#matt's hater tendencies
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crowned-as-art · 20 days ago
fuck child proportions
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crowned-as-king · 23 days ago
yeah get fucked blender boy
takes the wires out of every blender in this universe and the next three in every direction
have fun gettin creative
Falls to my knees in despair and sobs
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neallo · 11 days ago
What if Meronia AU in which Mello realises Near does not see him as even remotely inferior and starts getting closer, but then introduces Matt and Near is immediately absolutely disgusted. And Mello kind of agrees but Near is so harsh about Matt that he doubles down on his dislike of Near. At some point Matt somehow manages to pull Halle and Gevanni and they get into a poly relationship together. Then at a hangout Near and Mello get re-introduced to each other and fall in love. Near still thinks Matt is lame as hell but never says it for fear of Rester joining the 'cule
anon this is very cute / funny / silly (particularly lost it at ‘for fear of Rester joining the 'cule’) and i love the spirit immensely. however i fear you'd have to come up with something absolutely bananas for Matt to have done (or for Near to fully, unwaveringly believe Matt did) for Near to beef with him like that. he may perhaps find Matt a bit unpleasant if he's like, really messy or something? but Near doesn't really resort to haterism without a deeper reason generally. with this in mind what crime against humanity do you think Matt committed to bring this upon himself
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masschase · 2 years ago
for the ask meme (for matt and casey): general - 8, love - 9, domestic - 9
Ship ask meme
General - 8- Who gets jealous easier?
So this is one of the things where we see some serious character development in Casey with regards to the two different points in time I write her in my fic. In 2016 she seems a little jealous of Matt and Viola (she has no clue Viola is a lesbian) and extremely jealous of her future self, with regards to the way Matt talks about her/has to go back to her but also everything else she believes is right in her future self's life. 2022 Casey is internally even more jealous as her feelings towards Matt are a lot stronger than the past self that's been fooling around with him for a few days. But she's much better at controlling it so she doesn't seem as bad.
There's also a slightly different dynamic when we look at when Matt was involved with Asha. It's a running plot point that Casey gets uncomfortable around things she can't have, hence the frequency of teasing, making vomit noises etc. despite the assurance she hopes it all works out for them. When you look at how enthusiastically she cheers on other couples, it's clear something is different.
Matt, too, acts casual about it but confirms that he does get quite jealous when he sees the way she dances with Pierce and so on. But he has this firm "she's not mine" mentality so he's a little more chill about it.
I think once they're in a relationship, he'd have far more instances of slight jealousy due to the way people interact with her, but she'd feel far more jealous if she had cause to, so overall I'd say that makes her the jealous one.
Love - 9- What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
God they're terrible for this 🤣
Casey consistently calls Matt "Matty" from that moment I've discussed before onwards where he assures her about how it kind of heals his trauma around Killbane. Before they're in a relationship that's only really when they're alone. Once they're together she uses it more freely in front of the others as well as the standard sweetie and baby. She uses all three of these a lot because she has that tendency to use people's names a lot when she's talking to them.
She will sometimes call him Miller when trying to keep things professional or when they have a work dispute and he will call her Boss/Emperor for the same reasons. Sometimes she straight up calls him Matt Miller usually in a vaguely alluring tone. Nyte Blayde is even more effective.
He's one of few people allowed to call her Cassandra (she just likes how it sounds in a British accent) and if he's using it teasingly she will often call him Matthew in return.
His main nickname for her is Cass and he doesn't use pet names as frequently as she does  but he uses a wider array of terms of endearment than she does. Babe/baby, sweetie, my darling, love/my love, cutest little mass murderer ever, blondie. Oh and princess but only in the bedroom...
In deliberately cheesy moments, the words "cyber god" and "gang boss goddess" may have been used 🤦🏼
Basically, anything *but* thier usual names will suffice 🤣
Domestic - 9- Who’s the better cook?
Matt by a fucking mile, and he's not even like *amazing*, he's just standard level can make half-decent pasta, burgers, quesadillas, shepherd's pie etc. but Casey is laughably bad in the kitchen so to her he's amazing. Even before they were together she called his pasta "That Italian restaurant shit.'. He definitely teaches her some stuff once they're together but for the most part he cooks and she cleans up afterwards.
I do still think it's super cute (some would say contrived but these "some" sound like haters to me) that pecan pie, the one thing Casey can cook thanks to her sister's very simple recipe and the fact it doesn't matter too much if it's burnt, just so happens to be Matt's favourite pie though. He's not really one for baking but I'm sure in time he'll learn to whip up a good lemon meringue in return. :)
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crowned-as-king · 20 days ago
its okay neil.
the haters accept you.
we welcome you.
its so hard to not like a thing for literally no reason. like. am i just a hater
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worldofwardcraft · 2 years ago
Getting down to his last one.
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June 12, 2023
Even at the best of times, Donald Trump has never been what you might call a stable individual. More than a few mental health experts have commented concerning his obvious psychopathologies, including grandiose delusions, malignant narcissism and sociopathic tendencies. But Trump's descent into full-blown madness truly began when he lost the 2020 presidential election and was unable to overturn his defeat through lawsuits, lies, threats, fake electors and even a violent coup.
Incapable of accepting that loss, Trump retreated into a fantasy world in which mass voter fraud stole his victory, the FBI spied on his campaign, and all investigations into his business and personal activities were meritless and politically motivated.
How nuts was he? According to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told a grand jury last year that if somebody had told Trump right after the election that Trump ballots had been stolen by aliens, Trump would’ve believed it.
But it was Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg's 34-count criminal indictment for falsifying business records that accelerated his psychosis and sent him over the edge in an all-caps rage.
Then came the announcement he would be indicted in Miami on federal charges related to his theft of secret government documents. Following a previously unsuccessful attempt by his lawyers to get DOJ Special Prosecutor Jack Smith to call off what he calls "the boxes hoax," Trump went absolutely bonkers.
Reports are the Marxist Special Prosecutor, DOJ, & FBI, want to indict me on the BOXES HOAX, despite all the wrongdoing they have done for SEVEN YEARS, including SPYING ON MY CAMPAIGN.
He followed up by freaking out over Biden having "1,850 boxes in Delaware that he won't allow anyone to see." For the record, these are unclassified senatorial materials that Biden donated to the University of Delaware in 2012.
Now, with the unsealing of indictments for espionage and obstruction last Friday, Trump is fully in the grip of paranoia, ranting that AG Merrick Garland, US attorneys Lisa Monaco and Matt Colangelo, "Deranged" Jack Smith, Smith's wife and President Biden are all "Trump Haters" and "There is no way they can treat me fairly." Revealing that this is a man who's thoroughly terrified. And totally losing it.
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berlinini · 3 years ago
Why some solo louies puts us as the same line as larries? Are they aware we watch the concerts only for Louis and we love his band but we don't make his tour about them? It is just nice banter when the show over after we focus on him and him only why it bothered them alot?
A few things that I've been thinking about, it's a bit all over the place but I'm a bit in my Fandom Feelings™️ today, so here goes nothing:
1) this fandom does get intense (and hyperfixated) so the whole Louis and Matt/Louis and Michael can become a slippery slope. So I get why some fans, who have been trying to put the focus on Louis' career in the midst of a fandom made of people who link him to Harry every time he breathes, are uncomfortable. I guess some of them think: what's the difference between Harry and Matt/Michael? Maybe the difference is obvious now, but what about down the road? When it isn't just a fun thing anymore and "FBI fans" start intruding the way larries have? Not saying that it will happen, but I get why some see that as a possibility. Which brings me to my second point:
2) There is a abysmal lack of nuance in fandom (especially on stan Twitter). There is a tendency to see things as black and white, to ignore context, to grasp to the first bit of information that confirms bias, etc. Hell, most of people here are lacking basic reading and comprehension skills. Obviously when we post pics of Louis and M* and say "wow boyfriends!!!", most of us do not really think that, but we also don't write a 10K words essay as a disclaimer that we're not being serious. Then, everything gets amplified, snowballed and gets out of control in an instant. Just this week, the "behind closed doors" comment was taken out of context and used by larries as 'proof' while Louis was just thanking his crew. How do you deal with misinformation like this? Is it too late once the damage is done?
3) There is a tendency of being reactive (not to say sometimes, straight up dramatic). I don't know if it's in every fandom or not. Maybe it's also the fighting spirit of the Louies or the deep divide of the subfandoms... I have noticed this tendency to have a "problem of the day" so to say. We find something that bothers us, focus on it and then move on the next day. And I get it, cause I'm a hater too, but I must say I'm a bit puzzled with that at the moment, seeing how this fandom is the most active it has been in years and we are blessed with positive content almost daily. You'd think people would chose to ignore the negativity. At the same time, there are so valid issues with fans right now (concert etiquette being the main one). Maybe we also genuinely love bitching because hey it's fun!
I guess it's hard to navigate because deep down we all love Louis and are here for him (mostly), but the way we express that love is different and there are obvious disagreements. I think we should focus on the adorable, smiling, confident Louis that we get to see almost daily and ignore the noise as much as possible. I know I'm trying to.
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kimberlyannharts · 4 years ago
At least Tommy gave the other characters some sort of dynamic and development when he was a central conflict. What's Matt's excuse? Heck, what's even the Omega Rangers' excuse?
Sorry but Tommy haters get on my nerves sometimes.
And Matt has character potential, but they choose love triangle over the fact that he's friends or ex-friends with all of the rangers before the Ranger secret debacle.
rereading the early MMPR issues really makes the whole "Kyle's run was all about Tommy :(((((" opinion sound silly. issue 7 is literally starting Trini's arc where she comes into her own beyond Billy's translator - meanwhile what did Aisha do this arc? she knew Billy's secret (which went nowhere) and thought Zedd might be a good hero (which is asinine). where's the great development and screen time for the rangers now that Tommy's not the focus???????
so many problems would be fixed (or at least this would just be less frustrating) if they just.....let Matt be a villain. make him the John Walker of the rangers. lean into his glory hound tendencies!!!! make him fueled by his bitterness over being left behind!!! we spent a whole arc centered around him but all it did was show off how great he was!!!
(i guess there's a chance of him becoming an antagonist down the line but. i'm too burnt out to really consider that happening)
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imaginefan · 4 years ago
🧛‍♂️ Would you ship me with an Avengers, MacGyver, TO, TVD guy please? So I’m 5’2 with long dark hair and black eyes but I’m very insecure about my looks. Trust issues are my biggest problem as I usually avoid sharing some things even with close people. I try to keep emotions under control and will NEVER admit that I like someone so they need to be forward and blunt about it. Bookoholic and movieholic but rom coms hater. Punctual and organised and a bit of a control freak but I’m learning!
I ship you with… Tony!
You had trouble with Tony at first because you knew that you couldn’t trust him but it was after he became Ironman that he became real prospect for you, you replaced Pepper when she left and you were good if not better than her at the job, you took no crap from him and he was where he needed to be at the time that he needed to be there sometimes earlier.
Tony could see the trust issues in you though and while he knew that he didn’t have a good track record he wanted to prove to you that he could be a good guy, it honestly took a long time before you’d give him a chance but he never stopped trying and one day you said yes.
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I ship you with… Bozer!
Bozer was very straight with you the moment that he met you, he told you what he wanted and he was persistent, while your trust issue kept you back for a while he was more than capable of showing you that he was worth it.
Movie dates were very common for you, you both loved them and you could spend hours watching them, you even helped him with his movie stuff before he joined Phoenix, you helped him to become more organised though made sure that he was on time when he had to get somewhere but he also helped you relax a little bit as well.
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I ship you with… Elijah!
Elijah was someone that everyone said you could trust but that just made you more suspicious. Elijah had been alive long enough to see what was going on with you and for the first time in a while, he needed to work for someone’s trust.
Trying to earn your trust gave him a window into your life and while you didn’t say much about yourself there was a lot that he could infer based on the way that you acted, he could see the way that you tried to keep a lid on your emotions and the way that you seemed just a little irritable with you were late, he thought that everything about you was cute and decided that he needed to ask you out.
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I ship you with… Matt!
Matt was one of the most loyal people that you had ever met, he was good with his friends he made sure that even people he didn’t know were safe and happy. The first time that you met Matt was at a school thing he noted a few similar tendencies to Caroline so it helped him settle in with you.
After that he noticed you sitting in The Grill reading a lot and that was when you started to have more conversation, you avoided talking about yourself and that was fine because he knew how hard it was to trust people especially in Mystic Falls but he did end up asking you out after a while deciding that he needed to show you that he could be trusted so that he could learn more about you.
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crowned-as-king · 14 days ago
this just in!!!:
im hating again.
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crowned-as-king · 24 days ago
forcing my friends to listen to me rant about how stupid ayn rand is mwahahahahaahaaaaa no one is safe from me.
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