#mature steven au
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The SAP Squad: Spinel, Adam & Pink-Pearl (2024)
[Note: Mature Audience Readers Only, Because I will be mentioning Lilith (Charlie's Mom) by her new Nickname in this post...the nickname will still be censored though.]
Credit for Hazbin Hotel goes to Vivienne "Vivziepop" Medrano
Credit for Steven Universe goes to Rebecca Sugar
Pink Diamond/"Rose Quartz" and Lilith might be different characters, but they sure as heck have hurt others… even if the reasons they left those that loved them are a bit different, but they both were still not 100% good.
yeah I still think the Lilith from our universe needed space, but Adam made the mistake in trusting those three angels in handling it… I can't really bring myself to 100% hate Adam of Hazbin Hotel, and yeah as weird as it might be, I can't help but view him being a bit like Spinel & Pink-Pearl/"Vollie"…
all three of them were badly hurt by Pink Diamond and Lilith, even if that story book plays it out like Adam was fully the bad guy but sometimes there are more to the story. and for all we know, the Lilith from Hazbin Hotel, could seem sweet and loving to her family…
but she has the dark side of being a lying, cold-hearted, manipulative, two-faced b**th who needs a good old punch to her face.
also I kinda hope that the story "The eve of Adam" that is by well someone who goes by "Anonymous" (but they go by another name on tumblr, and well I did have it wrote down on this of course but then I wasn't sure if they would want me to mention their name on here or not...and well if they don't mind it, I can edit this sometime later and say what it is. ) over at Archive Of Our Own, a part of me hopes it will be like with Kris eating all the pie in Chapter 2 of Deltarune…
of course I still think there was more that happen before Kris ate all the pie.
before I found "The eve of Adam", I had read another story that was like it but there seems to be some differences, but the one who wrote "Adam/Eve" doesn't go by "Anonymous"
but they go by "BeckyHomeEcky", I know by looking at the dates, the story "The eve of Adam" was published on April 10, 2024. and the
other "Adam/Eve" came much later on the same month. and I think we shouldn't jump into a misunderstanding.
it can be possible they had the same idea or like they could know each other and well the stories might still have Adam in that whole surprising situation, that I would love for to become canon.
I would love to write a fanfic with Adam and Eve's dark secret that appears in those two, but I guess I should wait to see if it will be okay.
both stories are interesting, of course when I did read that Adam/Eve story, I was inspired to draw a bit of fan art that was inspired by it…..it has to do with Eve and a wedding dress.
but I think I will wait a while before I post it. and well, I wonder if they know each other…? well I still like both stories, and makes me want to protect Adam (from Hazbin Hotel) like hug on to him and glare at Lilith The First B**th, and tell her to "Stay Away From Him…"…….
I wouldn't be surprised if "The First B**th" lied to Charlie's Dad about how Adam treated her, like throwing in a bit of truth but like a mix of half-truth with lies, making things worse than how they appear…….
wouldn't put it past her if she did.
and yes, I'm going to call her by the nickname "The First B**th", she isn't the boss of this "Eveningstar Princess"…also if Cain is anything like Adam (in those two Hazbin Hotel Fan Fics),
I can make a guess how Cain (from both "The eve of Adam" & "Adam/Eve" Stories) was able to have children and become a parent…I'm still gonna call both Cain & Seth by the nickname "Grunkle-Paw" because they would both be my Uncles & Grandpas.
and once again, reasons why I started to call myself "Eveningstar Princess" has to do with the weird thing with my Mom, and how she NEVER got Morning Sickness…
she only got Evening Sickness when she was going to have me, and I was even a weird little baby even before being born. XD the other weird thing was that I was a really big newborn, and I looked like a 2 week old……my Mom couldn't walk very well after having me….
but at least she got better after it, so that's good.
another name to call Cain, besides his shared nickname with Seth, which is "Grunkle-Paw"…
is to call him either Peepaw Cain or Grandpa Cain, and yeah the whole "Earth Angel Princess" thing is a weird thing that pop into my head…
(also if you want to skip some of this talk, well…just keep a eye out for the bold words.)
well blame it on some Royal Ancestors, some to which are King David and his son King Solomon (me being in the line that can't take the throne is still a blessing to me, so still not a curse.)
also even if it does turn out to be true, that Asmodeus did throw King Solomon to another part of some far away land…
that would mean that he accidentally caused this Earth Angel Princess's Birth…in other words, he caused my Ancestor-Grandparents to meet, fall in love and have their son who's line I will end up being descendant of.
well I'm pretty sure I was already a weird little accident anyway, I mean I'm pretty sure my Mom and Dad in this life had me on purpose in this life…
but as for the whole birth of my Soul, I'm pretty sure I was a unsuspected accidental surprise.
I don't know if some Eon-Boomers will listen to me, I mean I find some info about Jesus & Antichrist really messed up…it was thanks to a video I watched that talked about a possible what if future…
that made me not really happy with those two, cause no matter what choice a person makes, they are doomed either way…
this is why Earthly-Mother needs to stop those two, and protect this world…to stop a terrible future, and well that, and if Jesus and his Army are planing to do that stuff that is talked about in that video.
wouldn't it be better to do a type of cleansing that heals instead of taking a life, I mean I hope that kind of messed up future that has to do with those two sides doesn't happen at all.
I never want to take that mark, and well I had some unladylike
thoughts about where the Antichrist can well……shove it to… one thing that those of the Masculine Energy, and have been influenced by the Toxic-Masculine Energy that has plague this world since the dethroning of the Goddess.
you can only push around and mistreat the Feminine Energy so much before she grows tired of it and will push back….
and even if not all the Masculine Energy is bad, and there is that whole small Toxic-Feminine Energy (which once again isn't as high or as super dangerous as its counterpart, but it is still dangerous.) but the Toxic-Masculine is still a problem, and the whole messed up stuff those two would want to do in a possible future, it is REALLY messed up.
I mean, even if ya do that mark (BUT DON'T EVER DO THAT) you will only be given a game over by Jesus's Army, and even if you don't take it you will still be harmed in some way. I think we should at least try to stop those possible futures, to protect this world even if it isn't perfect, it is still our home. and well I still want to try to pray for Jesus, and hope he wont do that kind of messed up stuff in the future.
Other Earth Angels (who are also Humans) can't truly be okay with that kind of future or see it as "perfectly normal"…that isn't normal. when you really think about it, both sides what they want to do to a person who either does or doesn't get that mark……..it's messed up, I can't be the only one who see that right…?
and hopefully we wont have to do a whole "Neo-Messiah" thing at this time of the present, it could be possible that could be a thing in a far off future. like both The Heavenly-Father & Earthly-Mother having to make a "Neo-Messiah" as a last resort, because well how bad the Toxic-Masculine Energy has been.
so long as Jesus can still be saved from himself, and make sure he and his Army never does that terrible stuff in a possible future, we might not need to have a Neo-Messiah…
well at least not in this century, and what we should at least try to do is make sure the Antichrist doesn't do that whole messed up stuff either… when I'm able to, I would like to watch that Good Omens, even if that boy in it is suppose to be a "Antichrist" it doesn't mean he has to be. and yeah, I seen a clip and it had do with how some lady couldn't see his aura. but the reason being that, it was there but she just wasn't able to see it.
I'm not sure if many will agree with me about the whole thing that is messed up about what both sides want to do, and I know some might think what Jesus and his Army will possibly do in a possible future is "okay" and "right", but I don't see it that way…it is just not. and in my view, it would be no better than the possible messed up stuff the Antichrist wants to do.
like I can still believe, ya know in the good side of Jesus and hope that he doesn't ever cross that line. it's not like everyone will wake up to the truth on how messed up it is, like you get a game over either way.
but once again, hopefully that kind of future that has to do with those two can be stopped…
excuse me if this Defective Earth Angel, doesn't agree with those two when they want to cause some form of harm that could by end up causing trauma to the soul.
plus what those two want to cause in the future, could be a type of Domestic Violence on The Feminine Energy.
some might say "no it isn't." and yeah it is possible I can't change the minds of those who believe that, so I ain't gonna force them.
but I'm not okay with what the Antichrist wants to possibly do, and I'm not okay with what Jesus and his Army want to possibly do to people even to those who felt like they see no other choice because they felt they had to do so to still live in some form of happiness with family and friends, but even with that happiness, they could still end up feeling not very good about it.
I'm going to at least hope those terrible possible futures can be stop, and people can try to hope things get a lot more better… and for Mammon to stop with the Toxic-Greed already, a little greed is normal so long as it doesn't cross a very bad line….
seriously ya Eon-Boomer of Greed, Stop Misbehaving.
and that goes for any of the other Eon-Boomer or Eon-Boomers that have had a hand in some messed up stuff that has happen. and yes the whole "Eon-Boomer" is a bit like "Baby-Boomer" but it also means that the Eon-Boomer would be WAY older than the whole Baby-Boomer thing…
anyway hope some can understand my feelings about that whole possible future hot mess that is like really messed up, and well anyway this drawing just seems to speak for itself.
not like it is really speaking, but more like…I think that in a type of Fanon Timeline/Crossover AU…those three would become friends when they share a bit of their past with each other.
even if Adam can still be a bit of a, jerk and full of himself just because he is the "First Man"….
but deep down, he might of been hiding a deep hurt.
we know that Pink had hurt both Spinel and Pink-Pearl aka "Vollie" (Vollie seems like a better nickname than Volleyball to me…even if "Volleyball" is still okay, but I like "Vollie" better.)
and she did so on purpose, same goes with what The First B**th did, plus I wouldn't be surprised if that book that Charlie read, is full of only half-truth and half-lies. because The First B**th wanted Charlie to see her Mom as the "Misunderstood Good Guy" when really she is just a two-faced lying woman and she is no better than Adam.
she better have a good reason why she left, because if she did so because part of her never loved her family, I hope she gets her butt kicked.
also the reason why I kind of like Susan from Hazbin Hotel, like maybe a little…like besides her being like a grumpy Great-Aunt or Grandmother….
well one of the reasons I like her, is that she gets Alastor to call her a certain word. as weird as it seems, I just can't help but find it funny he says that about Susan.
also besides those two stories I can't wait to read the next chapters of that is "The eve of Adam" and "Adam/Eve" there is other stories that I'm also reading that has to do with Alastor. of course I'm reading some other stories as well.
The Queens of Sloth and Gluttony from Helluva Boss, just reminds me of stuff that went on when I was really little. one of them being that, I was always tired and the whole always having to be taken to the hospital whenever a seizure ended up happening.
I still think my seizures, may have been caused by some bad energies coming from those around me and even the places I had been living at before.
the reason why they seem to stop when moving to the town we live at now, might have to do with the energy being less dangerous. but I still should try to be careful, and I know not everyone will agree that I believe my seizures had been because of the energies that was coming from both people and a place.
so yeah, Bee and Bel from Helluva Boss kind of remind me of that…so far we haven't seen Bel yet, but we might see her in the future.
anyway I think that Adam, Spinel and Vollie would get along great as friends, even if Adam can be a jerk and has a very big ego of himself… but for all we know, he might not be as heartless as he plays himself out to be.
and even he can agree what Pink did to both Spinel & Vollie, was crossing a line and super messed up.
Adam could see a bit of himself in Spinel, because he was left by his first wife and well there could still be more to the story, even we the fans of the show and Charlies doesn't know about.
those three were badly hurt by both Pink and Lilith, and for all we know, Adam was really badly hurt by what Lilith and Lucifer. but it could be possible that both Adam & Lucifer are victims of Lilith. and the reason why Lucifer can't truly see it, because of his feelings for her. and who knows what could of caused them to split-up from each other.
Lilith wanting some freedom and be her own person is good, but her being possibly a terrible person to both Adam and Lucifer, and making herself seem like a "hero" to her daughter, is a different story. we just have to wait and see if it all turns out to be true, and if it is true that the Lilith from the show is who we think she might truly be.
then the whole nickname I said before that has to do with her being "The First B**th" would fit her perfectly, and no I ain't spelling it without placing some censoring in there.
and once again, I kind of hope that the whole Eve thing ends up being canon, because those two stories I read that has to do with Adam, makes me wish it was canon.
like it being like the few ideas that were put in Deltarune AUs and it turns out it ends up being accidentally predicted canon events of Deltarune's Chapter 2.
it wouldn't be the first time a fan when making some fan stories ended up predicting future canon… like the whole Ice King being in the Fridge in Adventure Time…but it may have been in a chapter of a fanfic first before it happen.
in real life, that could be dangerous of course…Ice King is of course what we know as a "Toon" and he has Ice powers so he will be fine. in a Crossover that is a Fanon Timeline, Adam and Lucifer should just throw Lilith to the Ice King….
also if you have ever wrote a fanfic that has Ice King doing that weird thing, where ya find him in a refrigerator and then some year or so later, in the cartoon he is in the refrigerator.
so of course some will end up freaking out, that would be like one of those accidentally predicting canon events even if the scene is slightly different from the fanfic.
and even if the chances are low and might not happen, but a part of me kind of hopes that the thing with Adam and Eve that was in those two stories, ends up being one of those accidental predicting of future canon events.
and yeah, while I can still view Charlie & Emily as a bit of kindred spirits, but even they should learn there is just some Sinners that are too far gone to be redeemed… some who are far worse than The Vees and any other Sinner who is either a Overlord or not.
who knows if they will show the much darker side to Sinners in the shows, but if they do then it would mean that both redemption & extermination day is needed.
but the whole Extermination Day, might have to change the way its done and not go after every Sinner.
like don't know if that will really happen in the show, and if it doesn't, well there is always the Fanon.
we just have to wait and see what happens in the future.
also, I thought it be a good idea to have the option for those to skip the whole talk about the messed up logic and twisted form of justice that has to do with that whole possible future with Jesus and Antichrist, and yeah what they both want to do does peeve me off.
I can still try to believe in the good side of Jesus, but I refuse to let him or his Army hurt people who might make mistakes that made them believe there was no other way...and that goes double for the Antichrist as well. (I still think that NO one should take that mark...)
hopefully The Earthly-Mother and The Feminine Messiah, can stop those two...well them helping stop them, as well as hope the Heavenly-Father helps as well.
anyway, I still think Adam would get along with Spinel and Pink-Pearl.
and as weird as it might be, I think they have some things in common.
even if some of the bad experiences the three of them faced are different, but they were still hurt by Lilith (Charlie's Mom) & Pink/Rose (Steven's Mom)...
I'm gonna keep a eye out for the updates for those two stories "The eve of Adam" and "Adam/Eve" because I can't help but fall in love with the idea that has to do with the true story about Adam & Eve.
and I know the chances of what goes on with Adam in both of those stories, is a small like super small chance being one of those times when fans accidentally predict canon events of either a future chapter of a game or like in a future episode of a new season of a show.
no one could of guessed that some fan animation and audio would accidentally predict that Kris from Deltarune, would eat the whole pie.
but I still think they had left the house first, broke into the library, open a dark fountain in the computer room, and then once they were done they came home and ate all the pie...which would be their perfect cover for what they were really up to.
Kris is obviously Nonbinary in the canon.
so in any AU of the Fanon, they could be a Enby, Enboy or Enbirl.
if they are a Nonbinary-Girl in some AU, they would go by She/They and if they are a Nonbinary-Boy they would go by He/They.
but in the main timeline of the Delatrune Universe, they go by They/Them.
and yeah, no one could of guesses while playing Chapter 2 pf Deltarune, another fan work would end up accidentally predicting the canon events that would appear in that chapter...
that is why I love it, at least it is better than the whole Simpsons Predictions, and I hope someday that series will just...you know, it can still do reruns and sell DVDs and stuff of all the seasons.
but I think I would rather have another season of Futurama and Disenchantment, because of certain reasons...
and yeah, I'm talking about the predictions that are talked about that happen in the show, and NOT by fans.
I still would rather that show stop being worked on so much, and just put a bit more focus on Disenchantment, but the chances of that might be really small...hopefully they will have a final season of the Simpsons at some point, and maybe someday make a Spin-Off that doesn't make creepy prediction.
one of the things that should change, is that they can't just kill off a character just because either something bad happens to the character's voice actor, either that something bad happens to them or they quit.
I can't be the only one who thinks there is something seriously wrong with that messed up sugar honey ice tea...
I mean in that old cartoon of the House Of Mouse, they could still have King Louie appear but he lost his voice, so his brother has to do most of the talking, and King Louie has to wait until a new voice he orders comes in.
I get that the lady hated the lost of her husband who voiced King Louie, but she shouldn't stop the character that her husband gave some life to with his voice, from appearing in a episode.
that is selfish and insensitive, that just hurts the Toon that was given a voice by those who put their hearts and souls into the work, either it be a cartoon, movie or video game.
like it can turn out when a Toon loses their voice, before the completion of their series, and even before some spin-off of the series.
if a Toon loses their voice way too soon, it means that the one who gave them their original voice has left this world.
in some cases, it can be when they quit and leave, but in some cases it can be when they leave this world a bit too soon.
and some characters who live in a Cartoon or Video Game or the mix of Live Action/Cartoon Worlds, they do deserve better.
and some people who have made great shows like Red Vs Blue, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss and any others who had change voice actors for some of their characters, do a bit more better than what the Simpsons series are known for, as well as the whole King Louie situation from one of the House Of Mouse episode.
we know that Caboose's voice actor had to change, because of some info about his original voice actor.
like whenever a character, either it be a 2D, 3D or even a CGI character.
whenever they loose their voice, it can be either when the person who gave them their original voice had quit, or when they go to the afterlife...
for some characters we can think they get a new voice from some kinda of voice ordering system, but in real life it has to do with finding the right person to replace the previous person who gave them a voice.
I guess I can still like the Simpsons, but I haven't been watching much of it but maybe I can find the time to once in a while.
I just am not a big fan with the creepy stuff that has been going on with it...
it be nice if others ended up drawing The S.A.P. Squad as well.
don't know how many would end up falling in love with it though.
anyway I'm going to go and find the tumblr of the one who wrote "The eve of Adam" and once again, also I'm still gonna keep a eye out for the next chapter of that, as well as that one that is "Adam/Eve"
and yeah I know it is wishful thinking that might end up being one of those accidental canon prediction, but if the thing that happens in those two stories doesn't happen in the future season then we can just be happy it does in the Fanon.
but anyway it might be thanks to reading a bit of "The eve of Adam" and "Adam/Eve" over at Archive Of Their Own, that made me realize a bit more on how Adam is a bit like Spinel and Pink-Pearl.
even if he still has that whole jerk side to himself, but him hiding that hurt and fragile soul that could turn out to be canon, it makes one just want to protect that First Adorkable Goober.
give that man a hug, and have him watch Steven Universe Movie and have him watch the whole series of Steven Universe, even the Steven Universe Future which even if some fans don't like, but I still love it because it shows some truths about Greg Universe we have been ignoring the whole time and if we re-watch the start of the series we will understand that the episode where it shows the truth about Greg's Parents, just shows that he is no better than them.
even if Greg might have some good points, he might not of saw the full picture, I mean one of or both of his parents could of suffered from that one thing that I forgot the name of...
that has to do with not being able to handle really loud sounds to the point it can become painful for them.
and like Steven said, Greg's Parents probably gave him meatloaf for a reason...and if they did have to change it up a bit, they could put some mustard on top of the meatloaf, have different stuff mixed in there if Greg was tired of the same type of meatloaf.
I can still like the good side of Greg, but he couldn't see that him and his parents were both in the wrong, and he was probably just being a insensitive spoiled brat, who couldn't think that maybe his parents couldn't get him all that he wanted, because they just didn't have the money for it.
or the fact that the reason there was a freaking curfew for him, as well as chaperons was to keep him safe and out of danger.
and the fact they made him take up wrestling, was for self-defense so he could better protect himself.
if Steven learned all that from either his Honorary Uncle who is his Dad's Cousin, or by his Grandparents or all three of them.
he would learn that his Dad didn't have the full picture, and things could of worked out better if Greg and Steven's Grandparents just sit down and talk it out.
if Greg's Parents were going through some Money troubles, and one or both of them had that one thing that has to do with them not being able to take very loud sounds, like when Greg turns his music up way too loud to the point it becomes painful for one of them or both of them, and it has to be either the Dad or Mom or both to go to Greg and get him to either turn it down or turn it off...but with how Greg is, he likely either ignores them or doesn't hear them.
and if there is going to be another series of Steven Universe in the future, I hope they will have Greg's Parents side to the story added in there.
and as weird as it sounds, I kind of want to try meatloaf with some guacamole on top.
after trying guacamole for the first time in April 2024, I found that I liked it.
so after talking about the whole meatloaf thing, and thinking about that.
I want to put some guacamole on meatloaf and eat it.
anyway hope some like this crossover fan art of The S.A.P. Squad.
I hope others end up drawing those three characters together as well.
like them being like "I bud it" cause not all ships are romantic and some are platonic but with some platonic ships, you don't call them ships or use the whole "I ship it"
you either use "I bud it", "I fam it" or "I sib it"
the "I fam it" & "I sib it" being Family and Siblings.
Frisk and Chara being adopted by The Dreemurr Family, is a "I Fam It" type.
also I hope some understand about my thoughts and feelings about not to misinterpret, when we do misunderstand something without getting all the facts, sometimes hurt feelings happens.
of course that thing that happen a few years ago with that Toxic-Religious person who hurt my feelings really badly, was anything but a misunderstanding...they just couldn't accept I believe in a Goddess now, even though I can still believe in God as well.
and maybe when I'm able to, I will post that drawing that was inspired by that "Adam/Eve" story, but it might not be happening right away. and anyway, I will keep a eye out for the future chapters of that story as well as the one that is called "The eve of Adam"
as well as keep a eye out for other future chapters of the other stories I'm reading as well.
anyway hope some like the whole S.A.P. Squad and the idea of Adam from Hazbin Hotel becoming friends with Spinel & Pink-Pearl from Steven Universe. :)
and once again, it is thanks to reading those two stories, that made me see even more that Adam is just a misunderstood bad boy, and Lilith may not be all as she appears, and she might be a two-faced, lying witch who has Lucifer and Charlie fooled.
and if there are more than one Lilith in our universe, there being like The Matriarch (which would be Adam's first wife) and The Lesser-Lilith who is the youngest...
if that happen in some Fanon Timeline, The Lesser-Lilith who is the youngest could be like seen as the older sister figure of Charlie maybe. who might not agree with some stuff that the Elder Lilith has done to both her ex-husbands.
well if some info is true, then right after The Lesser-Lilith, would be The Small-Lilith...but we don't have to get into that at the moment.
even if the name S.A.P. Squad doesn't make sense to some, but it came to me when wanting to do this drawing that has Spinel, Pink-Pearl and Adam.
you could say they have a Sappy Friendship. XD
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Indecent Proposal (1)
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Summary: Your boyfriend wants to be part of their empire. You are the pawn he’s willing to sacrifice.
Rating: Mature
Square filled for @stuckybingo Round 5: free space - mafia au
Square filled for @anyfandomgoesbingo: Free Space
Pairing: Mobster!Stucky x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, language, mentions of illegal activities/mafia business/murder, strong reader, mentions of breeding/surrogate, wish for children, shady deals, shitty boyfriend, reader doesn't take shit from no one, tension, sexy mobsters
Words: 1,5k
Indecent Proposal masterlist
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“Babe, how do I look?” Your boyfriend asks, almost stumbling over his words as the men he was hoping to meet at the fancy party walk inside the room. 
Well, they don’t walk like normal people. They are stepping inside the room, stopping in their tracks to look at the people in the room. It looks like the crowd parts like the Red Sea to form a path only for them.
Steven Grant Rogers. James Buchanan Barnes. – Two names you must know if you ever heard of New York City and its mob.
They are as good-looking as they are dangerous. A deadly combination of beauty and the beast hidden behind blue eyes.
If you don’t want to end up six feet under, you don’t mess with them. Or even look their way too long.
“Did you put on the underwear I told you to?” 
“What has this to do with the party?” You sigh, as you still don’t know why Scott brought you here.
You’ve been dating for a few months, and you had hoped that tonight, he’d do more than the bare minimum. He’s not a bad guy, but an awful partner.
A criminal too. Not a criminal mastermind, but you already figured out that the small business he runs is far from legal.
“It’s important, babe,” you roll your eyes at the awful pet name. You hate it and told him so before. “Okay, don’t say anything stupid. Or, just look pretty and don’t say anything at all.”
“What?” Now you square your jaw. You don’t understand what has gotten into Scott until you lift your eyes off him to meet two pairs of blue ones. “Oh…”
“Mr. Rogers, Mr. Barnes,” Scott looks pathetic when he bows for the heads of the mob in town. “I’m honored to meet you again. Thank you for having me.”
The men ignore Scott and his offered hand. Instead, they look at you. Steve almost shoves your boyfriend aside as he holds out his hand to take yours.
“I see you followed our invitation,” he lowers himself to press a kiss to the back of your hand. You shiver. He seems so polite, and kind. But behind his blue eyes, you can see the beast wanting to break free.
“Stevie don’t scare her off right away,” you are a little overwhelmed when James Barnes turns his attention toward you. He takes your other hand and kisses your knuckles, glancing at your ring finger. “No ring, doll? He didn’t ask you to be his forever?”
“No-“ You’re usually not shy, or meek. But these men crowd you like prey and have their hands on you. You know they are in a relationship, but right now, they look at you as if you are their latest meal. “We’re only dating for a few months.”
“A shame,” Steve cups your chin, making you whimper. You never felt like this before. Confused and aroused at the same time. These men are strangers, but oddly you feel safe in their presence. “What do you say? Shall we lead this to a more private area?”
You don’t know why they are interested in leading you and your boyfriend to a private area, but this can’t be good. People like them never have good intentions, and you assume Steve and Bucky are no exception.
“I’m good here…I mean. You should enjoy your party. Don’t you have to greet all the people you invited?” You nervously babble. 
“Doll, they don’t care if we greet them or not. They are only here to show respect to us,” Bucky runs his index finger up your arm. He smirks as you involuntarily shudder at his touch. “Let’s lead this to our office.”
“Scott,” you dip your head to glance at your boyfriend. He looks up at Steve as if the man is carrying a halo on top of his head. “Scott!”
“Babe don’t be rude. We should follow them to the office,” your boyfriend is no help. He’s wringing his hands while staring at Steve Rogers. God, he’s such a pathetic little boy. You just see it now when you watch him interact with two real men.
“Fine,” you snap at Scott if only to end his pathetic act. “Mr. Rogers, Mr. Barnes, please lead the way.” 
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“Do you want a drink or a canapé doll? We can ask the maid to get you something you’ll like,” Bucky sits next to you on the couch, one hand running up and down his thigh, the other creeping toward your thigh. He brushes his metal finger over your exposed skin, barely listening to what his partner has to say.
“Buck, did you listen?”
“Seal the deal,” the brunette clicks his tongue, “I’ll take care of the main act in the meantime. You know I don’t care about the conditions. We already negotiated them. You can take care of the details.”
“I want to take over more important tasks,” Scott suddenly says. He glances at you, and then he looks at Steve. “Sir, I agree on the terms. I’ll do anything to prove that you can trust me.”
“Does she agree on our terms too?” Steve dips his head to watch you stop Bucky’s hand from stroking your thigh. “Buck, we are talking here.”
“I know,” Bucky huffs. “All you do is talk to that slimy little bastard. Give him what he wants so we can get what we want.”
“Mr. Lang, you know that if we seal the deal, that you cannot break it. We have rules for a reason.”
“She will agree,” Scott hastily says. You snap your head toward your boyfriend, wondering what he’s talking about. “Right, Y/N? You’ll help me with the deal.”
“I told you that I’m not going to do anything illegal,” you hiss at Scott. “I looked the other way when you sold stolen phones to my colleagues, but I won’t actively help you. I’m not a criminal.”
“You didn’t talk about the deal with her?” Bucky suddenly jumps up to fist Scott’s jacket. “You dare to come to our house and lie to us?”
“I didn’t lie, Sir…Mr. Barnes. Y/N said she finds you hot, and all. She even talked about ending up between the two of you to her friend.”
“You sick fuck spied on me and Maria?” You growl at Scott. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“Mr. Rogers, Mr. Barnes…I’m sure she’ll help you have a baby and all…”
“Baby what?” You furrow your brows. “Okay. This is getting ridiculous. What is going on here?”
“Well, we want you to become our surrogate. Bucky and I love each other dearly, but I cannot give him what he needs, nor can he give me what I want. A baby…an heir. We were looking for the perfect woman, with the perfect bloodline.”
“I-what?” The room suddenly caves in. You feel dizzy and grab the edge of the couch. “You want me to be your breeder?”
“No, doll,” Steve walks toward the couch to crouch down in front of you. “We want you to spend time with us…or rather between us.” He grins. “I want you to have my baby. And then you’ll have Bucky’s. We haven’t figured out whose allowed to breed you first.”
“Breed me?” Oh. God. Your pussy just clenched around nothing. If not for the anger taking over, you’d gladly jump Steve’s bones to have all the babies he wants. “Are you fucking insane? I’m not a piece of meat you can just buy!”
“We believed he talked about the deal with you, doll. Please, don’t be mad at us,” Steve purrs, and runs his hand over your cheek. “We only wanted what we deserve. The perfect woman having our babies.”
“She will agree…” Scott nervously says. He looks at you, hoping you’ll agree to whatever the two men holding his fate in their hands want. “Right babe?”
“I hate it when you call me that,” you jump up, and push Steve aside. “What did you believe will happen when you bring me here to offer my uterus and pussy to these two? Huh? That I’ll just bend over the desk and let them have their way with me!”
“Pathetic,” you click your tongue as you glance at Bucky. He cracks his knuckles, ready to rough Scott up a little for messing with them. “I knew you were no good. I should’ve listened to my gut instinct.”
You dip your head to watch Steve walk toward his partner. They are looking at you, like lions ready to pounce. Those two men set their eyes on you, and you are not foolish enough to believe that they’ll leave you alone.
If you end up in their clutches, you’ll make sure they only get their hands on you to your conditions. “You want me and my womb?”
“More than anything,” Bucky purrs. He steps behind you to place both of his hands on your belly. “And I can tell, Stevie, and will love filling you up.”
Scott hopefully looks at you. This is the moment he was waiting for. He’ll be a made man soon, and his ex will see, he's more than the loser she sees in him. 
You look at Steve, holding his gaze, “I’ll be yours if you get rid of him…”
Part 2
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Favorite moon Knight fics??
Fav Moon Knight Fics you say....?
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It's possible I might have a few so freakin' many, 'nonny, you don't even know...
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List Notes:
Fics are Sorted by type of pairing, then alphabetically by Title
Uses AO3 Ratings: General audiences - Teen & up - Mature - Explicit
Check your Content Settings if you're 18+ and want to be able to see mature content (Settings -> scroll down to Content You See -> Community Labels -> Mature -> show)
Graphics: MK header is mine; adorable moon & stars divider by @straywords
Links sometimes misbehave on desktop–If none of the links are working, try opening in dashboard mode (click the eye-shaped button in the far top right)
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— MK System x Reader — .
B-Roll by @heybluechild [ Marc x F reader, 2.2k, E, oneshot ] Summary: You and Marc make a sex tape. (smut, humor)
Chocolate by @bits-and-babs [ Steven x F reader, 6.1k, E, oneshot ] Summary: After weeks of pining for your coworker Steven Grant, sharing chocolate over a late shift causes sparks to fly. (pining, soft smut)
Disaster [ao3] by @softlyspector [ Marc-centric MK system x F reader, 6k, T, oneshot ] Summary: Marc's mental health takes a turn for the worse when you give him some news. After chasing him to Chicago, you, Steven, and Jake are left to pick up the pieces. (heavy angst--mind the warnings!, angst with a hopeful ending)
The First Time by @youvebeenlivingfictional [ Marc x F reader, 3.2k, E, oneshot ] Summary: The first time you and Marc catch one another in a tight spot, you both make it out by the skin of your teeth. You’re both wounded; you’re both riled up as all hell. (violence, angry smut, feeeeeeelings)
Gift of Min & Redux [ao3] by @astroboots [ Steven x F reader x Marc (x Jake), 21k, E, twoshot ] Summary: Marc brings back a trinket from his trip that may or may not contain an ancient sex god/aphrodisiac. Either way, Marc’s not telling, and it’s for you and Steven to find out. (Smut, sex pollen)
Idling by @juneknight [ Jake-centric MK system x F reader, 10k, E, in progress as of 7/6/23 ] Summary: Jake keeps having to front for Marc and Steven's new girlfriend. (angst--mind the warnings!, promises of future smut)
keep your vigils on the road [ao3] by @charnelhouse [ Steven x F reader x Marc (x Jake), 4.2k, E, oneshot ] Summary: They’re on the run. It’s kind of a vacation. (smut, violence)
Killing me by @astroboots [ Jake x F reader (x Steven/Marc), 2.4k, E, oneshot ] Summary: Jake takes it “easy” on you after a long night with Steven. (smut)
Moon Struck [ao3] by @softlyspector [ MK system x dancer F reader, 43.3k, E, series ] Summary: Steven asks you out, Marc falls in love (slowburn, some angst with a happy ending, eventual smut)
No fish were harmed in the making of this meet-cute by @writefightandflightclub [ Marc Spector x F reader, 2.1k, G, oneshot ] Summary: You have a dilemma. You don’t want to sell the man any more fish. But you do want him to keep coming back to your shop 👀 (fluff, humor, angry meet cute)
Obsessed by @juneknight [ Marc x F reader, college AU, 7.2k, E, twoshot in an ongoing series ] Summary: Marc likes eating pussy and offers to eat yours. (smut, college roommates AU) ...Honestly, I probably could have listed ALL of Dorm Room Marc here. Other Favs: The Thing About Marc Spector, Pushing Buttons, Sweet Requitement
Pornstar MK Boys: Marc, Steven, Jake by @runa-falls [ MK system x F reader, porn star AU, 3.0k, E, threeshot ] Summary: as a fluffer, it’s your job to know how to keep the boys interested. each alter has their own preferences (porn star AU, smut)
Shadow of a Doubt by @writefightandflightclub [ Marc x F reader x Steven (x Jake), 7.1k, E, oneshot ] Summary: Marc was first. Steven was second. Khonshu’s never going to love you. …And you’re wondering if Jake will ever get there at all. (relationship/character exploration, some smut, angst with a hopeful ending)
Sting by @bits-and-babs [ Marc x F reader, 3.5k,E, oneshot ] Summary: Marc relies on your amateur skills to patch him up following a brutal fight. (blood, smut, pain kink)
Stone Heart by @magpie-to-the-morning [ Steven x demisexual F reader, 1.5k, T, twoshot ] Summary: Maybe Steven’s one-sided friendship isn’t so one-sided after all... AKA a Moon Knight Pygmalion AU (fluff, romance)
Take Care of You by @tropes-and-tales [ Steven x F reader x Marc, 3.8k, E, oneshot ] Summary: For Steven, it was love at first sight. For Marc, it was a slower thing. (smut, feeeeeeelings)
Where To, Miss? by @foxilayde [ Jake x F reader, E, 7.5k, oneshot ] Summary: Jake Lockley is your driver, escorting you safely in your nighttime travels. There’s something about him. Tonight, you’re going to find out what that something is. (violence, blood, and surprisingly soft smut)
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— Intra-MK System Pairings — .
All this time I was just waiting for you by @nakimochiku [ Steven x Marc, E, 20.6k, complete ] Summary: Things never seem to go Steven’s way romantically. Marc helps him work on that. (pining, smut with feeeeeeelings)
in the aftermath by queenie [ Steven x Marc x Jake, E, 37.5k, complete ] Summary: Having his own body is strange (separated into their own bodies after the show AU, slow burn, eventual smut)
last night i watched myself sleep by sweaterlou [ Steven x Marc, E, 19.4k, complete ] Summary: A look into Marc and Steven's relationship progression; from sharing a body to sharing a bed. (pining, smut)
the loneliest number by unstuckintime [ Steven x Marc, 9.6k, E, complete ] Summary: The problem with Steven is that he wants so much and he’s so lonely. He’s so lonely and he asks Marc for it all the time. (smut, feeeeeeelings)
making two reflections into one by marin27 [ Steven x Marc, 101k (as of 9/22/22) , M , incomplete ] Summary: After falling into the sands of Duat, Steven is sent back in time to fix things. He may or may not end up fixing the wrong, but no less important, things. (TL;DR: The fic where Steven fixes his relationship with Marc as the Moon Knight plot happens in the background.) (back in time redo AU, slowburn, pining, feeeeeeelings)
Our Body by apartment [ Marc x Steven, 1.4k, E, oneshot ] Summary: There are benefits to sharing a body, Steven realizes, especially when getting kidnapped is commonplace these days. Or: the "you don't have him; he has you" meme, plus marc's attempts at being a boyfriend (violence, smut)
paths diverted by solarzenith [ Steven x Marc, separate bodies, 6.8k, E, oneshot ] Summary: Khonshu reanimates them, with an ultimatum: come back as one, or come back separate. Marc makes the decision readily, too easily, and Steven had no idea Marc wanted him out of their head so badly. (pining, angst with a happy ending, smut)
see through my act, tell me I'm wrong by snapdragonpop007 [ Marc/Jake x Steven, 31k, T, complete ] Summary: “Leave him alone,” Marc scowled up at Jake from the reflection on the tiled floor. Jake ignored Marc and made a beeline right towards the gift shop as The Man In The Gift Shop Named Steven got back to his feet and went back to the register. “Jake if you go in there I swear to god—” (Steven gets a separate body AU, slow burn, feeeeeeelings)
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— Canon / MK System x Layla El Faouly — .
do not enter is written on the doorway (but you can stay) by FlowerCitti [ incidental Marc x Layla x Steven, 19.8k, M, complete ] Summary: When it came to heroes and other vigilantes, Marc didn’t have any interest in interacting with them. He travels with Khonshu’s will, continuing to protect those under the moon and following through with Khonshu’s severe judgments. He kills and keeps Khonshu content and fed, shielded under the darkness of night and the flickers of the moon. (Or, Marc meets the Avengers. And then gets shot in the head.) (plot-centric MCU crossover)
Marc/Layla Ficlet by @writefightandflightclub [ Marc x Layla, 0.3k, T, oneshot ] Summary: How did Marc tie the knot with Layla? (mild angst)
not quite a meet-cute by notmadderred [ MK system-centric, Marc x Layla x Steven, 8.3k, T, complete ] Summary: Layla meets Jake and things get complicated for both of them. (character exploration & bonding)
so this could be the death of me (or maybe just a better me) by @quinnathy [ MK system, Marc x Layla mention, 25k, T, complete ] Summary: One time Marc saves Steven, one time Jake saves Marc, and one time Steven saves Jake. (And so forth.) (character exploration and bonding, some angst)
To Sleep by @radiowallet [ Steven/Marc x Layla, 1.2k, T, drabble series, ongoing ] Summary: Sometimes Steven dreams. For Marc it's a nightmare. Layla El-Faouly does not sleep. (angst, yearning, mentions of canon-typical violence)
— Canon / Gen (no Pairing) — .
Jake's not very good, very bad day. No worse than that by Beyney [ Jake-centric, gen (no pairing), 6k, T, oneshot ] Summary: The Avengers think Moon Knight just has no marbles left to lose. The system is not amused. Khonshu is gleeful, and Jake just doesn't want to deal with this shit anymore. At least the god will keep bringing him back if this mission goes way more sideways than it already has, right? ...Right? (MCU crossover, Jake whump, violence/death mention, does some of the MCU crew a little bit dirty for the sake of the story)
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That's all I've got for you for now, 'nonny, but this is definitely a non-exhaustive list. I've read so many wonderful MK fics, I'm sure I've missed some that should've been on here and will no doubt discover even more amazing stories in the future. Chances are I'll wind up coming back to add to the list, and you all should feel free to reblog/reply/send me an ask with your fav MK fics!!
Thank you for the ask, dear anon friend! And thank you for being patient with me—it turns out I have a lot more fav MK fics than I originally thought, and it took me a little while to get this list together. Hopefully they'll be something new-to-you here for you to enjoy! 💕
🧡 twp
Want more to read? Check out my other Author, Fic, & Fanwork Recs
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sarahowritesostucky · 8 months
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Alpha, Beta (& Omega) Masterlist
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Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Steve x Bucky
Tags: a/b/o, arranged marriage, domestic discipline, spanking, head of household, dom/sub elements, alpha Steve, beta Bucky, hurt/comfort, wedding night, alternate history, nobility/royalty au, Edwardian time period, m/f/m poly marriage, enemies to lovers
Summary: To save House Barnes from scandalous ruin, eldest son James must agree to a contracted marriage, accepting Lord Senator Steven Rogers as his Alpha, Husband, and Headship.
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A contract of engagement. (Word count: 1066) Teen
A most untoward introduction. (Word count: 2368) Mature
A wedding eve's dinner. (Word count: 1619) Teen
A late morning wedding. (Word count: 1862) Teen
A wedding night. (Word Count 2411) Explicit
A honeymoon. (Word Count 2976) Teen
A honeymoon, cont'd. (Word Count: 3536) Mature
A consummation. (Word Count: 2817) Explicit
A fever (Word Count: 3619) Mature
A consummation, cont'd (Word count: 2928) Explicit
A school reunion (Word count 3449) Teen
A sojourn in London (Word count 2010) Teen
A public scene (Word count 3617) Teen
A Headship's rebuke (Word count 3627) Teen
A dream, a visit, a game (Word count 4823) Explicit
A tour of the continent (Word count 5652) Explicit
A homecoming (Word count 4286) Explicit
A settling In (Word count 5616) Teen
A courtship (Word count 3201) Explicit
An Inquiry (Word count 6883) Explicit
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162 notes · View notes
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*These weren’t necessarily written and/or posted in November, but that’s when I read them 😊
🔥 - explicit/mature content
Star Wars
🔥Kinktober Day 30 (Cunnilingus) (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @eyelessfaces
Healing Love (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @dailyreverie
Pumpkin Patch and Everything Nice (Poe Dameron x Reader - Modern AU) - @dailyreverie
Melt (Part of the Your Wish is my Command universe) (Poe Dameron x Solo!Reader) - @dailyreverie
🔥Morning (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @reallyrallyauthor
🔥Noon (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @reallyrallyauthor
🔥Night (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @reallyrallyauthor
🔥Facefucking (Poe Dameron x Reader) - @dameronscopilot
🔥Brat Taming (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @dameronscopilot
Ambrosial (Din Djarin x Black!F!Reader) - @spacecowboyhotch
🔥Boob Drunk Poe (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @dameronscopilot
Unremarkable (Poe Dameron x Reader) - @the-little-ewok
blood will have blood (Part of the better safe than sorry universe) (Poe Dameron x Reader) - @eyelessfaces
Moon Knight
Falling Like Rain (Steven Grant x Reader) - @dailyreverie
Sugar Rush (Jake Lockley x Reader) - @dailyreverie
Pumpkin (Marc Spector x Reader) - @dailyreverie
Chain 'Round My Neck (Steven Grant x Reader) - @dailyreverie
🔥Chain Reaction (Jake Lockley x F!Reader) - @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
🔥Sweet Tooth (Part of the Dancing With Wolves series) (Werewolf!Marc Spector x F!Reader) - @hon3yboy
🔥friendly favors (best friend!Steven Grant x Reader) - @runa-falls
🔥Honey (Steven Grant x F!Reader) - @juneknight
🔥Night Desires (Dark!Steven Grant x F!Reader) - @lunalockley
🔥he smells like flowers (Steven Grant x Reader) - @runa-falls
Protected (Jake Lockley x F!Reader) - @romanarose
Triple Frontier
🔥Kinktober Day 23 (Dirty Talk) (Santiago Garcia x F!Reader) - @eyelessfaces
Breaking the Rules (Santiago Garcia x Reader) - @reallyrallyauthor
Jingle Bells (Santiago Garcia x Reader) - @ivystoryweaver
🔥Kinktober Day 2 (Public) (Frankie Morales x F!Reader) - @youvebeenlivingfictional
🔥Kinktober Day 4 (Sex Pollen) (Santiago Garcia x F!Reader) - @youvebeenlivingfictional
Sucker Punch
🔥Kinktober Day 21 (Hate Sex) (Blue Jones x F!Reader) - @eyelessfaces
Inside Llewyn Davis
🔥Kinktober Day 24 (Lingerie) (Llewyn Davis x F!Reader) - @eyelessfaces
🔥Kinktober Day 26 (Face Sitting) (Llewyn Davis x F!Reader) - @eyelessfaces
Ex Machina
🔥Perfect Fit (Nathan Bateman x F!Reader) - @ivystoryweaver
🔥Fuckin' Stupid (Nathan Bateman x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
🔥The Beauty of Imperfection (Nathan Bateman x F!Reader) - @missdictatorme
🔥The Empty Room (Nathan Bateman x F!Reader) - @reallyrallyauthor
The Card Counter
🔥Losing Hand (William Tell x F!Reader) - @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse
🔥(pumpkin) cream pie (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @runa-falls
Daisy (Mechanic!Frank Castle x Sunshine!F!Reader) - @fandxmslxt69
🔥Kinktober Day 1 (Overstimulation + Impact Play) (Frank Castle x F!Reader) - @youvebeenlivingfictional
Thank you to all the wonderful writers for sharing their stories with us 🥰❤️
*For more recs, please feel free to check out my fic rec tag.
**If you’d like to have your fic removed from the list, I completely understand, just let me know
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Chapter 3 - To Have and To Hold
A Mafia!Steve Harrington AU (featuring Mafia!Eddie Munson)
Previous l Next
Chapter Summary: Weddings should be joyous occasions but the union of two families only brings about distant memories and yearning for a life that could have been. Stolen glances and longing stares across the room, and finally finding yourself face to face with the one person who can change the future.
18+ Only! Minors DNI! (Future smut and mature themes!)
CW: Minimal use of Y/N. Reader is referred to as "Dove." Pet names. Slow burn. Exes to lovers. Mutual pining. Angst. Lots of tension. Spousal abuse - reader is assaulted and choked.
WC: 5.9K
Days at the gallery quickly turned into long nights. Sometimes not going home until the wee hours of the morning. After the last few interactions with Nik you decided it was best to avoid him altogether.
He'd never set foot in here, for which you were grateful. It was your own oasis from a life that was suddenly so stifling, drowning you without a life preserver in sight.
It was easy enough, the two of you had been sleeping in separate bedrooms for a couple of years now.
You would rather take an acid bath than let him touch you. Sex became completely non-existent when he'd started coming home with lipstick stained collars and trying to push himself onto you knowing he'd just fucked God knows who else, any illusion of a loving, dedicated husband completely dissolved.
You hadn't seen or heard from Steve since the day he'd bought that painting. You found yourself wondering where he might have hung it. It was one of your favorites and knowing it went to a good home warmed your heart.
Abigail knocked you from your current train of thought when she walked over to you with a massive bouquet of white roses.
“Mrs. Petrov, these were just delivered for you, though the card says Ms. Alexander. An old client perhaps?” You shifted the flowers from her arms as she spoke, their delicate scent faintly surrounding you.
“Thank you.” You called out, already heading to your office.
You gently laid them down on the desk, plucking the card from between the soft petals.
You couldn't help the smile that crept across your face as you opened it to read the contents, already suspecting who they were from. No one else in this town would dare use your surname anymore.
Passed the flower shop and thought of you. Hope they brighten your day.
You immediately looked for an empty vase in the storage closet to display them on your desk, hiding the card away in the bottom drawer.
It wasn't unusual for clients to send you flowers from time to time, so it didn't seem out of the ordinary.
Much to your delight, it didn't stop there. A fresh bouquet was delivered every few days from that point forward. Not just roses, something unique each time all accompanied with a personalized note signed S.H.
His small way of showing you he was still here while reluctantly maintaining his distance.
For two weeks the flowers and notes never ceased but you still hadn't seen Steve.
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There was a wedding slated for the weekend between two prominent families that you had to attend.
Finding yourself in need of a new dress, you were browsing the brightly lit showroom, admiring a very beautiful lilac colored floor length gown in the corner when he spoke.
“That's not your color. Much too pale. What about that one?” You rolled your eyes as he pointed to a deep red, lacey, eye-catching number across the store.
“It's for a wedding, Steven. The attention shouldn't be on me.” You quipped. “And that shows far too much skin.” Turning away, as you began to rummage through a few dresses on the rack.
“If you say so, but you're the only one I'll be looking at.” You stopped, hands stilling on the silk in front of you as you processed his words.
“You're going Saturday?” Managing to squeak out, despite the sudden lump in your throat.
It shouldn't really come as a surprise. All of the big named families had been invited. Maybe you were expecting Steve to be more like Richard in that regard. Send his well wishes but decline the invitation.
“Of course, Dove. Can't miss the wedding of the century. A Gambino marrying a Stratori? It's unheard-of.” He made a mock gasping sound that made you snort a small laugh.
“You should have seen the looks at my…” trailing off when you realized what you were about to say. It wasn't so long ago an Alexander marrying a Petrov was big news.
“Anyway, doesn't matter. I won't be going if I don't find something to wear.” Quickly changing the subject back to the matter at hand.
“Trust me, you'll look good in anything. Wear a potato sack and you’ll still be the most beautiful woman there.” His doting words and simple praises never let up when he was around you.
Your soft blushing and sweet smiles only encouraged him further, reminding him of the younger versions of you both. These moments he would hang onto for forever if need be.
You stared at him a moment, the way the sun filtering through the window cast a glow around him, appearing almost ethereal. His skin tanned by an Italian sun, making his freckles and moles only more prominent. Those same ones you would trace across his back, finding the constellations hidden within.
Your lips twitched at the thought of kissing those same marks, as a deeper blush crept your cheeks that had you quickly looking back to the dresses laid out before you, clearing your throat.
“Steve, I…” Mouth snapping closed when you weren't sure what you were attempting to say.
“What is it, tesoro?” Looking back at you expectantly, eyes soft, giving you his full attention.
“Thank you for the flowers. They're lovely, all of them, but you don't have to do that.” Your gaze drops momentarily as he regards you for a moment.
“Let me ask you something. Do they make you smile?”
“Well, of course.” A grin lifting the edges of your mouth you couldn't contain.
“Then yes, Dove. I have to send them. At least I know for one fleeting moment of the day I've had the pleasure of making you smile.”
You both stilled for a moment, silently gazing at one another.
“Excuse me? Can I help either of you?” One of the associates had walked over, interrupting the small moment.
You smiled at her, asking for a couple of dresses to try on in your size.
“Right away, Mrs. Petrov. And for you sir?” Looking back toward Steve, eyeing him up and down as she spoke. A small scowl of contempt passed over her momentarily, oblivious to who she was speaking to.
“Nothing for me today, thank you. I'll see myself out, momentarily.”
She nodded and walked toward the back to gather the dresses you had asked for.
“I suppose I'll see you tomorrow then.” Finally looking back to him, reluctantly getting ready to take your leave and follow her into the dressing room.
“Of course, Dove.” He says, leaning in close. “I still think the red would be a better choice.” Voice dropping an octave lower, winking as a shameless grin spread across his face.
His persistence had you fondly rolling your eyes, but a grin matching his own spread across your features.
“I think I'll find something a little less salacious but thank you for the suggestion.” Laughing as you walked away, a sound that was like music to his ears as he took his leave.
You glanced back once more, as you reached the back, but he was already gone.
The associate had gotten a large, very well-lit room ready for you. The dresses you had asked for were already on display, hung up across the back wall as you entered.
“This should be all of them. Will there be anything else Mrs. Petrov? Shall I stay and help you try any of them on?” She asked kindly.
“That won’t be necessary but thank you.”
The door clicked shut behind her, leaving you alone with some of the fanciest garments that money could buy yet you stood there feeling hollow, sighing deeply to yourself.
You slid the first dress from its silk hanger. A lilac gown with beautifully beaded detail on the bodice. Once you had managed to get it on, you stood in front of the mirror with a grimace. Steve was right, it was much too pale. You hated that he was right. A man who barely knows you anymore and still knows too much.
It was much the same as you tried on each one of the expensive gowns. None of them seemed quite right. Either the color was off, or it didn’t fit quite right leaving you empty handed on the way out.
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Later that afternoon, the sun was setting low, as you worked through a few things before you would reluctantly head home for the evening.
Abigail enthusiastically walked toward you with a large black box, wrapped with a red, silk ribbon and a large matching bow on top.
“Mrs. Petrov, this was just delivered for you. It's from Figueroa.”
The dress shop you had visited earlier in the day. Confusion spread across your face, as you took it from her opting to open it in your office and dismissing her for the day.
You gently lifted the edges, immediately met with matching red tissue paper and a small, white card that simply read: This was ALWAYS your color. See you tomorrow.
You pushed aside the wrapping to reveal a deep, burgundy colored gown held within. The material was a beautiful velvet, soft to the touch, letting your fingers melt into the fabric as you pulled it from the box. It was stunning. A mermaid cut, with long sleeves dropped for the sweetheart neckline that would show some cleavage. It was sexy yet stayed somewhat moderate.
You didn't remember seeing this one in the store because it would have surely caught your eye.
Steve always had good taste. It came as no surprise he chose something that you would have picked out for yourself.
You hid the card in the desk, amongst the ones that have accompanied the flowers, hiding away any evidence of where the dress had come from. Your insides twisted at the thought of hiding him away forever. It was never meant to be this way with Steve.
You gripped the edges of the box on the ride home with a permanent smile etched across your face at the thought of seeing him tomorrow, if only for a brief moment, you would be the one to make him smile.
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You sat in silence, staring out the window, ignoring the grunts and protests from Nik.
“I shouldn't even be going to this stupid wedding. I've got shit to do at the club tonight.” Huffing out like a petulant child, pushing his back further into the seat.
You simply rolled your eyes and tried to picture yourself literally anywhere else. The thought of spending the entire evening by his side turned your stomach. All dolled up to be HIS arm candy, but it would be your secret who you were dressed FOR.
“Hey, are you going to talk to me? You've got to play the part sometime tonight.” He grabbed for your hand, but you swiftly moved away from his touch at the faintest brush.
“I'll play along in public, but do not fucking touch me when we are alone. I don't know where your filthy hands have been. Or who they've been in, for that matter.” You spat, already over his behavior.
He let out a deep, hearty laugh, throwing his head back.
“Someone is feisty. I like it.” Grabbing your knee, laughing once again when you pushed him away. “Oh, come on baby. Give us a kiss.”
“Fuck off, Nik.” You hissed.
“Don't worry, sweetheart. The feeling is mutual.” He straightened back up in his seat, promptly lighting a cigarette, blowing the smoke your way.
“Do you mind? I don't want to smell like smoke before we get there.” Waving it away from you and your face, letting out a small cough.
“Aw, don't want your new dress to smell like smoke?” He chuckled, pinching the fabric at your side. “Poor baby.”
Your hand tightened around the clutch you held in your lap, as you closed your eyes holding back your anger as best you could, seething just below the surface. You just had to get through a couple of hours, saying pleasantries and having lighthearted conversation while rubbing a few elbows with certain people.
Calming your nerves as best you could, taking a few deep breaths and slowly opening your eyes once more.
Nik was distracted on his phone, leaving you for a few moments of peace before you pulled up to the venue.
The driver came around to open his door first, but Nik made no attempt to come around to your side to let you out, making the driver go around to open your door as well. A real gentleman.
“Let's get this over with. I've got shit to do.” Finally coming to stand beside you, extending his elbow for you to take.
“You've already said that.” You hissed, reluctantly taking his arm as you headed toward the entrance. “Just fucking behave Nik, you can't act like an ass in front people tonight.”
As much as you hated your husband, he still had a portion of business to uphold with many of the attendees tonight. Your father's reputation was at stake just being associated with the prick.
“I'll do as I damn well please.” He hissed back through gritted teeth, glaring down at you as you entered the large room. Ignoring him, you will yourself to throw on the best fake smile that you could muster.
The wedding was being held downtown, at one of the oldest buildings. Its gothic architecture and high ceilings were a beautiful backdrop for a wedding.
Nik made a beeline for some of his associates, immediately grabbing some champagne from one of the waitresses as he pulled you along. It didn’t go unnoticed the way he so blatantly eyed her up and down as he passed.
You busied yourself looking around at the decor, sipping your own champagne trying to ignore the conversation he was having around you. Some things you couldn’t understand at all as he spoke in his native tongue. When you had first gotten married you took an interest in learning Russian but that quickly subsided as your marriage started falling apart.
The room quieted down to a dull murmur when he entered. His very presence commanded the attention of everyone present. Heads began to turn his way, all clambering to catch a glimpse of the so-called prodigal son of Richard Harrington as he made his entrance, his first public outing since the funeral.
He ignored the hushed whispers around him, walking in with Eddie falling right in behind him, the crowd parting as he made his way to pay respect to the happy couple.
He looked as handsome as ever sporting a black suit, with his hair slicked back and quaffed perfectly but his burgundy shirt and tie beneath his buttoned suit jacket is what really caught your eye. It was the exact color of your dress. A detail that brought a small smile to your face.
“Who the hell does he think he is?” Nik scoffed, as some of the other men chuckled, pulling your attention back to the small group.
He downed the rest of his champagne, eyes never leaving Steve, following his movements across the crowded space.
“I need something a little more stiff, come on.” He grabbed your arm, pushing his way through the crowd to get to the bar, dragging you along beside him. The abruptness caught you off guard. For a moment, you wabbled on your heels.
“Nik, you need to take it easy tonight.” You whispered through gritted teeth.
“And you,” he hissed. “Should shut the fuck up.” He gripped your arm a little tighter as you reached the bar tucked away in the corner before ordering a bourbon, downing it in one gulp, slamming the glass back down. He would never outwardly push it out in the open like this, showing his true colors but it was surprising, nonetheless.
He finally relinquished his grip to grab his next one, turning to meet his associates as they began to huddle around him, picking up their conversations from before leaving him to ignore you once more.
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Steve spotted you as soon as he walked through the door, smirking to himself. The dress he had picked out fit you spectacularly, showing off your curves while staying somewhat modest. You were breathtaking.
Reluctantly, his attention drew back to the matter at hand as he made his way through the crowd to greet the wedding party and their family, wishing them the best.
Steve quickly made his rounds, shaking hands and chatting with some familiar faces or some new introducing themselves, but he couldn't keep his eyes off of you.
He and Eddie grabbed some flutes of champagne, chatting amongst themselves in the corner where he temporarily lost you in the crowd, but quickly caught up with you again heading toward the bar with Nik.
His jaw ticked seeing the way he gripped you, pulling you alongside him.
Eddie noticed how he stiffened, following his line of vision over to you just in time for them both to witness his hold on you grow a little more harsh.
Steve took a step before Eddie moved abruptly in front of him, halting him with a palm to his chest.
“Steve. Not here.” Eddie warned, as he looked past him once more. You had already moved away from Nik, standing to the side of the bar.
Eddie was right. This was not the time or place to lose his head, but it didn't mean they couldn't have a little chat.
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You heard him before you saw him, heart promptly leaping into your throat when you realized he was headed in your direction, but he only caught your gaze nodding slightly and greeted Nik instead.
Realizing you could do nothing but stand there and watch as the scene unfolds, you downed the rest of your champagne bracing for the worst.
“Nik, gentlemen. How are we all doing this evening?” Asking with that charming Harrington tone, as Eddie hung slightly behind them, hands in his pockets, looking relaxed but you could tell he was anything but.
Nik’s amusement seemed to fade, his smile dropping, moving the glass to his lips for another sip. He stood up a little straighter, squaring his shoulders to the other man.
“Harrington.” Nodding back, as the others stated their own greetings.
“Didn't expect you to show up here. Your father never came to shit like this.” He sneered.
“Well, little Niki, like I told you the other day, we aren't our fathers. And I, for one, am striving to be a better man than he was. We should all strive to be better men, right?” Leveling his gaze right at your husband as he spoke.
A flash of anger split Nik's face before regaining his composure, already a little too much to drink to effectively conceal his emotions. The nickname he gained in his youth that he had come to detest, trying to live up to the elder Nikolai, his father, always falling in his shadow. Something that he and Steve had in common however they chose very different avenues to deal with it.
“Right.” Scoffing, as he set his glass back to the bar, taking a small step toward Steve, once again squaring his shoulders. “Any suggestions on how I should go about that, since you're doling out the advice today? I'm all ears.”
“I don't know, Nik. Maybe the old ways of handling business are outdated? Kind of like, oh I don't know?” Pausing, pretending to think for a moment. “Raising a hand to your spouse to keep them in line? That shit just doesn't work and makes you look bad.”
Your cheeks suddenly heated at the bluntness of his insinuation, hoping no one looked over at you.
“And what the fuck would you know about business? Last time I checked, you were still riding daddy's coattails.” Leaning further into Steve’s space as he spoke trying to make himself more intimidating, but he stood his ground, not so easily dissuaded.
Eddie made to move forward, but Steve quickly held a hand out, halting him.
Nik's raised voice began garnering a little attention their way as you scanned the other guests standing close by.
“I'm just saying.” Taking a step toward Nik this time, both men practically nose to nose. “Sometimes it's better to get with the program, or you could lose everything.”
“Are you threatening me?” Nik spat.
Steve let out a small chuckle, shaking his head as he stepped back, reminding himself once more that he couldn’t lose it here.
“Trust me, you would know if it's a threat. Just some friendly advice.” He clapped him on the arm as if they were old chums, sharing a good laugh which only infuriated Nik further.
“You can take your friendly advice and shove it u…” One of Nik's associates got in between the two and tried to calm him down. Steve was trying to goad him to gauge his reaction and he had taken the bait flawlessly.
“Well, gentlemen if you'll excuse me, we are here for a wedding after all.” He nodded, as he and Eddie headed back across the room, leaving you a little speechless in the process.
“I don't know who the fuck he thinks he is.” Nik began to rant, so you decided to leave him and make your way to your chair for the ceremony. You also hoped he would cool off before coming to find you as other guests began to fill the empty seats around you.
You caught Steve out of the corner of your eye as he passed, taking a seat across the aisle, one row up on the end.
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The ceremony was beautiful with a blushing young bride and a handsome groom. They seemed genuinely happy and for their sakes you hoped it were true.
You couldn't help but feel sadness now thinking back to your own wedding. The joy and hopefulness that day brought only to be a complete fabrication.
As the couple said their vows, your eyes found his across the aisle, as if he had already been looking toward you. There seemed to be a sadness etched within him as well, his eyes lacking their usual sparkle.
Images flashed and danced through your mind of a life that could have been. A fall wedding, surrounded by your closest friends and family. Honeymooning on the Italian coast and coming back to a home full of love and promise without any doubts.
Steve would have given you the world without any hesitation. He loved fiercely, willing to do whatever it took to make you happy. He made it so damn easy to see what a bright future lay ahead for both of you.
You hadn't noticed a tear escaping until it rolled down your cheek, and onto your hand situated in your lap, suddenly bringing you crashing back to reality.
He was still looking at you when you diverted your gaze away, because it was all too much. Your chest ached as the couple kissed, concluding their vows and made their way down the aisle, now united in holy matrimony with smiles gracing their happy faces. It was suddenly too suffocating.
“I have to go to the restroom.” Excusing yourself from Nik’s side, not waiting for his response, quickly dashing out the side door into the empty hallway.
You breathed a small sigh of relief, briefly pausing, your hand leaning against the wall to steady yourself and regain some composure.
You willed yourself to conceal your emotions as you began to make your way down the corridor but as you rounded the corner someone grabbed your forearm. Your back was suddenly met with a warm chest, taking you by surprise. Their large hand clasping over your mouth stifling any noise from escaping you, as they step further back with you in tow, closing the door.
Before you had time to react, his soothing voice washed over you.
“It's okay, Dove. It's just me.” His lips so close, ghosting the shell of your ear as he spoke. He waited a moment for it to register before he removed his hand from your face, finding the light switch.
“Steve! What the hell?” Saying as you swung around to face him, your pulse racing from the small scare. He had pulled you into a small, dimly lit utility closet, away from prying eyes and just big enough for the two of you.
“I'm sorry, honey it's the only place I could get you alone.” He shrugged, shifting toward you, with a small pout.
“I shouldn't be in here.” You reached for the handle, but he was quick to place his hand overtop yours, effectively halting your movement.
“I couldn't let you leave without telling you how beautiful you look.” He whispered, closing the small gap between you, his hand coming to rest on your hip, heat radiating from his palm. His touch was searing, even through the fabric of your gown.
“I saw this on the way out of the shop and had them match the shirt and tie perfectly.” He inches just a little more into your space, releasing the hold on your hand so he could plant it firmly to your lower back pushing you further into him.
Your hands find the expanse of his chest, holding yourself steady, feeling as though your knees could give out at any moment. He had unbuttoned his suit jacket, your palms finding the warmth beneath, flat against his silk shirt.
He didn't need to utter it aloud. The dress. The tie. It was his way of subtly staking claim to you. You were and always had been his.
“Steve, what are you doing? You can't exactly woo a married woman. Especially one married to someone as powerful as Nik. He…” You stopped, when you saw the look in his eyes, utterly and completely gone for you.
“I don't have to woo what's already mine.” His voice low and husky, dripping with desire.
“That’s very presumptuous of you, Mr. Harrington.” You breathed out, trying to maintain your cool but even you could hear the waiver in your voice.
No matter the distance or time, you couldn't forget this man no matter how hard you tried. He would simply not let you. It felt like torture to be this close to him now, yet so far away.
Your head kept telling you that you needed to run, but you couldn't find it in yourself to move. You were transfixed, gazing up into his golden, mossy framed orbs.
You let your eyes trail his features. A small scar above his left eyebrow that had been there for years, a memento of his childhood. The way his lips had the perfect cupid's bow and remembering just the way he tastes.
He leans down looking for any sign of trepidation, finding none; your face mirroring his own, full of unspoken adoration.
“You're not denying it, tesoro. Just tell me you want this, as much as I do.” His nose traces down the slope of yours as he speaks. Your heart hammering so hard in your chest, you were sure he could hear it beating.
“Amore mio.” You whisper, top lip grazing his, releasing a shuddering breath before the realization of what you'd just said fully hit.
You'd never spoken those simple words to anyone else, only ever reserved for Steve. He had taught you some phrases in Italian, mostly sweet talk. You were always his tesoro mio and he, your amore mio.
You lean back, clasping a hand over your mouth as he was fully leaning in, eyes closed, lips chasing yours.
“Oh my God!” You gasp out, pressing yourself backward, stumbling a bit in your heels but he catches your elbow as you regain your balance.
“Dove?” He asks, voice low, coming out a little timidly.
“I… We can't do this Steve!” He can see your internal conflict and what he can only infer as fear written all over your face. It dawns on him then. The way you had winced when he grabbed your arm at the gallery. The way Nik had pulled you through the room earlier.
“Dove, did he hurt you?” His hand on your elbow begins to draw you back in, laying his other to your jaw, coaxing your face toward him but you still refuse to look up, eyes cast downward.
“No, Steve. You just… you don't know what he's capable of.” Your eyes grow glossy, tears threatening to spill over your lashes and ruining your makeup.
“Hey, honey, I'm not worried about him.” He does his best to soothe you, speaking softly. “If anyone should be worried, it's him. You hear me? Look at me.” Gently, his thumb grazes your bottom lip.
“Dove, look at me.” Pleading one last time, his voice was raw and pained.
“Steve, I can't…” Your eyes finally meet his, tears spilling out and down your cheeks. He does his best to wipe them away when his hands come to cup your cheeks. “I…I’m sor…”
“Shhh… no need for that, tesoro mio.” He doesn't want to let you go, but he's afraid of pushing you further away.
He leans in, warm lips press into your forehead as your eyes close. A tender embrace, your hand coming to grip his wrist holding him in place for a moment longer before quietly slipping from his hold.
You wipe your tears, pausing with your hand on the handle, looking back over your shoulder at him.
“It's better if you stay away from me.” Whispering out without waiting for a reply, quickly opening the door and checking the hall before stepping out. Your footsteps are the only sound echoing down the corridor as you walk toward the restroom to clean yourself up.
The interaction only lasted a few minutes, but the feeling of his hands and lips still lingered on your skin.
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“It's better if you stay away from me.”
He blows out a deep breath but doesn't say anything.
Better for who? He bitterly thinks. Certainly not better for him. You're all he's thought about since returning. It's driving him insane.
He can't bring himself to think about you with Nik. The asshole getting to have you all to himself. He can touch, kiss or bed you anytime he pleases. The thought makes him sick, but the brief interaction solidifies what he already knew to be true.
When he heard “amore mio” glide past your lips so easily, he knew he still had you. His heart ached to hear you say that just once more, something he hadn't heard uttered in so long, nearly taking his breath away. You're still his.
He waits a few more moments, letting you get ahead of him before he makes sure the coast is clear and exits the closet.
Heading in the opposite direction and rounding the corner, he spots Eddie leaning against the wall smirking at him.
“Everything okay, boss?” His grin drops, shoving himself off the wall seeing the annoyed look plastered to Steve's face. Not what he had expected.
“No, but it will be. We're leaving.” Grunting out as he continues to walk, leaving Eddie to catch up to his stride.
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You stared at your reflection in the mirror, wiping the makeup that had run. It took a few minutes, but you made yourself presentable.
Nik was waiting for you right outside the bathroom, crossing his arms giving you a death glare when you spotted him.
“What the hell have you been doing?” He hissed.
“I had to pee, and the wedding made me emotional, so I cleaned myself up. I can't go to the reception looking like a mess.” Responding, as you headed past him, but he grabbed your arm. The one he's so fond to take here lately when you get out of line.
“We're going home.” He spat, getting in your face for a moment before a cruel smile stretched across his face as his whole demeanor changed.
“Kitten, I know you're tired, it's been a long hard day.” Ushering you out into the reception area, pulling you through the crowd toward the exit, holding tightly to your wrist as if you would try to flee at any moment.
The car was already waiting outside, as he ushered you inside and slammed the door. You held your breath when he sat down beside you and began to loosen his tie, unbuttoning the restricting collar.
Silence for a few moments as you head back home to your prison.
“Do you think I'm fucking stupid?” He finally asks, turning his head slowly toward you.
“Wh– What?” You asked meekly, shrinking into yourself.
“I asked if you think I'm fucking stupid?” Enunciating each word a little slower and more clipped.
You furrowed your brow, trying to decipher where he was going. Had he seen you and Steve exit the closet?
“Where'd the dress come from?”
“My dress?” You tried to stay calm, looking down at the velvet fabric. He'd put those small crumbs together.
“The dress Y/N. That fucker bought it for you, didn't he? Didn't think I'd notice his goddamn matching shirt and tie? You two think you're really cute.” He clenched his fists on his lap, as his jaw ticked. He was anything but calm right now and the dam was about to burst.
“Nik… I…” He suddenly lunged at you, hand around your throat pushing you back into the seat. You gasped out in surprise, as he pressed in just a little harder, fingers flexing and cutting off your air supply. Your hand flew up to clutch at his, grasping and desperately trying to pry him away.
He leaned in close, gritting his teeth as he spoke.
“Its like you want me the fucking hurt you, leaving me no choice. Pull a stunt like that again, and not even your father will be able to protect you.”
He eases back, placing a chaste kiss to your temple before releasing his hold on you. Your airway opened, leaving you gasping in a heavy breath while letting out a small, choked sob.
“I warned you.” His last words for the evening, before lighting a cigarette and thoroughly ignoring you, taking a phone call leaving you to sulk in the corner.
He dropped you off at home, no doubt heading to his club, but you were grateful to be left alone for the night hoping for some miracle that he wouldn’t come back home at all.
You drew yourself a hot bath, letting the magnitude of everything that had transpired wash over you.
The wedding brought up so many morose thoughts and feelings. Steve blatantly threatening Nik, Nik threatening you, it was all too much.
Your fingertips graze your cheek where his hand had been not long ago. If you closed your eyes, you could feel him still, imaging he was here with you. His touch had electrified you. Something you had never felt with anyone else. A feeling of being totally alive. The gray, dreary past melting and giving way to a future full of bright color.
“Steve.” You whispered out, pulling your knees into your chest, as you cried.
Lying to yourself would be useless. Steve was everything that Nik never was or would be. Years apart and he still holds your heart. You were still in love with him, just knowing he felt the same was all you needed.
You had to think of a plan, while still trying to maintain your distance until Nik was out of the picture.
This was a very dangerous game, but you couldn't bear the thought of letting him go a second time.
No, you wouldn't let that happen this time.
Taglist: @micheledawn1975 @girlwiththerubyslippers @thecreelhouse @teen--marvel @taccobelle
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novantinuum · 5 months
Pink Onyx AU- An Analysis and Theory Post, Part 2
[Part 1] | [Part 2- You are here!] | [Part 3] | [Part 4] | [Part 5]
Welcome back, folks! This is part 2 of my analysis series on the excellent @pink-onyx-au comic made by @ceephorsshitshow. And for those who are tuning in fresh just now, please check out the first part- linked above- for more information on what these posts are all about. A lot of this analysis will build on what came previously.
We’re jumping right back into it.
Question Two: What is Pink Steven’s whole deal in this comic, anyways?
Fans of this comic have long pointed out the oozing pink looming at the corner of many of the earlier comic panels when Steven and Jasper are fused, and the strong resistance Steven’s own gem seems to have to being Onyx at all.
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(Episode 1: Pages 17 & 18)
In some small way, even if he never states it any more bluntly than he does in the panels above, even Steven himself recognizes what’s going on. The reason their first fusion attempt doesn’t take is because half of him doesn’t want anything to do with Jasper at all.
And with the way Jasper speaks of fusion like it’s a tool to conquer, it’s not very hard to glean one of the reasons why.
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(Episode 2: Page 17)
Pink Steven, probably: And That Was My Cue To Say Yikes™
So, yeah. If you’ve read the comic, you know what happens after this. Steven allows Jasper to front for a while completely unhindered, genuinely curious about what she thinks he should be using his powers for. 
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(Episode 4: Page 3)
This decision isn’t inherently a wrong one- in fact, from one angle I think it shows a lot of mature openness to go to such lengths to try and understand someone you feel you don’t have much in common with. However, it IS a decision that Steven himself doesn’t seem to be in consensus over. And we know this because of how he physically responds to Jasper’s violent use of these powers, and what the speech bubble styles (there’s a lot of that scribbly pink lettering throughout this scene) can tell us about his mental state.
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(Episode 3: Page 7)
Like, just look at the top set of eyes while Jasper’s taking this fused body on a destructive spin around the woods while abusing his powers. They are alert, they are pink, and they are fucking ANGRY.
Not only that, but this part of Steven almost seems to be feeling a bit vindictive towards Jasper for the harm she’s caused him in the past, because he takes a minor bit of control for just a moment to summon that damned death barrier again, in a move that feels intensely like a silent threat to me.
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(Episode 3: Page 9)
Jasper confirms herself in Episode 4 that she did NOT consciously summon this barrier. So, it was Steven, then. Or at least… It was a part of Steven.
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(Episode 3: Page 10)
I feel like many readers contextualize this moment as Steven’s Gem half chastising Jasper for abusing his powers, but I personally read it as him calling out Steven himself- Steven as a whole- for allowing her to have full reign when he knew deep down he was in conflict over the idea of this whole fusion to begin with. The panels with the visualization of Steven’s human half struggling to crawl his way through this gummed up, frothy pink fusion mindscape while his other half takes the reigns immediately calls to mind the shot of Jasper struggling for control in Malachite’s mindscape in the season 2 episode "Chille Tid." 
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Not only that, but take a close look at human Steven’s eyes in that previous panel…
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They’re dulled, not drawn with full black irises like they usually are. 
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(Episode 3: Page 13)
And guess how full hybrid Steven is drawn just a few panels later, right after Pink Steven pulls away his power (“But you’re starting over just like I did!”) and Onyx splits? Those same, concerningly dulled eyes. Reminds me a lot of how he looked during both the cliffhanger of Change Your Mind and when his gem was glitching out in the movie. Given the context of the scene and the internal instability he was facing, I take this to mean that even his gem powers have briefly been nerfed, rendering him just as weak at this moment as he’d be without that gem at all. Hell, this whole page basically reads as him outright bargaining with this part of himself to summon one last panel to break Jasper’s fall.
“No. She can’t… She can’t… Please. She didn’t… didn’t… mean…”
So yeah, this episode in particular is the best glimpse we’ve gotten at the blatant opinions and feelings of this part of Steven so far… but quite frankly, I think the visual motif of the ominous pink goop oozing in at the edges of panels continues to be a powerful reminder of his constant presence. He’s watching things closely. I think the last thing he wants right now is for Steven as a whole to end up hurt by this again.
Basically, in my head, the ooze is Pink Steven’s “Mmmm don’t like that” signifier, lol.
Question Three: What is up with Onyx’s fusion dream?
The beginning of Episode 7 starts with Onyx caught in the middle of a strange dream.
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(Episode 7: Page 1)
In my mind, this is absolutely one of those strange mixed-up fusion dreams- the subject and presentation influenced by the thoughts and memories of the individuals involved in said fusion. I think this dream is a combo of the memories from Rose that Steven can access through his gem and Jasper’s own fears/insecurities.
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You have a visualization of the corruption blast, an event that Rose experienced firsthand- thus, exists as dormant memory within Steven’s gem… and then I think Jasper’s component of this is the perspective, and how it compares to her experience in being struck down by a diamond attacking from the sky in much a similar way. Only, unlike Rose… she didn’t have a shield to hide behind.
Part of me kind of wonders if the emergence of this dream means Jasper’s den is IN the same place where Rose shielded her friends from the corruption blast- since usually, these memory related dreams that Steven and his fusions have are drawn out by being in the exact locations the memories took place. It’s kinda hard to say, though. In the one shot we have of Rose facing the corruption blast, the environment looks entirely different (way flatter, not reddened + weapons on the ground) than the environment in Onyx’s dream. In fact, the environment in Onyx’s dream looks far closer to this:
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The context given in the episode "A Single Pale Rose" shows that this is the Strawberry Battlefield right after the corruption blast itself. (An earlier shot shows the floating islands unique to this area.) You get the reddened soil and the weapons, like we see with what Onyx is dreaming, and the hills. 
So, I think our most likely possibilities are as follows: 
Rose defending the Crystal Gems from the corruption blast DID take place in this location, and the actual shot of her pulling up the shield is just colored a lot differently… perhaps to account for the intense glow of the Diamonds’ power.
The location visualized in Onyx’s dream is actually related to a Jasper-specific memory of the war, which is merely getting mixed up with the ambient memory of Rose seeing the corruption blast careening down at her.
No matter which of the two is true, the major crux of this dream is how it parallels Jasper’s experience of seeing Steven let loose his shattering strike from the sky. This is important, because it is yet another piece of evidence that she is truly, DEEPLY bothered by this moment, even if she often acts otherwise.
When Steven bluntly asks her why she’s not bothered by him shattering her, she deflects…
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(Episode 1: Page 7) 
…completely brushing over any and all feelings she may harbor over the matter to comment on how shattering is a completely normal thing for the old eras of Gemkind. However, later on, she admits that she felt upset when a part of Steven summoned that spiked barrier again while fused as Onyx.
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(Episode 4: Page 4)
This signals to me that processing this event is going to be a large part of Jasper’s arc in this comic. This is the capital ‘B’ Big Trauma that she is burying under all her false bravado and her tough exterior.
I think it is also important to note that we see a visualization of the battlefield from this dream once more, when Onyx’s own personality finally comes to the forefront for the first time. We’ll delve into this matter in the next discussion section.
Look out for the next post in this series at 7am PST tomorrow. Farewell!
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Since Miraculous Ladybug is becoming for more mature audiences it should split povs between Marinette and Adrien. Its upsetting how Adrien has such a main character backstory yet he's not apart of it or a major character in the show even though he feels like it. It feels like he should be Marinette's costar but he's treated as some guy most of the time. I get that Marinette's the main character but still Adrien feels so wasted on. Honestly he kinda reminds me of Steven Universe. Dead mom, complex with not being entirely human, well meaning but absent dad(Gabriel's hearts was in the right place but just went down hill). Like when Adrien finds out about the whole sentimonster thing imagine the identity crisis he's gonna have. I also wonder what they're gonna do with Emilie. She's not dead anymore and she was the driving force for why Gabriel did what he did. I wonder if she's gonna be a good mom or if the fan theories are right and she's just as bad if not worse then Gabriel. Rose haunted the narrative because she was so important if it wasn't for her and her actions we probably wouldn't even have Steven Universe or the many momswap aus. But after Gabriel got all the Miraculouses Emilie felt kinda of forgotten and last minute when she was talked about.
Are there any other shows that you sometimes compare Miraculous too?
I don't think that Miraculous is aiming at more mature audiences now unless there was some announcement that I missed? If anything, I'm expecting season six to tone things back down because I'm guessing that it's going to be a soft reboot. New main villain, new animation style, new school, the signs are all there.
Shows rarely ever change their target audience like that. It's just too risky a move. You have to redo the marketing and somehow convey to parents that the show is no longer safe for their child as it's aimed at teens now. But anyone who wants a more serious show for teens isn't going to want to sit through the first five seasons which were not written like a serious show for teens, so the audience for this would be the small subsection of viewers who want to watch their childhood favorite get more serious.
While that's certainly a demographic, it's not the massive one you get when you stick to anyone ages five-and-up. Since five-and-up is also where the toy sales are and Miraculous has a lot of tie-in toys, it would be pretty wild if they abandoned that demographic at this point. I dug up an old tweet that I remembered seeing to give my warning some extra backing. For full context, this was in reply to a tweet asking if the writers consider the teen audience when writing the show:
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[Image description: a tweet from the show's head writer reading "they are not the primary audience. The main target is kids 5 to 12 max. It doesn't mean we don't consider older audiences. But it means that whatever we write must not leave the kids behind."]
This tweet is admittedly over two years old and anything is technically possible, but I would strongly caution you against having expectations for more serious content unless you know something that I don't. The show was originally sold as to investors, distributors, and so on as a kids show and, unless they were able to renegotiate those agreements, it's going to stay a kids show.
I'd also caution you against assuming that Emilie is alive. I thought that was where the show went, too, but statements from the writers have made it pretty clear that Emilie is well and truly dead, which further supports my soft reboot theory. Bringing her back means a stronger tie to the previous seasons and you don't want that for a soft reboot.
Please don't read this as me praising that writing choice! I think it was stupid as hell to magically bring back Nathalie while killing off Emilie. They were both dying and only one of them is a domestic terrorist who actively chose death by knowingly using the broken Miraculous. The other is a Good And Pure Soul Who Was Too Perfect For This Cruel World (or, at least, that's what the show seems to want us to think). Plus, if you're going to use the wish, do something big! Change the status quo! But that's not how formula shows work so they probably couldn't do that.
Quick side note: this is my best guess as to why the leaked scripts indicated that Emilie was going to come back when season five ended the show. Series finales are usually allowed include elements that would ruin the formula if the show continued because the show isn't continuing. Season finales are not allowed to do that because the next season needs to stick to the same formula. When season five went from end-of-show to a mere end-of-season, that probably signed Emilie's death warrant. Sorry Adrien, no happy ending for you! Hope you like being an orphan!
Moving on!
In my opinion, it feels like they only used the wish to let Gabriel die and get rid of Emilie without it being too traumatic for the indented audience, but it's still basically a murder suicide being treated as a happy ending which is wild! At least it was a pretty one where the murderer and his victim ascended into the light?
We admittedly might see larger impacts from the wish next season as we don't explicitly know what the wish was, but have they ever let a season finale lead to something interesting? Not really, so I don't see why that would change now. I'm not even sure if Adrien's sentistatus is going to come up again. It should, but it may also just fizzle out because the writers don't know how to deal with it. The sentimonster thing is not the kind of plot point that you can handle in 20 minutes, especially when you have to include some sort of akuma fight, too. Bringing up the sentistuff would also complicate a soft reboot so, yeah, I have no idea if they're ever going to touch it again.
As far as recs for shows like Miraculous go, I'm afraid that you'll have to be a little more specific about what you're looking for because Miraculous is trying and failing to be a lot of things. If you want a duo show with a lot of banter, a badass female lead, and a goofy-but-narratively-important male lead, then I'd point to Kim Possible. If you want a team show with romantic undertones, then Teen Titans is a good pick. If you want identity shenanigans, magic, and romance, then American Dragon Jake Long might be worth checking out in spite of the very dated slang, though fair warning that one is enemies to lovers. It's done in a very fun way, but it's not a partner show like Miraculous kind of is and the romance is also not the main focus.
Part of the reason I was drawn to Miraculous is that shows about superheroes don't tend to have a strong romance element to them, so there aren't a ton of options for me to give you when it come to shows that fill a similar niche. However, if you're willing to go into the realms of fanfic, then you've got a wealth of options. Pretty much any property with secret identities will have fics about identity shenanigan romances. Love squares are nothing new. I've been reading them for years! I basically watched Twelfth Night when I was about eight and never looked back. Identity shenanigans or bust!
People will even bring them into fandoms that don't have any secret identities because identity shenanigans are really fun to play with! They make for some of the best romances. I'm sure that you can also find them in novels, but it's not something I've seen a lot of, so I mostly stick to fanfic for my identity shenanigan needs. That's where almost all my recs are from.
Should I do a fanfic plug to demonstrate what I mean? Yeah, why not. This baby deserves more readers and, if you like Miraculous, then you'll probably love this. (Seriously, if you read it, feel free to come talk to me about it. It's so good and also proof that I really am drawn to very specific tropes. What can I say other than I know what I like?)
We Didn't Start The Fire by ohhgingersnaps
Ava is all burned out, literally— she’s an exhausted JojaCo employee by daylight, and pyrokinetic superhero The Phoenix by moonlight, until she accidentally starts a fire at work and has to blame it on her superpowered alter-ego to avoid being discovered. The Phoenix is forced into early retirement, and with nothing else to lose, Ava moves to her grandfather’s old farm for a new start. Between restoring the farm, resolutely bottling all of her feelings, and trying to keep her powers under wraps, Ava has a lot on her plate. She’ll figure it out. Eventually. She hopes. Meanwhile, the hacker Memento, Phoenix’s good friend and confidant, is left to pick up the pieces alone after her sudden disappearance. He’s fully convinced that she didn’t start the fire, and he’s determined to discover the truth and clear her name... As long as he doesn’t fall for the pretty new farmer down the road, first. Part superhero AU, part mental health recovery arc, and part rom-com, topped with a generous serving of secret identity love square shenanigans, hurt/comfort, shameless flirting and banter, and dramatic irony.
I've mentioned before that I don't like OC main characters. Video games are the one exception to that rule. I'm really not big on reader inserts (no judgement, just personal preference), so when I read fanfic for a video game with a self-insert type main character, I'm looking to read about people's fully developed OCs, but I also want a good deal of the focus to be on the game's characters as they're the only reason I'm looking for stuff to read. That's what this fic is and I love it!
I also wouldn't normally rec fanfic for properties outside of Miraculous since this is specifically a Miraculous blog, but this is Stardew Valley fanfic, which is why I picked it over fic from other, more complex properties. If you don't know that game, it's a farming sim whose cast is developed enough for you to get attached to them, but who don't have a ton of depth, so you can read this sucker without having touched the game because there's no deep lore here. The game dev is apparently pretty open about the fact that he kept lots of things about the characters ambiguous so you could read things like their relationships and ages in whatever way makes you happy. Only prep work I might recommend is reading the character summaries from the game's wiki and you'd only need to do that for the named characters.
As I said above, fics like this are where I get my more-serious-story-with-identity-shenanigan-included itch scratched and are what I'd recommend looking for in either fanfic or original fiction form if that's what you like as TV shows just don't seem to have this kind of content, probably because TV shows often draw plot lines out to maximize views while novel-style stories generally have a clear end goal, which is why it can be hard for TV romances to feel satisfying. However, there are certainly a ton of TV shows that I haven't watched, so if anyone has recs for anon, then feel free to drop a comment or give this a reblog with your rec list.
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Crystal Eden AU: Adam, Lilith, Eve, Lucifer & Crystal Gems (2024)
[Note: this drawing I did is for a cover for a type of Crossover AU idea and story...so it will be for both here and over at Quotev...also please do NOT reblog this without my permission...this is for here and for over Quotev for the story that has to do with the whole Crystal Eden AU...some might need to click on the drawing to see it better, because of the words that is written about the purple gem that is seen in the drawing...even though the genderswap versions of Adam, Eve and Lilith and even Lucifer are in a type of silhouettes, and the drawing isn't really mature, but the story for it is...so I'm playing it safe just in case.]
[Note Edit Of July 30, 2024: I had decided to have "Ada" be a nickname and their full name is Adamina...and I will make to edit the first chapters of that Crossover story, that mention that their full name is Adamina...and there is a reason why I had decided to change the idea a little, that has their full name be Adamina.]
Credit for Hazbin Hotel goes to Vivienne "Vivziepop" Medrano
Credit for Steven Universe goes to Rebecca Sugar
the stories that inspired this drawing and the Crystal Eden AU,
are "The eve Of Adam" by Anonymous (over at Archive Of Our Own) and they are called Procyonloser here on Tumblr, and I hope it's okay to mention that...
and the other story that also inspired this, is "Adam/Eve" by BeckyHomeEcky (also on Archive Of Our Own)
and I love those two stories, but the story I'm writing that has to do with Crystal Eden Au, has the idea that Adam was originally the first woman.
so it it's a bit different from those two stories that inspired Crystal Eden AU's Story. and Adam can only change back to his female form if he has that gem that Rose gave him when they still lived in the Garden Of Eden, if Adam doesn't have the gem, they will be stuck in either their male or female form.
the story is for mature audiences only, I decided to call the story over there "Crystal Eden AU: I Think I'm Falling Like A Fallen Angel For You"
even though in that story, Adam was originally the first woman who was named Ada...
Adam goes by she/her when in in his original form, but he/him in his Adam form that he got because of the gem that Rose gave him.
also there is suppose to be a gem that also does change everything, the gem that changes Ada into Adam, and Ada used on Lilith and Eve, turning them into women and their names they had when they were men, were Evan and Thornith.
I don't I had thought of a name for the other gem yet, but it's powers were suppose to involve changing the inside of the body and working together with the gem that Rose made sure only works for Adam, both in his male form and when they become Ada again in her female form...
so even if Lilith or even anyone else, human, gem, demon or angel...
they can't use it because it wont work for them.
the story was inspired from reading the stories over at Archive Of Our Own.
the stories that inspired this idea has to do with Adam being Eve, like there was no real second wife, and Adam and Eve are one in the same...
but like this story while inspired by those two Hazbin Hotel Fanfics,
there is a type of plot twist in the story I just wrote, and I might wait until maybe a few hours or later tomorrow to work on Chapter 2...or maybe I can make it into two parts, like work on and post like a part 1 of it first and then later I can work on part 2...well either that or make chapter 2 very short...but I can try my best to make it as long as I'm able to and hopefully it will be okay...so maybe I can write and post Chapter 2 after I post this here and then put the drawing over at Quotev as a Cover.
but in that story, Adam was originally The First Woman named Ada.
and the only ones who knew this, was Sera, The Crystal Gems and even Greg, and later Steven...and others who can be trusted do know.
save for Lucifer, the other rulers of each ring...and even some angels don't know about it...
Lute and the other Exorcist Angels do know, well save for Vaggie.
Lucifer doesn't know that his wife, Lilith use to be The First Man...
so he doesn't know but will in the future, that Ada who became Adam had used a magical gem that changes your gender but sadly, leave some inside stuff the same...and you need another gem to change that...and you can use both of the two gems together to make the change on both the inside and the outside.
and yeah some might hate the version of Greg Universe in the story, but I'm going to try to have him get better and be redeemed...
in the story, he use to go by "Greg Universe" but was kind of forced to go back to his original family name, cause Ada/Adam were already using the name "Universe" as their new family name.
and even if the songs in the first chapter aren't really perfect, they are suppose to be songs that Adam wrote, one of the songs being about of course his ex-husbands turned ex-wives...
Adam performs in his female form (that was his original form, that he still changes into at times...) and performs under the name "Eve Universe" after one of his ex-spouses. also some of the lyrics are well, some bad and naughty language that have some parts censored with the whole "*" added and replacing a letter in the bad words.
I might end up making only a few chapters, and I still plan to work on other chapters on the other stories on there as well.
also it's fine that not everyone reads that story that has to do with that Crystal Eden AU idea.
I did add some other series into the mix, one of them being Powerpuff Girls Doujinshi and a few others that could end up being minor characters and making small cameos.
anyway once again, this drawing is for here and for over at Quotev.
so please "do NOT reblog without my permission" and respect my wishes...and well anyway I'm going to hurry up and post this and get to work on placing this drawing over at Quotev as well as a Cover for that Crystal Eden AU Story.
also I was still working on that story on May 31, 2024 and even to June 1, 2024 before having to take a break and then I found out the new episode of Helluva Boss was up, of course after watching it I went to bed and waited until later to work more on the chapters for that Crystal Eden AU story...
but of course I ended up having that weird dream where I was marrying Valentino and Vox, I did explain before in the post before this one...that those two almost had a June Wedding in that weird dream I had on June 1, 2024.
I asked Vox "do you take Valentino as your Babe."
and then at some point I asked Valentino,
"do you take Vox, to be your Boo."
I don't know what weirdness I was on when I dreamed that, but I only remember very little bit about the whole vows thing.
but before I could say "you may kiss The Overlord" or something like that, maybe like "Overlord-Husband"...
I started to wake up before I could finish marrying them. XD
like at first it might of been a playful joke when I told them that they should get married, but it might of became technically real in the dream...but like just in the dream, not in the canon...
I don't think those two are that far in their relationship yet, at least in the canon...
well for all know I still might have Priestess blood for all I know, I do have O RH D Negative, so maybe they would only be legally married in the dream world, but in real life and in the canon of the Hazbin Hotel...they aren't married, and yet I was so close to having them be married in my weird dream I had.
then again, don't think I could legally marry someone like a Priestess could, even if it does turn out I'm part of some Spiritual Royal Bloodline like some info about my blood type says...
but this Weird Defective Earth Angel, is still gonna hope that Jesus is still just a distant cousin because of certain reasons...but I'm not gonna get too deep into that right now...cause no one can prove that I'm one of his descendant granddaughters...but once again, not going to go talk too deep about that right now.
also even if some Toxic-Religious people seem to have a Toxic-Problem with me believing in both The Heavenly-Father/God & Earthly-Mother/Goddess...
I still think they can just go and kiss Mammon's butt...
either the one from Helluva Boss or one of the Cuphead AU versions of him...I know I said that in that post that also talked about that weird dream, but seriously even if some don't agree with the whole there being a Goddess thing, and only believe in The Heavenly-Father, at least they don't cross a line like some Toxic-Religious people do when they can't accept that I have a different view and belief now, even if I can still believe in the good side of Jesus.
anyway hope some like this drawing that will be used as a Cover for over at Quotev, and it's okay that not everyone reads it.
also as for the whole if Adam views themself as a man or woman, that still needs to be worked on, because in that Crystal Eden AU's story, Adam was originally the first woman and was just "Ada"...
but he mostly stays in his Male form where he is called "Adam" most of the time, and only becomes "Ada" every once in a while.
so they will mostly be called he/him when they are Adam, but when they are Ada, they will be she/her because that is how Adam feels when he switches between his male and female forms when using the gem that Rose Quartz gave them.
and in case some might not be able to read what it says about "The Androgynite" in this drawing…
it here is what it says about it in the drawing...
"The Androgynite (a non-sentient gem that swap the gender or genders of any non-gem species) Abilities: can change a male human body into a female one. can change a female human body into a male one. owner: Ada (when they use the gem to become Adam so Thornith wouldn't ignore what they had to say or their ideas. but even as "Adam", Thornith wouldn't listen to them. when Thornith left, Ada was all alone, even though the crystal gems came to visit them….one day, Ada was given a new husband to be by her side. Ada's new husband was named Evan, the two were happy for a time. until Ada caught Evan kissing Satanael. in her wrath & sorrow, Ada used the Androgynite to turn Evan into Eve. but even as Ada changed Thornith into Lilith before Lilith left the garden…. Ada wasn't happy until she left the garden with Rose Quartz…"
I thought it be best to edit this in, since some of the words might be hard to read…
well at first Adam was suppose to just leave Eden with Rose, but then some ideas did change a bit in that story, so Adam had to leave the garden on his own, and was going to try to go find Rose, Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst...but he became stuck with Eve for a while.
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rubydubydoo122 · 6 months
What's a song that reminds you of Jason, Bruce, Dick and Damian?
For Damian, definitely "Love Like You" From Steven Universe, especially the line "I always thought I might be bad now I'm sure that it's true, cus, I think you're so good, and I'm nothing like you"
for Dick, I would say "Look After You" By the Fray, specifically to his siblings and specifically the line "What's mine is yours to leave or take, what's mine is yours to make your own" also, "Seven" by Taylor Swift, Idk, I just feel like that song would remind him of his time in the circus.
For Bruce "Fine Line" by Harry Styles. I have a whole Band AU planned out Just so that for the final song, Bruce sings this to all the kids.
and for Jason.... Wooo doggie, I hAve A LOt. I'll just give you the main ones
"Would've Could've Should've" by Taylor Swift. I could copy paste the entire song in here and It would be like pulling a page out of Jason's Diary. Same with "Right Where You Left Me" "My Tear Ricochet" "THE GREAT WAR" and I could go on and on and on "Haunted" "Back to December" "Nothing New" "Mr. Perfectly Fine" Is Taylor Swift Jason Todd?
Then there's "The Grudge" by Olivia Rodrigo "I have nightmares each week about that friday in may" "Trust that you betrayed confusion that still lingers, took everything I loved and crushed it in betweeen your fingers" and "and I know in my heart, hurt people, hurt people, and We both drew blood but man those cuts were never equal"
SO MANY CONAN GRAY SONGS. "Winner" ("my heart that once was beating, bleeding the palm of your hand. yet you have the nerve to miss me how do I somehow feel guilty, WHEN YOU'RE THE ONE WHO LET IT GET THIS BAD; you don't really wanna hear the truth, do you? it's obvious to anyone who ever knew you. That all you ever wanted was to fight. I was only trying to survive your chaos") "Astronomy" "FAMILY LINE" "Memories" "jigsaw" "THE EXIT" ("Feels like, we had matching wounds but mine's still black and bruised and yours is perfectly fine. Feel like WE BURRIED ALIVE something that NEVER DIED so god it HURT when I FOUND OUT. You love her, it's over, do you even doubt it on your lips. You love her. It's over. You already found someone to miss while I'm still standing at the exit." Maturing is realizing it's the second half of the chorus that's more important to Jason Todd's character than the first)
Afraid by the Neighborhood, but this could really go for any of the Batboys
I KNOW THE END by Phoebe Bridgers. I just feel like if there was ever a show depicting Jason's run as Robin, and that song played as he was getting beat up by the joker and the Bridge hit as the timer was counting down, I would ABSOLUTELY LOSE IT. IF THAT HAPPENS I WOULD HAVE TO BE SENT TO ARKHAM HOLY SHIT EVERY TIME I HEAR THAT SONG I THINK OF JASON"S DEATH
anywho, thanks for coming to my ted talk
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holylulusworld · 11 months
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Title: Dishonored
Summary: You fell. For his lies. For him. From grace.
Pairing: Prince!Steven Grant Rogers x Princess!Reader; Lord Barnes x Princess!Reader (no polyamory)
Warnings: heavy angst (I’m not joking), lies, manipulation, hurting people for revenge, implied loss of innocence, unwanted/unplanned pregnancy, Steve being the worst, sadness, hopelessness, desperation, suicidal tendency/suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide, fluff, we stan Bucky in this story
Rating: Mature
Words: 2,7 k 
Square filled for @anyfandomfluffbingo: Square 9: “I never loved you.”
Square filled for Lulu’s Winter Bingo 2022: Square 4: Winter
Square filled for @steverogersbingo: C3: Free space – Royal AU
Square filled for @buckybarnesbingo: C2: Sharing body heat
Please heed the warnings for this story. It contains triggering content such as attempted suicide.
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You fell. For his lies. For him. From grace. 
How do you move on when your honor and grace get ripped away by the man who promised you love and devotion?
He lured you in – sweet-talked you into giving him the one thing you cherished the most. Your honor and innocence. Reserved for your future husband, and the man loving you unconditionally.
Lies. All lies.
It was a moment of weakness making you stumble and fall. Into his bed. Into his arms.
He took you apart, gentle, and slow. A miracle to you when you think about the aftermath.
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A few months earlier, your father’s castle
“I can't believe Prince Steven came to woo me,” you mumbled to yourself. The prince arrived earlier this morning and you hoped your dreams would come true. You always felt a deep connection to the prince, and now, he’s here to talk to your father.
“Princess!” Your chambermaid scolded. “You shouldn’t be out here in the cold! Your father called for you. He wants you to meet Prince Steven. He will stay at the castle for a few weeks until he travels to his uncle’s castle.”
Your face fell. He came here to sit out the approaching snowstorm, nothing else.
How could you have been foolish enough to believe he came to ask for your hand?
“I’m…coming,” you tried to not cry. All your hopes and dreams ended up on the ground - shattered and torn. “We cannot let our guest wait.”
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“Father,” you stepped confidently toward your father to peck his cheek. He was always soft on you, and let you break a few rules. Especially when it came to etiquette. You’re his little thunderstorm, a wild child with a bright mind and softness that’s hard to find among royals. “I heard we have a guest.”
“He’ll be here in a minute,” the king softly said. He ran his hand over your hair and patted your head. “I need you on your best behavior. I angered the prince, and we don’t want him to tell his father the king about it.”
You wrinkled your forehead. “What? I don’t understand,” you whispered so no one could hear. Your father is one of the kindest people you know. How could he possibly anger the prince?
“Your Highness,” Steven walked inside the throne room, accompanied by his best friend, and confident Lord Barnes. The brunette watched you with interest while the prince’s eyes drifted toward your brother and his fiancé, Lady Margaret Carter. “I see the princess will join us for supper.”
“Your Highness,” you turned your attention toward the prince. “It’s a pleasure to meet you again. It’s been too long.” 
Steven eagerly took your offered hand to press a chaste kiss to the back of it. “The pleasure is all mine. Thank you for having me.”
“Lord Barnes,” you smiled at the brunette. Last time you saw him he was reading a book in the garden, chuckling at something he read. “I hope you’ll enjoy your stay. The library is always open for you.”
“Princess,” Lord Barnes smiled wildly. “You look as beautiful as ever.”
“Oh…my…you are too kind, Lord Barnes,” you replied gracefully and batted your eyelashes. “It’s always a pleasure having you around.”
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Supper was more than pleasant. Lord Barnes kept the conversation flowing while the prince watched you the whole time. He complimented you and raised his glass on your beauty and grace.
You were surprised. His eyes seemed to be glued to your brother and his fiancé. Out of a sudden Prince Steven turned his attention toward you. He even stopped his friend from talking to you.
Your cheeks heated up, and you felt warm when he placed his hand next to yours, subtly brushing your pinkie with his finger.
It was the first time he was so close, and you allowed yourself to bask in his attention for as long as it lasted. 
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The next days felt like a dream come true. Steven asked you to spend time with him and go for a walk in the gardens. For propriety's sake, a chaperon accompanied you and Steven. But you didn’t care at all.
The moments spent with the prince were the best of your life. He made you smile, and laugh and your heart flutter.
All that mattered to you was his smile, his soft blue eyes, and the way he looked at you. It was the same way your father looked at your father and your brother at his chosen bride.
“I wish these days will never end,” you dared to hope Steven would say the same.
He took you by surprise when he replied. “Even if they end,” he looked you deep in the eyes, leaning a little closer to whisper, “I’ll always come back to you."
The prince was about to press a soft kiss on your forehead when your chaperone stepped in.
“Your Highness, please do not forget you are wooing for a princess, not a wench. Remember your manners,” she tutted. “We should head back inside. It’s getting colder, and I can smell the snow.”
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Marjorie, your chaperone was right. Winter came faster than expected, accompanied by a snowstorm that wouldn’t let up.
The whole country was suffering from the cold weather and the snow masses.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. The snowstorm and unforgiving winter kept Steven and Lord Barnes from leaving your castle.
You didn’t mind. Most of the time you spend with Steven, chatting about his kingdom, childhood, and love.
Yes. Love.
You held hands, and when your chaperone wasn’t looking, he even stole kisses. Steven promised you that love is the most precious thing to protect in this world.
He played you well, you give him that.
Your heart couldn’t take being apart from Steven for a single moment. So, you gave him everything you had to offer, and what he was craving. 
On one of these cold winter nights, you let him sneak into your bedroom, and take you to bed. He kissed you, and when he settled between your thighs you believed he would make you his wife and love you forever.
When it was over, he smirked, and his eyes grew cold. Your heart dropped as he hastily redressed. “Steven, what are you doing?”
“My plan went well, didn’t it?” He looked at you, making you feel ashamed of yourself. You grabbed the blanket to cover your body. The one he ruined with his touch. 
“I don’t understand, Steven. My love. What has gotten into you? You said you love me.” You cried as he looked at you, wrinkling his nose at your disheveled state. 
“I never loved you,” he coldly replied. “Your father forced the woman I love to marry your brother,” he sneered and curled his lips. “I stole his beloved daughter’s innocence. What will he do if he finds out you are carrying my bastard under your heart?”
“Steven, I don’t…” Your voice trembled. “Why? I…”
“I came here to ask your father to stop this insanity and let me marry Margaret. I love her dearly. He refused and wanted to send me away.”
You remember now. Your father told you that he upset Steven.
“But…she came here, begging my father to help her. She wanted to marry my brother. Margaret wasn’t my father’s first choice. Some princesses and ladies were more beautiful and with a better reputation. He agreed because she was in love with my brother and threatened to kill herself if he didn’t allow her to marry my brother.”
“What?” He looked a little shell-shocked at your words but shook his head. “Lies!” Steven yelled, making you flinch. “Shut your mouth, wench. Never talk about Margaret like that again.” 
He left without looking back and slammed the door shut. Leaving you devasted, heartbroken, and ruined.
After that night, he never looked at you. He declared that he was going to stay at the guest wing until it was time to leave.
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One month later, …
Hopelessness is the only thing left in your life. You can feel a new life growing in your womb. Every passing day brings you closer to doomsday. 
Soon you won’t be able to hide the secret. Soon everyone will know you got dishonored.
Foolish girl letting a man take what should have never been his.
You run your hand over your belly, choking out another sob. If you want to save what’s left of your honor, you must take matters into your own hands.
Shakily you glance at the balcony parapet again. If you do it now, you can save your honor, and your father’s. 
Stepping toward the parapet you release a shuddery breath.
What if it’s not high enough? What if you survive? What if they ask questions?
“No,” you step away from the parapet. This is the wrong way to go. You must let it look like an accident. Or maybe, if you can find someone selling you a potion, you can end your life painlessly and fast.
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The river looked inviting to you. You looked at the floating water, fascinated by its power and grace.
Once upon a time, you were gracefully too. 
That was until your grace and innocence got ripped away from you like it meant nothing to him. “If I step into the river, it will be over soon. Maybe they will believe it was an accident. I slipped and fell into the river.”
Slowly, you stepped toward the water, closing your eyes for a moment. This was the only way to save your honor. The water would wash away the sin you committed and take your secret with it.
You took another step, and another until you felt the cold water kiss your feet. “Cold.” You whispered but walked farther into the water, feeling it tug at your gown. “It will be over soon, my little stardust.” You rubbed your belly. “I’m so sorry.”
The water surrounded you, almost reaching your waistline as you heard someone call for you. “Princess! NO!”
It was Lord Barnes. His heart stopped beating for a moment when he saw you in the river. He knew something was wrong with the way his friend acted out of a sudden.
“Nooo!” You heard the water splashing and then, two strong arms wrapped around you like anchors holding you in this world. “What are you doing, princess.”
“I cannot…he dishonored me,” you choked out a heartbreaking sob. “I cannot remain. No man will want me. Not after he took my innocence and…the baby…it will be a bastard.”
Lord Barnes stiffened when the words floated out of your mouth like the water in the river. He couldn’t believe his friend and confidant would do such a thing to you for revenge.
“My love. No,” he dragged you out of the water, and wrapped you in his arms, letting you cry in his chest until there were no tears left in you. Lord Barnes said. “Stay with me, my love. I’ll keep you warm. We need to keep each other warm.”
“But I—” You lifted your head to look at him with tear-clouded eyes. “You should’ve let me die. Father will…”
“He won’t know. Not about what happened with Steven, nor what you did today. What a coincidence I came by when you slipped and fell into the river,” he whispered and kissed your temple. “I came back to ask for your hand, and to wed you in spring.”
Your heart thundered in your chest at his words. “I’m…ruined. You don’t want me, or my bastard child.”
“I will love it like my own, my love,” he kissed your cheek. “You are not ruined, princess. Only a little broken. But we can fix this. I got my heart broken once too. We will heal together.”
“My lord, the babe…it’s not yours…I can’t…you can’t.”
“It’s cold, let’s head back to the castle and get you warm. I’ll call for a healer…”
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“Not a word about her condition except for the cold,” Lord Barnes warned the healer. “If you say a word about the other thing,” he patted his sword, “you won’t be able to spend all the gold you’ll get.”
“Not a word,” the healer nodded and walked back inside your room.
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“Marry my daughter?” Your father eyed Lord Barnes warily. He came back a few days after Prince Steven and he left the castle. Alone, and with a grim expression. “But…what about the prince?”
“He’s a foolish man, my king,” Lord Barnes growled. “He lost his heart one too many times to a pretty face. I cherish your daughter, her grace, and her kindness. If you allow me to woo her, I’ll be forever grateful. I’m not a prince but love her dearly.”
“She admires you too,” the king replied. “She talked about you, and that you love to read as much as she does. If my daughter agrees, I’ll agree on your bond.”
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Lord Barnes didn’t wait until spring to wed you. He insisted on marrying you within another month. 
You watched him with sad eyes as he desperately tried to fix his friend’s mistake.
“Lord Barnes, you can still find a better bride,” you took his hand to press a soft kiss on his knuckles. “I’m thankful that you tried to save my honor, but I cannot make you miserable for the rest of your life.”
“My love,” he whispered. “I fell for you the first time we met. If only I knew about Steven’s plans, I wouldn’t have stepped back and let him woo for you.”
“It’s not your fault, only mine,” you sniffled, and wiped your eyes. “I wasn’t raised to become a wench. I decided to let him do this to me…”
“Y/N, you’re not a w-.” He shook his head. “Never use that word again,” he angrily said. “He was the one stealing the light from you. You’re still an innocent angel.”
“I know that I’m not,” you hid your face in his shoulder, allowing yourself to let the mask you wear so well slip. “You’ll get damaged goods, my Lord.”
“Call me James, or Bucky, my love,” he gently rubbed your back. “I promise, you are far from damaged goods for me. You are going to be my wife and I’ll love you. And the babe will get all my love too. They are going to mine.”
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“What a beautiful pair, don’t you think?” Your mother asked. “She looks happy, my love.”
Your father smiled wildly as he watched you and your groom share the first dance. You smiled and laughed as Bucky twirled you around.
“I was worried about our daughter for a while. Prince Steven’s departure left her heartbroken,” the king held out his hand for his wife. “Let us join them and celebrate their union.”
The queen smiled and took your father’s offered hand. She didn’t have the heart to tell him the truth.
A mother always knows when her child is in need. 
She will never break her promise to herself and tell her husband that she saw you at the river when Lord Barnes saved you, or that she heard what you confessed.
“He is a good man, my love,” the queen whispered. “Our beloved daughter couldn't find a better man.”
While everyone celebrated your wedding and danced, Steven stood in a corner, watching you and his best friend happy together.
He squared his jaw and balled his hands into fists. His heart dropped watching Margaret and your brother join you on the dance floor. 
Everything he did was in vain…
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rococo-sonata · 3 months
i'm brainrotted by both bsd and steven universe so i made a crossover au because there is so many similarities between the characters!!
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SO!! in this universe, years after the gem war, when the situation seems to have calmed down for the earth and the revolution seems to have fallen into oblivion at homeworld, Dazai who no longer has a goal decides to finally commit su!cide. But when he dies, his gem doesn't shatter, the small ounce of desire to live that Dazai has left (among other stuff) gives birth to something entirely new, something between a gem and a being. in short Atsushi is a sort of reincarnation of Dazai who has his gem
Now let me explain why i choose those roles for them :3 i just finished the season 3 of bsd so i might get some stuff wrong.
Just like Rose, Dazai's motivations is hard to understand. They are both morally grey characters, who are difficult to describe as just good or bad because their true intentions are unclear. They both have a past in which they caused pain to people around them, they both seek to change and be better persons . Both revolve around a dual identity, one good and one bad, but they are really just a mixture of the two. They make mistakes, they're selfish but at the same time they want to fight for something good. People expect a lot from them and see them as leaders or role models while they themselves are lost and depressed. And in the storyline of the two their story is told in reverse ^_^
Atsushi reminds me of Steven mainly bcs of the role he plays for Kyoka, helping her find herself and what she wants to do with her life. Just like Steven he is told his whole life to be a certain way, he spend his time trying to help others, forgetting that his feelings matter too
(in this universe Greg is the girl from the cafe, it's a bit useless but i find it funny to turn her into a rockstar)
Kunikida as Pearl is for me the one that makes the most sense. Pearl remains unable to grieve because she dedicated her life to serving Rose. Kunikida dedicates his life to achieving his ideals of a perfect justice and in which he saves everyone. When he fails he is unable to forgive himself and to mourn over the people he could not save. I think they're sm alike.. Just with their personalities, they're both strict nerdy caring devoted and kinda got a stick up their ass. But also with their stories and mindset. Kunikida is tragic lesbian coded. This one makes me so happy because they are both my favorite characters. Not that I like KuniDazai that much, i don't really ship it. but here it's more or less canon, they are like very very very close friends. Kunikida remains stuck for years over the fact that he couldn't save his """best friend""" and consider himself as responsible for his death.
Ranpo as Garnet because I think ranpo makes a good leader. Despite being immature he is capable of rationalizing and making decisions (like in the cannibalism arc) he is a sort of guide and is admired by the members of the agency, like garnet in the crystal gems, everyone relies on him. and especially his power to see the future looks like the super deduction
Yosano as Amethyst is really because I wanted her to have an important role and I didn't know who else to put in☠️ I find that she's a bit similar in the way they fight, they're both ruthless and really mature in a certain way
update : now that i saw Yosano backstory i'm glad i picked amethyst for her. they both fight to earn the right to live, because they think they're bad by nature (because of their past or their appearance) they want to defend the only place and peoples that accept them
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this is my 2nd favorite!! it makes so much sense imo. the story of both lapis and kyoko revolves around being imprisoned/controlled and used as a weapon, being seen as a machine to destroy by nature. Lapis' mirror is kyoka's phone. They both seeks emancipationand becoming good people ^_^
i'm done for now but i have so many others idea that i love sm!! next will probably be akutagawa
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ceiwiart2 · 1 day
Can you tell us more about your SU time travel AU?
OMG absolutely!
So obviously future Steven and past Pearl, I feel, would get along so well. And if you saw my Hope For the Future comic, I kind of put that in there. They would be the only two that know the big reveal other than of course the future gems.
Also, I feel like Future Steven would get along with the past CGs because he is much more mature, whereas, and I'm not saying the future gems are immature, but they have developed to surpass where they were in a way that past Steven and the future gems would get along.
Future Steven wants to alter the timeline to make things easier on himself in the past, but knows that it's not a great thing to do, so he just offers support for past Steven.
On the other hand, past Steven wants to know all about the future but he knows that future Steven is uncomfortable with telling him nor does he know how to tell him.
Future Steven can be uncomfortable with his past self as he has a different personality that is not as upbeat than he once was and it pains him to see the light in his child self since his corruption. And he wants to tell past Steven to take care of himself too and talk to the gems about how he is feeling more rather than bottling things up.
Future Steven also encourages past Steven to explore his human side outside of his gem life and ask Greg questions about his side of the family. There are many opportunities to meet his grandparents and visit uncle Andy.
As for how they get to the past/future, I think that the "time thing" from Steven and the Stevens wouldn't still exist since it was smashed to bits and pieces at the end of the episode, but maybe Future Steven would visit that location and pick out another hourglass during a depressive episode where he feels that if he went back in time, he'd feel better since he misses the simple times.
There are some kinks that I still need to work out but I love this idea and I think that it would be so cool to explore. I am planning to make more comics and animations for this as well! Thanks for asking!
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cathchicken · 2 years
“King’s Birthday”, a ToH comic (K+C Brothers AU)
PART 1/?
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(next update has yet to be released)
So!! I finally got round to complete the first part to this! It didn’t take too long at all, which makes me happy since I don’t want to feel unmotivated while trying to complete this big ol thing. Also, if you’re new to my brothers AU and the Collector seems somewhat out of character, that’s the point. Their personality is mostly the same, but after living with Eda and king for several years, he’s grown to be a bit more mature (he’s also not very himself in this comic specifically, if that wasn’t apparent haha)
Also!! The collector doesn’t actually need to sleep, he just sort of adopted the habit of doing it anyway as a ways to fit in. (Think gems in Steven universe) The “bed” they’re sleeping on is also just part of his shadow body they made, since he can’t actually sleep in a real bed aha
Anyways, the next update should come out soon as well, hopefully before or on Friday! Have a nice day!
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*These weren’t necessarily written and/or posted in August, but that’s when I read them 😊
(thanks for your patience y'all, sorry i got so behind on these. working on getting recs for september and october out as well ❤️)
🔥 - explicit/mature content
Star Wars
Cheeky Poe (Poe Dameron x Reader) - @dailyreverie
🔥Move Over (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
🔥Only yours (Din Djarin x F!Reader) - @the-little-ewok
🔥FWB with Poe (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @runa-falls
🔥Enraptured (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @the-little-ewok
beneath the stars (Poe Dameron x Reader) - @ladyxskywalker
Deflection, deflection (Poe Dameron x Reader) - @writingsoftheloser
Moon Knight
🔥Entrée (Marc Spector x F!Reader / Steven Grant x F!Reader) - @the-little-ewok
🔥Love You, More (Jake Lockley x F!Reader) - @xbellaxcarolinax
🔥White Noise (Steven Grant x F!Reader) - @spacecowboyhotch
Discovery (Jake Lockley x F!Reader) - @missdictatorme
Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse
🔥Crazy (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @xbellaxcarolinax
Punch-Out Love (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @astroboots
🔥self-care (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @runa-falls
🔥Open Up (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @xbellaxcarolinax
🔥Halo (Miguel O'hara x AI!Reader) - @missdictatorme (yeah i'm reccing this again, cuz it's awesome...plus there's a part 2 😜)
🔥Free-Use with Miguel (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @runa-falls
🔥something new (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @runa-falls
🔥Shy (College AU!Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @xbellaxcarolinax
Ex Machina
Any Time (Nathan Bateman x Reader) - @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
🔥Plenty (Leto Atreides x F!Reader) - @writefightandflightclub
The Punisher
🔥summer heat (Frank Castle x F!Reader) - @runa-falls
Sucker Punch/Big Gold Brick
🔥Trine (Anselm Vogelweide x Blue Jones x F!Reader) - @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
Blue Jones The Make Up Artist (Blue Jones x Reader) - @ominoose
🔥Tear Down My Reason (Orderly!Blue Jones x F!Reader) - @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
Triple Frontier/Narcos
🔥Hard at work (Santiago Garcia X F!Reader) - @the-little-ewok
🔥If You Wanna Be Wild (Javier Peña x Sex Worker!Informant!Reader x Santiago Garcia) - @romanarose
Thank you to all the wonderful writers for sharing their stories with us 🥰❤️
*For more recs, please feel free to check out my fic rec tag.
**If you’d like to have your fic removed from the list, I completely understand, just let me know
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sarahowritesostucky · 8 months
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📖"Alpha, Beta (& Omega)"
Story Rating: Explicit
Chapter Rating: Mature
Word Count: 2368
Pairing: Steve x Bucky
Tags: a/b/o, arranged marriage, enemies to lovers, nobility/royalty au, alternate history, dom/sub elements, beta bucky, hurt/comfort, age gap, domestic discipline, spanking, head of household, wedding night, Edwardian time period, m/f/m poly marriage
Summary: To save House Barnes from scandalous ruin, James must agree to a contracted marriage, accepting Lord Sentor Steven Rogers as his Alpha, Husband, and Headship.
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To read previous parts of this series, go to the masterlist
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2. A Most Untoward Introduction
Chapter Summary: Before Bucky knows what’s what, a prenuptial agreement has been negotiated and arrangements are being made. Deciding to cause one last scandal before he's bound to a controlling Spouse for the rest of his life, he takes the train to New York for a night on the town.
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House Barnes holds the New Jersey Seat, but of course Bucky’s been to New York. It’s where all the best parties are.
He’d have been perfectly happy if it had been university or even his own youthful adventures that brought him to live in New York City, but the fact that it’s a marriage of convenience means that he’s not happy about it. Not one little bit.
Lord Rogers gets word back to Winnifred fairly quickly, and before Bucky knows what’s what, a prenuptial agreement and dowry has been negotiated and arrangements are being made. The servants start packing his things and the neighbors visit with well wishes and Bucky is just dying inside, because he can’t stand this. He’s engaged, and everyone's acting all glad and happy because House Barnes won't be ruined after all, but all Bucky feels is a growing sense of dread. He hates that it’s out of his control.
To feel better about the whole situation, and to maybe just cause one last scandal before he's bound to a controlling Spouse for the rest of his life, Bucky—engaged as he is—takes the train to New York with some friends for a night on the town. House Romanov is hosting an evening at the St. Regis, and it’s where everyone who’s anyone will be.
The party is in full swing by the time Bucky walks through the ballroom doors. He inhales deeply, feeling some of the tension of the last two weeks slipping away. He’s going to have a good time tonight, impropriety be damned. Hell, he’ll be disappointed if by tomorrow morning there aren’t headlines in some cheap tabloid. With a smirk and a drink swiped off a passing waiter’s tray, Bucky thinks that perhaps his stupid father won’t be the only one to make the papers, come Monday.
The party isn’t meant for Senators themselves. Bucky and his loose group of friends wouldn’t have bothered attending, if it was. Instead, it's the sons and daughters and the fortunate friends of the country’s ruling class who crowd the hotel ballroom. The music is fast and loud, pushing the limits of what their parents would find suitable, and the dancing that’s taking place isn’t the requisite twelve inches apart. It's a fashionable evening of young people drinking too much and behaving loosely—mostly single Betas and Alphas, as there are no chaperones present to protect the virtue of unmarried omegas. But there are a few married omegas whom Bucky spots amongst the throng of guests, their beta Spouses or Alpha Headships never far away. Bucky stands towards the edge of the room and downs several glasses of champagne as he surveys the crowd, assessing his options.
Suddenly, someone is at his side, starched skirts brushing up against his dress pants. He glances over. “Natasha,” he says. “Thank you for the evening. It's a good turn out."
“Of course,” she says. "But I honestly didn’t expect you to be attending.”
“Oh, and why’s that?”
“Does your fiancée know you’re here?”
“No." Bucky takes another sip of his drink, mulish over her use of the word 'fiancée'. "And I wouldn’t care if he did. I’m free for a few more nights, at least.”
“A date’s been set, then?”
His guts clench at the question. “Yeah,” he mumbles. "Yeah. June first.” That evening is May twenty-fifth. He’s getting married in a week. Sighing, he tosses back the end of his drink and shoves the empty glass at a passing server. His head’s floating already, filled pleasantly with bubbles. He’ll be drunk within the half hour, he thinks. “This is my last hurrah,” he says to Natasha. “Don’t try to stop me.”
She shrugs. “I won’t. Though I have a feeling I should. You’re going to make a spectacle of yourself, aren’t you?”
“Why not? It’s not like my dear betrothed is here to stop me.” Bucky sneers, liking the thought of making a headline or two so that when he walks up to the altar in a few days, he'll earn a glare from his new husband. “If the good Captain cared, he’d be here, now wouldn’t he?”
“I suppose,” Natasha says, looking amused. “Have fun with that, James.”
Bucky grunts, shaking off the thought that perhaps she disapproves of his intentions. Whatever, he thinks. She'd do the same if she were in his boat. Bucky's the one being forced into a marriage of convenience to salvage his family's name. He deserves to have one last bit of fun.
The first person to catch his eye is a handsome young alpha with auburn hair. Bucky doesn’t recognize him as a Senatorial heir, but that doesn’t mean much. Bucky's only been introduced to society for a few short years, and he's spent far more of that time in hospital beds than he has in ballrooms. There are surely many members of Society—both high and low—with whom he is still unacquainted. Emboldened by the champagne, he approaches the auburn-haired stranger and strikes up a friendly but inelegant conversation.
The stranger engages with him for a few moments before he seems to realize who Bucky is, his attention catching on Bucky's neck and his stiff left arm. “Oh," he says. "You’re James Barnes."
Bucky’s a little miffed at being recognized by his scars, but he lets it pass. He’s still got a pretty face, after all. He’s a little confident that it can make up for his shortcomings. Especially to a half-drunk alpha with no date on his arm. “Yeah,” he says. “And who are you? I’d think I’d remember such a handsome face.”
The man looks surprised, and he visibly gains confidence as he catches onto Bucky’s interest. His posture becomes more flirtatious and he inches closer to Bucky. “Oh? Well I’m not Society, but my father does business with House Stark. Hammer industries?”
Bucky’s eyes light up. Even better. He steps closer and reaches to finger shamelessly at the man's lapel. “Bourgeoises,” he hums. “Just my taste."
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A couple hours later, and Bucky has obtained a reservation and a room key from the front desk. His companion joins him on the lift, where the grate gets closed and the operator averts his eyes. Bucky kisses his companion and snickers privately to himself about the impropriety of it. He wonders if the lift operator will be the one to give comments to the tabloids, come tomorrow morning.
The alpha Bucky's kissing does a fair job of it, despite their mutual drunkenness. He favors brandy, evidenced by the flavor of his tongue each time it dips into Bucky's mouth. He kisses confidently, and his hands are large and rough where they grip at Bucky’s sides. The lift 'dings' as it arrives at their floor, and they step off together. The poor lift operator looks downright relieved to be rid of them, nodding his head with a harried, "Sirs," and quickly lowering back out of sight.
Bucky’s companion laughs and tugs him along down the hall to their room. “I daresay I like you,” he says. “A beta who knows what he wants. No wasting time.”
Bucky hums. He stands at the door to the room and tries to fit the key into the lock, but it’s hard with the other man standing behind him the way he is, holding his hips and rubbing up against him and kissing at his neck. “Mm, can’t wait to undress you.”
Bucky groans. “Yeah." He’s all for exhibitionism, but the hallway is too much, even for him, and he continues to fumble with the key. "Just ... gotta get this damn door."
The man laughs. “This is so improper!"
"No that improper," Bucky grunts. "Jeez."
The man snickers and noses under his ear. "Well aren't you supposed to be engaged?"
“Yes, he is."
The voice that cuts in is deep and unamused. Bucky inhales sharply and whips his head to the side. There’s another man standing there, another alpha, looking borderline furious and smelling that way, too. He’s handsome, blond haired and strong-jawed, but he’s also in the way, and Bucky looks him up and down with a scowl. “Do you mind?”
The man steps closer. He’s not looking at Bucky, but rather at Bucky's companion. “Take your hands off of him and get out of here,” he says.
Bucky isn’t expecting his companion to listen, is actually expecting a pissing contest to take place, but then the guy’s hands leave his hips and he steps away. “I’m sorry,” he says to to the alpha, sounding very embarrassed, despite his drunkenness, then he hurries away back towards the lift.
Bucky cannot believe it. He turns to glare at the new stranger. “Who the fuck do you think you are?!” he yells. He’s swollen in his pants, after all, and this guy has ruined his plans. The man doesn’t look abashed though. He looks disapproving as hell, which pisses Bucky off even more. “I asked you a question,” he growls, getting in the alpha’s face.
The man doesn’t budge. He just looks at Bucky like he’s a stupid kid. “I think you’d better go in that room and sleep off the state you’ve gotten yourself into,” he says. “I’m booked into a room down the hall. I’ll see you home safely in the morning.”
“Excuse me?” Bucky says, fuming. He reaches up to shove him, but the man catches his hand and holds it in place just over his chest. Bucky’s eyes narrow. “Let me go.”
“Promise me you’ll go in there and go to sleep,” the man says, still not acting like he’s in the wrong at all.
Bucky growls. “Fine!” He tries to yank his hand back and is surprised when the stranger allows it. He huffs, rubbing his wrist. “Jesus, you fucking pretentious alphas, think you can do whatever you want. You’re gonna regret this. Do you know who I am?”
The man’s lips quirk, for the first time looking amused, however wryly. “I know exactly who you are. You’re a spoilt brat who’s trying to make trouble.”
Bucky gasps. He feels like hitting the guy, but knows that he’d lose that fight fast. The man before him is big and fills out his suit in a way that lets Bucky know just how strong he must be. “Fuck you,” he says, angry and drunk and too tired to maintain this argument anymore. He turns away and focuses on getting his key in the lock. “You’re gonna regret this,” he mumbles again, though this time it’s with less venom since he can tell he’s not managing to get under this stranger’s skin. The door opens and Bucky pushes through.
“Go to sleep,” the man commands, as if it’s his right to do so. “I’ll retrieve you in the morning.”
Bucky scowls at the idiot stranger and slams the door in his face. He doesn’t bother getting undressed or doing anything more than taking a piss in the ensuite and yanking his collar loose before collapsing on the bed and passing out.
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An abrupt knocking wakes Bucky, the sound of it far too loud and confusing the hell out of him as he groans blearily and blinks his eyes open. “Uuugh,” he moans. His head is pounding, and suddenly he remembers the night before, remembers where he is. “Fuck,” he mutters, feeling like shit.
He’d drank too much, and that stupid stranger had ruined the only reason why he’d imbibed anyway. He sits up in the bed, sparing a glance at his rumpled clothes. He hadn’t planned to spend the night in the city. A late-night train wouldn’t have seen his debauched state nearly so well as the daylight will. Great, he thinks. Now he’ll have to trompse through the lobby of the St. Regis in broad daylight.
“Fucking great,” he mutters. He gets up from the bed, as the knocking hasn’t stopped. He opens the door, prepared to fling a nasty insult at whatever hotel employee has deigned to disturb him. “What do you think you’re—” he freezes, words lost. It’s the man from last night; the blond alpha who’d ended all his fun. Bucky’s eyes narrow. “Are you kidding me?”
“I’m afraid not,” the man says, calm. He’s dressed for the day and composed, and he nods out at the hallway. “I’m seeing you home. Let’s go.”
Bucky laughs. This man is a fucking idiot. Bucky’ll have him detained at the front desk, he decides. Tell the hotel staff to hold him for harassment while Bucky leaves. Satisfied with the thought, Bucky nods and steps out, shutting the door and starting off for the lifts. The stranger follows, self-assured. Not for long, Bucky thinks.
He turns his key in at the front desk and tells the clerk his name. One mention of House Barnes and the woman’s eyes are widening in acknowledgement. “Of course, Sir. We have your account on file.” Bucky’s lips curl as he prepares to tell the woman to make sure that the lunk at his side doesn’t follow him further, but before he can, her attention is shifting over to said lunk, and she’s saying respectfully, “And yourself, Captain Rogers? Are you checking out?”
Bucky’s heart seizes up. No. He looks over at the blond stranger and watches in vague horror as he answers to the name. Once the hotel employee has moved away, Bucky meets the alpha's gaze, astounded. “You’re Steven Rogers?”
The man—Captain Steven Rogers, it would seem—nods. “My friends call me Steve.”
Bucky gapes, mortified. “You could’ve told me who you were!”
“And what would that’ve changed?” Steve asks, eyebrow arched. “You were on a mission to misbehave last night.”
“You're damned right I was!”
“James, be quiet,” Steve snaps, looking around at all of the other hotel guests that litter the lobby. “You don’t need to make more of a scene than you already have.”
Bucky sneers. “Oh, are you embarrassed, Lord Rogers?” Steve stiffens. He takes Bucky by the upper arm and begins steering him towards the hotel’s front doors. “Hey!”
“I’m embarrassed for you, James,” Steve tells him as they emerge onto the street. He brings Bucky to the curb, where a motor carriage is idling. He opens the door and pushes Bucky in. Before he closes the door, Steve looks in at Bucky and tells him, “My man will take you home.”
“I don’t need your help,” Bucky snaps.
Steve sighs. “I understand that you’re acting out, or something along those lines.”
Bucky scowls. "I—"
“I also understand the situation that your family is in, and I won’t force you to do anything against your will. If you truly don’t want to follow through on the engagement, you only have to write me a letter. I’ll make some excuse. I won’t let anyone else know it was your decision.” Steve looks at him seriously. “But if you don’t write me that letter, James, then I’d better never hear of you behaving like this again.” He pulls back before Bucky can say anything to that. He shuts the carriage door and claps the roof to tell the driver to go. Bucky can only watch out the window as his future husband’s figure shrinks into the distance.
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