#mathuin beloved i can't wait to write them again
ghostwise · 2 years
dao companion au: mathuin tilorsehn
Had fun filling out this companion AU for Mathuin 💖 Template by @boom-crunch3r​! Thank you for sharing!
(Mathuin is a character from my fic for suffering is such a part, they are not a Warden or Lavellan.)
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edit: @yetanotherlesbianonthiswebsite​ made a gorgeous Mathuin headmorph and I’m losing my mindddd omg thank you Kass!! ✨
Name: Mathuin Tilorsehn
Race/Class/Specialization: Dalish Elf, Mage, Creation magic; depending on choices during the Nature of the Beast quest they will gain either the Blood Mage or Arcane Warrior specialization.
Pronouns: They/them
Introduction: Mathuin is an apprentice healer from Zathrian’s clan who is willing to do anything to help save their clan. They approach the Warden offering their help, providing the Warden’s party with free supplies or healing. They will be familiar and warm toward Mahariel, whom they recognize from childhood, revealing that they grew up in Clan Sabrae. Speaking with Mahariel, they will express their remorse upon hearing about Tamlen’s death, and the dialogue will vary depending on whether the mid-game darkspawn ambush has occurred yet.
Mathuin is a warm yet troubled soul, who worries about their loved ones constantly. Their ears were cut off in a violent attack many years ago. As such they are suspicious of humans, especially Templars.
Recruitment: Mathuin can be found near the healing tents in the Dalish camp. Under certain conditions (high clan approval, and the right dialogue choices) they can be recruited as a temporary companion for the length of the quest; this must be done before the fog barrier is lifted, and will not be an option afterwards. If they are recruited, the player has the option to build approval with Mathuin, and the option to have them stay in the party will appear after the quest concludes, if their approval is high enough. Where can they be found in camp? Once recruited Mathuin can be found at a distance from the camp, near a small aravel they’ve brought along (similar to Bodahn’s wagon location in camp, see below courtesy of @yetanotherlesbianonthiswebsite​ ✨)
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Companion Quest: Mathuin’s companion quest triggers with high enough approval, and after a length of travel has taken place. Mathuin reveals that they have been keeping an acorn from the Elder Oak on their aravel, helping it grow with magic; it is now a sapling and ready to be planted in honor of the lives lost to the werewolf curse. They wish to plant a funerary tree, and request assistance from the Warden to do so. Can your companion be hardened? Mathuin can be hardened* during the Nature of the Beast quest. As the Wardens approach the temple they will have a dialogue where they express anxiety about the clan’s fate. The Warden can opt to comfort them or brush off their worry. Inside the temple another opportunity presents itself when the Warden’s party encounters the spirit trapped in the phylactery; if Mathuin is shown trust and given the opportunity to release the spirit, and receive the Arcane Warrior specialization, they will be hardened. Their anxiety will be eased by the trust shown in them, and by the connection and abilities they experience from the phylactery spirit. If not, Mathuin’s anxiety will manifest during the battle with the Werewolves, and they will use blood magic. Thereafter, Mathuin’s story will be affected by either of these two outcomes.
I think the ‘hardened’ mechanic is a bit silly and lacks nuance, but for Mathuin’s case, I take hardened to mean that when shown trust and support, they will become more sure of themselves. Without it, they will become more wary of the world, and more reckless. It’s more accurate to say that this mechanic just influences Mathuin’s development in key ways.
Note that when given the Arcane Warrior specialization, the Warden can later learn this specialization from Mathuin.
Gain approval by: Supporting elves and mages, making charitable and just decisions, showing confidence in Mathuin’s decisions and ideas. Gain disapproval by: Supporting Templars, avidly supporting the Chantry, making ruthless and unjust decisions, showing prejudice towards the Dalish, being dismissive to Mathuin’s decisions and ideas.
Camp Conversation Sample:
Mathuin: (Humming. You watch from a distance as they tip a dark substance from one flask into another, wearing thick leather gloves for protection. Setting the flasks down, they observe them for a few moments, and take their gloves off to record any changes in a notebook.)
Warden: What are you doing? Is that… darkspawn blood?
Mathuin: Oh, this? Collected it during the last battle. Now, now, don’t look at me so; I was very careful. I understand the danger well.
1.      The question remains: What are you doing?
2.      Ah, well. You seem to have it covered, then. Carry on.
3.      You certainly aren’t acting like it. That’s dangerous!
1. Testing various infusions of herbs on the blood. You mentioned once that your mabari was cured of the Taint with a type of flower… it’s astonishing that nobody has thought to test the principle behind such cases. Imagine what could be learned! 2. (+2 Approval) Very funny. Well, since you asked: You mentioned once that your mabari was cured of the Taint with a type of flower… it’s astonishing that nobody has thought to test the principle behind such cases. Imagine what could be learned!
2. (-2 approval) Every important undertaking carries with it some level of risk. You mentioned once that your mabari was cured of the Taint with a type of flower… it’s astonishing that nobody has thought to test the principle behind such cases. Imagine what could be learned!
Romance Conversation Sample:
Mathuin: My eyes are up here.
1.      I wasn’t…
2.      You caught me.
1. Now, don’t play coy. What I’m curious about is why you are staring at my hands, of all things. I’ve noticed you looking at them all evening. I thought you were trying to read the notes I was writing, but then you carried on even when I’d finished.
2. What I’m curious about is why you are staring at my hands, of all things. For a while I simply thought you were trying to read the notes I was writing, but then you carried on even when I’d finished. Are they truly so interesting?
1.      I was wondering about your tattoos. I’ve never seen them on the hands before.
2.      Can you blame me? You have lovely hands.
3.      (Dalish Origin) You have craftsman vallaslin. They’re lovely. You must be very good with your hands, Mathuin.
1. Vallaslin can hold different meanings, even across different clans. I earned mine by accomplishing a skill; in my case, herbalism.
2. (+5 approval) Well, you must want something! If you want to hold them, just ask.
           1. It’s a start. Though I’d very much like to hold a bit more of you, if I’m being honest. (Leads to intimacy scene)
3. (+5 approval) Thank you, vhenan. If you like, I could show you just how good I am with my hands.
           1. Oh, I’d very much like that. (Leads to intimacy scene)
What gifts would your Companion appreciate?
A Dalish pendant crafted from willowbark; a finely made chemist set; fresh moss for their aravel; a sewing palm made of leather; various general and miscellaneous gifts. Feast Day gift? (Gain +50 Approval) Tame Halla – This halla was found wandering alone, and is far too tame and friendly to be a wild halla. It will need a caretaker. Feast Day prank? (Gain -50 Disapproval) Earrings – This is an insensitive and surefire way to make Mathuin despise you.
Can your Companion be romanced?
Mathuin can be romanced by a Warden of any gender.
Do they have any interest in sex?
Romanced or unromanced, Mathuin has an interest in sex. They can be friends with benefits with the Warden if their approval is high enough and the Warden is not in a relationship. If not in a committed relationship with the Warden they will flirt with Isabela in The Pearl, with Jowan in Redcliffe castle, and with Shianni in the Denerim alienage.
Is there a gift your companion will give to their partner?
Rabbit Pelt Knapsack - This bag is hand-crafted from leather and rabbit fur, embroidered with wildflowers and arrows across the front. It seems quite sturdy and tastefully made.
How do they react if another companion is being romanced?
If the Warden has initiated a romance with Mathuin, they will ask for clarification. They will opt to end the relationship if it is without clear boundaries.
If the Warden has a friends with benefits arrangement with Mathuin they will opt to end it.
Otherwise Mathuin is warm and delighted towards the Warden’s relationship; they want good things for their friends. They will prod for information but back off if the Warden is unwilling to share. They will wish the Warden happiness either way and approve of the couple.
What companions do they…
Like the most? Zevran Flirt with? Morrigan, but it starts off as passive aggressive bickering that builds into really weird flirting that only makes sense to them Just get along? Alistair, Leliana Start a rivalry with? Wynne
Does Shale have a name for them?
With the fantastic addition of a second elven companion, Shale takes to calling Mathuin The Big One against Zevran’s, The Small One… much to both their chagrin.
What’s your Companion’s opinion on handling the Blight?
They take it with utmost seriousness, and is unhappy with anything they might perceive as being a waste of time or resources, much like Sten. They are also desperate to study and examine the nature of the Bligth and the Archdemon, believing that a better understanding of these could hasten the Blight’s end; for that reason they will collect ‘samples’ from Darkspawn tissue and pester Morrigan and Wynne with all manner of magical theories and ideas. But they are only trying to help!
What allies does your Companion wish to seek aid from?
Mathuin prioritizes aid from Redcliffe, the Circle Tower, and the Dalish. They are frustrated by the politics going on in Orzammar and feel it is too much of a gamble to go into the Deep Roads; that being said, they are neutral as to whether the Wardens should support Bhelen or Harrowmont, wanting simply to seek a quick resolution to the conflict.
Is there anything that would make your Companion turn on the party?
Siding with the werewolves would immediately lead Mathuin to turn on the party, as would attempting to betray Zathrian.
What do they do following the Blight (if they had an Epilogue Card what would it say)?
If romanced: Mathuin remained at their beloved’s side through the turbulent months that followed. Their new life beckoned: a life full of companionship and belonging, and they thrived in the comfort of knowing they were exactly where they were meant to be.
If unromanced: Mathuin reluctantly parted from their newfound friends, heeding a summons from Clan Sabrae’s Keeper, Marethari. Their long journey led them to Sundermount, in the Free Marches, where they found that the clan was different from the home they remembered.
❗️Special Events❗️
Mage Tower:
What vision is created to trick your companion while in the fade?
In the fade, the Warden finds Mathuin in a picturesque field of embrium, surrounded by friends. They are gathering basketfuls of the flower. Mathuin is surprised to see the Warden there, and asks if there is more Warden business to be completed; when asked to elaborate, they respond with confusion, stating that the Blight ended months ago. If playing Mahariel, they greet the Warden warmly; it is Tamlen and Merrill they are with. All three invite Mahariel to join them.
What does The Guardian say about your companion before beginning the trial?
The Guardian asks Mathuin about their decision to leave the clan, and the resentment they feel toward Zathrian. When Mathuin resists, the Guardian will imply that Mathuin took the first chance to escape the clan, and never felt comfortable there. The Guardian assures Mathuin that it was not selfish to leave.
What is their reaction to finding the Urn of Sacred Ashes?
“Right… er… I’m sorry, I’m not familiar with Andrastianism. Can someone remind me what this is? Is it… is that her in there? Hum…”
Does your companion have any parting words before the final battle with the Darkspawn?
If romanced: “It’s something, isn’t it? To think it’s all riding on how the next few hours shake out. Are you nervous? Don’t be. I was, at first. But if traveling with you taught me anything, it’s that nothing is beyond our reach. We’ve done all we could, vhenan. If it is not enough for the gods then it is enough for me.”
If unromanced, hardened: “It’s something, isn’t it? To think it’s all riding on how the next few hours shake out. Are you nervous? Don’t be. We shall overcome this, just as we’ve overcome every challenge thus far. What an honor it is, going into battle at your side, my friend.”
If unromanced, not hardened: “It’s something, isn’t it? To think it’s all riding on how the next few hours shake out. I’m nervous, I won’t lie. But it is a great comfort to have you here. You inspire people. What an honor it is, going into battle at your side.”
If they can be spoken to after the battle during the celebration do they mention what they’re going to do next?
If romanced: “Look at you! You’re the apple of everyone’s eye. We really must find some way to sneak you out of here, vhenan! I’m itching to get you all to myself! Well? (laughs) What do you say? Whatever comes next, we’ll face it together.”
If unromanced: “My, there are so many people here! And they all came to see you. Quite impressive, I must say. Listen, I recently sent a letter to my old clan, and I’ve just received a reply. Apparently something is going on and I’ve been asked to return. Well… I’ll stay for the party, of course!”
Does your warden return to help at Vigil’s Keep? Or does a letter arrive to the Keep to just check in?
After the Blight Mathuin sets off for Clan Sabrae and later sends a letter to check in. However, if romanced, they remain at the Warden’s side.
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