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Ver los juegos olímpicos y tomar matess, pequeños placeres 😌
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Why pyro is a trumpet.
G'DAY MATESS!! if you know why pyro is a trumpet you can go to YouTube and search "do you believe in magic pyro cover" you will see that pyro is in fact a trumpet. the mf sounds identical to a dog with a muzzle on.
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"Aye feather fangss. Me and one of my matess are going out drinking. You in?"
"And have the ovoppovortunity tovo shovow yovou up in frovont ovof them? Ovof covourse ~"
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. . . 🦖 . . . ror
hiii kacc !!!
happy happy birthday (legality) sayoooo 🥳 i just want to say thank youu because naging kaclose and frenny kita this senior high. i will never regret asking and making yaya to you sa chat so we can be group matess 🫶🏻
My first impression talaga sayo is mataray na nakakatakot ka. Judging by the looks m sa zoom last g11, parang mapatay ang tingin. Like natatakot ako i-chat ka just to ask you if may ka-group ka na ba HAHAHHAHA. Peroo who would’ve thought na magiging close tayoo kasi ang opposite ng personaliea natin. I’m not good with words peroo i just wanna say thank youu for everything! Thank you for being isa sa mga kagroup ko nung g11. Thank youu kasi SET A ka. Thank you dahil kahit ang corny corny ko na andyan ka, tulog nga lang HAHAHAHAHAHHA. Thank you for making my SHS memorable. Thank you sa lahat lahat. Thank you kasi nde ka nagsasawa sa mga rant ko sa buhay more like rant k sa mga simpleng bagay. Thank you kasee nde ka nagsasawa kahit na petty ak sometimes and nakakainis n ako HAHAHHAHA. Thank youu for supporting me. Thank you sa pagsama sa akin after exam. Thank you sa pagsama sa canteen. You are one of the people na I feel comfortable and safe around with. I am happy when I’m with you (sad ako pag wala ka kasi wala akong maddogshow cheret) THANK YOU FOR BEING MY FRIEND AND THANK YOU FOR BEING YOUU!! I know there are times na nde tayo nagkakasundo (which is ak nmn lagi may kasalanan kung bkit 🤪) peroo ganern talaga HAHAHAHAHHA. We love and like you just the way you are. I will be forever thankful to God because I met someone like you. I will always treasure and cherish the moments we spend together. I’m gonna miss youu so much. I appreciate youuu sooo nuch🥺 Sana hindi mo ako makalimutan ☹️😞 I looove youu mwaaa 🥰❤️🔥
Again happy happy birthdayy, Casseyyy!! Mwa mwa mwa mwa 😚🎉🎉
Janaenaee 💞
. . . . . 🦖
ano kaya pinag-uusapan natin dito 🤔
sad gOrl yern
malamang may cincram tau d2 (lagi namn 🙀)
our first merienda trip in RC 🩵
our first time pumunta ng sb ayala ng tayong daawa lang after exam (core memory)
the start of an age 😽
will miss our random gala and pumunta sa bahay niyoo
mah idol 🥰😍😍
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Dokumen-dokumen ini menjelaskan interaksi antara VOC (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie) dan penguasa lokal di Jawa pada akhir abad ke-18. Dokumen ini mencakup upaya untuk mengelola hubungan politik, termasuk penyerahan Maas Said yang berjanji setia kepada Soesoehoenang dan VOC, serta pengangkatan Pangerang Adepatty Sitja-Diningrat sebagai Wedono. Langkah-langkah ekonomi juga diambil untuk mengatasi dampak perang dan panen yang buruk, seperti memberikan pendapatan dari sarang burung walet dan tembakau kepada pemimpin lokal, mencabut larangan ekspor beras, serta memfasilitasi perdagangan barang seperti kopi, gula, kapas, dan nila. Upaya ini mencerminkan strategi VOC untuk mempertahankan kendali, membangun kesetiaan, sekaligus menjaga stabilitas pemerintahan lokal dan perekonomian. The documents outline the Dutch East India Company's interactions with local rulers and territories in Java during the late 18th century. They detail efforts to manage political relationships, including the submission of Maas Said, who pledged allegiance to the Soesoehoenang and the Company, and arrangements for local rulers such as the appointment of Pangerang Adepatty Sitja-Diningrat as Wedono. Economic measures were taken to address the aftermath of war and poor harvests, including granting income from bird's nest cliffs and tobacco to local leaders, lifting export bans on rice, and facilitating trade in goods like coffee, sugar, cotton, and indigo. These efforts reflect the Company's strategies to maintain control and foster allegiance while balancing local governance and economic stability.
LI. Gubernur Jenderal Jacob Mossel dan Dewan Hindia kepada Para Pengurus Kompeni Dagang Hindia Timur Belanda (HH. XVII)
Batavia, 31 Desember 1767
Yang Mulia,
Kapal pendahulu, Blydorp, telah tiba.
Mengenai pantai timur Jawa: Seperti yang disarankan oleh Yang Mulia pada akhir Desember tahun lalu, kami awalnya memperkirakan perlu mengambil langkah militer kembali melawan Maas Said pada musim semi ini untuk memaksanya menyerah. Namun, setelah Gubernur Hartingh kembali dari Semarang, situasi berubah menjadi lebih baik.
Pemberontak yang sebelumnya bersembunyi di pegunungan selatan akhirnya mengajukan penyerahan diri melalui surat, disertai janji persahabatan. Ia juga menyatakan kesediaannya untuk mengirim saudaranya, Timor, dan seorang Pringalaya kepada Soesoehoenang.
Maas Said menyatakan kesetiaannya kepada Kompeni dan Soesoehoenang, serta niatnya untuk hidup dan mati bersama mereka. Namun, ia terlalu ketakutan untuk segera pergi ke Surakarta, karena pasukan masih berada di dekatnya. Selain itu, ipar Sultan, Raden Tommogong Prowirodiridja, juga hadir, seseorang yang membuat Maas Said merasa malu dan enggan untuk berurusan dengannya.
Oleh karena itu, ia memohon agar Soesoehoenang bersedia menemuinya di luar Surakarta, sehingga ia dapat menunjukkan rasa hormatnya. Ia juga meminta untuk diizinkan duduk di kursi, seperti yang diberikan kepada Pangeran Madura. Kedua permintaan ini diserahkan kepada kebijaksanaan Yang Mulia, sementara pasukan dari Cajoe Manu ditarik ke Solo.
Pagi hari, hadiah dikirim ke istana dan kepada Tuan Saif sebagai bentuk dorongan, yang berhasil menciptakan dampak positif. Namun, utusan ingin mengajukan permintaan yang melampaui perintah Kaisar, yang tidak sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku. Permintaan tersebut sangat berlebihan hingga melibatkan wilayah Sultan. Gubernur dengan bijaksana mengalihkan permintaan tersebut dan menjelaskan kepada Kaisar bahwa Jawa telah terbagi, dengan pesisir menjadi milik Kompeni, sementara kondisi wilayah pegunungan sudah diketahui.
Akhirnya, kesepakatan tercapai, di mana mereka puas dengan 4000 tjatjas (bidang tanah) yang terletak di Cadoesang, Laro Matesse, dan Pegunungan Selatan. Selain itu, atas permintaan rendah hati, Boesoehoenang diizinkan bersumpah setia kepada Sultan dan Kompeni di Aleoran, dengan janji untuk tinggal di Solo, hadir pada hari-hari resmi kekaisaran, dan mematuhi perintah para penguasa.
Ia diberi gelar kehormatan Pangerang Adepatty Mancoenagara. Administrator negara Sultan, Raden Adepatty Danoeredja, dan Mayor Donkel diberitahu tentang kejadian ini dan diundang ke lokasi yang sama. Semua ini dilakukan untuk memfasilitasi pertukaran tjatjas di distrik yang disebutkan, yang telah selesai dengan kepuasan kedua belah pihak.
Sejumlah f 6000 diizinkan untuk dicatat sebagai pengeluaran. Pangeran yang disebutkan menunjukkan sikap yang pantas dan menghormati serta mematuhi Soesoehoenang, yang istananya telah tumbuh dalam reputasi dan populasi sejak itu.
Para penguasa menekankan kemiskinan mereka, serta kondisi menyedihkan yang mereka alami akibat kehancuran perang. Hanya seperempat dari harta mereka yang tersisa. Mereka meminta dukungan dalam bentuk pendapatan dari sarang burung walet dan tembakau Cadoesche. Sesuai dengan saran kuat dari Gubernur, ini diberikan kepada mereka melalui surat khusus tertanggal 1 April tahun ini, dengan syarat mereka bersumpah setia kepada Kompeni untuk selamanya.
Adipati Madura, Pangerang Adepatty Sitja-Diningrat, atas permintaan baru, diangkat pada 25 Februari tahun ini sebagai Wedono (kepala wilayah) untuk wilayah timur dari Grissee hingga Lassum. Wilayah Surabaya, Sumenep, dan Pamacasan dikecualikan dari wewenangnya. Penunjukan ini bersifat pribadi dan tidak dapat diwariskan kepada keluarganya.
Selain itu, Tommogong Japara, kepala wilayah pertama Japara, diberhentikan karena usia tuanya. Ia digantikan oleh keponakannya, Wiero Mantri, yang kini menyandang nama Tommogong Praxa.
Di Cheribon, karena hasil panen buruk selama dua tahun terakhir dan kelangkaan yang terjadi, kantor Kompeni tidak perlu membeli beras atau padi, karena stok mencukupi. Setiap hari, beras dikirim secara pribadi dari Jawa, yang memungkinkan pencabutan larangan ekspor tanpa kekhawatiran, dan pengangkutan kembali diizinkan untuk semua pihak. Pengiriman mencakup 56 muatan beras, 1240 bundel padi, dan jumlah sedang seperti 976.937 pon kopi, 790.437 pon gula, 15.260 pon benang kapas, 5000 pon nila, dan 7875 pon lada.
LI. The Governor-General Jacob Mossel and the Council of the Indies to the Directors of the Dutch East India Company (HH. XVII)
Batavia, December 31, 1767
Your Excellency,
The forerunner (the ship) Blydorp, etc.
Regarding Java's eastern coast: Following Your Excellency's advice at the end of last December, it had been considered necessary to again take up arms against Maas Said this spring to bring him to submission. However, after the return of Governor Hartingh, who had been present in Samarang, the situation took a favorable turn.
The rebel, who had been hiding in the southern mountains, eventually submitted himself in writing, accompanied by assurances of friendship. He also expressed his willingness to send his brother Timor and a certain Pringalaya to the Soesoehoenang.
Maas Said declared his strong commitment to the Company and the Soesoehoenang, expressing his willingness to live and die with them. However, he was too overwhelmed with fear to travel quickly to Soeracarta, as the army was still nearby and had not yet departed. Additionally, the Sultan's brother-in-law, Radeen Tommogong Prowirodiridja, was present, with whom Maas Said felt ashamed and reluctant to engage.
He therefore pleaded for the Soesoehoenang to meet him outside of Soeracarta so he could show the necessary respect. He also requested to be allowed, like the Pangerang of Madura, to sit on a chair. Both requests were left to the discretion of His Highness, while the army of Cajoe Manu was withdrawn to Solo.
In the morning, gifts were sent to the court and Mr. Saif as encouragement, which had the desired effect. However, the representatives wished to submit a request that went beyond the Emperor's orders, which was not in line with the established protocols. This request was so excessive that it involved the Sultan's lands. The Governor tactfully redirected the request and explained to the Emperor that Java was divided, with the coastal areas being Company property, and that the situation in the uplands was well known.
Eventually, an agreement was reached, with satisfaction at receiving 4000 tjatjas (land parcels) located in Cadoesang, Laro Matesse, and the Southern Mountains. Additionally, at his humble request, the Boesoehoenang was allowed to swear loyalty to the Sultan and the Company on the Aleoran, with a promise to remain in Solo, appear on the customary Emperor’s days, and obey the orders of the rulers.
He was honored with the title of Pangerang Adepatty Mancoenagara. The Sultan's state administrator, Radeen Adepatty Danoeredja, and Major Donkel were informed of these events and summoned to the same location. All of this was done to facilitate the exchange of tjatjas in the aforementioned districts, which has already been successfully completed to the satisfaction of both parties.
An amount of f 6000 was permitted to be written off. The aforementioned Pangerang conducts himself appropriately and shows the necessary respect and obedience to the Soesoehoenang, whose court and status have since grown in both reputation and population.
The rulers emphasized their poverty, as well as the deplorable condition they were in due to the destruction caused by the war. Only a quarter of their possessions remained. They therefore requested support in the form of income from the bird’s nest cliffs and the Cadoesche tobacco. Following strong advice from the Governor, this was granted to them in a special letter dated April 1 of this year, on the condition of their eternal allegiance to the Company.
The Regent of Madura, Pangerang Adepatty Sitja-Diningrat, was, upon renewed request, appointed by decree on February 25 of this year as Wedono (chief regent) of the eastern territories and provinces from Grissee to Lassum. This excluded the regions of Sourabaya, Sumanap, and Pamacassan, which were outside his jurisdiction. This appointment was strictly personal and not transferable to his family.
Furthermore, the aged Tommogong Japara, the first regent of Japara, was granted resignation due to his advanced years. He was succeeded by his nephew, Wiero Mantri, who now bears the name Tommogong Praxa.
In Cheribon, due to poor harvests over the past two years and the resulting shortages, no rice or paddy had to be purchased by the Company office, as there was sufficient stock available. Daily shipments of rice were delivered privately from Java, which allowed the export ban to be lifted without concern and transportation to resume for everyone. The shipments consisted of 56 loads of rice, 1240 bundles of paddy, and moderate quantities of 976,937 pounds of coffee beans, 790,437 pounds of sugar, 15,260 pounds of cotton thread, 5000 pounds of indigo, and 7875 pounds of pepper.
LI. De Gouverneur-Generaal Jacob Mossel en Rade van Indie aan de Bewindhebbers der Generale Oost-Indische Compagnie (HH. XVII)
Batavia, 31 december 1767
WelEdele Hoogachtbare,
De voorlooper (het schip) Blydorp, enz.
Met betrekking tot Java's Oostkust: Ingevolge het door UEd. Hoogachtbare geadviseerde op het einde van december jl., had men overwogen dit voorjaar opnieuw genoodzaakt te zijn om tegen Maas Said de wapenen op te nemen om hem tot het uiterste te brengen. Echter, na de terugkomst van de toenmalig in Samarang aanwezige Gouverneur Hartingh, hebben de zaken een gunstige wending genomen.
De rebel, die zich in het zuidelijke gebergte schuilhield, heeft zich uiteindelijk bij een briefje van onderwerping en met verzekering van vriendschap bereid verklaard zijn broer Timor en een zekere Pringalaya af te zenden naar de Soesoehoenang.
Maas Said betuigde dat hij zich serieus verbonden voelde met de Compagnie en de Soesoehoenang, en voortaan bereid was met hen te leven en sterven. Toch was hij te zeer bevangen door angst om zich zo snel naar Soeracarta te begeven, aangezien het leger in zijn nabijheid nog niet vertrokken was en zich daar ook nog de zwager van de Sultan, Radeen Tommogong Prowirodiridja, bevond, voor wie hij zich schaamde en met wie hij niet graag zaken wilde doen.
Hij smeekte daarom dat de Soesoehoenang hem enigszins buiten Soeracarta zou willen ontmoeten, zodat hij de vereiste eerbied kon betuigen. Ook verzocht hij dat, net zoals de Pangerang van Madura, hij op een stoel mocht plaatsnemen. Beide verzoeken werden aan de keuze van Zyn Hoogheid overgelaten, terwijl het genoemde leger van Cajoe Manu naar Solo werd teruggetrokken.
’s Morgens werden, ter aanmoediging, geschenken naar het hof en aan de heer Saif gezonden, hetgeen effect sorteerde. De gecommitteerden wilden echter een verzoek indienen buiten het bevel van de Keizer om, wat niet in lijn was met de gegeven orders. Het verzoek was echter zo exorbitant dat het land van de Sultan erbij betrokken werd. De Gouverneur leidde het verzoek met tact af en legde aan de Keizer uit dat Java verdeeld was, waarbij de stranden eigendom van de Compagnie waren, en dat men bekend was met de situatie in de bovenlanden.
Uiteindelijk werd een akkoord bereikt, waarbij men tevreden was met 4000 tjatjas, gelegen in Cadoesang, Laro Matesse en het Zuydgebergte. Daarnaast, op zijn nederig verzoek, werd aan de Boesoehoenang toegestaan om trouw te zweren aan de Sultan en de Compagnie op de Aleoran, met de belofte om in Solo te blijven wonen, op de gewone Keizerlijke dagen te verschijnen en de bevelen van de vorst te gehoorzamen.
Hij werd geëerd met de titel van Pangerang Adepatty Mancoenagara. Over deze gebeurtenissen werden de Sulthans’ rijksbestuurder Radeen Adepatty Danoeredja en majoor Donkel geïnformeerd en naar dezelfde locatie ontboden. Dit alles diende ten behoeve van de uitwisseling van de tjatjas in de genoemde districten, wat reeds tot wederzijds genoegen was afgerond.
Een bedrag van f 6000 was gepermitteerd om af te boeken. Voornoemde Pangerang gedraagt zich naar behoren en betoont de verschuldigde eerbied en gehoorzaamheid aan de Soesochoenang, wiens hof en status sindsdien nog meer aanzien en volk heeft gewonnen.
De vorsten hebben nadrukkelijk hun armoede getoond, evenals de beklagenswaardige toestand waarin zij door de verwoestingen van de oorlog waren gebracht. Van hun bezittingen bleef slechts een vierde deel over. Zij verzochten daarom om ondersteuning door middel van inkomsten uit de vogelnestklippen en de Cadoesche tabak. Dit werd, op krachtig advies van de Gouverneur, in een aparte missive van 1 april jl. aan hen toegewezen, op voorwaarde van hun eeuwige trouw aan de Compagnie.
De Regent van Madura, Pangerang Adepatty Sitja-Diningrat, werd, op basis van een vernieuwd verzoek, bij besluit van 25 februari van dit jaar benoemd tot Wedono (opperregent) over de oostelijk gelegen landen en regentschappen, vanaf Grissee tot Lassum. Dit gold echter niet voor de regentschappen Sourabaya, Sumanap en Pamacassan, die buiten zijn bevoegdheid vielen. Deze benoeming was strikt persoonlijk en niet overdraagbaar op zijn familie.
Ook is de oude Tommogong Japara, de eerste regent van Japara, vanwege zijn hoge leeftijd ontslag verleend. Hij werd opgevolgd door zijn neef, Wiero Mantri, die voortaan de naam Tommogong Praxa draagt.
In Cheribon, vanwege de slechte oogsten van de afgelopen twee jaar en de daaruit voortvloeiende schaarste, heeft men bij het comptoir geen rijst of padi hoeven in te kopen, aangezien er voldoende voorraad voorhanden was. Dagelijks werd vanuit Java door particulieren voldoende rijst aangeleverd, waardoor het uitvoerverbod met gerustheid kon worden opgeheven en vervoer weer aan iedereen werd toegestaan. De aanvoer bestond uit 56 lasten rijst, 1240 bossen padi, en gematigde hoeveelheden van onder andere 976,937 pond koffiebonen, 790,437 pond suiker, 15,260 katoenen garen, 5000 pond indigo, en 7875 pond peper.
#history#colonial history#VOC#Dutch East India Company#18th century#historical documents#archival research#Southeast Asian history#colonial Indonesia#Java history#Maas Said#Soesoehoenang#Javanese culture#colonial politics#economic history#Javanese kingdoms#East Indies#Dutch colonial rule#tjatjas#VOC archives#history enthusiasts#historical analysis#learn history#Indonesian history#tumblr historians#academic blogging#research notes#archival studies
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RELEASE BOOST - Midlife Gumbo (Boudin, Barbecue, and Hoodoo #3) by Reggi Dupree
Title: Midlife GumboSeries: Boudin, Barbecue, and Hoodoo #3Author: Reggi Dupree Genre: Paranormal Women’s FictionTropes: Forbidden Romance, Fated MatesSibling’s Ex, Grumpy/Violent SunshineRelease Date: May 2, 2024 BLURB When you think life can’t get worse, the universe says: hold my beer. Anastasia This forty-five-year-old honey badger shifter is newly single and ready to mingle. And…
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Hey Makona, how have you been? Anything interesting happen lately?
"One of my matess, D'laria, took me out on a date the other night. It was nice. We went out for a movie, then dinner. After that we went for a walk under the sstarss before heading back to her hive."
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excuse me did you see madelyn cline hanging around palmwood studios? oh no, that was silena palmer, the twenty five year old who plays amelie dimarino on beautiful small untruthers. yeah, you know rumour has it they're heedless and treacherous, but their fans all say they’re alluring and vivacious. the soundtrack to their life would probably be vigilante shit by taylor swift, and when i think of them, i think of puppy dog eyes, blasting music late at night, talking too much. ( cis woman, she/her ) ( r, 23, est )
excuse me did you see zendaya hanging around palmwood studios? oh no, that was cecilia “cece” diamant, the twenty six year old who plays monique griller on mates. yeah, you know rumour has it they're stoic and stubborn, but their fans all say they’re resilient and cordial. the soundtrack to their life would probably be wonder woman by miley cyrus, and when i think of them, i think of the smell before it starts to rain, being the sunshine in everyone else’s life, writing things in a song that you’re too afraid to say out loud. ( cis woman, she/her ) ( r, she/her, 23, est)
congratulations, R ! you have been accepted as madelyn cline silena palmer, otherwise known as amelie dimarino from beautiful small truthers , and zendaya cecelia “ cece “ diamant otherwise known as monique griller on matess. you have twenty four hours to send in your account, we can’t wait to start writing with you!
#submission#appless rp#new rp#rich kids rp#city rp#hollywoodrp#famous rp#mumu rp#celebrity rp#fame rp#california rp#celeb rp#pwshqaccepted
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credits: @/novaasoph on instagram
#IM DISGUSTING LMDODOFJF BUT I JUST MATE MATESS#haikyuu#haikyu x reader#haikyu smut#yamaguchi tadashi#yamaguchi x reader#tsukishima kei#tsukishima x reader#yamaguchi smut#tsukishima smut#hq x reader#hq x you#haikyuu x y/n#hq x y/n#yamaguchi x y/n#yamaguchi x you#tsukishima x you#tsukishima x y/n#haikyuu x you
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People in my uni group chats often send surveys that they need for something (mostly the podcats course that I'm not in and I regret not taking it) but anyway I always do the surveys thinking "do my replies sound weird? Would a normal person reply like this? Do I sound normal enough?"
SKFJKSJHF this sounds like a robot filling out a captcha
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Las lindas tomamos matess 🧉
el mate más grande q vas a ver en tu vida
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30 rock s7 thread pt 5
#i keep wanting to watch lizs life#aug 23 2020#NIGHT CHEESE#🥺#i want them to stay friends bc when ron and leslie fought it broke our hearts i dont want jack and liz to end oikd thay even tho i despise j#HOLY CRAP THE EXEC PRODUCER CARD SCARED ME SO MUCH#i just want the ties to be tied nicely#im just denting that its ending#ohhhhh theres the conan HAHAHwhy is the elevator green screened#tinaaaaaaaaaaaaaa#i love the writing so much#i love this show#i dont want it to end im really bad at finishing shows :///#theyre squishing so much into one ep :((((#i love that irl the cast is still friends#hhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH bean#when tina and amy go 🥺#pleaseeee#soul matess#funny the way this show has my entire heart#!!!#this is not even abt any specific thats happening i just. am full of love#i hate flashbacks so MUCH i hate it here i really do#hello wheres criss and the kids??????????????#oH thank goodness a year later!!!#kenneth not aging is the funniest bit#I. CANNOT BELIEVE CRISS WANST EVEN IN THE LAST EP WHAT THE HECKK JSJDJDK#AJHSHAHAAAAAA WHAT DO I DO WITH MY LIFE NOW#oh its 4:20
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RELEASE BLITZ - Midlife Gumbo (Boudin, Barbecue, and Hoodoo #3) by Reggi Dupree
Title: Midlife GumboSeries: Boudin, Barbecue, and Hoodoo #3Author: Reggi Dupree Genre: Paranormal Women’s FictionTropes: Forbidden Romance, Fated MatesSibling’s Ex, Grumpy/Violent SunshineRelease Date: May 2, 2024 BLURB When you think life can’t get worse, the universe says: hold my beer. Anastasia This forty-five-year-old honey badger shifter is newly single and ready to mingle. And…
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Idk eris and NESTA?? Together?? I always thought eris rivaled Cassian and this teased that just dropped is creating a fun dynamic and I am filled w feral delight 😏😏😏😏
#amandathoughts#acotar#nesta x cassian#nessian#acosf#nesta archeron#nesta x eris#a court of thorns and roses#sarah j maas#amandabookthoughts
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AHFJFHJFJF theres so much i justtgink its like fun to play but also so cool that theres like near infinite games and also like hundreds of named openenings and checks and matess and new ones are discovered all the time!! and i relalu wamma discover one so i can havemy name on a move hehe iplay it all thw time withmyself
hi mr :33
- @jason-wuz-here
Oh, well hello.
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