#matching sibuna
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samvibesz · 2 years ago
Matching House of Anubis
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charlie-pippin-faraday · 1 year ago
If House of Anubis had taken place like ~5 years later than it actually did I just KNOW that Joy and Amber would've been SUPER into K-pop and they would've argued viciously about who they stan and bias all the time, possibly descending the house into an all-out war at some point
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ofsapphicambers · 3 months ago
Sibuna Secret Santa 2024!
Alright guys!! **cracks knuckles**
Please give me some slack, this is an impulsive decision of mine to take this over this year and I promise to do my best, and I'm so thankful for the help from Tess and @osirian-rises!
Like last year, this is open to ALL versions of Anubis! I promise to match you as best as I can with someone who can give you a nice present.
Please fill out the form below! I am closing the form on December 20th as I know we are very late in the month... Tess started it last year in November. HOWEVER, because the deadline is the 18th, I am extending posting your presents by January 10th.
If you sign up, please commit to completing! I understand that things happen, considering I was late the past two years, but please communicate with me and I will let your reciever know.
I am so excited to see how this will go and I hope that you have as much fun as I do every year.
Let's do this! Sibuna!
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tinkerbelldetective · 3 months ago
I don't know if we’re doing a Sibuna Secret Santa this year, but I was just thinking maybe something like a Sibuna White Elephant (white jackal??)? Like maybe we just make some stuff and get assigned a number for whatever we make and then call dibs on a set of numbers near the end and whoever picks that number gets the creation dedicated/gifted/ tagged to them? That way there's not a "will they like it?" factor that might inhibit any posting since no one knows anything and White Elephants in real life are generally funny gifts or gags, so maybe we can match that energy a bit.
EDIT 12/10/2024: Sibuna Secret Santa is being hosted by @ofsapphicambers HOORAY!! Applications are still open as of this writing. Sibuna White Elephant is in the brainstorm process, however, and it may happen in January/February. If you're interested in Sibuna White Elephant, please comment and let me know.
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thefandomfeelz · 1 month ago
House of Anubis Super Powers
Someone asked the question, if House of Anubis characters had super powers what they would be? These are my thoughts, and now I want to write a story based on our favorite characters having these powers with at boarding school together solving mysteries.
Patrica: Pyrokensis
The red hair alone totally gives firey vibes and her attitude to match. She burns with passion for those she cares for rises from the ashes when problems occur.
Amber: Hydrokensis
Not quite sure why I chose water control for Amber, it just fits for some reason.
Nina: Time travel.
I figure the Chosen One should be able to travel to the past and future when needed.
Eddie: Telekinesis
As Nina's Osirian I figured being able to read her thoughts/feel her emotions would go hand-in-hand as her protector. It would also help him when dealing with Patrica's moods.
Joy: Invisibility
Sorry, but not sorry! It just fit... "Where's joy?" It comes to her advantage when easedropping on Sibuna in Season 2. Sometimes she feels iced out so it kinda fits.
Fabian: Eidetic Memory (speed reading/memorization)
Just think of how much he could retain and learn for Sibuna if Fabian could memorize chapters and speed read.
Mick: Agility (strength/speed)
This one was easy and straightforward.
Jerome: Shapeshifting
He can be sneaky and easily manipulates others by shifting forms to help him on his side quests while at school.
Alfie: Ability to control the weather.
Like Amber, not quite sure why I chose this for Alfie. Just seems like something Alfie would have and could use to his advantage when needed.
Mara: Nocturnal Endurance
How else can Mara stay up all night studying?
Trudy: Teleportation
Trudy would love being able to teleport from room to room without out having to worry about carry the laundry basket tmdown the steps or a quick pop-in to the store.
Victor: Mind control.
Almost chose time manipulation, but I think mind control would fit him too.
What would you chose for Anubis residents superpowers? Thoughts on my ideas?
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wolfblood-of-anubis · 1 year ago
Eddie: That’s why I’m a lone wolf.
Fabian: Lone wolf? Last week you tried to convince KT, Alfie, Patricia and I that we needed matching leather jackets to help foster and I'm using your words here ‘greater Sibuna unity.’
Eddie: Because it would.
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non-cannon · 1 year ago
Some Nina and Victor Head canons. Note, that these are all season two or post season two in an AU where Nina came back for her third year, and Victor's characterization/character arc from the first two seasons isn't ignored.
(I feel like season three messed up almost everyone's characterizations/character arcs, with Victor and Jerome being the most egregious examples of their season three selves not matching with their end of season two selves.)
Victor respects Nina. During season two, when he admits to Vera that Nina makes him nervous, he clearly at the very least respects what she is capable of. And I think after the finale he just respects her with no asterisks or qualifiers.
If anyone else had told Victor that his father was sorry, he wouldn't have believed them, but he believes Nina. If it was Sarah, he would think that she was lying to make him feel better. If it were Rufus, then a lie to manipulate him some how. And he probably wouldn't even bother listening to anyone else about it. But for some reason he believes Nina, and not just because she's so bad at lying.
After meeting Victor Sr. and hearing what he has to say about his son, Nina understands where Victor Jr. is coming from a bit better. And she has more empathy and understanding for him, and after season two she no longer fears him.
After season two, Victor starts regularly calling her Nina, and she doesn't really notice until someone else points it out to her. And it weirds everyone else out because he only calls the students (prior to this, including Nina) by their last names.
After season two, Victor would be willing to give Nina lessons about Egyptian mythology, reading hieroglyphics, and alchemy, and Nina would be willing to receive them. I don't know which one of them broaches the subject first, but these lessons do start happening. Both of them, especially after the first name incident, are determined to keep this a secret. Nina does share the fact that Victor is teaching her "chosen one things" with the core members of Sibuna (Fabian, Amber, Patricia, Alfie).
Sibuna warns her to be careful, and Fabian desperately wants to be included in those lessons, but Victor makes it perfectly clear that none of the other miscreants are invited. Nina does share the knowledge with Fabian anyway. Or at least the impersonal knowledge that these lessons are objectively supposed to be about.
But after a while these meetings go from being purely academic to at least partially personal. It starts with Nina asking about what Sarah was like when she was younger, and with Victor asking for more details about his father's ghost. Over time they form a sort of relationship, I'm not sure if I would call it a friendship, they certainly wouldn't, but a positive relationship where they find themselves trusting each other with things that they don't tell anyone else.
Victor discusses things like his childhood with Rufus and Sarah, and his father, and about his guilt over what he and Rufus did to Sarah, and how he misses them sometimes.
Nina admits to being terrified of being the chosen one. It's a curse and it's already hurt the people around her, and what if it gets them killed? And she admits to being confused by Eddie and what her relationship is supposed to be with him as the osirian. She barely interacted with him at all last year outside of his relationship with Patricia. And he seems so eager to embrace being the osirian, while she just wants to runaway from being the paragon.
And in response Victor tells her about Rufus and Sarah discovering what being the osirian and chosen one meant for them, and what it was like watching them before Rufus went made with power. Victor then makes a comment about Mr. Miller being too much of an imbecile to go down the same path that Rufus did. And Nina takes it as the reassurance it was meant to be.
I'm not mad that Natalia Ramos left. I refuse, on principle to be mad at her. It's just, with Nina gone, there was so much potential for Nina and Victor's character dynamic to develop. And it makes me so upset when I think about it. And even without Nina there I feel like Victor's character arc was thrown down the drain even before he became a sinner!
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anbubisibuna · 2 years ago
Das Haus Anubis
Boys From a Magazine.
That is probably just me. But the colors of the names irc me kinda. hahaha Daniel isn't red he is blue. And Kaya is Orange and Felix red. Magnus is purple and Max is green. You can't just... this are basic rules like thursday is 7 or 7x7= 49. Or math is red.
Daniel Gutenberg
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Familie: The reserved Daniel doesn't like to talk about his family and his feelings. In the internaat the Sibunas are his family. (Did they forgot that he has an uncle?)
Love: Nina is his big love. The two already made it through many crisis and also found their way back together after Ninas crushing on Benny. ( Why is her cheating always so normalized? Or rather glorified. "Like, they made it through something that most couples wouldn't go through, and became stronger because of that." )
Most Romantic Act: To show Nina how much she means to him, Danie one time hide a Bouquet of roses in her school locker. ( That was Kayas idea actually.)
Biggest Wish: Finally solve all secrets of the house and dispel the curse forever.
Role In the Clique: The Thoughtful One. Daniel has a smart head and has a solution for every problem.
Kaya Sahin
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Family: Kayas father is a successful businessman, who wants his son to follow in his footsteps.
Love: Before Lotte, Kaya was already with Delia and Mara. He falls in love quickly but when he has decided himself for a girl, he is absolutely faithful to her.
Most Romantic Act: Kaya isn't that romantic, that's why his romantic actions often fail.
Biggest Wish: Getting an athletic scholarship in a high school in the US.He is training even harder than usual this school year.
Role in the Clique: The Good looking One. Almost every girl had a crush on Kaya had one point. ( They could have wrote that he is the Sporty One. But they decided that he has no personality.)
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Family: Felix' father is super strict and doesn't think much of his son's pranks. That's why he almost wanted to put him in an Internaat in Switzerland.
Love: For years Felix had been head over heels in love with Delia. So far, however, his beloved has not heard him.
Most Romantic Act: As Delia didn't had a Company to the school Prom, Felix let roses rain over her and accompanied her.
Biggest Wish: That Delia finally realizes how good they match and that she becomes his girlfriend.
Role in the Clique: The Jokster. With his funny jokes and his weird ideas he makes his friends laugh over and over again.
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Family: Magnus' father was innocent in prison for a long time. Magnus suffered a lot because of this, because he doesn't get along well with the rest of his family.
Love: Rough shell - soft core. Magnus, who is so tough on the outside, shows his vulnerable and caring side with his big love Mara.
Most Romantic Act: That he turned against the bad guy Raven out of love for Mara and saved her.
Biggest Wish: Stay with Mara and protect her from all evil.
Role in the Clique: The schemer. Magnus always wants to know exactly what's going on at the internaat and sometimes manipulates the others to get to his goal.
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Family: Max made a huge secret about his family at the beginning. No wonder his father is the principal Altrichter.
Love: Max and Luzy aren't together for long. Although they like each other, misunderstandings and secrets make life difficult for them.
Most Romantic Act: The imaginative surprise picnic Max arranged for Luzy to reveal that he is her secret admirer. ( She ran away screaming after that)
Biggest Wish: To become a famous photographer one day, and travel around the world.
Role in the Clique: The New One. Max has only been in the clique for a few months and hasn't found his place in the boys' group yet.
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piper-williamson · 4 years ago
my hoa ranking of characters — least favorite to favorite
not all characters are on this list but the ones i felt like i could rank as of rn. there’s too many minor characters i don’t care for and it’s not that i particularly care for the others i just remembered them enough to rank.
rufus — -70969943853/10
kidnapped patricia. and jerome. and trudy. willing to commit human sacrifice of a kid. threatened them with electric bees or whatever. have had nightmares about him. thrilled that bitch is dead
denby — -10/10
so threatening with her words but she’s all talk. no action. kinda makes me hate her more? but in a different way. storyline is so messy like how did she even find out harriet’s destiny and how did she then decide she wanted to awaken a >hundred year old man and basically a hell demon?? like girl just go work for donald trump or somethin
vera — -6/10
not as annoying as denby but still like what did she even want? to be with rufus? why?!?? creepy af the time she was frozen dead but like not.
mick — 1/10
just,,, there. all he does is be in love triangles and play the sports. half of his storylines are just him leaving. patricia says there’s a man in the house (rufus) and he eats a banana. n who gives their gf and “just a friend” matching bracelets?!? 1 point for not being evil.
victor — 1.5/10
as much as i wanna put him above mick, he yells too much. calm down old man. 1 point for caring for the kids enough to not carry on when he found out about the whole human sacrifice thing. also saving joy in s2. y’know what he gets half a point more than mick.
trudy — 4/10
trudy is heartwarming but holy shit is she oblivious. Is Just Ok with “robert smith” being there even when she has no confirmation of his identity. very loyal to the kids and does protect them from a lot of shit. writers did her dirty a lot of the time.
mara — 5/10
ok listen. i don’t dislike mara. i just tend to favor the sibuna mystery storylines, and all of her stories are more realistic scenarios. that being said i love her helping poppy and i also love the sisterhood thing in s3. but also mara why the FUCK would you fall for mick like he’s mick??!?
kt — 7/10
written into hoa way better than on shows like h2o where there’s just one sentence about emma being gone and that’s that. she wasn’t just nina’s replacement, she was her own person. love her personality and her friendship with eddie. 100% a lesbian. only reason she’s so low is cuz no matter how good she is of a replacement character she still kinda is one and i don’t do well with those. i’m working on it.
nina — 8/10
i love nina so much. fabina is so cute together. i think the only reason i have her so low and don’t wanna put her higher is cuz i always hate main characters, even though i don’t hate nina. my mind is strange.
amber — 8/10
dumb blonde stereotype but who cares i love her. provides much comic relief for me especially in s2. ping pong queen. also love her bday episode. ungrateful for alfie at times. also liked mick but it’s a little more understandable cuz Hot Guy cliche. but was also mean to mara about it. but also a lot of that was mick’s fault #blamemick
alfie — 8/10
class clown who’s loyal af. Actually completes amber’s bf trial list. would go through hell for her. always feeling like he has to prove himself to the group but he’s always been an asset. we love him.
willow — 8/10
was such a comfort character when i was little. for some reason rewatching she was less of one. still absolutely so pure of heart and lovable. somebody get this girl a hedgehog.
eddie — 9/10
cool dude™. top notch bf. peddie is one of my fav ships ever. he kinda gets all heroic in s3 but s3 has a whole set of issues. plot twist reveal of his daddy issues. great development while being a great character the whole time.
fabian — 9/10
such a solid dude. guy-falls-for-girl-first trope to the max. he’s awkward and nerdy but not really cocky or annoying. fabian defense squad for life. point off for kissing joy like dude besides the outfit she looks nothing like nina come on.
jerome — 9/10
terrible person at times, but great character. comfort character of mine. his flaws allowed him to be developed throughout the show. he feels very real and human and i love him.
piper - 10/10
obsessed w her cuz i’m also pretty similar to her. both of us go (went) to music school and love patricia. not that i think she’s a BETTER character than a lot of the characters lower on this list, but this is a ranking of my favs so she has to be above them.
joy — 10/10
also a comfort character. i honestly feel most like joy out of all the characters. similar to jerome in that her character flaws lead to richer development. i live for it. was Literally held hostage by her parents and forced into a cult in s1. most of anubis house seemed to just brush that off. that doesn’t excuse her actions, but i love her growth throughout the series. not higher cuz she was kind of a dick to nina for a long while.
patricia — 10000000000+++/10
again i wish there were an infinity symbol. do i even have to say anything? witty and sarcastic and says what’s on her mind. i wish i were eddie cuz i’m in love w her. i know amber’s the one who went to fashion school, but patricia is a style icon. my gay awakening.
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bywhatilove · 4 years ago
HOA characters as songs off of “SOUR”
(I don’t think this has been done yet and i’m sorry if it has)
1. Brutal
Pretty much the entire house but specifically sibuna. God, it was brutal out there for them- facing off against ancient egyptian curses and gods and all that jazz. 😔✋🏻
“All I did was try my best
This the kind of thanks I get?
Unrelentlessly upset (ah, ah, ah)
They say these are the golden years
But I wish I could disappear
Ego crush is so severe
God, it's brutal out here”
2. Traitor
It took me FOREVER to decide who to give this song to but I thinkkk it goes to Fabian’s feelings towards Nina after she abruptly fell off the face of the earth with nothing but a letter to explain everything. And maybe that’s just because fabina is my favorite hoa couple and this is my favorite song off of the album….BUT i really do think the angst level of this song matches Fabian’s angst towards Nina in season three. I mean home girl really broke up with him over a letter and didn’t even tell him before hand that she wasn’t coming back.👀👀👀 I came this 🤏🏻 close to giving this song to Joy because it’s pretty obvious why. But I saved this one for last and there are already so many other Joy songs on this list so I needed to share the rounds ya know.
“God, I wish that you had thought this through
Before I went and fell in love with you”
“You betrayed me
'Cause I know that you'll never feel sorry
For the way I hurt, yeah”
��Guess you didn't cheat
But you're still a traitor to me”
3. Drivers’ License
Bucks up for the amount of Joy angst that is about to be on this list because whew it’s alottt. This would’ve been joy’s anthem after she had came back in season two and found Fabian in a new relationship with a girl she had never even met before.
“And you're probably with that blonde girl
Who always made me doubt
She's so much older than me
She's everything I'm insecure about
Yeah, today I drove through the suburbs
'Cause how could I ever love someone else?”
4. 1 Step Forward, 3 Steps Back
Again, this one took me a hot minute. But, I’m gonna go ahead and give it to Mara and Jerome just for all they went through in season two and the beginning of season three.
“Instead it's one step forward and three steps back
And I'd leave you, but the roller coaster is all I've ever had
Yeah, it's one step forward and three steps back
Do you love me, want me, hate me? Boy
I don't understand”
5. Deja Vu
Don’t act like you don’t know who this is gonna go to. It’s pretty obvious @ joy being jealous of nina and fabian being so close in season two 🗣
“So when you gonna tell her
That we did that too?
She thinks it's special
But it's all reused
That was the show we talked about
Played you the song she's singing now when she's with you”
6. Good 4 You
This song. This musical video. The angst. Everything about it screams Patricia Williamson when her and eddie were broken up at the beginning of season 3 and she was jealous of KT. Tell me that she wouldn’t had this on blast in her dorm with her headphones on.
“Well, good for you, you look happy and healthy, not me
If you ever cared to ask
Good for you, you're doin' great out there without me, baby
God, I wish that I could do that”
7. Enough For You
Alfie pinned over Amber for years only for her to give him a huge list of demands that he must meet before they could be a couple. Talk about hard to get. So this one has gotta go to my amfie babes. RIP 🥲
“But God, you couldn't have cared less
About someone who loved you more
I'd say you broke my heart
But you broke much more than that
Now I don't want your sympathy
I just want myself back”
8. Happier
This one is 100% going to my Fabina soft beans. Look at me in the eyes and tell me this isn’t Nina’s anthem after leaving Anubis House especially once she found out fabian and mara.
“I hope you're happy, just not like how you were with me
I'm selfish, I know, can't let you go
So find someone great, don't find no one better
I hope you're happy, but don't be happier”
9. Jealousy, Jealousy
@ JOY MERCER THIS ONE IS MADE FOR YOU GIRLIE. Literally her national anthem when she came back in season two and noticed how everything changed.
“All your friends are so cool, you go out every night
In your daddy's nice car, yeah, you're livin' the life
Got a pretty face, pretty boyfriend, too
I wanna be you so bad, and I don't even know you”
10. Favorite Crime
This one is a tie either between Fabian and Nina (since those two did actually low key commit some very questionable actions) or Joy and Jerome and season three with the whole cheating and revenge plot. Fabian and Nina are a couple of adrenaline junkies who would honestly pay no attention to committing a crime as long as no one got hurt and it was called for. 👀
“It's bittersweet to think about the damage that we do
'Cause I was going down, but I was doing it with you
Yeah, everything we broke, and all the trouble that we made
But I say that I hate you with a smile on my face”
11. Hope ur okay
This is Nina reminiscing on all the people she left behind at Anubis. No debate. Don’t listen to this thinking of Nina thinking of the people she left behind- especially not sibuna. It. will. HURT.
“Well, I hope you know how proud I am you were created
With the courage to unlearn all of their hatred
God, I hope that you're happier today
'Cause I love you, and I hope that you're okay”
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dashuisofanubis · 4 years ago
Any headcanons for Amber? (Both of them or either of them!)
I love both, so I'll do both!
Amber Rosenbergh
She likes dancing! She took ballet and tap lessons as a kid but quit before moving to Anubis. She thought she was past it, but after all the dance-related-mystery shenanigans she got back into it. She starts helping at kids ballet lessons and enjoys teaching the kids the correct positions. However, she soon realises the time she and Appie came to get toenail clippings has entered the ballet school's mythos.
She and Noa hang out a lot! They like to go clothes shopping together, or just sit together in the attic (both when Noa lives there and when Amber does) and chat about things. Amber isn't as into fashion as her HoA counterpart, but Noa is teaching her how to sew! She doesn't really have the patience for it, and decides to model Noa's work instead. (They end up creating a fashion segment in the flying scandal together).
She and Appie never actually get married, but they do get an apartment together. It's as chaotic as you think.
Amber Millington
She was a child who wanted to be absolutely everything when she grew up. As such she's picked up countless hobbies, including:
Gymnastics and cheerleading: she's fascinated by the sparkly leotards gymnasts wear, so her father signs her up for lessons. She loves it, and joins both the gymnastics and cheerleading teams when she starts at Anubis (she meets Mick on one of the open days because they were both admiring the sports hall and equipment). She's set to become leader of both teams, but steps down and quits cheerleading when Sibuna is formed because she doesn't have time for all three.
Jewellery-making: she picks this one up in the summer between s1 and s2, having been inspired by Nina’s locket. She buys hundreds of beads and metres of wire, which is fine until Alfie jumps on her bed one evening and scatters them absolutely everywhere. They spent the rest of the year finding beads in the strangest of places, and to this day Cassie and Erin still find them about.
She makes everyone in the house a personalised bracelet. Everyone loves them even if some of them act like they don't ("you don't have to take it if you don't want" "no im wearing it forever, back off"). Sibuna's all have a matching bead as a subtle way of showing their affiliation. KT and Willow both recieve parcels with theirs in shortly after the sinner business (Amber had just started making them when she'd had to leave)
Stargazing: She also wanted to be an astronaut when she grew up, and became interested in astrology, so she took to watching the night sky and picking out the patterns. She knows how much Fabian loves astronomy though, so she puts that hobby on the back-burner while at Anubis, though she studies the ancient Egyptian star charts when Fabian's not looking. She accidentally lets slip some information about the constellations at breakfast one day, which leads to her and Fabian having intense discussions about the stars.
Her favourite fashion designs are the ones where she connects the sequins with the tiniest strands of silver thread.
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samvibesz · 2 years ago
Fabina Matching House of Anubis
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sibunaranks · 4 years ago
Every HOA Fanfiction I’ve Written So Far...
All on AO3, and if you ever have requests let me know. Also your comments and kudos mean the world as well as just reading. I’m sorry my writing isn’t the best, but hope you still check it out! <3 incomplete means i’m still working on it, not abandoned. Also my username and link is just Seddiefan11 :)
Matching Marks - Eddie sees Patricia's mark and recognizes it. Patricia has to lie quickly to save the secret and only ends up complicating things, once again jeopardizing her relationship for Sibuna. Peddie. Multichapter. Complete
Sailing of Hathor - Eddie is shocked to find out that he’s in the minority when it comes to not believing in Ancient Egyptian Gods. Oneshot. Complete
The Good and The Bad - What happens when Patricia and Eddie are on late night chore duty the night after Patricia finds out Rufus Zeno is still alive? Peddie. Oneshot. Complete
As a Friend - Mick is coming back to the UK for college and is staying the summer with his best mate, Fabian. When he discovers Fabian is dating his ex, Mara, he remembers how crushing it was to be dumped by her for Jerome of all people. He decides to break them up, but not in your average way. It starts as a petty joke….but will it stay one? Mickbian. Oneshot. Complete
The Curse of Tutu - Tutu is supposed to protect our dreams from demonds, but what happens when he decides to curse Anubis house? No one is safe from their worst fears coming true in the worst nightmares of their lives. Collab fic. Incomplete
The Sinner’s Secrets - After becoming a sinner last term Patricia is ready to start the new term. When things regarding her, Fabian, and Alfie's time as Sinners surface both past and present she needs to get to the bottom of it and fix it with the help of Sibuna. Can they keep everyone safe, and who exactly is everyone?Follow multiple characters in the term after season 3 juggle a whole world of drama both supernatural and not. Peddie. Fabicia friendship. Incomplete
I’m Just a Tin Can Standing in a Tank Room - Oneshot Collection. Eddie Centric.Oneshots where every chapter involves an AU (story compliant for most part) where Eddie find himself in the tank room.Always open to requests! This is just fun and yes, there will be plenty of Peddie. Incomplete
Will update as I write more :) Please just be nice if you read or comment etc.
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mogeko-fan · 8 years ago
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Day 1: Obsolete Dream Character: Sibuna
Click for better quality
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tinkerbelldetective · 1 year ago
Those Christmas Lights
Happy holidays, @fakeosirian ! I hope you enjoy this gift! Thank you, @incorrectsibunaquotes , for organizing this cool Sibuna Secret Santa event!
Bright lights weave in and out of the designs in the staircase, manicured fingernails moving with intense precision. Anyone else would wonder how on Earth Amber Millington could possibly be so quiet, but she's gotten a bit better at sneaking around after hours. One has to when friends are in danger. Or when a house needs decorating.
Any other time, Amber would be going home for the holidays, but not this year. She couldn't. Not when Nina needed her. Not when Sibuna was on a mission. So, she was going to make Anubis House look like a Millington winter wonderland. Even Trudy would be impressed.
The clock's ticking seemed to grow, and Amber had tested her luck enough. Fridge raid excuses only work once, she finds. The stairs creak ever so slightly as she steps slowly, running quietly to safety as soon as she reaches the top.
"What is the meaning of this?" Victor's index finger lifted a red bulb from its place against the banister.
Trudy stepped into the hallway, sending Victor a warm smile.
"Good morning, Victor! Vera had some shopping to do, so I offered to take over for breakfast this morning. Would you like some tea?"
Victor frowned, gesturing to the lights around the banister. "Did you do this?"
"No, but it looks lovely! Wouldn't you agree? I think one of the girls may have done it this morning before everyone woke up."
Victor hummed, unconvinced that this was anything done in good spirits, perhaps to get on his nerves.
"Trudy!" Alfie's voice carried through the house as he rushed towards her.
"Will you pleasee make some of your biscuits with the sprinkles?"
Trudy laughed, patting him on the shoulder, her answer lost on Victor as he pulled out of the conversation. The Christmas lights took over all conversation for the day, much to Victor's chagrin, and not even Vera seemed bothered by the string of lights.
Fabian stared at the checklist Amber held in her hands, doing a double take to confirm that, yes, it was indeed a checklist.
"Amber, what exactly is that?"
She pressed the list into his hands.
"I still need a tree, garland, more lights, and mistletoe." Amber paused, and if Fabian's life was a cartoon, he was sure there would have been a lightbulb, perhaps a festive one, lighting up over his friend's head. "Fabian! Could your uncle lend a girl some Christmas decorations?"
"I'd have to ask Jasper. Maybe he can get some when he goes back into town."
Nina shifted beside him, having been quiet this whole conversation.
"That's a great idea! And then we can get inside the library and look for more information to help us with the next task! Amber, you're brilliant!"
Amber flicked her blonde hair over her shoulder with a proud smile.
"I know."
For now, despite the marks they shared, they tried not to think about the tasks, only biscuits and cakes and the bright lights that were going to be filling the house.
"Ow! That's my hand!"
"Sorry, Fabian. You need to move faster. And move to the left!"
The tree shifted slightly, pushing Fabian closer to the wall. Jasper had found a dusty artificial tree in the back of the shop with even dustier lights to match, but Amber was unperturbed.
"What on Earth- is that a Christmas tree?"
Joy's voice was almost a whisper, fading into bewilderment.
"How did you manage to get that in here without Victor noticing?"
"Hurry up and plug it in, Fabian!"
"The lights aren't even!"
"Fix it later!"
Fabian grumbled, bending down into branches of plastic, plug hitting the edge of the outlet several times before red and yellow filled his eyesight. He grimaced, lowering himself further to the floor before crawling out like a kid under a restaurant table.
Joy seemed impressed, but crossed her arms, "You still haven't answered my question."
"We hid it in my room until he fell asleep."
Joy smiled wide, the way she used to, and fixed her robe.
"I know exactly what that tree needs. Meet me down here tomorrow."
They were going back down into the tunnels tomorrow. Not that Joy needed to know that.
Amber shook her head no, causing Joy to furrow her eyes and frown.
"No can do, Joy. Tomorrow's the long routine tomorrow."
"Again? Amber, you hogged up the bathroom for four hours last time!"
"Which is exactly why tomorrow is a no."
"Ugh, fine. But the day after."
Joy sighed, sneaking her way up the stairs, and Amber waited until she was out of sight to turn to Fabian, who stared at her with worried, possibly pleading eyes.
"You're not really going to spend four hours in the bathroom, are you?"
"Not all of us can use 2 in 1, Fabian. Besides, if we’re going in the tunnels again, I need to have enough time to do a face mask and relax. Thanks for the help."
Nina balanced against Fabian as she stood on her toes to place the ornament she had found in the attic near the top and back of the tree. Sarah had made it. While Nina feared Victor would see it, it deserved to hang once again. The light hit the ball just right, sending dazzling shadows against the wall and a warm feeling through Nina.
Fabian's eyes softened as Nina came back down to her feet, noticing the slight wetness on her cheeks. He slid an arm around her, tugging her into a side hug.
"You're a good person, Nina Martin."
The arguments died on her tongue when Nina noticed her reflection in the window, and a smile that wasn't quite hers.
Amber's checklist was as complete as it could be. Joy had managed to get ornaments for the tree. Nina and Eddie had popped popcorn for some truly unique popcorn garland. She had hung lights up around the house, much to Victor's continued confusion and dismay. Trudy had made her Christmas biscuits and cake. There was a gift for everyone under the tree, despite Jerome's best attempts to swindle and offer terrible ideas.
"I explicitly said I was gonna use the tv today to watch a movie!"
"And you had all morning to do it!"
Alfie's frantic attempts at escaping Eddie's reaches for the remote were killed by Patricia.
"Everybody shut up! Alfie is not going to miss Doctor Who!"
Eddie scoffed, and turned on his heels, retreating back to his room.
"Thanks, Trixie."
"Didn't you promise to watch a movie with him," Joy asked, and Patricia groaned.
"Fine. Fine."
Patricia knocked loudly before she entered the room, pushing Eddie over before settling in beside him, Bruce Willis greeting her from the laptop screen.
"Acquired some taste?"
"Shut up, slimeball."
And if Eddie yawned and stretched an arm over Patricia's shoulder, he didn’t tell anybody.
"Amber, what exactly are we going to do with all this stuff?"
The blonde blinked.
"We can always hide it in the tunnels," Alfie suggested, mouth full of a random assortment of food.
Fabian chuckled and pointed towards the tree, "Try fitting that through the bread oven."
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incorrectsibunaquotes · 7 years ago
House of Anubis Kids as Songs from Musicals (That I Really Like)
Nina Martin: “Breathe” from In The Heights
Fabian Rutter: “Non-Stop” from Hamilton
Amber Millington: “Popular” from Wicked
Patricia Williamson: “My Grand Plan” from The Lightning Theif (The Percy Jackson Musical)
Alfie Lewis: “Two-Player Game” from Be More Chill
Jerome Clarke: “The Room Where It Happens” from Hamilton
Joy Mercer: “Dangerous to Dream” from Frozen: The Broadway Musical
Mara Jaffray: “I’m Not That Girl” from Wicked
Mick Campbell: “A Winter’s Ball” from Hamilton (I couldn’t think of anything for him lmao)
Eddie Miller: “Good Kid” or “Son of Poseidon” from The Lightning Theif (The Percy Jackson Musical)
KT Rush: “Bring Him Home” from Les Misérables (For a very good reason I promise)
Willow Jenks: “Love Is An Open Door” from Frozen: The Broadway Musical
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