#mass effect: therum
missgamerin · 4 months
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Mass Effect 1 Scenery I Therum
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legionofpotatoes · 4 months
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Therum for @swaps55, who continues to be the most gracious and patient collaborator as we keep enriching this series.
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swaps55 · 2 years
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You and me.
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thoroughlycollected · 9 months
disrespectful that just bc i was impatient to get started playing mass effect and jumped right in with man Shepard i can’t romance Kaidan and even more annoying you won’t let me make grumpy Wrex my frog husband 😡
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lurkerbot9000 · 1 year
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obsessed w taking photos of therum like its a miniature model set
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lelibug · 2 years
Mass Effect Legendary Edition - ME 1 - Commander Khael'yiin Shepard - Re...
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oldacefox · 2 years
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fukiana · 10 months
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MASS EFFECT 1: LEGENDARY EDITION (Bioware, 2021) Milky Way / Artemis Tau / Knossos System / Therum
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smalllady · 10 months
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Places in Mass Effect - Therum Therum is a distant but rich industrial world claimed by the human Systems Alliance. Its plentiful heavy metals have fueled the recent manufacturing boom on Earth. Core samples rich with the fossils of simple silicon-based organisms indicate Therum was more habitable in the past than it is at present. Perhaps this explains the many Prothean ruins dotting the surface, most of which have been looted by mining corporations. Colony Founded: 2167 Population: 34,000 Capital: Nova Yekaterinburg Orbital Period: 6.4 Earth Years Radius: 6724 km Day Length: 28.3 Earth Hours Atmospheric Pressure: 0.68 Earth Atmospheres Surface Temperature: 59 Celsius Surface Gravity: 1.12 G
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soupwife · 5 months
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acciokaidanalenko · 5 months
Natasha's version of Mass Effect is a bit different than what we know as Canon. I've been working on this ME1 novelization for over two years now, and it is definitely a labor of love! If you'd like to catch up on what I already have completed (both Part One and Part Two), here's the link to the whole thing on AO3! I'm currently working on Part Three and it's coming along beautifully!
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Part One: Prologue/Eden Prime Ch. 1: "29" Ch. 2: Arcturus Station Ch. 3: Final Preparations Ch. 4: Departure Ch. 5: Paradise Ch. 6: SitRep Ch. 7: Witnesses Ch. 8: The Rogue Spectre Ch. 9: In the Aftermath Ch. 10: Nightmares and Apologies
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Part Two: The Citadel Ch. 11: The Citadel Ch. 12: The Presidium Ch. 13: Down Time Ch. 14: The Council Ch. 15: Searching for Proof Ch. 16: The Quarian Ch. 17: The First Human Spectre
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Part Three: Therum... coming soon! 🥰
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citadelapartment · 1 year
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ruffboijuliaburnsides · 6 months
You’ve wedged the mako on Therum.
...the reason for that response is that my wife, who had never really played much in the way of video games at the time, played Mass Effect for the first time, saw that narrow opening, decided she was going to maneuver through it, and immediately succeeded.
It took me MULTIPLE YEARS to succeed eventually.
But BY GOD I DID!!!!
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dragonflight203 · 4 months
Mass Effect 3 replay, Normandy part two:
-As others have mentioned, how did Liara get her equipment on Shepard’s ship?
She left Mars on the Normandy. Presumably her equipment was on Mars and out of reach. Possibly even destroyed by Cerberus.
-If you go paragon, Shepard compares not knowing what the Prothean device does to handling a loaded gun.
This is the same simile that can be used in the ME1 side quest with the Terra Firma party; the turians preventing humanity from turning on the dormant mass is similar to preventing a child from handling a loaded gun.
Intentional? Or small reference pool?
-It sure is convenient that the blueprints for the Crucible have survived countless cycles when so much other knowledge has been lost.
The one piece of knowledge that the Reapers should absolutely want destroyed has somehow managed to survive the Reapers wiping traces of previous cycles. Every cycle finds them and every cycle expands upon them.
Yes, I’m sure each cycle took strenuous measures to protect them but this goes beyond straining belief.
-How significantly does the dialogue with Liara change if you have not done Lair of the Shadow Broker? I’ll need to look that up.
-What does Liara mean that Cerberus tracked her down?
It’s repeatedly mentioned in ME2 that the Normandy has Cerberus bugs and tracking devices. Cerberus should have learned the Shadow Broker’s location as soon as the Normandy traveled there.
-Feron’s conveniently an agent for Liara now, so he’ll never directly appear in ME3.
Game’s loss. He would have made an excellent additional shipmate. Maybe even squad mate.
-According to Liara’s notes on the Broker Terminal, the Therum expedition was conducted by University of Serrice. That’s the same university Liara got her doctorate from.
So they were fine with Liara just abandoning the expedition after the volcano exploded…? Spectre privileges, I suppose.
And where was everyone else, for that matter? The only people on Therum were Liara and the geth.
-I love that Chakwas is a single woman with no complexes about it. That’s so rare in fiction.
-Adam’s reasons for not joining Shepard are valid. Shepard could have been a clone, Cerberus is evil, and you can’t just up and leave the Alliance.
-Adam’s acceptance of AI is established here. His issue with Edi was that she was a Cerberus AI, not that she was an AI. Once he realized Joker trusted her he warmed up.
He also apparently never informed authorities, which is pretty significant considering the Normandy was to be Anderson’s model command center.
-You have the option to tell Diana to focus on getting support or Cerberus.
Once again, Cerberus is taking center stage despite not being the main villain.
-The Hammerhead was so despised that Bioware killed it offscreen in M3.
It was sent to labs to have the armor improved; they were presumably destroyed when the Reapers attacked.
-Cortez’s interest in men is established here in your first conversation with him; you can learn he had a husband.
Kudos to Bioware for not burying it.
-The conversation with James is odd. It’s a rehash of the one you had on the Citadel
On the Citadel, you can speak to him after the meeting with the Council. He affirms that Shepard was right to leave Earth to gather support. He’ll stick with Shepard because he knows it’s the right thing to do even though he wants to be on Earth.
Then in this first conversation on the Normandy, he asks you how the Council meeting went. After the sparring match, you can ask him how he feels about leaving Earth.
It’s like the scenes were written separately and the writers didn’t realize they repeated until it was too late to change either of them.
-James chose the intel about the Collectors over saving the colony. Renegade.
-This also disproves the oft-repeated point in ME2 that the Alliance was doing nothing about the Collector attacks. James’s squad was there to protect the colony and were installing additional defenses (according to the wiki). Most of them die protecting the colony and James retrieves information about the Collectors.
Cerberus told Shepard the Alliance was doing nothing to get them onboard; the reality is the Alliance was making an effort.
Maybe if Cerberus had shared information with the Alliance, the Collectors could have been stopped sooner or the colonies could at least have been better protected. But that would have risked Cerberus not getting the Collector base, and that was TIM’s real agenda.
-I’ll give James a pass on not recounting the events of Paragon Lost for gamers who did not view it. That was probably one of the worst events of his life.
I will not, however, excuse Bioware for not providing a Codex entry on it.
-I wish I could go neutral with James. I don’t want to flirt with him or be cold. I’d be fine with ignoring it.
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So I’m playing the first Mass Effect, right? And I’m currently on Therum driving my little sand buggy around and oh my god the controls are so sensitive. I breathe on my controller and this thing is taking 90 degree turns.
So I’m just imagining my Shepard—this young woman with so many battles under her belt and enough survivor’s guilt to fill the damn Normandy—owning zero licenses in piloting pretty much anything that’s mechanical and moves. She’s trying to get this thing to steer while Kaiden and Garrus are being tossed around in the back, screaming at her to slow down as she’s yelling at them to sit down and put the fucking seatbelts back on.
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clericofshadows · 22 days
For the mass effect questions: 4, 5, 6, 20, 21, 26, 44, and 54 (P.S. - I love your mods quite a lot, thank you so much for taking the time to make and share the ones you release :D)
thanks for the ask! and thank you, I'm so glad you enjoy my mods! my releases are definitely slowing down as I'm now in my third year of pharmacy school, but I still have some things and updates planned :)
mass effect questions!
4. First Shepard; Paragon, Renegade, or Neutral?
I think my first shepard, who was eventually an abandoned femshep playthrough because I started using mods and preferring mshep (lol) was more on the paragon side.
5. Preferred alignment?
Renegade, by far. I like the dialogue options and the overall more ruthless and brutal stance Shepard can take on things. I really play closer to "Renegon" but overall renegade is just a lot of fun. And the scars are sick as hell.
6. Preferred Shepard backstory (colonist, earthborn, spacer)?
Spacer. I like the idea of Hannah Shepard as a character you can interact with just a little, and I've had a lot of fun envisioning this relationship between Regis, my main shepard, and her as being quite strained. A perfect paragon Admiral in the Alliance versus the fallen Renegade Butcher of Torfan... very fun to explore.
20. Post Suicide Mission survival rate?
With Regis's canon, I lost Garrus, Grunt, and Legion due to Risky Suicide Mission, a mod that introduces some randomization and other neat mechanics to make the suicide mission actually feel like one. I would in fact choose to kill off those three intentionally since I like my ME3 world state without them/don't really care for them, so 9/12 would be my survival rate.
21. Favorite ME2 Squad combo?
Zaeed and Miranda. Great skills, I've made them match with my mods, and they're my favorites in the game.
26. Blue, Green, Red, or Fuck You?
Red, always. Destroy was always the goal, so it's the obvious choice for me.
44. A character you'd love to drop in a volcano and forget about?
Liara. I mean Therum is right there... but honestly, I hated the direction they went with her with 2 and beyond, and at least Garrus, my second choice for this question, I can get rid of in 2. I can't get rid of Liara, and if they didn't do the Liara grabs Shepard's corpse and delivers it to Cerberus plot line, I'd probably be a little more neutral meh on her. And if the game let me not be besties with her. And not forced to take her to Thessia... I could go on and on tbh.
54. Your absolutely NOTP
Shakarian, Shiara, Garrus/Tali, and EDI/Joker. I don't have one lol
First two because I don't like the characters and tbh why I can never really release a Shepard sculpt (sorry, I'm very biased and once I make a Shepard, he's mine and Kaidan's). Garrus/Tali came out of absolutely nowhere and I never got couple vibes from them, especially with Garrus's terrible elevator dialogue towards her in 1. Felt like a terrible "pair the spares" thing. And EDI/Joker isn't bad, but I vastly prefer them as friends tbh.
these were a great mix of questions btw :)
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