#mateo delgado
verai-marcel · 2 years
Been a while since I've posted a picrew.
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elizabethsnowflake · 5 months
ᅠᅠℂ𝕒𝕣𝕝𝕒 𝕒𝕤 ℝ𝕚𝕥𝕒 ℙ𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕫 🧡
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a-lilacsong · 1 year
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Here they are, The Wizards of Avalor!
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glorytoukraine2022 · 7 months
Help/Carteo Story announcement!
Hello everyone. As you probably surmised from the title, me and my co-writer have a Carteo story in the works. It is going to be a huge romance/action/adventure story, featuring the titular couple facing magical foes of all kinds as they grow individually and together. I was not going to announce it this early if at all. Me and my co-writer are still very much in the outlining phase.
My co-writer has also been struggling with his job and a lot of personal life issues lately, so it is hard to say exactly when our story will be finished. However, the two of us are putting a lot of effort into this story to make it an epic, monumental adventure for Carla, Mateo and Avalor. As such, I am reaching out to the fandom for anybody who has extensively researched Avalor’s geographical layout, magic system, or Avaloran society in general. I also want to encourage any Latino fans to approach me as well. I want to stay as true to our beloved show and Latin American culture as possible. Any advice or suggestions on how to do that is always welcome and appreciated. EDIT: If you are interested, feel free to reach out to me through the message feature, commenting below, or anyway that is preferable to you.
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lostbutterflyutau · 3 months
Matters of Care (Part 1/9)
Fandom: Elena of Avalor
Ships: Gabe/Carla with background Elena/Mateo
Characters: Carla, Mateo, Rafa, Gabe, Elena, Naomi
Rating: T
Genre: Mostly gen/sickfic with bits of romance
Summary: When BOTH Carla and Mateo fall ill during the preparations for a diplomatic visit (and while the rest of the royal family is gone!), Elena calls in Mateo's mother to help. Unfortunately for Rafa, Carla isn't an easy patient. But with time, persistence and her motherly instincts, Rafa is sure she can get Carla to come around.
Notes: After a lot of thinking, I've decided to give posting this a go! Note that because this was a story started nearly three years ago, it does have a touch of Gabe/Carla romance. This does not mean I will go back to writing them. Or that I even like them together anymore. It just means I didn't feel like re-writing the whole story to cut these elements out. Also, BIG thank you to @dittomander for being the first audience member for this fic and the one who encouraged me to finish it after three years.
Link: AO3
*The fic is finished and I plan to update weekly. Unless I don't receive any feedback within the week.**
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Elena of Avalor is a really solid show. There are like, almost no flaws in the narrative that I can find, and the ones I DO find are all minor and don't really effect it in the grand scheme of things, which is really impressive!!! But if I have one major complaint, it's with how the show handles it's magic system.
Not counting any contradictions between EoA and StF, the lore isn't so much inconsistent as it is vague. There's a lot I wish they elaborated on, mostly about Elena's powers, that they just didn't. So here's a bulleted list of all the things I wish got dug into a little deeper :D
The difference between normal wizards and malvagos. All we get on that front is that malvagos use dark magic that wizards are incapable of using? And that you become one by getting a spell cast on you??? And they have animal motifs?????? Like wtf is up with that.
How much magic Elena gained from being in the amulet. She was literally marinating in magical juices for 41 years, which you'd think would have deeper effects then just seeing ghosts and being able to use a cool scepter??? But she doesn't get any powers independent of magical objects until Takaìna, which is kinda weird and leads into my next point...
How the magic Elena gained from the amulet effected the magic she gained from Takaìna!!! Obviously Takaìna is a MUCH more powerful source of magical radiation then the necklace, so falling into that gives you more magic, but did the stuff Elena got from the well just get added on to her amulet magic? Did it enhance the already present magic?
Also, how does Takaìna even work? Is it like radiation but not deadly? Does falling into a well full of crystals hurt? Because I bet that would fuckin hurt. Why does falling into a well of crystals even give you, or the stick you're holding, powers in the first place? Does it actually even GIVE humans inherent powers or does it just give them the ability to use magical items? Is Elena's DRESS the actual source of her mood magic??? I mean we never see her use the mood magic WITHOUT her color changing dress so like-
On an unrelated note, why is Zuzo the only chanul Elena sees consistently? Is it because he's her chanul? Is it because she's just coincidentally never in the same room as anybody else's? Given how chanul's powers work being pretty similar to the way spirits come to the living world on Dia De Los Muertos you'de think she'd be able to see all chanuls all the time. Also cAN ESTEBAN SEE GHOSTS TO???? LITERALLY WHY HAVEN'T I SEEN ANYBODY EXPLORE THAT POSSIBLITY THERE'S SO MUCH POTENTIAL THERE-
How the fuck does the Scepter of Light work? Elena's the only person who can use it at the beginning of the series, and up until the Scepter of Night is introduced I just kind of assume it was because the amulet gave her a Very Special type of magic. But then Shuriki uses the Scepter of Night with no issues whatsoever???? What's her source of inherent magic??????? And then ASH can KIND OF USE THE SCEPTER OF LIGHT????? IS IT BECAUSE MALVAGOS HAVE INHERENT MAGIC IN THERE SOMEWHERE?????? BUT THEN ELENA SAYS IT ONLY RESPONDS TO GOOD MAGIC WHICH IS CONFUSING BECAUSE I WAS UNDER THE IMPRESSION THAT AT LEAST ELENA'S MAGIC WAS PRETTY NEUTRAL!!! THEN ESTEBAN CAN'T USE IT UNTIL HE SWITCHES SIDES BUT WHY???? WHAT MAKES MAGIC GOOD VS EVIL!?!?!?!?!? WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?!?
Okay this one's kind of just a nitpick but there are several spells that just. Do the same thing. Like the turn somebody upside-down spell is just Levaluke with extra steps 💀
Why is Esteban's hair like that after he falls in the well? We know it isn't stuck like that forever because he manages to get it under control during the coronation. Is making the users hair stick up his staff's version of the scepter glowing to signify somebody can use it? If so WE WERE ROBBED OF ELENA'S HAIR STICKING UP LIKE THAT IN THE FINALE THAT WOULD'VE BEEN SO FUCKING FUNNY-
Okay those are all the things I can think of right now. Tbh I'm kind of just posting this to open up a discussion? I wanna rally together what little is left of this fandom to try and piece together a coherent magic system!!! It's what this show deserves!!!!!!!!/pos
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lilacthebooklover · 1 year
We Made a Quiz >:]
Which Elena Of Avalor Character Are You? (buzzfeed.com)
Find out. Tell us (@charismabee and I). We must know.
Have fun! <3
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notmoreflippingelves · 3 months
Esteban, Victor, and Shuriki for the bingo?
Esteban, my beloved <3
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Unsurprisingly a double-bingo for the blorbo. Clarification for a few of the points.
I am mainly being hyperbolic when I say Esteban has never done anything wrong in his life. I am fully aware that he has done some very bad things. However, I still maintain that he has still done less wrong than the narrative thinks he has and that he had already been more than punished enough by the time his actions come to light. 40+ years of isolation, a guilty conscience exacerbated by survivor's guilt and the responsibility of being the only thing standing between your country and a ruthless tyrant. Adding to that the fact Esteban was at most 18--frightfully naive, very scared and lonely and extremely young--when he made the worst mistake a person can make and had to live with the consequences for decades. Yeah, he was definitely punished enough long before Elena banished him.
I am also being a bit hyperbolic when I say that "no one understands Esteban but me." There are actually a bunch of people in the fandom who understand him pretty well, though overall, there are even more who don't understand him or who misinterpret crucial aspects of his character. A big thing for me is that there's a lack of recognition that a lot of Esteban's supposed "arrogance" is a facade and defense mechanism. He hates himself far more than he loves himself--and a lot of fans seem to miss that. On a much smaller note, when "Wizard School House" headcanons were still socially acceptable to make, I notice that Esteban was consistently placed in the "snake" house, supposedly because he is cunning and ambitious. However, this has never seemed right to me. He's never really sought power in and of itself, but more as a means of self-protection and/or because he feels it's what he's "supposed" to want/ a decent enough alternative if he can't have what he really wants (love and belonging). This sets him apart from Shuriki, Paloma, and the Delgados--who I see as more "natural" Slyther*ns, since the power in and of itself is what they seek. Imo, there's a decent case to be made for Esteban in any of the other houses, but I'd put my money on the "bird" house personally.
"Suck" is wayyyyy too strong a word, but Esteban/Paloma is by-far the most popular ship for Esteban in the fandom, and I don't much care for it.
When I say that Esteban is done dirty by the creators, has wasted potential, and has not enough screen time, I am primarily talking about the "Shuriki Returns" arc in S2 as well as a general lack of exploration as to the impact that the Dark Times™ had on Esteban. Now I fully understand why this is the case. For better and for worse, Elena of Avalor is a kid's show, and therefore, it is difficult to fully-present a character's decades of untreated PTSD in a way that is both appropriate and comprehensible for the eight-year olds watching. That being said, there was still much more that could and should've been done with Esteban especially during the Shuriki returns arc. They could've had Esteban speak more in a somewhat vague sense about how he has personal knowledge of just how dangerous Shuriki is and that he can't allow his familia anywhere near her. Or there could've been a moment where someone checks in on Esteban and lets him know that they are aware of how hard this must be for him and that he isn't in this alone anymore. But instead, we got next to nothing during a part of the show which should've been just as emotional and meaningful to Esteban's development as it was for Elena.
My opinions about Esteban that would likely cause concern for most of the fandom are primarily in reference to some of the people that I ship him with and/or some of my darker headcanons about what exactly the Dark Times™ might have entailed for him.
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In terms of wasted potential and not getting enough screentime, I think Victor and Carla should've joined Team Avalor midway through S3 as opposed to only a few episodes from the end. I also think Elena, Esteban, and Victor's characters would've all benefitted from another flashback episode set just before Shuriki's initial invasion and allowing us to get a better handle on the characters, their relationships, and their states of mind just before their lives were irrevocably change. It's also a bit of an overstatement to say that I "don't think about Victor much." The truth is that I don't think about Victor as an individual entity much (especially in comparison to some of the other characters), but I do think about his relationships with and to other characters (especially Esteban, Carla, and Elena) a good amount--and these are the specific "dynamics" in question that I particularly enjoy Victor as part of and of which I wish that I could see more. I am also aware that Victor/Paloma never interacted in canon, but the potential (shippy or otherwise) of their interactions lives in my head rent-free. Yet another reason that we were robbed of the Delgados getting redeemed earlier in S3.
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I'm a bit conflicted regarding Shuriki. I actually mostly like the way that she is utilized in the work as is. I actively don't want her to get more complexity/a sympathetic backstory the way that some others do. She works best as an ominious, omnipotent presence haunting the characters and the narrative (Esteban and Elena in particular). That being said, I do think that the Shuriki returns arc was shorter than it needed to be and that crucial aspects were missing from it. (As I had already mentioned, we were owed more Shuriki & Esteban interaction post-Secret of Avalor. We also should've seen more about how her return impacted the characters other than Elena herself.) I also think that during parts of the return arc, she was taken a bit less seriously than warranted. It became harder to view her as intimidating, insensate evil when she's complaining that her cringefail minions Victor and Carla just burst into song.
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 6 months
EoA characters + Schmicago S2 songs
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Maybe it's my turn now
Over and Done
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Doorway to Where-The clueless, pseudo-philosphical nature of the song just fits him in my mind.
Why are you hassling me
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Kaput-When she stoned Victor
The Worst Brats in Town-Basically Ash's feelings on motherhood
Two Birds One Stone-It's a villain song, there are all villain songs
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There was a butcher-A father yearning for his daughter, this fits Victor perfectly.
There's Always a Twist
Dona Paloma
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Bells and Whistles
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Something Real
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lucy-shining-star · 1 year
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Trick or treat!
The palace was quiet, which should be normal for midnight, but there was something... creepy in this silence. Carla clutched the book she fell asleep over on the library tighter to her chest and shuffled through the corridor to her room, constantly looking around. Suddenly she stopped. She wasn't alone.
Carla quickly turned around, putting her book before herself like a shield (oh how she wished she had her tamborita with herself!) but there was no one there. For a long moment she kept frozen and scanned the dark corridor for any movement. Just as she was about to turn around and continue on her way to her room, something rustled in the potted plant on her right.
Slowly, Carla evened out her breathing and raised the book over her head. One step after another she closed on the plant and...
"WAAABWHABWAAAA!!!" A terribly twisted, red face of a monster roared and jumped at her from the plant.
"AAAAAAAAH!!!" Carla screamed back and clubbed the monster across the face with the book.
"Owww did you have to hit so hard?" the monster now let out a fully human groan.
"Wait a moment," Carla stopped right before hitting the attacker a second time. "I'd recognize this whiny voice everywhere. Mateo?" She reached for the mask and revealed almost equally twisted (from pain) face of the Royal Wizard.
"Happy Halloween?" He cracked a smile taking Carla's extended hand and standing back up.
"Happy Hal-" Carla stopped mid sentence, with her brows furrowed and her mouth agape. "You mean you decided to cause me a heart attack in the middle of the night," she pointed accusatively at the mask laying on the floor and gestured around her, as if to point out the entirety of the sleeping palace. "Just because of some Norbergian holliday?!"
"Oh come on, you have to admit that was a good prank..." Mateo defended himself but his smile immediately dropped seeing as Carla was clearly not amused. No, the expression on her face he'd rather call "rage" or maybe "thirst for vengeance".
"Uh oh."
"Prank? Prank?!" Carla raised the book back over her head and Mateo started to slowly back out. And now he was in full sprint. "Where are you going, I want to show you how we celebrated Halloween in Cordoba!!"
I hope you enjoyed this little treat ^^
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elizabethsnowflake · 12 days
bad, bad news⠀ ⠀ one of us is gonna lose
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dittomander · 1 year
ohh nnnnoooOOOOOOOO
oh my god i fucked it up
I got so caught up in the euphoria of fixing the desk problem that it completely slipped past me that I wrote a chapter with Gabe in it during a time where he ISN'T EVEN IN THE COUNTRY
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glorytoukraine2022 · 7 months
Would you be willing to talk more about Carteo?
First off, I apologize for answering this so late. I know that it’s probably been a year or so since you sent this ask, but I never forgot about it. And now that I am attempting to clear my drafts out, I hope that this response is worth the wait.
Carla and Mateo are my favorite couple, for many reasons. They are so many things at once. There are so many aspects to them as individuals and their relationship that make it truly special and unique. I will explore these aspects below.
Carla and Mateo had a rough beginning, that’s for sure. But seeing them overcome those differences and any misconceptions or prejudices they had regarding each other is simply beautiful, and will only strengthen their relationship with one another.
They are both adorable dorks who can pour over magic and spellbooks all day, but they are also the ultimate power couple. Carla and Mateo are already formidable forces on their own. But together? They’re deadly.
Carla and Mateo also have a lot of things in common that they could both connect over. Both being Wizards, they can connect over magic and Wizardry. Knowing how passionate Mateo is about magic, having a partner his own age that can share and understand his passion would be good for him. Thinking about it, Carla is actually the only Wizard in the show around his age.
They were also both raised by single parents. For most of Carla’s life, it was only her and Victor. If you watch “Mov’n on Up” Mateo states that for most of his life, it was just him and Rafa. Carla and Mateo would be able to empathize with each other strongly and form a deep connection with each other over this and would be able to comfort and understand each other over trauma regarding their absent parent.
But most importantly of all, I can see them being kind, caring and supportive of one another. We already see sparks of this, when Carla immediately runs to Mateo’s aid when Ash’s blasting spell knocks him off of Luna as Team Avalor descends to confront Ash and her allies. And Carla’s blink of concern as she points her finger to earn Mateo of Chatana preparing to blast him-and her concerned look as Mateo is once again blasted across the area. Such golden moments between those two, even if they were brief. Oh, and yes, Carla pronounced Mateo’s name correctly, which is the show telling us that her care for him is genuine;)
Carla has a big heart. Bigger than most people in the fandom realize. We see what a loving and caring relationship Carla has with Victor. I have no doubt that if Carla truly grew close to somebody as a romantic partner, she would be utterly loyal and devoted to them. Mateo too has a sweet, kind and caring nature as well. So I believe that he would show that same love and care in return. Carla and Mateo would stand by each other to the end.
I also think that growing up in a life of crime, and interacting with so many dishonest and untrustworthy people throughout her life, spending time around somebody that is just…genuinely kind and caring like her father, somebody that is so…untainted by all the dishonesty and cruelty of life, would have an impact on Carla. A person like Mateo couldn’t be further from the life that Carla left behind, and I think that his purity of heart would draw her closer to him.
In conclusion, Carla and Mateo are a unique couple that had a rough start, yet who managed to over come initial prejudices regarding the other and connect with one another on a deeper level. They can hole themselves in Mateo’s workshop and Alacazar’s bibliotheca geeking over spell books and weaving spells together, yet will immediately turn into a badass power couple, ready to defend Avalor from any and all magical threats while supporting and having each other’s backs the entire way.
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lostbutterflyutau · 21 days
Matters of Care (9/9)
Fandom: Elena of Avalor
Ships: Gabe/Carla with background Elena/Mateo
Characters: Carla, Mateo, Rafa, Gabe, Elena, Naomi
Rating: T
Genre: Mostly gen/sickfic with bits of romance
Summary: When BOTH Carla and Mateo fall ill during the preparations for a diplomatic visit (and while the rest of the royal family is gone!), Elena calls in Mateo's mother to help. Unfortunately for Rafa, Carla isn't an easy patient. But with time, persistence and her motherly instincts, Rafa is sure she can get Carla to come around.
Notes: Thank you to my beta and to @cartoonfangirl1218 for support throughout. Remember! Comments are my everything! I love knowing my readers' thoughts!
Also, sorry I forgot to post this here for... forever. I just got really busy.
Link: AO3
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All the magical weapons in Elena of Avalor are so good for like, bonking somebody over the head with. Just like a real good smack. Cuz- cuz they're all so l o n g. And tamboritas have huge flat circles on the ends!!! That is perfect for bonking!
The scepters of light/night are both made of metal/crystals and pointy, same goes for Esteban's staff. Getting hit on the head with metal rods really fucking hurts! So does pointy stuff!!!
Man I wish there was a scene where like Elena or Mateo or Esteban or SOMEONE just like, ran out of ideas or smthn in the middle of a battle and hit somebody really fucking hard on the top of their head. And gave them a concussion or smthn. That would've been funny.
If you can't tell I'm really fucking tired rn-
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