a handshake. Olivia glanced at it momentarily before she caved and lightly returned the gesture.
As she released Drake’s hand, Olivia promptly reached into her bag and pulled out a small container of hand sanitizer. She squeezed a generous amount onto the hand Drake had just shook and rubbed her palms together. 
“What? I don’t know where your hands have been.” Olivia retorted with another shudder. She put her head up and walked further into the crowded bar. 
Drake shook his head and muttered a few obscenities under his breath, but followed her path. He scanned the crowd and noticed Maxwell sitting at a secluded table in the corner. He wore a hat and sunglasses, but was anything but subtle. The hat he wore was bright blue, with what looked to be peacock feathers etched in the design.
Drake pointed out Maxwell to Olivia, who rolled her eyes at his ensemble; the two of them made their way over to Maxwell.
As Drake approached the table, he asked, “Maxwell, what the hell are you wearing?”
“A disguise! Duh!”
“Yeah, I get what you were going for. But for the record, dark colors help hide you better.”
“This is the only hat I have!” Maxwell said as he quickly pulled the cap from his head. He tucked it into the seat next to him and took his sunglasses off before he looked back up at Drake. “It’s been a long time, Buddy! I’m so glad to see you!”
“Don’t call me Buddy.”
“But it’s been so long! Cuuummmmmmoooooon Drake, you know you missed me!” Maxwell sang at him. 
“Don’t push it.” Drake grumbled. He took a seat at the table next to Maxwell, which then revealed Olivia as she stood behind him.  
Maxwell gasped and grabbed Drake by the arm. “Drake, are you alright?! Are you sick? Do you have a fever?!” He tried to put his hand on Drake’s forehead, but Drake quickly slapped his hand away.
“I wish…”
“Ha. Ha.” Olivia said as she rolled her eyes and took the seat across from Maxwell.
Drake turned to Maxwell. “So, how are you? And yes, it has been a long time, but you still can’t call me Buddy.”
Maxwell sighed as his peppy demeanor faded, and an air of melancholy overcame his entire being. “I mean, I’ve spent the last two months hiding from the world in spreadsheets and graphs, so…”
“Why do you think you need to hide, Max? What happened wasn’t your fault!”
“Isn’t it, though? I’m the one who invited her here…” Maxwell trailed off as he picked at his napkin on the table in front of him. 
“But you are not responsible for what happened!”
“Try telling that to Bertrand…”
“He still bad?”
Maxwell cringed before responding in a quiet voice. “Yeah… I don’t think we’ll ever be the way we were before. Even with the scandal, he still blames me... Except then it changed to ‘you brought an American harlot here to represent House Beaumont'." He looked down and shook his head. “He’s told me multiple times he doesn’t want me trying to help him salvage our house’s finances. It’s only so I stay in his sight, and don’t ruin our reputation further…” He cleared his throat and looked away.
House Beaumont had been in a tumultuous time, to say the least. Rumors spread immediately regarding their suitor’s sudden departure, each with their own theory as to why. Before they were given a chance to issue a formal statement, Ana De Luca ran her story about their broken financial situation and tied the two together. That rumor ran through the mill until the Coronation, when the new conclusion for Riley’s departure came to light. But the damage had already been done to House Beaumont.
Deals started falling through and donors retracted donations. Nobody wanted to be associated with the sullied brothers; the ones who had sponsored the disgraced suitor to begin with. Stories would still occasionally run, and they were always regarding their continuous downward spiral. They had enough secured transactions to stay afloat this long, but found themselves quickly drowning in a sea of ‘no’s and denial.
Bertrand continued to berate and blame Maxwell, but Maxwell never said a word, nor challenged him; because he truly believed what he was saying to be true. He placed all blame on himself, and could only take his scoldings for his error in judgement like the ‘man’ he thought he needed to be. Maxwell had given up hope a long time ago that Bertrand would forgive him, instead he just did whatever was requested of him without hesitation or question. He did the best he could, but Bertrand always found an issue with the work Maxwell would present. 
“Damn, I’m sorry, man….” Drake responded and gave him a pat on the back, unsure of what else to say.
Maxwell shook his head in acknowledgement before an awkward silence overtook the group. Olivia sat and eyed the patrons critically and questioned why she even agreed to come. Drake took a menu and browsed the drink selection to decide what to order. Maxwell sat and stole quick glances between Olivia and Drake as he tried to decipher why the two of them had arrived together. 
“So……” Maxwell started, attempting to break the silence.
“Something to say, Beaumont?” Olivia quipped.
“Well… I was just kind of wondering why you’re here. This definitely doesn’t seem like it’s your style.”
Olivia laughed. “It’s not. Unfortunately, we have business to conduct.”
Maxwell’s eyes grew wide. “Um… We? Like… with me?”
“Yes, you. But before we begin, I need you to understand that this is a delicate situation, and your utmost discretion is necessary. Can you agree to that?”
“Yes?” Maxwell responded with uncertainty. 
Olivia glared daggers at Maxwell. He sat up straighter and cleared his throat. “I mean, yes. Of course. How may I be of service, Duchess?”
Olivia rolled her eyes, but quietly told Maxwell about everything that she knew and her suspicions, but didn’t show him the pictures due to the capacity in the bar. Maxwell sat and listened intently to every word she said. He hung on every word she said, trying his hardest to process and keep up. 
When Olivia finished, Maxwell sat and stared into his drink for a long while. Long enough that Drake grew worried. 
“Uh, Max?” Drake asked as he tapped his arm to get his attention.
“I knew it,” Maxwell whispered as he wiped a tear from his eye, “I didn’t know what happened exactly, but I knew something wasn’t right…” he trailed off and shook his head. 
“I know, man. I kinda think we all did. But nobody had anything to back it up…” Drake ran a hand through his hair and fixed his gaze on the table in front of him.
Both men let a wave of guilt wash over them for not acting sooner. Drake and Maxwell each had their doubts with the country, and Liam’s conclusion that Riley had run off to be with Tariq. But Drake knew that with Liam as enraged as he was, bringing up the idea could have gotten him exiled, especially with no proof. 
Maxwell was put to work under Bertrand’s watchful eye, cut off from the outside world. He spent every moment he was awake with Bertrand. The only reason he managed to escape for a night was because Bertrand had a meeting and left the estate. He wouldn’t dare utter a word about his suspicions to Bertrand, as he probably wouldn’t have listened to him, even if Maxwell had said something.
Olivia sat and watched both men get lost in their thoughts. She let them wallow for only a minute or two, before she slammed her palm down on the table; causing Drake to nearly flip over in his chair, and Maxwell to almost knock his drink off the table. 
“What the hell, Olivia?!” Drake shouted.
“You two have to stop sulking! What’s happened, happened. There is nothing we can do to change that. We can, however, try to get some answers for everyone involved.” 
Olivia placed her hands on the table in front of her before she continued. “Now, Beaumont. You were the last person to physically see Riley in Cordonia, that we know of. Does anything stand out from your last conversation with her?”
Maxwell shook his head. “No. Not at all. She said she was tired and was going to head to bed. She even said she would see me in the morning!”
“Do you recall what time that was?” 
“Not really. I know it was shortly after the toasts concluded, though.”
Drake’s eyes widened. “Seriously?! That was super early! I stayed down there for at least another hour, possibly two!“ 
“Was it? I didn’t think much of it. We had been traveling for days on end and any second of down time she had was spent being lectured by Bertrand.” Maxwell responded with a shrug. 
“That would make her one of the first to retire. If she had already packed, she could have easily made an escape in that time frame. Especially with everyone else still at the party downstairs.” Olivia interjected. 
Maxwell shook his head. “Her stuff wasn’t packed, not before the party anyway. I know that for a fact. I was with her before the Jamboree started while she got dressed and what not.”
Drake’s mind started running overtime. He knew he did not hear Riley at all that night. Drake had found her gone at the same time as Liam and Maxwell. He started pondering about her retiring early. If she moved fast enough, she could have packed and left before he had made it back to his room for the night. 
But would she do that?  
Olivia sighed, “Well, I’m not sure if that will be relevant, but it is worth noting.”
“We gotta take all this to Liam!” Maxwell exclaimed. 
“That’s where I started. He doesn’t think the pictures are enough proof, and her retiring early doesn’t prove much at this point either.”
“How?! I haven’t even seen the pictures, but I believe you!”
Drake answered. “I saw it in his eyes when Olivia showed ‘em to us. I know he’s thinking about it. But he’s hurt and has been since she left. He’s channeling all that humiliation and sadness into anger. And a part of me thinks he doesn’t want to admit he was wrong and didn’t jump on investigating sooner.” 
“I’d agree that would be a safe assumption. We have to find more evidence to prove to him that something did happen that night.” Olivia responded with a determined expression.
“But what do we do? Where do we even start? It’s been two months, Olivia! I want to believe that there’s something out there, but what if we’re just chasing a dead end?” Maxwell asked as he dejectedly looked into his drink.
“To start, we need to locate Tariq. I did some searching, and it seems there’s no trace of him. The last time he was seen was at the Country Jamboree.” 
“How do we do that?” Drake asked. 
“I’ll look into it. Thus far, I haven't had any luck. But, I have a contact in intelligence. Maybe I can work out a deal for Tariq’s location.” 
“What about Riley?” Maxwell asked quietly, with his gaze still fixated on his drink. 
“We will get to that. But if what Liam said was correct, Bastien already couldn’t locate her. So we may have easier luck getting to Tariq and making him talk first.”          
“What can we do in the meantime? While you try to find him?” Drake asked.
“Since the engagement tour is starting in a couple of days, we can use that as a cover for our investigation. I take it we will all be in attendance?”
“I mean yeah, but… I don’t know how much help I can be... Bertrand has already made it very clear that the only reason I’m being allowed to go with him is because the invitation was formally addressed to Bertrand and Maxwell Beaumont.”
“That’s fine. We need to bide our time for the first couple of events until the court reaches Applewood. I’m not sure what we can find, given how much time has passed, but we at least need to rule it out. We must investigate any and every lead, no matter how small, and that was the last place either of them was seen in Cordonia.” 
“I agree. I’ll see if I can get Liam to tell me where they put her phone.” Drake suggested. 
Olivia raised her brows in surprise. “Wow. Good thinking, Walker. Maybe this won’t be as horrendous as I feared.” 
“You’re not the only smart one here, thank you very much.” Drake scoffed.
“Looks can be deceiving, I suppose,” Olivia smirked. 
“I always wondered about that. Why did she leave her phone? What was the purpose of that? Wouldn’t she need it?” Maxwell asked. 
“You’re right. That’s just the start of things that don’t add up, of the things Liam’s turning a blind eye to.” 
Drake nodded. “We gotta get past this wall he’s built up. I know he doesn’t believe that shit for a second.” 
Olivia laughed. “Trust me, Walker. It won’t take much. He can try all he wants, but I am better than him at his own game. I can read right through him. In his heart, he knows the truth. He’s only denying because he feels like he has to.” 
“But why? Why does he have to? He loves her! He shouldn’t be fighting us on this!” Maxwell exclaimed. 
“I know. He shouldn’t be, but he’s been through a lot. He thinks he’s protecting himself. But we will make him see the truth.” Olivia replied with utmost confidence. 
Drake gave her a determined look. “Yeah, we will. You know what? I’m gonna go see him, invite him to Applewood with us. I’ll give it my best shot and hopefully make him see reason.” He turned to Maxwell. “You can come too. Maybe if we leave the intimidating red dragon at home, he’ll actually listen.”
“Awwwww, you think I’m intimidating, Walker? How sweet of you.”
Drake ignored Olivia as he awaited Maxwell’s answer. “I… Uh… I guess I could go…” Maxwell responded in an unsure tone. 
Drake patted Maxwell on the back. “Relax. It’ll be fine. Ain’t nothin’ to worry ‘bout.”
“... Okay, but... promise me if we decide to form an official alliance, we will be the Cordonian Power Rangers, and I get to be the blue one.” Maxwell stated with a completely firm expression. He held it for only a few moments before a small smile crept across his face.
Drake and Olivia both rolled their eyes, but Drake subtly grinned. It was nice to see bits of the old Maxwell poke through, despite everything he had been through.
Drake retrieved his forgotten menu, and finally selected a seasonal skull cracker ale; the regular skull cracker, but with a slight spice flavor added. He put his menu back in the holder before he turned his attention to Olivia. “You gonna order something?”
Olivia rose from the table and scoffed, “God no. My business here is done. I suppose I’ll see you two on the engagement tour.”
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justcallmefox89 ¡ 9 months ago
Cinderfella's Adventures in Cordonia - Chapter Twenty-Two
An AU of The Royal Romance with a male MC and a bisexual prince.
Callum and Liam battle it out and Drake chooses a side.
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“Drake, I want you to consider moving to New York after Liam’s wedding.  To moving in with me.  To being with me.  Only me,” Callum says calmly, speaking to Drake but staring directly at Liam.
A crimson flush creeps up Liam’s neck and he scowls at me.  “You cannot possibly be -”
Liam whips around to face Drake.  “What?”
I can’t help the smirk that creeps across my face at Liam’s outrage.
“I think that maybe Callum is right,” Drake says, taking a deep, calming breath.  “You’re going to be starting a new life with Madeline, and you’ll eventually be having kids… so maybe it’s time for me to start putting myself first.  Doing what’s best for me.”
“And you think Callum is what’s best for you?” Liam demands.
Drake meets his gaze head-on.  “Callum puts me first.  I would have a future with him, a real one, with a family and kids and little league and not having to hide.  With Callum I would finally be enough.  So yeah… maybe he is what’s best for me.”
Liam’s outrage is palpable, so thick in that air that I can practically taste it.  And it is fucking delicious.
He clocks my grin and scowls at me.  “You’re loving this, aren’t you?  Driving a wedge between me and Drake?  Forcing him to choose between us?”
I rock back on my heels and snicker.  “I’m harder than astrophysics right now darlin’, can’t lie.”
“You are such a bastard,” Liam hisses, slamming his palms onto the countertop.
“Ooh… let it all out Your Majesty; tell the class how you really feel.”  I can feel my grin turn a little sharper and my eyes narrow.  This fight has been a long time coming and I’m more than ready.
“You have always been selfish,” Liam spits out.  “Never willing to compromise, never willing to give an inch because you were always convinced you knew best.  All you had to do was swallow a little bit of your pride, but you clearly didn’t care about me enough to make even the most basic sacrifices - ”
I bark out an incredulous laugh.  “You, you of all people, are going to try and lecture me about sacrifices?  About compromise and caring enough?  You spoiled little shit; when have you ever sacrificed anything in your entire life?  Tell me two things you have ever sacrificed for me and Drake?  Go on, I’ll wait while you think.”
Drake gaze flicks worriedly between us.  “Maybe we should take a time out and get some rest before we get into all this,” he says soothingly.
“I have greater worries than mere feelings; a literal country depends on the choice of my future spouse,” Liam says, talking over him.
“Don’t try to make this about Cordonia,” I scoff.  “This is about Constantine and what he wants.  You would be a perfectly capable king no matter who you married.”
“Given your gene pool I understand that you probably don’t know what it feels like to have an accomplished father with high expectations - ”
“Keep talking and I’m gonna punch you in the fucking mouth,” I warn him.
Liam rolls his eyes.  “Charming.  I don’t know what I thought it would be like to finally be back with you again, but the more time we spend together make me think that whatever relationship we had before was a mistake.”
The barb stings, working it’s way into my heart like an insidious shard of glass.  “Get out of my house,” I say quietly.
“Callum,” Liam says, taking a hesitant step towards me.
“I said get the fuck out of my house!” I scream, my eyes burning with the tears I refuse to let fall.
Not in front of him.  Never again.
“Fine.”  Liam stalks towards the door, stuttering to a stop when he realizes Drake isn’t behind him.  “Drake?”
Drake moves next to me, taking my shaking hand in a show of solidarity and support.  “I’m staying with Callum,” he says quietly.
Liam clenches his jaw, his fury evident.  He turns his back on us and storms out, slamming the door behind him. 
Drake winds his arms around my waist and rests his forehead against my shoulder.  “I got you,” he whispers.  “I got you.”
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