lightbursted-blog · 5 years
The sun was slowly setting, staining the Lake of the Koi with a warm orange and welcoming Spirale citizens to light candles for their lost and remembered.
Ori dipped a hand into the water, well-hidden beneath the dock leading into the centre of the lake. They sat upon one of the wooden supports, eyes closed; they were listening in on the sounds of the evening, feeling the reverberations as they dipped their hand into the water. Still warm, but cooling as the night approached.
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Footsteps above drew the spirit guardian out of their meditative state, eyes blinking open slowly, as if previously locked closed with sleep. They rubbed at their face and looked up with a curious hum, noticing people passing the dock, candles in hand, murmuring amongst themselves. They turned yet again when they felt ripples reaching their hand, withdrawing it from the water and quickly looking to what was moving about - a boat, full of lit candles and lanterns. They tilted their head, lost on what was going on.
Ori made their way up the support beams, planting their hands on the edge of the dock and peering at some of the people passing - they would have asked literally anyone about the current events, but the familiarity of this certain bug ... he was just too striking.
“Hei!” they chirped to Quirrel, half-waving to him, half-beckoning him to come over. Was this ... it was that nice fish that helped them fight their shadow that one time, wasn’t it? He was on land suddenly!
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hallowknighted-blog · 5 years
In Opalaria, few families hold all the power, and Ghost doesn’t like that very much at all. And there are a few individuals Ghost doesn’t like either; the crooked and corrupt they’ve seen suppressing the weak and helpless, trampling those in their way, flaunting their power over others. Those without honor.
They’re not afraid to get their hands dirty, and apparently they need food now, which requires money. A contract to get rid of one of these twisted humans isn’t exactly a quandary for them; morality’s still something they don’t know well. This would-be politician they’re told of is exactly the sort they hate. And so they follow him, from the streets and from the canals both, and around nightfall they’re prepared, back to an alley, their nail drawn. But they have to bring him to them, if they don’t want to get caught. The corruption in Opalaria is a much less mindless one than the infection.
And so they start humming.
It’s a low, resonating sound laced with magic that’s almost felt more in the chest than it is heard with the ears, and yet the man reacts immediately, turning to search for the source. Brow furrowed and eyes slightly unfocused, he starts trying to follow the not-sound, shuffling and stopping and starting again, some part of him apparently noticing how poor a decision this is, but the larger part listening to the whispering in his ears beckoning him forward.
It’s something the Void has done to many, in its time. And the result is almost the same here. The man turns the corner into the alley, walks towards Ghost seemingly without seeing them, and they dash forward, plunging their nail into his chest.
The man’s eyes clear just enough to register the glowing freckles and the fact that he’s too late. He opens his mouth to cry out anyway, and Ghost blanks, throwing their free arm around his waist and void-dashing towards the nearest canal. They drag him in and under, losing their glamoured shape along the way, and once they’re themself again, they open their mouth impossibly wide and clamp their teeth upon teeth around his ankle, pulling him in deeper, blood staining the water.
And still, they’re humming. They’re humming so loudly that the man forgets to resist, his body going limp as his cry for help escapes in a stream of bubbles.
The method’s not something they’re proud of, but at least it’s done. Now, what are they to do with the body, besides gnaw on its leg? They’ve forgotten about food, so they’re hungry enough to consider doing that for a while.
That is, until they notice the twitching tendrils of a jellyfish not too far from them, and freeze as their newfound emotions come rushing back to them.
They don’t have a name for what they feel in that moment. If they did, it would be “dread”.
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isolaradiale · 5 years
Hello! I'd like to app Quirrel from Hollow Knight without reserve! His app can be found at /app. (Sorry for submitting twice, I just realised I didn't use the correct format!)
Welcome to scenic Isola Radiale, Quirrel!
You’ll be housed in Apartment 364!
You’ll retain your speed, but it will be reduced by half. You’ll also receive a toothpick.
-- mod spica
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How do you feel about being here, in this odd place?
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That’s a good question! Hmm....
Hollow has their head tilted for a while before they start to type.
mixedon the one hand for the most part i am free from what i wasbut on the other i wish i could learn about hallownest through my own eyes with my own freedomi end up feeling torn
A nod.
but mainly i feel glad to be here its let me work on finding myself without influence from constant reminders of what i was made to do
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rythuliandude · 5 years
✨starter for @maskedarchivist✨
For some indeterminate amount of time, the Traveler has been perched upon a rock, staring out towards the distant city. Behind their mask the light of their eyes is dim, giving them a slightly vacant look. The wind tousles their scarf and cloak, but they make no move to fix them.
They are deep in thought. The city, although new and interesting, brings back uncomfortable memories of crumbling ruins and roaring creatures hidden within the shadows. A sudden breeze carries flecks of dirt under their hood, and they shake themselves from their stupor to rustle it out.
No longer occupied, someone catches their attention out of the corner of their eye; they turn, perking up at the sight of someone wearing something that reminds them of a hood. They have a mask, too, the colors inverted from their own! The Traveler lets out a large chirp, getting his attention.
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lightbursted-blog · 5 years
For whatever reason, the citizens of this kingdom tended to chase them during the day. Though it hurt and the spirit guardian didn’t understand the reasons, they didn’t have trouble with staying out of sight - but night was different.
Right now, they were hopping roof to roof of the Opalarian kingdom, little hooves click-clacking against the tiles as they fled themselves, of all things. Was it themselves? Were they dreaming? A quick look over their shoulder and the lock of their eyes with the other confirmed they were not - the dread they felt was all too real, not as vague as dreams usually were.
Speaking of dread, the other Ori had just thrown a Light Burst their way. A gasp and sharp turn to the right, and they took a leap of faith and jumped off the roof as it exploded into brilliant, burning light, bringing their hands forward when they realised they were literally going to dive into a water channel.
With a clean splash, they were in. Ori shook their head and immediately glanced upwards, bringing their front hands in towards their chest after casting the water-breathing spell over themself. They began paddling deeper down the channel, away from the surface where their glow would easily be spotted, and kept close to the wall.
And ... wow. These channels were so much deeper and more complex than they originally thought ...
Ori paused, grabbing a support beam running to the surface and holding onto it, tail and legs curling around its circumference. They could see an eerie, pale seafoam glow a short distance away ... what was that? Ori squinted. And then, from that glow, a vibration spread through the water that made them shiver - as if something was smacked, or hit.
Their antennae raised in alarm and they took off swimming in the direction of that hit and the glow, spotting two silhouettes dancing- no, fighting.
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hallowknighted-blog · 5 years
hmm for disney headcanons: pinocchio, tarzan, dalmatians, sleeping beauty?
Disney Headcanon Meme
Pinocchio - How honest is your muse? What is their moral stance on white lies?
Ghost sees no reason to lie. They’ll tell the absolute truth even when it may be best not to, because lying is one of the more nuanced parts of social communication, and they just don’t understand it. They also don’t know why others would, either–they know people do, but the reasons confuse them.
Tarzan - How did the place your muse grew up in affect them?
Well, they don’t remember ‘growing up’ in Hallownest, partially because they never grew up to begin with and partially because they left shortly after escaping the Abyss, forfeiting their memories along with their faint sentience, meaning they don’t remember much of what they did outside the kingdom either. But their time in Hallownest has still affected them; it’s taught them how to run, how to survive. That life is fleeting and can be taken away at any moment, so it’s best not to get attached. There’s a certain beauty in abandoned places, but it’s best not to get too comfortable in any one area. Always prepare for the worst. Everyone around you has lost something dear to them. And, of course, to dream is a terribly dangerous thing.
101 Dalmatians - Does your muse have a large collection of any particular thing?
Do their badges count? In addition to the nifty abilities and strength boosts the badges grant, Ghost started enjoying seeing how many they could find, admiring the designs and craftsmanship even if they have no personal attachment to things like that. They’ve probably started collecting buttons and pins in Spirale. Other than that, they’re prone to keeping little trinkets that may not be worth anything, but that they find interesting or that remind them of a past time; this can include anything from funny shaped rocks to abandoned, rusted-over jewelry. They’re just a tiny bit of a magpie.
Sleeping Beauty - What is the worst possible curse your muse could face?
Either actually being taken by the infection, becoming a mindless shell of who they were just like the Hollow Knight, or being cursed to forcibly relive the battles they’ve had with Broken Vessel or the Hollow Knight, or other siblings who’ve either been corrupted or see them as an enemy of the void.
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rythuliandude · 5 years
9 people you’d like to know better!!
RULES: tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better
TAGGED BY: @the-owl-boy​ TAGGING: UHHH i dont know many other people but id really like to get to know @poyobi​ @maskedarchivist​ @ofpelagic​ @hallowknighted​ (I’m sorry about tagging anyone who didn’t want to be tagged and i can get rid of it if you want!!!) ((im also breaking the rules of this ask thing. don’t worry about it!))
FAVOURITE COLOUR:  blue!! mostly sky blues. i love blue
ok i really really like kernelle/anna from owlboy im Big Lesbianism 
geddy/mandolyn is also godtier hgdsklsgdh 
thats Really the extend of things that i ship, the rest are like. ocs and stuff or there are Characters that exist in isola and i dont want to make game headcanons when they might think otherwise of some things 
LIPSTICK OR CHAPSTICK:  chapstick definitely!
LAST SONG: neglected space by imogen heap (i mostly listen to like. random obscure stuff kinda. i really love lord huron though)
LAST MOVIE:  httyd3!!!
CURRENTLY READING: an owlboy fic called Clipped Wings but also in general uhhhh. warrior cats? is that valid? DSGKLSD
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