#masamune headcanon
sleepyminty · 3 months
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Textposts i found next to kujou family cringe compilation tapes
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Remember to hug your siblings fellas
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the12thnightproject · 6 months
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Warlords in a Snowball Fight
A general winter themed flash headcanon, as a gift for the Flash Exchange. @flash-exchange
Headcanon: Warlords in a Snowball Fight
In Azuchi…
Nobunaga – Strides through the field of battle, easily packing the snow into efficient weapons. Cooly confident that nobody would dare...  Splat!
Masamune – A snow battle? Bring it on! Runs wildly into action, skidding to a drift, quickly forms lopsided snowballs, and throws them with surprisingly good aim, especially given his blind side. Which… by the way… Splat!
Hideyoshi –  Sets out a list of rules, including, no ice in the middle of your snowball, no throwing snowballs inside the castle, absolutely no running! In the midst of announcing the rules… Splat!
Ieyasu –  Splat! He goes home and locks himself in his panic room with his emotional support sourdough starter.
Mitsunari – An army is made and broken by its organization. Carefully stockpiles snowballs at strategic points throughout Azuchi. Then gets distracted by a new book and forgets to join in the battle.
Ranmaru – Finds Mitsunari’s useful stacks of snowballs, and climbs to the roof, where he systematically picks everyone off, sniper style. Splat!
Keiji – Stands in the center of the field of play, grabbing the closest snow at hand, and throwing it randomly. He’s a dervish. Then he opens his arms wide and yodels, “Who wants to take on the wild child of these war-torn islands, he whose name is sung far and wide, the roguish misfit, Keiji Maeda?”  Splat! Splat! Splat!  
Mitsuhide – Excels at sneaking from hiding spot to hiding spot, surprising victims by popping up out of nowhere and disappearing before they can retaliate. Is also the reason Ieyasu is hiding.
At Kasugayama… things are slightly more dangerous
Kenshin – Instead of snowballs, hurls icicles like spears.
Kanetsugu –  When people complain about flying icicles, tells them they should be honored to receive such attention from the God of War.
Shingen – Organizes Yukimura and Yoshimoto into a team and carefully strategizes the best times and places to attack. Has also built a working snow catapult. In spite of all that, he ends up strangely covered in snow, because, let’s face it, the man looks great in a wet kimono. And out of one.
Yukimura – Is an athletic and efficient snowball thrower, very good on the front lines in an all-out battle, but not terribly good at sneak attacks.
Yoshimoto – Is every snowflake truly different? Let’s find out? He wanders out into the garden. Is not seen until spring.
Sasuke – After getting hit by one too many icicles, packs his snowballs with ground spikes and sets off smoke bombs to escape.
Lone Forces…
Kennyo –  Tricks Azuchi and Kasugayama into fighting each other, then goes off and feeds hungry forest creatures.
Motonari – Snow? Snow doesn’t burn. Hell has frozen over. Sets sail for more tropical climates at the first sign of a flake.
Kicho – Sets off an avalanche.
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aquagirl1978 · 1 year
Can you make a headcanon for the Ikemen Sengoku guys getting jealous due to the MC like flirting with another man? Mainly, Ieyasu, Nobunaga, Masamune, Mitsuhide, Shingen and Kennyo's reactions?
Thank you for this request, anon. Hope you're having a great weekend!
IKEMEN SENGOKU HEADCANONS - JEALOUS WARLORDS (Ieyasu, Nobunaga, Masamune, Mitsuhide, Shingen, Kennyo)
Ieyasu Tokagawa
Did he notice you spending a bit too long chatting with that merchant? No, of course not - Ieyasu does not know feelings of jealousy. He sternly calls your name, stealing your attention from the merchant, reminding you of the schedule you need to adhere to. For the remainder of the shopping trip, he demands that you stay by his side so he can keep a close eye on you - there is no time to waste with worthless chatter.
Nobunaga Oda
How dare that man engage your attention, even for a fraction of a moment, during a party in Nobu's honor! He immediately calls over another servant, and asks her to take over tea service for you. Nobu sees you frown when your replacement informs you of what's going on. He waits for you to make eye contact before waving you over. To his side. Where you belong.
Masamune Date
Is that another man talking to his lass? His hand is on his sword in a gut reaction, he slows his steps down the hallway so as to not scare you by surprise. Is that your laughter he hears? His fingers tighten around the hilt of his sword, ready to bare his fangs and show this other guy who owns your heart. Masamune's face falls when he overhears the man say goodbye, his chance to fight for you love slowly walking away.
Mitsuhide Akechi
Little mouse, are you trying to get my attention by flirting with the merchant? His golden eyes glitter as he watches you discuss the different fabrics, your eyes lighting with a passion he so rarely sees outside of the bedroom. He is filled with curiosity as to what he could do in the bedroom to elicit a similar, passionate reaction from you later tonight. As soon as you are done with your purchase, Mitsuhide whispers to you that this shopping excursion is over, and it is time to return home.
Shingen Takeda
Shingen's brows furrow, his eyes darken as he watches you talk to the guest at the party. He notices your bright smile as you touch this man's arm. Confident that this is just an accidental touch, he continues to watch you as this man doesn't take his eyes off of you. Nor you he. Shingen strides over to you, a smile on his face, ready to introduce himself - as your lover. From there, he will keep a tight arm around your waist, not just to show everyone in attendance that you are spoken for, but because he just can't keep his hands off of you.
His eyes flicker from the flowers he is looking at - is that another man you are speaking to? He listens to you and hears the lilt in your voice - that beautiful, sweet voice that has so often comforted and calmed him, now being spoken to another man. He watched calmly as you engaged this other man in what sounded like innocent chatter. Kennyo smiled as you finished your conversation. His turn would come later that evening in the bedroom when he would make you sing his name. Over and over again.
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sword-brainrot · 1 year
Hi! This is my first time requesting so I'm kinda nervous how to word it out. Anyway, may I request romantic headcanons (separate ofc) for Chougi, Hyuuga and Monoyoshi? Ty! And take care.
So sorry that this took forever. I hope you still like it (●´ω`●)
Yamanbagiri Chougi, Monoyoshi Sadamune, and Hyuuga Masamune Romantic Headcanons
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♡ Chougi may be the most difficult for him to recognize his feelings and also be true to them.
♡ Chougi is a hardworking and dedicated sword that is all about proving himself. He is a touken danshi, not human. So many times, he thinks learning to live like a human is rather useless. He is a sword, that is all there is to it.
♡ However, that doesn't change that he does have emotions and how he is more influenced by emotions than realizes.
♡ He easily gets annoyed and angry around Manba, that is the easiest found evidence of his emotions that he simply cannot hide.
♡ There is another emotion he can't hide.... And that is when he gets praises from his favorite person, You.
♡ To be fair, you were probably not his favorite person at the start because he had no favorite person. You were simply his master and him the sword that would serve you in protecting history.
♡ Yet... You showed him special attention. You praised him after missions, you would actively talk and listen to his story. Even when he complained about Manba, you listened and didn't chide him too much. You allowed him to express his emotions.
♡ How could be not fall for you? Even if he didn't realize it.
♡ Chougi suddenly had a urge to always become MVP in battles because he knew that he would hear your praises. Suddenly he would "accidentally" run into while you were going about your daily schedule.
♡ Oh no! You are carrying a bunch of books? Suddenly Chougi is there to carry them for you because that is his job as the saniwa's sword! .... Do swords carry books now?
♡ Good luck getting him to confess first because he will not. He doesn't know what these emotions mean! He thinks he is just being the perfect sword.
♡ It is only when you confess or another sword points out how you look at Chougi, that is when the gears start turning in his head.
♡ But he can't love you. He is a sword. He is suppose to serve on the battlefield and die on the battlefield. That is his role in history.... Right?
♡ Suddenly, Chougi is no longer running into you. No longer becoming giddy when you praise him. Instead he starts to give you the cold shoulder and give small remarks of "thanks" before moving away.
♡ And it kills him every time.
♡ This man is too stubborn for his own good. He will refuse to acknowledge his feelings. Instead he will suppress and deflect.
♡ That tactic quickly fails when he sees you getting close to someone else and jealousy spikes in him. He was suppose to be your special someone. That other person isn't allowed to make you smile when he is suppose to.
♡ Once again, Chougi is working overtime to become MVP and get your attention. Randomly running into you and each time you look at him, his heart beats a bit faster.
♡ It's only then... Does he think over the words that he may harbor deeper feelings for you and realize how he doesn't want anyone else to take that place from him.
♡ Chougi is both great at words... and terrible at it when it's his own vulnerable feelings.
♡ It is one day after a mission he shined in, he requested a moment of your time. By this time, Chougi was exhausted from the mission. His outfit was more dirty than he would of liked and his hair was tussled. He had to talk to you, here and now.
♡ He took you to a quiet place in the citadel and held your hand in his gloved one. Just this action alone made him think he was going to have a heart-attack. His blue eyes refused to look at you. Instead, he focused on the mountains.
♡ "I have always aimed to be a perfect sword for my master. I am Yamanbagiri Chougi, my name comes from slaying down yamanba (mountain crone). That was my story, at least I thought it was before someone stole it from me. It doesn't matter if he really did or not, but I realize that I had emotions invested in that after all. Emotions a sword shouldn't have. I was angry that my story was stolen. Which made me realize that I don't want anything else stolen from me."
♡ He finally looks at you, "I don't want you to be stolen from me. I want to be your special someone, if you will have someone struggling with learning what emotions are."
♡ As a lover, Chougi is very doting. He leans more on physical affection over verbal. He still doesn't understand how to word things to truly convey how he feels.
♡ He still gets jealous here and there but he trusts you and doesn't control you. He knows you love him and wouldn't ever leave him.
♡ Honestly, just that makes him very confident and cocky.
♡ He is definitely the type that that will lock eyes and smirk at anyone who gets rejected by you, with his arm around your shoulder.
♡ He doesn't use pet names because he finds them a little weird still. Truthfully, he probably still refers to you as Aruji. However, there are times when he is feeling more affectionate and confident and will say your real name instead. Only in moments when you two are alone.
♡ He still has a lot to unpack about emotions and how to go about them in a healthy manner but he is much more willing to learn to live and enjoy another side of being a touken danshi if it means that he can stay by your side.
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♡ Monoyoshi is someone who loves life and actively seeks out what it means to be human. He wants to experience it all!
♡ Before his life as a Touken Danshi, Monoyoshi was a sword of Tokugawa Ieyasu and got passed along in the Ieyasu family. He saw the family strive and saw many of his masters as a child then grow into fine warriors.
♡ Being able to have the chance to live for himself is one that he would never take for granted.
♡ Monoyoshi wears his heart on his sleeve. He is always seen smiling and helping others, either by his great luck or his soothing words.
♡ Monoyoshi loves kids and normally always the first to welcome any new tantous to the citadel, or help any random kid that he sees when you take him shopping with you.
♡ A baby fussing in front of you two? Suddenly Monoyoshi starts to sing a lullaby or making silly faces at the child. Most times, the baby quiets down and looks at Monoyoshi with interest.
♡ He also shows you the same affection. You may be the saniwa but he actively tries to learn who you are as a person.
♡ Monoyoshi is very sensitive to negative emotions and is always there when he feels like something is wrong.
♡ As caring and affectionate as he is, he may not realize when his feelings turn from platonic to romantic. That is something you can't learn from observing.
♡ He was there when his previous masters got married... but when did they fall in love? He didn't know.
♡ That is an aspect in life that brings him great interest because he wants to understand it so badly. Love is clearly so powerful to the heart that he wants to understand what it feels like.
♡ He expresses these wishes to you before either of you have any feelings for one another.
♡ Queue the romcom movie nights. He will watch everyone of them and you will be there on the ride for him to ask all the questions.
♡ "Why did they suddenly fight? I thought they loved each other?" "Uh... probably for an interesting conflict in the movie but sometimes people don't see eye to eye, even if they do love each other."
♡ He is so confused by this because he thought love was the most powerful element and nothing could get in the way of that.
♡ Which starts his plan....
♡ "Aruji! I want to do all the romcom montages too! Will you help me?"
♡ He looks at you with that puppy eyes... How could you say no? Which starts your adventure of fake(?) dating and doing all the scenarios you see in romcoms.
♡ Dancing, teaching each other a skill, looking into each other eyes, watching movies, going to amusement park, taking cheesy picture... Everything
♡ It was just something to do to show a them what it was like to be in a romcom, if people actually did these things or if it was just for the screen.
♡ However, it became so much more than that.
♡ From just acting out the scenes, Monoyoshi began to realize how much he truly wanted to live these parts of his life with you. He didn't want to just do things that were in romcoms, he wanted to truly have special moments with you and make treasured memories for you.
♡ He was also terrified of messing up and causing a big endgame conflict that was always there. He never wanted to see you hurt or be the one to hurt you.
♡ It was a day that you two were suppose to have a picnic outing together, he decided to bring up his true feelings or end the montage because he didn't want to make you uncomfortable.
♡ With his amazing luck, he sat down next to you and quickly found a four leaf clover. He handed it to you with his charming smile and said:
♡ "Aruji, I am truly so lucky to have met you. You are like this four leaf clover to me. There was so many chances I would of never met you, yet I did and you made me an even luckier sword. Doing these romcom scenes with you made me realize that I want every moment to be special with you because you are special to me. Sorry if this is out of line."
♡ Not much chances after you two become official because you both have already been rather affectionate with one another. Monoyoshi LOVES complimenting you at every thing. He also loves holding your hand and giving you any gift he can find on his missions.
♡ He is such a doting partner. Just being next to you makes him shine with happiness.
♡ He also loves pet names. Loves calling you: Honey, Sweetheart, or my Clover.
♡ He still worries a bit over there being conflict between the two of you, so he is always the first that demands that the two talk it out if there is ever something that upsets the other. To not hold anything in and be considerate.
♡ Monoyoshi doesn't ever want to lose you and puts his all into the relationship to make you happy and show you all the love he has in his heart. (人´ω`*)♡
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♡ Originally, Hyuuga was created to be a sword of prayer but his first master decided to use him in battle instead. Which gives him an unique view on the world compared to some other swords.
♡ Hyuuga understands very well the emotions of people when he was a sword of prayer and he also understands why war/battles break out.
♡ He is a very understanding person and opened-minded. Which makes him more willing to try romance, even though he is a sword.
♡ Hyuuga is always the person that keeps a watchful eye out on the citadel and sees inner conflicts or someone having a bad.
♡ He goes out of his way to help in his own way. If there is a leak in the citadel and some swords are upset with getting dirty, he will go out of his way to repair it so it makes their everyday a bit easier. He doesn't need to be asked, if it helps others - he will do it.
♡ Same goes for you. You are the saniwa of the citadel and plenty of tedious task rest on your shoulders. He tries to carry even a little bit to make it easier on you.
♡ You need to deliver letters but still have paperwork to do? Hyuuga is up for the task without any hesitation. That is the type of person he is.
♡ He doesn't put others on pedestals and view them as they are: Human.
♡ His previous master had plenty of flaws of his own. Yet, Hyuuga still liked him for the man he was. He saw the good and bad of him.
♡ Which makes him so open-minded whenever he talks to other.
♡ Plenty of times he has been by your side and if he saw you troubled, he would try to help relieve it. Either by doing a task for you to help with stress or ask you what was wrong.
♡ Many probably view Hyuuga as someone who might not understand the complicated emotions of humans, but he is probably one of the swords that understand it best.
♡ He will give realistic advice. Understanding the emotional part of what is troubling others but also giving the logistical aspect to problem-solve it.
♡ Hyuuga probably offers often to serve as the attendant if he sees you struggling because he wants to help.
♡ Hyuuga is very good at math, so he probably offers to take any tasks that involve a fair share of mathematics to help out. He is quick with it and he actually really enjoys solving any math problems.
♡ You both get into a daily routine of being hunched over as each of you work on your own tasks. A peaceful silence in the room that is only broken when one of you notices the time and decides it's time for a break/meal.
♡ This routine becomes something that Hyuuga quickly falls into pace with and comes to enjoy. He truly enjoys being around you and helping you.
♡ Any thought that comes to the top of your head, he will gladly listen. Especially if it's a story of your youth. He wants to learn about you. Not as the saniwa, but as (Y/N). The human that he treasures spending time with.
♡ Hyuuga has a big sweet tooth when it comes to umeboshi. Even on days when he is on "break" from task work with you. He will find himself at your door, asking if you wanted to share some with him.
♡ It is moments like this that makes Hyuuga realize that he is no longer only a sword, but a Touken Danshi. He is able to choose what he wants to do and have freedom.
♡ In the past, he would never have the chance to ask his master if they wanted to share a sweet treat or to stand in the rain to enjoy the feeling on his skin.
♡ Being around you makes him feel alive. Truly alive.
♡ The day he asks if he can hold your hand, he holds it so gently like it is the most fragile thing.
♡ Slowly he brings it to his face, his face warms as he feels your hand on his cheek.
♡ "You make me feel alive and I don't want to ever forget."
♡ Hyuuga likes being physical affection. Either handholding, or just sitting close enough that there is small touches. He likes to show his feelings through touches, rather than words.
♡ Affection glances as well. His eyes are so full of love when he looks at you while you are doing your work. You can always catch him glancing at you with that affection gaze. Only for him to smile when you catch him and he goes back to his task at hand.
♡ If you want to hear him say those three special words, he will. However, he likes to show them so you never doubt him. He truly cherishes you and find any boring task to be fantastical when it is with you.
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the-stumbling-samurai · 5 months
The Warlords- Dad Headcanon: Masamune
Date Masamune (Don't mind if i do)
>Twin boys, full of unbridled chaos. >Masamune for the first time in his life may feel tired, he may even have to slow down a bit! >But hey, life is an adventure and his two boys just make it the greatest of all. >Gets very offended when they turn out to be picky eaters and insult his cooking. >The twins are the hiding seek champions of Ōshu, Azuchi, and probably all of Japan. >It took Masaume and Hideyoshi 5 hours to find them in the village one day. (they were hiding at Ieyasu’s, learning about medicines and herbs from an irritated Ieyasu.) >Poor Shogetsu can't get away from them. >Nobunaga finds the twins to be a formidable future addition to his future forces >Hideyoshi finds them to be a headache. >Big little flirts. all the ladies of court find them charming, adorable, and lovely. >However all the little girls their age find them obnoxious, annoying, and clowns.
"... Hey! Stop chasing Wasabi around!" Ieyasu turns, glaring to Masamune. "Can't you keep them under control? They re going to cause Wasabi and injury!" He grumbles to the other warlord. Masamune sighs, running his hands through his hair. "I don't see what the big deal is, Ieyasu. They are just playing with it. If something happens and you can't fix it. Just eat-" "Dad look! I'm Shogetsu!" One of the twins yells, having climbed onto a banister. I'm going to bounce and catch my prey!!" He stands up, waving his hands in the air as he turns toward the unsuspecting fawn. "I don't think that's a good idea!" "1......" "Wait I'm not over there to-"
"2......." Masamune and Ieyasu both run across the yard, one to the predator and one to the prey. "3!" The little boy jumps eagerly, without fear CRASH
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thezestyone · 2 years
The IkeSen Guys’ Reaction To MC Saying “I see you”:
“Yes, that’s what eyes do”: Sasuke, Mitsuhide, Kenshin, Ieyasu, Kanetsugu
“I see you too” *winks flirtatiously*: Shingen, Masamune, Nobunaga, Keiji, Yoshimoto, Motonari
“I also see you” *completely friendly*: Mitsunari, Kennyo, Ranmaru, Yukimura, Hideyoshi, Kicho
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oda-princess · 3 months
Modern AU ikesen hc where either Masamune or Mitsuhide send Ieyasu a text titled "when your short friend starts acting up" followed by that video of the elf on the shelf being taped to the table and stabbed.
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revasserium · 1 year
I'm being a rebel and requesting Ikesen Masamune and barefoot 💜
send me one and a character u__u
hurricane (prompt: barefoot)
masamune; 1,813; fluff and... that's it; @violettduchess is quite possibly one of the only ppl who can get me to write for a fandom that i had no plans in joining BUT HERE I AM FOLKS. here the fuCK i am.
he has always been a hurricane.
there are moments in a person’s life big enough for a single choice to put them on a completely different path, and then — there are those moments, much smaller moments, adding up to that one, bigger, monumental, life-changing moment. this is one of the latter.
the moon is heaven bright, swinging low in a full-bellied sky, and insomnia had plagued you till you’d come into the inner gardens for refuge. at least here, it felt like you were stuck between the pages of a waking dream. so… sleep-adjacent, right? right.
you swing your feet off the edge of the pristinely mopped wooden walkways, your sketchbook propped in your lap, a charcoal pencil gliding over the smooth, moon-bleached pages. you let your hand take the drawing where it wants, and these days, there’s only one place that your hand (and, subsequently the rest of your mind and body) seems to want to go.
he appears as fish-tail flicks of your wrist bring him to life on the pages, each sketch fluid and overlapping with the next, almost like the depiction of dance — the crinkle at the edge of his eye, the curve of his hand as he rests it on the hilt of one of his blades, the strong, graceful slope of his shoulders and back, the crescent moon curve of his lips as he smiles, ever light, ever teasing, in your direction.
“ah… is that what i look like?”
his voice makes you jump, and even now after all this time, it sets your heart racing in your chest as you whirl around to find his nose inches from yours, that self-same smile hinged across his damnably gorgeous lips.
“w-wh — why aren’t you sleeping?” is your stumbling, cobbled together response to being jump-scared in the middle of his castle pagoda, but it’s the best you could come up with. he only leans back, chuckling, his arms tucked into the long thin sleeves of his kosode as he casts his eye up towards the full moon, his expression for once devoid if mischief or calculation. it’s strange, seeing him like this, so still and so quiet, and something about it makes you go still too, wondering if this is what its like to be caught in the eye of the storm, where the quiet is only ever momentary and destruction dances just beyond where your mind can reach.
“i could ask the same of you, kitten. so tell me… why aren’t you sleeping?” he grins as he joins you, propping one arm on a bent knee, watching as you gather yourself, palms pressing to the pages of your sketchbook.
“i… i couldn’t sleep.” you look down at your own knees, and it strikes you then that your feet are still bare. you can’t help glancing at masamune, and sure enough, his feet are bare too. no wonder i hadn’t heard him coming.
but something about this sets you off, the sight of his bare feet next to yours, and even though it shouldn’t be so tantalizing a thing — the flicker of bare flesh, the hint of skin unseen— you feel like one of those ancient victorian maidens, blushing at the sight of bare ankles.
you can’t help it; you start to laugh.
and masamune, sitting beside you, finds himself transfixed, held still by the sound of your laughter, pouring from you like rainwater from a stream. so clear and beautiful it sets his body arrack with shivers.
“what?” he asks, quirking an eyebrow, “is there something on my face?”
at this, you pause, stifling your giggles with a hand pressed to your lips, and you look at him. your eyes meet, and not for the first time, you feel yourself falling into them — into him. even like this, his one blue eye is something of a miracle, a thing of celestial majesty. it wasn’t until you’d met him that you’d realized what blue eyes look like up close — up close, they are the shattered light of a millions stars, fractured and reformed and singing through a universe of endless dark to end up here, shining out from him and landing on you, and god — he’s looking at you like all those million, billion years of starlight had traveled the expanse of every galaxy just to look at you.
just to see you like he does now.
“no… there isn’t,” you say, whisper, more like, reaching out a hand to trace your thumb over the lid of his closed eye. he doesn’t push you away. instead, he leans in closer.
“then, what’s so funny, kitten?”
you simply shake your head, trying to swallow down your belly-full of laughter, your mind showing you a strobe-quick flash-forward of you trying to explain the concept of foot kinks and websites that cater to such 500 years in the future before deciding — no. alas, tonight is not the night you try to educate one date masamune on the intricacies of body part kinks. though no doubt he’d take it in stride. no — that thought too, you tamp down before you’ve the mind to follow it down into a deep, dark rabbit hole from whence you might never recover or be recovered.
“tell me, please…” he grins, a grin that is simultaneously plea and pleasure, and in it, you can hear the knife-sharp promise of desire, “i’d like to know if something other than me has the power to make you laugh so much.”
“it’s just —” you bite your lips, fighting for the words, “we’re both barefoot.”
he blinks. and you can tell that whatever he was expecting the answer to be, this is clearly not it.
you track the flitter of emotions as they dance in quicksilver steps across the planes of his face — surprise, confusion, amusement, all painted porcelain perfect on the dark of his brows, the faint twitch of his lips. finally, he settles on a sorted of muted bemusement as he cocks his head at you.
“and… do people of your time tend to sleep with socks on?”
“no, it’s just…” you blush again, unable to help yourself.
“just what?” his voice is light, and he is still.
you swallow, hard,
“just… it’s weird — i mean — it’s not like i haven’t seen anyone else barefoot before just… this was — you’re just — and i —” you trip over your words in a hurry and end up tumbling through into incoherence so fast all you can do to styme the flood is to clamp your mouth shut and pray.
oh god please… tell me this is a bad dream.
but when you open your eyes, masamune is still there, watching you with that singular eye of his, expression inscrutable. and still, he doesn’t move.
“so…” and finally, finally, the stillness breaks — he cracks it open like an eggshell, stretching himself out as he leans back, propping himself up on his elbows, lengthening till he’s splayed out over the gleaming wooden boards of the walkway, his face bathed in ghostly moonlight.
“i’m not the first man you’ve seen barefoot, hm? that is a problem.”
your mouth drops open and for a moment, you gape at him wordless and fish-like, and he laughs as he turns to look at you.
“tell me his name — i’ll have his head in the morning,” he says, in a voice so casually serious that for a moment you think he might actually mean it.
and then, he’s laughing too, a big, bright, uproarious thing that shakes his entire body like the foundations of the earth. it is deep and rich and lovely, warm and sweet as sun-kissed honey. you let yourself be swept up in his laughter, dropping into silent giggles, and then something louder, letting your shoulder bump into his, your bodies finally touching and then —
there’s a flurry of clothing, a shifting of weights. you find yourself pulled into him, tipping towards him like inevitability.
your sketchbook lays forgotten on the walkway next to you as masamune holds you close against his chest.
“ah… i really don’t like that…”
an entourage of tingles frissons through your body at his words.
“don’t like what?”
“the fact that you’ve seen someone else barefoot before. it bugs me.”
you peer up at him, lifting your head ever so slightly from his chest. he’s looking at you, and the sunrise-blue of his eyes are shadowed with something darker now, something decidedly less innocent than just the thought of bare feet.
“then… what will you do about it?” you ask, feeling the heat of his body, the solidness of him, the rightness of you between his arms.
“hm… are you teasing me, kitten?” his voice is gravel and earthquake and you’re emboldened by the sound, by the way his pupil dilates, the black hole at the center of every galaxy — gravity made solid, made real.
“yes,” you breathe, leaning up like a dare and he meets you gloriously, his lips hard and pressing and soft and pulling. there’s a fire unspooling at the base of your spine, stoked by the heat and truth of him, so close, too close — you break apart gasping. he grins, lynx-like and wolfish as he grazes his teeth along the column of your throat.
“good,” he says, sighing into your flesh as you arch up into him, your fingers curling into his hair as he flips the pair of you over. he pulls you beneath him and he is storm and thunder, he is rain and wonder — he is water to your desert skies, the sunlit days to all your moonless nights.
and as he makes to rend you into pleasure, into nothing more than ache and belonging, he pulls back with a bone-deep growl, a sliver of hesitation, of self-preservation.
“are… are you sure you want this?” that you want me? the echo is not lost on you.
and it’s not the first time he’s asked you the question, and you have a feeling that it wouldn’t be the last. but you reply as you had, once upon a time, in a distant, sun-drenched afternoon, when you’d been telling him about one of your favorite poems from your time.
you smile, tug him down for a kiss.
“yes,” you say, like you’d done on that long-ago afternoon, “i want you — i want this, masamune. because… I love you.”
“i will love you when you are a still day… i will love you when you are a hurricane.”
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its a-me: mario(kart)
someone eventually broke their controller but it’s ok they wrote it off as a business expense 
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jgjmk4-2 · 2 years
Hello! How about tackling the idea of Kenshin, Hideyoshi, Mitsuhide, Ieyasu, Motonari + the warlord of your choosing, reacting to MC saving herself from the kidnapping attempt. Like she got kidnapped and she managed to save herself and met the warlords on the way back to the castle/manor.
Ooh, I'm sorry, I stopped playing ikesen around the time Motonari came out so I don't know much about him. I do know the rest though!
Absolutely LIVID when he sees you, branches sticking out wildly in your hair and a smudge of dirt on your nose wandering about in the cold, dark forest.
Lots of nagging about how you should've stayed put, that he would've found you no matter what, that you could've gotten seriously hurt if your escape attempt had failed. But the nagging stops when you collapse in his arms and give him a big, tired smile, "it's Kenshin!!"
A flood of anger and disappointment fills him, he should've made sure you were better protected. His possessive nature seeps back just a little - Maybe he should've kept you locked up...
Kenshin is by your side until you recover. He doesn't leave for a second, feeds you, and holds you tight at night so no one can take you away again.
He turned the whole castle up and down looking for you. Barking orders and snapping at people for breathing.
Probably went through 3 tobacco sticks. When he's heading home to his manor, he thinks he's dreaming that you're in front of him. When he realises the girl slumping her way home is real, he bolts forward, tackling you in a back hug.
"Ehehe, sorry for scaring you Hideyoshi..." you hug him back with tears in your eyes. it was kinda scary and you're so lucky you got away before your kidnappers could take you anywhere.
Hideyoshi's face is in a deep frown. He scoops you up and carries you home, runs a nice warm bath, brews a warm cup of tea and holds you warmly as you drift off to sleep. He makes sure you know you're safe now and that he's got you, so that not even a nightmare will touch you.
Somehow knew before hand that someone was going to try to kidnap you. Fine, they want to play? Let's play.
Sets an elaborate ambush to round up your to-be kidnappers. He himself is laying low, ready to teach them a lesson for their foolishness.
Cue his surprise when you knee one man in the balls and elbow another one in the chin. The third one raises his rusty machete but Mitsuhide is quicker. Though the elusive warlord would be lying if he said he wasn't proud of his delicate mouse.
Mitsuhide quickly takes you home to distract you from what could've become a terrifying experience for you. The 3 men lying on the ground are taken home too... to the cold, dark dungeons of Azuchi castle where they won't be seeing sunlight ever again....
"Where were you?!" "Do you realise how worried I was?" "I was looking every where for you!" "You promised to have lunch with me!!" The truth just spills out of Ieyasu's mouth as all the tension in his body flows out with his words.
"...What are those rope burns around your wrists?" The nagging pauses as he realises the red marks. When you tell him the cause there's a rush of anger within him.
He drags you away, to his room and silently pulls out his disinfectants, oitments and bandages. Without another word he tends to your wounds gently.
He acts unaffected by the attempted kidnap, but you can tell he doesn't leave your side for very long for the next few months.
Masamune's away for a day at another province when the kidnapping attempt happens.
He can't believe it when he comes home to hear the commotion that's gone on in his castle - blood on the floor, vases broken, his servants are panicking and his aide is missing and in pursuit of some idiot who tried to threaten your life.
When he hears about how you and Shogetsu tag teamed the kidnapper, he's laughing and wheezing on the ground. Not you biting the kidnapper's arm whilst Shogetsu chomps on the guy's leg!
No wonder there's so much blood in the room. Masamune is proud of his two fierce tigresses - go girls, go! (lol soz I can't remember if Shogetsu was a male or female XD, sorry if Shogetsu's a male)
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Hi! Can I have a request please in which MC decides to have le Warlords try the "Period Cramp Simulator"? Just imagine them boasting that they'll be fine, only for them to kneel over in pain. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Again, Anon, I am sorry for taking so long. Hopefully my schedule should clear up soon…? But here is your request!
Oh, this is a fun request. But it involved some serious thinks… these warlords are pretty stoic. In my memory they’ve been shot (arrows and bullets) beaten up, fallen (or jumped) off cliffs, stabbed in battle, stabbed daily by Kenshin and defied a terminal illness without complaint….
So, really, are they going to be defeated by a period simulator? Are they? Let's see....
Upon hearing of such a device there is a great argument over who would be able to last the longest. And so a contest is proposed….
Contest Rules:
One: Mai is not allowed to watch as all agree that none of them will admit to pain in her presence. (She hides in the ceiling and watches anyway).
Two: Yelling, yelping, screaming are grounds for elimation.
Three: Sasuke runs the experiment and controls the simulator. He is the judge as to whether or not a warlord has been eliminated. Why Sasuke? First, because they all trust him enough to run the device equally and not cheating for your lord, Hideyoshi and Kanetsugu. Second, because he is a sensitive new age guy and freely admits that period cramps hurt (he secretly tested the stimulator on himself when he was alone and tapped out at level eight).
Let the games begin! Sasuke places the simulator patches on everyone, and from a master switch, turns the device on so that everyone hits level one simultaneously.
Level One:
All warlords are fine. Ranmaru earns the wrath of the room by noting that it “kind of tickles.”
Sasuke bumps the intensity to Level Two:
Such serious faces. Everyone is concentrating.
Sasuke bumps the intensity to Level Three:
There are a few deep breaths happening now, but nothing that could be defined as yelling, yelping, or screaming.
Sasuke bumps the intensity to Level Four:
Sasuke walks around the room for a long, slow time, looking at everyone’s faces, until Kenshin tells him to get on with things and start making it hurt. When is the pain going to start? Kanetsugu chimes in, telling Sasuke to move things along, so that Kenshin can have his pain. There are quiet whispers of, ‘yes, hurry, let’s move it along,” and a lot of internal, “let’s get this over with now, kthxbye” thoughts.
Sasuke bumps the intensity to Level Five:
Kicho accuses Nobunaga of wincing. Motonari is quick to agree that Nobunaga winced. Hideyoshi defends Nobunaga, says that he would never wince, it was just a natural blink. After a short discussion, it is decided that Nobunaga did not wince, and further accusations of wincing, or yelling, or thereof will be cause for forfeit.
Nobunaga silently admits to himself that he quite possibly winced, but now that he knows what to expect, he is prepared for the next wave of … oh shit.
Sasuke bumps the intensity to Level Six:
Ranmaru, Keiji and Yoshimoto incur a forfeit by accusing each other of wincing. They escape the room. The fourteen remaining warlords quickly look around, but no other accusations are made.
Sasuke bumps the intensity to Level Seven:
There is a lot of visible sweat, careful breathing, and gritted teeth happening. Internally, there is a lot of very creative swearing, using words in combination rarely spoken out loud.
Kennyo puts himself into a meditative state. Masamune wonders if that would be considered cheating, but Kennyo points out that he’s not preventing anyone else from meditating, he’s just using the skills he has.  No one is willing to discuss the matter further, and Shingen notes that Kennyo is correct, and can they please keep going.
Privately, Shingen vows to give every one of his female spies three days off a month, and a pay raise.
Sasuke bumps the intensity to Level Eight:
Sasuke looks at every face and pauses at Ieyasu’s for a long time. Ieyasu says that while he is not bothered by the cramp simulator, Sasuke is making him very uncomfortable. Sasuke replies that he’s impressed by Ieyasu’s stoicism and by the way when this is over, can he have Ieyasu’s autograph. Ieyasu rips the simulator off and stomps out, deciding that while he can endure the pain, he can’t deal with Sasuke.
Ieyasu goes home and hugs his emotional support sourdough starter for the rest of the day.
Sasuke bumps the intensity to Level Nine:
Kanetsugu looks over at Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi…. “Are you two holding hands?!” Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi look down at their joined hands and instantly let go of each other. “No!” they both yelp.
Some time is lost while it is debated whether or not that counts as period simulator yelping, and after everyone votes (voting signified by slow careful hand raises), they are both allowed to continue in the competition.
Yukimura curls himself into a silent, fetal ball – but he does not yelp or yell, so Sasuke is inclined to let him continue.
Sasuke bumps the intensity to Level Ten:
The warlords sit in silent agony.
Time ticks onward.
No one taps out.
Everyone stares at each other’s faces.
“Perhaps we can consider this a tie,” Shingen suggests.
There is immediate universal assent from the rest of the room, and Sasuke agrees. “Take off your simulators.”
Twelve warlords quickly – but nonchalantly – remove their devices. Then Masamune notices… “Mitsunari, lad, you can take the device off now.”  Hideyoshi rushes over to his vassal, worried that perhaps the young man has passed out.
Mitsunari looks up from the book he has been reading. “I’m sorry, did you say something? He gazes around the room. “Oh, are we starting the contest now? Go ahead, Master Sasuke, I’m ready.”
Mitsunari declared the winner.
There will be a celebratory banquet for him…. next week… when everyone else has recovered.
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aquagirl1978 · 1 year
Can you do a headcannon of what Masamune, Shingen, Kenshin, Nobunaga, Ieyasu, Kennyo, Mitsuhide and Mitsunari will react if the MC were to give them flowers instead of them giving her them?
It's Nobunaga's birthday, so here's some headcanons (with some other warlords). Hope you enjoy!
SUITOR'S REACTION WHEN READER GIFTED THEM FLOWERS (Masamune, Shingen, Kenshin, Nobunaga, Ieyasu, Kennyo, Mitsuhide, Mitsunari)
Masamune Date
He was surprised. No one had ever gifted him flowers before, let alone a lass as beautiful as you. When he first saw you with the bouquet, his initial thought was that they were for someone else. His hand found the hilt of his sword, ready for a fight for your love. But then you presented the bouquet to him. He placed the flowers in a vase in his room, a small part of him sad there was no battle for your love.
Shingen Takeda
Shingen was impressed. It was normally he who gifted the flowers, not the other way around. Flattered by your gift, he found himself enjoying this role-reversal, hoping to receive more thoughtful gifts from you in the future. As a thank you, Shingen took one of the blooms, broke off the stem, and tucked the flower behind your ear.
Kenshin Uesugi
Kenshin was afraid. Why were you holding those flowers - did they hurt you in some way? Ready with his trusty sword in hand to cut down the plant that dared harm his love, he blinked in surprise when you laughed and told him the flowers were a gift for him. After sheathing his sword, he asked for your help in putting the flowers in a vase.
Nobunaga Oda
Nobunaga was happy. It was his birthday, after all. After a day of receiving numerous, extravagant gifts, it was refreshing to receive something so beautifully simple from his lover. Or maybe it was because it was from you that it was his favorite gift that day. Now if only you had stashed some konpeito in the bouquet somewhere.
Ieyasu Tokugawa
Ieyasu was grumpy. Why did you have to give him flowers? Now he had to find a vase to put them in - did you think he had things like that handy in his bedroom? And make sure they had water. And get you a gift in return. Oh, why did you have to give him these silly, pretty flowers?
Kennyo was flattered. What a beautiful gift from his beautiful lover. He marveled over the pastel shades of the petals and the sense of serenity he felt just by looking at them. He placed the flowers in his bedroom (unlike some of the warlords in the Oda forces, Kennyo actually owned a vase) on a table near his bed so that every night when he went to bed, your flowers were the last thing he saw, and when he woke up in the morning, they were the first thing he saw.
Mitsuhide Akechi
Mitsuhide was mischievous. Mitsuhide was not used to receiving gifts, let alone a bouquet of flowers. Was this just an innocent gift? Were you rewarding him for the prank he pulled on Mitsunari the other day? He hoped it was for the latter - he would happily pull any number of pranks to bring a smile to your face.
Mitsunari Ishida
Mitsunari was flustered. Flowers? For him? Was this some kind of prank? (He's still getting over being pranked by Mitsuhide the other day). Once he got over his initial confusion and realized that these flowers were a genuine gift for him, he thanked you profusely for said bouquet. He particularly liked the various shades of purple in the bouquet and found a nice spot to display them in his room.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 1 year
SOLDIER Vlogging Shenanigans pt. 4
[The camera flickers on to show Angeal staring down at it in an unflattering angle. He winces, then quickly extends his arm outward to film himself]
"Alright, uh…" A small blush tints his cheeks. "I have no idea how to do this," he laughs.
[Voices are heard in the background along with the clatter of plates, a cough and the clink of an opening trash can]
"Puppy's out of town!" Genesis's voice sounds from behind the camera. 
"Zack's away on a mission," Angeal specifies. "And, uh…" He rubs his neck. "He asked me to continue these because apparently people really like them, so here we are."
[The camera whirls around violently, shaking before it settles on the scene. Angeal's kitchen is in a light disarray, the leftover mess from dinner. The camera zooms in on Sephiroth manning a broom]
"As you can see Sephiroth is sweeping. He broke a cup earlier."
[The camera shakes as Angeal laughs. Sephiroth stops sweeping to send a chilling glare his friend's way. The camera pans to Genesis by the sink]
"And Commander Rhapsodos is washing some dishes." 
[Angeal winces as a plate is thrown sharply into the sink. The camera zooms in on Genesis's sharp glower]
"Yes, do film me doing such an undignified task, 'Geal, I don't mind it at all."
[Angeal flips the camera back to himself, squinting as he puts down his glass of root beer] 
"We have a pretty good system going on where one person cooks and the other two have to clean up." He clears his throat. "But anyway—"
[He points the camera back to Sephiroth, still sweeping, who visibly tenses at being honed in on. Genesis has begun to recite LOVELESS for the sixth time since starting on the dishes, but he's ignored by the other two]
"So, Sephiroth," Angeal begins, "Your fans want to know what your first kiss was like."
[Sephiroth freezes, mouth gaping in awkward horror for the briefest second before an off-camera "Ha-ha!" catches Angeal off-guard. The camera blurs as it quickly pans to Genesis rushing towards Sephiroth]
"Oh, dearest, you can get it on video right now!" 
[The camera zooms in on Sephiroth, who swings the broom over his head and proceeds to thwack Genesis repeatedly with it]
[The video cuts out as Angeal rushes to pry the broom away from Sephiroth]
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thekingwhereitallends · 4 months
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ikesenwritings · 2 years
masamune x fem!reader, fluff
You were all giggles.
He loved that about you.
Every morning, even if he woke up before you, you insisted on getting up and helping him dress.
What normally would have taken him five minutes to do, now took twenty.
Oh, you loved him so much.
You loved sitting on his lap, you loved running your fingers through his hair and down his face.
You loved planting kisses on his jaw, that spot under his ear, down his neck…
You loved seeing him smile in bliss, eye closed—in a state of peace he was never afforded growing up.
His hands always rested on your hips.
He’d rub circles into your sides and almost always tug at the hem of your clothing, ready to tease.
He loved to kiss you anywhere but your lips, obsessed with the way you’d chase after him, eager to finally meet his lips.
After you finally secure his eyepatch, you link your arms around his neck.
You’re always tempted to lean all your weight on him, push him back onto the futon for some fun.
And most of the times you’re successful.
On the rare occasion where Masamune really feels like he can’t afford to be late, he’ll just laugh at your advances.
“No worries, lass. We can play together later, hm?”
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