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businessesconsultant · 4 years ago
“Take what you can from your dreams; make them as real as anything”- Dave Mathews
If there is one thing that humans are blessed with it has to be the power of having dreams. You are blessed if you have a dream you are passionate about. And, if you have a dream that does not let you sleep and makes you get up, every single morning with a true determination to fulfill it, you are alive.
Many people dream about starting their businesses, based on their ideas and expertise. They want to break free from a mundane 9 to 5 job and want to bring a revolutionary product to the world.
However, dreams without action are nothing but a world of illusion.
According to a report published in INC.com, ‘science says that only 8% of people who set a goal, actually work on them and eventually achieve their goals, the rest of the 92% of people never actually achieve them.’
Failing to meet goals can be frustrating. However, where there is a will, there is a way! If you are truly determined to reach your set goal, we have a well-defined process for you.
If you are interested in what those eight percent of people do that the rest of the 92 percent of people are missing out on then keep reading. Today, we are going to tell you 5 powerful ways that will turn your big entrepreneurial dream into reality:
1.       Bring your Forgotten Dreams back to life
We have certain dreams, at a certain age. But with each passing day, those dreams tend to lose their shine. Dreams can be incredibly inspiring, but unless you start working upon them they are little more than just dreams.
Hence, revive that forgotten dream again. Remind yourself about how passionately you want to achieve them. Re-remind, cross remind and double remind yourself if requires. Why? Unless you dream with your eyes open, your dreams will never become your reality.  
2.       Clarity, Clarity, Clarity
Yes, we very well know that we might have written the term ‘CLARITY’ just once, but so many people overlook this simple, yet effective term in their journey that writing it thrice feels justified.
It is imperative to have clarity in our minds when setting goals. You must know where you are headed. Just like while booking a flight, you know where you want to go, it is essential to have a clear goal. Always ensure that you understand the path to your final destination. After all, a ship without a destination is just a lost ship.
Write your goal on a paper. The thing about all the challenges you might have to face, and the work you will have to do to get there. Break down it into sub-goals and list out all the resources that you will need to support you along the way.
3.       Build a support system
Young and aspiring people don`t do it all alone. High performers and productive people understand that they can achieve more in less time with the right guidance and help of a mentor, best business consultant, coach, and advisor. You can also watch some inspiring video, by clicking here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfDfoQE2iyM
If you wanted to get better at cricket, you will go to a coach or hire an instructor who would help you to get better at your game. Similarly, if you have a business idea or an entrepreneurial dream, it is better to consult one of India`s best motivational coaches or business consultants.
Look for allies, and build a network of experts who will guide you with their expertise and care about your success. Meet with them regularly to seek their wisdom and ask for their advice.
4.       Set specific & Challenging Goals
Research conducted by Edwin Locke and Gary Latham found that when people set a clear and challenging role, 90 percent of the time it leads to higher performance.
For instance, if your goal is to lose 20 pounds by the end of the year, it will not work out. While it does sound challenging, it lacks clarity. Instead, if you decide to lose five pounds by July by reducing sugar, soda, bread, and junk along with a workout, you will have a clear goal in mind. When you have a clear goal the chances of hitting the goal increase, rapidly.  
5.       Practice the popular 52 and 17 Rule
While working towards your goal, try the most popular and effective 52 minutes of work followed by 17 minutes of rest. This is known as “interval training” in sports. According to a study, it is an effective way to enhance productivity in a work routine.  
Working for long hours is not the best way to retain productivity towards working your goal. Working smartly with frequent breaks is the ultimate key to achieve your goal.
So as soon as you start to pursue a dream, your life comes alive and everything has meaning. You start living and stop existing. You can take guidance from the best motivational speaker in India.
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