#matla's story stuff
papabirdurskeks · 11 months
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A little trade done with @acridid-s of their character Louka and my Kuzma c:
Story stuff, ya know~
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i-like-sticks · 1 year
🌑Juracan !
☀️Rhulk !
A twofer! Here we go for the two!
-Useless fact #1 about Juracan: People assume Juracan earned his name is because of his temper and love of the storm when out at sea, but it's actually quite opposite. The only reason he earned his name is because he was actually born during a hurricane that had hit his village. No one had quite expected the event to happen, but it did and not only did everyone survive the onslaught of the hurricane, but they gained a new member of the village to boot!
Though he sure does enjoy a good rainstorm!
-Useless fact #2 about Juracan:
He's almost always squinting because he refuses to wear his glasses. He thinks they make him look dorky and would rather deal with the constant headaches his squinting brings him.
Very few people know he actually wears glasses and whenever he does, it's always when he's home.
-Useless fact #3 about Juracan:
He has an extreme fear of heights to the point of fainting. If he is ever confronted with the idea of being anywhere near heights, he will absolutely refuse to adhere it. Someone would have to blindfold him or knock him out to get him to go over anywhere near heights.
Another sort of irony considering his lack of fear the more dangerous oceans surrounding him and the main cast.
And now for Rhulk!
-Useless headcanon #1 for Rhulk:
Rhulk has a tongue like a gecko and uses it to groom himself just like one too. Its long enough to clean both his face and eyes to his leisure and it doesn't bother him in the slightest.
-Useless headcanon #2 for Rhulk:
Rhulk, like many other males of his species, has quills/feathers for hair. His quills/feathers are shorter though because he trimmed them to have his head fit better in his helmet.
These quills/feathers do still rise anytime he expresses anger, interest, and to show off in intimidation.
-Useless headcanon #3 for Rhulk:
He can sometimes sleep standing up and without any sort of discomfort. Sometimes it looks like he's as still as a statue but he's really just catching some rest to regain energy for any approaching threat that may try to catch him off guard. This also helps him stay two steps ahead in taking down said threat, always ready to jump at it when danger calls.
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papabirdurskeks · 1 year
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Space harp
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papabirdurskeks · 1 year
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After fighting some time with Kuzma's outfit, I've come to terms in accepting what I've done with it and work with what I have
And this time, it worked out I think!
While Kuzma's technically is "nude" most of the time (again, nothing to censor as they have nothing to show), the robes they wear are usually when they are in the presence of life and/or when in their home in the void of space
However, when drained of power/energy, they can't manifest their "robes" to cover themselves
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papabirdurskeks · 1 year
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"Go AWAY..."
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papabirdurskeks · 2 years
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The sheriff is in town now
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papabirdurskeks · 2 years
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And now the bounty hunter makes his full debut 
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papabirdurskeks · 2 years
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papabirdurskeks · 1 year
The doll too ! 🌑
Useless Fact #1 for "The Doll":
They have needles for teeth. Literally, though they are a bit thicker than most commonly used needles used for sewing and are rarely ever seen. Said "teeth" can also retract when they open their mouth, coming out when they please.
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Useless Fact #2 for "The Doll":
As said before, they have a biting problem though said problem usually arises when things get a bit.... much for them.
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Useless Fact #3 for "The Doll":
They can cry actual tears despite being made mostly of felt, cotton and wires. Though rare they ever do cry, these tears are 100% real and do stain their blue felt "skin" for a few hours, which is hard to hide when people notice and ask questions.
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papabirdurskeks · 1 year
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O, little world of many dreams... You are Our most precious creation.
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papabirdurskeks · 2 years
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You gotta have your horses one way or another
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papabirdurskeks · 1 year
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An idea/concept at the moment
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papabirdurskeks · 1 year
How tall is Varis? He looks pretty large in the pictures of him and other characters, as liches tend to be, but what height is he specifically?
Varis stands about 7 ft. 4 in. or 223.52 cm tall, which obviously makes him rather tall in comparison to a human who averages about 5 ft 8 in. or 172.72 cm tall!
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Though his tall stature is mostly due to the fact he was born a High Elf hybrid, which usually leaves them pretty tall to begin with. Though if he ever wants to make himself taller, he just floats from time to time hehe
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papabirdurskeks · 1 year
10, 62 and 93 !
10. Always horny:
That trope actually fits a bunch of my OC couples to be fair, but to pick one, that would be for Eduardo and Papi (me and @ben-the-hyena 's OCs)
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Eduardo (mine, in the pink) and Papi (Nat's OC in blue) are always in that sort of "honeymoon horny phase" that is just constant and they aren't afraid to show that either. Eduardo is definitely more of the diva in the relationship though, being extra pushy and the one to make the decisions first and foremost before letting Papi do anything. But he loves his dear Papi and despite his expectant behavior, he is head over heels for him!
93. Beauty and the Beast
One I found fitting for this was with Hector (the zombie looking corpse) and Aziza (again, also @ben-the-hyena's OC on the right)!
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Why I think they fit the trope is pretty simple. The story can be taken in a way that helps a person come to terms with themselves and not be afraid to be themselves and that they are loved for their true selves. In this case, this heavily implies for Hector and Aziza. Hector has always been rather doubtful of his self always because of past experiences, figuring at some point, he is just not worth a damn essentially. Then he comes across Aziza and they instantly click, relating to each other in many ways that makes their connection stronger. Neither of them, though, know who they both truly are beneath the disguises they carry.
Only when they find out that they are both gods (yes, they are essentially deities from different cultures, its a long story to explain) after an accident, that they find they can truly find comfort in each other's real selves.
Now they still have to be in human form when being around other humans, but when they are alone, its just them at their truest and they are happy to finally be content with the idea that they don't have to pretend or hide anything from each other.
I'll answer 62 in a different post since its not fitting to the theme of having both our OCs here x')
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papabirdurskeks · 10 months
Tell me some snipplets/drafts for unsure/incomplete plot ideas you have !
There are a few ideas/snippets I have out there that have yet to really see the light as they are mere ideas thus far. But a few of them I have managed to actually gather some new thought to them and give them a second chance after dusting them off.
Those ideas turned into Old Guts and Aguas Banderas respectively, especially with the dozens of OCs I had placed for these stories. Would you believe they used to be named differently and had entirely different purposes? And because I had nothing for them, they just sat and collected dust. This is especially true for the priest and Monkee in Old Guts as they were delegated to pretty much no real role other then designs I had that really went nowhere sadly.
And for Aguas Banderas, Palom was actually the name of the priest from Old Guts, but given the name fit better for the Moon Deity, I gave it to him! Mortez was also a scrapped idea from an AU idea for a character/costume design for a different fandom. But given I am no longer active in that fandom nor care for it, I felt it would be a waste to let go of that design so I fixed him up and he became what we all know as today! There are a few others that got this chance too of getting placed somewhere with enough thought and having their second chance.
But for the few who haven't, I've yet to really know what to do with them overall. Maybe I will find a place for them in some of my original stories or rework them for something new! There's always something out there that sort of finds its way around my brain for more.
And if all else fails, I might consider just putting them for adoption. Might, being the key word.
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papabirdurskeks · 2 years
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Now the Undertaker and odd jobs man is here
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