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Top 5 de lugares para visitar de la ciudad donde vives (o si no quieres ser tan especifico, de tu país)
El anon curioso. Como vas?
Pues voy a aprovechar que estoy de vacaciones en el lugar donde viví desde 1985 hasta 2002: Tenerife.
1: Parque nacional del Teide. Esto es otro planeta. Ver el poco más alto de españa emerger entre el paisaje a mi me deja pasmado, siempre.

2: Valle de la Orotava. Cuando las cañadas del Teide era un gran volcán, una de sus laderas se derrumbó formando el actual valle, luego emergió el Teide dejando esta vista:

3: Masca. Como sacado de un libro de Garcia Márquez, este pueblo en un risco esconde un barranco que vale la pena patear, previo permiso.

4: Anaga. Parque rural que ya están tardando en convertir en parque nacional para protegerlo aún más. La laurisilva, un tipo de bosque nuboso subtropical, te teletransporta a otra era. Recomiendo la ruta del Pijaral.

5: La Laguna. Mi pueblo, mi barrio. Ciudad patrimonio de la humanidad y ejemplo perfecto de que la peatonalizacion de las calles, mejora una ciudad.

Gracias por pasarte y darme la oportunidad de hacer publi de mi isla.
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Prompt 2 for @drawtober is shapeshifter. This felt like the perfect prompt to draw a masca.
Masche are witches in Italian folklore. They look like completely regular people and hide between them, but actually have a variety of supernatural powers. Some are immortal, some are eternally young, some can fly, some can control the weather, but, most importantly, a lot of them can transform into animals. They're often mischievous and vindicative, so when they do turn into animals, it's often to trick people. This one, is turning into a goat, which is a pretty common choice, along with cats!
#drawtober#drawtober 2024#shapeshifter#masca#masche#folklore#italian folklore#witch#witches#halloween#spooky season#digital art#illustrator#art blog
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El pequeño pueblo de Masca en Tenerife visto por Eva
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350 base icons of multiple characters for @thefaeriescafe
Open for commissions | $8.00/100 icons
More commission info here!
Before & after under the cut!
#fubuki#one punch man#one punch man rp#oc rp#ranon kartazen#secret lady#asarella#masca#icon commissions#rp icon commissions#commissions open#my icons#completed
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Exploring Tenerife's hidden gem, Masca! Follow me on a one-day adventure through quaint villages, epic hikes, and breathtaking beaches. 🌄 #TenerifeAdventures #MascaMagic #IslandEscape
Don't forget to check out our unique local guides to tour the island and more. ❤️🌈❤️🌈
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11 august: Ziua Măștii de Față Cosmetice
Sărbătorită anual pe 11 august, Ziua Măștii de Față Cosmetice a fost fondată de compania Lush Cosmetics, pentru a ne aminti să rezervăm cel puțin 15-20 de minute pe zi pentru a ne arată dragostea față de tenul nostru. https://www.diane.ro/2023/08/11-august-ziua-mastii-de-fata-cosmetice.html
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After Dark Adventure Report: The Dragons of Masca Bay
Welcome once again to Monarch: After Dark, the digital gateway between you and the organisation dedicated to understanding and navigating this troubled new world we live in.
Continuing from the emergency alert put out some time ago, we here on the After Dark team have gotten permission to disclose the full nature of the Monarch investigation that took place, and the creatures that were discovered as a result.

(Pictured above: Masca Bay, Tenerife, a crucial area of interest in the Monarch investigation)
Upon the team's arrival in Tenerife, we were taken to a Monarch civilian outpost operating discreetly within Loro Parque. Once there, we were brought up to speed on what had led Monarch to launch an investigation in the area. Mass cetacean strandings with some half-consumed carcasses alerted Monarch operatives in the area that there may have been some form of megafauna activity.
Our first point of action was to rule out the possibility of Titan activity, as a Titan would be capable of mass devastation beyond what other superspecies can cause. Thankfully, a full aerial sweep of Tenerife and a lack of any sort of response from Godzilla (who usually stirs from his dormancy to deal with Titan incursions himself) provided reassurance that the problem was not caused by a Titan, and thus was something Monarch were better equipped to handle.
Once Titans could be sufficiently removed from the equation, we were assigned a G-Team oceanic patrol squadron and taken to a Monarch civilian patrol boat masquerading as a whale watching vessel. For those unfamiliar with how civilian operatives work, they often have to operate under the radar, as Monarch officially does not encourage civilians to take action against dangerous megafauna.

(Pictured above: Photo taken from one of the After Dark team's personal phones, whilst awaiting boarding on a Monarch civilian vessel)
Going out to sea, the exhaustive heat was made just a little more bareable thanks to refreshments supplied by the civilian operatives. Along the journey, we came across a small pod of pilot whales that scattered shortly following our arrival. Thankfully, no harm came to them, and it was enjoyable getting to see them, as they don't too often show themselves.
Our journey continued until our sensors detected movement from a large organism underneath our boat. While we weren't able to get a clear look at this time, we were able to note that this creature had a serpentine shape, and had a length greatly exceeding the size of our boat.
Taking appropriate cautions and calling in G-Team for backup, our crew followed the creature to see where it was going. Rather unfortunately to note, the creature had made its way to Masca Bay whilst a public whale-watching tour was underway and capsized the vessel. Whilst our rescue teams were quick to act, not everyone could be saved. Their families will be notified and compensated in due time.

(Pictured above: Pilot whales, one of a handful of cetacean species that can be seen in Tenerife)
It was during this attack that the creature revealed itself to our researchers. While sadly we cannot yet provide any visuals of the creature, as our equipment was damaged in a confrontation (and our sketch artist is procrastinating), we can tell you about it.
The culprit was what we are identifying as a Trident Dragon, a subspecies of another draconic creature in Monarch's catalogue, the Ion Dragon. Unlike its cousin, the Trident Dragon is incapable of flight, but can propel itself for a period of time out of water similar to the flying fish of our world. Their tails are tipped with a trident-like blade, used for impaling their prey or fending off attackers.
G-Team engaged the Trident Dragon once it breached the surface of the water, though its maneuverability beneath the waves made capture attempts challenging. After a prolonged struggle, the Trident Dragon was killed after a harpoon shot punctured a vital organ. The body was taken away to the nearest Monarch outpost, and survivors were successfully taken back to the land.

(Pictured above: Artistic rendition of the Ion Dragon by Antony Nguyen. The Trident Dragon bears some similarity to this species, having likely evolved from the same ancestor)
Once we returned to land, we returned to the station in Loro Parque to collect our findings. Due to damage sustained during the Trident Dragon attack, we were unable to fully collect our research. A sweep of Masca Bay revealed there were more than one Trident Dragon, resting in an underwater cave system. The site is now under quarantine while Monarch set up a research base in Masca Bay to more closely monitor the creatures.
We here on the After Dark team do not often see action, given our lack of the particular skillsets required, so this was a rare opportunity to the frontline Monarch experience. While it was a tragedy that we lost civilian lives before we were able to contain (or kill, in this case) the Trident Dragon, we will hopefully be able to avoid further loss of life while studying these new and unique creatures.
Until next time,
Monarch: After Dark
#monarch#monarch after dark#monsterverse#monsterverse au#fiction#au story#ion dragon#monarch legacy of monsters#tenerife#masca bay#pilot whales#dragons
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Viata imita filmul
Un lucru sa fie clar si asta o spun asa in treacat pana revin la lucruri mai serioase. Ca un om care se pricepe la moda zilei pt ca, nu i asa, nu are rost sa pierdem timp si sa ne ascundem toti in spatele unei false modestii. Deci, o chestie tb lamurita musai pt ca am auzit, Dumnezeule, o groaza de prostii pe aici: sursa de inspiratie a doamnei Trump privind maniera si eleganta tinutei la gala…
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Octombrie aduce 3 premiere la Teatrul Masca
Teatrul Masca vă invită la următoarele premiere ale stagiunii „Aici se visează la schimbare”: pe spatele fotografiei colț, stânga jos, stă tot ce nu pot uita despre mama (5 și 6 octombrie, de la 19:00), INCENDIAR. Un dușman al poporului (10 și 11 octombrie, de la 19:00) și (De)conectat (12 și 13 octombrie, de la 19:00). INCENDIAR. Un dușman al poporului Spectacol-experiență, jucat pe două planuri…

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Can’t Stop
Click to listen Can’t Stop – Red Hot Chili Peppers

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Masca Pentru Centrala Termica [Ghidul Complet]
Centrala termica este un echipament foarte util care nu ar trebui sa lipsească din nicio casa din România. Totuși, poate arăta foarte inestetic iar asta strica designul casei. Pentru mulți oameni nu este o problema. Dar ce faci dacă țevile de la centrala sunt primul lucru pe care-l vezi cand intri în bucătărie? Ce-o sa zica musafirii? Dacă ai centrala termica la vedere și nu-ți place cum se vede,…

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Yes yes we all want to have sloppy yuri sex in the back of the modded Arma 3 halo pelican during the 8 km flight to the LZ, just keep your miku nightcore quiet enough that you can still hear the pilot’s intercom so no one misses the hot drop

Trans lesbians after they’re done showing each other their Halo Megabloks dioramas
#halo#this is a real offer#except we will not be having sex you will just be learning how to fix pneumothorax and call a mascas on your radio following proper procedur
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Masca: Simbol și semnificație
Atât în societățile nealfabetizate, cât și în cele cu civilizații, culture înaintate, masca a fost expresia prezenței unei entități supranaturale. Persoana purtând o mască se simțea transformată în interior și preluând trăsăturile zeului sau demonului reprezentat de mască. https://www.diane.ro/2023/06/masca-simbol-si-semnificatie.html
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