#materia medica of histamine
drsauravarora · 2 years
Homeopathic Uses of Histaminum
Homeopathic Uses of Histaminum
IntroductionEnglish: histamine (bichlorhydrate). Greek – Histos-tissue; Ammonikon – a gum from plants near temple of Ammon – JupiterSubstance: Purified chemicalName given by: Julian MM; Proving: Gringuaz 1950 published in The Journal of the American Institute of HomeopathyHistamine by first identified in ergot and soybean oil by Barger and Dale in 1910. Related termshistamin hydrochloride,…
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siva3155 · 5 years
300+ TOP HOMEOPATHY Objective Questions and Answers
HOMEOPATHY Multiple Choice Questions :-
1. The homeopathic repertory is organized to make it easier to do which of the following? A. Identify the prover of a remedy B. Identify symptoms associated with a remedy C. Identify remedies associated with a symptom D. Identify the animal, botanical, or mineral source of a remedy Ans: C 2. The repertory contains various types of symptoms. Which of the following is not one of them? A. Sensations B. Extensions C. Locations D. Assumptions Ans: D 3. Kent's Repertory contains information about homeopathic remedies arranged by which of the following? A. Remedy B. Symptom C. Chronological date remedy was proven D. Alphabetical name of contributing author Ans: B 4. What is a rubric? A. A slang term for a remedy kit B. An entry in a material medica text about a specific range of action of a remedy C. A textbook describing symptoms resulting from provings D. A symptom in the repertory with the remedies shown to affect that symptom Ans: D 5. Which of the following is not a section in Kent's Repertory? A. Mind B. Heart C. Extremities D. Vertigo Ans: B 6. Which kinds of homeopathic symptoms are included in repertories? A. Proving and clinical symptoms B. Only proving symptoms C. Only clinical symptoms D. Only cured symptoms Ans: A 7. The different typefaces (plain, italic, and bold) used for remedies listed in repertories denote low, medium, or high "grade." This grade indicates which of the following? A. That there's a high likelihood that the remedy is indicated in the case you are analyzing B. The degree of intensity of the symptom as experienced by the provers C. The commonality of the symptom among the provers D. Whether the symptom was identified by a proving, clinical use, or both Ans: C 8. Homeopathic medicines are regulated by the FDA as: A. Drugs B. Foods C. Dietary supplements D. Herbal supplements E. Vitamins Ans: A 9. Can you take homeopathic medicines along with other drugs, supplements or herbs? A. Yes B. No Ans: A 10. Can you apply a Arnica gel or cream on open wounds? A. Yes B. No Ans: B
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HOMEOPATHY MCQs 11. According to the Principle of Similars, which of these homeopathic medicines is most likely to relieve nausea and vertigo? A. Allium cepa (homeopathic medicine from the onion) B. Belladonna (homeopathic medicine from the Deadly nightshade) C. Histaminum (homeopathic medicine from Histamine) D. Tabacum (homeopathic medicine from Tobacco) Ans: D 12. Low dilutions (such as 6C) are more appropriate for: A. Local symptoms B. General symptoms C. Symptoms affecting behavior D. Children and elderly Ans: A 13. High dilutions (such as 30C) are more appropriate for: A. Chronic conditions B. Acute conditions Ans: A 14. According to the Principle of Similars, which of these homeopathic medicines is most likely to relieve sleeplessness: A. Arnica montana B. Coffea (homeopathic medicine from the coffee bean) C. Belladonna D. Apis mellifica (homeopathic medicine from the honey bee) Ans: B 15. Which one is NOT an advantage of homeopathic medicines? A. Safe B. Do not interact with other drugs, herbs or supplements C. Mask symptoms D. No contra-indications Ans: C 16. The more acute the condition the more frequently you take the homeopathic medicine A. True B. False Ans: A 17. What is the English name for the plant Arnica Montana originates from? A. The Mountain Daisy B. The Garden Marigold C. Ragweed D. The Bitter Apple Ans: A 18. All homeopathic medicines are made from herbs A. True B. False Ans: B 19. Homeopathic medicines are used in how many countries : A. 75 Ans: D 20. As for any other medicine, you should give smaller doses of homeopathic medicines to children: A. True B. False Ans: B 21. Who is known as the father of homeopathy ? A. Aristotle B. Hahnemann C. Hippocrates D. Kent Ans: B 22. Which of these is used to prepare homeopathic preparations? A. Animals B. Plants C. Chemicals D. All of these Ans: D 23. Which is the authoritative work which explains the principles of homeopathy? A. Repertory of Medicine B. Organon of Medicine C. Materia Medica Pura D. None of the above Ans: B 24. Homeopathy uses preparations known as nosodes. What are they ? A. Animal extracts B. Extracts from minerals C. Plant extracts D. Disease extracts Ans: D 25. Who discovered the homeopathic preparation 'Lachesis' ? A. Hering B. Clarke C. Kent D. Boenninghausen Ans: A HOMEOPATHY Objective type Questions with Answers 26. Which of the following is a high potency preparation used in homeopathy ? A. 6c B. 30c C. 6x D. 6M Ans: D 27. A variation of homeopathy is another system known as 'Biochemic remedies' or 'Tissue salts'. Which of the following preparations is a biochemic remedy? A. Silica B. Kali Bich C. Arnica montana D. Plumbum met Ans: A 28. A homeopathic remedy becomes stronger: A. the less diluted it is B. the more diluted it is C. when mixed with other homeopathic remedies D. after you swallow it Ans: B 29. Traditionally, homeopaths prefer to use: A. only one homeopathic medicine at a time B. a combination of substances C. homeopathic remedies and aspirin D. no medicines at all Ans: A 30. Homeopaths may be: A. medical doctors, chiropractors, osteopaths or nurses B. naturopathic physicians C. lay people with some training D. any of the above Ans: D 31. The U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires homeopathic medicine to include which of the following on the label: A. expiration date B. alcohol percentage C. ingredients list D. safety warnings Ans: C 32. The philosophy of homeopathic care involves all of the following except: A. restoration and maintenance of health B. promotion of healing by stimulating your own natural healing mechanisms C. controlling illness through drugs or surgery D. a natural, noninvasive approach to health care Ans: C 33. Homeopathy is slow acting and cannot be used in acute cases of diarrhea, fever, cough, cold, etc. A. Correct B. Incorrect (Correct Answer) Ans: B 34. Homeopathic medicines are only sugar pills which act more as placebos and have no medicinal value as such. A. Correct B. Incorrect (Correct Answer) Ans: B 35. Homeopathic medicines have steroids in them. A. Correct B. Incorrect (Correct Answer) Ans: B 36. One has to follow strict dietary restrictions while on homeopathic treatment . A. Correct (Correct Answer) B. Incorrect Ans: A 37. Homeopathy cannot be used in diabetic patients - A. Correct B. Incorrect (Correct Answer) Ans: B 38. Homoeopathy can only be used for chronic ailments A. Correct B. Incorrect (Correct Answer) Ans: B 39. Most used medicine for hard/(cauliflower type) warts and corns is A. Thuja B. Apis Mellificea C. Uranium D. Antimonium Crudum Ans: D 40. Which medicine is considered as Homeopathy Knife A. Myristica B. Yucca Filamentosa C. Belladonna D. Sulphur Ans: A 41. Red streak down the middle of tongue, indicates A. Veratrum Virdie B. Phosphoricum Acidum C. Coffea Cruda D. Polyporus Pinicola Ans: A 42. In which edition of Organon the concept of wet dose is introduced? A. 3 rd edition B. 4 th edition C. 5 th edition D. 6 th edition Ans: C 43. Fat, Perspiring, Cold and Sour (sour taste) indicates A. Uva Ursi B. Ovi Tosta C. Baryta Iodata D. Calcarea Carbonia Ans: D 44. Fat, Chilly and Constipative applies to A. Fucus B. Kalmia Latifolia C. Sulphur D. Graphites Ans: D 45. What is the scale of dilution of \\\'X\\\' potency? A. 1:10 B. 1:50 C. 1:100 D. 1:50000 Ans: A 46. Which of the following is hot, burning, itchy. Made worse by heat of bed. A. Picricum Acidum B. Sulphur C. Gettysburg Water D. Magnesium Sulphuricum (magnesia Sulphurica) Ans: B 47. Most used medicine for spongy warts(tags) and corns A. Thuja B. Alumina C. Arsenum Album D. Antimony Crudum Ans: A 48. Remedy for persistently irritating and corrosive discharges (from nose or eyes etc) A. Arsinum Iodatum B. Arsenum Album C. Tellurium D. Veratrum Album Ans: A 49. A remedy for traumatic injuries and septic conditions A. Iridium Metallicum (iridium) B. Arnica Montana C. Daphne Indica D. Nuphar Luteum Ans: B 50. A remedy for haemorrhagic tendencies and septic states A. Taxus Baccata B. Calendula C. Thyroidinum D. Lachesis Ans: D HOMEOPATHY Questions and Answers pdf Download Read the full article
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drravibhatt-blog · 5 years
Cure the Illness Naturally With Best Homeopathic Clinic
The homeopathy science works on the idea "stronger when weaker" like treatment from Homeopathic clinic will work more efficiently when drugs used are provided in low or diluted concentration. Thus, its treatments are ready with the serial material dilution or compounds gained from different type of sources. It is an outstanding option to allopathic or some other surgical treatment or conventional medicinal as being very secure without any problem or side effects.
Treatment of Homeopathy Clinic Near Me differs from the other modern medication. Here in its place of medicines, too much work is done though proper examination of the problem. At any time you will visit to a homeopathic doctor for Piles Treatment In Homeopathy, first he will try to get complete details of yours not just from health view point but your mental, emotional, social and some other type of activities. He will also try to get each and every minute details such as how do you respond to a specific situation or thing, what possible changes happens to your body with the season change, what things keep you pleased, what things makes you depressing, what type of allergies you have and many more.
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He can also ask some questions about your private life whether unmarried or married, any family problems, hook ups or break ups etc. Here it is suggested for you to reveal the whole thing in case you wish to have proper cure as in Homeopathy For Piles remedies can differ even in persons having same type of symptoms.
After examining you, your homeopath will think about Repertories and Materia medica to find the treatment. These are group of all the treatments as per to the symptoms in the type of content or pictures. You have to be very careful about the quantity of recommended drugs. It must be on time and very proper. Extra caution has to be taken to stay away from foreign stuff contamination.
With another visits, homeopath for Migraine Treatment will check your recovery and accordingly will modify the dosage and proportion of substances in your treatment. In this manner gradually your problem will be solved.
There are possible treatments whose remedies are not exactly ready through the homeopathic procedure but they are associated to homeopathy. You should know that Isopathy is very same to homeopathy without the truth that remedies are ready from the things causing illness or the items of diseases. Vaccines of homeopathy are a type of Isopathy. In remedies of flower, flower extracts is utilized that is ready by putting flowers in the water and after that exposing them to the light of sun. The utilization of homeopathic in treatment of animals is recommended as veterinary process. It has not made enough impact because certain controversies related with it.
Homeopathy has been common in some of the countries and needs legal permission for treating diseases with homeopathic treatments. Some reports have proved that homeopathic treatments have considerable effects on our natural process such as enzyme reactions, grain growth effect, histamines release etc.
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quintinefowler-blog · 6 years
Natural AntiHistamine Herbs
Antihistamine Herbs
Antihistamine drugs are very popular medications, both over the counter and by prescription – but can we choose natural antihistamine herbs instead?
Histamine is a chemical, which is involved in our local immune response as well as regulating physiological function in the gut, acting as a neurotransmitter. During the time of seasonal allergies, the body's immune system sees pollen as an invader.
In an allergic reaction, our body produces histamine, as a defense mechanism. This inflammatory chemical attaches the cells in our body and causes irritation. It is the deficiency of this enzyme that triggers an allergic reaction as histamines gathers in the synapses.
An antihistamine serves to reduce or eliminate the effects brought on by histamine, a chemical mediator released during allergic reactions. Antihistamines and antihistamine herbs are commonly used for allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis, contact dermatitis, urticaria (hives), angioedema and pruritus (atopic dermatitis, insect bites).
There are hundreds of plants and antihistamine herbs used all over the world, which are used in herbal medicine as treatments for histamine attacks.
Natural Antihistamine Herbs
Before we go into the list of natural antihistamine herbs, let me recommend a natural antihistamine remedy to you.  SOS-Hista Drops has been tested by our editors and found to be very effective at reducing histamine levels, relieving allergy symptoms caused by increased histamine production and clearing runny nose and eyes. I, personally, use SOS HistaDrops natural antihistamine formula for my eldest daughter who suffers from seasonal allergies. This terrific natural antihistamine remedy is outstanding for relieving bothersome symptoms and helping her to breathe more easily.
This natural antihistamine remedy is manufactured by Native Remedies. We thoroughly researched this company that makes this natural antihistamine herbal formula and have found that all of their products are created using their Full Spectrum Approach (FSA), a set of standards and processes that combines the best quality, laboratory-tested, raw ingredients, good manufacturing practices and a Full Spectrum manufacturing method to guarantee you products of the highest quality, safety and effectiveness.
All Native Remedies' formulas, including this natural antihistamine remedy, contain no animal products, gluten, artificial colors, flavors or preservatives, are not tested on animals, and backed by our One Year Unconditional Money Back Guarantee. Plus, individual homeopathic ingredients are listed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS).
Also, they only use WHOLE HERB herbal extracts, the purest form of the herb with the highest quality and therapeutic benefits.
Click here to learn more about SOS Hista Drops.
Here are some of the most accessible and reliable natural antihistamine herbs:
Basil (Ocimum sanctum) – One of the best antihistamine herbs, basil has a history in helping prevent stomach cramps, gas as well as constipation. A poultice of Basil leaves can can work as an antihistamine to draw out insect, bee wasp, or snake venom. It helps alleviate acne, heal abrasions and speeds healing when used on cuts.
Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) – is rich in anti-histamine properties and is one of the most effective antihistamine herbs. The flowers can be crushed and used as a poultice for inflammatory swelling. Make a tea and drink 2-3 times a day. Chamomile can cause histaminic allergic reactions in some very sensitive people. If this occurs, simply discontinue.
Jewelweed (Impatiens aurea) – contains a compound called “Lawsone” that treats uticaria. Jewelweed is used as a natural remedy for poison ivy, poison oak, okra spines, stinging nettle and acne treatment. Of the natural antihistamine herbs, Jewelweed is also used for heat rash, ringworm and many other skin disorders, as well as bug bites and razor burn.
Papaya (Carica papaya) – Some may be surprised that papaya is counted among natural antihistamine herbs, but papaya does indeed inhibit the secretion of histamine. Papaya juice can be taken internally as well as applied topically to diffuse a histamine attack.
Parsley  (Petroselinum crispum) – Testing shows Parsley’s antihistamine action which may be helpful for those with hayfever or hives
Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) – The very same plant that will produce hives if its hairs inject their histamine into you can also work as one of the best antihistamine herbs to heal the problem. Some herbs whose pollen can cause symptoms of hay fever have been used as a way to reduce symptoms of hay fever, which is the homeopathic theory of “like cures like”. The most important of these are Goldenrod and Ragweed (Ambrosia ambrosioides).
Eyebright and Elder also have a reputation for use as hay fever remedies. However, an individual allergic to one of these plants should avoid them unless under the care of a doctor of natural medicine. Freeze-dried nettle leaf extract taken in capsule form will treat hives and allergies. The plant does not contain enough histamine to cause a problem when taken orally. Tea can be made from the leaves or cooked as greens. The stinging hairs lose their sting when the plant is cooked.
Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea) – Echinacea is a widely used herbal remedy for treatment of upper respiratory tract infections. This purple coneflower has shown to have antihistamine properties and is counted among some of the more popular natural antihistamine herbs.
Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) – In my Chinese herbal practice, fennel is used for indigestion, spasms in the digestive tract, as well as expelling phlegm from the lungs. Fennel is rich with the antioxidant flavonoid “Quercetin”. Quercetin is a strong natural antihistamine shown to be very helpful for allergies and histamine-related inflammation. Make as a tea and drink 2-3 times per day.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale) – another classic herb in the Chinese Materia Medica, ginger works well on allergic reactions such as hives and wheals. Slice up a ginger root, boil it in eight cups of water for 30 minutes. Allow the herbs to steep for another 30 after you have boiled it. Drink 2 to 3 cups a day. You may add the tea to a hot bath and soak for 20 minutes. Dip a wash cloth in the tea once it is at room temperature and use as a compress.
Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) – Hailed the “mushroom of immortality” , one of my favorite natural remedies is Reishi (Ling Zhi). Japanese researchers have found that reishi acts as an antihistamine, making it useful for treating allergies. “Lanostan”, a compound found in reishi, appears to control the release of transmitting chemicals in the body, thereby inhibiting the release of histamine. Since reishi also promotes the adrenal function and immune reaction, it has added effectiveness in controlling the body's reaction to an allergen.
Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) – is a natural antihistamine, as well as having antiseptic properties to help purge infections. The essential oil has been shown to have antimicrobial activity against a host of different bacteria and fungi.
Wild Oregano (Origanum vulgare) – aka Wild Marjoram, is one of the very best antihistamine herbs as it has at least seven different antihistaminic chemicals, therefore fights allergies as well as fungus and infection.
Essential Oils as Antihistamine Herbs
Essential oils should be used in a base oil (to avoid irritation) and massaged on the skin. Never use essential oils internally.
Caraway Seed Oil – has antihistamine and antimicrobial properties and is very effective in treating mild allergic reactions.
Clove Oil – has antihistamine properties. This essential oil is helpful in the treatment of dermatitis due to allergic reactions.
Lemon balm (also known as melissa) – has antihistamine action and is useful to treat eczema and headaches. This essential oil has antihistamine properties and helps with allergies.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is believed to be a natural antihistamine agent if used at high doses, around 3,000mg to 5,000mg a day.
Natural Help for Allergies, Hayfever
SOS-Hista Drops is a natural, safe and proven remedy that combines herbal and homeopathic ingredients for fast and effective relief of the major symptoms of hayfever and allergic rhinitis linked to airborne allergens.
Manufactured in a fast-acting tincture formula, this remedy can quickly clear all the troublesome symptoms of airborne allergies, while also helping to strengthen your system against further attacks.
SOS Hista Drops are a safe, natural and effective remedy to treat hayfever, allergic rhinitis and airborne allergens like pollen, grass seeds, house dust, animal dander, etc. Formulated by our team of experts in natural medicine, SOS-Hista Drops is pharmaceutically manufactured to the highest standards.
Learn more about SOS-Hista Drops. Why do we promote this?
Antihistamine Herbs
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badhaaidotcom-blog · 6 years
The broadened records of self-experimentation by homeopaths have now and then indicated steady in the difference in exhibit day drugs: For instance, insist that nitroglycerin may be beneficial as a treatment for angina was found by looking through homeopathic provings, at any rate homeopaths themselves never utilized it subsequently at that time.The fundamental recorded provings were appropriated by Hahnemann in his 1796 Essay on a New Principle.His Fragmenta de Viribus (1805)contained the aftereffects of 27 provings, and his 1810 Materia Medica Pura contained 65.
For James Tyler Kent's 1905 Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica, 217 approaches experienced provings and more present substances are perseveringly added to contemporary adjustments. Regardless of the way that the indicating framework has shallow similarities with clinical trials, it is on a greatly essential level contrasting in that the procedure is subjective, not blinded, and show day provings are probably not going to utilize pharmacologically exceptional levels of the substance under proving.As before schedule as 1842, Holmes saw the provings were immeasurably faulty, and the shown impact was not repeatable among various subjects.click here
 Homeopaths by and large start with clear examinations of their patients' accounts, fusing request concerning their physical, mental and vigorous states, their life conditions and any physical or eager sicknesses. The homeopath by then endeavors to make an interpretation of this data into a cerebrum boggling equation of mental and physical side effects, including likes, seriously hates, natural inclinations and even body compose.From these signs, the homeopath picks how to treat the patient utilizing materia medica and repertories. In standard homeopathy, the master endeavors to encourage a solitary accessibility to the totality of signs (the simlilum), while "clinical homeopathy" consolidates mixes of game-plans in light of the particular appearances of an illness.Homeopathic pills, homeopathic orchestrating oscillococcinum 
Homeopathic pills are made using a dormant substance (reliably sugars, for the most part lactose), whereupon a drop of fluid homeopathic organizing is set and permitted to evaporate.The technique for homeopathic weakening outcomes in no fair-mindedly discernable dynamic settling if all else fails, at any rate a few designs (e.g. calendula and arnica creams) do contain pharmacologically intense estimations.A certain something, Zicam Cold Remedy, which was advanced as an "unapproved homeopathic" product,contains two fixings that are essentially "to some degree" crippled: zinc acidic destructive conclusion (2X = 1/100 weakening) and zinc gluconate (1X = 1/10 dilution),[119] which gathers both are open in a normally capable fixation sufficiently solid to have impacted two or three people to lose their estimation smell,a condition named anosmia. Zicam likewise recorded a few regular homeopathic potencies as "sit fixings", including galphimia glauca.
histamine dihydrochloride (homeopathic name, histaminum hydrochloricum),luffa operculata, and sulfur.The thought of utilizing homeopathy as a treatment for different creatures named "veterinary homeopathy", retreats to the beginning of homeopathy; Hahnemann himself made and discussed the utilization of homeopathy in creatures other than individuals.The FDA has not held onto homeopathic things as veterinary pharmaceutical in the U.S. In the UK, veterinary experts who utilize homeopathy may have a place with the Faculty of Homeopathy and also to the British Association of Homeopathic Veterinary Surgeons.
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saltyloverrebel · 7 years
Schwabe Azadirachta 1x Tablet, Natural Blood Purifier
Schwabe Azadirachta 1x Tablet, Natural Blood Purifier is homeopathic detox medicine. A clinically established & homeopathically proven drug. Clinically used for impurities of blood and recommended for skin diseases, boils, ulcers, eczema, scabies, pityriasis. Useful in histamine induced bronchospasm.   Clinical indications of Schwabe Azadirachta 1x Tablet Detoxification in diseases related to…
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