#matka pluku
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great-kung-lao · 3 months ago
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John/Jack/Naked Snake/Big Boss x EVA/Tatyana/Matka Pluku/Big Mama nation, arise!
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linkahavocz99 · 2 months ago
Omg I think about this all the time!! According to the msg4 database, he at least knows six or so. My best guesses for the main ones are
-English (duh)
-French (as seen in mgs4 codec calls with Otacon)
-Japanese (raised by Hellmaster Miller himself)
-Russian (seems to understand it based on conversations from mg2 and mgs1. Interestingly however, he doesn’t know much Czech as evidence by Gustava being the go-between for Snake and Kio Marv. This is technically retconned in mgs4 since he’s able to translate ‘Matka Pluku’ to ‘Big Mama’)
-Some form of Farsi or Arabic (Gulf War Vet)
-The sixth language has always been hard for me to pinpoint. He obviously is good at picking up phrases here and there but that’s of course different from being outright fluent. Could be anything from Spanish to Mandarin or Cantonese to German or even Swahili.
BONUS: Liquid/Eli speaks 7 languages, what a show-off….
the thought of polyglot snavid is so awesome and i desperately want to know which languages they are so i can force my linguistics major into deciphering his language skill set like we’re analyzing a deck of tarot cards
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figures4fun · 2 years ago
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New figure from SW Toys based on Eva from Metal Gear series!
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lieutenantbatshit · 7 years ago
the metal gear solid legacy.
what i’m going to talk about is a video game franchise -- the video game i loved the most, and made a big impact in my life. this franchise made me learn about the effects of war, teamwork, and a lot more things (i couldn’t put it in words, there’s a lot that i learned about this franchise!).
the story line of this franchise will get you hooked up. i won’t tell the whole story line of this franchise because honestly, explaining the story line would take me an hour or so to explain (or even a day!) for you to understand the whole story line, so it’s best if you play the franchise itself.
first, i’ll give you a list of what made hooked in this franchise, and the best parts in this franchise.
SOUNDTRACKS!!! -  i swear to the boss, the soundtracks of each games in this franchise makes me so emotional. these soundtracks got stuck in my head while playing these games (i even want to sing every soundtrack on stage). 
easter eggs - the easter eggs in this franchise were hilarious, especially the johnny part and ~ posters ~, if you know what i mean. 
the one where they let you view their perspective by clicking “R1″ (i used PlayStation my whole life so i don’t know much about Xbox).
truth to be told, the snake family, big boss, liquid snake, and solid snake (yeah let’s add solidus snake), are actually attractive. admittingly, when big boss has an eye patch, he looks sexier than he was before. okay, this may be getting out hand, but i can’t help but have a big crush on them. i even have a crush on EVA, The Boss, Quiet, and Meryl! i’m pretty damn sure every gamer has a gay crush on every character in a video game they play.
yeah, that’s all the lists i could come up to. i know there’s a lot, but i can’t put them into words, they’re too good. 
anyway, let’s head on to the main point. what do i think of all the games in this franchise? what are the best parts in every game in this franchise?
i could give you a list my fave games, and writing this excites me.
Metal Gear 
tbh, i don’t really know much about this game. i only played the first part in this game because it was kinda hard for me. i played this on my PS3, i guess i just wasn’t familiar with the controls in this game. this was originally played in a MSX2, and i’ve never gotten my hands on one before, so yeah.
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake
all i know about this game is Solid Snake in Zanzibar Land. just like Metal Gear, i only played the first part. i also played this on my PS3 since the game we bought, Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, also have it inside but they can only be accessible in one of the games in the collection, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater.
Metal Gear Solid
I never got the chance to play this game since this game was released in 1998 and it was originally played in PS1. i watched the gameplay in youtube instead, thank god for youtube. this game was remastered as Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, where the graphics improved and the game could be playable in PS2. when the graphics improved in PS2, i was excited to see liquid’s face since i was curious on how he looked in an improved way, and boy, guess who just had a crush on him? me. (his accent are plus points.) the original game can be now playable in PS3, it’s either you buy the game on PlayStation Store or buy the legacy collection in a video game store. solid snake’s character was so flirty in this game, and you could feel the love between solid snake and meryl.
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
there comes raiden! actually, this is the first metal gear game that i played. i played this when i was like 5 or 6 or 7, and i gotta admit, it was hard for me at first. but when i was like 11 or 12, i finally found no difficulty in playing the game. it made me understand the story line more about this game. the VR missions in this game are also my favorite. i usually play that part whenever i finish the whole game. there’s also a demo theater (fun fact: you could achieve a trophy in this game while watching Rose and Raiden have a sword fight, which Solidus and Raiden are the original characters there) where you could watch some cutscenes from the game and you could change the characters, if you wish to.
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
the one that started it all! there goes the camouflage and foods (and by foods, i mean snake eats animals from the jungle). he is guided through radio by major zero, the boss (who defects to soviet union in the gameplay), para-medic, sigint, and later by EVA throughout the game. the easter eggs in this game were hilarious as hell. the radio conversations with para-medic were fun to listen to, especially when they about movies. sigint was also fun to talk to, you’d always get into a funny conversation with him. oh and boy, don’t get me started with EVA. who later becomes the lover of snake throughout the series. the boss was such a badass! she deserved better though.
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
this is probably the saddest game i’ve ever played, and also one of the best. all remaining characters who are still alive were all here. playing this game will give you nostalgia if you’ve been playing the MGS Series for a long time. (spoiler: solid snake or should i say, old snake, goes back to shadow moses.)
i won’t leave some more spoilers, it’s better if you play the game itself.
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
i didn’t finish this game, honestly. it was still hard for me. i’m stuck on a mission where big boss would defeat the pupa flying around the sky. i always run out of supplies. but the game is great, i gotta say. i don’t know much about this game honestly, but i’ve watched some cutscenes in youtube.
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
i also don’t know much about this game, but i’ve watched some cutscenes in youtube. i think this a good game, even though the voice of snake was changed. nothing beats to david hayter’s voice as snake’s voice, honestly. however, kiefer sutherland did a good job, i’m just disappointed how big boss didn’t speak that much through MGSV and there was no codec. 
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
same with mgsv: ground zeroes. i only know about big boss’ phantom, i also watched some cutscenes in youtube. there were some feels in this game, especially when zero visited big boss in a hospital when big boss was in a coma for nine years. overall, i think the game is great. i’d play this game if we’d buy PS4.
here are my fave soundtracks from all the metal gear franchise.
“The Best Is Yet To Come” - Rika Marunaka (MGS1)
Metal Gear Solid Main Theme (MGS2)
Can’t Say Goodbye To Yesterday - Carla White (MGS2)
Snake Eater - Cynthia Harrell (MGS3)
Old Metal Gear (MGS3)
Sailor (MGS3)
Salty Catfish (MGS3)
Don’t Be Afraid - Elisa Fiorillo (MGS3)
Pillowtalk (MGS3)
Surfing Guitar (MGS3)
Way To Fall - Starsailor (MGS3)
Debriefing (MGS3)
Calling To The Night - Natasha Farrow (MGS:PO)
Old Snake (MGS4)
Love Theme - Jackie Presti (MGS4)
Metal Gear Saga (MGS4)
Heavens Divide - Donna Burke (MGS:PW)
The Man Who Sold The World - Midge Ure (MGSV)
Sins Of The Father - Donna Burke (MGSV)
Quiet’s Theme - Stefanie Joosten (MGSV)
there would be one day where i won’t communicate with other people because i’m busy playing my fave franchise ever, Metal Gear. 
that’s a lot for now. thanks for taking your time to read this. this sure is long.
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thebigcomed0wn · 3 years ago
am i stupid. why did snake in mgs4 hear “matka pluku” and go “oh, big mama?” when at most thatd be velká máma... pluku means regiment where did big mama come from. thanks for being aware of czech but only badly mr solid gear
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empyrealarc · 4 years ago
I just realized that I'm EVA. If Snake is my son, and he is, then I must be Matka Pluku. This changes everything...
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black-gun-blog1 · 8 years ago
Kim Jongdae
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Jméno postavy: Kim Jongdae Přezdívka: Jonathan Kim Skupina: Exo Věk: 27 Postavení v gangu + Gang*: poslíček pre mesto  Sexuální orientace: bisexual Povaha postavy: priateľský, asertívny, preferuje tvrdší vojenský režim, “všetko má mať svoj poriadok a rád” Příběh postavy:    Jonathan to nemal v živote ľahké. Ako dieťa bol šikanovaný v škole kvôli svojej inakosti, keďže bol napol aziat s maminej strany. Doma mal tvrdú vojenskú ruku kvôli otcovmu postaveniu, plukovník. Preto aj kvôli otcovej práci rodina často cestovala po Amerike. Raz ho premiestnili tam inokedy tam. Takže Jonathanove detstvo by sa dalo nazvať jedným slovom, chaos.
Matka ich “opustila” keď mal Jonathan 15 rokov. Bolo to na jeseň, kedy bola jedna z tých búrok. Nevytočila zákrutu a skončila v rokline. Na mieste mŕtva. Jeho otca to položilo, a začal si na synovi kompenzovať samotu. Nie fyzicky, na to mal svoju hrdosť, ale Jonathan zažíval každodenný psychický nátlak. To bol dôvod jeho odchodu na vojenskú školu, ktorá sa nachádzala na druhej strane Ameriky ako bol jeho otec pridelený k pluku. Na škole to nemal ľahké. Po prvé každý vedel o jeho otcovi, mysleli si že je privilegovaný. Hlavnú úlohu hrali aj jeho korene, teda výzor.  Doštudoval. S ťažkosťami ale doštudoval. Hneď sa dostalo pod jedného veliteľa, ktorý poznal žiaľ jeho otca a tak mal na Jonathana o niečo prísnejší dozor, často mu dával úlohy ktoré boli ťažko splniteľné, len aby si vykompenzoval nepriateľský vzťah s Jonathanovým otcom. Po čase sa celá situácia upokojila. Jonathan sa usadil, našiel si priateľku, neskôr snúbenicu. Otehotnela. Všetko bolo ako z rozprávky.  Šťastie by sa dalo krájať. No nič netrvá večne a prišla vojna. Jonathan bol poslaný s prvou várkou do Európy, odkiaľ bol predelený do Ázie.  Videl veci aké nemal. Robil veci aké nechcel. Najhoršie na tom bolo že sa nemohol nijak spojiť zo snúbenicou. Nemohol jej dať vedieť že žije, že je v poriadku a hneď ako to skončí príde za ňou. Keď sa situácia na chvíľu upokojila, prišiel  Jonathanovi list v ktorom sa písalo že jeho snúbenica zomrela pri prestrelke v jednej samoobsluhe. Chlapca, vtedy 25 ročného to položilo. Nemal svojím spôsobom perspektívu ísť ďalej. Padol na samé dno. Vojna sa znovu rozprúdila a on sa dostal do takzvaného oka búrky, kde sa stretli s nepriateľmi. Prežilo ich málo. Väčšina ušla do hôr, iný spáchali samovraždu. Jonathan išiel s ostatnými do hôr, kde na nich čakali znovu. Ďalšia bitka. Bol to pre nich neznámy terén, predsa horská oblasť, Nepál. Nejakým zázrakom sa im podarilo prežiť, nie všetkým ale menšia skupinka  5 zranených vojakov prežila. Nejakým zázrakom sa dostali do Číny, kde sa o nich postarali. Vojaci dostali pitie, vodu, ošetrenie a eskort do Južnej Kórei, kde mali pokračovať.  Ako sa tam dostali, všetko padlo, stala sa vec ktorú nikto nečakal. Zbraň. Neznáma zbraň od neznámeho nepriateľa, ktorá všetko zničila. Jonathan sa zo skupinkou schoval v ruinách jedného obchodného centra. Postupne ale začali vojaci mať žalúdočné problémy pričom neskôr skolabovali. Jonathan na tom nebol o nič lepšie, jediná vec ktorá ho ale zachránila bolo to, že sa dostal o čosi nižšie, do podzemia kde nebol vzduch až v takom agresívnom stave. Bol jediný ktorý nakoniec prežil. Rozhodol sa teda pomáhať. Pomáhať kto si jeho pomoc vyžiada. Nemal už  nič keďže jeho snúbenica bola mŕtva. Nemal sa kam vráti��. Južná Kórea sa stala jeho novým domov.
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the-penitent-thief · 11 years ago
*patiently waiting for EVA to show up in MGSV*
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the-penitent-thief · 11 years ago
And a very happy birthday to EVA! :')
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