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It’s still shocking to me how short Pinky is to the rest of the Diamonds. This is especially so with White Diamond, who I headcanon to be at least half a head taller than Blue or Yellow. Next to Pink, White makes her look like a child- Also @perfxct-matrixrch’s design is fun to draw. I love the shape of her face. Very solid figure too (she thicc).
Pink is probably nerd-debating with her about something.
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danceofthechimera · 7 years
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diamxndauthority · 7 years
Behind Closed Doors || CLOSED || perfxct-matrixrch
@perfxct-matrixrch The trial had gone wrong in nearly every sense of the word. Two of the three Diamonds showed up in the first place. But by the end of it all, Yellow Diamond was left with two proofed Zircon lawyers, a hole in the courtroom ceiling, and a missing Rose Quartz and human companion who had decided to commit grand theft auto with Blue Diamond's palanquin. On that note, Blue was even more of an emotional wreck then before the trial. So, to say the least: Yellow was in no way, shape, or form, having a good day. She quickly sent an army of robonoid drones in the direction of the escapees, sitting back like a hunter letting loose his pack of dangerous hounds. There was already a crew ordered to fix the courtroom. Blue was placated for the time being. The Zircons were of no importance– they would reform shortly. That left one unsolved issue on her mental checklist: a certain fellow Diamond who had magically not shown up to the trial. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yellow rarely saw White Diamond in general. But after the war, the two were luckily in cross paths once a century or so. That was always White's M.O.— authoritative, but mysterious. Only a handful of gems outside of the Authority and their respective Courts had never seen her in person. The white sliding doors opened, leading into the control room and quarters of the gem in question. "Pearl." She ordered, seeing the white spiky-haired gem as she entered. "Please inform White Diamond of my arrival. I wish to speak with her."
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cryiingtyrant-blog · 7 years
Confrontation, Revelation. [closed]
“White?” the blue matriarch called out into the cold white room her older sister had claimed as hers; her thoughts not nearly as soft as her voice was. Her thoughts were loud, intrusive, petrifying and accusing. "White.. are you in here?"
She hated herself for being so desperate to find her sister, angry at how impressionable and gullible she'd been over the last 6000 years. The blue zircon from the trial had planted a nagging little seed in the depths of her mind, a question she thought she'd known the answer to for upwards of 6000 years: Who really shattered Pink Diamond? This question lead to another, and then another and eventually lead to Blue Diamond herself questioning the gems she held dear– The Diamonds; Her sisters.
I wasn’t totally irrational for Blue Diamond to question her sister. Where had White Diamond been at the trial? It was important, was it not? Bringing the traitor to her knees, bringing justice to Homeworld; and yet.. she wasn’t there. Perhaps justice wasn’t being served that day, or perhaps her sister didn’t care anymore about Pink and her unfortunate demise. No matter the circumstances of her sister’s absence Blue was determined to find her and talk to her like siblings should. It seemed like a millennium since they’d spoken, like it was only yesterday she had her sisters back; because it wasn’t only Pink she’d lost that day; she lost White too.
“I need to speak with you.”
{ @perfxct-matrixrch } 
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brokenatheart-blog1 · 7 years
Hop aboard the angst train! *Toot Toot*! @perfxct-matrixrch liked for a starter.
. . .
Without any forewarning whatsoever, Blue Diamond suddenly burst into White's room. "Where were you!?" She raised her voice more than she had in awhile.
"Practically everything went wrong out there, Yellow was extremely pushy, the Zircon defending Rose accused us of being murderers, and then Rose and her friend took off with my Palanquin!" She sounded exasperated and frankly kind of distraught.
"...We needed you to help get things under control! Now we have no idea where Rose is, and...." She didn't finish her thought.
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the-perfect-dark · 7 years
In the beginning, before all of gen kind there were the Forerunner race. Also known as Prometheans, they were the most respected and highest group of beings in the universe. They were the creators of many things but the one creation they were proud of are sentient Gems. They were perfect beings just like them except they saw the gems as nothing more but servants. As time went on one gem, a new sentient Diamond was emerging. Others gathered as this emergence was strange, as if this was was darker in color as black liquid seem to pour from the hole. This got both of the high Matriarchs of the forerunner race, the queen was first to show up. She watched as another Gem a Diamond came forth, her gem as Black as the night came out. Looking around she looked up at some new faces, the queen smiled and knelt down before her to help up the new Diamond. @perfxct-matrixrch
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perfxct-matrixrch → albxm
matching urls with @flcvo , @rcsea , and @caerulevm
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niphuial · 7 years
Is it difficult to get White's attention when you're in heat?
"At first, yes. Now she has my heat days on a calendar."@perfxct-matrixrch
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smugxscientific · 7 years
1st Anniversary!!!
That's right! A year ago (give or take a day) I started my first thread on this blog. It's been awesome and it still is. I just wanna thank everyone who's ever written with me, all the friends I've made and even all the lurkers just following me. Just everyone who puts up with my slow ass and sometimes fluctuating activity. Everyone who doesn't care that I'm nervous and shy, but still love a good plotting. All 214 of you are the best! I still can't get over that I have any at all! It always feels weird to name anyone cause I always feel like people will feel left out so uh....here are some blogs off the top of my head!
@a-new-homestone , @agalleryofgxms , @the-perfect-dark , @graceful-renegade , @blackstardiopside , @topaztotopaz , @diamxndauthority , @hollybluest , @thelonelyandroid ,
@niphuial , @onyxxisms , @zultablog , @perfxct-matrixrch , @blue-jasper , @theassistantgem , @bloodontherocks , @allmightyyellow
Even if you aren't mentioned, you're still awesome and I can't wait to have another good year here!
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ificouldbegin-to-be · 7 years
@perfxct-matrixrch She could scarcely be talked out of her room since returning--a joyous occasion for anyone in Homeworld but her. Coming back from the dead didn't come without some psychological demons addling the mind. She already had so many to begin with... Her blanket was pulled up over her head as she looked away from the door. "Leave me."
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hey guys tristaa-guyer is another one of those harassment bots. @miss-pearls-official-account @perfxct-matrixrch @bloodstone-official @isoldmygenderforfivedollars @kunzite-ota
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danceofthechimera · 7 years
Headcanon: Those who take the Path of Least Resistance
Poppy is a warrior gem with the ability to manipulate planes. She can bend and fold whole landscapes to her will. Despite having absorbent amount of power, she has a very defeated attitude even bordering nihilism in certain parts of her development.
For this reason, in spite of currently being the true elder of the clan, she gave up her rights to be Matriarch. She does not trust herself to lead.
The Altruistic
Poppy is the successor to very old Primitive Jasper, another warrior gem with the same amount of power. Also the same, her full power could only be used if she stood still. This lead to exposing herself to risk on the battlefield, something that was mitigated when she was in a stable fusion. With her gem placement in her hand, Poppy's predecessor was a very trusting gem, who spent the majority of her existence forging relationships with others.
She formed a deep relationship with another Primitive Jasper named Owyhee, whom she saw great potential in. She helped her find confidence in herself, despite Owyhee just being another forging gem. They fused into an incredibly protective gem named Creek and remained that way for some untold amount of time. The very last time they unfused, Poppy was crushed, leaving Owyhee to fend for their clan on her own.
The Masked Cantor
Poppy's predecessor by comparison had all of her power, many of her personality traits. took much care with her and did everything to cultivate a fine successor for her former lover. However, the pressure from the dead relationship took a toll on the successor. She never solidified her confidence or her self esteem. Still wanting meaningful relationships, Poppy avoided and still avoids direct conflict. While she is naturally Frank and opened, she constantly obscures her true self.
That being said, she never formed a stable fusion with Owyhee ever again, despite members of the clan forming fusions on occasion.
The Listless Traveler
Devoted to her clan, Poppy would still follow them and protect them through the periless era 1 and into the rebellion on Earth. She was still flighty and listless, preferring to just take orders. Through Owyhee's cultivation she also became really good at rearing gemlings- despite having no previous forging ability.
However, her inability to protect her clan during the rebellion cost her her family. She was intercepted from the last battle, captured by Primitive Jaspers in service of the authority. Once those Primitive Jaspers were finally purged, Poppy was spared because of her unique look. She became an accessory for a time, until White Diamond (@perfxct-matrixrch ) took an interest in her clan's ability. Poppy was allowed to tap into her secondary skill, though it was slow. She would spend the next 2,000 years in White Diamond's court spanding deep space until she gained enough influence to steal away.
Filled with bitterness and cold, she escaped to Earth, punishing gem monsters and any other gems she saw fit. It took another millinium for her to reunite with the surviving clan member in the modern time, but she had wandered lost for so long, they couldn't relate.
Having to raise Owyhee's successor, she is slowly starting to ground herself. She currently lives with her in Southeast Asia, working among the human beings she got to know during her previous time on Earth. She also finds comfort in the forever changing condition of Earth and human beings.
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virpiablccdnerd · 7 years
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@miss-pearls-official-account @ask-emrald @perfxct-matrixrch @peridotofficialtwitteraccount @tenthousandbeesinatrenchcoat another bot
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brokenatheart-blog1 · 7 years
"...I didn't mean to hurt her..." A dreadful silence fell down upon them. "I understand if you can't forgive me, I just... I'm sorry..." [perfxct-matrixrch]
@perfxct-matrixrchShe didn’t reply immediately- She couldn’t begin to explain how she was feeling at that particular moment. “… I think it’s far too late for that now, White…” She finally said, her voice cracking as she spoke.
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@perfxct-matrixrch She's around, she just isolates herself in her work.
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bloodstone-official · 7 years
New Account
I got sick of being a side blog, so I modified my main. Bloodstone will be moving to @thexflamexwarrior starting at this post. Also I’ll be more of an actual RP blog instead of an OTA. The OTA community died anyway. Now all my likes and sending in ask memes I won’t need to specify that its me. Now to tag everyone who I can think of in one sitting. If you have a thread going with me at the time of this post, tag my new account.
@ask-emralds-officil-twiter @witchywaterstone @shards-to-dust @carnelianofficialtwitter @miss-pearls-official-account @the-perfect-dark @theassistantgem @bloodontherocks @perfxct-matrixrch @smugxscientific @yellowdiamondofficialwitter @lefteyeamethyst @conniesofficialinternetthing @garnet-offical-account @inkypainite @robonoidsofficialtwitteraccount @swcrdtothesoul @demon-smoke
If you guys can reblog this so anyone I missed can see it, that would be great.
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