ironmess · 6 years
you a tony stark stan. confirm or deny
confirmed this is highly kept secret im surprised you figured it out 
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Scarlet, mauve, blush, and chartreuse for the colors thing!
Awwwww. All of those plus thistle and arsenic for you, m'dear.
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Seren i know this isn't what you want to hear but you are giving me MAJOR antoni energy here. i'm talking like "hanging all over tan at every possible moment," "picking up tan like he's a doll and carrying him around" energy. i'm saying you're Obsessed with tan and everyone loves it. Please keep posting more tan content bc i fucking love your blogs
I…I’m blushing so bad right now?? And I need to gush about Tanny so bad but oh my god I’m too embarrassed to.
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philosopherking1887 · 7 years
mathletepeter replied to your post
I saw you post about wine the other day!! I was so impressed. How did you learn so much about it? And Iceland is amazing!! I want to move there after grad school - I visited when I was 19
Haha, thanks, @mathletepeter. How did I learn about wine...? Haphazardly. Going to wineries and tasting, buying (relatively inexpensive) wines from a variety of regions, reading stuff online (mostly Wikipedia, tbh). I took a semester off 3 years ago now (holy shit, I’ve been in grad school forever) and worked at a winery in California for 5 months -- I learned a LOT there about the wine-making process, what sorts of conditions produce which qualities in wine, and how to detect wine flaws and faults. It helps that I also have a good nose, as well as a good memory.
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For the question thing: 12, 65, and 74!
12: The question you ask new friends to get to know them better?
Well I normally ask them what fandoms they’re into and then go off of that!
65: What fictional universe would I like to be a part of?
I would love to be in the Marvel Cinematic universe so I could have the chance to meet Peter Parker
74: Favourite place on the planet?
I’ve never been but I LOVE London, England. I hope to live there when I’m older (which probably won’t happen) but I can wish!
(I love your username btw!!)
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spiderparkerboy · 7 years
Lace and Pearls for the luxury asks :)
lace: i’ve answered that here
pearls: what’s something about your personality that surprises people?
hmm, when I’m surrounded by my closest friends I can be quite outgoing and confident. but see on the other side, i’m really shy and quiet and much rather not say much to people i don’t know that well because i’m afraid whatever i say is stupid, unrelated, unnecessary. 
luxury asks
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thorkidumpster · 6 years
47, 48, and 50 for the ask thing?
47. turn ons
i’m a ‘whole package’ kind of guy. being demi and kinda ace, i don’t really look at someone and think “oh nice tits lemme smash”. so mostly it’s... confidence. kindness. patience. their laughter. their smile. just... them. 
48. turn offs
wenjfelkrnj a lack of ambition. see, i’ve been through Some Shit with my ex -- we were broke often to the point of our power being cut out. but that never bothered me, because i believed in my own ambition to go to school, find a good job, etc. i can deal with the dark times as long as there’s light ahead of me. but my ex... he just wanted to play video games all day. he didn’t care about preparing for school, or getting a promotion, or doing anything to further his dreams. i can’t stand that.
50. favourite picture of your idol
i honestly don’t really have an idol! :D sorry! i don’t like putting people on pedestals. it’s not fair to them.
nice ask meme
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For the "rb and i'll tell you which of the fab five you remind me of" thing: Oh my god, you remind me so much of Bobby!! Your blog is filled with these absolutely gorgeous aesthetic posts as well as Alan Cumming thirst (which, like, relatable), and you just strike me as someone with Impeccable Taste
Thirst? Oh honey no – I actually have genuine feelings for him; like, it’s not just a sexual thing for me. And if I’m going to be honest, I was sure you’d say Tan. Or…I was hoping you would, anyway.
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oikawagram · 7 years
Alphabet Q&A
tagged by @nedleedslove , thank you darling! x
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
Tagging: @pcteparker @ohparkers @homecunnings @spideytom @lowkey-avenger @spideryroos @mathletepeter @likespidey @babyparker
A - Age: 18 (will be turning 19 on the 8th of August) B - Birthplace: Manila C - Current Time: 7:10 pm D - Drink You Last Had: jasmine tea E - Easiest Person To Talk To: honestly, no one F - Favorite Song: Amber Lynn by Mayday Parade G - Grossest Memory: I have no idea oh my god H - Horror Yes or Horror No: Yes I - In Love?: Yeah, with Tom Holland hence the blog J - Jealous of People?: Sometimes L - Love At First Sight Or Should I Walk By Again: Walk by again M - Middle Name: Joyce N - Number of Siblings: 1 (we’re twins) O - One Wish: Peace of mind P - Person You Called Last: A friend Q - Question You Are Always Asked: What’s my college program/What university I go to R - Reason to Smile: Tom Holland S - Song You Sang Last: Sad Song by The Vamps T - Time You Woke Up: 6:15 am U - Underwear Colour: Red V - Vacation Destination: Paris/New York W - Worst Habit: Cramming school works X - X-rays: The recent one was three years ago, when I got hit by a car Y - Your favourite food: Sinigang (Filipino Dish) Z - Zodiac Sign: Leo
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philosopherking1887 · 7 years
For the ask meme: 22, 52, and 114 :)
22: A good quality of mine?
I have a really good memory. Not necessarily for matching names to faces (is anyone good at that?), but for facts, dates, and names in history and fiction. (I’m the one everyone asks to ID characters at Game of Thrones-watching parties.) And wine varietals and regions. I’m great with those.
52: When do I feel most at peace?
When I’m in bed cuddling with my cat. She flops down between my arms with her back against my chest and lets me rest my face in her belly fluff.
114: A place I have not been but wish to visit?
Iceland! Game of Thrones is like the best tourism brochure ever. That landscape, holy shit. Cheap airfare, too.
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spiderparkerboy · 7 years
Hey loser
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oikawagram · 7 years
thank you for tagging me @hollands-spidey 💕
Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that come up. Tag 10 others.
(1) December (again) feat. Mark Hoppus - Neck Deep
(2) Banquet - Bloc Party
(3) With Her - Banoffee
(4) Waiting - Aquilo
(5) She Way Out - The Way Out
(6) Human - Sean Heathcliff
(7) Greek Tragedy - The Wombats
(8) Naive - The Kooks
(9) Collarbones - Thomston
(10) Blue - Willow Beats
tagging: @pcteparker @ohparkers @homecunnings @spideytom @lowkey-avenger @spideryroos @mathletepeter @likespidey @babyparker @deadsock
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madsmeetsmisha · 7 years
I was tagged by @brokenfannibal <3 So let’s start:
1. Nicknames: Patti
2. Gender: Female
3. Star sign: Cancer
4. Height: 166 cm
5. Time: 19:30
6. Birthday: 20. July
7. Favorite bands: Foo Fighters, Panic at the Disco, London Grammar, Incubus, Radiohead...
8. Favorite solo artists: Fleurie, AURORA
9. Song stuck in my head: Incubus, Love hurts (it is always on my mind)
10. Last movie I watched: John Wick I
11. Last show I watched: How to get away with murder (because of Colifer!!!)
12. When did I create my blog: April (?) 2017
13 What do I post: Mostly fandom stuff, edits and reblogs
14. Last thing I googled: I really don’t know
15. Do you have other blogs: No
16. Do you get asks: No :(
17. Why did you choose your URL: ?
18. Following: 352 blogs
19. Followers: 145
20. Favorite colors: pink and green
21. Average hours of sleep: 7-9 
22. Lucky Number: 6 and 12
23. Instruments: I played the guitar, but it’s long time ago
24. What I am wearing: a dress
25. How many blankets I sleep with: one, but I have one million pillows
26. Dream Job: Teacher :)
27. Dream trip: Iceland
28: Favorite food: Pizza and Pasta
29. Nationality: Europe
30. Favorite song now: Black Coffee ft. Shekhinah, Your Eyes 
Tagging: @mathletepeter​ I hope you don’t mind that I tag you <3
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