#masaru yamaki
junkyard-gifs · 5 months
tugger knows he's the cutest Skimble fanboy out there, everyone else can go home
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Shiki, Nagoya 20/7/2000. Probably Masaru Yamaki as Tugger, Yoshinori Momo as Skimbleshanks, Kyoko Sato as Victoria, and Yoko Ishii as Jenny.
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
My personal Digimon season ranking
Given August is Digimon month, I cannot help but do one of these. Because, oh boy. I have not made one of those in a long, long while.
Now, let me tell you one thing clear: I have been in the Digimon fandom since Adventure started airing 2000 in Germany. I still vividly remember getting into the show and what the first episodes I watched were. I have obsessed about this show for so long...
But I also have unpopular opinions when it comes to the seasons. So let me get to those.
And please note: I will not list Digimon Adventure: (2020), as I only watched the first 22 episodes and then just dropped it. But I will list Digimon Adventure tri., though it is not quite a season.
#1 Digimon Tamers
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My number one Digimon season is and will probably always be Digimon Tamers. This show really has no right to be as good as it is. Like, holy shit. This show went so hard in so many regards.
It really is the only season of Digimon that has something like a proper pacing. With only a couple of episodes being actual filler, while most do progress either story or character arcs. And those character arcs are so fucking good.
When I was a kid, I got so hooked on Ruki, because she was just such a good female character. But by now I do appreciate them all. (Well, Ryou maybe less, but that is a story for another day. Because he is one of those examples where I also grew up on those games and I love game!Ryou...)
Also, the amount of amazing background characters is kinda hilarious. Like, background figures like Janyuu, Yamaki or Shibumi are so well written.
Not to mention: For a 2001 merchandise TV show with 51 episodes, the animation has no business being as good as it is. How is it, that this series still has better animation than some of the later series?!
So, yeah, all around great show. Love it. Will rewatch most certainly a couple more times.
#2 Digimon Universe Applimonsters
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And while a lot of people will absolutely understand, why I put Tamers in first place, pretty much most people will not get, why I would put Appmon in second place. Because other than Tamers this has a ton of filler episodes.
But to me none of that really matters, based on the fact that I just love the freaking character writing in this show, all the references to computer history and also... The fact that this show is gay as fuck. I mean, holy fuck, the entire Haru/Yuujin thing? Yeah, it warms my little queer heart so much!
But other than that it is another series where I really just love all the characters a ton. Haru is probably the goggle boy I relate to most out of all of Digimon. But I also really loved the other characters in this series, including the Digimon partners and what not.
So, yeah, to me this is my second favorite Digimon show.
#3 Digimon Savers
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Masaru in a way is the polar opposite character to Haru, isn't he? While Haru is this soft spoken, introverted guy, Masaru is just this pure hardcore masculinity! GAAAAR! So, while I do like him less as a character than I like Takato or Haru, I did enjoy the writing in this show quite a lot. There were a ton of personal stakes to the story, that the others seasons did not bring in as much as this show did. And that was something I really enjoyed.
And while it got ridiculous at times, I also liked how Masaru was a bit more involved in the battles by punching stuff. Though I kinda am sad that they did not go with that original concept where all the characters would've been able to punch stuff.
I also enjoyed that the characters were a bit older in this, though ironically my favorite characters from the season are Chika and Ikuto.
#4 Digimon Ghost Game
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There might be some bias here based on the fact alone that it is the most recent season of the franchise. But even though it was basically 100% episodic, I did enjoy almost every one of those episodes. Basically the show is 100% vibes for me, but oh boy, do I love those vibes.
I find this season kinda weird in terms of how it kinda pushed for two Digimon/human ships, with Ruli/Angoramon clearly being coded into the text, while it is also fairly clear that Jellymon is romantically interested in Kiyo. I mean, there always were seasons where you could definitely go for Digimon/human ships....... but it was never like this. But then again: All power to the monster fuckers, right? xD
And yeah... Being a fan of the horror genre, I absolutely adored how many episodes were based around classical horror stories from all around the world. That was so freaking fun! :D
#5 Digimon Adventure 02
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Okay, let me make one thing clear: Digimon Adventure 02 is not a good series. It is not. Knowing what I know about how chaotic it was behind the scenes, aka how chaotic and cursed this production was, this is also not a big surprise. I disliked the show for this for quite long. I mean, there is tons of filler and the animation is soooooo bad in soooo many episodes. I mean, there is a ton of fan animation that is better than this series. But...
It also is kinda charming.
See, the thing about this show is, that I kinda still do like how the characters develop over the show and how... positive a lot of it is. The characters are sweet with each other and even with their enemies. And a huge chunk of the show is also dedicated to the characters outright trying to rebuild the digital world.
Also, this show has Ken, who to this day is one of my favorite Digimon characters. So, fuck it. I actually still kinda like it.
#6 Digimon Frontier
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Fun Fact: I grew up with the Japanese dub of Digimon, but Digimon Frontier is the one season, where I actually kinda liked the US Dub, just based on the US soundtrack for this show. I really kinda liked the vibe it had.
In a way I do feel that this show had in fact the strongest character designs out of all of Digimon. The characters just have the right level of detail. They do not look overdesigned, but also not too simple. I really digged that. And yes, as a kid I cosplayed Takuya a lot.
To me the series just mostly suffers when it comes to the pacing. Not because of the fillers really (I am fine with fillers, as long as the fillers are fun), but rather in terms of the Cherubimon-arc being sooooo long and everything happening after it feeling kind of like an afterthought.
But I still very much like the characters. I just wished they did not make Junpei a glutton. One fat character who isn't a glutton. Is that so much to ask?
#7 Digimon Xros Hunters
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For anyone now going like: "But this is not even a series on its own!" I will kindly ask you: "Shut up, this is my list." Because those couple of episodes from Xros Wars that were clearly just meant to fill the timeslot for a couple more weeks, do have a very different vibes from the rest of the show.
Now, this also is basically just filler + then the crossover event. But... At times this was kinda sweet. I liked the vibes this show had at times and some of the characters were kinda likeable.
And I really liked the opening.
It was not good. Definitely wasn't. But there was stuff about it I liked.
#8 Digimon Adventure
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Yeah, let's get to my most controversial Digimon opinion: I do not like Digimon Adventure a lot. I really don't. Some of the characters are fine, yes, but... I do not like a lot more of this show. Mostly because I fucking hate the crest system and how morally simplistic the show is, with the bad guys just all being bad guys with not much depth. Meanwhile most of the characters are horribly underwritten and have their entire character arcs rushed through within like two episodes.
And I just hate Yamato and how the show just tries to excuse all of his bullshit. There. I said it. I think he is a horrible character. A horrible brother. And a horrible friend. So, yeah, fuck him.
And Nishizono, the showrunner, had no plan where he was going when he started writing. Not entirely his fault, given that he inherited a production that two other writing teams already had abandoned. But maaaaaan, it shows.
#9 Digimon Xros Wars
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What is there to say?
Digimon Xros Wars sucked. It sucked. And to this day I wonder what the drama behind the scenes was. We know there was drama (given the showrunner abandoned the production half-way through!) but details are sparse even ten years later.
But, yeah. Taiki is a fucking Gary Stu and the plot just shifts around him. The story is a whole mess. The female characters get sexualized to no end. Everyone who is not Taiki gets sidelined constantly. The animation is inconsistent. And what not.
And the really sad fact: The manga is so fucking good.
I am fairly certain that most issues are because of production drama. And one day I am gonna find out what that drama was.
#10 Digimon Adventure tri.
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Digimon Adventure tri. is one of the things that by themselves are not good, but get really bad once you consider the universe it is set in. It is one of those things put into an existing canon without honoring the existing canon at all.
It just ignores basically everything happening in 02. The character developments from anything that has happened before. The 02 characters are just not there. The "original chosen children" exist and yet the OVA does not give them the attention they deserve. And Meiko is just... Oh boy. Meiko is just a horrible character for so many reasons.
It is just fucking sad that this exists. So fucking sad. Just why?!
Also, for OVAs the animation is so bad. Soooooo bad.
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pointandshooter · 3 years
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Yamaki Pine - This Bonsai tree is about 395 years-old and survived the U.S . atomic bomb attack on the Japanese civilians that destroyed Hiroshima during World War II. 
“On August 6, 1945, at a quarter-past 8 a.m., bonsai master Masaru Yamaki was inside his home when glass fragments hurtled past him, cutting his skin, after a strong force blew out the windows of the house. The U.S. B-29 bomber called the “Enola Gay” had just dropped the world’s first atomic bomb over the city of Hiroshima, at a site just two miles from the Yamaki home.
The bomb wiped out 90 percent of the city, killing 80,000 Japanese immediately and eventually contributing to the death of at least 100,000 more. But besides some minor glass-related injuries, Yamaki and his family survived the blast, as did their prized bonsai trees, which were protected by a tall wall surrounding the outdoor nursery.
For 25 years, one of those trees sat near the entrance of the National Bonsai and Penjing Museum at the United States National Arboretum in Washington D.C., its impressive life story largely unknown. When Yamaki donated the now 390-year-old white pine bonsai tree to be part of a 53 bonsais gifted by the Nippon Bosnai Association to the United States for its bicentennial celebration in 1976, all that was really known was the tree’s donor. Its secret would remain hidden until 2001, when two of Yamaki’s grandsons made an unannounced visit to the Arboretum in search of the tree they had heard about their entire lives.
Through a Japanese translator, the grandsons told the story of their grandfather and the tree’s miraculous survival. Two years later, Takako Yamaki Tatsuzaki, Yamaki’s daughter also visited the museum hoping to see her father’s tree.
The museum and the Yamaki family maintain a friendly relationship and it is due to these visits that the curators know the precious value of the Yamaki Pine.”
By Katie NodjimbademSMITHSONIANMAG.COM AUGUST 4, 2015
photos: David Castenson
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I wished that they cast a black or Asian actors to play munkustrap and rum Tum Tugger. Could that ever happen?
for anyone seeing this: this list is very long, so i'm apologizing in advance if i've missed any actors!! i've gone through the entire cats wiki for both characters and did my best to compile a thorough list, but ofc let me know if there's any mistakes!
Richard Lloyd King (1980s London)
Tee Jay (1980s London)
Yuichiro Yamaguchi (1980s Tokyo Tugger)
Mayo Kawasaki (1980s Tokyo)
Gregory McKinnon (1980s Vienna Tugger - Cover)
Takanori Shimomura (1995 Tokyo)
Eric Clausell (1993 Australia)
Masaru Yamaki (1999 Nagoya, Osaka 2001)
Tsutomu Arakawa (1995 Tokyo, 1999 Nagoya, Osaka 2001, Tokyo 2004, Yokohama 2009)
Kiyomichi Shiba (1995 Tokyo, 1999 Nagoya Osaka 2001, Tokyo 2004, Yokohama 2009, Fukuoka 2014)
Shoichi Fukui (Tokyo 2004, Yokohama 2009)
Shinya Tanabe (Tokyo 2004, Yokohama 2009, Sapporo 2015, Osaka 2016)
Kim Sungrak (Osaka 2001, Tokyo 2004)
Yoichiro Akutsu (Tokyo 2004, Yokohama 2009, Sendai 2013, Shizuoka 2013, Fukuoka 2013)
Toshihide Kaneda (Tokyo 2004)
Kan Muto (Tokyo 2004)
Masaru Kanamori (Yokohama 2009)
Li Tao (Yokohama 2009, Hiroshima 2012, Sapporo 2015)
Tatsuro Iida (Yokohama 2009, Hiroshima 2012, Sendai 2013, Sapporo 2015)
Gino Emnes (Dutch Tour 2006)
Stanley Burleson (Dutch Tour 2006)
Daesung (South Korea 2008/2011)
Kim Jin-woo (South Korea 2008/2011)
Ra Jun (South Korea 2008/2011)
E Nok (South Korea 2008/2011)
Jung Min (South Korea 2008/2011)
Earl Gregory (South Africa 2009, Asia Tour 2014)
Antoine Murray-Straughan (London 2014)
Marcquelle Ward (London 2015, UK Tour 2016)
Jordan Shaw (London 2014)
Ahmad Simmons (Broadway 2016)
Retsu Kanehisa (Shizuoka 2013, Fukuoka 2014)
Takumi Omine (Sapporo 2015, Osaka 2016, Tokyo 2018)
Kenji Nishio (Osaka 2016)
Kazuya Kamikawa (Osaka 2016, Tokyo 2018, Fukuoka 2021)
Mizuki Omori (Tokyo 2018, Fukuoka 2021, Nagoya 2022)
Jin Sakuma (Tokyo 2018, Fukuoka 2021)
Togo Kaminaga (Tokyo 2018, Fukuoka 2021)
Liu Lingfei (China 2012)
DevinRe Lewis Adams (RCCL Cast 12)
Jason Derulo (2019 Movie)
Todrick Hall (US Regional - La Mirada Theatre 2014)
Shintaro Sonooka (Tokyo 1983)
Kenkichi Hamahata (Tokyo 1983)
Osami Iino (Tokyo 1995)
Shoichi Fukui (Nagoya 1999, Osaka 2001, Tokyo 2004, Yokohama 2009)
Kiyomichi Shiba (Nagoya 1999, Osaka 2001, Tokyo 2004, Yokohama 2009)
Yuji Aoyama (Nagoya 1999, Tokyo 2004)
Masuo Nonaka (Osaka 2001, Tokyo 2004)
Takashi Saimon (Tokyo 2004)
Yuichi Tamura (Tokyo 2004)
Tsutomu Arakawa (Tokyo 2004)
Shouma Kanzaki (Tokyo 2004)
Kan Muto (Yokohama 2009)
Takamasa Hagiwara (Yokohama 2009, Hiroshima 2012, Sendai 2013, Shizuoka 2013, Sapporo 2015, Osaka 2016)
Hong Gyeong-su (South Korea 2008/2011)
Jordan Shaw (London Revival - Munkustrap Cover)
Yuki Matsushima (Hiroshima 2012, Fukuoka 2014)
Susumu Kato (Fukuoka 2014, Sapporo 2015, Osaka 2016, Tokyo 2018, Nagoya 2022)
Kei Tokuyama (Sapporo 2015, Osaka 2016, Tokyo 2018)
Kenji Nishio (Osaka 2016)
Masaru Kitamura (Tokyo 2018)
Taijun Kanemoto (Tokyo 2018, Fukuoka 2021)
Shinya Iwasaki (Tokyo 2021)
Junpei Wakebe (Tokyo 2021, Nagoya 2022)
Tarquinn Whitebooi (Asia Tour 2014 - Munkustrap Cover)
Xia Zhenkai (China 2012)
Mao Haifei (China 2012 - Munkustrap Cover)
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typhlonectes · 5 years
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391-Year-Old Bonsai Tree Survived Hiroshima Bombings and Keeps Growing 
If trees could talk, this bonsai would certainly have a lot of to say. Planted in 1625, it’s lived a lot of history in its nearly 400 years. Currently located at the U.S. National Arboretum in Washington, D.C., it was gifted to the United States by bonsai master Masaru Yamaki in 1976. Little did the Arboretum know that this diminutive plant held a special secret.
The Yamaki family had lived just two miles from where American forces dropped the atomic bomb in Hiroshima in 1945. This horrific event killed 140,000 people and left lasting effects on the city, but Yamaki, his family, and the bonsai—all of whom were indoors during the explosion—were left largely unharmed. Yamaki later donated the tree to the National Bonsai & Penjing Museum ahead of the American bicentennial, never uttering a word about its unique history.
The white pine’s connection to Hiroshima was only revealed in 2001, when Yamaki’s grandsons paid a surprise visit to the collection. And while the museum doesn’t advertise this piece of the bonsai’s history, preferring to emphasize it’s role as a gift of friendship between two nations, it has recently added information about its connection to Hiroshima to its website...
Read more: https://mymodernmet.com/hiroshima-bonsai-tree/
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List of ships
Decided to list out.my ships for potential prompts. Be warned, I'm a multi shipper. If you ship some of these too let me know! I'll write a fic or make gifs!
Taichi x Yamato (taiyama)
Taichi x Koushiro (Taikou)
Taichi x Sora (taiora)
Taichi x Mimi (taimi)
Jyou x Sora (jyora)
Jyou x Mimi (jyomi)
Koushiro x Mimi (koumi)
Takeru x Hikari (takari)
Taichi x Sora x Yamato
Adventure 02
Daisuke x Ken (Daiken)
Jyou x Miyako
Koushiro x Miyako
Miyako x Hikari
Miyako x Mimi
Daisuke x Miyako
Takato x Juri
Ruki x Henry (henruki)
Ruki x Ryo (ryuki)
Ruki x Juri
Ryo x Hirokazu
Kenta x Hirokazu
Ruki x Hirokazu
Takato x Henry
Yamaki x Riley
Takuya x Kouji (takouji)
Takuya x Izumi (takumi)
Kouji x Izumi
Kouichi x Izumi
Junpei x Izumi
Katsuharu x Teppei
Masaru x Tohma (tohmato)
Ikuto x Chika
Miki x Megumi
Xros Wars
Taiki x Akari
Taiki x Kiriha (kiritai)
Kiriha x Nene (kirine)
Taiki x Nene
Taiki x Nene x Kiriha
Yuu x Airu
Yuu x Tagiru
Tagiru x Ryouma
Meiko x Mimi
Meiko x Yamato
Meiko x Taichi
Daigo x Maki
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xjoyce66 · 6 years
L’arbre qui a survécu à Hiroshima
Le 6 août 1945, Enola Gay laissait tomber sa bombe sur Hiroshima. À trois kilomètres de l’impact se trouvait la maison de Masaru Yamaki. Toutes les vitres explosèrent, le blessant au passage. Mais Yamaki et sa famille eurent la chance de survivre, ainsi que ses précieux bonsaïs, protégés par un haut et solide mur.
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L’un de ces bonsaïs est discrètement demeuré durant 25 ans à l’entrée du National Bonsai and Penjing Museum, au sein du United States National Arboretum à Washington D.C. Quand Yamaki fit don de ce pin blanc (qui a désormais 390 ans) en 1976 (53 bonsaïs furent offerts par l’association japonaise du bonsaï en l’honneur du bicentenaire des États-Unis), on ignorait l’histoire de cet arbre.
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L’expédition vers les États-Unis, en 1975
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Masaru Yamaki près de son bonsaï, en 1979.
Ce n’est qu’en 2001, quand deux des petits-fils de Yamaki fit une visite surprise au Musée que l’on sut toute l’histoire. Ils étaient à la recherche de cet arbre dont ils avaient entendu parlé toute leur vie…
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C’est alors que l’on su comment l’arbre avait survécu, protégé par son mur. Le bonsaï avait été transmis dans la famille de M. Yamaki pendant au moins six générations. Un cadeau qui requiert beaucoup de soin et d’attention, en symbole de la relation qui devait unir les deux pays.
Source : Le comptoir de Titam
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hielorei · 6 years
Digimon Shared Universe.
I just put all the digimon seasons in one universe, with a timeline and how the characters grow with some relationships. if you want to read it go ahead, but then again, i merged 8/9 seasons, a few movies and mangas and I kept track of +70 characters. Infinity War the most ambitious crossover event in history? bitch please,
you can allways ask me about this, and/or give me ideas and suggestions
the events of each series stay the same but some thing change,,,
Takuya (11), Kouji (11), Kouichi (11), Zoe/Izumi (11), Junpei (12), Tommy/Tomoki (8)
> +1 year
Tai (11), Matt (11), Sora (11), Izzy (10), Mimi (10), Joe (12), TK (8), Kari (8)
Takuya and Joe are classmates, while the adventure kids were in the Digital World, he got his D-Scanner back (he was in the same summer camp), thanks to the distortion. He knew something was up. Once he go back to the city contacted the other Frontier Kids, and all had their D-Scanners back. They decide to meet where everything started, Shibuya. When Myotismon attacked they protected the civilians. Then they watched how the Adventure Kids fought the Dark Masters.
> +3 years – Our War Game happens here-
Davis (11), Yolei (12), Cody (9), Ken (11), Willis (11)
TK (11), Kari (11)
Tai (14), Matt (14), Sora (14), Izzy (13), Mimi (13), Joe (15)
Takuya, Koiji, Kouichi and Zoe (15) – JP (16) – Tommy (12)
Zoe Move back to Italy. Tommy is Yolei’s classmate.
Hurricane Touchdown (not Digimon movie dub, but japanese version) happens after the Digimon Kaiser Arc.
Everything is the same up until the world Tour arc. In France TK and Tai are helped by Zoe. In Hong Kong, Izzy and Kari are helped by Kouji and Kouichi, Kouchi was in a vacation with his brother for the first time. Takuya was in Australia so he helped Cody and Joe, Joe was surprised that his old classmate was a digidestined. Cody was in Russia and Helped Yolei and Sora, but he trolled them and pretended to not know japanese. JP was in Mexico (he was there for a girl he starting dating online) and helped Matt and Ken. The american team is the same (Davis, Mimi and Micheal) but Willis is also there. The Frontier Kids cant go back to Japan, because their families. But are there in the final episode.
> +3 Years
Tai, Matt, Sora (17) – Mimi, Izzy (16) – TK, Kari (14) – Joe (18)
Meiko (16), Daigo (30), Maki (30)
Joe started dating Zoe, Zoe is Joe’s mysterious girlfriend. Also, Tommy is dating Yolei. The Frontier kids were in the Dark Ocean while the Events of Tri happened. Figthing Daemon? Who knows-
> +2 Years.
Takato (12/13), Jenrya (13), Ruki (13), Ryo (14), Juri (13), Kazu (13), Kenta (13), Alice (13), Suzie (7), Makoto & Ai (4)
Yamaki (32), Riley (26), Tally (23)
The Secret Agency, after loosing Daigo and Maki took a new aproach for Digimon, and name themselves Hypnos. Yamaki was Daigo’s best friend and he wants revange.
JP, adressing the memory loss, decide to find a way for digimon to be always in the people’s mind, but keep it a secret, so he created a card game. The TCG was an instant success.
The wonderswan games are canon. After Ryo felt so betrayed by the adventure kids, he decides to start a new life and erase all memories of himself (even he forgot) and live in simulation made by the homeostasis. But after the reboot from Tri (he is 11 in Tri), he was back in the digital world and without memories whatsoever, he didnt age while in the simulation. So Gennai decides to disguise himself as his father. Even without memories, his connections to the digital world still there, what mades him really good at the TCG, getting the title of the Digimon King. A year before the events of Tamers he goes to the digital world with a girl name Alice, but there she dies and like Wizardmon, her spirit still alive (because she didnt die in her own world)
Cody is Ryo classmate. Yolei and Tommy break up but still friends.
This Digital world isnt the same as the Adventure/Frontier one. This is the digital world created by Yggdrassill after the old one is full (X Evolution Movie). This is why it looks so empty and unstable and why Digimon are never born again, its a mecanism to prevent the digital world from getting full (like your phones). The Holy Beast are based on data from old Digidestined Partners (Daigo and the others). And because we are talking about another digital world, the adventure/frontier kids arent very efective against the devas and the D-Reapper.
>+2 years
Masaru (14), Thomas (14), Yoshino (19), Ikuto (10)
Sampson (34), Miki (21), Megumi (21), Chika (10)
Nanami (14), Kouki (14), Ivan (19)
Takato, Henry, Ruki, Kazu, Kenta, Juri (15), Ryo (16), Suzie (9), Makoto, Ai (6)
Tai, Matt, Sora (21) – Izzy, Mimi, Meiko (20) - Yolei, Tommy (19) – Tk, Kari, Davis, Ken, Willis (18) – Joe, Zoe, Takuya, Kouji, Kouichi (22), JP (23), Yamaki, Maki (34), Riley (28), Tally (25)
Hypnos changes names to DATs, after realizing that battling digimon isnt the answer, and they start to invetigate them and controling them in order to protect the Human World. The Tamers Digital World closed for being to unstable after the Tamers kid got their partners back, but before the portal closed Gatomon felt Wizardmon in that digitalworld, and Kari encouraged her to go find her friend, and she did. And now the Human world is connected to the Adventure/Frontier Digital World again.
Izzy and Yolei joined DATs as data analizers joining Riley and Tally. Yamaki is in charge of the investigation side of DATs, While Sampson is in charge of the protection of the human world. And surprise! Sampson was a digidestined and was part of Daigo and Maki’s group. And Daigo-Maki-Sampson where a triangle like the fandom likes to think of Tai-Sora-Matt.
Takuya, Davis, Ruki and Kazu joins DATs under Sampson, and are the Savers kids tutors. The Sexual Tension between Rika and Thomas is real (but isnt sexual really becase they are 14 and 15 and thats fucking creepy, but it was the best way to describe it), Kazu became really good at the TGC, because he trained with Rika (I will use my dub version were Kazu did respect and admire Rika because she is the Digimon Queen and the sexist was Kenta, Kazu always called him out on his BS), also Kazu is dating Ryo (my AU, my OTP, my Canon.) but the relationship is secret, Kazu isnt ready to be out and Ryo is okay.
Matt is busy with rockstar stuff. Tai and Joe are busy with university. JP is busy running a company at only 23 and TK is the main writer of Digimon Stories, TK is in a polyamorous relationship with Kari and Willis (who moved to Japan). Sora started her first cloth collection with designs based on the digital world, and Mimi and Zoe are the main models. Mimi also started a movie career.
> +1 year
DATs couldnt take care of all digimon related dangers so create various teams around the world.
DATs America: Willis, Sampson, TK, Kari, Ryo, Kazu, Izzy, Mimi, Tally
DATs Europe: Matt, Sora, Zoe, Joe, Tommy, Yolei, Thomas, Ivan, Miki, Tai
DATs Japan: Yamaki, Riley, Masaru, Ikuto, Yoshino, Ken, Davis, Ruki, Megumi
The Digital World start glitching and Ryo recovers his memories, and he is angry, especially at Tai and Davis. Ryo thinks that the Adventure group cant be trusted, on top of that, he discovers the story of DATs, and how it was called Hypnos, and what the organization did when was under control of Maki, whom is Back, and maybe its the cause of why the digital world is glitching. Who gave the right to a small group of humans to decide what is best for the digital world? The digidestined have to choose a side, Ryo Side, who think humans should leave the digital world alone and it population. Davis Side who after the Events of Tri, Tamers and Savers thinks Humans should protect the human world from the digimon (and maybe build a firewall around it and make the digimon pay for it). Both sides started fighting, until Tai took charge, and decide that diplomacy is the best choice, a middle ground.
DATs collapsed after that but didnt end. And the Door to the Digital world closed.  
> 2 years
Taiki (13), Akari (12/13), Zenjirou (12/13), Kiriha (14), Nene (14), Yuu (11)
The Fusion kids are called to the Tamers Digital World once it bacame stable, it was divided in zones and all this time without being in danger allowed a new way of evolution.
In this AU, Akari Friendship and Zenjirou Courage made them worthy of their 
xrosloaders, with a little help of an Omegamon and never went back to the human world (because I cant be the one who connected what Omega said to Taiki about Akari’s friendship and Zenjirou’s courage with the their crosloaders colors, I mean, Akari got a light blue xrossloader and Zenjirou a orange one! Come one! It was a callback to the crests!)
Also, a Gatomon and a Wizardmon joined the Xros-Heart Army. And like the manga, Wizardmon also dies here and Gatomon jump to another digital world to find her best friend/lover.
> +1 year
Taguiru (12), Yuu (12), Taiki, Zanjirou, Akari (14), Kiriha, Nene (15)
Ryouma (13), Ren (12), Airu (12), Hideaki (13), Kiichi (12), Mizuki (14)
KenX (12), Haruki (13), Noboru (13)
Makoto, Ai (10) – Suzie, Alice (13) – Ikuto, Chika (14) - Masaru, Thomas, Kouki, Nanami (18) – Takato, Henry, Rika, Kazu, Kenta, Juri (19) – Ryo, Cody (20) – TK, Kari, Willis, Davis, Ken (22) – Yolei, Tommy, Yoshino, Ivan (23) – Izzy, Mimi, Meiko (24) – Tai, Matt, Sora, Miki, Megumi (25) – Joe, Zoe, Takuya, Kouji, Kouchi (26) – JP (27) – Tally (30) – Riley (32) – Yamaki, Maki, Sampson (38)
Akari is classmate of Ikuto and Chika, whom may or may not have feelings for each other. Suzie is classmate with Ryouma. JP and Tally started dating. After Joe graduated got married with Zoe. Davis moved to the USA. Yolei and Ken are dating. Yamaki finally proposed to Riley. Without Daigo, Maki and Sampson started having a thing. Yoshino and Tommy are fuck buddies. Kazu is out and all his friends supported him and is happy with Ryo. Nanami dated Henry, but it didnt end well. Henry dated Takato, but they decided to stay as friends, and they still best friends (with benefits...), in fact, it was Henry who pushed Takato to ask Jeri out. And Jeri may or may not have had a one night stand with Rika (all the Tamers kids are at least bisexual, fight me, again, my AU, my canon). Takuya is dating Megumi. Matt and Sora Break up, and Sora is dating Kouichi. There are rumours in DATs that Thomas and Ruki are banging in “secret”, they are, but are horrible at keeping it a secret, and everyone pretends to not know about them.
A new thing called DigiQuartz is a plane similar to the Digital World in small scale, and it has characteristics of the DW-FAS (Digital World Frontier/Adventure/Savers) and DW-TX (Digital World Tamers/XrosWars) . DATs decide to investigate this and the leader of it is Izzy, helped by Yolei, Riley and Maki. They discover that the Digiquartz hold the data of creatures who died in other worlds. So they can recover Alice, Wizardmon, Meicoomon and Leomon (adventure). Gatomon was in the DigiQuartz looking for Wizardmon. Once the data recovered, Juri’s D-Arc linked with Leomon (because basically its the same digimon, but not “her leomon”), and Alice D-Arc linked with Wizardmon.
With the DigiQuartz Izzy could create new technologies and society advance really fast. Izzy also started working with a old professor on a AI, Code Name: Minerva.
> +4 years
Haru (13), Eri (14), Astra (11), Rei (14), Yuujin (13), Ai-U (13), Hajime (8) Knight (?)
Makoto, Ai (14) – Taguiru, Yuu, Ren, Airu, Kiichi, Ken-X (16) – Suzie, Alice, Ryouma, Hideaki, Haruki, Noboru (17) – Ikuto, Chika, Taiki, Zanjirou, Akari, Mizuki (18) – Kiriha, Nene (19) -  Masaru, Thomas, Kouki, Nanami (22) – Takato, Henry, Rika, Kazu, Kenta, Juri (23) – Ryo, Cody (24) – TK, Kari, Willis, Davis, Ken (26) – Yolei, Tommy, Yoshino, Ivan (27) – Izzy, Mimi, Meiko (28) – Tai, Matt, Sora, Miki, Megumi (29) – Joe, Zoe, Takuya, Kouji, Kouchi (30) – JP (31) – Tally (34) – Riley (36) – Yamaki, Maki, Sampson (42)
JP’s Digimon company was absorbed by the L-Corp and cancelled the Digimon Franchise, But Haru has some memories of the games. Ryouma is dating Suzie and Henry doesnt like it at all. Matt dated Nene and it was scandalous since they both are well known musicians and have a 10 years diference… but it didnt worked at all, they still good friends tho, and collaborate from time to time. After that, Matt and Sora starting dating again, and he proposed to her. Taguiru is dating Hideaki, Airu is dating Alice. Davis and Takato opened a restaurant and Hideaki work part time there, and hopes to get an intership in L-Corp. Cody is in Law School. Yoshino and Ken enter the police. Kari graduated and is a teacher now.  A Hollywood studio got the rights of TK books. Takato is also in Art School.  
The DigiQuartz evolve into the AR-Fields, and in the space between the DW-FAS and DW-TX, the data there created a sub species knows as Appmons.
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aloneinstitute · 2 years
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Surpreendente: bonsai de quase 400 anos que sobreviveu até à bomba de Hiroshima.
Esse bonsai, com quase 400 anos é a prova mais incrível de resistência a tragédias, principalmente aquelas provocadas pelo homem.
Os bonsais (bonsai é uma palavra de origem japonesa e significa “plantando em uma bandeja” na língua portuguesa) são árvores maduras que se transformam em miniaturas através de técnicas de podas contínuas de seus galhos e raízes, além de amarrações com arame. A muda demora de 3 a 12 anos pra se tornar uma planta adulta.
No dia 6 de agosto de 1945, às 8:15 da manhã, dois pilotos americanos lançaram uma bomba atômica sobre a cidade japonesa de Hiroshima.
Em questão de minutos, a cidade toda estava destruída. Alguns relatos afirmam que, em um raio de 6 quilômetros de onde a bomba caiu, a explosão inicial incinerou tudo quase que instantaneamente.
Miraculosamente, a única coisa que sobreviveu ao impacto foi esse pequeno bonsai de 390 anos, de aparência frágil e delicada. Ele foi encontrado à 3 quilômetros de distância do local da explosão!
A planta foi presente do "mestre dos bonsais" aos Estados Unidos. Em 1976, o japonês Masaru Yamaki, conhecido como mestre do bonsai, doou uma planta do tipo aos Estados Unidos. O que não se sabia na época é que a árvore tem 391 anos e sobreviveu ao ataque de Hiroshima, 26 de dezembro de 2016.
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prophetpedia · 3 years
If trees could talk, what remarkable things they must have to say. This White Pine Bonsai Tree planetd in 1625 currently resides in the U.S. National Arboretum in Washington, D.C. if it’s long age does not awe you, the conditions which it has survived might. The Bonsai tree, traditionally found and celebrated in Japan, was owned by bonsai master Masaru Yamaki who later donated it to the National…
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junkyard-gifs · 5 months
100% of Sillabubs agree with you that Tugger looks like a comfy bed for a kitten to nap on. (If he'll just stop rocking out for a moment.)
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But she will ask politely, as Skimbleshanks sings about the sleeping car express.
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(Tugger is a very patient mattress.)
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Shiki production, Nagoya 20/7/2000. Eriko Murata as Sillabub, ?Masaru Yamaki as Tugger, ?Yoshinori Momo as Skimbleshanks.
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claudio82clod · 5 years
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Nuovamente in ritardo oggi recupererò postando due foto. La prima continua il discorso iniziato con la foto di Hiroshima distrutta e fa sperare che la razza umana prima o poi migliori. Si tratta di un pino bianco del Giappone in miniatura, invasato ben 390 anni fa e appartenuto a una famiglia che abitava a meno di tre chilometri dal luogo di impatto della prima bomba atomica della storia. La famiglia lo ha curato per cinque generazioni, finché, nel 1975, il pino fu donato negli Stati Uniti dal maestro di bonsai Masaru Yamaki, in previsione dei festeggiamenti per il bicentenario della fondazione del paese. Gli stessi responsabili dell'arboreto non seppero nulla del rapporto tra l'albero e la città bombardata fino al 2001, quando due nipoti di Yamaki vennero a visitare il locale museo dei bonsai (National Bonsai & Penjing Museum) proprio per vedere il pino del nonno. Quando esplose la bomba, uccidendo 140 mila persone, l'albero era protetto in un vivaio circondato da alte mura, assieme alle altre squisite creazioni di Yamaki. Oggi il pino è alto poco più di un metro. #hiroshima #ww2 #storie #storia #storieefoto #history #worldwar #worldwar2 #japan #atomic #bomb #bonsai https://www.instagram.com/p/B05fTY-H9yv/?igshid=1sojwd1g5gjpy
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Descubre el bonsai que tiene 391 años de edad, ha sobrevivido a Hiroshima y sigue creciendo
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La mayoría contamos con heridas de guerra, historias que nos han puesto al límite y que hemos superado. Pero lo de este bonsái rompe todos los esquemas de supervivencia que puedas tener. Con casi 400 años de edad y el ataque de una bomba atómica sobre sus ramas, este árbol puede estar orgulloso de sus logros. Plantado en 1625, tiene actualmente 391 años de edad y pertenecía a la familia Yamaki, que en 1945 vivía a sólo dos millas del lugar en el que las fuerzas estadounidenses lanzaron la bomba que mató a unas 140.000 personas. Sorprendentemente, el árbol y la familia Yamaki sobrevivieron a la explosión. Aunque pueda parecer inverosímil, después del ataque nuclear, en 1976, este mismo bonsái fue un regalo para Estados Unidos del maestro de bonsáis Masaru Yamaki. Sin embargo, la historia no era conocida por los propietarios del bonsái hasta años después, cuando en 2001 los nietos de Yamaki explicaron su extraordinaria historia mientras visitaban la colección.
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Además de curioso e invencible, es bonito. Esta pequeña pieza de arte viviente es digna de admirar. Aunque los bonsáis están ya extendidos por todo el mundo, su cultivo es un arte que proviene de China, pero que se perfeccionó en el país del sol naciente cuando llegaron hace ya 800 años. Estas plantas requieren tanta atención como delicadeza. Pueden llegar a crearse preciosos bosques de bonsáis conociendo este arte y sus secretos en profundidad.
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En caso de estar pensando en tener un ejemplar en casa, no debes olvidar que se trata de todo un arte y que conocerlo bien supone bastante trabajo. Se necesitan técnicas específicas de riego, abono, poda y trasplante que debemos aprender para mantener con vida un bonsái, lo que también incluye mucha dedicación. Fuente: Boredpanda Read the full article
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lpmissy · 5 years
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Amazing! Credit to @facts_and_video : A 400 year old Bonsai tree from the 1600s that survived the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945. Japanese bonsai master Masaru Yamaki and his family were inside their home when the atomic bomb exploded less than 2 miles away. The bomb killed 140,000 people but Yamaki and his family miraculously survived with only minor injuries from flying glass fragments. The bonsai tree, which was outside their house in a walled nursery was unharmed. Thirty years later, Yamaki donated the tree to the U.S. as a sign of friendship from Japan. Today, the tree is located at the National Arboretum in Washington, D.C. Be sure to Follow @facts_and_history for more #facts and #video #history #riddles #plants (at Baltimore, Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3NN4YogoJQ/?igshid=1du6b3nn1r0g3
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moodboardmix · 7 years
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Japanese White Pine, Donated by Bonsai Master Masaru Yamaki.
In training since 1625, This tree survived the bombing of Hiroshima !
National Bonsai and Penjing Museum in Washington, DC. 
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itsricdiculous · 6 years
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Japanese White Pine.
This Bonsai Tree has been trained since 1625. It survived the Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and now sits in a museum in Washington D.C. A token of forgiveness donated by Bonsai Master Masaru Yamaki.
Absolute perfection.
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