#max+little leclerc.thots
theemporium · 6 months
Max and Little Leclerc
she sees on social media that a big group of her friends are together without her - not just for a dinner or a night out but for something big like a bachelorette party - and nobody even mentioned to her that the event was happening
so she’s kind of sad and off but she doesn’t want to make a big deal of it because Max doesn’t even know these girls but he picks up on it pretty quickly and is immediately pissed off because who on earth would actively choose to exclude his beautiful perfect wife so he calls her favorite restaurant in Monaco and gets a reservation for that night and promises to do what he can to make it up to her
and he goes to play pádel in the afternoon with Charles (while he’s sent her out with his credit card to get a new outfit for dinner) and mentions to him that these bitchy girls left her out and their first true bonding moment *as brothers-in-law* is ripping these girls to shreds because they must be deficient or something
no because from max’s perspective, these are friends she’s had for ages and she’s obviously very hurt by the whole thing. and he can see her trying to brush it off and it pains him that she’s hiding her feelings from but also herself
but for charles, he knows how deeply this hits. he knows that she struggled making friends growing up because she was always a little hyperactive and loud and sometimes found herself in trouble when she didn’t mean to. he knows how excited she was when she thought she found a group of girls who genuinely accepted her as a friend
and both these boys would literally burn the world down for her😭like charles even joking about max’s pissy mood when he first arrives but his face dropping when max tells him??? I CANT😭
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theemporium · 7 months
Max being offended when Little Leclerc doesn't touch him somehow during a car ride is endearing. Like man would give her the biggest puppy eyes.
no but he’s genuinely sat there like, “hello?? I’m your husband, why is your hand not holding mine right now? do you want a divorce? is this because I ate the last croissant? babe, I was joking, I’ll buy you a dozen more”
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theemporium · 7 months
Max and Little Leclerc where they’re out at some sponsor event and she’s trying to squeeze some info out of Yuki while Max is talking to some old man sponsor who says something about “I can’t believe you would go get married now, you’re 26 and the world champion, go sow your wild oats” and Max wants to tell him what’s what but it’s a sponsor, he has to play nice, so he kind of just smiles and laughs along
but she overhears this and knows Max didn’t shut the guy down so she just gets quiet, keeps to herself, subtly shrugs out of his touch when he tries to lay a hand on the small of her back
he’s distracted by working this event until they’re in the car and her hand isn’t on his thigh or on his on the gear shift and hey, wait a minute, is she sitting all the way in the opposite corner of the passenger seat on purpose?
usually she stays over after an event like that because it’s late and she’s tired and she jokes about liking his bed more than hers. but this time she’s asking him to drop her off at her own apartment and he realises that he’s really fucked up somehow because she’s genuinely upset
and the following days are spent bombarding her with messages and flowers are her door and anything to get her to talk to him. and maybe he hunts down yuki because he was the only one at the event with her so he must know, right?
and yuki is so cold when max eventually gets through to him but he eventually tells him what happened and max’s stomach drops in realisation and this boy is willing to do ANYTHING to start making it up to her
cue max verstappen using his insta—that is notoriously only used to post work related stuff—to post a wife appreciation post because he knows it will get her attention and it’s enough for her to let him in again so he can grovel properly🥹
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theemporium · 7 months
or even after a massive argument between her and her brothers and he comes to pick her up from their family home???
Hellooo??I'm forever obsessed with them 😍
she goes over for some sort of family night or something. and maybe it starts off as a jokey kinda conversation but then maybe charles or arthur make a comment about she’s always making their lives harder because she doesn’t reign herself in and she’s like “oh”
and she gets upset and maybe it just keeps getting worse and maybe even enzo isn’t on her side all that much either, like he keeps saying that the boys have a point. and maybe she just kinda locks herself away in the bathroom or something and she’s messaging max about how she doesn’t want to stay here anymore because maybe all the siblings were meant to stay the night. and maybe she says to him that she’s walking back and he refuses, he says he will pick her up and she assumes he means he will message her when he’s outside
and suddenly she can hear all this commotion outside and she steps back into the living room to find mad max in full force demanding to know where his wife is and putting all the boys in their place and it’s just so🫠
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theemporium · 7 months
also now I’m thinking about Charles’ reaction to Max knocking up little Leclerc someday in the future. They could be married for 5 years at this point and Charles still threatens to kill Max.
- 🐁
everyone is so happy and congratulating them and wishing them the best in this new state of life. meanwhile charles is sitting there like, “I knew I should’ve chopped his dick off when I had the chance”
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theemporium · 7 months
Max accidentally eats the last of little leclerc’s favorite snack and she BLASTS the Great War by tswift until he goes and buys her more
- 🐁
PLEASE😭the boy is so stressed and confused when he hears her blasting it and he’s trying to work out what he did wrong. but she’s giving him the silent treatment and he’s spiralling further until he gets a message from oscar or logan telling him what he’s done
and then he’s rolling his eyes, but there’s a fond smile on his face as he heads out to stock up on her favourite snacks, plus some extra treats. and he just slowly drags her into his arms, placing kisses all over her face and jaw and neck before gifting her everything. and he just loves the way her face lights up and the way she hugs him tight after🥲
but she also definitely uses the incident against him for the next month on the stupidest of things😭like she gets to pick the movie because he ate her snacks!! or she gets to choose their holiday destination because he ate her snacks!!!
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theemporium · 6 months
I saw photos of Charles and Alexandra in Venice at a ball (ig?) and now I can't stop thinking about Max and little Leclerc being there as well and sneaking out for a quckie in a bathroom bc they both look too good and couldn't handle the tension
but max is just complimenting her as usual but the second she throws one back at him, the boy becomes a blushy and flustered mess. and maybe she styled him and charles. maybe whilst charles is in the blue suit, max is in one that is dark red and he looks so good and she just can't stop staring
but also the softness of her fussing over him afterwards because they can't just go back all dishevelled. she needs to make sure they both look good and she needs to make sure his tie is right and straightened and he just grins as she fusses over him
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theemporium · 7 months
Imagine Little Leclerc gets hurt somehow. Maybe a car accident or maybe something happens with her ex. And Max is freaking the fuck out. He’s so angry at the person who did this to her and so terrified that he’s going to lose her. She ends up being mostly fine… just a concussion or a broken arm or something. But Max is so protective of her and is just waiting on her hand and foot. This whole experience is what opens Charles’ eyes that Max really does love his sister so he stops looking for a divorce lawyer.
STOP IT😭😭😭I don’t wanna spoil stuff for what I have planned in the fic so we are just gonna talk about this in a total au of an au BUT ANYWAYS
no but little leclerc getting hurt in any way, shape or form would send max over the edge. maybe she was meant to come to the paddock after the drivers but she’s still not there and they are freaking out. and maybe it’s a small accident that causes her to be in hospital and max is her emergency contact because he’s her husband
and imagine this boy telling everyone to fuck off about needing to be in the car as he rushes to the hospital to see her. and charles doesn’t find out until after and when he arrives, he sees max doting over her and feeding her something despite the fact she’s insistent she can feed herself
and it’s just a sweet fucking moment. it’s watching a husband dote and care for his wife who he loves. it’s watching such a domestic moment between them, seeing his sister (who notoriously hates hospitals) feeling at ease beside max who’s making her smile and laugh and roll her eyes and it just eases something in his chest to know that his sister has someone like that🥹
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theemporium · 7 months
Physically here, mentally far away thinking abt max and little leclerc having sex. Normally max would pull out just because he loves the sight of her being covered in his cum, then reaching two fingers to collect some of it from her abdomen and lifting it up to her lips so she can lick them clean while looking deep in his eyes.
But this one time, they're fucking after a triple header and they missed each other so much and max is so so close, he knows he should pull out but little leclerc is squeezing him so good and he just physically cannot get over the thought of cumming deep in her cunt. He looks at his girl to see her already looking at him, knowing that they're both on the verge of orgasm and quietly says "I need you to cum inside me, max, I want you to fill me up" and he's already gone, gripping her hips with shaky hands and kissing her passionately while painting her insides with everything he's got just for her, then collapsing on top of her, totally spent.
After calming in her arms, breathing in her scent, getting some head scratches (obviously), he pulls out and starts placing butterfly kisses down her neck, collarbones and sternum, then her belly and hips and finally when his lips land just above her pubic bone, she asks "baby, what are you doing?". Max looks up and says, "gotta clean that pretty pussy up, stay still for me sweetheart" bc he knows she's gonna be overwhelmed with the feeling of his mouth on her and she'll try to wiggle out of his grip on her hips and he's not having any of it.
and the way she’s got her fingers tangled in his hair, pulling and moaning and arching off the bed but he’s keeping her locked in place because the sight is so pretty and he’s fucking missed it over the last few weeks
and afterwards, the way he just crawls back up her body and lays his head on her chest and both of them know they should get up and clean themselves up. but they are so cosy and they are both fighting the urge to fall asleep and the warmth of him on top of her mixed with the feeling of her nails scratching his scalp and it’s just so🥹
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theemporium · 7 months
Okay but little leclerc choosing a suit for max is so sweet. I'd like to think that she goes for a dark blue/navy colour (obviously to match with redbull) but also maybe gets him a three piece suit, with a vest and all (because that would be so hot icl)
And she gets a dress to match him (which means she's also wearing dark blue) which pisses charles of a little bit😂 and they both just stick together the entire night.
There are so many pictures online after the ceremony of max(on his way home) without the suit jacket, the tie undone a little bit, the vest unbuttoned, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and his hair messy and cheeks a little flushed from the alcohol. He also has the sweetest smile on his face as he looks to little leclerc and helps her into the car
I just know that everyone would lose their minds seeing this man out of that redbull kit, and in this dark blue and black three piece suit, especially after expecting him in his usual tux
okay but them coming home and he goes to start taking it off but she stops him and kinda pushes him down onto the couch before straddling his lap
and max is so confused but she’s pouting like, “no, let me enjoy this a little longer, you look hot”
and honestly? max’s head goes absolutely blank. this boy is just overwhelmed by the way she’s kissing him senseless and rocking her hips against his. and this boy is genuinely ready to wear a suit every day if it gets her this worked up🫠
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theemporium · 7 months
I was looking through your max x little le clerc tag and I just sooo get the vibes she’s constantly sitting or laying on top of max. he’s sitting? she’s in his lap. laying down? she’s starfished on top of him.
SHE WOULD!!! it would definitely start as a joke just to wind charles up but then it just becomes the norm. and then one day somebody mentions it to her and she actively chooses to sit on her own seat instead because she thinks maybe max is sick of it
meanwhile this boy is sitting there, looking so offended at why she’s not sitting on his lap😭probably just lifts her up and places her on his lap before carrying on with his conversation like nothing happened, but she’s just grinning happily at the whole thing
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theemporium · 8 months
Feeding off the last anon that talked about max and little Leclerc joking with each other with the “a good husband would take his wife to McDonald’s” and well maybe Max realizes this is a weekly occurrence and sees that she doesn’t eat how she should and just pulls up one night with groceries and they make dinner together.
And then it becomes a weekly thing for them especially once the season ends and then time skip to Christmas and things have been good between them and there’s definitely A LOT more flirting and maybe even a drunken night or two of sex.
And max hands her a box Christmas morning and she’s all like “What’s this? I didn’t know you were getting me anything” and max just smiles and says “Well a good husband gets his wife Christmas gifts”
And I’m delusional so I’m imagining a wee love confession
oh bless this is cute🥹
just imagining the wee bonding experiences they have over those nights when they are cooking dinner together as well. her opening up about the media always ridiculing her and feeling like she’s a nuisance to her brothers. him opening up about his dad and the pressure he feels on his shoulders to keep doing well after 2021 to prove it wasn’t a fluke
and it’s just so wholesome and sweet and maybe she even invited him to the leclerc christmas dinner because he couldn’t head back to the netherlands this year to see his mum and sister and it’s all just so🥲
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theemporium · 7 months
no but also Max waking up to find LL getting herself off and immediately being like let me take care of that and after she’s like “wait you’re not mad about that?” and he’s all “I’m only upset with myself that you don’t instinctively trust that I will take care of that for you but we will work at that for as long as it takes”
(can you tell I need this Max, like, yesterday)
no because maybe before they actually sleep together, it becomes a whole dynamic between them where he always helps her get off. he’s always there to help, he wants to help, he wants to be the one that makes her feel good
but she always feels bad because he never actually gets anything from it. yeah sure, maybe he’s come in his pants a few times while eating her out but he never actually lets her do anything back because he wants the focus to be on her after he found out about her shitty exes.
and imagine she tries to get herself off because she feels bad that she’s always bothering him but she just can’t. she keeps getting close because she can’t make herself come and she’s annoyed and frustrated and she just shows up at max’s door during a race weekend, teary eyed and upset with herself and the whole situation
and the way this boy calms her down. wiping away her tears and kissing her wet cheeks before he slowly moves down her body, finally giving her that release she had been craving and she’s just so exhausted after and it’s the first time she ever sleeps over
she just curls into his embrace and max holds her, a wee smile on his face because it means he’s finally getting closer to her and it’s just so🥹
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theemporium · 7 months
being self indulgent bc I had a horrible day at work
Max and Little Leclerc with a “where is my wife?!” Iconic. Show stopping. Amazing.
okay but there’s so many ways it can be used???
after a race when fans/journalists have been so rude that she’s hidden away because the cameras are staring to stress her out?
or maybe there was an accident and she never made it to the paddock and max is losing his mind?
or even after a massive argument between her and her brothers and he comes to pick her up from their family home???
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theemporium · 7 months
LL falling sick on a race weekend and the Ferrari hospitality is just Too Much so she sleeps in Max’s driver room instead and he comes in and just freezes before creeping in and making sure he doesn’t make a sound. He’s so overwhelmed that she’s comfortable enough to sleep in his room.
- 🐁
the way his heart just explodes😭😭😭maybe she was cold and she’s just slipped on one of his hoodies and she’s all curled up and maybe she’s hugging one of those wee jimmy plushies🥹
he would also just get her whatever she wants. he’s making people run around to get her anything she needs. he’s asking for updates on her health when he’s in the car and gp is like, “max, please just fucking race—"
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theemporium · 5 months
thinking about max and little leclerc during ferarri car launch and how she's there just hanging around but max just keeps texting her jokingly about committing espionage and asking for detail on the car and how much she thinks charles likes the car. and like yeah he does it because he knows charles' blood pressure is gonna go through the roof when he finds out that he's texting his sister but if he's also texting because he misses her... well, no one really needs to know that now do they
charles is literally two seconds away from snatching her phone because he is convinced that max is somehow gonna use it to get confidential information and she is just like ????
but also imagine him softening a little when he looks down at the phone at the same time max texts her that he misses her and a small part of him (even if he wouldn't admit it out loud) is glad his sister has someone who cares for her
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