#masha campcamp
twinki3zs · 3 months
Unlucky Encounter
A Masha One-Shot
[For you :) @chrzannekk ]
This one shot shows the more rivalry side of Masha :))
Max walked through the forest as the moon lit up his path. He did this almost every night. With all the counselors and other campers bothering him, Max needed a little alone time. Especially now that the Flower Scouts were back.
Miss Priss and Mr. Campbell were gone on a cruise for nearly a month. But Campbell wasn’t allowed to stay any longer, so they cut their trip short. Meaning that the Flower Scouts came back sooner than anyone expected.
Max sighed as he tried not to think about it. He took in the atmosphere of the forest as he sat down against a tree. It was quiet and peaceful, unlike Camp Campbell. Max didn’t hate spending time with the others, but his social battery was dead. Max took out the book he brought with him. He shifted into a more comfortable position as the moon light allowed him to see the cover.
“The Charming Mr Drickton”
It was a known detective romance book and cooed over by mainly girls. Of course, there was nothing wrong with a guy reading a romance book… right? Max read page 102 with a smirk, it would’ve looked weird to anyone else, but if they were reading the same thing, they’d understand.
Max would never admit it, but he was amazed by John Drickton, the main male protagonist. He could flatter someone in a second and never stumbled with his words. He was so confident and cool, but showed it in a way that didn’t make him seem like a try hard. Max studied the way Drickton approaches and speaks to women.
“I wonder if this would work in real life…” Max quietly asked himself.
Max kept reading, letting his world drift into the one of the book. It was so peaceful in the quiet forest. Max was so lost in his book, he didn’t notice a person walking toward him. Max read down the page, adjusting his position.
He had no idea how he ended up so hooked to this book, but deep down, he didn’t regret it. Of course, Max wouldn’t dare read it in public, but it didn’t stop him from loving it. He swore to himself he wouldn’t end up like Gwen, so he kept his interest in romance books to a minimum. TCMD was the only romance book series he allowed himself to enjoy.
Max brought the book closer to his face, it was getting interesting.
“He tucked his cuffs into his blazer, looking deep into Isla’s eyes. His deep brown eyes narrowed as he leaned over the desk. Drickton didn’t dare break eye contact, but Isla thought differently. She looked away as she blushed red. His confident demeanor over powering her calm façade.”
“She gulped down her nerves, “Must you stare me down with such integrity?” Isla said gripping her skirt. If Drickton was nervous, he wasn’t showing it. He stood up straight, hands behind his back as he walked around the table. “I’d just like to know the truth,” Drickton says with a grin. “And I’m sure you do too. So, do us both a favor and don’t make this difficult. Alright, princess?”
Suddenly, a familiar voice snapped him out of his daydream. Max jumped in surprise, letting out a yelp. He looked up to see a girl standing in front of him. A girl he knew all too well. She had a pale complexion and peach pink hair. Her eyes were a deep rose and her bangs draped over her forehead. Max hid the words in his book, pressing the pages to his chest.
“What are you doing here?” Sasha hissed. Max’s shocked face turned into a more annoyed one as his heartbeat began to slow down to its regular pace. “None of your business. What are you doing here? Looking for a stick to stir your cauldron?” Max smirked.
Sasha wasn’t very impressed with his comeback, but she answered his question anyway. “Actually, I’m looking for some Chickweed. Tabii’s starting to break out and I will not be seen hanging out with a blonde Pikeman.” She said looking down at Max sitting against the tree. “Great. Now go away, I came here to be alone.” Max said sounding uninterested. He attempted to keep his book hidden as he tried to get her to leave.
Sasha looked down at Max’s book and raised an eyebrow. Max didn’t have time to blink before she snatched his book from his hand. Max yelped as he witnessed his book getting ripped out of his grip. “What are you reading? Some kind of stupid spy book like The Salzburg Connection? I wouldn’t be surprised, it’s pretty popular among guys right now-“ Sasha paused as she looked at the title, “The Charming Mr Drickton.” Max’s eyes widened as he pressed his knees together, gripping the brim of his hoodie.
“No way…” Sasha said as she looked at the back of the book. She read the plot with wide eyes. She looked down at Max, who sat uncomfortably on the ground. The silence flowed through the air with strong tension when suddenly, Sasha burst out laughing. “A romance book? Are you serious?” She said with a grin. Max jumped up off the ground, grinding his teeth as he tried to snatch his book back. Sasha kept it away from him as she skimmed through the pages he’s already read.
“Damn it, Sasha! Give that back!” Max squirmed as he tried to reach his book. “No way! This is too good!” Sasha said pushing Max away. She laughed at every little sentence she read from the book, it was all so cheesy. Max’s heart pounded in his chest. He tried to get the book but Sasha kept pushing him away or moving, so he couldn’t reach it. “Give that back a**hole! It’s not yours!” Max protested.
Sasha slammed the book shut, holding it in her hand and baiting it. She put a hand on her hip as she held the book up with a smirk. “Oh, yeah? It shouldn’t be yours either! Wow, a guy like you reading a romance book, now that’s interesting.” She taunted. Max let out a frustrated growl as he stood in place. There was no point in trying to get it back, she had already read the pages.
“Ha! Is this what you’ve been so glued to? You were so into it, you didn’t even notice me standing in front of you before!” Sasha laughed. Max clenched his fists as Sasha teased him. “I’m not that into it. I just didn’t have anything else to do!” Max tried to make up an excuse but Sasha clearly wasn’t buying it.
She narrowed her eyes and grinned as she began to walk toward him, “Oh, really? Then I guess you wouldn’t mind if I told everyone about this “passing-time” book you’re so hooked too.” Sasha grinned as she watched Max’s eyes widen. “I’m sure they’d find you reading a romance book, very interesting.” She said with a smirk.
Max narrowed his eyes, trying to hide the embarrassment behind them. “I swear to god I will reign hell on your camp if you do.” Max threatened as he looked up at her. Sasha smirked at Max’s response. “Oh, I don’t know about that. If anything, I have the upper hand here.” Sasha said with a hand on her hip.
She then raised her hand and hovered it over her, then Max’s head. “Morally and physically. Now quit whining before I actually do tell everyone.” She said looking down at him. Max clenched his fists and stared down at the ground. “I’m not whining!” Max said as his cheeks started to turn a light shade of pink.
“Are you blushing?” Sasha chuckled as she leaned in to get a closer look. “No, damn it! Leave me the hell alone!” Max quickly backed away as he let out another frustrated growl. He didn’t know why he couldn’t think of anything else to say. Sasha grinned, finding amusement in the whole situation.
She held Max’s book behind her as she stared down at him. “Come on, why the blush? Am I embarrassing you?” Sasha snickered as Max clenched his jaw. This seemed too familiar, it was just like the page he was reading in his book. The bad part is, he’s Isla in this situation. Sasha let out a satisfied sigh as she took in Max’s expression.
“Here.” Sasha said holding out the book and giving it to him.
“You can have your book back. I have to get that Chickweed for Tabii before it gets too dark.” Sasha said as she began to walk away as if nothing happened. “I’ll keep your little “passing time” book a secret, but don’t expect me to not make fun of you for it.” Sasha added, looking back at him with a smirk as she walked away.
Soon she was out of sight. Max let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding as he tried to return to his normal complexion. He groaned as he began to walk back to camp. What was supposed to be a relaxing night of reading turned out to be the perfect amo for Sasha to tease him with. One thing was for certain though, Max wasn’t going to let Sasha have the last laugh.
This means war.
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off-the-heezys · 2 months
i beg....masha headcanons...please..im starved...need masha content...
hello Nick anything for you Nick
Max is her little purse dog. He just follows her around and begrudgingly carries all her bags
Sasha would totally be like “oh no I’m so cold” thinking max will be an epic boyfriend and let her borrow his jacket but he just goes “damn shouldve warm something warmer then”
Sasha loves to play dress up with him
The “power couple of the school” some would say
Max is probably affectionate w her in private and only in private
They plot evil schemes and then hold hands n kiss
They do hated the fact they fell in love with the other but once it’s all out and they start dating it’s literally fine
Sasha falls first… she told me
Sasha would love to steal Max’s clothes but she open his closet to see his 3 shirts and 1 jacket and she goes “oh hell no”
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theghostbunnie · 29 days
as a fello cc and eah fan may i suggest maxneil but its raven queen and dexter charming and nikki is obviously darling
(Would I be insane to say Sasha could be her apple? (also adds some fun /p or /r masha possibilities although not as fun if it's not wlw)
Idk I feel like Nikki would really fuck as Maddie Hatter too
If you don't think Max Queen and Sasha White aren't as fun as wlw you're not giving him enough nonbinary swag ‼️‼️‼️
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beeejayy · 2 years
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Camp camp ships I used to ship when I rlly liked camp camp
Fun story about the Masha thing, I spammed liked the tag and accidentally just spammed one singular person and then they reblogged smth I drew and its still an awesome thing that happened
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oxikell · 5 years
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tallgirl14 · 7 years
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a bet part 8
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therealdragyon · 7 years
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My new otp/brotp since season 2 episode 7
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theghostbunnie · 3 years
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Sa-sha! [Sitcom laughtrack plays]
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tallgirl14 · 7 years
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Spreading Hate and Discontent... for the fun of it
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tallgirl14 · 7 years
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Old habits die  hard sketch
I like the idea that max & Sasha a friends max always has her back at party’s when guys are being creepy got this idea from secretlifeofacloud
Sasha: just like old times Max: for real..... I'm going to need to teach how to defend yourself Neil: wow looks like he didn't need your help after all ..... I so thought he was going to get his ass hanged to him
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