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444names · 2 years ago
roman emperor forenames, places and deities + imperial names from tes BUT excluding "c"
Abato Abubondius Adenaevia Adina Adius Aeberus Aetinus Afiduinus Aftrenesa Agnus Ahea Aius Alentus Alia Alius Amari Amaximbus Ambrenus Ania Anianus Annus Antellagna Anurielona Anza Anzinemona Apus Ardenna Aria Arloria Arosin Artius Asillav Astelaeto Atus Audiannus Augadia Augius Augus Auila Aulia Aureius Auriertus Auriosta Aurivinus Aurixtus Avodio Azshia Baia Baienumna Barius Bellis Bena Benagel Benus Bertorim Blar Blatus Bonav Bredia Bria Brio Brium Brournames Bruli Burante Darvis Deragna Destina Didus Dollin Doneltius Donius Dord Doutitus Dran Draxianus Duremetus Duroblarne Dursonius Dustuna Edia Edian Egia Eglen Egolona Ellagna Ellus Enius Entia Equian Eria Esniunus Esta Eturrolo Everro Fabon Fabono Faleges Falix Fallatius Falmas Famene Famitius Famytia Farina Faunna Fauros Faus Femus Fendridus Fesanus Fitius Flaratinia Flayn Floneen Flonia Floran Fonatina Fongius Fonius Forbarivil Frenmul Freximus Gabia Gadrullius Galina Ganas Gatavidus Gemia Geminorda Genatian Gendunus Germius Gius Glienus Glovennina Gori Gornipius Grarius Gratellav Grelintus Gria Gries Grius Grunianus Haratius Harmis Helus Hendomma Henetus Hern Hertus Hervilus Hius Horquipla Hosta Hyporian Imbria Inia Inis Inus Istinia Itus Ivitory Jana Jarius Jarsiandra Javonius Jeriusia Jerrian Jesivius Jiratia Jirle Jirortus Jivius Johos Jorantius Jovius Julaieria Juniantius Justus Juvinus Juvio Kylvarris Lades Lael Laesabolus Laius Lanus Lari Larius Lathillia Lavan Lavia Lavina Ledalx Leia Lendryx Leonagaren Leonia Leonyan Lesh Lethorgene Lexa Libiustia Lifus Lina Lium Lius Logatus Lonius Lonsin Lonus Lora Lord Lordaeium Loriantas Lotes Lotres Lubo Lugus Maeptinus Majovinus Mala Maletoria Mandus Manius Mannius Mannum Manus Maregna Marena Marman Marnassius Maron Maronus Masters Mato Matoria Matta Mauria Maus Maxius Melina Melvian Menia Messus Metus Milinus Mitattorus Mius Morier Muruto Mutav Naetius Nanix Nato Nerebri Nesae Nria Nronaloria Odorius Ohof Ohors Olia Ophus Opius Opsirgus Orastorius Oratin Oria Ortinia Ortius Oruna Osenius Oturna Pannianus Pantius Pappus Pariera Parius Parvilio Passium Pata Patilenne Patis Patrae Pavina Peda Pedgus Peleius Pelvia Penia Peraever Perus Petia Petus Phraesto Phratan Pideriel Piolen Pittina Piusillus Plan Plide Plius Poea Polarinus Poneutinia Ponia Pono Popis Porbon Porekellus Porianum Porsius Pral Prame Prin Pule Pulia Quiandina Quitus Rattius Relippius Rellus Remania Rennea Rentinus Rentoria Resdrastim Ribooks Riera Riorajooks Risel Rotelepius Rowinus Rummagone Rupizzi Sadratius Saeshe Sagan Saglias Salbenia Saleius Salesatius Salinus Sandus Sania Saudun Segius Seianis Seius Sentius Septinine Seria Sertilbas Sevemius Severgitto Sevus Sexa Sibia Sidaregon Sila Silbigus Silfrelen Siregilia Siria Sirol Sius Sonisa Sosimo Stina Stius Syllius Syndania Taha Teia Telia Tenderto Teregia Terelius Tertian Tharastus Thel Theophio Thexus Thor Tinferaeme Tinitis Tius Trax Triaenus Troxio Trus Tyraxio Uran Uries Urisis Vagentia Valenia Valgors Valia Vallus Valmontius Vanus Varder Varion Vatinus Vatius Velibus Velvius Vena Vend Venistina Venius Venta Venthilo Venti Ventinia Ventius Ventus Vereia Vetio Vetius Vianus Vidis Vilaulia Viota Vittertia Vittia Viullorum Vium Vius Vlalus Vlamulius Vodesa Volius Vollia Vonianus Winus Wotius Zengona Zentius
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elpuntomasimportante · 2 years ago
La tradicion
Es mi trabajo
"Hay tiene qie aqui se hace sin tener. Ya se la robo y se casan y no ni hay donde ir. Hay mi tia le construyo su casa a mi abuelita y el hijo se trajo a la novia y la saco la mando a vivir a la casa del perro y no ni el la ido pero se creen bien importante. Si el se fue la gabachos y pudo construir algo pero no nada todo se los gasto. Es de los que en cada casa de prestamo debe. No no aguardo y hasta la fecha tienen tienda pero no saben cuidar estab en un buen lugar pero todo se logasta y el negocio siempre esta sólo. La matoria de pi pais son como este los del pri los del pan que solo por tranzas crecen y hablando mal de uno. Siempre handa pidiendo prestado y la tienda saca lo suficiente para no morirse de hambre. Si mi familia es de los que vas para arriba y por envidia te galán para abajo para que no lleges porque como a alguien le puede ir mejor o puede aaber mas que yo". Que te pasa ni nos vamos ir a la casa de... Camos a tentar y trabajar para contruir lo nuestro. No que mi jefe hemos trabajado toda la vida y no paga. Desde que era niño vendia mientras todos se la pasaban jugando. Yo no crecí con luz ni agua menos internet y el gob no ayudo... Si, si tiene es por que trabajamos porque solo se la pasa queriendo ayudar a otros y a su familia no. Hermano prestame para sacarle un carro a mi hijo y se los presta. A los sobrinos los quiere traer a la ultima moda y a la familia y anosotros con ropa de segunda y esto que somos los que pasemos todo mientras el se handa pasiean. Llega a las 5 de la tarde y no hace nada. Nada mas alla platicando con los amigos de presumido. Si y no le pagan los otros se gastan si dinero y luego luego les presta pero a sus hijos lo quiere ver en la miseria. Al hermano hasta le hiso su casa a su otro hermano hasta le hiso su negocio y le puso su camionera del año pero para los hijos nada. A toda la gente aus amigos tan bien les apestado para hacer negocios... Y nadie le apagado solo le hablan para robar al pendejo. Mientras otros se chingan. El que no tiene nada es el su trabajo se los gasto prestando a ynutiles que no le pagaron. As i que si nos save mi amor porfavor cierre el la boca porque si esas fracesitas son dd niñas medio crees. Puedes demandar pedir lo gusto y inicia.
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looniecartooni · 1 year ago
Johnny definitely feels like an East Coast kind of guy. Especially if anything is true about his family's inherited tailor shop. The East Coast is where some of the oldest colonies are and to my West Coast American understanding, where a lot of family businesses sort of began to boom and grow and some still remain.
Jasdevi I imagine are either from somewhere in the South or given their sort of taste in Modern Fashion earlier in the series maybe from the West Coast. They were discriminated against as being a "monster" somewhere with how they kept fighting with Krory. But we already got one Louisianna Noah (Skin Boric) so it seems like they should be from a different region than them given how diverse the Noah are or supposed to be.
Given Tyki's name and the history of Portuguese people being brought to Hawaii for labor (I forgot if it was slavery, labor, or servitude), I think Tyki might be either from Hawaii or New Zealand. I once tried started a series of theories linking Tyki and some of the other Noah such as Matoria to Polynesian (or more specifically Maori) mythology as both of their names are linked to important figures in mythology. For instance, in Maori culture, Tiki was the name of the first man/human to be created on Earth.
If Tyki or his parents were laborers in Hawaii, then there is a possibility that Sheril is his half-brother who's family owned the land that they may have worked on. That or both Tyki and Sheril lived in some region of Portugal, either both poor or both rich, with different sorts of ideals on how they wanted to live their lives. A part of me wants to believe that Sheril's the minister of foreign affairs in Portugal or another private smaller European country.
Hello my d gray man besties, I was wondering if we had any headcanons about where in the United States Johnny is from? My personal bet is New Jersey, Johnny collects T Shirts and that screams Jersey Shore Boardwalk to me. But I want more theories. He could be from anywhere. Maybe he’s a sweet midwesterner who sounds like he walked off the set of Fargo. Maybe he’s from a made up state or city, since we have towns like Edinstown instead of Edinburgh. Go buckwild. My ask box is open and I’m on a 7 hour bus ride across the province. Lay it on me.
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looniecartooni · 3 years ago
Happy Birthday to Kanda and Matoria!!! 6/6
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I swear these two are connected in some way (I have a loose theory somewhere in my sea of posts noticing how the Noah outfits kind of look like Alma and Little Yuu’s clothes). I’ll have to draw separate birthday tributes for them when I have the time.
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kiomy-linos · 4 years ago
Estoy aburrida en clase pero ando en anónimo porque me da pena dar mi persona con esta pregunta
¿Que canciones ilustrativas como cómic? Y ¿porque, y con que personajes de tu gusto harías? ¿Lo has pensado hacer?
(y base en su dibujo de inktobertale, en la parte de zumbido)
Y ¿Mandarías una foto tuya?
La verdad si. Y varias canciones. . . La matoria de mi DJ favorito, y haré una lista dela scuale ame muero por hacerlo, serian estás canciones con personajes.. .
1 I won't let you go (s3rl ft chi-chi):
Sería entre estás dos versiones Reaper Sans, Error Sans, Geno Sans, esto sería la primera versión , la segunda sería con Ink, Dream, Error, Cross, Nigthmare
2 Un a rainy Town, Ballón dance:
no como tale personajes si lo que crearía como 6 niños ahí por la letra de la canción y muchos demonios, lo haría más metafórico
3 Dr. Sunshine Is seas (Will wood....)
Con Creepypasta recordando mi época de Creepypastera hace como 6 años uwu como un especial de Halloween
4 otro llamada regrese, como especial de día de muertos con mis ocs :³
Si he pensado pero aún no se dibujar bien que no lo hago.. . . Y aún con lo e mi Au.. .uffff menos. . Dudo hacerlo la verdad, y el único que hacía solo sería el primer de ambas versiones ya que alguien me apoyara en esto ya que es como una tarea de mi carrera pero los demás no lo creo
Y mi foto . Je je nop. .. estoy fea :³
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leagueofgumi · 5 years ago
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la matoria de loleros xd
Te invitamos a ver nuestros streams de Lunes a Viernes 10 am y 8:30 pm, los espectadores nos ayudan a tener rifas y premios 🎁
#leaguekawaii #meme #lol #moba #leagueoflegendsmemes #leagueofmemes #gamerlife #fanpage #fb #leaguelife #leaguememes #leagueoflegends #memesespañol #memes
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recuerdatufuturo · 5 years ago
Comparando esta clasificación con la que se tenía anteriormente, la prostatosis corresponde a la Categoría IIIA y la postatodinía a la Categoría IIIB. En esta nueva clasificación se introduce la Categoría IV, que corresponde a los casos en que los estudios anatomo­patológicos de piezas quirúrgicas de origen prostático o en estudios del semen, hay evidencia de un cuadro de prostatitis inflama­toria que no ocasionan síntomas en el paciente. Esta clasificación fue revisada y nuevamente aceptada en el I Trabajo Cooperativo Internacional sobre Prostatitis, realizado en noviembre de 1998. Etiología • Bacteriana Del 5-10% de las prostatitis son de origen bacteriano y el 90-95% son no bacteria­nas.3,13 Los microorganismos implicados en la prostatitis bacteriana son los mismos que ocasionan la infección del tracto urinario (ITU), y por lo tanto, en su gran mayoría son gérmenes Gram (-): E. Coli, Proteus M., Klebsiella A., Enterobacter, Pseudomona A. y Serratia. Las cepas de E. Coli son las de mayor incidencia y son las responsables del 80% de las prostatitis bacterianas. El resto de Gram (-) son responsables del 10-15%. La infección es causada generalmente por un solo tipo de bacteria, las infecciones polibacterianas se presentan en forma muy ocasional. En cuanto a los gérmenes Gram (+) se está de acuerdo en que sólo el Enterococo fecalis, es causante de prostatitis bacteriana crónica en el 5-10% de los casos; las demás bacterias Gram (+) rara vez ocasionan prostatitis y un grupo importante de ellas son consideradas flora normal de la uretra distal. El estafilococo aureus puede causar la infección, cuando se adquiere intrahospitalariamente sobretodo en pacientes con cateterismo uretral. La prostatitis crónica abacteriana infla­matoria, es decir la Categoría IIIA, posiblemente sea causada por patógenos de difícil identificación como la Chlamydia, el Ureaplasma, los bacteroides o algún tipo de virus, sin embargo no hay estudios concluyentes que confirmen esto. La prostatitis causada por hongos como Cándida, Blastomyses, Criptococos, Histoplasma, Coccidioides y Paracoccidioides, son raras y generalmente hace parte del cuadro clínico de una micosis sistémica, que se presenta en pacientes con severas alteraciones en su sistema inmunológico. Se pueden presentar también en forma incidental después de procedimientos transuretrales. El cuadro clínico es el de una prostatitis aguda que no responde a la terapia antibiótica usual y que puede evolucionar a abscesos prostáticos que requieren drenaje transuretral.7 El Mycobacterium Tuberculosis puede comprometer la próstata y causar una prostatitis tuberculosa que se asocia al cuadro clínico de una TBC genitourinaria o una TBC miliar. La Prostatitis causada por Neisseria gonorrhoea, se presenta como complicación de un cuadro inicial de uretritis y en estos pacientes usualmente los cultivos de secreciones prostáticas son negativos, pero los estudios inmunológicos, como la presencia de anticuerpos contra N.gonorrhoea, confirman el diagnóstico. Por lo tanto, es importante tener en cuenta los antecedentes de Uretritis Gonocóccica en pacientes con prostatitis crónica abacteriana y orientar en tratamiento de una manera más precisa hacía una posible prostatitis gonocóccica. • No Bacteriana El Síndrome Obstructivo Urinario Bajo (SOUB), de origen mecánico, como en el caso de la HPB o la estrechez uretral de origen funcional, como las disinergias detrusor esfínter, o las vejigas nerurogénicas, se han considerado factores importantes en la etiología de la prostatitis crónica abacteriana. En estos casos las altas presiones que se originan en la uretra prostática favorecen el reflujo de orina a través de los ductos prostáticos desencadenando cambios inflamatorios en el parénquima prostático responsables de la sintomatología (Figura 1). Figura 1 Uretrocistografía retrógrada que muestra severo reflujo de medio de contraste al parénquima prostático, en un paciente con prostatitis crónica, secundaria a una estrechez de la uretra bulbar. Se aprecia además un divertículo vesical.
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jaswant29 · 5 years ago
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#वेद_मेरा_भेद #sanewschannel #SaintRampalJi (at Rampura Matoria) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1Rlye3F1um/?igshid=1dsi3e8phghzz
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ao3feed-klance · 8 years ago
It's all Blue in the End.
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2kPqdRl
by Elizabesu_Tonic
Altean Lance AU! I'm sticking with the amazingly written story Dreamworks (tm) has done with a few fun tweaks to add to my Altean Lance obsession. Basically, Lance and Allura are twins, Lance is still the Blue Paladin, but 10,000 years ago, he, Zarkon, Hadrian, Matoria and Keita were all friends... until Zarkon betrays them all. When Lance wakes up in his pod, he is greeted by his Sister, Coran, the Paladin's that replaced his friends and learns that not only has Zarkon survived... everyone he's ever loved has died.
Words: 793, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Matt Holt, Zarkon (Voltron), Haggar (Voltron), Thace (Voltron), Ulaz (Voltron), The Blade of Marmora, basically all the Voltron lovies
Relationships: Klance - Relationship, sheith, Shallura, Hance, shlance - Relationship, a lot of these are implied with a focus more on klance, Keith/Lance/Shiro, Keith/Lance (Voltron), Allura/Shiro (Voltron), Hunk/Lance (Voltron), subject to change because making decisions are hard, pidge doesn't need any of this b.s because she is perfect, but i'm thinking maybe a smidge of a love interest for pidge but idk, Matt Holt/Shiro, Hunk/Shay (Voltron), Lance - Relationship
Additional Tags: Pining Keith (Voltron), Altean Lance (Voltron), Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Semi-canonverse, pidge is smarter than all of them, original characters kind of?, hunk is still my sweet boy, Galra Keith (Voltron), Please bare with my tags, I'm Bad At Tagging, it may get naughty but i'm not sure, Yaoi, i'll note it if any chapters are nsfwish
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2kPqdRl
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ao3feed-shatt · 8 years ago
It's all Blue in the End.
read it on ao3 at http://ift.tt/2kPqdRl by Elizabesu_Tonic
by Elizabesu_Tonic
Altean Lance AU! I'm sticking with the amazingly written story Dreamworks (tm) has done with a few fun tweaks to add to my Altean Lance obsession. Basically, Lance and Allura are twins, Lance is still the Blue Paladin, but 10,000 years ago, he, Zarkon, Hadrian, Matoria and Keita were all friends... until Zarkon betrays them all. When Lance wakes up in his pod, he is greeted by his Sister, Coran, the Paladin's that replaced his friends and learns that not only has Zarkon survived... everyone he's ever loved has died.
Words: 793, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Matt Holt, Zarkon (Voltron), Haggar (Voltron), Thace (Voltron), Ulaz (Voltron), The Blade of Marmora, basically all the Voltron lovies
Relationships: Klance - Relationship, sheith, Shallura, Hance, shlance - Relationship, a lot of these are implied with a focus more on klance, Keith/Lance/Shiro, Keith/Lance (Voltron), Allura/Shiro (Voltron), Hunk/Lance (Voltron), subject to change because making decisions are hard, pidge doesn't need any of this b.s because she is perfect, but i'm thinking maybe a smidge of a love interest for pidge but idk, Matt Holt/Shiro, Hunk/Shay (Voltron), Lance - Relationship
Additional Tags: Pining Keith (Voltron), Altean Lance (Voltron), Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Semi-canonverse, pidge is smarter than all of them, original characters kind of?, hunk is still my sweet boy, Galra Keith (Voltron), Please bare with my tags, I'm Bad At Tagging, it may get naughty but i'm not sure, Yaoi, i'll note it if any chapters are nsfwish
read it on ao3 at http://ift.tt/2kPqdRl
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ao3feed-galrakeith · 8 years ago
It's all Blue in the End.
by Elizabesu_Tonic
Altean Lance AU! I'm sticking with the amazingly written story Dreamworks (tm) has done with a few fun tweaks to add to my Altean Lance obsession. Basically, Lance and Allura are twins, Lance is still the Blue Paladin, but 10,000 years ago, he, Zarkon, Hadrian, Matoria and Keita were all friends... until Zarkon betrays them all. When Lance wakes up in his pod, he is greeted by his Sister, Coran, the Paladin's that replaced his friends and learns that not only has Zarkon survived... everyone he's ever loved has died.
Words: 793, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Matt Holt, Zarkon (Voltron), Haggar (Voltron), Thace (Voltron), Ulaz (Voltron), The Blade of Marmora, basically all the Voltron lovies
Relationships: Klance - Relationship, sheith, Shallura, Hance, shlance - Relationship, a lot of these are implied with a focus more on klance, Keith/Lance/Shiro, Keith/Lance (Voltron), Allura/Shiro (Voltron), Hunk/Lance (Voltron), subject to change because making decisions are hard, pidge doesn't need any of this b.s because she is perfect, but i'm thinking maybe a smidge of a love interest for pidge but idk, Matt Holt/Shiro, Hunk/Shay (Voltron), Lance - Relationship
Additional Tags: Pining Keith (Voltron), Altean Lance (Voltron), Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Semi-canonverse, pidge is smarter than all of them, original characters kind of?, hunk is still my sweet boy, Galra Keith (Voltron), Please bare with my tags, I'm Bad At Tagging, it may get naughty but i'm not sure, Yaoi, i'll note it if any chapters are nsfwish
from AO3 works tagged 'Voltron: Legendary Defender' http://ift.tt/2kPqdRl via IFTTT
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ao3feed-keithshiro · 8 years ago
It's all Blue in the End.
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2kPqdRl
by Elizabesu_Tonic
Altean Lance AU! I'm sticking with the amazingly written story Dreamworks (tm) has done with a few fun tweaks to add to my Altean Lance obsession. Basically, Lance and Allura are twins, Lance is still the Blue Paladin, but 10,000 years ago, he, Zarkon, Hadrian, Matoria and Keita were all friends... until Zarkon betrays them all. When Lance wakes up in his pod, he is greeted by his Sister, Coran, the Paladin's that replaced his friends and learns that not only has Zarkon survived... everyone he's ever loved has died.
Words: 793, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Matt Holt, Zarkon (Voltron), Haggar (Voltron), Thace (Voltron), Ulaz (Voltron), The Blade of Marmora, basically all the Voltron lovies
Relationships: Klance - Relationship, sheith, Shallura, Hance, shlance - Relationship, a lot of these are implied with a focus more on klance, Keith/Lance/Shiro, Keith/Lance (Voltron), Allura/Shiro (Voltron), Hunk/Lance (Voltron), subject to change because making decisions are hard, pidge doesn't need any of this b.s because she is perfect, but i'm thinking maybe a smidge of a love interest for pidge but idk, Matt Holt/Shiro, Hunk/Shay (Voltron), Lance - Relationship
Additional Tags: Pining Keith (Voltron), Altean Lance (Voltron), Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Semi-canonverse, pidge is smarter than all of them, original characters kind of?, hunk is still my sweet boy, Galra Keith (Voltron), Please bare with my tags, I'm Bad At Tagging, it may get naughty but i'm not sure, Yaoi, i'll note it if any chapters are nsfwish
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2kPqdRl
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looniecartooni · 4 years ago
Sheril: Awww- Road is so cute. Dogs are so cute! So many cute little things!
Tyki: Butterflies are cute too.
Sheril: Ew- no! Get that gross insect- robot- thing away from me!
Wisely: Frogs are cute as well!
Sheril: EEP! No! Get that slimy little monster off the table!
Matoria: *shows off one of their mice* :)
Sheril: Yipe! Nonononoooooo- *runs away*
Tyki: Aww...
Wisely: *trying to pet it* Look how tiny it is....
Matoria: 😊
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It's all Blue in the End.
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2kPqdRl
by Elizabesu_Tonic
Altean Lance AU! I'm sticking with the amazingly written story Dreamworks (tm) has done with a few fun tweaks to add to my Altean Lance obsession. Basically, Lance and Allura are twins, Lance is still the Blue Paladin, but 10,000 years ago, he, Zarkon, Hadrian, Matoria and Keita were all friends... until Zarkon betrays them all. When Lance wakes up in his pod, he is greeted by his Sister, Coran, the Paladin's that replaced his friends and learns that not only has Zarkon survived... everyone he's ever loved has died.
Words: 793, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Matt Holt, Zarkon (Voltron), Haggar (Voltron), Thace (Voltron), Ulaz (Voltron), The Blade of Marmora, basically all the Voltron lovies
Relationships: Klance - Relationship, sheith, Shallura, Hance, shlance - Relationship, a lot of these are implied with a focus more on klance, Keith/Lance/Shiro, Keith/Lance (Voltron), Allura/Shiro (Voltron), Hunk/Lance (Voltron), subject to change because making decisions are hard, pidge doesn't need any of this b.s because she is perfect, but i'm thinking maybe a smidge of a love interest for pidge but idk, Matt Holt/Shiro, Hunk/Shay (Voltron), Lance - Relationship
Additional Tags: Pining Keith (Voltron), Altean Lance (Voltron), Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Semi-canonverse, pidge is smarter than all of them, original characters kind of?, hunk is still my sweet boy, Galra Keith (Voltron), Please bare with my tags, I'm Bad At Tagging, it may get naughty but i'm not sure, Yaoi, i'll note it if any chapters are nsfwish
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2kPqdRl
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mystery-skulls-ghost · 8 years ago
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matoria and fashion dio
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ao3feed-sheith · 8 years ago
It's all Blue in the End.
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2kPqdRl
by Elizabesu_Tonic
Altean Lance AU! I'm sticking with the amazingly written story Dreamworks (tm) has done with a few fun tweaks to add to my Altean Lance obsession. Basically, Lance and Allura are twins, Lance is still the Blue Paladin, but 10,000 years ago, he, Zarkon, Hadrian, Matoria and Keita were all friends... until Zarkon betrays them all. When Lance wakes up in his pod, he is greeted by his Sister, Coran, the Paladin's that replaced his friends and learns that not only has Zarkon survived... everyone he's ever loved has died.
Words: 793, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Matt Holt, Zarkon (Voltron), Haggar (Voltron), Thace (Voltron), Ulaz (Voltron), The Blade of Marmora, basically all the Voltron lovies
Relationships: Klance - Relationship, sheith, Shallura, Hance, shlance - Relationship, a lot of these are implied with a focus more on klance, Keith/Lance/Shiro, Keith/Lance (Voltron), Allura/Shiro (Voltron), Hunk/Lance (Voltron), subject to change because making decisions are hard, pidge doesn't need any of this b.s because she is perfect, but i'm thinking maybe a smidge of a love interest for pidge but idk, Matt Holt/Shiro, Hunk/Shay (Voltron), Lance - Relationship
Additional Tags: Pining Keith (Voltron), Altean Lance (Voltron), Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Semi-canonverse, pidge is smarter than all of them, original characters kind of?, hunk is still my sweet boy, Galra Keith (Voltron), Please bare with my tags, I'm Bad At Tagging, it may get naughty but i'm not sure, Yaoi, i'll note it if any chapters are nsfwish
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2kPqdRl
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