#mathias (rykter)
geryrrs · 1 month
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Mathias & Erik | Rykter
2024 • Teen • Drama · S1 • S2
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Me watching some niche Norwegian show called Skam back in 2016...
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Me watching another niche Norwegian show called Rykter in 2024...
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cowsnboys · 28 days
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moralambigutitty · 27 days
Mathias has been avoiding Erik since the incident. Erik just wants to forget it ever happened and go back to the way things were.
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sparegifs · 1 month
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Erik & Mathias Rykter, s02e15
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Rykter | 2.08 - Mathias x Erik
This hug was everything 🥰
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Honestly why is their banter so cute?!..
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I do wonder if Mathias was aware that his interest in Erik was not strictly platonic before the kiss happened.
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Like did he appear suprised by his own actions because he didn't know he wanted Erik in that way until now? Or was it because he'd been holding back this entire time and was shocked that he actually acted on it?
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Someone on Telegram pointed out that Erik looked disappointed when Mathias apologized for what happened at the cabin and blamed it on being drunk. So I rewatched the scene...
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And he does look disappointed. It's brief but you can see how his face falls a bit after Mathias says it.
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Skam was my first Norwegian love. And now it seems Rykter is my second.
Just to clarify... Young Royals is my soul mate and Heartstopper is my BFF. But there's just something about those Norwegian shows that has my heart in a chokehold that I can't break free from and if I'm honest I don't want to.
So now I'm going to need all my OG Skam fam to watch this show. You can watch on NRK with a VPN and Google translate but I've been watching here on Telegram...
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You cannot convince me that this wasn't flirting...
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Found this video on TikTok...
Teo, the actor who plays Mathias, confirmed in the comments that it was a filming/acting day [for Rykter].
So it's probably safe to assume that Mathias and Felix do go on the fishing boat for the Summer after all.
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Mathias hugging his lifelong BFF...
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Note the 'bro' pat.
Mathias hugging Erik, a boy he's known for only a few months...
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The way Mathias holds onto him, squeezes him tight, rubs his face into Erik's neck and just breathes him in is glaringly different from the way he hugs someone he considers just a friend.
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So presumably Mathias will go on the fishing trip with Felix over the summer, which makes sense given that he told Sara he would fix things with Felix in the morning. And also, it gives him the perfect excuse to avoid dealing with the fallout from kissing Erik.
Now assuming season 3 picks up directly after summer break and Mathias has been gone all summer, it's likely that nothing between him and Erik has been addressed. In fact, it's possible they haven't spoken at all since the kiss. Personally, I think Erik is gay and therefore able to reciprocate Mathias' feelings, however Erik isn't exactly an open book when it comes to what he's thinking and how he's feeling. It's like Mathias said... Erik doesn't say anything and he never takes the initiative, so it's really hard to determine how he'll respond to the situation, especially if Mathias has been radio silent all summer.
Normally I have a pretty good read on how a storyline will potentially play out between two characters, but with these two it's hard for me to even imagine because Erik is still very much an enigma. I have a much better read on Mathias at this point. But the fact that, despite the build up, the insane chemistry and the very romantically coded kiss scene, we still don't know if Erik is actually gay is driving me crazy.
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Datt med et uhell innom Rykter på NRK. Synes eeeegentlig ikke noe særlig om det (føler meg for gammal), og plutselig hadde eg sett alle episodene og venter spent på sesong 3. Akkurat samme som med SKAM Isak og Even sin sesong. Plutselig heilt hekta!
"Came across Rykter on NRK by accident. I don't really think much of it (I feel too old), and suddenly I had seen all the episodes and am eagerly waiting for season 3. Exactly the same as with SKAM Isak and Even's season. Suddenly completely hooked!"
Honestly same! I think I stumbled on a video of them on YouTube and when I saw that it was an NRK show that really sparked my interest. I ended up binging S1 and S2 on the NRK site and by the end was desperately wanting to see more.
I sometimes hesitate to compare it to Skam, because I think of Skam as this unique experience that is unparalleled, BUT somehow this show managed to invoke those same feelings in me that Skam did all those years ago and thats like catching lightning in a bottle. The fact that NRK has managed to do this to me twice now is surreal.
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Woke up to this...
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So apparently Rykter season 3 is set to drop on August 19th.
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