#mashed potatoes anon
vanillaxoshi · 3 months
If i remember correctly movie 1 takes place when boi was 12 and the start of Galaxy 1 takes place when he was 14 with there being debate he was 15 or not in movie 2
The only confirmed timeline we have is Boboiboy season 1 until galaxy 1 after that its all up to assumption
Boboiboy S1: 10 years old
Bbb S2-3: 11 years old
Movie 1: 12 years old
Galaxy S1: 14 years old
Movie 2 - S2: ?????
We know S2 whole duration is 3 months* and it takes place right after movie 2
With S2 confirming boi is in Junior high-school** (between grade 7-9, with grade 9 age range being 14-15)
*we don't know if the show will follow this duration so it isn't canonical yet for the animation version
**its not really stated hes in Junior high-school since the school is labeled "pulau rintis academy" and academy is a very loose term (for all we know he could be in the beginning of senior high-school but its very unlikely)
This is the closest to accurate we have, hope this helps in someway, have a good day ^^
-Love, MP anon
Ngl i was confused whether or not boi was 12 in movie 2
Thanks for the timeline Mashed potatoes
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pretty Carrie 🥺
knives are cool. i like knives.
also that... earring? pretty
am stabby queen
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terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
why are you going on semi-hiatus? is everything okay? :(
oh yeah, I'm fine. It's just last month some family stuff happened that had me spooked/anxious, and I live so far away from my family so like, that didn't help, so I did what I normally do which is write fic/make stuff to make myself feel better, only that, when I started sharing it, I kept obsessing over notes and responses and fretting over if the things I made were terrible, so...I didn't feel better. and that kind of obsessing is just not very kind to me, or to you lovely, magnificent, wonderful people who take the time to read my fics or look at my blog and my posts, so it's just better that I step back for a while and recalibrate. because this is a happy place for me and I want it to keep being happy 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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bloodsweatandpotato · 2 years
Is it hard being a potato? Are you afraid of being boiled?
Yes. But honestly, I’m more afraid of being mashed 🥺😭 I once had a dream about being mashed. It was horrible. The humans didn’t even serve me with gravy! 😭😭😭
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randomnameless · 1 year
Seiros the Warrior needs ketchup?
it's from the last fodlan nonsense where all rheas + billy (from swimsuit!Rhea) didn't like Seteth's veggies
Seiros the Warrior is younger and more of a brat to her big bro but also more spontaneous, this is Cichol, he deserves to be picked on, he keeps on telling her the outfit she picked is lame, Willy is not trustworthy and stupid, and her swordswomanship is ridiculous.
As she grew older, Rhea acquired a taste for more refined dishes, and doesn't need ketchup anymore.
It's just a coincidence Cyril wants some - even if he is too shy to ask for it!
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bastardbvby · 2 years
ohhh get greek food man gyros and tzatziki always slap plus greek salad is so good, ignore the mashed potato craving you'll just be disappointed when they're bland and generally Not Good
i ended up getting sushi and gyoza.....cravings for spicy tuna roll were too strong im sorry....i havent had greek food in saur long tho like there used to be a place on campus but they removed it rip
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vanillaxoshi · 3 months
I watched today's episode with my little brother and when reramos *spoiler* happened he SCREAMED, full out screeching with how disgusted he was
Good news is i laughed loudly when he screamed "KILL IT WITH FIRE, BOBOIBOY KILL IT"
Poor kids who have arachnophobia about to get nightmares
-love, MP anon
Full on shocked when that happened, quite a twist
Maybe thats why in that one photo of monsta
Reramos was standing next to "beliungs new weapon"
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fluffypotatey · 7 months
Either moon or stew is good!
I've never had dumplings in stew before. I really want to try. I usually have starch as a side or put potatoes in.
my dad makes a good beef stew with mustard dumplings 😋 (i think it’s naked with flour and mustard seeds??? i forgor)
but potatoes are a blessed choice for stew. never go wrong with some tators 😎
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tearueful · 8 months
What do you think people notice about you first, when they meet you for the first time?
Oh, currently the green hair kinda takes the cake. (Two friends said my hair looks like Michiru's and I am SO TICKLED)
Strangers have complimented my hair in general, or my outfits, or my Carebear purse so I'm guessing that's what people notice first.
I am curious as to what my internet friends who have met me in person noticed first.
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eldritch-nightmare · 9 months
i need your opinion on potatoes
the vegetable?? i like them, i guess. they're good, depending on how they're made and whatnot.
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real-life-cloud · 1 year
i shall henceforth sign my messagies with soup
(( dhfjfjfj with a GAINT BOWL OF SOUP ahdjdhdhd ))
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terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
I hope you find happiness
me too, honey.
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deityofhearts · 1 year
Mashed potatoes?
mmm mashed potatoes
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magicalgirlanon · 1 year
Mashed potatoes, thoughts?
My first ask! It’s like 1:00 in the morning so I’m just going to make this one quick:
8/10. Pretty good with salt/butter but not so much by itself.
Aight I’m going to bed
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paterday · 1 year
Bread guy? 8 loaves???
My family sometimes does work for one of the people that does supply drives for grocery stores/restaurants, and one guy that comes to us a lot usually supplies bread, so he’s got a truck full of bread, and if any of the boxes are damaged they can’t legally sell them so he gives some to us for free as a thank you
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vanillaxoshi · 2 months
It hit me that adudu could've been one of the siblings teacher and all of them are different ages
So now i can't stop thinking that Adudu thought he was cursed with teaching 6 white hair streaked children, especially with how petir to tanah basically have the same face and it stops with api with his freckled face
Like imagine hes done teaching petir and petir has graduated, only for the next semester this same child appears again but more cheerful and how did he shrink what.
Angin: hi professor adudu :D
Adudu: didn't you just graduate???
*same thing happens with tanah*
Tanah: morning sir
Tanah: ????
*skips api because he probably didn't go to science so there was a good amount of time until Air, Adudu thought he was freed*
Adudu: morning you bunch of idiot kids, roll call get on with it
Air: ✋️
Adudu: say your name yo- WAIT.. i thought.. HOW IS THERE MORE OF YOU??
*at some point adudu changes school, only to find Daun this time and now he believes its some universe joke or something*
Daun: ... :3
Adudu: I can never be free can i.. how many now.. 5?
Daun: theres actually 6 of us sir :D
Adudu: yea yea and i've taught all of them– 6?? i MISSED one???
*adudu has accepted his fate by the time cahaya roled around and he actually respects how clever cahaya is
And when cahaya graduates and a new semester of teaching roled around, he looks around his class for a white streaked boy and found..
Something felt very empty that semester.
It was the last semester he taught as a professor.
-Love, MP anon
Dude was super fond of the white streaked kids that he stopped teaching
Guess it felt very off for him, not teaching any of them anymore
Perhaps even after being a teacher hes just on look out for any white streaked boys
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